#I hope he's mostly in character?
killjoy-prince · 3 months
House M.D. but it's when House says Wilson's name
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dootznbootz · 7 months
I currently have writer's block and fucked around and made Iliad and Odyssey memes :'D Some look like "repeats" but aren't. Just different scenarios/people. Enjoy!
There's... A LOT. I don't care if you pick out your favorites! I put this all in one post as I don't want to spam the tags! :D
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kaltacore · 4 months
no but essek's abnormal behaviours in the last arc and especially in episode 140 are my roman empire. which is ironic because aeor is something of a roman empire itself. but in all seriousness, it was the episode that made me realise i love essek and his development so much and it kinda summarised it even before caleb's epilogue.
and i mean the "it's not fair" scene specifically. it's like, an epitome of his whole character progression from a person who put An Objectively Important Goal above all else without hesitation to someone who can't help but care for people around even more than his goal, no matter how big and relevant it is.
the mighty nein - and he alongside them - pretty much saved the world and freed an ancient city from thousand-year-long suffering. they defeated nine extremely powerful menacing entities who managed to stay out of everyone's sight for years and were so close to achieving their goal and dooming exandria in the process. they did the impossible and became heroes and somehow, they survived, even though they had bidden farewells a couple of hours ago because they had already understood what they had been facing. and nevertheless. they made it.
and none of them was celebrating.
mighty nein are basically essek's only friends. he knew them to be very unusual people, to put it lightly, loud and stubborn and completely inescapable once they consider you to be one of their own. and they showed him so much kindness and put so much faith in him, they were here playing the most atrocious music ever and digging clay in his backyard for a spell they invented just to help one of theirs and asking him if he could bring them pastries the day after they found out he was lying to them and had started a war. they were chaotic and weird and sometimes unbearable but most importantly they were carrying so much hope with them all this time - a hope they could end the war, a hope they could stop the angel of irons cult, a hope they could get better, a hope he could get better, and now, finally, that they could save their lost friend.
and that hope shattered, just like that, the moments after they'd already made the impossible. they saved so many souls - and then could not get back just that one.
for essek "my intentions were never good they were important" thelyss it just. shouldn't have mattered. they won. it could have been worse. people die and when they die they rarely come back. they should've been happy everyone else barely made it alive.
but for some reason, mighty nein being so defeated after they saved the world exposed him to that overwhelming feeling of injustice and unfairness. and i mean, there were many things essek considered to be unfair, but when i watched his first appearance and his interactions with mighty nein later on til their reunion in aeor arc, i wouldn't dare to guess that one of the things on that list would be something that personal. and personal not even to him.
the thing is, essek didn't even know who that guy was. why mighty nein cared about him so much. he had an idea, i guess, that he was their friend once, or someone in that body was. it was also a person who wanted to unleash a terrifying horrific aberration onto the material plane. it was a person very dedicated to killing essek and his friends - and they still didn't take any pleasure in fighting him. essek didn't feel strongly about lucien or molly, because he never knew them.
i don't think he mourned his death and failed resurrection. he mourned mighty nein's hope, the one they put in him when they had no reason to, the one they offered yasha in the cathedral and the one they kept after the spell for veth failed and the one they carried til the very end because they wanted it to reach molly. they had saved people with this hope. they had saved nations. they had saved the world. but they ended up feeling like it hadn't even been worth anything.
how desperate would it feel, witnessing people who for some reason always saw good in you when they absolutely shouldn't, who made literal miracles out of nothing, who ended wars and fought gods and tricked the hags and freed cities from horrors beyond anyone's comprehension purely because they thought it was the right thing to do and also loved their friends this much, silently crying over a dead body they couldn't bring back to life? how desperate would it feel to realise that with all your knowledge about time you dedicated your life to and threw away any principles for, you can't undo this? no one can. some things are left to fate alone and this time it wasn't kind to them. no matter how much good they did, they still got slapped in the face.
and it was, i think, such a genuine moment of empathy. like, essek is the character who prefers to put up a facade and act distant and self-composed but this time he just. walked away unable to watch this. the could only say to fjord that it wasn't fair. even when he was caught off guard in nicodranas he was able to explain himself and his motives to an extent even though he was a nervous wreck whose extra important plan went to hell the second the only people he cared about appeared. this time he had nothing to elaborate on. it just wasn't fair. it wasn't fair his friends didn't get what they wanted the most. it wasn't fair he couldn't do anything to make it right.
it is such a sad and beautiful and even cathartic scene because it is about person who started a war that destroyed so many lives - and then met this ragtag group of weirdos who saw a lonely stand-offish guy and said "hey, let's be friends!" and didn't even wait for him to answer. he saw them being serious and calculated and he saw them being ridiculous and extremely stupid, he saw their mistrust to outsiders and their loyalty to each other, he made spells with them and paid a visit to their hot tub, he ate their stale pastries and drank their hot chocolate mixed with whiskey, he was welcomed amongst them and in their wonderful home, both in xhorhas before they even found out what he had done and in the tower when they already knew - and then, he saw them mourning their loss, defeated and helpless, and he, a person who believed there were things more important than whole nations, let alone just one life, couldn't help but share the pain they felt. a pure display of compassion from someone who detached himself from it, who didn't believe he could grow into a better person capable of it again, but became one nonetheless without even realising it
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lillymakesart · 11 days
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my new OC: cempaka!
she is based on the story/universe that my friend @haydardotjpg's OCs indra and yuwei exist in! pls go checkout haydar's art he is amazing!! his ocs can be found more easily on his ig but if you're lazy this is his oc indra (cempaka's one-sided love interest) and yuwei (indra's fated lover)
also, cempaka means "magnolia" in malay!! (she gets a flower name bc my name is lilly which is also flower c:)
bonus first iteration under the cut!
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i accidentally had "poinsettia" flower in mind when i did this iteration instead of an actual magnolia, hence the color scheme. but yeah, this is as self-insert as it gets LOL like she's literally MEEEEEE but still very different and i love her as she is <3
#my art#original character#oc#oc art#art#im in love with her actually#she has 4 brothers all named after flowers#mawar kekwa orkid and melati#not me using google translate literally on the fly i hope im not being culturally insensitive 😭#but anyway they lost their parents at a young age so she was raised by her brothers#shes the youngest by far tho by like 9 years from her next closest brother#mawar is the oldest hes like 40 a very important Leader Of People so he is not very present in her life#kekwa is a doctor and 38 and he travels often for work so he is also not very present but he visits sometimes#orkid and melati are twins theyre both 30#orkid is a scholar and on track to being a professor at a prestigious uni#melati is traveling the world doing soul searching#cempaka is 21 she is literally a baby and her brothers send her back money but shes mostly alone#so she joins a traveling dance troupe and she gets really good at dancing#she meets indra while on the road dancing and performing and she is SMITTEN#like shes just head over heels in love with this man because hes so warm and inviting and he fills a void in her life#he makes her feel so incredibly seen and not alone and the feeling is addicting she cant get enough#ok idk most of the details bc i havent read haydars full story BUT#basically to my understanding yuwei and indra are separated for a while#and cempaka knows up front that indra is in love with yuwei like hes very honest with her about this and she appreciates it#but she still wants a chance because indras the only person in the world that has ever made her feel truly seen and loved#so she tries to be with him to ease her loneliness but it breaks her heart whenever he misses yuwei openly#also AGAIN listen im trying to basically write fanfic for a story that doesnt exist LOLL#HAYDAR IF YOURE READING THIS PLS WRITE UR STORY LMFAO
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canisalbus · 6 months
I’m an amateur poet and I poem I wrote reminded me suspiciously of Machete and Vasco
“You smile with all the radiance of the sun
I smile with a slight curl of my lip
Could you love that
Could you love me”
Maybe Machete possessed me while writing it
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nomazee · 2 months
Hello, how are you? 🥰
If it's okay, can I request, for the event, Ranpo + bodyguard!reader (Ranpo still being a famous?detective) + 3am? 😊
LOVED THIS CONCEPT i hope i did it justice,,, in a perfect world i would write like a million companion pieces to this but this is it FOR NOW… THANK U SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING!!
my 1k event!
“Do you really have to stay up like that?”
Ranpo sighs, dropping back down onto the rock-hard bed and knocking the air out of his own chest. Just three feet away from him on the floor, you’re sat against the wall, arms crossed and legs stretched out in front of you. Your gaze is locked on the door of the motel room, which unnerves Ranpo. It feels like you’re a statue in his room, unmoving and cold, and he’d really like to go to bed without worrying about something as mundane as your comfort.
“There’s a couch right over there,” he gestures to the decently-sized sofa just a few paces away from your current position. “You can lay down, you know. Relax a little bit. Our main job is over.”
“This is my main job,” you correct him, breaking eye contact with the door in favor of glancing over at him. He’s turned onto his side now, head resting on top of his folded hands. Having you in his sight is more comforting than it has any right to be. It’s your job to keep him in your sights, but you’re too busy with the possibility of an intruder breaking through the door in front of you or the window behind you.
“Do you even sleep?” he asks. “You’ve been ‘on-duty’ for, what, twenty hours now? Don’t you think you deserve a nap, or something?”
“I’m paid by the hour,” you politely inform him, “this is fine to me. You’re not the first person I’ve done this job for, so I’m not an amateur.”
Another exasperated sigh tears its way out of his chest. You’re more stubborn than he is, and your tenacity is both admirable and frustrating. Both of you had gone around the city, taking buses and treading through alleyways for the entire day. You pulled your weapon out at least twice today, and Ranpo’s asked an awful lot of questions to an awful lot of people in his investigation. His mouth still feels dry from all the talking.
You’d gotten back much later than anticipated after finally making an arrest. Getting the local police to cooperate was a hassle, but Ranpo’s track record was enough to prove his points ten times over. On top of that, you’d singlehandedly restrained the criminal when the cops wouldn’t do anything about it, and Ranpo thinks you might deserve a place in his spotlight for all your hard work.
The point is—it’s late, and you both expended all your energy, yet Ranpo is still on-edge because you’re sitting straight up against the wall like a freakish owl. Fukuzawa was kind enough to let the both of you stay overnight at a motel before taking a train back to Yokohama tomorrow at noon. He’d be disappointed if he learned that Ranpo let you sleep on the floor. Or not sleep at all.
“It’s not about being an amateur,” Ranpo groans, turning to lay on his back again and staring up at the ceiling. “It’s about being a normal person and sleeping when you’re supposed to. Don’t be weird. Just lay down, or something.”
“...the floor is cold.”
“Seriously?” he clicks his tongue. “I told you, there’s a couch right there.”
“The couch is cold too. There’s no blankets. If I can’t sleep comfortably, I’d rather not sleep at all.”
The admission rings a little too loud in the otherwise empty room. Ranpo is sure there’s some underlying story behind that, something that he could easily discern in just a second. But he’s tired, and he actually likes you, so he’ll give you another day before he starts tearing into your background like a rabid animal chewing at fast food scraps.
Ranpo sits up yet again, exhausted from all the times he’s changed position in bed, and shuffles over to the far side of the bed that’s pressed against the wall. He tugs the blankets closer to him but leaves a nice empty spot for you on the other side, patting it with his hand. “Look, a warm comfy place on an actual bed. Can you sleep now?”
You blink up at him, and he’s struck with the image of an owl yet again. It would be endearing if you weren’t so odd. “You really don’t have to do that, Edogawa.”
He wrinkles his nose. “Don’t call me that! Nobody else does. Just lay down and go to bed already! I need a good seven hours before I can even move again.”
You laugh at that, which is a small unspoken victory in Ranpo’s head. It’s a small thing, breathy and meant to be hidden, but Ranpo pays attention to it because of course he does. Finally, you stand up from your cramped place beneath the window and slowly make yourself comfortable on the side of the bed newly reserved for you. Ranpo hopes that you didn't interpret his words as a command, and are doing this of your own volition instead—but a victory is a victory, and he’s just relieved that you’ve stopped staring bug-eyed at the door.
“No one will break in,” he says, a last-ditch effort at reassurance to really make sure you’re not just laying on your back at high-alert the whole night. “And if they do, you’ll just kick their ass. You’ll be fine.”
You make a vague noise in response, back already turned to him as you sink into the mattress. Ranpo’s consciousness dwindles as the weariness starts to sink into his bones like an ache, and he wonders if Fukuzawa would hire you again if Ranpo asked him enough times.
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apple-spider-vinegar · 2 months
Something I feel often goes unrecognized in discussion of Harry Osborn is the fact that he is the Only Child of a Single Parent.
In my experience/observation (both real and fictional) the only child/single parent bond is so inexorable it's hard to fully comprehend. Few other things will bind two people together in such a way.
Like many familial relationships, it's full of a thousand little hurts that will probably never get brought up again. Sometimes you let the relationship go by the wayside in pursuit of your own life goals because you take it for granted that family will always be around. But there's a unique flavor to it.
Deep down inside you there's an awareness that it's Just The Two Of You. For the child, it may have been just the two of you from your very earliest memories. Sure, you know other people. There are extended family and friends and maybe the parent has a romantic partner or two. But at the end of the day, in your home, in your hearts (something you carry with you no matter where you go) the two of you are all you have and all you feel you can really depend on.
A world in which the two of you aren't together is almost impossible to picture and you don't want to try, even in the moments you wish you could just get away from each other. Being an only child separated from a single parent for the first time ‐ even on normal and amicable terms like when you move out on your own - makes you realize, again and again, how many ways your parent has influenced you. The things you say that you heard from them first, the habits, the opinions. You love them, but sometimes it feels like they still... OWN you, even though you are your own person. Sometimes that frightens you, but the alternative is even more frightening.
Like all love, it'll make you behave selfishly and irrationally at times.
And it'll really make you DEFENSIVE.
If you're Harry Osborn and complain a bit about your dad being a dickhead while deep down wondering if he really even cares about you, that's one thing. But if anyone says a word against him in your presence you have to backtrack. You have to argue in his defense because he's all you have and you're all he has. Loss would unbearable.
Look, guys. It has been years since Harry and Norman Osborn have gotten along or been able to really enjoy each other's company, if they ever could. But if anything happened to the other they would kill everyone in this room and then themselves, do you understand what I'm saying?
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cluescorner · 4 months
I gave myself a writing challenge and I am fascinated by it
So basically I put the robins in a randomizer to give them a new order/role (because I just...kinda wanted to see what would happen + I like role-reversal AUs) and got results that are giving me a fucking brain blast.
Stephanie, the first sidekick who defines the role
Tim, the sidekick who dies and comes back wrong
Dick, the sidekick who saves Batman from himself
Damian, the sidekick who was never supposed to be a sidekick but would go on to prove everyone wrong
Jason, the youngest sidekick who is still the Kid Wonder
...So this is fucking wild. I've got some ideas and several of these fit perfectly (Dick's role is pretty similar to his one in canon), but some of these are fucking INCREDIBLE to explore (Steph being the first Robin is something I never even considered but tbh I kinda love it).
I probably won't write a fic or anything because tbh I don't like publishing my writing that much, but I might expand this into a full AU and post about it. I might randomize other stuff too (ie, stuff that I cannot change vs stuff that I cannot keep the same) but this fucking rules as a starting point.
#uhhh what am I calling this??#randomizedrobinsau#stephanie brown#oh my god I am so excited to figure out how tf to write this.#because she's my favorite of these characters and having HER be the first sidekick + the one who has a mentor/older sister relationship#with the others?? kickass. though I'll probably keep her and Tim's relationship as 'dating-then-exes' because I think it's funny#and then SHE can be the Robin who Tim got fixated on + figured out her identity?? holy fuck and then the angst of Tim later dying#Tim Drake#tbh I kinda wish he'd gotten a different position because 'sidekick who dies' Tim has kinda been done a lot with the standard#reverse robin aus. But it'll still be fun to write. Definitely going the Joker Junior route with this because Batman Beyond kicks ass#Dick Grayson#He'll honestly probably be the easiest. Like...his role has not changed much outside of being younger/not the one who defines this#But I still think it'll be good to see how well I know Dick beyond his eldest brother thing (which is my best way of relating to him)#Damian al ghul#damian wayne#oh this is gonna kick ass#Bruce does not want his son to be a sidekick but Damian just kinda forces his way into that role#and everybody doubts him because of his history with the league but he later proves himself more than capable#to the point that he can set out mostly on his own and still thrive#Jason Todd#Jason being the baby of the family is also something I have never thought about but holy shit it could kick ass#I really hope that I don't roll 'Jason must die' or 'Robin 5 must die' on the randomizer. I just kinda want Jason to live this time#But unfortunately I double-screwed him because he's on the 'must happen' wheel twice now. I did not think these prompts through#TBH I am so happy that none of them rolled their OG roles. because that would have been so fucking boring
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mulletmitsuya · 4 months
before i proceed, this is not a hate post!!! i am just saying things
i need people to understand that part of shinichiro's "charm" and appeal as a character, is that he isn't as good as people pointed him out to be. he's not the best person in the world. he isn't an "uwu" goody two shoes. he's pretty flawed and kinda selfish sometimes. he has good intentions ofc, but most of the time, they fall flat because of the outcome. and before people argue with me, lemme pull out some receipts
sano shinichiro has:
told haruchiyo to forgive mikey for uh *checks notes* mutilating his face
said "that's just how he is" in reference to haruchiyo swinging a katana at people and ending up in jail because of it
disregarded haruchiyo's mental health when it came to time leaping and made him shoulder the burden of his demented younger brother (😭)
gave an 8 year old time leaping powers because he had good vibes
murdered someone
let's stop pretending he didn't do anything wrong. love shinichiro for who he is!! a huge fucking idiot who has no foresight. with a really big heart, that is slightly compromised. because he's probably a traumatized kid. not like he had to raise his younger siblings with no support or anything. his mom died and his dad was a fucking hoe, then he died without ever being present in his life. the guy had it rough which in turn made him a little rough. i don't understand how you can like a character by fabricating facts about them and denying the actual...facts. i hate some of the things that shin has done, but i still love him. i am a true shin fan because i accept that he's fucking great and an inspiration to so many people but he's also kinda awful a bit <33.
(this post was inspired by a post @chaoticdelinqueerwithglitter made but idk how to link things!!! so check out their blog :))
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blood-orange-juice · 5 months
ok so ive never properly played genshin and don’t plan to but i know a bit about it’s lore and characters and i think it’s really neat. however i have thousands of hours on ffxiv. on that note please explain why graha and childe are similar. i only have very basic knowledge on childe and i gotta know
Fellow ffxiv enjoyer. <3
(anyone asking me about G'raha has a 100% chance of getting a wall of text and I'm not apologising for that. enjoy your wall of text)
I'm not entirely sure I'm not a case of a person with a hammer to whom everything resembles a nail, but I do think they are the same archetype.
Sweet characters who could have been perfect sidekicks (who still are perfect sidekicks) but listened to too many epic tales as kids and found themselves in a wrong place at a wrong time and now have to play a key role in some universe-changing story.
Both are defined mostly by their stubborness, they are not very suitable for the roles they've chosen and fail over and over again until they do it somewhat right (barely).
No matter how badass they look, their power is not their own, G'raha is a glorified technician of someone else's miracle and little else than a living key, Childe wields an art of old Khaenri'ah without fully understanding it. It's all borrowed from someone else who needed them to achieve a goal.
They do look badass, but mostly because they larp. I'm honestly not sure which one enjoys theatrics more.
Civilisations that created the magic they use specialised in perversion of the natural order of things. They try to use it in relatively noble ways and mostly hurt themselves but the flavour is there.
Both are unbelievably tragic and both somehow make their stories seem almost lighthearted. Complete absense of self-pity. I think that's what makes them both so charming, it's a rare trait.
Both have an incredible capacity for loyalty and love and an incredibly twisted view of what relationships look like. "I'll cross time and space for you, I'll die for you, I'll build a city for you, I'll live for you but please don't ask me to share my plans." "I'll sacrfice my own health and respect of my subordinates to keep my brother's happyness, probably my humanity too, but don't expect me to actually interact with him."
Both have something that looks like self-sacrificial tendencies bordering on suicidality while being, if we are honest, a self-serving trait (partially born out of low self-esteem but still self-serving). They want to live in an old myth and sacrificing oneself is a perfectly reasonable price for that.
Huge egos. And I mean Huge Egos. It's a bit less obvious in Graha's case but I know the type, you see guys like that in PhD programs a lot.
Huge dorks. Both of them.
Both are stuck somewhere between human and non-human and, hmm... their ability to remain human is the most astonishing quality of both. By all accounts, neither should have. They somehow did.
Both are incapable of lying to the point where a third of each fandom headcanons them as autistic. Both are somewhat all right with tricking people without technically lying (although Childe had more practice).
Both are secretive because no one would understand anyway.
FF XIV is a kinder story, so it's easy to overlook, but technically G'raha is a case of body horror, accepts the role of a villain for a while and hides from the player way too much. Hmmm... Where else have I seen it. Hmm. Oh right. That ginger guy from Genshin.
Minor things:
Both are little shits and enjoy annoying the hell out of people they dislike.
Abysmally bad fashion sense. There should be a name for this particular type and level of bad. I don't think I've seen this anywhere else.
And then there's the colour scheme. Red+black+white+blue and red+black+light grey+blue (it's an "anime magician" color profile, I think. black-red-white as alchemy colours + blue as pure magic/something elemental). Childe doesn't quite fit but still the combination is rare.
They way they talk. Dear gods. Who the hell talks like that.
Here's where the similarities end.
One is morally grey but ultimately a good guy (technically. I think the point of ShB was that Emet and G'raha are almost the same), another is a morally grey but still (kind of) a bad buy.
At every step of his story Graha is surrounded by people who love or at least appreciate him, Childe is pretty much on his own and surrounded by people who are either shitty or clueless.
G'raha is kind. Truly and astonishingly kind, in a doomed world he chooses to love everything he touches. Silly little priest of hope. Of all the things he has done this is the most wondrous, I think. Not the time travel, not the city he founded, just being able to remain kind after everything that happened to him.
Childe is... well, Childe. I think he is a deeply decent person (to the point of having a visceral distaste for any kind of unfairness) and he's idealistic but he's indifferent more than he is kind. Empathy usually develops only when someone has shown the person empathy first and, as far as we know, he didn't have much of that in his life.
Also G'raha builds things. Childe breaks things. Childe breaks pretty much everything he touches.
One is an archeologist and a mage and another is a warrior.
I think these differences are caused mostly by the settings they were put into. Childe raised in Sharlayan would have been a very different person. G'raha trained by a voidsent and shipped off to Garlean military would look very much like Childe.
G'raha also has a beautiful character development arc. I love his ShB role. He has this huge ego in the raids and is insufferable and then we see an older and wiser him with a bunch of actual achievements and a bad case of impostor syndrome (trying to do anything real always humbles a person, we all know that real world is held together by sticks and scotch tape. honestly, this change alone is beautiful). And he gets to be an actual hero when he abandons all hope to be Important and resigns to die as a nameless villain if it saves everyone and spares his loved ones from heartbreak.
Childe's character development is yet to happen and I'm not hoping for much but we'll see.
The only difference that definitely isn't created by setting is that G'raha is naturally manipulative. In a kind-hearted way and mostly for the sake of better larp but he isn't that straightforward. Childe is spectacularly blunt for all his mysteriousness.
As a bonus, they both compare main characters to stars, but in completely different ways.
"No doubt your heroism will be the star by which I chart my course," says G'raha to the WoL.
Childe mentions the morning star, which is, of course, pretty and a good companion to a lonely traveler, but also it's not a celestial body you can chart your course by.
It's a guy whose signature weapon is called "Polar Star" and his first artifact set was full of nautical themes, so I think he fully understands what he's saying. "You are my friend but I won't change anything in my life for you."
So I don't think his story will be anything like G'raha's, his life took a different turn very long ago. I do think they used to be similar as kids, bookish boys who dreamed of adventure and being special. So it's fun to compare.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. <3
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Little Sonic very much was a little shit with an additude[affectionate] that had only himself to take care of, to pick the most dangerous and coolest path perceived to him and never let himself be hindered by bystanders. But then suddenly he had another kid to take care of. He had to learn to be responsible for more than just his own survival, he had to ration his resources better, to take the needs and desires of another person into account, to slow down explain and be patient, and realizing that having people around that he can lean on is a good thing sometimes. (even if he doesn't really carry that lesson with him. He knows it's there but a dunce hat on you if you think he'd remember it's there for his own sake)
But what if he met Tails way down the line or never at all? What would their relationship be like then, when Sonic mostly figured himself out with no strong outside influence.
I believe he would still go from doing what's cool to what he believes is right, beat Eggman along with any villain that crops up in his path, and make friends all over the world, but without Tails by his side so early on, I don't think any of the relationships he could hold would be as deep or meaningful to him because he only ever had himself to worry about, never feeling the need to connect with anyone beyond friendly hello's and occasional team-ups to defeat the big bad of the week. He would be friendly, but without a little guy around to always keep an eye on, also double the reckless and additude heavy speedster one would be usually accustomed to.
Always at arm's length and never quite reachable, no matter how close he holds his friends when rescuing them from a mad doctor's trap.
Always feeling there's something missing.
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killjoy-prince · 3 months
House M.D. but it's when Wilson says House's name
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arsenicflame · 1 year
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getting real worried about this one lads
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honestly i think the reason why arajin is so hated as an mc isnt even him as a character but the way the shows portrays him to the audience, hes actually quite bearable most of the time but this show always puts him in situations that causes him to be so dislikeable
even with his relationship with matakara is more about how arajin gets pissed off at matakara constantly bringing up old memories from the past, but he can be perfectly normal around him otherwise
they're always highlighting the worst qualities arajin has which ofc will make ppl dislike him, which is why im convinced that this is all intentional and will lead up to smth later in the show, like some character development or pay off (i hope at least)
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buddiebitch · 24 days
opinions on Tommy
sorry i just like posting polls
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sleepy-bear-tm · 5 months
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Dimitri sleeping 🤫
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