#I hope this answers to your satisfaction
atherix · 1 year
Soo, A few more characters description questions
In midnight what do Scott and Jimmy look like (like what do they normally wear)
And. What do the watcher gods look like or are they just kinda shadowy thjngs?
Also, could you give some character descriptions of Joe, lizzy, bdubs, doc and cleo, if you don't mind. And heights of the characters?
*I know I'm probably forgetting g someone and I need to reread midnight but I've been super busy
Hmmmmmmm this is a long post so I'll put it below the cut <3
Jimmy is "from a farm in Tumble Town" (supposedly) so likes to dress the part... though he does it, uh. Badly. Think button up, bluejean jacket and bluejeans that clash horribly, brown cowboy boots with the stirrups removed, a ten gallon hat that Scott is constantly hiding so he won't wear it in front of people, a red handkershief around his throat- he's an absolute mess, not a shred of fashion sense to him. Scott, on the other hand, is absolutely fabulous. He wears colorful clothes, semi-formal style. Think suit without the jacket in shades of purple, and black dress shoes that are always shined to perfection. He also has his pale blue hair (ofc, he's Scott Smajor <3) and heterochromia, with an amber eye and a blue eye. They have matching wedding rings, gold <3 Jimmy is, of course, short as most Avians are- he's a few inches taller than Grian, at least. Meanwhile, Scott is around the same height as Scar, maybe just slightly shorter than him.
Watcher gods are.... in a way they're shapeshifters. We haven't seen their true forms but we will one day, but there's a reason in Grian's POV I describe him as "feeling like his skin is turning to molten glass." Watcher gods typically wear purple cloaks that completely hide their features, and will often hide in a humanoid facade (just as Grian is doing now), but their true forms are... unfathomable. I actually described one in Midnight Alley as;
" He doesn’t really know what he’s seeing. It’s unexplainable- incomprehensible, even. It’s not human though it wears long, flowing robes, and its four, six, nine wings are made of feathers that are both fire and ice, sharp yet flickering. They drip like liquid- like ichor- and are black and white and gold and violet all at once yet not at all. Crowns, many crowns, dance around and eyes- eyes, so many eyes- stare back at him, so many eyes he can’t figure out where the eyes end and the being begins.
It has two, four, seven arms yet none, shifting and malleable as it moves closer. It reaches out a hand, slowly- a hand that melts into a human-like shape, like spun glass and flowing magma. "
Joe... how to even describe Joe. He's Joe. I mean- like. Yeah. Joe is Joe. I don't even know how to describe him. He's the most human human to have ever human'd while somehow being so completely not human. Like. He's just a Dude™ but like. To the left. He's pretty average height, a bit shorter than Scar I'd think- so about Scott's height.
Lizzie has a few different forms, as a shapeshifter, but her human form is just... Lizzie. She has pink hair and more often than not her ears are cat ears, hidden under her hair. She likes to experiment with her style, though she likes Cute styles. As a humanoid-cat she's a pink, black and white calico! Of course she's also a pink, black and white calico in straight-up cat form but still. She's also pretty short, being a cat shapeshifter, somewhere between Jimmy and Scott's height. Bonus Joel, Lizzie's changeling husband. He's tall. Like not quite Mumbo tall but pretty close. He's a button-up and dress pants type man, wanting to look good for his wife and all that. He sometimes has a beard, sometimes he shaves it off.
BDubs is, again... he's BDubs. His style changes day to day, shifting between traditional Elven and traditional Vampire and then sometimes he's a T-shirt and jeans type of guy, but he always- ALWAYS, no exceptions- has his moss-woven cloak. Oh! He also has semi-long hair, nowhere near as long as Scar's but definitely around his shoulders, but even so he generally keeps his hood up when not at home. He's short, which is EXTREMELY abnormal for an Elf. No one knows what happened (that's a lie, I know and Belle knows if they remember). BDubs is just as short as Grian, if not an inch or two shorter.
Doc is Doc! He's a creeper hybrid (I may also allow him to be a goat hybrid as well, so maybe a creeper-goat hybrid) with prosthetics. While he was in his coven he was forced to dress in traditional Vampire clothes- like basically mourning suit, pretty much. Once he's out of there and recovering (in Xisuma's Coven, btw) and finding his own style again, he experiments but is almost always found with an open lab coat. Because I love him for that. He's around the same height as Scott, I believe.
Cleo... Cleo my queen... she's a Zombie hybrid Vampire so she has her classic green skin and red eyes, with fiery red hair that may or may not change into snakes when her Vampire magic starts to take over and changes her into her less human, more monstrous form :) But they definitely have a super classy classic Vampire style; beautiful, stunning gowns (some ripped almost to shreds in very aesthetically pleasing locations, some sleek, all beautiful) and stunning, absolutely gender-envy-inducing suits.... I am love they. Also, they are tall. Like. I mean tall. They're taller than Mumbo, in fact. Not by much, mind you, she's maybe got two inches at best on him but by god I fucking love tall Cleo and y'all can pry them from my cold fingers <3
That is perfectly understandable, hope you get through everything you need to do!! <3
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now that the season has wrapped do you have any thoughts on buddie and whether it's happening or not. i do recall you made a post before the season started if all this buddie promotion before the season started wasn't leading to buddie then it would be cruel. for the record i do still very much believe this is all leading to buddie endgame but just curious to hear your thoughts if possible now that the season has ended. Hope you have a lovely day.
Back at the end of season three, I expressed the opinion that season four was going to be the "shit or get off the pot" moment for Buddie. The event horizon, if you will.
Given that we now know they attempted to make Buddie canon at the end of season four with the shooting/using the shooting to go into season five with Buddie becoming canon there, I think I can safely say my prediction/analysis was correct. The studio stopped them, the story line was stalled, and now we're here.
Many people have noted that season seven feels in certain ways like a reboot for Buck and Eddie. Eddie is going through a dark period similar to season five, he's heavily paralleled with Bobby who is going through it as well, and Buck is bi (as Oliver Stark said something they tried to do in season four). So while I would've loved Buddie canon this season, I can see why they wouldn't want to rush things and would want to retread some ground first to properly lay foundations.
However, while I know everyone's chanting "slow burn! slow burn! slow burn!" we already... kinda got everything for a slow burn that we'd want? The only thing we could do is have confessions of feelings to a third party and then mutual pining but really I feel like you could view them as having done that mutual pining and so on already?
I personally feel that season eight is the new event horizon. The shit or get off the pot season. If it doesn't happen by then, then others I'm sure will continue to be hopeful or even certain of Buddie canon, but I personally won't be. There's only so long you can drag something out before even if it does become canon, it's unsatisfying.
To be clear, I don't think Buddie isn't happening. I think ABC wants it, and I think the majority of the cast and crew want it, but it ain't over 'til it's over and so I don't want to say "yes Buddie is FOR SURE happening 100% I have zero doubts." I think it's highly likely that we'll get Buddie canon, I certainly hope we do, I think it's the only thing that makes sense for the characters - I'm just saying that we're quickly approaching once again the point where you have to either make it canon, or we're not going to get it.
So those are my thoughts. Hopefulness tempered with my usual anxiety, and a statement of fact. I hope we'll get Buddie canon, but whether we do or not, season eight is the moment I feel we'll know. I personally probably won't be holding out hope if it doesn't happen next season, but that's just me and my own analysis! Do not let me stop you from your own hopes and dreams!
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lady-harrowhark · 2 months
Hey! I was reading “putting your fist through a thick sheet of glass (i know you don't want to)” again. I really love it. I was just sort of wondering how our AU Gideon and Harrow are doing?
Oh gosh, I'm so happy to hear you've enjoyed it, and grateful you've taken the time to let me know 💛 Hearing that it's a fic that people have gone back to actually makes me really emotional 🥹 Last week actually marks exactly one year from when I first started drafting - I wrote the scene where Harrow drives Gideon to OT and they bicker about "none pizza" in the car in my notes app on a flight. A whole year! Absolutely bonkers to think about.
That's an excellent question you've got there. I think someday you might get an answer to that [whistling innocently].
Joke's aside, I do have a follow-up piece that I've been casually tinkering with for a while. It's still in the very very early stages, so I genuinely could not begin to guess at a timeline. By "very very early stages" I mean like, I have an outline made and half of two different scenes written, maybe 1k total? I do have a playlist, a moodboard for one of the plotlines, and a very sparse inspo tag though, and as we all know, those are the things that really matter, right?
Not to be a tease (again, I have no ETA whatsoever for this) but I will drop a little screenshot tidbit from the conversation I had with @theriverbeyond (who was also my enormously supportive beta reader for ikydwt) when I first blurted out the general idea:
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The phrase "bubblegum pop angst" was also uttered during that conversation, for what it's worth 😏
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Sotam headcanons please? Platonic or romantic whichever you prefer atm. I just love them haha
I love them too! Their dynamic is among my favorites of the series. I tend to be more canon adherent, but I can certainly try my hand at headcanons!
They've talked via shadowwhispering and telepathy so much that at this point they can near seamlessly read each other's faces
Entire conversations via facial expression without a word passing between them. It drives Keefe mad
Their height difference is perfect for Tam to rest his arm on her shoulder, or his chin on her head. Sophie's indignant about it at first, but has softened with time
What hasn't softened is their humor. It only gets more sarcastic and teasing with time. Everyone else they know always tells them off for their brand of dark humor, so they fully indulge each other
This is sometimes done via facial expression
They frequently do homework together, partially because Tam despises it and Sophie is trying to be a good role model so he has a good reputation with his teachers and the grades they give will be in his favor. Homework's worth is an ongoing debate between them, Sophie's argument being that the fact he's at Foxfire at all after everything is incredible, so he shouldn't waste it
Tam's argument is that homework sucks
He's winning the debate, Sophie just refuses to admit she's wrong
They're the first person the other hails in the middle of the night when they can't sleep. They're more likely than anyone else to still be awake, and they long ago stopped feeling bad that they might wake the other
Those late night hails are something between just the two of them. They can talk about anything and everything, no judgement, no expectations, no regrets
Sometimes those hails end in late night visits, going to one house or the other to sit in quiet comfort, or to continue their conversation face to face
Maybe instead of a house, they'll end up somewhere outside. A beach, a mountainside, a forest, a meadow, anywhere in the world where they can be alone and forget about their troubles
It always a little easier to sleep after they've talked, or visited. Though it can be confusing to their parents when they wake and find an extra kid in the house, but they never have the heart to mind
I'll stop there, but these can be interpreted as any kind of relationship. They're have other people and supports in their life, but they occupy a certain kind of dark, secret content space. They rely on each other, support each other, make each other worse (in a good way). They're so so special to me <3
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senditothemoonn · 1 year
PortEng perhaps? And yes, spread the Bear Eng propaganda <3 I refuse to leave this man a twink.
Gives nose/forehead kisses: this seems like a Port thing to me. Arthur is far too stuffy to give such frivolous types of kisses so freely (at last at first)
Gets jealous the most: I know I always say that Arthur is the jealous one but that's just because I think it's cute when he's jealous 💖 although I think a possessive port could be kinda hot 😳
Takes care of on sick days: Arthur desperately needs someone to take care of him but I also think the idea of him bringing port some foul tasting and wildly inedible soup that was made with love while he's sick in bed is slightly adorable.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: Port, obviously.
Brings the other lunch at work: Port, Arthur is not going to get it for himself.
Tries to start role-playing in bed: Arthur, probably. I think Port would go along with whatever willingly because he seems like he's up for anything.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: Arthur, Port seems like he couldn't be bad at dancing even if he swallowed an entire distillery.
Firmly believes in couples costumes: Arthur. Once he's gotten over the initial embarrassment and internal shame that comes with literally any activity he enjoys, he is all over that shit. Probably making them from scratch and sewing them himself, lil cutie.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: neither of them. I think if they'd agreed on something like that, they wouldn't break it. Plus, they seem like the type of couple who would make each other presents.
Makes the other eat breakfast: Port. (Arthur needs to learn how to feed himself fr)
Remembers anniversaries: Port, Arthur is forgetful 😔
Brings up having kids first: Arthur. He needs to put that dad bod to good use ;)
Kills the bugs: I don't think either of them is scared of bugs around the house. In fact, I think Port would rescue them before Arthur has a chance to gobble them up lmao.
First to define them as a couple: Port. I don't know how many more ways I can say that Arthur has anxiety.
Who hides their guilty pleasures longer: Arthur. See above ^
Snorts while laughing: Port. And Arthur thinks it's the most beautiful sound in the world 💘
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notanrp-system · 2 months
Ok...Lots of questions. If I don't specify who it's for, it's for whoever or general system related. Also, where I specify people, those are the specific people I'm curious about, but I'd be more than happy to hear from anyone/everyone..I'm very curious.
funniest out of context system quote?
what is switching like for you?
are there any hobbies you all have?
how easily does the system split?
what do your alters/headmates do in their free time? (Anyone can answer. As many as want to)
how did you discover your system?
What are you obsessed with right now? (Alastor, Angel, Dyns, Corvo)
Ever done any drugs? (Angel, Alastor, Dyns, Mammon)
What piercings do you want? (Angel, Dyns, Mammon, Corvo)
Describe your dream home. (Everyone/Anyone) How would you spend a million dollars? (Everyone/Anyone)
What tattoos do you want? (Angel, Dyns)
What’s your pet peeve? (Anyone/Everyone)
funniest out of context system quote?
I rather enjoyed hearing, "He's glitching not stupid".
what is switching like for you?
I shall walk you through the usual way of switching. Now, this isn't when we remove the host from front, this is the willing giving up of front.
You stand up from the 'captain's chair', and quite literally call out to see if anyone else wants front. Often, they do. Particularly myself or Angel recently. Then you simply step aside once they're at the chair. Sometimes it takes a moment for the switch to register and sometimes, particularly with the host, you have to really remove the helmet and cables with some effort. But really it's mostly just like changing who's driving.
are there any hobbies you all have?
We all enjoy Tumblr. I believe we all have at least one show we're willing to watch on television streaming services. That may be all however.
how easily does the system split?
Not as easily as recent history makes it seem. The host has, unfortunately, been under extreme duress recently causing more splits than usual. But previously he would go years without splitting.
how did you discover your system?
CAL learned about it when Mammon took over for him one night. And then a few nights later Jack did. Now, everyone had been there for some time, but it had been 'passive influence' with switching only happening in the most dire of instances. Once CAL had a couple of friends who were systems it became harder to not be tempted to front. And once everyone started no one seemed inclined to stop. Corvo spent quite a lot of time fronting once he formed.
For these I will be transcribing what others say as needed. Switching that much isn't feasible.
what do your alters/headmates do in their free time? (Anyone can answer. As many as want to)
Alastor- In my free time I listen to the radio and read. Particularly in headspace though the books are... lacking as they are only what anyone can recall about a book. I do the same when I front. It is my preference.
Angel- I like to mess around online. Ain't much to do but I still like it when I front. IN headspace I normally just chill in my room with Fat Nuggets. Sometimes play around with makeup if I'm bored.
What are you obsessed with right now? (Alastor, Angel, Dyns, Corvo)
Alastor- Obsessed is a strong word. I don't believe I am OBSESSED with anything. Now, I am ENJOYING Criminal Minds as well at The Help which I'm reading. I ENJOY petting CAL's ears and Angel's hair but again, not an obsession.
Angel- Hate to agree with Legs over there, but I ain't really obsessed with shit either. I got some songs I like to play on repeat but even I get annoyed at em sometimes. Not really found the show I wanna watch all the time yet.
Dyns- I like street art. We can't do it in the outerworld but I have an endless supply of paints in headspace and no cops here to stop me. So I've been doing that a lot. Super looking forward to trying bouldering or rock climbing sometime but that's when money's not an issue.
Corvo- I just need to keep CAL safe. There's too many people who would hurt him, in headspace especially, and I spend most of my time watching them. I miss my blade when I front and it's hard to find online to buy.
Ever done any drugs? (Angel, Alastor, Dyns, Mammon)
Angel- Bein' real specific here. The body, ain't never done anything. Tried to get high with weed once and the asthma kept it from working too damn well. Coughed everything up before it could barely get into the lungs. Now, if we're talkin headspace, that's a different story. I've done things in headspace. Once we're done here I might go do some right now since I ain't frontin' tonight anyway.
Alastor- Neither in headspace nor in the world. It never occurred to me as something to try. I like my alcohol just fine I don't need to add anything else.
Dyns- Nah. I've thought about it but I don't think it's a good idea to be high as fuck and trying to communicate when I can't speak.
Mammon- No.
What piercings do you want? (Angel, Dyns, Mammon, Corvo)
Angel- Nah. I'm good. Don't really need or want any.
Dyns- If I could make my ears more metal than skin I'd be happy. I've been thinking about an eyebrow piercing too. I need to research it more but yeah. All the ear piercings at least.
Mammon- No
Corvo- No
Describe your dream home. (Everyone/Anyone)
Host aside, the only person with any opinion is young Jack who says we need a slide in the house. CAL has a lot of opinions on a dream house.
CAL- Coastal Town, north east US. Butter yellow Victorian house with white shutters and wild roses up front. A white fenced in back yard and half fence in the front with a cute little gate. There has to be a widow's walk on the second floor. Finished attic with a circle window. Yellow kitchen that feels like warmth and home. One of those half circle towers, the bottom floor will be a parlor and the upper one a spare bedroom. There's at least 3 bedrooms though Ideally 4. Mine is a master with a walk in closet and a master bath which has a shower and a jaccusi tub thing. One bedroom is my office/art room. I would like one adult spare bedroom and ideally there's a second spare bedroom that's more for kids where Jack and Ellie can also play. Backyard has some rose bushes, marigolds, pansies, any other flowers I see that are pretty and at least 2 raised garden beds, this is aside from the potted herbs on the back porch. There's a cattio. At the very far end of the backyard there's a sectioned off area for wild. Just... whatever grows and lives there is welcome to it. We have maybe 6 chickens, and one hive of bees. There is no grass. I've replaced all the grass with a combination of clover and creeping thyme. So now mowing ever. All hardwood floors inside save for where there's tile. There's a fireplace. There's a proper dining room for guests but also a breakfast nook for normal day to day activities. We can walk to town from where we live but we don't live in a city. It's just a nice little town we're about a mile out of. It's close enough that I can take my bike to the store to pick up some things and bring them home in my basket. That's all I can think of.
How would you spend a million dollars? (Everyone/Anyone)
I recently answered this question. So allow me to let others answer.
Angel- Top surgery for the body. Some new clothes. Let's get a HOUSE bitches. Pay off some debts. Pay off some family and friend debts. Oh shit new makeup. Most of what we've got is WAY outta date. I want some shit for drag so I'll get some. Fill CALs savings so he don't gotta worry so much. Presents for anyone I want. I dunno. Just having the money to spend on whatever without worry.
Jack- I want a fish tank and I wanna see a quarium. And more stuffies. And stuff.
Ellie- PRINCESS DRESS and a magic wand
What tattoos do you want? (Angel, Dyns)
Angel- Oh man. I think a tramp stamp would be great. A nice black one with lots of swirls. Fuck I kinda want one on my thigh for Cherri. And maybe one on my collarbone for Husk.
Dyns- Only think I ever wanted as a tattoo was to match my boyfriends. They don't exist now so... I guess nothing? Maybe something on my chest or arm to remember them.
What’s your pet peeve? (Anyone/Everyone)
Alastor- My main pet peeve is being confronted in headspace. I find it rude and frustrating.
Angel- I'm good at being used, but I don't like someone actin like it's their right to do it. I decide who gets to fuck around with me and who don't.
Dyns- Trying to communicate out of headspace. We don't know ASL and no one else is patient enough to let me type.
Corvo- Smart mouths.
Mammon- Dicks
Claire- People hiding important information from others who deserve to know it.
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Questions about the blog and you yourself, if not too invasive;
Do you have preferences on pronouns you use?
Is there a particular nickname/name we are able to refer to you as?
Do you have other blogs you’re comfortable with sharing (art, main or alternative stories)?
Would you accept gift fics about your fic?
Do you accept fanart based around your fic?
Hope these aren’t too nosy!!
Oh, you want to know stuff about me?
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That's fine. I'll answer the other questions first and the more personal ones under the cut!
Do you have other blogs you’re comfortable with sharing (art, main or alternative stories)?
I would rather not have my main tumblr connected/associated with this blog for multiple reasons. Only one person knows my main (by accident orz), and I would like it if it stayed that way. (And my main tumblr is void of stories btw! It's very uninteresting.)
I have many other side blogs, most of which are now unused or were, well, never used at all. One of them is @thestarsofthenight which was (is) the blog to my now-shelved fanfic The Stars of the Night. (S4 is giving me hard nostalgia for it, and I still love the detective agency idea... sigh. Like I see that part from the opening:
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And my additional Weston houses for that fic haunt me, as I had a White (though called Grey because of the US presidential residence) and Black House orz. Anyway.)
I mostly use my main and this blog here. I'm very bad at keeping accounts for anything running.
(I did make an art side blog, actually, which I never ended up using. XD I also have, apparently, three art tags on this blog??? wtf. Anyway: Comics/Art/Drawings)
Would you accept gift fics about your fic?
I'm not sure what you mean by "gift fics"?
Do you accept fanart based around your fic?
Accept.... fanart..... Omg, YES, I would accept fanart, very happily and gratefully.
I got exactly one piece of fanart (to an old Psycho-Pass fic) in my life and I still get teary thinking about it. (Though someone also made Sims of my WotQ characters and did cosplay! <3 Looking that up to link them here, sniff.)
Is there a particular nickname/name we are able to refer to you as?
I only mentioned that maybe once or twice on this blog, but my name is Momoko! Or just Momo. (I am, however, not Japanese, though Asian. I was born there, and my parents considered naming me Momoko, but it ended up "only" as a nickname :) My actual name is closer to my Landsmanns XD)
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Do you have preferences on pronouns you use?
What a nice question to ask! It's just she/her.
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anantaru · 1 year
Man what is it these past few days and people being shitty and rude to writers? You're the third writer I follow that this has happened to. I think ya'll might have the same haters.
i just know they feel that little sense of fake joy for attempting to make someone feel bad about themselves when my confidence in my doings is so high and i‘m into degradation too
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matrose · 1 year
We hear a lot about the legendary weapons of elves and men In tolkien's works but dwarves seem to keep those stories to themselves. Do you have any thoughts about the stories dwarves might have about famous weapons wielded by their ancestors? I'm sure they'd love the idea of passing an axe down through the generations. There's Durin's axe (because of course there is!) but that's the only one I can think of.
OH what a nice ask!
The funny thing is, a lot of famous weapons wielded by men and elves were forged by dwarves... Narsil (Andúril), one of the most famous swords we hear of, was forged by Telchar, and so was Angrist, the knife that cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown. You probably know this already but my first thought was that some of the most famous weapons are already of dwarvish make, and the do pride themselves on this, I think, though not as much as they might over a weapon wielded by one of their own. We do only hear about Durin's Axe as a weapon heirloom, though there's also the other Dragon-helms, perhaps passed down as a set should dragons ever strike again (with the exception of the one Hador was given of course), and Nimphelos, a pearl given to the Lord of Belegost by Thingol, though perhaps that one sank with Beleriand...
I would like to think that the knife Azaghâl used to strike Glaurung became a very important heirloom for the Broadboam clan (or Firebeard! I headcanon Azaghâl as a Broadbeam but he could be of either clan). Maybe the knife became indestructable after being drenched in dragonblood, or atleast was said to be indestructible, similar to how Siegfried becomes invulnerable after he bathes in dragonblood. If the dwarves managed to recover this knife, I can definitely imagine it being an important heirloom to whichever clan Azaghâl belonged to ❤️ This knife was likely important to the Dwarves during the war with the dragons in T.A. 2500s, as a symbol of hope!
Speaking of the Dragons - Dwarves conflict of that time, the Éothéod (ancestors of the Rohirrim) took some of the ancestral dwarvish treasures from a Dragon during this and refused to yield it, so in my heart, following close relations between the Rohirrim and the Dwarves of Aglarond, many ancestral belongings were restored to the dwarves in the early fourth age. Some possible dwarvish heirlooms related to weaponry could be:
- The Hammer of Telchar (this one is actually heavily disputed - some dwarves say that telchars hammer lies at the bottom of the sea where it was once beleriand, others are 100% convinced that this is THE Hammer of THE Telchar that he used to make Narsil. not a weapon TECHNICALLY but it is said Telchar also went into battle with it though others dispute this. a highly controversial item amongst scholars!)
- Borin's Bow (said to be capable of shooting even a dragon out of the sky, such force was behind it if pulled through!)
- The Horn of Dragonfire (made early in the third age, it was said to sound so loudly it could alert even the deafest dwarves in the deepest mines. used to warn against dragons, of course!)
- Náin‘s Shield (another renowned heirloom, it was purportedly the shield Nàin I used to protect his young daughter against Durin's Bane. She escaped with the shield to Erebor and it was passed down her line)
And I love the legendary Axe of Durin of course ❤️ I am sure it was recovered when Durin VII reclaimed Khazad-dum later on ‼️🥰🌙💘 ach theres so many lovely stories you could spin here its wonderful!
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shining-gem34 · 4 months
‘ here, try it again. ’ for dan heng!
Sparring/Training || Accepted @chasersglow
It is not arrogance Dan Heng admits he is strong. He is well-aware of his strength, but he is terrified of the power within him. A magic so vast it can command the seas and rain down destruction; flooding the battlefields and reduce it to nothing. The gift of his lineage that Dan Heng prays it remains unused for a long time.
So Dan Heng ignores it as long as he can, preferring to rely on his spear and beckon the winds to his call. A branch of his main element where he is comfortable using without fear.
Without fearing he'll accidentally harm his companions, especially in a friendly spar...
He raises his spear to block the incoming attack. The circular saw blades continues their relentless strikes. Metal sparks between them causing embers to fly and highlight Himeko face. Her brows are knitted together in concentration, strong arms keeping a tight grip on her suitcase. But Dan Heng attention is caught by her eyes.
A familiar golden hue that wasn't the sun he first saw, but filled with the constellations reflected in her eyes.
Dan Heng doesn't realize his mistake until it's too late. His lapse in concentration makes his grip falter and the molecular saw climbs up rapidly. With the saw blades inches away from his face, Dan Heng breath stills as a flash of REDBLOODBLACKDEATH fills his vision.
His instincts immediately kicked in. Water surges forth out of thin air, pushing Himeko and her weapon away from him. With blood roaring in his ears, Dan Heng doesn't hear anything until the blades are away from his face. Teal eyes widened once he processed what happened now the danger is gone.
The cabin floor is soaked, and Dan Heng imagines Pom-Pom will not be pleased to see the damage. But his main concern is Himeko, who is seemingly alright as she stands up. It doesn't stop the bile rising in his throat because not only he was distracted; he also tapped into the power he loathed to use.
"I...I apologize, Miss Himeko. Are you hurt?" Dan Heng takes a step forward and reaches out. He pauses, lowering his hand and looks away in shame.
A melodious laugh eases the tension followed by a light, "Here, let's try again."
Snapping his head up, Dan Heng looks at Himeko in surprise. He is silent at first, but he asks her, "...I was careless as you saw earlier. Are you sure you want to resume this match?"
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bardicbeetle · 8 months
spoopy asks! for whatever story you feel like blorbin about
🎃 Pumpkin: What character continues to light up your mind and inspire you to write more?
👻 Ghost: Do you have a character or a scene that continues to haunt you? Something or someone you wish you had done differently or just can’t stop thinking about?
(hard mode: 👻 cannot include That Part from SiTD)
🎃 - Isaac. While this answer changes frequently and without notice, Isaac is one we pop back to again and again because his choices tend to change my writing the most drastically. He's the catalyst. He's the one everything hinges on for no good reason. I love him.
👻 - For the uninitiated: "That Part" = The Massacre = the night Eric abducts Alex
However, we need not even call this hard mode, because while The Massacre TM takes up a decent chunk of my brainspace, there is another scene that I am constantly haunted by and changing forever in bits and pieces, and is the scene itself that re-sparked my work on Safe in the Dark back in, I dunno, 2016?
The death of Jack and Corrine/Alex's first kill.
This scene refuses to leave me alone.
I have written and rewritten it a half dozen times in 2023 alone, and I haven't touched it since JUNE.
I think the reason it won't leave me be is because it's such an important scene to the whole story itself. It's important for Alex so they can move forward, it's important for their understanding of their own power and worth, it's fucking important for them to realize exactly how far the entire vamp!house but especially Daniel are willing to go for them. It's the point at which the story used to end. It's the culmination of months of hunger and suffering and fear-based procrastination. It's the final nail in the coffin, the acceptance that this is what they want.
And in the beginning Alex killed both their parents. Then just Jack. Then just Corrine. Sometimes Daniel kills the other. Sometimes he kills them both because Alex can't do it. Around and around it goes like a fucked up circle of made and unmade decisions.
Sometimes they die without Alex taking their blood. Sometimes Alex lets go completely and while they are unconscious afterward, Daniel has some serious fucking cleanup to do.
It comes back and it comes back and it keeps biting at my heels and saying fix it, change it, you're not done here.
The death of Jack and Corrine.
The moment you stop being the rabbit.
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orchidyoonkook · 1 year
🍒🥭🍌🍏 :D
Nary! My love. I adore you.
🍒: What's your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
Strangers to lovers because then you get the WHOLE story of them within it. From beginning to end.
🥭: Rank from most enjoyable/fun to write to least: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Crack.
Fluff, angst, crack, smut.
Conveniently also in order of how easy I find it to write.
🍌: in your opinion, what's the funniest joker reference/pun you've made in a fic?
Okay so this whole ask took me a sec because my answer is actually from chapter 4 of TWWWBAATTA and I had to go find it.
I don’t think it’s the absolute ~funniest~ but I also didn’t wanna look through 80k worth of fic I haven’t read in 5 months plus this guy happened to be right there and I like it a lot.
*spoiler below*
Do with this what you will:
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🍏: Is there something you overuse, whether it's a certain phrase, trope, or piece of punctuation?
🎶 can I interest you in everything all of the time. A little bit of everything all of the time. 🎶
LITERALLY EVERYTHING. I write the same words, phrases, tropes, everything always in the first draft and it’s SO ANNOYING to edit. But while I’m writing it makes it SO MUCH easier.
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genevievemd · 2 years
I just wanted to say that I find fascinating the storyline of those struggles between Ethan and Gen. Not because I want to see them fight of course, but when you think about it, we saw the whole issue through Gen’s eyes, and the interpretations her mind did.
So if you don’t mind, would you talk about that time, for example: in reality, how was their dynamic? They really didn’t see each other the whole day? (Ethan leaving early and coming back late), Did he check on her through texts? Was there a time when he would look for her to spend time together? Did he actually always go home super late or was it just a couple of times? What about working on sundays?  What about their sex life?
I love you for asking this question Nonny! I'm gonna break it down question by question, so it's easier for all of us lol
how was their dynamic? They really didn’t see each other the whole day? (Ethan leaving early and coming back late)
First, we must keep in mind that while to Gen it was a long time, in reality it was only 3 1/4 - 4 weeks of this. Which isn't that long when you think about it and the fact that Ethan had just become chief at the beginning of January.
For that first week of the 4, they tried really hard to see each other -- they attempted dinner (which was usually in Ethan's office) and to meet for lunch or coffee, but as time went on and Ethan got more consumed by the job those meetings during the day got less and less. So by week 4 he didn't see her at all during the day.
And he'd come home late, leave as early as he could. So they really didn't see much of each other by the end.
The was really barely any dynamic or interaction between them. (Although Ethan would cuddle up to her in bed the minute he was home and feel guilty that he'd missed her again. But Gen sleeps like the dead and had no idea. )
Did he check on her through texts?
Yes. I didn't include every text in the series because it would have been even longer. LOL but yes, he would text her. Very briefly. He could tell by the end of that month that something was wrong, because her responses got shorter.
Was there a time when he would look for her to spend time together?
In the beginning, yes. He tried very hard to make time for her -- as evident by him canceling date night but then "fixing" it by having it in his office. By the end, he'd text and she'd say no, too busy. A very Ethan-esque response and he didn't think anything of it because the team dynamic had changed and she was busy like him.
He did try, but it was very bare minimum with no extra effort.
Did he actually always go home super late or was it just a couple of times?
That first week of the 4, he tried to be home earlier, but as he got more into the roll and had more to do he was home late. Remember in book 1, he'd work until midnight some days, and that's how it was during this time. He got so consumed by work that it had become his number 1 priority.
What about working on sundays?
He worked all of them. Or at least most of the day, and so Gen would go and hang out with her sister, and a couple Sundays she was doing things with their wedding planner (meetings he was supposed to be at but bailed) and by 9 they'd both be home but not much was said or done together. G would go to bed around 10 since they worked so early the next time.
Ethan was very aware towards the end that something was wrong, but because he banked on them being okay -- because they always were -- he brushed it off and said to himself "I can talk to her later".
What about their sex life?
This might surprise you, but it was still fairly active. Gen was using it as a way to feel connected to him in a time where she felt like he was far away. It wasn't the healthiest thing to do, but it's what she did.
They weren't banging it out everyday like they usually do (aside from when its, shall we say, shark week. That is not a thing they're into -- but hers only lasts about 4 days) But they were still having sex at least 3 times a week.
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thehargreevesfam · 2 years
My dude I have a question!
If the timeline is reset does that mean that the umbrellas were never adopted by reggie? The only reason reggie adopted them was because of their powers. So that poses the idea of how does S4 handle it.
Personally I want them to find their birth mothers and see what life would be like with them. I feel like it would add a certain layer of depth to each character trying to figure out how they fit into this new family and this new world.
However, it does put out the question of do they even exist in this timeline, we know some cosmic force was behind the births but that allowed them to be born with powers, so if it’s a normal timeline are they still born in the same day or????
I can also see it being like a fantasy timeline, they see a life where they get all they want but is any of it even real. Basing this one of of Allison and Ray with Claire at the end of S3
Another question I have is will their memories get affected? Do they get new memories of this timeline
To your first question, I think it’s likely? I don’t think we know enough of this new world or timeline to really know for sure, but I think now that Reginald has finally accomplished his goal to bring his wife back by using the particles in their bodies to reset the universe, he doesn’t need them anymore. So it’s possible he didn’t adopt any super-powered children at all in this new world.
As to finding their birth mothers - yeah, that’d be interesting! I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t give birth to any super-powered babies at all because it’s a new world or timeline and Reginald doesn’t need them anymore, but…yeah. Klaus started the journey, it’d be interesting to see the others in that scenario.
I don’t think any of them got the lives they wanted, tbh. I feel like that was only available to Allison because of the deal she made with Reginald. If the others had gotten that, I think they would’ve found themselves in a situation like Allison’s. Maybe Klaus would’ve been with Dave. Viktor with Sissy. They’ve lost their powers and some of them were definitely disappointed about that. Not to mention, there are Hargreeves corporations everywhere, which sounds like a fucking nightmare to me. Like…he probably has an even stronger influence in the city now. Probably even controls it behind the scenes.
To your last question - no clue 🤔 how would they get memories of a timeline or world they haven’t lived in before? How would their memories get affected?
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cemetery-slvt · 4 months
7, 11, 17
- j
what scares you the most and why?
— that’s a tough question. i thought about it, dug real deep, and i came up with this : being truly alone. that includes my loved ones dying, hating me, being the last person alive, etc etc. i think this scares me so badly because my entire existence is centered around my loved ones, and because if they’re not in my life, then where is all the love i have for them going to go? i have an incessant fear of having my heart broken, and this would be like. the heartbreak ever for me. i can’t even imagine a life without my friends and family.
what do you consider to be romance?
— that’s another tough question. i think it varies depending on what kind of romance we’re talking about, at what stage, and if it’s a description or if it’s an idea/interpretation of how it should look. overall, romance is on three different spectrums for me ; 1) the soft-ooey-gooey-normie shit , 2) the obsessive shit i can talk about , and 3) the obsessive shit i can’t talk about. soft shit ranges from cooking to cuddling to writing poetry about how you’ve changed my life and how thankful i am for you to be here with me. romance in the soft era is very pure and doting and affectionate; like buying flowers and chocolates, matching outfits, baking your favorite things, scrapbooks for anniversaries, etc etc. of course the things i post on here i think are romantic, but also being known better than you know yourself is very romantic to me, love letters, etc etc. it’s a very broad spectrum.
name 3 things that make you happy
— my brother, my friends, and video games ^^
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fairy-hub · 6 months
𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧’ 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐱 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲-𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚, 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭?
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: they are your ex hubby and baby daddy and they want you back, make up sex, monster fucking with true form!sukuna - why let something like logic stop me from being horny when we can have the king of curses for a baby daddy, jealous!possessive!Satoru, sukuna isn’t jealous but crashed your date with pride, daddy/mama/princess, praise/praising degradation/mocking/teasing/light humiliation/embarrassment, squirting, manhandling, choking, smacking, satoru uses a clone, jerking off, pain kink, pussy slapping, vibrator, forced quick orgasm, overstimulation, Toji is doing his best to sweet talk you
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧: Toji being your hot ex-husband who comes over Gumi every week and trying to fuck you as well
Oreo: in my quest to answer old asks here we are! Thank you for waiting anon if you did, if you didn’t I hope this reaches you one day! 🫶🏽
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He turns on your small vibrator, climbing onto your bed. Staring down at you with stunning forest green eyes. “This is what you got to replace me?” You hate how much you love the sight of his massive chest, cocky smirk and thick thighs.
Toji’s cock hangs and lightly sways as he comes closer. You want to him to stretch you out and fill you up. Make you his dumb cock drunk mess who only whines for more.
Ignoring your better judgment to kick your ex back out. You spread your legs, showing Toji how wet your soft cunt is for him. “It makes me cum without bein’ an cold hearted asshole.” You voice isn’t firm like you want. It’s trembling from four months of pent up frustration meeting your desperate anticipation.
The smirk in his face drops a little. “Deserved that.” His smirk softens to a charming smile. “Lemme make it up to ya mama.” He spits on your clit, stroking you with the pulsing toy. Nudging your soft wet cunt with two thick fingers slowly gliding them in.
“I been missing seeing your sweet cunt stretch for me. You feel so soft, wet n’ warm wanna feel ya cumming on my cock. Nothing else gets me off like seeing you soak my cock.” Stroking your sweet spot, focusing on you making you cum quickly.
Closing your eyes moaning, clenching his thick fingers, digging your heels into the bed. You’re lost in the immense relief, muffling your moans with your hand.
Toji pouts, “Look at me beautiful lil mama.” Pumping his fingers faster, adding more pressure to your clit with the toy.
“Let’s make a bet, if I make you cum harder with your toy then you can I win.” The pleasure is intense with the toy pulsing on your soft clit and his fingers working magic. He isn’t playing fair, using his knowledge of your body against you.
Whimpering, “Just tell me you need money.” He’s gaze is too intense, closing your eyes. Biting your lip trying to muffle your cries refusing to give Toji more satisfaction.
Keeping his pace steady, coaxing you towards cumming on his fingers. “I do want money but not from you. What I need is for ya to look at me. Wanna see the look in beautiful eyes when you cum.”
His cheeks flush pink, dripping his voice low whining. “Please.” It shoves you over the edge. Your soaking wet, sensitive cunt spasms, the vibrations on your sensitive clit becoming too much.
“Since I’m winning I wanna take ya out to dinner.” Biting your soft tight, the sweet pain adding at the intense pleasure. “I missed ya sweet tits, squishy thighs, soft stomach, and soaking wet cunt.”
You already came, you couldn't, not again so quickly. Yet you’re quivering, eyes watering, your moans getting louder. Toji muffles your cry with his lips
Rentlessly fucking your sensitive, sloppy wet cunt in a squirting mess, soaking the bed. He doesn't stop, fucking you through your high.
It’s too much yet you want more. You want to feel Toji’s thick cock twitching, his veins pulse seconds before he cums in you. Tears trickle down the side of your face.
Toji breaks away, smirking, “You’re so breathtaking tremblin’ n’ nearly crying cause the pleasure is too much. I've barely done anything and your soaking the bed. Shows how badly she needs me.” He sits up, turning the toy off tossing it aside.
Grabbing himself slapping your cunt with his heavy cock. Jerking your hips back, reflexivly trying to close your legs to escape the overstimulating stinging slaps. He croons, “Is it too much for your poor little cunt?” Dragging himself himself between your lips, running away when he nudges your sensitive clit.
Whimpering, “Yes but I want more, please daddy fuck me with your fat cock.” He flips you over, putting your ass up in the air. Lining himself up, gliding just his fat tip admiring how you stretch to take him. “Or should I call it mine?” You can't wait any long, pushing your hips back taking his cock.
“Nnn fuck that’s it mama fuck yourself with my cock. How good does it feel? Does it make you feel like a whore to fuck yourself like this? Using my cock like a toy.” He groans, it's a deep sound you’ve been missing.
He grabs your hips, meeting your hips with a harsh thrust. Stroking your sweet spot making your eyes roll back. He leans over you, pinning you down with some of his weight.
You’re clawing at the sheets unable to run away. “Come on lil’ mama give me another chance.”
He’s in the shirtless. You want to fondle, squeeze, and bite his thick chest. Let your hands wonder down his beautifully sculpted body. You could dig your nails into his broad shoulders, spread your legs and take best cock you've had again.
You know how pleasurable it’s to be underneath and on top of him. Which makes not touching him for the past few months even worse. Finding someone that does it like Satoru is impossible.
“Got my shirt going in the washer with some of your clothes. Ya mind if I crash here for the night? It’s gonna be late by the time it’s dry.” Your brain freezes, and you’re thinking only with your cunt.
You’re caught, weakly snapping, “Fuck you for being hot.” You’re missing his warm, large hands groping your body, fingering your cunt. His soft warm lips peppering kisses like he’s worshiping you.
Satoru's pecs are fuller, and his arms are thicker, with two extra veins running down his forearms. When did he get this big?
He croons, “Careful sweetheart.” Grabbing the top of the doorway, filling it up, showing his size off, smirking. “If your date from last they knew how badly you want to fuck your hot baby daddy what would they think?” You’re stuck on his happy trail dipping into his jeans.
He hooks his thumb into his jeans. You rip your gaze away, cheeks burning, your cunt soaking your panties. "It was a second date so it’s none of their concern.” He steps closer, dipping his head down.
Leaning your head back, closing your eyes. “It’s not serious yet then good.” Opening your eyes, your body engulf by heat. The cocky smirk on his lips is infuriating.
He walks past you, standing in your bedroom door. “Why do you think you can help yourself to my room?” He turns around, his expression is cold, angry. It shouldn’t make you so horny.
Is he jealous?
He motions with two fingers, “Tonight it’s our room ya can fuck me for being irritatingly hot and I’ll show you who is better.” You follow him into your bedroom, closing and locking the door behind.
You suggest, “N’ if you fail to be better in bed?” Another Satoru grabs your hair from behind shoving you towards the original.
Nudging your lips with his thick fingers, gagging you when you part your lips. “Thank fucking god these walls are proofed imma make you moan my name like a prayer. I’m gonna have you cry out calling me god and worshipin’ my cock by the time were done.” Squeezing your neck, grabbing your tongue pulling out out to spit on it.
Stuffing your tongue back in with his long fingers. He unbuttons his jeans, pushing them down with his underwear, getting out his long, veiny cock.
Gliding his fingers out of your mouth, Satoru smears his spit on his cock. You wrap your fingers around him, smear his pre-cum with your thumb. Swirling your fist sliding your hand down his cock.
The clones lifts you off the ground, lining his cock up with your soft lips. Rocking his hips, grinding his warm, hard cock along your soft lips, softly stroking your sensitive clit.
Satoru loosens his grasp around your neck. “Stupid beautiful slut you brought him back here fucked him in what was our bedroom.” The clone Satoru pulls you back by your hips to meet his thrust. “Like your cunt doesn’t belong to me.” He grabs your thighs spreading you in a mating press.
Satoru groans at the sight your soft wet cunt taking his clone’s cock. “You wore this dress for him too.” He rips the front, smirking. He slips his blindfold off, tossing it on the bed. His eyes are cold, hard with intense jealousy you’ve never seen before.
You can’t glare up at him for ripping your dress. Unable to get mad with his cock stirring your guts up with each merciless, quick, deep stroke. He’s fucking a confession out of you. “Got it with you in mind. Knew it was something you liked to see on me.”
“It’s something I love seeing on you. It looks so much better like this, ripped with it bunched around your hips for you to take my cock.” You can’t focus on stroking his cock anymore. You’re too lost in the sweet pleasure of your needy, wet cunt stretching to take his long cock with it’s toe curling thickness.
Letting your thighs go when the clones grabs your thighs. He sits down, man spreading, spitting into his palm stroking himself. “Tell me lil baby mama whose fucking your sweet cunt in a sloppy wet mess?”
Glancing Sukuna’s lips, he grabs your neck pulling you in close. His lips are so soft despite the roughness in his passionate hungry kiss. Slipping his hand up your dress squeezing your thigh digging in his nails. He slips his tongue in when you whine.
Dragging his nails up your thigh, squeezing your ass, lifting you off your feet. You wrap your legs around his waist. Desperately trying to keep from moaning into Sukuna’s hungry passionate kiss.
He’s hands and lips feel better than you recall, better then when you touch yourself at night. You missed his cocks, his deep groans, all four of his large hands fondling, restraining and playing with your fragile body pushing you to the point of breaking.
Carrying you through the hallway, closing the door locking it behind himself. Pinning you to the wall, dragging his nails up your thighs, fondling your ass.
He breaks the kiss, yanking your head aside by your hair. Biting your neck, you moan from the sweet pain. Using the second you steady to croon, “Aw you jealous Sukuna? Chased my date off.”
Rolling his crimson eyes Sukuna scoffs, “He isn’t enough for ya lil mama. And by the way you were undressing me from across the room I didn’t think you would mind.” His lips stretch into a cocky smirk that makes your cunt throb.
“You’re suck a rude slut with a broken lil cunt that craves both my cocks.” You want to sit on his face and cum till you’re trembling.
You plead with Sukuna, “Can you please?” Trailing kisses along his jawline, dragging your nails along his scalp. You bite his neck, he tilts his head to the side biting into his bottom lip. He moans from you sucking on the soft spot on his neck.
Stepping away from the wall, tugging you off his body dropping you onto your bed. He demands, “Say your a whore who thinks whose greedy lol cunt loves my monster cocks n’ I’ll fuck you stupid.”
Dragging his fingers along the inside of your thigh stopping shy of your cunt. Waiting for you to admit, “I’m your filthy whore who can’t stop thinking with her needy cock hungry cunt. Need ya to fuck me stupid please my King.” He bites his lip, his breath hitching.
“I need your cocks please no one else can compare to you. You make me cum so hard I can’t think straight or walk. Wanna be fucked into a stupid cum stuffed slut!” Lightly stroking your clit through your underwear. grinding your hips.
He croons, “That’s it! I missed hearing you beg. When I think my cock can’t get any harder, it’s almost hurtin.” Fondling himself through his pants, groaning.
“Please take my underwear off. Please my king!” Slipping his finger underneath your underwear. It shouldn't feel so good to have his finger brush your lips but your cunt is clenching.
He groans, “Fuck princess your so damn beautiful, makin’ you my baby mama only made you hotter. That makes you my Queen, my personal cumdump.” Transforming quickly. He’s twice your height and beautifully monstrous with four muscular arms, a mouth stretching across his hard abs. His dark pants outlining his hard cocks.
Unbutton his pants and freeing his cock with a loud sigh. Kicking his pants aside. Massaging his balls, admiring the sight of you laying down in bed with your dress pushed up and legs spread. Your soft cunt soaking wet for him.
Leaning over you, forcing you to look up, grabbing your hands pinning them above your head. Sukuna he slaps your cunt. “This is mine! It’s always been mine!” You reflexively jerk away from the intense sweet sting.
Sukuna yanks you back into place, pinning your legs open. Slapping your cunt again, licking your clit with his stomach’s tongue. Stroking your soft numb quickly, easing the stinging, gliding one thick finger one.
Curling it, remember how your sweet cunt likes it. Massaging your soft spot with the perfect speed and pressure reducing you to a moaning quivering mess, clenching his finger.
The sound proof bedroom containing your loud needy cries. “I miss how you double stuff me. Please, pleaseplease pleaseplease!” Your words are slurring together. His thick fingers are three of your combined, stretching your soft cunt out.
“I know lil’ mama no one can fuck ya like I can. It was a matter of time till ya missed me.” You’re creaming on his fingers too quickly. You shouldn’t be able to. Yet your cunt is clenching and creaming on his fingers.
Your cheeks burning. “Did you cuming so easily?” He smirk grows, “That barely more than a minute, you haven’t been treating her right.” His tongue strokes your puffy clit faster.
Oreo creampie’s m.list
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