#I mock cishet men almost daily
is-the-owl-video-cute · 11 months
also its really fucking telling that you think lesbian = terf. trans men and cis men cannot be lesbians. lesbians do not and cannot fuck cis/trans men. really insane that y’all see anything about lesbianism excluding men and automatically think it’s about.. women? i don’t know why y’all are so fucking obsessed with weaseling your way into a sexuality and gender identity that is exclusive of men, it’s almost like you hate it when ppl want to be away from them. lol
Oh it’s the TERF again lol.
I don’t associate lesbians with TERFs, but responding to someone mentioning trans issues with essentially “god forbid lesbians have anything” is the most obvious TERF calling card you could leave because we weren’t even talking about lesbians.
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demidemilitclub · 5 years
I have to admit I understood like half of your rant because I don't know the movie but your sis is amazing 😂 I *love* kids being the only ones who can look through the bullshittery and have to save the day! I warms my smol heart. 😍 also, sue me, but what is an incel? 😅
I can only recommend the movie if you
A) Enjoy those movies
B) Can look past how problematic huge chunks of it are
C) Hate-watch it
But I’m glad you like the bull my sister and I get up to! Stuff like that is characteristic of our daily text conversations.
As for what an incel is, oh boy.
Incel, or involuntary celibate, is a term that is descriptive/self-descriptive of a group of almost entirely white cishet men who want to have a relationship, and believe they deserve one solely because they are men. They are incredibly sexist, misogynistic, racist, abusive, prone to violence, and generally terrible human beings. Incels and Nice Guys™ share a lot of the same rhetoric in that they deserve a relationship because they are a man and they want one, so women are supposed to completely submit and do whatever he wants. If a woman has any autonomy to pick someone other than the man in question, he calls her a sl*t, b*tch, wh*re, and go on huge temper tantrums based solely on a woman having free will. It is a group that has drawn blood and it all reeks of patriarchy, toxic masculinity, and so many other problems.
It’s honestly a dark corner of the Internet and of humanity, but if you want to know more than what I’ve laid out here, news outlets are finally starting to talk about it (especially following the Toronto truck attack), and there are YouTubers like SootHouse and SorrowTV that have videos where they rightfully mock the “logic” of the group and point out how absurd, dangerous, and stupid it all is.
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