#I prophesized the whole thing
uno reverse card
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[ID: An edited "call an ambulance meme". In the first picture Dazai is smiling and kolding a knife. Fyodor is turned back to the viewer. He says "Aagh, call an ambulance!". In the second picture Dazai is standing outside of frame with his arm raised. Fyodor ispointing a gun at him and is smiling towards the viewer with blood on his face. He says" But not for me". End ID]
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I'm getting tired of how pro-S*puffy the Boom comics are, and how I feel like they keep trying to turn S*pike into A*ngel.
#like that's one of the reasons i hate s*puffy now. because more and more i feel like the ship became b*angel 2.0#especially if you get into the comics#and then boom just seemed to look at that and went 'so what if we took that to eleven?'#*'took that up to eleven?'#like i'm probably going to get killed for this... but i was thinking about b*uffy the last vampire slayer#and i honestly think that that story would have made more sense if you switched a*ngel and s*pike's roles in it#like in a perfect world i wouldn't want to throw either of them under the bus#but s*pike is the one who called himself 'love's bitch' and a*ngel was the one we always saw as more heroic#so it makes more sense that b*uffy and s*pike would have gotten married or something but then it didn't work out and he left#and we don't see him again#and then a*ngel shows up after having left b*uffy for ages. to her happiness or whatever. to try and help her save the world#and then and only then they rekindle something#and then the anniversary comic having a psychic telling s*pike that he's going to fall in love with b*uffy and he needs to be ready for her#like the whole whistler thing or something#and i thought most s*puffies like the ship because they weren't all prophesized or whatever and just against all odds happened upon each#other and then ended up being good for each other. so why are we trying to make them b*angel?#and then in the '97 comic s*pike is helping g*iles b*uffy w*illow and x*ander instead of a*ngel like he's supposed to be because of course#he is#and says he he used to be evil but now is trying to make amends (which is supposed to be a*ngel's whole thing! and s*pike. even souled#s*pike. never cared that much) and that b*uffy and w*illow ought to try it some time. like he's better than them or something. and i CANNOT
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arolesbianism · 1 year
I've been messing around with clangen a bit. Bet y'all cant guess what happened
#rat rambles#^ got attached and made a new story using my 4 clans#Im mostly using where Im at currently as a starting point for a new story#featuring my lovely lil guy Ive been calling murtlepaw in my head but that name may not stick idk#theyre just the embodiment of just some guy in the body of the specialist guy in the world#they have their whole sope opera backstory that they dont event remember most of but whats most important is that the spirit of one of the#dead clan leaders has been kinda haunting them for their whole life#she was mostly chill tho just kind of pushy after a while to go join her old clan and after they did she stopped showing up as much#which wouldnt be as big of a thing if shit didnt hit the fan the gathering after they joined#basically the four clan founders started fighting over the clans specialist little guy in front of everyone#then they all try to sort of possess them but since they all try at once they kind of just get too stuck wresting eachother for control to#actually properly possess them so now murtlepaw is just having a panic attack while everyone else at the gathering stand there in shock#before that the leader of the clan murtle joined had treated them quite coldly due to who brought them there#the past leader made her deputy right after she had lost her tail and had just lost her best friend and then proceeded to die soon after#the past leader I mean#so she. has quite the bad association with her.#but after that gathering she recognized that murtlepaw didnt chose to be involved with most of this shit#and immediately felt terrible abt how she had been treated them and quickly becomes the number one murtlepaw defender#in particular shes quick to defend them from the other leaders trying to claim them as their own prophesized cat#shes trying her best to give murtlepaw as much control over the sitiation as she can but its a goddamn struggle#the other leaders are mostly just sitting there like this bitch is so old please just drop dead already so we can force this child to move#and I need to sleep but if I keep developing this story prepare for me to keep vaguely talking abt it#or not since even tho I do think abt my other main wc story a good bit I still dont talk abt it much lol#tbf thats mostly because I might actually make smth for it someday and I wanna avoid spoiling everything
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thefallenangelsgang · 2 months
Fuck it, I'm throwing my hat on the ring about the Emil announcing Nate from Fallout 4 is the bystander Soldier in the Fallout 1 opener.
First and foremost, it was a stupid thing to say. As he backtracks to later, the conceit of Fallout's protags is they are supposed to be anyone (and that issue is precisely why some people hate the extensive prewar character background given to you in Fallout 4). For the lead writer to pull a JK Rowling (why would you do that? None of those went over well) is such a major marketing misstep that it wouldn't surprise me if Emil gets reprimanded for it before we even get into the implication of what he said.
Emil your voice is as good as God when it comes to the canon. You can't just say shit like that and expect it to go well. Especially considering the implications.
Speaking of the implications, I'm not mad about Nate being a war criminal. It's a coloring I actually would welcome if the games discussed concepts like Capitalism, Racism, and War in any meaningful way anymore. And if Emil also didn't say this.
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Fallout's canon is rooted in reality. That is part of its whole thing. It's fun to do goofy shit like becoming the Silver Shroud and having a make believe superhero fight with the Mechanist or write a woman obsessed with Nuka Cola so much she traverses two games to basically kidnap the CEO's cryogenically preserved head so she can talk to him for all eternity, but the setting is very much rooted in reality.
You aren't dealing with fictional countries, you aren't dealing with fictional races, you aren't dealing with fictional hypotheticals. That is The Elder Scrolls job. You are dealing with actual countries, actual racism, actual history, and actual fucking politics. You have to be mindful of what you are doing and saying. You can't just do things because it's an interesting plot device without first thinking about the implications.
Fallout's world is a heightened version of our own, a path we seem to stumble towards with ever passing year unless we do something about it. It fucking sucks. I'm sure writing it feels like prophesizing the future and eats your soul a bit. It would mine. But that doesn't mean Fallout can just take a sharp left in terms of story and reality and get away with it.
To have Nate be the bystander Soldier and then meet him when he has a very good thing going for him (an expensive house during an inflation crisis, a robot butler, he gets into a vault for free for fucks sake) very much speaks to life rewarding him for his crimes. There is no hatred in his words when he looks at the flag of the country that made him kill innocents. His speech is speaks of remorse for leaving his family and the cycle of war, it does not speak of the horrors. Of watching you comrades bleed out in the Anchorage snow. Of the scream of shells overhead. Of the fear in civilians eyes as your buddy puts a bullet between them.
You all have to see how it looks like the man is fine with what he had to do during the war, right?
Not interacting with these concepts enough paints a picture of apathy and acceptance. In this day and age where being keeping the government honest and responsible for their actions is so important, that isn't going to slide without it being EXTREMELY purposeful, which it is not. It's tone deaf and lazy.
I respect a lot of what Emil has done in the past, but I am not above keeping him culpable when he has something so delicate in his hands. I hope this situation is what he needed to get his head on straight, or is the light bulb moment where he realizes he needs to pass the torch onwards. There is no shame in subject matter becoming too much as time goes on. There is shame in letting a previously critical series become the very thing it was criticizing.
He is going to keep getting dragged until he realizes that or he manages to convince the fans to be complicit in the degradation of setting. In doing so he is going to lose Bethesda most of its biggest fans who well and truly love the series and what it stands for.
But that's just my take, and I'm just a kid who studies polisci and history and can't shield myself from the inherent horror of nuclear war no matter how much I try.
War really never changes
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literallyjusttoa · 7 months
Muses HC's!
Bc why not, the muses are awesome. Also! Just a quick refresher bc I know not everyone is insane and has all the muses memorized.
Clio: Muse of History
Eutyrpe: Muse of Lyric Poetry
Thalia: Muse of Comedic Poetry
Melpomine: Muse of Tragic Poetry
Terpsichore: Muse of Dance
Erato: Muse of Erotic Poetry
Polyhymnia: Muse of Religious Hymns
Urania: Muse of Astronomy
Calliope: Muse of Epic Poetry
I know that Hesiod said they were daughters of Zeus but you know what I say? I say NO. I instead listen to what some other poets said, which is that the muses are very powerful nymphs that burst forth from sacred streams. I like to think this happened like five months before Apollo was born, and everyone was very confused about these nymphs that seemed to have control over domains that no one else really had any claim over, and then Apollo was born and everyone was like “ohhh that makes sense, yeah.” In a way, they prophesized Apollo’s domains (haha get it, cuz he's the god of prophecy, I’m a genius guys i’m a comedic geni-)
Thalia and Melpomine argue about everything, but they’re also inseparable. You’ll often find them discussing heroes' stories and debating whether or not their lives should take a comedic or tragic turn. 
Calliope doesn’t just write epic poetry. No, she also appraises weapons and artifacts of bygone myths with Clio, maps out constellations with Urania, and watches over upcoming epic heroes with Apollo. She’s really the jack-of-all-trades of the group.
Soprano: Eutyrpe, Thalia Mezzo-Soprano: Terpsichore, Calliope, Erato Alto: Clio, Polyhymnia Contralto: Melpomine, Urania
(Obviously they can sing all the notes but this is like, their preferences when it comes to harmonizing) 
Eutyrpe and Terpsichore love to have mini shows, with Eutyrpe performing any new lyrics she’s cooked up and Terpsichore improvising dances to her songs. 
Clio’s kind of the unofficial leader of the muses. Like, Apollo is the official leader, but whenever he’s out of town Clio’s in charge. 
Whenever Apollo makes a new poem, he shows it to whoever’s sphere it falls into first, and then Urania, bc Urania just loves reading poetry and her praise will heal the bruised ego he might have if the first draft was not approved. 
 Whenever Urania makes a new constellation, the whole group has an overnight star-watching session, where they reminisce on old heroes and make smores. 
Polyhymnia and Erato actually have a lot of overlap. Especially because Polyhymnia was making religious hymns for greek gods and, well, you know how greek gods are. This is why Erato is the only one not surprised by Polyhymnia’s dirty jokes. The other sisters think Polyhymnia is “too pure”
Apollo has been with all of the muses, but it’s honestly more of a queer-platonic sort of thing (and/or a friends with benefits situation) he has a very fluid way of showing affection with all of them, since they’ve been some of his closest companions throughout his life. Also, the ten of them have single-handedly made it through the equivalent of thousands, if not tens of thousands of tech weeks together, and I don’t think anything could bond people together more than that.
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66sharkteeth · 5 months
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people seemed interested in the little nine lives bio i posted last night, so now i'm doing finze! who i'm realizing i don't have any finished art of (in this form) that doesn't include nine. disclaimer that this has nothing to do with the Finze we know from City of Blank beyond name, personality, and some kind of "canon events" that are shared among all versions of Finze.
-Half-angel, and yes, I'm aware that's a Nephilim, but he doesn't like to call himself that because of what usually comes to mind with that word. That said, this is not his only form.
-He was a prophesized child that was supposed to be born from an angel and a virgin. This child was supposed to beckon in the rapture and lead humanity to heaven in the rapture. However, once he was old enough to start understanding his destiny, he simply decided that he didn't want to do that.
-This is when they started to realize something went wrong. Turns out his mother was very much not a virgin, which sort of messed up the whole prophecy and now they just have this guy who is sort of half-way what the prophecy called for. So anyway, the rapture is postponed and now Finze just works (reluctantly) for the church/angels.
-Part of his powers is his "all seeing eye" that is under his eyepatch. He will gain the knowledge of anyone he looks into with that eye. The church has used this power on 10+ of the world's smartest individuals, making finze incredibly smart, but the downside is he now has 10+ individuals crammed in his head. His healing abilities are basically the only thing stopping him from going brain dead but he is in constant pain because of it.
-He is just as nasty and mean as he is in CoB, if not more so. He lives a very lavish lifestyle, provided by the church, and is incredibly out of touch with with the rest of the world despite his vast knowledge. So basically, quite literally the smartest person on earth, but socially, one of the worst.
-Despite being literally half-angel and knowing other angels, he is an adamant (and obnoxious) atheist. he thinks they're aliens or something.
-Struggles greatly with OCD. Hates being touched and struggles with emotions other than anger and annoyance. Hates trying new things or going outside his comfort zone. Has constant energy of nervous dog that is about to bite you.
-incredibly vapid and obsessed with his appearance. you know the scene of Howl melting because his hair was the wrong color? yeah, he's like that if he ever gets something like a zit.
-the only thing in life he loves more than (eventually) nine is his car. he is very much a car guy. He also unfortunately shouldn't be allowed on the road. You know those jack asses that zoom down the highway at 100 MPH, weaving in and out of traffic? That is Finze. Also just parks wherever he wants, as long as it's not a towaway zone. No parking before 8 PM? No, just more expensive parking before 8 PM.
hmmm. there's a lot more but this is getting really long. his was a lot harder to do than nine's because i feel like a lot of lore needs to be explained in order to elaborate on a lot of things about him. i didn't even get into how he ends up as a tutor at nine's school and that's how they meet. i wanna ramble about him and nine more but not in a way that scares people off w/ any walls of text longer than this!!
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 5 months
So I was re-watching the show and I had a thought about the dynamic between Zeus's kids. Ignore if you've answered this before, but how do her siblings feel about Persephone?
I kinda feel like there are parallels to Sally trying to keep Percy away from Olympian drama and Demeter trying to keep Persephone away from Olympian drama, only for both to fail badly. Not to mention that Persephone probably, for a brief period, turned into the kid Zeus paid attention to most, mostly because of how Demeter protested her marriage. I do have the HC that Persephone and Hermes get along the most, due to Hermes being the sibling to visit the Underworld the most, but what do you think? Hades might be a useful ally in a rebellion.
I haven't really thought much about Persephone's dynamic with everyone else🤔
However, I will touch on my thoughts on her relationship with Demeter and Apollo (in the RRverse) because those are the ones I know right off the top of my head.
With Demeter, I don't like the helicopter parent stereotype attributed to her. Contrary to the media's beliefs, Demeter's panic is very sound considering her daughter was. ya know. kidnapped.
it was an arranged marriage! yeah yeah it's still kidnapping, and Persephone screamed for help. it's all there in the Hymn to Demeter.
because of this, Demeter and Persephone had a very loving mother-daughter relationship imo. Demeter also wasn't against Persephone marrying, btw. In the Orphic tradition, Demeter prophesizes that Persephone would marry Apollo, though that never came to pass obviously (I have a silly take on this in a bit sit tight).
Now Apollo :D the fun starts here.
SO. PERSEPHONE'S PLAYMATES WERE ATHENA AND ARTEMIS. Additionally, as mentioned previously, Demeter was like "oh yeah Persephone's gonna marry Apollo one day".
Apollo & Persephone are BFFs, and Demeter is the mom who sees her daughter has a boy friend and starts shipping them XD
Demeter: You look so cute together!
Persephone: MOM YOU'RE SO EMBARRESSING hides face
also! there's another myth that adds on to this headcanon of mine :D
People think Demeter causes winter. She does not - she just stops the plant growth.
Apollo lets winter happen when he takes his vacations to Hyperborea :D
Apollo aligned his vacations during the time Persephone is in the Underworld because fuck it if he can't hang with his BFF during this time of year might as well do his vacation instead so he has more time during the spring/summer months with her then!
Remember this scene in The Last Olympian?
The older lady harrumphed. "I warned you, daughter. This scoundrel Hades is no good. You could've married the god of doctors or the god of lawyers, but noooo. You had to eat the pomegranate."
Apollo is the god of healing. He also hold dominion over law, and played defense attorney for Orestes.
she presents it to Persephone like she has two options but they're the same person LMAO
I also wanna talk about the whole 'Demeter forbid Apollo from going near her kids' thing too! Because with the context of this^, it makes you wonder why.
...but then you realize that maybe it was because of the above she forbid him from her kids - or more specifically, she forbid him because he didn't marry Persephone XD
So she ships them. But also she's salty she didn't get her favorite nephew for a son-in-law to marry her favorite daughter and therefore banned him from her kids.
Seems counter-productive, but you do you Demeter lmao XD
(and yes, Hades would be a useful ally in a rebellion...hehehehe)
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quinloki · 1 month
What's your writing process like? Do you draft everything at once and then release chapter by chapter as you edit or something similar?
How to you keep your notes organized? I think you've said before in an ask you use Scrivener (me too!), how do you organize that? I love seeing peoples writing processes in general, if your comfortable explaining!!
Okay you're awesome thank you 💛
Process. Ah. Ahem. Organization... /sweats/
Okay, so organization I have something like that. Thanks almost entirely to Scrivener if I'mma be honest. My projects are organized by blorbo - so like all the Kid x Readers are in one project, and then broken down in files by book.
Except for A Light Touch - cause that's in the Grandline AU collection project, and all associated stories are in there with it.
Notes, though, and er... drafts... Ah.
So I would like to note I mean this in the stereotypical pop culture way, and not in the legitimate way, but I'm insane.
I have never known how long a story was going to be until I wrote it, and while I've had a few slapdash outlines for stories, I never manage to stick to them, so I barely even bother writing them out anymore.
Usually the process is something like:
Inspiration -> Idea -> details for Idea -> some notes -> decide certain parameters -> and time allowing either set aside or start writing chapter 1.
Quicksand, for instance, was inspired by a piece of fan art. It was going to be a one-shot. I started world-building and deciding functional parameters and uh... it's 20 chapters if you don't count the alternative story line. The inspired scene doesn't even happen until like chapter 18.
And even within that, I'd meant for Crocodile to be way more terrifyingly yandere to the point that Doflamingo was going to be the GOOD GUY.
That was the plan. That did not happen.
Inversely, I had the first 5 chapters of A Dragon's Clause outlined, and got so into it those 5 chapters were 8 chapters when I ran out of outline. There are, however, THREE different pages of notes for world building, characters and orgs, and important details, that I reference while I write, and I very much expect the story will be near to 50 chapters, if not longer.
Hey Doll has no outline. It's got a page of notes.
The Host Club AU as nothing set in stone except the Club itself and the owners. Yeah I did some headcanoning and world building via asks, but I still don't know what I'm going to keep and what I'm going to cut, and I'm going to start writing chapter one in June XD There is no outline.
Hell, the ending of a Heart of Gold was decided by a scene in A Light Touch, so one of the reasons I'm going to a little slower than usual is because I have to make sure Heart stays on track. (And yes, A Light Touch, Quicksand, Heart of Gold, and Thrice Prophesized all happen in the same AU at the same time - it's not just a backdrop AU for those stories like it is for Some Direction and Hey Doll.)
But yeah, that's uh... that's it. I don't really have much of a process beyond "This is what I want to work on" and then I turn on a appropriately themed playlist, pick some art to have on one monitor and write on the other. And honestly, thank fuck for like @swampstew, @mamaalpha, @standfucker, @lyndsyh24, @writing-yarn-goblin, @kazieai, @anon-germany, @theaceofflamesposts, @zorostittiesz, @leakyweep, @icy-spicy and @thus-spoke-lo and @mewiyev for all being awesome fucking friends.
Between writing sprints, and beta-reading and inspiring with head canons and thots and art and support and the list goes on and on - I just. (and gods that's not even including @friedbluechicken and @cyborg-franky and can you understand how long this list is gonna get?)
I just kind of stumbled into this whole fandom thing. I didn't know wtf I was doing or what, and I swear I tripped into being friends with Lyn and Raven and it's all kind of a blur and from those two to everyone else on that list to many more beyond that and these alarmingly talented people talk to me of all the random ass bastards out there, and folks are sending me asks thinking I'm cool and wanting to know my process and like -
I'm just a stoat in a trench coat man, I don't even know what I'm doing here.
/ahem/ Okay, I got a little off the topic, but I guess I can't really say I have a process, and I don't plan out my stories much at all. But I will have highlights like I want x, y, and q to happen, so how do I do that? And the real relief is being okay when the story goes a different way and I just let it. I wrote Some Direction inside of a month just doing that. The only thing I knew about that story was who the antagonist was going to be ^^;
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idsb · 1 year
I think it’s so sad that like. In the way during Red era when she kind of knew / prophesized people turning on her and it came true… “one day I’ll watch as you’re leaving for the last time”, “if you ever walk away I’d never walk Cornelia street again”, etc… it’s sad to think and wonder she was thinking about and accidentally prophesizing this the whole time too. It’s one of the worst feelings in the world to have anxiety and get nervous about things being ruined, then tell yourself those are just baseless fears… only to then have those anxieties be real and have to be like “I knew this would happen”… and dear god I just hope she’s okay
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777-v3nus · 30 days
Analyzing the Dethklok boys and their relation to Gods
So I've recently gotten into Metalocalypse and was kinda upset that no one in my vicinity has either not heard or cares about this show enough to yap and analyze it with me but then I remembered that I have a Tumblr just collecting dust and this is a perfect place to just...talk. But anyway going back to the whole purpose of this post I wanted to touch on the boys pretty literal godhood presented in the show and how it reflects on their character and their backstories starting with...
Toki Wartooth
Starting off with one of the easiest to analyze since he arguably has the most lore present to the viewer. Throughout the series, toki is presented as the most childish as well as the most emotional of the group with parallels to the angle of death sprinkled everywhere. It's prophesized that anyone he loves or finds dear kicks the bucket with the boys being an exception (since IMO their prophecy and own godlike powers kinda cancel it out). Whether it is that child fan whom he was unironically doing the favor of declining her until the last second or his own father- everyone he loves either dies or never progresses in life (i.e. Dr.Rockso). By nature he is a bad omen who particularly gets canceled out by another member- I'll get into that shut up- but also has weird relations with the big man upstairs, Jesus Christ. His appearance is even similar to that of him and in scenes of his childhood where he's being heavily abused by his parents, you can see parallels of the lashings on his back. When being tortured by Magnus alongside Abigail they are crucified and put into the position Jesus once was in. [Also, sidenote I find it interesting how he deals with stressful situations either by tweaking or age-regressing by having Pickles be his caretaker. Since you can see him slowly regress through the series (no he did not regress all of a sudden after being saved you can clearly see how he regresses throughout the series, and I stand on that bruh) but regresses hard during the aftermath.]
Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Being the adonis he is, I think Skwisgaar represents life to counter Toki's roots in death. His appearance replicating common ideals of angels paired with his height and canonical attractiveness, Skwisgaar is truly a seductress of all sorts. To the point, I get huge Zeus feelings from him (hell it was kinda pushed into our faces during the episode showing how many children he's fathered). His learned skill contrasts itself with Toki's raw talent and has a constant clash- going back to the fact that they represent death and life respectively. I think their constant fighting kinda represents the back and forth between life and death, and those small tidbits where they do show compassion towards each other are a display of how one couldn't exist without the other. It's the fear of Toki possibly getting better than him that pushes Skwisgaar to be on top of shit and it's Skwisgaar's superiority complex and constant snubbing of Toki that pushes the other to battle for the same position. It's another interesting thing how they both deal with their traumas differently. as I truly believe Skwisgaar is prolly hypersexual due to being constantly exposed to well.. sex. And when he's not pondering on that aspect of his life then he's parading around his guitar skills as another coping method. I mean his guitar is LITERALLY part of him 24/7.
Nathan Explosion
Saw a bunch of discussions/debates on what Nathan could be, ranging from power, love, and rage (tbh that's more William than anything). And I think it's a mixture. Nathan is the only member of Dethklok to actually seem to have a stable background out of all of the band, also being the only member consistently in non-one note relationships. And while he does divulge himself groupies he seems to be genuinely interested in having long-term relationships as seen with him getting ready to propose to Abigail (which I honestly think he didn't really want to, he just felt something was missing and hoped a woman he had something with could fulfill that purpose). All of this makes me think he has some domain/relation to love as well as power seeing his influence of thousands being the head of Dethklok. His power is so insanely strong that whenever he doesn't deliver or even when he does via performances the area goes to shit and he strikes up chaos. A little part of me wonders if that's because all of the boys performing is like some Leviathan event but I digress. And in this role, it is Nathan who counters...
William arguably has the least info bout his background other than how his two parents died and how he was treated harshly in school, there's not jack about him. However, I do feel like he has domain over hate, pride, and chaos. I mean this man's hatred is so intense that it extends to every part of himself and is an essential part of Dethklok's sound. Without him, they are positive, which funny enough is pretty reflective of the role of bass in a band. It's the link between the drums and everything else. So no matter what the rest of the instruments are doing at that moment the bass sets a tone and is fundamentally dictated by him. He's a mean, vulgar, and brash force that in a weird way counters everyone a tad bit. (love lil bro for that tho).
Quite literally being dubbed the mother of the group by fandom and cannon I think Pickles represents the maternal figure of the group kinda. But at the same time he neither counters nor has a specific role in the group that isn't being the drummer. (though drummers act like the temporal glue i.e. wrangling his stupid bandmates to the right path) He takes on this id personality yet also acts brash. The closest thing I could compare him to being a Dionysus figure. Specifically how he represents overindulgence which can be seen in his multitude of addictions but his insanely high tolerance, other than the relation to alcohol Dionysus also has 2 sides just like pickles. One minute he is the most stable and mature of the group and the next he is thrown into a jealous or petty rage. (which can be seen in fatherklok of with Abigail and Nathan)Most often being spurred on by his family history of being the scapegoat for all their problems. And if you subscribe to the pickles is trans propaganda (which I fully am fucking down for) then the weird parallels between Dionysus's split presentation between femininity and masculinity interacting with each other is interesting to see. Especially when he becomes a maternal figure for toki, Skwisgaar, and William- but a pseudo partner for Nathan who also kind of represents the patriarchal power in the home. Paired with Dionysus having domain over theatre and entertainment is interesting with his roots in glam metal being the frontman for Snakes and Barrels.
anyways little shitty rant is OVER! I love this series so very much and I'm sad I just got into this fandom.
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Danby Phamtom
I finally finished Danny Phantom, and I think, as a wee lass I completely missed season three, because I genuinely did not know/remember that Danny got ice powers? Like, kind of out of nowhere. And if I'm being super honest...
They did a shit job telegraphing that. Like seriously? S3E2, Danny stumbles upon The Map to Infinity, and at the VERY END of the episode, FrostBoi says "He has more in common with us than he realizes." And I'm thinking "Oh yea, he's like, Prophesized Ghost Jesus or something, of course he has more in common with the ghosts." And then nothing for 4 whole episodes! Not a hint or inkling of anything, then
Start of S3E6, Danny's got the shakes. Okay, that's interesting, maybe Danny has a Ghost Cold, or Ecto-Fluenza or something. It's not uncommon for these types of shows to do "Sickness has adverse effects on super powers" episodes, but no, it's ice for some reason. Still not really sure why Ice. Like, ice doesn't seem like a particularly ghostly power to me, outside of "Ghost cause a Chill" mythos. Lots of ice puns.
ANYWAY, season 3 seemed pretty okay to me. There's a little ick in some of the episodes. S3E1 was weird. It seems out of character for Plasmius to stoop to Danny's level, being a 40yo, and while Danny did the same to him, I'm still not really comfortable with the choice to have the Middle Age Bad Guy basically show the entire school Danny naked.
I can kind of see why a lot of people dislike Season 3, it often feels like it regresses characters to previous, less developed states for the sake of a plot when they could have just used a different interpersonal conflict that would have worked just as well...
However, I DO like some of the development shown in this season, like Johnny 13 and Danny having a kind of Frenemies relationship where they kick the snot out of each other but all in good fun. I actually wish we could see more of this, where Danny actually manages to befriend ghosts that were previously enemies. Like, can you imagine an episode where Danny senses a ghost, goes and finds out it's someone like, The Lunch Lady, and he's like "Doris, c'mon, we talked about this, you can't keep coming in here and bothering the Living lunch ladies just because you don't like what's on the menu. Let's go get some coffee and then we can go back to the Ghost Zone." That would be amazing and hilarious, plus, could you imagine the Lunch Lady haranguing Danny because "You're only skin and bones, Boy, you need to eat more. You'll never get big and strong if you don't eat enough!" The jokes write themselves!
Alright, to address the elephant in the room; Phantom Planet.
I want to say one thing. Yes, it's not very good, but I do kind of see where Sam, Tucker, and Jazz are coming from, I just think the writing about WHY they feel the way they do is bad. See, if you look at the Subtext of what the writers are TRYING to communicate, it's about the core of why people like Super Heroes. Yes, being special is cool, but it's about more than that. At the core of Super Herodom is a desire to be able to help people when they're in need in a world where more and more you're too busy keeping your own head above water to be able to help others.
This desire to help, mixed with the inability to do so creates frustration, and that frustration is exponentially increased when you see someone who CAN help either not help, or give up the ability to help.
There are entire shows I've stopped watching because the Main Protagonist is CONSTANTLY complaining about their super cool powers, and I absolutely hate that. I would do a lot of things to get super powers, and to see someone get them, and either complain about them, or even do what they can to get rid of them rubs me the wrong way because that is my dream. To be able to help people like that. I think THAT'S what they were going for with Sam, Tucker, and Jazz. They just did it poorly, like everything else in Phantom Planet.
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assorted-aesthetics · 5 months
bbc merlin [monarchist propaganda] has so many cool themes completely by accident. i can't get it out of my head that merlin spends the whole show protecting arthur above all else under the premise that he was prophesized to free his people when all along the only thing arthur did to bring this about was to make gwen queen. alas!
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OneShot spoilers under the cut!
Tumblr media
Name: Niko
Age: “around 8, although not stated in the game they are very much a young kid”
Gender + Pronouns: “Ambiguous gender, small use of they/them but not really anything else”
• "whatever you want it to be" or "cat", they're usually just referred to with they/them”
• “gender: cat? Pronouns: they/them sexuality: idk they like pancake”
Video Game: OneShot
Backstory: “They got transported into a dying world and need to place the sun back where it belongs. Treated as a messiah throught the story. Has to deal with either letting the world die or not being able to go home. They say they are not a cat (i am unsure).”
• "they were summoned from their home world to save a dying world that lost its sun (a lightbulb)! you as the player have a direct connection with them, having conversations with niko and helping then progress!”
• "Niko is the child that's supposed to be the savior of a dying world and has to bring the sun to a tower with YOUR help as a player. Niko has seen Horrrors just beyond their comprehension because the world.they're in is decaying. Niko is altruistic and will fsce their fears to do things right.”
• “they are the messiah of a world and they must place the new sun (which is a lightbulb) in a tower in the center of the world, they come from a diferent world they like pancakes live with their mama on a village”
• “Lived with their mother in a small village before waking up in a dying world missing its sun as the prophesied messiah able to commune with God (the player) and being unable to return home until they complete their mission, which is... uh, spoilers.”
• “An average pancake-loving child is transported to an alternate world in which they are prophecized to be the Messiah. They are tasked with replacing the lost sun into the tower to bring light back to the world.”
• “I feel like they’ve been submitted a bunch already but basically they get sent into another world which had lost its sun, and is now dark and surviving on light produced by bioluminescent microbes. They are destined to carry a new sun to the tower, having to journey through the whole world to get there. The new sun is a lightbulb. The game basically ends on a version of the trolley problem. You can play again to get a good ending where everyone is saved though. This also reveals the truth about the nature of the world.”
• “They just lived happily with their mom until they one day woke up in a world that they apparently needed to save (by replacing a big ol lightbulb).”
• “Niko is a child who wakes up alone in a dark and alien world. The sun that used to give this planet light had gone out some years ago, and the planet is dying. Niko is prophesized to be the "messiah" sent by god (the player), with the goal of bringing the new sun to The Tower at the center of the world. And while Niko is doing their best to help the survivors of this rapidly decaying planet, Niko is still a lost child. Niko mostly just wants to go back home, to their mama, their village, their own world. Not to mention, there is a mysterious entity that is determined to halt Niko's pilgrimage to The Tower at almost any cost. But despite the entity's antagonism towards the player and the entity's desire to end the world, it is oddly concerned for Niko's own safety.”
• “Summoned into another world as that world's last hope. This was a completely arbitrary decision that Niko did not want and was not prepared for, but they're making the best of it!”
• “They woke up in a strange cabin, summoned by something and chosen to bring the new Sun (a comically oversized lightbulb) to its place in the tower at the center of the world. They're aware of they player and talk to you directly as you guide them through this dying digital world. By the end you need to decide to brake the lightbulb and doom the world even more to send them home (since they're the only 'real' person there) or to return the Sun and leave them with no way home, prolonging what life is left in this world. Until the Solstice/NG+ run gives you the chance to do both.”
Why should they win the tournament?: “They are cannonically on your computer and eating pancakes.”
• “look at them. look at thems face. they love pancakes they love their mama. look at them”
• “Niko knows how to do arson. Niko can also ride a roomba and fight crime."
• "they are cat and adorable”
• “Canonically likes molotov cocktails”
• “How could they not. They are sweet. They are precious. They are a cat. They are baby. I care them”
• “Niko is so epic they are the character of all time.”
• “They’re just a little guy, they had to deal with some stuff too.”
• “Little not-cat creature. They're based off The Little Prince. They miss their mom.”
• “Cat”
• “Niko is my child and deserves all the happiness”
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utilitycaster · 1 year
as someone who doesn't engage in the fandom a whole lot, the whole "the prime deities are colonialists" rhetoric is so surprising to me
like....who came up with this? how did it get so popular? and were they running out of reasons to hate them that they had to make things up? truly baffling behavior
I have an answer for this! It's speculative, but I'm probably right.
There are two scenarios in which this argument has come up:
EXU Calamity
Campaign 3, starting around when the goals of the Ruby Vanguard solidified, but reaching a height around episode 3x49.
There are two groups of people putting it forward:
People who are atheists primarily because they are mad at people who are not atheists, and want to see their hatred towards belief in a deity validated in a world where deities objectively exist (doing this in both scenarios)
People who are doing Cirque du Soleil level contortions to avoid the blunt truth that, as Orym and Ashton outright say: The Ruby Vanguard is a group of people who have repeatedly killed innocents, including Laudna, and yet Imogen did not find that alone to be sufficient reason to automatically reject it without further consideration (doing this primarily in response to episode 3x49)
Anyway, the need these people have to see the Prime Deities as evil in order to support and validate the outcome they specifically want, mixed in with a deeply Tumblr/fandom brainrotted "there needs to be an underlying social justice reason for your like and dislike of fictional characters, ships, or plot points" mentality means they've latched onto the idea of the Prime Deities as colonizers.
What's funny is that both these stories accommodate a philosophy that is entirely humanist (well, in a fantasy world, personist, but you get what I mean), and the moral stances of the Prime Deities can be entirely ignored:
In Calamity, the heroes are not affiliated with the deities at all until Zerxus begins to show Asmodeus kindness, which Asmodeus in turn hates and kills him for, but in the end the party mitigates the worst-case scenario without the aid of the deities, and indeed, are able to do it because of Laerryn's Hubris Against The Gods machine. Also the heroes themselves achieve this - without any Prime Deity's assistance or known involvement - when they fully yeet exile the Primordials across the planes. So if the issue is "any hostile action against the Primordials is inherently colonialist" then the argument necessarily ends with "so the people of Exandria should fall entirely, as was prophesized." Like, ultimately, once you argue that the world belongs to the primordials and the humans, elves, dwarves etc. are the invaders, even if you were to kill off the Prime Deities, the people would still like, be on Exandria. So either the harm is already done and you've just killed the original perpetuators but the Primordials remain dead or sealed; or the Primordials come back. And then, either the people then kill them to save themselves, thus perpetuating the colonizing will of the Prime Deities; or they lie down and die and it's Campaign and World of Exandria Over, which is a very poor strategy for continuing to have Critical Role as a show. Anyway the point is that if you are an atheist because you believe that people are capable of great deeds and have free will and should answer to no gods, Calamity is deeply validating; if you're an atheist solely out of spite and hurt and anger, then it's not.
In Campaign 3, Ashton and Orym outright say it: who gives a shit about whether the Ruby Vanguard has to do with the gods, or if Predathos will only kill the gods; or even if the gods are good or bad. In the end, we're talking about a group of people who have an idea for how they believe society should be, and they're murdering anyone who even slightly stands in their way, and how the gods factor into this doesn't fucking matter. Moreover, with the possible exception of FCG, the main people we see fighting the Vanguard are, prominently, people who either are not worshipers of a Prime Deity at all, or whose involvement does not relate to their religion: they're either doing it because they want to protect people (humanism) or because they think Ludinus fucking sucks and want to take him down, and they do so of their own power. Meanwhile, the Vanguard, for all their talk of liberating the people's of Exandria to achieve their greatest potential, need to appeal to an ancient power greater than them to do so.
So in summary: the impetus for coming up with the colonizer narrative about the Prime Deities always boils down to "I want the gods I'm told by the story that I'm supposed to like are bad, and the evil gods to be good, regardless of what's actually happening in the present" but the actual story is pretty much entirely consistent with secular humanism, accounting of course for the fact that it does take place in a world where gods are real. And the impetus behind that is either "mad at my religious upbringing and haven't dealt with it well so I want the D&D show to tell me I'm good and right," or "shipping goggles nonsense that this still will not remotely begin to address."
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marciaillust · 10 months
do you have an estimated date for preorders of your asry doujinshi?? im going crazy im so excited for it 🙇🙇
At this point in the project I am dashing down the final stretch to get it done. There's still a handful of things that need to be finalised/drawn for the release, and I need to re-analyse the optimal logistics and fulfilment process aka manufacturers, shipping, packaging etc etc. but things are about 90% there since this is far from my first rodeo.
While normally I would expect all that to take 2-3 weeks of work, September is looking downright packed to the brim for me with freelancing jobs and one cross-Europe trip for a wedding. Even if I finished it in September (doubt.jpg) it'd be impossible for me to publish it and manage the whole undertaking from like, a plane or my best friend's wedding party.
So long story short, I prophesize that the doujinshi will go on preorder around October, with the precise date being announced sometime in September.
There will be a lot more promo material coming up before the release than there were for Event Horizon so if you're on the lookout I'm sure you won't miss the bells ringing :)
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purpleisnotacolor · 1 year
Tumblr cut off my tags (yes, there was MORE), So I'm continuing them here
What do I consider to be the darkest, tone-wise, parts of Ninjago?
Garmadon's whole thing.
Oh yeah baby, we need a ''keep reading''.
He was cursed as a child and his father believed it was turning Garmadon into a monster, (and in a way his dad was right), but what exactly his curse ever was he never knows. But it's something wrong with his mind/soul that no medicine was able to fix.
So Garm grows up believing he'll turn into a monster/turn evil. And then he finds a prophecy that says a BBEG will take over the world but be defeated, and he assumes (totally reasonably!!) he's the dark lord in question, so he just gives up on trying to be good and becomes evil out of nihilism. (the nihilism part is played for comedy, and the prophecy was also likely and ironically written by his father in an attempt to save him, we'll get to that)
To the point where he SELLS HIS SOUL (to a demon??) to try and gain advantage in this prophesized final battle. And the guy who's meant to defeat him is his SON, WHO IS LIKE 10 AT MOST WHEN THEY FIND OUT, AND 12 AT MOST WHEN THEY HAVE TO FIGHT (likely to the DEATH)
But his son SAVES him, he saves his life and his soul, he undoes the curse by some miracle... But in doing so now Garmadon is hit with all this delayed guilt for his actions (especially now that he's questioning if he was ever doomed to be evil) to the point where he...
He uuuh...
"Heroically sacrifices" himself (this show is rated TV-y7) and hurts his son deeply by doing so.
GARMADON SUFFERS SO MUCH. In such messed up ways.
And to make it so so so so much worse?
In season 8 we (not him, he doesn't exist in any way when this happens) find out the monster his curse was turning him into was called an "Oni".
And Oni aren't all evil, We learn what Oni are from one, and she's helpful and kind. But his father thought they were, likely because he grew up with them, and they have a violent culture.
So now we have explicit confirmation that he could have chosen to be good this whole time.
(oh also, his wife left him about at the ''turned evil because of nihilism'' part).
And all of this is explicitly canon. The only part that's not canon is me acknowledging how messed up it is.
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