#I say this with so much love
milkandhoneyfemme · 8 months
Love butchfemme couples where the femme looks like she has a 10 step skincare routine, perfectly done nails, reads classic lit and does yoga, and the lovestruck butch is holding onto her wrist trailing from behind like a rescue dog she found in an alleyway chewing on a wrench
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Shameless writers: "Ian likes how Mickey smells."
Gallavich fans: "Hell yeah he does!"
Shameless writers: "Mickey doesn't like having his ass licked."
Gallavich fans: "Absolutely fucking not."
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chheese-mmmhh · 3 months
i’ve been watching 911 for a month now and im still baffled that they had buddie parallel the gay ass (affectionate)“you can be my wingman anytime” scene from top gun…on their FIRST EPISODE
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ruslangazizov · 5 months
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they have one front tooth between them
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decepti-thots · 1 year
watching everyone enjoying earthspark saying they love tarantulas now like 'correct. haha so I have a comic rec. yes he's basically a serial killer in it but if you aren’t a COWARD-'
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borealnyx · 7 months
I love watching miguel angel silvestre in spanish productions. You put him next to carmen machi or paco tous and he looks even more like a human ken doll than he normally does
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luxeslore · 5 months
orgasmed over hybrid reader n simon :(( i rly need him so soooo bad
ORGASMED ???!!?!?!?!!! you are down so bad, i will try to get this one out ASAP before you’re hospitalized
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stellamancer · 6 months
munching on popcorn as I watch willow have a deku induced existential crisis.
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Azula is so autistic you cannot convince me otherwise
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hunny-lamb · 10 months
Bard Summerscape revival of Oklahoma is so unserious. Aunt Eller's like "Jud runs the farm by himself. Well two women couldn't do it!!" What, and one depressed emo loser boy can? Get real.
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nick-close · 1 year
i think a lot of current discussion and enjoyment of the fandom is s2 centered? so more s1 stuff is slightly less usual in the show now (despite still having a lot of references lol)
Nothing hurts more than the fact I spent like literally half an hour on a reply and the power went out as I went to post it- but fuck it! We try again. I’ll try to make it shorter this time. (I failed sorry.)
I totally understand that the current fandom is more s2 focused and want different things. But I don’t think that means it shouldn’t be viewed from a s1 lense. The first season set the foundation and appeal of the show as a comedy. Though I do think the fandom is genuinely a lot younger rn and focuses more on ships, character moments, story beats, etc- which is totally fine! I’m not trying to dismiss critiques or say these wants are stupid because of the younger fanbase- I was in this fandom since I was 15. I do think it plays into the wants and appeals of the show though.
And here’s really the thing. S1 is the basis of the show- it should’ve set the expectations for how the podcast goes. Where I think the divide comes from, is that the younger audience usually means people binged s1- rather than listen episodically. Binging it, you don’t have to wait between the stupid five footers and nonsense to get to character beats and emotions because you can just go and go and go to the next episode.
This is why I think people are so impatient in s2. I see people writing their own fanfiction ideas about how the next episode is going to go, spending 2 weeks building up an expectation that is never actually going to meet the show. If they were binging through this, I don’t think anyone would have this strong of a reaction to this episode because they’d just go to the next one to try and get what they want. People love the characters and plot so much they tend to forget the podcast has always been a rowdy comedy podcast at its core.
I actually think one of the reasons s2 struggles so much is because of the huge expectation to live up to the emotional beats of s1 without realizing the stupid moments are the reasons they WORK. You need Henry’s hippie jokes to make Oakvale hit. You need Glenn’s weed joke to Erin so it can come back at the trial. We make jokes about how ‘I’m crying over Glenn Close in Meth Bay lol!’ But that’s why the emotions hit so heavy. They are not SUPPOSED to be every episode.
The podcast is founded on the jokes and the stupid shit- if you want cool dnd shit.. like, this isn’t your podcast. That isn’t me gatekeeping or saying people can’t enjoy it if they come for those moments- but genuinely telling you to remember what you’re coming to. If you love the characters and the story, that’s great- but the comedy and bullshit episodes are always the core of the show for the story to build around. If you’re not gonna like them, that’s okay- but you will only disappoint yourself if you keep coming expecting something else.
You can watch it and hate these episodes. You can feel disappointed or upset something didn’t happen. That’s totally fine. But I really draw an issue with people viewing it as an error on the show’s end. Your personal preference not aligning with the show all the time is cool! But the show doesn’t pretend to be anything but stupid. It’s not bad storytelling to make the comedy show funny. The episode after the Grant Yeet scene, a huge part of it is them looking at Darryl’s shit in the toilet and getting eldritch trauma. You can’t really pick and choose Imo. But hey, do what you want, I’m just some guy! And ultimately if complaining is how you have fun (I get it, I love talking shit) then enjoy fandom however you like.
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vertonghen · 4 months
ben taking pedro’s role of hoofing it 🤍
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abijoy · 6 months
When Im in a using the phrase “jury rigged” competition and my opponent is System Collapse by Martha Wells. 😰
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rageofthemuffin · 1 year
people are being so mean about lizzo and jack black (mainly lizzo hmm wonder why) and saying that the acting was bad and it was too corny but like….y’all know you’re watching star wars right?? corny dialogue is not a fluke, it’s a feature
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sappy-detective · 1 year
HC that shuichi saihara is a fucking weirdo
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chasing-stardust-22 · 6 months
This fandom is full of very talented and occasionally bizarre people
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