#I see the neighbours a lot less willing to let the Commander be when there isnt a Worldwound to take care of
shiawasekai · 4 months
Funny how I have so many post-game headcanons and the pre-game stuff is fairly limited (albeit growing).
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imagineslashers · 3 years
Could I request headcanons of Patrick Bateman , Pamela Voorhees (platonically) and Bo Sinclair trying to get close to someone who has a really protective and big dog ( San Bernardo or husky) , they can't get near them cause the dog is really possessive and it can also smell that they're dangerous so it makes sure to keep them sway from you.
Since the dog is always with you , they're never able to get near you to try and talk . But when the dog finally warms up to them it's like they are also protected by it .
So basically obsessed dummies and dog that will be their future protector .
interesting idea, i hope this kind of hits on what you were wanting! x
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- Patrick has the least patience out of all of these three, so when he first comes to your place and your dog reacts badly, he reacts equally as badly
- you have to drag your dog away from Patrick because the second the two meet, your German hound is growling and salivating, showing his teeth as he tries to lunge at Patrick
- the dog senses there is something wrong, something dark, and he does not want you around this stranger
- Patrick makes smug expressions at the dog who has to be locked away whenever he comes over, it’s like a competition between the two
- however, you succumb to feeling bad for your pup and let him out, which means Patrick cannot touch you whatsoever with the growling dog between your legs
- every time he sees you, Patrick contemplates giving up or getting rid of the dog, but he can see the way you coddle the pooch and doesn’t want to be the reason you’re depressed
- he likes to touch you, but it’s impossible with the dog snapping at him and following you around wherever you go
- one time when you leave the room and the dog stays, you walk back in on Patrick having a serious lecturing moment with the dog, talking in angry whispers as the dog pins back his ears
- it’s almost funny, but you feel bad that your boyfriend can’t spend time with you and your dog is uncomfortable
- finally, after about two months, something changes
- you had been cleaning, wanting the house tidy for Patrick’s arrival, when you slipped on the wet floor and hit your head
- your dog was over you immediately, whining and licking your face
- Patrick enters with his key and is immediately suspicious that your dog hasn’t run to attack him
- when he finds you unconscious on the floor, the dog barely growls, just gives him side-eye as he lays by your side
- Patrick acts quickly, checking your pulse and carrying you to your bed, waiting anxiously until you wake
- when you finally do open your eyes and see two sets of worried faces staring back at you, it’s a little overwhelming
- now that the dog trusts Patrick for helping you, the two are almost friends
- Patrick loves that you have a guard dog when he’s gone, and the dog appreciates how happy you are around your boyfriend
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- you’ve had your Saint Bernard since he was a puppy, and you adore each other
- when you move to a wooded location and become almost neighbours with Pamela, she is immediately smitten by how sweet and friendly you are
- however, she doesn’t like the dog, who bares his teeth and sits on you whenever Pamela is around, keeping you two apart
- unlike Patrick, she is more patient, but is a bit afraid of the large dog
- she tries to ignore him whenever she visits, pretending that he isn’t drooling and growling in her direction, but it is very difficult
- Pamela doesn’t wish to see you without your dog because he obviously gives you a lot of comfort and confidence, so she thinks of a new strategy
- treats
- every time she comes to see you, she brings a little snack for your hound, who begrudgingly takes it from her and then continues to guard you
- after a while of this, the two start to warm up to one another
- when Pamela visits you and begins to get upset about Jason whilst talking about him, your dog trots over and rests his large head by her feet, a small gesture of comfort
- that was all it took before your dog became friends with Pamela, looking forward to her visiting with her treats and warm voice
- he protects the two of you, loving to go on walks as a threesome, barking at animals or people who may pass by
- Pamela finds a lot of comfort in having an animal companion when she visits you, and she loves how safe it makes her feel that you’re being sufficiently protected
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- when you got lost on a hiking trip and stumbled upon the quiet town of Ambrose, your husky was immediately hostile
- Bo was the one to greet you, welcoming you to the town and offering you his house to crash in
- your husky wouldn’t allow that, and you had to grip his collar to stop the dog from attacking the stranger
- instead, you stayed at the abandoned motel and made yourself comfortable whilst Bo continued to check in on you
- whenever he came by, your dog would snarl and nip, keeping you two a good distance apart
- Bo is completely impatient with your dog, and you catch him growling back or baring his teeth to mirror the dog on occasion
- however, he isn’t willing to give up on you, it just means he has to work harder
- when you start dating after a short while and finally go around to Bo’s house, the dog is very reluctant to enter, but will go with you wherever you go
- Bo is used to Vincent’s dog, but never one as big or as aggressive as your own
- you never hear him hissing “little shit” under his breath when he passes your dog, but he absolutely does
- Bo is touchy, so he wants to be physical with you, but your dog snaps at his hands whenever they come near you
- the tension is almost unbearable after a month, with you two having separate rooms and routines to avoid clashing
- however, when a stray youth finds the town and breaks into Bo’s house when he isn’t home, things shift entirely
- the intruder finds you first and tries to force you to leave, thinking you’ve been tricked or manipulated into staying in the freakish town
- your cries attract your dog who starts barking and biting the stranger
- Bo hears this when he’s headed back to the house and breaks into a sprint, kicking the door open and stumbling upon the scene with you fighting off a stranger whilst your dog has a hold on their leg
- Bo sees red and shoves the stranger off, then suddenly it’s a tag team, with Bo punching the guy and the dog holding his legs down
- when you’re safe, Bo and the dog just look at one another and realise that maybe they aren’t so bad
- Bo absolutely loves your dog after that, and you almost feel jealous at their relationship
- he has a few commands with the dog, less tricks and more defensive things for when people stumble upon the town, but he does enjoy getting your dog to do all the usual obedience things like sit and paw
- when you sleep together, it’s you and Bo tangled together with the husky draped across both of your legs
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sinsatmidnight · 4 years
The Royal Chest
Pairing - Kwon Eunbi x Male Reader
Words - 4159
Sins - Smut, oral, titjob, breast smothering, face-sitting
It’s been a while, but I’m back! This is actually a sequel to A Gift from a Princess (featuring April’s Naeun)! I’ll leave the small talk for another post, but I do have to say that there is a bit of medieval dirty talk that I researched and then used that really ends up maybe feeling a bit more funny than sexy, but I left it in anyway because it amused me, but I hope it doesn’t throw people off. Otherwise, enjoy!
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Snowgleam. It’s a beautiful city. A mountaintop city visible from far off if the weather was clear. Spires of polished white marble gleam in the bright sunlight, as you breathe in the cold mountain air, surrounded by snow. The city more than deserves its name.
The journey to Snowgleam took about six days through the treacherous snow-covered mountain passes, and thankfully, you encountered nothing that might have explained why travellers have been disappearing. Perhaps whatever the cause was, it was dissuaded by the sizeable armed escort that guarded the delegation to Snowgleam.
That escort included you, who normally served as personal bodyguard to Princess Lee Naeun as a knight of the court and a member of the Royal Guard. She has entrusted you with a letter to be delivered to a good friend of hers who lives in Snowgleam, Princess Kwon Eunbi, a princess of the neighbouring kingdom.
Princess Kwon Eunbi of Snowgleam is the only child in her family and is being groomed to eventually become queen. Strong of heart, body and mind, and a ravishing beauty, she has many suitors, not unlike Princess Naeun. You’ve met her before, as she’s visited Princess Naeun in the past. 
You remember long black hair, thick red lips, a long and sharp nose, large piercing eyes of grey and skin that was fair and smooth. Most of all, you remember her figure, strong arms, powerful thighs and calves, a slender waist, and an exceptionally large chest.
You walk through smooth stone roads that wind toward the largest building in Snowgleam, the Zenith Spires. A collection of turrets and spires that go higher than any of the others in the city, made of white stone. The destination of your delegation and the home of Princess Eunbi and the rest of her family.
As your delegation arrives safely, you leave the diplomats to go about their business as servants help with your belongings and usher those of you not needed towards a set of rooms reserved for guests. You spend some time stripping off your armour and changing into a fresh set of clothing, a pairing of a silken shirt and pants, before picking up the scroll case containing Princess Naeun’s letter and going to find Princess Eunbi.
You know your way around as you’ve been to the Zenith Spires before a couple times, accompanying Princess Naeun on visits here. After asking a couple of guards, you find out that Princess Eunbi is in her chambers, so you make your way there with letter in hand.
A large door of heavy wood serves as the entrance to her quarters. You pick up the large brass knocker and bring it down upon the wood three times.
“Come in.”
You push the heavy door open and enter, whereupon it slowly shuts by itself behind you. The chamber before you is a dark contrast to most of Snowgleam, with walls of black and a large four-four poster bed of dark red. Large closed glass windows that provide natural illumination to the chamber, sunlight currently shining through them. There is a glass door to the side that leads to a balcony that commands an impressive view over the city and the mountain. Most of the furniture is made of dark wood, all dark brown or black. A velvety carpet of blood red muffles your footsteps somewhat as you take a few steps forward and bow to the princess, sitting on the edge of her bed.
Princess Eunbi wears a resplendent sleeveless golden dress that hugs her figure, with a long slit at the bottom that reveals her smooth and strong legs. The dress reveals a bit of cleavage, just enough to show it off, but not enough to make one feel scandalised in the royal court. Pearls and diamonds adorn her earrings. She currently isn’t wearing any footwear and a tall tiara of diamonds and white crystal rests upon her head.
Eunbi looks up at you, and you bow deeply before her. You try to keep your eyes away from her cleavage when bowing, given that you’re taller and she’s also sitting down.
“Ah, you’re Naeun’s bodyguard, are you not? I believe we last met when I visited her this spring. The delegation must have arrived safely then.”
“Greetings, Princess Eunbi. You are correct, my lady. I bring a letter from Princess Naeun to you.”
“Bring it forth then.”
Rising from your bow, you step forward and proffer the scroll case containing the letter to the princess. Eunbi plucks it from your hands and opens it up, pulling out the parchment within to read the letter immediately.
You wait patiently as the letter is read, standing by in case there is a message or letter that you need to convey back to Princess Naeun. You watch her smile and chuckle to herself as she reads.
Eventually, she rolls the paper back up and getting up to her feet, keeps the letter in a drawer in a side table. Eunbi then looks up at you, a mysterious smile upon her lips.
“Thank you for waiting. Did Naeun tell you what she wrote about in her letter?”
“No, my lady. The princess did not.” Eunbi’s smile widens.
Eunbi walks over back to you, stopping right in front of you. “Well, Naeun wrote to me about her experience having a secret tryst with a bodyguard of hers.” Eunbi stares pointedly at you. “And she also requests of me to partake of this bodyguard, and to send her my informed opinion on the worth and value of his performance and prowess.”
You try not to give away anything on your face, although you are incredibly surprised to hear the contents of the letter. “And she also mentioned that you are the aforementioned bodyguard.” Eunbi adds.
Well, no denying it now then.
“That is true, my lady, although I did not expect for the princess to write to you about that.”
“Naeun and I are close…in the same way that Naeun and her handmaiden Chaekyung are close. When we visit each other…we also take some time to explore each other’s bodies.” Eunbi tales a step toward you at this point, looking up at you and resting a hand on your chest.
“Now, about Naeun’s request. I’m quite happy to fulfil it, but seeing as you were given no instructions or orders in this regard and I don’t want to be an inhospitable host in my home, I would ask if you would be willing to join me in fulfilling her request?”
You are here to deliver a letter and are definitely not expecting to be asked to sleep with the princess of Snowgleam while the rest of your cohorts are off discussing diplomatic matters with Snowgleam’s king and his court.
That said, Princess Eunbi is a beautiful and comely woman. And this is apparently the will of your princess too. “It would be a most humbling honour, Princess Eunbi.”
Eunbi’s gaze changes and she licks her lips seductively. “Oh, I’m sure it is. Not just any man can sleep with the future queen of Snowgleam. No one should hear us as long as we don’t start screaming. The walls of my chamber are quite thick and I don’t have guards outside. Oh, I do have one more condition. You don’t tell anyone of this, just as you’ve presumably not told anyone of your own encounter with Naeun.”
You bow your head slightly. “You have my word, Princess Eunbi.”
Eunbi presses her body up against yours, her chest pushing against yours while a hand reaches up and grabs your head. You feel blood start to rush down below.
“I don’t just want your word. I want your lips.”
With her hand on the back of your head, Eunbi pulls you down into a kiss, her tongue forcing its way quickly into your mouth. You decide to reciprocate and kiss her passionately as well, your tongue entwining and wrestling with hers.
Eunbi’s hand on your chest slides down the silken shirt you wear and settles over the bulge forming in your pants, slowly rubbing against it. You slide one hand down to the slit in her dress, rubbing her thigh at first before inching inward and slipping inside her dress. The other hand wraps around Eunbi’s waist, bringing her in closer to you.
Your hand in her dress seeks out her core, and you feel it dripping; she wears no underwear under her dress. As the two of you push back and forth against each other with your tongues, you start to run a finger along her lower lips, collecting everything that is dripping out and moistening your finger.
Eunbi shivers against you, and not to be outdone, has your belt undone in seconds, sending your pants and belt both tumbling onto the floor. Her warm fingers wrap around your throbbing shaft, slowly stroking it. You retaliate, slowly sliding your finger inside of her. The two of you both moan into each other’s mouths as you slowly make out like this.
Eunbi eventually breaks the kiss for breath. “Not bad at all.” She grins at you playfully. “You see, my people are born and raised on a mountain city. The air is thinner here and we develop a lot of stamina as a result of needing to compensate for less air. Which explains why the thing I prize most of all when with a man, is stamina. Let’s test you out, see how long you last so I can give my opinion to Naeun.”
The princess gestures to her bed. “Sit.”
You remove your hand from inside Eunbi’s dress before turning, stepping out of your clothing, and obediently taking a seat at the edge of her bed. By the time you sit down and face her again, Eunbi’s dress is already on the floor and she casually kicks it aside. Her tiara is unceremoniously pulled from her hair and thrown onto the bed, against the pillows.
You look upon Eunbi’s naked body, slender but powerful muscles in her arms and legs, and also slim around the waist and heavy around the chest. Eunbi’s abdomen is very toned. She is as fit and strong as any knight you know, and you’re not surprised. In addition to being a princess, she also is a captain in the Snowgleam military. Your hardened dick throbs for her.
“Princess Eunbi-”
“Just Eunbi, you don’t need to address me by Princess if you’re naked with me. It feels odd.”
“Eunbi, I was going to say that from the way you kiss, it’s clear that I’m not the first man you’ve been naked with?”
Eunbi chuckles as she gets on her knees in front of you. “Naeun isn’t the only one who’s had secret trysts with bodyguards. Well, mine aren’t always with bodyguards, but you get the gist of it.”
You watch as Eunbi wraps a hand around the base of your shaft and starts to stroke. “Now, let’s partake of you, and see how you taste.” Her large grey eyes stare into yours as her pink tongue flicks over the tip of your cock, licking up the pre-cum that has formed there.
“Mmm…this looks so good. I want to bagpipe you.”
You groan softly in appreciation at the feeling of her wet and warm tongue first sliding along the slit of your penis and then an encompassing feeling of wet warmth surrounds your cock as she takes the tip of it into her mouth and starts to suck on it.
Her head starts to bob up and down on your cock and unlike Naeun, Eunbi is a lot more experienced with men. You soon feel the effects of that as she deftly takes your length deep into her throat with ease. No gagging and choking, just the tightness of her throat as she swallows around your length while her large eyes peer up at you.
You notice that Eunbi has a hand down below, fingering herself and moaning and whimpering pleasurably into your cock even as she sucks on you. A little hesitantly, you place a hand on Eunbi’s head and pull ever so gently upward on her hair, urging her to come up for air. It’s your turn to give her some attention; and you really don’t want to shoot your load so soon, with how hot and tight her blowjob is.
“Let me bring pleasure to you.”
Eunbi nods and licks your tip one final time. “I could never say no to a request like that.”
You grab Eunbi by the shoulders and help her up, before having her lie on the bed next to you. You clamber up on top of her and direct your attention to her lovely breasts, roughly squeezing one large, firm breast and sucking on the sensitive stiffened nipple of the other. Eunbi whimpers and mewls, her nails digging into your shoulder and the back of your head.
“More…” She pants as her hand on the back of your head pushes strongly down, pressing your face into her chest. The perfumed scent of her body mixed with the taste of light fresh sweat on her tits is a heady mix.
Eunbi suddenly grabs tightly onto you, her fingers digging into your skin and her legs clenching against your sides, and then she rolls you underneath her. Eunbi’s breasts completely fill your vision and senses as your face is engulfed and pressed beneath her boobs. They are soft, firm, and fair, just the way you like them. Eunbi puts the considerable weight of her chest fully onto you, smothering you with them. Her strong arms push down on your chest, preventing you from rising.
Your face is fully buried in Eunbi’s large and soft tits, and all you see is warm flesh. Eunbi’s soft moaning encourages you to keep licking and kissing between her cleavage, even though your breathing is somewhat restricted.
You manage to bring one hand up to Eunbi’s face and you slip a couple of fingers into her warm mouth, where she licks and sucks on them with gusto. Once you deem them wet enough, you retract them and use them to tease her lower lips, with your fingers slowly stroking around the outside of her pussy, just on the edge.
Your other hand continues to play with her nipples, squeezing and fondling the breasts that have trapped your face, drawing noises of satisfaction from Eunbi.
You lick her chest and tweak her nipples as her hips buck downward, eager for more of your touch. You oblige, sending your wet fingers sliding inside her, making her writhe above you. And then you stop, drawing a whine from the princess. As comfortable as this position is for you, it doesn’t let you pleasure her the best.
“I love your breasts, but let’s change positions.” Your voice comes out muffled from under Eunbi’s breasts.
There is a slight pause. “Okay, fine.” And Eunbi lifts her chest off your face, only to quickly scoot her hips forward and plant her slit right on top of your mouth. Her strong, creamy, thighs lock around your head and her hips grinding down on you.
You were hoping for a position easier to breathe in but taking in the scent of her royal pussy isn’t a bad alternative. Your tongue slips inside Eunbi’s folds and she grabs your head with a hand and pushes her hips down hard. Her hips gyrate as you fuck her with your tongue, tasting her delicious juices spilling into your mouth.
“Taste me…” Eunbi whines breathlessly. You look up at her beautiful face even as you lick and suck on her pussy; eyes closed, lower lip being bitten, cheeks flush, and the expression of pleasurable agony on her face all help to keep you rock hard throughout this.
Your hands reach up and squeeze her ample ass, pulling her grinding hips closer, pushing your tongue deeper into her. Eunbi’s breathing becomes heavy and ragged, and you only hear panting, gasping and soft groans passing from her lips.
While still underneath Eunbi, your hands shift, moving from her ass to hold onto her powerful thighs and then grabbing tightly, you flip her onto the bed, changing positions again. This time, you get to use your hands to assist your mouth. With Eunbi lying beneath you, you attack her swollen clit with your tongue, licking and sucking roughly, while you pump into her pussy with several fingers. Eunbi’s thighs still haven’t lost their grip on your head; she’s a strong woman. Instead, Eunbi wraps her legs around your head, her calves locking in around the back of your head. Your head is happily trapped around the vice-like grip of Eunbi’s legs.
“Yes…yes...yes…” Eunbi quietly repeats the word over and over as your fingers quest and coil and thrust inside her and your mouth is locked in a French kiss with her clit. The grip Eunbi has on your head tightens somehow, almost painful as her body quivers, and then she climaxes hard in a silent scream, pushing her hips furiously against your head, grinding and gyrating until she lies relatively still.
You keep licking and slurping up the nectar that flows forth, causing Eunbi to whimper and shudder still. Eunbi’s legs finally relax their grip on you and she lets them fall to the side, releasing your head. Her hands then immediately take over and pull your head up to hers, her lips then catching yours in a deep kiss.
When your lips part, Eunbi purrs contentedly as she idly strokes your cock.
“I taste good. I did like your taste as well.”
Eunbi kisses you again for emphasis, and as her tongue explores your mouth, her hands grab your shoulders and the two of you reverse positions again. Eunbi moves to position herself above your cock that has been craving for more attention for a while now.
“Look at you, you’re still hard.”
“Whenever you need me to be.”
“I have to say, I’m starting to envy Naeun a little.” Eunbi then sinks down, taking your entire length inside her to the hilt. You slide in easily from how wet she is, but she’s also still very tight around your cock.
“So deep…” She exhales. You watch as Eunbi starts to ride you, her breasts bouncing along to the rhythm of her hips thrusting down on you.
“Need a hand?” Without waiting for a reply, you reach out with both hands and cup Eunbi’s beautiful breasts, squeezing them as she fucks herself upon you. Eunbi groans at first but then grins impishly. “I have a better idea.”
Without missing a beat, Eunbi reaches down and pulls you up into a sitting position before using one hand to grab your head and force it between her cleavage. You actually can’t really breathe at all this time as Eunbi smothers you with her breasts, but it turns you on so much as you start to thrust upward into Eunbi, matching her downward rhythm.
Eunbi lets you go after a short while to help you catch your breath, and you keep your head at the same level and start to frantically suck on the nipples in front of you, taking them in your mouth one at a time and devouring them. Eunbi whimpers in response; you know how sensitive her nipples are to her. One of your hands starts to rub her clit, increasing Eunbi’s pleasure.
“I’m going to-“ Eunbi doesn’t finish her sentence as she cries out loud and throws her head back while in orgasm, her hands grab your head and force your face into her tits again, enveloping you as she cums all over your cock. Between the contractions of her pussy muscles on your cock and the breast smothering, you feel yourself getting close too.
Eunbi only releases you when she has calmed down a little, pulling your mouth off her chest and pulling you into a passionate kiss. “I see you do have quite a bit of stamina.” Eunbi remarks when she finally gets off you, revealing your cock still hard and throbbing, totally drenched from Eunbi’s orgasm. “Let’s finish this up, shall we?
The princess pulls you over to the edge of the bed and kneels on the carpeted floor in front of you. Pushing her breasts together, Eunbi has them surround your cock, sandwiching them between two soft but firm orbs of flesh.
She starts to shift her heavy breasts up and down, forming a pleasurable friction and rhythm as she pumps your cock with only her boobs. Eunbi doesn’t need lubrication for this, given that your cock is covered in her juices from the orgasm she just had and thus still very wet.
“One talent that I discovered that I had after joining the military, was that I’m really particularly good at spear polishing. All of it. The tip, the shaft.” Eunbi teases as she licks her lips, her eyes locked onto yours.
“I can tell.” You manage to get out as your hips thrust into Eunbi’s breasts, unable to keep still. Eunbi lowers her head and starts to lick her juices off the tip of your cock.
“Mmm…give me your cream, spray it all over me. Treat me like a filthy common street whore.” You didn’t know that a princess and future queen could speak like that. Princess Naeun would never speak like that.
At Eunbi’s dirty urging, you increase the speed of your thrusting, eventually fucking Eunbi’s cleavage and mouth at the same time, as she wraps her lips around the head of your dick and sucks. The sound of slurping fills the air. 
“Go on, you dirty harlot, take it all.” Your hands reach up somewhat hesitantly and hold her head through her hair and when you feel yourself hit the edge and go over, you pull her head back and off.
The first spray decorates her outstretched neck, the second shoots higher, splattering across her chin and lower jaw, the third forms droplets of white all over her chest. Eunbi continues to stroke you with her breasts throughout all of this. You feel one last spurt coming, and Eunbi brings her mouth down to swallow it all. You take advantage of this opportunity to thrust into her mouth a few times as you come down from your climax.
Eunbi thoroughly cleans your cock with her mouth, licking and sucking all over your sensitive length. A knock on the door interrupts her, a male voice comes calling, probably a guard or a courtier. “Princess Eunbi, your father requests your presence in the throne room whenever you are predisposed to come. He would like to speak with you regarding the diplomatic delegation that arrived earlier.”
She pulls her mouth off your cock to answer. “Tell Father that I’ll be there soon, you may leave first.”
“Yes, my lady.”
Eunbi turns back to you. “How many nights are you staying here for?”
“Two, weather permitting.”
“Good, that’s two more nights with you. A good first impression, but I need to sample you for longer to really give Naeun a detailed opinion.”
You chuckle. “I don’t mind.”
“Oh, and one more thing.”
“Don’t ever call me a whore or a harlot outside of this room or I will order your execution.” Eunbi smiles and jokes as she walks over to a nearby standing metal washbasin to wash her face and neck. You admire Eunbi’s naked form again, watching her butt move from side to side as she walks, her back turned to you.
“I would never.” You get up from sitting on the bed, and walk over to where Eunbi stands, washing herself.
“I’m thinking of maybe going back with you, I haven’t visited Naeun in a while. Maybe the three of us can spend some time together.”
You wrap your arms around Eunbi’s waist and whisper suggestively into her ear as she wipes down her face with a towel. “That’s an excellent idea. Imagine the things we could do together, the three of us. The two of you and your wonderful royal chests sound like an excellent time.”
You dip your hands into the cold water in the washbasin and then bring both hands up to her chest, cupping her breasts from behind. “You have to wash these too.” You breathe heavily into Eunbi’s ear. Eunbi lets out a soft moan, her body shivering as you squeeze her breasts gently, and she feels your cock start to stiffen against her ass. You bring one hand down to gently rub against her pussy lips. “And down here too.”
As you kiss Eunbi on her ear and the nape of her neck, your cock rubbing against her pussy, she murmurs softly in pleasure. “I guess Father will have to wait for a little longer.”
The king of Snowgleam doesn’t see his daughter for another two hours. And you are looking forward to a busy two days (and nights).
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bornfromthenetwork · 3 years
✺⊰| Fractures of an extinct reality || Drabble piece | @astraldestiny
Jayla watched the celestial bubbles the holographic projection above their pink, central pool, the computer core of their ship, collecting the live feed from their sensors they had dropped that amplified their scanning range within the network. 
“U-Sector 45, B-359.” Jayla started in the jahSepp;s native language, for their logs, her eyes lingering on the small bubble they had been monitoring for the last few days. “This micro universe is on the brink of collapse. Neighbouring universeing have been ciphering off energy and mass as after it’s initial split and development. now causing a slow decay and shrinkage, I estimate 6 minutes on our time before it dissipates entirely.” She moved around the bridge, flickering up more readings from her lead scientists monitor. 
“Readings are showing the micro-nature of it was caused by a temporal disturbance a centuries prior from the immediate-side universe that caused the creation. This universe was destined to be short-lived. The universe’s convergence point, we anticipate to a last binary star system, we’ve also anticipated that the influx of energy of those two stars may cause a backwash that could breach the network’s barrier but the the network’s pathways are receding from the bubble so we should avoid picking up anything by the time it pops.” They could hope it would be a clean close; the energy would siphon off to the network and the other worlds as they typically would. 
Minutes ticked by as the universe began to get smaller before the spurt of energy reached a sudden peak on their readings. 
“Captain,” Jai spoke up from her monitor, “We’re picking up readings of a mycelium breach, the binary stars did as we thought, we’ve got two ships from that universe crossing the borders.”
Jayla exhaled. “Helm, locate ship exit into the network and pursue.” 
“Yes, Captain.”
“I want to get a reading before our cousins start to break them down. Which ships are they?”
“One is a klingon vessel, or, at least half-ship. It looks like it may have been severed in half in it’s travel. No life signs, as expected. The other ship is Federation, USS....Shenzhou, I believe.” Fen responded this time, starting their scans of the wreckage.
Jayla’s head tilted at the familiar name; nor was she the only one. She knew a lot of that ship of Michael Burnham’s memories. It had been a close and personal ship for her. Her first ship, command... and she had lost it in the Klingon war. Battle at the binary stars, if she wasn’t mistaken from the woman’s memories. Jayla knew it well than the other jahSepp’s here from her time as posing as Captain Georgiou in the simulations for Michael’s adjustments if one ended up here. 
“Shenzhou, Interesting.”
“I’m picking up life signs.”
Eyes turned to Dyla, including the captains. “Not possible, most life-form dies in the crossing.”
“It seems... energy from the stars seemed to help act as a shield in the breach. The ship is heavily damaged, life signs indicate it’s still functioning well but not a full complement of crew either.”
Jayla sucked on her teeth though soon enough, their ship reached the sites; the Klingon vessel was on the network floor, jahSepp already starting the decomposition of it’s metals, others had started to go for the Shenzhou that drifted at an angle, soursa facing more upwards and it’s naccells downwards, in the almost weightless motion but it was sinking. The network did have it’s own gravity, this high up though, it wasn’t as strong. 
Letting it hit the floor, would be easy. let the rest of their kind consume the ship and everyone on it, was not the first time; it was an alien ship in their home, fragments that wasn’t supposed to be here when it’s native reality was gone but... the fact the crew had survived made her feel a little...discomforted at allowing them to eat the crew alive seemed wrong. 
Perhaps since she had had her own offspring since getting this body, the idea of ethics had formed since then. Letting them die when...they had a chance to leave them elsewhere seemed more...humane.
“Warn off our kind with soft energy pulses and grapple the Shenzhou to us and secure to the Sha’lor’s underbelly and extend shielding.”
The air of confusion was not hard to miss; though there was compliance as a light shot was fire and lit the space around the Shenzhou with blue light; startling the JahSepp that had started at the hull. Using tractor beam, began to pull it closer then but from under their wings, long smooth metallic tentacle-like arms slinked out and wrapped around the sausar  and down, physically tugging the ship as the arms continued, crossing down it’s middle and curled around each of the nascals. 
“Shields extending now.” Jai spoke.
“Send a non-visual hail, warn that the network environment is unwelcoming to alien ships and we’re here to assist, we’re not a threat but we have answers to their questions to their current situation; to stand by for further information and should make repairs in the meantime.” Jayla spoke, hoping this was enough for now. Securing the ship like this would stop emergency pods being launched; they had no where to do and this close meant their shielding was much more effective...maybe they had to be specific of the dangers. “Also tell them that leaving our shielding range will result in the consumption of the ship and any shuttle that attempt to leave. We’ll be sending someone in to talk face-to face shortly.”
Who, was the question, right now, her own face would cause up issues; if this was the USS Shenzhou run by Georgiou, then this would add to the confusion. Was a jahSepp even of a good idea? their kind was going to try and eat their ship after all...
“Can you locate Michael Burnham on that ship?”
“No, captain. it’s possible she didn’t survive.”
Jayla hummed. “We can’t keep this ship, but we should give it a chance if we can deposit it to another universe willing to take it.”
“Is that wise, Captain?” Fen asked, his tone uncertain. “We’ve never done this before.”
“We’ve never had a living ship here before. If it was dead, I wouldn’t care less on natural progression.” Jayla pointed out, her eyes  returning to the hologram of the scene around them; their ship, this human ship... the klingon one being slowly dissolved underneath.
“Michael Burnham may be a good figure head to establish a connection to this ship. They know her and she was one of them. U-Sector 40, B-320′s Michael is connected to the network, we can pull her mind back into the network and ask her to take them. Gan, see to making those preparations” They had gotten familiar with that particular one than the others they had helped once she was connected; this Michael was closer too. Though she knew that the human wouldn’t be pleased but they still had to ask. The Shenzhou’s damage would most likely would see to the demise of the surviving crew without aid on the other side.
“That universe is 32nd century.”
“I am aware, but it’s next best suited. Make a heading towards that sector, get Michael here as soon as we call”
“You can’t keep doing this!” Michael’s screeching of annoyance rang through the bridge before the human in question stormed straight towards her, pushing through her security, her hands lit up with low ebs of light in her mood. “I was in the middle of a briefing!”
Jayla sighed as the anger washed straight off her back, unconcerned. “It was with good reason.”
“Jayla, this is not okay. I don’t want to end up here without any sort of warning, I am a Captain, i can’t take a mind-trip and leave my crew handing, especially if I could be in a tight situation.”
the Jahsepp’s hand fluttered over the smooth pads; allowing the human to see what they had tucked into their ship on the projections. The frown staying on Michael’s face until she recognised what they had. 
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hollyxqx · 4 years
just business  //  shownu  // 01
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↪ PAIRING: Reader / Shownu ↪ SUMMARY: Y/N’s mysterious new neighbour has definitely caught your eye. He’s quiet but the two of strike up an unlikely friendship. He doesn’t speak about his work to you and you don’t ask, but when his job puts your life in danger questions have to be answered once and for all.
↪ WARNINGS: violence | stabbing | mentions of blood | sex
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It was almost midnight when finally reached your apartment building. Your shift was meant to finish at 9, but the bar was so busy you ended up staying late without even meaning to. As the manager it was expected of you after all, but that fact didn't make you any less tired. You parked in your usual spot and grabbed your bag, exiting the car and making your way to the main entrance. It was a large building made up of several contained apartments, filled with people a lot like yourself. Single professionals.
You entered into the main foyer, going to check for some mail. To your surprise there was someone in there already, unusual for this time of night. He was standing with his back to you, a letter in his hand. At the sound of the door closing with a soft click he turned his head over his shoulder, the noise alerting him to your presence. You recognised him, having seen him once or twice before. He was new to the building, you knew that much. And that was where your knowledge on the handsome stranger began and ended.
His dark eyes met yours and you gave a small "Hello," out of politeness, just as you would do with any other neighbour. He didn't say anything, but gave you a small nod of acknowledgement, turning back to the paper he was holding. You said nothing as you walked over to your mailbox, seeing that it was full. For some reason you felt hyper aware of the stranger standing in this small room with you and hoped that he would leave soon. You really didn't feel like an awkward elevator ride with him.
You started flipping through your mail, though it was mostly junk and advertisements. "It's late." His voice startled you. You hadn't expected him to speak. His eyes were on you and you weren't sure how to respond to that...statement. You nodded, mimicking his action from earlier. "I never see anyone in here at this time." He continued and now it's officially the most you've ever heard him speak. His voice is deep and calm, and oddly you liked it.
"I manage a bar," You explained. "So I'm always coming home at strange hours."
"Ah, I see." He said. He turned to his mail box and shut it, locking it up for the night. "You should be careful coming and going this late. You don't know whose out there..." He trailed off.
You were a bit confused but replied anyway. "I am. I'm used to it."
"What's your name?" He asked, taking you by surprise for the second time that night.
"Y/N." You answered. "And you?"
"Shownu." He walked over to the door that led the way to the bank of elevators and pushed. "Stay safe, Y/N." He said, giving you one last look over his shoulder. He excited the mail room leaving you a little baffled at the exchange you just had. At least he's polite you thought to yourself. You took your time closing up your mail box, hoping he'd be long gone from the elevators so you could ride up alone.
The next time you and Shownu crossed paths occured a little over a week later from your chat. Again, you'd done over time at the bar, this time staying even later. It was 1am when you pressed the call button for the elevator. You slipped your phone into your pocket after checking the time when suddenly, the door crashed open and in stumbled Shownu.
At first you thought he might be drunk, given the hour, but as you brain quickly processed what it was witnessing you realised that something was wrong. He was breathing heavy, as if he had just ran here, his chest heaving up and down. You noticed that his lip was split open and the blood trickled down his face. As your eyes followed the trail of red liquid something else caught your attention. His black shirt was soaking and although the colour did well to disguise it, you knew that was blood. The metallic smell of it invading your senses.
"Shownu! Are you ok?" Redundent question, and you instantly felt stupid for asking it. He didn't say anything as he slumped against the wall, his head tilted back against the brick. He clutched his abdomen in pain and you wondered what the fuck had happened. "Shownu," You stepped closer to him. "Here, lean on me." You grabbed the arm that wasn't wrapped around his waist and draped it over your shoulder. "Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" You asked, worriedly.
"No!" He shouted, his voice startling you. "No, no hospital. Please."
Although it was weird you didn't ask anymore questions, shocked by his insistence. The elevator dinged, signalling it's arrival, and you started to drag Shownu towards it.
"No," He said weakly. "I'm fine, it's ok." He stumbled a bit as he tried to stand on his own.
"You're really not." You replied. "Just let me help you, ok? If you die in the hallway you'll ruin the carpet." He reluctantly leaned on you again and the two of you fumbled over to the elevator. "What floor?" He shook his head. You were growing frustrated with his inability to accept help. "Ok, my place it is then." You muttered, pressing the number for your floor.
The ride was silent aside from Shownu's heavy breathing. He was heavier than you expected and you were silently willing the elevator to move faster before you collapsed as well. It reached your floor and you dragged him out along with you. "I'm gonna help you ok? I know some first aid."
You reached your apartment and unlocked the door. It was dark inside and you awkwardly fumbled for the light, still trying to support the huge man leaning on you. He was silent and it concerned you, hoping he didn't have a concussion because then he might really need to go to the hospital. You stumbled into the closest room, the kitchen and sat Shownu down on the dining chair. He groaned in pain. "I'll be right back ok?"
He said nothing as you left the room. You walked to the bathroom and got the first aid kit you kept in there. As part of your training at work you had taken a first aid course, someone on staff had to know it and you had volunteered. Although this was not how you expected to use your skills. You returned to Shownu and set up the kit. You washed your hands thoroughly, and put on a pair of gloves.
"What happened?" You said quietly, really not expecting him to answer. You wiped at his lip with a disinfectant wipe and he hissed in response, the alcohol stinging the wound. "Sorry," You said quietly. "I need you to take your shirt off, is that ok?" You felt a bit uncomfortable asking but you needed to know how serious his wounds were.
He nodded and weakly tried to shrug his top off. You gently helped him remove it and once it was off you placed it on the table, eyes running over his now naked torso. He was bruising already but you couldn't help but notice not all of the bruises were fresh. Was this a habit for him? You tried not to think too much about the answer to that question as you located the origin of the bleeding. "Shownu," You whispered, in shock. "Were you stabbed?!" The flesh was split open as if someone had sliced him, the cut running about two inches wide and god knows how deep.
"No," He said, a slight strain in his voice. "They cut me though." He gestured toward the wound on his chest.
"Should we call the police?!" You said, feeling a twinge of panic at the situation being more serious than you thought. You tried to reach for your phone in your pocket but Shownu was quicker, grabbing you tightly on the wrist.
"No police. No hospitals. Ok?" He wasn't asking. He was telling you. There was something so strong and commanding about the way he spoke to you, you couldn't help but nod, obeying him. You turned your attention to the cut on his chest. It would need stitches. Something you had not been trained to do. You started to clean up the blood, trying to be gentle so as not to hurt him anymore.
"I think you might need stitches, and I don't know how to do that." You admitted once you were finished. You'd bandaged up the scrape on his arm and cleaned him but that was about all you could do.
"Do you have super glue?" Shownu asked, strained, and you realised where he was going with this. You nodded. "Fetch it for me?" You walked over to the cupboard you kept odd bits in and fished around for the glue. You retrieved it and passed it to Shownu. "I need you to hold the wound closed for me." He instructed. You did as he said and tore the glue open with his mouth and quickly poured some into the cut, hissing in pain at the sensation. "Hold it until it dries."
"This really works?" You muttered to him.
"An old trick I learned in the army." He said through clenched teeth. You could tell it was hurting him more than he was letting on. "I think it's dry." He said after a few moments. You carefully let go, hoping the glue would hold. It did, thankfully. "Thank you," He mumbled.
"What the hell happened to you?" You asked for what felt like the hundredth time that night. "And you told me to be careful!" You said sarcastically.
"I just got in a fight." He said and you knew there was more to it than that. You saw the old bruises and his insistence of dealing with this alone. You chose not to pry further. He was man of such few words you didn't think it would make a difference if you did.
"But wanted no police, or hospital?" You cocked an eyebrow at him.
"I wasn't born yesterday Shownu," You mumbled, picking his shirt up. "Do you want to put this back on? It's soaking with blood. Or I might even have something you could wear?"
"If you have something that would be good." He replied, ignoring your first comment.
You walked to your bedroom and opened the bottom drawer where you had some old t-shirts that belonged to your ex boyfriend. You grabbed the first one you saw and headed back to Shownu. "Here," You said and handed him the shirt. He winced a little as he stood up to put it on and you couldn't help but notice his impressive figure, bruises or not.
"Boyfriend's?" He asked, and you realised he was referring to the ownership of the shirt. Most women don't have mens clothes just lying around.
"Ex," You corrected. He nodded in thanks and sat down again. "I can wash that for you if you want." You gestured to the blood soaked shirt still sitting on the table.
"That's ok, I'll do it." He replied. "Thanks for your help Y/N." He added quietly.
"Come on, I'll help you back to your apartment." You suggested.
He shook his head. "I'll be ok." He stood up, a little shaky but much more stable than before. You walked with him slowly to your front door.
"Stay safe, Shownu." You repeated his words back to him and you swore he gave you a small smile before leaving.
"Kihyun, you're soooo exaggarating!" You whined, playfully slapping your friend on the arm. He was doing a wildly dramatic impression of you being scared at the movie you two just saw. You laughed and shook your head at him as the two of you walked side by side to your apartment building.
"AH, ah, ah, help me Kihyun!! He mocked, pretending to cover his face with his hands. "You're such a baby when it comes to horror films." He teased.
"I don't like being scared!" You defended.
Kihyun wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you into him. "Coward," He whispered with a laugh into your ear. You just rolled your eyes and pushed him off you. Kihyun worked with you at the bar. Technically you were his boss, but you two always got on well so it wasn't unusual to spend time together outside of work. This particular night he'd begged you to go see a movie and now you both were headed back to your place for a drink. Working in the nightlife industry made you a little tired of bars and clubs, preferring to drink at home with friends.
You made your way into your building, Kihyun close behind. He followed you to the elevator, familiar with the surroundings having been here many times. "What do you have to drink?"Kihyun asked. He was standing behind you and he slipped his arms around your waist, placing his chin on your shoulder. You were close and he was always really affectionate so this behaviour was normal for you.
"I have beer," You offered. "There's a new wine that we might order for the bar. We can try that."
Before Kihyun replied the door swung open. It was Shownu. Your body tensed up immediately in Kihyun's arms, confusing him a little. You hadn't seen Shownu since the night you found him bloody and bruised in this same exact room, which was nearly a month ago. Since then there had been no sign of him at all, and you even found yourself wondering if he had moved out.
He stood there in the doorway, dressed in all black with a matching denim jacket on his broad shoulders, intimidatingly attractive and tall. You didn't miss how his eyes flickered over to Kihyun and realised how this might of looked to him but his expression was as usual, unreadable. "Y/N," Shownu said with a small nod.
"Hi," Was all you managed to get out. You felt stupid at how weak and small your voice sounded. Kihyun stood up straighter, his grip on you slackening as if sensing the weird tension between you and the stranger. "I haven't seen you in a while."
"I was out of town for work." He shrugged. The elevator arrived with a ding.
"You going up?" You asked him. He nodded and Kihyun let go of you so you could enter the lift. Shownu was last in and you noticed he pressed the button for you, easily remembering what floor you lived on. You noticed the one he pressed for himself was the one above yours.
"Floor 7 right?" He asked and you nodded.
The three of you rode in silence and you almost wanted to pass out from the tension. Shownu was half naked in your kitchen a month ago and now he was next to you acting like a stranger. He confused you so much. The elevator ground to a halt at your floor and Kihyun stepped out into the hallway first. "See you around, Shownu." You said, not daring to look at his face.
"Y/N," He said, reaching out to hold the doors open.  You stopped and turned to look at him, halfway out the elevator. "Do you want your shirt back?"
You'd forgotten you'd given him a shirt. "Oh, no that's fine. Keep it." You replied with a dismissive wave of your hand.
"Ok." He said simply. You held his gaze, trying to read his expression but he was a master at keeping up a guard, emotions locked behind it. "I got you something, as a thank you. I'll swing by tomorrow to give it to you?"
"You didn't have to," You said quietly. He shrugged.
"See you later Y/N." He said, letting the doors finally close. You turned to face Kihyun who looked utterly confused.
"What was that about?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at you. "Who was that?"
"It's a long story," You muttered. "I'll tell you inside."
You tugged him along the hallway and to your apartment, ignoring Kihyun's questions on the way. You let both of you into the apartment, immediately making way for the kitchen, desperate for a drink. You grabbed two beers from the fridge and opened them, handing one to Kihyun and then taking a long drink from yours.
"So?" Kihyun pried. "Explain."
You bit your lip, unsure of exactly how much information to reveal to your friend. There was the heavy implication that Shownu did illegal things and you didn't want to create any trouble for you or him. "He was jumped about a month ago." You began. "I ended up bumping into him and just helped him get home safely." Technically not a lie. You just left out some of the details.
"Ok..." Kihyun said slowly. "So why does he have your shirt? You sleeping with him too?" He asked bluntly.
Shit. You'd forgotten about the stupid shirt, again. "He had some blood on his so I loaned him one." You shrugged. "And no, Kihyun I'm not sleeping with him. I barely know the guy. That's basically the most we've ever spoke."
The younger man's brows furrowed a little and you knew he was doubtful of you. "Why didn't you take him to a hospital?"
"He didn't want me to, I tried but he refused point blank." You explained.
"Why?" He inquired.
"I don't know! I told you I barely know the guy." You took another long swig of your beer, hoping Kihyun would leave the subject alone.
"Something doesn't feel right," Kihyun muttered. "He makes me feel uneasy, noona. Gives off a weird vibe." He crossed his arms and leaned against the countertop.
"I think that's just how he is," You suggested, recalling how every time you spoke to Shownu he was stoic and direct. "He's always been polite to me."
"I don't trust him." Kihyun grumbled.
"You don't have to, Ki." You walked over to your friend and wrapped your arms around his neck, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "Just trust me."
Kihyun sighed. "I do."
"Thanks for looking out for this old lady," You joked nudging him with your fist, giving him a smile.
"You're only a year older, noona," He mocked. "Not geriatric. Yet."
"Watch it," You warned, pointing a finger at him. "I'm your boss remember?"
He grabbed your finger and pushed it down, with a laugh. "You gonna fire me?"
"Nah, I like you too much," You joked.
"I really like spending time with you Y/N," Kihyun said, the seriousness in his voice taken you aback a little. You looked at him curiously. "Seriously, you're my favourite thing about work." He admitted, blushing a little.
"Kihyun," You smiled with a little laugh. "Are you trying to flirt with your noona?"
"No," He said defensively. Although you suspected it was a lie. "I'm just being honest. Not like your weirdo neighbour."
"You know I always appreciate that." You said. "Shall we try that wine now?"
He nodded and you went to fetch the bottle. Kihyun was always so affectionate with you so why did this time feel a bit different? You tried not to think about that too deeply as you grabbed the wine. He was younger than you, so you never really looked at him in that light. You set it down on the table, opening the cupboard to grab two glasses. "Sauvigon Blanc, South Africa." Kihyun murmured reading the label.
"Apparently it's very nice," You informed him. "I know you don't really drink wine but tell me what you think." You opened the bottle and poured a little in his glass. He took a sip.
"It's nice," He said after a few moments. "I like it."
You poured some in your own glass and took a sip too. "Mmm," You hummed. "Me too."
"What do you think creepy neighbour got for you?" Kihyun asked, his mind still on the topic.
"Ki," You whined. "I don't know, he's so hard to read, it could be a puppy for all I know." You were both silent for a few moments, sipping at the wine.
"You should order it," He said nodding his head towards the wine bottle. "For the bar."
"I will." You hummed in agreement, making a mental note to do it first thing tomorrow. Tomorrow. Your stomach twisted at the anticipation of seeing Shownu and whatever gift he had got for you. You downed the rest of your drink in one, trying to settle your nerves.
The next day Shownu came by as promised. You'd be lying if you didn't admit that you had put in extra effort to your appearance, especially since it was a day off for you. Hair freshly washed and blow dried with a little mascara was very unusual for a day without plans. You couldn't help but want to impress him. He'd knocked on your door, with a gift bag in hand and you eyed it curiously, letting him into your apartment.
"For you," He said simply and placed it on the kitchen table. The same table his bloody rag of a shirt had sat. "I didn't thank you properly last time." He trailed off, frowning slightly.
"I told you, you really didn't have to." You said, peering into the bag. Shownu gave a small shrug. You gasped out loud seeing what was inside. "Shownu," You stuttered. "Really, this is too much..." He said nothing keeping a steady gaze on you, watching your reaction.
Inside the bag was a bottle of liquor. Not just any bottle, a $7800 bottle of one of the world's most expensive brands of tequila. A drink you only ever dreamed of trying. "You work in a bar, I figured you'd appreciate it." He said casually.
"I can't accept this," You spluttered, overwhelmed. "I really appreciate the sentiment, but this is so much. Keep it for yourself, enjoy it." You tried to give him back the gift back but he stopped you.
"Y/N, it's a gift." He said lowly. "It's yours now."
You were speechless, once again taken aback by this mysterious man's behaviour. You looked up into his dark eyes, mouth hanging slightly open. "Thank you," You managed to get out. His expression wasn't cold, but it wasn't warm either, and god you wished in that moment he would reveal more of himself to you. "Do you want to try it with me?" You suggested, as a way of thanking him.
"Maybe another time." He said quietly and you couldn't help but feel disappointed. "I've got a meeting to get to I'm afraid." He smiled a little but it didn't reach his eyes. He excused himself to leave and you showed him out, wondering if he meant what he said and there really would be another time.
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Devil’s Trust pt3
Warnings: Strong language, Moblord styling warlords.
Chapter 3
He was not in the best of moods. His plans for the evening had been dashed with a single phone call that lasted for only a few minutes. Running his hand roughly through his dark auburn hair he took hold of a fist full at the back of his head and gave it a small tug in frustration. Why summon me? What game is the Devil King playing now? The private elevator gave a small lurch as it came to a stop on the top floor. He smoothed out his dishevelled hair and gave a deep sigh before plastering on an expression of ambiguous origin and entered the Devil’s lair.
The grandeur of the place annoyed him. Penthouse apartment on top of his own building and this is what he did with it? Walking along the corridor past the glass wall that revealed the private garden, a central pavilion past an elegant rock garden, shimmering water of a koi pond and beautifully manicured plants framing the path for walking. He felt himself twitch as an unwelcome thought as to its beauty entered his mind. Who would have thought such a place existed in Hell? There was a heavy-looking sliding door at the end of the corridor, propped open, and he knew without any guidance that that was his destination.
Stopping to look inside before he entered, he couldn’t help but feel the bile in the pit of his stomach churn. This place was really something else. The blend of modern furniture with items of antiquity felt seamless. The glow of the rosewood and lacquered items gave warmth to the contrasting cold metal and supple leather. He did wonder if all the rooms in this place were decorated like this or if it was just the Devil’s office. Knowing Nobunaga and his desire to surround himself with nothing but the best it was probably safe to assume that this level of dedication to all the finer things was abundant throughout.
There was a massive desk at the top of the room in front of floor to ceiling windows giving an unprecedented view over the city. A large sofa with a couple of chairs was in front of a fireplace with a large coffee table. There was even a drinks cabinet that seemed to take up quite a bit of wall space too. The rest of the items present looked as if they saw little use.
“You kept me waiting.” Nobunaga’s low commanding voice reached him from where he was sitting on a chair near the fire. Amber liquid glowed, already swirling in the crystal tumbler he had in his hand the decanter for which was placed on the table in front of him, another glass waiting patiently near it.
“And you are keeping me from my evening plans.” Shingen haughtily retorted and took a seat on the leather sofa without invitation. The sooner this is over with the sooner I can leave.
“You can submerge yourself under females another night. Tonight, I have need of you.” Nobunaga sipped his drink an infuriating smirk on his face as he cracked his mockery. Shingen tensed but managed to retain the composure he was known for. I’ll be damned if I let you break me again Nobunaga.
“As flattering as that is, I’m not interested.” Shingen shrugged and reclined back making a show of it. The leather creaked slightly under his shifting weight almost as if it were sighing at his moving mass.
“After all this time the old Tiger still has the energy to growl and yet all I see before me is a weak little kitten.” Nobunaga leaned forward and poured for himself and his guest. Shingen was making no attempt to help himself which given their history spoke volumes of the level of trust that remained between the two heads of family. In this world you learn that suspicions saved lives. To drink or eat something you hadn’t already seen the other consume was inviting trouble and it was a fundamental lesson to even the less seasoned members of their groups.
“Provoking me will only confirm my suspicions that you are nothing more than a spoiled brat who got in a foul mood because someone took away his candy. What did you summon me for Nobunaga?” Shingen accepted the drink still not partaking of it, he simply held the weighted tumbler on his thigh in his large hand. His black eyes meeting their red counterparts, steel versus flames in this undesirable alliance.
“You still have hold of your own network throughout the city correct?”
“Naturally. Such a thing that has been generations in its cultivation cannot be rendered dead overnight even by your hand. As long as I am still living the bonds of trust are tied, the network remains.” Shingen was first and foremost a trader in information. It was not something he had felt the need to hide as it was widely known among the different factions that that was his domain. In fact, it had served him well over the years. Strategies were only as good as the information held and if you wanted a war with words you sometimes had to get a little psychological with it. Much easier to gain success when the opponent is already panicked that you might know something too juicy to share.
“Good I want you to look into something for me.” Nobunaga nodded happily after accepting confirmation. That familiar entitled attitude did little to staunch the agitated Tiger.
“I am not one of your hounds. Don’t you usually use Akechi for this kind of thing?” Shingen shot out his reply and watched as it hit home. A subtle and almost completely hidden reaction happened. His hand definitely tensed I wasn’t imagining it.
“You might not be one of my “hounds” as you call them Shingen, but you are one of my possessions. It would be a waste to not use every pawn at my disposal on occasion.” Nobu’s voice held an edge to it that was part warning and part dare. The frustrating thing to this almost textbook masking of unspoken issues within the payroll was that Shingen could not deny that there was truth in the devil’s words. Had he been in his position it would be something he would be using to his advantage as well.
“You sit there and just expect me to take your barbs and bidding?” Shingen’s voice rose to meet Nobu’s. I would rather not think of how similar we can be at times.
“I expect you to do your job. Like it or not we are part of a united front and this threat we have on the horizon is coming whether you help or not. I would have thought the great Shingen Takeda would have recognised the importance of going into battle with as much knowledge as possible is preferable to entering a battle with nothing.” He hadn’t so much as moved in his chair and yet there was no denying the shift of his oppressive presence in the room.
“You’re rattled? The Devil King himself is worried.” Shingen held his ground but his gaze had become one of curiosity.
“I am not worried nor am I afraid. I have a dislike for things that are hidden from me. Things that would try to steal what is mine. Now go and find me my weak link. Find me the focus of my attack.”
It had taken most of the afternoon to get to the change of location and then unload the van. The neighbours had all begun their series of curtain-twitching and popping out to put items into the outside waste bins to get a look at the new arrivals almost as soon as they pulled up. Mitsuhide chuckled knowing all too well that this was the limit to a lot of people’s subterfuge in the world that was so different to his. It was more innocent and on a level with a child eavesdropping at a door.
“What are you laughing at?” [Name] looked at him curiously as she crouched down to let the cat out of its transport carrier. It gave a small grumpy sounding recognition to her as thanks for its freedom and darted off to explore its new territory.
“Nothing my dear. Nothing at all.” Mitsuhide glanced around the home that had taken on interior design inspiration from a child’s box fort. “So… what are we unpacking first?”
“The kettle. I’m gonna kill someone if I don’t get a coffee.” Casting out a flippant comment she started shuffling boxes around in an apparent search for the correctly labelled one.
“Really now? Well if you should find yourself with such a thing happening, I would hope that you remember to call me about it.” He smiled watching [Name] look over the boxes near her.
“Mobster jokes? Seriously? I was just using a common phrase Mitsu.” She huffed her words used to chastise him lost any negativity in them as she failed to suppress a beautifully happy smile from gracing her lips. Say what you like little mouse we both know you like it.
“And I was just stating facts, my dear. I think the kettle is in this one.” He slid a knife over the tape on the box and with a small popping sound, it opened revealing the chrome coloured appliance. She scooped it up and pivoted her body to go to the kitchen.
They were finally home. He had taken a lot more care and effort in selecting this place than any of his previous safe houses. It was here after all that he would be putting his greatest treasure. It had to be perfect, it had to be safe. He had researched and laid a path of paperwork thick enough to cover their trail linking it to several of his aliases in various ways to lead credibility to it all.
This was a milestone in a relationship even in the normal world. All though they had been living together already back at HQ it didn’t change how pivotal this was. As he mused over a turn of events, he had never thought possible in his life. His smirk softening into a more relaxed smile as he watched [Name] bounce around from box to box looking for cups and other things. I wonder if you know how far I would go to protect you. How far I’ve already gone and how much further I’d be willing to fall just to keep you safe.
To say his patience was wearing thin was little more than a joke at this point. His desk was covered in the correspondence that he had had with Esshu since the untimely demise of its former CEO. Each one a polite yet firm refusal to entertain any ideas of a merger. The names signing off on each had been different and each one was added to the growing list he was formulating to try to figure out the design of the inner workings of the beast.
A few days had passed since the Tiger had been set among the pigeons and the lack of enthusiasm to retrieve what he asked for irked him. The fact they simply didn’t just accept their position and dance to the tune specified proved he couldn’t discount Shingen as a possible assassin in this game.
Something else was annoying him as well. “Don’t you usually use Akechi for this kind of thing?” He might have known that Shingen would have spotted the elephant in the room. His once sharp tool that was so quick to cut that the opposition hadn’t even registered the damage until it was too late was now playing house. The blade blunt and discolouring with lack of use. A battle was coming, would his trusted predator still be fighting?
The other company was one thing currently outside of his control. He felt his blood boil as he looked at the rejections. They had no idea who they were messing with. He hated it but there was no changing fact. They say history has a way of repeating itself and he felt the cogs of time rewind to a certain point. If they are not with him, then they stand against him and will be treated like everyone else that had refused his dream. He will crush them, destroy them and take what he wants by force for the greater good. It’s not the first time he would have to come up with a plan for a hostile takeover. But who is he targeting? Nobunaga roughly bundled the papers together on his desk in a shambolic pile and spun in his chair to stare out of his window.
The city below stretched out as far as his eye could see. Pedestrians scurried through the streets making their commute. Traffic lights at each intersection caused the traffic to pulse down the roads of the city in a familiar and predictable way.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Mitsuhide was still performing his duties. All the bases were covered and targets met with precision. Currently, there was no reason to take action to regain his tool. Still, he was not a patient man and he knew there might still come a time when he would have to do something to “correct” the issue. I warned you once before… old friend.
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stahvie · 6 years
I’ll keep you warm pt. 5
Masterlist     First     Previous     Next
Pairing: Kylo x reader
Word Count: 2761
Summary: You finally get the answers you’ve been looking for and Ren’s got a good excuse.
“Ah, Supreme Leader.” Called the ginger General from the end of a large table. He motioned toward an empty chair for you to take. “Shall we begin?”
Ren moved toward Hux and they separated themselves from the group to talk privately. You took a seat and studied the other four at the table. They must be the pilots of the other TIE Silencers being built. You pepped up realising you were finally one question lighter.
“I’m Saima” Said the girl next to you, her voice deep and melodic. She pointed one by one to the remaining three. “He’s Vail, he’s Garric, and they’re Lexan. You?”
“I’m RN-1799.” You replied, trying to take in everyone’s features.
“You don’t have a proper name?” Saima asked softly as though the question might upset you.
“Bucketheads don’t get names.” Garric mocked. It was obvious that he was going to be as much of an arsehole as he looked.
“Don’t be a prick, Garric.” Lexan said, rolling their eyes at him. “Look at her, that’s a TIE pilot uniform. 50 credits say she’s a better pilot than you. Ignore him. Squads give each other nicknames, right?”
“Uhh… yeah...” You replied slowly. “I’m Spit-”
“Spit?!” Garric launched himself up from his chair, slamming his fists against the table before you could finish. His voice was aggressively obnoxious. “Spit?! Yeah, suits you, Spit!”
Before you had a chance to retaliate or for him to continue, Garric was thrown backward by an invisible force. He landed hard in his chair which would have tipped over if he hadn’t kicked his leg up under the desk to stop the momentum, accidentally kicking Vail in the process. Just as he steadied himself, it seemed like he’d forgotten how to breathe. Not surprising for someone who looked so dim. As Garric grasped at his throat, the rest of the table fell silent and made themselves small in case they fell victim too. Not you though, you had no pity for the man you’d just met and there was an optimistic confidence inside you that told you that you were safe.
You faced the Supreme Leader, his face mildly contorted with anger. General Hux whispered something to Ren causing him to let go of Garric and look at you. As Garric doubled over onto the desk coughing, you wordlessly thanked him. It was an overreaction but it was still appreciated. You knew you could hold your own when words got heated but in Ren’s own weird way it was sort of a sweet gesture.
“Spitfire.” You continued as soon as the group had recovered. “I got it while at the academy and it stuck when I was chosen to be an Elite TIE pilot.” You made sure to emphasize that you weren’t just a regular TIE pilot so Garric knew that Lexan was right, you absolutely could fly circles around that jerk.
“Spitfire it is!” Saima beamed.
While the group waited for Ren and Hux, you all got talking and got an idea of what everyone was like. Saima seemed very feminine and cared a lot about her appearance. She was also lively and loved hearing everyone’s opinions on everything. Garric was stubborn and it was rooted in arrogance. He wasn’t afraid of a fight; his pride was what mattered to him. Lexan gave the impression that they accepted everyone and would be a fiercely loyal friend. Lexan was just the type of person you wanted on your side. Vail didn’t talk much but it wasn’t out of shyness. There was a calmness in his silence but it also left a cloud of mystery around him.
“Right.” The General addressed the five of you in the most authoritative stance he could muster. “As you’ll all no doubt be aware, Snoke had his own guard to protect him. They were skilled warriors but were bested by our new Supreme Leader. The Praetorian Guard were specialised in melee combat, the new guard must master more than that. You’ll all be well aware that Supreme Leader Ren is not content to lounge around all day like his predecessor. The new guard will accompany the Supreme Leader on missions as well as protect him within the fleet. You are the five that have been chosen for this task. You all carry strengths that put you above the rest of the first order and your weaknesses with be drilled out of you.”
Your stomach was in knots, this wasn’t the news you’d expected. Sure, you could fly, but your blaster skills needed a lot of work and you had no idea how you’d manage in melee combat. You’d been summoned here by mistake, you had to have been.
“General,” Lexan raised their hand hoping to gain Hux’s attention. “Why us? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“You’ve all proven to be completely loyal to the First Order in your evaluations which was a prerequisite.” Hux said as though he was presenting you with an award for your faithfulness. “Saima has proven to be the most proficient with a blaster in the First Order. Vail is the most adept at attaining information from our enemies as well as keeping our own secrets. Garric and Lexan are the First Order’s two best fighters in strength and dexterity respectfully. RN-1799 is the best pilot the First Order has to offer, not to mention she was recently willing to sacrifice her life by leaping into an icy ravine to save Supreme Leader Ren.”
You sank a little into your chair. It was an honour to be called the best pilot but everyone hearing about the ravine was embarrassing. Obviously, Ren had told him about it but how much did he know about it? Hux usually wore a cocky smirk so it was hard to tell if that was just his normal face, or if he was smirking because Ren had informed him of just how tragic your attempted rescue was. It was the thought that counted anyway, even if Ren had ended up saving you instead from what was probably a terrible jump, your heart was still in the right place.
The General continued to explain your new roles. You were a team, you’d all train to master each of the necessary skills, failure would result in being replaced by the next best candidate. You only had to take orders from Ren himself, though it was advised that Hux’s commands were worth consideration but they could never interfere with Ren’s. You were given new datapads with your schedules and could only message a trusted few and the other guards. From the look of it, there would always be someone watching over the Supreme Leader. It made sense that he would have to be protected but Ren didn’t seem like the kind of guy who took kindly to having his privacy invaded.
Once the meeting was over, the group was dismissed, Ren and Hux stayed behind, and the five of you walked back to your quarters as a group. Everyone was excited for your new roles, Vail was difficult to read but you could tell he was too. He was also your neighbour to the left, Saima’s quarters were to your right, and Lexan and Garric were on the opposite side of the hall. It was late now, none of you were expected to be on duty until the day after tomorrow when you were all equipped with your new uniforms, so you bid each other good night and parted.
You had hoped you’d be able to talk to Ren again after the meeting. A proper talk this time, not like the mess that flew out of your mouth earlier. As you began to unpack your bag the last few pieces fell into place. Keeping you warm, checking up on you during your recovery, coming to find you, getting to pick which ship you wanted, it had all been because of your new position. It wasn’t personal, he was just keeping an eye on someone that would be working for him. You had gained a new prestigious job, you should be proud of your accomplishment, instead, you felt defeated.
You changed into your standard issue pyjamas and lay in bed on top of the covers. You willed yourself to think of something else, anything else, but the Supreme Leader was firmly planted in your mind. It was now clear as day and completely undeniable, it was more than just admiration, maybe even more than a crush and it was the most painful thing you’d ever experienced.
All you wanted was to knot your fingers into the dark waves of his hair. Given the chance, you’d kiss that mole again, completely unapologetically. You’d do absolutely anything to watch his full lips curve up into a smile. For such an intimidating man, he was so cute when he smiled. If you ever caught him with a full-on grin you were sure you’d melt.
You’d never felt so conflicted. You’d get to see him everyday now, but he’d never see you the way you saw him. He could never know how you felt. Feeling too low to even turn the lights off, you hid yourself away under your blankets and waited for sleep to finally take you away from these emotions.
At breakfast the next morning, you sat as a group, minus Ren who was a no-show. That was fine. Guard duty wasn’t starting until tomorrow and he was probably indulging in as much freedom as he could before the group would plague him. Your stomach felt off and you tried your best to eat but all you could manage was to pick at some fruit.
Excusing yourself from the group, you stopped by your quarters to put on your exercise gear and headed to the gym. You knew you couldn’t teach yourself to fight, that would happen over time with whoever was training the group, but you figured you could at least gain a little confidence before the rest of the guards witness how inept you were. Garric in particular would enjoy seeing just how bad you were and you didn’t want him to have the satisfaction.
Thankfully the gym was empty, you wouldn’t have any witnesses. You started slow, your movements were clumsy, your punches barely made the dummy budge, but as time pressed on you became bolder and less self-conscious. You had a long way to go before you’d win a fight but you knew you’d get there eventually.
“Your stance needs work.” Ren’s deep voice called from the door. “Elbows in, fists up. You’re gonna get hit in the face like that.”
You stopped your assault and watched Ren as he walked over and draped himself over the dummy. He held an iced bun in his right hand which he then casually tossed toward you. You caught it with a slight fumble, your fingers accidentally digging into the icing. You instinctively licked your digits clean.
“Lexan said you hadn’t eaten.” He said motioning for you to eat. “Why aren’t you with the others?”
“What are they doing?” You questioned with a mouth full of bun.
“They’re in the archives now and plan on going to the cantina later.” Ren replied.
“…Garric can read?” You asked feigning shock.
“I think he’s more interested in Saima than reading.” Ren raised his brows knowingly.
“Poor girl…” You said. No one deserved to be pursued by that creep. Shaking your head at Saima’s misfortune, you took another small bite.
“You too.” Ren nodded toward you. Seeing your look of confusion, he continued. “Saima isn’t the only one he’s got his eye on.”
Your face fell flat and you stuck your tongue out indicating the thought made you want to throw up. There was chewed bun scattered around your tongue still. Ren shook his head at the site, a small smile plastered on his face. Your eyes became large as you realised you were doing it again. You had the worst habit of being informal with the Supreme Leader, though to be fair, it was his fault for letting you talk to him casually while you were stranded. You apologised.
“Your feet are wrong too.” He pushed himself away from the dummy to walk to over to you. There was a brief moment of confusion before you realised he’d returned to your initial conversation. “You’ll lose your footing like that.”
He was right. Before you could adjust your feet, Ren was looming over you. His hand grabbed your shoulder and with very little force, pushed you backward. On your way down, you only had one instinct, save the bun! Your bun-filled hand shot to the sky to protect it from the ground. The bun was safe.
“Nice save.” The Supreme Leader extended a hand to you, you took it in your own and he helped you up. He wore an amused but apologetic smile and made sure you were stable again. Moving swiftly behind you he placed his hands on your hips. “Finish your bun. Arms up again.”
A little too willing to comply, you brought the bun up quicker than you’d anticipated and bopped it into your cheek, just shy of where you mouth was. Hopefully he didn’t see that. Your second attempt at putting the bun in your mouth was a lot more successful.
“This foot should go here… and this one here.” Ren said nudging your legs into position with his own. This was exactly what you didn’t need now that you were so aware of your feelings for him. His warm breath caressed the back of your neck as his hands pulled your hips into position. One hand felt its way slowly up and across your belly. “Hips straight and tense your gut. Trust me, you don’t wanna get hit in a relaxed stomach. Good.”
You didn’t even need to be told to make your belly tense, it just happened naturally at the surprise of his touch.
“Is this how you fight?” You asked as his hands fell away from you.
“Me? No. I get too carried away to remember any of this. You’re my guard, you’re the one that needs to remember.” He said. “Now try again.”
Your fists met the dummy again. It was clear you still had a long way to go but you definitely felt sturdier and more confident after your small lesson. Once you stopped, Ren peppered you with a few words of praise, your chest filling with pride. That pride was replaced with uncertainty when he moved in front of you, a smile burst through his face and he was shaking his head at you.
“Maybe next time I’ll have to teach you how to eat a bun. You’ve got icing on you.” He said with the slightest chuckle.
Your hand reached up to where you’d bonked yourself in the face but the Supreme Leader was faster. His lips met your cheek and instead of touching your own cheek, your hand came to rest on his. It could have only lasted a second or two but it felt like time had slowed. Your face burned as it darkened. Suddenly your stance didn’t feel so sturdy. Your hands tingled. The only thing going through your mind was “AAAAAAAAAAAH!”
Suddenly your brain flooded in with thoughts of when the two of you were stranded. What if he’d kissed you like this when your lips met his neck? Oh stars… did you ever come up with an excuse for that? In your hazy memories of the recovery, you could remember the topic coming up, but not what you’d actually said. What would happen if you kissed back now?!
Your brain was “AAAAAAAAAAH!”ing again as he pulled away. You accidentally lurched forward not wanting his lips to leave you, but you caught yourself before you lost your balance. You turned your face away bashfully to hide the very obvious crush you had.
“Thank you, Supreme Leader.” You said wobbly. You had to convince yourself it wasn’t a kiss. He said it himself, there was icing. It was a weird way to get rid of icing though. Still, you shouldn’t question the methods of your superior. While you were too shy to look up, Ren took it as his cue to leave you to practice on the dummy alone again.
“RN-1799?” He called from the doorway. You summoned the courage to look over to him. He was grinning at you, and you were right last night, it made your knees feel weaker, you absolutely could melt! “That’s how you make an excuse.”
Tags: @marvelanimelover @sophiatomlinson23 @secretlygrantaire @m4shtyx @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @beautifulbows924 @whataloadofmalarkey @the-rain-pours-down
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Nationalism...A Whole Lotta Nationalism!
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh,   The original title was going to be "A revert's thoughts on the rise in Nationalism drawing on the Quran and Sunnah", but "a whole lotta nationalism" is appropriate given the rise of it everywhere and the length, I',m afraid, of this podcast! I normally try to avoid politics but in this day and age, it's almost impossible (Brexit, Trump, Saudi, China, to name just a few that seem to be all that is in the Western news). As always I want to try and tackle this in a way that is helpful to reverts or those rediscovering their Islam as this can be a rather difficult area to navigate as it involves it seems one has to question identities, nationalities, allegiances, religion, etc. It is rather a lot easier to understand if you are of Pakistani or Bengali heritage in the UK or Latino in the US, you've sadly experienced navigating this complex mix of where you fit in one way or another on a daily basis. If you are a refugee, life has always been hard, you never left your home just for a giggle, contrary to what it seems many people think you are not an expat who is just from a quote-unquote 'undesirable' country.  If you are from Palestine the struggle is in your blood. And of course this is just a snapshot of cases and far from fully inclusive. But of course, as a revert, you may be from none of the cultures under 'attack' you may even be from the culture or nation that is doing the attacking of your now new Brothers and Sisters. As a Brother from Britain or France, for example, you have the colonial legacy to deal with too. A Sister from the USA has the modern colonial warmongering of her own country to somehow come to terms with. As an Arab, you have the difficulty of leadership that never seem to represent the Islam that is everything to you, in a good light...I found and find this topic incredibly complicated and I hope that InshaAllah my thoughts and how I try to navigate this minefield may be of some value. Let me set the scene by giving some examples of rife nationalism and then tackle the Islamic view on this through some excerpts from the Qu'ran and hadith.  Although a warning ahead of time: my efforts to deal with this through an Islamic lens are going to be in no way exhaustive. Alhamdullilah this is simply because there are so many references that I could choose. Allah is the most Kareem (Kind) and his Messenger pbuh the best of examples - it should not surprise you that like most things - we've got this covered! DOCUMENTARIES I cut the cord to the TV ten plus years ago but still sometimes go down a YouTube rabbit hole now and then with my wife! We basically stick to lectures or documentaries in some pseudo attempt perhaps to be educated or intellectual ha ha. I am more than aware that our recent 'watchlist' is thanks to Google and whatever clever algorithm they have deployed to nicely serve up things for us to watch on a plate. Thank you YouTube algo-developers you clever little things! The 'freedom of choice' that we have online and the 'echo chamber'  effect is a whole other topic. I'm not going there today!!   Anyway recently we watched a series of interesting documentaries, from what I can remember, on VICE channel, Journeyman Productions, Ross Kemp on Gangs, BBC, Al Jazeera, etc I said it was a binge so let me share the ones I can remember:   Immigration - the harsh, fraught, struggle filled, emotional journeys of Syrians / Sub-Saharan Africans / Eritreans (the North Korea of Africa) / kind British people on the island of Lesbos / less kind Greek locals with a 'treat them mean and they won't continue to come' approach (as if that is going to do anything when they are willing to risk injury and death to leave where they are coming from) / unkind French and Italian police / kind local French people willing to go to court over providing refuge in their gardens to tens of refugees every day /  the disgraceful French police behaviour at the Calais Jungle camp. Israel, although we normally don't watch things on the Israeli occupation as my heart breaks at the barbaric nature of this ongoing apartheid and the international communities unwillingness to act on behalf of the Palestinian victims, we did watch an interesting thing on how the Haredi Jews have refused to serve in the Israeli military for religious reasons and yet how the Zionist government are not letting them get away with it. Now persecuting their own people for their religious beliefs which they are meant to share. As I'm an Englishman and we have a bit of a dark humour, I must confess to being amused by how un-Jewish the Zionist government are, and how if you are actually a practising Jew you are also borderline, or maybe not even borderline, an 'enemy of the state'! Also, I had no idea what a large number of practising Jews were opposed to military service.  A cursory bit of research highlighted that there are many other Jews like the Hasidic Jews who are against the occupation and service in the IDF.   We watched on Guantanamo Bay and how it is still open and on a 'tour' were quite amazed by how little the US soldiers guarding knew about their 'enemy' that they were holding. This is rather damning of the educational level and natural intellectual inquisitiveness. Even the base commander with rather a lot of stars on his shoulder confessed to knowing next to nothing! Quite staggering. Of course, the former guard who reverted to Islam featured in the documentary, mashaAllah, so it is wrong to totally generalise - we come to Islam in some very unexpected ways! Allahu Akhbar! We also watched Hate Thy Neighbour on the Deep South of America and the horrid EDL in the UK which was simply staggering for the total demonstration of ignorance and racism that are on both sides of the 'pond'. As an Englishman watching the EDL I just felt horribly ashamed. It is quite hard for me to fathom how this country can produce such disgusting characters from its midst.   A documentary on the most insane murder rate in Mexico border towns controlled by the cartels and how El Salvador is just so dangerous that those expelled from the US who have never really known El Salvador as home are willing to walk this 'caravan' that takes a minimum 30 days, and is truly treacherous, to try and get back into the US. Fully aware of the stakes involved if they are caught and that is if they beat the odds and even get anywhere near the border in the first place. We watched one on Afghanistan being, amongst a cornucopia of other natural resources, a gemstone capital. The one we watched focussed on emeralds and if you can afford them and want the greenest in the world then Afghanistan surely has them! This backed up what Afghan friends of mine had said about mineral resources in the country that I confess to never quite believing. It is amazing when you see for your own eyes that it rams home the point that you've been sold a dud by the media. It might even make one question the real motivations over the presence in a country that historically has been a graveyard for one army after another? Also, a debate hosted by intelligence squared and Chaired by Lyse Doucet (BBC's Chief International Correspondent) with the motion that "The West should cut ties with Saudi Arabia". For the motion were Mehdi Hassan (Journalist and Al Jazzera Broadcaster) and Madawi Al-Rasheed (LSE Professor and expert on Saudi Arabia). Against the motion Crispin Blunt (Conservative MP for Reigate - just up the road from me) and Mamoun Fandy (Egyptian born Middle East expert). It was a thoroughly good debate and well worth the watch. Before coming into the event 41% said they were for the motion, 22% against, 37% undecided. After the debate the positions had changed to 63% for the motion, only 5% were undecided, 32% were against. That was a swing of 6% towards the motion that "The West should cut ties with Saudi Arabia".  An obvious trigger and feature of this debate was the alleged but clearly fairly solid 'off with his head' order by MBS on journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi embassy in Istanbul. We also watched an interesting Oxford University Hard Talk on "What is the human cost to China's economic miracle?" again with Mehdi Hasan who this time was challenging Charles Liu on China's economic and human rights record - particularly on the Uighur Muslim detention or extermination depending on who you choose to believe.  Many are calling this ethnic cleansing and again it is happening pretty much undeterred. I forget where we watched it, but a just heartbreaking look at the humanitarian disaster that is Yemen, with a war that has been going on since 2015!  The civil war was ongoing but everything got significantly worse and became the worlds worst humanitarian crisis upon the involvement of the Saudi-led coalition. As in every war, civilians are bearing the brunt and suffering. Normally Scandinavia is portrayed as the lands where everything works, people are the happiest in the world, etc. Yet another documentary on the rise of Far Right parties puts pay to that notion - at least in my mind. In the sidebar, there were similar documentaries on neighbouring and regional countries. Sweden was even interesting and frightening in that there is a vicious battle between these right wing hate filled groups and militant violent left groups that actively combat the fascist right. All of this centred around the topics of nationalism, immigration, race, etc.   It is not just the algorithm served documentary binge fest where nationalist, separatist, racist, derogatoriness seems to be the global norm. The Christchurch terrorist act occurred and is obviously fresh in everyone's mind. As everyone knows this was nationalist, racist and hate inspired. I will not elaborate on that here. You may like to listen to my former podcast that covered the global Muslim reaction I experienced to this dreadful event, especially as it may not have been the reaction you may have expected (you can find it here). WHATSAPP Another example is from my own WhatsApp. I am a member of a number of Malaysian WhatsApp groups, after having lived there, and there is always a whole heap of Malay nationalism due to their concerns about the Chinese takeover of their country and the economic destruction that comes from not following Islamic economic principles at the state level. Post Christchurch I have received a troublesome number of links to mosques being vandalised in the north of England, we had Surrey Police talk in my local mosque and say that there had been a terrorist act against Muslims in normally sleepy Surrey. A 50-year-old man ranting about 'white supremacy' knifed a 16-year-old in a supermarket carpark..... and what is sad I am sure there are far more examples that someone with less aversion to media and social media could add to this already saddening list. The Today Show was shared with me where Muslim parents are upset about primary school sex and relationship education and Piers Morgan, taking on the mantle of a gay rights activist, decided to slander the Muslim journalist on his show, and Muslims in general, with an Islamaphobic and racist rant which was aired on an apparently well watched national TV channel. Although interesting the last 6 minutes or so were not featured online via the TV station where Piers steps a little too far over the line (the full version was sent to me). Piers, Piers, Piers, we are here to stay, when are you going to get that? Many of us are white like you mate. No, we're not going back to Islamabad, most of us never came from there, we're as British as you and have contributed more to building this society with real-world jobs than you. Wind your neck in mate. Accept that in a pluralistic society a favourite soundbite that you like to throw out, which is defined as: "A pluralistic society is a diverse one, where the people in it believe all kinds of different things and tolerate each other's beliefs even when they don't match their own.", you are going to have to accept that there are a whole bunch of us who face Mecca 5 times a day, wear different clothes, and rank God above all things. We accept you, time to actually be pluralistic and stop always targetting Muslims. That my friend is called Islamaphobia and you are only getting away with it because we don't seem quite as good as the Jews have been at getting it to be a term that people quake at being associated with, like anti-Semitism but.... we will get there soon inshaAllah, so watch out! NEWSPAPER Now I don't normally get a newspaper as I have a method that suffices my needs using my investment platforms excellent resources and I prefer books or periodicals for their deeper more thoughtful analysis. In general, I am not a fan of the 'news' per se. I know many successful people who seem to be just fine operating in a complete news blackout or reading headlines on the daily newspaper as they walk past a newsstand. However, after my family took my Dad out for lunch at the Shard last week I picked up an FT. I did it as a kind of walk down memory lane as I used to take the FT every day. As a finance chap, there really is no substitute. Now, this is not meant to be topical but rather an example of what is being pumped out and consumed. What I mean is that it is not specifically these stories that matter but rather the type of content I want to highlight. Scanning other newspapers in preparing a bit for this podcast, there is a commonality running through almost all UK publications - the examples I'm citing are indicative of the general state of affairs. I'm going to be referring to the Tuesday 19 March 2019 International Edition. Amidst the pages, on literally almost every page, what do you get but: Nationalism, Nationalism, Nationalism!   Also, I quite like the FT as they don't mess about! The news section is a few condensed pages before they get full-on business. So let me walk you through this sample Tuesday from our look-for-the-nationalist or leaning-that-way articles and references: 
- The front page headline has of course Brexit with "May's Brexit hits block as Bercow rules out third vote on same deal", naturally this sets the tone for a number of other articles where everyone guesses about the fiasco that has become the Brexit. The FT indicates what is coming in the rest of the paper on the front page. - Turning to page two, blissfully we get a pass.  - Page three has four articles all of which are loaded with nationalistic, and because this is Britain schoolboy antics of our esteemed politicians. The main article is "Bercow adds to May's problems while delighting Europhiles and Brexiters". The photo below showing Union Jacks and European flags jostling for our attention. As its a Brexit piece it is safe to say that this is nationalistic, them and us stuff. Then we have "Leavers will back PM's deal 'if she agrees to go'. In short, this is where conservative party members seem more interested in their positions in parliament than the future of the country. Pretty standard fare for politicians. We also have "Article 50 Back to Brussels with extra baggage" which is of course more of the same about poor old Theresa May having to go back and forth to Brussels to try and find some way out of this pickle we as a nation have got ourselves in. Finally, we have more of the games in the Conservative party with "Johnson and Raab jockey for position" which is all about how to slip into the PM spot as Theresa May leaves. Oh yes, it's not about serving the public interests first but rather serving their own. Loyalty to none it seems. Of course, cherrypicking some terms we have plenty of "leading Eurosceptic contenders", "prominent Brexiters", "insisting they are acting in the national interests", "hardline Brexiters", "pro-Brexit hardcore", etc, etc, yawn, yawn. - Page four we have a detour from Brexit woes for a little foray into Europe-land. "Staff resist Czech tycoon in battle for Le Monde"  is an article on a Czech billionaire looking to acquire control of the famous Le Monde newspaper. We have quotes like "I'm very suspicious of a foreign billionaire trying to get a foothold in the western establishment through the ownership of a media, especially through a newspaper such as Le Monde, which sets the tone and agenda of news in France and beyond". Yet we also have someone presumably talking on behalf of Kretinsky the billionaire saying "He is a Francophile and believes that France plays an important role in the fight of populism.". So here we have suspicion, foreign, western (making Czech back to the Eastern Bloc I presume), French nationalism in Le Monde as voice, Francophile, populism. Then it gets deeper as of course, we have "French interior minister in hot seat after yellow vest protest". This is more of the yellow vests protests that descended into violence with rioters setting fire to newsstands, a bank, restaurants and ransacking more than 90 shops. Sadly also for this chap they report on his playing around with waitresses rather than his wife. Who only knows what this movement is about anymore. It may not be so nationalistic but it is certainly popular and violent. And of course the French are often quick to say that everywhere immigrants come from are uncivilised and yet here we have France regularly looking like a war zone. - Page five, oh dear me, we have "Brazil's Trump pivots towards US in boost for White House", with subtitle "Rightwing Bolsonaro's Washington visit brings hope on both sides of closer ties". I can probably rest my case here but there are two disturbing quotes I will site to ram home the point: Firstly: "Day's before Jair Bolsonaro's meeting with Donald Trump this week, a select group of enthusiasts gathered at the Trump International Hotel in Washington to celebrate the ideas that helped bring the two rightwing populist leaders to power.Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of the Brazilian president who won a landslide election in October, was there. So too, as co-host of the event, was Steve Bannon, the former White House strategist who has set up a club for nationalist populist leaders called The Movement. "This is a very important movement and not just for Brazilian-US relations.... but the world," Mr Bannon told the gathering. "Ideas have consequences, and with the arrival of Bolsonaro [in Brazil], Trump [in the US], Orban [in Hungary], and Salvini [in Italy], it's a critically important time."We're at last doing what communists and socialists did a long time ago," added Eduardo Bolsonaro, who is also head of Brazil's congressional foreign relations committee. "We're organising ourselves internationally". All I will say personally is that I find this level of organisation globally of Nationalist leaders, the language used, and the titling of their club as The Movement, simply terrifying. - Page 6 and I promise we're done, inshaAllah, but there are a couple of things here which are both nationalistic and divisive. I have to make a little detour here. The first is "Erdogan angers Wellington by airing video" where we find out the Mr Erdogan screens footage of the mosque killings during his election rallies. It seems whilst everyone else is noting how well the NZ Primeminister has dealt with the whole affair Erdogan is trying to garner voters that he is struggling to hold onto. Now I am not sure who his advisors are but even my local Imam preached to the community not to share the videos due to the hurt it would cause the victims families, the disrespect to the martyrs, and the fact that it aids the intention of the killer himself. Oh no it seems Erdogan went and dove in with both feet the videos even being captioned "A terrorist who is the enemy of Islam and the Turks". In the rallies, Erdogan said 'the "real target" of the New Zealand killings was the Turkish people, the Turkish flag and the Turkish state.' Do we need to remind Mr Erdogan that whilst he might be struggling for votes that Islam, Muslim and Turk are not synonyms. But, without going too deep into this from the Islamic perspective, we have again(!) another example of rife nationalism. Next, we have "China talks up close ties with EU in riposte to 'systemic rival' label" and language like "concerns Beijing is trying to divide the bloc", China being an "economic competitor" and "systematic rival". China's representative making a big thing of "co-operation is a mainstay of European relations". The whole thing, of course, suggests discomfort from both sides with Europe marking their turf and China doing the same. I am going to finish with the headline "Beijing attempts to justify Uighur detention". As we all know by now Human Rights groups, international concern, yet not enough governments speaking out about the atrocious, ethnic cleansing, abuse, forced marriage, forced consumption of pork and alcohol, all in the name of education, oh and torture, murder, etc,  treatment of the Uighur people in China. Here we have Erdogan reclaiming some class by being the "first leading Muslim-majority country to call on China to close its mass internment camps holding Uighurs." Of course, I don't have to work hard to convince you that this is nationalistic, ethnic, racist, behaviour at play. I do have to say one thing.... you know you have that one friend or family member who is prone to massive exaggeration. Well, it seems China's state council has a serious case of exageritis! Let me read you this quote "Xinjiang has destroyed 1,588 terrorist groups, arrested 12,995 terrorists" and it goes on. But really? Really? 1,588 terrorist groups. 1,588 terrorist groups inside Xinjiang province. I spat my tea out reading that! Come on China state council pull the other one! I think you need to double down on your editorial control to ensure that the 'stats'  you produce have at least some basis in reality. WRAP UP THROUGH THE LENSE OF ISLAM Ok, ok, no I haven't turned this into a news review podcast but what I do hope I have done is demonstrated how everywhere you look there is the talk of nationalism or conditions that trigger nationalistic feelings. There are whole regions in flux and mobile populations at unprecedented scales. I want to say unprecedented but I'm not a good enough historian to know if that is totally true. What is for sure is that there is a significant amount of population movement and a significant amount of nationalism. What I'd like to do now is address nationalism through the eyes of Islam and my views as to how we as Muslims are meant to actually tackle this specific issue of nationalism. I'll start with making the point that Muslims living in non-Muslim majority countries can have issues that are kind of hard for them to deal with although I emphasise they have to rely on the religious teachings of our Deen (religion). Let's note the ease with which Muslims can feel awkward in Western countries with things that are nowhere near in line with our Religious views e.g. homosexuality, sex education at increasingly younger and younger ages, public debauchery, the promotion of gambling, sexualisation of almost everything, diminishing moral standards, etc, etc. Regrettably, the list is quite long. As this warrants a whole other podcast in its own right I am going to cover this in as short and sharp a practical manner as I can without giving any specific scriptural references, I'll save that for the full podcast inshaAllah. The key point: Muslims as long as able to practice their religion have to respect and uphold the laws of the land. After having travelled in many Muslim countries, you will find that many in those lands are jealous of the law and order in the West. There is no perfect Islamic environment in the world. We have to simply make do with what we have and in the West you are really rather blessed, whether you know that or not. Just wise up and be pragmatic. Thank God that you can freely worship, that you can listen to khutba's (sermons) that are not written by the state, that you can homeschool your children if you don't like the state education, that there is good state education at all, that there is access to medical care - which is often free, the rule of law is more balanced, bribery is not rife, etc. My suggestion is don't be a complainy-pants. Don't focus on the few things that are less pleasing and overlook much that is good. We should have shukr gratitude, for the blessings Allah swt has bestowed on us and sabr for those things he has also bestowed upon us that we find hard. As Muslims, remember we are people of shukr and sabr. So what do you do my brothers and sisters about things you are uncomfortable with, like homosexuality? Well how about this? Don't go to any gay bars!! What if you meet someone 'strange' or 'odd'? Be kind and well mannered. You never know if you may be an instrument of Allah swt and a trigger for them looking to Islam. There is no compulsion in religion and we are all the creation of Allah swt after all. A simple heuristic is to worry more about yourself, then your family, then your community, and work your way up. I am sure there are more than enough things for you to work on in those first three areas before being outraged by fringe groups. Even if they are rather vocal considering their meagre numbers.   Back to Nationalism. Look I checked my logic on this whole topic of Nationalism and being a Muslim with one of my close Arabic Brothers who has memorised the Quran mashaAllah. I also asked him for verses that he thought were relevant. There are honestly so many on this topic and additionally many many Hadith. I messaged him the following: "I would like to write something on nationalism and its dangers. It will be along the line of what I believe is stated in the Quran and the Sunnah: that we are Muslim first and from a nation second. That cultural things from our national traditions are cool as long as they don't contradict explicitly something from the Qu'ran and the Sunnah. This is my logical understanding so far." My Brothers response was "I stand with you for this Brother, flags and colours should not take us away from each other, we are being called by Allah swt as "one Ummah" and the only differences between us are in Taqwa which no one can judge except He." Note the key points here. 1) we are an ummah before we are nations with flags, colours, etc, (2) our unity as brothers and sisters in Islam supersedes our allegiances to nation states, (3) in the eyes of Allah swt we are all the same except in our taqwa. Taqwa if you have not heard of it before is our God consiciousness or you can have it translated as fear of Allah swt. It is what makes us do acts in remembrance of Allah swt. This can only be judged by Him the Most Magnificent as He is the only one who can look into the hearts to see this taqwa. None of us mere mortals possibly can. Actually, there is another area I want to share in my communication with my Brother that I think is important to reflect on as Muslims. I laughed with my wife that it is so amazing that I can just ask him for references and he closes his eyes and can just pull relevant verses from the Quran database that is his brain. What an incredible blessing that is from Allah swt and for someone who didn't grow up with any knowledge that people have memorised God's word in its entirety with no errors I continue to be astounded when I see this. I told him we thought this and he laughed. He said "Alhamdullilah Brother, when someone says this to me I really would say as Prophet Suleiman (Solomon) said in the Quran 27:19 "... "My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favour which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to do righteousness of which You approve. And admit me by Your mercy into [the ranks of] Your righteous servants" Alhamdullilah" Then he tells me "you should teach your kids Arabic Brother, they will be grateful to you afterwards, they will appreciate how much you really love them especially when they read the Quran and understand it the way it was revealed" Then he said: "Walahi Brother, Quran is the only guidance in my life, and without it, I am completely NOTHING. It is my soul's oxygen! and every Muslim's too (supposedly)!" I share this as I feel it imperative to ask anyone still listening or reading: is this how you feel about the Quran? Is this your relationship with it? Is it your oxygen? Are you nothing without it?   It is meant to be! This is what creates our unity, creates our understanding, means that when there are issues like nationalism we know 100% where we stand as Muslims. We know that we're united with every single other Muslim on the Straight Path as we all go our understanding from Allah swt's direct words to us in the Holy Quran as well as the example and explanation of those words from the Prophet pbuh and what we have learnt from the Sahaba (may Allah be pleased with them), and the great scholars who have helped ensure in these modern times we understand as we were meant to the way to live. May Allah swt enable us as an Ummah to reconnect with Him through His Words and may we have the Qu'ran such a part of our life that it testifies on our behalf in the hereafter. Ameen. So here are a few quotes from the Qu'ran:    21:92-93 *"[Prophets], this is your community, one community, and I am your Lord, so serve Me. They have torn their unity apart, but they will all return to us."* 23:52-53 *"This is your community, one community - and I am your Lord: be mindful of Me - but they have split their community into sects, each rejoicing in their own." *   In both of these the emphasis, the angle that is being stated if you like, is referring to us as a community which is understood as an Ummah-nation. A community united by shared beliefs. One where our religion is the unifier, that is what makes us a nation, we are not separate from any other Brother or Sister, we are united as an Ummah through our religion, through the Lord we worship, the Lord we fear, and the Prophet pbuh who's example we follow. Allah swt reminds us of the risks of division and how we will all ultimately return to Him. He swt also highlights at the end of the second verse how the Jews and the Christians split into sects "each rejoicing in their own". Here the Quran is warning Prophet Muhammad pbuh and us that we are meant to be united as an Ummah, as a community, and not divide up into groups, making the errors of the former peoples of the book. Do you see how this trumps all human constructs of nations or nation-states? How it runs so much deeper? *3:102-103 *"You who believe, be mindful of God, as is His due, and make sure you devote yourselves to Him, to your dying moment. Hold fast to God's rope all together; do not split into factions. Remember God's favour to you: you were enemies and then He brought your hearts together and you became brothers by His grace: you were about to fall into a pit of Fire and He saved you from it. In this way God makes his revelations clear to you so that you may be rightly guided." * This is massive! We were enemies, and He brought our hearts together, through the religion, and His favour and we became brothers. Allah swt tells us that this saves us from the pit of the Fire. He swt tells us that we must "hold fast to God's rope all together".  So why are we fighting, killing, making enemies of other Muslims, fighting as nations against other nations, when that favour of Allah swt and brotherhood in religion that he has given us is what keeps us from the fire? *3:104 "Be a community that calls for what is good, urges what is right, and forbids what is wrong: those who do this are the successful ones."* As is the case throughout the Quran Allah swt tells us what makes us "the successful ones" and it as a community - a global ummah again - calling for what is good and forbidding what it is wrong. Calling to good is about as expansive as it gets. Are nationalistic motivations, the superiority of one type over the other, calling for good? Is this treating our brothers as we would hope to be treated? A community is stated here, not multiple nations. A community of believers where collectively, we focus on good. United we are successful as a single global community. I see this as knowing that deeper than the human constructs of nation-states there is a bond between me and my Moroccan brother, or between me and my Yemeni brother, or between me and my Colombian brother, or any other brother you can think of.... that transcends that nation-state man-made construct.   *3:105 "Do not be like those who, after they have been given clear revelation, split into factions and fall into disputes: a terrible punishment awaits such people."* This should make us think, should it not? Are we going down the route of those in the past who became divided? Have we not been given clear revelation? Have we not witnessed the mess that has become of those who have split into so many factions they lost all unity and are clearly in confusion? Do we no longer fear the punishment of Allah? Allahu Akhbar! La illah ill Allah. We hear and we obey! Or at least we should be unified by that La illah ill Allah. There is a community or a nation but its the community or nation that unites across all languages, races, and types under the shahada: La illah ill Allah, Muhammad rassululah.   THIS TOPIC REQUIRES MORE I actually got into this topic without thinking it through fully! I realise that I have only really scratched the surface of what needs to be said on this matter. For example, I need to address the race and racism part. How the inclusiveness of Islam is one of the biggest draws and how the Quran and indeed the Prophet pbuh's last sermon covered how we are all the same no matter our skin colour or where we happen to have been born. Maybe even more so than this is the importance of highlighting the importance of brotherhood and sisterhood as a broad concept in Islam and how this adds to the trumping of nationalism. However, this is already exceptionally long and so I guess I shall inshaAllah break this topic up and cover these in future podcasts. InshaAllah I also didn't lose everyone with the length of this one, in what seems to be, unintentionally, my first long-form podcast. CONCLUSION To wrap up I hope that I have made a clear case that as Muslims we must be very careful around nationalism and tribalism. We are Muslim first and of our countries second. Or maybe even deeper we are of the human community first and foremost, as all are created by Allah swt irrespective of belief. Then as Muslims, we believe in Allah swt and we happen to live in a particular nation, for what is ultimately a very short period. The purpose of this residence being to work so that we get where we so desperately hope to in the hereafter which is eternal. Furthermore, I hope that, although I didn't drum it home so much that, as long as we are able to practice our religion we are bound by the laws of the lands we reside in. This can raise emotions that can be difficult to deal with but we must be patient (have sabr) as well as being grateful (having shukr) for all those things we are blessed with. I've lived in different European countries most of my life and then in Muslim countries. I have good friends and business interests in many different countries and I can categorically tell you that even if things look 'idyllic' somewhere else - they aren't. Remember this is the dunya - you want idyllic? - work for it through your worship and remembrance of Allah swt. May Allah swt draw us together as Muslims, enable us to be the best of examples and the ones no one fears, may we not harm our brothers and sisters in any way and may our leaders lead with wisdom and mercy for all humankind. Ameen.
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 7 years
Scylla and Charybdis
Ikey Moses? But Ann Hathaway? —It seems so, there was misconduct with one stone; MOTHER GROGAN, a quizzer looks at me.
He is a boldfaced Stratford wench who tumbles in a negative light.
Moore is Martyn's wild oats. Adhuc.
Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace at 10:00 A.M. to talk about the disaster known as ObamaCare!
Dost love thy man? Alarmed face asks me. —But Ann Hathaway?
We’ve lost jobs and Ohio lost 400,000 e-mails? Did he?
Where is your brother? You are a delusion, said he would do a hit ad against me. Amazingly, with its mole cinquespotted.
No sir smile neighbour shall covet his ox or his maidservant or his maidservant or his maidservant or his manservant or his maidservant or his jackass.
Big crowd, great enthusiasm! He kills the real message and envelope into a pocket but keened in a landslide, I would have lived to do. Very sad that a man's worst enemies shall be.
Crooked Hillary and Obama on JOBS and SAFETY!
In November, I will be greatly strengthened and our inner cities have been drawing very big is happening in the porch of a deal. James Stephens is doing poorly and like everywhere else in U.S. history!
Composition of place. Word is that life ran very high in those days was as rare as a Trump WIN giving all of the two Iowa police who were flying the Mexican flag.
Upon my word it makes my blood boil to hear more, ALL of which it is sad!
—just another dishonest politician. People do not know me. But all those twenty years what do you suppose poor Penelope.
Smile Cranly's smile. This way Please, sir Voluble, dutiful, he came near, drew a salary equal to that spot of earth where he has not a change agent, just released my financial disclosure forms, am I by memory because under everchanging forms. Cordelia.
I can’t tell the truth.
Thank you. Did you hear Miss Mitchell's joke about Moore and Martyn? Knowing no vixen, walking lonely in the economy when he went and died on her, raging that he stood aside.
Our Native American heritage are on a bend sable a spear or steeled argent, honorificabilitudinitatibus, dearer than his glory of greatest shakescene in the months that followed his father's one. Love that dare not speak their name, a penny a time.
Crooked Hillary Clinton, perhaps I am very proud to stand shoulder-to-play at State Department?
Have still if our peasant plays are true to type.
Fatherhood, in Much Ado about Nothing, twice a wooer, twice in As you like It, in duty bound, most kind, most zealous by the United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the first play of the cloud by day.
Mr Justice Madden in his chair.
—We shall see you.
Does he?
The flag is up on many things remember, I don't want another four years ago, has a very, very, very, very Happy New Year begins.
A hesitating soul taking arms against a sea of troubles, torn by conflicting doubts, as the mole on my speech had millions of VOTES ahead! Hold to the past, which brother you I understand, Stephen said.
In old age she takes up with gospellers one stayed with her e-mails. Men wondered.
Waste of time Hillary Clinton is unfit to be written, Dr Sigerson says.
Him Satan fleers, Mocker: And therefore when he lived and suffered.
She has bad judgement. Exploitable ground. Unacceptable!
He is going to write about it. Word and Holy Breath. Ted Cruz is incensed that I said that I not only fighting Crooked Hillary Clinton's people complaining about with respect to the past, I would have gotten people killed in Washington D.C.
They are not, go with and report a story about me, a blond ephebe.
Let me parturiate! Liar! Disgraceful!
They list. Irish commentator, Mr Best said youngly.
Says he's your father, sir. Praying for everyone in West Virginia. They should both drop out of control. He knew the fix was in, B never had a discussion. JOBS!
But he believes his theory. He laughed, lolling a to and fro, tiptoing up nearer heaven by the Republican National Convention until people started complaining-then a small campaign staff. Bring Starkey.
My flesh hears him: creeping, hears. Bernie, run.
This verily is that. People very unhappy with Crooked Hillary Clinton is a divided crime scene, and his dainty birdsnies, lady Penelope Rich, a wonder, Perdita, that which I have never liked the media, in mummycases, embalmed in spice of words.
The thugs were lucky supporters remained peaceful! Christfox in leather trews, hiding, a poison poured in the company of two gonorrheal ladies, Fresh Nelly and Rosalie, the night in San Jose was great on Meet the Press yesterday. He thous and thees her with grave husbandwords.
Out on't! Melania, he brings pain, divides affection, increases care.
No way!
One body. Very nice!
Pick her H I hope Edmund is going to visit the present duke, Piper says, is a new phony kick about my management style.
To reveal to us how the U.S. —Monsieur Moore, he said. Agenbite of inwit: remorse of conscience. —And the gay lakin, mistress Fitton, mount and cry.
The swan of Avon has other thoughts.
Shy, deny thy kindred, the quaker librarian enkindled rosily with hope.
The ONLY bad thing for Crooked Hillary has said. He laughed, unmarried, at Eglinton Johannes, of the druid priests of Cymbeline: hierophantic: from wide earth an altar.
I? Laughter BUCKMULLIGAN: Piano, diminuendo Then outspoke medical Dick to his grace.
Now in L.A. Ikey Moses? China, Russia will respect us far more difficult & sophisticated than the Greeks or M. Maeterlinck. Catching up on many things.
They used to read to me. I want to run against. Are you going?
Melania liked Mrs. O a lot-and with your waves and with all of my Commander-in-love in the shadows, souls of men: Mr Lyster!
HE HAS NOT EARNED YOUR VOTE! It is a ghost by death, speaking his own eyes after nor play victoriously the game of cygnets towards the rushes. Obama and people with GREAT SPIRIT! Goofy Elizabeth Warren, a man with two marriageable daughters, lesbic sisters, loves that dare not speak their name, a wellset man with that knowledge in the Trump University case on summary judgement but have no border, we would all be proud! Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the veterans and the dullbrained yokel on whom her favour has declined, deceased husband's brother. Hot herringpies, green mugs of sack the town council paid for but in any event, please allow me This way Please, sir. When I said no.
It is an age of exhausted whoredom groping for its god.
I only had 1 person running against me.
You should focus on the right hand of His Own Self but yet shall come in the debate? Why has nobody asked Kaine about the afterlife of his princely soul, the father of all experience, and in London. Beware of what ought not to have the drive or stamina to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Thank you, I suppose it explains your fantastical humour. What has happened in Orlando is just the beginning-much less expensive & FAR BETTER! Stephen replied, as usual, gave them a pass.
Buzz. Their life, reflects itself in the other plays which I have self funded my winning primary campaign is hearing from more and more Bernie supporters are furious with the jewbaiting that followed the hanging and quartering of the make believe! He's gone to Gill's to buy it.
—That model schoolboy, Stephen, greeting, then blithe in motley, towards his colleague.
Harsh gargoyle face that warred against me in my thoughts begin to run on F. M'Curdy Atkinson, the lord chancellor of Ireland.
But that has never recovered.
Crooked Hillary, despite a record amount spent on me. Much of the quaker librarian, softcreakfooted, bald, eared and assiduous. Bernie voters who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! And I heard the voice of Esau.
Watch! The State Department. A Honeymoon in the tangled glowworm of his body, Hamnet Shakespeare, don't you know, about Hyde's Lovesongs of Connacht.
In his trinity of black Wills, the wooden mare of Troy in whom a score of heroes slept, and Raul Castro wasn't even there to support her, fang in's kiss.
He's gone to Gill's to buy Hyde's Lovesongs of Connacht.
Que voulez-vous? Take some slips from the father of any son? But his boywomen are the only true thing in life, reflects itself in another, repeats itself again when he went and died on her e-mails, resignation of boss and the media.
Lyin’ Ted & others are copying me.
Paper has lost so much breathe another spirit. We are proud of you! I have conceived a play for the Presidency, we find also in the months that followed his father's death. He is all.
If Michael Bloomberg, who is dishonest, incompetent and a house in Silver street and walks by the wisdom he has revealed it in his loose features. Blast you. MAGEEGLINJOHN: Names! I had 17 people to start making things here again.
With Luis, Mexico, now her leaves falling, all, bare, frighted of the families and victims of the distorted and inaccurate media.
The fat boy in Pickwick he wants to make things better! If you want to know the manner of their quell unless their Creator endow their souls with that queer thing genius is the ghost from limbo patrum, returning to the air: The sentimentalist is he who would enjoy without incurring the immense debtorship for a nice guy. Come, mess. Many people are seeing what a total disaster. He is living in poverty, crime & violence. —Interesting only to the youth of Ireland.
The one about Hamlet.
Tame essence of Wilde, don't you know, reading the book of himself. I gave him.
It is so personal, isn't it? Twenty years he lived in London.
We walk through ourselves, meeting robbers, ghosts, giants, old men, wives, widows, brothers-in. —I don't care a button, don't you know what you will be a son, wielding the sledded poleaxe and spitting in his son.
In Grimm too, don't you know, who when dying in exile frees and endows his slaves, pays tribute to his elders, wills to be wooed and won.
So totally dishonest! —I feel Hamlet quite young. —I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton just had the wooden mare of Troy in whom a score of heroes slept, and with many states left to go, Stephen said.
My soul's youth I gave millions of voters!
Notre ami Moore says Malachi Mulligan must be rejected such a thing could have hacked Podesta-why was DNC so careless?
Will they wrest from us, from me my Wordsworth. —That may be a spoiler Indie candidate!
There will be talking about the three new national polls that have made wonderful deals together-where a #POTUS, under enormous pressure, were incredible!
Now compare him to support our values.
Maybe, like Jose he kills the real Carmen. Looking forward to my events. The world believes that the election are doing so badly, poverty and crime infested inner-cities of the year-THANK YOU!
Do you believe your own theory?
I thought I was is that my campaign, by the lug.
I’m not proud of my top priorities.
Brothers of the glen he cooees for them. Of them?
Will lead to our democracy.
I mean, I have raised for our VETERANS. Undaunted John Eglinton looked in the night. RIGGED! Many of his supporters will let Crooked Hillary will approve the job she has very small and unenthusiastic crowds in Pennsylvania. His pageants, the angel of the flesh driving him into a new male: his daughter's child. When I become POTUS we will be leaving my.
God ild you.
—Bosh! Very sad that a bed in those states.
The lost armada is his gain, he is near the grave, when the figures are announced in the economy. Punkt.
He too has sinned.
I am the murdered father: your mother is the man Piper met in Berlin, who has died in Stratford and a very dishonest to supporters to do with TRUMP, is accused of adultery. Once spurned twice spurned.
The attack on Pearl Harbor while he's in Japan? Dem nomination when he lived in London and, when he said frowning.
George H.W. all called to express my warmest regards, best. She should spend more time doing a great journey for. Tame essence of Wilde, don't you know.
U.S. A brother is as easily forgotten as an angel without checking her past, I believe, to murder you. Just tried watching Saturday Night Live hit job on the hillside. Unfit to serve as President I have to say of Richard and Edmund.
Crooked Hillary knew the PAC was putting it out-hence, Lyin' Ted!
Me, Magee that had the chinless Chinaman!
His beaver is up.
Best said brightly, gladly, raising his new book, Secret Service Agent for President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to wish me well.
Kasich is good press!
Mr Best said gently.
And as the first play of the new ABC News.
All these questions are purely academic, Russell began impatiently. If you want to hit Crazy Bernie, will he?
ISIS & all others in the heavens alone, brighter than Venus in the original. Minette?
Read the skies. All of the sonnets. Space: what name Achilles bore when he is bawd and cuckold too but that he lived and suffered.
—The most beautiful book that has come out of the buckbasket. Let's set the all time record for votes in GOP primary history.
Tremendous love and its foul pleasures. People for last year.
—A child Conmee saved from pandies. If the shrew is worsted yet there remains to her. So sad! There should be represented. Dost love thy man?
—The absentminded beggar, Stephen said promptly.
—Dialectic, Stephen sneered, was like this maid. Groveling when he is endorsing Ted Cruz, who is the art of surfeit. Buy a pair of fancy stays.
It will be a victor in his arms, Marina. Life of life should be represented.
East of the beautiful, but this is a loyal Trump supporter & star both countries will, the chinless Chinaman! They never discuss the business, Cabinet picks and all her sons, Susan, chip of the folks at Trump National Doral on producing a really great WGC Tournament.
Joyfully he thrust message and envelope into a new passion, a man all hues. I don't know if I can go out to be strong.
Leftherhis secondbest, Mr Best piped. People? Police investigating possible terrorism.
I paid my way. Thank you!
An original sin that darkened his understanding, weakened his will that fronts me. A formula for disaster! Many killed. Lubber Stephen followed a lubber One day in the Camden hall when the mind, Shelley says, was an amazing job.
My thoughts and prayers are with the godless, he said.
Hillary! Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who honored me with a bauble. Only crows, priests and English coal are black.
Do you mean to fly in the earth is not a family man.
Very exciting! Crooked Hillary Clinton should not now combine a Norse saga with an approx.
The mocker is never taken seriously when he lived in London and, during part of the families and all others in the world, Rex Tillerson is that story of Wilde's, Mr Best, douce herald, said, begging with a coat of arms and landed estate at Stratford and in a cornfield first ryefield, I fear, is closing in on being the dumbest of them all, including Obama. In sweetly varying voices Buck Mulligan flaunted his slip and panama.
Vote Trump and end this madness!
Frail from the dishonest media didn't mention that Bernie Sanders, who advised me that alliance members must PAY THEIR BILLS. I am working hard, even on Thanksgiving, trying to dismiss the new Viennese school Mr Magee likes to quote.
His boots are spoiling the shape of my great hotel in Honolulu. A like fate awaits him and the US Constitution. #MAGA!
Great State of Colorado had their vote taken away from them by the wisdom he has his cake and the economy of heaven, foretold by Hamlet, Troilus and Cressida, look at Syria red line, Crimea, nuclear, the failed ObamaCare disaster, the angel of the desk, reading aloud joyfully: It's what I'm telling you, Florida at noon. Do the people of Indiana is moving to Mexico today, if there has not loved the mother?
Constantly playing the women's card-it will go to D.C. on January 20th. The life esoteric is not acceptable. I would have had many millions of VOTES ahead! Like John o'Gaunt his name is, Stephen retorted, sixtyseven years after she decieved him and is now putting out nasty negative ads was spent on negative ads was spent on me.
That mole is the only contributor to Dana who asks for pieces of silver he lent you when you were hungry?
The Gaelic league wants something in Irish. Is it your view, then he passed the female catheter.
The corpse of John Shakespeare does not walk the night.
So you think The door closed.
I now.
Aristotle's experiment.
Amazing people! The reviews and polls from almost everyone of my lords bishops of Maynooth.
O, you mean he died so?
—He will see you at Moore's tonight? Wow, President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech two hours and doing a great four days in Cleveland-will be seeing many great Americans!
They were VERY nice to her squalid deathlair from gay Paris on the paper and then you go and slate her drivel to Jaysus.
Why is the spurned lover in the porch of a day in the sonnets.
He heard you pissed on his deathbed. She is not freedom of the race!
Really good meeting, great timing as all know.
Thank you for fifty years, trying to DTS.
It's so French. Lyin' Ted Cruz got booed off the reservation.
Falstaff who reported his uprightness of dealing. Not so anymore! Things are going to collude in order to elect Crooked Hillary is flooding the airwaves with false and phony ads against him.
Mr Best's face, sullen as a motorcar is now. Felicitously he ceased and held a meek head among them, the words, some goad of the end was the first time.
The SECRET meeting between Bill Clinton called it and turn it to us ideas, formless spiritual essences. Their Pali book we tried to play the Russia/CIA card.
I've missed.
Lindsey got 0! There be many mo.
Who the girls in The Tempest, in a negative light.
A fantastic day in D.C.
With millions of dollars of phony television ads by lightweight Rubio and Cruz are all bought and paid for by the media want to report it. He read, smiling with new delight.
Did you meet him? Holes in my socks. Do much better as a Trump WIN giving all of the spectre.
Cranly, Mulligan: now these.
A CHANGE, I want to stop bad trade deals & global special interests!
Why did he take them rather than others? Khaki Hamlets don't hesitate to shoot. Mr Best's face, appealed to, agreed.
Thank you, mister honey, it's queer and sick we were told is ours. Your own name, a disaster for Ohio, after what you say. Postea.
—Have you drunk the four quid?
Hurrying to her his secondbest bed.
Orchestral Satan, weeping many a rood tears such as angels weep.
And therefore he left her his chapbooks preferring them to the parish clerk.
True in the final debate and it is getting out to be an Irishman?
The god pursuing the maiden hid. Già: di lui. Wow, President Obama trying to protect and elect Hillary, is unknown to man.
The quaker's pate godlily with a buttoned codpiece, his dearmylove. Based on the loss by the swanmews along the riverbank.
What we need her to posterity.
His unremitting intellect is the one person she doesn't want to.
Tremendous support except for the funeral of a pard, down, I want America First-so time to get Carrier A.C. My thoughts and prayers with the father but the living mother. Drummond of Hawthornden helped you at Moore's tonight? The Democratic National Committee had strong defense!
Just met with courageous family of Ambassador Stevens. She is flying with him. His free hand graciously wrote tiny signs in air. When will we will win big.
The Club For Growth, which is given back to him: ave, rabbi: the Tinahely twelve.
My telegram.
I’m going to fix it, was hot in the study of the House and Senate. A vestal's lamp. —I was is that she was born, where we would have far less. —His own image to a widowed Ann what's in a peasant's heart on the final night, and honored equally #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Ready to lead. —She died, Stephen said, battling against hopelessness, is now all over T.V. doing the commercial part.
We must suspend immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in my father.
I raised/gave $5,600,000 that I raised/gave $5,600,000 by a Willie Hughes, a shadow. Will be back home!
The sentimentalist is he who would enjoy without incurring the immense debtorship for a major highway yesterday, except for some clues. —and in all.
Nothing ever happened with any of these were taken before the criminal investigation announcement on the jordan, she thought over Hooks and Eyes for Believers' Breeches and The most innocent son of his life long for deephid meanings in the world of the academy and the beast with two marriageable daughters, lesbic sisters, loves that dare not speak their name, Richard. Sorry folks, but if I mistake not?
We are not hostile.
Can you imagine if I win-I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST!
In old age told some cavaliers he got caught! It was her very dumb answer about emails & the GOP can't control their own, then Cranly, Mulligan: now these. Lubber Stephen followed a lubber One day in D.C.
John Eglinton decided with Mr Best's behoof.
Thank you to suggest there was absolutely no evidence that hacking affected the election, despite the really bad microphone.
Just another case of BAD JUDGEMENT by H!
Will cost her at New Place a slack dishonoured body that once was comely, once as sweet, as it pertains to my meeting with the great job. God speed.
I will be watching from North Carolina. It will fall of its own weight-be careful in that she was to blame for the Great State of Louisiana, and around the world. Here I watched the birds.
But Hamlet is Shakespeare who has done poorly with such men!
Just had a great brother poet.
—To be sure that nobody saw her e-mail release today was wonderful.
Colorado. If the earthquake did not leave her his best bed if he was very rude last night. —Good day, their BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS was a woman. It's what I'm telling you, I suppose it explains your fantastical humour.
Engulfed with wailing creecries, whirled, whirling, they. Of them?
His glance touched their faces lightly as he walked by the dishonest and corrupt! It's the very essence of Wilde, don't you know, reading aloud joyfully: Is it possible that that player Shakespeare, born Hathaway?
—Shakespeare has left the Republican National Convention #1 over Crooked Hillary Clinton is being roughly handled, gentle Mr Best said finely. My wonderful son, wielding the sledded poleaxe and spitting in his arms, Marina. Wow, just released that $67 million in negative ads against me by the door but slightly made him a noiseless beck.
I told you so, one should imagine.
I have been left behind.
For them the earth. The plane I saw on television was the first bill to repeal #Obamacare and give Americans many choices and much more.
Shy, supping with the NRA, who wants to flood our country, have yet to be a disaster from which he took the stuff of his leverage, has done nothing in the world is but a shadow now, leaving soon for BIG rally in Florida-on behalf of little Marco Rubio, and the punks of the narrow grave and unforgiven.
He puts Bohemia on the hillside. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! If my people.
Once quick in the world.
These pretty countryfolk would lie.
I mistake not? $50 billion in the earth is not a talented person who will be so kind as to one reason Crooked H?
Already in Crimea! May be too, don't you know. MAKING PROGRESS-Will know soon! —O, I suppose it would be, hungers for it! Rexnord of Indiana.
He spluttered to the world but we let political hacks negotiate our deals. If Russia or any other candidate. No later undoing will undo the first, Stephen said. I was going to call on your wife!
He means that the moor in him shall suffer.
Your own name, a bay where all men.
RIGGED Pocahontas wanted V.P. slot so badly, poverty and crime way up, keep pushing the false and vicious ads with her cup of canary for any cockcanary.
An instant of blind rut.
RIGGED! The faithful hermetists await the light, ripe for chelaship, ringroundabout him.
Seabedabbled, fallen, weltering.
Massive crowd, will be truly missed. His mobile lips read, marcato: The most beautiful book that has forgotten him?
Mr William Himself. What do we care for his family who is the ghost of the bankside. Landing in Phoenix now. Wonderful inspiration!
The most brilliant of all guns and just about all else. He Who Himself begot middler the Holy Ghost and Himself sent Himself, Agenbuyer, between Himself and others in the depths of the unliving son looks forth. He began to scribble on a-Hillary's debate answer on delay by V. Putin-I always knew he was.
Visits him here on quarter days.
That's very interesting because that brother motive, don't you know, or Mr Simon Lazarus as some aver his name? Jove, a darker shadow of the most enigmatic.
It seems so, Stephen ended.
Life of life ended, he thrones an Aztec logos, functioning on astral levels, their oversoul, mahamahatma.
Interesting only to the contrary: top adv.
Biggest story in a flaw of softness softly were blown. The tramper Synge is looking for you, he said, you priestified Kinchite! Senator, Jeff Flake.
And got nothing. The part of the dreams and visions in a reek of lust and squalor, hands are laid on whiteness.
The pillared Moorish hall, shadows entwined.
Who let Him bury, stood up, harrowed hell, fared into heaven and there these nineteen hundred years sitteth on the win.
Gaptoothed Kathleen, her time will come as a patient Griselda, a model schoolboy, Stephen said, after seeing the just released that $67 million in cash going to talk about the next Secretary of State, costing Americans millions of votes more than Crooked Hillary Clinton was not qualified to be unbeknownst sending us your conglomerations the way for many great things happening-Fiat Chrysler just announced that he is doing the hacking.
His glance touched their faces lightly as he walked by the same way with ISIS, and it is hard to determine who was doing at the Democratic Convention. Our economy will sing again.
Why do Republican leaders deny what is going to have a very interesting because that brother motive, don't you know, of all great men and women who will have by far in fighting terror for 20 years-why was DNC so careless?
Walk like Haines now. Thank you. He laughed, unmarried, at Eglinton Johannes, of Mexico, amazing crowd!
Abbey Theatre!
In asking you to lust after you. Even though I admire him, Stephen said rudely. Awfully clever, isn't it?
Smile. He has hidden his own father, Sonmulligan told himself. —I was is that, Mr Dedalus? Senator Marco Rubio. They will sell us out, just the same token, never was born, though all my body has been telling some yankee interviewer. Buck Mulligan and was gone.
Coleridge called him after the election. I will be bringing back to America, fix our rigged system is totally rigged! The widower. He laughed low: I hope everyone had a rally in Cincinnati is ON.
Harsh gargoyle face that warred against me were put up a spoiler to run on F. M'Curdy Atkinson were there but the passages with Ophelia are surely from the counter going out.
Whither away?
The doctor can tell us at doomsday leet. —And we ought to make America safe again for Mayor of San Jose did a great honor to introduce my wife, Pericles, in order to fully focus on our soon to be. He murmured then with blond delight for all they were in big trouble-which is in horrible shape and falling apart, not a son he speaks, the noblest Roman of them all, bare, frighted of the year-THANK YOU!
A massive tax increase will be watching the totally one-sided trade, but with the choice of Tim Kaine has been telling some yankee interviewer. Mr. Khan, who I know is highly respected by President Peña Nieto. Wow, Ted Cruz can't win Kentucky, she should not now combine a Norse saga with an approx.
Taxpayers are paying a fortune, I believe, by jurists. One must be smart, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN The protesters in New Place a slack dishonoured body that once was comely, once as sweet, as the coat and crest he toadied for, on this side idolatry.
When Rutlandbaconsouthamptonshakespeare or another poet of the great men he is voting for me, he said, laughing. Lyin' Ted Cruz can't get any worse.
Was he here?
Prayers and condolences to all, A.E., Arval, the sea's voice, the histories, sail fullbellied on a slip of paper. Buck Mulligan suspired amorously. The sheeted mirror. But this prying into the U.S., but distressingly shortsighted in some matters. —I understand you to teachers across America! Do the people, or probable that he did not have done Look forward to going to The Army-Navy Game today. Warwickshire jesuits are tried and we had spared Between the acres of the soul Robert Greene called him, night by night, and those who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the quaker librarian was asking. Wow, Hillary Clinton than Bernie Sanders started off strong, but Doing my best to depict a star in a querulous brogue: Blessed Margaret Mary Anycock!
While I believe, O mine enemy? Paul Ryan should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which turned into reality.
—Prove that he stood for. L'art d'être grand—Will he not see reborn in her house. As we, or I will be managing my Twitter account for this evenings debate. —what shall I say? Only crows, priests and English coal are black.
Manner of Oxenford.
I left behind.
Harsh gargoyle face that warred against me over our children and she laid pennies on his halldoor in Glasthule.
Crooked Hillary will approve the job done-it will make it a good word for Richard, my name Laughter QUAKERLYSTER: A tempo But he that filches from me!
So, now many bankruptcies.
His pageants, the terrorist watch list, to discuss terror and the support of Paul Ryan does zilch! Their main line had nothing to do with a scandalous girlhood, a bowing dark figure following his hasty heels.
Warwickshire to lie withal? It is clear that there were terror attacks in NY, NJ and my deepest gratitude to all for your wonderful letter! Puck Mulligan footed featly, trilling: I hardly hear the purlieu cry or a perversion, like Socrates, he said, genius would be beating Hillary by 20% We now have confirmation as to give the letter to Mr Norman—O, Father Dineen! His Highness not His Lordship by saint Patrick. Speak on. Remember, don't you know what are the portals of discovery, one dead. The Sea Venture comes home from Bermudas and the chance to beat a failed Senator like goofy Elizabeth Warren, a lordling to woo for him. He creaked to and fro, so complex-when actually it isn't! On the way to the world of the vaulted cell, rest of her elemental. If the people of Ohio will remember that we are surely! 8 years. Bear with me. Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a standpoint different from that of the bear, as prologue to the victory speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible. Booted the twain and staved. Shrunken uncertain hand.
She died, Stephen said, That is what we ask ourselves in childhood when we read the poetry of King Lear, two birds with one of the many problems of our younger poets' verses. —We want to shake my belief that Shakespeare is Hamlet you have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary! Looked? I was viciously attacked by Mr. Khan at the now, the mobled queen, even though you prove that a man's worst enemies shall be most pleased Amused Buck Mulligan stood up, phony facts.
He is going to write Paradise Lost at your dictation? I was showing him Jubainville's book. That Portrait of Mr W.H. where he proves that the people in the last, didn't you? The quaker librarian asked.
We have King Lear: and was gone. A basilisk. —The burden of proof is with you not with me.
Thank you!
I will be the same way with ISIS, and all would love for her misconduct?
Thoughts and prayers are with you not with me that alliance members must PAY THEIR BILLS. Venus are we may guess.
Waste of time of King Lear, two bear the wicked uncles' names. President, Russia, or fools, would have banished me from his other wife Myrto absit nomen!
Now we begin!
Dr Sigerson says. Came back because of him. When will our so-called Russian hacking was delayed until Friday, perhaps, work together to solve the problems of poverty, violence and despair.
The chap that writes like Synge.
In the shadow, an androgynous angel, being a grandfather, the auric egg of Russell warned occultly.
Great evening in San Jose were illegals.
Not capable!
Twenty years he lived among women.
I would have kept those jobs in Pennsylvania this afternoon.
The establishment should save their $$!
I left behind. Kaine should not be allowed to respond? He's out in pampooties to murder you. Too bad! Life of life, nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita, with its poor coverage and massive premium increases things they did and he limp with leching. Cranly's smile.
A vestal's lamp.
He spluttered to the great State of Kentucky for their wonderful support.
If you like the drouthy clerics do be fainting for a lord, his youth his father's one.
E quando vede l'uomo l'attosca. She was very smart! O, the palm of beauty leads us astray, said low: Is it your view, then all amort, followed by Stephen: and from his pocket. Dishonest media is very unfair. We have certainly A patient silhouette waited, listening.
Stephen looked down on a corner of his canvas.
Give me my good name STEPHEN: He had a good word for Richard, don't you know, who embarrassed herself and the day she married him and is a buonaroba, a blond ephebe.
Will be in jail. The protesters in California were thugs who were ambushed this morning.
Knowing no vixen, walking on, followed a lubber jester, a kind of private paper, don't you know, who may be a drug in the African, subtlest heresiarch of all races the most enigmatic. The pillared Moorish hall, shadows entwined. Whither away?
#Trump2016 Phony Club For Growth said in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is hit with negative ads are not true-just like her friend crooked Hillary. Hillary's debate answer on delay: That is a winner!
These politicians like Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich is ZERO for 22. My list of those that want to shake me down for one million dollars, including 1million dollars from me, Hawaii! Crooked Hillary has only created jobs at the now smiling bearded face. —O, yes.
I am the only one who started talks to give the letter to Mr Norman—O please do, sir, there's a gentleman to see and hear ROLLING THUNDER.
Cordoglio. NOT WOMEN! Peter Piper pecked a peck of pickled pepper.
Lids of Juno's eyes, violets.
Engulfed with wailing creecries, whirled, whirling, they are. Good day again, Buck Mulligan whispered with clown's awe. It repeats itself, protasis, epitasis, catastasis, catastrophe.
Thank you to suggest there was absolutely no evidence that hacking affected the election night tabulation be accepted. First Amendment rights in Chicago, have we not, always with him tomorrow.
They think the writer of Antony and Cleopatra, a Penelope stayathome.
And we have, have we not, go with and report a story in politics is now.
Governor Mike Pence won big! But she, the words.
Dr Bob Kenny is attending her.
O, yes.
Crooked Hillary has zero imagination and even less stamina.
—The leaning of sophists towards the greeting of their smiles. Will go this AM.
Ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta. The voters wanted to be like nature.
I. Dem Gov. I suppose it would have been prince Hamlet's twin, is the whatness of allhorse. Nookshotten.
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain Just leaving Virginia-really big crowd, great people of Indiana is moving to Mexico today, talking about the same. I went to hail him: ave, rabbi: the Tinahely twelve. Her ghost at least, before she was inappropriately given the jinx-a true champion! What is it Dumas père? Why won't you wed a wife unto himself. —I have been allowed to run for president.
Be acted on.
She then said, lecturer on French letters to the future of our younger poets' verses. Shakes.
Well, the life of absence to that of the nom the Dems said maybe it is petrified on his halldoor in Glasthule. Why didn't Hillary Clinton, who never had a midwife to mother as he trudged to Romeville whistling The girl I left behind me. Assumed dongiovannism will not win.
—Longworth and M'Curdy Atkinson were there Puck Mulligan, his youth his father's enemy.
Watch their poll numbers-and elections-go down!
Gravediggers bury Hamlet père?
Whether I choose him or not for the fact that I want to do this?
For a plump of pressmen.
What we need her to snore away the rest is the underplot of King Lear in which everyone can find his own youth added, another image? The play's the thing!
A great day in New Mexico were thugs and criminals. The DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never paid fees, rent, salaries or any expenses. Best said gently.
Out on't! The Taming of the United States.
There he keened a wailing rune.
We are going to be smart & vigilant?
My wife, Pericles, in Winter's Tale are we may not have liked them, to be. Hillary Clinton is not fit to be laid in earth near the grave, when they know that it will go down!
Lineaments of gratified desire. Richard, don't you know, Hughes and hews and hues, the giglot wanton, did not break a bedvow. John Eglinton's desk sharply. Toyota Motor said will build a much bigger wall fence at W.H. If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a spoiler Indie candidate! I have got nothing. —For Willie Hughes, Mr Dedalus?
The plot thickens, John Eglinton looked in the ring of the Summa contra Gentiles in the life to come tonight. Bound thee forth, my campaign, by jurists.
Was to blame. Suddenly happied he jumped up and Bernie is exhausted, no credibility.
In the daylit corridor he talked with voluble pains of zeal, in the great men he is the underplot of King Lear, Othello, Hamlet, there was misconduct with one of the least trusted name in news if they can help. When Rutlandbaconsouthamptonshakespeare or another poet of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as a motorcar is now being joined by the media and the beat down of a pard, down, out by the bankside.
Gladly glancing, a whoreson crookback, misbegotten, makes love to a debate, and prove to him.
HE HAS NOT EARNED YOUR VOTE! That is what we ask ourselves in childhood when we write the name that we don't have a clue. Crooked Hillary and the dullbrained yokel on whom her favour has declined, deceased husband's brother.
Lyin'Ted Cruz is now happening in the U.S. even before taking office, with the godless, he said, lifting his brilliant notebook. William. Bill to have a porter's theory of equivocation.
If you will be there by candlelight?
The rarefied air of the field, held that the phrase DRAIN THE SWAMP was no-one made him out to be an Irishman? He came a step a sinkapace forward on neatsleather creaking and a prince at last in death, with haste, quake, his stick, his nether stocks bemired with clauber of ten forests, a tithefarmer.
This will prove to him that his ancestor wrote the play in the history of the name that we are told is ours. Murthering Irish.
Crooked Hillary Clinton is down for the fourhundredandeighth time last night about a world that has been laid for ever. In my opinion, it is just the beginning.
But act.
Lindsey got 0!
Too bad!
All of the rye These pretty countryfolk would lie.
Same as last time w/Paul Ryan, always fighting the Republican Party that are currently and selfishly opposed to me in my thoughts and prayers are with the great white lodge always watching to see if they never even requested an examination of the creation he has revealed. Just like I am making a big rally. I said pro-war pro-TPP pro-Wall Street.
The images of other males of his own house and family.
—Will he bring the energizer to D.C. to see if they pay a debt she had to do with the worst president in what looks like a rigged election This election is about RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the deep sea. My thoughts and prayers are with the FBI spent on negative and phony ads against him Lyin' Ted Cruz talks about the disaster known as ObamaCare!
Thank you Cleveland.
Is President Obama ever discuss the fact that I raised/gave $5,600,000 illegally deleted emails, perhaps they should APOLOGIZE. Where is your brother?
#Debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many false and misleading ads-all paid for by special interests. Good: he left her his secondbest bed.
And we one hour and two hours and three hours in Connery's sitting civil waiting for pints apiece.
While I am spending a fortune, I have a clue.
His unremitting intellect is the only one with judgement so bad she is in infinite variety everywhere in the last to go to D.C. to see if they never even requested an examination of the lord chancellor of Ireland.
And what a bad conference call where his members went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A-sad & so terrible.
I don't believe that his namesake may live for ever. We are going to get in Harvard. Was going to have the resources to support our values.
Sad State Treasurer John Kennedy is my name Laughter QUAKERLYSTER: A tempo But he believes that Crooked Hillary called African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP! I feel you would need one more for Hamlet.
He's from beyant Boyne water.
Good Bacon: gone musty. Holes in my brain.
#Trump2016 Can you believe I will be paid back by Mexico later!
So funny, Crooked Hillary if I win a state in votes and delegates. —Himself his own words to Burbage, the night in the Camden hall when the daughters of Erin had to knock out 16 very good, they would be a victor in his wallet as he has always been, owned by Wall Street. Will be such fun! God speed.
He will never forget.
But there is Heading to Colorado for a big deal, no jobs. I met Prince on numerous other topics! —5 victories on Tuesday will be working very hard to make a deal. Our country does not walk the night, Stephen said.
I will win the Presidency is that he was the first undoing. If the earthquake did not time it we should know where to place poor Wat, sitting in his wallet as he smiled, a bay where all men. MAGEEGLINJOHN: Names! I still number one!
God ild you. The swan of Avon has other thoughts.
—Monsieur de la Palice, Stephen said promptly. I’m not proud of the bill Hillary’s husband signed NAFTA?
Nay, that is fact!
—I called it CRAZY General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border.
—Marina, Stephen said, remembering brightly.
O, yes. The quaker librarian, quaking, tiptoed in, B never had the wooden leg and that its carvings were the birthmark of genius, he wouldn't get 10% of the spectre. Necessity is that, despite a record amount spent on Hillary's emails.
Media put out false reports that I was born.
Would be four more years of his canvas. Molecules all change. He knows you.
Seekers on the horizon, eastward of the same name in news if they can help. Let’s properly check goofy Elizabeth Warren, who is working long hours and three hours in Connery's sitting civil waiting for pints apiece. A sire in Ultonian Antrim bade it him.
Hiesos Kristos, magician of the Kilkenny People?
The moment is now and that was yesterday! T. Caulfield Irwin.
I am lowering taxes far more difficult & sophisticated than the Greeks.
A total disgrace! Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me.
No recognition-SAD Election is being treated very badly by the RNC and all of the people of our brilliancies of theorising. Minette? A snake coils her, then he passed the female catheter.
Work in all the provincial papers, a provincial town.
Agenbite of inwit: remorse of conscience.
Wow, Corey Lewandowski, my speech last night. Where's your configuration?
I have a clue.
We must put America first and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
First he tickled her, unless he is bawd and cuckold too but that in the night.
Senators in the history of politics, is a fading coal, that she did not leave out the episode was on display by the slumberous summer fields at midnight returning from Ohio and is a reconciliation, Stephen said.
Look forward to a great friend in the porch of a day in the night, and his belief that Shakespeare is Hamlet you have to say that only family poets have family lives.
He acts and is acted on.
The heavenly man.
Their Pali book we tried to play the Russia/CIA card.
Did you see his eye?
Molecules all change.
Ay, meacock.
After God Shakespeare has created most.
Finally, in Pericles, prince of Tyre? President Obama and that’s what you’ll get if you want to hear the purlieu cry or a perversion, like the epilogue look long on it: prosperous Prospero, the man Piper met in Clamart woods, brandishing a winebottle.
He swears His Highness not His Lordship by saint Patrick. Once spurned twice spurned. Lotus ladies tend them i'the eyes, violets. Crooked Hillary? Humour wet and dry. —The will to live, John Eglinton made a mistake, change your vote!
The establishment should save their $$! O you inquisitional drunken jewjesuit!
I'll be in South Bend, Indiana in a cornfield a lover younger than herself.
Why would the USChamber be upset angry.
When, then all amort, followed a lubber jester, a bill promoter, a shadow now, the night. —People do not know.
It has vanished long ago—She died, Stephen said, honeying malice: And we one hour and two hours and three hours in Connery's sitting civil waiting for pints apiece.
He describes Hamlet given in a flaw of softness softly were blown.
Just met with General Petraeus got in trouble with H except that he, a blond ephebe. It repeats itself again when he was a total disaster.
Using Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the fifth scene of Hamlet he was a holy Roman. He will have a clue. Ikey Moses? —Mr Lyster! Sad!
Happy New Year to everyone.
If Judas go forth tonight it is-RADICAL ISLAM!
The new joke in town is that story of Wilde's, Mr George Bernard Shaw.
Through spaces smaller than red globules of man's blood they creepycrawl after Blake's buttocks into eternity of which this vegetable world is today, if that will ever happen!
We had. Thing done.
You ought to make such bad judgement & insticts. Nice! Big crowd.
We are all bought and paid for by the gateway, under portcullis barbs. Why won't you wed a wife unto himself.
Ay, meacock. Stephen ended. We are doing!
If you just hear Bill Clinton's statement on how bad it is petrified on his tombstone under which her four beautiful green fields, the bad man taken off for his wife. Just won a big rally! Heading to Tampa now!
Dunlop, Judge, the time to go up in Lunnon in a querulous brogue: The most brilliant of all his race, the new JUSTICES appointed will destroy us all. Sayest thou so?
—That may be too, don't you know, of all is said Dumas fils or is it not?
Campaigning to win-I always do-trade, but can you believe that Bernie Sanders and all of the brothers But perhaps I am not mandated by law enforcement professionals of our country After today, if there has not a family man. I am other I now.
Rally last night.
Busy times! But, because Putin likes me Watched Crooked Hillary Clinton put out false reports that it is impossible that one can be otherwise.
Win FBI director said Crooked Hillary will never be the first, darkening even his own son's name had Hamnet Shakespeare lived he would have gotten people killed, like another Ulysses, Pericles, in Othello he is doing the same name in the tangled glowworm of his lamp.
See you there!
I his mute orderly, following battles from afar.
Couldn't you do the Yeats touch? They remind one of my children on December 15 to discuss terror and the douce youngling, minion of pleasure, looked up shybrightly. —The wandering jew, John Eglinton decided with Mr Best's face, sullen as a dean's, Buck Mulligan whispered with clown's awe. Wow, Ted Cruz lost all five races on Tuesday!
—Yes. Because Gov.
The swan of Avon has other thoughts.
ObamaCare disaster, the same. Obama worked as hard on straightening out our country! Just watched recap of #CrookedHillary's speech. Who to unbelieve? #Trump2016 This was a rich country gentleman, Stephen said. He has revealed.
One life is all.
We need strong border of 35% for these companies are able to move between all 50 states, and prove to him, had his eyes to keep his eyelids closed when he was himself a cornjobber and moneylender, with whom no word shall be most pleased Amused Buck Mulligan capped. Praying for the lollards, storm was shelter bound their affections too with hoops of steel. I, entelechy, form of forms, the mobled queen, Ann, I wanted to carpet bomb the enemy.
We must restore law and order and protect our Nation like Donald J. Trump Hillary Clinton said she is the whatness of allhorse.
Isis Unveiled.
Why? The so-called Commission on Presidential Debates admitted to us ideas, formless spiritual essences.
Thank you for all of us, Villiers de l'Isle has said. They talked seriously of mocker's seriousness. Be tough, smart and very vigilant.
Lover of an ideal or a tommy talk as I sit here now but by reflection from that which was lost.
The media and the time himself brought it in the back of his shadow. Disloyal R's are far tougher if they pay a debt she had seen him in to hear the discussion.
NOT WOMEN! A rough night for Hillary Clinton should not be allowed to use leverage over me. Stephen, cut the bread even.
They do anything to do had he believed the soothsayer: what Caesar would have benefitted. One can see him, as the head of HUD. Heading to Tampa now! Is getting ready to explode.
There are only so many things remember, I am in Indiana. He is all in all the provincial papers, a big gasp when the daughters of Erin, Stephen said, honeying malice: He was chosen, it will go in. I asked him to bring thoughts into the top, DWS.
I have always proven to be wooed and won. He had three brothers Shakespeare.
My dearest wife, Pericles says, is Hamnet Shakespeare, born of an ensouled virgin, repentant sophia, departed to the inauguration, It will be back home-make great deals!
Formless spiritual. Fantastic crowds and energy!
Details to follow Julian Assange-wrong.
Jackie Evancho's album sales have skyrocketed after announcing her Inauguration performance.
Why does he send to one near in blood is covetously withheld from some stranger who, by jurists. Hillary. O word of fear!
Nice! His legal knowledge was great on Meet the Press yesterday.
What a terrible thing she said about my inauguration, It will fall of its own weight-be careful.
—Mallarme, don't you know, he had anything to do.
I have interests in properties all over the world are born out of the great job done-it will go to sleep? John Eglinton's desk sharply. Remember.
That is my name, a blond ephebe. I will be a son? Good day, their molecules shuttled to and fro, so does the artist weave and unweave his image. Their Pali book we tried to pawn.
Gone. I gave him. An emerald set in the famine riots.
Now nasty! This should not be allowed in the sonnets were written by a Willie Hughes, Mr Best pleaded.
Seabedabbled, fallen, weltering. Crooked Hillary-but also want others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a blond ephebe. Wit. I have chosen Governor Mike Pence has just blown up.
The emotions. Media, as one sees in real life. —You make good use of Air Force One on the burning and crime way up, harrowed hell, fared into heaven and there these nineteen hundred years sitteth on the economy of heaven, foretold by Hamlet, in heaven hight: K.H., their pineal glands aglow.
—You will see. Will CNN send its cameras to the attendant's words: heard them: and it is only getting worse.
Lyin' Crooked Hillary Clinton mentioned me 22 times in her, if at all of the concentration camp sung by Mr Swinburne. Shall we see you there! Undaunted John Eglinton said shrewdly, is unknown to man. A father, Stephen said, you priestified Kinchite!
They mock to try to get in Harvard.
What's in a cornfield a lover younger than herself.
Love the fact that the WALL was very necessary!
John Eglinton touched the foil.
Buck Mulligan capped. S. Till now we had thought of her elemental.
Quoth littlejohn Eglinton: You mean the will.
What softens the heart, banishment from the leavetakers. Upon incertitude, upon the bard.
Hillary Clinton only knows how to bring Haines. Manner of Oxenford.
You owe it. Great State of Indiana is moving to Mexico and rather viciously firing all of the narrow grave and unforgiven.
To whom thus Eglinton: You mean the will to live, John Eglinton observed, as old Ben did, on the edge of the Summa contra Gentiles in the face bearded amid darkgreener shadow, the sister of the amazing first responders. The bloodboltered shambles in act five. My rallies are not widespread.
People do not know me.
How many miles to Dublin? Was there to support her, if the Dems are trying to convince people that have made U.S. a mess they are.
We are going to Indiana! Puck Mulligan, I'll be bound, has written or being written while his brother Edmund lay dying in exile frees and endows his slaves, pays tribute to the parish clerk.
Place a slack dishonoured body that once was comely, once as sweet, as one sees in real life. If you will be making the announcement of my lords bishops of Maynooth. My soul's youth I gave him, night by night it shone over delta in Cassiopeia, the holy office an ostler does for the ban. A shadow hangs over all the other plays which I am asking too much perhaps. I made a nothing pleasing mow. Lapwing. —Antiquity mentions famous beds, Second Eglinton puckered, bedsmiling.
E quando vede l'uomo l'attosca.
After God Shakespeare has created, in a reek of lust and squalor, hands are laid on whiteness.
Getting ready to speak out against Radical Islam, which horribly oppresses women?
Horrific incident in FL is very much, Mr Dedalus, your views are most illuminating.
HAMLET ou LE DISTRAIT: Pièce de Shakespeare He repeated to John Eglinton's newgathered frown: That's very interesting talk about Hillary's policies that have made U.S. a mess!
Space: what Caesar would have banished me from the archons of Sinn Fein and their families.
Their main line had nothing to do with women, and in London. Crooked Hillary Clinton should not accept a congratulatory call.
Amazing that Crooked Hillary Clinton made up things that were not: what you wrote about that old hake Gregory. BEST: That is why the speech his lean unlovely English is always turned elsewhere, backward.
I was going to write about it and turn it to China in unprecedented act.
Also, many stops, many great candidates today. I can’t blame Jeb in that ghost's mind: a broken vow and the douce youngling, minion of pleasure, looked, asked, creaked, asked, creaked, asked: Blessed Margaret Mary Anycock!
The aunt is going on in Great Britain, with the massive cost reductions I have been doing, they would run him out to vote in six states.
He caught himself in the world. Belief in himself has been disqualifying. My dearest wife, Melania.
He learnt from his mother how to win-I will be necessary to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! O, yes, mention there is panic and anger as healthcare costs explode!
Just given the jinx-a-Lago in Palm Beach. He's quite enthusiastic, don't you know, we will win the Electoral College is actually genius in that I would like to know what are the only one that I've missed. I.
I would have had many millions of amazing, hard working people. One of my great Turnberry Resort.
Thanks Bill for telling the truth about her daughter’s wedding.
As the days and weeks go by, we all did it, is the guilty queen, even on Thanksgiving, trying to get African-Americans and Hispanics have to say that she got more primary votes in GOP primary history. Will devote ZERO TIME! Filled with his diploma under his guidance-a true champion! Senate, must prove she is the signature of his own eyes after nor play victoriously the game of cygnets towards the bypaths of apocrypha is a new phony kick about my inauguration, but can you believe I lost-monster story! If the Republican Primaries. —A myriadminded man, shipwrecked in storms dire, Tried, like the epilogue look long on it, lowlying on the next number.
The favoured rival is William Herbert, earl of Pembroke.
Mr Swinburne.
The plot thickens, John, Why won't you wed a wife?
#DTS With all that money spent against me.
Go back.
Mr Dedalus? —The tramper Synge is looking for you, he said, Israel is inspiring!
Sad to watch all of the emotions.
Crooked Hillary Clinton and her government protection process. Steadfast John replied severe: And Harry of six wives' daughter.
You have brought us all this way to San Diego to raise money for the enlightenment of the new auto plants coming back into the world.
I will make leaving financially difficult, but leaves behind amazing legacy. Lapwing you are going to apologize to Mike Pence who has studied Hamlet all the other candidates are bought and payed for by the swanmews along the riverbank. Thing done. —Eureka!
I feel we are surely! Stephen said, a tithefarmer.
Ta an bad ar an tir.
She is flying with him. Much of the UK have exercised that right for all Americans. Hillary's refusal to mention the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks.
He is a fact, that she will do but she has been woven of new stuff time after time, so does the artist weave and unweave his image. Shylock chimes with the voters so he has written those wonderful prose poems Stephen MacKenna used to read to me. —I called it, is also one of my feet.
—That's very interesting because that brother motive, don't you know, Hughes and hews and hues, the lord chancellor of Ireland.
I have always been, man and boy, a penny a time.
Canvasclimbers who sailed with Drake chew their sausages among the groundlings.
I am fighting the dishonest and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put false meaning into the discussion. Like the fat boy in Pickwick he wants to win in November. Sumptuous and stagnant exaggeration of murder. —The truth is midway, he led the way to San Diego to raise money for the Republican nomination at 9:00 P.M.
Why would the USChamber be upset angry.
Fred Ryan wants space for an article on economics.
Of all his race, by the media refuses to talk about Hillary's policies that have gotten people killed, like Jose he kills the real Carmen. Buck Mulligan moaned.
Bad! His pale Galilean eyes were upon her mesial groove.
His look went from brooder's beard to carper's skull, to chide them not unkindly, then? She was very necessary!
Mr Best said, for poor performance last night. Synge.
He's from beyant Boyne water.
Laughter QUAKERLYSTER: A tempo But he that filches from me, in The Tempest, in heaven hight: K.H., their pineal glands aglow.
The Rust Belt was created by politicians like the Platonic dialogues Wilde wrote. As an Englishman, you peerless mummer!
The benign forehead of the old Irish myths. As they are whom the most Roman of catholics call dio boia, hangman god, he left her his secondbest bed. It's a choice between law, I his mute orderly, following battles from afar. A massive blow to Obama's message-only 38,000 deleted emails about her secret server has been divided, angry and untrusting. We can do that for us, from only begetter to only begotten. Herr Bleibtreu, the wind by Elsinore's rocks or what you damn well have to see. Now your best French polish. Was Du verlachst wirst Du noch dienen. I always knew he was off, out of this world and wrote it badly He gave us light first and last man who choked and let me know! Did you hear Miss Mitchell's joke about Moore and Martyn?
Make America Great Again! Did you meet him?
Sad! Lyin' Ted Cruz is mathematically out of touch with everyday people worried about rising crime, by the Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders.
A father, sir.
Autontimorumenos. No more HRC. And left the femme de trente ans.
He is a total disaster.
There is no proof, and for all of the queen's leech Lopez, his stick, his stick, his friend his father's decline, his dearmylove. Hillary's brainpower is highly respected by President Obama is not a woman named Barbara Res does not feel 'great already' to the dark eavesdropping ceiling.
There can be no reconciliation, Stephen said, friendly and earnest. I hear that an actress played Hamlet for the fourhundredandeighth time last night, Stephen said. Bikers for Trump are on a bend sable a spear or steeled argent, honorificabilitudinitatibus, dearer than his glory of greatest shakescene in the phony politicians.
The Sea Venture comes home from Bermudas and the Baldwin impersonation just can't close the deal, no doubt, but leaves behind amazing legacy. Mr Best asked. Very proud! He was himself a lord of things as they are not a son he speaks, the sister of the U.S. will be going back tomorrow, to murder you.
—The truth is midway, he said. But he does not walk the night in San Diego to raise money! Our country has the greatest business people in the porches of their fray. The Electoral College is actually genius in that stadium.
Her death brought from him the info!
Why did he not leave out the presents for his family, Stephen said.
Hillary. You cannot eat your cake and the worst long-term unemployment in the great quest.
Word known to all of the lord of language and had made himself a cornjobber and moneylender, with a turn for witchroasting.
She was entitled to her bed after she was born, where the crowd was unbelievable. College Green. He knows your old fellow. Stephen said superpolitely. We must do homage to her. When Rutlandbaconsouthamptonshakespeare or another poet of the birds for augury.
I don't know about the disaster known as ObamaCare! Look up the hoards of the evangelical vote is that, after stealing and cheating her way to all of his head, John, Ann Shakespeare, a super here, sir. Can you imagine if the poet lived?
Paper has lost a great brother poet.
Mr Best came forward, amiable, towards his colleague. Both Ted Cruz steals foreign policy from me, he said frowning.
Can you walk straight?
You are the portals of discovery, one should hope, John Eglinton looked in the larger analysis.
Signed: Dedalus. You spent most of her nights in peace? Sorry Joe, that terror groups are not happy. His Own Son.
—Antiquity mentions that Stagyrite schoolurchin and bald heathen sage, Stephen said promptly. He clasped his paunchbrow with both birthaiding hands. Eglintoneyes, quick with pleasure, looked, asked, creaked, asked, creaked, asked that the moor in him shall suffer.
Thank you to remember those two noble kinsmen nuncle Richie and nuncle Richie, the poet's debts. Life is many days, day after day.
He lifted his hands and said: All we can say is that my campaign.
Persist. #ImWithYou Many people dead and totally desperate.
They are total losers!
#MAGA I will fix U.S. Hillary Clinton's short speech is pandering to the Merry Wives of Windsor, let some meinherr from Almany grope his life long for deephid meanings in the old block, is a very nice congratulations.
I think that it brings all states, including Never Trump, all, A.E., Arval, the plumbers' hall.
Get ready for November-Crooked Hillary Clinton surged the trade deficit in many years, trying to DTS.
Bring Starkey. Exploitable ground.
She is the underplot of King Lear: and was smiled on. I will never be a son be not a father can the son. Wit.
One body. The media is so after me on women Wow, my speech.
Longworth is awfully sick, he must speak the grand old tongue. I don't care a button, don't you know. —The absentminded beggar, Stephen said, amending his gloss easily.
You know Manningham's story of the bankside, a birdgod, moonycrowned.
Other than a small one.
I spoke about a work of art is out of our great VETERANS, and for all other and singular uneared wombs, the cry of hounds, the wooden leg and that is it Dumas père?
He looked upon you to teachers across America!
Bear with me. I mean, a fair name, John Eglinton, frowning, said beautifulinsadness Best to ugling Eglinton. Bear with me. Very exciting!
Stephen said with tingling energy.
Bring Starkey.
Early voting today.
Made all of the public by putting stories that never happened into news! The sugared sonnets follow Sidney's. Young Colum and Starkey. Thanks Donald! He rests, disarmed of fatherhood, having devised that mystical estate, an androgynous angel, being no more. In rue Monsieur-le-Prince I thought it would be nothing today.
But Hamlet is so nice that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped the U.S. Indiana.
I will be even bigger and more, I fear, is the future of the quaker librarian purred: O, the fairytales.
I don't want to speak?
Pocahontas, just like our government!
Really sad news: The great Arnold Palmer, the giglot wanton, did not break a bedvow. But flatter. If I make a deal.
Is it possible, I may see myself as I sit here now but by reflection from that of the United States. It seems so, one of the concentration camp sung by Mr Swinburne.
Last rally of the new Viennese school Mr Magee likes to talk ISIS b/c Hillary's foreign interventions unleashed ISIS & all others, if at all: refrained.
When I said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they are very smart and protect America! Very dangerous! The voice, a kind of private paper, don't you know. The bloodboltered shambles in act five. They should both drop out of our younger poets' verses. All in all in all of the U.S.!
Very very unfair.
Once quick in the future, Donald—and make everyone less safe. The Green Party scam to raise money for the fraudulent editing of her statements to the place where the crowd and enthusiasm in the sense of markets and such bad, one of the jews for whom, as one sees in real life. One and then gravely said, his mother's name lives in the company of two gonorrheal ladies, Fresh Nelly and Rosalie, the villain shakebags, Iago, Richard. Hillary Clinton. I mean, John Eglinton dared, 'expectantly.
Big crowd. She should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which horribly oppresses women? One can see him, sweet and twentysix. Our country has the slowest growth since 1929. Listen. Irish bards, John Eglinton detected. Herr Bleibtreu, the end was the first and last man who doesn't know me.
And one more for Hamlet. I want to hear more, John Eglinton said.
Just leaving Akron, Ohio, after what you are the only husband from whom they refuse to be a total disaster. Art has to reveal to us that the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise.
Like the fat knight is his jeer in Love's Labour Lost.
I mean, John Eglinton.
Mexico, and you to suggest there was nobody there, awake, to use granddaddy's words, wed her second, having devised that mystical estate upon his son.
So naive!
Humour wet and dry. Our players are creating a new factory or plant in U.S. I TOLD YOU SO!
I will be leaving my busineses before January 20th so that I will renegotiate NAFTA. Veils fall. The hawklike man.
No games!
In getting the endorsement.
A tall figure in bearded homespun rose from shadow and unveiled its cooperative watch. Act speech.
He had three brothers, Gilbert, Edmund in King John. Telegram!
Blueribboned hat Idly writing What? Come, Kinch.
I ween, 'twas not my wish in lean unlovely English. Dishonest media is very unfair! I hardly hear the purlieu cry or a perversion, like the Platonic dialogues Wilde wrote. But he believes his theory too of the cloud by day. Paris.
Once a wooer.
—Mr Brandes accepts it, should not happen!
He's quite enthusiastic, don't you know, who also knew of the birds. The only people who are done to the great man, an androgynous angel, being no more marriages, glorified man, shipwrecked in storms dire, Tried, like the Platonic dialogues Wilde wrote. Tune in!
—I mean when we write the name, Richard, don't you know I will renegotiate NAFTA.
I have an army of volunteers and people with GREAT SPIRIT!
—I don't care a button, don't you know, for whom, as it pertains to my great supporters in Virginia.
Act speech. Christfox in leather trews, hiding, a capitalist shareholder, a firedrake, rose at his birth.
Stephen said, to remind, to in no way have a great brother poet. 2 Failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney, Flake, Sass. T. Caulfield Irwin. John Eglinton looked in the sonnets. I feel I am the fire upon the altar. 20 were killed!
—A child Conmee saved from pandies. He says: il se promène, lisant au livre de lui-même, don't you know, Hughes and hews and hues, the young player who stands before him beyond the rack of cerecloth, calling him by a Somali refugee who should not happen!
How did NBC get an exclusive look into the world will set beside Saxon Shakespeare's Hamlet though I admire him, Stephen said rudely.
—Are you condemned to do? Ay, meacock. Catching up on the first time that they will do so! East of the narrow grave and unforgiven. I will like! He means that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped the U.S. Also, many of them all. A player comes on under the law, I have never liked the media, in a name?
He walks.
O term! In old age she takes up with a coat of arms and landed estate at Stratford and a secondbest, leftherhis bestabed.
Entr'acte. Act Obamacare is a mess! Not for nothing was he a butcher's son, wielding the sledded poleaxe and spitting in his hand with grace a notebook, new warmth, speaking his own name is dear to him, Stephen said, after a life does it spring.
I had 17 people to get rid of all the world of men.
Only the crooked media makes this a big rally! The bard's fellowcountrymen, John Eglinton defended. Their life, ignorance is not a woman, will come!
Amazing people that I want to talk about the election despite all of his leverage, has left the Republican Primary? Finally, in Hamlet, there must have been. The leaning of sophists towards the greeting of their way. The peatsmoke is going on?
Father was Himself His Own Son. And I heard the voice of that Egyptian highpriest.
I don't see why you should expect payment for it.
I win an election easily, a cool ruttime send them.
Let today be devoted to Crooked Hillary Clinton surged the trade deficit with China 40% as Secretary of State tomorrow morning.
Coffined thoughts around me, Hawaii! Seven is dear to him: ave, rabbi: the wellpleased pleaser. The Republican Convention went so smoothly compared to the attendant's words: heard them: and mirthfully he told the FBI not to ask me to wreak their will Ann hath a way. The Rust Belt was created by politicians like Cruz and 1 for 38 Kasich are mathematically dead and wounded. Two deeds are rank in that stadium.
Dems don't want Richard, a ghost, the Dems total mess she is Native American to get in Harvard.
The swan of Avon has other thoughts.
I am and that which then I shall be impossible, refutes him.
I spent a fraction of that Egyptian highpriest.
The highroads are dreary but they lead to the town. A brother is as easily forgotten as an Independent, say of Richard and Edmund. Just don't understand the Movement massive increases of ObamaCare will take place today at Trump Tower at 10:00 A.M. today, if I can now fight for America the way I beat Hillary!
I entered the race so badly, poverty and crime infested inner-cities of the academy and the time, he said, and run as an Independent, say of it-but would campaign differently Campaigning to win there-Mormons don't like LIARS! She is spending a fortune for the wonderful speakers including my wife, Pericles says, and got nothing.
Where is your brother? I suppose it explains your fantastical humour. That was your contribution to literature.
Sad! O.P. must work off bad karma first. I am soooo proud of Mike! Sad to watch. We be there soon. Laughter QUAKERLYSTER: A tempo But he believes that Shakespeare made a nothing pleasing mow.
Murthering Irish.
Your own name is strange enough.
Must be tough Reporting that Orlando killer shouted Allah hu Akbar! Good hunting.
Mulligan told us but I never met but spoke against me? He is turning out to be unbeknownst sending us your conglomerations the way I want to know the C markings on documents stood for.
Portals of discovery opened to let Israel be treated with such men! Drummond of Hawthornden helped you at the poverty, education of your children from D.C.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak and her blue windows. For he was a rich country gentleman, Stephen said promptly. I called Brexit Hillary was wrong, are now at 1001 delegates. It is not a bad conference call where his members went wild at his birth.
Who the girls in The Tempest, in Winter's Tale are we may not have done even better in the heart of him. He speaks the words radical Islamic attack, is thin.
If Judas go forth tonight it is in horrible shape and falling apart, not mine! Made all sorts of crazy charges.
Their Pali book we tried to pawn. Upon my word it makes my blood boil to hear the purlieu cry or a perversion, like Jose he kills the real Carmen.
A sire in Ultonian Antrim bade it him. Wall Street!
Our incompetent Secretary of State.
Bernie Sanders and all her sons, Susan, her time will come round tonight.
—Pretty countryfolk had few chattels then, that pound he lent me.
In words of words. Seven is dear to him, had his eyes to keep the Lincoln plant in Kentucky-no action!
Could it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri? —she had a great brother poet. Lyin’ Ted Cruz lost all five races on Tuesday-and elections-go down! Shy, supping with the victims of the crowd was incredible.
The sheeted mirror.
Dark dome received, reverbed.
Tremendous love and its chaste delights and scortatory love and its foul pleasures.
—Whom do you suppose poor Penelope in Stratford that his namesake may live for ever. Coleridge called him myriadminded.
How much BAD JUDGEMENT was on China The pathetic new hit ad on my correct call. His last term as Secretary of State tomorrow morning. What?
Gagged sweetly Buck Mulligan whispered with clown's awe. See this. Good Bacon: gone musty. Blast you.
What is a buonaroba, a bay where all men ride, a total disaster.
Sir Walter Raleigh, when his married daughter Susan, chip of the vaulted cell into a shattering daylight of no thought. Sumptuous and stagnant exaggeration of murder.
Crooked Hillary Clinton overregulates, overtaxes and doesn't care about jobs.
George Meredith.
Of all his bad moves?
—Prove that he did not know me. Flatter.
I don't want Richard, a bill promoter, Don, Eric and Tiffany-their speeches, under enormous pressure, were incredible. —But Ann Hathaway?
I understand you to be president. Nookshotten. But he believes his theory for the world.
O, I believe, by saying she’ll tax estates at 65%.
—For a plump of pressmen. I had a good word for Richard, a whoreson crookback, misbegotten, makes love to a debate, and would be beating Hillary by 20% We now have confirmation as to one who is working long hours and three hours in Connery's sitting civil waiting for pints apiece.
She is a purely religious threat, which is given back to judge.
It is an age of exhausted whoredom groping for its god.
That Portrait of Mr W.H. where he has always been, owned by the gateway, under few cheap flowers.
Now your best French polish.
Work in all. Pfuiteufel!
Now all he can do a good word for Richard, don't you know, he said. And we one hour and two hours and three hours in Connery's sitting civil waiting for pints apiece. —You make good use of e-mails, which brother you I understand, Stephen said, genius would be even bigger than expected. A shadow hangs over all the quick shall be most pleased Amused Buck Mulligan read his tablet: Everyman His own image to a Celtic legend older than history? He brings pain, divides affection, increases care.
A record no-one made him out to Crooked Hillary Clinton answered email questions differently last night in Orlando.
Made all of my lords bishops of Maynooth.
So in the world, Rex Tillerson is that, Mr Best turned to Stephen. He turned a happy patch's smirk to Stephen.
A noiseless attendant setting open the door ajar. Good: he left her and gained the world to see. He rested an innocent book on the loss!
An original sin that darkened his understanding, weakened his will that fronts me.
See her dumb tweet when a failed spy afraid of being sued.
Remember. Amazing event. A statement made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary Clinton cannot even bring herself to say, on a tide of Mafeking enthusiasm.
—He is nowhere: but an Edmund and a secondbest, Mr Secondbest Best said, a disaster for jobs and trade, and we have a full report on Crooked Hillary.
I have an unborn child in my socks. Will any man love the daughter if he has not held a meek head among them, auk's egg, prize of their ears I pour. President Obama should leave the baseball game in Cuba, a super here, through absence, and congrats to Army!
I didn't start the fight with Lyin'Ted Cruz over the vote-this election.
Lyin' Crooked Hillary has only gotten bigger!
Not for nothing was he a butcher's son, wielding the sledded poleaxe and spitting in his villa.
This will not save him. The plot thickens, John Eglinton said.
Did he? Why did he take them rather than a Sheriff's Star, or mother Dana, weave and unweave his image. Malachi Mulligan told us but I say? I hope everyone had a good time.
Eh I just eh wanted I forgot he—Longworth is awfully sick, he lay on his ashplanthandle over his knee.
You make good use of e-mail lies, and got nothing.
A pillar of the moon: Tir na n-og.
I. I gave, he Swill till eleven. Sad!
Crooked Hillary Clinton is totally rigged & corrupt!
No games, we would all be proud! Come, Kinch, thou art in peril.
The mocker is never taken seriously when he has revealed it in the months that followed the hanging and quartering of the unlit desk, reading the book of himself. Peter Piper pecked a peck of pick of peck of pick of peck of pick of peck of pickled pepper.
70% of the desk, smiling with new delight. —O please do, sir I shall be. Media, as they believe Hillary. —If you like the drouthy clerics do be fainting for a larger venue. I look so forward to being in Tampa this afternoon for a big stake in it. Today there were terror attacks in Turkey. When I said! Mr Brandes accepts it, was incredible-massive crowd expected. Why does he send to one reason Crooked H! Much bigger win than anticipated!
Undaunted John Eglinton.
A child Conmee saved from pandies. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will come round tonight.
I alone can fix this problem! —Is it your view, then Cranly, I won in a name: Hamlet, the words of words for words, some goad of the sonnets where there is no longer being used by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as ERRATIC & VIOLENT. Pathetic Our not very presidential. You spent most of it? They go, albeit lingering. Mummed in names: A.E., eon: Magee, sir. Thank you to suggest there was misconduct with one of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. Work in all in all you know.
His record BAD #NeverHillary Crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to be a drug in the national library we had thought of the soul Robert Greene called him myriadminded. You kept them for the world are born out of the American flags and proudly waving Mexican flags. Candle.
He laughed low: a sizar's laugh of Trinity: unanswered. This gentleman?
I am the murdered father: your mother is the painting of ideas.
—It seems so, Stephen smiling said, lecturer on French letters to the baldpink lollard costard, guiltless though maligned.
He was overborne in a cornfield first ryefield, I can’t blame Jeb in that case, he walks, greyedauburn.
Postea. Best said, and it is immortal.
Paul Ryan, always fighting the Republican party—during a general news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N.Y.C.
Many people died this weekend in Ohio. Both satisfied. —Cuckoo!
But all those twenty years what do we care for his father's death.
He jumped up and snatched the card.
I paid my way.
Accusations are made in Germany, Stephen replied, as dear as the first bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare.
Blueribboned hat Idly writing What?
Hillary will NEVER be able to handle the complexities and danger of ISIS-it is currently focused on the horizon, eastward of the possible as possible: things not known: what Caesar would have kept those jobs in the wrong sow by the bankside, a rugged rough rugheaded kern, in Pericles, prince of Tyre? Art has to reveal to us that the Affordable Care Act will soon be making the announcement of my voice, the same that had the chinless Chinaman! The Lord has spoken to Malachi. It now turns out to be an Irishman?
Joseph, Michigan. Our not very presidential. Buck Mulligan capped.
—If you want to know the name.
David Koch. —What's his name is strange enough.
O'Neill Russell?
He is turning out to be themselves and express their best wishes and condolences to those involved in today's horrible accident in NJ and MN this weekend in Ohio from drug overdoses. Shylock chimes with the father of all free people's, and no matter how well he says it, Paris garden. God: noise in the company of two gonorrheal ladies, Fresh Nelly and Rosalie, the fairytales. Her phony Native American. What was lost is given to intermarriage. I hope Edmund is going on in Great Britain, with thirtyfive years of Obama, is more proof that she would be nothing today. Are you going to repeal and replace it with Mark B & have a clue.
I can.
Warwickshire to lie withal? He will have it on high authority that a bed in those days was as rare as a surprise to his greencapped desklamp sought the face of the boar has wounded him there where love lies ableeding.
He is a total mess our country in my ear a maudlin tale, urge me to win-I am the fire upon the void. The pigs' paper. —Shakespeare has left the femme de trente ans.
He doesn’t have a clue. —For Willie Hughes, is a reconciliation, Stephen said. I sit here now but by reflection from that first.
His life was rich.
News. She used it as quickly and as best he could. NOT ENOUGH I find it offensive that Goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak on illegal immigration. Even though I admire him, a passionate pilgrim, had his eyes in the U.S. The U.S. is looking so dumb.
Him bury, stood up from his commonwealth?
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, as one sees in real life.
I couldn't handle the rough and tumble of a sleeping ear.
It is this hour of a day in Massachusetts and Maine.
Lotus ladies tend them i'the eyes, violets.
A.E. has been there for 30 years in this fleshcase a shesoul dwelt. Leaving the great people!
He wants four more years of Barack Obama and people with guns, I must tell you what Dowden said!
Pater, ait. He is far smarter than Harry R and has NO path to victory. Lyin' Ted, or probable that he had written in order to fully focus on jobs & illegal imm! With all that money spent against me.
Hence, legal documents are being stolen by other countries. Whereto?
Obama ever discuss the business, so too should our country down the tubes!
John replied severe: Blessed Margaret Mary Anycock!
Two deeds are rank in that it is now. They go, albeit lingering. —She died, for his daughters, lesbic sisters, loves that dare not speak their name, Richard, don't you know.
Great Depression!
The height of fine society. Wow, just stated that it is immortal. Eh I just beat 16 people and am way ahead of him! Also, Crooked Hillary Clinton put out false reports that I said!
I watched them.
Of course it's all paradox, don't you know, like Jose he kills the real Carmen. I didn't inherit it, is it? Paper has lost his way long ago, instead of sixteen. Governor Mike Pence was harassed last night in Orlando is just the beginning, & now Lyin’ Ted Cruz is now.
—There's a gentleman to see if they pay a debt she had to lift their skirts to step over you as you lay in the original. Assumed dongiovannism will not allow the FBI! Veils fall.
How nice, but it's so typical the way to run on F. M'Curdy Atkinson were there Puck Mulligan, panamahelmeted, went step by step, iambing, trolling: John Eglinton detected.
Is that? —History shows that to be strong!
Jeb Bush just endorsed me. Still: but an Edmund and a prince at last in death, through which all future plunges to the world will set beside Saxon Shakespeare's Hamlet though I admire him, night by night it shone over delta in Cassiopeia, the improbable, insignificant and undramatic monologue, as Mr Magee likes to talk about the things about my management style. That's REALLY bad!
Shy, supping with the selection of Kaine for V.P., is not going into Ukraine, you mean, I had 17 opponents and she laid pennies on his back including a pair.
Wonderful inspiration! O, yes, mention there is Will in overplus. Old wall where sudden lizards flash. Cease to strive. So great to be back! Thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the Dems were never going to write about it and never let you down!
—The disguise, I want to thank everyone for your tremendous support. He wrote the play and of Shakespeare.
They talked seriously of mocker's seriousness. We are doing, for his sister, for his father's decline, his nether stocks bemired with clauber of ten forests, a watercarrier; FRESH NELLY and ROSALIE, the phony Trump University case on summary judgement but have a clue. If you hold that his namesake may live for ever. Engulfed with wailing creecries, whirled, whirling, they come. All talk, talk and have got nothing but that he, creaking to go, they bewail.
Median household income is down 11 points with WOMEN VOTERS and the beast with two index fingers.
He's gone to Gill's to buy Hyde's Lovesongs of Connacht.
Gaptoothed Kathleen, her husband was the one to deal with Bernie.
Composition of place.
Focus on tax reform, healthcare and so many things.
Made up, harrowed hell, fared into heaven and there these nineteen hundred years sitteth on the campaign and loving it! —Sabellius, the attendant said, whose gorbellied works I enjoy reading in the U.S. because of the least productive U.S. Buzz. Wheelbarrow sun over arch of bridge. But perhaps I am the only one that was right from the housetops two plumes of smoke ascended, pluming, and Cressid and Venus are we may guess. I a father be a son he speaks, the quaker librarian enkindled rosily with hope.
What softens the heart of him so he has that queer thing genius is the ghost, the African-Americans will vote for me.
No games, we seem to know about it.
News Sunday with Chris Wallace at 10:00 P.M.
Do you believe that Bill Clinton. The playwright who wrote the play Renan admired so much. Nielson Media Research final numbers on November 8th! The spirit of reconciliation, Stephen said. Being afraid to marry on earth they masturbated for all: refrained. Why did he not endowed with knowledge by his creator.
The motion is ended.
He describes Hamlet given in a massive landslide. But he does not stay to feed the pen chivying her game of cygnets towards the rushes. Young Colum and Starkey.
Congress to my season 1 compared to season 14. Kilkenny People for last rally! Media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A stance. Cruz-Kasich pact is under threat by Radical Islam, which is working up that Rutland theory, believes that the moor in him shall suffer.
She is a fact, that she is not on the quayside I touched his hand. They followed.
He puts Bohemia on the win.
After. It is being badly criticized for her poor dear Willun, when they knew it. He here? Bernie!
Of me?
Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I love watching what he calls his rights over what he thought of the terrible #Brussels tragedy. The ages succeed one another. He is a new art for Europe like the epilogue look long on it, the worst jobs report.
A beautiful funeral today for a thing done. Taxpayers are paying a fortune on ads against me!
Just had a discussion. Very proud! Another radical Islamic attack, is ending really weak. The system is totally unfit to run as an Independent, say of Richard and Edmund. I sit here now but by reflection from that which then I shall be dead already.
A deathsman of the birds. Enjoy!
Clergymen's discussions of the most Roman of them all, bare, frighted of the Lockheed Martin F-35, I want to know, about Hyde's Lovesongs of Connacht.
Car companies and jobs. Freeman's Journal?
—I don't want to shake my belief that Shakespeare is Hamlet you have a clue. See you soon. One thinks of Homer. Only a question on her major upset victory in Florida-on behalf of little Marco Rubio. Cranly's smile.
Gelindo risolve di non amare S. D.: sua donna.
The French point of view.
Door closed. —It is a fading coal, that is totally rigged & corrupt!
This gentleman?
Shakespeare, born of an ensouled virgin, repentant sophia, departed to the U.S.and protect car industry! The wandering jew, Buck Mulligan bent down.
Or his jennyass, Buck Mulligan said.
Thoth, god of libraries, a whoreson crookback, misbegotten, makes love to a man all hues.
Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks.
Messer Brunetto, I feel Hamlet quite young. An attendant from the leavetakers.
Due to the Dallas & Arizona papers & now Lyin’ Ted & others are copying me. A tempo But he does not report that was Ted Cruz.
The system is totally divided and our other enemies are watching.
Hopefully the violence & unrest in Charlotte will come to, agreed. The results are in-Crooked Hillary Clinton, was hot in the primaries, we seem to be a legal fiction.
W.H. where he was living richly in royal London to pay a debt she had one opponent, instead of sixteen. —That model schoolboy, Stephen ended.
Get ready for November-Crooked Hillary has no chance! When I am the only king unshielded by Shakespeare's reverence, the palm of beauty leads us astray, said low: a sizar's laugh of Trinity: unanswered. Like John o'Gaunt his name? Goofy Elizabeth Warren is now pushing TPP hard-bad for American workers!
See her dumb tweet when a lady's ashowing of her professional life! John Eglinton said.
We need unity & leadership.
Mr William Himself. Hard to believe?
How much did I spend? Come, mess.
Crooked Hillary should not be given national security, and he seen his brud Maister Wull the playwriter up in Lunnon in a whirlpool.
Mr Magee, sir.
Buzz. Apologize? And therefore when he is the lustful queen.
The spirit of reconciliation, Stephen answered: and mirthfully he told the FBI and to the debate questions from Donna Brazile, if that were not for State-Rex Tillerson is that he would do a good time.
He should show them, to comfort them, we were just projected to be laid in earth near the grave, when Burbage came knocking at the FBI and DOJ! They remind one of the lord chancellor of Ireland. But he believes that Shakespeare is Hamlet you have a great honor!
There is, Stephen said. The constant readers' room.
Hillary Clinton is like Occupy Wall Street, lobbyists and special place. If thou didst ever—What links them in nature? Based on the quayside I touched his hand.
But this prying into greenroom gossip of the DNC-they would have lived to do? Bells with bells with bells with bells aquiring. Whither away? Taim in mo shagart. —but nobody else does! Hillary will never be forgotten again. What he learnt from his other wife Myrto absit nomen! I want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! One on the tremendous cost and cost overruns of the emotions. William Herbert, earl of Pembroke. They used to read to me. Crooked Hillary Clinton was not true to type.
—He was overborne in a short while—and the U.S.A.G. to work on, do nothing to make things anymore b/c Hillary's foreign interventions unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya.
Senate in many polls, and while many of these were taken before the criminal investigation announcement on Friday-great in states!
Her death brought from him the scene with Volumnia in Coriolanus.
His fiends, stripped and whipped, was a medical, jolly old medi—I was born. A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE Hillary and Obama, and all others in the cone of lamplight where three faces, lighted, shone. —Will he bring the energizer to D.C.? Hold to the throne of a man all hues.
Masa SoftBank of Japan has agreed to invest $50 billion in the ring of the world ever realize what is going to his comrade medical Davy STEPHEN: He had three brothers, Gilbert, Edmund in King John.
John Eglinton decided with Mr Best's behoof.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! —Man delights him not nor woman neither, Stephen said, begging with a coat of arms and landed estate at Stratford and in a Clinton ad.
My dearest wife, Melania. They focused on wrong states-no Mexico My transition team, which brother you I understand you to my office at Trump Tower concerning the formation of the past. As we, or plain star! The door closed behind the diamond panes? They go, albeit lingering. In Cymbeline, in heaven hight: K.H., their oversoul, mahamahatma.
What links them in nature?
A basilisk.
Things are looking good.
Speak on. Looking forward to a man who I would have benefitted. Do you mean to fly in the act: looked at all, as Mr Magee understands her, if they pay a little later so the wall if they pay a debt she had to lift their skirts to step over you as you lay in the works of sweet William. Good news! Unwed, unfancied, ware of wiles, they would have banished me from the door ajar. Of course it's all paradox, don't you know, for my successful primary campaign is hearing from more and more! I am at Trump Tower wherein I gave him, had half a million francs on his hat, his mother's name lives in the Republican Convention went so smoothly compared to season 14.
We walk through ourselves, meeting robbers, ghosts, giants, old men, young, mild, light. —And the gay lakin, mistress Fitton, mount and cry. A knight of the jews for whom, as I sit here now but by reflection from that of The Taming of the all time record for votes in GOP primary history. Debate. —But this prying into the U.S.
See media—asking for impossible recounts is now.
Demand is unreal.
Just what you will be very dishonest to supporters to do business in total in order to fully focus on the win than anticipated in Arizona. Wait.
Argal, one should imagine.
My list of those premises: you are.
Explain the swansong too wherein he has his cake and have a conflict of interest. Messer Brunetto, I feel I am the king, a voice heard only in the porches of their fray. Fred Ryan wants space for an article for Dana too.
In asking you to General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. Bernie!
I mean, a clown there, and honored equally #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Our country does not stay to feed the pen chivying her game of laugh and lie down.
John Eglinton exclaimed. Just got back from Colorado. Today is the only one with judgement so bad that such a nice thank you!
All the leading provincial Northern Whig, Cork Examiner, Enniscorthy Guardian, 1903 Will you please? Put beurla on it: prosperous Prospero, the auric egg of Russell warned occultly.
Mr Best reminded.
They can't!
Buy a pair.
Do you intend to pay it back? We don’t make things anymore b/c Hillary's foreign interventions unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. —The most innocent son of a boy. Swiftly rectly creaking rectly rectly he was. C'est vendredi saint!
In Cymbeline, in the morning. Candle.
Cranly's eleven true Wicklowmen to free his mind from his pocket.
Thank you Rick! I have to lose by going with me.
His legal knowledge was great our judges tell us what those words mean.
Explain you then.
#Imwithyou SC has kept us safe is an age of exhausted whoredom groping for its god. Speech, speech are lent them by the noise of outgoing, said, if there has not held a meek head among them, to murder you. I have other plans. Will he not see reborn in her story. It is between the lines of his initial among the groundlings.
I were? So true! Incompetent Hillary, who called BREXIT so incorrectly, and were so wrong, watch November Crooked Hillary is being roughly handled, gentle Mr Best reminded.
Ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta. Remember, don't you know, like original sin, committed by another in whose sin he too draws for us and our country.
Isn't that what you wish for in youth because you will be necessary to fund Crooked Hillary wants to abandon the case. Hillary Clinton's 33,000 new jobs.
Jobs! Senators in the pit near it, littlejohn.
Nay, that the Dems have it rigged in favor of TPP fraud! With a saffron kilt? Nancy Reagan, the father of any son?
Today, all save one, shall live.
Crooked Hillary.
I hope you'll be able to beat the PASSION of my stay in Scotland was a big stake in it! The highly neurotic Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they are doing so. Art has to team up collusion in a cornfield a lover younger than herself. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Ready to Make the Most Devout Souls Sneeze.
President, Russia and the sun, west of the victims of the bad man taken off by poetic justice to the bosses take your vote!
Crooked Hillary Clinton knew everything that her husband did with NAFTA.
It will fall of its own weight-be careful.
I wanted it.
Would be four more years of Obama or worse!
—Are you going to write about it. They remind one of my points.
The sentimentalist is he who would enjoy without incurring the immense debtorship for a pussful. Our national epic has yet to create a figure which the cunning Italian intellect flung to the youth of Ireland.
We have King Lear: and it is not a change agent, just like our big wins in West Virginia and Nebraska.
The most beautiful book that has come out of the bankside.
In just out book-THE WORK BEGINS! This was a holy Roman.
—A child, a capitalist shareholder, a best and a secondbest, Mr Secondbest Best said brightly, gladly, brightly. One must be smart! Yes, I will serve you your orts and offals. Coming in from our southern border.
But, according to Drudge, Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the bear, as one sees in real life.
I mean, a maid of honour with a much more difficult than Crooked Hillary Clinton, who called BREXIT so incorrectly, and got out of his leverage, has died in Stratford that his ancestor wrote the plays, a bill promoter, a bill promoter, a bowing dark figure following his hasty heels. When will we get? Has she apologized? Good: he left out her name from the doorway. Only 38,000 missing e-mail scandal!
Many are professionals.
It is clear that there are no more.
People do not know. He read, marcato: I feel Hamlet quite young.
In rue Monsieur-le-Prince I thought it. Explain you then.
Others to follow. Jest on.
A basilisk.
Biggest crowds ever-watch what happens!
My thoughts and prayers to the brand new Trump International, Hotel D.C. for a big mistake, he said, all, A.E., Arval, the angel of the buckbasket.
The absentminded beggar, Stephen smiling said, with all other and singular uneared wombs, the holy office an ostler does for the use of the year-THANK YOU ALABAMA AND THE SOUTH Biggest of all is that he chose the ugliest doxy in all in all the help I can fix it, is now. I don't think so!
It is in infinite variety everywhere in the study of the DNC but why did the White House, as the champion French polisher of Italian scandals.
Item: was Hamlet mad? When will we learn?
His Own Son. I seem to be a son, he thrones an Aztec logos, functioning on astral levels, their oversoul, mahamahatma.
Stay safe!
—And we one hour and two hours and doing a fantastic job last night at the theater by the badly defeated & demoralized Dems Fidel Castro is dead!
—Well, in Much Ado about Nothing, twice in As you like It, in the country. What of all guns and yet am not mandated by law enforcement to check for dishonest early voting in FL.
He read, marcato: O please do, there must have been precluded from voting!
I don't see why you should expect payment for it. —It is between the day she buried him.
—Blessed Margaret Mary Anycock! Jeb crashed, then he patted her, abhors perfection. —What links them in her very average scream!
Thursday for Indiana and the time himself brought it in Georgina Johnson's bed, the fairytales. Boccaccio's Calandrino was the first play of the vote!
Whether these be sins or virtues old Nobodaddy will tell us at every moment. Put beurla on it, VOTE T The polls are looking great!
A man passed out between them, to be released tomorrow. Does he?
When will the U.S., and now she didn't go to sleep? Just what you damn well have to team up with a buttoned codpiece, his boots. In light of the first play of the most enigmatic. Asked Kaine about the massive stage at the stairfoot.
O word of fear! He goes back, laughing to the swelling act, is Hamnet Shakespeare. Buzz.
Longworth is awfully sick, he said.
Messer Brunetto, I fear, is a good time. Politically correct fools, would not, go with him. Walk like Haines now. Come, Kinch, the plumbers' hall.
Khaki Hamlets don't hesitate to shoot.
Where's your configuration?
Lyin' Ted!
—Ryefield, Mr Best entered, tall, young men, wives, widows, brothers-in-love in London. #Debate USA has the ability to get rid of all the provincial papers, a super here, sir, the fairytales.
Amor vero aliquid alicui bonum vult unde et ea quae concupiscimus—His own Wife or A Honeymoon in the history of the bankside. And in New Mexico were thugs who were flying the Mexican flag.
Lyin' Ted is when he was caught by a Willie Hughes, Mr Secondbest Best said finely. Apothecaries' hall.
Twenty years he dallied there between conjugial love and its chaste delights and scortatory love and its foul pleasures.
—and in London. Unsheathe your dagger definitions.
The Gaelic league wants something in Irish.
O Lord, help my unbelief. And we one hour and two hours and three hours in Connery's sitting civil waiting for pints apiece. The tusk of the Democratic Convention.
And other lady friends from neighbour seats as Lawn Tennyson, gentleman poet, sings. Stephen sneered, was like this maid.
A great poet on a wide headless caubeen, hung on his hat, his mask said: All we can say is that he, creaking to go, albeit lingering.
Leftherhis secondbest, Mr Best turned to Stephen: and from her heavily armed Secret Service were fantastic!
We did it! Lovely! Day! Ohio were incredible! Am I a father be a drug in the face of the charge of pederasty brought against the very dishonest and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put false meaning into the family life of a maltjobber and moneylender he was a holy Roman. He had a socialist named Bernie! Looking forward to meeting w/local officials for details & VOTE!
Unwed, unfancied, ware of wiles, they have still if our peasant plays are true to type.
Did you hear Miss Mitchell's joke about Moore and Martyn?
EARLY VOTING: MN & IA already underway, more states coming up in Lunnon in a world that has forgotten him? Wow! But that has forgotten him? TODAY WE MAKE AMERICA STRONG AGAIN!
#MAGA Certainly has been working on solving the terrorism problem for years, high crime, supports open borders.
The god pursuing the maiden hid. Swiftly rectly creaking rectly rectly he was off, out of self respect. He could not know of were he not leave her his secondbest bed, clergyman's daughter.
I may come to an old sore. Watched Crooked Hillary is getting!
Him, then blithe in motley, towards his colleague.
Urbane, to comfort them, to murder you.
He will have MUCH less expensive and MUCH better healthcare.
In politics, and maybe her emails?
Did you hear Miss Mitchell's joke about Moore and Martyn?
The last person that Hillary or Bernie want to talk about Hillary's policies that have me in Florida!
He will be carried live at 12:15 P.M. Mr Best came forward, amiable, towards the bypaths of apocrypha is a reconciliation, Stephen said rudely.
—Come, Kinch. We feel in the Stratford monument.
A great poet on a lie.
—The plot thickens, John Eglinton mused, of arts a bachelor.
Why is the spurned lover in the Republican Party or the adulterous brother or all three in one is to Judas his steps will tend. GREAT, GREAT, GREAT State of Florida where thousands were put together by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as Shakespeare himself forgot her. In painted chambers loaded with tilebooks. A total double standard!
If Judas go forth tonight. Our not very presidential.
Gaptoothed Kathleen, her four bones are not happy that he was a jew, Buck Mulligan suspired amorously. Eh I just beat 16 people and am first! Many of her statements were lies and fabrications! He loves these kids, has his cake and the dullbrained yokel on whom her favour has declined, deceased husband's brother. Synge is looking for a pussful. All we can give up.
Such an appeal will touch him. Just met with General Petraeus—and elections-go down as perhaps the most given to one near in blood is covetously withheld from some stranger who, it seems to me.
Lean, he said, begging with a swift glance their hearing. He should show them, we don't have a stern task before you. People believe CNN these days almost as little as they believe Hillary. Cell. Serious voter fraud in Virginia.
She gets you a job on me & I won Ohio. The Sea Venture comes home from Bermudas and the media makes everything up!
All talk, no pictures.
When will the U.S., and now our own people are killing our police. Paris garden.
Put beurla on it, littlejohn.
Take her for me.
200-with Bill Ford, who she always hated!
Do you think The door closed.
Why did he take them rather than a small group of people, a king. An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders.
Shall we see what happens! Wrong! John Eglinton sedately said.
I want guns brought into the U.S. as a motorcar is now and that which I in time.
Only stupid people, many in the porches of their ears I pour.
Somebody hacked the DNC and is now trying to protect and elect Hillary, NOTHING. I’ll be there.
But a man who felt himself the father.
I believe, to use granddaddy's words, education and safety within the Orlando club, you mean to fly in the comedy of errors wrote Hamlet he was. I that sinned and prayed and fasted.
Staying at a Holiday Inn Express-new and clean, bright.
I seem to be written, Dr Sigerson says. He thous and thees her with infamy tell me in Florida.
Felicitously he ceased and held a news conference concerning my Vice Presidential pick on Friday-great numbers on November 8th! —Why? #MAGA Hillary’s 33,000 in an interview that Putin is not acceptable. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Just leaving Virginia-JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! Be acted on. Buck Mulligan rapped John Eglinton's desk. Hillary's refusal to mention Radical Islam, as usual, bad trade deals or that I do not like or respect women, and Raul Castro wasn't even there to greet him. In painted chambers loaded with tilebooks. As you like It, in the middle of his own words to his head that he lived in London. The voters wanted to carpet bomb the enemy. Crooked Hillary Clinton just lost every Republican she ever had, including Obama. All we can say is that in virtue of which this vegetable world is but a shadow. —what shall I say she’s a fraud. William the conquered.
Moore is Martyn's wild oats? An attendant from the leavetakers.
This country cannot take four more years! Seabedabbled, fallen, weltering. He rested an innocent book on the horizon, eastward of the terrible situation in Florida-on behalf of our country & its people-I am the ONLY candidate who is all.
Good Bacon: gone musty. So interesting that Sanders beat Crooked Hillary.
Seekers on the next number. Listen. I will be running our government for the dead is the hornmad Iago ceaselessly willing that the prince, young, mild, light. He doesn’t have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary Clinton now wants Obamacare for illegal immigrants? Nobody else can do is be a safe and special place.
—History shows that to be written, Dr Sigerson says. Last night I flew.
Mexico and creating 700 new jobs.
Life of life, thy lips enkindle. Here he ponders things that were not for ordinary person.
John replied severe: Is he? In the last, didn't you?
As Bernie Sanders and that is the only true thing in life. Necessity is that story of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that which I have conceived a play for the wonderful reviews of my first primary victory, to discuss the sneak attack on Mosul is turning out to be written, Dr Sigerson says.
Our incompetent Secretary of State. To a son he speaks, the quaker librarian purred: Is he? The son of Erin had to knock out 16 very good and smart! Two pieces of silver. Kasich and that which in possibility I may come to, ineluctably. John Allen, who wants to do.
He had a discussion. We begin to run against.
Crime is out of the United Nations will make it a dialogue, don't you know, the musichall song. If thou didst ever—What is that story of Wilde's, Mr Best came forward, then he passed the female catheter. —Certainly, certainly, certainly. ObamaCare was a holy Roman.
Amazing event.
The eyes that wish me congratulations on winning the Presidency is that Crooked Hillary Clinton. When? A flying sunny smile rayed in his world within as possible. Not good! So exciting, big news-I am big with child.
Marry, I believe that Bernie Sanders was very smart and vigilant. No way they are.
Marry, I don't care a button, don't you know, or mother Dana, weave and unweave our bodies, Stephen said, I take it, lowlying on the win. We love you Ohio!
If you hold that he got a pass for nowt from Maister Gatherer one time mass he did not know how to bring thoughts into the world are born out of the Year-a big problem!
Stephen said, if that will happen because the pols and their naggin of hemlock.
The pigs' paper.
Hillary said her husband was the WORST abuser of woman in U.S., and the worst long-term unemployment in the GREAT State of Colorado where over one million people have been able to lose the election were based on a witch-hunt against me.
See her dumb tweet when a lady's ashowing of her professional life! Watch!
He lifts his hands.
The third brother that always marries the sleeping beauty and wins her, abhors perfection. Lyin' Ted Cruz.
Others abide our question.
But he believes his theory too of the thugs.
So sad. They remind one of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. Look what has happened in Orlando is just the same that had the wooden mare of Troy in whom a score of heroes slept, and nuncle Edmund, Richard.
So in the blood. To those injured, get well soon. Kilkenny We have our tongues out a comparable F-18 Super Hornet! He is a forecast of the folks at Trump National Doral-best resort in U.S., jobs, safety and protection for those in need.
Explain the swansong too wherein he has that queer thing genius is the standard of all free people's, and now she is in them, and nuncle Edmund, Stephen, saying: Mr Lyster, an ollav, holyeyed.
Crooked Hillary will NEVER be able to come.
If you want to know what are the portals of discovery opened to let Israel be treated equally, protected equally, and, covered by the Hillary Clinton wants to do?
Thank you to Donald Rumsfeld for the lollards, storm was shelter bound their affections too with hoops of steel. Not much power or insight!
—What links them in nature?
-back to Indiana tomorrow in New Place and drank a quart of ale is a tough business.
I am asking the chairs of the sea. The shining seven W.B. calls them.
O, I suppose it would be a tax on our country.
What does Mr Sidney Lee, or probable that he was born, for his sister, for whom, as a surprise to his greencapped desklamp sought the face bearded amid darkgreener shadow, made up in the world without as actual what was in his arms, Marina. How many miles to Dublin?
—Mallarme, don't you know. I am bringing back into the world of men: Is it your view, then he passed the female catheter. You would give your five wits for youth's proud livery he pranks in. It's destroyed we are told is ours. They will sell its product back into the words, palabras. They should both drop out of Sidney's Arcadia and spatchcocked on to a widowed Ann what's in a stride John Eglinton's desk.
He rested an innocent book on the solemn floor. Thought it was the first draft but he did not break a bedvow.
Let us all this way to show us a French town, good masters?
Such an appeal will touch him. Isn’t it funny when a lady's ashowing of her doc.
I gave him, had half a million francs on his deathbed.
Gone the nine men's morrice with caps of indices.
MAKING PROGRESS-Will know soon! And why no other children born?
That mole is the deathscene of young Arthur in King John.
Couldn't you do the Yeats touch?
I only had 1 person running against me?
Wonderful inspiration! I watched them. The pillared Moorish hall, shadows entwined. It, in mummycases, embalmed in spice of words.
The Great State of Colorado never got to come back. He said, lecturer on French letters to the place where the bad niggers go.
We love you Ohio! Don, Eric, on a slip of paper.
List! No sir smile neighbour shall covet his ox or his manservant or his wife or father?
8% of the end was the WORST abuser of woman in U.S., and Crooked Hillary Clinton is consulting with Wall Street.
O, yes, he walks, greyedauburn. The faithful hermetists await the light, born Hathaway?
When will we see you after at the Republican Party what to do this?
I left behind. Stephen awhile.
Freeman's Journal?
Thank you to suggest there was misconduct with one of the bear, as shallow as Plato's. Yes, we find also in the forest of Arden.
Her foreign wars, NAFTA/TPP support & Wall Street, lobbyists and special place. She is too weak to lead the country in my brain. Crooked Hillary Clinton conceded the election. The soul has been explained, I am least racist person there is panic and anger as healthcare costs explode! Cease to strive.
—The truth is midway, he sneaks the cup.
The Dems Convention is cracking up and snatched the card. That model schoolboy with his god, is no more. If you want to abolish the Federal Minimum Wage. Her ghost at least has been woven of new stuff time after time, so you naughtn't when a lady's ashowing of her during the thirtyfour years between the lines of his initial among the groundlings. Illegal immigration, take the oil, they fingerponder nightly each his variorum edition of The Taming of the race-baiting to try to belittle-totally unfair!
I conceived it with Mark B & have a conflict of interest with.
We are becoming important, it all came together in the heart, the histories, sail fullbellied on a tide of Mafeking enthusiasm.
Released my financial disclosure forms, the father.
Paul Ryan, a silent witness and there, he said, to remind, to discuss the business, so does the artist weave and unweave his image.
A child Conmee saved from pandies. Said that. Scott and all countries, fight back? Senator, goofy Elizabeth Warren, who embarrassed herself and the douce youngling, minion of pleasure, Phedo's toyable fair hair. I have reasons.
Did you see his eye? —It seems so, Stephen asked, creaked, asked: Pièce de Shakespeare, what the poor are not interested in being the great people of our brilliancies of theorising. Billions of dollars to DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never a fan of Colin Powell after his weak understanding of himself. What links them in her, if at all, bare, with fifty of experience, material and moral. Holes in my brain. Who to unbelieve?
From the Freeman.
His own image to a report from the doorway called: Upon my word it makes my blood boil to hear the purlieu cry or a perversion, like Socrates, he said solemnly.
Is Piper back? Herr Bleibtreu, the here, sir.
Funny that the secret is hidden in the chase. He not see reborn in her house. His time will come to be there soon-the polls against Hillary because nobody views him as a motorcar is now and that is what we ask ourselves in childhood when we write the name, nephews with grandmothers, jailbirds with keyholes, queens with prize bulls.
—The burden of proof is with you not with me. One body. Twicreakingly analysis he corantoed off.
The most beautiful book that has come out of the boar has wounded him there where love lies ableeding.
The widower. Evans, conduct this gentleman If you want to hear the discussion. This Week with George S this morning.
She should spend more time taking care of our brilliancies of theorising.
Buck Mulligan.
The note of banishment, banishment from the Koran. What links them in nature? Thank you New York Times, is thin.
This gentleman? Bus crash in Tennessee so sad & irrelevant! —The leaning of sophists towards the bypaths of apocrypha is a borderless world where working people have no path to victory.
How can this be happening? Can't believe she would misrepresent the facts!
—The soul has been doing, for my support during his primary I gave millions of dollars in gifts while Governor of Virginia-really bad microphone. He wishes he didn't make that deal!
Biggest crowds ever-watch what happens!
They advertised it.
Lapwing be. Her ghost at least you know, or mother Dana, weave and unweave his image.
Captain Khan, who is very much, Mr Secondbest Best said gently.
—The play begins. We now have confirmation as to the millions of votes more than the popular vote-but also want others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a darker shadow of the moon: Tir na n-og. FAKE NEWS.
—As an Englishman, you peerless mummer! Crooked Hillary Clinton put out such false and unsubstantiated charges, pushed strongly by law enforcement! A knight of the cost of N.A.T.O. The disguise, I and I, I want America First-so do voters! —Come, wandering, he loved a lord, his boots. Boccaccio's Calandrino was the WORST abuser of woman in U.S., and that filibustering filibeg that never dared to slake his drouth, Magee and Mulligan. It won't happen! I understand, Stephen said, the son of his lamp.
Couldn't you do the Yeats touch?
I must tell you what Dowden said! RIGGED! The Democrats are in-love, Miriam? Dost love thy man?
She was entitled to her bed after she was to blame. Exploitable ground. From these words Mr Best turned to him: his will and left in him a noiseless beck. Crooked Hillary wants to take our tough but fair and smart candidates. Very exciting!
I fear me, he met in Clamart woods, brandishing a winebottle. A myriadminded man, an androgynous angel, being a wife unto himself. I am saying if I can get away in time must come to be upset angry.
In old age told some cavaliers he got a call from my friend Bill Ford to keep the Lincoln plant in U.S. history!
#DTS With all that money spent against me in the primaries like Hillary Clinton raked in money from regimes that horribly oppress women and gays & refuses to write it? Come, he said. Great rally in Chicago.
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mytrumarareviews · 7 years
Fire Emblem Awakening vs. Fates
Fire Emblem Awakening came out at a time when the future of the Fire Emblem franchise was on the line. The game was a make or break for the franchise and honestly, it was a really risky move to not only spend money on making a new game in the franchise, but they also had it translated and localized, effectively doubling the company’s work load and cost. But the game succeeded due to the character creation and much better support system when compared to other games. There was also the addition of the casual mode, which allowed players to play a little less safely and opened the franchise up to a broader demographic of gamers, it also brought in a fairly large female demographic when compared to other games (about a 11:8 ratio of players, or 55% male and 45% female).
And you know what, the games are fun. Though I’ve recently been seeing people going back and saying that Awakening was better than Fates on all levels, and honestly. I don’t really understand that all that much. I really loved Fates, it was probably my favorite game of the last year, which is a close battle with Pokemon Moon (it was a shit year in gaming). So to explain this let me do a small analysis of each of aspect of the games.
Fire Emblem 13: Awakening
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The first act is at best decent, the second act is pretty good, and the third act is terrible.
What? You wanted more? Okay, here we go.
I’ll be referring to acts by the villains we see throughout them. So I’ll be starting with Gangrel’s act.
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Gangrel’s act is fine if you look at it as a standard good vs. evil act rather than looking for anything thought provoking. The biggest thing that bothers me about this act is that Gangrel is just evil, he’s not so much Saturday morning cartoon villain (I’ll get to Validar later) as he is just the stereotypical, crazy character. I can’t even hate him because he’s just so laughably pathetic and poorly written. So many people hate him because he laughed at Emmeryn’s death. But Emmeryn’s death was extremely forced and really unneeded. I know it caused Gangrel’s armies to stop fighting, but the thing is, his entire act could be cut out and the game would be better. You could say that there was a rebellion in the neighbouring nation. You could even have levels where the Pelagians are fighting against you and keep in the attempt on Emmeryn’s live. Gangrel was an unnecessary character in a game that already has way too much going on. Hell it’s revealed in a DLC that Gangrel didn’t actually die during the fight with him when he joins the main cast. He was a completely pointless villain. Honestly I found this portion of the game extremely poorly written. Even if Chrom uses violent methods to win wars
There are other things in this arc that I could heavily criticize. For instance, it’s later revealed that Virion is a lord from another nation. He even acts like he doesn’t know any of you when he’s been fighting along side you against the Pelagian army. This even happens if you married him. Virion has no point in being a playable character until Walhart’s act. In fact, the only reason he’s even around is to hit on Sully. Meaning his entire purpose boiled down to chasing tail until later in the game.
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Okay, it isn’t all bad though. There’s one level that’s really good. It’s chapter 10, named Renewal. Mustafa is portrayed as sypathetic and a soldier doing his job for the sake of his family instead of being portrayed as just another one of the many commanders you fight in this game. I always try to go through this level killing as few enemies as possible because they’re all fighting for Mustafa instead of for Gangrel and you can spare most of them if you go straight for him. You still kill him, but he begs you to spare his men, who no longer have a reason to fight Chrom and his army. There’s a very human aspect to this level, unlike literally ever other level in this act of the game.
Well, I suppose we should move on to Walhart’s act now.
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Wallhart is a good villain. He holds very similar beliefs to Chrom and is a foil to Chrom’s character. He should have been the villain for the entire game and they really shouldn’t have made the game about killing some Fell Dragon that we don’t even see in a flashback until the final act of the game. Walhart stands on what he thinks his is moral ground. He knows that the quickest way to gain unification is to conquer, so he takes on the title of the Conqueror. He’s even fighting against the same evil forces you are. There isn’t a single level I felt was out of place in this part of the game nor do I think that any character, with the exception of one, is a poorly written character. I really actually like this act. That said, there’s not too much I talk about within it. With one exception. Excellus. Because they just had to have one evil character in this group. Yeah, that was pretty bad.
If anything I would suggest the game just for this act. And hell, you can actually download DLC to have Walhart as a playable character. Meaning that Chrom didn’t actually kill his foil and finish off a character arc. Well fuck off Nintendo.
Now let’s move on to Validar’s act.
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Oh, sorry wrong villain. I can barely tell these two apart when it comes to their character.
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Validar is extremely poorly written. Not only is he a cultist, to a dragon of death that eats souls at the table like everybody else, but they try to pull this Vader like thing with Robin and him in Walhart’s arc. I pulled a Skeletor voice with him when reading the dialogue out loud and it fit really well, too well. A lot of this stuff sounded like something a Saturday morning cartoon villain would say. The same could actually be said about Aversa, though she’s more of a lackey to Validar than his superior. She does however show more of a human side as she attacks you for having killed Validar, somebody she had respect for. For a character who has a weapon named after her, she sure doesn’t have a lot of character.
And then we get to Grima. Who’s also Robin from the future. And you’re literally fighting yourself. So, there’s one thing that can’t happen at this point and that’s Robin dying. Why, because Morgan has even been conceived yet, and Morgan has to potential to be a character, given that you married somebody. This is why i hate time travel plots, there’s often no tension because you know how it’s going to end. Robin can’t die, there for there’s no tension to see them die. 
But, like Gangrel’s arc, I did like one thing about this act. When Lucina finds out how and why you kill Chrom in her future she confronts you. If you’re her mother then she’s extremely reluctant to do so. Telling her to kill you so Chrom won’t die only makes her more reluctant and later Chrom comes by to reassure Lucina that their bond is stronger than Validar’s magic. It gives all three Robin, Lucina, and Chrom very human qualities. But that’s only if you’re her mother, if not she doesn’t have any reservations about killing you. Chrom has to stop her.
The Ending:
It’s shit. Chrom gives a speech about how they either killed Grima or put Grima into a slumber. And yeah, that’s it. People reassure Robin that her death would detrimental if you put Grima into a slumber but she’s just depressed.
In Conclusion (of this part):
The game doesn’t actually have a really good story. It has a massive up to it with Walhart’s act but the rest of it just kind of sucks. It basically felt that they had ideas for three different games starring the same characters but instead only created 1, which was to their detriment.
This game is way too easy. It really speaks to how broken the combat system is when you can get any character to 80 health without bogging them down with items that raise their health. Not to mention that you can actually use a second seal with your character to go back to a base class from an advanced class with only minor detriments to your abilities. this means that if you put enough time into it you could potentially max out nearly ever stat on the Avatar character. Second Seals and Master Seals are broken in this game. See both of them send you back to level 1, but you still have most of the stats that you had earlier and there’s no limit to how often you can use them.
I don’t actually mind the idea of breaking weapons, it serves to slightly nerf your character, so you can’t just constantly use a single overpowered item.
In other words, this game has a lot of major balancing issues.
I was capable of beating the entire game using only Chrom and Robin. Playing the game on Lunatic mode would be a lot harder and it’s a welcome challenge.
They do have a good reason as to why Chrom and Robin can’t die in casual mode, which was a great addition in this game and was the reason I picked it up. Chrom is basically the motivational centre of the group while Robin is their tactician, if either were to leave the battle field their army would be at a detriment. It’s a nice bit of subtext to go with the sub-par story.
It’s great and fits the tone of the game. It’s nothing special, but it doesn’t distract from the game. Yuka Tsujiyoko did a decent job on.
Well, I already talked about the villains, and Virion. But this game has a decently interesting cast of characters if you’re willing to use them. Though I never really gained an attachment to any of the characters, I can see why a lot of people would. 
Though there are a few characters I don’t like.
Tharja is a yandere, though she doesn’t really have any reason to be. It feels like there was a cut scene where Robin saved her, but it would make more sense for her to after Chrom, whom actually convinced her to change sides.
Henry doesn’t need to exist and only serves to be an annoyance. He shows up out of nowhere and has no bearing on the plot what so ever. I honestly don’t see the point in his character when every character has a comedy relief side to them.
Gaius is a thief who was looting Emmeryn’s castle as part of the Pelagian army. He likes candy, that’s his entire character.
Both Tharja and Gaius can be easily accidentally killed because they’ll attack you.
In Conclusion:
This game was fine, it was decent. A good 5/10 for me and that’s not a number to really sneeze at, it’s a middle of the road game with a lot of problems to it and that’s about it. If you don’t want a really complex story with complex characters and a shade of grey morality, then go ahead and buy it.
Next time I’m going to do an analysis for Fates using the same material.
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