#I was a brownie for a while...
cookinguptales · 1 year
my very first internet handle was CINCISLUGGER1990 because my mother had to make something up and she panicked
yes I was born in Cincinnati, though at the time we no longer lived there.
I played softball for like... a year, maybe two TOPS when I was in elementary school. I enjoyed this activity solely because we got to go to The Cone when we inevitably lost our games. I was the player with the best on-base record on the team because I simply never swung the bat and the other small children couldn't throw the ball for shit so I always got walked.
mama why did you let the entire internet know that I was like 7-8? seems like a bad call.
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mspaintpetfinder · 11 hours
now here's the purrbeast
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"Murder is Werewolves" - Batman
I don't got the SPOONS to do this thought train justice, I have seriously been trying to write this thing for MONTHS so just, idk, have this half baked skeletal outline of the essay I guess:
I don't believe that Batman's no-kill rule is primarily about rehabilitation or second chances.
His refusal to believe that Cassandra could have killed someone when she was eight years old because "how could a killer understand my commitment not to kill" is absolute fucking MOON LOGIC from a rehabilitationist standpoint. No jury on the planet would think for even a second that she could reasonably be held accountable for her actions in that situation! Her past cannot condemn her to being incapable of valuing human life under a rehabilitation centering framework. However, Batman's reasoning makes perfect sense if he believes that killing is a spiritually/morally corrupting act which permanently and fundamentally changes a person, and that corruption can never be fully undone.
Dick Grayson killing the Joker is treated both narratively and by Batman as an unequivocally WIN for the Joker. The Joker won by turning Nightwing into a killer. Note that this is during a comic in which the Joker transforming people was a major theme! Batman didn't revive the Joker because the Joker deserved to live; he revived the Joker to lift the burden on Dick.
His appeal to Stephanie when she tried to kill her dad is that she shouldn't ruin her own life. He gives no defense of Cluemaster's actual life. Granted this is a rhetorical strategy moment and should be taken with a generous pinch of salt, but it fits in the pattern.
When Jason becomes a willful killer, he essentially disowns him, never treats him with full trust ever again, and... Well, we can stop here for Bruce's sake. Bottom line is that his actions towards Jason do not lead me to believe that he thinks Jason can become a better person without having his autonomy taken from him, either partially or fully.
The Joker is, for better or worse, the ultimate symbol and vessel of pure, irredeemable evil in DC comics now. He hasn't been just another crook in a long time. He will never get better, he will only get worse. If you take it to be true that the Joker will not or can not rehabilitate, then there's no rehabilitationist argument against killing him.
Batman does not seem to consider it a possibly that he'll rehabilitate. Batman at several points seems to think that the Joker dying in a manner no one could have prevented would be good. Yet Batman fully believes that if he killed the Joker, he himself would become irredeemable.
Batman's own form of justice (putting people into the hospital and then prison) is fucking brutal and clearly not rehabilitative. He disrespects the most basic human rights of all criminals on a regular basis. It is genuinely really, really weird from a rehabilitationist standpoint that his only uncrossable line is killing... But it makes perfect sense if he cares more about not corrupting himself with the act of killing than the actual ethical results of any individual decision to kill or not kill.
In the real world cops are all bastards because they are too violent to criminals, even when that violence doesn't lead to death. Prison is a wildly evil thing to do to another human being, and you don't use it to steal away massive portions of a person's life if your goal is to rehabilitate them. In the comic world, Batman is said to be necessary because the corrupt cops are too nice to criminals and keep letting them out of jail. I don't know how to write a connector sentence there so like I hope you can see why this bothers me so damn much! That's just not forgiveness vibes there Batman!!
I want to make special note here of the transformative aspect. You don't simply commit a single act when you kill, no, you become a killer, like you might become a werewolf.
The narrative supports this a lot!
Why did Supes go evil during Injustice? He killed the Joker. Why did Bruce become the Batman Who Laughs? Bruce killed the Joker. Why was Jason Todd close to becoming a new Joker during Three Jokers? Because he killed people, to include the Joker.
Even if these notions of redemption being impossible aren't the whole of his reasoning (people never have only one reason for doing what they do) it is a distinct through-line pattern in his actions and reasoning, and it is directly at odds with notions of rehabilitation, redemption, and second chances.
So why does he give so many killers second chances?
Firstly because this doesn't apply to all versions of Batman. Some writers explicitly incorporate rehabilitation and forgiveness into his actions. You will be able to provide me with examples of this other through-line pattern if you go looking for them. The nature of comics is to be inconsistent.
Secondly the existence of that other pattern does not negate the existence of this one. People and characters are complex, and perfectly capable of holding two patterns of belief within themselves, even when they conflict to this degree. You can absolutely synthesize these two ideas into a single messy Batman philosophical vibescape.
Finally and most importantly to this essay: he has mercy on killers the same way that werewolf hunters sometimes have mercy on someone who is clearly struggling against their monsterous nature, especially if they were turned in exceptional circumstances or against their will. They understand that they are sick, damned beasts, cursed to always be fighting against themselves and the evil they harbor within. It is vitally kind to help them fight themselves by curtailing their autonomy in helpful ways and providing them with chances to do some good to make up for their eternal moral deficiency.
I think in many comics Batman views killers as lost souls. Battered and tormented monsters who must be pitied and given mercy wherever possible. (The connections to mental health, addiction, and rampant, horrifying ableism towards people struggling with both is unavoidable, but addressing it is sadly outside of the scope of this essay.)
Above all, the greatest care possible must be taken to never, ever let yourself become one of them, because once you have transformed the beast will forever be within you growing stronger.
To Batman, it is the most noble burden, the highest mercy, the most important commandment: Thou shalt suffer the monsters to live.
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localcryptic · 1 day
the LD Rangers team is the nightmare blunt rotation. argent is intentionally trying to freak herald out because its funny. herald keeps floating higher and higher because he can't help it. steel's paranoia is through the fucking roof. ortega is the ONLY one having a good time. don't even get me started on sidestep
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storybook-souls · 1 year
*thru clenched teeth* i am allowed to do the thing that is kinder to myself even if i don't "deserve" it i am allowed to--
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honey-snap · 2 months
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if they unmask and fallen angel gabriel and his ass doesnt look as weird and esoteric as these i'll kms /nsrs
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eyeballsoup7310 · 19 days
So preface. I was gonna put this in the tags of a reblog of this post about how all of the bayou boys suck (affectionate), but that post is Rolan-centric and my rant wasn’t so I’m just making my own post. But the Rolan post is really good too and you should read it. Anyways here’s the ramble
The guys are all assholes and that's the point. people are jerks sometimes and people get into bad arguments and people leave each other over stupid things, and that's the point! (to me anyways). People suck! People are the worst! And yet they still do good, they still risk everything for each other, even when angry. Rolan still dies for his town, even after it kills him, and he still trusts Rand to finish the job even after constant fights, and he still trusts kian enough -even in death- to repeat his Song. Rand still believes post-metamorphosis Rolan even after all trust has been broken, and he still believes in Kian even when Kian's basically signed his death certificate for Becky. Kian admits something he's ashamed of (on top of dropping the fact he likes guys sometimes), probably to make Rolan feel less like a 'freak' at the tree, even knowing that they'll roast the hell out of him for it in the same the way he roasted Rolan.
The bayou boys are assholes and yet they love each other and it makes them so human even if they physically aren't. It makes sense to me that that's the way the story went, with Rachel being the final boss. She's just a kid and her brother and his friends were rude to her. She never saw the other side of that, she never got an apology. You can hurt someone and, even though those moments of shittiness don’t necessarily define you as a person, it doesn’t remove the pain you’ve caused them.
I love this damn campaign and I love these characters. I’m putting them into a salad spinner and watching them rotate very quickly
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wanton-votaress · 5 months
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I may be a nerd but I wasn’t the one who baked cookies based on my current interests
That was all @existing-is-bothersome
(Even if was a attempt to prove they are superior to me in the kitchen)
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
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I am actually wearing something you'd enjoy today, but have these gifs from the drafts for now while im busy 🎁✨
Treat me ~ Tip me
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mad-minds-rp · 3 months
Fandom: I want to *rated R* things to Zack Foster
Me: I want to give Zack Foster hot chocolate and a blanket.
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
Vivziepop recently made a Collab with NazFX on Twitter who's releasing a Loona remake tomorrow. It appears she has collabed with this person twice? In the link I'm sending is a video of a white Alastor plush. My favorite character in the Hazbin Hotel series is whitewashed to oblivion again! Like WTF, Look at him? Why is he so white 😭? WHY IS HE STILL BEING PORTRAYED AS A NON BLACK CHARACTER? First it was Sallie May that was overly sexualized for being a trans woman which insulted the community and got a lot of backlash, then making another transmasc character Cis which got more backlash and now we're pushing for anti black, white Alastor! I encourage others not to buy from Viv or get the Loona plush to pocket her pockets because she's anti black and is absolutely terrible at portraying black characters, characters with different ethnic backgrounds in general or just LGBT characters. Vivziepop is not a spectacular person with great ideas. She can't represent characters period!
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This is "OOAK." Not a collab. It's fanmade.
I get your concern, but please provide clear evidence before making accusations like this. Though yes... Vivziepop does whitewash him still, in fact, she made him lighter after the backlash about the Vodou representation, something fans and non-fans alike were disgusted by her doing this kind of anti-black behavior, and kept the symobols in the episode- just more hidden now.
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Look at Vortex, look at how this character is drawn, look at how the muscles are emphasized while the white muscular characters are drawn otherwise normally or with Ozzie, have skinny arms.
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Look at how they drew the white muscular characters and their anatomy compared to Vortex and try to tell me that there was "no anti-blackness" involved here. The white men have even anatomy, while for Vortex, it's emphasized to hell and back, and he's given almost no sympathy for being a slave, while Loona is multiple times just because she's white coded despite being Hell's equivalent to how black people were/are treated. Yet for Vortex, he's not sympathized with, even in his debut, and is only animated to "look intimidating" and to be violent while also having not a single black person influencing his writing. He's just meant to be the "token strong black man" while Coco and the rest of the background characters are put their for brownie points while we get no respect from these writers underneath this narrative. It's hypocritical, selfish, and downright racially insensitive. These stereotypes are far from "harmless", especially today with the newest Helluva Boss episode and how it relates to the harmful stigma against drag queens.
The fetishization of trans, drag, and black lives hurts us.
These stereotypes are not "comedy", they're reputational harm.
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-while the other black characters are whitewashed and given names like "Coco" based on their skin. You can actually tell that the direction of this show had not a single black say on these shows, at all.
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HB also made over half of their main poc characters succubi as an excuse to fetishize us. It's just hentai for minority fetishists, that's it, the show is just what Americans think hentai is, but worse, since it includes all misrepresentation of women from hentai along with ableism, racism, homophobia, and blatant transphobia from the writers being put into the tones and dialouge of the scenes.
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The double standards need to stop. There is no such thing as a "good" dergogatory stereotype. Black stereotyping and fetishization is equally as harmful as blackface. This goes for Brandon Rodgers as well. Both him and Vivziepop have gotten away with racial stereotypes and sexism for far too long. There needs to be at least one black say behind this writing. This needs to stop.
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Also look at the anniversary posts on Twitter:
Not a single black person in sight. I want to be excited by this show so badly due to the nice animation, cool world ideas (Hell with different demon species- how cool is that?!) and the cool looking bg characters but the creators keep ruining it with active bigotry.
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So you're right about that one... 💀
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Vivienne is speedrunning her own cancellation now...
-and it's just sad to watch. All she had to do was apologize for how she misrepresented multiple minority groups and let her stans attack us, none of this discourse needed to happen smh.
If racism and all around bigotry is "not ok" with Oye Primos. It's "not ok" with how Helluva Boss treats minorities as well. People need to stop having double standards just because one creator benefits their fan content more than the other. To the HB tag, if you like any of Vivziepop's shows, cool, but dont pretend to support us while denying how much bigotry the creators have just because you want more of Vivziepop's cartoon softcore porn.
Racism and queerphobia should not be normalized with any writer.
Stop the hypocrisy!
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perilegs · 7 days
i swear baked goods made in an oven tray with frosting on top will be the end of me
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neuroticboyfriend · 9 months
tierlist but instead of being normal i rank meds i've taken by how pleasant the sedation is
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ladye-zelda · 3 months
For the writing game :)
The warm smells of chocolate wafted through the air. Link's mouth started to water slightly, his stomach aching for that chocolatey goodness to hit it in the right spot.
He looked over to Zelda who was sitting next to him, reading her book. She noticed the pleading in his eyes, but merely giggled. "It's not time yet!" she told him. "You have to wait a little longer!"
Link leaned back with a sigh, trying to ignore the temping smell that wafted through their little house on the surface. It felt like forever until Zelda finally sat up from the couch, making her way to the oven. Link was already out of his seat before Zelda called: "Cookies are ready!"
Her hands protected by oven mitts, Zelda carefully lifted up the warm metal tray from out of the oven. She set it on the counter, playfully tapping Link's hands away from the freshly-baked cookies. "They're not done yet! You have to wait for them to cool first."
But Link could not wait. The more that he stared at the cookies in front of him, the chocolatey-chips perfectly melted, glistening at him to eat them, the more that his stomach tempted him.
It had not even been a minute before his stomach one. He took of the chocolate chip cookies in front of him, which not only began burning his hand but also resulted in a nice melted mess in the palm of his hand. He acted quickly to try to get the cookie in his mouth, but only resulted in the melted mass burning his tongue and throat.
Zelda heard the commotion and came running back to the kitchen. "Link!" she pouted, but couldn't help the smile creeping up the corner of her face. "You were supposed to wait!"
Though Link was banned from touching the rest of the cookies until Zelda patched him up to make sure there weren't any burns, never before had cookies tasted so delicious, even if it caused such a mess.
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tj-crochets · 15 days
What if you crocheted the cigar? Would that help the size problem? My brain is thinking: MR 6, INC 6, (SC, INC) 6 and then just SC to length and then color change to grey or red for the cigar end?
Depending on the yarn, you could get a nice texture to the cigar too.
Crocheting the cigar is definitely an option, and depending on the scale I was going for that's pretty much the pattern I was thinking too, I just have to admit I know nothing about cigars or what their texture usually is lol
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kittypyuun · 2 years
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@tblsomedoodles family web au shenanigans with Big Mama trying to reconcile with her sons
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