#I will break the games boundaries to give him a hug I will do it
kaprisvn · 6 months
Here, take a Sun render for the long journey ahead!!
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Obligatory click for better quality <3
I did this drawing on my phone and for some reason the colours look WAY different on PC...
Also, for those who care, I SWEAR I DIDN'T GIVE UP ON MY COMIC I'VE JUST BEEN STUPIDLY BUSY. I was sick for a week, got my wisdom teeth removed (it was hell), got sick again, had to catch up on over a weeks worth of school work, and now IM SICK AGAIN. I've been having a rough 2 months but I still want to get the comic done :)
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bg-brainrot · 7 months
Have you ever wanted to give Astarion more hugs? Because I did. So I wrote 34K words just to give him more hugs. It's Hugs for a Vampire, literally just uploaded the last chapter.
It's my first finished long fic ever and I feel this weird little pride so I wanted to gush about it. Please enjoy a few of my favorite snippets below (spans the game so beware spoilers), but this thing has a bit of everything.
You want figuring out boundaries? You got it!
You’re not sure how much of it is a choice that you’ve consciously made or if it’s born of your underlying worry. It hasn’t been long since you entered this new phase in your relationship, and the past couple of weeks have been a lot of trial and error to get to a place of some comfort and understanding. As such, you know exactly why you’ve been careful, consciously or not. “I don’t want to touch you if you’re not ready for it,” you say, tilting your head toward his, whispering your words away from the rest of the group.
The vampire freezes a moment, his eyebrows knitting into a look of concern. “While I appreciate the sentiment, darling, a hug isn’t exactly carnal .”
You give him a flat look. “Of course it isn’t,” you respond back. “But it’s still… intimate. You should be allowed to decide when that happens. If you hug me, I know you want it to happen.”
Astarion finally uncrosses his arms, only to rub at his temple in exasperation. “Ugh, you’re being disgustingly considerate,” he says, closing his eyes. “It’s times like this that I wonder how we’ve even gotten this far.”
You want a smidge of angst? Of course.
Astarion’s arm around you shifts, an attempt to pull you closer. You turn to face him and lean in to help his efforts. He gives you a sad little grateful smile, and tucks you into his chest, your head resting just below his chin. When he speaks, his voice is barely above a whisper, a low rasp to it, “I’m here, dear. We’re in this together.”
Nodding into his chest, you take a few steading breaths. “I know,” you say. “But is it too much to ask for a break every once and a while?”
“Darling,” a cold kiss graces your temple before he continues, “I’ve been asking myself that question for two-hundred years.” His words aren’t meant to elicit sympathy, just reality, and you both soak in it for a while. Laying in each others’ arms, bodies too exhausted to move, spirits too broken to speak, you allow yourself to weep.
You want calling Astarion out on his bullshit? For sure.
“Gods,” he breathes out in anguish. “I can’t say you’re wrong. I can only say I'm so glad we didn’t meet then. I don’t even want to think what would have happened to you…”
You’ve never been above challenging your lover’s sullen moods, facing his avoidances head on. So you stare him down fiercely when you say, “Don’t you avoid this, Astarion. Face it, like you must face them. You would have killed me.”
And just like that, something in him buckles. All of his blustering blown away in the stark reality of his previous life. “I would have killed you.” Astarion’s shoulders bow, his head turns away from you and it’s all you can do to hold back a fierce, rib-shattering embrace.
You want fluff? Hell yeah.
You’re ever the slightly more responsible of the two of you. “I always thought that the day we got thrown into prison together it would be for theft, murder, maybe racketeering– not public indecency.”
“The night is young, dear,” he says, smiling up at you innocently. "I wouldn't rule any of them out quite yet."
You plant a small kiss on his head and respond, “You are an utter fool.”
You want an ending where he doesn't run off on his own and break your heart? It's only natural 😭
Sniffling, tears trailing down your face and onto his neck, you know your voice is barely there. But you need him to know. You whisper to him, “We’re all here for you. You’re safe with us.”
And like a stubborn lock that finally gives, he collapses into you. His full body weight bears down on you, and it’s all you can do to keep from toppling over. Yet you remain solid, fully ready to support him as long as he needs.
Anyway, I just wanted to be excited, if you read this far ty I appreciate you and pls how do I get this vampire man out of my head 🥲
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undead-supernova · 4 months
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Part 4 / Part 5
warnings: mostly warning free outside of alcohol consumption, arguments, a hint of spice, and emergency cigarettes
pairings: bestfriend!modern!eddie x fem!reader
plot: sometimes you just gotta clear the smoke
wc: 5.2k
note: omg this is the last part! I'm very proud of myself for setting out to finish my first ever Eddie series (with my next one coming up quick - next week to be exact) and I thank anyone who has actually read this ! I'm very grateful that there are people who actually enjoy my work. It means a lot. I love doing this so so much. I can’t wait to share with you what’s next !!!!!!
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Part 5: "Tolerance Break"
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How the fuck did you end up agreeing to go to another karaoke night?
No, seriously. What the hell was wrong with you?
Okay, maybe you were being a little too mean to yourself. But didn’t you deserve it after everything that transpired between you and Eddie?
There was something that was beginning to float away from the two of you, something that felt familiar. It was exactly what you’d feared, the teetering in and out. No calls, no texts. Nothing there on your screen, left for dead on your bedroom floor most days as you blocked out any and all noise you could. Only listened to the kind of metal and screamo that sounded like fuzz, where their lyrics were practically incoherent from their gutteral screams. Played every goddamn Lego game on your Xbox and, yes, you specifically avoided clicking on Lego The Hobbit.
And to be fair, you hadn’t responded to any of the texts Eddie did send that first week. You had hope that he would show up like a knight in shining armor, taking your silence as a chance for him to be a hero—as if that was a justified response. 
Because silence equaled confirmation that you were done. And confirmation that you were done meant that Eddie had to respect whatever boundaries you’d put up. Despite this, you stared at the door whenever you came home. Left a light on in the middle of the night just in case his knock woke you. 
Just in case. Just in case.
But this wasn’t coping.
This was your own personal hell.
Because you also knew about the back and forth with Steve, the hopeful glances and longing stares. The missed chances and opportunities and the stupid, stupid mistakes that you thought about making. You also knew that your relationship with Eddie was going to change significantly. Maybe it already had.
You were leaning up against the side of your car, smoking an emergency cigarette from the pack stashed in your glove box. The anxiety was starting to eat you alive as you really came to terms with the fact that you were going to see Eddie for the first time in nearly a month. And, by the grace of God, you were going to be seeing him sober.
He would probably get there late knowing his finicky Tuesday schedule, sometimes having a longer shift than normal. Maybe he’d be all sweaty and grimy, frustrated and unable to talk to you. Or he could be bright and cheery and make conversation, blind to the magic of your lucky fishnets chosen for tonight.
How would he act? Would everything be okay? Did he even want to talk to you after what happened?
What even really happened?
Maybe he wouldn’t show up at all. 
Would it even be worth it to stay?
The sound of Robin calling your name woke you from your self-indulgent nightmare fuel. You looked up, watching her wave at you with Steve in tow, sporting a white crop top and a deep green button down left open, bracelets galore. Steve was in his work outfit, sleeves rolled up, button down unbuttoned and untucked. Disheveled wife beater clinging for dear life in this weather. Like he was straight out of a quirky 2000s movie. Except he didn’t look exhausted, just slightly tired.
You met them halfway, giving Robin a side hug to keep her away from the smoke.
But as soon as you pulled back, she grabbed the cigarette and crushed it under her Vans. Even went so far as to stomp on it. 
“Rob, seriously?” Steve asked. 
“Gross,” Robin replied, shaking her head at you. “So, so gross.”
You just wanted five minutes of unhealthy coping mechanisms—but you knew Robin was right. Getting back into smoking cigarettes just because you were in a perpetual state of sorrow due to your own actions may not be the best course of action. Maybe that’s why you felt better on your two-week tolerance break from smoking weed. It just felt better to have a clear head, especially if it wasn’t doing well in the first place.
Steve gave you an apologetic look, also giving you a side hug. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s fine,” you said. “It’s probably for the best.”
“Should we go inside?” Robin asked, pointing at Go Ask Mary. 
What you noticed as soon as you sat down was that neither of them even mentioned Eddie. Didn’t tell you whether he was still coming or whether he’d be late. The three of you were ten minutes early to the scheduled time, so it wouldn’t be too bad, right?
Steve started chatting you up immediately, (almost unbearably) asking you how you’d been doing and if you’d seen anything good on Netflix or Max lately. You really didn’t want to talk to him, didn’t want to even look at him. Because if you did, you’d only see betrayal in his eyes, a mere reflection of your guilt.
As if noticing your discomfort, Robin butt in. “Actually, I was watching this documentary on that new NASA thing and apparently there’s this black hole—"
You were starting to feel sick to your stomach and it only increased when Eddie walked into the bar twenty minutes late. 
Despite telling yourself not to, you looked up at him.
He wasn’t grimy or dirty, like he’d showered before coming. Like he felt the need to clean up before, what, coming to a bar on a Tuesday evening? His hair was all volumized and bouncy, face glowing in the dim lighting. A Master of Reality Black Sabbath tee with his jeans and his leather jacket and his chains and his everything…
And despite Robin and Steve greeting him first, Eddie held your eye contact. 
You hated how that made you feel. Like you were the only reason why he was here. Like you were the only reason he was being social and staying out late. Like you made it worth it.
But neither one of you said anything to each other.
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The last few weeks had been…quite unbearable if Eddie had to describe it. He spent nearly every night at his phone, talking to Wayne as if he was his therapist. Wayne bit the bullet and comforted him, tried to give him advice about the whole thing. But Eddie was in a fugue state, unable to truly manage his heartache, even with his stashed emergency cigarettes in his glove box. So, when he got the invitation to another karaoke night and Robin promised you’d be there, he made sure to leave work early, take an extra-long shower, and come prepared to talk.
When you said you’d get the first round, Eddie did his best to stay seated.
Because neither of you had said anything to each other and Eddie wasn’t really sure what that meant. He wasn’t even sitting next to Steve tonight because he felt so embarrassed…but what about you?
Because you looked tense, a tight smile on your lips that definitely didn’t meet your eyes. Your grip on your vodka Redbull was starting to concern him, all strained knuckles and shaky glass. Steve and Robin blabbered on, you and Eddie contributing when it seemed necessary, never actually talking to each other. 
By the time Robin said she’d get the second and you jumped at the chance to go for her, he’d given up on being polite.
He reached into his jean jacket pocket to find his black Bic lighter, his holy savior when it came to anxiety and fear. You were ten steps ahead of him, refusing to look back. Refusing to even look up, as if the idea of making eye contact with anyone in Go Ask Mary was borderline criminal.
Eddie glanced at Steve and Robin before standing up.
“Ooh, are you going to go talk to her?” Robin asked, taking a final sip of her first Coke and Bacardi to try to hide her smile. Steve mirrored her, taking a long gulp of his beer as he raised an eyebrow at the man.
The two were the definition of the phrase in cahoots.
Eddie only rolled his eyes in response, turning on his heels to follow your lead. 
You were in nearly an identical outfit to the one he last saw you in, with your black Joan Jett t-shirt replaced with a black Scene Queen crop top. A leather jacket. And there with it, a pleated black miniskirt that swayed with you as you walked, calling attention to your fishnets and maroon Converse. Red lipstick to match. Fucking hell— 
He was utterly weak for you.
And how did he open up a line of dialogue?
“This is awkward, isn’t it?”
You turned to him before looking down, watching the black lighter move between his fingers—always noticing his anxious habits but never truly calling him out. 
“I guess,” you replied, seemingly nonchalant.
But he was getting closer and…was that cigarette smoke on your jacket? Had you been smoking? Eddie thought about asking, but there you were beating him to the punch.
“Emergency cigarette, huh?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. “Seems like you’ve been stressed about something.”
“It’s all over you, too,” he countered. “I wonder if there’d be a common denominator if we compared notes.”
He didn’t miss the way you scowled before trying to cover up your frustration. “It’s just been tough at work.”
“Oh, so is that why you haven’t texted me in three weeks?”
“Hey, it’s just a question,” he said lightly, throwing his hands up.
Before you could say anything, the bartender was sliding you the drinks.
“You left your jacket at my place,” you said as you handed Robin’s card to the guy. “It’s in my car if you want to grab it before you leave. Or earlier if you’d like.”
But Eddie wasn’t one to back down, was he?
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“And I don’t intend to,” you stated, scribbling on the receipt before turning to walk away. Eddie noticed you left his and Steve’s drinks behind. With a sigh, Eddie grabbed them and followed you back to the table.
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After everyone was a bit tipsy, Robin found her way to the karaoke stage, followed by Steve. You noticed that Eddie was opting out, merely sitting there in silence. He nursed his whisky, nodding along to whatever conversation was happening, even if he was directly spoken to. It was already bad enough that he was sitting closer to you than he did Steve.
Was he trying to make you feel better? Was his silence to keep everyone from feeling weird? Did he tell Steve about what happened, and they were trying to play it cool? Lower the awkwardness? 
Your anxiety was starting to crawl along your skin resulting in you having to take your jacket off. The alcohol doing absolutely nothing to diffuse it. Even if you drank faster. Not that you would ever feel the need to expedite the process of any form of intoxication or inebriation. Not at all. Nope. Never.
But after another dreadful fifteen minutes, you needed out of there. 
“I’m going to sing a song,” you announced, interrupting Steve.
Before anybody could respond or react, you shot out of your chair and walked over to the guy by the stage. He sat on a stool behind a podium, his laptop hooked up to a speaker.
“Pick your poison of the night,” he said with a grin. “The Eighties are your oyster.”
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Eddie watched you scroll through the guy’s laptop, bouncing from side-to-side as you debated your choices. Nodding your head along to whatever he was saying.  
And he just couldn’t help himself from being a pest, from ignoring Robin and Steve, from walking over and ending up behind you.
“What’s the song choice?”
You flinched, turning to look at him with quite a nasty look on your face. 
“Why do you care?”
His eyebrows furrowed. “Why are you being so goddamn mean?”
Like before, you gave no answer.
Instead, you grabbed the microphone and stepped up on the poor excuse for a stage. As you lifted your foot, your skirt started riding up. Eddie didn’t mean to look up your skirt in a moment like this, scout’s honor, but he caught a snippet of…your…garter belt?
Were those your…lucky fishnets? No, he had to be mistaken. You already had a few pairs, there was no way you’d worn the lucky ones when you were being this mean.
“Why’re you looking at me like that?” you asked him, your voice sounding much, much harsher than it usually did.
“I’m not looking at you like—”
The track started and you shook your head, turning from him to put on a smile and face everyone else but him. 
Eddie didn’t stay, heaving a sigh before walking off to sit back down next to Steve and Robin. 
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Clearing your throat, you let yourself groove through the beginning instrumentals, shaking off Eddie’s words and the fact that he didn’t stay to watch. Didn’t stay to show any support or be your biggest fan like always. But this wasn’t about him. 
         “There's a boy I know, he's the one I dream of.
         Looks into my eyes, takes me to the clouds above..."
You were met with a few cheers at the choice of song. Trying to play along, you held onto the cord of the mic, twisting it around your fingers, while moving your hips from side to side. Your pleated skirt moved with you, twisting and turning and twirling wherever you moved. 
For the first time tonight, you smiled.
         “How will I know if he really loves me?
         I say a prayer with every heartbeat.
         I fall in love whenever we meet.
         I'm asking you what you know about these things."
But something began to click in your head.
Because this was absolutely about Eddie. This was exactly how you’d been feeling for the last three years. Every little, tiny thing that had run through your mind whenever you were together. Whenever you were laughing or crying or going on dates that ultimately turned into duds. When you went to the aquarium or the movies or Jailbait Hemp… 
When you were sitting with him for the first time in this exact bar, wondering if he was going to be something more in your life, unable to predict where you’d inevitably be. 
         “Falling in love is so bittersweet.
         This love is strong, why do I feel weak?”
You closed your eyes as you kept going, determined to get through this without having a meltdown. If you just powered through it, then everything would sort itself out and you’d sit back down and Robin would tell you that the song was a good choice and Steve would say some dumb shit. And Eddie—
Eddie would say nothing at all. 
And at the end of the night, you’d tell Robin and Steve goodbye. You’d turn to walk away to your car and hope that Eddie would run up to you and demand to talk. But you’d inevitably be met with disappointment as you reached your car. He wouldn’t grab his jacket. He wouldn’t say a word. And the two of you would fade without a sound. Without even a goodbye. And you’d know then for certain that he never truly wanted to be with you. He’d made his choice.
         “If he loves me…if he loves me not.”
When you opened your eyes, you were shocked to see Eddie near the edge of the stage, his hands stuffed in his jacket pockets. 
         “If he loves me…if he loves me not.”
He was looking at you the way you hated, the way you secretly loved. Like you were the most precious thing in the world. 
         “If he loves me...if he loves me not.”
He was quiet, not even swaying, letting you sing no matter how terrible it sounded. Just making eye contact with you, watching you. You tried looking away, but nothing else could hold your attention long enough before you were back, trying to make sense as to why he was still there.
And there was something bubbling in your chest, something starting to unfurl.
         “How will I know if he really loves me?”
Something was starting to constrict your vocal cords and you had no way of letting it go.
         “I say a prayer with every heartbeat.”
Especially when Eddie was still standing there, and you were realizing that whatever you two had was over.
         “I fall in love whenever we meet.”
This chapter of your life was coming to a close. 
         “I'm asking you what you know about these things.”
Nothing was going to fix this.
         “How will I know if he’s thinking of me?”
There was nothing you could do.
         “I try to phone but I’m too shy. Can’t speak.”
         “Falling in love is so bittersweet…”
You started to choke up, sniffling as you looked at Eddie, with his pretty brown eyes and his intense fucking stare and his teeth digging into his bottom lip. Was this the last time you’d ever see each other? Was this truly the end? Was this the last look you’d get of him, forever lodged in your memory as the moment you lost the greatest thing to ever happen to you to someone else? 
         “I feel weak—"
Without hesitation, you dropped the mic, jumping down and running past Eddie. Robin and Steve tried to call your name, but you couldn’t do it anymore. You pushed open the front door into the tangerine glow of the sunset and felt yourself fall apart.
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“What are you doing, Eddie?” Robin asked, shaking her head at him as he sluggishly made his way back to the table. “I mean, seriously.”
“This has gotten totally out of hand,” Steve said with a sigh, swirling a straw in his beer bottle.
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock,” Robin said sarcastically. “How do you think she feels?”
Steve nodded. “You literally didn’t want to keep going on dates because you’re into her.”
Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed. “You said you were okay with it.”
“I am,” Steve said, throwing up his hands. “I get it. You feel how you feel. No shame in that. But I just think it’s kinda annoying when you’re not even doing anything about it. I mean, seriously, dude. It’s been, what, two weeks?”
“Three and a half,” Eddie corrected.
Steve gestured to him. “My point exactly.”
Eddie felt like an idiot. The way he watched you start to crack onstage, as if you were bending. Breaking. Falling apart.
“Are you really gonna just let her leave?”
Eddie turned at the unfamiliar voice. It was the drag queen that seemed to always be there, Luverne Bell, just out of drag this time. He stood there with his hands on his hips, still wearing a killer manicure. 
“What do you mean?”
He sighed. “Boy, I watched that poor girl thirsting over you a month ago, jealous as hell of that one with the hair,” she said, pointing at Steve before looking back at Eddie. “She sang to you tonight—fuckin’ Whitney Houston, the queen of all queens—and you’re questioning if you should be a big boy and go tell her you love her? Are you that stupid?”
“No, I…” Eddie gulped. “I guess I didn’t think about it like that.”
“Then go, idiot,” Robin said from the table. “You’re literally wasting time.”
“Yeah,” Steve agreed. “Don’t fuck it up.”
They were right. Eddie couldn’t back down. You needed him just as much as he needed you.
It felt odd how simple it was. 
Even when he was unsure of your feelings. Even when you had those awkward conversations. Even when he’d be on a date with Steve or talking Robin’s ear off about his frustrations—not to mention Jeff, Gareth, and Grant. (They got much more than they needed to.) Hell, even after you fought and stopped talking for nearly a month. No matter how hard this felt, loving you was simple.
And he planned to keep loving you no matter what.
Eddie nodded before walking towards the door.
He could hear Luverne Bell sigh behind him, saying, “I’m getting that fuckin’ invite to the wedding, so help me God.”
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It was all completely hopeless.
This was probably the lowest you’d been in a long time, dramatically running off a stage at your favorite bar in front of the guy who you’d been in love with for the past three years. And now you were too weak to get in your car and drive far away from here, far away from Eddie. 
You tried being an asshole to him, tried to get him to push you away and leave you alone. It would be better that way, giving him a reason to never come near you again. At least then you wouldn’t be tempted to tell him that the sight of him with Steve made you want to throw up. Hell, you already did.
Tears streamed down your face as you lightly hit your head back on the brick wall of the building. You needed to distract yourself. Calm yourself down.
With the las bit of strength you had, you shuffled over to your car to grab another emergency cigarette. You caught the sight of Eddie’s jacket in the passenger seat and nearly screamed, wanting to run over the damn thing out of spite.
Maybe act on impulse and burn the damn thing. 
As if you’d ever actually do it.
You managed to successfully light your cigarette when you heard Eddie call your name. Turning, you could see him looking around to find you before he finally did. He called your name again.
“Don’t leave!” he said loudly. “Come back.”
With messy makeup and even messier hair, you looked him directly in the eye as you walked back over. If this was how everything was to end, you were ready. No matter how fucked up you looked. No matter how fucked up you felt.
“Can we talk?” he asked.
“What’s there to say?” you asked, taking a strong drag.
“You can’t keep playing this game with me,” he said, shaking his head. “You really can’t.”
“Go back to Steve,” you choked out, fingers shaking as you took another drag. “I bet he’s better company than I am.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “I don’t want to go fucking be with Steve right now, alright?”
“Why not?” you asked loudly. “He’s all cool and hot and sexy and a big, hot, sexy hot shot. I’m sure he’s better than me in every way possible.”
This earned you another eye roll. “Oh my god.” He covered his face with his hands for a moment, dragging them down to his chin before giving an exasperated sigh. “I don’t see why you care when you’re the one who didn’t answer any of my texts, nor did you answer me when I asked you why like an hour and a half ago.”
“I don’t have to explain myself to you,” you lied.
“That’s just a shitty copout at this point.”
“You’re annoying,” you lied again.
“And you’re acting like a dick!” he exclaimed. “An outrageously humongous cockhead!”
You scowled at him. “Oh, I’m the cockhead? Really?”
“Yeah, you are.”
“Real mature. Nice.” You waved him away, taking another drag. “Go back to your boyfriend already.”
“Stop bringing up Steve, oh my god!” he nearly shouted.
A scoff left your mouth. “You’re the one dating him.”
“Yeah, well, I broke shit off with Steve three and a half weeks ago.”
You paused, pulling the cigarette from your lips. “You did?”
Eddie nodded. “Mhm.”
“Oh, you know,” he said with a breathy sigh, fiddling with his lighter. “Just in love with my best friend over here, no big deal.”
“You’re…” You lost grip of your cigarette as everything began to swirl around you. 
He was…actually in love with you?
“You’re in love with me?”
His eyes widened. “You didn’t know?”
“I…wasn’t sure.”
“Right, even when I almost kissed you, or…?”
“Well…I just thought when you…you said you thought Steve made you happy…” you trailed, losing steam. You couldn’t continue, only shrugging in response before crossing your arms over your chest.
He tilted his head, trying to catch your eyes. “And now here’s the part where you say you’re in love with me, too, right?” You looked up, watching his lips turn up in a small smile. “‘Cause there’s no way I’m interpreting this wrong anymore.”
You looked at him questioningly, nearly playful in nature now, deciding to push him just a little bit further. “Oh, yeah? What makes you so sure?”
“Because tonight I realized that you have been nothing but jealous this entire time and making fun of Steve who, correct me if I’m wrong, you’ve never had a problem with before.” He drew closer, putting his hands over your crossed arms. “And there’s nothing I want to do more right now than kiss you and make all of this stupid middle school drama go away.”
“Are you not worried we’ll lose everything if it doesn’t work out?”
Eddie smirked. “What if I told you that I don’t care about that and all I want is to take you home and cuddle on the couch and watch Lord of the Rings?”
“The extended edition?”
“Literally what else would I be referring to?”
“Okay,” you whispered.
Eddie wrinkled his nose at you, eyes searching yours. “Mm, and why are you looking at me like that?”
“Because I’m absolutely, positively in love with you,” you admitted. “That’s why I’ve been looking at you like that for almost four years.”
He grinned. “God dammit, I knew that was what you always wanted to say.”
“And yet you never said anything about it,” you noted.
“Well, I—” Eddie paused before his eyes lit up. “Holy shit. Holy shit! You were gonna tell me that day at the aquarium, weren’t you?” Your mouth opened but you were way too embarrassed to admit to it. He studied your expression before a smirk fell on his lips. “You were! I knew it. I fucking knew—"
So, you kissed him.
Uncrossed your arms and grabbed his face, keeping him from walking away. From running away. From doing anything else than being right here, right now. In your grasp, in your kiss.
And Eddie wasted no time, roughly grabbing your waist and drawing you in, breathing you in. You were trying to process what was happening, but it was all going by so fast. Because his hands were squeezing your hips, fingers flexing as if he was consciously trying not to hurt you. 
Instantly, you couldn’t fathom ever feeling this euphoric. This carnal hunger for something so soft and tender. For finally being able to get to this moment, this aching desire having loomed over you for so long.
Despite this disbelief, you needed to push back, not ready to give away your dominance. Did he even know you? 
You reached a hand down and grabbed his ass, pulling him against you, earning a gasp from him. When you squeezed harder, he jumped and let out a small yelp.
Laughter spilled from your lips as you watched his cheeks turn red, close to matching your lipstick. And you noticed it hadn’t really transferred to his mouth, saving him from more embarrassment. (You thanked whatever God was out there that you’d worn your sturdy lipstick.) 
Even so, your lips were still on his, unable to disconnect. Unable to let them go anywhere.
“You think that’s funny?” he asked, playfully trying to stare you down.
You wrinkled your nose, grinning. “Yeah, I do, actually.”
Eddie wrinkled his back at you. “Yeah?” He mimicked your voice, raising the pitch.
“Oh, yeah.”
Without warning, Eddie pushed you against the brick wall, slotting his thigh in between your legs. You swallowed a whimper, trying to stay quiet. Trying to sustain your dominance. But he had other plans, fingers slowly moving down your side until he grabbed your thigh and lifted it—roughly at first, but then carefully placing it snug around his hip. Delicately, as if the moment was meant to be cherished, as if you were meant to be handled with care. He dragged his fingers down your fishnets before curling his hand around your knee to quickly yank you up juuust a little further.
Eddie was moving his nose against the side of yours, shaking his head. “And what the fuck are you doing wearing these?”
“You don’t like them?” you whispered, pushing him further.
“Are you serious? I’m in love with them,” he admitted. “And you. Very much you.”
 “Told you they were lucky,” you responded with a playful shrug. 
“God, you’re frustrating,” he whispered before his lips met yours again. But he quickly moved, making his way down to your jaw. You wondered if he knew that you were getting dangerously close to losing your grip on whatever abstinence looked like. 
And then he reached the back of your ear and oh—
You let out an involuntary moan, having to lean away from the contact to catch your bearings. If you didn’t, you genuinely thought you were going to faint. 
“Maybe we could do some other things while we watch Lord of the Rings.”
Eddie tipped his head back as he let out a hearty laugh. “And what might that be? Watch the first, second, andthird?”
“It’s a—” Eddie quickly dipped back down, nipping at your neck. “Ah, fuck. It’s a surprise,” you finished, nearly moaning again. “Fuck, not for much longer if you keep doing that.”
“You want me to wait until we’re two and a half hours deep into Mordor?” he asked. “Do you know me at all? That shit is important.”
You shrugged. “Well, you could be two and a half hours deep into this pussy—”
“That was unnecessary,” he joked, shaking his head. 
Your smile widened. “It was kinda funny.”
“Just a little,” he admitted before moving his lips back to your jaw. 
“I could dress up as Sam?” you teased, feeling his teeth carefully grazing your earlobe. Another gasp escaped your lips. “Could call you Mister Frodo if you’d like.”
The vibrations of his laughter made tingles run down your neck.
“An intriguing thought,” he joked. “May I propose a trip to my van?”       
Now you fully pulled away from his face, wondering how serious he was.
“I’m not doing it in a parking lot.”
He feigned offense. “Why not? My van’s right there?”
“Eddie, I’m not having sex in your van.”
He tsked at you, leaving pecks on each of your cheeks. “You’re no fun.”
“How about a compromise,” you proposed, pressing a finger against his mouth. “How about you fuck me beforewe watch Lord of the Rings?”
“Does a joint happen to sneak its way in at some point?” he asked against your finger. You giggled as he removed it but continued to hold on. Smoothed his calloused fingertips over your knuckles.
“One before, one after,” you said matter-of-factly. 
He smirked. “I think I can manage that.”
You kissed him again.
And it really wasn’t so stupid after all.
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Taglist: @mrsjellymunson @fishwithtitz @aysheashea
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS EVER READ THIS! Your support has meant everything to me ! <3
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turbulentscrawl · 7 months
Sfw/ nsfw para norton por favor!!! 👁👄👁
I'll take any excuse to write for my favorite man ;)
These are relationship-focused. Spicy stuff under the cut. Enjoy <3
Norton Campbell
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-Norton didn’t start to bulk up until he came to the manor. That is, he’s always been tall, and working the mines made him strong, but at home he never got the nutrition he needed to actually pack on muscle. The manor provides food constantly, so his body has been playing catchup and he’s had to let out his clothes a few times. (Strong man give good hug, make feel safe.)
-Norton has minimal experience with romance or anything related to it. He’s had interest in people a few times over the years, but his long work hours, financial situation, and trust issues weren’t really conducive to serious relationships.
-That said, I think after he decides that no one is ever escaping the manor, he’d be pretty open to starting a relationship if someone genuinely caught his eye. In some ways, it’s not the worst situation to be in. He’s in good health (aside from the ever-looming threat of gruesome not-death in the games), has stability, food, shelter….why not also let himself have love if it feels right?
-He’s a bit awkward with romance at the start. The other men at the mines set poor examples for how to love and appreciate a partner. Of course, Norton hated most of them and wouldn’t trust their advice if his life depended on it anyway…but he doesn’t have much else to go on.
-He does, however, strongly prefer to show love through Acts of Service. He’s a provider at heart. He also gives Quality Time in the sense that he spends his spare time as your shadow. He expects to sit next to you at meals, stand near you during meetings, guard you during matches. He’s not huge on PDA in most circumstances, but he likes to be within arm’s reach. (It’s also close enough to hear any snarky comments he mutters under his breath, and he enjoys hearing you giggle over them.)
-He has a possessive streak. It typically shows itself during his personality flips, which he tries to stay away from you during, but he will have slipups that are usually just him pulling you away from someone standing too close or throwing another person’s hand off you. He feels rotten after the fact if he does anything more drastic.
-Norton has as little bedroom experience as romantic…but he is both very familiar with his own body and pragmatic enough to not be too awkward in the learning phase. Having been a laborer most of his life, he takes instruction and critique well.
-His endurance is not amazing in the beginning. He’s fit enough that it will improve quickly (and he can go several rounds if you give him a short break), but in the meantime he’s also pretty good with his hands. He’s got thick, calloused fingers and a firm grip
-Norton strongly prefers to top. He could be convinced to change it up once in a blue moon, but being submissive just doesn’t feel right for him. He’s been an underdog for too much of his life; he wants to have the power.
-He’s a considerate top and isn’t cheeky enough to try pushing any boundaries. …but please let him be a little rough. He wants to manhandle you.
-He’s on the quiet side during sex. If someone is gonna get loud, he wants it to be you. The noise he makes is generally limited to soft grunts and heavy breathing, but he’ll also growl as a special treat if you tease him just right. Run your nails against his scalp. Run your nails against his scalp.
-His avoidance of PDA extends to sexy times. Norton would not agree to being intimate somewhere you’re likely to be caught, and he won’t make a move on you when other people are around. I do think he might pick up a very subtle way to tell you that he’s hoping for some hanky panky later (something like winking at you. he is NOT a winker otherwise), but don’t expect him to say something suggestive or dirty when other people can hear it.
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yesimwriting · 2 years
The reader seems to be really close to billy and stu , so it got me thinking , what if she had little rituals with them ... like kissing their noses or rubbing their backs , and what if she got possessive of them and in a game of 7 minutes in heaven ou something she just makes out with billy or stu ( bcs in order to be with dark murderous freaks you have to be a freak yourself ...i dont make the rules)
Like imagine billy : im mf special 😏
a/n omg?? i love this!! this concept is adorable :)) i got so excited i put off writing my lit essay lol, this became A LOT longer than I thought it would be lol 
also do y’all like first or second person narration better?? i definitely like writing first person more in chapter fics, but in drabbles/one-shots i change my mind all the time. I did a little of both here lol 
The pile of homework I've been working on seems like it'll never end. Like there will always be another packet that needs to be completed or another essay I need to write.
Something behind me shifts. The noise is soft and easy to dismiss, but my body turns instinctually anyways. After what happened to Casey, there's no such thing as being too sure.
With a sigh, my entire body eases as I realize what the source of the noise is. It's just Billy and Stu, magically appearing like they often do on my windowsill. Stu's already inside my room, sitting on the edge of my window, his feet firmly plated on the floor. Billy's leaning against it, his lower half still outside.
Normally, when they show up like this, I grin and urge them to come in faster. "What are you guys doing here?" The way Stu pauses and the look Billy gives me tells me that they weren't expecting that reaction. "I told you guys--not today. I have a ton of homework and like half my family is visiting. My cousins have no concept of boundaries because they're like seven and they barge in here all the time. They're also snitches, the last thing I need is them running to the kitchen and telling their mom that 'Y/n has boys in her room'."
Stu holds up his hands in defense as he stands. "Relax, we're just here for our goodnight kisses."
I turn, adjusting the notebook on my lap as I look at them skeptically.
"We'll leave right after if you want us to," Billy says, pulling himself up onto my windowsill.
Still unsure, I twist my pen between my fingers. "I will want you guys to." My tone is a little harsher than I want it to be. Stu seems a little tenser and Billy's expression clouds. "No, that came out wrong. It’s not that I want you gone, it’s that I’m trying to be practical.” 
"You didn't want us coming over earlier," Stu mumbles, something harsh behind his eyes, "And we barely saw you yesterday."
"Yesterday wasn't my fault. You two went out with Tatum and Sid." I adjust my hold on my notebook. "And I didn't want you guys over earlier today because of homework. Literally all I've done today is go to lunch with my family and homework." Their unease settles in my stomach like a rock. I sigh, pushing my notebook off of my lap. "Okay, come here."
At that, Stu breaks out into a grin. He crosses my room in a few long steps. Once he reaches me, he sinks into my waiting arms. I hug him tightly before he can decide that all isn’t forgiven, burring my face into the side of his neck. He's so warm and always smells so much like him. Like expensive fabric softener, a little bit of body spray, and usually a tiny bit like weed. On anyone else the combination wouldn't work, but on Stu, it makes me feel right at home.
One of my hands runs up and down Stu's back. He eases into the contact. The shirt he's wearing is soft. There's little I love more than Stu's well worn, rich kid T-shirts. I'm already plotting how to steal it from him.
I lean my head upwards, pressing a kiss against his jaw. His eyes flutter shut as I leave a trail of kisses up his cheek and to his temple like I always do.
Billy must have come in while I was distracted. He's lingering next to us, watching with a blank expression. I learned early on that while Billy hates asking for physical contact, he loves receiving it. If I had to take a guess, Billy's hesitance likely comes from his home life, but I'd never say that out loud.
"Okay, Stu," I hum, my nails brushing through his hair, "You're good." His hold on me tightens. "Stu, c'mon." With a bit of a pout, he straightens just enough to place a kiss on my forehead. He's watching me carefully, silently asking me for a few more minutes. "Billy's turn."
Stu frowns, looking like he's sincerely weighing his options. "Fine," he mumbles, placing one last kiss against the side of my head.
Once Stu lets me go, he slumps back onto my bed, laying across my mattress on his back. That does make me a tiny bit nervous because the more comfortable Stu gets, the less likely he is to leave.
I reach over, grabbing Billy's wrist. Gently, I pull him towards me. He lets me. Like always, at first Billy's slow before reciprocating with full force. He melts into my touch, pressing his face into my neck. My fingers trace patterns against his back.
"Missed this," I whisper the admission.
"We missed you, too," Stu replies, hand lazily reaching over for my extended leg. His fingers begin to trace patterns against the skin of my calf. I'd think that the motion was absentminded, but once when I asked him about it, he told me that sometimes he writes out things he wants to do to me. "Soon it'll just be the three of us."
This isn't a conversation that I love. The more they talk about the day where they feel like Sidney and the friend group are stable enough to handle two break ups, the less I believe that that day will ever come. Thinking about it makes me feel like a terrible person.
Billy, sensing that he no longer has my full attention, shifts. He moves impossibly closer, his lips grazing my pulse. I used to jokingly scold him for kissing my neck during times like this before learning that things like that aren't always sexual to him. It's just him at his most relaxed.
My fingers rake through his hair, smoothing it back carefully before placing a series of kisses across his jaw and up his cheek. My trail ends at his temple, like always. The realization that the moment's passing leads to him squeezing me tighter. There's something distinct about his touch today, maybe even a little nervous. That paired with how uncharacteristically quiet he's being leaves me wondering if this ambush visit is a result of something else.
I know he was supposed to do something with his dad this morning. Okay, I need to stop thinking about that before it starts showing on my face. He doesn't like when I worry, he's never said anything, but his hot-to-cold reactions make me think he misinterprets it as pity. If anything, what I feel is anger that I can't walk up to his dad and punch him the face.
"Okay," I hum, "You both got your goodnight kisses...and I have to finish this essay."
"It's Friday," Stu replies, his fingers moving against my skin in what kind of feels like the curve of a 'c'? I'd ask if I wasn't worried about the conversation and mood taking a turn towards something I can't control. "You have two whole days."
I exhale, nails gently scratching at Billy's scalp. "You're throwing a party on Saturday, and Sunday's our first fully free day in over a week. You two aren't going to let me get anything done."
Stu turns his hand, running his knuckles up my leg. "Not true, babe. I've got a whole to-do list for you."
Softly kicking my leg in protest of his joke, I roll my eyes. "It's better for everyone if I just get this stuff done now, especially since you can't sleep over anyways. My little cousins are never in bed when they're supposed to be."
"You can do your homework, Billy and I know how to behave." When I raise an eyebrow at that, Stu concedes, "Okay, we at least know how to entertain ourselves."
Yeah, that's not comforting.
"You guys aren't being fair. I don't remember acting like this when you guys literally went on dates yesterday." I drop my arms away from Billy, ignoring the pinch of guilt that strikes with no warning.
At the lack of contact, Billy sits up. I avoid his gaze. "Is that why you're kicking us out? You're jealous? Upset we're not giving you enough attention?"
"No, I'm kicking you out because there's a group of seven to nine year olds that are super nosy in my house. Especially when it comes to boys. Kennedy's in the third grade and in her crush phase and she's asked me about whether or not I have a boyfriend 50 times."
"Your mom lets us sleep over all the time," Stu defends, "We just need to tell her that our parents did something and she won't care."
My posture straightens in an attempt to seem more determined. "That's different and you know it. She always has you guys crash on the couch and you sneak up later. We can't do that with all my relatives in the house, and you can't show up to my house so late."
Stu doesn't normally see--or at least, doesn't care about--reason, but Billy tends to listen a little more. I look over at him, gauging his expression. I still can't read him as well as he can read me, but I know that the blanker his face is, the more emotion he's feeling.
They're both starting to seem a little weird, maybe a little hurt, and I hate it. I do miss them, I want them here, but it's risky for me. At the end of the day, if my relatives find out, they get to go home. I'm the one that will be in trouble until I graduate.
"Do you really want us to go?" Billy's voice is as flat and void as his expression.
The hollow look he's giving me hurts. "You know I don't." That eerie blankness doesn't go away. "When I lock the door, they just keep knocking until I open it. I guess that gives us time for you two to get into my closet or something."
With that, Billy eases. He's not exactly as relaxed as he was before, but it's a start. I lean forward, grabbing his hand. Stu sits up, shooting up to pull me into another hug. His grin feels smug, but I can't bring myself to call him out on it.
"That's our girl," Stu praises, kissing my cheek.
I press my lips together, fighting a grin. "Wait--there's a condition. You two need to let me finish this essay."
Billy lifts our intertwined fingers to his lips. "Deal."
"You guys are unbelievable." They both look at me expectantly. "Can't believe I'm basically risking my life because I can't go one night without having you two sleepover."
Going out with my friends has become extremely bittersweet. I love when the entire friend group's together, but there's just something about seeing Billy and Stu and knowing that things are different. Knowing that they're right there and thousands of miles away at the same time. It's not that we don't talk in public, it's that it's inherently different. And it makes me feel awful.
Each smile I share with Tate and each time I laugh with Sid adds another layer of guilt. It's so bad that both Billy and Stu have had to talk me down from breaking it off with them twice now after large group hang outs.
Whenever I freak out, Billy tells me that this is for the best, that after everything Sidney's gone through, he can't just break up with her while she's still dealing with trauma. The one stable, good thing in her life right now is our friend group. Stu and Tatum breaking up would endanger that as well. Even though keeping these secrets is morally wrong, they're always promising that this is the best way to keep everyone happy. Sid gets the support she needs, Tatum doesn't have to feel weird in the friend group, and we don't have to be heartbroken because of our right person, wrong time situation.
I'm not sure when they started taking a more preventative approach to the whole thing, but now, whenever we have group plans, they make a point of spending some time with me before. Just as a reminder about how they actually feel, I think.
They still haven’t stopped by, which I’m trying to not stress about as I tear my closet apart. Stu’s parties are always crowded and low lit, so what I wear isn’t the biggest deal, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care. 
After Billy and Stu left early this morning my entire family headed out so that my extended family could be dropped off at the airport. So now I have the house to myself, which is a good thing for when one gets ready. 
I play my music as loud as I want while I take an extra long shower and take my time putting on a face mask. I’m being a little extra about my getting ready routine, but I’m taking advantage of the space and the free time. 
Shrugging off my towel, I pull one of Stu’s old shirts over my head. I’ve had this one for awhile but it still smells like him. I shut off my music and throw open my closet door open. 
I grab yesterday’s jeans off from the back of my desk chair. I had half a mind to wear them again tonight, but they’re a little over due for a wash. My fingers dig through the pockets as I approach my hamper. There’s no change, but there is a tube of chap stick in the front pocket and a tiny slip of paper in the back.
Unfolding the scrap paper, I fold the jeans over my bent arm. Good luck on your math test - Billy. I grin, thumb and pointer finger pinching the torn piece of paper a little too tightly. 
This isn’t the first time I’ve found one of these notes, but each time is equally exciting. It started relatively recently, the appearance of tiny notes in places I’d never expect to find them. In between the pages of books, slipped into my pencil bag, tucked into my folder next to homework assignments, and sometimes directly written into my notebooks. And now, apparently, tucked into the pocket of my jeans. 
The notes range in levels of sweetness, some of them motivational when I’m stressed over something, and others a little more flirty. The one I found before this one was about how pretty he thought I looked while walking to class. They’re all well loved, kept in a shoe box under my bed for me to re-read whenever I need a bit of a pick me up. 
I go back to my closet, looking through my clothes to find something that looks like I’m in the party mood. If I’m being honest, after such a draining week, I think I’d rather stay home and watch some movies instead of being at a party where Stu and Billy are both going to be with their girlfriends. Normally, that’s not enough to get me out of the party mood, but that paired with how busy I’ve been this week doesn’t have me thrilled for this. At least Randy will be there. 
Sighing, I start sorting through my clothes, trying to get myself into a party mood. I’m sure once I have an outfit I like and I fix my appearance, I’ll feel better about this.
I’ve just laid out a few outfit options on my bed when I hear a few familiar taps against the frame of my window. Tamping down a grin, I look up, not even bothering to look surprised. Billy and Stu are already pulling themselves into my room.
“You know, I do have a front door,” I mumble, straightening the skirt I just laid out on my bed.
Stu dramatically sigh, stomping into my room before flopping face first onto my bed. “That’s the hello we get?”
I roll my eyes. “I was just saying.” Stu props his head up on his elbow, looking up at me with criminally soft eyes. I drop my gaze, reaching for the top that he’s now wrinkling. “And you’re messing up my outfits.”
He watches me as I hold out the shirt. “You’re wearing that?” 
“I don’t know,” I mumble, ignoring his tone, “I have a few options, but I was thinking this with the dark green skirt.” 
Stu rolls onto his back before reaching over for the skirt I’m talking about. He looks at it skeptically. “This skirt?” 
“Yep.” Stu didn’t sound too thrilled. “Why? Do you think it doesn’t match? Because I was thinking about that.” 
Billy pushes away from the wall he was leaning against. “It’s short, sweetheart.” 
I look at him oddly. It’s not insanely short, I mean, I’ve worn shorter. “Not that short,” my eyes look over the fabric that Stu’s still holding, “My mom bought it for me. It’s fine.” 
Stu drops his arm. “I’ve seen the way your mom dresses.” 
“Are you slut shaming my mom right now?” 
“No,” Stu begins lazily, “I’m just saying that that doesn’t mean the skirt’s not too short.” 
I didn’t even want to wear this that badly before. “Too short? You guys aren’t my dad.” 
“Well, considering what you call u--” 
“Oh my god,” I cringe, throwing my shirt in Stu’s direction. The fabric lands against his face. Stu ignores me, pulling it off of him. “What’s the big deal? It’s just a skirt.” 
“A skirt that’s going to have people looking at you.” Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I stare at anything but Billy as he approaches me. His hand clasps around my forearm, pulling me a tiny bit forward. “Looking at what’s ours.” 
I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that the possessive undertones of the words didn’t make my face feel warm. The hypocrisy, though, almost immediately dismisses that. “So I have to be all okay with you two literally having girlfriends, but the line is drawn at me wearing a skirt you guys think is too short?” He squeezes my arm. “Maybe I want a little attention, it’s not like you guys can give me any tonight.” 
Billy’s hold on me goes from casual to nearly painful. His knuckles turn white against my skin and I’m sure that if this goes on for any longer, there are going to be finger shaped bruises there. I meet Billy’s gaze. His eyes have darkened significantly. 
“So that’s what the skirt’s about? You’re throwing a tantrum because you’re not getting enough attention?” 
This is going downhill fast. I’m going to need to backtrack the hell out of this conversation. “No, I-I was just making a point. It’s a little bit of a double standard, you have to at least be able to admit that.” The lack of emotion in his expression turns my stomach. I force myself to hold his gaze. “It just sucks sometimes, going to these things and seeing you guys with your girlfriends, and then I feel bad about feeling like that because they’re my friends.” 
“They’re not our girlfriends, they’re a situation,” Billy’s voice is harsher than it’s ever been while directed at me, “You’re our girlfriend.” 
My eyes widen. Despite how close we’ve gotten, the actual ‘g’ and ‘b’ words have not been used. I know I’ve been tripping over myself to avoid calling either of them my boyfriend by accident. His hold hasn’t loosened, but I can’t help my grin. My head tilts to the side, eyes softening as I place a hand over his. “Girlfriend?” 
Stu walks up to us. I don’t realize that he’s moving until I feel a hand on my shoulder. “Of course you are, you’re our girl.” He extends an arm, somewhat playfully pushing against Billy’s forearm. “Old Billy boy here wasn’t supposed to just say it like that. We’ve been planning it out, we were gonna ask.” Stu doesn’t release Billy’s arm, “It’s all Billy talks about, might wanna ease off on the love spells, he’s obsessed with you.” Stu squeezes my shoulder, running his thumb across the skin. “All day, it’s ‘you think Y/n’s okay?, Y/n’s hair looked so soft today, we should go see Y/n.’” 
Billy throws a look in Stu’s direction, his grip on me loosening. I smile, “Really?” 
“Fuck off,” Billy mumbles, shoving Stu. “He’s the one that’s whipped. Sometimes he misses the smell of your perfume.”
I grin despite their odd tension. It doesn’t take much for play fights to turn into something else, something I don’t understand because half of it is unspoken between them. But I love this. 
“Okay,” I hum, probably a little too chipper as I step between them, “This is officially my favorite argument the two of you have had.” 
They’re both starting to move over to a different world that’s just theirs. I step forward, pulling Billy into a hug. After a second, he reciprocates. I shift, moving to press a kiss to his cheek. “I think about you a lot, y’know.” He’s looking at me calmly, but if I didn’t know any better, I’d think there might be the faintest tinge of color in his face. 
“A lot,” he echoes, tone amused. 
I grin, nodding once, “Yes, don’t make it a thing.” The way the corner of his mouth turns upwards tells me that he’d be happy to have me spend the rest of tonight unpacking what I mean by that. I tilt my head, looking at Stu, “And you.” Stu’s eyes widen slightly as he waits for me to continue, “Sometimes I miss the way you smell, too.” 
Stu’s eyes narrow jokingly, eyes soft, “Really?” 
“Why do you think I’m always wearing your shirts?” 
He smiles, pulling Billy and I into a hug that thoroughly squishes me between them. Sometimes I wish everything could be as easy as it is in our little bubble.
“Okay,” I begin pointedly, playing up my annoyance, “Watch the hair, I’m still getting ready.” Before they can make anything of that comment, I continue, “Even though I’m my own person and I hate that thing where guys are all like ‘there’s no way you’re wearing that’, I guess there’s nothing wrong with taking into consideration how my boyfriends feel.” Saying that makes me so happy I can’t even bother to hide my grin. “How about a compromise--the jean skirt I wore last week and the top I threw at Stu earlier.” 
With a dramatic sigh, Stu drops his forehead onto my shoulder. “You’re going to make tonight impossible.”
He’s exaggerating a little, which is fitting considering sometimes it feels like all it takes to get Stu going is a look that lasts a little too long paired with the tiniest bit of exposed skin. “Sounds like a you problem.” 
Stu looks up at me, half glaring at me through hooded eyes. He lethargically smacks the top of my thigh, right where his t-shirt ends. It’s a testament to his easygoing mood, but I can’t help my dramatic gasp. 
��What?” Sometimes I think Stu would be insufferable if his smile wasn’t so cute. “If you’re going to be mean, I’m going to be mean back.” 
Okay, there’s a chance I am being a tiny bit mean. Did I pick the skirt that had Stu making up a super lame excuse during lunch just so he could get me into a supply closet for a makeout session I had to cut short? Maybe. Was it on purpose? ...I’d like to say no, but honestly, maybe. 
“Alright,” Billy interjects, “I know that look in both of your eyes, and we don’t have time for that.” 
He’s not wrong. I reluctantly pull away from both of them and go back to getting ready. We’ve fallen into a little bit of a routine. I go through my getting ready to go out routine, and they casually--or not so casually--look around my room. If that isn’t entertaining enough, they patiently follow me around. 
It’s kinda cute. Especially if I decide to wear makeup and they ask about whatever it is I’m putting on my face. One of these days I’m going to have to let Stu put eyeliner on me. 
By the time I’m almost done, Billy and Stu are still content with looking around my room. I have no idea what they find so interesting about my space, it’s not like it changes often enough to warrant their curiosity. But if it makes them happy to look through my bedside drawer and leaf through whatever notebook or book are left out on my desk, why stop them? 
Now that I’m dressed and have given my appearance a once over in the mirror, I’m basically ready. All that I need to do is figure out how to get the clasp of this necklace to just...
“You okay?” 
Billy’s sudden appearance at my side nearly makes the chain slip from my fingers. His steps are so quiet sometimes. Honestly, a little more practice and he could play a killer in a movie he’d love. “Yeah, there’s just something about putting necklaces on yourself that’s impossible.” 
“Here,” he breathes, fingers barely grazing my neck as he takes the clasp from me. Billy turns the necklace as he steps behind me. He latches the clasp with surprisingly minimal effort. Instead of releasing me, he adjusts the necklace so that the charm sits perfectly centered. Billy leans towards me, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
Stu, who was previously looking at a framed picture of me at some birthday party when I was little, turns his attention towards us. “Aw, how domestic, you’re like an old, married couple.” 
I turn just in time to catch Billy’s meant-to-be dismissive eye roll, but there’s the faintest touch of something else, something that might be a little flustered. It’s gone before I can be sure. 
 “We’re cute,” I agree, reaching for Billy’s hand to squeeze it once. “Okay, I’m ready, so you guys should go. I’ll show up in about half an hour, give people some time to get there so that nothing looks weird.” 
Stu frowns, setting the picture frame back in place. “It’s not that suspicious, we’re friends, you’re punctual.” 
I press my lips together. We have our rules in place for a reason, and talking about them too much makes me feel things I really don’t like feeling. “You know why I can’t.” 
Billy must notice my shifting mood because he cups my face. “You’re forgetting something before kicking us out.” When I don’t respond right away, Billy kisses my cheek. “In case you needed a reminder.” 
Of course. If there’s one thing Billy’s consistent about it’s our little traditions. At first, they were just excuses to be cheesy, especially when I was feeling a little insecure, but now, they’re more significant.
I tilt my head upwards, leaving a trail of kisses up his cheek. Stretching upwards, I then place a kiss on the tip of his nose. He then kisses my forehead. Our goodbye ritual. 
“Hey, I’m leaving too.” The fact that I’m surprised that Stu is already within grabbing distance makes me a little too aware of how tired I am. 
Pushing against the feeling that begs me to just stay here tonight, I beam at him. He lets me hug him. His hands find their way around my waist and I press kisses against his cheek until I’ve reached his nose. Stu tilts his head down to help me reach him. My body eases as he presses a kiss to my forehead. 
“Okay, you guys should go.” Shifting awkwardly and dropping my arms to my side, I tact on a half thought in hopes of making this easier on all of us, “Maybe some time alone will do me some good, help me get into the party mood.” 
There’s a brief silence, and then Stu steps back, “See you later.” 
“Yeah,” I say, a little flatly.
Billy’s eyes are trained on Stu, who just barely glances back. To anyone else, it’d come off as casual eye contact. A small feeling that’s little more than an itch at the back of my mind tells me that its the beginning of one of their exchanges. Or maybe I’m just on edge.
They approach the window, leaving like they always do.
Narrator’s POV
You never thought you’d want to kill Randy as badly as you do right now. One minute, the two of you are casually drinking, and he’s listening to a tipsy you summarize the plot of the latest show you’re invested in, and the next he’s trying to usher everyone into a game of 7 minutes in heaven. 
You swore you weren’t playing, even when Randy started complaining. No one will go for it unless they think they have a chance with someone as hot as you. Your no stood firm, even when other people started sitting in front of Stu’s guest bathroom.
All you wanted to do was be an observer. To sit next to Randy and to ignore the weird looks Billy and Stu took turns sending you from across the room as you finished off your beer. Instead, you had to watch Stu’s spin land on Tatum, and you had to watch him walk with her to the bathroom with enthusiasm. Those 7 minutes had you getting up to grab another drink that you nearly downed before getting back to your seat. 
That was what really set the night off. You had been pacing your drinks before then, wanting to keep the balance between being buzzed enough to be social and drinking enough to become messy. Stu stepping out of the closet with a grin and an arm around an uncharacteristically bashful Tatum pushed you right to that line. Billy ending up in the bathroom with Sidney next is what pushed you over it. 
It’s ridiculous, no one can fully control where their spin lands, but it was all too coincidental. Too perfect. 
And that’s how you ended up here. In a closet with Jonathan White from your second period. The same Jonathan White that’s always staring at your chest. You’re about two minutes into the most awkward small talk of your life while pretending to not notice his leering and clumsy, half thought out advances when the door opens. 
There’s no way that 7 minutes are already up, but you’re too relieved to question it. The calm feeling settling in your chest quickly disappears when you look towards the doorway. Stu’s leaning against the wooden frame, eyes cooly locked on you. 
“Dude.” Jonathan’s complaints die down at the back of his throat when Stu turns to look at him. You can’t fully see his expression, but despite how buzzed you are, you don’t miss his unexpected edge. 
“It’s my house, dude.” Stu’s reaction isn’t harsh in the way you expect it to be. It’s the calmness of his voice that cuts straight through you. “I can do whatever I want in my house, and you’re not going to stop me.” 
You’re not convinced Stu’s talking about his house. “Stu.” You have to bite your tongue to avoid blurting out that nothing was going on. Why should you clear the air? You and Jonathan were far apart, which is more than you can say about him and Tatum. “You’re drunk.” 
Stu ignores the touch of warning in your voice. He doesn’t even let himself look in your direction. It’s the only thing he can think to do to associate his anger with someone that isn’t you. 
“Whatever,” you breathe, deciding that the best thing you can do to diffuse the tension is to remove yourself from the situation, “I’m getting another drink.” 
You skirt past them, practically holding your breath until you’re fully out of the bathroom. No one’s sitting in that lopsided circle anymore. Whatever happened in those few minutes you were in the closet must have killed the mood just enough to end the game. Oh, well, you can’t say you’re too torn up about it. 
The alcohol isn’t settling in your stomach as comfortably as you’d like, but you meant what you said. You’re getting another drink. Maybe that will make you feel less like you’re balancing on the edge of a knife. 
You walk into the kitchen, frowning when you realize that the big cooler’s empty. It’s probably a sign from the universe to quit while you’re ahead, but you choose to ignore it. Instead of going back to the party and finding either Randy or one of the few familiar faces from some of your classes, you decide to go to Stu’s garage. You know for a fact he keeps extra beer in there. 
You step into the space, shutting the door behind you. The separation from the party is refreshing. A part of you regrets coming. Parties suck when you’re not in the specific mood for them. Why are you even here? To sit outside and listen to music that’s too loud while Billy and Stu hook up with their actual girlfriends while you down beer? You don’t even like beer that much. 
An idea latches itself onto your mind. You could leave. You could go home, change into pajamas, and pass out in bed. Sure, Billy and Stu wouldn’t be happy with it, especially considering the looks they gave you during spin the bottle, but you’re not happy with them. And why should you stick around in a setting you’re not in the mood for when they’ve been actively ignoring you since you got here? Obviously, they can’t get away with being all lovey dovey, but they could treat you like a friend. Or at the very least, not keep Sidney and Tatum away from you like you’re the plague.
Besides, all you’re going to do is go home and go to bed. If that makes them mad, then that’s their issue. Especially since they want to act all cute when they’re in your room, claim that you’re their actual girlfriend, and then treat you like you’re repulsive in public.
You’re interrupted from your fantasies of just walking out the front door by the sound of the garage door creaking open. You snap your gaze towards it and fight the urge to roll your eyes when you see that it’s Stu. You’re annoyed and tipsy, but still sober enough to know that the last thing you want to do is add any additional fuel to the fire. 
He walks towards the refrigerator without looking at you. The silence is starting to get to you as Stu opens the fridge. After a second of him looking around in there, Stu turns towards you. He’s holding your favorite drink. Wordlessly, he twists the cap off before extending an arm.
You blink once, slowly moving your hand to accept his offer. “I didn’t see these.”
Stu casually shrugs, shutting the fridge behind him. “Got them for you, Billy hid them in the back so no one else would grab them. Guess he forgot to tell you. 
The ‘forgot’ nearly makes you scoff. They both purposefully ignored you when you first got here and waved at them, and they’ve only looked at you to make you uncomfortable since. But you can’t say that right now. You’re tired and probably more drunk than him. Starting a fight isn’t something you can afford right now. 
“Oh,” you mumble, “Thanks.” You bring the drink to your lips, taking a slow sip. “Think I’m gonna go after this.” 
“Go?” Something flickers behinds Stu’s expression. “I thought you were staying over.” 
A sarcastic comment rises up your throat. After the way they’ve been acting, there’s no way he can think that your ideal ending of tonight is crawling into bed with them. Any bite in you dies down the second you meet his gaze. There’s no way to describe it. Unfeeling. 
“I uh-” You tilt your head, playing into your inebriated state. You shift back, which is all the excuse Stu needs to take two steps forward, practically caging you between him and a wall. “I had a little too much to drink and I’m not feeling great. I don’t think I’ll be a lot of fun, I just need to pass out in a dark room before everything starts spinning.”
He doesn’t look convinced or angry or anything. There’s something eerie about the cold indifference he’s radiating. “You wouldn’t lie to me, right, sweetheart?” 
You let your eyes drop to the glass bottle in your hand. You take a quick sip. “Was gonna ask you the same thing.” The mumble escapes you before you can think through your slurred words. 
Stu takes a step forward. You squeeze the bottle between your fingers a little tighter to avoid shrinking back. “What was that?” 
You look up just in time to see Stu tilt his head in order to regard you a little more cautiously. The last time you had a sub in your science class, they played a video about the structure of a predator’s mind and how they prepare to catch their prey. The way Stu’s eyes darken sends you straight back to that classroom. 
You can’t tell if the heat that rushes to your face is a tang of fear or something else. Or maybe it’s an uneasy combination of both. 
The door squeaks open again. Your head snaps in that direction, but Stu doesn’t look away. He doesn’t even bother putting a less conspicuous amount of space between you. 
“You two okay back here?” You let out a breath. It’s just Billy. 
“All good,” you manage just as Stu says, “She wants to go.” 
You keep your eyes focused on Billy, not wanting to think about Stu that way again. “I’m not feeling great and I’m tired.” The defense is weak, made even more pathetic by the slight pout of your lips. “Plus it’s not like you guys would notice anyway.” 
“What?” Billy’s question is oddly gentle.
The whiplash that gives you is nearly enough to make you drop the glass in your hand. You shut your eyes for a second, resting your head against the wall. Everything’s starting to feel a little too fuzzy. “You know what I’m talking about. At my house, it’s all talk about liking me, calling me your girlfriend, and then I get here and you don’t even want to be friends with me.” The blow up doesn’t make you feel better. The room is full on spinning now, you lean completely against the wall so that it can support your weight. Ugh, you know you won’t be able to handle their reaction. “’M tired, and I-I’m feeling weird. I think I should go to bed.” 
The quiet that follows has you fighting to not push past both of them in order to get to a bathroom. It’s shattered by Stu’s humorless laugh. His breath is hot against your jaw and it’s too much. “Aw,” he hums, his tone so sweet it circles right back to bitter, “She’s jealous, isn’t that cute?” 
You squint your eyes open. “Shut up.” 
“Why?” Billy asks, stepping further into the room, “He’s right. You think I didn’t see the way you were looking at me and Sid when we came out of the bathroom?” 
You sigh indignantly. “I’m too tired for this.” 
“But you weren’t too tired to be all over Randy or Jonathan White?” 
Your glare turns into something meek once you see the way Stu’s looking at you. “I wasn’t all over Randy, he was just the only person that was talking to me tonight because of you two. Neither of you even said hi to me and every time I tried talking to Sidney and Tatum, you’d come by and take them away.” The thought of Jonathan makes you sick all over again. “And I was nowhere near Jonathan White, and I’d never be willingly. He’s a total perv, and he made Shannon Walton cry before class the other day. And Shannon Walton’s the nicest, she always has gum and gives everyone her notes if they’re absent.” 
Stu doesn’t ease. “Don’t change the subject, you didn’t need to play.”
“You didn’t either,” you counter, “And I-I wasn’t even playing at first. I was just gonna sit in the room so I could keep talking to Randy, and then you two--” 
“So you only played because you were jealous.” Billy’s voice has taken on an edge that you don’t like. He continues, walking towards you with even, practically bored steps. “That’s not very nice of you.” 
They haven’t been very nice either, you think bitterly. “You started it.” 
The childish defense leaves the corner of Billy’s mouth turning upwards. “I’m not all over you for for 5 minutes and you get like this.” 
The dismissal makes your face feel warm. “Maybe we should give her a break.” The mocking in Stu’s tone strikes a nerve. “She’s just jealous.” You draw your eyebrows together, and Stu grins meanly. “You’re lucky green’s a pretty color on you, babe.” 
Chagrin fuels your reaction as you burst out a too confident, “’M not jealous.” 
Stu’s laugh is harsh, “You’re not?” 
Pushing down your instincts, you tilt your chin up a fraction of an inch in order to hold your ground. “Can’t be jealous because I know you two are mine.” 
At that, they both seem to still. You hold Stu’s stare until you no longer feel like you’re the one that’s trapped. The confidence is likely in your head and a byproduct of all you’ve had to drink, but it gives you the assurance you need to straighten your spine. Stu angles his head to the side and you’re not sure if it’s a good sign or not. To not panic, you extend your arms, resting them around his neck. The nails of the hand that isn’t holding the bottle trail down his neck. 
You can’t back out now. The way he’s looking at you changes. You can’t interpret his expression, which only puts you on edge more. He wants to be quiet, to dismiss you in one final, petty jab, but the more your nails dig into sensitive skin, the more he struggles. The nail thing’s a habit you developed after realizing how much it affects him.
“Watch the nails, sweetheart.” It’s meant to seem like a warning, but it slips out of him a little too low. He’s overcompensating to cover for what was almost a whine. 
You blink up at him through your eyelashes with maliciously soft eyes. “Starting to hurt?” He’s quiet, you scratch at his skin, hard enough to leave the kind of red marks that disappear almost as soon as they appear.
“This attitude’s cute, but don’t push it.” 
Everything from tonight hits you all at once as you tilt your head innocently. “Or what?” 
Billy knew that you were treading on ice so thin that even Stu couldn’t see the cracks since before you got here. That one comment you made before they left your place had been harder to deal with than Billy would ever admit. Stu pretended that he was fine with it, that he didn’t feel the strain of panic that comes from feeling like they need you more than you need them. And then you showed up here, as pretty as ever, and basically fine when they started ignoring you. And now this. 
It’s a slippery slope. The line between the amount of attitude that gets Stu going and the amount of attitude that pushes him towards something he can’t control is thin.
Billy steals the bottle from your hand and leans forward, grabbing your jaw with his free hand and pulling you into a kiss. It’s so sudden it takes you a second to relax into it. Once you finally do, a small sound escapes you. Billy deepens the kiss with no warning. You clumsily follow his lead despite how much they’ve annoyed you tonight.
He pulls away quickly once he’s sure that the energy in the room has been redirected, resting his forehead against yours. You don’t get the chance to recover. You’re still panting when Stu’s hand finds its way into the roots of your hair. He yanks on it, forcing you towards him. 
Stu’s kiss is hard and disorientating. You know that he has a way of being all consuming when he wants to be, but this is something else. You can’t take a full breath, but Stu doesn’t care. He doesn’t let you go until he’s done, and even then he takes his time releasing you, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth. 
You’re dizzy and somehow even drunker than before. You reach for Stu unsteadily. He looks you over slowly. “You get her in bed and I’ll figure out how to start kicking people out.”
Billy places an arm around your waist. His lack of protest surprises you slightly, but you’re not complaining about it. You need his help, and Billy knows it. That, paired with the fact that this is the only time he has an excuse to publicly hold onto you, makes him love when nights end like this. 
He always has an excuse ready in case Sid or someone else notices. Y/n can’t handle her alcohol and she’d kill all of us if we let her go home like this. She’s gonna sleep it off in Stu’s room for a little. It’s basically true, and it also gives Billy the excuse to linger around you. There are a lot of people that’d take advantage of your situation. Sid can’t be mad at that, if anything, she’d be mad at him for knowing how vulnerable you were and not doing anything.  
Billy leads you into Stu’s room, abandoning your last drink on the first surface he finds. He sits you down on the edge of Stu’s bed before opening one of Stu’s drawers. “Here,” he tosses one of Stu’s T-shirts towards you, “You got it or you need help?”
Shutting the drawer, Billy turns back to you. You’re laying down now, not even under the sheets. “You can’t fall asleep like that.” 
“Mhm,” you mumble, face half buried into your mattress. 
With a sigh, Billy walks towards you. He grabs your arm, pulling on you until you’re finally sitting. With a bit of prompting, you stand. Billy watches you struggle for a second before sighing. He keeps you steady as you get out of your clothes and pulls Stu’s T-shirt over your head. 
You’re too tired to care about the fact that you’re supposed to be mad at him. “Bed now?” 
Billy cups your cheek, his thumb soothingly brushing against your skin. “Last time I let you pass out before washing your face, you made me promise to never let it happen again.” 
You don’t know how long you’ve been asleep when an unexpected pressure stirs you awake. Ignoring the feeling, you try rolling over in order to pull the covers up to your neck. Something doesn’t let you. 
“You’re up,” Stu whispers against your hair, “You’re up, you’re okay.”
Twisting so that you’re flat on your black, you squint your eyes open. It’s still dark, so you know it’s still night time. You don’t remember exactly how you got here, but you know that you were comfortable. You also only vaguely remember the weirdness and your anger from earlier. 7 minutes in heaven thanks to Randy, a bit of confrontation in the garage. It feels less important now. 
Smiling, you slowly extend your until your knuckles are brushing against his cheek. “What time is it?” 
“Late,” Stu answers. 
“Then wh--” 
“Need my goodnight kisses,” he breathes, pressing a few, quick kisses to your temple. 
You smile, “Thought you were mad a--” 
Stu’s fingers squeeze your hips. “Don’t want to talk about that.” If you were less drowsy, you might have jumped a little. “I just want to go to sleep.”
Nodding you reach for him a little steadier now. Stu relents, leaning into you as you start to kiss his cheek. 
Billy’s hand finds your waist just as you start relaxing again. “What about me?” 
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sadsimp · 1 year
With an Asexual Reader!
We need some representation in this fandom. So aces babes this is for you 😌
Includes: Keegan, Alejandro, Ghost, Price.
Warnings: Bad grammar, If any let me know :3 This is my first time writing so I’m sorry if it’s bad
He might not know what the word means so, he looks at you like  “Asexual? What’s that? Is this your sad attempt at a joke? 🤨” 
After some explaining and he understands he’s totally fine with it. “There’s a word for that? Oh.. cool.” 
I believe he might be ace honestly, he just didn’t know that there was a word for it
Happy that you trust him with that knowledge and never judges you for it. Will fight anyone who says shit
I think after a while of thinking he might come out as well
“Ace Buddies :D” You laugh and open your arms for a hug. He raises an eyebrow and slowly lets himself be hugged and holds you tight. “Whatever you say love.”
You would need to explain because he doesn’t know what it means, but after you tell him, he’s chill. It might take some time for him to understand that you still love him even though you don’t want to have sex. 
Since he’s a bit older(not by that much he’s only 37) he’s used to having sex being apart of relationships but he’s willing to let it go for you
He asks your boundaries, and if he’s being to much with small things like holding your hand or kissing. He’s perfectly fine with going at your pace and wants you to be comfortable and happy. 
“Did you really think that would change anything?” He asks you softly. He takes your hand and gives it a small pec. “Of course not, I love you and nothing will ever change that darling.” You chuckle and wipe some tears that have dropped on your cheeks and give him a hug.  9/10
He’s so chill. Like for real
He admires you for telling him and being able to bring up something as personal as that. “ Gracias por decirmelo, encantadora/ encantador.” ( thank you for telling me, lovely.”
Asks what your boundaries are and what you don’t want after you tell him 
Will fight anyone who says shit in a 50 mile radius of you. Will not let you feel ashamed either
“Mi vida, you know not to listen to them. Don’t pay them any mind.” He kisses your cheek and holds out his hand for you to take. You shake your head, and grab his hand. “You’re right, let’s get out of here.” 
Buys you Pride stuff anytime he comes across it. Brings it home with the biggest smile. Will wear the Pride stuff too.
Goes with you to pride parades if you want <3
 Would be totally fine with you being asexual. Whether it’s during the events of the game or after, he doesn’t care
I personally see him as being greysexual, meaning he experiences very little sexual attraction 
When you told him that you were asexual he just nodded and came out with you
“Hey Kee?” You asked walking up to him. It’s not often you have free time, and you’ve been meaning to get this off your chest for a while.  He looked up for a brief moment and then went back to cleaning his gun. “Yeah?” You stood there for a moment and took a deep breath. “Can I tell you something?” 
You were nervous, he could tell. You were bouncing on your heels and playing with your hands. “You can tell me anything you know that.” He patted the spot next to him. You took a deep breath and sat down. You thought for a while on how you wanted to say it. “I’m asexual… I don’t really like or care for sex.” 
You did it. You said it. The room was quiet besides your breathing, and the outside chatter. He didn’t say anything for a second, he stopped cleaning and looked at you. You were scared he was gonna break up with you right then and there. Call you picky, or weird, say he wanted nothing to do with you. 
“We’re in the same boat then, I’m greysexual. Thanks for telling me.” He spoke, and went back to cleaning his gun. You were dumbfounded, he was alright with this? He nudged you with his arm, and you made eye contact, “We’re gonna be fine, Hun. Don’t you worry.” 
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stillfrownyclownlol · 5 months
Fucking...ship alphabet crap because I'm gonna go insane- (Ashlyn x Aiden)
Aiden Clark
A = Affection
Aiden is really affectionate with Ash, he has a hard time keeping in how he feels about her so he's constantly complimenting her, touching her, kissing her if she will let him, etc etc. He's just soooo in love with her he can't keep it in- 🫠
B = Best Friend
Ngl Aiden was like the closest thing Ash had to a best friend before they started dating 🤡 he's not that different besides the fact that he can keep his emotions a little more in check (like friend boundaries). Very protective, encouraging, and does his best to listen ^_^
C = Cuddles
Bless him he is touch starved and cuddling is like a feast to him. He LOVES cuddling. Definitely clingy and likes rubbing her arms or back. Man ascends whenever Ash glomps him.
D = Domestic
Aiden likes the idea of settling down, he would like to live with Ash at some point, especially cuz he grew up in an empty house. It's kinda unfortunate since he sucks really hard at domestic tasks 💀 he's never had to cook or clean a day in his life and he's not very inclined to learn lmao. He's super messy and pretty much banned from the kitchen 😭
E = Ending
Um he would literally rather die 🫠 he will fight tooth and nail to be with her and if he HAD to break up with her it would be like, under pressure that somebody was going to kill her or smth 😭 and then he'd kill the person who threatened her and go get his girl back.
F = Fiancé
He doesn't really care about getting married as long as Ash stays with him :P He likes how his ring looks on her finger tho.
G = Gentle
He's not very good at that haha. He's very...um, intense with all his feelings oop- He's not very good at being soft (verbally/emotionally) in the moment, it's something he needs to give thought too. He can be pretty tender physically tho, likes to kiss her forehead :)
H = Hugs
Loves loves loves hugging, especially if Ash initiated. Totally into squeeze hugging and lifting her off her feet. He kinda hovers around her in public and puts his arm around her so he's constantly "loose hugging" her.
I = I love you
He said it pretty quickly. He doesn't see why he should hide how he feels :p. He probably said it when she was just doing smth, like with no buildup or anything. It was just a very sudden feeling on his part and he vocalised it right away
J = Jealousy
Pretty consistently 🤡 he has attachment issues can you blame him? 😭 (you can). Very not cool with other people (that he doesn't know) talking, touching, hanging out with Ash and he will be hate-watching them the entire time. With Ash he gets a lot clingier and starts complimenting her even more, but if Ash gets weirded out/annoyed by it he tends to react pretty poorly and can get upset with her.
K = Kisses
His kisses vary, but they can be kinda aggressive/intense? lmao. He is just having BIG FEELINGS and he needs to express himself- if hes stressed he'll just. Grab her face and mash their mouths together (jumpscares Ash fr) He really does not care where he kisses Ash like everything is good for him, but when Ash kisses him first on the mouth that's soooo... he goes to heaven fr.
L = Little Ones
Pretty good with children actually! He has some experience with Lily and he vibes pretty well with kid energy, especially if they're hyperactive like him lol. Great with games and stuff. Babies like him a lot for some reason, they always start laughing when he holds them.
M = Morning
He gets up at like 4am all the time to do crap because he's an insomniac. Usually goes to exercise or play a video game/puzzle. Ash is not a morning person, but sometimes she can convince him to crawl back into bed and snuggle 😌
N = Night
He does go to bed really late 💀 He has an EXTREMELY hard time falling asleep so he just stays up till he passes out. Ash and him have been trying stuff to help him sleep better so they drink tea and talk to each other without looking at their phones.
O = Open
Absolutely not open with his history lol. he pretty much blocks out most of his past and he won't talk about it unless Ash insists or he feels like he needs to tell her to clarify his feelings. Doesnt say more than he needs to.
P = Patience
He has none for everything 🤡 he hates waiting, he hates putting in a lot of effort into something, he hates spending a long time on anything- (except his friends). He kinda has some hidden anger issues, he looks really easy going but like fr. He has problems.
Q = Quizzes
UM it's kinda creepy how much he remembers about Ash 😭 He has an entire space in his brain dedicated to her. He knows how she likes her coffee, her daily schedule, the exact time of her birth...he likes knowing about her sue him.
R = Remember
It's hard to pick his favourite memory cuz he's such a fan of her, even during the time she kinda hated him :> One of his top moments would probably be when she first said "I love you" back to him though.
S = Security
He's soooooo overprotective, the first time he saw her get seriously injured it was his fault and he never let that go. He knows Ash can handle herself but he still wants to keep her safe if he can!!! If somebody hurts her they are never seeing the light of day again ^_^ He always swoons a little when Ash tries to protect him too.
T = Try
His relationships are like one of the only things he actually puts effort in so. He spends a lot of time thinking on gifts, what they can do on dates, etc etc if it involves Ash. Helps her around the house if she lets him.
U = Ugly
He has sooooo many bad habits. He's super addict prone and his BPD means he will do a lot of self-sestructive stuff. Smoker (he hates it), drinker (he hates it even more), joyrider extraordinaire (just kill him now) :/ Working on it at his therapy sessions but he relapses sometimes.
V = Vanity
...I mean, he's concerned about how he looks, but not in a "looking good" way. He dyes his hair consistently because he wants to look like that, same with his contacts. Otherwise he's not like doing beauty routines for his skin or anything lol.
W = Whole
Yes he has an unhealthy attachment to Ash so he would feel incomplete without her 🫠
X = Xtra
Ash isn't his first 'relationship' but she is the first one where he actually felt something. He was pretty easy going so if somebody asked him to be their partner he almost always said yes, but he never seriously cared about any of them...🫠 Ghosted people a lot when he moved oop
Y = Yuck
He knows he has a lot of issues so like he's not gonna judge somebody a lot if they have their own vices. He would probably dislike if Ash started acting like himself lmao (you hate somebody because they reflect the worst parts of yourself) 🫠 For smth she actually does, he doesn't really like how cold she can be sometimes, but he knows she can't help it so he doesn't comment on it.
Sleeps with like 4 different blankets and he doesn't really like wearing pyjamas, he'd sleep in his boxers if he could. The blankets are like, good texture stim on his skin :D
Ashlyn Banner
A = Affection
Not good with it let's be real. Still figuring out her boundaries and what she's comfortable with. She generally just let's Aiden set the pace and if she doesn't like it she'll say something, but it's rare for her to initiate, when she does its usually something lowkey like holding his hand (prefers physical over verbal).
B = Best Friend
Ash hasn't had friends. Ever. Until suddenly she got five that she got bonded to for life 🤡 As a bestie she is generally very loyal and protective, even if she isn't very good with emotional stuff, she tries to show her support in whatever way she can.
C = Cuddles
Not really something she thinks about a lot? She doesn't mind cuddling with Aiden but he is very touchy so she gets overstimulated quickly. She prefers just lying on top of him without him grabbing her.
D = Domestic
She always imagined living by herself so the idea is a little intimidating ngl, but she's ready to give it a shot when the time comes :> Good at household chores, her parents are ex-military so she's well disciplined with making the bed, cleaning her area of the house, and she's a decent cook. Trying to teach Aiden how to do his own chores to since nobody ever taught him.
E = Ending
She would end things if she felt like Aiden wasn't getting better, she can't keep letting his bad behavior slide her entire life. Could see them getting a divorce if they had a kid together and he was still acting like that (we hope not). Definitely the type of exes to still see each other though, he's nothing if not persistent, and she can't quite seem to quit him ^_^"
F = Fiancée
She didn't even think she'd ever get married lol. She doesn't really care about labeling their relationship like that but she did ask him for tax reasons. And he was happy too, so that's a plus :>
G = Gentle
She's said it herself, she's not good at that. She's generally pretty brash with Aiden and she has a hard time being vulnerable. She's also not a very physically gentle person either, she usually initiates contact if she's stressed/upset so it's kinda intense. She's working on it!
H = Hugs
Pretty rare, she doesn't mind if Aiden hugs her, but Jesus, sometimes it feels like he's going to break her ribs 💀 Not that her hugs are much better tho 🫠 Tends to bury her face in his shoulder and grab his hair.
I = I love you
It's soooooo hard for her omg. She can't explain why she just feels really weird/dumb saying it 😭 she usually only says it during the heat of the moment. To compromise with Aiden, she usually writes it down on a sticky note and gives it to him. Writing is easier.
J = Jealousy
Sometimes the autism rejection sensitivity flares up haha 🫠 she's waaaaaay less jealous than Aiden but sometimes she wonders if she's just a passing fancy to him because he's so intense and quick about it (before reminding herself hes loyal to a fault). If other people talk about it (like if Aiden has been spending a lot of time with somebody) she's more likely to get jealous since she will kinda internalize their thoughts (like very "what...? Do you think I *should* be jealous?")
K = Kisses
Supremely awkward. Doesn't understand what she's supposed to do with her mouth aldhlwhd. She likes kissing his cheek because its a very simple gesture and he gets very happy. Will combust if Aiden kisses her forehead ❤️
L = Little Ones
Not the besttttt...she generally finds children to be too emotional and she doesn't understand what they're feeling. Babies are scary to her, they're so...delicate...
She doesn't hate them or anything but she's not volunteering to babysit.
M = Morning
She is CRANKY when she gets up and you can't talk to her before her cup of coffee or she's going to bite your head off. When she gets to sleep in she's waaaaay more affectionate in bed, grabs onto Aiden so he won't leave :p
N = Night
Night owl, which is useful since Aiden has trouble sleeping. She'll keep him company until he can fall asleep, but usually she falls asleep on his shoulder or smth and Aiden has to take her to bed ^_^
O = Open
Not at all. Doesn't like revealing more about herself than necessary :> She only tells Aiden things if he asks her about it. They're both very closed off which is great combo 💀
P = Patience
She's more patient than Aiden, but that isn't saying much. She gets irritated very easily but she's a lot better at managing her emotions so she doesn't lose her temper very easily, even if she's constantly annoyed.
Q = Quizzes
She's not forgetful or anything about Aiden but it's also not something she thinks about a lot. Like if somebody asked her smth about him she'll just answer it without thinking and be surprised with herself lol.
R = Remember
She just likes spending time with him, they don't have to do anything grand or amazing for it to stay in her memory, her favourite moments are the little things. Aiden genuinely laughing/smiling, the look on his face right before he figures out a puzzle, the calluses on his fingertips when she holds his hand...she's actually very sappy :>
S = Security
She is overprotective because. She watched him die. And she's just like that. But she constantly feels like she's failing him since Aiden gets hurt so frequently. Protective in a more subtle way, like if she thinks he's going to spiral she locks his meds away and won't leave him alone for anything. She gets stressed out when he tries to protect her because he can go overboard :p
T = Try
She tries so hard you guys. All of this is VERY new and scary for her, so. Baby steps. Tries to do her part in the relationship; she likes the act of planning dates even if choosing what to do stresses her out, tries to surprise him because she knows he loves that a lot (she's not very good at it).
U = Ugly
Bad habits: Sometimes everything is a lot so she will just. Not communicate with him for a long time which freaks him out. (Like he doesn't do this too 🫠) Hard time talking about her feelings and sometimes relies on the gang to solve their misunderstanding. Sometimes doesn't know where to draw the line and can be too harsh on him.
V = Vanity
Only her hair. She's very careful with it. Otherwise she doesn't care at all.
W = Whole
She's kinda bonded to him for life cuz of all the trauma so yeah she wouldn't feel "whole" without Aiden, but she would handle it a lot better than he would.
X = Xtra
Talks to Taylor about her relationship problems; Tay thinks she just has bad taste 🤡
Y = Yuck
Really hates all of Aiden's bad habits (the self destructive stuff, his own apathy towards himself, how obsessive he is with her)
When she becomes comfortable sleeping with somebody on the same bed, she'll let her hair loose, otherwise she's gonna keep the braids.
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alieinthemorning · 14 days
Five Ways He Says [Oikawa Tooru]
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Content: Fluff, Established Relationship, POV Second Person, Reader-Insert
Pronouns: None
Header: @/tsumoos
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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The sound of the lock being turned has you jumping from the couch and sliding into the entryway. Before he can even get a “I’m home!” out, you leapt for him.
“Welcome home!” 
Tooru stumbled a bit, but kept his balance as he used one arm to support you. 
“Haha, I’m back.” He pulled back a bit to give you a kiss on the forehead. “What happened to make you so happy to see me?”
“Literally nothing—” A sudden rustle of plastic bags caught your attention. “Oh! What did you get?”
He chuckled, nudging back so he could finally toe out of his shoes (It was actually kinda amazing how he could do it while both arms were preoccupied.  “Yes, I got something for you.”  
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“Tooru, you need to take a break.” You wrapped your arms around him from behind. “Call out today. Stay home and let me take care of you.”
You noticed Tooru was beginning to favor his left leg, meaning his right knee was giving him problems again. It was the kind of injury that never truly went away. He’d usually be fine, but sometimes the pain would just sneak up on him, and then he’d slip back into his old habits of overworking it. 
Thankfully, he had you now. 
He sighed deeply, turning around to hug you properly. “You’re right. Thank you for reminding me.”
You smiled up at him, “Of course!”
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People on the outside attempting to look in on you and Tooru’s relationship think of you as a disrespectful partner. The main reason being is that you rarely stayed to see the game end. Who wouldn’t stay to watch their partner win or lose?
Well, you didn’t need to. You knew he was going to win, so you leave early to meet him immediately after the game. And if he lost, you’d do the same. Be there to comfort him and collect his tears before anyone else could see him so vulnerable. It simply had become routine. 
So when he came to you, grin on his face, you responded in turn with your arms wide, accepting him with an oof. 
“We won.”
“I knew you would.”
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“Why is it that every time that I’m off—you’re the one who’s busy?” Tooru whined as he wrapped his arms tighter around your middle.
“I literally just need to run a few errands, and I’ll be back soon.” You said with an eye roll. 
Despite this, your fingers were gently detangling his brown locks, and you made no move to get up. 
“Ugh, but I don’t wanna leave this early.”
“I’m not saying you have to, Tooru.”
“And lose precious time with you? I think not.” He huffed, finally removing himself from you. “So, I guess I should get the bathroom ready.”
“Oh, come on, Tooru—lemme go in first.” You removed yourself from the covers.
He blinked at you. “...we have literally been married for three years—we can’t shower together?” 
You paused, flushing. “I mean…we’ve never before, but…”
“Precious time.” He reminded you in a sing-song voice.
You sighed, relenting. “Fine, just lemme brush my teeth first.”
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The days when you both have time off are quiet. The two of you simply exist in each other’s presence, taking in one another. 
You pull his hand to your lips, gently kisses his knuckles, and in turn he leans over and captures the center of your forehead with his own lips. 
Nothing is said, but everything is conveyed. 
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These are the five ways Oikawa Tooru says, 
“I love you”
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I wrote the majority of this while I was stressing at the ass crack of this morning. Hope y'all enjoy lol
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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kloppinthekop · 4 months
Have you ever wondered if among trent/jude/dom there is someone who is jealous type? Or are all of them like that? I feel trent & jude could be but not domi.
How do they deal with jealousy? And what are the stuff that turns them green with envy?
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Oh good question, @lfcgirl23! 🌙 Hmmmm I feel like they’d all be jealous but in slightly different ways/to different degrees. I’ll start with Domi because he’s a Scorpio, and as a fellow Scorpio I feel like maybe I have some insights there (or maybe I’m just projecting, haha).
♏️ I feel like Domi would love very deeply, and he gets tunnel vision once he finds someone he really likes/loves. It’s a love that borders on obsession- but not necessarily in a toxic way. He wants to be so close, so intimate, that it would almost be like them becoming one person. So naturally, if he gets any inkling or suspicion that someone else is hitting on his partner, or that his partner’s eye might be straying, he would immediately try to find out exactly what is going on and try to shut it down. He’d set firm boundaries, and stick to them. He’d rather end a relationship than be strung along like a puppet on a string. If you cheat on him, it’s over immediately- no second chances: it’s just done, and he will cut off all contact. He is the type to hold onto a grudge for a lifetime, even after the other person has long forgotten or forgiven. The flip side of this is that he is intensely loyal—as soon as he’s in a serious relationship, that’s it for him: his heart will never stray once he properly falls in love with someone (that someone being Trent in my head, obviously).
♎️ With Trent, he’s a Libra—he is a bit flirty with multiple people (albeit awkwardly flirty, haha), so he really is in no position to be judging others… But, the other factor that goes against that is how incredibly competitive he is about everything. He almost views love as another playing field—not that he treats it only as a game, but that he always wants to win, be the best. So if he thinks that his partner isn’t fully invested in just him, he’s going to be pretty annoyed. He probably wouldn’t confront the situation head-on, at least not at first—he would likely try to drop subtle hints, would probably be a brat about it, starting little fights or changing up his behavior in order to signal that he is not happy with being ignored/treated second best. For Trent, love is about quality time together—so if you start cancelling dates or flaking on him, that’s when the jealousy kicks in. He doesn’t want to appear like he is jealous, because that could be seen as a weakness, but inside it’ll just rankle his spirit until eventually there’s a big argument and he has to finally admit that he is, in fact, susceptible to jealousy.
♋️ I don’t know enough about Jude to give an extended analysis, but if we’re just going off vibes/star sign, he’s a little more laidback at first when it comes to relationships, having fun and vibing on dates—but once he is serious with someone, he (like Domi) is very loyal. He is used to getting what he wants (and to be fair, he puts in the work to earn it), and any real relationship he’d be in would be no different. His star sign is Cancer (a water sign like Domi), so he feels very deeply, but he’s less intense than a Scorpio would be. He’s a bit of a sensitive soul—not as a weakness, but more in the sense that he has a lot of love to give, and just wants to be loved as much in return. He loves physical touch, would love to cuddle constantly and play with his partner’s hair. He’d be green with envy if he saw his partner touching someone else, especially if he suspects that it’s something beyond just a friendly pat on the shoulder or a goodbye hug. Jealousy for him looks a lot like heartbreak, a lot of trying to hold back tears but ultimately breaking down and crying. But if it’s real love, he’s willing to work through his feelings and make things work out.
𓂃₊ ⊹ Thanks for the ask! ✨
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gentaro-kinniecom · 1 year
🍸Kissing/Making out + Hcs🍸Pt6
Characters: Tsumugi Aoba, Chiaki Morisawa and Yuruzu Fushimi
C/w: fluff <3 idk what else to write here
A/n: finally found my notebook where I had these headcanons written on 😭 also these are just so cute i cried, i love cute fluffy hcs sm
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Aoba Tsumugi
Asks everytime for a kiss, it doesn’t matter if you already told him yes a hundred times, he’ll do it again.
It’s a way for him to feel at ease and make you comfortable too
Tsumugi’s all about respecting your personal space and boundaries
There’s some days whwre he has melt downs and usually a kiss will make everything better
He likes it when you attend one of his concerts and give him a “good luck” kiss before his performance, it makes some of his worries and anxiety less of a mess than before
Tsumugi likes making out but not often, he wants it to be when romantic moments happen between the two of you
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Chiaki Morisawa
He kisses you out of nowhere, one moment you’re going to your next class and the other is Chiaki hugging you from behind and kissing you dearly
Chiaki, like Tsumugi, enjoys seeing you at his games, supporting him and kissing him before and after, even if he lost that game or at his concerts so happy cheering for him
He also likes taking trips to the countryside and taking you to see his family, he’s all about showing them who he really loves
Making out with him is fun but his movements are very unexpected and fast
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Yuzuru Fushimi
His kisses are so gentle, it’s like your made of some fragile porcelain that could break at any moment
Despite that, he’s very helpful, especially with homework or housework. Yuzuru is opposed to showing feelings of love or care when Tori is around, don’t get me wrong, he loves you, but is bothered if Tori judges his precious relationship with you
Of course, he found out and at first it did bothered him, but after a while, he understood and saw how happy Yuzuru was.
He likes making out in the student council room when no one is arround because of the adrenaline he feels because of this <3
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story-telling · 6 months
How I think the characters of Alice in wonderland 1951 will comfort you on a bad day ☕️
No trigger warnings! Sfw only!
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Alice would definitely use distraction to help you. When you tell her that your feeling bad or that your having a bad day she will be a tad confused on what to do but instantly snap to it and ask if you want to talk about it or play with her. She would take your hand and make daisy chains with you while singing songs together. She will sit down and talk your ear off about nonsensical stories she made up and you will feel encouraged to make them up with her as she goes along.
If you chose to talk to her about your day she wouldn’t completely understand due to her age being so young but she would listen and let you talk and try and give you advice, even though it may be wrong.
The Mad Hatter
When you tell the hatter you’re having a bad day he would instantly make you a cup of tea and give you a hug and stroke your hair. He would reassure you that everything will be okay and tell silly little jokes to try and make you crack a smile. While he holds you he will hum a little soothing tune and tell you that there is always tomorrow and that you did well today.
The March hare and dormouse would also be there. The dormouse would advice taking a nap as they always seem to help him and the March hare would bake you some cookies or a cake, they would also sing the happy unbirthday song to you and give you a flower as a present 🌸
The Cheshire Cat
He would ask you to sit and talk about your day and your problems and he would listen and help you navigate your big emotions in a silly whimsical way. He doesn’t like to see people upset so he would try and show off some of his disappearing acts to cheer you up and then offer to take a walk into tulgey wood to clear your head. As you two walk he would put his tail around your back as a soothing technique but he would keep his distance if you didn’t want any contact. He understands boundaries more than anyone in wonderland and never wishes to break them.
The Queen of Hearts
She doesn’t really understand emotions and doesn’t care for people in general. However she wouldn’t dismiss you if you asked for a little pick me up. She would offer to play croquet as that’s something that cheers her up often. However even though you’re sad you still have to let her win otherwise who knows what hell will erupt. She will listen to your problems and give her advice, considering how violent she can be (maybe don’t take her advice). She may sit with you and offer one of her hedgehogs to pet as a soothing technique while you calm yourself down.
The Caterpillar
He doesn’t really bother with emotions all that much but he does have a soft spot for people once he gets to know them. Usually he may offer a puff of his hookah and tell them it’ll help or tell them to lay on mushroom along side him while they talk nonsense occasionally showing off his skills of puffing cloud shapes.
The White Rabbit
The white rabbit is quite good with comforting people when they are overwhelmed or sad, he will take you to his little cottage and sit in the kitchen with you and offer you a drink (not a cookie though) he may offer you some carrot cake along side it and he will listen to you, occasionally he will get a little panicky over silly things and calm himself down so you can continue talking further. He may invite you to tend to his garden with him so you can do something fun and enriching.
The Tweedles
Now these twins know exactly how to cheer up a sad person. They will create their own little show and dance and sing and play games. Anything and everything to make sure you were no longer sad, they wouldn’t sing the walrus and the carpenter as that is a sad tale but they may sing “you are old father William” and do their little dance together. They would even let you join in on occasion
The Flowers
They wouldn’t give a flying fuck. Let’s be honest here. They would laugh at your misery 💀. They’d probs think your a weed and kick you out
🌸To the people who read this! Thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!🌸
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callofdudes · 7 months
hello, sorry if this is rude, but I wanted to ask why you write Ghost the way you do?? I haven't played the games yet but I've been seeing some people debating on others writing him different ways.
Hey anon, I don't think it's rude. Now, if I understand this correct, yes, there are people who have been debating and even aggressive toward some people who write for different characters.
But I'll break down why I write Simon why I do.
First off, for those who haven't played the games and haven't looked into a character further than their sex appeal; Simon isn't heartless and rottenly cold.
He's not. Nor would he push around and hurt people who are in his circle on purpose. Going back to 2009 when Simon was shown in the og trilogy he was very close to captain MacTavish and made jokes and comments all throughout the game. While he's still very much professional, he has that balance.
It's shown, even in the new game that Simon cares deeply. One reason I think people want to think he's so cold because that's how he likes to present himself. But in the military, being particularly scary is probably favorable. That and being in the military as long as Simon or Price has, they have probably learned not to get too close to soldiers.
Since the sad part it, there's a very high chance they won't make it long.
And an intimacy issue. I've seen people getting upset because some people write Simon to flinch at every little touch. And while I think part of that has truth, Simon 100% has intimacy issues.
And this is partly me projecting into him, because Simon wouldn't be raised how he was and not have issues or extremely negative views and experiences around intimacy. And I doubt the military encouraged any different.
While I don't think he would flinch at every single thing, certain things are completely beyond his limits. I personally had a very abusive relative who always wanted hugs and I was always forced to hug her and be close to her. And since getting away I am extremely careful and particular about who hugs me.
I am uncomfortable hugging people who aren't in that selected little few, and really I'm still only 100% with hugs from my dad.
So does Simon have intimacy issues, absolutely he does. He doesn't know affection, and for someone who hasn't known a lot of a affection it can come off like a red flag or a trigger because they aren't used to it happening so in their mind; something must be wrong.
And a lot of affection can take Simon out of things. Like myself, if he's love bombed he is out of it and needs to step away because... Like what does he do? That's too much in one place at one time. Big boundaries.
But Simon is also gentle. Just because all of these things have happened to him doesn't mean he's always nasty. He's very gentle toward someone who shares an up bringing or even just a situation like he had. He's gentle with hostages and with kids when he finds them on the field. While he may not like children, he doesn't do anything to openly show that.
Touch-starved. All I need to say. When Someone like Johnny, or Reader gives Simon affection that he likes, he wants it all.
Like snuggles, when Simon comes to the realization of how much he just genuinely and innocently likes the company of a close body with warm arms wrapped around him, he wants more. He wants what they can give him. He needs to trust them though.
Simon is very closed off only until he's with those he is close with.
And yes, Simon is strong, but that does not mean he can't have mental struggles. Simon, in my world has had struggles with food because I have.
Simon can have anxiety and still be able to throw out quips and quick remarks like when johnny and him were bantering in the alone mission about his mask. He can have both.
You can be both confident in your profession and lacking confidence in another field. I see this a lot with König as well. They are both firm and know the drill and are very, very confident in their field of work because they know it.
But taken out of that head space and thrown into something casual of domestic for a bit and it completely takes them out and gives them anxiety.
Simon can be self conscious of his body and his stretch marks and still have confidence in other things.
And this is just how I personally like to write Simon. There is probably a lot more I missed but off the top of my head this is how I write him. And I enjoy writing him like this, and I'm glad others do as well.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
could you make the yandere alphabet for Sonic?
Sure! I'll see what I got. Aged up as usual.
Alphabet Found Here
Yandere Alphabet - Sonic The Hedgehog
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Obsession, Kidnapping, Isolation, Jealousy, Clingy behavior, Overprotective behavior, Delusional behavior, Paranoia, PTSD.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Sonic seems like the type to be affectionate towards his darling. There may be times he's chill towards them, small bursts of affection to show he loves you. Examples would include patting your back, compliments, hand holding....
Then there's times where he's more affectionate. That's when he shows more hugs, kisses, flirting etc....
Sonic bounces between intense and calm when it comes to affection.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Sonic doesn't seem the type to murder so he tries to keep it clean for you. He prefers manipulation.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He'd never mock you. If Sonic did abduct he'd treat you like he normally did. Just with more... isolation from other people.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He tries not to. Sonic is someone who enjoys freedom and wants the same for you. Just with some boundaries for your safety....
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
A lot, no surprises there. Sonic is very loyal and dedicated to you. He loves you and can be vulnerable if you're threatened. That's actually his excuse if he does abduct you. He wants you safe.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Very sad. He loves that you have the kind of personality, but it hurts him that you hate him that much.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Not a game. He finds it funny yet sad when you try to escape but he easily catches up to you without breaking a sweat.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The first time he genuinely snaps. You're used to the Sonic everyone knows. The one that's happy, easygoing, no sign of stress!
The moment you see him angry, eyes frantic, and the obsessive attention on you? That's the scary part. Even more so if he decides to proclaim his feelings and abduct you then and there.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He wants it to be you and him in a world without Eggman. Sonic isn't one to be tied down but he does value your protection above all else. Sonic wants you to live in a safe world... with him.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Sonic does get jealous. He doesn't lash out and feels a nice run will help him. If not then he'll manipulate you away from the reason of jealousy.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Sonic acts very easygoing and laid-back. He greets you with a smile and a hug. He's your typical Sonic, if not a little more affectionate, towards his darling!
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Sonic is persistent in getting you to date him to say the least.
He tries to keep it as classic as he can. He flirts with you and openly expresses the love he has for you. If you reject him then he'll give you time alone before trying again.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Barely. He still is himself unless he's pushed to kidnap then his colors would be different. He'd be way more delusional then.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He tries not to and Sonic doesn't want to hurt his darling. He'd probably emotionally manipulate you/scold you or isolate you.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Hopefully he wants to take none. Maybe some restrictions but unless you're threatened, none.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
A bit impatient at times. He likes to do things fast.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Probably not. If he did it would take a long time. He'd probably start blaming others, completely unable to cope. That's if you died.
If you left then he's begging you back.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
At times he'd feel guilty, yeah. He'd probably let you go after awhile.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Probably paranoia/PTSD from dealing with Eggman all the time?
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Sad and upset. He never wants to make you cry or cause you pain. He'll try to comfort you, however, even if you hate it.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Ehhh, he gives you more freedoms and does not kill?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Pretending to be in love with him and manipulating him to get his guard down. It only lasts a little, unfortunately.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Tries not to.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He'd go over great lengths to win you over. He doesn't really worship you.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He could pine for awhile, but certain factors may make it happen faster.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
By accident.
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andysorbit · 2 years
Boundaries Part 2
Black fem reader x Yuta
Minors dni
This is gonna be long. I would tell you that I'm sorry but I ain't no liar.
If you would like to read part one first, go aqui
Warnings: oral (f & m receiving), throat fucking, shibari, spitting, snow balling (because I couldn't find any and "be the change you wanna see" or whatever that person said), orgasm denial, overstimulation, teasing, dumbification, Yuta just being an ethereal man of desire, other nasty shit? Listen I'm on my period, I'm a ball of horny.
"Do I have permission to slut you out, beautiful?"
Your breath catches in your throat and you nod.
"Be a good girl, sweetheart. Use your words. I absolutely refuse to do anything until you tell me that you want me to." He presses; mouth hovering over your pussy and his breath fanning over you.
"Please." Is all you can say.
"Here's what's gonna happen and... feel free to interject at anytime- I'm going to destroy you, okay? I'm going to reduce you down to nothing more tears, spit, and sweat but I'm a generous man so..." He kisses your inner thighs slowly, "After I break you, I'm going to put you back together because I can see that you're a very, very good girl and very, very good girls deserve to be taken care of. Am I understood?" He spits on your pussy and rubs it into your clit. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes..." You grind yourself against his fingers. "Does he spit on this pretty little cunt and claim it the way he should?" Yuta doesn't even give you a chance to answer, he just begins devouring you. Sucking hungrily on your clit and fucking you with his fingers, he pulls whimpers from you effortlessly. You inch closer and closer to your release and just in that moment, he stops. You groan and writhe against the counter. "Earn it." Is all he says. Before he makes his way over to the kitchen doorway. You stare at him dumbstruck, eyes wide and desperate. He turns back to look at you, "Do you need an invitation to follow me or are you always this silly when you're horny?" He laughs. You move to pull your panties up then cross the kitchen to stand by him. "Do you think I'm boring?" He asks with a cocky smile. You shake your head. He roughly grabs your chin, "Don't make me tell you to use your words again." He scolds. "No. I'm sorry." You mutter. "Don't be sorry, just do what you're fucking told and don't mumble. I hate that shit." He snaps.
You can't help but break character, "Yes, Mother Gothel." You giggle. "You're such a fucking dweeb. Shut up!" He laughs and hugs you, "Since you had to rudely interrupt us... while I have you, are you sure you're good with all of this?" He fiddles with one of your braids and kisses your forehead. "Did I use the safeword, dummy?" You tease him. "Fair enough." He says then gives a nod. You fall back into your game. "Get down on your knees." He orders. You quickly drop down to your knees; ready for him to take your mouth however he wants. He laughs as he looms over you, "You have to earn me you silly little slut." He says and walk out of the room, "Follow me but make sure you crawl."
You crawl out of the kitchen and look around for Yuta. He's standing outside of his bedroom, "Come on." He beckons for you before disappearing into the room. You crawl quickly towards him as you hear shuffling. You want him so badly you could cry or scream or maybe both.
"Stand up and take your clothes off." He says as he gives you a devilishly beautiful smile. Quickly, you remove your shirt and then your skirt before ridding yourself of your bra and panties. "Give me your panties, little girl." He orders. You place them in his hands and he stuffs them into his pocket, "Have you ever been tied up?" He asks as he takes one of several ropes off of the dresser. "No." You reply. "No, sir. Okay? Say it." He snaps. "No, sir." You say quickly. "I'm going to tie you up, okay?" He says and comes over to you. You nod, "Yes, sir." You say. He laughs, "You're like a bobble head. So cute." He patronizes you as he imitates your nodding gesture. He shoves you down on your knees and states at you for a moment.
"Can you open your mouth for me?" He asks. His condescending tone goes straight to your pussy and you do as you're told. "Good girl." He chortles, "You really fall in line well. So obedient." He leans over and spits into your mouth. "Don't swallow it until I tell you to."
You close your mouth and hold it there. You feel yourself slipping further into submission. Yuta spits on your lips and watches it roll down your chin and onto your chest. He has stars in his eyes for you and you swell with pride. "Put your arms behind your back and push those beautiful tits our for me." He says and brings his hand up to cup your cheek. The gesture is sweet and as you lock eyes with him, you knows he's silently thanking you for trusting him. You wind your arms behind your back and push your chest out. He hums and drops down on one knee, "Swallow for me." You swallow and he pats your head. "Good little kitty." He kisses you hungrily then begins his work with the rope.
"Have you ever tried Shibari before, kitten?" He asks. He works the intricate knots around your arms and chest effortlessly. "No, sir... I was always curious about it but I didn't know how to ask." You say sheepishly. "You knew exactly how to ask for it but you couldn't picture yourself being so vulnerable as to let him bind you and have you completely at his mercy so you chose not to ask. Doesn't that sound more truthful, young lady?" He says. "It does. Yes, sir, it does." You say softly. He smiles and presses another kiss to your lips, "Trusting a man who's slightly more than a stranger over your own husband. Dirty girl." He wiggles his eyebrows at you. You blush and drop your head. "Eyes up. Keep them up. I don't need you looking down at the floor to make me feel respected. Your obedience is strong enough."
You look up at him and smile, "Really?" You ask him softly. "Oh yes, beautiful. Now stop it. I'm supposed to be breaking you, not making you blush." He gently taps your nose and stands up. You watch him retrieve another rope and bring it over to let it trace across your nipples, "You know I may just have to fuck these beautiful tits before I'm finished with you, right?" He says and quirks an eyebrow up at you. You nod, "Thank you, sir."
"Don't thank me yet." He says with a wink. Once he's sure that you're secure, he walks out of the room. You hear him shuffling around in the kitchen. You sit patiently and wait. You smell the pancakes cooking and you laugh, "That asshole." You whisper. You watch the clock. Twenty-two minutes later, he comes back with pancakes and mimosas on a tray, "I didn't forget that I have a hungry woman to feed." He hums and sets the tray down on the dresser beside the ropes. He lifts you to your feet and leads you to his bed. You sit down and he brings a plate of pancakes over to you. You smile at the two teddy bear and heart shaped pancakes. "Just like I promised. I know I also promised not to be a Casanova but I can't help what I am." He brings the plate back to the tray and carefully cuts up the pancakes. You watch him pour a bit of syrup, just the way you like it. "Here comes the train." He says as he comes over. Carefully, he feeds you a few bites and kisses you in between; both of you knowing that trying to do anything on a full stomach would be nothing short of a disaster mission.
"Am I torturing you?" He laughs. "Yes, sir. I don't want anymore. I just want you." You tell him. You wonder if you look as desperate as you feel. He kisses you again and gets up. "Drink a bit first. It's a mimosa because I'm a fancy guy." He says playfully. He brings the glass to your lips and you drink half of it before he pulls it back, "Drunk girls don't railed, sober girls do." He says as he finishes the glass. He sets it back on the tray then drunks half of his glass, "I can drink as much I want." He says teasingly.
He brings you back to the floor and guides you to the center of the room. He turns you to face the mirror, "Look at yourself." He says as he unbuttons his shirt. You perk up in anticipation as you look at your own reflection. He sinks down to his knees behind you and moves your braids so he can rest his chin on your shoulder. "I have an idea for a game, bobble head." He says. "What is it, sir?" You ask. He kisses your neck and brings his hand around to slide between your legs. He rests it there and smiles at you cockily, "I want to see how long it takes to get you to cry." He purrs and softly rubs your clit. "Look at how pretty you are like this... now look at me. Yes, keep your eyes on me now, kitten." He whispers. His fingers dip inside of you then he pulls back out to stroke you. You whimper and roll your hips. "Ah ah. That's off limits. You get exactly what I give you and nothing more. Do you understand me?" He chides. You nod, "I'm sorry, sir." You whimper. He gently grabs your hair. He knows to be gentle with your freshly done braids. You can tell he's proud of his decision based on the wink he gives you. "Cum for me, beautiful girl." He purrs. You feel yourself building quickly and he pulls his hand away.
"Never mind." He chuckles. His breath fans across your neck and you feel like you're beginning to sweat. He smiles, "You look like I've broken your heart." He says and kisses your cheek. "Please let me cum, sir." You plead.
"Have you cried yet?"
"N- no, sir."
"Well there's your answer."
You rest your head against his and he turns to kiss your neck.
"Come on. Up on your feet." He says and pulls you up before guiding you to the bed. After getting you to the center of the bed, he lays you back and spreads your legs, "I can't believe he's not devouring this gorgeous cunt any chance he can get. You married a fool." He mutters as he lowers his head to lick you softly. You whimper, "Oh! Yes... Yuta." He presses soft kisses and hungry licks against your throbbing clit and your thighs begin to shake, "I'm- Please don't stop this time. Oh God, oh God, oh God... please don't stop this time, Yuta. Please, please- p- I need it." You cry. He pulls away and sits up, "No tears, no cummies. That's the game. Don't you remember, doll?" He laughs and wipes his chin, "By the way, you're soaked. I'm gonna have to change my bed sheets."
You just stare at him; too speechless to do anything else. "Tears, spit, and sweat." He says with a devilish smile, "You've got two of three so far." He uses his sleeve to wipe the sweat from your forehead. He gets off of the bed and removes his shirt and then his jeans. You eye the bulge in his underwear. "Now you're not the only one who's naked." He says as he removes his underwear and gets back onto the bed. He hovers over you and kisses you deeply. Your breath hitches as he grinds his dick against you. "I bet I could make you cum just like this. Wanna see?" He says and ups his pace. "Y- yes, sir- fuck! Please." You plead. He grinds against you; slowing down and then speeding up just to slow down again. You spread your legs shamelessly- grateful for his mercy, "I'm c- close. Oh fuck! Just like that- yeah." You cry. He stops again.
"Jesus! Fuck! Please!" You scream and your eyes water. "It hurts. Please." Finally, you cry and he wipes away your tears, "You're so pretty when you cry." He whispers and moves to slowly press himself inside you. As he bottoms out, your eyes flutter shut, "Thank you, sir." You tell him. You're voice is smaller and you know he'll probably make you cry again soon. "So polite." He moans while slowly fucking into you. You smile. His hand move up to squeeze your tits, "I think I want to untie you." He says more to himself. You open your eyes and see his on you intensely, "Or maybe I won't." You sigh and clench around him. His hips stutter, "Fuck, kitten. You're so fucking wet for me."
He turns you over and lifts your ass up, "Has he ever had you in the position?" He asks. "No, sir." You say quickly. He grips your ass and then gives is a hard smack. You yelp and try to push back on him. "You've been such a good girl so far, don't disappoint me now." He says holding you steady. It's more than too much at this point and when he moves your legs apart, you squeeze your eyes shut.
"Gonna eat this pussy from behind. How does that sound?" He purrs. You're not given a chance to reply and his tongue is on you; licking slowly and dipping into you lazily. You try your best not to get your hopes up but as another orgasm builds in the pit of your stomach, your body begins to spasm. You sigh in relief as he brings you closer than any of the previous ones. "Yes, yes, yes, yes. Daddy." You pant. "Daddy? That's a nice change up." He chuckles and licks you just a little bit faster. "I- can you p- please?" You shrill. "Can I what, beautiful girl?" He asks and replaces his mouth with his fingers. "L- let me cum... oh God... please, please." You beg. He pulls his hand away and you press your face into the mattress and sob. Yuta unbinds you achingly slow then turns you back over and looks down at you with prideful eyes, "I wanna see you cry, pretty girl. Aww look at you." He coos as he softly prods at your shoulders to them a much needed massage. "Please." You breathe. You're nearly broken and he loves that he can do this to you. He kisses you, "Call me daddy again, doll." He murmurs against your lips. He opens your legs and sinks his cock inside of you. "Daddy... please." You whisper. "I'll be kind to you this time. I won't stop." He says into your ear as he moves inside you. He props himself up in one elbow and brings a hand down to stroke you. "Daddy." You whimper and he speeds up. "Daddy." You choke out pleadingly, "Please... have mercy on me." He laughs breathlessly, "Well fuck... don't give me a God complex, kitten. If you keep talking to me like that, I'll never let you cum." His fingers speed up. "Daddy! Thank you, thank y- daddy! Oh... daddy." You squeal as you finally cum around his throbbing dick. "Thank me again, beautiful girl." He says and slides his fingers into his mouth to suck them clean. "Thank you, daddy." You sigh and he kisses you.
"Now that the easy part is over... I get to have some real fun." He chuckles as he brings his hand back down to stroke you. He sits up and takes your hands in his free hand to trap them above your head. "Daddy! No, please... please." You whine. "Do you need to tap out?" He asks as his breathing becomes more ragged. You shake your head objectively and he laughs, "It’s either never enough for you or it's too much. Maybe your husband isn't the problem, darling. Maybe you are." He teases. You writhe and buck your hips, "Please." You choke out and try your best to inch away from him. "Don't you run from me you dirty little minx. You wanted this. 'Daddy, please. Oh, daddy, just let me cum. I need this, daddy.- Daddy, have mercy on me.' Well here is my mercy. You're coming just like you wanted, aren't you?" He hisses against your ear. He presses hot kisses against your neck, "I asked you a question." He raises his voice a little. "Y- yes, daddy." You squeak. "Oh you sound so cute." He laughs as your third orgasm rattles from somewhere deep within.
"I think I've been more than generous, yeah?" He asks. "Yes, daddy." You agree. "Then why don't you thank me by letting my fuck that beautiful mouth?" He says as he pulls out and shifts himself off of you.
You roll over and watch Yuta move up to the head of the bed and rest against the headboard. "Come to me." He whispers and you do as your told. "Good girl." He purrs. You smile and he pushes your braids out of your face then forces your head down. You take him into your mouth and immediately, he's fucking into your throat roughly. "That's my good little slut. Take it all." He moans. You greedily take every inch as tears begin to prick your eyes. It's hard to breathe but it's too delicious to stop. All you want is to feel the head of his cock abuse your throat and keep you hoarse for days. "Such a cockslut. Can you feel how my cock fills your throat, baby?" He pants. He's getting close. You squeeze he thighs and let him continue to use you. "So- fuck! I'm gonna cum baby." He groans and soon he's coming undone in your mouth. "Don't swallow it. Come here." He rasps and pulls you up into his lap. He pries your mouth open with his tongue and his cum falls past your lips and into his waiting mouth. He spits it back into yours and kisses you, "That's a good girl now swallow." He whispers against your lips.
He kisses you some more and then you slump against him with an exhausted sigh. "And scene." He says with a weak laugh. You both chuckle and he holds you to his chest. "I liked that game." You tell him.
He nods and kisses your shoulder,
"I did too, bobble head."
Thank you for reading!
- A
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morganwrites12672 · 2 years
Request from @naturalswifty89
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You were cuddled into Eddie's lap as the boys played D and D. It was your usual, after defeating Vecna everybody always came to the end of the campaign.
"Nobody else brings their Girlfriends," Mike says after the start of the round.
"Then do," Eddie snarks back, a smug grin on his face.
Mike gets upset and tells Dustin to hurry up and roll.
The familiar scent of Eddie. Cigarettes and your perfume. it was comforting. Eddie was home. You had had a rocky relationship, eddie had confessed his love as his dying words. He awoke in the hospital to your face, and waynes.
After the duo had said their hellos, and Wayne had to leave for work, you and Eddie became a couple. It had been months of a happy relationship.
You excuse yourself to go use the bathroom. After washing your hands you stop behind the wall, hidden from the view of the boys. To tie your shoe.
"Dont you get tired of how clingy she is," Dustin asks.
"She is all over you. Nobody else's girlfriend acts like that," Lucas points out.
"Bring up some boundaries," Max suggests.
"I will," Eddie replies.
"Talk to him," Robin hounds you. She was following you around family video hounding you over game night.
"It's nothing, stupid really. I am going to give him a little bit of space," You reply restocking the adult film section.
"I mean, I'm not Eddie, but talk to him. It was probably just peer pressure," Steve tells you as you walk into the store room.
You grab a stack of new horror films and head out.
"I'm a grown ass woman. I can handle it," you reply, getting more agitated by the second.
"Calm down," Robin says soothingly.
"I'm going on break," you reply. Storming out the door.
It had been two weeks. Two weeks since you had given Eddie proper affection. You sat on a chair during D and D. You only kissed him if he started the kiss. Sex had been non-existent.
Quick kisses on the cheek were given by Eddie during lunch.
"What is wrong baby," Eddie asked as you sat on his bed, not on his lap.
"Nothing," you assured him.
"No. Tell me," he says getting more stern.
"Am I clingy," you burst.
Eddie goes on a five minute speech about how much he loved how you were clingy, loved how you hugged him, how you loved him.
"I. Love. You," he says emphasising each word with a kiss.
"i. Love. You. Too," you reply kissing him with each word.
Eddie cuddles around your waist, trailing kisses down your neck, "Talk to me if anything every bothers you princess," he plants a final kiss on your lips.
A/N: requests are open. The people I write for are in my bio. Likes and reblogs are appreciated. Anons are to. Love you guys.
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brokenanxiety · 5 months
casey cizikas x medical staff! y/n headcannons
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you has been working for the islanders medical team for a little over a year 
working every home game and sometimes going on the road with them if needed 
“hey y/n, can you come look at this on my face?”
“sure casey. hmmm i don’t see anything? what were you concerned about?”
“oh nothing. this was just my way of having you stare in my eyes in hopes that you would fall in love with me.” he winks as you walk away flustered 
casey loves to shamelessly flirt with you. he knows the effect he has on you. he thinks you might like him too but you aren’t one to cross that professional boundary. so he tries to do everything to get you to break. he just wants one chance with you. 
casey definitely shamelessly flirts in passing sometimes he doesn’t even realize what’s coming out of his mouth: “hey y/n, your ass looks amazing in those scrubs”, “damn you look good today” (at 9 am before morning practice when you quite literally half dead)
but then also says such cute shit to you: “you look really pretty today”, “love what you did with your hair”, “there’s that beautiful smile”
casey knows how stressed you get on game day so on his way to the arena he picks you up your favorite drink and a little snack. he will wait until you are out of your office so that he can sneak in and leave it on your desk 
on non game days…if you are working at your desk, he comes up behind you and gives you a hug always asks if you want to get lunch after morning skate. he asks every time and you always say no but sometimes you really wanna say yes. 
after you say no one day he just whispers in your ear “thought about you on top of me last night” and just casually walks away while you try to compose yourself before your meeting 
his teammates definitely chirp him about how down bad he is for you 
he loves calling you “babe” and “my y/n”
casey definitely makes up a story about how he hurt his ribs in practice just so he can show up to your office and have an excuse to be sweaty and shirtless and see you get all flustered. “see something you like y/n?” “in your dreams cizikas.” “oh sweetheart you’re all i dream about.”
casey will make up any excuse to see you in your office “oh i just need to ask y/n something about my medical paperwork”, “i need to pick something up from y/n’s office”
when you travel with your the team for away games, casey always makes sure you sit next to him on the plane 
you def have a routine of cuddling and watching a movie together but you and casey want nothing more than to hold hands and kiss  and be all lovely dovey
matt def takes pictures of you two when you fall asleep together on the plane 
at the hotel he makes sure you know what room he’s in “y/n, if you wanna join me tonight, you know what room i'm in” and damn does he want you to join him tonight
casey thinks to himself, when will all this shameless flirting work? 
kinda just rambling lol but yeah idk lmk what you guys think!
also this gif is about to make me act uppppp
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