#I wish I could tattoo this into my brain
windshieldwiper · 1 year
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um…so…..I feel totally okay about this…yeah…he looks so mediocre 👍
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soldier-poet-king · 7 months
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skenpiel · 5 months
that fucking picture of that little fucking Thing scuttling around following a sign that says "YURI" (not the original idk what the sign says originally) is my fucking life. every single day That same expression as that little Thing has on its face is how i feel. scuttling helplessly towards more yuri
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archived-lehkonen · 2 years
thinking of that time lehky's goal was deemed good to send the avs to the scf and nate was so elated he picked him up and they both fell
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javier-pena · 2 years
watch me base my whole personality on bullet train
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collegeoflore · 8 months
i have like 4 hours to kill sitting at the tattoo shop today….
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talentforlying · 9 months
not my synopsized explanation of the tree ass tattoo breaching containment, of all things. godspeed, my little friend.
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final chorus my beloved
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psychedelic-ink · 8 months
body piercer!joel miller x f!reader
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genre: explicit smut, minors dni, modern au, no outbreak au
word count: 4.7k
summary: you finally go and get your nipples pierced.
warnings: reader has tattoos & has flat/small nipples which is the only physical description in this fic, nipple play, oral (female receiving), dirty talk, praise kink, joel miller with a tongue piercing, lots of teasing, sexual tension, tattoo kink??? joel is really into them
a/n: this fic literally wouldn't exist if not for @swiftispunk's fic flesh and metal after reading it and screaming about it (and also reading articles about it) this fic was born, enjoy xx
special thanks to @johnwatsn for the beta! 💞
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It’s late. The faint buzz of the neon sign is loud in your ears, taunting, mocking you for just staring inside instead of going in. Your face is illuminated with a red hue, the words BODY PIERCING burning into your irises. And despite the tacky neon sign, the inside looks quite clean. You would know, you’ve been stalking their Instagram page for a while now. 
There’s no one inside and you’re contemplating whether or not you should just get on with it. The idea of getting your nipples pierced had been a vague thought until recently. You desperately needed a change, you wanted something new and exciting. You wanted to feel sexy again. Your ex had certainly done a decent amount of damage to your self-esteem and that, plus your already low view of yourself, did not help your brain to see the good of you. 
So many things could go wrong, you’ve read multiple articles about it. Your body might reject the piercing, it might leave a scar, irritate it. . . 
G Suddenly, a brisk burst of frigid air gently caresses your cheeks, causing you to instinctively step back. Your gaze swiftly shifts from the interior of the shop to the door, where you notice that someone has just opened it, allowing the chilly air from the air conditioning inside to spill out.
Joel Miller, the shop's number one body piercer. Your cheeks burn, your pulse quickens, the sound of it flooding your ears. He’s tall and broad, his brown eyes staring at you with utter amusement. As you continue to just blatantly stare at him, he cocks his head to the side with a crooked smile. 
“I’m closin’ in half an hour, sweetheart. If you’re thinkin’ of comin’ in, I’d do it now.” 
“O–Oh,” you swallow thickly. “I can come back tomorrow if you’re closing up, sorry to bother you.” 
He raises an eyebrow, his smile falling, “Well, I didn’t quite say that, now, did I?” Come on in, darlin’. Tell me what you need.” 
Tell him what you need—your heart beats in your throat, the lazy drawl of his words going directly between your legs. You mentally curse at yourself. How touch-starved are you? He’s just being polite. You’re the customer, it would’ve been weird if he just shooed you away. 
Joel takes a step to the side, silently granting permission for you to enter. You stroll past him, making your way inside without uttering a word. The air conditioning is a blessing on your sweat-soaked skin. Even though you don’t have to, you briefly look at your surroundings. Just like your research had entailed, the shop was squeaky clean. 
“So,” Joel clears his throat. “What can I do you for, sweetheart?” 
Some part of you wishes that he could just understand without you having to form the words. You lick the back of your teeth, suddenly it’s very hard to breathe. 
“I. . . wanted to get my nipples pierced—if that’s okay?” 
“Of course, it is,” he smiles, much softer compared to his crooked smirk from before. “I’m Joel by the way,” he extends his hand and you take it with a sigh of relief, you feel much lighter now— 
“I know.” 
Your eyes go wide, both your hands stopping mid-shake. Joel’s amused glance is back again, his smile stretching into a grin, “You know?” 
“I mean—well, I did research before I came here,” you answer quickly, aggressively almost, and release his hand. His grin only wides, a puff of air escaping his nostrils. “So that’s how I know your name.” 
“Aren’t you the cautious one,” he turns on his heel and points towards the back. “If you’re set on what you want we can just head inside, I can explain the rest there.” 
Just as you both take a step you remember what you initially wanted to ask before going through with it and stop. Joel senses your lack of movement, turning around, you notice the furrow between his brow. “I actually wanted to ask something before we went on with it.” 
“I’m all ears.” 
Oh god, this is embarrassing, “So. . . my nipples are. . .flat—or is it more proper to call it small? I don’t know. Would that be an issue?” 
The glimmer in his eyes returns full force, his expression of worry melting away, “I’ve never met a nipple I couldn’t pierce,” he teases. “So no need to worry that pretty head of yours.” 
“Do you sweet talk with all your clients?” you ask, your lips twitching into a smile. You don’t know what it is, but you feel comfortable with him. Maybe it’s because you’ve been stalking his shop for so long. Either way, it’s a nice feeling. 
“Only with the ones that know my name before I meet them.” His eyes gradually move up and down your body, eating you up. His tongue darts out and swipes over his bottom lip. You notice the faint shimmer that belongs to a silver tongue piercing. “And the ones that’ve been starin’ into my shop for least an hour.” 
Joel takes a step closer and you feel your breath dissipating from your lungs. Dark, charcoal eyes sweep across your face. Your heartbeat is like a fearful hummingbird, hitting the bone cage in rapid succession. You swallow. By some miracle, you hold his gaze. 
“You ready to go, little rabbit?” 
All the tension drains from your bones and you burst out laughing, “Rabbit?” you giggle, your amusement only growing when you see his wide smile. “What the hell?” 
“There’s that pretty smile,” he hums, pulling back. Joel stuffs his hands into his pockets. “Now that you’re relaxed we can get to business. We can stop whenever, so don’t feel pressured when you’re in the chair. You can just leave.” 
You nod along as you follow him inside. You’re relieved when you see that it’s a spacious room with bright lighting that doesn’t irritate your eyes. 
“First things first, let's pick out the piercing.” Joel walks towards one of the small glass cases and pulls out one of the drawers. Your excitement builds as he presents them to you. “Any ticklin’ your fancy?” 
The light above gleams against the glass, there are so many and for a split second, you want them all. You never thought you would be labeling piercings as pretty. Looking them over, you decide you definitely want barbells instead of hoops. Now the question is which barbell one do you want? 
“So many,” you mutter, eyes scanning over them again and again. You see one that says ‘cum here’ on each heart-shaped barbell. There’s a couple of them that say different things; kiss here, bite me, lick me— a shudder rolls down your spine. Your mind instantly fills with indecent thoughts, most of them staring at the man still patiently holding the glass case. You bite the inside of your cheek. 
You bet he has the most skillful tongue—
“Oh, that one!” you exclaim suddenly, pointing at one in the shape of a heart. It’s decorated in shimmering rhinestones, the metal gold. When he inserts it, the heart would be framing your nipple. “It’s so cute.” 
“You like shiny things, huh?” he smiles. “You gotta good eye, it’ll look good on you.” 
Your breath catches in your throat, “Thanks.” 
“Now lay on the bed, darlin’.” 
It takes you a second to realize he’s talking about the piercing bed. You’re about to lay on it before he stops you with a raised hand. “Take off your top.” 
“Most guys buy me dinner first.” 
“Har har very funny,” he rolls his eyes but he’s smiling, which in return makes you lightheaded. The expression is like a drug and you want to see more of it. More and more and more. “Besides, if you have a flat nipple I’m gonna need to stimulate it.” 
“Excuse me?” 
Joel is unaware of your blundering, he arranges the fresh, disposable drape and sterile forceps, placing it on the small portable workstation, “If you’re uncomfortable with that I can use the suction device too,” he answers nonchalantly. You watch breathlessly as he pulls on his black rubber gloves and finally turns to you. He raises an eyebrow. “Why’s your top still on?” 
“I—I just wasn’t aware nipple play was involved.” 
“You do realize where you’re gettin’ pierced right?” his lips twitch up. “You’re not drunk, are you sweetheart?” 
“Very funny,” you answer, mimicking his tone from before. “But anyway, okay, I guess I’m just a bit nervous.” 
“Understandable,” you point towards the endless draws. “Want me to get the suction device?” 
“God, no,” you let out a low chuckle. “Your fingers are just fine.” 
“Never had any complaints before.” 
Your stomach jumps, arousal caressing your skin similar to a summer breeze. The darkness in his eyes is back, his gaze intense and nerve-wracking. 
“Will it hurt?” you mumble. 
“I ain’t gonna lie so yeah, it will.” 
“How much?” 
“Depends, really.” 
Your shoulders drop. 
“Mine didn’t hurt that bad, to be honest, but my pain tolerance is quite high,” he mutters to himself rather than to you. He follows up with another sentence, probably something to soothe your worry but your brain is locked on to something very specific he just said. 
“You have nipple piercings?” you ask incredulously. “Really?” 
“I do, though it was more of a bet kind of situation. My brother loooves causing me trouble,” he sighs and crosses his arms over the expanse of his chest. “But joke’s on him because I liked how they looked so I kept them.” 
“Can. . . Can I see?” 
“You gonna be a good girl and keep still when I pierce you?” Joel teases. You nod furiously, lips pressed tightly together. “A’right then.” He curls his fingers into the hem of his shirt and lifts it. Your eyes are glued to his chest—his entire torso. You see the way a soft trail of draw hair starts from his bellybutton and disappears under his jeans, you see the soft swell of his stomach, the muscle—your eyes move up, you finally see his nipples, pierced, just like he said, with silver barbells. You lean closer, your ass at the very edge of the piercing bed. 
Joel suddenly drops his shirt, hiding away, he shrugs, “Nothin’ fancy, but still, I like’em,” saying that, he takes a seat on his chair and sways a bit thanks to the wheels underneath.
“Do—” you lick the back of your teeth. “Do they make it more sensitive?” 
His smirk makes your heart skip a beat, “Wouldn’t you like to know,” he points to your shirt. “Now off.” 
Without a word, you peel off your shirt and unhook your bra. Joel’s eyes widen momentarily, his breath hitching at the sight of your bare torso. You’re confused for a moment. Surely, in his line of work, he’s seen many tits before— 
Then you realize he’s staring at your tattoos. 
You don’t have many, though you guess compared to others you do have many. Joel’s gaze lingers on your chest piece, two hands reaching towards each other with the sun and moon in between, decorating the dip between your breasts without going too deep. The blood rush of your body fills your ears, and your lips part with a gasp, his eyes instantly snap to your lips. You see the way his Adam’s apple bobs when he swallows. 
“Didn’t know you were tattooed, darlin’.” 
“You like tattoos?” you ask, your voice hoarse and barely there. “I have more on my back.” 
You swear his pupils dilate, “I’d love to see them after. If you’ll let me.” 
“Sure,” you answer with a weak smile. “I don’t see a reason not to.” 
He wheels closer, eyes dropping to your breasts. You look away. Your cheeks feel unreasonably warm despite the air conditioning running. Goosebumps blossom over every patch of skin. His mouth is too close, the warmth of his breath fans your chest, a pleasant tingle echoing over your breasts. 
You’ve always felt a bit awkward about your nipples. They always seemed silly compared to your breast size, especially when you started seeing other nipples. 
“I’m gonna touch you now,” he says softly, dragging you away from your thoughts. “I’m gonna massage it a bit to work it out, a’right?” 
You nod and hold your breath simultaneously. He does your right nipple first. Just like he said, he massages the flesh closest to your nipple, easing it out. It feels good, undeniably so. The pads of his fingers work delicately. Deep down you wish he didn’t have to wear the gloves. Your body aches for his heat, his bare touch on your naked skin. Joel pinches a bit hard and you flinch, he mumbles an apology. You don’t have it in you to tell him that it didn’t actually hurt, rather, it felt good. 
Soft whimpers threaten to escape your lips so you bite into the bottom one, hard. You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to regulate your breathing with deep inhales. His thumb swipes over your, now hard, nipple. “There we go,” he says. 
You don’t open your eyes. Pain blossoms from the flesh of your lips, you feel them starting to swell. 
“Hey,” Joel’s hand cups the side of your face, then you feel his thumb easing out your lips from between your teeth. “You’re gonna hurt yourself like that. Are you okay?” 
How are you supposed to tell him that you’re just turned on? That this has been the most action you’ve had in months? 
“I’m okay,” you answer. His brows furrow in disbelief and you can’t really blame him. You let out a long sigh. “I’m fine, I promise. I just got a little worked up.” 
“Worked up?” His smile is back and in response, you want to bury your head in the sand. “What d’you mean?” 
His hand slides to your waist, squeezing it gently. You stick your bottom lip out. “You know what I mean.” 
“Hmmm, maybe,” his voice drips with cruel teasing, his thumb begins to draw lazy circles around your skin. You think he’s going to say something else but his gaze once again drops to your chest. “Looks like it disappeared, gonna need to work it out again.” 
You expect his fingers—maybe for him to pinch a bit harder this time. 
What you don’t expect, however, is his burning mouth on your cold skin. 
“Oh, fuck—” you gasp, your body instinctively arching towards him. He groans as a response, taking more of you into his mouth. His tongue flicks your peaked nipple. You feel his teeth nipping the tender flesh and you gasp once more, a sharp moan rattling in your throat. 
His eyes look up at you, momentarily he parts away, his lips are swollen, spit glistening at his lips, “This okay?” 
And he continues to devour you. 
Your fingers bite into the leather bed, he laps at the pebbled flesh, purposefully rubs the tongue piercing into it. The sudden hardness of metal makes you jump and then melt into it, he repeats the movement of his tongue again and again, swirling it until your thighs start to shake. His hands briefly move to your tattoo, thick fingers dancing along the ink. 
“So sensitive,” he murmurs, directing his attention to your other nipple. He flicks at it first then closes his lips around it. Your underwear is sticky with slick, your legs in constant motion to relieve some of the tension from your throbbing clit. He cups your mound, presses his fingers into your clothed slit. “Be patient, I’m gettin’ there.” He sucks on your nipple and teases the other with his fingers, pinching and pulling them. 
“Won’t be able to do this when we pierce them,” he growls, teeth sinking into your nipple, he flicks his tongue over it. “And you better not let anyone else touch’em too.” 
Your head falls back with a groan. He flicks his tongue again when you grind into his palm, the friction not enough to quench your need for him. You grip his shoulder, urging him to move back. He does. You immediately feel guilty at the worry crossing his eyes. 
You grip his shirt, slightly sliding it up his stomach, “Can I see how sensitive you are?” 
A brush of color spreads from his neck to his cheeks. You smile. Red looks good on him. 
He stands up, the chair wheeling away. Joel is quick to discard his shirt and you’re glad that the piercing bed makes it so that you’re in perfect tasting range. You spread your legs wider as he comes closer, taking his place between them. His skin touches your own, his warmth overwhelming yet welcomed. 
You kiss his neck first. Then his collar bone, you suck on his skin, teasing the sensitive flesh with your teeth. He shudders. Slowly you make your way down, your thumbs push at the pierced nipples and he moans behind gritted teeth. Smiling sweetly at him, you swirl your tongue around one, playing with the other. Your tongue moves over the bead of the piercing, you tilt it which in return twists the nipple. Another tremble overwhelms him, his body curling around you even further. The outline of his cock is prominent through his jeans, his body impulsively grinding against your stomach. You moan at the hardness, and he moans at the pressure. 
“Fuck, that’s nice,” he rasps, hips jerking. “But let’s take care of you now, I bet your panties are soaked, darlin’.” 
Fuck, it is. 
Joel drags his lips down your cheek, he kisses your neck slowly, the metal on his tongue forcing a shudder up your spine and making you curious about how it’ll feel on your cunt. 
“Want to eat you out from behind, sweetheart, wanna see those tattoos.” 
His hands are a constant on your skin as you hop off the bed and bend over, he helps you with your jeans, reaching around and unbuttoning it for you. The fabric suddenly feels too tight on your skin and you need to get rid of it—now. 
The harsh fabric pools at your ankles and you kick them away. His fingers play with the elastic of your underwear, pulling and twisting. The heft of him rubs between the crease, thick cock straining against his zipper. You expect him to take off his jeans too. Your piercer is full of surprises, though, and instead of doing the predictable thing, he continues to roll his hips whilst tracing the pads of his fingers over tattoos. 
“Fuck, they’re beautiful, sweetheart,” he mumbles. His touch is ticklish, yet arousing at the same time. More slick gathers at the fabric. You’re desperate for his touch. By the movement of his fingers you guess which of them he’s stroking. First, it’s the fox that stretches over your spine, beams of sun framing its face. Then it’s the smoke-like lines that are closer to your shoulder and the other one near your hip. Joel can’t seem to get enough of it. His palms are flat against inky skin, trying to feel the thought of you while you got them. 
You gasp at the touch of soft lips and soft tongue. He licks a slow line up your spine, tracing over the fox and sunlight. By pure instinct you bend over further, your breasts completely pressed against the leather. You’ve never been more glad to have tattoos in your goddamn life—he’s worshipping them, the figures that adorn your skin. 
His velvet tongue is replaced by sharp teeth, your back arches, ass pressing further into his clothed cock. Joel trembles and follows your eager movements with another tender bite. 
“I love them,” he mouths over the inky smoke near your shoulder. “I love feeling you, touching you. I could just do this for hours. You feel amazin’ against my skin, my sweet little rabbit.” 
This time you don’t laugh at the absurd nickname. His name drips from your damp lips like honey, sweet to say and sticking to your tongue. 
His hand dips between your legs and his mouth moves down to your ass, he kisses the plump flesh as two fingers stroke you from over the fabric of your underwear. His groan reverberates on your skin, teeth skimming the flesh, “Fuck, you actually are soaked,” Joel hums and slips them under, gathering you around his fingers. “All this for me?” 
“Yes,” you gasp, raising your hips. “P-Please—”
Joel shushes you, “I know, sweetheart, I know,” he gets down to his knees and as he does, a small grunt leaves his lips. 
“Are you okay?” you ask. 
“Just fine,” he kisses your pussy and you’re instantly melting towards his mouth, a groan ripping from your throat. “A sacrifice I’m willin’ to make.” 
Joel doesn’t give you the chance to reply or offer to change positions, he slides your panties to the side, licking into you hungrily. You shudder and your upper body jolts, forming the perfect arch. He presses deeper. Licking and teasing your clit with the tip. He cups both sides of your ass and gives them a gentle smack. Your eyes roll at the mild pain, your slick coating his lips, tongue, and chin. The rough hairs of his beard chafe your skin, only adding to the pleasure. 
“Taste so good, beautiful,” Smack. “Gonna fuckin’ ruin you, make you come until there’s a goddamn puddle on the floor.” 
“Oh god—” you choke on air, a moan locking in your throat the same time you’re trying to gasp for air. His words and the swirl of his tongue are downright sinful. He flattens his tongue and parts your folds with the soft muscle, teasing your entrance. 
Joel pulls you back against him, his lips teaching your clit, your jaw drops, a jolt of pleasure rushing through you and tightening your nipples. It’s filthy, that’s all you can think. If someone walked through those doors right this instant, they would see his face between your cheeks, drinking from you like a man dying of thirst. 
Your head drops, mouth flooding with saliva, you roll your hips; begging, asking for more. He gives it to you. Two thick fingers slide into you with ease, his mouth leaving wet open-mouthed kisses on your ass. 
“Gonna come for me?” he asks, voice full of gravel. “Come on, give it to me, let me see how your pussy throbs, sweetheart.” 
He curls his fingers and you imagine him smirking as he breaks you apart. You cry out his name, your entire body shuddering as if lightning struck it, “That’s it, that’s it, that’s it. . .” He continues to thrust his fingers in and out, you feel yourself dripping, imagine yourself making a puddle just like he asked for. “Give it to me, honey. You’re fuckin’ beautiful, look at you. . .” 
Joel spreads you with his fingers and delves back into you, he draws circles around your clit, his jaw constantly moving with every lick. He doesn’t stop until he’s coaxing another orgasm out of you—your head fills with bliss, your body lifeless. 
When he’s done feasting, he slowly gets up with his hands sliding to your back. He leans down to pepper more kisses onto your tattoos, your skin tingling and singing at the contact. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” he murmurs, lips sucking at your neck. “Then let’s get those pretty nipples pierced.” 
“W—What about you?” you ask breathlessly. 
Joel helps you sit back up on the bed, you part your legs so he can come closer, he accepts the invitation with a wide smile, “I have a feelin’ we’ll be seein’ more of each other, sweetheart. You can make it up to me then.” 
Your heart skips a beat and your lips part. 
You have a strong feeling that he’s right. 
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With gloved hands, Joel carefully opens a sterile needle package. You watch with rapt attention as he takes out the fresh needle, inspecting it. Your body is still thrumming with pleasure, your head still swimming in a daze. All you can hear is his breathing.
He had already walked you through everything while preparing for the procedure. No touching, no swimming. You had to clean them softly in the shower and that was meant to be the only source of water your nipples touch for a while. If there was any irritation or marks, you were to reach out immediately. 
Honestly, you found it cute that he’d gotten so serious all of a sudden. It was nice to see him so professional too, so competent. 
He comes closer and your body seizes. You hold your breath. With a sudden need to distract yourself, your eyes linger on to the walls. Your brows furrow in surprise when you notice the tattoo designs. You thought this was only a piercing shop. 
“You do tattoos too?” you ask nervously. 
“My brother does,” he answers. “He works the tattoo side of the business and I do the piercings.” 
“It’s nice that it’s in the family. . .” 
“Sweetheart, I know what you’re doin’. You’ll be fine I promise.” 
“Okay. I trust you mister man-I-just-met.” 
He grins, “You didn’t seem to have a problem with it ten minutes ago.” 
Joel prompts you to lay on the piercing table, he approaches you with a reassuring smile on his face. You can feel your heart racing as you nervously anticipate the pain of getting your nipples pierced, you imagine the worst, your heart beating in tune with your fear. 
He carefully cleans the area around your nipples and marks the spot where the piercing will go. He double-checks the placement with you to ensure you're happy with it. You give a slight nod, still feeling a bit apprehensive.
“Such a good girl for me,” he murmurs. “It’ll only hurt for a second.” 
With steady hands, Joel takes the needle. You feel a sharp pinch as it punctures through your skin, but the pain dissipates quickly. You let out a small whimper, “It’s okay, it’s okay, just a bit more,” he comforts you and you nod with a long exhale. 
After the needle is through, he quickly follows it with the jewelry, securing it in place. You watch in awe as he attaches the beautiful barbells to your nipples, the adrenaline and endorphins making the pain feel less than it is.
Once the piercings are in place, Joel gently cleans the blood before you can get a look.
“Aaand done, tell me what you think.” 
You’re surprised that he has a mirror in hand when you sit back up. Your gaze finds your reflection and an instant smile spreads across your face. 
“You like’em?” he asks, his tone shy. 
“Like them?” you gasp. “I love them! Thank you!” 
“Oh that’s a relief,” he leans back into the chair, slightly rolling away with a relieved smile. “No matter how many times I do it, I still get nervous.” 
“I definitely love them,” you say, you get up to wear your shirt but end up wincing at the sharp pain. You look at Joel between squinted eyes. “When did you say the pain would stop again?” 
“It’s gonna take a while,” he answers with a sympathetic smile. “You don’t know how much your nipples touch stuff until you get’em pierced.” 
“Well, at least they look good.” 
He shoots you a wink, “They sure do, little rabbit.” 
“That nickname is still ridiculous.” 
“Should I remind you that the last time I used it you came on my tongue?” 
“Nope no reminder needed,” you put your shirt back on, smiling. “I’m still going through the aftershocks.” 
“Good,” he stands with you, hands on your waist, he pulls you as close as he can without your nipples touching his chest. “So, you wanna go out?” Joel’s gaze drops to your chest and he licks his lips, “Gotta make sure you’re takin’ care of them properly.” 
“My hero.” 
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astroph1les · 7 days
coffee & stumbles | e.e
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summary: your first date with emily turns very tense when you run into your ex. luckily, you’re able to minimize your time with her when emily gets the hint that you weren’t comfortable.
here’s part one of this!
pairing: emily engstler x fem!reader
contains: fluff, mentions of past toxic relationship — manipulation, gaslighting, etc, readers ex is AWFUL, emily being protective and just the best </3
word count: 4.6K
a/n: ok so i’m obsessed with writing this. thank you guys for the support! inbox is open for more suggestions or ideas for future parts because tbh my mind is BLANK!
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“You’re kidding! Ugh, I wish I would’ve been there to see you all flustered around her,” your best friend, Delilah, exclaimed as she laid her feet on your lap, prodding at your thigh with her sock-covered toes.
You shook your head at her words, covering your face with one palm. As soon as you got off of your work, you headed straight to your shared apartment with Dahlia. Her strawberry hair was in a messy low bun, a few strands falling to frame her freckled face as she held a pint of mint chip ice cream. She had your cat, Luna, curled up in a ball in her lap.
“Shut up. I was not that flustered.” You lie, digging into your own pint of cookies and cream ice cream.
“You’re a shit liar, dude,” she shakes her head, sighing softly.
You were about to snip back when you saw a message pop up on your phone screen that was just resting on the coffee table. You lean forward with a grunt to snatch it and hold up your phone to your face.
from: unknown | Hey, it’s Emily! I’m so so sorry I didn’t text you sooner.
Being the nosy person she was, Delilah sat upright and rested her head on your shoulder. With her wooden spoon dangling from her lips, she gasped dramatically.
“Is that hot, tall tattooed girl?” She grinned cheekily.
“Yeah, I don’t know what to say, Del,” you whine as you rest your head on hers.
“Just be yourself. She clearly liked what she was lookin’ at and hearing so,” Delilah pokes at your cheek with her pointer finger. “Come on. Get in that.”
You shush her comments as you type out a small message. You beam as Luna had creepily crawled over to your own lap, running a hand over her soft fur.
to: emily | hey! how are you?
“How are you? Say something else. More flirty.” Delilah demanded with another poke to your cheek.
“Shut up!” You sneer. “I’m getting to it.”
from: emily | I’m doing good. I’m sorry if this is weird but can I call you?
You both gasp at the message, turning to each other with wide eyes.
“Should I say ‘yeah?’” You question, thumbs hovering over the keyboard.
“Hello? Yeah! I wanna hear this sexy raspy voice of hers.” Delilah grins as she creepily leans over your shoulder.
You blush as you regret telling her in detail everything you could retain about Emily. You shouldn't, right?
No, you needed to. Her voice was lingering in her brain from the moment she opened her mouth. Like who sounds like that?
But you wanted to save the conversation for when you saw her.
to: emily | im kind of with my bestfriend rn im sorry :/
“What the fuck?” Delilah frowned as you sent the message.
“Del, I love you but I really do not want to have my first phone call with her with you around. I’ll act even more nervous and weird.” You hold her hand with a tight squeeze.
Delilah reluctantly agrees because she knows your right. As much comfort she gave you, this was new and you wanted to do this on your own. You were 22 with minimal dating experience — all your own fault you felt. Something as exciting as this — a charming woman approaching you of all people — is something you wanted to keep for yourself.
“Well, I know I’ll be able to hear her soon,” she winked playfully at you but her eyes showed her understanding of your wanting for this to be more private.
from: emily | No, don’t apologize. But I really can’t wait to hear and see you again. Let me know when you’re free to grab that coffee :)
You beamed at your phone and hurriedly typed a response.
to: emily | im free thursday morning if that’s good for you too!
from: emily | Sounds good to me. I’ve seen Mia’s on 56th and always wanted to go. I could pick you up or we could meet there. Whatever makes you more comfortable lol
How adorable is she?
“Uh oh. I think someone’s getting a little nervous, dude,” Delilah teases with a shit-eating grin.
“She’s being sweet,” you defend, shaking your head.
“Yeah, I know but that last ‘lol’ really gives her away.”
Maybe it was a bit of an ego boost to know you made someone like her nervous to see you again. Delilah was sure she was bursting with nerves.
to: emily | i’m fine with either. whichever is easiest for you:)
“Okay you two are the cutest. I already sense good things with her,” Delilah announced.
“Enough with your psychic predictions. It freaks me out, Del, you know that.”
Delilah came from a long line of women who were perceived to be ‘witches’ and ‘hippies’. She eerily enough was able to predict a lot of things that have gone either right or wrong since your friendship began in high school.
from: emily | I have no problem picking you up
That’s settled then. She was coming to pick you up on Thursday.
Oh, damn it. What the hell were you going to wear?
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Thursday morning came faster than you expected.
The texts had been nonstop between the two of you. Emily had sent you a few pics of her outfits or meals that she was having. You hoped you didn’t seem as eager as you were in person over texts to get selfies from her. You showed Delilah one she took and she muttered ‘damn’ before nodding in approval.
It had been two days since you first met Emily but the time flew by. It even took you a second to realize that today was the day until Delilah bursted through your shared bathroom door, giddy and ready to help you get ready for the date. You groaned as she shook you slightly, nearly knocking your toothbrush out of your hand.
“Are you ready for your hot coffee date?” Delilah pressed a peck to your head, bouncing with joy.
“Del, I am on the verge of throwing up please.”
You rub at your forehead, feeling your anxiety-induced headache creeping its way to your temples.
“Oh. shit, sorry. Let me know when you’re ready to get dressed and I’ll help.”
You silently thank her as you brush your teeth, tilting your head as you examine your bare face. Internally, it was a battle between calling her and saying that you couldn’t make it due to a stomach bug.
Delilah was testing her psychic abilities and randomly blurted out, nearly shoulder checking you: “You are not canceling. Don’t even try it.”
You gasped and rubbed your shoulder, frowning as you spit out the foamy toothpaste.
“I wasn’t!” Your voice pitched higher.
God, you were awful at lying.
“Sure. I’m not letting you flake out. You need this. Plus, Luna needs another mommy,” Delilah teased, glancing down at the bathroom floor where Luna was brushing past your feet.
“What? We’re not enough for her?” You respond with an exasperated sigh.
“Uh, of course. But she knows her mom is a single mother and secretly wishes that she had another mom to take care of her when me, her aunt, isn’t here.”
You blink at her as you rinse off your toothbrush.
“Did she tell you this?” You snort.
“Duh. I’m a psychic and that includes being an animal one too.” Delilah states, shrugging her shoulders as she finishes up her morning face routine.
“I can’t believe you, Loonie. Shaming me for being a single mother?” You look down at her gray tail curling around your ankles.
Luna meows softly, tilting her head as her big green eyes stare up at you. She sits herself on the top of your bare foot, snuggling into your pajama pant leg.
“Alright, I forgive you but only because you’re so cute.” You preen, leaning down to scratch at the top of her head.
“Traitor.” Delilah scoffs as she applies her daily moisturizer and sunscreen. “But anyways, are you ready now?”
You lean down to pick up Luna who purrs a little as you move her into your arms. You place a few kisses on her head, feeling all the more relaxed.
“Yeah, I’m ready.”
Delilah sucked in a deep breath, nodding curtly.
“Let’s get you lookin’ getting-coffee sexy.”
You shake your head at her words, thinking about how annoying she was but how much you loved her.
You and Delilah landed on a black and gray striped sweater with a pair of blue jean shorts and your favorite pair of docs with comfy socks so that the docs wouldn’t tear up your heels. Delilah beamed at the sight of you, pretending to wipe her eyes.
“God, you look beautiful. She’s going to fall in love,” she sighed dramatically as she brushed a few of your baby hairs out of your face.
You shake your head as your face heats up at her words. You sent Emily a text that you were ready when she was ready to which she responded with that she was on her way to go and pick you up.
“Should I, like, greet her at the door and ask her intentions with you?” Delilah hummed in thought as she picked up Luna and cradled her in her arms.
“Absolutely not. I’ll kick you in the back of your knee if you do that.”
Delilah frowned and shook her head. “Jesus, okay. I won’t.”
“Love you, though,” you scrunch your nose at her before scratching underneath Luna’s chin, watching her eyes shut slowly.
“Yeah, yeah, love you.”
The minutes passed steadily as you waited for a knock at the apartment door. You tried to distract yourself by checking to make sure you had everything you might need for the date: your wallet, keys, lip gloss, lip liner, oil blotting sheets, hand sanitizer, etc. Delilah put on Love Island as she ate her own breakfast and hot hazelnut coffee.
Next thing you knew, a few soft knocks came from your front door. You and Delilah’s necks snapped to each other before you both stood up from the couch. You shove her back a little as she holds her hands up in defense. You pointed a knowing finger at her before sucking in a deep breath, unlocking the three locks on the door.
You twist the knob and tug the door open to reveal Emily standin there with a kind smile on her face. She looked even better than what you remembered. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail and she had on a light gray hoodie with a pair of blue jeans. She looked so cozy and warm, you felt immediately at ease.
“Hi,” you sighed out, leaning against the door.
“Hi,” she grinned, tilting her head a bit at her. “You look beautiful.”
You try not to curl into yourself at the sound of her voice, feeling more than overwhelmed.
“Thank you. You look beautiful, too.” You reply and try not to sound like you were in love with her already.
Her eyes soften at your words and you swear her cheeks turn a light pink as she mutters a ‘thank you’.
“Well, uh, are you ready to go?”
“Yeah. I’m ready to go,” you grin, turning to shut your door to give Delilah one more panicked look.
She gives you two thumbs up and blows you a kiss with Luna’s paw. You turned to Emily as you shut the door completely, adjusting the strap of your purse.
“Is everything okay?” She wonders as she hesitantly turns towards the stairs of your complex.
“No, yeah. I’m okay. I think I’m just nervous,” you admit, brushing a flyway behind your ear.
Nervous was an understatement, if you were going to be completely honest. Your heart was beating rapidly against your sternum, your fingers twisting your fidget ring around.
“Oh, trust me. I am too,” she eases your worries and motions to the stairs, holding her tattooed hand out for you. “I mean, going on a date with a pretty girl is always nerve-wracking.”
You wanted to roll your eyes at how annoyingly charming she was but you hated (loved) how reassured you felt once she said that. You took her larger hand in yours, giving her a shy smile.
“You’re a little bit of a flirt, huh?”
Emily merely shrugged her shoulders as she led you to where she parked in front of your apartment complex.
“Trying to make you feel comfortable. I promise you have nothing to worry about,” her kind raspy voice soothes your nerves.
You nod as you follow her to her truck. She was right. There really was nothing to worry about. It’s a coffee date: a coffee date with probably one of the hottest women you’ve ever encountered. She opened the passenger's side door and helped you up and into it.
The second you sat down into the seat, you felt a wave of nausea flow over your senses. You repeatedly twist your ring, sucking in a deep breath as you examine the interior of her car. It was pretty clean if you were going to be honest. Yours looked like a garage sale in the backseat as you constantly forgot to go and donate stuff you didn’t want anymore.
Emily got into her driver's seat, pushing back her flyaways and shutting the door. She put her key into the slot and turned over her car to start. The screen popped up with the most recent song, the volume at a low.
“Shit, sorry.” She tapped on the screen with her middle finger, her pale cheeks turning a soft pink.
“No, I respect it. Our Song is a cult classic,” you purse your lips to hold back your chuckle.
She opens her mouth as she puts her truck in reverse, not knowing what else to say.
“Okay, honestly, I’m trying to learn it on guitar and listening to it a lot helps,” Emily admits as she turns to get out of your complex.
Your eyes widened as you couldn’t believe how endearing she is. You lean back comfortably into the leather seats, smiling to yourself.
“Well, I definitely need to hear it now. You can’t just tell me that.” You raise your brows, watching her palm flatten against the wheel to make a turn.
And she made driving attractive. Fuck, you were so screwed.
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The whole drive was actually a lot more comfortable than you expected. Emily repeatedly glanced at you to make sure you were still okay. She even let you be in charge of the music which put you on the spot but you were successful on playing songs that she liked.
Or even pretended to like for your sake.
Now the two of you were now sitting down after placing your order with the person at the front. It was a bit packed but not too much to where you felt suffocated. You were sharing embarrassing stories and it felt so easy to talk to her. Her soft brown eyes invited you in to spill every secret that you had within you.
“I kid you not, he claimed to not have given me mono,” you said through soft giggles, shaking your head. “I told him I got it and he basically said that it wasn’t possible because he didn’t have it.”
“Is he a dumbass? That’s exactly how spreading mono works.” Emily questioned as she covered her mouth with her fingers, letting her own little laugh escape.
“I think so, honestly. Thankfully, that was, like, 5 years ago and it was my first and last date with a man.” You sighed out, brushing your hair behind your ear.
As your giggles died down, a waitress brought over your coffees and breakfast. You thank her as does Emily, looking at your plate of avocado toast with a side of eggs. She had gotten the same thing but with an extra side of eggs.
“Does everything look good?” She asked as she picked up her fork, about to dig into her eggs.
“Oh, yeah. I am starving.” You immediately pick up the toast to take a hefty bite.
Emily’s eyes stared at you from across the table as she grabbed the tobasco to drizzle over her medium eggs. You pause your movements as you stare back at her, suddenly aware of how fast you were eating.
“What?” You reply, setting the toast down and covering your mouth so that she couldn’t see the chewed-up mess in your mouth.
“Nothing. You’re cute is all,” she shrugged her shoulders and poked at broken eggs before shoving a piece into her mouth.
You froze and felt the blood rush into your cheeks. You had gotten another glance at her tongue piercing, now knowing that you didn’t just imagine that the first time the two of you met.
“Shut up,” you murmur, digging into your own eggs. “When did you get that tongue piercing?”
Her eyebrows raised like your question wasn’t one she received often.
“I’ve had it for about two years now, I think. Why?”
“I like it,” you dig back into your food, hoping your flushed face wasn’t giving away your own dirty thoughts.
Emily squinted her eyes for a second at you before shaking her head with a soft laugh. Before you could ask her another question, you catch a glimpse of a familiar face. Your expression falters for a moment but you shake your head, telling yourself that it couldn’t be.
“So, where do you work at? You obviously know where I work,” you chuckle, staring at her intently.
Emily’s figure tenses a bit but she straightens her back, clearing her throat.
“Well, I’m a professional basketball player. I play for the Washington Mystics.” She sounded hesitant to tell you but more relaxed once you simply smiled back at her.
“What the hell? That’s so cool,” you stare at her, tilting your head. “Have you always wanted to be a basketball player?”
“Actually, no. I used to get told I’d make a great lawyer because I like to argue so I was set on that for a bit.” She chuckled.
“My dad used to tell me the same thing. We just but heads a lot.” You shrug, twisting around the straw of your empty iced coffee.
“Did you want a refill?” Emily questioned, noticing your fiddling.
Now that she had mentioned it , you did want more. You knew it was pushing your caffeine intake but you were craving it.
“Yeah but I’ll get it. You already paid,” you pointed at her.
The two of you had shuffled to get your cards out but Emily was quicker than you were. You had sighed out when she handed the person at the register her card, watching her grinning charmingly.
Yeah, you weren’t complaining.
She held up both of her inked hands in defense.
“Okay, not gonna say it won’t again though so,” she smacked her plush lips against her teeth.
Again? She was already talking about seeing you again. You would be lying to yourself if that didn’t lift your spirits a bit.
“I’ll take your word for it. I’ll be right back. Did you want anything to go?” You question as you stand up from your seat.
Emily glanced down at her empty plates and shook her head, looking at you with gentle eyes.
“No, thank you. I’m okay, pretty girl.” She threw a very subtle wink in your direction, taking a sip of her own nearly finished coffee.
You nod and mutter a ‘no problem’, turning away before she could see how flustered you were over her sweet words. You walk up to the counter and ask for an iced vanilla latte to-go. The cashier tells you it’ll be a few minutes because of the low supply of grounds right now. You tell them it's fine and you’ll wait a little.
The cashier leaves towards the back room as you stand and examine the pastries they had on display. You were about to walk away too until you saw out of the corner of your eye a figure appear right next to you.
Oh, God.
Oh, you’ve got to be kidding. You just needed to get a to-go coffee and she came up to the counter as well.
Okay, you can just ignore her. You don’t have to say a thing. Maybe she doesn’t even realize you’re standing right next to her. You didn’t even know you were holding in a deep breath until you heard the voice that almost ruined your entire view on relationships.
“Hey,” you hear from next to you.
You shut your eyes with a soft sigh, turning to your ex with a fake grin.
“Hey Andi.”
“That’s it? Just ‘hey’? I mean, come on. You’re not,” she paused and pointed at you, a cheeky grin on her face, “you’re not still pissed over us breaking up right?”
Your face drops as you clear your throat, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
“Not really, no. I’m just asking what do you want because I have to get back to—”
“Oh, what? Your little date? Yeah, I noticed.” She snorted, looking at you with obvious judgment.
You just stare back at her in disbelief. Something in you wanted to snap and yell at her but Emily was only a few feet away at your table, probably wondering what was taking you so long.
“God, you still have that weird ass fidget ring, huh?” She motioned to your antsy fingers, which caused you to stop entirely.
She always tried to claim your anxiety was an excuse not to do certain things or talk to her. You could feel your eyes watering at the memories of her accusing you of cheating, not wanting her, etc because you tended to not talk to her about everything. Funny how she was the one who felt that way.
“Hey, baby, is everything okay?” A familiar voice comes up from behind you.
You relax at the sound of Emily’s voice, sucking in a deep breath and blinking away the burning tears in your eyes.
Wait, baby? It took you a second to realize she was pretending to be your girlfriend in order to give Andi the hint to back up. Could she tell how uncomfortable you were? Has she been watching you from your table?
“No, yeah. Sorry,” you glance at Andi who’s now looking Emily up and down with a hint of distaste.
“It’s okay,” her gentle voice told you, her soft hand resetting right on your lower back. “Who’s your friend?”
Her tone sharply changed when addressing Andi’s presence. Like she was trying to figure out who she was in relation to you. You open your mouth to reply ‘no one’ but Andi beat you to it.
You felt so embarrassed by your ex’s behavior, you turned into Emily’s body. There was no way you were going to explain the backstory of this on your first date.
“It’s okay. Let’s just go, please,” you try to whisper as lowly as possible.
Emily nods at your words, taking down her tense, brooding attitude for a moment. She sends Andi probably the bitchiest smile you could ever imagine and you had to hold back your snort.
“Have a good one,” she replies once more, nodding curtly.
You turn away as you and Emily walk back over to your table, almost missing your ex’s bitter expression. You knew at this point that you were more than flushed; due to both embarrassment and Emily’s actions.
You grab your purse off of the back of the chair, turning to Emily with a long sigh and shake your head.
“I am so so sorry about that. That was so immature of her. I was trying to hurry too so hopefully you wouldn't see her or have to interact with her but she was just so—“
Emily reached forward to place her palm on your shoulder, brows furrowed in worry:“Hey, woah. It’s okay. It’s seriously not that big of a deal.”
Was that not as humiliating as you thought it was? Were you probably blowing the situation out of proportion?
“Yeah. It’s not like you wanted that to happen. I could see how… uncomfortable she made you. I’m sorry about that.”
Emily sounded so genuine with her apology. She did nothing wrong.
“It’s okay,” you wave her off, scoffing. “Do you mind if we leave now though?”
Emily grabbed her keys from the counter, nodding slowly: “Yeah, of course.”
“You’re sure?” You check once more as the two of you make your way to the entrance/exit doors.
“Yes. I promise, alright?” Emily was chuckling now.
You nod, pursing your lips so that you wouldn’t say anything else stupid. You stand side-by-side with the tall woman, your hands grazing against each other. Emily takes your hand in hers within seconds of leaving the place, her slightly rough yet warm palms engulfing your own. You glance at her with your peripheral, noticing her little grin.
The whole drive back to your place was quiet but content. This caused your own equally cheeky grin to spread on your face. When the two of you arrived at her truck, you turned to her with heart eyes.
“I wanted to say thank you for kind of jumping in. I thought I had it but clearly, I didn’t.” You sigh, covering your forehead with your free hand.
“You don’t have to thank me. It was nothing,” she gave your hand a squeeze, her eyes drifting to your lips.
You subconsciously do the same, blinking slowly.
“Well, I’m thanking you regardless,” you scrunched up your nose at her. “I did like you calling me ‘baby’ though. That was a nice surprise.”
Emily leaned against her truck to copy your own stance, rubbing her thumb over the length of your pointer finger.
“Yeah?” She smirked attractively.
You nod, looking up at her with anticipation. Was she getting your hint that you wanted her to kiss you? She must have as she began to lean into you more, tilting her body and head down.
You tilt your chin up to meet her in the middle, giving her hand a slight squeeze. You locked lips tenderly, the passing by sounds of cars and people making this all the more romantic to you. Her lips were even softer than you had imagined. Her free hand lifted up to cup your cheek to guide you a bit.
You were out of practice with kissing but it’s never been like this for you. You wanted more of her lips if that was even possible. You almost pulled away to tug in her closer but she beat you to it.
“Okay, maybe it wasn’t nothing,” she cheekily replied.
You squint your eyes at her before shoving her shoulder with a gasp. She laughs softly as you realize what she was referencing.
“Shut up. I regret kissing you now,” you lie straight through your teeth.
“Really? So you would hate it if I kissed you again?” Emily tilted her head at you.
“Now you’re twisting my words,” you point at her, feeling her palms rest on your waist.
“How about you think about it on the way back to your place?” Emily completely ignores you, teasing you still.
You huff as if you were pissed before sighing dramatically. You almost lost your train of thought when you felt her thumbs caressing at your clothed lips.
“Fine. I will.” You raise your brows at her, jerking your head towards her truck. “Come on so I can sit with my thoughts.”
You ended up doing a lot more thinking the whole drive to your place. And maybe once you were dropped off, a few more kisses and promises of many more dates after that.
You couldn’t wait for it.
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tag-list: @uraesthete (i love u nell) COMMENT TO BE ADDED TO THE TAGLIST!
here’s part one! if you haven’t read it :)
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eddieschains · 1 year
Dream Come True
Older!Eddie X Fem!Reader
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credit to @eddiemunsons-missingnipple for the older eddie edit <3
Word Count: 2.8k
TW// 18+, age gap (reader is early 20s, Eddie is 50s), oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), degradation, face slapping, creampie, let me know if i missed anything!!
It was your parents 25th wedding anniversary. They liked to make a big deal out of it every 5 years, throwing a big party and inviting as many people as they could. You never understood why they couldn’t just go out to dinner alone to celebrate instead of dragging you along to hang out with their old friends. But he made it all worth it.
Eddie Munson. Your dads friend from high school. He was kind of old sure, but he was damn sexy. He had the softest looking long curly brown hair, peppered with just the right amount of grey. The perfect amount of scruff around his face, messy yet neat at the same time. And his arms and chest littered with tattoos.
He played in a metal band that your dad was a part of shortly in college, until he decided he’d rather marry your mom and start a family. Bleh. You had watched all the videos of their shows when he was younger, and while you should’ve been impressed by your dads skills as a musician, you could never take your eyes off of Eddie.
He was still in the band, constantly in LA recording or touring the world. He always made time to visit you and your parents when he was back in Hawkins though. You hadn’t seen him in about 5 years, the last time being your high school graduation, when he could barely keep his eyes off of you. You thought since you were freshly 18 he would finally take you someplace to fuck you raw, but that might’ve just been wishful thinking.
In reality, he didn’t pay much attention to you when he visited. Nothing more than the usual “how have you been” or “how’s school going?”. But, that wasn’t going to stop you from continuing to try and get his attention.
You opted for a short black dress, probably showing a little more cleavage than you usually would, some high heeled boots, and a simple silver necklace. You were in the kitchen of the beach house your parents rented, fixing yourself a drink while you waited for the guests so trickle in.
“Honey, can you greet people at the door and take their coats?” You hear your mom call from the other room. You roll your eyes before taking a sip of your wine and making your way to the door.
You spend the next 30 minutes welcoming all of your parents friends, frustratingly having to answer the same questions over and over and using your best fake laugh to laugh at all of their dad jokes. You were just about ready to leave and scream in the bathroom until you saw the black mustang pull up. Eddie.
You fix you hair and push your boobs up a little more before he makes his way to the door. “Sweetheart.” He bows his head, making his way into the house.
“Eddie.” You do the same. You ask to take his jacket and hang it with the rest. You decide your door duty is over once Eddie arrives, following him into the house. “This is nice. Didn’t know your old man bought a new place.” He says looking around, taking in all the little details.
“Oh it’s not ours, they just rented it for the party. Always need to make a big deal out of their love.” You scoff.
Eddie chuckles, “Marriage is a big deal. You’ll find that out soon enough.”
“No thanks. Marriage is just a big money grab. Why can’t I just spend the rest of my life with the person I love without the governments involvement? Plus it’s harder to get divorced than it is to get married.” You respond.
“You’re a smart girl. What are you studying again?” He asks, genuinely interested.
“Psychology. I graduate in a couple months.” You smile proudly.
“Ah you gonna tug at my brain tonight?” He laughs.
This is your chance to make a move, you think to yourself. “I could tug at something else if you’d like.” You whisper, a smirk on your face.
Eddie coughs, clearing his throat. “Uh i’m gonna go say hi to your parents.” He practically runs away. You would’ve been embarrassed by your boldness if you hadn’t noticed the way his cheeks turned red and his legs shook at your words.
You take your place back in the kitchen, avoiding conversation with the large group of people. You hear footsteps behind you and turn to see Eddie grabbing a beer from the fridge.
“Can’t stand being out there any longer without at least one beer.” You chuckle, mumbling in agreement. “When did your parents become so prissy?”
“Oh you mean they haven’t always been like this?” You laugh. “Dad got a promotion a couple years ago so I guess he feels the need to impress them.”
“You should’ve seen him in college, when he was still in the band. He was wild.” Eddie laughs, recalling the memories.
“As wild as you?” You raise an eyebrow, cocking your head to the side.
Eddie’s cheeks turn red, “I’m not wild.”
“You expect me to believe that the man who’s been rocking girls panties off for the last 30 years isn’t a wild one?” You step closer to him, hearing how his breathing changes. “I’ve seen what those hands can do.”
“Hey… stop.” You know he only says it because he should, not that he really wants you to.
You wrap your hand around his neck, pulling his ear down to your mouth. “But i’m not wearing any panties.”
Eddie lets a soft moan escape his mouth before running off. “I need to use the restroom.” You’re left in the kitchen, giggling and smirking to yourself, waiting a couple minutes before following him.
You put your head up to the bathroom door, listening to him heavy breathing and muttering curse words under his breath. You open the door, locking it behind you.
“What the fuck?!” He whisper yells. “What are you doing?”
“Oh I thought that was an invitation. You know, tell the girl you’re going to the bathroom, she follows…” You jump up on the sink, spreading your legs a little wider. “And then the guy fucks her brains out on the sink.”
Eddie sucks in a sharp breath, trying his best not to look you in the eyes. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”
“But you want to, don’t you?” You jump off the sink, pulling him towards you. “Don’t think I forgot about the way you were looking at my tits at my graduation party. Or the way your eyes immediately went down to my thighs when I greeted you tonight. You’re a dirty old man, and I want to be your filthy… little… girl.” Your words send shivers down his spine.
“Fuck it.” He growls before pressing his lips against yours. His hands immediately reach for your hips, his fingers digging into them sure to leave marks tomorrow. You wrap your arms around the back of his head, pulling on his hair. He lets out a moan, and you take the opportunity to dip your tongue into his mouth.
He taste just like how you imagined. A mix of tobacco and mint, followed with a slight flavor of the beer he just drank. He removes his mouth from yours, moving down your neck, sucking on that sweet spot just behind your ear. His hands travel down to your ass, squeezing and slapping as he continues his assault on your neck.
You twirl your fingers in his hair, pushing him further into you as you feel the heat between your legs growing more and more intense. He backs you up until your back hits the sink, a whimper leaving your mouth. He lifts the bottom of your dress, exposing your naked cunt.
“Fuck. You weren’t lying.” You chuckle as he continues kissing and sucking your skin, moving further down your body. “You did this because you knew I was coming, huh? Or are you just that much of a whore?”
You moan at his words, loving the way he says it. “Oh you like that? Like when I call you a fucking whore?” You mumble an mm-hmm right as he reaches where you needed him the most. “God you have such a pretty pussy, baby. Mind if I have a little taste?”
“Please.” You whimper, and he dives right in. His tongue drags from your entrance, all the way up to your clit. “Fuck, Eddie.” You moan out as his tongue flicks back and forth.
He licks you up and down a few times before focusing on your clit. Attaching his mouth to your aching bud, and sucking it like it was his last meal. You couldn’t speak. It was like he took away your ability to form any kind of words. You’d never felt like this before, never gotten head like this before. He truly was a master, and not just when it came to music.
The filthy sounds of his tongue mixed with your own arousal was nearly enough to send you over the edge. You feel him bring his fingers up to your entrance, playing with it while gathering your wetness. He looks up at you, his mouth still on your cunt, looking for permission to keep going. You nod, and without another word he sinks two fingers into you.
“Oh my- fuck!” You scream out before bringing a hand to your mouth, not wanting to bring attention to what was happening in here. You feel him smile against your pussy, pushing his fingers in and out of you.
His fingers were thick enough, you had no idea how you were supposed to fit, what you assumed, was his even thicker cock. He continues to fuck you with his fingers, not relenting his attack on your clit. He moans into your pussy, sending even more vibrations of pleasure through you. He seemed to really enjoy eating your pussy. Maybe just as much as you were.
He starts to move his fingers faster, flicking his tongue across your clit searching for your orgasm. “Shit, Eddie- Eddie i’m gonna- fuck fuck fuck.” You can’t even make out a cognitive sentence with the pleasure you were feeling.
“Go ahead baby, cum for me. Cum on my face.” That was all you needed to hear before your legs were shaking, closing in on his head as yours was thrown back, cursing his name under your breath.
He keeps thrusting his fingers into you, softly to help you ride out your high. Once your breathing starts to regulate again, he pulls out, placing soft kisses on your thighs before moving up to your mouth. “You okay?” He asks, pecking your lips.
You nod, pulling him in for a deeper kiss. Placing your hand on the crotch of his jeans, you can feel just how much he enjoyed that. You palm at his rock hard cock through his pants, while he moans above you into the kiss.
“Can I suck you off?” You ask, continuing to press into him.
“Not gonna last. I need to be inside of you.” He moans, shuffling his pants off as quickly as possible, and you realize that you didn’t have to assume his size anymore. He was big. The biggest you’ve ever seen. Thick too. If you had to picture the perfect dick, he had it.
“Jesus christ.” You mumble, earning a chuckle from him. He spits into his hand, stroking his cock to prepare himself.
“Can I see your tits?” He asks, but doesn’t wait for an answer. He pulls the straps of your dress off, nearly tearing them, and pushes the top of your dress down so that it’s sitting on your waist. “Oh my god, we’re you created by the gods or something?”
“I was created by your best friend.” You smirk, reminding him of who exactly he was about to fuck.
He groans, twisting his eyebrows up. “Don’t remind me.” He places his hands on your tits, rubbing and squeezing them in circles before catching one in his mouth.
You place your hand on the back of his head as he licks and sucks on your nipple, his hand playing with the other before switching places. Once he’s has enough, he steps back, grabbing onto his cock and sliding it up and down your folds.
“Ready?” He asks as you nod furiously. He slides just the tip in, testing the waters. You wince as he stretches you open. It hurts only for a moment, but the earlier tongue fucking definitely helped you get used to it quicker.
He pushes more of his length in, an inch at a time until his balls hit the back of your ass. “Shit you’re so fucking tight. Could bust right now.” He moans before pulling out slightly, and pushing back in.
You grab onto his biceps for leverage as he picks up the pace. You pull him closer to you, pushing his hair to one side while your lips find his neck. He groans at the feeling, grabbing the back of your neck as he rapidly begins thrusting in and out of you.
“Oh my god- that’s it, fuck. Feels so good.” You moan in his ear. The sound of skin slapping fills the room, along with each of your moans. He moves his hands down to your hips, using them to fuck you back into him.
“Who would’ve thought my best friends daughter would be such a filthy fucking whore? Sucking my cock into her pussy like this? God you feel so fucking good on my cock like this.” His words continue to egg you on. You can’t say anything other curse words followed by moans of pleasure as he fucks into you.
You start to feel your high approaching again, embarrassingly quick and he takes notice. He pulls your head into his, pressing your forehead against his. “You gonna cum for me again? Gonna drench my fat cock with your cum? Hmm, baby?” You moan in response, but it’s not enough for him. “Use your words, tell me how good i’m making you feel right now.”
You still can’t find the words, and that’s when you feel a sharp slap across your cheek. “Say. It.” He growls, his thrusts speeding up as his thumb takes place on your clit. He rubs perfect circles on your clit while awaiting a response before slapping his palm across your cheek once again. “What the fuck did I just tell you? Say it.”
“Feels so good Eddie. Love the way your cock fills my pussy, gonna make me cum- fuck!” Your body goes limp as your second orgasm crashes over you. Eddie picks you up by your ass, moving your body against the bathroom door.
“That’s right, dirty slut loves the way I feel inside of her.” His body is keeping you up against the door as he continues to fuck into you with a hurried speed, chasing his own high. “How would she feel if I filled her up with my cum?”
All you can muster is a moan, receiving another slap across the face. “Use your fucking words.”
“Yes please Eddie, fill me up. Cum in me. I wanna feel you, please please please.” The overstimulation is almost getting to be too much as you feel a tear slide down your face.
Although, it doesn’t last long as he gives you a couple more hard thrusts before you feel his seed coating your walls. “Fuuuck.” He moans out, his head falling into your neck.
He stills for a moment, relishing in the feeling of his own orgasm before lifting his head to kiss you. He wipes your tears away before slowly sliding out of you and placing you back on your feet.
“You’re something else.” He laughs, pulling his pants back up.
“So are you.” You smile, fixing your dress. “Who knew old dudes like you could fuck so good?”
He shoots you a look, making you giggle. “Don’t tell your parents about this.”
You furrow your eyebrows and scoff. “Yeah let me just go down there and let them know their best friend just fucked the shit out of their daughter.” He laughs before exiting the bathroom and returning downstairs to the party.
You wait a couple minutes to follow him, not wanting to be suspected of anything. You make your way to your dad, hoping she didn’t notice that you and Eddie went missing.
“There you are honey. Oh what happened to your dress?” You look down, noticing the tear in your strap. You look over at Eddie, seeing the biggest smirk on his face as he sips his beer.
“Must’ve torn it this morning putting it on.” You respond, avoiding eye contact.
“Well you should go out a jacket on, make yourself look a little put together please.”
You sigh, walking away. “Yes daddy.”
You walk past Eddie as he grabs you arm, whispering in your ear. “Yes daddy.”
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rainykoo · 10 months
a pirates greed (m)
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[send me requests i like them]
masterpost : recent
pairing : afab!reader x monkey d. luffy
✸ ... synopsis: after saving an entire country, luffy just needs his favourite stress reliever all too himself
wc: 3.6k
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warnings : established relationship, porn w minimum plot, post-wano luffy being a whore !!! absolutely rough nasty nd animalistic, unprotected (cmon yall know better), petty argument, faded law, reader is a lil mean, your captain just loves eating you out! use of devil fruit (canon), creampie, drool kink, luffy has a lip ring, overstimulation, mention of blood, praise kink (both parties), cumplay, semi-public, oral (m rec)
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getting severe brain rot from just thinking about how needy and greedy luffy would be during a post-battle victory banquet...
especially after how nicely that black dress outlined your ass.
he just wants to put his hands all over you, but nami's banned him from any physically exerting activity, including dancing since he's still recovering from the damage he took.
poor guy almost begged to have himself buried in your sopping cunt, whimpering and gasping under you because he's been so stressed after all that fighting!
it's only right you help your boyfriend release all that pent-up energy right?
but to his dismay you were busy with traffy, his tattooed hands tracing over the thin fabric of your dress as you two danced.
"damn him." luffy chanted in his head continuously, wishing you'd stop focusing on law and pay attention to him instead.
your captain worked so hard to defeat kaido.. so why are you smiling and spending time with law instead? that's not fair. you should be rewarding luffy with your touch for being so strong all the time, no?
he couldn't even hear zoro's drunken babbling as he fixated his eyes on the two of you from his table. luffy thought it was too polite of you to let law touch you like that... way too polite. no longer able to deal with the ache in his shorts. though what made his heart palpitate the most was how the both of you seemed to be having a jolly fun time. he grazes his teeth over his lips, excusing himself from his best friend before stumbling towards the dance floor to reach you and law.
"actually i already rolled some spliffs, we can go outside n hit some right now if you'd like," law said with a deep chuckle, gazing at you with his half-lidded eyes. "go do that with your side, look he's starin' at you as i speak." you joke, nodding your head in the direction of kidd as law harshly exhales, rolling his eyes."fffucking hell will you drop that? i was zooted outta my mind when i said.." your conversation gets cut short when you feel pair of hands other than law's snake around your waist from behind.
you momentarily freeze— only to find relief when you hear luffy's voice. he's clinging onto you, snuggling his face into the crook of your neck. the threads of his strawhat slightly bent against your skin as luffy pressed himself closer; hiding the stony expression on his face. “(name).. you've been dancin' with traffy the whole time. it's annoying.” luffy whined against your earlobe. your captain continued to press and grind his body against you, something hard rubbing against your ass.
"i know luffy.. but me and law haven't properly hung since we left zou." you responded as luffy lifted his head from the warmth of your body to send law a glare while you both tried keeping balance on the floor as the surrounding crowd of people continued dancing. "so (name)-ya you coming? strawhat can tagalong if he wants." law spoke, putting his hands in his pockets as he glanced towards the exit.
“nuh uhn..” luffy shook his head before you could even respond, his face wincing in a grimace.
"luffy, i—"
"you're supposed to rest lu.. you're still recovering" you softly exhaled, turning in his grip so you could face him. "well ya could've just stuck around me. ion like that you spent time with tra-guy in the first place." luffy continues whining, his voice growing annoyed and impatient.
he seemed restless, his breath uneven. "also ya promised you'd only dance with me." you giggled, scanning the way his pretty lips formed a pout, eyebrows furrowed in disappointment. “don't worry, it won't happen again lu, you're still my number one dance partner.. and i spent all day with you yesterday, n the day before.” you respond, letting another giggle leave your lips.
but luffy doesn't find it funny, he slowly loosens his grip on your waist— tossing his lip ring through his teeth as his obsidian eyes look into yours. "this is the thing with you, ya don't keep your promises (name)." he mutters his voice going a little deeper causing your smile to fall. wait.. huh?
"what's that even mean?" you retort. luffy's feeling all sorts of emotions right now.. but he can't tell why his breath is so shaky, or why his heart was feeling heavy. he'd been so stressed over the past few weeks, the pent-up anger was possibly getting to him.
“you keep breaking ya promises! thats what it means.” luffy snaps. for a second his eyes soften after he realizes he raised his voice, but he doesn’t move from his position, hands still on your waist. law, witnessing the sudden quarrel— decides to walk off leaving the two of you alone.
the tension between you felt heavy. "the fuck? luffy since when have i broken any of our promises. me and law well, dancing just.. happened. it didn't even mean anything we're friends." now you were getting agitated. "that's not even the main problem.." he muttered, luffy's gaze eats you up— and the glint in his eyes almost speak a magnitude of unsaid words.
"..i'm YOUR boyfriend (name), ya didn't like when hancock was all over me so why—" "can you stop bringing that bitch up??" you knew it wasn't great of you to dance with law all while your boyfriend was watching you, but you didn't think it'd be that big of a problem. you trace your hands over his— removing them as you angrily turn around to stride away. but you can never really get away from a man with the power to stretch, so luffy beats you to wherever you thought you were walking off to, stretching his arm and pulling your body back towards him.
“m’sorry… i— (name) i'm just feelin stressed right now. can you please just...” luffy rasps in a softer tone trailing off as his arms cage you. you stay silent for a couple of moments, trying to process the exchange of words you shared seconds ago. but the more he presses your back against him, the more you feel the stiffness between his legs. you don't quite know what to say, so you turn 180 degrees to press a hot kiss against his lips.
luffy's taken aback by the suddenness, but that doesn't stop him from enjoying it. he returns what you gave to him passionately. pulling you even closer, as if he's wanting to get completely lost in the kiss. you hum against his lips when luffy swivels his hips, grinding his dick against your inner thighs.
he seems so eager, so desperate for you and it shows. really lost in the kiss and in the moment, as if all he can think about is being balls deep in your dewy cunt. and who's to say you don't want him just as much. the way luffy's frenching you seems almost animalistic, and you could feel how he's having trouble controlling himself with every passing second that you're pressed against him. trying so hard to maintain his composure.
and when you break the messy kiss, a string of saliva still adjoining your lips— your captain looks at you with a blush, still panting heavily. watching the drool that slowly dripped from the corner of luffy's mouth was something that shouldn't have been so hot to you.
his eyes travel up and down your body and back to your lips. the faint taste of mango luffy had gotten drove him insane. he loved when you slathered your plump lips with lipgloss, regardless of the flavour or color— and he adored making a mess of it, ruining it. his own lips being stained a hint of red.
luffy seems lost again. almost unable to think by himself. he leans towards you once more, seemingly going in for another kiss. but he stops himself for a moment to admire how soft you feel— hands grasping your ass through the flimsy fabric of your dress. your head was spinning, maybe from the shots you took earlier, or the way luffy had devoured your mouth. "i-"
"shut up." you huff out, pulling him towards the nearest slightly secluded space you could find. and luckily, there was a nicely lit room with a thick futon neatly unfolded on the carpeted ground. pressing him against the wall, you brought a nasty, wet kiss to luffy's lips once more. one that left his stomach fluttering. he sucked and drug his tongue back and forth against yours, in the messiest ways he could think of. too lost in your lips to get off of the surface behind him.
he couldn't help the blood that rushed even more to his cock once you tugged hard on his hair. luffy couldn't put it into words, but he was such a slut for the way you painfully grasped his raven locks every time you enjoyed something. he muttered your name a couple of times between heavy breaths before he quickly wriggled out of the red material of his top letting you suction your way down his neck, teeth grazing his collarbone.
and you didn’t need any command to lower your head and place luffy's nipple between your lips. you only bothered to unbutton and drop his shorts low enough to free his aching dick, rock-hard and covered with pre-cum. fuck you wanted to slobber all over his length so bad. though luffy catches you by a fistful of your hair, preventing you from going further.
"stop, i wanna suck." you whine out, but luffy shakes his head, pulling his boxers up just enough to cover past the tip of his cock. pushing his back from off the door- he lays himself on the futon, hauling you with him. "no, i want you t’ sit on my face first." for a second, you stilled, as if the statement shocked you. "you... you want that?" you tested the waters, but luffy didn't just want it. he needed it.
"please… i’ll make ya cum so good (name) just sit on my face." luffy insists, eyes glossed over. face sitting was something he'd yearned to try with you for so long. so impatiently, he pulls you to straddle him, your dress sliding up your thighs. he wastes no time ripping the expensive fabric of your panties— taking a few moments to rub the pads of his calloused fingers along the wet patch you left beforehand.
you nervously let him pull you further up by the hips until your pussy is just above his mouth, the scent of your sweet arousal hitting his nose. “smell so good (name) m’gonna taste you now yeah?” “please do captain” you respond breathlessly. and before you could take another breath, luffy’s making out with your cunt— tongue lapping vigorously over your clit sending a pleasurable shiver up your spine.
you immediately try to raise your hips afraid you’ll suffocate him if you give in to the pleasure, but luffy’s hands grip your thighs painfully, preventing you from squirming away. because luffy doesn’t care if he suffocates as long as he’s got his tongue sloping in and through your folds. and something about knowing how anyone could walk into this room, seeing the two of you sent electricity through your core.
you felt the coolness of luffy's lip ring make contact with you constantly, and you couldn’t quite decipher his muffled words, but you could tell by the way he desperately stuffed his face between your legs that he was in ecstasy. “sso.. mmh feels good lu!” you barely manage voicing out, already close to your on-coming high.
but as much as luffy wants to stay between your thick thighs and fuck you with his mouth, he was restless, and hard. feeling his own heartbeat pulsing right at the tip of his dick. he suctions at your clit roughly, earning a loud cry from you before you’re already cumming— a slightly clear stream of liquid flowing from your cunt.
and of course, luffy being the greedy man he is takes everything you give him, leaving your cunt only after he’s had his fill. “taste n' look so pretty when you cum..” he coo's almost cheerfully before moistening his lips, a more serious look returning to his face as you free your legs from his face.
"here, taste yourself pretty" he whispers, pressing a slow kiss against your lips. though you only manage to come back to your senses enough to comprehend that he's torn off your nice pair off underwear, feigning a faux an annoyed look. "does ripping all my expensive lingerie get you off or something?"
"m'to impatient to take it off slowly.." he pouts, as you drag yourself off of him.
“is that so..? my turn now.” you whisper, before you're on off of him and on your knees tugging roughly at his unbuttoned shorts causing them to slightly tear.
"hey! those were m—"
you cut luffy short before he could complain about your petty revenge, giving the tip of his cock slow kitten licks and a few pumps before sealing your lips around it's pretty head, making him let out a throaty whine as you take or inches of him.
"i'll forgive ya if you open your mouth n take me deeper.." luffy breaths out lowly fully relaxed on his back now. one hand under his head and the other, guiding yours. you part your lips further, warm breaths of air fanning over his flushed tip.
“ahh.. fuckk baby— use that pretty mouth like you do best” luffy slurs, and something in you almost switches like a trigger. his coaxing encouraging the worst in you. especially since it was incredibly rare of him to use pet names with you. so you suddenly take as much his size as you can luffy shuddering in pleasure.
every ridge and vein on his length felt as your drag your tongue, every lick and suck of your mouth on him resulting in obscenity; gagging, wet noises, moaning. everything only making your hole flutter more.
his shut tight. opening them after a few seconds, to admire how your lips sank down on his cock. "gooddd, it's like ya mouth was made jus for— nggh.. sucking off your captain huh?"
"hold on.." you suddenly whisper, causing luffy to whine from the lost warmth. you take something out from between your cleavage. what was so important that you needed to stop? and suddenly he tenses his thighs.. you're scribbling on his cock. it tickles and it’s heaven. luffy couldn't even see what you are creating, but the sensation was fucking amazing. especially since he was so sensitive.
“thereee” you say, admiring your work.
“so pretty.”
“what did you do? i wanna see”, luffy begs, squirming needily. and you raise your hand, waving the wand of your cherry red lipgloss in your hand. luffy glances down to look at his aching cock, to find the words. 'all mine ♡' scribbled in red.
something about that act felt so endearing to him that luffy felt he'd tear up from the gesture— and from the fact that you were teasing his poor friend. he gives you a lazy smile. but as his eyes wander the room, he finds himself making eye contact with the tall mirror that but on a perfect display of your backside. you were almost on all fours now as you slobbered his cock, head tilted down and ass pointed up.
it looked so soft, and you looked ever so stunning. unfortunately for you, luffy was as restless as ever. he could never control himself whenever he saw that damn ass of yours. so you didn't blame him when he tugged on a fist-full of your hair to get you off his cock.
"wait m'not—"
"(name)... i— wanna fuck you from behind, please can't wait anymore.. want ya to put that cute ass on me."
"you're so impatient."
well, who were you to deny captains orders?
with a quick sound rustling of fabric, you'd immediately discarded your dress, pressing your face down into the futon as luffy teased your hole momentarily with the head of his cock. holding you in place by the hips and seconds later, he's already buried inside you— stuffing himself to the hilt. so fucking tight he thought.
luffy bit down onto his lip muffling the whimpers that endlessly slipped from his mouth— to the point that it drew a bit of blood. he pounded like he wanted everyone near to know, to hear how he was making a mess out of you. though he was shameless enough for it, luffy couldn't decide whether he wanted to be the only one that got to see your messy cum stuffed cunny, or if he wanted a live audience as he fucked you to the point of drooling. and who's to say you would mind the latter?
head thrown back in pleasure, his dark hair stringy from sweat, his furrowed eyebrows as you continue to tighten and clench around him, pulling you further onto his cock. he giggles breathily, "l-love when you squeeze me like that" only earning a incomprehensible mumble from you. something about the way he moaned and spoke was so ..slutty.
"cmonn.. i know ya can talk louder than that!" he sneers, and that was luffy's favourite part about doing this with you. he loved pleasuring you to the point of not being able to speak, knowing he's the only one who can make you this dumb on dick.
he loved the freedom that came with exploring new ways to make eachother feel good, and nothing made him happier than sharing in such freedom with you.
luffy's hands roughly fist your hair, pulling your head up in order to better show you what he's doing to you. "look in the mirror (name), look how gorgeous ya- gaahh, look when you're all fucked out. see? so pretty baby~" he taunts.
"gonna cum, wan' cream all over you!"
"yeah? captain's dick feels that good?" he lets off another breathy moan. "y-ya like it when i stretch ya out like this?" and when you let out a string of praises chanting his name like your life depended, he decided you deserved a treat in return for always being this good for him. so luffy bit down on his thumb and blew until you felt an unfamiliar sensation deep in your guts causing you to mewl out. he was way bigger all of a sudden, and his cock seemed to fill and rub against areas you'd never known could be reached.
"ah~ luffy thats.. you're- so deep!" you almost wanted to sob as he watched you wriggle under him, your senses overloading from the stimulation luffy inflicts upon you. it was crazy how he could be so sweet and caring with you one moment, and the next having every bone in your body tingling from euphoria.
"keep— ah god.. moanin' out like that! let tra-guy know that yer all mine" luffy rasped, only further perusing with his erratic pace. it was ruthless almost— and hearing those pretty sounds from you didn't help the burning sensation he felt in his lower stomach.
"sso- so close!"
"pl-please need you to fill me full with your seed.." you whimper feeling your knees almost buckle when his cock starts to forcefully rub against your cervix.
"i gotcha! gonna.. stuff you up- mmm, so good n watch it spill out.." he laughs between his far from quiet moans, one of his hands tracing your ass until he snakes it down between your legs, rubbing at your clit without mercy. your vision blurred and your fingers gripped at the futon tightly, “ah fuck! L-LUFFY! LUFFY!"
and as you finally cum around him, clenching around his pulsating length once more. "that's it! so good baby, so good..!" he continues to fuck into you, hitting deeply over and over again, pushing you into the softness below— then it's his turn to orgasm. his sticky white filling your womb until it started to leak out. luffy pulls out just in time for your body to slump down onto the cushioned surface.
but he doesn't let go of your hips just yet. luffy's gaze hazily follows the milk colored substance that seeps out of your fluttering cunt as he draws heavy breaths. taking his middle and index working them into your sensitivity— watching the string of cum that shadows his fingers as he pulls them out.
luffy being luffy, couldn't help but want to taste it, because what would be the point of all this work if everything went to waste?
"say ahhh." was the only thing you could make out, before you're being flipped onto your back, a strong hand resting on your chin. through your blurred sight— you watched luffy lick two of his fingers slowly, savoringly before he gathers the drool in his mouth letting it drip down to yours. and you let him, letting your mouth hang agape to accept every bit of his filth.
"swallow... atta girl..!" he smiled brightly watching the lewd expression you made tasting your guys aftermath. he runs his hands back to your ass, kneading it slowly but without any ulterior motive other than that he loves holding it when you calm down together.
"i love you (name) m'sorry i got so mad at you earlier."
"no, i should apologize. you were injured n bored and i wasn't even checking up on you."
"speaking of injuries.. i think still i need some stress therapy." luffy says with a sly grin, laying beside you on the futon.
you catch on almost too quickly, shaking your head— breath still uneven. "no no no, we're done. we can't have any of your wounds reopening."
"don't ya wanna suck me off still? a bit of head can't do any harm!"
"you realize this room has no door right?"
"......when has that ever stopped us?"
oh god.
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©2023 rainykoo  ‎   you are not to plagiarize, translate, modify or post my content on tumblr nor any other platforms.
... ✸ a/n: i was baked past cloud 9 when i wrote the other half of this but, ion wanna hear noone say shit such as “luffy ain’t slutty like that” nah man he is 🙏 down with sex ignorant luffy !!! #ace luffy is still canon but so is slut luff
tags !! @svanesworld , @selkiemaiden , @dilvcslut , @iluvs-world , @eaves-dropper , @yourmumsthings , @sanjisblackasswife , @roronoaswifey , @movie-enthusiast22 , @luffypedia , @pandoras-box0 , @xxdiaqiaoxx , @girlmeetsbullshit , @n9hida , @w9vyy , @juno443 , @roronoazorohater , @soloplayer0901 , @deathkidz
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Guys I had a dream where search engine hipsters were making fun of Google users for being too basic and I wanted to show off in front of them so I said oh you know I use duckduckgo and they all laughed at me saying oh what heteronormative bullshit is that no self respecting bisexual would use anything other than [madeup-search-engine-name-i-have-now-forgotten] and the logo is the face of an anime catboy making the yaoi cum face
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angel-bubbles · 2 years
same boat by lizzy mcalpine …. [sobs]
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wlntrsldler · 5 months
f.u.c.k | jamie tartt
based on the song f.u.c.k by victoria monet
description: pure smut. no plot.
pairing: jamie tartt x f!reader
warnings: language-- it's ted lasso, what did ya expect?!; PinV! sex! smut! so dirty.
word count: 2.4K
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The first time you fucked Jamie Tartt was all lust. You’ve come to learn that there was something absolutely magnetic about him. Like once you’re within his vicinity, you are pulled towards him whether you want to be or not. You tried to fight it at first, unable to get rid of the idea of who he once was from your brain, but it was no use. The more you got to know Jamie, the easier it was to fall for him, to be so intoxicated from him. He consumed your thoughts. All kinds of thoughts.
It was Ted and Beard’s going away party. Rebecca rented out Bones & Honey entirely for the team and their guests. The early part of the night was wholesome. Players gave speeches about how their lives were changed because of the two Americans and wished the coaches a safe flight. There was a three-course Michelin-star menu and an assortment of expensive and classy wines. After the meal, the open bar was introduced. 
Bones & Honey was instantly transformed into a nightclub and it became far from innocent. You found yourself sitting at the bar, sipping on your drink, with Jamie Tartt whispering in your ear, so close to you that you could feel his body heat radiating off of him.
You’d had a few drinks. You were in a good place where you felt careless enough to speak your mind but sober enough to carry on a proper conversation and to know what you want, what you need. The music was so loud that you encouraged Jamie to lean in closer so you could hear him properly. He happily obliged. 
From where he was, your sweet perfume filled his senses. Your skin was a little damp from how hot the club was with all the dancing. Jamie had a hand sprawled across your lower back, not because you needed to be steadied but because he needed to touch you. As he pulled away from your ear, he couldn’t help but bite his bottom lip. Had he extended his neck just a little bit more, his lips would’ve brushed the skin of your neck. 
You placed your drink on the counter, turning the bar chair to face him directly. Your eyes roamed his figure– strong thighs on display with the slacks he wore that hugged his bottom half perfectly, arms so sculpted that you couldn't help but run your fingers over them, and his hands that would look so, so good on you. You couldn’t help but watch the veins of his tattooed arm as he flexed his hand. You let your eyes wander upwards, stopping at his plump lips. You forgot what the conversation was about. 
Jamie’s eyes trailed down your body, having to hold back a groan when he saw you press your thighs together. His hand slowly crept to touch your exposed knee, giving an experimental squeeze before he let his hand move up. He stopped at the hem of your dress, looking up at you once more. You had this look on your face like you were fucked out and he hadn’t even touched you yet, as if the sexual tension between the two of you was enough to get you off. Jamie flared his nostrils, his slacks getting tighter by the second. He leaned toward you again, “If you don’t stop looking at my lips without doin’ anythin’ about it, I will fucking take you right here on this counter in front of everyone.” 
You smirked, placing a hand over his own that was resting on your thigh. You opened your legs a tiny bit, guiding his hand near where you wanted him, but not quite letting him get there. You placed your other hand on the side of his face as you leaned closer, “You couldn’t handle me.” 
For a split second, he was taken aback, eyes blinking while your words sunk in. Then, he smirked, extending his thumb to lightly graze your mound. You sucked in a breath at the contact. Jamie pulled his hand away and hopped off the bar stool, extending his hand for you to take. You adjusted your dress and took him up on his offer. 
Jamie placed a hand on your back, ushering you out of the bar. As you were walking out the door, Jamie pulled your back to his front. You gasped at the sudden contact, feeling him against your leg. He wrapped an arm around your torso, mouth finding the skin behind your ear. He placed a soft kiss on it, so soft you didn’t know if you just imagined it. “You’re gonna regret saying that.” 
When you got to his flat, it was like you were both done with the months of pining, sexual tension, and secret touches. Jamie unlocked the door, pulled you inside, and then his mouth was on yours. He kicked the door closed and had his hands gripping you everywhere like you were going to disappear if he didn’t. You had your fingers tangled in his hair, gently tugging, making him moan into the kiss. Your mouths were reckless and messy, but so fucking hot against each other. 
He was the first to pull away from you, the last shred of logic he had left willed him to because then, he truly didn’t care if he needed to breathe to survive. At that moment, your lips on his own were more important than anything else. Jamie fumbled with the zipper on the back of your dress as he left sloppy kisses down your neck. He inhaled your scent, groaning, unable to stop himself from grinding his hips against yours. You sighed in pleasure, arching your back to press closer to him. 
When he detached from your neck, he looked at you with eyes that nearly had you sinking to your knees without question. His eyes were wide, lust clouding his irises so much that you couldn’t recognize the color they’d become. He was panting, lips raw and red from kissing you. You saw traces of your lipgloss lingering on the side of his mouth, twinkling sinfully under the lights. You ran your thumb across his lips, trying to wipe the remnants of your mouth away from it. Jamie captured it between his lips and sucked on it, his tongue licking a stripe up the pad of your thumb. He placed a soft kiss on it before you pulled it too far from him. 
“What I wouldn’t give to see this look on your face again,” he sighed, beginning to kiss down your body. He placed a kiss on your collarbone, “And again.”
A kiss to your chest as he peeled your dress down, leaving your top half exposed, “And again.” A kiss on your boobs, nipping and biting at the soft flesh. Your skin was on fire. “And again.” 
He continued this down to your stomach. Jamie was on his knees, looking up at you pleadingly. He looked wrecked. He pulled your dress down, running his fingers over your panties as if asking if it was okay. You responded by placing a leg on his shoulder. He shuddered, reaching down his pants to adjust himself. He whimpered at the contact before returning his focus to you. 
He moved your panties to the side, whining at the way your slick looked so inviting for him. Jamie licked up your cunt, moaning into you, enjoying your taste. His cock was leaking pre-cum and it was so fucking painful, but he wasn’t going to let this moment go to waste without tasting you, feeling you. Jamie’s eyes fluttered shut when your fingers found his hair again, tugging him closer to where you needed him the most. 
“Right there, Jamie,” you panted, chest heaving. “So good for me, baby.” 
Jamie didn’t know that he could get more turned on. He was rock hard already, but hearing the pet name roll off your tongue, sounding so fucking spent, with you withering above him, made his cock twitch in his pants. He clumsily undid his zipper, pushing his slacks down to relieve himself from its confines. Jamie brought his hand back up to you. His tattooed arm was pressing down on your stomach, trying to keep you still. His other hand joined his tongue, fingers dipping inside your cunt. 
You mewled at the feeling of his fingers inside you. There were so many things happening. It felt so good. He was knuckles deep, lips wrapped around your bud when you felt that familiar knot in your belly. You pulled on his head, trying to warn him about what was coming. You were trying to give him an out just in case he didn’t want to be there when the dam broke. 
Jamie pulled away, staring at you with his face glistening with your slick. “Give it to me, baby. Want it so bad.” 
When he went back down on you, it didn’t take much to have you screaming. You were blubbering above him, crying out his name as your orgasm turned your limbs to jello. Jamie could no longer hold off. He pumped his cock just enough to relieve the pressure, but not enough to cum. He couldn’t come in his hand. He needed to come inside you. 
You pulled him up to kiss him again, sighing into his mouth when you tasted yourself on him. He led you through his hallway, picking you up so you could wrap your legs around him as he carried you up the stairs to his bedroom. You pushed yourself on him, moaning when you felt his cock prod your pussy. Your soaked panties and his thin boxers were the only things separating you from each other. 
He dropped you on his bed, not once disconnecting your lips. Jamie was on top of you, hips rocking against yours. You were tugging down your underwear, whining when the cool air hit your center. Jamie tugged his boxers off shortly after you. He hissed in pleasure when the head of his dick touched your entrance. 
In his distracted state, you flipped the both of you over so you were on top. You got on your knees, placing your body in between his separated legs. He looked at you questioningly, his face ever so expressive. You arched your back so you were leaning onto him. You grabbed his dick, lightly stroking it. Jamie scrunched his eyes closed, taking in a breath as you took your time with him. He backed up so his back was on his bed frame and you hungrily followed him. He crossed his arms behind his head. 
Jamie’s heart nearly stopped when your tongue licked up the side of his cock. You wrapped your lips around his head briefly, “Been wantin’ to taste ya since forever ago.” 
“Yeah?” Jamie breathed out, unable to look away from you. He groaned when you took his cock in your mouth, your hand wrapping around the rest of him that you couldn’t fit in your mouth. He tucked your hair behind your ears, trying to stop himself from bucking his hips up, “Been wantin’ you like this for so long. Wanted to feel that perfect pussy.” 
You groaned at his words, continuing to suck him off. He was a moaning mess, panting, hands gripping the sheets beside him. He abruptly pulled you off his dick, mumbling something about wanting to finish in your pussy. You hummed, connecting your lips once more. As he hovered over you, you leaned up to whisper in his ear. “Next time, I want you to fuck my mouth so hard I lose my voice. Don’t hold back, baby. Want to taste you.” 
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Jamie groaned, stopping his movements. He dropped his head on your shoulder. His dick was poking your pussy, more than ready to feel you around it. “You’re going to be the death of me.” 
“Told you, you couldn’t handle me.” 
Jamie licked his lips, a twinkle in his eye. “Told you, you were goin’ to regret sayin’ that, love.” 
Jamie pushed into you with fervor. Your scream bounced off the walls, and the air in your lungs disappeared. He looked down at you, a moan escaping his lips at how utterly perfect you looked under him. Your nails clawed at his back, no doubt leaving marks on it. Jamie couldn’t feel it. All he could feel was the warmth and tightness of you. His brain was shortcircuiting. He met no resistance from your pussy. It was so inviting. It was like it was made just for him. 
No coherent words left your lips. All you could babble out was Jamie’s name. You forgot every word besides his name. Jamie. Jamie. Jamie. Like a fucking mantra. Like a prayer. 
“Baby,” Jamie whispered. “Baby, please,” 
Your eyes were rolling back as you felt your orgasm coming quickly. Jamie was begging for you to come with him. He was close, so close that his ears were ringing. He couldn’t think about anything else but chasing his high and feeling you come undone around his cock. He thrusted into you with a rhythm that had you sobbing. The pleasure was so intense. You felt so full. 
Jamie felt your pussy tighten around him and his arms nearly gave out. He held himself on top of you, continuing to push into your pussy. His fingers found your clit, rubbing it at the perfect pressure to bring you to your end. 
“Shit,” Jamie hissed, unable to stop himself from pounding into you. You yelled out his name when you came, your pussy constricting around him as you orgasm. He buried his face into the crook of your neck, spilling himself inside of you shortly after. 
You cradled his head against you as he tried to catch his breath. When he pulled out of you, an involuntary sound left your mouth, suddenly feeling empty. Jamie chuckled at your reaction and let his eyes trail down your body. He licked his lips at the sight of his cum spilling out of you. 
You rolled over on your side, reaching up to fix his hair, “So what’s the verdict, Tartt? Can you handle me?” 
Jamie laughed, wrapping an arm around you. He placed his lips on yours, softer and sweeter this time. There was no more urgency between the both of you. “I don’t think I can.” 
“Told you.” 
“But, I think I just have to build my stamina up,” He added, his hand making its way down to your ass. “So I just need to practice some more with you.”
You smacked him on the shoulder, throwing your head back in laughter, “You’re ridiculous.” 
He smiled at you, teasing, “Hey, you’re the one who said there was a next time.” 
“Mhm,” you mumbled, kissing him again, “There will definitely be a next time.” 
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coryosbaby · 7 months
♡ MDNI!! 18+
Thinkin’ of dilf! Anakin fucking in missionary <3 only your legs are lifted off the mattress as your upper body is relaxed on the bed, drool caked all over your chin and your pussy clenching tightly around him. He’s got his big hands wrapped around your thighs as he fucks into you, the tattoo with your name on his v line entirely prominent as it slams against your skin. He’s on his knees so he can fuck you as deeply as he pleases. He groans as he watches your fucked out face, tears falling freely down your eyes as you let out pathetic little whines.
“Oh, baby,” he coos, using one hand to push his black hair out of his face. “So fuckin’ beautiful. Look at that… gonna cream on my cock again?
“Daddy!” You cry. “No, no, I can’t…”
He hums, reaching down to rub your swollen little clit for the fourth— fifth?— time tonight.
“You can, sweet girl. Cmon, don’t you want me to be proud of you? Daddy’s so so close, jus’ gotta see my pretty slut cum one more time…”
Your cunt is so sore that it hurts, but when Ani says things like that in that sweet tone it makes you want to do anything for him. You reach out, begging for his closeness, begging to wrap your arms around him. He notices your pleading eyes, and mockingly pouts back at you.
“What is it? Need some cuddles? Need me to hold you?”
You nod eagerly, your tongue lolling out in pleasure as your orgasm nears. Anakin rolls forward, putting all of his weight on top of you just like you like. You mewl, your skin tingling, your heart surging. This is perfect.
He’s hitting all the right spots, and it isn’t long with his fingers flicking your clit and his teeth scraping your jugular that you cum again. Watching you fall apart beneath him, Anakin bites his bottom lip so hard that it draws blood. He can feel his cum filled balls drawing up, aching to empty themselves into your tight little womb. His ring clad fingers dig into your hips as he finally shoots rope after rope of warm, delicious seed inside you. You keen, holding his big shoulders as he fills you up. He makes no move to pull out— he likes keeping himself inside sometimes after your sessions. Sometimes he even falls asleep like this if he’s spent enough. Looking down, you simply sit and admire the way his perfect cock parts your folds and splits your hole. Anakin breathes heavy against you, exhausted from your hours of continuous fucking.
“Okay?” He asks you softly. You don’t reply; your eyes are closed, your brain all fuzzy and dumb. Anakin lightly slaps the side of your cheek. “Angel?”
You smile, dazed.
“I asked if you were okay,” he whispers against you. “Do you need some space? I can move—“
“No,” you whine. “No, daddy, please. Stay in me. Need you…”
He smiles, relaxing even more into your pretty body.
“‘Course I will.” He says, and you grin happily, running your fingers through his hair and letting out a tiny sigh.
“Wish you could jus’ stay inside forever. Wish you could jus’ crawl in me.”
He laughs, kissing your head.
“You say some weird shit sometimes, you know that?”
You shrug.
“I just love you a lot.”
Anakin’s heart flutters, bringing his thumb up to your mouth so you can suck it.
“I love you too, honey.”
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