#I wnat to see more 'what could have been'
midnightcoffes · 5 months
httyd book 11 SPOILERS
I. I need more Snotlout lives AU's.
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be-good-to-bugs · 2 months
maybe i WILL get to move back home
#the bin#i talked to my mom and things might go ok but idk#i just have to wait and see but i desperately hope i can move. i need to see a doctor so bad. my whole body feels horrible all the time#and my tooth has gotten so much worse. i can deal with it if thres an end date. i cant deal with it indefinitely. and i cant afford to get#it fixed without insurance. i would rather die than deal with this shit for another however long i have to i CAN NOT do that#esp bc i would need to go to work while experiencing it. idk. im shaky literally ALL the time and my insides alwyas hurt and my joints#hurt so much too. and half the time im at work my chest hurts and i cant see straight. i cant fuckin do this anymorew.#apparently my dad might be getting a new job so their landlord might be more willing to renew but idk. she said she should know on april 1st#which isnt that far away but idk. i mean. its not impossible theyll renew. who knows. i hope so.#i know at keast thst i have a way to get there if there is a place for me to live so thats good. my health cant take this anymore. and im#also not able to emotionally. idk what other option i have but. god. its hard enough as is. im having like a perpetual panic attack since i#found out i probs wont get to move. im tryna be optimistic. i dont think im physically capable of staying here any longer#it was hard enough to stay herenthis extra yearm ive been having breakdowns repeatedly over it. and my physical health keeps worsening#i miss my little sister. i wanna be able to see the people i care about. theres so few people in the world i enjoy being around and i dont#get to see them ever. instead i have to see my second least favorite person in the world in order to even just get groceries#hhhh. i want the time to pass so i can know for sure but i also desperately dont wnat it to cause im so scared itll be bad news#whatever. i will hope and believe that itll work out until i know that it wont. hhhhh. worst case scenario i guess ill just have to save up#and figure out moving there later on but like. i was really happy to NOT have to worry abt rent or working so i could focus on my health and#then i could go back that that stuff. oh well
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justlostinautumn · 2 months
Abandoned Part 13
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
Klaus Mikaelson x Fem!Reader:
After her friends and boyfriend continuously leave her in danger and abandon every plan she makes for them the Originals slowly mend her breaking heart. The gang’s enemies become her friends with her and they don’t know how to feel about it. The last straw is walking in and seeing her boyfriend cheating on her and she runs to the ones who always care for her. What will the gang do when they lose something irreplaceable?
I know that this has been a long time coming and I can only hope that it lives up to what you expected! I have questions do you want redemption for anyone? Caroline? Bonnie? Stefan? (Those are the main three that I can think of, or do you want them to also be dragged down with Elena and Damon? Do you wnat to see Alaric betray Y/N?)
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Y/N & Klaus:
Y/N woke up with thumping in her head from all the drinking and fun Kat, Kai and she had. She let out a small whine looking around and noting she was in Klaus’ bed but not 100% certain how she got there. Flashes of the night before coming to her mind as she slowly began to wake. She was remembering the talking and joking with everyone and Y/N couldn’t help the fond smile that came to her lips. 
She remembered a light feeling filling her chest as she realized this is what it felt like to have a family. It was a feeling that she hadn’t felt since her brother and it made her feel emotional, burying her head further into the warmth of Klaus’ bed. She felt emotionally exhausted, she had been through so much in so little time she didn’t really know what to do with herself.
Y/N licked her lips feeling the dryness in her throat from the night of laughing, drinking, singing. The ding from her phone notifies her that she just received a message. She let out a loud groan making Klaus chuckle. She blindly looked for her phone and on the screen she saw a notification from Alaric. 
Can we meet? I want to talk about everything. Ric.
She had no idea what this meeting could be about but she was going to be cautious because as much as Ric is a father to her he is also Damon’s best friend. She didn’t want to be guilted back… she didn’t want to sever another tie. She couldn’t help the distrust she felt towards Alaric, he was Elena’s guardian and Damon’s best friend… she knew that no matter what he would always do what’s best for them and as much as she hated herself for thinking it she knew that she would never be able to trust him again.
Y/N didn’t want to have to get up and deal with this. She sighed as she felt Klaus’ finger trailing up and down her back and she sighed in contentment. She knew that the fun and laughter wouldn’t last forever, but she was hoping for more than just one day.
“Come on Love, we both know you can’t hide from this. It’s better to deal with it now than later.” Klaus softly encouraged her and she groaned in response knowing that he was right, but it didn’t mean that she wanted to deal with it. The thought of burying herself under a mountain of blankets or running away seemed to be a lot more appealing than actually having to face it.
“Can’t we just hide away for the day and pretend that everything is fine and I can nurse my hangover.” Y/N grumbled receiving another chuckle from Klaus and she knew he was grinning at her and she pinched his side making him yelp in surprise making her grin up at him. This is where she wanted to be and stay, in his warmth and she knew that it was too soon after Damon and she wasn’t looking to start anything new yet, but she just wanted to stop time and stay here with Klaus.
“You are a dangerous little thing.” Klaus growls and starts to tickle her resulting in her trying to push and kick him away as she shrieks. Klaus' chest filled with warmth at her smiling face and shrieks of laughter, this is where she was always meant to be with him… and sometimes under him!
“I’m sorry.” She pants and Klaus finally gives in, Y/N pouts at him as he grins triumphantly. “Meanie.”
“Come on, up you get!” Klaus rolled out of bed and Y/N reluctantly got up and walked into the bathroom to start her day. For the first time looking in the mirror, she looked at herself and she didn’t look tired… well she looked hungover, but there was a glow about her. It was the glow of happiness, love and hope.
Klaus knew this was the perfect time to get some planning done, he wouldn’t let her go alone knowing that the Scooby Gang might try something. So, he decided to send Hayley, Tyler and Enzo a text letting them know what was happening and also to ask them if they would go just in case.
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Alaric & Y/N:
Y/N slipped into the booth opposite Alaric. Y/N knew Tyler, Enzo and Haley were in the Grill watching and keeping an eye out for anything to happen. Hayley had become more protective of her little sister. It filled Y/N with that warmth that she had been seeking for so long and she didn’t mind one bit. But, she also knew that it was Klaus’ doing as well, he had become more protective too. She knew it was because he had seen her cry more in the last couple of days than she has in the whole time of them knowing each other and she knew that left him on edge… it actually left all of them on edge. Y/N isn’t usually a crier… well she just doesn’t cry in front of people.
“I see you brought company.” Alaric laughed softly, he was nervous about it. He didn’t know what Tyler and Enzo might do since it was clear the side that they had picked. But, he wasn’t all that surprised about it all. Tyler and Y/N had always been close from the moment that he first met them at the school, you could normally find the two together at some sort of mischief, but Enzo was new. Enzo was Damon’s oldest and closest friend, but somehow he got pulled into Y/N’s and Tyler’s mischievous ways and that was all there was. Enzo had taken to both of them as a sort of big brother role, he would always look out for the pair much as they looked out for him.
“They’re protective.” Y/N rolled her eyes but Alaric saw the small smile. It was contentment, he could see that she felt safe with them here. It hurt him knowing that she was nervous about meeting him, but he also couldn’t blame her for it. He knew that she wouldn’t be able to trust him like he once did and it made him sad.
“So, much has changed.” Alaric looks down at his hands and there is a sadness in his voice and it makes Y/N’s heart twinge in pain. He is one of the very few people that had been there for everything, every step of the way and she didn’t want to hurt him, but she was also incredibly scared to be burnt by them all again by trusting the wrong people. She just didn’t know how much she could trust him.
“I’m single, kinda homeless, found out I’m adopted… oh and don’t let me forget I found out that I have the werewolf gene!” Sarcasm rang through her voice and Alaric looked at her with worry. Y/N looked startled at what she had just said. She didn’t mean to say that out loud… she never wanted him to know that about her, what if he told the gang? What would they do about that bit of information?
“I won’t tell anyone and I didn’t know.” Ric said softly, he didn’t want her to think that he would’ve hidden it from her. He didn’t want her to believe that he would spill her secrets to the others and betray her like that.
“I know. This has all been a bit of a shit show hasn’t it?” Y/N laughs softly, she was still stiff and anxious about the little bit of information that she had let slip. Her eyes slipped over to Hayley who was giving her a soft smile, telling her that it would all be okay. Her eyes moved over to both Tyler and Enzo and they gave her a goofy smile, but their eyes said it all. They would protect her no matter what and it made her feel safe and assured that they could face anything!
“Where are you staying now? What’s happening with everything? Do you need anything?” Alaric spoke quickly and Y/N couldn’t help but smile at him. He’d always been quick to her rescue making sure that she had everything she needed and always a shoulder for her to lean on. She missed this, she missed him. He had been so busy with both Jeremy and Elena that they hadn’t had any time to catch up or talk.
“I’m okay. Klaus has ensured that I need and want for nothing.” Y/N smiled, but it slowly dropped and she let out a sigh, “I’m just at a loss. In two days my life has been turned upside down and truthfully I don’t know what to do with everything. It’s funny I always thought it would hurt, that what Damon and Elena did would break me. But, it wasn’t the cheating that hurt the most.” 
“I warned Damon to be good. I told him what would happen if he hurt you. I can’t believe that any of them would be so reckless with you.” Alaric was pissed, “Damon is a complete asshole for not seeing what was in front of him and he thinks you’re just going to walk through the door and take him back like he didn’t pull a load of crap on you.”
“Alaric.” Y/N laughed, finding his protectiveness amusing, but in the back of her mind she knew that he would always forgive them. He always did. She gave him a sad smile and he let out a heavy sigh. “You know you’re going to forgive them.”
“I don’t have to.” Ric argued and Y/N just gave him that sad smile that broke his heart every time. She had that look of understanding in her eyes and he knew he was lying to himself.
“You will because Damon is your best friend and you are Elena and Jeremy’s guardian. You will always forgive them because it’s who you are. Plus, Damon has done way worse things to you and you managed to forgive him for that, you’ll forgive him for this. You love them and that’s okay, because they’re your family but I can’t… not now and not anytime soon.” Y/N let out a heavy sigh and slumped in her seat as she looked around the Grill, but then spots Caroline watching her and Alaric intensely and she stiffens. Alaric frowns when he sees the hurt flashing in Y/N’s eyes. She knew he wouldn’t come alone, but she hoped he would.
“What is it?” Alaric frowns.
“I think it’s time I head back home. I’m tired and there are still things I need to sort out.” Y/N gave him a weak smile and squeeze of his hand before she started to walk away and out of the Grill with Tyler, Enzo and Hayley following behind her. When Alaric looks around his eyes settle on Caroline who has the decency to look down ashamed of being caught even though she wasn’t being subtle about it. Alaric knew then that he had lost Y/N’s trust, even if he didn’t know that Caroline would be there with Matt spying on them. He knew Y/N already had doubts rightfully so, but with them there it just confirmed it for her.
All Alaric wanted was to be neutral to be on either of their sides, but it seemed that Damon and Elena had made his decision for them and he knew that there was no way Y/N would allow him to have another chance and risk herself being used or hurt by them. 
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The Gang:
Matt and Caroline had made the decision that they needed to meet everyone before Alaric could get there, they needed to know everything that they had found out. It would’ve been more if Y/N  wasn’t so observant. The one thing that seemed to stick out to Caroline was how scared Y/N seemed about telling Alaric about the fact that she had the werewolf gene. When they arrived at the Boarding House they all were waiting in the lounge.
“How did she find out that she is a werewolf? How did she not know she was a werewolf?” Elena huffed, she doesn’t understand why they are still trying to get her back, it's not like they need her really. “Well she only just found out she was adopted, so maybe they left her a letter.” Stefan pointed out, he wasn’t completely happy with what was going on. “But, Klaus knew.” Damon pointed out and there was a glint in his eye like an idea had passed through his mind. “Maybe he wants to trigger her gene and then somehow turn her into a hybrid so he can have control over her through that freaky sire bond.” “We have to get her away from them.” Elena said, clinging to Damon. Damon was quick to sooth her and pulled her closer to him and ran his hand up and down her back. Stefan glared at his brother, knowing that he wanted both Elena and Y/N. “We will.” Damon nodded reassuringly, when Elena leaned up to kiss Damon, he flinched and glared down at her in confusion at why she would try and kiss him. “What if he isn’t planning to do that?” Stefan asked, trying to play devil's advocate. “It’s Klaus Stefan!” Elena whined, she was glaring at him. Why wouldn’t he just do what she said after all both Damon and Stefan love her! “Elena’s right Klaus is evil.” Damon nodded.
Caroline didn’t know what to think anymore, there was so many conflicting feelings about everything. She also knows that Bonnie is facing a crisis of faith about everything that has been happening. She had known Y/N all her life, but she cannot remember the point in which everything became about Elena... she knew that Stefan was also confused about everything that has been going on. Caroline knew that her loyalty with Elena, but she has to question how far she was willing to go for her.
Abandoned Tags:
@badwolf-winchester , @yolobloggers , @mydelusionalworld-7 , @mylovehes , @wolfprincess114, @cinthias-corner, @annievvv7, @anyasthoughts , @twilight-loveer , @supermassiveblackhope , @labyrinthlibrarian, @daphnen21 , @deviljoonie, @a--1--1--3 , @strawberryxpie , @simonsaysyasss , @bitterstar88 , @therealmrshale , @siphonersalvatore, @chynagirl13 , @fading-mentality-bouquet, @lustgardn, @duskyinkpages, @redvelvet-vampire , @bellagrayson-wayne , @woohoney , @romyislief , @lexxxtacyy , @hi-my-name-is-riley , @thesweetgoose, @train-wrecc , @soxconfusedx , @abuskinswarrior , @booboo-icu , @woodworthti666 , @kazzilla , @slutlanna976 , @cutiepie6473 , @vampiregirl1797 , @geekofmanyforms , @casedoina , @lctusflwrs, @criticizing-blogger , @lovelydivs , @goodjackboy , @sorrowfulfragmentation , @misselsbells06, @qveenmikaelson , @woohoobean , @cjphoenix135, @alka16555, @yourwaywardprincess , @nononodidimentionno, @southside-imagines, @nickangel13, @loki-is-love , @lovie0-0 , @rexit-mo , @muxshwriting , @wh30re , @jaytonks, @nics-fxy , @goth-cowgirl-03 , @girlkissersco , @mia-19-23, @hayleym1234 , @thelostallycat
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jocelynscrazyideas · 1 month
Coffee Breath | Quinn Hughes x Fem Reader
Summary: Quinn and Y/N go to Starbucks and Target after Team practice, and they prep for the Hughes Brawl that is being played in 4 hours.
Warnings: language, and only one kiss (it’s a peck)
A:N- I hate this sm but I needed to post smth 🫶
All i know is that you talk to much
You’ve got those big blue eyes
Drive me crazy, make me fantasize
‘Bout you baby
After team practice before the next game, Quinn and I leave the rink and we pick up some coffee. Quinn is wearing a letter this year on his jersey so, he has to take his body seriously now. All he does is workout. I’ve been dragging him to get coffee with me, just like it was in the past.
“You wnat your Gingerbread Oatmilk Chai?” Quinn says as he looks into my eyes. All I see is his light blue eyes, almost as if they were grey.
I look to his right eye, and to his left, then down to his lips, I love him. He sees my trick, and he grabs my thigh, as he moves his fingers into my warm special place.
He’s such a cunt.
“Yeah, the chai is perfect. And could I get a Gouda sandwich- the one I like.” I say as we pull into the Starbucks drive through. He turns his head as he pulls his blue hood off his head.
Said you can’t trust me
I said it’s fine.
I’m wearing the perfect outfit. Black leggings, pink sports bra, and of course Quinn’s hoodie. My shoes, are also his, they’re wayy too big, but they’re just crocs. Quinn, in the drivers seat wearing a blue hoodie, black sweatpants, and his grey slides. We’re matching. I love him.
“Mobile order for Maya Ray.” Quinn says as he looks at me with a smirk. Maya- which isn’t my name, and Ray- is also not my name nor his name. We use fake names, out of our safety, and for fun. He pulls up to the second window and he grabs the Iced Chai and swings his arm to me, and he also grabs the sandwich I asked him to get me.
“Don’t get crumbs in my car. I’ll kill you.” Quinn snaps out at me.
What an actual cunt.
“Cuntasaurus.” I say underneath my breath. I grab the drink and the sandwich and place the chai into my lap. I unwrapped my sandwich and started to bite in.
“Do you have change?” Quinn asks. Weird. He payed online, he doesn’t need more money- unless he’s going to leave a tip. Then I thought that he could already leave a tip online.
“Why.” I say in response, only after I remembered to answer his question. I was lost into thought that I literally forgot to respond.
“So I can leave a tip, I forgot to tip online.” sure. I think to myself, I know he’s lying, he’s a freaking millionaire, he should have at least $10 freaking dollars on him.
“Yep.” I say and grab my phone case. I pull the $20 out and hand it to the lady, only because I know if I gifted it to Quinn, that money wouldn’t make it to the tip jar.
“I could have done that.” Quinn says snapping at me… again.
“Well obviously not.” I say as I open the middle console that splits our seats apart. I pull out $100 dollars and shove it in his face.
a side eye is all I get in response from him.
“Shocker. You know where my money is.” Quinn says after we turn into the parking lot of a target about 10 minutes later.
he’s literally the sassiest man I’ve ever fucking met. He’s… so, teenage boy. Literal brain rot. We need to pick up some groceries so I made a list of things that I needed. Of course I made a list of things that again only I need.
“So, why did you need to stop at Target?” Quinn says as he finds the farthest fucking parking spot there is. God, he better carry me back out here. I look into his blue eyes again, he literally drives me crazy, I can smell his cologne, and that makes me insane.
He smells like flowers, but in a masculine way. It’s hard to describe, he’s just so beautiful. It’s just a normal day for us, but it’s THE Hughes brawl. New Jersey Devils vs Canucks in Vancouver.
I’m excited, but no matter what I’m going to be proud, I’ve known Luke for the longest of times, and even before I met Luke and Wuinn I was friends with Jack.
“You coming?” Quinn says as he opens my door and grabs my left ass cheek. Let’s just say his love language is physical touch, he’s really touchy, clingy and childish, but so am I.
“Yep. Also Quinner-” I say before he freaking cuts me off.
“I know. you always make your own list. Never something that I would need, it’s always oh, what do I need? And oh, I ran out on shampoo, better get ME some.” Quinn says as he mocks me. He’s such an ass. But an ass taht I love.
Again as he swipes his right arm under my butt, he grabs my back with his left arm, and he tips over to the left as he swoops me into his arms and over his shoulder. Quinn pulls my leggings over my red lacy thong that I’m wearing under.
“I hate when you do that.” Quinn states as he closes my door and locks the car. He grabs my hand and we walk to the the doors of the store.
“Do what?” I say in actual confusion.
“You tease me, then you follow up with that with oh, I’m too tired and sorry I’m not in the mood.”
Quinn seems really upset, which is why I love to do it. I pull my hoodie down over my butt and I get an cloud of Quinn. I love him. I really do.
I’m hit with this wave of horny desperation.
“Hey, give me a kiss. Please!!” I say as I stop him and we stand in the middle of the parking lot. I stand on my tiptoes and wrap my arms around his neck. I look deep into his eyes in pleading guilt.
“I know what you’re doing.” He says, he’s convinced that I’ll do the thing.
“Omg, just kiss me.” I say. But he won’t. So I grab his hand, and pull him back to the car, and I grab his keys form his pocket and unlock the doors.
“Please. Quinn I’m ready. Right now.” And I pull him into the backseat.
I pull at his silver chain that I bought him, its charm is a heart, and the back of the heart is a photo of us. When we were like 16.
“Please. Don’t. Not right now.” Quinn says as he pushes up agisnt me. I feel him getting hard. There’s truly a tent being built in his sweatpants.
“We have like 4 hours until the next game. We have time.” I say as I look into his neck ready to make a move. I can feel his pulse penetrating from his artery.
“No.” Quinn’s consistent with his answer. And I respect it. So I climb into the passenger seat and I forget about the target trip in general. And he climbs back into the drivers seat as well. And he pulls my cheek towards him. And he leans in for a kiss.
Taste like coffee.
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akutasoda · 8 months
Uhmmm ahhhhh can I request for Ayatsuji Yukito ( and other characters you want to) with reader who make cute things or see cute things for them. Like " oh this thing is cute, gotta give it to them"
just for you!
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synopsis - your habit of giving/making them cute items has lead to quite the collection
includes - fyodor, nikolai, sigma, ayatsuji
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, wc - 730
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fyodor dostoevsky ★↷
↪would secretly cherish them. the first time you had presented him with either a handmade or brought gift of a cute little trinket that you wanted to give to him, he had acted like normal, hesitant to take it insisting he had no need for it.
↪you had felt inclined to believe him and believe he truly didn't care but that was until you had caught a small glimpse of the little hanging on the inside of his cape, tucked away in a inner pocket. and that spurred you to gift him even more.
↪every time you had seen or made something that you immediately thought of giving to him, you would have the same nonchalant attitude from him but you now knew better. he truly did cherish the items you would gove him - sure they weren't his normal thing but something made him wnat to keep them.
↪personally would love the ones you make from scratch the most. those ones stay pristine and well looked after in a private location.
nikolai gogol ★↷
↪cherishes them openly. first time you had given him one he was estatic. thanked you and immediately asked why you got/made it for him and if he could get another. absolutely adored how cute it was and was not afraid to immediately try and find someway to show it off.
↪the most likely to tire them out. he would constantly have one on him at all times in some way, so it would only be natural that they eventually wear down. he says it gives them character and it does indeed shiw how loved they are. although if he absolutely loves the one you have given him he will try and preserve it - no promises.
↪would very much bring up the idea of matching ones. just don't expect his too last that long. finds it absolutely flattering that you want to give them to him, will proudly bring up that fact.
↪loves both the brought and handmade ones. would more likely take care of the handmade better as he appreciates the time you spent on it, but you may have to make it a couple of times.
sigma ★↷
↪would cherish them deeply. may be a bit confused at first, he didn't really understand the notion or the intention behind you gifting him a very adorable item. but from your insistence and his curiosity he took it and soon learnt why you were gifting them to him.
↪you always became curious as to what he did with them, that was until you noticed that wherever they were they all had a special place in a small display. the first one you probably noticed was the small collection on his work desk or his favourite that he kept in his breast pocket at all times.
↪maybe would try and gift you some back, as a thank you. he loved the items you gave him and thought the proper thing would to do was to do the same. would absolutely want to make you one himself as it made it feel all the more special. still melts inside whenever you gift him one.
↪loves the ones you make but also loves the ones you just gift to him that you bought. he would cherish each and everyone with just the same care.
yukito ayatsuji ★↷
↪mix between cherishing them openly and secretly cherishing them. when you first presented him with a cute item he had thanked you for it and that was it. you didn't know of he liked it or not. but he had very muched cherished it.
↪but then you had heard that he had openly been boasting to other people (tsujimura) about the items you had given him. and later on you would find him holding a similar collection that he had for his dolls but for the items you gave him. all looked after and kept absolutely perfect.
↪would subtly hint at little adorable items that he wants to receive next. and maybe cant help but tease you when you giftt him them, not much because he does get a little flustered at the items you give him.
↪would be indifferent toward the ones you make compared to the ones you buy. they're both gifts from you so he isn't comparing them. although does find a more personal element in the ones you make.
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melanirana · 6 months
I need to show you a fish.
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Look at this fish, looks like a normal fish a bit deerpy but still normal right?
(for the tension)
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this is a Sarcastic Fringehead. Wnat to know how they fight? Thats right. A mouth measuring Contest.
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I love them and their mouths and I need you to be aware of him.
The amount of missed out cool/terrifying/deerpy Monster designs that could have been had. Do you see why I need you to be aware of him?
Split jaw is cool and all but what about extendo jaw. I need more Monsters with this jaw!
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just-a-carrot · 2 months
hi carrot . just wnat you to know the finale made me genuinely sob so much i had to get the tissues out and everything
thank you so much for making this game, i remember playing it for the first time a year or two ago and even though it was like 3am i annoyed my brothers about how good it was despite them hating gore. this games impacted me so much in such little ways
genzou and iggy are my entire world btw god i love them . also cannot stop thinking about when genzou wakes up and he looks around he specifically looks at his legs (because arc 4....) oogh and and theyre so adorable..... plz never stop drawing them.....
ALSO confused about the ending a little bit
so when iggy made the wish it flung everybody back in . in time or to a separate timeline ?? where events happened but they handled them better. was the tidbit about remembering things in heart but not mind about the wonderland in general or specifically the time loops arcs? im curious if its like/ a whole separate thing now
plz keep making games like this :[ (no pressure ofc, its your life you do what you want/can in it!)
im probably gonna gk draw the chaeacters now ... thank you :] <3
ahhhh this is incredibly sweet. thank you so much!! i'm really happy that you enjoyed the finale (and also the whole game in general!!!) LOL I DON'T PLAN TO STOP DRAWING THEM AT LEAST FOR NOW 🤣 they are pretty rooted in my brain, so i don't see myself not drawing them any more any time soon. though i have been kinda needing to rest up my drawing chops as i drew so much for the finale and epilogues that it really burnt me out art-wise
re: the ending, it's something i don't ever want to like explain super cut and dry. as i really want people to take away their own responses and interpretation of things. same as the whole rest of the game. it's why i don't like to give a lot of "word of god" type answers that ppl could then use to say "it's this way and that's that" or anything like that. i would much rather people continue to have their own theories and own interpretations of much of what happens in the game and with the chars
but i will say that that part is not really about flinging anyone back or to another timeline or anything like that. iggy destroyed his initial wish (along with all the other wishes). and his wish was what started the loops (and also what influenced every part of his life from that moment on). so when that wish was destroyed, it also destroyed everything that happened after it. which is why it took them back to before iggy had made his first wish
however, they still retain memories of all the past lives / loops in their subconsciouses, which is why they still randomly remember things from time to time and feel such a strong connection to each other
i hope that helps clear it up a bit lakdjfasd but as i said, it's really up to the player and how they also interpret things and come away with their own meanings! nothing in this game was ever really made to be completely set in stone
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n3ssier · 1 year
HELLO im bacc >;)))
So I keep lookin at your introduction post and fsr I CANT DECIDE WHAT TO PICK- I just wanted to ask like, can ya write a headcanon, but it has both Crypto from Apex and Ppl from r6? Im so super grateful that you didnt mind the emount of characters I requested last time 😭😭 i hope its bot a burden if I request again cause i kinda simp for all of the. 💀
You can just tell me if u dont wanna do this, or just scratch sum characters if its too many :)))))
Can you pleease write a ff (or headcanons, ehatevs ya wnat) where female reader LOVES hugs and is a generally super chill yet chirpy friend and as soon as she gets recruited, she becomes all friendly and tries to befriedn them and after like 1st day of meeting, she alredy sees them as her bestfriend and hugs them from behind as a goodmorning the next day-
Chars: Crypto, Echo, Vigil, Kapkan, Glaz, Jäger (Ik its all the same characters but I cant help my simping, also as i said you can not include whoever you want)
Ik its confusing and as I said before, you aint gotta write this at all💀🤚
ALSO- MOOTS? Saw that you needed friends so we can be bfs >:DD
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG :( ive had a lot going on and ive also got a job now so i have been short on time but finally got round to writing again!! i hope ya dont mind me doing some hcs and also only doing 4 out of 6 sexy men, bc i worry that if i do fanfics with them all then this will be a v long post bc ill get lowkey carried away😞 (also bc im feeling lazy rn, out here getting up 4am sleeping 12pm😭best lifestyle)
∙you two first meet on your second day on the job, and he is taken aback by how talkative you are (not in a bad way tho dwdw :)
∙the other legends don’t rlly talk to him outside of the gunfights/workplace so he just doesn’t talk to them either, which is why he was so surprised when you came up to him and tried to befriend him as soon as you’d met him
∙the pride he feels when you start asking about his gadgets goes unmatched, he tries to explain them as easily as possible but gets carried away quickly, leaving you a confused mess and him an embarrassed one as he realises how distracted he got
∙the next morning he’s making breakfast in the break room when he feels you hug him from behind, and he honestly is so tempted to put his hands on yours and stay there but he wants to play it off cool ofc so he just greets you and continues preparing his food
∙this is the EXACT moment he fell for ya
∙he never expected you to be so talkative or cheery when you joined, but he was happy nonetheless
∙will intently listen to you while smiling and give you facts if he knows any on whatever you’re talking about
∙you guys end up talking for like 3 hours just about anything, he’s kinda curious about you, and ends up asking you a bit about your life in general 
∙would make a lot of effort to help and teach you things, seen as you’re new to r6
∙when you come up to him and hug him as a good morning he chuckles before turning around to hug you back quickly and loosely
∙he could get used to this tho
∙ngl he is annoyed at first when you talk to him for the first time, he finds the chat pointless, but after an hour or so he lets his guard down
∙he never realised that chatting with people was so fun until this day, or maybe it was just something about you specifically that gave him the good time, who knows !?
∙he honestly thinks ur pretty cute talking about all the random topics that peak your interest, asking him about 1000 questions aswell
∙when he feels your arms around him the next morning he freaks out
∙tries to push you off, as much as he enjoys it sadly he is too flustered and also not used to physical contact
∙he slowly stops pushing you away the more you come up to him and the more you are hanging round with him
∙when he first meets you he thinks you’re cool asf, especially when you strike a conversation with him
∙similar to crypto, he feels so much pride when you ask about his gadgets, its like a huge ego boost
∙you guys are sooooo chatty, talking about anything and everything, but make the cutest duo
∙you listen to his rambling and he will listen intently to you back
∙there is NEVER a dull moment between you two😭
∙the other gsg9 members are just happy that he has got someone to listen to him so that they don’t have to LMAO
∙when he feels you hug him from behind the next morning he is a little bit confused but happily hugs you back in return, he definitely thinks about it for the rest of the day tho
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grapecaseschoices · 4 months
He is LITERALLY the only one. I know people wnat to include Karlach bc of what Larian did with her features [some people said she was modled after Gemma Chan] but I do not, because her voice actress is white. IDC. She is white. She a white woman who got surgery. Blame Z----l, if it makes yall feel better. She got a fetish or something. But Karlach is WHITE.
I could be wrong, but I think karlachs voice actor is poc since they are biracial (1/2 black jamaican, 1/2 white). I think they talk about it here. ❤️
As for the character herself, you're probably right since most of the characters in this game are white. Like they really said we are not going to give yall any flavour or variety. The body options too are so limited like why is there only two body types and why does every love interest have a supermodel body type. 😭
Lemme not go on about the whole racist plot with the gur and cazador since people on tumblr have already talked about it. I loved Wyll though, it's such a pity he gets such little content. 🥲
Don't get me wrong, I love this game, but imma still rant about the beef I have with it. If only they could give me more than 4 options for curly hair for my black tavs that would be amazing. 😩
See, I had wondered. I hard heard she was Jamaican but I couldn't find a clear response on what she was. Okay, fine, Karlach is mixed race (Though, she is still not Asian. While I don't think Karlach is monolided, I can see the argument of her looking like Gemma Chan. And can definitely see why people are annoyed about the change in her features.)
They are, fr. And barely any variation in skin tone. If there is a brown/black character they are a random background npc or someone with one off importance. Also, it has struck me that there isn't that many variation in character creator -- it has been a minute since I really went through it, but if I recall correctly it was usually two black featured people and one face chosen at random from the entire Asian continent, like if they have a face that seems like it could be from S. Asian, they won't have someone from the ME or E. Asia. Then the rest are white. I'm still mad about Halsin not being a bear bear. Even if you wanted not to give him a full round belly [AND WHY NOT], he didn't need a pack. He couldn't been more of a barrel. Wyll is the only one, other than Halsin, who should have muscles of the dudes imo -- and even then I feel his should be leaner. Like we know you're not eating THAT well consistently, my love.
I think I missed that discourse [though I have heard people's wariness about them being Travelers and how it'd be handled].
I wanted more than curly [coily, give me 4c hair] but I would've settled on more curly for real. And it's weird bc it isn't just poc with curly hair. Is it that hard to draw for a game?
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arizona2004 · 2 years
Courts of Love and Hate. CH6
Nyx X Juniper
Juniper It’s been another boring day, and while trying to convince our parents of an arranged marriage, Nyx and I’ve barely been able to write to one another; I haven’t gotten a letter from him in what feels like ages.
Climbing the stairs as fast as fast as my legs allow, I move for my room, intent on sending a note to Nyx to meet me tonight, even if it's only for a few hours. When I open the door, though, he’s already sprawled out on my bed.
The ache in my chest instantly eases at the sight of him. “Nyx,” his name is a sigh on my lips. “What are you doing here?”
“I missed you. And I could tell you missed me too.” He tugs on the invisible bond between us, making me nearly fall in my haste to get to him.
“Nyx,” I say again, unable to say anything else. I crawl over him and sprawl across his body, rubbing my nose into his neck to smell him.
“The meeting went well,” he says, wrapping his arms around my back, “your father is prepared to agree, and my parents are just on the cusp of it.”
Confused, I think back to Nyx’s recent letters, but no mention of a meeting comes to mind.“What meeting?” I ask, moving to have a better view of his face.
He appears to hesitate for a second, then a flash of anger crosses his expression, and his arms tighten around me. “He didn’t even tell you?”
“Nyx,” I rub a hand up and down his arms, trying to soothe him. “Calm down.”
His eyes flash to mine, the blue brighter than usual as his skin heats beneath my hand. He tenses against me but, after a moment, relaxes back on the bed and pulls me close, the heat receding. “There was a meeting between courts to discuss an arranged marriage treaty. Your father agreed if my parents agree to have a daughter who’ll marry one of his sons.”
“Are you upset?”
“I don’t know. I feel bad for dragging my brothers into this.”
“But just think about the peace between our courts.”
I nod, laying my head back against his chest. “You’re right; it will all work out in the end. I’m just glad we’ll be able to get married soon and be together.”
“If they agree,” he says, leaving everything uncertain between us. –
Nyx spends the rest of the day and night with me. We lay in bed the entire time and talk about everything to come. For a few hours we even talk about what we want our life to look like in Velaris.
“It’s the most beautiful city in all of Prythian, I swear. You’ll love it.”
“I’m sure I will, Nyx.”
“We can get a house in the city and decorate together. And get a dog. Or a cat.”
“You wnat pets?
“How many?”
“I don’t know. As many as we have room for. I love animals.”
“Alright, as many as possible then.”
“There are shelters we can rescue from.”
- Nyx leaves early in the morning the next day and I already miss him and spend most of the day in my room, imagining Velaris and the life I may soon have with Nyx in his beautiful city. I don’t actually leave my room until after dinner.
Oak came to hang out with me for a few hours but no one else has stopped by all day so I’m curious to see what they’re up to.
When I open the dining room doors I’m greeted by Oak again as he shovels chocolate pudding into his mouth. “Hey,” he mumbles around his full mouth.
“Where are Father and Kai?”
He swallows his full mouth and speaks after a long moment. “They went to the study. Something important they needed to talk in private about,” he answers, shrugging and turning back to his dessert.
Leaving then I make my way to the study but stop just short of opening the doors. The arguing inside is clear enough from here.
“You can’t just sell her!” Kai’s voice is practically a roar, but a quieter one interrupts the arguing.
“You shouldn’t be standing out here, your Highness,” it’s one of the guards at the door. “Your father wouldn’t want you eavesdropping. But more importantly, your brother wouldn’t either.”
More importantly? I wonder, and can see on the males face that he seems to realize his mistake. Why does this guard think Kai not wanting me eavesdropping is more important?
The guard looks away from me, staring down the hall instead.
“What’s your name?” I ask.
“Aleksander,” he says, still not looking at me.
There’s something in his eyes that I can’t decipher and I know he’s trying to hide it from me so I decide to turn around, knowing it wouldn’t be a good idea to interrupt their arguing, and go to bed.
The next morning I get up early, intent on talking to Kai and convincing him I understand the circumstances of this arranged marriage, and that I’m okay with making this ‘sacrifice.’ I get dressed before my ladies maid even shows up to wake me and leave my room silently, wanting to catch him before breakfast.
“Good morning, Aleksander,” I say, noticing the guard in the hall near Kai’s room as the same one from last night.
“It’s a little early, no, my lady?”
“I want to see my brother before breakfast. I’m sure he’s already awake.”
The guard says nothing as I knock on Kai’s door and open it, letting myself in, but listening for an objection.
“Alek?” My brother's throaty morning voice asks from somewhere in the still dark bedroom as I open the door more.
“Nope. Juniper.”
He doesn’t say anything but I make out his silhouette rushing from the bed to pick something up from the floor, and as I turn on the lights I notice it’s a shirt that he’s quickly pulling on.
“Juni, what are you doing here?” He turns toward the bathroom, still not looking at me, and grabs something from the cabinet. That’s when I notice the bruises; they’re faint, but he’s rubbing a salve on them to heal them faster.
“What happened?”
“It’s nothing, just an accident during training yesterday,” he says, but he still hasn’t looked me in the eye. “What did you need, Juni?” he asks, spinning around to face me.
“I wanted to talk to you about your argument with father yesterday.” He immediately tenses. “I heard enough of it and I don’t want you defending me. I’m willing to marry the Night Prince if it means uniting our courts,” I say, trying to watch my words so I don’t let on that I know more than I should.
“Juniper, you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I do! I’m not some helpless child, Kai. I can take care of myself so just trust me on this.”
Kai doesn’t speak for a long moment. “Juniper-”
“No. There's nothing for you to do about it, so don’t argue with father on my account.” I turn to leave, having said my piece, and walk for the door. “I’ll see you at breakfast.”
Nyx It’s a long day of mindless hobbies, since mom and dad still won’t let me work, and wondering if the small note I left on their desk was enough to evade punishment. Hanging with a friend on a boat in international waters, be back soon, it had said.
“Nyx,” my mother’s voice rouses me from my thoughts. “Your father, Azriel, and I talked a great deal and have decided to agree to Tamlins terms.”
“With him raising an army, tension’s are growing,” dad adds.
“And though we’re sure we could beat the Spring Court in any war,” mom starts.
“We don’t want to risk any lives for something that we have a chance to prevent right now. It would be selfish of us to ignore this opportunity.”
I nod, not knowing what to say while I internally rejoice at the news.
“I did background on the sons,” Azriel informs. I hadn’t even noticed him come in, though it’s impossible if he doesn’t want you to.
“Right,” I say, taking another bite of food. “What’d you find out?”
“Nothing. They’re both squeaky clean. The younger one, Oak, is innocent enough. He spends most of his time reading or roaming the woods. The older one, Kai, is everything you’d expect from a young man who’s going to be highlord someday.”
“He’s a lot like you. Hard working, intelligent, quiet with no obvious friends, and protective of his loved ones.”
“Did you just call me a loser?”
My uncle smirks but it vanishes when my mother asks a question. “You don’t think he’s too much like his father?”
“I don’t think he has a reason to respect or like his father much, and no, I don’t think he’ll be like Tamlin at his worst.”
“That’s rather specific,” Mom says what we’re all thinking.
“There’s no need to share the details,” Az evades.
“Azriel,” Dad pipes up, his tone questioning with a hint of authority.
“Trust me.” Az looks Dad dead in the eyes when he says it, and something in his expression must convince my father because he nods and turns back to me.
“There’s going to be another meeting in the Spring Court a few days from now. Just to discuss details; the deal won’t really be made until the wedding.”
I nod, understanding, and wish the day would arrive sooner.
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robininthewindow · 10 months
Okay so I’m actually putting real amounts of thought into my au, which I will now be calling my “Forest Au”
Random tid bits and lore under the cut
So Splinter is staying a rat, but instead of growing up in the city, they grew up in the forest near April’s farm house, so they grew up with April seeing her once a year when she went on vacation with her family, until of course, her mom went ‘missing’ and she stopped going there during the summers, which made the turtles pretty sad ngl.
Okay So. Splinter is rat, got mutated in his 20’s by the time the story starts he’s in like his mid 30’s or smth I haven’t done the math.
The turtles were all mutates at different times, splinter found/adopted them at the same time and they were all mutated right after hatching.
Mikey and Leo are the youngest, Mikey is 8 months older than Leo, at the beginning of the story Leo is 12 and it’s 2 months till his birthday, Mikey is 13, Donnie is 14, and Raph is 16.
Raph and splinter have a pretty rocky relationship, Raph was Raph was like 4 when they first met splinter, and he was his usual hyper protective brother self so he didn’t warm up to the man all too easily, he still struggles to view splinter as a father a not a kind of caretaker.
Raph being a more aquatic turtle (he was mutates specifically for aquatic defense/fighting) spends a lot of time underwater, every day he takes a ‘water break’ that usually lasts about an hour or so, during these breaks Leo ‘fills in’ as he likes to call it. Leo doesn’t have any weapons yet, but he’s a pretty good fighter with just his fists and he’s been training with dummy swords and sticks
Donnie is still a little genius and he’s very much an inventor, his supplies are limited as is his general information range, for most of their lives they lived in some random hole in the ground, most of Donnie’s research was done love, in person, he’d document the behaviors of plants and animals he found in the wild, because of this he’s pretty good with animals and they tend to like him
Mikey is still very much artistic but he’s had to mostly rely on what was around him, so he was mostly just drawing with sticks and dirt or using the plants around him to work as materials for sculptures or collages, he once made a portrait of Leo using nothing but random berries be found in the woods (all of which were deemed toxic by Donnie)
Donnie became the main food getter, Raph being a carnivore and also the one with the most training (at the age of 5 of course) would get them all various meats of various livelihoods (he did the cat thing of catching half dead things so the babies could learn how to hunt) but Donnie insisted on getting plants too, so he figured which plants were poisonous and which weren’t by watching other animals to see which plants they ate and which they didn’t
Okay that’s all for now, if you wnat to know more about this au please don’t be afraid to ask!!!!
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apologies for the rant vent whatever this is, I'm just a little guy with worbs and thoughts and feelings who needs to say them
(I would write this on my own, but I need to put it into the world, so. apologies.)
okay no its. I don't get it. why the fuck can't I just. complain about when my leg hurts. if I get asked to do something that. is going to hurt to do why the fuck can't I say it? why the fuck are you angry at me for saying it?? I get i cant fuckin do it, believe me id love to if it means you don't constantly tell me that i dont fuckin do anything anymore (beleive me. I know.) Would you fuckin prefer I didn't say a fuckin word and just sat in silence and when it eventually came crashing down oh I'd be the one to blame cause I didn't fuckin say anything. Would that be preferred? Cause I'd actually not like to be in pain right now. (And I get you're trying to help figure it out and i get were trying to get it fixed or not hurting as much but me telling you it hurts is your sign it *hurts* and sometimes it hurt just to stand and you just need to take that as it is. My legs hurt all the time now. I can't do everything I could even a few months ago when it was in bursts every so often.)
And I get you're in pain to, and that your knees buckle too and that you can still do things despite that, but I'm not fuckin you. I'm not. Used to this. You've been going through this for years longer than I have. It's not right to compare us. Just because I'm younger and should be 'able to handle the pain' better doesn't fuckin mean I *can* (and that's fukcin stupid anyway, you know? what the fuck do you mean handle it better? I've been suffering in silence for fuckin years at this point when it hurt really bad, and I couldn't handle it fuckin then. I was younger then to? your logic of that doesn't fuckin. make sense.)
I just. I know we're trying to figure it out. But I need you to understand that I'm in pain. And that it hurts to do a lot of things that require my legs right now. And yes I can do them, but maybe you need to consider I sit in one chair for over an hour right beofre I leave school. And that makes it worse. and taht after school I just wnat to fuckin sit and not do anything (because that makes it feel moderately better) and I understand that one day we'll figure it out and that until then you're not going to get that it hurts. bad. and that I honestly feel like I'm gonna fall over sometimes. I get that. I just hope you'd listen when I tell you how I feel. and maybe that's hard because I'm still a kid and shouldn't feel like this, or that you just see this as an excuse to get out of things, or yada yada yada. but I hope eventually you *will* and I dont have to feel like shit everytime I tell you "hey my legs hurt" but right nows not then.
I just. I wnat you to hear me and listen to me when I say it. Okay? I don't want the excuse of how you're in pain to and you still do things and you're older and shouldn't have as high as a pain tolerance as me. I don't fucking care, actually. I'm in fuckin pain, you're more used to it, and I'm fucking allowed to complain when it hurts and I feel like I can't do something, for fucks sake.
(I still love you, and I know you're trying your best and I'm sure I just seem like a kid you wants to get out of doing things. but I'm not. and I hope you see that soon.)
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kidfoundonstreets · 2 years
thoughts on. saranzu ahhhah
starsd at u with very fertla and rabid eyes ahh eys itst you... its ytou... ive been expevcitng mu... ur the one who saranazued my brain............
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HSDFKQWHKFKUQWJ I LOVE THEM I LOV EHTEM BRO OKAY SO SPINSNYNSPINY SPOIGNS AORUND INC HAIR AND THROWSD AHNDS UP ALRIGHT UM tbh when i first got into the fandom1?1?1 i wasa playing and i was like 'holy shit tehy r so cute!! clwon lesbians?!?!?!" and honestly what more could u wnat???? i also found anzu adorable too so finding out they were in a ship my brain literlaly just exploded i adore them and SARAS JUST LIKE
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donaidk · 2 years
the funniest thing is a lot of people celebrating this move weren't following F1 as closely the first time Daniel was with RBR (which i don't gatekeep, there's no shame in that) but basically all the hate, death threats, conspiracy theories, etc.? it was the same exact situation for Daniel in red bull as it was for Daniel at mclaren. Any little reliability problem was some intentional doing so Daniel finished behind his teammate. Daniel couldn't ever possibly be slower than a teammate, red bull had to be giving them different cars or sabotaging him! I realistically don't ever see him getting that Red Bull seat - I'm not a Checo fan but checo did what was needed to help the team overall in the Constructor's this year, the same cannot be said of Daniel. But even if he did, he's going to get a lot worse treatment than mclaren ever gave him. He's actually going to be a second driver instead of having the option to fight for wins, positions, etc. if he has the pace. There are times where he probably would have to sacrifice his race for the benefit of his teammate (see Checo losing time while defending against Russell for Max that one race Max spun this year - i can't remember the exact track). Like people sent literal death threats if Daniel was given team orders this year (even though Lando got team orders on a couple occasions too), EVERY race would be a team order for him at Red Bull. And if he did underperform there, i can tell you right now that helmut marko and christian horner would not be giving him two years to see if he could pull it together the same way mclaren did. i keep hearing how mclaren bullied and mistreated him, but especially given his performance this year, they were a LOT more patient than most teams would have been with him.
You know, whoever thinks McLaren mistreated him are right that it should have been dealt with better media wise. But they literally do not know how it looks like when a driver is ACTUALLY mistreated and abused at a team. Because if they knew, whatever happened in these past 2 years, they would never be calling it that. If you think it was shit for him at McLaren, you do not fucking wnat him in Red Bull... I can tell you that.
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torchickentacos · 2 years
I also keep making Ash x Misty // May x Drew "almosts"/exes/temporarily broken up for some reason and I think it's hilarious. Like they're my childhood OTPs but sometimes I feel like it's more realistic and interesting to write em that way like we were talking about. Still love contestshipping (even if my memory of AG isnt as fresh) but not feeling as enthused about plain ol' pokeshipping these days. Like I'm working on shigesatokasu stuff which isn't inherently better ig but it's special to me somehow? Idk, it is what it is. Perhaps time for an OS rewatch *shrug*
I AM OBSESSED WITH 'ALMOSTS'. OK that's a concept that lives in my mind rent-free. Having someone always as your 'what-if', your could-have-been, your not-quite. It's a situation that hits incredibly close to home for me, but I don't need to get into my eight-year-long 'friendship that was also more' thing because that's a LONG story. anyways. I had a wip with that too somewhere (I think it was called theoretical or something), but I have enough wips that I have one for everything. And childhood otp or not, I think it's totally normal to want to write those dynamics-they're really interesting and realistic ones that can be really cathartic OR hellish to write, either way. and I had been about to do an OG rewatch soon too! but then I wanted to do a dp and xy watch. and instead of doing any of that I'm just watching The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing for the millionth time lmao. LMK if you start a rewatch, we could do it at the same time and ANALYZE and TALK about it which I love. but please lmk how those wips are going if you wnat!! I'm awful at dms but everyone is free to talk to me about their wips and stuff in the dms
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krazykatrina21 · 6 months
Same topic diffrent day
I wish i could turn off my emotions. I wish i could also just do things without thinking 10 steps ahead. how volitile this world is - i ask my self this every day. I always also ask myself if there is better out there. I ams ure there is that's the problem but yet i keep putting myself through this suffering. is it suffering? i shold be happy this is what i wanted after all? I dont undersatdn this world i dont understand myself i don't understand my decisions. I AM SO UNHAPPY HERE. woah i didnt even mean for that to be all caps and yet the world yet again made a futile error and i pressed the caps button. was it a mistake was it unconsuois what is wrong with my brain? what is worng with me? i know i love him but why am i so miserable. why am i so fucking unhappy. i wis he would plan things and do more. i wish he wasnt like my dad and i wish i didnt feel like my mothernright now. i dont wnat to thro my life away i know i am unhappy but what if it changes what if it gets better? i cant look to the past for a cycle becasue so much has changed now and he is in a better position to do bette rbut i am so fucking miserable. i keep dreaming about fallin gin love but it with everyone but him in my dreams. i think back to the guy i met the day before thanksgiving. the way he said he loved me but barley knew me and was acting like he would turn the world upside down just to see me smile. but is it all a lie becasue thats how M was when we fist met and now he just plays video games for 6+ hours a day. he is so negaive and i keep trying to cheer him up but the only thing that really does is drugs and alch. the two things i was taught to stay away from from my fathers additions. he was never a druggie but my mom never drank becasue he made such a horribe habit over it. i just wish things would change becasue i really dont think i have the courage to leave. i do love him and i have never been so close to another human in my entire life. maybe i am not ment to be this close to someone like this again. i cant let go of him. i just want him to be better so badly i want him to want that. i wan thim to plan the smallest things like a picnic or a walk or something a movie night a paint night a fuckign walk. a dinner i want him to be more selfless i want him to caiter to my needs like i do to his. i give him so much of myself but its my fault beasue i did this i taught him that this is okay and now its my life. i hate this. i want him to be motivated i want him to be better to do better to try more to push himself to be opomistic. but am i trying to change verything about him at this point? i love how goofy he is but i know i would feel so incredible if we walked into an event and he workked the room like me in a brilliant way not pulling VIP wristbands out his pockets. i dont know what to do.
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