#i miss my little sister. i wanna be able to see the people i care about. theres so few people in the world i enjoy being around and i dont
peachhcs · 18 hours
a fic or blurb of ryan’s farewell party for will pls?!
charm bracelet
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
samy heads to boston after ryan begs her to fly out for will’s farewell party in hopes of reconciling things between the ex-couple (writing grace and samy’s dynamic was actually so fun because i’ve never wrote them before)
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i got so carried away with this it wasn’t gonna be this long but it turned into a whole fic. the ending of this is a bit interpret how you want, but in my mind it’s them not completely ignoring one another, but they aren’t gonna talk it out for a long while. p.s. the baby grace and will photo i found is actually adorable!
au masterlist
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"please come?" ryan begged over the phone while samy sat at her desk pondering the offer he'd been trying to convince her of for the last twenty minutes. "if not for will, then for us? don't know when we'll see you if you aren't coming out to boston as often anymore," the brunette continued making samy feel even worse.
"hey, i'll still come to boston. i didn't just go for will, you know," the girl rolled her eyes slightly.
"then come out to see us. you don't even have to see will if you don't want. there will be enough people that you'll probably be able to avoid him," ryan kept persisting because 1. he knew samy still cared deep down and 2. she was their friends too and he knew the guys really wanted to see her again before school started back up.
"you're so annoying," she teased a bit making them both laugh. "i'll think about it, okay? i might have to be back at school, but i'll see."
"i promise," samy nodded and the two ended the call. when her phone found its place back on her desk, samy knew damn well already that she was completely free that weekend. she just didn't know if she could stomach potentially seeing will.
two weeks later, samy and her mom were on a plane to boston for the party. ellen was still very close to colleen and after being there for will his entire life, she wasn't missing this despite everything that's happened.
gabe and ryan drove into the city the day before to catch up with samy themselves. will didn't have much idea that the hughes were in town and probably wouldn't find out until tomorrow at the party.
"hey, hughesy," ryan greeted with a large smile. his arms quickly slid around the girl's frame in a tight hug before letting gabe take his turn.
"hi, it's good to see you guys again," samy grinned widely. she really did miss seeing them. it'd been since worlds that they were all together like this.
"i'm glad you came out. i didn't think you would," gabe admitted as the three sat at a small table waiting for the waiter to take their orders.
"i didn't think i was coming either, but i wanted to see you guys before school started and we'd get too caught up in everything," the brunette explained which made them smile.
"i can't believe school's gonna start again. feels like it just ended," gabe chuckled.
"don't remind me," ryan groaned earning more laughs from the other two.
the three quickly filled each other in on the things they missed. it felt like old times when everyone was in michigan together spending weekends sitting on a floor going back and forth with stupid little games. all of that felt like such simpler times because no feelings were involved. at least not any known feelings.
things settled a bit as samy and the boys ate their sandwiches they ordered and the topic shifted to one samy knew was gonna come up eventually.
"i don't know if i've said this to you, but will's a real idiot," gabe said quietly.
samy's jaw clenched a bit, "yeah, he is."
"have you..talked to him at all?" ryan wondered and the girl instantly shook her head.
"no and i don't really want to. i don't even know what i'd say to him or what he could say that would make me forgive him. he threw it all away and that really fucking hurts," samy admitted truthfully.
"right and you have every right to not wanna talk to him. he was an asshole for not trying to talk things out with you," gabe nodded in agreement.
"can i just say one thing though? i'm no way trying to defend anything that he said or did, but you gotta remember how will is with this kind of stuff sometimes. he says the wrong things when he's thinking something else. you guys were best friends above everything. you know him better than any of us probably. you really want to leave things on this note?" ryan said softly.
samy's gaze flicked away from the boys knowing ryan did have a small point in the back of her mind, but she wasn't ready to admit that. things were confusing and hard.
being back in boston had this pull on her. everything she's ever known came from michigan and boston—will being one of those things. he hurt her so badly, yet a really, really small part of her wanted to reach out.
"it doesn't matter anymore, ry. he meant what he said and even if he didn't wanna say it, he still did. i was basically worthless to him," samy couldn't though. her head overruled her heart knowing she needed to stand her ground because there was nothing more she could say to him.
will's entire house was packed with people. room to room, wall to wall, lawn to lawn—there were people everywhere. ryan wasn't wrong that samy could lose herself pretty easily into the crowd.
she hung outside a lot because out there she could escape anywhere if she saw will whereas inside could end up trapping her if she wasn't careful. she happily caught up with drew, aram, vote, and cutter who greeted her with bright smiles.
the idea of even being in the same proximity as will sent goosebumps down the girl's arms. her eyes were constantly flicking around as if she would see him turn some corner and make eye contact.
somehow, she managed to find a corner where it wasn't too crowded by the lawn chairs. the youngest hughes sat out on them just people watching when familiar locks of blonde hair started coming her way. for a moment, samy tensed, wondering how grace took the news about their breakup because she hadn't exactly talked to the oldest smith sibling since it happened.
"hey, samy," the older girl greeted warmly.
"hi, gracie," samy smiled, relaxing a bit when she saw the girl's smile.
"i'm happy to see you. it's been awhile," grace found a seat beside her for a moment while the brunette nodded a bit.
"yeah, it has," her gaze flicked away because they both knew why it had been awhile since they saw one another. grace didn't make a huge appearance at the family vacation a few months ago since she was busy apartment hunting and even then, her and samy didn't talk much because they never got to catch one another at the right time.
"this might be a stupid question, but..how are you?" the older girl wondered gently.
"i'm..i'm okay. hanging in there, i guess," samy nodded, biting the inside of her cheek.
"i'm sorry i haven't talked to you since..i don't want you to think i hate you or anything. last month was super busy and you looked busy and i didn't know if it was too soon to ask about everything.." grace trailed off a bit when she realized she was rambling. samy quickly shook her head.
"don't worry about it. i was worried you hated me," a small laugh sounded from the soccer players lips.
"oh my god no! i don't. i promise. i actually..am mad at will for how all of this happened. i..i was shocked when you left and i found will out there..i'm sorry. i..i wish i had an answer for my brother's reason, but i don't. i..i don't know why he broke up with you," grace frowned deeply.
"i left in such a mess, i'm sorry again. everything happened way too fast," samy shook her head.
"have you talked to him since.."
"ry and gabe asked me that yesterday and i said no. i mean, i have nothing to say to him, so why would i, you know?" the brunette shrugged.
"right, of course. mom told him this morning you and your mom were coming. that went over..interesting to say the least," grace tapped her finger against her cup.
"i've been avoiding him, i guess. i'm not sure i can really stomach seeing him, but..i don't know. felt like i owed it to him to be here at least? and the other guys too. don't know when i'll see them again. this whole thing feels like it screwed up everything with everyone," samy laughed dryly.
"i get it. i'm glad you did come. i saw your mom earlier, it was good to see her. even if will won't admit it, i know he's glad you're at least here too. one last hurrah before we move him out to california," grace said.
samy thought back to all the times will would talk about his move to cali whenever it happened. he'd always say how she'd fly out with him to help him decorate his apartment when the time came. plus, all the times will told her how he couldn't wait until they could live together so long distance would be over, yet he'd wait forever for her.
god, what happened to that will?
"you're thinking," the blonde pointed out, snapping samy back into reality.
while will knew her insanely well, so did grace. the two girls did grow up alongside one another even though there was a three year age gap. grace was the older sister samy never had as a little girl and she still was, so of course the older girl knew when samy was lost in thought.
"yeah, sorry," the younger girl shook her head.
"penny for your thoughts?" the expression made samy smile because will said the same thing.
"just how will always talked about me being there with him when he moved to california and how he couldn't wait until i was done with school to move out there with him. i wonder where that will went who was so ambitious about us and saying he would wait forever for me," the younger girl smiled sadly.
a little sigh escaped grace's lips hearing samy sound so heartbroken still. "i wish i knew what was running through his mind. i didn't even know he was considering it. it shocked the hell out of all of us. he's in there still somewhere, i know it and i know you don't wanna hear that, but i gotta believe it. i have never seen my brother like someone as much as he likes you, it confuses me how he just threw it all away like that," the blonde shook her head.
"you and me both," samy frowned this time.
"i think you just gotta give it time because damn, all of us believed you guys were it for each other. you'll find your way back, i think you two just need some space. will needs to settle in california and play a few games with the sharks and then i'm sure he'll come around. i don't believe this is the true end for you guys," grace said firmly.
the youngest hughes wanted to believe her so badly, but she just couldn't.
"maybe. it's hard to say though," samy said instead of being a complete pessimist about it.
the party ended a few hours later with samy successfully avoiding any contact with will. she didn't even see him which was surprising because she knew he was making his rounds.
her and her mom drove back to the hotel in silence just unwinding from the long day and talking to everyone they saw.
samy was brushing her teeth when her mom stuck her head in. the younger girl raised her eyebrow in confusion.
"i have a gift from you from someone i spoke to today," ellen said vaguely. the brunette raised her eyebrow.
mrs. hughes didn't say anything while she just placed the envelope into samy's hand. the girl saw her name scribbled across the top in handwriting that she quickly recognized as will's. samy's gaze snapped to her mom's.
"i told him he's gonna do great in san jose," ellen said because she knew her daughter knew who that envelope was from.
the older woman slipped out of the bathroom leaving samy with the gift in her hand. she should've thrown it away, but curiosity got the better of her and she carefully ripped it open.
there wasn't any note or card, only a small charm of a shark.
her eyes danced to the charm bracelet sitting on her wrist that held her most precious charms.
will knew everything about her charm bracelet because he supplied most of the charms on the chain.
she remembered seeing the shark charm in some little gift shop with will many months ago, quickly mumbling something about how adorable it was and would fit the aesthetic for will's soon to be san jose career.
she had no idea will went back to buy it for her.
samy even wondered how long he's had it for.
without a word, samy clipped it onto the chain, adding one more pretty charm to her bracelet and a tiny smile painted her lips.
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be-good-to-bugs · 2 months
maybe i WILL get to move back home
#the bin#i talked to my mom and things might go ok but idk#i just have to wait and see but i desperately hope i can move. i need to see a doctor so bad. my whole body feels horrible all the time#and my tooth has gotten so much worse. i can deal with it if thres an end date. i cant deal with it indefinitely. and i cant afford to get#it fixed without insurance. i would rather die than deal with this shit for another however long i have to i CAN NOT do that#esp bc i would need to go to work while experiencing it. idk. im shaky literally ALL the time and my insides alwyas hurt and my joints#hurt so much too. and half the time im at work my chest hurts and i cant see straight. i cant fuckin do this anymorew.#apparently my dad might be getting a new job so their landlord might be more willing to renew but idk. she said she should know on april 1st#which isnt that far away but idk. i mean. its not impossible theyll renew. who knows. i hope so.#i know at keast thst i have a way to get there if there is a place for me to live so thats good. my health cant take this anymore. and im#also not able to emotionally. idk what other option i have but. god. its hard enough as is. im having like a perpetual panic attack since i#found out i probs wont get to move. im tryna be optimistic. i dont think im physically capable of staying here any longer#it was hard enough to stay herenthis extra yearm ive been having breakdowns repeatedly over it. and my physical health keeps worsening#i miss my little sister. i wanna be able to see the people i care about. theres so few people in the world i enjoy being around and i dont#get to see them ever. instead i have to see my second least favorite person in the world in order to even just get groceries#hhhh. i want the time to pass so i can know for sure but i also desperately dont wnat it to cause im so scared itll be bad news#whatever. i will hope and believe that itll work out until i know that it wont. hhhhh. worst case scenario i guess ill just have to save up#and figure out moving there later on but like. i was really happy to NOT have to worry abt rent or working so i could focus on my health and#then i could go back that that stuff. oh well
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bullet-prooflove · 6 months
Tough Call: Tim Bradford x Reader
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Tagging: @viridianphtalo @burningpeachpuppy @anime-weeb-4-life @malindacath @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989
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Tim can’t find you at Nolan’s engagement party. The other man’s house is open plan so it’s not like he wouldn’t be able to see you amidst all the other people here. It’s outside in the yard that he finds you, you’re leaning against the wall of the house, smoking a cigarette. You say nothing as he approaches you, instead you blow out a stream of smoke, watching as it evaporates into the air.
His back comes to rest against the wall beside you, he clasps the beer bottle to his chest as he tilts his head back and looks up at the stars.
“I heard you had a tough call today.” He says and you purse your lips together grimly before you nod.  “You wanna talk about it?”
“My missing kid turned into a homicide.” You tell him, before you take another drag of your cigarette.
“I’m sorry.” He says quietly. “Did you catch him?”
“Yea…” You say, your voice breaking just a little as you meet his gaze. “It was her father.”
It feels like the air rushes out of him because cases like this, it always hits hard especially when you’ve been a victim of abuse. He remembers the time his dad put his head through the wall, how he’d started bleeding out of his left ear. His father hadn’t even bothered to take him to the hospital, he’d just left his sister Genny to take care of it. He knows you feel it too, your father had been a gambler and when he lost, which was often, he would always take it out on his wife and kids.
You toss the cigarette onto the paving slab, crushing it underneath the heel of your boot. You use the back of your hand to rub away the tears that line your lashes.
“C’mere.” He murmurs, his arm wrapping around your shoulders.
He draws you close, your body fitting perfectly against his, the same way that it always does. He cradles you close as you bury your face into the confines of his chest. When the first sob hits, he feels it reverberate through his entire body. It wrenches at something deep inside his soul because he’s been there, he knows how it feels and he hates that this is happening to you.
“I’m here.” He whispers against your hairline. “Whatever you need I’m here.”
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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alexxncl · 2 months
normal and hard spoilers
masterlist | all lessons | lesson 27 | lesson 29
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beel not being hungry is odd, but given the course of the story, him not rampaging like asmo or mammon is even weirder
i personally think it's bc we already saw what happened when his gluttony takes over in season 1, and having that happen a second time wouldn't really serve any narrative purpose
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i love how beel is the most outwardly affectionate and caring about his brothers despite not always being the most "expressive" if that makes sense ???
i feel like he and satan (for obvious reasons) take after lucifer the most because of how palpable their love is for their brothers, regardless of the different ways they choose/are able to express that love
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sobs uncontrollably
imagine "baby" beel running around trying to guard "teenage" mammon from raphael bc he wanted to protect his brothers and lilith in the same way he saw lucifer do it
i feel like next to beel and belphie's relationship, beel and mammon have one of the healthiest sibling dynamics in the game, both in og and in nb, and part of that is due to their abundance of empathy
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and satan being the first to suggest a way to help beel ??? WITH A SMILE ON HIS FACE ??? the development i sobbed
he doesn't wanna see beel go through what he went through and is doing anything he can to prevent that from happening
i also think the "eat-til-you-drop" title is foreshadowing bc mammon, asmo, and satan all passed out when they had their rampages...maybe satan's trying to induce it so they can get to the root of the problem faster ???
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finally. FINALLY we get mephisto to stop being an annoying dickhead and open up about his emotions, even if it's technically against his will and only for a moment. if he'd get out of his own head and rework the prejudices he has about lucifer and his brothers, he'd realize that he and lucifer are much more alike than he thinks, and they'd probably end up being really good friends. but because they're so similar, they're both too prideful to put aside their differences (especially mephisto) to explore the common ground they share
and i'm so so glad the devs didn't villainize mammon for this bc it's obvious that he had good intentions
i FIRMLY believe that next to beel, mammon is one of the most emotionally intelligent and empathetic characters in the entire game, but he's less outright and upfront with it bc of his own pride and bc of the way other people view him off of first glance
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i feel like this hammers home my point of satan and beel taking after luci. he shows that he cares more that he says it, but denies it at every chance he gets bc he's too prideful to admit it. satan didn't show or say that he cared about his brothers outwardly until recently. beel shows and verbalizes that he cares
but it's evident to everyone around them that their bond is unbreakable
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shit like this makes me miss seeing my little sister every day and bugging her (if you're reading this shut up)
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beanghostprincess · 25 days
I wanna see Reiju x Tashigi headcanons from you! I actually think they are pretty cute, the Princess of Germa falling in love for a pretty marine woman
I think they're pretty cute too!! I love them!! That color spread rewired everybody's brains, I think 🩷🤍🧡
I am so so so weak for princesses falling for people they shouldn't. Reiju is the perfect golden daughter, mostly to avoid issues with her dad and because she settles with her position as a Germa member instead of looking for what she wants. And she's fine with that. She's ""mature enough"" to know that as the oldest she should be the one taking care of her (even if awful) brothers.
I mentioned this in another post but the thought of Reiju knowing she's a lesbian but never acting upon those feelings and setting them aside because she's a warrior and a woman and I am so sure Judge has the "you have to give birth to my grandchildren" mentality. And tbh she doesn't really want to have children because she feels she will never be able to be like Sora and is afraid she might end up hurting them if she raises them in that environment. But little tiny headcanon (that will be important later for Tashigi) Reiju finds out she actually can't have children after all the modifications and Judge blames her and she actually has an awful time because maybe she did want children. At least she wanted to choose. Whatever.
As to how they meet, I am not that sure. But it isn't that weird that the marines go to the Germa kingdom. Judge probably suborns all of them, ngl. Not Tashigi, though, of course. But it's not like she can do anything about what Judge does yet. But to go directly to the headcanons, yadda yadda yadda Judge makes Reiju talk with Tashigi yadda yadda yadda it's noticeable she's trying hard to force Tashigi to get out of there before anything happens to her even if she's just constantly teasing and threatening her. Typical "I know you're only threatening me because your father told you, you can get out of here with me" vs "I am fine here, this is my true nature (nope) and you should go before I have to kill you".
I actually really want them to have a whole night for themselves and fall for each other kind of right away? Not really right away but there is something between them and they can feel it. And maybe in the future Reiju can sneak out during her missions to see Tashigi and be a little bit annoying (because she misses her and wants to see how she's doing but won't stop teasing her) while Tashigi tries to make her open up and convince her to escape with her and just... Turn in her family. But Reiju has this mentality of "if I turn them in you have to capture me too because we're the same" and also her oldest sister feelings.
So they have this back and forth relationship in which Reiju won't stop teasing and sometimes opening up and Tashigi won't stop discovering and seeing more and more about her. While Reiju starts falling in love (something she was never allowed to do and still feels like she shouldn't be doing) when she sees Tashigi's kindness (kind of resembling Sora's) and Tashigi just knows Reiju has that kindness within her too. Going back to the children again, at some point Reiju meets the Punk Hazard children being with Tashigi and she just looks so nurturing and sweet with them and Tashigi can't help but just knowing she has a good heart.
And it's also the perfect moment to mention Sanji (without actually saying his name). It's just Reiju saying she misses him and Tashigi seriously thinks at first that she's talking about him like that because he died, but she can see on Reiju's eyes that there is more to that.
I really want to get into simple, generic headcanons now so:
Reiju is always taking off and stealing Tashigi's glasses because it's just fun for her to see her fall and catch her
Reiju sees Tashigi fight/on serious mode and it honestly makes her feel things she has never felt before
Tashigi thinks Reiju is extremely experienced when it comes to dating and sex because look at her but she actually has never been with a woman because she has only had to use her seduction on men. So they're both equally nervous even if it isn't that noticeable on Reiju
Reiju finds so admirable of Tashigi that she goes all the way to fight for what she thinks is right and wishes she could do the same. But she's constantly trapped on the "I'm a Vinsmoke" mindset
Tashigi takes care of her and erases that mindset at some point with so so much comfort and gentleness Reiju has never felt before (I think Reiju deserves to cry and be vulnerable too btw)
Constantly teasing each other and it's so much fun when Reiju wants to be the most flirty and Tashigi ends up flirting back and damn she was not expecting that but she likes it
AGHHH I can't stop thinking about Reiju just admitting and accepting she'll have to get married at some point to a man and Tashigi being so furious about it. Imagine these two dating in secret for a while and just-- Tashigi promising they'll be together and get married or whatever and Reiju letting herself dream for a while about it
"I love you" / "It'll pass" or something like this
Again with the dangerously yours quotes but the whole "If I betray you, I betray myself. If I betray them, I betray my family. My brothers are very dear to me" / "Dearer than I?" feels like something they'd go through
This got angsty- Just imagine Reiju like "Nooo this food was definitely poisoned so sad mmm I will have to kiss you now I guess!!" and it's just an excuse to make out with Tashigi but Tashigi is actually freaking out until she realizes she's just flirting
Tashigi rambles SO MUCH about swords and Reiju loves every second of it because she looks so genuine and excited...
And Reiju actually does listen to everything Tashigi has to say and Tashigi has never felt so appreciated...
Smoker knows his girl is in love but he does not want to know shit about it so he pretends he doesn't know about Tashigi and Reiju's calls in the middle of the night. But Tashigi does look happier and more inclined to work even harder so that is a win for him
Suddenly Tashigi knows a lot about poisons and she says some fun fact about them and Smoker goes "??? Since when are you so into this??" and she gets all nervous and anxious and says she read it in a book
Same with Reiju. Her brothers see her happier and want to tease her about it and her secret but she has been more gentle and motherly to them so... They've been acting softer... Kind of. For some reason they like seeing her happy and they're still trying to figure out why
I honestly think Ichiji is the only one who actually knows about the whole thing but doesn't say anything about it as long as it doesn't affect them
Reiju likes dressing up Tashigi with her dresses because she likes seeing her I classy clothes (and then taking them off but that's another story)
Same thing with Tashigi btw she likes seeing Reiju with her hair messed up and just t-shirts because she barely sees her in a genuine, comforting way
I actually do have more ideas about them because they're making me go insane but... I think this is enough for this post. They're so,,, Cute,,, And I adore them. Let Reiju be free please please please 🫶🏻 So she can date her beautiful, nerd, marine girl 🩷🩷
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nothums-from-tj · 5 months
I rarely see anyone talk about the relationship between the rrb I hc cuz of how abusive HIM was brick and butch were always on gard and always made sure to do their best on any missions and that made HIM always send them on missions together with out boomer cuz he thought boomer was weak and he would always blame boomer for anything wrong that happened and cuz they all were scared of HIM brick and butch didn't dare say that it was there fault and just let boomer take the blame and be punished and soon they started to always blame boomer for anything so that HIM would leave them alone and it made them be more closer and distance themselves from boomer and by the time they all were able to get away from HIM and get their life together boomer no longer saw him and his brothers as a team brick and butch were always together and when they were with HIM saw each other as the only person they had and always closed off boomer not trusting him as they were scared he would tell him anything they do wrong so boomer was alone and until they were 12(I hc they got away from HIM when they were 12) this was how the boys acted both brick and butch have been trying to rebuild their relationship with boomer but the way boomer survived HIM was being quite and not talk if not talked to and to just act like he doesn't exist he was always alone and he never knew a time were he wasn't alone
I think I know who you are so I wanna tag you so you can get the notif however you seem to want to be private to the public so I’ll keep you anonymous <3
Personally I like to think the three have a better relationship with Him rather than Mojo, since even though the two only saw these kids as weapons, Mojo is more human than Him will ever be and has a bit of an avoidant attachment style. Upon realizing the Ruffs are their own people with goals and aspirations outside of destroying the world/PPG, he shuts down, and as he realizes that he really cares about them, he tries to convince himself not to and he’d yell at/try to convince them to be on the same page he is. The Ruffs, never actually getting to know Mojo on a deeper level for that reason, end up shutting him out too, and eventually they lose contact and never really search for that relationship as much as Mojo misses having their company, and doesn’t reach out either
When realizing these kids are, in fact, people, I’d like to think that’s when Him experiences empathy for the first time. He won’t like it and he’ll be passive aggressive, and he’ll still do what he can to support any hobbies and parts of their identity. The opposite can still be applied to either or:
Mojo could also have a switch flip in him and he’d just hug them tight and swear up and down that he loves them no matter what, and/or Him could react horribly with trying to literally brainwash/blackmail/possess them (what an episode that would’ve been) to force them to pull through with his own wishes
Have you ever seen the 2003 Teen Titans cartoon?? There’s a 2-part episode as season 2’s finale, Aftershock, and the way Slade handled things at the end. Holy shit. Anyway basically how I see Him being able to control the Ruffs in the most terrifying, most dystopian way possible (will always highly recommend Teen Titans btw it’s so good, also my very first introduction to online fandoms)
Anyway it always breaks my heart to think of them separating as they get older—I get it, I do, there are just so many ways their dynamics can go. This is definitely projection on my end with my own and my sister’s relationship, however we did have a similar one growing up from what you described the Ruffs: Brick is definitely a bit parentified, and I’d like to think that he truly loves both brothers even if he struggles to show it, though he doesn’t really know/realize it until he gets older—maybe 12-13, and he either gets a little softer with them, like his teasing becoming more affectionate, and/or spending time w them more and getting to know them a little more than he did way back when
As the trio starts losing their relationships with their dads, Brick becomes their confidante of sorts—they’re still brothers, it’s not like they tell each other everything, just enough to still keep tabs on each other (“hanging w BC later” “k” // “headed to work” “don’t kill anyone” “I’ll try” type of things) and he always tries to make sure his brothers know what’s going on w him so they can find him if they need anything (they never do, it never stops him anyway)
In the case they do separate, though, I like to think their gfs accidentally help mend the relationship: so the girls are a really tight-knit group right, they bicker often and still practically inseparable emotionally—so when Professor asks the girls to invite their partners to dinner on the same night so he can get to know everyone and give his seal of approval, and each bring home a different Ruff, an argument breaks out almost immediately between the three and the girls can’t help but feel they’ve made a mistake and really like Professor won’t approve of any of them after that. It gets worse before it gets better, and Professor steps in and immediately takes role of mediator as he has for his own children millions of times. Somehow he manages to get them to talk and secretly got some of the inside scoop from his kids from what they’ve said the Ruffs told them in private and they’re able to tolerate each other again after he steps in (he approved of them all, Boomer was approved of the fastest since he’s the best influence among the three of them—especially for Buttercup). Especially as they keep dating the Puffs they’re able to see each other in lights they never had before and it shows each other how much they changed and matured and things may never be the same as they were, and that doesn’t mean that they can’t start over
Also that last part of ur ask gives me SO MUCH POTENTIAL augh the trauma responses and flashbacks and things like that. So many angst prompts running through my head now I’ll have to jot it down and try to get a chance to write it in between chapters of my current WIP
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shiraishi--kanade · 1 month
I don't remember if you've done it before, but could you talk about your url? Like where did "shiraishi kanade" come from? Is it implying like smth like kanade being a shiraishi sibling or smth like that? :0 or parallels?
I'm not caught up on all the stories so idk if they've ever met but I wanna hear about how you imagine their interactions and dynamic if that's OK! Or about their parallels if that's what it's about. Or both if you feel like it HAHDHA /nf
Oh this is such a nice question to receive honestly!
There's not much thought behind shiraishi-kanade as much as me just mashing two of my favourite characters' names together, seeing how it sounds and then also discovering it is by some miracle not taken yet. It flows much nicer than yoisaki-an, no?
That said I absolutely love Shiraishi sibling Kanade hcs/fics as well so you're not far off! I have an AU of my own where Ken and Yuka are Kanade's foster parents until (or if 👀) her dad gets better because in that universe child protection services are a little bit more sensible. Mashing a depressed teenager who misses her family more than anything and blames herself for her dad's illness, another teenager with abandonment issues who unbeknownst to her just lost a member of her family and also has a very idealised idea of an older sister, a grieving foster dad and an absolutely shocked by all of those circumstances mom together goes about as well as one might expect (not at all, but they all heal and learn).
That said I absolutely love Kanade and An parallels, they very much have some! They're both musically gifted, both of their families had musician dads and non-musician moms, both of them have taken on the legacy of the ones who are no longer able to carry it, both are hard workers to the point of pushing themselves beyond their limits, but because of different circumstances and different upbringings they react to it completely differently. They also differ in a way that Kanade appears utterly selfless but in truth has a selfish streak inside her, accounting for her saviour complex; on the other hand, An who is brash and outspoken on the outside has a very vulnerable and selfless heart. Their arc go a little bit against each other (learning to truly care about people Kanade claims to want to save & An learning to accept her own feelings, including the ugly ones) but then are also similar in some ways that my mind is too hazy to recall right now. And also, grief. A whole load of it. They're such an interesting pair to spin and rotate in my mind.
That said they actually haven't properly met in canon, of which I've expressed my grief extensively. They are aware of each other's existence because of the Hermit event (where this Kanade untrained is from) and have seen each other perform a couple times, but unfortunately nothing more than that. Which is a pity! They would make great friends in my opinion. Which is also why I have more than one shuffle au where they are teammates.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 11 months
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PAIRING | Sebastian Stan x Best Friend!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You were temporarily back in New York to be there for your sister, when you suddenly run into your long time best friend Sebastian. The two of you catch up about everything you missed over the last few years, and it is like you never left.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Mention of the loss of a partner, a breakup over the phone.
Likes and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Sebastian Stan Masterlist
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You were getting ready to go for a walk through Central Park to clear your head a little bit. You've been working from home for the last few months and even though you love your job, it was getting a bit much sometimes. Not too long ago you moved back to New York to be closer to your sister, who was going through a tough time after losing her husband and you were living with her for now to make it easier on her. Because your house and job were in Phoenix, Arizona, you were working from home and you're thankful you could otherwise you wouldn't be able to be there for your sister, especially when she needed you the most. ''I'm going for a walk through Central Park, are you sure you don't want to come?'' you ask her again, and she shakes her head no. ''Just wanna sleep,'' she croaks out.
It hurt to see your sister like this, losing her husband took a very heavy toll on her. ''Alright love, if you need me I'm just a phone call away,'' you say before brushing some hair out of her face and kissing her on the forehead. You tucked in her blanket and went into the bedroom to change, it was too cold to walk outside in shorts and a t-shirt, so you went for a casual fall outfit, perfect for your walk around the park. You grabbed your phone, keys, and purse before saying goodbye to your sister and softly closing the door behind you. The walk to the subway was short, since you only lived 2 blocks away from the station, and you took the train going to Central Park. As usual, there were some weird people on the Subway, but being from New York, you were honestly used to it by now.
When you arrive, you get off the subway and quickly walk up the steps, wanting to see the beautiful fall covers that you love. This was honestly your favorite time of the year, and you would never get enough of it. You let out a content sigh and slowly start walking through the park before finding a small restaurant that sells hot chocolate. ''Hi, can I have one hot chocolate with marshmallows?'' you order and when you pay for it, you leave a generous tip. Based on the look on the woman's face, you made her day. You continued walking until you found an empty bench where you sat down to do your favorite activity here, people-watching.
After about 45 minutes, you suddenly received a phone call which quickly brought you back to reality. You were afraid it was your sister at first, but when you saw the caller ID, you picked up with a smile. ''Hi babe, how are you?'' you said when you answered the call, seeing that it was your boyfriend who called. ''Hey, I'm sorry I have to do it like this, but I haven't seen you in so long and I can't wait any longer. I'm sorry Y/N but I can't do this anymore, I'm breaking up with you. I met someone else and we're getting pretty serious,'' he said, not a single ounce of regret sounding through his voice. ''Oh...'' is all you could say before the realization set in and tears were forming in your eyes. ''I will bring your stuff to your apartment and leave my key there too,'' is the last thing he said, and you couldn't even react before he hung up.
The phone fell from your hands and onto the ground, the screen shattered but you didn't care about that, all you could think about was the fact that your boyfriend of 7 years just broke up with you over the phone. He didn't even have the decency to do it to your face, which is what broke your heart the most. You were losing the battle of holding back your tears, and with a loud sob, you completely broke. People were looking your way but no one came to check on you, not that you'd want them to. The crying didn't slow down for a good 20 minutes, and when it did, you finally looked at your phone, realizing it was damaged beyond repair. ''Shit...'' you whispered when you picked it up. Your phone was due for an upgrade by now, you had this one for nearly 5 years, but it still sucked it had to be like this.
When you went to grab your stuff and get up, you suddenly heard someone call out your name. ''Y/N!'' the voice said, but you didn't pay it much attention, there were probably multiple people with the same name there right now. They walked closer and tried again, ''Y/N, please wait up!'' and when you recognized the voice, your heart broke even more. It was Sebastian, your best friend who you haven't seen in nearly 5 years now. You turn around and when he sees your face, his smile suddenly drops. ''Doll, are you okay?'' he asks and he grabs you into a tight hug, and you start crying all over again. ''S-Seb, I'm s-sorry...'' you start, but he's shushing you and trying to get you to calm down a little bit before you continue.
Your arms wrap around his waist and your head is lying on his shoulder, letting all the emotions come out all at once, everything you've been holding in for so long. The breakup, the temporary move to New York, the loss of your brother-in-law, everything came out when you saw him. And he didn't mind, he would always be there for you no matter what. ''It's okay, doll, I'm here with you. Everything is okay now,'' he said in your hair, giving you soft kisses to calm you down. Once you had calmed down a bit you let go of him and he put his hands softly on the sides of your face, looking into your eyes. Those eyes he hadn't looked into for almost 5 years. The eyes belong to his best friend, the woman he loved more than anything in this world. ''What's wrong? Do you want to talk about it?'' he asks, and you agree.
The two of you decide to go to a coffee shop nearby where you can sit down and warm up a little bit. ''So, how's life been treating you?'' he asks you, holding your hand to ground you a little bit. ''Like absolute shit, to be honest,'' you say with a chuckle. ''You?'' ''Well, it's okay. I just got done filming and I won't have another filming job for a few months, so that's nice, but my ex-girlfriend recently broke up with me, and that is still a very fresh wound. Especially in the spotlight,'' he sighs, thinking back to the moment his ex-girlfriend called it quits after 3 years together, she couldn't get over the relationship the two of you shared. You texted and called often, but since you were both on different schedules all the time, you never saw each other.
''Well, I know the feeling. Just before you found me, my ex-boyfriend broke up with me - over the phone no less,'' you said, tears welling up in your eyes again. ''Jesus Christ, what a sick bastard...'' Sebastian cursed softly, and you couldn't agree more. The waitress brought both your coffees and you thanked her politely before she left to help other customers. ''And if that isn't bad enough, Lily lost her husband 6 months ago in a car accident, and she's not the same since then. It is really taking a toll on her, so I temporarily live with her now,'' you explain. You can see the heartbreak on Sebastian's face. ''I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but it didn't feel like something to tell you over the phone or text...'' you said softly. ''That's not what bothers me, doll, what's bothering me is the fact that he's gone, he was such an amazing guy...'' he said, thinking back to him, he had met your brother-in-law a handful of times, and they always got along well.
''Yeah, Lily isn't taking it well either, which is completely understandable of course. So I temporarily live back in New York now, instead of Phoenix. I have to say that I had to get used to the different weather here,'' you say, followed by a soft laugh. Sebastian smiled at you when you said that, making your cheeks burn up a little bit. You move your eyesight somewhere else instead of looking at Sebastian, so he won't see you blush, suddenly your coffee seems very interesting. ''Oh yeah, somehow it slipped my mind that you live there now,'' he said. ''I should come visit you sometime,'' he said, and you agreed.
The both of you talked for another hour and a half about everything and nothing at the same time when your phone suddenly rang. You completely forgot about it and when you pulled it out of your pocket you saw the cracked screen again. ''Shit, I don't think I can use this anymore...'' you said and Sebastian offered his. ''Wanna use mine to call them back?'' he asked and you agreed. It was your sister who called and when she picked up she was surprised it was Sebastian. ''Sebastian? Are you okay?'' she asked. ''Love, it's me. My phone is broken so I'm using Sebastian's for now. Is something going on?'' you asked, worry laced thick throughout your voice.
''I'm okay, but I'm feeling lonely so I was wondering when you'd come home, but if you're with Sebastian it's okay if you stay out some more,'' she said with a little chuckle, she knows how much you missed him. ''How about I take him with me to your apartment? That way we can all catch up together,'' you offered and she agreed. ''See you soon love,'' you said before hanging up and handing the phone back to Sebastian. ''Can we just make a stop before heading home? I think it might be smart to get a new phone...'' you said with a sheepish grin on your face, and Sebastian couldn't help but laugh and agree. He went to pay for the coffee and you went on your way to get a new phone and to your sister's apartment.
At this moment, everything felt right again. You were reunited with your best friend, you were back in your hometown of New York, and you finally had a new phone. Life felt pretty freaking good right now, and you wouldn't change a single thing.
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
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Me like "WOW THAT'S SO PRETTY, YUSUKE YOU'RE SO TALENTED" until we go to the art exhibition, which goes like
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yusuke man psst hey uhhhh do you want a hand
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Reverie has to row so Yusuke can focus on his sketching. He spots another set of people in an adjacent boat and pegs them as a blooming romantic couple and starts sketching them.
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Y U S U K E!!!!!
lmao it turns out they are not a couple, they are brother and sister and are Max Embarrassed at being thought of as otherwise.
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We might need to get you a coach on the subject, are you any good at skating? There's this guy, Viktor Nikiforov who might be able to assist you.
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I mean I always feel anguish in a church so do you wanna try a portrait of me?
But Yusuke's latest idea is to sketch Jesus in anguish on the cross, and Reverie is gonna be his model.
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also lmao i am so amused by how bossy Yusuke is, I am serious that I hope the fandom has had some kind of fun with this. Yusuke should boss Reverie around all the time imo.
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The comedic timing on this moment is honestly great. Just that sad little pose while Yusuke watches, LMAO.
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I mean holding this position is GONNA cause you so goddamn anguish, but it's also going to introduce you to what the sciatica is, boys, so maybe not, lol.
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Anyway a priest rolls up like "soooo wtf y'all doin'" and then explains to Yusuke the complexities of the crucifixion and how it wasn't just about pain, blah blah.
Another swing and miss for Yusuke. Honestly, cannot wait for what comes next with him.
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Okay like this is obviously a joke, but also it's a sweet moment, because Yusuke is internalizing that the thing he was missing from the anguish of jesus (and BELIEVE ME, it hurts my heathen ass to type that with a straight face) was the hope behind the event. So he pulls the pose again as he says goodnight to Reverie as a sign of "I still have hope" and Reverie doing it back feels like him saying "Me too."
IT'S GREAT, I like Yusuke. I would pay cash money to hear these lines acted out by Mercer, lemme tell you.
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Also I am still doing the Temperance arc because I just gotta know what the fuck is going on here. Kawakami keeps getting weird pushy late night phone calls about money and.... seems to be on the hook for her sister's medical bills? Which. Sounds sketch? Is this an adult sister or a younger sibling she's caring for? Why would debt collection be happening like this? Is she involved in shady shit or is she trying to make it sound like she is to garner sympathy (see: money) from Reverie?
I have no idea.
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There is this odd moment at the end where she drops her Perky Maid Act to show what seems like genuine concern. The mention of wanting Reverie to stay "healthy" leads me to believe that her sister really is sick, or she thinks her sister is sick?
I cannot believe that the Hot Teacher Who Is Also Maid is more compelling than some of my main party confidant arcs, but here we are.
THERE IS A FUNNY MOMENT RE: THIS where Ryuji drags Reverie out to go fishing at Ichigaya and Kawakami is there and is actually an extremely skilled fisher, and Reverie gets the option to refer to her as "Master" (as in a master fisherman)
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like "bitch. I see you."
gdi i think I like Kawakami, what the fuck is this game.
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you're my what now
me, who removed Ryuji from the party as soon as Yusuke showed up and hasn't looked back: /sweats nervously
but yeah for real, Junpei and Yosuke you are not, Ryuji, sorry. If anyone is my right-hand, it's Ann. but really it's more like I am Morgana's right-hand, lets be SUPER REAL here.
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minnieminss · 8 months
JEWELS WITHIN; a wolf story pt.4
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Pairing - Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) x 6 year old!oc x fem!reader
Warnings - werewolf au, cold!soonyoung, cursing, hoshi using nicknames for his little sister (baby, honey, etc), painfully shy!reader, but also lowkey childish and adorable, angst, age gap, (4years). Bipolar!josh (he can get so soft and then be an ass but we all know he cares), not the best of writing but I try.. :)
Summary - After being rejected by his mother at birth and parents murdered by hunters, soonyoung is faced with the responsibility of raising his little sister alone… until he finds you.
Word count - ?
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Hana’s pov
It’s been 2 hours since my brother left. I miss him so much! Who am I going to annoy now? Or…or play games with?
Today I’ve realized how boring it is without hoshi.
Speaking of games… the nice girl Aria offered to play games with me, but I didn’t like the idea of playing with someone else without my brother here. It made me feel bad.
So, I sat on the long rectangle like chair (that’s called a couch… I think.) and watched what they call a ‘show’ on a box called a tv!
The show wasn’t all that good to be honest, a bunch of puppets singing and I was already a bit bored by it.
Who am I kidding? This show is great!
I probably watched about 2 episodes of it until I heard people starting to talk due to someone coming in through the door.
“Josh! Your sisters here!” Said somebody.
The scary guy has a sister? I wonder if she’s my age!
No… maybe?
Joshua came downstairs the greet his sister the same time I turn my head to see who this mystery sister is.
She’s not my age. Should’ve known Hana!
“Y/n? What are you doing here?! How did you even get here?” The boy asked. “I… missed my brother?” The girl said quietly, chuckling nervously.
“Y/n…” he said. Sternly looking at the younger girl.
“Can we just talk about it later? Please.” The girl said looking away from the older boy. “Fine. I want you to meet someone, We have a guest.” Joshua said pointing to Hana.
“Hi! I’m Hana!” The girl said loudly making the girl flinch. “Hello..” the girl said with a small voice.
“I have a brother too! His name is Hoshi!” She said smiling. “How nice… how old are you Hana?” The girl asks. “I’m six years old! Yesterday was my birthday!” Hana says giggling.
“You’re very cute Hana, I can see us being friends..” the girl says looking at Joshua who smiles encouragingly.
“Me too! Wanna watch this show with me?” Hana says turning back to face the Tv with a bounce.
“Sure, sounds amazing”
“Shifts are normally around 8 hours a day, 12 if you do an extra shift.” Aria says.
“I know you wanted to keep as little amount of time away from your sister as possible but this is the best it’s gonna be Soonyoung.” She continued.
“I’m definitely going to hate this but, I really need the money.” I sigh. “When’s the fastest I can start?”
“Well, I can see if I can get you an interview perhaps by Friday, which is in two days so it would be a tight fit but not impossible.” She breaths out. “How about you wait here and I’ll go find my boss so you can chat with him?” She begins walking away before I could answer.
I wonder what Hana’s doing right now… I sure do miss her
Despite the amount of hours I need to spend away from her, I don’t feel anything bad is to go with this chance,
Because I’ll be able to make enough money to get us a new home just for the two of us, raise her the correct way, the only same thing is I’ll keep her homeschooled, nobody will change my mind on that.
She deserves so many great things and life and I just know that I’ll be able to give it to her.
Although I do wish she could have some type of woman figure in her life but even if she doesn’t so what? So many people raise their kids alone, besides I’ve been doing it for 6 years, what’s decades more?
Hi everyone! I apologize for the delay in this series and also for a short chapter, writing isn’t my strong suit and I do so many other things out of this. Plus I really wanted to get something out as it’s been soooo long 😅. I plan to have a but of a dramatic time skip in one of the chapters but I won’t say when or which🤭…
Here’s some other things to look out for (hopefully)
New writing layouts
New master list
New one-shot (let’s hope hard on this one)
So thank you all for being patient!
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babiebom · 8 months
Accidental Prey (II)
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A/N: hehhhhh this is not going to be posted until I'm maybe done with two more chapters? Idk bc i have so many other wips and I cannot finish them all at once pls. Also the time in which this is all happening is kept vague. So it's not canon time, but it's also not recent? I would like to think its like 70s- early 2000s? I obviously wasn't around for all of that so hopefully keeping it vague will work in my favor
tw:kidnapping, assault, cursing, cannibalism, talks of murder, blood, gore, self harm, pregnancy racism/racial slurs, physical and verbal abuse.
Previous Next Masterlist
The Texas sun shines high above, casting the heat down onto everyone and everything that exists below it. In the middle of summer, the sun was more like a death ray instead of a warming beam, burning everything that is so unfortunate to be caught under its rays. Now, basking in her freedom, Fawn couldn't care less about her skin burning. She only had a few more weeks to go until she starts showing and her parents lock her away until the baby arrives.
Her parents had graciously allowed her to go on a drive, stating that there was no way she could get herself into any more trouble than she already had. With the sun kissing her skin, and the sun whipping her hair around, she had no worries in her mind.
Okay maybe one worry.
A lone man walked down the long, empty expanse that was the road she happened to be taking. He looked as if he was suffering, panting and dragging his feet. Frowning, Fawn slows down her car, coming to a crawl next to the man. His green shirt stuck to his body, damp with sweat, the same as his long stringy black hair that was plastered to his forehead. Grimacing, she rolled down the window, leaning over so he would be able to hear her.
His head whipped around quickly, his eyes squinting at her from how bright the sun was. She offered a smile when he didn't say anything, waiting for him to step closer to the car before she said anything else.
"Want a ride?" The man smiled widely, opening the car door quickly, getting into the vehicle in the most awkward way she's ever seen. As soon as he slams the door shut, she begins driving again.
The ride is silent for a second, nothing but the road in front of them. The man was giggling to himself, rummaging around in the little bag made of fur hanging around his neck. Glancing at him, she frowns and hopes that the grease in his hair doesn't stain her seats. "So where to?"
"Can ya drop me off at the gas station? My brothers work there! It won't take long."
"Sure…" the man was still poking around in his bag, and it made Fawn very uncomfortable. Maybe she shouldn't have picked up this hitchhiker, girls have been going missing lately. "Say, what's that you got there?" She hoped making conversation would ease the fear and anxiety brewing in her belly.
"Pictures! Wanna see?"
"Not right now, I'm driving. Maybe later when I drop you off?" She looks over at him and flashes a smile, hoping that she hadn't pissed him off or something. He seemed not all sane, constantly squirming and giggling to himself.
"Yeah! I like to take pictures! My sister got me a camera, she says the pictures I take are pretty. I got a red room in my bedroom!" He laughs at his own words and keeps talking about all his pictures. Fawn tunes him out, his rambling reminding her of the woman she had met in the store a few weeks prior. At least she was going to be able to get out of the conversation when she drops him off. People in the countryside sure are weird.
After a while, she realizes he didn't tell her which gas station, and the sun was on its way towards setting. The second she opens her mouth to speak to him, she glances over and screams in shock. The man had whipped out a straight razor, and was laughing while pressing it into the hand of his skin. "Oh my-" her voice waivers as she contemplates pulling over. But still there was nothing really in front of them, and she didn't want to abandon him on the side of the road. No matter how insane he had to be, she would still feel bad.
So with the fear growing and clawing its way up her throat she begins to drive faster, ignoring the speed limit in order to limit her time left with the man. Looking over again for a second, she sees him smear the blood on the inside of her car door. She gags, swallowing repeatedly as a lone building on the side of the road comes into view. "I-is this the gas station?"
The man looked up from his mess and nodded quickly. Fawn lets out a shaky breath, thankful that the man would be away from her as soon as she could get him out. In the silence, and in her focus she doesn't even see him shuffling. As the car gets nearer to the gas station, which was looking more and more run down now that she gets closer to it, her focus only allows her to see the distance between her and the building.
A couple feet away the man lunges at her, causing her to jerk the wheel and send the car spinning. No one stood outside of the building, and thankfully there were no other cars on the road. The world spins around her, making her nauseous as she attempts to get the car under control. With the added stress of her screaming and his taunting laughs, Fawn wants to give up on getting the car under control and instead tear her hair out. What the fuck was wrong with this dude?
A couple feet away from the building, she gets the car to stop spinning, immediately putting it in park so she can properly kick the guy out. Regrettably, it seems the man has other plans, he slashes at her arm making a shallow wound that bleeds more than she thought it would. Screaming, she swings at the man who swings with his razor at her. Feeling trapped she frantically gets out of the car, ripping her seatbelt off as she attempts to escape. She's now angry at herself for taking pity on the man.
Running around to the other side, she rips the door open, grabbing the man by his hair and yanking him out of the seat, grateful that the prick hadn't bothered to put his own seat belt on. His knees scrape against the ground as he swings at her, but she keeps dragging until he's in the middle of the road, delivering a swift kick to his side as she sprints back towards her car.
Not noticing the people coming out to see the commotion at the gas station, she opens the driver's seat door, falling into the car, trying unsuccessfully to put it into drive. The blood everywhere made everything slippery, and now with the adrenaline rushing through her veins, her hands were too shaky to grab ahold of anything. She begged herself to get it together as she fumbled with the stick, crying. It never occurred to her that she needed to press on the break to get the stick to move. The man was up now, and racing towards her. She closed the passenger side door quickly, stretching her body to the limit to reach the door before him.
Thankfully she was somewhat safe, being able to lock all of the doors, keeping the man and his violence out in the street. Of course he could break the windows, but she doubted he would after seeing him stand dumbly outside the passenger side door after being unable to open it. He kicked at the car for a second before taking off towards the gas station, where another man waited for him.
Fawn wondered just how much the man had seen of that little fight. Putting the car into drive, now calmer than she was now that she was safe, she speeds off away from the gas station and away from the man, she was never going to pick up a random again that was for sure.
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"What in the hell was that?"
Drayton was pissed.
He had seen that little negro girl drag Nubbins out into the middle of the street. Was he dumb or something? Well, Drayton already knew the answer to that, knew it from the moment the stupid boy was born, he just couldn't believe he would be this dumb. The second Nubbins stepped under the roof of the gas station, Drayton took his broom stick handle to his head. The boy had to learn somehow.
"Are you trying to get us caught, you idiot?"
Nubbins tried to shield himself with his scraped up arms. This only served to make Drayton angrier, the boy deserved to be punished for his absolute stupidity. His actions would only get them caught, especially bringing people back to the gas station. He was trying to run a business, not be caught by police. It was enough that Johnny was going around and killing people left and right, now he had one more person to watch, their every move now a point of his growing concern.
Sighing, Drayton goes back into the gas station, still a couple of hours until he could close for the night and head back home. On the way they had to look for the girl, luckily for them she had gone in the direction of their homes, and past that was absolutely nothing for miles. Hoping that God would be on his side, he prays that she doesn't get too far, his back hurts and he's getting too old to drag people back to have for dinner.
Out of nowhere Nubbins starts mumbling, glaring at Drayton so obviously that it makes the older man's blood boil; why did he have to be stuck taking care of the mistakes his parents left behind? He didn't even want siblings, he was fully content being the youngest and then his parents had to go popping out disappointment after disappointment. Then they die. Drayton did miss his momma, but he still hated her for cursing him with the burden of taking care of his younger siblings. Because of that (and grandpa's hatred of outside relations) he had never had kids himself, a decision that was only supported day by day living with the fools he calls a family.
"Oh what do you know? You're nothing but a cook!"
Spinning around on his heel, Drayton glares at his younger brother, wishing that he would go up in flames. He just had to make a dig at him and make things worse. With a frown, Drayton swings at him, beating him over the head with his fists. Though the old man wasn't as strong as he used to be, his 50s not really being all that kind to him, he still knew how to make his hits hurt. Nubbins doesn't stand a chance against his older brother, so he takes off and runs away, taking a shortcut home to avoid getting beaten anymore.
With a sigh, Drayton re-enters the building, having chased Nubbins down the road. His back ached even more now, and glancing at the clock he had exactly 3 more hours to go, though he doubted anyone would come by during that time. Hell, Nubbins could've at least let the girl buy something before he attacked her. With a grunt he returns to his spot behind the counter, sitting in the uncomfortable folding chair, hoping the time goes by faster.
God he hopes they find that girl.
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It has been weeks since Johnny had last seen the girl, but he couldn’t really get her out of his mind. Sissy was sort of annoyed with him, for allowing the girl to get away. They had to get a whole new person for dinner when in her words they had the perfect person right there. Though, she changed her tune after a minute saying she thought the girl was sweet so maybe it was a good thing they didn't kill her.
Now, working on the farm, he still thought about her. It wasn't love in any way, shape, or form; it was more like an obsession. Johnny wasn't sitting there, daydreaming about the girl and their future together, no. He was dragging around craps while silently fuming that she didn't recognize him one bit. Of course he didn't really want her to stand there and declare him the man that took her virginity, but in his mind it would be nice to be recognized. He deserved to be recognized. Because he recognized her, immediately knew her voice and face even if it wasn't blurred by being tipsy, even if her speech wasn't slurred by her drunkenness. He knew. He would recognize his little mouse anywhere.
That's right, his little mouse. He had her first, claimed her before anyone else could. Even if she didn't remember it, he practically owned her, painted her insides with his own seed just to prove it. And she didn't even know it, she was just going to go about life not even realizing that he is the reason she is still alive, him alone.
Slamming the barrel down, he forces the thought of her out of his head, he wouldn't see her again, he knew that much. So he didn't need to be thinking about her as much as he is.
The arrival of his older brothers quickly makes his thoughts disappear, the men dragging a woman from the truck with two different emotions, that Johnny just knew meant that Nubbins had almost gotten the family into trouble…again.
The woman they dragged was small, her head bobbing with their movement, her eyes closed. The sun was already low over the horizon, which meant he couldn't see well from how far away the lights were from them. The closer they got, the more annoyed he grew when he realized this meant that he would have to carry the body downstairs, Bubba was already busy down there cutting up the latest victim they had. Which meant that they had more meat than they needed. Meat spoiled quickly, even in the freezers because the Texas heat meant that sometimes the power went out for random amounts of time. He frowned thinking about the smell of rotting flesh. It was not one that he was fond of.
"What the fuck?" Johnny questions his older brothers as the girl they were bringing inside was the very one he had thought he would never see again, the very girl he wanted to get out of his head. He was almost mad that she had managed to get caught by these two, all she had to do was stay away. And he was mad at the fact that they had killed her, or knocked her out rather seeing as she was still breathing.
"What?" Drayton asked, allowing the girl to drop onto the porch, not wanting to carry her any longer.
"What's she doin' here?" It was bad to get upset about a girl that he isn't even supposed to know, he knows, but he felt like his territory was being invaded by how they were treating her. If she was being manhandled and knocked out he would be the one to do it. No one else.
"This idiot had to go and attack her. And the broad luckily got stuck on the side of the road-wait what do you mean she?"
Johnny sucked in a breath, glaring at Drayton in annoyance. Of course he didn't miss how he asked, anyone with half a brain wouldn't miss how he asked. Nubbins looked pleased with himself, and it only made Johnny angrier. He tried so hard, well not that hard because how hard could staying away from this place be? But he tried to keep her away from his home, his family, and refused to even bring her near. He didn't care about the girl, not really. She just was too pathetic to be seen as proper prey, and he had taken away her virginity in a drunken one night stand. He felt like he owed her. Yes he killed people, but he wasn't disrespectful…okay he is but sometimes he isn't and that counts for something. "Well, we're not killing her."
The old man in front of him glared right back, Johnny immediately knew there was going to be a problem. There were a lot of things his older brother was, but someone that backs down isn't one of them. "And why the hell not?"
For a second Johnny couldn't think of any real answer. He couldn't just tell the truth, it wouldn't be a good enough reason, and the girl would be killed on the spot. Drayton hated relationships, the man hated love, and making it, and having babies; it was so bad that sometimes Johnny thought that Drayton wanted to end their side of the Sawyer line with them. Saying he spared her after fucking her in a motel room because of how he viewed her would just put her in the same place Maria ended up, and he never even got that far with her.
"I wanna keep 'er as a pet."
"Ha ha! Johnny has a little girlfriend!"
Johnny punched Nubbins hard in the gut, glaring at him as he now stood over the doubled over man. "Shut your mouth you idiot," moving back he looks back up at Drayton who was staring at him with that same suspicious look in his eyes, "and yeah. I wanna keep 'er as a pet. Been stalking 'er since we met at…a bar somewhere in town."
"You wanna keep her as a pet?" Drayton lets out a laugh, his head falling back as he opens his mouth wide. "Just like you wanted to keep that Mexican girl? Now you wanna keep this coon?"
Blinking twice Johnny had to keep his temper under control. He wanted to convince, and manipulate if he had to. He was used to the constant racism, Drayton was always cursing and using slurs when he got particularly worked up, he just hated being questioned. "Man, I didn't know you had a fetish for colored girls!" Drayton continued to laugh, copied by Nubbins who had recovered from his gut punch.
Rolling his eyes, Johnny steps closer towards the girl. "Whatever, I'm gonna-"
The girl moved, causing everyone to look down at her. She mumbled something as she attempted to sit up, looking at them with the most fearful look in her eyes. At this point most people would start screaming for help, fighting, or running. Survival responses and all that. The girl just sat there, looking between the men standing above her, her eyes filling up with tears.
The second she moves, all three men flinch, getting ready to catch her if she tries to take off. Instead she moves to sit on her knees, hands wrapping around herself.
"Please!" She trembled as she sat there. "Don't kill me!"
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The road in front of her was deserted, and while Fawn was grateful that she had gotten away from that creep, but now as the sun set in front of her, she was terrified at what was to come. She only had so much gas, and though turning around was the best option, she didn't even know if she would actually make it anywhere. And turning around meant that she could run out of gas at that station, and she really didn't want to risk that.
It took all of five more minutes. Before the loud chugging filled her ears, she could feel her car basically crawling along. Groaning, she pulls the car over to the side of the road, wanting to at least be safe until she could get some help. Maybe by the morning a trucker or something would see that she needs help.
Annoyed, she gets out of her car for a second, staring down the empty road. What were the chances of that? Her heart raced with the fear that she was possibly stuck here with no way to contact anyone let alone her parents. Walking the whole way back to find any sort of civilization would take days and as a black person stuck in the country it would probably just get her killed.
Kicking the wheel in a fit of anger, she gets back in the car, slamming the door hard; any type of game plan at this point meant absolutely nothing, doing anything especially now that she was nauseous was impossible.
After sitting still for an hour, and by sitting still Fawn actually was very antsy and considered sleeping, but ended up being too worked up ; she could see the bright lights of a vehicle coming towards her. But all she could feel in her gut was dread. It was almost night time, as a lone car was dangerous, she didn't even know if they would help, but even if they wanted to, she wasn't so sure she would take it. Unless they offered to get gas.
The car slowed as it neared her, and as the lights passed her eyes she could see that it was a truck instead, the bed covered with a tarp. She couldn't see who was inside, and as they pulled over in front of her, she felt as if she was going to be harassed by a weirdo.
The door to the truck opened and shut, and in response she closed her eyes, trying to stay calm. It was hard to be sure if it was instincts telling her that danger was near or if it was her pregnancy hormones making her paranoid. Either way, she would need to be calm in order to make it out safely.
With her eyes closed it was like her other senses heightened. Or maybe it was the paranoia. Either way she could hear each crunch of the dirt and gravel under the shoes of what she assumed to be a man, men always walked much heavier than women. Like they wanted to be seen and heard no matter what; like each step was purposeful even if they were unsure and without direction. The only reason she opened her eyes to look was because of the knock at the window.
Turning her head, she locks eyes with an older man through the glass. A chill runs down her spine, but looking at his age, she takes a chance and rolls down the window a bit; believing that if he got too worked up she would be able to overpower him. At least long enough to take his truck and book it towards the nearest police station.
The man gave her a smile, looking behind her into her car for a second before speaking. She immediately felt uncomfortable, the man was old and that didn't take away from his creep factor. "Having car troubles?"
"Uhh, yeah. I ran out of gas…" Fawn laughs awkwardly, averting her eyes to where his truck sat feet in front of her.
"Oh! That's not good," the man looks up and down the road before looking back at Fawn, "do you need a ride?"
"Um…not a ride, but I can spare some money if you can get me gas?"
The man shook his head, letting out a little chuckle that has the hair on her arms standing up. "I don't think any gas stations would be open right now…at least none close by. I can give you a ride to somewhere safe, like the police station until you can get someone to get it in the morning."
"Um, no thanks. I'll just wait here until morning. Thanks though."
In a second, everything changed. Fawn didn't even realize where everything was headed, and if she did her brain just didn't work fast enough for her to process. His arm forced itself through the window, and for a quick second she let him before letting out a scream.
Obviously there was no one around, no one that could save her, and still she screamed helplessly, frantically trying to roll the window back up, her arms burning from how quickly she was moving them. The man screamed out as she squished his arm in the window, calling out for someone to help him as she scrambled through the passenger side door.
Falling out of the car and onto her butt, Fawn cried as she struggled to stand, her mind moving too fast for her body to keep up with, even with all the adrenaline coursing through her veins. Slipping, she takes off the way she came, away from the man and his helper and back towards the gas station. There had to be a payphone somewhere around it, gas stations almost always had them.
She could hear the man screaming behind her. His pain increased for just a moment before she heard "just go get the girl". Her feet moved faster even though she knew eventually she would be caught. The footsteps behind her sends her into a panic, her legs begging her to give up so they could give out. It sounded like a dog was chasing after her, a clumsy dog that is. She could hear the way the gravel slid under his shoes and looking back she was horrified to see that the very man that she was running for hours earlier was once again chasing her. The man in the green shirt was gaining on her, his longer limbs able to shorten the distance between them easily. Letting out a sob she turned forward again, running with a new burst of energy at least to save the child within her.
There was a sort of burst of rage as well, she deeply disliked the man that got her into this situation, and she wondered while she ran why he had something against her. She wanted to beat him into a bloody pulp but knew that she didn’t have the confidence nor the strength to. His laughter behind her made her want to vomit from how close it was, but she didn’t want to turn around and look to see just how much distance he had managed to close. What was wrong with these people?
Fawn cried out in pain as the man tackled her to the ground, both of them falling hard. The gravel dug into her skin, the man slicing her again with his razor. Terrified she swung and scratched at him as if she were a cat trying to not be caught by animal control. The man cried out as her nails made contact with his skin, screaming in pain from how much the scratches burned. She hoped that even if she died she made at least a little scar on him as payback. The two rolled around on the ground, hitting each other and screaming, it would’ve been comical if the situation was anything other than life or death.
Fawn was so focused on causing as much damage as she could on the green shirt man that she didn’t notice the sound of rapid footsteps approaching. Yelping, her scalp burns as she is pulled by her hair, causing her hands to stop hitting and instead grab at her hair to lessen the pain. She still kicked at the man that was now trying to stand, she was still angry at him, but now she had the old man to worry about. She struggled against him as he forced a cloth to her face, whatever it was drenched in made her lungs burn as if she were set on fire, frantically she tried to turn her face any way she could get her neck to bend, not wanting anymore of whatever it was to go into her body. If she lives it could not be good for the baby.
Unfortunately luck refused to be on her side and the man got a good grip on her, trying to soothe her into passing out, the green shirt man moved around in front of her laughing and babbling in a way that made her want to kick him in the jaw. The fire within her was extinguished however, as her vision became blurry and faded.
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The girl was silent except for her sniffling as they led her down into the basement, covering her eyes with an old potato bag they had lying around and holding her arms as if she were a prisoner and they were the police taking her into jail. Walking her down into the basement, Johnny couldn’t help but sigh at the sight of her. Was she incapable of not getting herself into less than ideal situations? This is exactly why she couldn’t be prey in the first place, there was no fun in it, the girl was weak and even weaker minded, at least in his opinion.
The girl stumbled over her feet, basically being dragged instead of actually walking. She seemed even smaller, frailer than she looked before, than how she looked the last time he had seen her at the grocery store. Forcing her down, she didn’t fight at all against him or Nubbins, allowing the two men to manhandle her down into a sitting position on a dirty old mattress. It wasn’t hard at all to tie her up, even when they snatched the potato bag off of her head, she didn’t move other than to glare at Nubbins and to wipe her nose and eyes.
Kneeling down, Johnny forces the girl to look into his eyes. She stared at him for a second, fear taking over every feature in her face, she looked like a wounded animal, her eyes watery and big staring at him with no other emotion other than terror. It made his heart beat a little faster, he was amused with how terrified she was, with how easily she was at his mercy. Yet again, killing her or scaring her more didn’t seem like it was going to give him any pleasure, she wouldn’t react in any way that would make it fun, judging by how she sat in front of him now she would just cry and scream no matter what he does. Every person they kill screams and cries, most try to beg at least, some try to fight back, even less give them much of a fight that is fun or even challenging. She wouldn’t do anything at all, and he wondered how difficult it had to be for them to even get her here.
Her eyes flickered for a second, making his heart race again, and instead of fear she sat up straighter, her eyes widening the longer she was forced to stare at him. ‘Oh…’ he thought for a second, feeling giddy at the thought of her recognizing him. “It’s you…” her voice was hoarse, shaky as she spoke. Johnny shuffled around, moving his face closer to hers causing her to move back, he could almost hear how quickly her heart was beating, and he could hear how quickly she was breathing. He couldn’t stop himself from quirking up an eyebrow, intimidating her without even meaning or thinking to. “From the store…I remember!”
And just like that his amusement dies. For a second he thought she remembered him from the first time they met, from when he had claimed her as his. But unfortunately she didn't. She thought the first time they met was at the store, when Sissy talked her ear off about absolute nonsense, when they hadn’t really interacted or anything. It annoyed him a bit, he wanted her to remember, he wanted her to realize that she had somehow come back to him. Frowning he moves back away from her, not letting her break eye contact. Standing, he follows Nubbins out of the metal door that trapped her in the basement, making a show of locking it and staring at her through the gate. She whimpers for a second, moving around, eyes locking onto everything within eyesight. Johnny stared at her, watching as the panic started taking over her. Smirking he slowly walks up the stairs, listening as she shouts after him to wait and not leave.
He would get her to need him, he had to. Otherwise she would be dinner.
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yourmomni · 11 months
A/n: planning on only 10 chapters so in the future the chapters might be a little longer so I can put everything in it. Also I might to little like bonus shorts cus why not ok enjoy and @jaehyunsblkgf was the best supporter on this story and I couldn't have continued doing this with out them literally best person ever
Wordcount: 3.3k
Warnings: language, Arguing scene, suggestive content ( nun too crazy tho), mommy issues
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After me and jeno had dinner he invited us to go on a walk so we could catch up on everything that was going on in our lives. " It feels like we haven't talked in years." I laughed looking up at the stars walking beside him. " aw did someone miss me." I pushed his shoulder. He just smiled shrugging. " I don't know did you miss me."
For as far as I could remember Jeno was always by my side. From the start of middle school to our college years. He was my best friend.
" of course I missed you." He grabbed my hand leading me to a bench to sit down. " I'm sorry that we haven't had time to hang out I've just been so busy lately with-" " Jake." I looked at him raising my eyebrows thinking if this was the right time to bring up the incident that happened today. " I just want the best for you." He started looking at me. " thanks jeno I appreciate that. I feel like I haven't been able to talk to anyone." He turned towards me on the bench crossing his legs. "Well you have me and I'm always ready to listen."
I smiled turning towards him."Okay well, I haven't talked to my sister in weeks. Ever since the party and we got into that huge argument. I miss her." I rubbed my hands over my knee. "Have you tried talking to her?" I shook my head. " after what she said I don't think I could face her."
"Have you tried understanding everything she said?" I looked at him raising an eyebrow. " what's there to understand she wants to control My life? I didn't even wanna come to this stupid school in the beginning I was valedictorian in high school, a full-ride scholarship to Harvard do you know how hard I worked to get that."
He nodded. "Yep, we had the best study dates." Grabbing my hand in his and rubbing the back. " She just doesn't get it. I'm not here because of her, I'm here because I wanted a change. I was tired of living my life so perfectly. I wanted to do the unexpected for once. I wanted to live on the edge." Jeno smiled grabbing my chin and lifting me to face him
"Then do it. Who cares what Amilla has to say? It's your life, not hers. If you want to dye your hair then do it. If you want to join the craziest club on campus what's stopping you from doing that? This is your life, not hers."
The air around me turned cold and windy as I looked into his eyes. They were sincere and kind. Like they always were. " Jeno." He hummed. " thank you for listening to me rant and for the advice." He grinned "You know you can always come to me for anything. I'll always have time for you." I smiled up at him uncrossing my legs from the bench and standing up and he followed opening his arms. I embraced in a warm hug that lasted for a long time
" you always gave the best hugs." I nuzzle my head into his warm chest. I felt his chest vibrate from his laugh.
"I love you." Jeno sighed into my hair I looked up at him smiling. " I love you too now come on it's getting cold out here and I have to study." He nodded letting me go and we began walking again
What she didn't see was his face fall when she didn't understand that he meant more than just friends.
When I finally made it home I plopped on my bed kicked my shoes off and crawled to my pillows. My phone began to r8ng and I groaned cursing whoever was ringing my phone when I was finally relaxed bit I immediately shot up when I saw the contacts
" Mom Hi." I heard shuffling in the background and people talking. " y/n my love how are you we haven't talked in weeks." My heart was thumping out of my chest. " oh I'm sorry Mother I was busy you know how college is. " " Yes but that doesn't mean….. no I want the tulips on the stage not on the floor and where is my ice sculpture I said I wanted that in the center of the room 10 minutes ago." She scoffed.
" Sorry honey, what were we talking about…oh yes you not calling me and making up excuses." I rolled my eyes. " your sister tells me you have a new friend." My eyes widened. Of Course, she told our mom about Jake. " yes Mom I do." She hummed. " is jeno no longer around I thought you two were together." "Mom me and Jeno are just friends nothing more." She scoffed. "What a shame he's such a sweetheart I prefer him over anyone. He has such a good family background." I rolled my eyes again
And she wonders why I never call. A loud crash was in the background and screaming was followed." THAT BETTER NOT BE MY GOLD RIMMED PLATES…. Honey I have to call you back tomorrow your father sends his regards." She hug up before I could get any words out " I love you too." I tossed my phone on the pillow. If Mom knows about Jake that means Dad knows about Jake. I groaned flopping back on my pillow. "God why."
My mother was a very famous wedding planner the best in our state. She even had celebrity clients and people from all over the world coming to her for her services. She was number 11 in Forbes's most successful women and number 7 for Women of the Year.
Your dad was a little calmer, you would like to say. He was a defense attorney with his own practice building. Sure you loved your mom but your dad was your favorite person. You always spends your time at his job studying in his office as he went over cases you always got ice cream right after. Or whenever he would take you on late-night rides to the beach after test days and just sit looking at the star.
The last thing you wanted to do is disappoint him and you feel like you did when you chose not to go to Harvard. You haven't talked to him since the day you left for Korea.
Today was not your day, and you were ready for sleep to take you, so it could already be the next morning. You took a quick shower put on your pajamas that was an oversized shirt with shorts and jump in your bed immediately dozing off
You woke up to a knock on your door and someone calling your name. You groaned grabbing your phone and looking at the time 8 am.
You got up shuffling to the door. " one minute." I rubbed my eyes, reminding myself to ask Jake about my glasses next time I see him. I opened my door and speaking of Jake there he was wide smiling holding a coffee cup and a bag with the local doughnut shop's name on it
" good morning sleepy head." I yawned. " Jake what are you doing here it's 8 o'clock in the morning." I let him in and he kicked his shoes off heading to my kitchen. " I just wanted to come by before my class and drop you off some breakfast and I also wanted to check up on you since you never texted me back last night." My eyes widen I rushed to my room grabbed my phone and saw 10 missed messages from Jake. " oh I'm so sorry I got home late and I fell asleep immediately I should have called you." He shrugged taking the food out of the bag.
" It's okay I'm just happy to see you." He smiled pulling me by my waist and pecking my lips. I giggled feeling my cheeks go hot. " So you were serious about the girlfriend thing." He smiled down at me, his fingers rubbing circles on my waist. " very serious." He spoke softly staring at my lips and then back up at me
"okay." I stuttered. He smirked, kissing my cheek then returned to unpacking the pastries from the bag. " I remember you saying you love bread so I bought a lot of different kinds for you to try." I gasped looking at the different danishes and pastries he laid out for me. I hopped on the counter beside him reaching for a circular-shaped bread with cream cheese in the middle. Taking a bite. I groaned when chewing "This is delicious." I kicked my feet in happiness
" Here baby try this." He picked up a chocolate-covered croissant and I opened my mouth, biting down on the sweet pastry. He smiled and my expression. He ran his finger over my bottom lip, cleaning the chocolate off of it. He locked eyes with me, popping a finger in his mouth.
" Jake." He went in between my legs resting one hand on my thigh and the other on my waist.
" yes, baby." He was getting closer to me " I'm s-sorry about yesterday on canceling dinner." He smirked, pulling me towards him In a swift motion. Our noses grazed each other "It's okay you can make it up to me right." Without thinking I nodded " yes."
He smiled leaning inches away from my lips then a knock was heard at the door. " Jake hyung hurry, I'm going to be late for class," Sunoo whined on the other side of the door. Jake groaned. " Seriously again " I laughed. He huffed pulling away from me. I hopped off the counter
Jake scoffed and mumbled under his breath "They're ruining my life" I opened the door smiling, happy to see Sunoo. " good morning my favorite player-" Jake yelled protesting in the back." Would you like some breakfast Jake brought some pastries over." Jake ran to the door blocking Sunoo from coming in. " no he wouldn't right Sunoo."
From the way Sunoo glared at Jake you could tell there was something behind his statement. " actually-" Sunoo pushed Jake back out of his way. " I would love some pastries " you clapped excitedly as Jake flared watching Sunoo enter my kitchen and I shrugged his immaturity off.
I waved at Sunoo as he walked back to Jake's car. " You know they love you right." I looked at him. " Who?" He motioned towards his car. " the boys actually like you, well sung hoon could be a little intimidating at times but he'll come around eventually."
While Jake was talking my brain traveled to somewhere else. Did Jake bring breakfast for Tejiri? Did he show up at her house earlier in the morning so he could see her? " babe are you listening." I looked at him nodding
" Yeah um, I think you should go. I think Sunoo is going to beep the horn any minute."
The sun was finally coming, showing an orange hue in the sky. It wasn't as windy as it was yesterday but you could tell it was coming.
" I ran into your ex yesterday." I sucked my bottom lip cursing myself for the bluntness.
Jake huffed. " Which one?" I glared at him and he chuckled. " I'm kidding, I know you meant Soojin." You raised your eyebrow." Who the heck is Soojin." Jake frowned in confusion. " Then I've only dated like 2 girls in college not counting you." I stared back up at the sky. " Tejiri." From the corner of your eye, you could see Jake freeze. " Tejiri?" He repeated. " She's pretty." Jake groaned, lifting his hand to his forehead. " shit…did she say something to you? If she did it's not true I promise I would never do anything to hurt you." I sighed " It's okay she just introduced herself and left nothing more." I lied
Jake glanced at My eyes trying to see if I was telling the truth. "Baby I know her. And if she saw you yesterday she did more than introduce herself." I looked away from him and back at the sky, not saying anything. Jake walked behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and sitting his chin on my shoulder. " I've enjoyed every moment I spent with you these last couple of weeks. You make me happy, happier than I've ever been and I would change anything about it, i-i've enjoyed you."
I looked at his smiling face, smiling back at him. kissing his lips gently. " I know." I heard a loud honk and Sunoo was waving his hands from the car. I laughed, "Now it's time for you to go." He unwrapped himself from my waist, humming a yeah. He grabbed my chin placing one last kiss on my lips. " I'll see you later, right? No rain checks." I nodded. " I'm all yours." He smiled running down the stairs. I leaned on the railing looking down at the parking lot. He hopped in his car and drove away
I stretched and walked back into my apartment closing and locking the door plopping on my couch with one of the pastries turning on my t.v.
NIKI🤞🏽🫶🏽🩵: Hey sorry I didn't call last night me and Jungwon were trying to figure some things out. Can I come over
I immediately replied yes and put some coffee on for her and boiled some water for tea for me. 10 minutes later she walked through the door still with her bonnet on throwing herself on my couch
" I need a drink." I snickered. " Honey, it's 7 a.m. The best I can do for you is coffee." She groaned, sitting up and holding her hands out to receive the mug.
"What's going on." She sat crisscrossed on my couch staring into her mug with a sad expression. "Jungwon’s ex is trying to ruin my life, that's what's going on." I sat beside her and she turned towards me. " The bitch is crazy and I don't mean just blowing up phones, I mean blowing up cars and breaking windows." I cringed." Damn." She nodded "Yeah damn is right. She sipped the coffee "So all night I and Won were trying to figure everything out. Then we ended up having a small argument that ended with him storming out of our apartment " My eyes widened as I rested My hand on her leg." I'm so sorry, maybe you guys just need some space." Niki nodded. " Yeah maybe he rarely gets like this and if he does leave he usually comes an hour later but he's been gone ever since 11 last night. I tried calling but he just declines my calls. She began playing with her nails. " would you mind if I stayed here.. just for today." I smiled at her. " Niki, you can stay as long as you want to."
She smiled at me as a tear dropped down her cheek and she quickly swatted it away. " Thank you, I appreciate it."
I pulled her in for a hug and she gladly accepted it. I felt her body relax on me deflating a little. " anytime."
Jungwons leg was bouncing as he sat at tables inside a coffee shop gripping his Matcha in his hand. The drink was supposed to calm him down but instead, he felt like it was adding more fuel to his fire. The memories of that night played back through his head; his voice yelling at Niki as she talked so calmly to him. Probably because she knew and felt how frustrated he was but he still should have never raised his voice at her. The love of his life. She was probably worried sick about him and here he was declining her calls sitting at a coffee shop waiting for the person who caused all of this to show up.
Her tear-streaked face kept flashing in his head and Jungwon tightly closed his eyes trying to forget about it. Trying to forget how he caused that face. If he could take back everything he said to her yesterday he would. He knew Niki already forgave him but he couldn’t forgive himself.
"You don't think I'm trying my fucking hardest to make this go away I've been trying for years." Niki bit the inside of her cheek. "Baby I know you are but she's not giving up and her tactics gave gotten very extreme, maybe we should report her." Jungwon shrugged her hands off his shoulder. "Report her? Are you stupid?" Niki looked taken aback. " excuse you what did you just call me? Boy, you must have bumped your head and forgot who you were talking to." Jungwon had a broken smirk on his face poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue crossing his arms. " now I understand you were scared to report her but-." Next thing she knew a vase was being thrown to the floor.
"SCARED YOU THINK I'M JUST SCARED. SHE RUINED MY LIFE NIKI SHE RUINED EVERYTHING.'' Now he had tears running down his cheeks. " ever since I broke up with her she's made my life hell, she got my scholarship taken away from me and I had to work my ass off to get it back, she went to my mom's job and scared off all her customers so she wouldn't be able to make money, she even made sure I wouldn't get accepted into any of dream colleges it's a damn miracle I got into here." Niki gulped, stepping back away from Jungwon. "Reporting her isn't going to make her go away." He was heaving the anger pooling around him like smoke. He looked at her face, the tears spilling out her eyes and she was clutching the countertop. He scared her. But he would never hurt her. She knew that. Right. He looked at the shattered vase glass everywhere.
"I need to get out of here." He grabbed his keys, opened the door and ran out. " Jungwon, wait." She slipped her shoes on going out the door to follow him but by the time she made it down the stairs, he was gone.
Jungwon sipped his drink staring at the condensation on the cup. He had to fix this. And he had to do it now. "You're early." His head shoots up at the voice. A girl sat down in front of him, sitting down with her handbag on the table, her golden bracelets dangling from her wrist and her nails clicking on the table.
" Hello, wonnie." Jungwon jaw clenched
Looking at the girl in front of him. " Oh don't look so upset, how long has it been 3 years?" He scoffed. " It feels like I see you every day." She smiled "Aw, I missed you." Jungwon didn't know what he was getting himself into when he replied to Xoe's text.
"What do you want?" She shrugged, flipping her long black hair behind her shoulders. " I just wanted to see you, that's all." He sighed. " Xoe I want you to stop texting me, stop following me please." Her face dropped, Jungwon was wondering how long it would take her to drop the facade she had on. " Wonnie you're making me upset." " Xoe I have a girlfriend we've been dating for 3 years. I love her and only her." She rolled her eyes. " But Wonnie, what about me and you?" Jungwon slammed his hand on the table. "there is no me and you, there hasn't been a me and you since high school." The cafe went silent at Jungwon’s sudden outburst. " Why can't you move on? I've moved on." She stared at him a small smirk on her face
" Fine." She gathered her purse and stood up. Jungwon followed her. " What do you mean fine." She huffed turning around. " If you don't want to be with me then okay I'll see you around." She put on her designer sunglasses and walked out of the cafe. Jungwon stood there in complete shock. What the heck just happened.
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fatimaah · 17 days
I'm exhausted. I'm just exhausted. So so exhausted.
These days when I come home from school, have lunch and finally have free time I just wanna cry. It's either the school that makes me wanna cry or seeing my parents both super tired those days or seeing my grandma not being so healthy or seeing my cousins depressed and stressed or not having any desire to eat and loosing my kg again or not being able to even watch a silly show because I'm too tired of everything or all of it all at once....
Or realizing that yeah I love my friends and classmates but honestly my hate for school wins and tho some people seen sad abt graduation....the closer it comes the more I realized that I'm too tired of school to be sad to leave it. I will miss my friends but this day was inevitable. That's why I just want it all to end.
I just need summer. I just need my dad being funny and outgoing again instead of coming stressed from work with bags under his eyes, I just need my mom being supportive of everyone again instead of putting a lot of housework on me because she's no longer a housewife and she's making money now. I just want to get away. Somewhere far, all alone, have a rest from everyone and everything somewhere in Malaysian beach where I don't need to worry about exams or stupid MUNs that aren't even interesting or useful.
I just really need to be sure that my future self will be happy with her life. That she will truly fall in love and marry someone. That she will have a job that she enjoys or be a stay at home wife that's having fun at home and going on walks with her lover late summer nights.
I don't need money or anything. Just a lovable person, a cat, a cute little house, meaningful conversations, friends, being able to create art everyday, seeing my loved ones happy and being sure my kids love their motha.
I need happiness. Back, I want it back
I need to do my Arabic and then my housework and then find some more info for stupid MUN (ew why did we even agree to take a part in this shit? It was boring today and I didn't like my own speech and zr even bullied kmll)
Also today's stupid lineyka was super annoying. I hate being a hater but oh how I hate A LOT OF people from our school. Not gonna miss those bitches. Only three teachers and six girls. Other can disappear I won't even care if we never meet again. So tired of all of them. Especially the principal. Hate her.
Damn why does this week suck sooo much I wish my parents didn't need me at home and I could stay more after lessons with my friends to play volleyball or go out for lunch or something. I wish I didn't have so much on me, making lunch for my grandma and dad and mom cuz now she's also nOt kEepiNg uP wiTh tHe hOuSewOrk sO I ShoUld heLp cuz My broTherS arE disAbled . Helping my sister to have a fucking childhood cuz I hate seeing her kinda depressed at nine. What even is that I'm so worried about her mental health.
The way my brothers are living like literal pigs is making me SICK. She never sees them like this LIKE HELLO MOM IT'S NOT ONLY ME WHO'S SEVENTEEN? u don't need to be a girl to be able to live like a human. so annoying all of them everyone can I die already
edit: frz wants to do a no-backpack day, lol. I mean oookay guuurl that's a progress, at least something fun
alriiight it's almost time for sleep and I'm fine I just forgot my problems and everything is gonna be ✨great✨
can I have a really cool dream with interesting plot twists PLEASE
May 16, 2024
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punkrocker56 · 2 months
to. live and let go
why is it. when you have a family member who is in prison your family frowns upon you because you are the reason why there locked up there mentality is there's no way he did that to you there's no proof your making shit up. nobody's gonna believe you. no judge will ever take your case your faking it fast forward to August 1st 2023 everyone that said I couldn't and no judge would take my case fuck you my uncle was sentenced two 12 years without the possibility off parol I fought this battle for so long no one believed me so. now. I'm making it known. that family isn't always as normal as they seem grooming can happen to anyone and anyone can be a victim no matter the age age don't discriminate I'm just so grossed out it was my own family to my aunt who thought I was joking guess what its not a joke I'm gonna spending the rest of my life in therapy and cousnling to heal and move on from the trauma and the pain you caused me. thank u to my big sister for helping me gain up the courage to stand up and fight this because now I can heal and move on and I know that momma dawn is watching over us seeing what strong women we have become and see that we did it and survived sometimes I wish you were still here to help us through this but fucken cancer took you way to soon this war is gonna end we. will get justice for all of us girls we are stronger than. we realize and we are gonna live the life you would want us to live now that he's behind bars weather anyone likes it or not he's in prison and he's gonna rot for ruining my life and my sisters if it wasn't for my sister Stevie I wouldn't be able to speak out about what I went through. and face the judge and prove that what happened to me wasn't a choice I need wanna drink at 15/16 I doing want my hand held but a older man in public I didn't want to learn to drive a junk car that almost killed me but I did it because I loved Chris like a little brother and I would have done anything to protect him even. though his dad had a crush on me and tried chasing him even if Chris was around he didn't care I miss you Chris I hope u can forgive me and I hope we cross paths again someday until we meet again I'm starting to realize that this effected so many people not just me and it really is comforting to know I have a support system. to stand by my side and help me stand for whets write and fight
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marcholasmoth · 1 year
OSRR: 3149
by going to my best friend's play today, i made $40.
but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
i started out going to shaw's and running into someone from high school, so we chatted for a few minutes before i took the flowers i'd picked and checked out. i stopped for starbucks and snacked on my way to marlborough. i happily enjoyed the play - Radium Girls, and my friend was the stage manager - minus one twenty minute segment where it feels like i was gonna lose my cocoa and all the candies i ate on the way over.
at the beginning of the play, before it actually began, the lady who was at the ticket counter announced a 50-50 raffle as many community theaters do to raise money. $5 for 6 tickets, so i gave her $10. i didn't care about winning. it was an opportunity to support my best friend's theater, so of course i was gonna take it. community theater is grossly underrated. so i was happy to contribute.
the intermission rolls around and before everyone splits to the bathroom, the same lady from before gets up and reads the number off, and it's mine! what they got from it was $132, so i got $66. which was so cool! when she told us it was time for the raffle, i had this irrational confident feeling, and i questioned it, and then i won, so i don't know what to trust. it's funny.
but also, i paid $16 for my admission ticket and $10 for the raffle tickets, so those combined with the winnings i made $40. thanks, marlborough community theater!
the play was WONDERFUL. i cried twice. i was super happy that i had put my tissues into my new little bag because i needed it.
anyway, i grabbed the flowers i brought for my bestest friend and i found her talking to two more people i knew from high school, her best friend and her boyfriend, who, fascinatingly enough, has at various points in his life dated all three of us 😂🤣 i was first, and then my friend after we were in high school, and now her friend. thankfully he's grown up enough that the two of them are good together. that makes me happy.
anyway, the three of us helped the cast and crew strike the whole auditorium. i helped sweep ("is there a regular dustpan somewhere?" "yup!" "*confusion* how did you know that?" "we work here now."), and i helped bring things out to the car and i helped move boxes and chairs with one hand ("i'm gonna be so jacked on my left side when i'm done with this") because doctor's orders. i succeeded in helping AND in following instructions. it was nice to help.
my friend and i eventually made our way to the cast party for a little bit, and then we went to dinner together where she was able to unload a little bit and decompress. i just adore her and i want her to be happy, and she has been through more shit in the last two weeks than jurassic park ever saw, total. but she's stubborn and won't go down without a fight, but all the same she's still human and i love her dearly. yknow the page from the funny bird book where it's like "i'd sell you to satan for one corn chip"? it's the exact opposite of that. even if the gods themselves demanded me to give her up i wouldn't. i don't care who you are. you're not taking her. and even when the things that challenge her and threaten her are things i can't help, i'll be by her side every step of the goddamn way because she deserves to be happy. when i get outta dodge, i'm inviting her to come with me. joel and me and kat can find a three bedroom apartment or something like that and i'll be there to take care of her when she needs to fall apart. can't live without her, yknow?
i love her more than life itself. more than cheese fries. more than chocolate and snickers bars. and more than bad puns. like how much i love joel, but add ten years and make it sisters.
i love her so much.
speaking of, i wanna see joel sometime this week. i miss him bunches. i wish to see the joel and i want to hug him and be in his adjacent space and hang out with him. i just wanna talk to him.
i gotta get up early tomorrow. physical therapy waits for no man. and unfortunately, sometimes i fall in that category.
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sparklywatercolors · 1 year
Alright, I need to vent; and if anyone wants to give me advice that would be awesome but you don't have to.
So, for the past two weeks all hell has broken loose in my family. My grandma threw my mom out of her home because my grandma is a little bitch who couldn't handle that her physical therapist and her doctor told my mom she can take the weekend off from 24/7 care. (My grandma got hip surgery in October). And my grandma as usual had a little spoiled bitch temper tantrum. And my poor mother took it all in and basically had several breakdowns bc of it. So fuck my grandma. Right? Right. K.
The entire family knows I'm home due to school and not being able to find an actual job. So it's "hey you make your mother better again, take it all in. Prove that you love her." Maybe I'm selfish but it's so much pressure. It's been the story of my life, make my mom happy, I just never could. And maybe I'm jealous of my sister right now cause she can tell mom she's here for her but my sister only calls her when she can. She doesn't have to be watching her 24/7 like I do.
Okay. This was just background information.
So I have this friend let's call her Cactus. Cactus and I just started being friends a few months ago. I met her casually and it's been good. She told me she missed hanging out with me but because of finals I couldn't hang out. And then this all happens. And I basically tell Cactus that there's been a family emergency that I can't go into, and I really don't want to go out right now because of this. She's understanding about it,which I appreciate.
However, my best friend let's call her Frog, wanted to see me this weekend (I saw her yesterday/ Friday Dec 23rd). I accidentally slipped and told Cactus that I'm gonna hang out with Frog for a little bit.
Holy shit man.
Well apparently never do that. Because she freaked out on me. She was like nobody ever wants to see me! And I tell her maybe invite your pals over? (Incorrect response because then she's like everyone makes excuses!!!!!!).
🥲 oops.
Maybe I am the asshole for mentioning it. Maybe I'm a real bitch. But the girl barely knows me, and when we hang out she crosses several of my boundaries and I just couldn't be around it right now.
And a couple nights ago, she sent me a long rant on discord, putting herself down. And of course I'm worried now!! So immediately I go on my laptop AND THEY'RE GONE. But because when I was checking my phone I accidentally screenshotted them. And I called her out on it, I was like dude are you okay???
She was like are you gonna call the cops on me?
Like girl what??? Help? Why would I??
And so i was like no I'm not I'm just worried huh??
And I just don't have the energy rn to answer her. She was then like let me know if we're actually still friends.
Cactus, all because I need to be around people who know the real and a very very personal side of me right now cause I'm falling apart does not mean I don't wanna see you what,,,,
And yesterday I shown all this to Frog and she was like holy fuck the manipulation.
Sorry I just needed to get that all out cause I'm really annoyed and tired and angry. I went to bed early last night, so early that it's now 2:51 in the morning xD.
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