#I would do a triple backflip into my death
kitkats-and-kittens · 4 months
One of my favourite things to think about is the rest of the batfam all having their own ‘Brucie Wayne’ personas. So here’s me listing how I imagine the main family members would front to the public.
I think would be very similar to Bruce with the same air-headed personality. As far as the internets concerned he can’t spell orange and pretends not to know any of the 50 states let alone which one he lives in. He also uses the fact that he never officially finished college to his advantage. As a kid he was more eccentric and people just knew him as that little kid whose constantly high of sugar and lollipops. Not much changes when becomes an adult.
Of course like father like son and he is also extremely charismatic. His persona is a little more goofy than Bruce’s and he’s known as the Wayne’s resident gymnast, at least in the air. He’s made a habit of acting as though any and all fine motor skills come to an absolute stop the moment he isn’t doing some complex flip, or cartwheel. There are serval videos on YouTube of him tripping over air, spilling drinks over his shirt, and stumbling into several guests, only half of these were faked. He also has a reputation of being an absolutely insane drunk. He went viral on twitter for doing a triple backflip in the middle of a gala which resulted in a shattered punch bowl, several traumatised guests and a fake news report claiming he’d died which sent the city into a riot for the next 24 hours all because he was a little bit tipsy.
Jason was pretty young when he ‘died’. Before hand he was the happy go lucky kid. With stars in his eyes and more energy than a Chihuahua hiked up on red bull and pure, liquified blue raspberry. Of course you had the occasional leech who saw in some news report that he used to be a street kid which resulted in several rumours about his ‘horrid violent nature’ but all it took was actually meeting him for most to completely disregard this.
After his death he doesn’t hang around the rest of the family much. Especially not in public and out of masks. However there is the occasional day (once every millennia or so) where he’ll stroll up to whatever part or gala or social event the Wayne’s are hosting that day, with his foolproof, impenetrable disguise Tayson Jodd absolutely no relation to Brucies dead kid, nor the elusive red hood who has a hate account dedicated to his very existence.
His whole thing tends to be a regular upstanding member of society. He acts completely normal. This wasn’t always the case. He used to change it every time he went to the parties, either acting as some depressed, lonely rich guy or an alcoholic and on one particularly memorable occasion a closeted drag Queen. However one time he showed up without a persona pre made and ready to go and just decided to wing it.
However Tim Drakes insane paranoia meant he stayed up a good 3 weeks after that night just to make sure Jason wasn’t trying anything and when Red hood found out he found it absolutely hilarious and resolved to be as respectable as possible while also generating maximum suspicion for all other members of his family.
Stephanie Brown
Although not officially adopted by the Wayne’s most people have gotten used to seeing her just roll up with the Wayne’s and it didn’t take long for social media to realise that Brucie had emotionally adopted her, if not legally. At first Steph didn’t really understand the need for a persona. She was already fine with keeping her actual personality and not turning it off for the cameras.
It took seeing Jason, who was having an absolute blast with his public persona to open her mind to the range of possibilities and she spent a full 3 months crafting a personality from scratch (putting that psychology degree to good use).
She cycled through a couple. Rich party girl, serious career woman, ditzy idiot. But eventually she landed on scheming socialite. She saw some tabloids slandering her for being Tim’s ex and although the rest of the family was not happy she took it and ran with it. Landing herself in the circles of the most gossip loving, shit talking, hot woman she could find.
She makes sure she exudes villainy at all times and has been seen eyeing Timothy Drake from across the room, stroking a cat (though no one knew where she got it from) and sipping a martini. Although she doesn’t particularly like how cruel some of her companions are she finds no greater joy than passively aggressively remarking about how Donna is wearing the same heels she was 3 years ago and oh my is she running low on funds? She was born to instigate and takes every opportunity to do so.
Tim Drake
If Tim is known for anything then it’s his ability to appear as though everything has gone to his exact calculations on the outside while internally screaming and just completely winging whatever half brained plan comes to mind. But one forgets, he isn’t just a Wayne but a Drake. Son of Janet Drake at that.
As a kid he was very much a mamas boy and would replicate her cold calculating air to the best abilities of a 10 year old boy. As he grew up however he realised that he much preferred letting people underestimate him. So in the end he settled on the stoner.
It was pretty unexpected for most of his family. Bar Dick who embraced it with all the reverence of a chaotic older sibling. Of course Tim Drake being as meticulous as he is meant when he made this persona built it from the ground up. He gave himself a favourite drug, a fake dealer, and he methodically updates his account balance every week, taking out just enough that it looks like he’s been buying.
Not only does this have the added benefit of explaining the random times he’s passed out in the middle of a party or those random compilations of him on YouTube simply staring into the abyss for hours on end, but it also means he had to try way less than his siblings when it comes to presentation. If Dick or Bruce show up with even so much as a slightly ruffled collar the tabloids will go on for weeks about the mystery guy or girl they definitely slept with. But when Tim does it, they just laugh. He gets a pat on the head and a glass of water shoved into his hands and no one thinks anything more.
And if he can also use it as an excuse for a few extra minuets of sleep then whose going to stop him?
Cassandra Cain
Cass didn’t need to do much of anything. When she first arrived in Gotham she was small, quite and not very well versed in social customs so it was practically written in the stars that she’d become an instant fan favourite. However unlike most of her siblings most of her fans aren’t focused on her what she’s been doing, or with who, but rather on trying to spot her.
She’s some aloof, mysterious figure to them and she’s also become a bit of a where’s Waldo meme. News reporters will post overview shots of the huge hall the guest are occupying, the grounds of the manor, the well kept lawns, the roofs, and the internet will go crazy trying to find her. At first it was difficult but only because she kept to herself, you’d find her in a corner of the room, or hiding behind one of the taller guests but ever since she realised what was going on she’s been making a conscious effort to make it as difficult as possible.
Some of her hiding spots include: under the table, the roof, inside the fountain, disguised as Dick Grayson, a statue, on the chandelier, and somehow as one of the reporters, camera and all. It’s become a bit of a game to see who can find her first and she remains Gothams favourite Wayne.
Duke Thomas
Duke isn’t really sure what to make of this whole public persona thing. He finds hiding such a big part of himself a little strange, and doesn’t much enjoy the idea of putting on a mask for others. So he does what he does best and puts the rest of the Wayne’s to shame with his sound logic.
He’s just himself. And somehow manages to cause the biggest impact. The people aren’t used to rich people not being overly eccentric. This is Gotham after all! And Duke Thomas’ actual personality is not exactly something they were expecting.
This is the same man who raised an army of teenage armies in the absence of his hero. To call him impulsive would be an understatement. Also he very much enjoys ‘eating the rich’ so to speak. He used his powers to convince one particularly nasty man that he needed full psychiatric care by randomly disappearing whenever he was in their line of sight.
He hangs out with Dick a lot, but only so when the worst of the Gotham socialites approach he can make them feel as uncomfortable as possible by questioning their thoughts and feelings on the working class, living conditions and all the other stuff they usually couldn’t care less about which leaves them scrambling for an answer that won’t completely ruin their reputations. Although he’s been branded ‘the responsible one’ that’s only because he presents himself as such to reporters. Most of the people attending the galas live in fear of him ever approaching them.
Damian Wyane
Being the youngest meant that people already had expectations by the time Damian showed up. Although most had no idea where the kid came from that didn’t stop them from making assumptions, and the rumours circulating from before he was officially introduced range from a mini Bruce Wayne to raging alcoholic. And yes, these were published when reporters knew damn well he was 10 years old maximum.
When the public do finally see him for the first time it doesn’t take them long to craft a persona for him. Damian of course sees this whole thing as beneath him, he doesn’t understand why he would need to hide himself, he didn’t train with the league for years to just not show of his skills. Dick tries to get him to think of it like training, as though he were on an undercover mission. This works a little too well and now he takes it so incredibly seriously it’s hard for the others not to laugh.
He arrived, squeezed in between Brucie Wayne who was blowing kisses to the camera, Dick Grayson doing a handstand, Tim Drake who looked absolutely blitzed and Stephanie Brown who was manically rubbing her hands together. Cass nowhere to be found and Duke giving his classic sunny smile to the camera.
So of course people realise this kid must be the adult. There’s jokes about how Damian must be the one doing the Wayne’s taxes, about how he probably drives Bruce to work, and other such things. Which is only further cemented by the kid himself. But he also doesn’t talk much (Dick said if he had nothing nice to say he shouldn’t say anything), and a few (illegally taken) photos show him drawing, as well as his small army of pets and so people are torn between this kid who is clearly far too mature for his age and this cute baby of a child who likes fluffy animals and crayons.
Damian is disgusted by both sides, but there isn’t much he can do about it and resolves instead to fuck with everyone by leaning into it and alternating on a seemingly random basis between clueless child and grown adult in a 10 year olds body. It mostly ends up terrifying the rest of his family because occasionally Damian (who several of them watched kill a man) will come up smiling and demand to be placed on their shoulders, and other times the same kid (who found a cow a decided immediately he was a vegetarian) will be found sipping straight vodka and going on about the good old days with people 8x his age as though he were some drunken world war 2 veteran.
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fukurofanfics · 1 year
Fukuro Part 4: Shelter
A/N: We’re getting closer to the smut content, I swear. Stick with me. This chapter paves a path for the next, building the new elements of the plot for chapter 5. Enjoy!
(Also, I’m writing according to what I think the characters would be like in person, not what they actually are, so they might not always be in character. Some character traits are made up by me throughout, Jiwon’s affinity with computers.)
Warning: This series contains graphic depictions of violence and gore, graphic sexual content, and adult language throughout, and is not recommended for persons under sixteen years old. Reader discretion advised.
Chapter 4: Shelter
The morning sunlight poured through the curtains, giving my room a cozy, warm sort of lighting. After the first night of decent sleep I’d had for a while, I was fully ready to roll.
I let myself sleep in late, since I didn’t need to wake up early. The forest where the shelter was couldn’t be reached by car or any other motor vehicle because it was dense, uneven, and rocky, so we would be going by helicopter. It sounds a little bit over the top, but it was the only plausible way to reach the base. It was a forty-mile walk from here.
At last pulling myself from sleep, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. It was a fine day outside, too bad we weren’t going to be enjoying it.
I got out of bed and walked to the voluminous closet. I put on a white tank top, jogging pants, and a pair of socks. It pained me to leave behind such good clothes, but it was an easy trade for Everglow. I headed out into the kitchen to find Hwang-ja flipping pancakes on the skillet. Two of the six members were already up and clutching mugs of coffee, Yiren and Yurim. 
“Morning, Kaito,” said Hwang-ja, making one of the pancakes do a triple backflip onto a plate. 
Another two pancakes performed their plate-bound acrobatics, shortly followed by their last fellow. Hwang-ja measured five more batter circles onto the skillet.
“Any reason you’re up so early?” I asked.
“The earlier we leave, the better.” Hwang-ja replied. “Not taking any chances.”
I left him to his pancakes and went to take stock of what I had packed for the last time.
Clothes, skincare stuff, toothbrush and toothpaste, weapons, devices, XL survival kit (just in case), batteries, medicinal paraphernalia (melatonin, Tylenol, ibuprofen, et cetera), and other valued possessions that I didn’t care to lose.
By the time I had checked for the final time and come back out, the rest of the members were awake and eating Hwang-ja’s pancakes. He had left a few for me, which I put onto a plate and took to the table. 
“So,” said Sihyeon. “This is it. The final day of life in the normal world.”
“It won’t be so bad, you know.” I said, spearing a bit of pancake with my fork. “I’ve been in there a few times since it was finished, it’s pretty nice.”
“I know. But it won’t be the same.”
I felt a rush of sympathy.
“Hey, it’ll be okay. We’ll all move on, eventually. And when the time comes, we can leave. See, the Fukuri can’t last forever. There comes a time when they’ll starve to death. And when that happens, there’ll be survivors, all over the place.”
Sihyeon looked down and nodded.
After finishing breakfast, I called the helicopter. 
All of us sat in the living room on the leather couches, tension palpable in the air. Then, minutes later, we heard the faint sound of helicopter blades spinning and whirring.
We headed out to the courtyard where the helicopter would land. As it approached, I flagged the pilot down and he landed smoothly on the concrete pad in front of us.
“Alright, Jeong-ho?” I yelled over the dying sound of the chopper.
“Doing fine, Kaito!” He shouted back. “But - by god - these girls must be - how?”
“No time,” I said. “Girls, get in.”
They clambered inside, closely followed by me and Hwang-ja. 
I cast one last look at the house I might never see again, and then pushed it to the back of my mind.
“To the shelter, Jeong-ho.”
“You got it, boss.”
We took off and quickly gathered altitude. It pained me to leave the house and all its sentimental value behind, but it had to be done. We began flying southwest, towards the forest.
It was only about twenty minutes between us and the bunker. They seemed to pass unnaturally fast, and before I knew it, the outline of an enormous cube came into view.
“Nearly there, boss,” said Jeong-ho over the intercom.
When we arrived, Jeong-ho dropped a ladder down to the door, having lowered the helicopter enough to reach the ground with the rope. 
“Bye, Jeong-ho. I’ll see you around, maybe.” I said. 
Hwang-ja climbed down first, closely followed by me, then Yiren, and so on. When all of us were on the ground, the ladder was raised back up again and the helicopter flew off again. I watched it go with a trace of regret, knowing that I would probably never see it again.
I pressed the button on the speaker/microphone and said,
“Kaito Kobayashi, twenty-five years old, born on October 5th, 1997, parents died on July 20th, 2012, requesting clearance for entry. Password is 123782122.”
“Good morning, sir, clearance granted. Please stand back.”
With a loud beep, the metal door swung open. Three of the servants (don’t take that the wrong way) hurried forwards and took our luggage. 
“Welcome to my bunker,” I said, “and I believe a tour is in order.”
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mha-grievances · 2 years
A fan/lurker submitted post. Thank you so much 😊
I have not read the Manga and am not up to date in the Anime, mostly because reading criticism of BnHA does more for me than does the series itself. So... I take full responsibility for anything here that is wrong due to my ignorance, but... Regarding the death of Bakugou, I thought the death of a UA student was meant to be the final event that would crater that school's reputation for good and possibly throw Japanese society into the sort of chaos that defined the early era of Quirks when it was lawless and structureless. The most prestigious Hero school has evidenced its incapacity multiple times and smoothed it over with platitudes, but now a student who is famous - the Sludge incident, winning the tournament, being kidnapped by the LoV, &c - has died. The Symbol of Peace is gone, the "hero" who took his place is terrifying, and UA has a dead child soldier. In this circumstance, the villains almost look like a separate authority, as the state and the academic establishment are unable to stop setting themselves on fire. The 'order' of things is broken. More than ever, this is a moment that needs genuine, selfless heroes- enter Midoriya, at last himself the spotlight after constantly being dimmed and overrode- But Bakugou is alive! You could say he never even died, because what utility did this have other than to yank the chain of his fans? I love the tag 'Bakugou x Consequences' but I want to go further to say the entire world mostly lacks consequences, too. Things happen, but nothing happens. Endless setup. A valley where there should be payoff. It does not come consistently. A mass of intersecting plotlines that fall down or fall apart, unannounced. Chains of events exist only in the most abstract sense. I really thought his death was going somewhere. I do not want to say that to this point I thought of his existence as totally useless, but when I saw he died, I thought, 'Oh, he was a slow burn, and all of these built-up events were meant to fundamentally shatter society with his death!' Not so... And I went back to wondering what he is supposed to... do, on a narrative level. Everything which begins to exist has a cause. For him, I am thoroughly unsure of what Horikoshi means to say with his existence. (That is a problem a lot, where there are few characters in BnHA who are truly irreplaceable, but I digress...) Horikoshi is an unskilled writer who lacks experience, and the scale of BnHA is beyond his capability, in my opinion. I don't mean to insult him - but he's written himself into an awful quandary, the type that is so complex, it can only be a result of a writer without experience. There is no reasonable way to fix this situation, so he did a triple-backflip and breathed life back into Bakugou because - ideally - that will quickly undo the mounting pressure within the universe (AND calm down Bakugou's fans; evidently this is their story not his). There are hundreds of incoming dead-ends staring at Horikoshi and each time he ignores them for the sake of immediate fixes, BnHA is one ton heavier and one step closer to collapsing under its own weight. This is not writing anymore - this is damage control.
This is putting a lid on an overflowing pot instead of turning down the heat, and in doing so, acknowledging the structural issues which lead to the problems on the surface. If the rumors that it is ending soon are true, it is for the best. These are just some thoughts I had while I read this blog last night. Avid reader!! Please keep writing essays. It's really important to give genuine critique to Anime.
Thank you so much for the kind words.
I 100% agree that Katsuki’s “death” was supposed to be a big thing, showing that the villains have the upper hand. However, like you said, his revival undermines the whole thing.
And I agree about Katsuki having no purpose in the narrative. His redemption serves no purpose in the story compared to say Endeavor’s which is about a man who, after be gave up most of his life and hurt the people he was supposed to be close to just to chase a silly dream, swore to make sure that he can at least stand strong until newer and better heroes take the stage.
I also agree that Hori is a flawed writer. He has great ideas and he does know how to create characters and a world, but the problem is that he fails at fleshing out his ideas, adds needlessly useless things to the plot, and focuses on the worst parts of the story rather than the better parts. The Stain Arc was great cause Hori was able to convey a message while developing the central characters pertaining to that arc. The Overhaul Arc, though criticism can be had regarding certain things, makes sure to focus on the important stuff and has a clear goal. Things like this current arc simply rely on asspulls to make things interesting. If you need to rely on asspulls, you���ve failed as a writer.
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anthurak · 3 years
RC: Team RWBY At the Table - Part 2
So... not sure how many people were looking for more of this, but here’s more random ideas I had for my hypothetical ‘Modern AU Team RWBY plays Dungeons and Dragons’ idea.
(See Part 1 here for context)
On paper, Blake should be the sneakiest member of the team. She quickly worked to max out her Dexterity score and picked up Stealth Expertise. Unfortunately, Blake often times doesn’t want to be sneaky. Basically, Blake has committed to her characters bit that she always wants to show off and prove how cool she is. Especially to her sworn rival Yang who she totally doesn’t have a crush on (as stated before, Blake and Yang have WAY too much fun with their characters’ ‘rivals to lovers’ story). Add in how Blake’s dice are extremely finicky, and most of Blake’s attempts to be ‘sneaky’ have at best a 50/50 chance of blowing up in her face. Blake is TOTALLY the kind of rogue who looks at a window 10 meters up with an extremely convenient shimmiable pipe that the DM even points out, and then tries to get up using a triple cart-wheel off some crates and quadruple backflip up the wall.
Qrow tries to subtly encourage Blake to be more ‘traditionally’ stealthy by giving her a cloak that, among other things, gives her Advantage on Stealth checks. However, in a display that proves that Blake simply chooses not to metagame, Blake instead passes the cloak on to Ruby, pointing out that having Advantage on all Stealth checks would synergize really good with Ruby’s Elven Accuracy Feat.
So instead of the rogue with the highest standard Stealth skill normally possible, it’s actually the Paladin and the Wizard, neither of whom even have Stealth proficiency, who are the sneaky members of the party. Ruby due to her double-advantage stealth rolls, and Weiss simply because she has the Invisibility spell. Plus, you know, actually trying to be sneaky unlike the edgelord drama queen.
Also, Ruby’s double-advantage stealth-rolls have the knock-on effect of giving her double-advantage attack-rolls FROM stealth. Basically, Ruby often times plays more like a rogue then the actual rogue in her party.
Ruby and Blake actually have a fun dichotomy between their characters: Blake’s character plays the part of a cool, brooding edgelord but actually ends up goofing her attempts to be cool half the time. Meanwhile, Ruby plays the part of a bright, optimistic cinnamon roll who wants to help everyone she can, despite being an Oath of Vengeance Hexblade who can totally pull a ‘Nothing Personnel, Kid’ on some poor sap before absolutely nuking them with a double-advantage, Hexed, Great Weapon Master-boosted Divine Smite. Ruby and Blake are fully aware of this and think it makes for a fun character trait. Basically, the real reason Blake’s character follows Ruby’s is because she thinks Ruby is super cool
Despite going down a number of times early on, Weiss ends up becoming a surprise powerhouse after a bit. Because the rest of the party is doing multi-class shenanigans while Weiss is going pure Wizard, she ends up getting five levels in her class before anyone else. And with it, those 3rd level Wizard spells. Needless to say, Weiss got very excited when she started looking at her new spells (Haste gives me extra AC, movement, AND two actions? So ‘Fly’ literally just lets me fly? ‘Fireball’ does how many d6s of damage?!). In fact, after the party hit 5th level, Weiss went a little… power mad.
“Yeah, I’m a little tired of getting one-shotted every battle, so now I’m just going to sit back and Fireball our enemies to death.”
You know, as first-time Wizard players are wont to do XD
Unfortunately, while this did represent a major power-boost to the party, it also took Weiss a while to figure out that ‘Friendly Fire’ was a very real thing in DnD. The first couple times weren’t so bad, seeing how only Yang got caught in the crossfire, and between her high HP, proficiency AND advantage on DEX saves plus her Dragonborn Fire Resistance (meaning she only took a quarter of the damage), Yang barely felt it. Then the third time it happened, Blake was caught in the blast too, but since she managed a Nat 20 on the DEX save, Qrow let her get away with no damage.
But then the fourth time, Weiss ended up catching Ruby in a Fireball… who ended up flubbing the DEX save and dropped to zero HP.
It actually ended up being a pretty dramatic moment, particularly as how this was the first time in the campaign that Ruby was incapacitated, AND she’d been the party’s main healer. Also, Ruby deciding to milk the moment for as much drama as she could, made sure to weakly reach out to Weiss and call her name before collapsing. Weiss in turn, kind of freaked the hell out, both in-game and more than a bit in real life. As in, immediately activating her Bladesong ability and racing to Ruby’s side to protect her, and on her next turn using the Life Transference spell to heal her. Which actually nearly killed Weiss herself, since at the time she only had 30 HP and Life Transference takes 4d8 of the caster’s hitpoints.
In fact, Weiss didn’t even have Life Transference prepared at the time, but Qrow let it slide with a ‘Power of Love’ justification, and Ruby only getting a straight HP transfer instead of twice the HP like how the spell normally works. The whole moment ended up being, in Yang’s words; ‘gay as fuck’, with Qrow narrating how Weiss was cradling Ruby in her arms and channeling her very life essence to bring her friend back, and then with Weiss hanging on with just 2 HP, Ruby ended up dealing the final blow to the boss and ending the fight.
The moment even caused some real-life angst for Weiss, as she’d been dancing around her growing crush on Ruby, and now nearly killed her character. The pair end up having a private moment to talk things out after the session where a number of hugs are exchanged. And maybe one or two kisses on the cheek.
And during the next session, when the party coincidentally hit 6th Level and Ruby got her 2nd level Paladin spells, she presented Weiss the ring for the Warding Bond spell, and treated the whole thing pretty much as an in-game marriage proposal. Weiss knew Ruby was going to do this ahead of time, but Yang, Blake and Qrow had no idea, so it was a pretty crazy moment for them.
Lastly, because Qrow is actually a huge romantic sap and is actually really proud of his niece and her new girlfriend, he ends up giving them a few other perks. Like Ruby getting a free, no-concentration-required use of Warding Bond cast on Weiss once per day, Weiss likewise getting once-per-day free casting of Life Transference (regardless of whether she has it prepared or not) on Ruby, and both being able to cast touch-range spells on each other from longer ranges.
Though Qrow would end up somewhat-regretting all that later, as he basically let slip to the girls that he is a huge sucker for big, romantic, ‘Power of Love’ moments in-game. Needless to say, they end up taking advantage of this a few times.
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miracle-sham · 4 years
Seduce a Bat With a Thieving Cat.
| {Maribat2k20 Dickinette – Day 1: First Encounters} |
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] |
|Triggers/Warnings: Explicit language/some swearing. |
| It's just another typical night on patrol when the Gotham History Museum is broken into, luckily Nightwing's on the scene, that is until everything goes off the rails. |
| Or alternatively, |
| Marinette's not your typical barista, so when she serves Dick Grayson coffee, everything goes sideways. |
| Word Count: 4751 |
| A/N: I'd just like to preface this fic by mentioning I had already written 2k of this fic by the time Miraculous786 posted their First Encounters fic and after reading it considering the similarities (Dick's PoV during the museum bit, Marinette wielding the Cat Miraculous and hunting down a Miraculous from a Gotham Museum) I was kinda disheartened because y'know I was worried I might get accusations of copying but as I had already written 2k I decided to keep going because I had a different enough plot and I didn't want to waste what I had written so far. |
| If you want to be tagged in future oneshots/fics, or a specific Au, then comment or senf me a DM/ask! |
| Also side note, Don't Like? Don't Read. Also also, please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
The night started out like any other Monday patrol. Except it's Monday, so of course it all goes off the rails not even halfway through the patrol. Because that's just Dick's luck.
 His comm buzzes, as Red Hood of all vigilantes, pipes up. “Just caught sight'a the tiny Catwoman copycat. Looks like she's got her eye on the Gotham History Museum again. O, you got anything on show in there that might pique the kitty's interest?”
 Oracle responds a second later, robotic voice overlay sounding charming as ever. “A bejewelled Armlet, which is the newest piece from the ancient Tibetan Jewellery collection is probably what our copycat burglar's after. She's targeted that specific collection before. Nightwing you're closest to the museum, try to cut her off before she can steal the piece.”
 “Got it!” Nightwing salutes, knowing Oracle is probably watching through a nearby security camera, as you do. He flips off the roof he's on and shoots the grapple mid flip—because he's physically incapable of not being showy, you can take him out the circus but you can't take the circus out of him—to change his route for the Museum in question.
 “Wait isn't that the collection where a bunch of perfectly preserved jewellery pieces were found in a two-hundred-year-old monastery and the pieces themselves are estimated to be thousands of years old?” Robin cuts in, followed by an “Eep!” and a series of crashes and clatters.
 “That's the one,” Oracle responds, sounding faintly amused, most likely watching whatever Robin's doing—which is probably nothing to worry about otherwise Oracle would have alerted them.
 Not that that'll stop me from worrying, Nightwing thinks ruefully.
 Red Hood scoffs. “Pretender, did you fucking seriously memorise facts about some fancy old jewellery?”
 Nightwing can practically hear Robin's frown through the comms, and boy does that make his heart clench.
 He, Robin, hesitates before answering. “I— one of my parent's last few archaeology gigs before they died was in Tibet where they were a part of the team that found a weird frog statue that's now on display at the Louvre. The statue has the same insignia as the box that the jewellery was discovered in.”
 The comms fall silent because well, they've all got their own parental issues so when it's an unspoken rule to not use that as ammo when it comes to bio parents. But the fact that Robin memorises facts relating to digs his parents went on, when they couldn't even remember half his birthdays. It's a painful reminder that the kid still loves his bio parents despite the abuse he suffered from them.
 The comms stay relatively silent (as silent as you can get, with six people's Comms hooked to the same frequency, all echoing in various white noise background sounds from their environments) until Nightwing reaches the Gotham History Museum. When the casual patrol chatter, as opposed to the white noise, starts back up, He filters out the sound out and circles the museum, keeping an eye out for their copycat burglar.
 Twenty minutes pass and there's still no sign of her nearby. Nightwing double taps his comm. “Looks like our kitty cat's a no show. Are there any other places she might tar—” A loud wailing alarm cuts him off. “Shit.”
 He whirls around, searching for the origin of the alarm. There, third skylight over, leading into the ancient Tibetan section added specifically for the bejewelled armlet's appearance at the museum—the section, not the skylight. If the skylight had been added then that would just be bad security choices on the Museum's part.
 “Nightwing. Report.” Batman growls in demands over the comms because Batman's incapable of speaking in something other than growls and guttural grunts.
  “Turns out, Oracle was probably right. I got eyes on the cat.” Nightwing responds, finally catching a glimpse of the copycat burglar, grappling her way out the skylight that the blaring alarm is coming from. Making a split-second decision, he sprint-swings after her. The chase is on kitty.
 “Whatever you do, don't engage,” Batman orders, voice sounding like someone dragged a beat-up thug across a gravel driveway.
 So Nightwing does what any self-respecting rebellious bat does, and ignores the order. “Engaging now.”
 Of course B tries to use the Robin Listen™ Voice. He pouts, turns off his earpiece midswing and continues to chase after the copycat burglar. He's a good few places behind, but his long legs and familiarity with the museum roof, is slowly but surely helping him catch up to her.
 She glances back at him and puts on a burst of speed, and upon reaching the edge of the museum's roof, pole vaults herself over the edge, just missing the next roof, and hurtling towards the street below—not a dangerous move at all.
 Nightwing has a split second of panic as he watches her as she's seemingly plummeting to her imminent demise, then decides to do the Vigilante Thing™ and dives after her.
 He reaches an arm out and is so close to catching her when the pole she used to vault extends out and wedges itself between the two buildings either side of the street. The copycat burglar then uses the momentum from the fall to perform three pullover flips on the pole-bar—like she wasn't just nearly falling to her death.
 Because of her move, Nightwing's forced to regrapple and swing by her in order to not crash into her. He spots a rooftop with two taller buildings either side and thinks to himself, a good point to ambush her at—provided she heads that way, if not, I can always grapple over to the other side of the street.
 There are gargoyles on both the taller buildings, so it doesn't take much to grapple up to one and hide behind them (like the bat he is)—to keep her from realising he's still here.
 Nightwing watches as the copycat burglar finishes her pullover flips and stabilises on the pole-bar, then walks across it like a tight rope—fortunately heading towards the building that he's planning to ambush her on. Finally, today's luck is looking up!
 Once she reaches the building, she steps onto a window sill and grabs the pole-bar. Nightwing studies her and the pole-bar as it contracts and compacts to a baton size. The copycat burglar attaches it to her belt then scales the side of the building seemingly effortlessly.
 She takes the path of least resistance as she reaches the top. Which is surprising to Nightwing considering she only just "lost" him. She then starts crossing the middle roof with the two taller buildings on either side.
 It's at that moment, he decides to drop in on their copycat burglar. And by drop in on, he means flip over the gargoyles he was hiding behind, and then triple backflips off the roof he's on, so that at the end of his fall he collides with her, pinning her to the ground. Unnecessarily showy, but who's he to not put on a show.
 Nightwing pulls out a pair of manacles and handcuffs her wrists. She turns her head enough to get a good look at him and gives him the most unimpressed glare he's ever seen. And I've lived with Batman, he thinks to himself, surprised at how good her unimpressed glare is.
 He leans down, trying to intimidate her. “Where'd you put the armlet you stole.”
 She hisses—like actually hisses, like a cat or a snake.
 However, having been used to villains making weird noises upon being captured—Manbat anyone?—the sound doesn't startle Nightwing as much as it probably should. That is until he catches sight of her slit pupils, and cat ears and tail twitching. Of course, his immediate thought is and they call Batman a furry.
 Unfortunately, in the split second where his thoughts are distracted, she mutters “Cataclysm,” beneath her breath. There's a horrible creak of metal rusting and warping followed by a clatter, as she yanks her hands away—causing the manacles to shatter in two.
 “Hey, wait a second!” Nightwing protests, he's about to ask what she just did, when she twists underneath his pin and flips the both of them over.
 Having not expected the flip, he's caught off guard once more but his reflexes are too well trained to be completely overwhelmed by the move, so he cartwheels out of the flip and out of her range. “That was my favourite pair of handcuffs you broke!”
 She raises an eyebrow at him and slips into a defensive stance. “You have a favourite pair of handcuffs?”
 Mimicking the action by getting into his own fighting stance, he starts to edge towards her, causing her to edge away from him—forcing them both to circle each other.
 “They were a good pair of handcuffs okay!” Nightwing defends, as he scrutinises her form—Clearly self-trained, considering this stance and her earlier moves. It's similar to Jason and Steph's styles, in the 'learnt to fight to avoid getting hurt worse' kinda way.
 “Emphasis on the were.” Is her dry response.
 He dive forward rolls towards her and jumps up, and using the momentum gained from the roll, throws an uppercut at her. “How about you give me the jewellery as compensation?”
 The copycat burglar narrows her eyes at him and blocks the uppercut with her elbow. “The jewellery is worth way more than your flimsy handcuffs.” She retaliates with a roundhouse kick to Nightwing's chest.
 Dodging with a back handspring, he pulls out his escrima sticks. “No?” He shrugs, “well it was worth a try.”
 She eyes his escrima sticks and gives him a tight-lipped smile. “It really wasn't but go off I guess.”
 That was definitely a twinkle of amusement in her eyes there! Nightwing grins then falters. “Y'know, if you're in trouble, you don't have to do this. I can help you.”
 The copycat burglar scoffs and throws a punch, which he easily blocks with one of his escrima sticks.
 “You don't understand.” She scowls, retracts her punch and spins before trying to jab him in the ribs with her baton.
 He blocks with one escrima stick and strikes back at her with the other. “I don't, but if you explain then I could.”
 Hissing through her teeth in pain, she glares at him, tail whipping viciously back and forth and cat ears laying flat against her head. She counters his block and strike, by swiping at his escrima sticks with her baton, knocking them from his grip.
 “Shit!” Nightwing back handsprings again, to get enough distance between them as to give him enough time to retrieve the sticks.
 She thwacks him in the neck with her expanding baton, throwing him off balance and leaving him breathless.
 With his moment of weakness, the copycat burglar grabs him and throws him at the nearest rooftop wall.
 “Fuck! Me!” He yelps between breaths, temporarily stunned, body aching from the impact.
 “No thanks, I'd prefer to take you out to dinner first.” She mutters, probably not intending for him to hear, as she pins him against the wall before he can recover.
 Blinking and wide-eyed, Nightwing stares at her for a solid three seconds then waggles his eyebrows. “I'd be up for dinner with you, just gotta let me help you with whatever's forcing you to steal the jewellery.”
 She sighs and glances away for a split second, then leans in really close and whispers in his ear. “There's nothing you can do to help me.”
 Leaning back, the copycat burglar places a finger over his lips—silencing him before he can speak.
 Nightwing flushes bright red and his heartbeat spikes.
 “My name is Minou Purrdu, and I'm sorry.” She purrs, pulling something odd out of her baton, a black and yellow spinning top.
 With her finger still over his lips, he's unable to ask what she's apologising for.
 She whispers under her breath, “Venom,” and stabs the spinning top into the side of his neck.
 Gasping, Nightwing is left completely paralysed by whatever the spinning top actually is because it's clearly not your standard spinning top. Unable to move—he can only watch as Minou Purrdu cups his cheek, frowns, pulls away, and begins pole-vaulting her way across the roof and out of sight.
 Nightwing's not sure how long the paralysis lasted but as soon as it ends, he slumps back against the wall and melts, tipping his head back against the brick. His mind stuck on repeating the encounter as he processes what happened. Shit, he thinks while grinning dopily—face flushing bright red again (not that it faded much whilst he was paralysed), I thought I had a thing for redheads but obviously, I've got a thing for badass ladies instead.
 He's about to get up when Catwoman, original cat burglar extraordinaire, jumps down onto the roof he's on and gives him a very judgemental look. “I'm guessing the kitten got away with the jewellery, hmm? A shame, I quite fancied the look of it.” She stops, tipping her head to the side and raising a hand to one ear. She shakes her head but continues. “Oracle has some things she wants to say to you, I'd recommend turning on your comm unless you want her send Batman, Robin, or Red Hood here to see you like this.”
 Huffing, he rolls his eyes, “thanks,” then taps his comms back on. “Hey.”
 Catwoman nods to him and then takes her leave across the rooftops—Probably to go tease Batman or something.
  The comm buzzes and an unimpressed sounding Oracle greets him. “Clearly the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.” She pauses then adds, “I recorded your entire "fight".”
 Nightwing splutters in response. “What.”
 “Awww, did you get your feathers ruffled by the kitty cat, Big Wing?” Red Hood cuts in with a teasing sing-song tone of voice.
 “I hate you both,” Nightwing grumbles, pushing himself up off the ground and wall.
 “Sorry to interrupt, but I was looking through the museum's private notes on the jewellery collection, apparently some of the pieces are thought to be magical artefacts,” Robin interjects, sounding somewhat strained.
 Red Hood scoffs, “so you're saying our copycat burglar's—”
 “Minou Purrdu she called herself.” Nightwing chimes in.
 Red Hood clears his throat. “—Got her hands on multiple magical artefacts and we got no idea why she's doing it or if she's working with anyone.”
 “We might get another chance to catch her, the museum has a few other jewellery pieces from the collection, in the back,” Robin informs them, a familiar thwip of a grapple line in the background.
 “So we'll monitor the museum for any suspicious activity.” Oracle sighs. “Also Nightwing, Agent A's currently dealing with B but he wants to know the extent of your injuries from the fight.”
“Gotcha.” He swipes on his gauntlet computer and sends a quick analysis of his injuries—mostly minor bruising—and sends it to the Batcomputer for Agent A to see. “Done.”
 “B's being grumpy over the stunt you pulled, so I suggest doing a final loop once you finish patrol before heading back.” There's a clacking of keys as Oracle types away at something, most likely checking the security cams nearby.
 Nightwing readies his grapple. “You're a lifesaver O.” Then swings himself off the building to double back to his patrol route.
The clacking pauses and she laughs. “I know.”
 The next morning, as she's sprinting down the pavement, Marinette's phone starts ringing. She stumbles to a stop, barely managing to dodge the other civilians walking down the path and fumbles to get her phone out her pocket. She curses and glances around her then steps off to the side to take the call. She catches a glimpse of the caller's ID before she answers, “Adrien? What is it?”
 “Ah, you're awake already, mornin' Mari!” He greets cheerfully, sounding far too awake for eight am on a Tuesday morning. Although then again, he wasn't the one who spent last night (morning?) hopping across rooftops at godforsaken hours and getting chased by the local spandex-wearing vigilantes. 
 There's a clatter behind Adrien followed by the whir of an appliance, he pauses, probably distracted by whatever made the noise. There's a faint rustle-woosh as he shakes his head. “I'm just calling to check up on you after your late night last night, after all, today's your first shift at the coffee shop.”
 Marinette huffs good-naturedly, “I woke up extra early so I wouldn't be late,” Translation: I did not get a wink of sleep last night. “I'm less than a minutes walk away right now.”
 Adrien sighs. “Mari, you really need to get better sleeping habits.”
 “Mhmm. Alright, I'm nearly there” She responds, busy checking her surroundings once more.
 “M'kay, chat to you inside?” And she can just hear the feral grin in his voice as he makes the pun.
 Marinette groans at the awful pun. “Really? Whatever, see ya!” And quickly ends the call, before setting off at a brisk pace to get to the coffee shop.
 Once she reaches the coffee shop, Marinette's just barely on time for her shift. She darts into the back room and throws on the nearest apron of her size and slaps her name tag onto the apron.
 With the apron and name tag on, she stumbles out the back room and scurries behind the counter to join Adrien, who's chatting to a customer; a superhero fan, if I were to guess, from all the superhero badges and patches on their jacket. As she passes by him to get to her station, he raises a hand without glancing back at her. On instinct, she high fives his raised hand.
 Marinette reaches the empty till and waves over the next customer. Out of the corner of her eye, she spots Adrien starting on his customer's order. She smiles as the customer she waved over, approaches.
 The customer that approaches, is a pale thin-faced man, with balding grey hair and wearing a shirt and jacket from the latest Gabriel Agreste fashion line. “I need a triple shot, venti, half sweet, caramel macchiato, with three pumps of vanilla and extra whip. And I need it pronto, girly.”
 “Of course.” Marinette's smile turns paper-thin as a wave of fury washed over her. This is not my morning, she internally laments. But at least Adrien doesn't have to deal with this bastard. He doesn't need a reminder of the fact that his sperm donor managed to escape his crimes thanks to being an old, white, corrupt businessman.
 He glares at her, then sniffs pointedly and pulls out his phone.
 Marinette scurries away from the till to go and get started on the order. It's not enough to stop her from wanting to break the customer's nose but it keeps her occupied for the moment being.
 As she passes Adrien, he gives her a concerned glance. She responds with a shrug and the shake of her head, she flicks her gaze back to her customer and then to Adrien; silently conveying it's fine, don't worry. I can deal with it.
 He frowns but doesn't press, instead continuing as he was doing, in taking his customer's order to said customer.
 Sighing, Marinette then gets started on her customer's hell order, carefully making the coffee step by step, to ensure its right. Because as much as I'd love to tamper with his drink, I'd rather not lose my job not even five minutes into my first shift.
 Thankfully it doesn't take too long to make the order but as the equipment isn't that far from the counter, she could hear all the impatient huffs and scoffs from the customer throughout the duration of making the coffee. After she adds the final touches, Marinette carefully carries the order over to the customer and goes through the payment process with him.
 The customer leaves with a scowl. Good riddance, she scoffs internally. She surveys the coffee shop and surprisingly there's no one else in the queue. She shuffles towards Adrien, looking quite pale, as he hands over the change to a customer who then puts the change in the tip jar and leaves.
 Eyeing him carefully, Marinette gently nudges him in the side and softly questions. “Hey, you feeling okay? You're looking kinda pale.”
 Adrien glances back to her and nods. “Yeah, I just…” He takes a second to breathe, “that customer you were serving, he was wearing his brand.”
She makes a pained face. Shit, I was hoping he wouldn't notice.
 He huffs and grins fragilely. “You're doing your 'Heck I had hoped you hadn't realised that' face.”
  Marinette rolls her eyes. “Close, it was a 'Shit, I was hoping you hadn't realised' face but technicalities, technicalities.”
 Just as he's about to respond, three giggling people stumble into the coffee shop, a man and a boy with black hair and blue eyes, and a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.
 Adrien stiffens as they approach, so Marinette does what any good friend would do and grabs him by the arm to tug him a step behind her.
 “Nuh-uh!” She wags a finger at him, “I'll deal with the next customers, you go take a five-minute breather in the backroom.”
 He wavers and glances between her and the approaching group. He shakes his head and grimaces. “Alright,” then scampers off to the backroom in a very cat-like way.
 Some things just don't change, she muses to herself, and tenses, throwing on a quick but genuine-looking smile to greet the new customers.
 As the three reach the counter, the tallest of the three (the black-haired blue-eyed man), leans on the counter and smirks in a way that can only be described as flirtatiously. The other man groans and the woman bursts into giggles.
 Marinette refrains from mentally calling the flirtatiously smirking one 'The Chat Noir of the three'. “Hi, how may I help you?”
 The blonde girl shoves the men and boy out of the way and flashes Marinette a dazzling grin. “Hey, can I get a grande Spoiler Surprise hot chocolate and a warmed coffee waffle please!”
 Marinette nods, quickly racking her brain for the recipe to the Gotham Special, and adds it to the till. “Anything else?”
 The black-haired blue-eyed boy—Who I really need a better internal nickname for him because he's starting to sound like the blue-eyes white dragon with how much I'm repeating that, Marinette thinks absently—half-heartedly glares at the blonde girl before turning his gaze to Marinette and asks, “could I have a quadruple shot Venti espresso with sixteen addition shots of espresso and one of the add energy packets.”
 “Timmy, no!” Gasps the man.
 “Tim, yes.” 'Tim' responds, grinning mischievously.
 The blonde girl barely holds back her laughter, doubling over from the effort.
 Marinette stares at him in concern but as soon as she spots the very prominent bags beneath his eyes, she nods—in solidarity and adds the coffee order to the till. “Okay, anything else?”
 The blonde girl and Tim share a look before darting off to grab a free table booth, leaving the man at the counter with her.
 The man stares after the two before turning his attention to Marinette. “Can I get a grande White Chocolate Mocha, please.” He pauses, “And I'll pay you triple the price of the entire order in tips if you make Tim's drink entirely decaf. Please, he's had three black coffees already today.”
 Marinette nods her head slowly. “I–uh, sure, okay. And is that all?”
 He nods, “Yep, that's all.”
 She adds the final drink to the order and puts it through the till. “That'll be twenty dollars…”
 The man hums thoughtfully and hands over a twenty-dollar bill, “Cool, so I'll pay you sixty bucks in tips if you make my little brother's drink decaf.” He then adds, “I'm Dick by the way.”
 “Marinette,” she points to the little name tag attached to her apron before getting started on the worst of the drinks, the (now decaf) twenty shot venti espresso. “And that's way too much for a tip, I can't accept that much.”
 “Hey, no, you deserve it for making that abomination of a drink that my little brother ordered and anyway it's not like I can't afford to tip you that much.” Dick divulges.
“Oh.” She responds noncommittally, unsure how to respond and so continues to pour the shots of decaf espresso into the venti cup.
 Just as she finishes pouring the final shots into the cup, a customer switches the café TV to a news channel. “Late last night, there was a break-in at the Gotham History Museum. The only item stolen was an artefact from the new Ancient Tibetan display. Fortunately, the thief was caught on the security camera. From what can be seen in the footage, the thief appears to be a Catwoman copycat.” A news anchor reports before cutting to the footage of the break-in.
 Marinette puts the twenty shot venti espresso on a tray and places the tray and drink on the counter between her and Dick.
 “What's your opinion on Minou Purrdu?” He inquires, with a curious look on his face, head cocked to one side.
 Thanks to anxiety, Marinette's immediate response is to laugh awkwardly as she internally panics—Oh fuck, he must be Nightwing. Don't be here to arrest me, don't be here to arrest, please—turning away from the counter, she gets started on the white chocolate mocha. “Uh, who?”
 Dick rubs at the back of neck somewhat sheepishly, “it's that new copycat thief's name apparently.”
 “Huh. I guess the thief must be a fan of puns then.” She comments, avoiding answering his question as she mixes the relevant ingredients into the cup to produce the drink.
 “Oh? What makes you say that?” He asks, body language showing him to be genuinely curious—probably not here to arrest me then, hopefully.
 Marinette finishes making the white chocolate mocha and carries the cup over to the tray, explaining her reasoning as she did so. “Well, Minou Purrdu is a pun. Minou perdu is french for lost kitty, and so by adding a purr to perdu, the thief made it a pun.”
 Dick makes a noise of contemplation, he then spies his drink and grins in a way that's flirtatiously feral enough to rival Chat Noir (she was definitely spot on when she nearly mentally referred to him as the Chat Noir of the three), then points to the mocha, “hey, you mocha me crazy.”
 Marinette sighs in poorly concealed amusement and it's at that moment, Adrien walks out the employee room and joins her behind the counter.
 He glances around and spots no queue, “need any help with the order?”
 She nods and turns to him. “If you could grab one of the coffee waffles and warm it please.”
 “No problem!” Adrien nods and heads over to the glass food display to get a coffee waffle.
 Dick pokes at up his mocha cup and whistles through at the heat. “This coffee's really hot but not as hot as you.”
 Marinette, midway through turning away from the counter to go grab the ingredients needed for the Spoiler Surprise hot chocolate, chokes and flushes bright red. Nope-nope-nope-nope-no! I am not doing this! Absolutely no way am I getting a crush on Nightwing who's currently a civilian and probably is maybe hunting down my secret identity to arrest me!
 Adrien, the traitor, puts the now warmed up coffee waffle on the tray and grabs a napkin. He quickly scrawls down a string of numbers that look suspiciously like her personal phone number. He waggles his eyebrows at her, winks, then hands the napkin to Dick. “She's too shy to do it herself, so here's her number!”
 She squeaks in surprise—ironic considering the drink she's currently making—and covers her face with her hands, thankfully having not been holding the cup of half-made Spoiler Surprise hot chocolate. Otherwise, she definitely would've spilt it.
 Quickly, she finishes the hot chocolate and puts it on the tray. “Here you go.”
“Thanks! and here's your tip.” He places down three twenty-dollar bills on the counter and winks, before picking the tray up and bringing it over to Tim and the blonde girl.
 Marinette spins around to face Adrien. “Oh my god, why would you do that?”
 He smirks, “because we're in a new city, why not have some fun and follow through with your new crush?”
 She groans. “We need to talk in private as soon as our shifts end.”
 Adrien's smile falters. “Alright.”
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little oneshot! Comments, likes, and reblogs are much appreciated! |
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fyeahwildfire · 4 years
Spirit Bound
Chapter 7
Summary: After your fight with Kitana in the garden, you head towards your next match. Will you be able to face Scorpion or will you fail Earthrealm?
Pairing: Mortal Kombat x reader; Bucky x reader; other soulmate x reader
Warning: Angst, swearing,
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You arrive the exterior courtyard where all the combatants await. You look among the crowd and have not seen your brother. Where was Bi-Han? 
Walking up to Liu Kang and Kung Lao, you continued browsing among the crowd. Surely he would be there to support you? Right?
“Kombatants! Only one Earthrealm warrior remains.” Shang Tsung announced while looking at you.
Avoiding his gaze you whisper to Liu Kang, “Where is Sub-Zero?”
Liu Kang locks eyes with Kung Lao and both of them show frowns on their faces.
“Where is my brother?” You ask more firm this time.
Jax Briggs approaches you, he hands you Sub-Zero’s face mask and wrist guards. “Sorry kid, but Scorpion and Quan Chi got the drop on him earlier.”
You suppress the tears in your eyes, you can’t show weakness… not now. Not when everyone is counting on you. Instead, you channel all that pain into rage. You will avenge Bi-Han.
You place Bi-han’s mask and wrist guards on the floor as they were too big for you to wear. Perhaps you can give them to Kuai Liang.
“Make sure no one touches his belongings.” You step forward and await your next challenger.
“Earthrealm’s last warrior Y/N. Is she ready to bear such a heavy burden? Earthrealms fate is in her hands. Your opponent will be….Scorpion!”
Scorpion appears in a flash of fire, upon looking at his next opponent, he freezes. “Lady Y/n what are you doing? Why are you standing here?”
You scoff and glare your eyes at him. “I’m your opponent you fucking traitor.”
Scorpion shakes his head, until he notices Sub-Zero’s mask and wrist guards on the floor beside Liu Kang and Kung Lao’s feet. He looks back at you with sadness in his eyes.
“You killed Bi-Han. For that I will send you to the depths of hell where you belong.” You get into your fight stance. Your fists and eyes glowing with green telekinetic energy.
“Fighting with Scorpion…the sorcerer Quan Chi!” Shang Tsung announced just as Quan Chi teleported through a portal, laughing as he does so.
“Oh I’m so going to enjoy kicking both of your asses.” You fight with Scorpion first.
He attempts to block your attacks, but he has no interest in fighting you. He wanted to explain what happened? To beg for forgiveness, but it was clear your rage had consumed you.
“I do not wish to fight you.” Scorpion dodges another attack.
“Then you should have thought of that before breaking your promise.” Your fist connects to his face. “I did warn you what would happen if you killed him. Now you will pay dearly.”
“What about your soul?” Scorpion catches your fist before it could connect.
You swiped your leg underneath his, “It’s too late.”
You gather your telekinesis and just as Scorpion rose to his feet, you send the telekinetic blast towards Scorpion, sending him flying backwards right into Quan Chi.
You walk over to his unconscious body. “I am showing you mercy, something you don’t deserve.”
Seeing you distracted, Quan Chi attacks you and lands a punch to the face. You stumble back a bit dazed, however you shake it off. Both of you circle around each, staring each other down.
“You will pay for what you did to Sub-Zero and Scorpion.”
Quan Chi smiles wickedly, “Is that so? You a mere pathetic mortal, believe you could best me. Very well, but please do put up more of a fight than Sub-Zero did.”
Yelling out of anger, you charge at Quan Chi. He shoots out blasts from his hands which you dodge at superhuman speed. The pillars behind you destroyed. You jump into the air and land two good kicks into Quan Chi’s chest.
Quan chi flies backwards but regains himself like a cat. You try to attack him again only for Quan Chi to dodge your attack.
The other kombatants watch the intense fight between you two. Quan Chi continues to use his dark magic against you; however, you dodge every single one of his blasts.
In the midst of running towards Quan Chi, you conjured up the soultaker sword. You jump into the air and bring down your sword. Quan Chi attempts to dodge but he is not quick enough, you cut into his shoulder.
Lord Raiden and the other Kombatants watch as you and Quan Chi exchange blows at superhuman speed.  
Scorpion has regained himself and has seen what you were capable of. He regrets betraying you. Regrets the choice he made. He searches your eyes but only sees rage behind them.
You kick Quan Chi in the face. He stumbles back, blood dripping from his mouth. He yells out angrily, whirling around he uses his dark magic to throw blasts at you. You dodge by jumping into the air, flipping while doing so. You use the pillar before you to kick off and land a few steps away, as Quan Chi sent a blast towards the pillar.
The courtyard is in ruins as you and Quan chi continue to attack each other. You land on a broken pillar like a nimble cat. Your eyes are glowing with pure rage. 
Seeing Quan Chi jump into the air. You growl and jump into the air as well.  Up in the air you kick Quan Chi in his abdomen.
Quan Chi teleports before he could hit the pillar behind him. You use your telepathy to track him above you, but before he could grab you from above you maneuver yourself. You kick and punch him with savage intensity.
With Quan Chi on his back, you continue to pound on him. Scorpion attempts to intervene, for your sake. However, you brush him off and continue to attack Quan Chi.
“Lady Y/N, enough!” Scorpion grabs you in his arms and hauls you off Quan Chi.
You break from his arms, breathing heavily as you look into his eyes, “Why save him? When he is the cause of your pain and suffering. He killed your family and clan!”
Scorpion’s eyes widen with the truth. He looks back to see Quan Chi had fled. 
Up on his throne Shang Tsung is amused by your victory. However, he and Scorpion knew your next match would be your last.
“Lord Raiden, will she be alright?” Liu Kang asked, as he saw you leaving the courtyard.
“She fought well. She needs time to recollect herself. The tournament is not yet over.” Raiden explains.
“Goro.” Liu Kang whispers.
Johnny leans over to Sonya, “What’s a Goro?”
She shrugs as she has no idea either.
“It has been years since an Earthrealm warrior has progressed this far.” Shang Tsung announced as he looked at Raiden. “But the reigning champion is far beyond your champion’s ability. To the Lair!”
You had been walking to clear your mind when a portal open under your feet. You fall right through it and land hard on the floor. You recognized this place; it was the dungeon where Jax was imprisoned. You spot a large empty throne. You rise on your feet and look around; you sense a presence behind you.
“I did not expect to fight in this tournament.”
You come face to face with an eight-foot-tall humanoid with four arms.
“Or that I would fight a mere Earthrealm girl.”
“Do not underestimate her, Goro. The lady Y/n is more than capable of defending herself. Especially since she comes from a line of soultaker wielders.” Shang Tsung appears from behind the throne. “I’ll make you a deal. Yield and Shao Kahn will grant you mercy. You can come to Outworld and live as a queen. We shall show you every pleasure.”
You narrow your eyes with disgust. “Is that how Shao Kahn got you to betray your world. I am not as weak or easily manipulated as you Shang Tsung.”
Shang Tsung narrowed his eyes, “A shame then. You will die tonight.”
Goro walks forward, “I will give you a warriors death, Earthrealmer.”
“Fight!” Shang Tsung announces.
Goro attacks you immediately, you try to dodge his every single attack. His strength and endurance are unparalleled. This fight was the most intense as it took everything in you to stay alive.
You whirl around and kick Goro in the back of the leg, making him fall to his knees. One of his four arms grabs you by your ankle. He throws you over his shoulder and slams you into the ground, hard. He decides to pick you up again only to slam you once more into the ground.
You feel the wind knocked out of you and your certain that something is broken.
Goro picks you up again only to fling you across the room, where you crash into the wall. You cry out in pain, as you fall face first into the ground. Yup something is definitely broken. The pain was excruciating. You heard the incoming heavy steps of Goro and for a moment you wanted this fight to be over.
Get up! You heard a voice within your mind. You must get up!
You feel a warmth on your tattoo that was located on your left rib. Your other soulmate tattoo. You groan as you push yourself up off the floor.
That’s it. Keep going. Do not give up.
You wobble as you try to stand straight, your legs felt like jelly. You put up your fist and state, “I can do this all day.”
Goro attempts to strike you, only for you to dodge his attacks. You jump up and kick him in the chest.
“Now Lady Y/N, you can do better than that. I will see the victor shortly. I have more pressing matters to attend to.” Shang Tsung disappears from the lair.
Your movements are fast as you kick and punch Goro. You move swiftly as Goro attempts to punch and stomp you. He brings down his four fists only for you to dodge by doing a triple backflip.
Goro sees you engulfed by green telekinetic power; in a speed of light you had turned the tables. It was Goro now who was in danger. You levitated in the air and kicked him repeatedly in the torso till he smashed into the column behind him.
You push off his chest so you the debris did not come down on you. Goro was however buried underneath the debris.
A few moments later, shooting out from underneath the debris, Goro let out a monstrous roar and charged at you. The perks of telepathy you knew what your opponent was going to do. Before Goro could bring down his monstrous arms on you, you quickly dodge his attack. From behind you unleashed your telekinesis on Goro.
In the Shang Tsung’s throne room, Raiden and the other Kombatants await the arrival of the victor. Raiden and Earthrealm warriors prayed you made it out alive.
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waveypedia · 4 years
Dewey: so yeah, my feet have healed now and its all good, but that’s how I learned not to ever sneak up on Lena, especially not in the middle of the night
Huey: oh yeah, Magica used to sneak into her room and whisper death threats when she was little, and she also still has this fear of being murdered while she sleeps, so you can’t really startle her awake without risking her impulse using her magic
Webby: maybe YOU can’t
Dewey: what?
Huey: Dewey what the heck does that mean? what did you do?
Webby, dropping down from the ceiling and landing with a cartwheel: hey Lena!
Lena, who’s been conditioned to react to Webby’s voice the same way most people react to alarm clocks and is now stuffing her head under her pillow: this is the fourth time this week, go away
Webby: actually its the fifth time. And it’s important. If I’m going to knock out someone, do you think it would be weirder to walk away like this *walks away backwards on her hands* or like this *does a triple backflip*
Lena, without looking up: do the second one it sounded more chaotic
Webby, beaming: great! Thank you Lena, you’re the best!
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Nessa has organised an underworld street race three towns over in Bay Haven, but an unbidden guest threatens to ruin her fun. @bebemoon​ @interluxetumbra​ @ayzrules @blubbingbeautifully​
[Smash Shit Up - The Dropkick Murphys]
…I wanna be a rebel / I wanna break some bones… The stranger had not expected a party. Her dervish dance bounced the tawny bar lights off her silver jewelry and into the rowdy sea of singers, like spellwork. Bacchanalia for middle-aged punk rockers and genre-savvy millenials. Leaning against a vintage Guinness poster with his arms crossed and a nonchalance wholly at odds with the energy of the room - an energy he had known in the ports of Nassau or the harvest festival in Naples - he watched her black hair fly, and frowned. …Maybe they'll be yours / They might be my own… Husky voices that may, in another decade, have bellowed sea shanties in shabby taverns now chanted celtic punk choruses in downtown bars with sticky floors. Their owners raised glasses to toast the enchantress on the bar counter as they might once have a siren of the sea... Was that why he got faint whiffs of withered oak and moonshine? His nostrils flared. No, there was a memory of salty breezes around her, but also that of blood on asphalt. For a moment, he indulged in imagining her enthroned on a stack of barrels filled with rum, wearing a pinstripe suit and an Al Capone hat… ‘New in town, eh?’, said a jovial voice next to him. A scrawny guy in black wearing a tweed flat cap - true vintage, 1940s perhaps - grinned up at him. Vintage-style sailor tattoos, the stranger noted, and smells of diesel oil on his hands. He said nothing. ‘Round here, we can always tell a fella’s new, ye know - by the way he looks at our Pixie.’ The guy nodded proudly at the girl-shaped creature on the bar counter. ‘Quite something, ain’t she? All kinds of trouble, that one, but never a dull moment.’ Quite something. Yes, the stranger thought. He had expected the damp chill of the grave, or the dry musk of something withered, not this - not warmth and sweat and cold smoke and beer. ‘You here for the race? Look like the type, ye know. Not for the faint-hearted, though, that’s for sure. If you’re going against her, you better have your things in order, my friend…’, his new friend chattered on. ‘Funny’, the stranger said, almost to himself. ‘She looks almost…’ ‘Wait- did you say something?’ ‘… alive.’
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
[Voodoo People - The Prodigy (Pendulum Remix)]
The smell of burning rubber, sharp and sweet, stung in her nostrils, and Nessa huffed. That dirty, shaggy flea-bag! When she had devised an underworld street race, she had not expected to be hounded - ha!- by an actual werewolf. And a fast one, no less. She hunkered down on her bike and took the corner sharper than was probably smart, gritting her teeth as the back tire slithered over the icy asphalt. His bike roared closely behind her. No dice. He was good. Three mortals had crashed in the fist third, defeated by back alleys or night time traffic. Four of the seven vampires who had turned up to race had bitten the dirt - get it? - at the scrap yards, and she, too had almost been catapulted off her ride by an unwieldy chevvy and narrowly escaped being impaled on a 90s’ satellite antenna. Not wood, but not pretty, either. But through the neon-lit city and the downtown alleyways, the wolf had prevailed, silently tracking her. Not once had he tried to overtake her. Not that she’d have let him. Not once had he lifted his mirrored helmet shield, but she had been a vampire long enough to sense a wolf. To hell with politics, she had thought back there at the starting line, high on anticipation and roaring motors, and had reared her head, declaring the race a neutral zone and beckoning her tattooed grand marshals to give the go. Apparently, the wolf had not got the memo. Ignoring a red light, Nessa zipped through between a pickup truck and a taxi, heading for the coast. It had been fun at first, the thrill of racing an enemy of the coven, knowing that Ysa would collapse in a dead faint if she knew, and imagining Yinmei levitating away muttering ancient curses. But here, with the cold, crisp air pushing sharply against her bike and the frozen Bay in view, Nessa started to wonder if she had just been really fucking stupid. Again. Somewhere behind her, shrieking brakes and a thunderous crash hailed the disqualification of yet another racer, but the wolf clung to her like a shadow. Always the same distance. Not pushing, but not relenting, either. Nessa bit her lip and tightened her grip on the brakes. No way she was gonna let politics ruin her race. Or her fun. Bracing for the serpentine road curving down to theBbay, she leaned into each curve, sinews straining as she fought to balance the weight of the bike with the momentum of the curves. Knees scraping gently over the ice. The thrill of being suspended right there, between pure motion and a brutal crash. Left - then right - and left again… But she was starting to get annoyed - at him, and at herself. What if he was here to kill her? And she was just serving herself to him on a silver - well, not quite, but still - platter? Sure, vampires were generally stronger than wolves, or so Ysa had told her. But then again, Nessa wasn’t a great listener, so she couldn’t be sure, and she was still young for a vampire. And a sheep separated form the herd, and all that… Fuck. Okay. Nessa made a decision, in the instantaneous, short-circuit brain-glitch sort of way she made decisions, and crushed the brakes in the last curve of the road. Screaming, her bike drifted over frozen snow and spun her around, drifting. For a split second she grinned manically, delighted to have surprised the pursuing wolf. And then, as he desperately tried to pull his bike around, his machine veered into hers with a booming crunch, catapulting them both off the road. They went flying. The hard ground hit her sharply - once, twice. And again. Pain blossomed through her limbs as they tumbled downward, machines crushing them with weight and piercing skin with shrapnel. She could hear bones break- were they hers? Then her head hit the ice with a wet crunch, and her vision went red as they slid over the smooth ice, seemingly forever. And then, there was silence.
When she came to, blinking and dizzy and tasting blood, they were alone on the ice under a vast black sky, the city noise damp and far away - or was that her head ringing? She pushed herself up and got to her feet, legs trembling softly with the remembrance of a life that may have been lost, if she had been human. The bikes had left a black smudge trailing behind them, like something crushed and crawling away. She grinned. She wanted blood. She felt very alive. ‘That’, said a deep voice behind the second bike, panting, ‘was entirely uncalled for.’ She could hear his broken bones reassemble painfully, and winced at the sounds, the slurping and cracking. But then, he must be used to that, she remembered. The wolf - man, at the moment - towered there, broad shoulders taut beneath a sadly torn leather jacket, and removed his helmet. Oh, fuck. She hadn’t counted on him being that handsome - square features, black hair, piercing, dark eyes... and bloodied. Ruddy wolves. She took her helmet off, and knew her own hair was all over the place. ‘I don’t like dogs yapping and biting at my ankles’ she said, with a shrug, playing it cool. Or trying to. Her adrenalin was through the roof. ‘I’m funny like that.’ ‘You’re an absolute raving lunatic, is what you are’, he countered, but not angrily. There was a soft melody in his speech, well-worn, but distinct. Mediterranean? And had she hit her head that badly or was there just the slightest hint of approval in his voice? ‘I do what I can.’ She grinned. ‘I hear that’s usually your job.’ He ignored the jab. ‘Did you really just do that… to annoy me?’ ‘You started it, you… bloodhound.’ She crossed her arms. Now, down to business. ‘So- are you here to kill me?’ He brushed dirt and snow off his sleeves. ‘I hadn’t quite made up my mind yet.’ Honesty. She could respect that. Nessa gestured at the vast expanse of ice around them. ‘Go ahead. Knock yourself out.’ For a moment, he said nothing, just tilted his head, as if thinking. Or seizing her up. Beneath them, the ice crinkled quietly. ‘What makes you think I won’t?’ he asked, eventually. She shrugged again. ‘Nothing. I mean, you’d think by now you’d have got out your funky werewolf kung fu stuff or-’ she waved her hands - she really should have listened to Ysa more - ‘or whatever you guys are using these days.’ ‘Fire, mostly.’ The corner of his - well-shaped, wow - mouth twitched with amusement or disdain, it was hard to tell. He seemed oddly calm for a mortal enemy. ‘Well, that ain’t gonna fly out here, obviously. Pity. I do enjoy an occasional brush with death. Makes you feel that more…. Well, you know - whatever it is we are.’ ‘Right. And that triple backflip you just pulled there like some crash and burn cirque du soleil shit- that was what?’ ‘That was me telling you not to mess with me. But, like, in a fun way. ‘Cause I’m nice.’ ‘…Nice.’ He picked the word up, perplexed, as if it had suddenly become strange. A sharp cracking sound interrupted them. Oops… ‘So -’ she said, ‘if we’re all done here I’ll be on my way. Race to win and all that.’ She could feel his gaze on her as she picked up her bike. Battered and missing a few parts, but it would carry her well enough. ‘Just like that. You don’t think I won’t follow you again? Or beat you?’ The last bit with the hint of a grin. She mounted her bike and tested the engine. Still good. Phew. ‘Not with that piece of junk you won’t.’ She nodded towards what was clearly a lost cause, at least for now. That soft crackle again. A rift, razor sharp and angry, appeared in the ice. Time to go. ‘Sorry!’ she said, merrily, ignoring his quiet curses in a foreign language. Italian. Of course. And then she was off. With the engines roaring beneath her and a vicious cracking sound just below, she sped across the frozen Bay, elated, heart fluttering with triumph. All that space in front and the dark emptiness above - receding, eternal. Nessa grinned. No time to ponder the meaning of time in a deathless existence- She was free.
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ericsonclan · 4 years
The Greenhouse
Summary: Ruby and Aasim are working together in the greenhouse and Aasim notices a scar on Ruby's arm. When he asks her about it, her story brings back memories of the day the greenhouse was attacked.
Read on A03:
Ruby stood up to wipe the sweat off her brow, surveying the work they had completed today. “I suppose that just about does it. Thanks for all your help today, Aasim,” “My pleasure,” Aasim dusted the dirt from his pant legs. “Keeping the garden weeded is a lot more work than I expected,” “You didn’t use to help out much here back in the day, did ya?” “No, I got tapped pretty early on for hunting duty, and it just made sense to stay there. I wanted to perfect my craft so that I could do the most good in providing for the school.” Ruby shook her head with a smile. “There ya go again, Aasim. Always the perfectionist,” “True. But you like me about that, right?” Aasim shot her a smile he hoped was charming. They’d only been dating for a few weeks since all the craziness with the Delta had ended. It was still sort of mind-blowing to him that he actually had a girlfriend. When Ruby had come up to him that night after spending hours struggling to get Clementine stable and Violet to sleep, her eyes red from lack of sleep and unshed tears, he hadn’t known what to do for her. So he just hugged her, since that was all he could do, letting her cry it out on his shoulder. He didn’t think either of them had expected anything to come of that. But here they were, officially boyfriend and girlfriend now that they had announced it to the others, and completely lost as to what should come next.
Ruby smiled. “Don’t figure I’d be able to date ya if I didn’t find that charming. Take the weedin’, for example. If I’d asked Willy or Louis to help me, they’d pull up half the plants in the greenhouse, leave most of the weeds and call it a day. You actually made sure to listen through all the explanations till you were sure ya knew a weed from a veggie. Ya gotta respect that kind of focus in a man,” Aasim looked down at the planter, feeling awkward at receiving such straightforward praise. “It wasn’t really a big deal,” “Are ya kidding me? Aasim, if it wasn’t for you, I think I’d’ve just about lost my mind by now! What with Violet and Clementine recuperatin’ and, well, everyone we lost, I wouldn’t be able to do all this extra work! Louis and Omar do their part and Willy and AJ are always tryin’ to help out, but you’ve been pullin’ double and even triple duty these last few weeks. It’s made a world of difference,” Aasim shrugged nonchalantly. “Not like I could really do otherwise. And I’m certainly not going to leave you with all the work. You’ve been doing more than any of us, taking care of the girls in the dorms, the greenhouse, fortifying the walls…” he paused for a second, as if nervous to act on his intentions, then resolutely reached for her hand, taking it in his own. “You’re amazing, Ruby,” Now it was her turn to blush. Aasim liked the way the deep pink on her cheeks contrasted with her pale skin. He would have to fluster her more often. As his thumb gently caressed her palm, he noticed a scar along her wrist that he’d never taken note of before. Reaching out, he ran his other finger alongside it. The scar stood out against the dirt on her hands, stark white, running several inches up her arm. He looked up at her with concern. “When did this happen?” Ruby tugged her hand out of his grasp, holding the wrist against her chest. “That’s been there a long time. It’s nothing to worry ‘bout,” The way she had reacted made him seriously doubt that. “Is there a story behind it? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” Ruby looked thoughtful as she stared in the direction of the greenhouse door, the one that led further inside to the lab. “It happened the day the greenhouse fell,” He remembered that day. He had been in the music room at the time, organizing the books in there. Screaming had come from outside; he couldn’t figure out the direction. By the time he’d made it outside, it was all over. Ruby and some of the other students had told them the story through shaky breaths: how Miss Martin had shielded them when the walkers broke in, how she’d pushed them toward the front of the greenhouse, urging them to run. And how they’d heard her scream behind the closed door. Ruby and one of the other girls had wanted to go back for Miss Martin, but by the time a scouting party had been assembled and they reached the greenhouse, the door was already jammed shut. Ms. Martin had barricaded herself in after she’d been bit, desperate to make sure that she would not harm the children. From that day onward, Marlon had declared the greenhouse off-limits. A dead zone. Aasim wondered if he should press Ruby further, if it was the right thing to do. She hadn’t shut the conversation down. Perhaps it would do her good to get all this out in the open. “Do you… remember how that happened?” He gestured toward the scar. Ruby nodded. “I didn’t for a long time. When the walkers got in… it all happened so fast. I remember Miss Martin pushing me forward and as I ran I felt a sudden pain in my arm. For a second I thought I’d got bit, but there weren’t any walkers near me. I didn’t even notice the blood till Omar pointed it out to me. Wasn’t till Clementine opened it up again and we all got inside that I saw it,” She gestured at a nearby planter. “One of the nails was sticking out on the side – hadn’t been hammered in right. I fixed it the next time we came in,” She held out her arm, tracing a finger along the scar. “You’d think there’d be a more interesting story to it, right? That I’d have gotten it fightin’ off a walker or steppin’ in front to protect someone. But no, I got it by running away, like a coward,” “Ruby, you were a kid back then. We all were. No one could have expected you to do anything else,” “Maybe so, but it sure would feel better to have somethin’ to look back on from that day to prove that I at least tried,” Ruby’s eyes were misty now. “Hell, when we found her back there in the lab, tied to the planter….” She choked on the word, swallowing roughly. “I shoulda at least been able to put her out of my misery. But instead I asked Clementine to do it for me. I couldn’t even bear to look at her, what she’d become,” The tears were coming in earnest now. Desperate to stop the rising tide, Aasim reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, handing it to Ruby. She took it gratefully, wiping off her eyes and rubbing at her reddened face. She handed it back to him with a rueful chuckle. “Shoulda figured you’d be the type to have a hankie on hand,” “I wish I could do more,” Aasim whispered, shoving it back in his pocket. Ruby shrugged. “It’s the way of the world now, living with loss. Hell, we’ve lost so many in these past few weeks. Marlon, Mitch, Tenn… I should be crying for them, but here I am instead shedding more tears for Miss Martin when she’s been gone longer than all of them,” “Grief is funny that way. I haven’t cried much lately either. Feels like there’s no time to cry when things are this bad,” He turned to Ruby, taking her hand in his own once more. “I don’t know if this makes sense, but when I see you cry – that night after the Delta and right now – it helps. It reminds me to keep feeling things. That even after all we’ve lost, we can still care. We can still mourn. That death still means something,” Ruby looked up at him in confusion, her eyes still wet and red. “Shit, did that make any sense? It sounded awful, didn’t it, like I enjoy watching you cry. That’s not it at all!” “No… I understand. Not completely, but I think I get it. After Miss Martin died, I found myself wanting to cry, but something kept stopping me. I think it was the fact that the person who I used to come to when I had a problem or something needing fixin’ was Miss Martin, so I couldn’t figure out who to talk to now that she was gone. I didn’t have anybody to talk to for a long time, not about the serious, sad things at least,” She looked up at Aasim. “And then you were there. When I didn’t think I could take another day, you were there for me. Ready to listen. To let me cry. I can’t thank you enough for that,” “I’ll always be there for you,” Aasim took a step closer, taking her other hand in his. “I swear, whenever you need me, I will be there. You don’t need to hesitate,” A soft smile flitted across Ruby’s lips. “To think all these years I wanted a hero to jump out of a fairy tale and take me away from this place, when I had a real-life prince right before my eyes,” What could he say after that? Aasim opened his mouth to say something, then closed it, speechless. Smiling, Ruby went up on her toes and placed a kiss on Aasim’s lips. It was over before he could even wrap his mind around the fact that it had happened. Ruby had actually kissed him. Ruby chuckled. “Well golly, I expected more of a reaction than that!” Shit. He had to do something. Had to say something. Quick, Aasim, be cool. Be suave. “That was so much better than I ever imagined,” Ruby blushed, hiding her face against his shoulder. “You sure know how to flatter a girl, don’t ya? We gotta get moving though. Otherwise Omar will come hunt us down for making him wait so long on the veggies,” “Right!” Aasim exclaimed, picking up the pails. “I’ll take this to him. You go check on Clementine and Violet,” As they headed out of the greenhouse, shutting the door behind them, Ruby grabbed hold of one of the buckets, freeing up Aasim’s arm so she could intertwine it with her own. “After I’m back from checkin’ on the girls and dinner and chores are done, do you want to go somewhere special? Just the two of us?” Aasim’s heart did a backflip in his chest. “I would love that,” “Alright then, let’s hurry and get these dropped off, then I’ll be back before you know it,” Aasim smiled down at Ruby, meeting her ready smile with one of his own. “I can’t wait,”
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hazyheel · 5 years
Monday Night Raw 5/20/19 Review
We opened with Heyman and Lesnar, who still has that briefcase for some reason. Apparently the two planned this when they saw Zayn beat Strowman on Raw last week. And I guess Lesnar was actually in that match, because of some negotaitions backstage, and I’m glad they addressed it. Heyman cut a really good promo about how both world champions should be paranoid. Seth Rollins then came out. Rollins insulted Lesnar for being a terrible champion. He challenged Lesnar to cash in the contract now, which Heyman desperately tried to stop from happening. But Heyman basically just said that it wouldn’t happen, because Rollins is on their time. Heyman kinda insulted Rollins by saying that he didn’t main event Wrestlemania while his girlfriend, Becky Lynch, did. I didn’t know they were dating, so that was lovely to hear. I’m a sucker for wrestling couples. Anyway, Heyman said that Lesnar may cash in on Kofi as well, because Rollins isn’t worthy of being in the ring with Lesnar. Kingston came out, and said that he doesn’t mind fighting Lesnar, and even challenged him. Heyman said that since both champions were asking Brock for a match, which kinda makes him more important than both titles. He didn’t cash in, but he said that he might at any point in the night.
Backstage, Kingston and Rollins talked to Triple H about what they’d be doing later, which was them teaming up for the main event against Bobby Lashley and Baron Corbin. Ugh.
Grade: B. Super good promo, but it didn’t actually give us anything new. I always love to hear Heyman on the mic, and I like that dynamic where Brock is so important that both champions want to fight him. Its interesting. Honestly, Brock having the title is exciting, because he is an exciting talent. I want to see where this ends up going. Personally, I think Kofi is gonna get his ass beat by Lesnar, because he has a fairytale story that is worth ruining to get Brock over more. Hopefully, that’ll be later rather than sooner.
Then we had Braun Strowman vs. Sami Zayn. Zayn ran away before the match could even start. They brawled a bit backstage, and Zayn got his ass beat. Strowman was face to face with Bobby Lashley, but they did not come to blows. Strowman literally carried Zayn back to the ring. Zayn kinda had the advantage by the time the match actually started, but Strowman flattened him and hit a running powerslam for the win.
Grade: B+. This whole segment was super fun. Zayn’s acting here, where he was just ridiculously terrified of Bruan was entertaining. I am not usually into this, but the way that Sami sold everything was pretty funny. I don’t think they should make a habit of this kind of thing, but this was good in isolation.
Lars Sullivan then had an interview, which before I even heard I felt was detrimental to his character. Charly seemed really scared, which was good, and then we saw a video package of him since his debut. Charly asked about his goals, but the Lucha House party came out ot interrupt him. They wanted to fight him, and the three of them together were actually able to beat him to the ground. However, one on one he had an advantage. He was able to outlast each other them by waiting for the team to split up and he attacked them one at a time. Sullivan was able to stand tall once again, although not in as dominant a way as at Money in the Bank.
Grade: B-. A discount version of last night, with the added dynamic of the Lucha House Party being able to take down Sullivan when they worked together. But given that I saw it literally last night, I am gonna be a bit harsher.
Next up was Ricochet vs. Cesaro. Cesaro had a new entrance that was very generic. The match happened because Cesaro called Ricochet weak for having his back hurt in the ladder match last night. So naturally Cesaro worked over the back. At one point, Ricochet literally jumped onto Cesaro’s shoulders and then backflipped off of him.  That is insane control from both guys. Ricochet hit an awesome suicide dive, but the spot was kinda ruined by the commercial for the secret life of pets ad. Cesaro was able to get the win here with a neutralizer.
Grade: B-. Not a lot of time here, but some pretty good spots. I think that they can do great stuff together if they are given some faith.
Backstage, Charly interviewed AJ Styles about his loss, and he was pretty humble about his loss. Corbin then showed up and they trash talked back and forth, and it ended with AJ slapping Corbin. Corbin just said that he would pay for that, and then the segment just ended.
Roman Reigns then had a promo, but before he could even start, Shane McMahon came out to confront him. Shane said that he was totally done with the Miz, and he said that he was still pissed about how Reigns attacked Vince a while ago. Reigns then said that he wanted to fight Shane tonight, but Shane refused. Instead, Drew McIntyre came out, and just sorta stood next to Shane for the rest of the promo. However, he then said that he accepted the challenge for Super Showdown.
Grade: D+. This was really boring, and they teased McIntyre vs. Reigns (I still have hope that it’ll be good sometime) and then didn’t give it to us. Figured Reigns vs. Shane would happen at some point, but it will proabably suck unless they give it a stip.
Backstage, McIntyre and Shane were walking around backstage, and Miz confronted them. McIntyre kinda said that he would protect Shane, and then Miz challenged McIntyre.
Next up was the Usos vs. The Revival. Wilder jumped Jimmy before the bell, and then beat the living crap out of him. Jey got a huge hot tag and beat down both heels. Jey and Dawson slugged it out in the middle of the ring at one point, culminating in a double superkick and a near fall. On the outside, Wilder nailed Jimmy with a tornado DDT, and then Wilder got hit with a vicious suicide dive.
Grade: B. Almost a B+, but not quite competitive enough. This really is a dream match, and I cannot wait to see them actually able to cut loose. I want to see them pull off a really good match. For now though, this was the match of the night.
Backstage, Alexa Bliss confronted Nikki Cross about losing the ladder match last week. And then the Revival came in and were being annoying, and then the segment ended.
Then came the firefly funhouse, and all it was was the themsong glitching out a bit.
Then was a moment of Bliss, with Nikki Cross as the guest, as well as Becky Lynch. Lynch was over as hell in this venue. Cross just stood there awkwardly as they talked. Before Lynch could say anything, the Iconics came out. They said she was Becky One Belt, which is still better than most can say. Lynch wasn’t having any of their BS, and actually challenged them to a match for the Women’s Tag Team Championship. Lacey Evans came out and was being mean, and Becky said that she already beat Evans with only half her attention. She then challenged Evans and the Iiconics to a six woman tag. Cross volunteered to be on Lynch’s team, and Becky said that Alexa would also join. Alexa tried to protest, but Lynch told her to stand around and look pretty. I laughed out loud.
Grade: B+. Not quite an A- because it was a little too crowded, and everyone else brought the quality down, but Becky was sure as hell on point during this. She was tough, she was funny, and it felt like one of her twitter wars. I missed this Becky
In the actual match, Nikki Cross was in the ring a little bit, but really was only fighting so that Becky could get a hot tag. Evans immediately left when Becky got in the ring. She beat the crap out of the Iiconics, and she beat them with a top rope leg drop. Bliss and Cross celebrated in the ring, but Lynch just walked out and held her title high
Grade: D. I was going to grade this and the promo at the same time, but this match sucked. The only reason that it got some points in my book was that Becky really shined, and there were some funny moments, like Alexa just drinking coffee on the outside and one point when Becky hit Billie Cay really hard, and Royce yelled her named, followed immediately by a huge “oof” because Becky Knocked her off the apron. Funny, but not good.
Then we had Mick Foley with a huge announcement: the next title in the WWE. He talked about what being a champion meant, and then he brought out the 24/7 title, which is basically a neutered version of the hardcore championship. The crowd knew that too, and they booed. He resorted to saying the name of the city to get a pop.
The inaugeral champion was crowned by a scramble for the belt, and a bunch of the lower card guys ran down to try to get it. Corey was gonna run out and get it, but Cole and Renee told him to sit down. This was just wild and stupid fun, nothing of note really happened. Titus was able to grab it, so he is the first champion. But then Robert Roode ran out and rolled him up, so Robert Roode won it.
Grade: B-. I don’t think the smark in me can give this any higher than a B-. But I loved this to death. It was so dumb and awesome. The promo kinda flopped when it wasn’t the hardcore championship, and I genuinely don’t think that this belt is worth anything, but it is kinda a kick in the ass that will make me want to watch. I think that it’ll be less exciting then the Hardcore championship given the lack of weapon shots to the face and head, but it’ll still be stupid fun.
Next match was Miz vs. McIntyre. I don’t know why this match took place in the dark, but they changed the logo mid show and it made the stadium look a bunch darker. Miz desperately fought against his bigger opponent, trying to take him out at the knees but not really standing much of a chance. Miz continued to work the knee and eventually locked in the figure four for a submission sequence. Miz tried to attack Shane on the outside, but Shane ran away, which allowed him to run back and attack him when the ref’s back was turned. McIntyre followed up with a claymore for the win.
After the match, Shane went for a coast to coast on Miz, but Roman came out to fight him off. He hit McIntyre with a superman punch and stood tall.
Grade: C. This was very meh. Just felt placeholder, and there was no reason for Miz to almost be able to beat McIntyre.
Backstage, Robert Roode ran past Corbin and Lashley, told them they didn’t see him, and then ran again. The rest of the low card chased him, including Drake Maverick, who hurt his back during the scramble cuz Titus threw him out of the ring. He was limping, and just sort of apologized to the heels. I love this belt, it is so dumb.
Samoa Joe then addressed his attack on Rey Mysterio, who apparently was injured during the attack. Basically he said that Mysterio deserved it.
Robert Roode hid inside of R-Truth’s trunk, who was helping him. Then Truth attacked Roode, and won the title. I love this.
And in the main event, Kofi Kingston and Seth Rollins took on Bobby Lashley and Baron Corbin in a no disqualification match. The heels jumped the faces before the bell, and they were tagging in and out for some reason when the match started proper. At one point, Lashley and Corbin were going to superplex Kingston, but Rollins attacked them both with a chair. Kingston was able to get the win with a trouble in paradise.
Immediately after the match, Lashley speared both faces. Brock Lesnar then walked down to the ring, but did not end up cashing in.
Grade: B-. This match was kinda bland, but the no DQ stip was a good change of pace. I liked that, but the match didn’t do much for me. But it was still a cool thing to have in the main event. I definitely never thought that Brock was cashing in, so that didn’t bother me.
Overall Grade: B-, because most of this show was just meh.
Pros: opening promo; strowman squash; usos vs. revival; moment of bliss; 24/7 championship
Cons: shane mcmahon promo; 6-woman tag; Miz vs. McIntyre
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
3 Lil’ Birds, 2 Lil’ Bats, & 1 Lil’ Demon
Bruce made it to the Cave, after having getting Damian in a diaper, and buying Dick and Tim ice cream to keep them occupied and in the Batmobile while he was getting the diapers for Damian. Now he was carrying Damian in his arm, Tim was clinging to his cape and giggling, and Dick was securely in his grasp as he looked around.
"Whoa! Is that a Dinosaur!?" Dick demanded with glee.
"Yes," he answered uncertainly. Bruce didn't really know what to do with children this young, even when Dick had been nine the first time around. But the first time around Dick hadn't been like this. Makind Bruce think that Dick had been regressed to before his parents' deaths when Batman was a scary shadow to fear in Gotham.
"Huntress, Signal, and Batwing are on the hunt, I haven't gotten ahold of Batwoman, and hello!?" Barbara gasped as he came into view. "Wow, they really got blasted."
"You're pretty!" Dick blurted out. "Are you an angel? Why do you have these? Do you like to go real fast down hill on these wheels? Why are you in this chair? Can I show you my triple backflip!?"
"I forgot he was a talker the first time around," Barbara chuckled.
"Batman!" Tim giggled behind him.
"I'll leave them here, I'll join the hunt for Jason, Cass, and Steph."
"Leave them!?" Barbara sputtered as Dick leapt onto her lap and yanked her arms around him.
"I have to find them!" Bruce grounded out. Jason would survive, he was good at that. Cass too, and so was Steph. But they were children! Stephanie a toddler! Bruce knew that while these three were high on survival instincts they were still children. Which meant that they were vulnerable.
"Ah, Master Bruce, I see the young Masters are… younger," Alfred said.
"I have to go find the others," Bruce said handing Damian over to Alfred before running to the Batmobile. Leaping for the driver's seat, he started the engine before gunning it out of here.
Jason looked up at the ninja, who had appeared with clothes. Which he had yanked on then he had shoved the tiny toddler who hadn't let his leg go into her clothes. Now he hoisted up the toddler, kept her in his arms now as they crept through the shadows. They would need to be warm, he knew that.
The ninja pointed to a warehouse, and he jogged after her. Slipping into the warehouse, he set the toddler down and he looked around. Food was the next thing on his list, looking for it he started exploring the warehouse slowly.
They weren't batfood, no, no they weren't. Nope. He wasn't no bat's food. Especially the Bat.
"Bat!" the toddler giggled.
"No! We're not batfood!" Jason shouted as he looked for some food. He picked up a can, it looked like food; but how did he open it?
"Batty Bats!" the blonde giggled with delight.
Barbara sighed as she furiously typed. Jason was a street kid, Cass had never interacted with people, and Stephanie was… Stephanie. Oh god they were in trouble, they were probably going to be killed or dead!
Three kids alone in Gotham, they were going to be killed!
Oh God, she couldn't live with that as she furiously typed away and tried to think about where Jason would go to be safe.
Shelter would be his priority, Jason hated being cold, and no Gotham spring was warm.
With that in mind she started narrowing down the places that he would go on foot wit two little girls with him.
Okay, Duke was going to be completely real about this, this family was insane! Seriously! He was now in Gotham looking for his big sisters and big brother who were now his little sisters and little brother and everyone was acting like this was a regular occurrence.
He didn't know what these people thought was normal, but getting de-aged was not normal.
Duke looked over his shoulder when he heard a cluttering and saw a shadow in the window. It made him think of Cass which had him internally groaning.
This was a bad idea.
Swallowing the bad idea; because he was now in a family of bad ideas, Duke leapt for the window.
Tiny Cass, he pleaded, please don't kill me!
There was a tiny battle cry and he saw the shadow move fast as she came at him.
"O! I got them! Send HELP!" Duke screamed as he tried to fend off tiny Cass, only for tiny Jason to wrack his shin with a bit of wood.
Bruce leapt from his car at the signal where he had gotten the call from and came running into this warehouse to see his newest son, gasping for air, Cass was tied up and dangling from the rafters, Jason was duct taped to the post, and Stephanie was hugging Jason leg growling.
"I got 'em!" Duke gasped, wiping his bloodied lip.
Jason roared behind his duct tape and struggled vainly against the wall.
"Are you alright?" Bruce asked clasping Duke's shoulder.
"Yeah, they're a handful!" Duke gasped as he stood up straight. "I'll meet you at the Cave." Duke said before jogging out and leaping for the street.
Jason's eyes narrowed on him, Stephanie glared at him, and Cass also gave him the evil eye.
Bruce sighed, this wasn't going to be easy. None of these three were easy to begin with, and these three were easily his most dangerous children (minus Damian). He started with Stephanie, scooping her up she bit him, he would have dropped her had he not expected this from her. Getting her in the Batmobile was challenging, Stephanie didn't want to go into it, but once he had her in she sat very quaint.
Collecting Cass without massive injury was easy once she saw Stephanie was alright.
And that brought him to Jason who was glaring at him with bright green eyes duct taped to the post of the warehouse.
This was going to hurt.
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bad-draft-stuff · 5 years
det. au 9
Arséne: Lets see... I finally did that research into the cult. Turned out Sheepy was "blessed" by them prior to a mass suicide, by which I mean he's got a second soul that isn't his. On the topic of things I understand, Sheepy and Iris proceeded to nearly rob Moriarty. The following morning, Sherlock and Watson went to investigate with Asougi and Ryuunosuke. Having made good progress, they move on to inspecting the crime scene at Moriarty's home. Investigation successful, they returned home. Sherlock then went to catch Fantomas at the jail, and did so with the assistance of Adam, who returned with him. The following morning, Sherlock and Watson went to the trial for Robert. Thanks to overwhelming evidence, the prosecutor fake letting the case go easily, and a few other events, he was declared innocent. Sherlock chased Fantomas down to Germain's mansion. With assistance from Moriarty, Robert, and Juve, Fantomas was captured. Nyar was there, also I am informed about a werewolf? Sheepy: Harley: Werewolves don't exist. Arsé-kun: Arséne: That's what I said!
Sheepy: Harley: As an update on my health, I'm doing better. My mind is much clearer now and while there are holes in my memory, it's mostly restored. Sheepy: Harley: My coordination could be better. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Perhaps I can be of assistance? Sheepy: Harley: In terms of coordination? Arsé-kun: Arséne: In terms of the holes. Coordination is more of Watson's business. Sheepy: Harley: I'll think about it. Arsé-kun: *MEANWHILE, IN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PLACE* Arsé-kun: Minako: ---nd that's so cool! Can you get us tickets, Goro?? Sheepy: Goro: I'll do my best. Arsé-kun: Minako: Neato! Oh, and remember not to invoke the Scottish curse! Sheepy: Goro: I won't. Although, it's kind of already a curse working with someone as noisy as him. Arsé-kun: Minato: .... Working? What are you doing now..? *he comes downstairs, yawning. good morning* Sheepy: Goro: A friend of mine decided to drag me into a musical with him. ...Me, the person with no musical talent, let alone dancing talent! Sheepy: Goro: I ended up getting a role, too. As the main protagonist. He's the villain and his girlfriend...? I think? is the love interest. Arsé-kun: Minato: You. In a musical. *he thinks about this, then starts laughing in hysterics* Sheepy: Goro: I'm terrified. Sheepy: Goro: He may start visiting more often. Arsé-kun: Minato: Should we be worried? .... Does he know you live up above the shop? Sheepy: Goro: Have you met him before? You probably would recognize him. He's the lead singer for ShinganCrimsonZ, that visual kei band, among other things. And... probably? Sheepy: Goro: It's hard to tell when he's listening. Sheepy: Goro: He's overdramatic and loud, but if you can get past that, he's a good guy. He also claims to be a fallen angel. He's got tattoos on his back of black wings and everything. It's best not to comment that he's fantasizing. Arsé-kun: Minato: .... And you're... Sure he really isn't? Sheepy: Goro: Aren't fallen angels supposed to have done something to cause them to fall? Sheepy: Goro: Crow has never really fallen out of line despite his appearance and claims. Sheepy: Goro: He's actually very innocent, which, again, is very surprising considering how he looks. Sheepy: Goro: Besides, two of his band members have similar claims. Sheepy: Goro: The other guitarist claims to be the "black monster" or the "dark sun god" while the bassist claims to be a legendary hero of sorts. Sheepy: Goro: Considering that the former can't talk without posing and hides in his room when he isn't performing and the latter is actually very shy and awkward, I can say without a doubt that titles like these are a band thing as opposed to actually being true. Arsé-kun: Minato: *he yawns again* Okay, detective prince. Riddle me this one: Do we still have bagels? Sheepy: Goro: I can check. Arsé-kun: Minato: Great. *he drops into a seat* Sheepy: *Goro leaves and returns with bagels* Arsé-kun: Minato: Marry me Sheepy: Goro: Okay. Sheepy: Goro: When we're both old enough to marry, sure. Arsé-kun: Minako: When's the wedding?? Next week? Sheepy: Goro: No, no, it'll be like a birthday gift. Sheepy: Yu: The legal age of marriage is 16. Both of you are at least 16. Sheepy: Yu: Are you discussing that seriously though? If you get married it'll probably damage your career. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Plenty of people get married in private. It's not anyone's business. Sheepy: Yu: That's true. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Anyway, do we have any plans for the rest of the week? We caught that jiang-thing.. Sheepy: Goro: I'll be practicing my lines and busy... with the musical... ... Sheepy: Goro:........ Arsé-kun: *very, very faint yelling?* Sheepy: *Wait. It's approaching.* Arsé-kun: Minato: .... Should we assume emergency positions? Sheepy: Goro: Emergency... positions? Arsé-kun: Minato: Hiding you under the bed and saying you went out. Sheepy: Goro: No, it's too late. Arsé-kun: Minako: I'll get the door, then, so it doesn't break again! Sheepy: Crow: *HE HAS ARRIVED!* Arsé-kun: Minako: ... All right, there goes the door! Sheepy: Crow: A crimson soul born clad in a scarlet miracle!~ CROW! Has arrived! Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: .... .... I thought you were exaggerating, Goro. *he just. casually. pushes some of the demon hunting gear out of view. ha. haha* Sheepy: Crow: The fallen angel Crow has come to deliver the gift of the art of dance to his loyal companion! Gogo! We must practice! Sheepy: Goro: It's Goro. We've known each other for a long time, now... Sheepy: Crow: Goro? Gororororo...Gogo...gogogo... Sheepy: Goro: Goro. Sheepy: Crow: Gogo! Let me demonstrate my passion for dance! Sheepy: Crow: You four can join too! Arsé-kun: Minato: I can't dance. I'm too gay to dance. *he resumes eating his bagel.* Sheepy: Crow: What's a gay? Sheepy: Crow: Is it a weakness of the legs? Arsé-kun: Minato: Nope. Sheepy: Crow: Then... what is it? Sheepy: Crow: Am I a gay? Arsé-kun: Minato: I don't know. Goro's a gay. *Minato Smirks* Sheepy: Crow: So Goro can't dance either? Sheepy: Goro: I'm awful at dancing. I have two left feet. Sheepy: Crow: You should get that checked out at a doctor. Arsé-kun: Minato: One, maybe two of us can dance. It's neither of us. Sheepy: Yu: I am the king of dance. Arsé-kun: Minato: Yeah, make him dance instead. Sheepy: Crow: But you need to dance in musicals. Arsé-kun: Minato: Good fucking luck. Sheepy: Crow: *he repeats the f word*? What's that mean? Arsé-kun: Minato: *he looks to Goro* What rock is he living under, and when can I move in? Sheepy: Crow: I only fell recently! Sheepy: Crow: It's been six months since I fell. Sheepy: Goro: Maybe he was raised by parents who rarely let him out? Arsé-kun: Minato: ... Move aside, guys, I'm gonna use the power of my right eye. Sheepy: Crow: Your right eye has power?? Sheepy: Goro:...Although, I only suddenly heard a lot about him about five months back... by fell, do you mean "debut"? Arsé-kun: Minato: *he quietly shifts his hair out of the way and stares at Crow, before making this startled noise that may or may not be akin to a yelp* Sheepy: Crow: ? Sheepy: Crow: Is there a ghost behind me?? *he looks behind himself* Sheepy: Goro: What's wrong? Arsé-kun: Minato: *he very quickly puts his bangs back into place. He's making this unhappy face. More unhappy than usual. Uncomfortable? The face he makes when he Detects the Thing* Sheepy: Goro: You saw something? Sheepy: Crow: I see something! Sheepy: Crow: I see a door. Sheepy: Crow: I see a wall. Sheepy: Crow: I see a floor. Arsé-kun: Minato: *he nods, and reaches for his water* Sheepy: Goro:....So Crow is actually.... Sheepy: Goro: What kind of crime did you commit...? Sheepy: Crow:? Sheepy: Crow: I committed a crime? Arsé-kun: Minako: Don't angels have to commit a crime to fall? Sheepy: Crow: I don't remever committing a crime.... Sheepy: Crow: But... yes, they do. Sheepy: Crow: I never really thought about it! One day I was just thrown out. Sheepy: Crow: Well, thrown off is a better phrasing! Sheepy: Crow: Although... actually, angels can accidentally fall. Sheepy: Crow: Like if another angel pushes them off the edge. Arsé-kun: Minako: Hey, anyway, what show are you guys puttin' on? Sheepy: Crow: A musical! A romance! Sheepy: Crow: I am the Dark Lord! Sheepy: Crow: He's the hero who has to oppose me! I am after the heart of the Princess of Light! Sheepy: Crow: And so, we must fight to the death for her love! Sheepy: Goro:...Fight? Sheepy: Crow: Here, here, here! Sheepy: Crow: Watch! And learn! We recorded this video so that you could get an idea of what would be expected of you. Sheepy: Crow: *he hands his phone to Goro. Goro starts up the video. It's Crow in costume fighting another one of the musical actors! There's a lot of flipping and dodges. They're using swords. There's also fake tripping and dancing. Basically, it's very fancy.* Sheepy: Goro:...Uh. Arsé-kun: Minato: He's gonna need a stunt double. Sheepy: Crow:? Arsé-kun: Minato: I have never seen Goro here do a cartwheel on his own, let alone a flip. Sheepy: Crow: Well, now is time to learn! Sheepy: Crow: Stuntmen are cool, but if you rely on stunt doubles forever, you'll never improve at your weak points. Arsé-kun: Minato: I'd like to order a stunt triple for the gay. Sheepy: Crow: What's a gay? Arsé-kun: Minato: You really don't know? Sheepy: Crow: I can ask Cyan! Arsé-kun: Minato: I'm gonna tell him Sheepy: Goro: Please do. Arsé-kun: Minato: Us. *he pulls Goro down to kiss his cheek* Sheepy: Crow: So human beings? Sheepy: Crow: Is Yusuke a gay? Arsé-kun: *Tatsuya groans and actually explains what it means. The fun police is here* Sheepy: Crow: Oh, oh! I get it! Sheepy: Crow: Yes, the ShinganCrimsonZ fangirls say that! That I am "gay for Aion" and that "Cyan is blocking us". Arsé-kun: *in the bg, minako's trying to backflip off the wall. ass landing number seven* Sheepy: Crow:...Although, I never actually thought about what they were saying until now. Arsé-kun: Minato: *here comes the bad advice train* .. Clearly, the answer is kissing her in public. Sheepy: Crow: Would that actually fix things? Sheepy: Goro: Probably not. Arsé-kun: Minato: Nope. Sheepy: Crow: Anyway! Practice with me! Sheepy: Goro: Crow, I'm physically incapable of pulling those stunts. Sheepy: Crow:...Well, okay. Sheepy: Crow: ...Then to practice our lines? Sheepy: Goro: Alright, fine. Arsé-kun: *they head downstairs, before being stopped!* Arsé-kun: Katsuya: You're all going out..? Sheepy: Goro: Apparently. Sheepy: Crow: Gogo and I are on our way to grace the stage with our presence! To deliver our passion to the audience! Sheepy: Goro: Goro. Sheepy: Goro: Go-ro. Goro. Arsé-kun: Minako: I don't know, Gogo is pretty cute! Sheepy: Goro: But my name is Goro. Arsé-kun: Minako: Secret public name! Gogo. Sheepy: Goro: But... it doesn't fit me. Arsé-kun: Minako: Exactly! People won't know it's you! ... Or should we just surround you like usual? Sheepy: Goro: Please just surround me like usual. Arsé-kun: Minako: Got it! Sheepy: Goro: Thanks. Sheepy: Crow: Surround you? Why? Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: So he isn't harassed in public. Sheepy: Crow: Harassed in public? Sheepy: Crow: Fans surround me all the time in public. Sheepy: Crow: Is that what you mean? Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: That's exactly what we mean. Sheepy: Crow: I guess I can see why it'd be bothersome. Sheepy: Crow: They get in my way when I shop for groceries. Sheepy: Crow: I lost my bread because I threw it one way and ran the other. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: And you didn't just... Get new bread? Sheepy: Crow: I ran away so I could get home without fangirls seeing where I live. Arsé-kun: Minato: Rest in many pieces bread, 2017-2017. Sheepy: Crow:...Anyway, let's go. Arsé-kun: *they going get :P* Sheepy: *the moment crow emters the door, he gets into a pose* Sheepy: Crow: Bathed in flames the color of red lotus - I am Crow! Bow down to me! Sheepy: *from somewhere behind the stage curtain, there's a shout- or maybe singing?* Sheepy: ?: Cloaked in black, Aion, the black monster is here! Sheepy: *...a third person continhes it from another room, but it's so muffled and said so quickly that it's impossible to understand.* Arsé-kun: Cyan: Nyaaaaaa! *Crow gets slammed into by a cat maid on a gym scooter. guess you aren't finishing the line* Sheepy: Crow: Cyan! There you are! Arsé-kun: Cyan: I'm not wielding the weapon of masculinity! Rom's at work. Sheepy: Crow: Really? Sheepy: Crow: Then who will wield the weapon of masculinity? Arsé-kun: Cyan: I can try!! Sheepy: Crow: Wield the weapon of masculinity with passion! Arsé-kun: Cyan: *she poses... and then gives up* I'm no man! I can't do it! Sheepy: Crow: You've got a point. Sheepy: Crow: But we're incomplete without Rom.. Arsé-kun: Cyan: Oh, well! Join us! We're playing human bowling again! *she kicks the scooter back over to everyone else. someone resets the pins. very serious theater crew* Sheepy: Crow: Okay. We were going to practice though. Arsé-kun: Cyan: Go practice in the back! Maybe you can get Yaiba out of the cubboard again. Sheepy: Crow: *he goes to find Yaiba* Arsé-kun: Cyan: *she looks over the mystery crew* You guys are cuties!~♥ Did Crow bring you along today? Sheepy: Goro: Yes. Sheepy: Yu: I want to dance. Arsé-kun: Cyan: I already like you! Sheepy: Yu: Crow said that there would be dancing so I'm here. Arsé-kun: Minato: That's really the only reason you came..? Sheepy: Yu: Uh. Sheepy: Yu: No. Sheepy: Yu: I followed you guys because you're my friends. Sheepy: Goro: Will ShinganCrimsonZ be taking part of the musical or just Crow? Arsé-kun: Cyan: All four of them, nyaaa! Yaiba is still trying to convince everyone he's playing a tree, though.. Sheepy: Goro: That scares me. Arsé-kun: Cyan: Don't worry! Crow's the only one with a leading role! *she tilts her head* Are you Goro? Sheepy: Goro: I am. Apparently I'm the lead. Sheepy: Goro:...I can't sing nor dance, and apparently there's a fight scene at one point that requires a lot of gymnastics and sword skills... Sheepy: Goro: At least, Crow and his partner had swords. Arsé-kun: Cyan: I hope you're good at not talking for a long time! It's why Crow failed to get it! ... And we usually improv. the sword fight, so it's okay! Sheepy: Goro: I thought he was the villain because he looks like one. Arsé-kun: Cyan: That helped! Sheepy: Goro: I don't know if I can handle the role though... Arsé-kun: Cyan: The only way out is trading with Marie, and you'd have to crossdress for that! ... I think! Sheepy: Goro: I don't want to do that, nevermind Arsé-kun: a very distant marie: god damn it SSheepy: Goro: How long does it take to get Yaiba to come out? Arsé-kun: Cyan: Anywhere from a minute to an hour! Crow probably told him we have company, so I'd wager the longer side, nya! Sheepy: Goro: Well... Sheepy: Goro: That's nice... Arsé-kun: *in the background, someone busted out a tshirt gun* Sheepy: Goro: Oh no. Arsé-kun: Cyan: What? *she looks* Rosia, put that awa-- *she gets a tshirt to the face* nyaaaa Sheepy: Aion: The power of the weapon you behold terrifies the black monster... Sheepy: *Aion is hiding behind the curtains...* Arsé-kun: Rosia: Begone, monster! Thou taint my stage! *she loads the gun again, and fires in Aion's direction* Sheepy: *Aion backs off* Sheepy: Aion: The dark sun god has been bested... his holy territory has been corrupte- *he's cut off by crow screaming* Arsé-kun: Marie: Oh, what now? Did he trip on a wire? Are we getting a dramatic speech? Sheepy: *Crow goes silent.* Arsé-kun: *There's a good minute of awkward silence. Everyone looks at each other* Arsé-kun: Cyan: Crow..? Sheepy: *there's no reply.* Arsé-kun: Marie: Aion, go look! You're closer! Sheepy: Aion: *he peeks out from the curtain and then slowly approaches the room with Crow. he opens the door. a look of true horror spreads across his face. he's trembling...* Sheepy: Aion: Is... is she... ... Sheepy: Aion: The... the dark sun god has never seen anything so terrible.... Arsé-kun: Cyan: *her ears perk up* Aion? Do you need us? Arsé-kun: Cyan: .... I don't like that silence! Excuse me, everyone! *and she heads into the back. She bumps the door open, takes one look, and makes this unholy screeching noise* Arsé-kun: Cyan: *she stops screeching and* RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!! Arsé-kun: *The room smells of blood- Real blood, not fake blood. Crow is lying facedown on the floor, but the blood isn't his... It's someone else's. The aforementioned someone else has a large welt in her chest, as well as a large dent in her head. Without a single doubt, she's dead.* Sheepy: Aion: I-is she dead? Sheepy: Aion: Is the rodent dead? Sheepy: Goro: *he comes over* What was the scream abou- What happened?! Sheepy: Goro: Wait-- Crow was in here to get Yaiba, right? Maybe Yaiba saw something! Arsé-kun: *Yaiba is... still in the cuboard, uncontrollably sobbing* Sheepy: Goro: Are you okay? Are you hurt? Arsé-kun: *physically? Yaiba is fine. On the other hand, that could not have been good for his mental health* Sheepy: Goro: What do we do, do we call the police? Arsé-kun: Marie: Police? What's going on? Move it! Sheepy: *Aion moves* Arsé-kun: Marie: What the Fuck Arsé-kun: *everyone else shows up to look. it's getting crowded..* Sheepy: Goro: Don't touch anything. Sheepy: Goro: I'm going to call the police. Sheepy: Goro: Do I call for an ambulance, too...? Is Crow hurt? I can't tell. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Yes, absolutely. *he's looking everything over* Sheepy: Goro: *he calls 911* Hello? There's been a murder! Someone else may be hurt. He's knocked out! *he then goes through to describe where they are.* Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: *he goes into police student mode, and starts shooing everyone else away* We're going to need space here! Sheepy: Aion: *he exits* Arsé-kun: Cyan: Where's Yusu? We can't let him see this..! Sheepy: Goro: I haven't a clue. Sheepy: Goro: He has to find out, though. We can't say something like, "ah, she abandoned you". Arsé-kun: Cyan: Yeah, nyah! Just can't SEE it! Sheepy: Goro: Any ideas what to do if he shows up? Arsé-kun: Cyan: Chase him away! .. If he shows up, nyaaa! Sheepy: Goro: Crow and Yaiba most likely will become witnesses... hopefully they won't become suspects as well.... Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Too many of us heard Crow screaming. He's got an alibi. Sheepy: Goro: True... Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Yaiba, not so much.. But it sounds wildly out of character. Sheepy: Goro: The problem is, with how ShinganCrimsonZ speaks, they seem like delinquents. Arsé-kun: Cyan: They can break the act easily! Crow just... Doesn't? Sheepy: Goro: It's not about their actual personalities. Sheepy: Goro: To the general public, Yaiba seems like someone who is actually convinced that he is wielding a legendary sword and that his mission is to cleanse evil. Sheepy: Goro: When in actually he's just an introvert... otaku, is that the term? who plays video games too much. Arsé-kun: Cyan: True... We'll think of something, nya! Sheepy: Goro: It doesn't help any that Crow and Aion bicker often but Yaiba somehow always is damaged by their arguing. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Authorities won't know that unless it's mentioned. I doubt they care for a.. kei band like them. Sheepy: Goro: Let's not bring up anything that can incriminate him, then. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Right. Arsé-kun: Rosia: Who's gonna tell the boss..?? Sheepy: Goro: I can. Sheepy: *Goro goes to find Madarame.* Arsé-kun: *Madarame is sorting the props. Nobody else fucking does it* Sheepy: Goro: Boss! Something really bad happened. Yusuke's mother is dead and Crow has been knocked out! Arsé-kun: Madarame: She's what? Excuse me?! Sheepy: Goro: It looks like someone hit her over the head with a blunt object! I've called the police. They'll be here soon, but... Arsé-kun: Madarame: *he puts the props down* I'm coming! Lead the way. Sheepy: *Goro leads Madarame back to the murder scene* Arsé-kun: Madarame: Oh, this won't do at all! Sheepy: Crow: .....*he lets out a groan before shifting. seems like he's waking up.* Arsé-kun: Cyan: Crow! Sheepy: Crow: My head... Sheepy: Crow:...*he slowly sits up and stares at the dead body* Whh... ... It wasn't a dream... Sheepy: Crow:... ... Oi, Madarame! This is your place, so! Have you seen the guy who did this?! I'll give him a taste of my- *he ckutches his head* Ugh! Madarame: I've just been informed now. Now, be quiet. It'll do you good. Sheepy: Crow: Even when there's been a murder, you're telling me to shut up... ahh, I'm so dizzy... Sheepy: Crow: If I hadn't fallen, that man would'a never gotten away with it... Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Was it a man? Sheepy: Crow:... Sheepy: Crow:...I-I don't know. Sheepy: Crow: I'm not sure about anything...my head hurts so much... Sheepy: Goro: I wouldn't be surprised if you have a concussion. Don't push yourself too hard. Sheepy: Goro: Why aren't they here yet...? ... Ah, maybe... Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Maybe..? Sheepy: Goro: We know where Sherlock Holmes lives. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Oh! Sheepy: Goro: I could run down there and get him. Sheepy: Goro: You make sure the crime scene is left untouched other than by the police. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Of course. Sheepy: *Goro runs out.* Arsé-kun: *Minato runs after him. He's helping, too!* Sheepy: *Goro and Minato arrive at Sherlock's place! Goro knocks on the door.* Arsé-kun: Finis: *he gets it!* Good afternoon. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh, oh no. Arsé-kun: Finis: *he glances at Sheepy* How might we be able to help you? Sheepy: *a documentary about snails can be heard. the narrator has a slow, monotonous voice...Sherlock is napping. Apparently snails are boring.* Sheepy: Goro: There's been a murder and we need Mr. Holmes's help! Arsé-kun: Finis: Understood. *he pushes Sheepy* Go be of use. Sheepy: TV: While snails can have many babies per year, the snail population is partially controlled by the canabalistic tendencies of the snail. Upon hatching out of its egg, a snail may feast on its brothers and sisters, whether they have been hatched or not. Humans also have found snails to be delicious, with escargot and white caviar being considered delicacies. Sheepy: Sheepy: *he shakes Sherlock. no reaction. he shakes him more* Waaaake uuuuup. Sheepy: Sheepy: Wake up. Sheepy: Sheepy: Watson, you're magical! Someone's asking for Sherlock and he fell asleep because of snail facts. Wake him up, please! Sheepy: Goro: I'm sorry if we came at a bad time, but it's really important. Someone may have a concussion. Arsé-kun: Watson: So I've heard! *he turns the tv off, and prods Sherlock with his cane* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he opens his eyes groggily and in a half asleep voice speaks up* ...snails have no backbone, much like you... Arsé-kun: Watson: *he prods Sherlock harder* I'm hurt! Sheepy: Sherlock: *he groans and looks over at Watson. he blinks a few times* ... ... *seems like he's registered Watson's words because he snaps awake* Who hurt you?! I'll punch them out! Arsé-kun: Watson: You just told me I had no backbone. Now, up! You're needed! Sheepy: Sherlock: *he gets up* Arsé-kun: Watson: *he pushes Sherlock to the door, picking his things up along the way* Sheepy: Goro: Please follow us! Arsé-kun: Watson: We're right behind you. Sheepy: Sherlock: Eating snails can kill you. Arsé-kun: Watson: Thank you, Sherlock. Sheepy: Goro: *he leads them back to the theater* Arsé-kun: Cyan: Nyaaaaa! It doesn't make any sense! *she scratches her head* Sheepy: Crow: *he's more focused on his bottle of milk than anything* Arsé-kun: *Crow's been joined by another angsty looking fella* Sheepy: Crow: A fallen angel like me has been bested by a passionless murderer... Arsé-kun: Shadow: Could be worse. Sheepy: Crow: *he takes a sip of his milk* ... My head's killing me... Arsé-kun: Shadow: Then shut up. Sheepy: Crow:...Oi, oi, don't pick up the Old Man's act, now, get your own. Sheepy: Sherlock: Where's the body? Sheepy: Goro: Here, it's in this room. *Goro leads Sherlock to the dead body. do you want to check on the guy complaining about a headache or chrck on the dead body, Watson? Arsé-kun: *the body, duh* Sheepy: Sherlock: Well, it's a dead body. Arsé-kun: Watson: Gee! Sheepy: Sherlock: The death was by a blunt object, one hit to the head and the other to the chest. The one to the head most likely came first and once she had collapsed, the murderer hit her chest in a downward arc to make sure the deed had been done. Sheepy: Sherlock: We can assume that the killer used a long blunt object, such as a bat or shovel. Arsé-kun: Watson: Solid so far, but we were told about the other- The one who was also attacked. What do you make of that? Sheepy: Sherlock: There's one of two possibilities. Arsé-kun: Watson: Go on! Sheepy: Sherlock: First - he was a witness who had to be silenced. Second - he was the intended victim but the woman got in the way. Sheepy: Sherlock: We can deduce that he was attacked last. Sheepy: Sherlock: She was hit twice while he was only hit once. If the killer had time, they most likely would have done him in. Sheepy: Sherlock: Him being the intended target is much more likely due to the rivalrous and hostile relationships that can grow within theater environments. Sheepy: Sherlock: Although, that's only a guess. Sheepy: Sherlock: Don't take my word for it. Give me time to find evidence to back up or modify my theories. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Hold on. There's a detail we overlooked. Sheepy: Sherlock: What? Arsé-kun: Watson: The boy came in here for something, yes? *he lightly taps the cupboard* Sheepy: Sherlock: What's important about a cupboard? Arsé-kun: Watson: Not the object. Inside. *he bends down to open it..* Sheepy: Sherlock: Unless the cups are witnesses, I doubt they tell much of a story. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: !!! *he tries to back away, but can't. He looks absolutely terrified* Sheepy: Sherlock: There's someone inside? Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo! I'm Sherlock Holmes, a detective. No need to panic. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... *he realizes Sherlock Probably wasn't listening the entire time. Probably.* Sheepy: *Sherlock wasn't. He was thinking about snails.* Arsé-kun: Yaiba: But.. Crow... Miss Kitagawa! Are they okay?? This shouldn't have happened, hence..! Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm sorry to inform you, but the woman is dead. The delinquent kid seems to have a head injury but is fine otherwise. Sheepy: Sherlock: Do you know who attacked the two? Arsé-kun: Yaiba: If I'd known this would happen, I'd-- I didn't see it very clearly, hence, I can't say. They were taller than Crow... Sheepy: Sherlock:...Well, that isn't a high hurdle to jump, but it rules out all of the females. Arsé-kun: Watson: That we've seen so far, anyways. Sheepy: Sherlock: Goro, who was with you at the time of the murder? Sheepy: Goro: My group and Cyan. Rosia, Marie, and Aion were on the stage. Yaiba was in here, along with Crow and Mrs. Kitagawa. Boss was sorting the props, unaware of what had taken place. Sheepy: Sherlock: But was he with you? Sheepy: Goro:...No. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'd like to ask him a few questions then. Where is your boss? Sheepy: Goro: *He points Sherlock to Madarame. Sherlock goes to speak with him.* Arsé-kun: *Madarame is out front with everyone else!* Arsé-kun: Madarame: *he looks. extremely unhappy.* Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo! I am Sherlock Holmes, a detective. Can I speak with you for a moment? Arsé-kun: Madarame: Certainly. Sheepy: Sherlock: Can you recount what you were doing at the time of the murder? If you saw or heard anything out of the ordinary? Arsé-kun: Madarame: I was.. In the prop room. The children had fetched a few things to toy with on stage, and had left behind a mess. I was cleaning it up when I heard the scream, but I was under the belief Crow was merely being dramatic as always. I did not leave the room until I was personally told what had occurred. Sheepy: Sherlock: I see. Arsé-kun: Madarame: I do apologize for not being very helpful. Sheepy: Sherlock: No. It helps. Sheepy: Sherlock: Are you aware of anyone who has a grudge against him? Sheepy: Sherlock: That delinquent I mean. Arsé-kun: Madarame: Many of us get annoyed at his antics, but not a grudge or hatred. So, unfortunately not. Sheepy: Sherlock: I see. Sheepy: Sherlock: Are you aware of anyone who has a grudge against the victim? Arsé-kun: Madarame: Against Sayuri? Certainly not. Sheepy: Sherlock: Against you, then? Arsé-kun: Madarame: Me?? Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't mean to delve into anything personal, but you're his boss. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm told that he's one of the main characters of your ucoming production, meaning that it may have been an attempt to put wrench in the works Sheepy: Sherlock: So, does anyone have a grudge against you? Arsé-kun: Madarame: I know some people that dislike that I got this job over them, but not to the extent of a grudge, I believe. Sheepy: Sherlock: I see. Sheepy: Sherlock: Thank you. This has been helpful. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll investigate the scene more clearly. Arsé-kun: Madarame: Please do. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he goes to investigate the scene further.* Arsé-kun: Watson: *he watches Sherlock leave, then goes to check Crow on his own. Perhaps do his OWN investigation* Sheepy: Crow: *he looks up at Watson* ..'re you a doctor? Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes, I am. Sheepy: Crow: My head hurts a lot. Sheepy: Crow: I feel a little dizzy though Arsé-kun: Watson: Understandable. Sheepy: Crow: Am I okay? Arsé-kun: Watson: I'll tell you after I get a good look at it. Sheepy: Crow:...Okay. *he puts his bottle of milk down Sheepy: Crow: I'm ready whenever, Doc. Something like this can't kill a fallen angel like me, but my head is kiling me and I'm really dizzy so if you could fix that, I'd appreciate it. Sheepy: Crow: *he gives Watson a curious look* ...You look a little familiar... Arsé-kun: Watson: I get that a lot. *it is doctor hour!* Arsé-kun: *Shadow watches carefully. He's visibly on edge about this entire matter, but trying to play it cool* Sheepy: Crow: *he sits still* Have I seen you before? Arsé-kun: Watson: You're far more likely to know about Sherlock than I. The possibility remains, nevertheless. Sheepy: Crow: You have a twitter right? Arsé-kun: Cyan: Is it your daughter that's running the account? Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes, and yes. Sheepy: Crow: The icon was a calico cat so I checked to see if there were any cat pictures. Arsé-kun: Cyan: There were! Insta-followed, nyaaa! Sheepy: Crow: I followed because I saw cat pictures but I saw you and that detective in a few of them Sheepy: Crow: I didn't really pay attention to them except the cat was in a few of the pictures, which is why I remembered them. Sheepy: Crow: What's the cat's name? Arsé-kun: Watson: Wagahai. Sheepy: Crow: Oh, that's a cute name. Sheepy: Crow: Do you recognize me? Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Somewhat. Sheepy: Crow: Really??? Arsé-kun: Watson: Now that it's been mentioned, I do recall Iris being friendly with someone with your likeness. Sheepy: Crow: I'm told I'm not easily forgettable. Arsé-kun: Shadow: I wonder why. Sheepy: Crow: I never thought to ask anyone. Sheepy: Crow: Is my head okay? Arsé-kun: Watson: The wound is small, so it's of no worries. I'd suggest resting and recovering.. Sheepy: Crow: For how long? Arsé-kun: Watson: ... To keep it short, until you feel better. Sheepy: Crow:...Alright, fine. Sheepy: Crow: Who do you think killed her? Sheepy: Crow: You're a detective doctor, aren't you? So you can solve murders too? Arsé-kun: Watson: You're asking me? ... I don't know. What I do know is who it wasn't. Sheepy: Crow: Who? Sheepy: Crow: You? Sheepy: Crow: The detective? Arsé-kun: Watson: I know it wasn't any of the kids I see out here, or myself, or Sherlock. Sheepy: Crow: No one would've hurt her. I can't understand it. Arsé-kun: Watson: It's very hard to, I'll admit that. Sheepy: Crow: Do you understand it? Arsé-kun: Watson: Sometimes? Arsé-kun: Watson: It depends on many things. Arsé-kun: Watson: Psychological things, social things, etc. Sheepy: Crow: Huh... Sheepy: Crow:...Either way, everyone but the Old Man had a witness, and the Old Man wouldn't have done it. Sheepy: Crow: It must have been someone else I don't know... Arsé-kun: Watson: You think he didn't? ... You may be right. Your friend described the attacker as taller than the females, and your boss... Almost isn't. Sheepy: Crow: So it must've been a mysterious third party! Arsé-kun: Watson: .. Or anyone else working here. Sheepy: Crow: Hmm.. Maybe. Sheepy: Crow: I don't know everyone who works here. Arsé-kun: Shadow: None of us do. Sheepy: Crow: Yeah. Sheepy: Crow: So it may be one of them. Arsé-kun: Watson: m-hm. Sheepy: Crow: We won't know until that detective comes back though. Arsé-kun: Watson: I wonder what he's up to. Arsé-kun: *so what's sherlock up to?* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he opens a cabinet* Arsé-kun: *it's full of costumes!* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he moves the costumes to see if anyone is behind them* Arsé-kun: *there is not.* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he closes the cabinet and opens the cupboard* Arsé-kun: *it's got some small props, Yaiba, and other miscellaneous stuff. None big enough to do damage.* Sheepy: Sherlock: Can you show me to the prop room? Sheepy: Sherlock: I've just about finished in here. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: *he still looks as shocked as before* Oh! I can, hence, I will! *he VERY quickly exits the room, and waits for Sherlock before running off* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he follows Yaiba* Arsé-kun: *they arrive! ... Not everything is as it was prior.* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he begins looking around* Arsé-kun: Yaiba: It's the legend of messy in here! Sheepy: Sherlock: Your boss does quite the job sorting things. Only he could find something specific in here. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: it's not usually like this, hence, not at all! Did everyone really tear it apart before? Sheepy: Sherlock:...Hullo! Hold that thought. *he puts his goggles over his eyes and presses the camera button on them. zooms in. takes more pics* It's just as I suspected. I have my doubts that that is fake blood. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: Where?! Sheepy: Sherlock: It's tucked away where it can't easily be seen. *he gestures to a prop shovel! ... it's got blood on it...* Arsé-kun: Yaiba: A shovel doesn't belong in here, hence, it's not ours. ... Maybe? Boss would at least bother putting it with the other gardening tools.. Sheepy: Sherlock: You're forgetting one little thing! Arsé-kun: Yaiba: Groceries? Sheepy: Sherlock: Your boss was sorting the props at the time. Sheepy: Sherlock:...Meaning. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: I was in the cupboard! How would I know that? Sheepy: Sherlock: He is the one who put the bloody shovel here. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: But what if he wasn't? Hence, you're probably right, but.. Sheepy: Sherlock: He would've seen them then. Sheepy: Sherlock:...However, there is the possibility of a third party. Sheepy: Sherlock: For now, I'll display my photos to the group and ask if they have any clues as to the owner or not. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he exits the room* What way was it again... Arsé-kun: Yaiba: It was that way, sir..! Sheepy: Sherlock: Thank you! Sheepy: *Sherlock heads back to the group* Arsé-kun: Marie: --- And that's both why Crow is banned from the microwave forever, and why he didn't get paid for the first month. Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo, everyone! Arsé-kun: Watson: Oh, there you are! Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't mean to cause any alarm, but I have a suspect. Sheepy: Crow: Do ya?! Lemme at 'em! I'll make them taste my crimson fist- Sheepy: Sherlock: Based off of the evidence I've collected so far, the most likely suspect is your boss, Madarame. . Arsé-kun: Cyan: Noooooo! He would never!! *she looks upset* Sheepy: Crow: You're some third rate detective, aren't'cha?! Sheepy: Sherlock: However. Arsé-kun: Watson: We'd already discussed here that he would not do it. Carry on. Sheepy: Sherlock: With the possibility of a faceless third party being present in this case, I can't say that it's definite. Sheepy: Sherlock: I found the murder weapon in the prop room, where he was after the crime had been committed. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: *he really wants to say something.... he frowns, then strikes a pose* I'd like to ask a question! Was the prop room as messy as it is now, or is this some legend of debauchery? Sheepy: Sherlock: "Would not" and "could not" are two very different things, Watson... Sheepy: Goro: ...Messy? Sheepy: Goro: It wasn't messy... Arsé-kun: Watson: Fair, but the aforementioned height comment was also t- *Watson pauses for a second* It wasn't? Sheepy: Goro: No, it wasn't. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Hum. Perhaps we should find him again, Holmes? Sheepy: Sherlock: He's suspiciously not present. Sheepy: Sherlock: This makes me want to find him even more... Arsé-kun: Marie: If he did it, kick his ass. Sheepy: Crow: He didn't! Arsé-kun: Marie: Shut up. Sheepy: Crow:...Fine. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he heads off to find Madarame* Sheepy: Sherlock: Where could he be... Sheepy: Sherlock:... ... Ah-ah! Ah! That's no good! Sheepy: Sherlock: Watson! I found him! He's hurt! Arsé-kun: Watson: What!! Sheepy: Sherlock: He's over here! Arsé-kun: *Watson joins Sherlock! Madarame is indeed hurt, clutching his side. He's bleeding.* Sheepy: Sherlock: You brought your medical kit, right? Arsé-kun: Watson: Of course I did! Sheepy: Sherlock: Good! I should tell the others, but I don't want to leave you alone, so... Arsé-kun: Watson: Use your phone. Sheepy: Sherlock: Do I know any of their numbers? Arsé-kun: Watson: ... That's a fair counterpoint Sheepy: Sherlock: They can find out later. I'm staying with you. Arsé-kun: *watson goes to look at the wound* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he watches* Arsé-kun: *it's shallow and already stopped bleeding. he easily patches it up. it was very hastily done* Arsé-kun: *the wound was, i mean* Sheepy: Sherlock: Hmm... Sheepy: Sherlock: This wasn't an attempt to kill, that much was obvious, so... Sheepy: Sherlock: Did you see your attacker? Arsé-kun: Madarame: Yes. Sheepy: Sherlock: Who were they? Arsé-kun: Madarame: Judging by the outfit, part of the lighting crew. Judging by the face, I don't know. Mask. Sheepy: Sherlock: I see... Sheepy: Sherlock: The lighting crew - are any of them new employees? Also, what does the outfit look like? Arsé-kun: Madarame: They're all new: They're all local hires. The outfit is all blue. Navy, specifically. Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay, thank you, that helps. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'd like to bring you back to the main group before trying to find your attacker. Arsé-kun: Madarame: Please. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he picks up Madarame and heads back* Sheepy: Crow: *he is tapping his foot and looks downright miserable* There you are, Third-Rate Detective- *he looks over* Old Man?! Who did that to you? *he quickly gets up* I'll rough 'em up! Sheepy: Aion: For a rodent your size, you've got a surprisingly large presence, and you'll be at a great disadvantage due to your inability to use stealth or detect those who are sneaking up on you. Sheepy: Crow: Only losers jump people, Wimpion! And what's that comment supposed to mean, huh?! I'm not small! I lost a few inches when I fell, gosh! Arsé-kun: Shadow: *he rolls his eyes and pulls Crow back down* sheep: Crow: I can handle anyone! Arsé-kun: Shadow: And I'm the king of space. sheep: Crow: A fallen angel can't be taken down that easily! Arsé-kun: Shadow: Oops. Just did. sheep: Crow: *he pouts* I want to give them a piece of my mind! Arsé-kun: Shadow: How much is a piece? You don't have much to give. sheep: Crow: What's that supposed to mean?! Arsé-kun: Shadow: It means the wheel's spinning, but the hamster's dead! sheep: Crow: Does that mean I'm stupid? Arsé-kun: Shadow: Maybe! sheep: Crow: I'm not stupid! I just don't know a lot yet! I'm still learning... sheep: Crow: I don't get a lot of things yet. Don't make fun of me over it. sheep: *So Sherlock and Watson hunt for the dude* Arsé-kun: *hows that going* sheep: *Eventually they find the dude* Arsé-kun: *and kick his ass?* sheep: *yes* Arsé-kun: *good* sheep: *Sherlock brings him back to the group* Arsé-kun: Shadow: This the punk who did it? sheep: Sherlock: Seems so. sheep: Crow: Why'd you do it?! Arsé-kun: *they don't seem to want to answer.* Arsé-kun: Shadow: Hey, Crow. Wanna give em a piece of your mind? sheep: Crow: *he stands up and nails them in the stomach with his fist* Arsé-kun: Shadow: *he joins in, socking them in the face* Sheepy: Crow: Now will you speak up, huh?! Spit it out! Why'd you do it? Arsé-kun: *they do finally explain it was easy- firm dislike, firm dislike, a nice, long grudge, and firm dislike* Sheepy: Crow: ..What? For whom? Sheepy: Crow: Only one of us had to get involved, right? So what's the point of dragging everyone else in?! If you were fair about it, you'd fight them fair and square! Besides, you chose this job, didn't'cha? What's the point of getting a job with someone you hate?! Arsé-kun: *That's all you're getting from them, Crow.* Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll bring them into the police station, anyway. They'll deal with the rest. Sheepy: Sherlock: As for the loss of a friend, I'm sorry that I couldn't prevent it. *he's visibly awkward* Arsé-kun: Watson: Sherlock, we weren't here until after. Of course we couldn't.. We did what we could.. Sheepy: Sherlock: I know. Sheepy: Sherlock: Anyway, let's get going. Arsé-kun: Watson: Right. Sheepy: *Sherlock hastily leaves with the man* Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Bit harsh, calling him third-rate? Sheepy: Crow: Accusing someone who very clearly is innocent doesn't give me any confidence in his abilities! Sheepy: Crow: Throwing around claims and accusations only gets people hurt. Even if it was just a mere suggestion, the power of suggestion is a powerful thing. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: ... I feel like you don't know anything about deductive reasoning. Sheepy: Crow: All I know is that I fell because I was blamed for something I didn't do. Sheepy: Crow: I haven't a clue what the punishment for murder is, but it's probably as bad as the pain I had to go through. Sheepy: Aion: The Rodent didn't intend to insult. Like a hedgehog he can be quite... prickly. *he laughs* Arsé-kun: Watson: That's fair. Sheepy: Aion: Now! Leave the dark sun god's temple if you wish to catch up with your companion! Sheepy: Aion: Like the black monster on days with discount curry, he was walking hastily. Arsé-kun: Marie: Hey, you don't own the place! Sheepy: Aion: However! The dark sun god is present, meaning that it is his temple! Sheepy: Crow: I'm not staying in the temple devoted to a false god. Sheepy: Aion: Do not speak such insults about the dark sun god, Rodent! To the black monster, you are but a puny mouse! Sheepy: *watson walks out as aion and crow fight each other with prop weapons in the background* Arsé-kun: Marie: Do you two ever give it a rest?? Sheepy: Crow: I'm not puny! Sheepy: Crow: He has no right to judge me! He can't talk without posing with his hand in front on his face... Arsé-kun: Yaiba: Uh, guys? We still have to, uh, clean that up, hence.. Sheepy: Crow:......Oh. Sheepy: Crow: But... Sheepy: Crow: Is it... legal to? I don't get these human laws! Arsé-kun: Cyan: Probably! Sheepy: Crow:...Okay. Sheepy: Crow: *he looks doubtful* Arsé-kun: Marie: We can't just leave it there! Sheepy: Crow: Right, because Yusuke might find it. Sheepy: Crow:...Should I help clean it up...? Arsé-kun: Marie: Yes! Sheepy: Crow:...Okay. Sheepy: Crow: If I start to feel dizzy again I'll sit. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: You guys take care of it. I'll wait here. Sheepy: Aion: Are you sure you don't want someone to stay with you? Arsé-kun: Yaiba: Can the black god stay to watch his temple? Sheepy: Aion: *he nods* Sheepy: Aion: Yes. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: Wonderful. sheep: Crow: *he shoots Yaiba a concerned look* sheep: Aion: Rodent! Your duty lies elsewhere! That is, unless Yaiba wants you to stay as well. Arsé-kun: Shadow: He's staying. *he pushes Crow back down* Helping isn't resting, you little shit. Sheepy: Crow: ...Alright, I guess. Arsé-kun: *a brief pause as everyone else goes to help* Sheepy: Crow: Are you alright, Yaiba? Arsé-kun: Yaiba: ..... no. Sheepy: Crow: ...I'm sorry you had to witness that. Sheepy: Crow: I didn't notice that man. Sheepy: Crow: I should've. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: I'm sorry I didn't warn you in time!! Sheepy: Aion: The dark sun god thinks there's no point reflecting on the past and thinking, "If I had just done this," or "If I had just done that." Arsé-kun: *Yaiba buries his face in Aion's hair* Sheepy: Aion: *he doesn't seem bothered by this* Sheepy: Crow: *he awkwardly hugs Yaiba. He's doing his best to do this comfort thing.* Arsé-kun: *this happens to be the moment Rom rushes in. He's done with work! The truest broman is here.* Sheepy: Aion: Rom! Sheepy: Aion: A murder happened. Sheepy: Aion: Do you know where Yusuke is? Arsé-kun: Rom: Nope! Sheepy: Aion:...I see. Sheepy: Aion: Yusuke's mother was murdered. The Rodent was assaulted. The black monster's tamer has been wounded, but not severely. Yaiba witnessed the murder and the moment that the Rodent was assaulted. Arsé-kun: Rom: *he frowns and pats Yaiba's back while looking at Crow* How badly were you hurt? Sheepy: Crow: I'll be fine. Something like this can't kill me. Sheepy: Crow:...Besides, a doctor looked at it and in Yaiba's games you go to the doctor and you're automatically healthy! Arsé-kun: *and the cleanup crew gets there* Arsé-kun: Minako: --Like I said, though, you guys don't have to! It'll probably be all weird and awkward! Sheepy: Goro: Gosh... it feels so wrong. Arsé-kun: Minako: Of course it does! Sheepy: Goro: I don't think I can do it.. Arsé-kun: Minato: That's fine. We'll do the clean up, like always. Sheepy: Goro: I clean up too. Arsé-kun: Minato: You do, but me and sis tend to the most. Sheepy: Goro:...True. Sheepy: Goro:...*he seems to be lost in thought* Sheepy: Yu: I came to dance and a murder happened. Arsé-kun: Minato: Fate just doesn't want you dancing. You're too powerful. Sheepy: Yu: Yeah. Sheepy: Goro:...On the way here, I kept thinking... "Ah, I hope it's cancelled. I can't see how I could function in such a different setting..." Sheepy: Goro:...Do you think this is life's way of granting my selfish wish? Arsé-kun: Cyan: Cancelling?! Nyaaaa?? Sheepy: Goro: Crow managed to get me a main role. I don't think he realized it at the time, but... Sheepy: Goro: I can't sing nor dance and I use a stunt double. Sheepy: Goro: He seemed convinced that that was me. Sheepy: Goro: I was dragged into the role by him. I didn't ask for it. Arsé-kun: Cyan: Oh, it's a-okay! We change the script all the time, nyaaa! You can summon backup dancers! Sheepy: Goro: There's a fight scene between him and me, right? Arsé-kun: Cyan: Choreographed! He likes to be fancy, but we can keep it niiiice and simple! Sheepy: Goro: He could damage me badly if he hits me the wrong way. I can't keep up with him. Arsé-kun: Cyan: It doesn't matter how fast anyone is if it's choreographed, nya! Sheepy: Goro: I know, it's just... I'm worried I can't do it right. Arsé-kun: Cyan: It'll be okay! Sheepy: Goro:...I don't think so. Arsé-kun: *Cyan seems deep in thought..* Arsé-kun: Cyan: I know!! This iteration of the MC can be a pacifist! Sheepy: Goro:...Really? That could work. Arsé-kun: Cyan: We had a year where the MC was in a wheelchair and had assistants! So, yes! Sheepy: Goro: I see. Sheepy: Goro: Hopefully Crow will understand that and... not get too action-oriented. Sheepy: Goro: I never knew anyone could backflip in heels let alone go through an entire sword-fighting scene in them. The thought of facing him even in a choreographed setting terrifies me. Arsé-kun: Cyan: Yep, yep! Sheepy: Goro: How difficult does he make things? I've had very little interaction with him on the stage. Arsé-kun: Cyan: He's not bad unless he's with me or his band members! Sheepy: Goro: ...Thank goodness... Sheepy: Goro: I've seen his performances before and how he calls his fans cattle. I wasn't sure if that was accurate to how he is during practice... since even off stage he's overdramatic and loud. Sheepy: Goro: But if he's at least calm during practice, it won't be a huge struggle. Sheepy: Goro:...Although it may tick off any people who aren't Crow fangirls to be called cattle, so maybe we should ask him not to do that. Sheepy: *When they get to the crime scene, Yusuke is already there. He looks downright horrified.* Sheepy: Yusuke: Mom...? Arsé-kun: Minato: ... that's not good. Sheepy: Yusuke: *he's silent. he's still processing what he's looking at.* Sheepy: Yusuke: ...What happened... Arsé-kun: Marie: A lot. The idiot that did it already got caught. Sheepy: Yusuke: ... Arsé-kun: Cyan: Come on, Yusu-kun! *she grabs and pulls on his arm* Sheepy: *Yusuke lets himself get dragged* Arsé-kun: *Yusuke.exe needs to reboot* Sheepy: Goro: What should we do about it? Arsé-kun: Minako: Him, or this? Sheepy: Goro: Him and this. Arsé-kun: Minako: Uh! sheep: Goro: ...Should we just focus on cleaning up and give him time? Arsé-kun: Minako: Yyyeah! Arsé-kun: *SO MEANWHILE BACK OUT FRONT WHERE IT CLEARLY MATTERS* Arsé-kun: Rom: -- So, after the third consecutive text from Aion reading "The black monster requires your presence", no punctuation, no caps, I left work early and came here. sheep: Crow: You sure your position will be okay? Arsé-kun: Rom: Yeah, I said there was important business. sheep: Crow: That's good. Arsé-kun: Rom: Also! *he pulls his bag to the front* I bought everyone drinks! Sheepy: Aion: The dark sun god is pleased with your offering. Arsé-kun: *Rom proceeds to pull out a cooler. Rom. why?* Sheepy: Crow: How'd you get that in your bag? Arsé-kun: Rom: Manliness and a deal with a devil. Sheepy: Crow: Wow. Arsé-kun: Rom: *he opens it, and hands Crow a bottle of milk* For you. Arsé-kun: *Rom next hands Yaiba and Aion chocolate milk. :Dc* Sheepy: Aion: The dark sun god will deliver a blessing unto you in the near future in return for your sacrifice. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: Thank you!! Arsé-kun: *This is followed by Rom taking out a bottle of strawberry milk, and using his teeth to rip off the plastic. He then opens it. With his teeth. Like a REAL MAN* Sheepy: Crow: *he seems pleased with the milk. he is a happy fallen angel* Sheepy: Crow:...To think that that guy thought he could kill a fallen angel like me...Hah! Arsé-kun: Rom: I'm fairly certain he believed you were bluffing. Sheepy: Crow: D'you think I'm bluffing?? Arsé-kun: Rom; Certainly not. I've seen the feathers. Sheepy: Crow: Great! Arsé-kun: *yusukun.exe has experienced a fatal error/bsod and needs to reboot. Cyan is not making much progress. ANYWAY* Sheepy: Crow: If he had hit me in the back, though, it might've actually really hurt me. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: You were in a legend of hurt, though! Sheepy: Crow:...True. Sheepy: Crow: My head still hurts but the milk is helping. Arsé-kun: Rom: This should help, too. *he takes out another milk and puts it against Crow's head* Sheepy: Crow: Thank you. Arsé-kun: Rom: Anytime, pal. Sheepy: Crow: I was thinking about a new song but I don't know how I should feel about today or how long I should keep mourning and putting off finishing it. Arsé-kun: Rom: Do it today. Sheepy: Crow: Okay. Sheepy: Crow: I don't know where I put my bag but it's in there... Arsé-kun: Rom: We can find it soon. Sheepy: Crow: Okay... Arsé-kun: *in the distance, the police finally bother helping. like, cleaning up and shit.* Sheepy: *thank goodness* Arsé-kun: *featuring tatsuya bossing them around like he's their boss. the best part is they're LISTENING.* Sheepy: *Terrifying* Arsé-kun: *yea* Sheepy: Crow: I wish people would listen to me and take me seriously. Arsé-kun: Rom: ... I wouldn't recommend this, but you could show them.. Sheepy: Crow: I cant. Sheepy: Crow: It hurts. Arsé-kun: Rom: I did say I didn't recommend it. Sheepy: Crow: Right... Sheepy: Crow: Why don't people believe me??? Arsé-kun: Rom: Most people don't really believe in angels and demons. It's like how nobody asks why Cyan meows, but we know why. Sheepy: Crow: I think it's cute anyway. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: [tweeting] This just in, Crow called @10LivesCyan cute! <3 The legend of girls continues! Sheepy: Aion: Don't let the rodent see that. Sheepy: Crow:...See what? What did you do, Yaiba???? Arsé-kun: Yaiba: [tweeting] Rom brought everyone drinks! #manliestman *attached image of the cooler* Sheepy: Crow: Yaiba, I'm scared. What'd you say? Arsé-kun: Yaiba: I said the legend continues! Sheepy: Crow: What legend??? Arsé-kun: Yaiba: The one where I probably get punched! Sheepy: Crow: *he takes out his phone and goes tocheck twitter* Yaiba what did you do??? Why do I have so many more notifications than I usually do... ... You jerk! Arsé-kun: Rom: [tweeting] #fallenangelcrow wanted for punching #thelegendofyaiba. more at 4 Sheepy: Crow: Humans are vindictive and jealous creatures! They'll go after you if you advertise an interest in someone else! Or they'll go after that person... Sheepy: Crow: I get tons of messages every day asking if I'm gay for you, Aion, or Rom and only today did I learn what gay meant. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: We could have told you what it meant..! Sheepy: Crow: Well the answer is no, I'm not. It'd be sinful and creepy to have a romantic interest for a family member. Arsé-kun: *A tweet from Cyan pops up! It reads "Aw, thanks, #fallenangelcrow ! You're still the best angel I know! Nya~"* Sheepy: Crow: [tweet] @10LivesCyan I'm 1 room away you don't need to tweet at me. But I feel the same way Sheepy: Aion: Social media is an unholy place in which the dark sun god can take few steps. He understands Tweeters and Tombles very little. Sheepy: Crow: You're doing better than that detective from earlier at least. A few days ago he posted the words "fish tongue" woth no context. Sheepy: Crow: Speaking of him, he just posted again with the words, "cannibalistic snail"... Arsé-kun: Yaiba: Is it... Is it shitposting, or...? Sheepy: Crow: I don't think so. Sheepy: Crow: He didn't seem like the type. Sheepy: Crow: He's posted a few attempts at trying to google avocado. Sheepy: Crow: It seems more like technological incompetence. Sheepy: Aion: The dark sun god is not technologically incompetent. The black monster's cage had very little in the way of technology, but he has now broken free. Arsé-kun: *A tweet from Watson pops up! It says "I'm sorry for Sherlock's whatever but I'm leaving those. He was watching documentaries. Also the goofing off about avocados- leaving it."* Sheepy: Crow: Well, it's not a mystery now Arsé-kun: Yaiba: Ask him for more cat pictures!! Sheepy: Aion: The black monster demands a lesson as to use Tweeter one day. Sheepy: Aion: Fail to fulfill the black monster's request and you will surely perish. Sheepy: Crow: [Tweet] @magicalgirliris Wagahai pics please Arsé-kun: Rom: Write. Post. Profit. Arsé-kun: *Wagahai pictures are posted. Sisi is in the shot. Tom is also in the shot.* Sheepy: Crow: [Tweet] @10LivesCyan look at @magicalgirliris 's cat pics Sheepy: Aion: The black monster doesn't understand. Sheepy: Aion: Then why do you a sign? Why do you pound sign? Arsé-kun: Rom: The At sign is so the message is directed to someone. The pound, or hashtag, is for, well, tags. Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] @magicalgirliris OHMYGOSH TELL HIM I LOVE HIM Sheepy: Aion: What is a tag? Arsé-kun: Rom: It's for sorting, or trends, or searches. Sheepy: Aion: The black monster sees the truth now. Sheepy: Crow: [Tweet] Aion is learning about twitter. Will the fourth ShinganCrimsonZ member actually join? Arsé-kun: *crow IMMEDIATELY gets like 500 likes and replies. how does he survive* Sheepy: Crow: [Tweet] I don't know and it scares me. Sheepy: Aion: The dark sun god wants to test it out. Sheepy: Crow: You need to make an account first..... Sheepy: Aion: The dark sun god needs no identity except for his own. Sheepy: Crow: Didn't you make up your own identity as the dark sun god...? You are by every definition of the word human. Sheepy: Aion: *he looks shocked* Sheepy: Aion: N-no. I am the black monster Aion... sheep: Aion: I am no mere powerless human. sheep: Crow: Oh shoot, I think I broke him. He's talking in first person now. Arsé-kun: Rom: You're not, but a lot are. Arsé-kun: Rom: And yes, Crow, you're going to give a perfectly good Aion anxiety, the shame. sheep: Aion: .......... sheep: Crow: I thought he was saying it to imitate my fallen angel thing... sheep: Crow: I didn't know he was being serious. sheep: Aion: The dark sun god has decided that your comment was but a joke. Sheepy: Crow: What a blessing. *Meanwhile, Sherlock and Watson have dropped the criminal off* Watson: .... You know, Holmes, I don't think you should take today's insults to heart. The boy was traumatized and concussed- I don't think everything he was saying was coming out properly. sheep: Sherlock: He's not wrong, though. sheep: Sherlock: It doesn't bother me too much. He's just some stranger. Harley... isn't. sheep: Sherlock: When I say he isn't wrong, I don't mean I want compliments or sympathy. I just mean... In many ways I am third-rate, meaning that I just need to improve at them. Like my inability to memorize things or keep thoughts in my head for a long time. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... This is true. However, that doesn't make you third rate, does it? At least you try your best. Sheepy: Sherlock: ...You're right, thank you. Arsé-kun: Watson: Quite welcome. *he seems pleased* Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Was there anything else you wanted to do today, or shall we return home? Sheepy: Sherlock: I want to return home and sleep more. I actually heard something very interesting... I think it was today? Sheepy: Sherlock: Snails have one foot... but no legs. Sheepy: Sherlock: ...Snails disgust me. Arsé-kun: Watson: Thank you for this information about snails. Sheepy: Sherlock: Centipedes are very greedy, too. If they were generous insects, every snake would have a pair of legs. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Sherlock, then snakes would just be long lizards. Sheepy: Sherlock: ...What? Arsé-kun: Watson: Snakes with legs would just be lizards. Sheepy: Sherlock: .................... Sheepy: Sherlock: What........... Sheepy: Sherlock: Then.............................. Sheepy: Sherlock: If a lizard loses its legs.... it'll just be a snake? Arsé-kun: Watson: I guess? I don't know much about snakes. Sheepy: Sherlock: Snakes are long and gross. Arsé-kun: Watson: Well, okay. Sheepy: Sherlock: Snakes like milk. Arsé-kun: Watson: Do they, now? sheep: Sherlock: Yes. You can bribe them with milk. Arsé-kun: Watson: Huh. I never knew that. sheep: Sherlock: Snakes like music. Arsé-kun: Watson: Is that why snake charmers are a thing? sheep: Sherlock: Yes. sheep: Sherlock: They don't have ears but they can hear. sheep: Sherlock: Snakes are.... ... ... avocado, I was supposed to remember something about avocados. sheep: Sherlock: ...What IS an avocado???? Arsé-kun: Watson: .... It's... an avocado? sheep: Sherlock: But what are they? sheep: Sherlock: An animal? Arsé-kun: Watson: It's a vegetable. ... I think. sheep: Sherlock: It's a vegetable.... sheep: Sherlock: .... sheep: Sherlock: Vegetable? Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes? sheep: Sherlock: Ah! I needed to get something at the store! Arsé-kun: Watson: Oh! sheep: Sherlock: Was it a vegetable??? Arsé-kun: Watson: You didn't tell me. sheep: Sherlock: ........ sheep: Sherlock: Oh... Arsé-kun: Watson: Did you tell anyone else? sheep: Sherlock: I think so. sheep: Sherlock: Oh, I told Arsene. *he checks his texts*... I need to get bread! Arsé-kun: Watson: *he looks at the phone, too* ... And butter. Should we just go grocery shopping while we're at it? sheep: Sherlock: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Watson: Then lets. sheep: *The two go grocery shopping. Sherlock shares his questionably accurate snake facts with Watson.* Arsé-kun: *In turn, Watson shares some of his drafts with Sherlock.* sheep: Sherlock: Wow! Arsé-kun: Watson: Do you like it? I'm thinking I should change the order of the lines, but.. sheep: Sherlock: I like it!! Arsé-kun: Watson: Thank you. I may have to make changes anyway- I didn't intend for this to be a sneak preview to anyone else. sheep: Sherlock: Good point. Arsé-kun: Watson: .... Or is that too mean? It's only a first draft, after all. sheep: Sherlock: Hmm.. they could spoil their friends, though... Arsé-kun: Watson: You know how that goes. It gets so warped that the original is safe at times. sheep: Sherlock: That's true. Arsé-kun: *Watson and Sherlock finish their shopping!* Sheepy: Sherlock: Great, great! We've got everything! I can carry it. Arsé-kun: Watson: All of it? Sheepy: Sherlock: You can carry the light stuff if you want. Arsé-kun: Watson: I suppose I shall. Sheepy: Sherlock: Alright! Tell me if it's too much, though, okay? Arsé-kun: Watson: Of course. Arsé-kun: *they get home with the groceries, without incident!* Sheepy: Iris: Welcome home! Arsé-kun: Watson: Thank you! Sheepy: Iris: Oh! You bought groceries! Arsé-kun: Watson: We did. Sheepy: Iris: Thank you! Arsé-kun: Watson: Quite welcome. Could you help us put them away? Sheepy: Iris: Yup! Sheepy: *Iris comes and helps out.* Arsé-kun: Watson: Thank you very much, dearie! Sheepy: Nyarly: *snicker* Dearie... Arsé-kun: Watson: You've ruined it. Soiled it. Sheepy: Nyarly: I think it's a cute name. Sheepy: Nyarly: Besides, why hate it just because I said it? Sheepy: Nyarly: It's almost like you dislike me or something! Arsé-kun: Watson: It's almost like you used it in such situations where even thinking of the word made me feel sick. Sheepy: Nyarly: ? Sheepy: Nyarly:...I don't get it. Arsé-kun: Watson: You used it constantly in negative or antagonizing situations. I've grown accustomed to it being used in those times, by you, so using it properly feels strange. Sheepy: Nyarly:...Huh. Sheepy: Nyarly:....... Sheepy: Nyarly: So then I put up a good evil mastermind act?? Sheepy: Nyarly: Huh, huh? Arsé-kun: Watson: I suppose so. Sheepy: Nyarly: *he looks overjoyed* Sheepy: Nyarly: Ahahahahahahh!! See, see, I'm a good villain!! Hahaha!!!! Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Yes, we see this. Sheepy: Iris: Daddy, where did you go, anyway? Arsé-kun: Watson: Hm? Sherlock was called away for work. I came with, due to someone being injured. Sheepy: Iris: Oh! A case! I want to come next time. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Depending what it is, sure thing. Sheepy: Iris: *She's hyped!* Sheepy: Iris: Oh, right! Look at what Sheepy made for Sisi! *Iris returns with Sisi, who now has a sweater. dog sweater.* Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Excellent. Sheepy: Iris: He's been making more of an effort to spend time with me. Arsé-kun: Watson: That's very good. Sheepy: Iris: Can I hear the details about the case later? Arsé-kun: Watson: Most certainly. Allow me to write it down, though. Sheepy: Iris: Okay! Arsé-kun: *Watson goes to record events* Sheepy: *Sherlock follows to help.* Arsé-kun: *Iris' phone buzzes. Time to check twitter.* Sheepy: *Iris checks twitter!* Arsé-kun: *in the rp world, twitter shows you things in CHRONOLOGICAL FUCKING ORDER. anD NOTHING ELSE* Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] [retweeted from @fallenangelcrow] Aion finally got an account! He's @darksungod ! Hi, Aion!! Arsé-kun: *IRIS FOLLOWED AION* Sheepy: Aion: [tweet] hello cyan how did you do tha??? Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] @darksungod The retweet? Or the tag? :3c Sheepy: Aion: [tweet] How did you become something that isn't an egg? Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] Settings! Should I come in and show you? Arsé-kun: Yaiba: [tweet] What are we talking about? Do we need to promo aion so everyone leaves rom alone? #leaveromalone2k17 Sheepy: Aion: [tweet] Where are the settings? What is #? Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] Croooow! @fallenangelcrow Go show him! You look closest! Sheepy: Crow: [tweet] @10LivesCyan I'm busy writing a song!! One full of passion!! Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] @fallenangelcrow You're standing there chugging milk Sheepy: Crow: [tweet] @10LivesCyan How'd you know?! Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] @fallenangelcrow I can. See you from here? Sheepy: Crow: [tweet] @10LivesCyan I'm thinking about the lyrics as I drink milk... Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] @fallenangelcrow Still waiting to do a duet about milk Sheepy: Crow: [tweet] @10LivesCyan Nevermind next ShinganCrimsonZ song is put on hold. Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] @fallenangelcrow YAAAAAAY Sheepy: Crow: [tweet] @10LivesCyan Ode to Milk is top priority. Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] @fallenangelcrow \o/ Sheepy: Aion: [tweet] I am no longer an egg. Arsé-kun: Rom: [tweet] @darksungod Congratulations. Sheepy: Aion: [tweet] I am now trying to figure out how to post images. Sheepy: Aion: [tweet] The Rodent has given the Dark Sun God this quest. Arsé-kun: Rom: [tweet]: @darksungod The button under the text box. Sheepy: Aion: [tweet] I see. Sheepy: *Meanwhile, Sherlock seems to be getting fidgety and impatient.* Arsé-kun: Watson: .... What is it, Sherlock? Sheepy: Sherlock: There was somewhere I wanted to go. Arsé-kun: Watson: Oh? Sheepy: Sherlock I want to apologize to Moriarty over my blow-up. Arsé-kun: Watson: Go on ahead. If you're going to go out, bring someone with you. Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay. Who should I bring with me? Arsé-kun: Watson: Whoever isn't busy, I suppose. Sheepy: *Sherlock goes out on a hunt to find someone to go with him.* Arsé-kun: *Impey's sitting in the kitchen, not really doing much, leaning his chair back and having his legs on the corner of the table. Is He Free?* Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo! Sheepy: Sherlock: Are you busy? Arsé-kun: Impey: Not at all! Sup, pal? *he sits up and moves his legs* Sheepy: Sherlock: I want to go out and Watson won't let me go alone, but he's busy. Arsé-kun: Impey: Sure, I'll come with! I've got nothing better to do. Sheepy: Sherlock: Great! Sheepy: *Sherlock drags Impey to Mori's house.* Arsé-kun: *Poor Impey.* Arsé-kun: *The door is answered by a Very Tired Fantomas.* Arsé-kun: Fantomas: ....... oh. it's you. Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo! Arsé-kun: Fantomas: What do you want...? Sheepy: Sherlock: I wanted to speak with Moriarty. Arsé-kun: Fantomas: .... *he moves out of the way* ... Upstairs. Sheepy: Sherlock: Thank you! Arsé-kun: *And Fantomas drops back onto a futon. If you awake, you's a fake* Sheepy: *Sherlock goes to see Mori.* Arsé-kun: Mori: .... *he's staring at the stairs. He heard Sherlock coming* Good evening, detective. Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo, Moriarty! Arsé-kun: Mori: Is there something you need...? Sheepy: Sherlock: I...wanted to apologize. Arsé-kun: Mori: Oh? Sheepy: Sherlock: For exploding at you yesterday. Sheepy: Sherlock: It was wrong of me. Arsé-kun: Mori: I accept. A lot was happening. Sheepy: Sherlock: Well, that's good. Sheepy: Sherlock: I won't quit the case, either. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's not done. Arsé-kun: Mori: It certainly is not. Fantomas seems to be unable to explain where he has been. As well, there are most likely other open cases that are much like the current. Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes, exactly. Sheepy: Sherlock: And we've already seen cases of it. Arsé-kun: Mori: We? Sheepy: Sherlock: Myself and those who room with me. Arsé-kun: Mori: That's more understandable. You'll have to catch me up one day- I'd love to hear what's happened. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'd like to tell you. Arsé-kun: Mori: Is anything stopping you? Sheepy: Sherlock: It's a very, very long story. Are you up to hearing it all? Arsé-kun: Mori: I'm a math professor. If anyone can listen for long periods of time, it's me. Sheepy: Sherlock: ...So, from what I recall, the Joker visited you, right? Arsé-kun: Mori: Correct. Sheepy: Sherlock: It all started with him trying to steal from the wrong person. This person liked to toy with people like the Joker and put him up to a challenge. This challenge ended up in him finding a man tied up. They were obviously intending to kill him through thirst or starvation. Sheepy: Sherlock: This man ended up showing something like what happened with Fantomas - only once, but the point still stands. Sheepy: Sherlock: He had been kidnapped by an organization called "Twilight". We ended up getting under their radar when Watson's daughter confessed that this organization was forcing her to work for them. They ended up burning our Bakers Street address to the ground. My brother and his dog were still living there at the time, but thankfully they managed to get out. Arsé-kun: Mori: So that's why it burned... I'd been wondering about that. Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes. They decided that they weren't done and went so far as kidnapping. So they grabbed Watson first. We ended up saving him along with two men who worked with Watson's daughter. Later, they grabbed me, but I can't recall a thing about what happened except that my arm was broken after the experience. Apparently, much like the other victims of Twilight, the "head" messed with my brain, but I can't be too confident about this. Sheepy: Joker later found another victim who showed the same symptoms as Fantomas - the red eyes, the fits of anger, that sort of stuff. He's calmed down now, but the trendline is that they're all test subjects of Twilight. This makes sense, considering that all of the guards are like emotionless dolls. Arsé-kun: Mori: .... .... How long has this been happening for? Sheepy: Sherlock: ...Months? Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't remember how long. Arsé-kun: Mori: Far longer than it should be, then? Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes. Sheepy: Sherlock: They recently kidnapped Watson again and tested on him heavily. Arsé-kun: Mori: I understand. Perhaps I'll make a few dents of my own if I feel bored enough. Sheepy: Sherlock: He's fine now, but...... Arsé-kun: Mori: No wonder you've been so hair trigger tempered. Sheepy: Sherlock: I apologize. Arsé-kun: Mori: Again, accepted. Arsé-kun: *meanwhile, downstairs, Impey's being. Impey* Arsé-kun: Impey: .... So, is there a reason everything smells like vampire, or is it just me? Sheepy: Robert: ...What? Sheepy: *Robert looks.. shocked, to say the least.* Arsé-kun: Impey: ... So it's just me? Sheepy: Robert: ....... Sheepy: Robert: *he's fidgeting uncomfortably....* Arsé-kun: Impey: It's fine, it's fine! *he backpedals and gives Robert a sheepish, fanged smile* Me too! Sheepy: Robert: ..I see. Sheepy: Robert: Well, then, yes, I'm also one. Arsé-kun: Impey: And the mystery is solved. Nice to meetcha! Sheepy: Robert: Who are you, out of curiosity? I feel like I've seen you before, but... Arsé-kun: Impey: Impey! I live with Lupin and Sherlock. Sheepy: Robert: I'm Robert. Nice to meet you as well. Arsé-kun: *RANK KU HA, VAMPIRE FRIENDS* Sheepy: Robert: I know very few vampires. Arsé-kun: Impey: Yeah, same. Sheepy: Robert: By that, I mean, other than you I only know one other, and that's my father. Arsé-kun: Impey: Huh. I only know one other, too. He's like, this tall. *he estimates* Sheepy: Robert: A kid?? Arsé-kun: Impey: Yeah. No idea if he got turned and he's stuck, or something else. Sheepy: Robert: Out of curiosity, what is the case for you? Arsé-kun: Impey: A bit in the bloodline, forcibly turned when I was 18. Sheepy: Robert: I see. Arsé-kun: Smiley: Me too! Sheepy: Robert: Ah! Smiley! How are you? Are you still hurting? Arsé-kun: Smiley: It still hurts, but it could be worse! Sheepy: Robert: That's unfortunate. Please be careful and rest. Arsé-kun: Smiley: That's what Todd said, yup! Sheepy: Robert: If you need anything, I can get it. Arsé-kun: Smiley: Thanks, Robbie! *he goes and vaults himself over the sofa-- onto Fantoma's back. ... Subverted in that Fantomas doesn't wake up, and Smiley doesn't notice at first* Sheepy: Robert: *he looks concerned but doesn't comment.* Sheepy: *Uh-oh, Sherlock overheard this. He goes upstairs once again. He needs to know. What the heck. What the heck. Moriarty's a vampire?* Arsé-kun: Mori: You're back already..? Sheepy: Sherlock: I had one last question. Sheepy: Sherlock: You're a vampire??? Arsé-kun: Mori: .... I was hoping you wouldn't hear that. Sheepy: Sherlock: It doesn't bother me. Arsé-kun: Mori: Not at all? Even knowing that it's the sole reason I survived? sheep: Sherlock: My neighbor is a lovecraftian abomination and an animated corpse just moved in. Arsé-kun: Mori: I'm going to stop asking. sheep: Sherlock: That, and there's already two vampires living nearby. sheep: Sherlock: While we're on the topic of lovecraftian abominations, you've already met him - Nyarlathotep. His father is the true head of Twilight, while he was just a faker. Arsé-kun: Mori: Definitely done asking. sheep: Sherlock: ...And I already suspected something was weird when you grabbed the knife. sheep: Sherlock: It would be best if you and your son to take care, since Twilight grabs unsuspecting victims often. Arsé-kun: Mori: I will. sheep: Sherlock: Good. sheep: Sherlock: They often wear what appears to be a plague doctor outfit. Arsé-kun: Mori: Explains that whole lot. sheep: Sherlock: You've seen them? Arsé-kun: Mori: Who hasn't? I leave them alone- I didn't want their attention. sheep: Sherlock: That's logical. sheep: Sherlock: Still, be careful. Arsé-kun: Mori: Of course. Yourself, as well. Sheepy: Sherlock: Anyway, I apologize for keeping you. Have a nice day. Arsé-kun: *so i guess sherlock heads down for real this time?* Sheepy: *he does. he actually leaves, too!* Arsé-kun: Impey: !! Sheepy: Robert: Oh, you should probably head back with him. Arsé-kun: Impey: I need to be! I'll, uh, talk to you some other time? Sheepy: Robert: That sounds nice. Arsé-kun: Impey: Neat! *and he hurries out after Sherlock* sheep: Sherlock: I hope you had an enjoyable time. Arsé-kun: Impey: Yep! Thanks for bringin' me along! sheep: Sherlock: Thank you for coming. Watson wouldn't let me go alone. Arsé-kun: Impey: With all the shit that's happening? I don't wanna go out alone, either. sheep: Sherlock: Understandable. sheep: Sherlock: When you want to go out, you can ask me and if I'm not occupied I'll join you. Arsé-kun: Impey: Thanks! sheep: Sherlock: No problem. We don't talk much despite living together, so it gives us the opportunity to bond. Arsé-kun: *RANK KU HA* sheep: Sherlock: Actually, now that I think of it, I know... nothing about you really. Arsé-kun: Impey: Really? Have I really not talked to you? sheep: Sherlock: Very little from what I remember. Arsé-kun: Impey: Huh! I'd better start now, then, huh? sheep: Sherlock: Yes! Arsé-kun: Impey: Sure thing! Arsé-kun: Impey: 'Fore all this nonsense, I worked in an armory. When I wasn't makin' stuff, all I was usually allowed to do was repair and clean stuff- Boss knew I liked to fool around and hey- You don't need fancy machines to cut out metal if I can just break it. sheep: Sherlock: Interesting! Arsé-kun: Impey: Speaking of which, I should probably get off my butt and make vests for everyone, but.... That means I'd have to afford it all.. sheep: Sherlock: How much is it? Arsé-kun: Impey: A LOT. Need the kevlar, need the sheet metal... It's absurd. sheep: Sherlock: I see. sheep: Sherlock: So you're good at inventing? Arsé-kun: Impey: m-hm! sheep: Sherlock: I like tinkering with things. Arsé-kun: Impey: I personally enjoy seeing what happens when things are on fire. sheep: Sherlock: Sheepy likes fire. Arsé-kun: Impey: So I've heard! sheep: Sherlock: I try not to set things on fire. Arsé-kun: Impey: Makes sense! Fire bad. sheep: Sherlock: I touched it once and it hurt. Arsé-kun: *GEE REALLY SHERLOCK* sheep: Sherlock: I like chemistry! Arsé-kun: Impey: Weird that I haven't seen you and Fran working together, then.. sheep: Sherlock: I didn't see you with Fran today, either... sheep: Sherlock: Which I found weird, but... Arsé-kun: Impey: It's that weird..? sheep: Sherlock: You're always with him. Arsé-kun: Impey: Probably 'cause we're so used to each other. Sheepy: Sherlock: Uhuh. Did something happen? Arsé-kun: Impey: Nope! I apologized about stressing him the other day, and we went back to norm. I just wasn't sure what to do. Sheepy: Sherlock: I see. That's good. Arsé-kun: *they're home now!* Sheepy: Sheepy: What will always feel empty no matter how much it's fed? My depression. *pained laughter* I'll be here all week.l Arsé-kun: Van: *he just nods. He's got a mouthful of water. He doesn't look amused* Sheepy: Sherlock: What's going on? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Trying to prove that this man has no sense of humor. Sheepy: Iris: Abby has a sense of humor! Sheepy: Sherlock: He seems like the type to laugh at another man's misfortune. Arsé-kun: Germain: I've already tried tripping. Nyar already tried tripping and injuring himself. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm pretty sure Nyar is always tripping to some extent. Arsé-kun: Germain: I remember the time where he spent a month straight tripping balls. Sheepy: Sheepy: Really? Arsé-kun: Germain: It was the worst thing he's ever done to me in my own house. Sheepy: Sheepy: Did you kick him out? Arsé-kun: Germain: And what, have him terrorize everyone else? Sheepy: Sheepy: Well, no. Arsé-kun: Germain: Exactly. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he turns to Van, and takes out a knife, which he shakes slightly* it's knife to meet you. *he puts it away and just leaves* Sheepy: Nyar: *he takes a sip of his apple juice* Your sense of humor is what drives me to drink. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he takes the apple juice and drinks out of it before handing it back, with a straight face* Sheepy: Nyar:......... Sheepy: Nyar: It's like you stole a child's ice cream, took a lick of it, and gave it back to prove how evil you truly are. Arsé-kun: Germain: Yeah, but children don't care, and neither do you. Sheepy: Nyar: I kind of care. Sheepy: Nyar: My apple juice... Arsé-kun: Delly: Don't be such a baby! Sheepy: Nyar: Babies don't care about germs. Sheepy: Nyar: Nor do children. Arsé-kun: Delly: So you? Sheepy: Nyar: I care about germs because I'm not a human meaning that my immune system is different. Sheepy: Nyar: Disease won't kill me but I can still catch things. Sheepy: Nyar: And vaccination is intended for humans, not eldritch abominations. Sheepy: Nyar: Meaning that if you don't go through with vaccination for whatever reason, I will personally come into your home, flu and everything, and smash your skull to bits to show how I feel about your carelessness and disregard for those around you. Arsé-kun: Van: ... *he twitches but that's about it* Sheepy: Nyar: That wasn't even a joke... Arsé-kun: *Van shakes his head. He can't talk. Suffer* Arsé-kun: Delly: I want Nyarlathotep to come into my house and smash the flu over my head, killing me instantly. Sheepy: Nyar: I could one-up you and give you the black plague instead. Sheepy: Nyar: Which, yes, I caught once, and no, it wasn't fun. Sheepy: Nyar: I have a feeling that everyone at the town was both in awe and downright terrified that I lived through it, because I ended up being considered some sort "blessed being" that only those with the black plague visited to be cured. Sheepy: Nyar: The healthy shunned me because they thought I could curse them with it. Sheepy: Nyar: I can't give people the plague in my current state but I can make them think they have it. Sheepy: Nyar: I'm the very definition of that trope where everyone's fears come true. Sheepy: Sheepy: Sometimes when I'm bored I look up "bara" on google, which is why my phone background is currently this. *he shows Van his phone background... which is a bara corn. Sheepy...* sheep: Sheepy: I feel like if someone stole my phone I'd be sued for emotional damages due to its contents. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Maybe you should do something about that. Sheepy: Sheepy: aabout what? Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Never mind. Sheepy: Sheepy: It'd be their fault anyway. Sheepy: Iris:...Wh...what am I looking at...? Sheepy: Sheepy: Corn bara. Arsé-kun: *Show Van, too* Sheepy: *he shows Van* Arsé-kun: Van: ..... ...... *he makes a face* Sheepy: Iris: Sheepy! Please change your phone background! It's creepy! Sheepy: Sheepy: It's the mighty Corn Bara. Don't disgrace his mighty muscles. He can hear you... he's all ears. Arsé-kun: Van: ..... .... *nope. not funny! Not funny!* Sheepy: Iris: He's gross! Sheepy: Sheepy: This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but it's what perfection looks like. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: How corny. Sheepy: Sheepy: Mycroft, look at the Mighty Corn Bara. Sheepy: Iris: Don't do it, it's weird! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I don't like it. Sheepy: Sheepy: Every night I dreamed that I coild become corn. Sheepy: Sheepy: But my wishes never came true. Sheepy: Sheepy: So I have to live through the art others make to... ... oh, what the heck, I don't know why this exists. I don't want to know why it exists. Are there people who actually find corn sexy? Arsé-kun: Germain: Probably. Sheepy: Sheepy: I feel like Nyar would be the type to. Sheepy: Nyar: What? Arsé-kun: Germain: ... Can we cut this back to pg-13? Sheepy: Sheepy: I thought it was? Arsé-kun: Delly: Do you think there's sexy art of guns Sheepy: Sheepy: Implying anyone but Van is attracted to guns? Sheepy: Sheepy: Although... I could look. Sheepy: Iris: Oh, I forgot that there was something I was going to work on... Sheepy: Sheepy: It's surprisingly clean. Sheepy: Sheepy: Even with safe search off. Sheepy: Iris: Abby! Do you want a special walkie-talkie!? Arsé-kun: Van: ...? *he nods* Sheepy: Iris: Okay! Arsé-kun: Finis: .... Sheepy: Iris: I'll go make it then! Arsé-kun: Finis: ... *he waits for her to leave* .... Shall I give this a go? Sheepy: Sheepy: Go ahead. Arsé-kun: Finis: *he clears his throat, and starts reading from his phone in a completely monotone voice* Boobs. Tits. Twits. Sheepy: Sheepy: Uh. Arsé-kun: Impey: he said tits Sheepy: Sheepy: Wowie. Arsé-kun: *Finis then starts reading synonyms for Boobs. Some of these are made up. Some are foreign. Some of them actually do sound funny.* Sheepy: Sheepy: Are breasts actually funny? Arsé-kun: Germain: On occasion. He's already changed topics twice. Arsé-kun: Finis: Omelette du fromoge. Sheepy: Nyar: It's a common saying that French is the language of love. Sheepy: Nyar: This is incorrect, however. Sheepy: Nyar: R'lyehian is. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I feel vaguely insulted. Sheepy: Nyar: Unfortunately, our language is limited in many ways. Sheepy: Nyar: Considering that many of us are incapable of speech and thought, it's unsurprising. Arsé-kun: Germain: The word "to" doesn't exist in your language. Sheepy: Nyar: It's an implied "to". Sheepy: Nyar: Do you know how hard it was to learn English? Sheepy: Nyar: I learned as civilizations became larger and more complicated, but English is incredibly stupid compared to most languages. Sheepy: Nyar: People acted like I was stupid when I left out to and from! Arsé-kun: Finis: It absolutely is. Pineapple.. Sheepy: Nyar: I understand to you that my speech might sound like alphabet soup at times, but to me your speech sounds overly cluttered and too long! Sheepy: Nyar: You know, Phil once lied to me that butterflies are called pigeons. So I wanted to impress him by using it in a conversation with someone, so I gestured to a butterfly and said, "This is a very pretty pigeon!"... They laughed at me... Phil laughed at me! Sheepy: Nyar: And then I never believed anything he said without second thought ever again. Arsé-kun: Finis: A pigeon. Sheepy: Nyar: Yes. Sheepy: Nyar: I didnt know what pigeons were! Arsé-kun: Van: ....... *he's smiling but not laughing* Sheepy: Iris: *she walks in holding Wag* Is this a pigeon? Arsé-kun: Van: *he finally breaks, spitting out the water and laughing* Sheepy: Sheepy: He can laugh?! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Dammit. Sheepy: Iris: I kind of lied. It was already almost done but I didnt think to ask if you wanted it until now. Arsé-kun: Van: *he recovers and straightens up* Now that I can ask, oh? Is it? Sheepy: Iris: Yup! So I finished it. Sheepy: Iris: *she puts Wag down and gives Van a little keychain version of the Van Wolf.* Sheepy: *...from all appearances it just looks like a toy on a keychain.* Arsé-kun: Van: *he looks it over* ...? Sheepy: Iris: Pull on its ear. Arsé-kun: Van: ...? *he does so* Sheepy: *Sherlock, who isn't in the room, picks up...* Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo? Arsé-kun: Van: Hey. Iris said to do this. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh, she's testing a new one. Sheepy: Sherlock: Be careful not to keep them near your face. Arsé-kun: Van: Why? Sheepy: Sherlock: They've got the useful addition of no hands mode, but... they'll cling to your ear. Sheepy: Sherlock: Much like a bluetooth. Sheepy: Sherlock: And they usually refuse to let go- there we go, it's off. Arsé-kun: Van: Interesting. Sheepy: Sherlock: If it's like Mr. Reaper's, the right ear should be a call to Bun-Holmes and the left ear should be a call to Cub-Watson. Arsé-kun: Van: Is that all..? Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't know. Sheepy: Sherlock: I can't think of anything else except that despite who they're based on, I often have Cub-Watson and Iris often has Bun-Holmes. So.. good luck. Arsé-kun: Van: Good to know, I guess. Sheepy: Sherlock: Am I supposed to mix this with milk... or water? ...Okay, I'm hanging up now- oh? Huh, I'll just use both... it's like a science experiment! Arsé-kun: Van: *he moves the wolf away from his ear* Sherlock's going to ruin the kitchen. Sheepy: Iris: Holmsies is good at ruining things. Sheepy: Sheepy: Please consider what you just said, Iris. Arsé-kun: Impey: He better not be. *he goes in to check* Sheepy: Sherlock: Can I replace the macaroni with spaghetti? Sheepy: Sherlock:.... Sheepy: Sherlock: What's this container for... Sheepy: Sherlock: Can I replace the cheese with spaghetti sauce? Sheepy: Sherlock:...Is it still macaroni and cheese without macaroni or cheese? Arsé-kun: Impey: You can replace the macaroni, but not the cheese! Sheepy: Sherlock: Can I put broccoli in it? Sheepy: Sherlock: I bought a broccoli. Sheepy: Sherlock: I've never had broccoli before. Sheepy: Sherlock: I thought it was an avocado. Sheepy: Sherlock: Actually, I can't say I've never had broccoli before because I don't even remember what I ate for dinner yesterday. Sheepy: Sherlock: Maybe it was a broccoli. Arsé-kun: Impey: You sure remembered a whole bunch of stuff before..! Sheepy: Sherlock: My memory is downright awful for not vital things. Sheepy: Sherlock: I forgot Harley's name for many years. Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't remember Watson's first name. Arsé-kun: Impey: That's fair. ... I heard once you could put ketchup on mac. Sheepy: Sherlock: Ketchup? Sheepy: Sherlock: That sounds gross. Arsé-kun: Impey: No idea if it's any good. Never tried! Sheepy: Sherlock: Ketchup is okay on meat. Sheepy: Sherlock: Meat is better by itself. Sheepy: Sherlock: Like steak. Grilled steak.... Sheepy: Sherlock: Grills improve all food considerably so long as they are intended to be grilled. Sheepy: Sherlock: Like steak and fish. Sheepy: Sherlock: What type of milk should I put in this? Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh, I grabbed chocolate milk... Sheepy: Sherlock: Will that work...? Sheepy: Sherlock: Chocolate cheese sounds downright disgusting. Arsé-kun: Impey: That won't work! Sheepy: Sherlock: Milk... Sheepy: Sherlock: The man today was drinking milk. Sheepy: Sherlock: My client. Sheepy: Sherlock: Raven or whatever Arsé-kun: *close.* Sheepy: Sherlock: He called me a third rate detective. Sheepy: Sherlock: He kind of reminded me of Sheepy. Sheepy: Sherlock: Do you think angels exist? Arsé-kun: Impey: Huh? Sure, why not? Sheepy: Sherlock: My client claimed to be a fallen angel. Arsé-kun: Impey: Lets find out! Arsé-kun: Impey: *he leans into the office* Yo, Nyar! Do angels exist? Sheepy: Nyar: *he gestures to Sanchan* Does he exist? Arsé-kun: Impey: Is he..? Arsé-kun: Germain: No, but I do exist. Sheepy: Nyar: He's an angel in my heart. Sheepy: Nyar: ...Ah, actually, I don't think I have a heart... Arsé-kun: Germain: In your brain? Sheepy: Nyar: Yes. Sheepy: Nyar: Human anatomy is strange. Sheepy: Nyar: What's up with these? *He raises his hands* When they're cut off, they don't grow back again for humans. Sheepy: Nyar: What's the point of nails, too? I chew them when I'm stressed, but what're they used for??? Arsé-kun: Impey: No idea! *he returns to Sherlock's side* They exist. Sheepy: Sherlock: Amazing. Arsé-kun: Impey: So maybe they really were Sheepy: Sherlock: Maybe! sheep: Sherlock: He was some sort of actor or singer... did I mention that already? Iris follows him on twitter. Arsé-kun: Impey: You have now! *he seems curious, but sherlock cooking without incident comes first* sheep: Sherlock: How long do I put this on for? Arsé-kun: Impey: Eleven minutes. sheep: Sherlock: Great. sheep: Sherlock: If I put the heat up higher, will it cook faster? Arsé-kun: Impey: No. sheep: Sherlock: Ugh... sheep: Sherlock: Anyway, his name was Crow. sheep: Sherlock: I...think. sheep: Sherlock: No, wait, it was Raven. Nobody names their kid Crow, but Raven... sheep: Sherlock: He had red and black hair and had black nail polish. Also, he claimed to be a fallen angel. Arsé-kun: Impey: Isn't Raven a girl's name? sheep: Sherlock: What? Arsé-kun: Impey: Isn't that a girl's name? sheep: Sherlock: ...Maybe? sheep: Sherlock: Here, here, I can get a picture... Watson and I share Iris's twitter, so... ... ... here's a picture. *he shows a selfie Crow took to Impey* Arsé-kun: Impey: He's cute. But hey, even his name has 'crow' in it. sheep: Sherlock: Maybe it's a stage name... sheep: Sherlock: He was hit over the head and someone was murdered. sheep: Sherlock: So we solved whodunnit but not why. Arsé-kun: Impey: Distressing. sheep: Sherlock: It's okay. sheep: Sherlock: The police can figure it out. I believe in them! Arsé-kun: *From the other room is Arséne suddenly laughing.* sheep: Sherlock: Huh? *he peeks in* What's so funny? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Police doing their jobs! sheep: Sherlock: Hmmm... sheep: Sherlock: They do their best I'm sure. Arsé-kun: Arséne: The ones that do, I respect greatly. The others... sheep: Sherlock: Why take a job you won't do your best at? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Because some cops become cops so they can be the big kid on the playground. sheep: Sherlock: ...? sheep: Sherlock: Even without being a cop they'll be the big kid on the playground probably... Arsé-kun: Arséne: Now with a weapon, and a "legal reason" to harass people. sheep: Sherlock: But five year olds don't commit crimes... Arsé-kun: Arséne: You'd be surprised. sheep: Sherlock: They can commit crimes? sheep: Sherlock: Is that how you met Sheepy? Arsé-kun: Arséne: No, but he did almost commit arson completely by accident a month later. sheep: Sherlock: How do you commit arson by accident? Arsé-kun: Arséne: By not knowing what a lighter is. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh. Arsé-kun: Arséne: It's fine, nothing of note happened. Sheepy: Sherlock: That's good at least. Arsé-kun: Germain: I feel as if there is something that should be done, but I'm unsure of what it is. Sheepy: Nyar: Like what? Arsé-kun: Arséne: .... I believe I know, but here is not the place to do it. Sheepy: Nyar: What do you mean? Sheepy: Nyar: The whole soul thing? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Yes. Sheepy: Nyar: So here's what we're gonna do. I'll call up my dad and have him deal with it, because I haven't a clue how to deal with it. Arsé-kun: Arséne: We're not dealing with it in my house. I'd rather find a truce zone of sorts. Sheepy: Nyar: Truce zone? Like where? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Why not start at the park? If anything goes wrong, we can get there quickly. Sheepy: Nyar: Well, alright, I guess. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Get calling, then. Sheepy: *Nyar calls up Azathoth* Arsé-kun: Azathoth: *he picks up at the fourth ring* y'llo...? *sounds like it woke him up* Sheepy: Nyar: Hello, hello, Old Man! Sheepy: Nyar: Were you asleep? Sorry! I'll skip the pleasantries then and get to the point... I've got a favor to ask from you. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: What is it? Sheepy: Nyar: To remove someone's soul without hurting their body. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I'm awake. Sheepy: Nyar: You know how those cultists tried to get you to give Fluffy a blessing and he-who-shall-not-be-named interrupted it and gave him Randy's soul instead? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Yes? Sheepy: Nyar: I want to remove Randy's soul and put it back in its correct body. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: ... Now? Sheepy: Nyar: I don't know. Arséne, are we doing it now? Arsé-kun: Arséne: The truce, yes. sheep: Nyar: Apparently there's been a truce that I didn't know about and we're going through wit it now. sheep: Nyar: So yes. sheep: Nyar: Humans are very picky creatures so he wants it to be in the park too. Not your place and not his. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: That's fine.... The grass is nice to lay in, too.. sheep: Nyar: You'd be going there for serious business, not to take a nap... you can do that too but dealing with Fluffy's second soul is top priority. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I'll do it if I can.. *he yawns* sheep: Nyar: Well, I can't. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: ... m-hm... If I've learned from humans right, would bringing a peace offering be acceptable..? sheep: Nyar: Even if I knew how, Her Nastiness has a lot of my power locked... define what you mean by peace offering. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: No harm. Humans love it. I can guarantee this one. sheep: Nyar: Sure, go ahead or whatever. sheep: Nyar: I guess in a way you're many years due anyway. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Am I...? Was I more mistaken than believed..? ... When shall I be there? sheep: Nyar: Uhh, heck, I don't know. Arsene, when should he be there? Arsé-kun: Arséne: We could go now, but it's beginning to get dark... In an hour, perhaps? sheep: Nyar: In an hour. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: 45 more minutes to sleep.. Sheepy: Nyar: Dad, you really need to deal with how you're tired all the time. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Is this anything new...? Sheepy: Nyar: No, but I'm sad and lonely and I don't have Nodens to pester. Her Nastiness still wont let him go. Sheepy: Nyar: Sometimes an eldritch abomination just wants to bond with his family. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: ... I suppose. ... I'll be there on time. Sheepy: Nyar: Good. Arsé-kun: *Azathoth mumbles a goodbye and hangs up* Sheepy: Nyar: And now we wait. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm not thrilled about the thought of someone very tired doing very precise work on me without life insurance. Sheepy: Sheepy: If it's going to kill me, Arséne might as well get paid for it. And it's not like you can sue an eldritch abomination. Sheepy: Nyar: ...Yep, the Randy I know is shining through that. You'll be a much more happy and positive person once we fix this. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I can't wait. Sheepy: Sheepy: I can't wait for him to mess up and somehow take my soul instead. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I can wait. Sheepy: Nyar: Please stop doubting my dad. Sheepy: Nyar: He put one of your group into a coma for a while and has messed with you more than I have. Sheepy: Nyar: Compared to him, I'm like a tiny star in a massive galaxy. A tiny star that shines more brilliantly than that galaxy combined, but miniscule all the same. Arsé-kun: Van: It was by gunfire. That does not give indication of skill- Just accuracy with a gun. Sheepy: Nyar:...Or, well, that'd be accurate, if he wasn't sleeping all the time. Sheepy: Nyar: If he wanted to erase me - Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos - out of existence I wouldn't be surprised if he was capable of it. Arsé-kun: Germain: Changing the subject. Sheepy: Nyar: ...You know, now that I think of it. Azathoth is much more powerful than me... I should ask him for a favor or two eventually. Arsé-kun: Arséne: If you want to. Should we arrive early..? Sheepy: Nyar: Sure. Arsé-kun: Van: I'll stay put and keep watch as per. Don't die. Sheepy: Iris: I'll stay here, too! Arsé-kun: *BG Asougi, having literally no idea what's going on,* Sheepy: Ryuu: Isn't it very late to be heading out? Arsé-kun: Arséne: A bit.. Nyar, will you be coming with us? Sheepy: Nyar: Yes. Arsé-kun: Arséne: All right. Sheepy: Ryuu: Isn't it dangerous? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Of course. A truce with an enemy can always go wrong. *he's nervous, but hiding it* However, it is still a truce. If it is respected, no harm should come to anyone. Sheepy: Nyar: When, exactly, was this truce formed anyway? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oh, when you asked. It wouldn't do us good to not have one. Sheepy: Nyar:..... Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he appears pleased to have gotten a single surprise point on Nyar* Sheepy: Nyar: You... Sheepy: Nyar: No, nevermind, there's no point. Arsé-kun: *and then they get the heck going* Sheepy: Sheepy: I never go to the park. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Noticed. Sheepy: Nyar: I swim in the lake. Sheepy: Sheepy: There's a sign that says no swimming. Arsé-kun: Arséne: You can't tell an octopus what to do. Sheepy: Nyar: That applies to humans, not octopi. Sheepy: Nyar: I yank on people's fishing poles and then let go. Arsé-kun: Arséne: At least put something on it, you bully. Sheepy: Nyar: I also steal their bait without them realizing. Sheepy: Nyar: No? I love messing with fishers. Sheepy: Nyar: You tug on their fishing line really hard. You fight them but let them win. But you let go without them realizing so they pull up and... nothing! Sheepy: Nyar: They sit there for hours waiting for a fish to snag. They pull it up. There's no bait. Sheepy: Nyar: Both are equally hilarious. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Well, that does explain where you are half the time. Sheepy: Nyar: I don't have any obligations or commitments. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Touché Sheepy: Nyar: I can't think of any fun jobs. Sheepy: Nyar: I got myself kicked out of Twilight with my last stunt I think. Arsé-kun: Arséne: You think? Sheepy: Nyar: Eh, depends on how Azathoth feels. Arsé-kun: Arséne: That doesn't seem like a good scale. Sheepy: Nyar: Well, he is the head honcho. Sheepy: Nyar: Having too lttle power is boring but having too much power is also boring. Sheepy: Nyar: I enjoyed the power struggle. Arsé-kun: *There's a meow! Somewhere, somehow, is a kitty!* Arsé-kun: *And there IS a cat! It's black with brown patches. And sitting on Azathoth's chest. He decided to nap in the grass. Who knows how long he was there for. It's worth noting that bugs are outright avoiding him.* Arsé-kun: *The cat is staring at Sheepy* Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh, a cat! Sheepy: Nyar: *he lies face-down next to Azathoth. is he sleeping, or?* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he bends down. look kitty he's shorter now* Arsé-kun: Kitty: Myaaa! Sheepy: Sheepy: Here, kitty, kitty... Arsé-kun: *the kitty happily approaches Sheepy and rubs against him* Sheepy: *Sheepy pets the cat* Arsé-kun: *the cat seems happy* Sheepy: Sheepy: Whose cat is this anyway? Is it a stray? Arsé-kun: Kitty: Nyaaaaaaaoo! Arsé-kun: *the kitty turns tail and climbs on the back of Nyar's head, meowing* Sheepy: Nyar: Why. Arsé-kun: Kitty: Nya Nyao! Sheepy: Nyar: Please. Arsé-kun: *the kitty gets off, leaping onto the next available surface- Aza's face. He does not look pleased to be woken up via claws on face* Arsé-kun: Azathoth: .... *he removes the cat and drops it on Nyar* .... Are you early, or am I stupid? Sheepy: Sheepy: We're early. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: ya gotha n'gha. *he yawns and tilts his head to look at Sheepy* Must I do it right now? Sheepy: Sheepy: I've made exactly zero decisions in this entire adventure. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Then do so now. Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't care either way. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Then permit me to inquire a thing or two prior. Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: The first time I engaged in this scientific hobby of mine, none condemned it. Yet this time, it is. Both times, I had been informed soldiers and such were required. Was I informed incorrectly? Sheepy: Sheepy: We aren't in any wars. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I am aware of this, but are they not needed in general...? Sheepy: Sheepy: While people have the option to become soldiers, they aren't necessary. It's more like... a job for the brave and those with a strong sense of justice, I think. Sheepy: Sheepy: So... no, they aren't needed. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: .... ..... sgn'wahl 'fhalma. Sheepy: Nyar: Language! Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I can say whatever I want. Sheepy: Nyar: But the children! Arsé-kun: Azathoth: They can't understand it. *he looks up at the sky* .... If I want to do this, it'll have to wait. The stars aren't right. Sheepy: Nyar: Is that an excuse or an actual reason? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Yes. Sheepy: Nyar: Wow. Sheepy: Nyar: Why are you like this? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Why are you? Sheepy: Nyar: Because I never got any attention when it was most vital in my life so I'm making up for it now by messing with people. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: And I'm just chaotic and crazy by human standards. Sheepy: Nyar: Yes, yes, I noticed. That's why when you have matters where it requires talking rather than killing, I take it into my own hands. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I've been good about not killing everything! Not a single human has died of radioactivity! Sheepy: Nyar: You shot someone in the head. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I said of radioactivity, not of me being stupid. Sheepy: Nyar: Stupidity doesn't make you shoot someone in the head. Sheepy: Nyar: The point stands that many people have died from your experiments, and you directly have hurt many people. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: ... Human morality is so confusing Sheepy: Nyar: Since I've lived among them for so long, lemme tell you. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: They already do this to their own kind. What's the difference..? Sheepy: Nyar: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Twilight already existed before I got there. They probably would be doing the same thing. Why is it so bad if I do it? Sheepy: Nyar: You should know better and yet you proceed. Sheepy: Nyar: You're justifying your own wrongdoings by referencing others, instead of stopping the wrongdoings that others are committing. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I do what I do because I want to know things. I do not interact with humanity often- You know this. How am I to know what is acceptable and what is not? Sheepy: Nyar: Ask me. Sheepy: Nyar: I know humans better than most humans do. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: So humans only become soldiers of their own will at this time and place..? Sheepy: Sheepy: Yup! Sheepy: Nyar: ...Yes. And even if they didn't...... Sheepy: Nyar: Think about it this way. Sheepy: Nyar: Say you make the ultimate soldier. Sheepy: Nyar: It wouldn't help the world. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Whyever not? The potential is there. Sheepy: Nyar: It'd hurt everyone. Everyone would strive it and eventually the "ultimate soldier" - the mindless, tortured soldier - would become the "standard soldier". Arsé-kun: Azathoth: ..... I see, but not well. ... Sheepy: Nyar: Okay, so, since this is a very good example. There's this movie where there's corpses who do everything. They do all of the hard physical labor, they're servants to the people, and they fight wars. Since they're corpses, they can just be resurrected again and again. Certainly, this sounds like the perfect soldier. Sheepy: Nyar: ...Except, once you show someone your ultimate weapon, you're also showing them your ultimate weakness: proof that it's possible. Sheepy: Nyar: Humans aren't like squirrels. Humans have their limits. If they don't get results - if they don't know if they ever will get results, they'll give up. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: *he seems to be considering this* Sheepy: Nyar: But by doing what seems to be impossible, it becomes possible. The first man to climb Mount Everest - the impossible mountain, a feat that was only dreamed of by humans - was followed by man, many others directly afterwards. Sheepy: Nyar: Do you know why this is? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: ... Because it was possible? Sheepy: Nyar: Bingo! Arsé-kun: Azathoth: What about for things that have already been established as possible..? Sheepy: Nyar: Then it doesn't matter. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Excellent. Sheepy: Nyar: Why? Sheepy: Nyar: What are you planning? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Not borrowing anymore toxins from Glaaki anymore, for one. Sheepy: Nyar: Good. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: *he looks up again* .. Still can't do it. Sheepy: Nyar: Great. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Be my messenger for a minute. Can you tell my court to be QUIET for at least five minutes?? Sheepy: Nyar: Yeah, but aren't they there to keep you under control? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I'm tired and prone to error. Sheepy: Nyar: Alright, I'll be back then. Sheepy: *Nyar leaves...* Arsé-kun: Azathoth: *he rubs his eyes and waits* Sheepy: *Nyar eventually returns after shutting them up.* Arsé-kun: Azathoth: .... Muuuuch better! Sheepy: Nyar: Will you not fall asleep now? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I'm awake as can be. C'mere, Curls, lets get this over with. Sheepy: *Sheepy approaches* Arsé-kun: *Then Azathoth does.... Something. Arséne turns away as to avoid figuring out what he's looking at. It's far too confusing to understand. Nyar is completely fine, and probably shielding the cat's eyes. Y'know, just in case. Either way, it's over relatively quickly. Only when Arséne is able to see another humanoid shadow on the ground does he turn back. +1 party member. The cat loses Mysticality points and no longer has brown patches of fur.* Sheepy: Nyar: Wow, you're a baby. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I've already got a headache. Sheepy: Sheepy: Well, uh, I grew a person, apparently. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: That's all I'll be doing tonight. *he exits stage left via fading from view, but he's probably going to sleep on the grass again.* Sheepy: Nyar: Oi, Randy, rise and shine, you've got your own body again. Arsé-kun: Randolph: .... ...... fhtagn.. Sheepy: Nyar: Alright, alright. Sheepy: Sheepy: I feel a little weird. Sheepy: Sheepy: I feel like there's something missing, but at the same time, I feel like a great load has been taken off of my shoulders... Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't know if this is a good feeling or a bad feeling, but I know it's strange. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Lets assume it is good for now? You did have something removed that you had from birth. Sheepy: Sheepy: That's a good point. Arsé-kun: Kitty: Mao! Sheepy: Sheepy: *he pets the cat* ..What do we do about the cat? Arsé-kun: *The cat rubs against Randy. randy, your cat* Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh, I guess it's his cat. Arsé-kun: Randy: .... .... *the good news! is that he woke up. The bad news is that even after adjusting his glasses, he can't seem to see shit* hai'ai? ya wgah'n n'ghft.. Sheepy: Sheepy: We've already got enough animals living around us. Wagahai, Sisi, Nyar, Pepper, and Wilson... Sheepy: Nyar: What was that third one- what, can you not see? Arsé-kun: Randy: ... Nyar? Sheepy: Nyar: That's me! Arsé-kun: Randy: *he clears his throat. Probably to Stop Talking Gutterally* ... I haven't been so glad to hear your voice since the time with the... You know. Sheepy: Nyar: You're happy with my presence? Wow! That's a rare thing for me to hear. Sheepy: Nyar: Last time I saw someone who liked me was when I looked in the mirror! Arsé-kun: Randy: And in sets the regret! Sheepy: Nyar: Would you rather be stuck in Fluffy than stuck with me? Arsé-kun: Randy: I'd still have to hear your voice. Horrible. Sheepy: Nyar: I'm hurt. Sheepy: Sheepy: *he would be more curious about this if he didn't feel so off and tired.* Sheepy: Nyar: Am I a bad weather friend? Only a friend in bad times for you? Sheepy: Nyar: Otherwise, do I just annoy you? Arsé-kun: Randy: There's worse than your voice. Mine. *ha HA self depreciation* Sheepy: Nyar: Wow. Sheepy: Sheepy: Your voice isn't annoying. Arsé-kun: Randy: Thanks. You're more important here- Are you okay? Sheepy: Sheepy: I feel very strange and tired. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm sorry about your soul being taken and being put in me. I was a newborn at the time and I never knew about this cult thing up until recently Sheepy: Sheepy: So... this is the earliest I could have done something about it. Arsé-kun: Randy: I understand that. My deepest apologies in turn for having dragged you down so much. Sheepy: Sheepy: You didn't try to. Arsé-kun: Randy: .... It's strange, though. Now I know far more than I ever wanted to.. Sheepy: Sheepy: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Randy: Well, I HAVE been with you for a long time, now... Sheepy: Sheepy: You've seen every embarrassing thing I've done Arsé-kun: Randy: That, too. Sheepy: Sheepy: You know all of my secrets too. Sheepy: Sheepy: Scary... Arsé-kun: Randy: I won't say anything. Sheepy: Sheepy: Thank you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ..... Does this mean I have two kids now? Sheepy: Sheepy: Apparently. Arsé-kun: Arséne: This is acceptable. Sheepy: Sheepy: This means Iris and I have an older brother now... Arsé-kun: Randy: Far older, but lets not get into that! Sheepy: Sheepy: That's fine. Arsé-kun: *The venture has been successful!! Hooray.* Sheepy: Sheepy: So, um, do we have a place for him to sleep? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Nope! Sheepy: Sheepy:...Oh. Arsé-kun: Arséne: We'll find somewhere. We've managed so far. Sheepy: Sheepy: Yeah. Arsé-kun: *They go home!! Hooray.* Sheepy: Iris: Oh! You're back!...Who's that? Sheepy: Iris: Are you the soul that was sharing Sheepy's body? Arsé-kun: Randy: I was, yes. Sheepy: Iris: I'm Iris! Who are you? Arsé-kun: Randy: Randolph. You, though, can call me Randy. Sheepy: Iris: Nice to meet you, Randy! Arsé-kun: Randy: You, too. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he peers in and gives Randy this look. He seems to be expecting something.* Arsé-kun: Randy: ...? Good to see you, too, Saint. Is there someth-- Arsé-kun: Germain: You owe me fifty bucks from that bet still, and your mansion got wrecked. Have fun. Sheepy: Nyar: *he whistles innocently* Arsé-kun: Randy: It's still in one piece? Doesn't matter otherwise. *he puts his arm around Nyar's shoulders* What did you do? Sheepy: Nyar: Hmmm.... Sheepy: Nyar: What didn't I do? Arsé-kun: Randy: 9-11. Sheepy: Nyar: Well. Sheepy: Nyar: You aren't wrong. Arsé-kun: Randy: Good to know. Sheepy: Nyar: Anyway, Azathoth was so kind as to let me use his grunts... Sheepy: Nyar: And they tore up your house. Arsé-kun: Randy: And trashed the house. Arsé-kun: Randy: Guess who gets to clean up? Sheepy: Nyar: Who? Arsé-kun: Randy: You, if you don't want me jeopardizing at least a quarter of your masks' identities. Sheepy: Nyar: I had my reasons. Sheepy: Nyar: It was to help Phil. Arsé-kun: *The kitty pops out of Randy's shirt collar! He's here, too!* Sheepy: Nyar: Phil's memories were stolen along with my own. Sheepy: Iris: *gasp* A kitten! Sheepy: Nyar: Speaking of Phil, he still has the emotional range of a wood board. Arsé-kun: Randy: Shaggy... *he removes the kitty and drops him into Iris' hands* Still? Sheepy: Nyar: Yes. Her Nastiness still hasn't done her side of the deal. Arsé-kun: Randy: I'm not touching that matter. Sorry, pal. Sheepy: Nyar: This is why you always read the fine print Arsé-kun: Randy: Says Mr. Fine Print on everything. Sheepy: Nyar: I feel betrayed! Sheepy: Nyar: I think that if a few individuals persue this mystery of Her Nastiness, they'll learn the answer to some questions they've had foe a while. Arsé-kun: Randy: You're doing that awful thing where you say a lot but don't say anything of value. Sheepy: Sheepy: Randy needs a place to sleep and I need to sleep. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm tired. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Get going, then, Sheepy. Sheepy: *Sheepy goes to bed.* Sheepy: Nyar: Basically, if you help deal with Phil's lack of emotions, the identity of the Fork Man will become clear to you. Arsé-kun: Van: And I can shoot that son of a silversmith? Sheepy: Nyar: That's up to Saint-Germain. Sheepy: Nyar: Do you want him to rough up fork kid? Arsé-kun: Germain: That's not my decision. Sheepy: Nyar: You're friends with fork kid, right? Sheepy: Iris: I don't want to interact with the fork man... Arsé-kun: Germain: We take what we get. If he's going to be shot, at least make it nonfatal. Sheepy: Iris: Does that mean he's going to show up again? Arsé-kun: Germain: Not the way he did the first time, that's for sure. Sheepy: Iris:..... Sheepy: Iris:....I don't want him to... Arsé-kun: Germain: Then we can show up to him and not vice versa. Arsé-kun: Germain: That way he'll be unable to strike back due to societal norms. Sheepy: Iris: Does he need to show up? Arsé-kun: Germain: He doesn't have to show up here. Sheepy: Iris: But what business does he have with you to make you speak with him? Arsé-kun: Germain: We used to be in the same club when we were younger. We're still on speaking terms. Sheepy: Iris:..... Arsé-kun: *wag and shaggy torment sisi together in the bg* Sheepy: Iris:...Okay. Arsé-kun: Germain: Listen up. If he tries anything? I'll slit his throat. You and your father's safety is priority in this. Sheepy: Iris: Does he intend to go after us as well? Arsé-kun: Germain: I highly doubt it, but with some other details... Sheepy: Iris:...? Arsé-kun: Germain: *he sighs and sets his eyes on Iris* You hear Nyarlathotep mention "Her Nastiness"? She's fork man's boss, and boss Hansel around she does. She bosses Nyar around. She bosses Azathoth around. She bossed me around, but me? I quit years and years ago. You want to know what most of her underlings are? Assassins. Sheepy: Iris: Wh...what? Sheepy: Iris: But... then... why is Nyarly opposing Twilight while Azathoth is running it...? Arsé-kun: Germain: Because Twilight is an offshoot of Idea that can be taken out without repercussions. The boss doesn't care. Her mode of work is "This person will cause "problems for humanity"" *he air quotes* "So kill them." At some inevitable point, she decided someone in your immediately family was dangerous. The rest is history. Sheepy: Iris: Buf Mom never did anything wrong... Arsé-kun: Germain: Perhaps it wasn't her that was the target. Sheepy: Iris:.... Sheepy: Nyar: Sheesh! You're no fun. Arsé-kun: Germain: Don't sass me, Nyarla-hotep. I've been dancing circles around this issue for well over a month. Sheepy: Nyar: If that is meant to be an insult, you're just confirming that I am, indeed, the king. Arsé-kun: Germain: A false dark king that used trickery to get followers. Shut up. Sheepy: Nyar: *he frowns* Sheepy: Nyar: All I have is my wits... Sheepy: Nyar:...You really know how to crush my heart into tiny little pieces. Arsé-kun: Germain: With how long we've know each other? I sure hope I do. Sheepy: Nyar: You hurt me. Arsé-kun: Van: Hold it, hold it. Arsé-kun: Van: How long have you two known each other? And Iris, do you remember what I told you if he was stupidly old? Sheepy: Iris: Shoot him? Sheepy: Nyar: *he frowns* Don't. Sheepy: Nyar: We've know each other long enough to know each other very well. Arsé-kun: Van: That doesn't tell me shit. Arsé-kun: Van: I also didn't say what I was going to shoot him with. Sheepy: Iris: With a watergun? Arsé-kun: Van: That's on the list of options. Sheepy: Iris: Huh? Arsé-kun: Van: I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. Sheepy: Iris: Oh. Arsé-kun: Germain: The issue is that now I feel inclined to recall the exact number. Sheepy: Nyar: Gosh, it's been... Sheepy: Nyar: ... Sheepy: Nyar: Immemorial. Arsé-kun: Germain: You know what? Hold on. Before we do anything. *he strolls over to Sherlock* Might I have your hand for a moment? Sheepy: Sherlock: *he holds out his left hand* ? Arsé-kun: Germain: Other one. Sheepy: Sherlock: ...Why? Arsé-kun: Germain: Trust me. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm only going to infuriate Watson some more. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he hesitantly holds out his right hand* Arsé-kun: *Germain carefully places his hand over it for a moment or so. Was there a glow, or was it just their imaginations? Either way, he backs off after this* Sheepy: Sherlock: What did you do? Arsé-kun: Germain: Enough. *he turns and heads out back* Sheepy: Sherlock: ...? Arsé-kun: Van: *he slips out, except, not at all, because he is in clear view and he just turned and left* Arsé-kun: Watson: .... I don't like the sound of that. Sherlock, let me see it as well. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he holds his right hand out to Watson* Arsé-kun: Watson: ... *he Inspects it. Inspector Watson- Far more competent than Inspector Gadget* Does any of this hurt..? Sheepy: Sherlock: No. Arsé-kun: Watson: It'd have saved me quite a bit of stress if I had known he could do this. Sheepy: Sherlock: Is that what happened to my arm? Arsé-kun: Watson: It'd make sense if it was. Arsé-kun: *Arséne goes to check the backyard. Van is dousing Germain with a particularly large water gun. Incredible. Either way, that's been enough for today, so he is going the fuck to bed*
0 notes
badlydrawnstuff · 7 years
Det. AU part 9
Arséne: Lets see... I finally did that research into the cult. Turned out Sheepy was "blessed" by them prior to a mass suicide, by which I mean he's got a second soul that isn't his. On the topic of things I understand, Sheepy and Iris proceeded to nearly rob Moriarty. The following morning, Sherlock and Watson went to investigate with Asougi and Ryuunosuke. Having made good progress, they move on to inspecting the crime scene at Moriarty's home. Investigation successful, they returned home. Sherlock then went to catch Fantomas at the jail, and did so with the assistance of Adam, who returned with him. The following morning, Sherlock and Watson went to the trial for Robert. Thanks to overwhelming evidence, the prosecutor fake letting the case go easily, and a few other events, he was declared innocent. Sherlock chased Fantomas down to Germain's mansion. With assistance from Moriarty, Robert, and Juve, Fantomas was captured. Nyar was there, also I am informed about a werewolf? Sheepy: Harley: Werewolves don't exist. Arsé-kun: Arséne: That's what I said!
Sheepy: Harley: As an update on my health, I'm doing better. My mind is much clearer now and while there are holes in my memory, it's mostly restored. Sheepy: Harley: My coordination could be better. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Perhaps I can be of assistance? Sheepy: Harley: In terms of coordination? Arsé-kun: Arséne: In terms of the holes. Coordination is more of Watson's business. Sheepy: Harley: I'll think about it. Arsé-kun: *MEANWHILE, IN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PLACE* Arsé-kun: Minako: ---nd that's so cool! Can you get us tickets, Goro?? Sheepy: Goro: I'll do my best. Arsé-kun: Minako: Neato! Oh, and remember not to invoke the Scottish curse! Sheepy: Goro: I won't. Although, it's kind of already a curse working with someone as noisy as him. Arsé-kun: Minato: .... Working? What are you doing now..? *he comes downstairs, yawning. good morning* Sheepy: Goro: A friend of mine decided to drag me into a musical with him. ...Me, the person with no musical talent, let alone dancing talent! Sheepy: Goro: I ended up getting a role, too. As the main protagonist. He's the villain and his girlfriend...? I think? is the love interest. Arsé-kun: Minato: You. In a musical. *he thinks about this, then starts laughing in hysterics* Sheepy: Goro: I'm terrified. Sheepy: Goro: He may start visiting more often. Arsé-kun: Minato: Should we be worried? .... Does he know you live up above the shop? Sheepy: Goro: Have you met him before? You probably would recognize him. He's the lead singer for ShinganCrimsonZ, that visual kei band, among other things. And... probably? Sheepy: Goro: It's hard to tell when he's listening. Sheepy: Goro: He's overdramatic and loud, but if you can get past that, he's a good guy. He also claims to be a fallen angel. He's got tattoos on his back of black wings and everything. It's best not to comment that he's fantasizing. Arsé-kun: Minato: .... And you're... Sure he really isn't? Sheepy: Goro: Aren't fallen angels supposed to have done something to cause them to fall? Sheepy: Goro: Crow has never really fallen out of line despite his appearance and claims. Sheepy: Goro: He's actually very innocent, which, again, is very surprising considering how he looks. Sheepy: Goro: Besides, two of his band members have similar claims. Sheepy: Goro: The other guitarist claims to be the "black monster" or the "dark sun god" while the bassist claims to be a legendary hero of sorts. Sheepy: Goro: Considering that the former can't talk without posing and hides in his room when he isn't performing and the latter is actually very shy and awkward, I can say without a doubt that titles like these are a band thing as opposed to actually being true. Arsé-kun: Minato: *he yawns again* Okay, detective prince. Riddle me this one: Do we still have bagels? Sheepy: Goro: I can check. Arsé-kun: Minato: Great. *he drops into a seat* Sheepy: *Goro leaves and returns with bagels* Arsé-kun: Minato: Marry me Sheepy: Goro: Okay. Sheepy: Goro: When we're both old enough to marry, sure. Arsé-kun: Minako: When's the wedding?? Next week? Sheepy: Goro: No, no, it'll be like a birthday gift. Sheepy: Yu: The legal age of marriage is 16. Both of you are at least 16. Sheepy: Yu: Are you discussing that seriously though? If you get married it'll probably damage your career. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Plenty of people get married in private. It's not anyone's business. Sheepy: Yu: That's true. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Anyway, do we have any plans for the rest of the week? We caught that jiang-thing.. Sheepy: Goro: I'll be practicing my lines and busy... with the musical... ... Sheepy: Goro:........ Arsé-kun: *very, very faint yelling?* Sheepy: *Wait. It's approaching.* Arsé-kun: Minato: .... Should we assume emergency positions? Sheepy: Goro: Emergency... positions? Arsé-kun: Minato: Hiding you under the bed and saying you went out. Sheepy: Goro: No, it's too late. Arsé-kun: Minako: I'll get the door, then, so it doesn't break again! Sheepy: Crow: *HE HAS ARRIVED!* Arsé-kun: Minako: ... All right, there goes the door! Sheepy: Crow: A crimson soul born clad in a scarlet miracle!~ CROW! Has arrived! Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: .... .... I thought you were exaggerating, Goro. *he just. casually. pushes some of the demon hunting gear out of view. ha. haha* Sheepy: Crow: The fallen angel Crow has come to deliver the gift of the art of dance to his loyal companion! Gogo! We must practice! Sheepy: Goro: It's Goro. We've known each other for a long time, now... Sheepy: Crow: Goro? Gororororo...Gogo...gogogo... Sheepy: Goro: Goro. Sheepy: Crow: Gogo! Let me demonstrate my passion for dance! Sheepy: Crow: You four can join too! Arsé-kun: Minato: I can't dance. I'm too gay to dance. *he resumes eating his bagel.* Sheepy: Crow: What's a gay? Sheepy: Crow: Is it a weakness of the legs? Arsé-kun: Minato: Nope. Sheepy: Crow: Then... what is it? Sheepy: Crow: Am I a gay? Arsé-kun: Minato: I don't know. Goro's a gay. *Minato Smirks* Sheepy: Crow: So Goro can't dance either? Sheepy: Goro: I'm awful at dancing. I have two left feet. Sheepy: Crow: You should get that checked out at a doctor. Arsé-kun: Minato: One, maybe two of us can dance. It's neither of us. Sheepy: Yu: I am the king of dance. Arsé-kun: Minato: Yeah, make him dance instead. Sheepy: Crow: But you need to dance in musicals. Arsé-kun: Minato: Good fucking luck. Sheepy: Crow: *he repeats the f word*? What's that mean? Arsé-kun: Minato: *he looks to Goro* What rock is he living under, and when can I move in? Sheepy: Crow: I only fell recently! Sheepy: Crow: It's been six months since I fell. Sheepy: Goro: Maybe he was raised by parents who rarely let him out? Arsé-kun: Minato: ... Move aside, guys, I'm gonna use the power of my right eye. Sheepy: Crow: Your right eye has power?? Sheepy: Goro:...Although, I only suddenly heard a lot about him about five months back... by fell, do you mean "debut"? Arsé-kun: Minato: *he quietly shifts his hair out of the way and stares at Crow, before making this startled noise that may or may not be akin to a yelp* Sheepy: Crow: ? Sheepy: Crow: Is there a ghost behind me?? *he looks behind himself* Sheepy: Goro: What's wrong? Arsé-kun: Minato: *he very quickly puts his bangs back into place. He's making this unhappy face. More unhappy than usual. Uncomfortable? The face he makes when he Detects the Thing* Sheepy: Goro: You saw something? Sheepy: Crow: I see something! Sheepy: Crow: I see a door. Sheepy: Crow: I see a wall. Sheepy: Crow: I see a floor. Arsé-kun: Minato: *he nods, and reaches for his water* Sheepy: Goro:....So Crow is actually.... Sheepy: Goro: What kind of crime did you commit...? Sheepy: Crow:? Sheepy: Crow: I committed a crime? Arsé-kun: Minako: Don't angels have to commit a crime to fall? Sheepy: Crow: I don't remever committing a crime.... Sheepy: Crow: But... yes, they do. Sheepy: Crow: I never really thought about it! One day I was just thrown out. Sheepy: Crow: Well, thrown off is a better phrasing! Sheepy: Crow: Although... actually, angels can accidentally fall. Sheepy: Crow: Like if another angel pushes them off the edge. Arsé-kun: Minako: Hey, anyway, what show are you guys puttin' on? Sheepy: Crow: A musical! A romance! Sheepy: Crow: I am the Dark Lord! Sheepy: Crow: He's the hero who has to oppose me! I am after the heart of the Princess of Light! Sheepy: Crow: And so, we must fight to the death for her love! Sheepy: Goro:...Fight? Sheepy: Crow: Here, here, here! Sheepy: Crow: Watch! And learn! We recorded this video so that you could get an idea of what would be expected of you. Sheepy: Crow: *he hands his phone to Goro. Goro starts up the video. It's Crow in costume fighting another one of the musical actors! There's a lot of flipping and dodges. They're using swords. There's also fake tripping and dancing. Basically, it's very fancy.* Sheepy: Goro:...Uh. Arsé-kun: Minato: He's gonna need a stunt double. Sheepy: Crow:? Arsé-kun: Minato: I have never seen Goro here do a cartwheel on his own, let alone a flip. Sheepy: Crow: Well, now is time to learn! Sheepy: Crow: Stuntmen are cool, but if you rely on stunt doubles forever, you'll never improve at your weak points. Arsé-kun: Minato: I'd like to order a stunt triple for the gay. Sheepy: Crow: What's a gay? Arsé-kun: Minato: You really don't know? Sheepy: Crow: I can ask Cyan! Arsé-kun: Minato: I'm gonna tell him Sheepy: Goro: Please do. Arsé-kun: Minato: Us. *he pulls Goro down to kiss his cheek* Sheepy: Crow: So human beings? Sheepy: Crow: Is Yusuke a gay? Arsé-kun: *Tatsuya groans and actually explains what it means. The fun police is here* Sheepy: Crow: Oh, oh! I get it! Sheepy: Crow: Yes, the ShinganCrimsonZ fangirls say that! That I am "gay for Aion" and that "Cyan is blocking us". Arsé-kun: *in the bg, minako's trying to backflip off the wall. ass landing number seven* Sheepy: Crow:...Although, I never actually thought about what they were saying until now. Arsé-kun: Minato: *here comes the bad advice train* .. Clearly, the answer is kissing her in public. Sheepy: Crow: Would that actually fix things? Sheepy: Goro: Probably not. Arsé-kun: Minato: Nope. Sheepy: Crow: Anyway! Practice with me! Sheepy: Goro: Crow, I'm physically incapable of pulling those stunts. Sheepy: Crow:...Well, okay. Sheepy: Crow: ...Then to practice our lines? Sheepy: Goro: Alright, fine. Arsé-kun: *they head downstairs, before being stopped!* Arsé-kun: Katsuya: You're all going out..? Sheepy: Goro: Apparently. Sheepy: Crow: Gogo and I are on our way to grace the stage with our presence! To deliver our passion to the audience! Sheepy: Goro: Goro. Sheepy: Goro: Go-ro. Goro. Arsé-kun: Minako: I don't know, Gogo is pretty cute! Sheepy: Goro: But my name is Goro. Arsé-kun: Minako: Secret public name! Gogo. Sheepy: Goro: But... it doesn't fit me. Arsé-kun: Minako: Exactly! People won't know it's you! ... Or should we just surround you like usual? Sheepy: Goro: Please just surround me like usual. Arsé-kun: Minako: Got it! Sheepy: Goro: Thanks. Sheepy: Crow: Surround you? Why? Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: So he isn't harassed in public. Sheepy: Crow: Harassed in public? Sheepy: Crow: Fans surround me all the time in public. Sheepy: Crow: Is that what you mean? Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: That's exactly what we mean. Sheepy: Crow: I guess I can see why it'd be bothersome. Sheepy: Crow: They get in my way when I shop for groceries. Sheepy: Crow: I lost my bread because I threw it one way and ran the other. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: And you didn't just... Get new bread? Sheepy: Crow: I ran away so I could get home without fangirls seeing where I live. Arsé-kun: Minato: Rest in many pieces bread, 2017-2017. Sheepy: Crow:...Anyway, let's go. Arsé-kun: *they going get :P* Sheepy: *the moment crow emters the door, he gets into a pose* Sheepy: Crow: Bathed in flames the color of red lotus - I am Crow! Bow down to me! Sheepy: *from somewhere behind the stage curtain, there's a shout- or maybe singing?* Sheepy: ?: Cloaked in black, Aion, the black monster is here! Sheepy: *...a third person continhes it from another room, but it's so muffled and said so quickly that it's impossible to understand.* Arsé-kun: Cyan: Nyaaaaaa! *Crow gets slammed into by a cat maid on a gym scooter. guess you aren't finishing the line* Sheepy: Crow: Cyan! There you are! Arsé-kun: Cyan: I'm not wielding the weapon of masculinity! Rom's at work. Sheepy: Crow: Really? Sheepy: Crow: Then who will wield the weapon of masculinity? Arsé-kun: Cyan: I can try!! Sheepy: Crow: Wield the weapon of masculinity with passion! Arsé-kun: Cyan: *she poses... and then gives up* I'm no man! I can't do it! Sheepy: Crow: You've got a point. Sheepy: Crow: But we're incomplete without Rom.. Arsé-kun: Cyan: Oh, well! Join us! We're playing human bowling again! *she kicks the scooter back over to everyone else. someone resets the pins. very serious theater crew* Sheepy: Crow: Okay. We were going to practice though. Arsé-kun: Cyan: Go practice in the back! Maybe you can get Yaiba out of the cubboard again. Sheepy: Crow: *he goes to find Yaiba* Arsé-kun: Cyan: *she looks over the mystery crew* You guys are cuties!~♥ Did Crow bring you along today? Sheepy: Goro: Yes. Sheepy: Yu: I want to dance. Arsé-kun: Cyan: I already like you! Sheepy: Yu: Crow said that there would be dancing so I'm here. Arsé-kun: Minato: That's really the only reason you came..? Sheepy: Yu: Uh. Sheepy: Yu: No. Sheepy: Yu: I followed you guys because you're my friends. Sheepy: Goro: Will ShinganCrimsonZ be taking part of the musical or just Crow? Arsé-kun: Cyan: All four of them, nyaaa! Yaiba is still trying to convince everyone he's playing a tree, though.. Sheepy: Goro: That scares me. Arsé-kun: Cyan: Don't worry! Crow's the only one with a leading role! *she tilts her head* Are you Goro? Sheepy: Goro: I am. Apparently I'm the lead. Sheepy: Goro:...I can't sing nor dance, and apparently there's a fight scene at one point that requires a lot of gymnastics and sword skills... Sheepy: Goro: At least, Crow and his partner had swords. Arsé-kun: Cyan: I hope you're good at not talking for a long time! It's why Crow failed to get it! ... And we usually improv. the sword fight, so it's okay! Sheepy: Goro: I thought he was the villain because he looks like one. Arsé-kun: Cyan: That helped! Sheepy: Goro: I don't know if I can handle the role though... Arsé-kun: Cyan: The only way out is trading with Marie, and you'd have to crossdress for that! ... I think! Sheepy: Goro: I don't want to do that, nevermind Arsé-kun: a very distant marie: god damn it SSheepy: Goro: How long does it take to get Yaiba to come out? Arsé-kun: Cyan: Anywhere from a minute to an hour! Crow probably told him we have company, so I'd wager the longer side, nya! Sheepy: Goro: Well... Sheepy: Goro: That's nice... Arsé-kun: *in the background, someone busted out a tshirt gun* Sheepy: Goro: Oh no. Arsé-kun: Cyan: What? *she looks* Rosia, put that awa-- *she gets a tshirt to the face* nyaaaa Sheepy: Aion: The power of the weapon you behold terrifies the black monster... Sheepy: *Aion is hiding behind the curtains...* Arsé-kun: Rosia: Begone, monster! Thou taint my stage! *she loads the gun again, and fires in Aion's direction* Sheepy: *Aion backs off* Sheepy: Aion: The dark sun god has been bested... his holy territory has been corrupte- *he's cut off by crow screaming* Arsé-kun: Marie: Oh, what now? Did he trip on a wire? Are we getting a dramatic speech? Sheepy: *Crow goes silent.* Arsé-kun: *There's a good minute of awkward silence. Everyone looks at each other* Arsé-kun: Cyan: Crow..? Sheepy: *there's no reply.* Arsé-kun: Marie: Aion, go look! You're closer! Sheepy: Aion: *he peeks out from the curtain and then slowly approaches the room with Crow. he opens the door. a look of true horror spreads across his face. he's trembling...* Sheepy: Aion: Is... is she... ... Sheepy: Aion: The... the dark sun god has never seen anything so terrible.... Arsé-kun: Cyan: *her ears perk up* Aion? Do you need us? Arsé-kun: Cyan: .... I don't like that silence! Excuse me, everyone! *and she heads into the back. She bumps the door open, takes one look, and makes this unholy screeching noise* Arsé-kun: Cyan: *she stops screeching and* RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!! Arsé-kun: *The room smells of blood- Real blood, not fake blood. Crow is lying facedown on the floor, but the blood isn't his... It's someone else's. The aforementioned someone else has a large welt in her chest, as well as a large dent in her head. Without a single doubt, she's dead.* Sheepy: Aion: I-is she dead? Sheepy: Aion: Is the rodent dead? Sheepy: Goro: *he comes over* What was the scream abou- What happened?! Sheepy: Goro: Wait-- Crow was in here to get Yaiba, right? Maybe Yaiba saw something! Arsé-kun: *Yaiba is... still in the cuboard, uncontrollably sobbing* Sheepy: Goro: Are you okay? Are you hurt? Arsé-kun: *physically? Yaiba is fine. On the other hand, that could not have been good for his mental health* Sheepy: Goro: What do we do, do we call the police? Arsé-kun: Marie: Police? What's going on? Move it! Sheepy: *Aion moves* Arsé-kun: Marie: What the Fuck Arsé-kun: *everyone else shows up to look. it's getting crowded..* Sheepy: Goro: Don't touch anything. Sheepy: Goro: I'm going to call the police. Sheepy: Goro: Do I call for an ambulance, too...? Is Crow hurt? I can't tell. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Yes, absolutely. *he's looking everything over* Sheepy: Goro: *he calls 911* Hello? There's been a murder! Someone else may be hurt. He's knocked out! *he then goes through to describe where they are.* Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: *he goes into police student mode, and starts shooing everyone else away* We're going to need space here! Sheepy: Aion: *he exits* Arsé-kun: Cyan: Where's Yusu? We can't let him see this..! Sheepy: Goro: I haven't a clue. Sheepy: Goro: He has to find out, though. We can't say something like, "ah, she abandoned you". Arsé-kun: Cyan: Yeah, nyah! Just can't SEE it! Sheepy: Goro: Any ideas what to do if he shows up? Arsé-kun: Cyan: Chase him away! .. If he shows up, nyaaa! Sheepy: Goro: Crow and Yaiba most likely will become witnesses... hopefully they won't become suspects as well.... Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Too many of us heard Crow screaming. He's got an alibi. Sheepy: Goro: True... Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Yaiba, not so much.. But it sounds wildly out of character. Sheepy: Goro: The problem is, with how ShinganCrimsonZ speaks, they seem like delinquents. Arsé-kun: Cyan: They can break the act easily! Crow just... Doesn't? Sheepy: Goro: It's not about their actual personalities. Sheepy: Goro: To the general public, Yaiba seems like someone who is actually convinced that he is wielding a legendary sword and that his mission is to cleanse evil. Sheepy: Goro: When in actually he's just an introvert... otaku, is that the term? who plays video games too much. Arsé-kun: Cyan: True... We'll think of something, nya! Sheepy: Goro: It doesn't help any that Crow and Aion bicker often but Yaiba somehow always is damaged by their arguing. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Authorities won't know that unless it's mentioned. I doubt they care for a.. kei band like them. Sheepy: Goro: Let's not bring up anything that can incriminate him, then. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Right. Arsé-kun: Rosia: Who's gonna tell the boss..?? Sheepy: Goro: I can. Sheepy: *Goro goes to find Madarame.* Arsé-kun: *Madarame is sorting the props. Nobody else fucking does it* Sheepy: Goro: Boss! Something really bad happened. Yusuke's mother is dead and Crow has been knocked out! Arsé-kun: Madarame: She's what? Excuse me?! Sheepy: Goro: It looks like someone hit her over the head with a blunt object! I've called the police. They'll be here soon, but... Arsé-kun: Madarame: *he puts the props down* I'm coming! Lead the way. Sheepy: *Goro leads Madarame back to the murder scene* Arsé-kun: Madarame: Oh, this won't do at all! Sheepy: Crow: .....*he lets out a groan before shifting. seems like he's waking up.* Arsé-kun: Cyan: Crow! Sheepy: Crow: My head... Sheepy: Crow:...*he slowly sits up and stares at the dead body* Whh... ... It wasn't a dream... Sheepy: Crow:... ... Oi, Madarame! This is your place, so! Have you seen the guy who did this?! I'll give him a taste of my- *he ckutches his head* Ugh! Madarame: I've just been informed now. Now, be quiet. It'll do you good. Sheepy: Crow: Even when there's been a murder, you're telling me to shut up... ahh, I'm so dizzy... Sheepy: Crow: If I hadn't fallen, that man would'a never gotten away with it... Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Was it a man? Sheepy: Crow:... Sheepy: Crow:...I-I don't know. Sheepy: Crow: I'm not sure about anything...my head hurts so much... Sheepy: Goro: I wouldn't be surprised if you have a concussion. Don't push yourself too hard. Sheepy: Goro: Why aren't they here yet...? ... Ah, maybe... Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Maybe..? Sheepy: Goro: We know where Sherlock Holmes lives. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Oh! Sheepy: Goro: I could run down there and get him. Sheepy: Goro: You make sure the crime scene is left untouched other than by the police. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Of course. Sheepy: *Goro runs out.* Arsé-kun: *Minato runs after him. He's helping, too!* Sheepy: *Goro and Minato arrive at Sherlock's place! Goro knocks on the door.* Arsé-kun: Finis: *he gets it!* Good afternoon. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh, oh no. Arsé-kun: Finis: *he glances at Sheepy* How might we be able to help you? Sheepy: *a documentary about snails can be heard. the narrator has a slow, monotonous voice...Sherlock is napping. Apparently snails are boring.* Sheepy: Goro: There's been a murder and we need Mr. Holmes's help! Arsé-kun: Finis: Understood. *he pushes Sheepy* Go be of use. Sheepy: TV: While snails can have many babies per year, the snail population is partially controlled by the canabalistic tendencies of the snail. Upon hatching out of its egg, a snail may feast on its brothers and sisters, whether they have been hatched or not. Humans also have found snails to be delicious, with escargot and white caviar being considered delicacies. Sheepy: Sheepy: *he shakes Sherlock. no reaction. he shakes him more* Waaaake uuuuup. Sheepy: Sheepy: Wake up. Sheepy: Sheepy: Watson, you're magical! Someone's asking for Sherlock and he fell asleep because of snail facts. Wake him up, please! Sheepy: Goro: I'm sorry if we came at a bad time, but it's really important. Someone may have a concussion. Arsé-kun: Watson: So I've heard! *he turns the tv off, and prods Sherlock with his cane* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he opens his eyes groggily and in a half asleep voice speaks up* ...snails have no backbone, much like you... Arsé-kun: Watson: *he prods Sherlock harder* I'm hurt! Sheepy: Sherlock: *he groans and looks over at Watson. he blinks a few times* ... ... *seems like he's registered Watson's words because he snaps awake* Who hurt you?! I'll punch them out! Arsé-kun: Watson: You just told me I had no backbone. Now, up! You're needed! Sheepy: Sherlock: *he gets up* Arsé-kun: Watson: *he pushes Sherlock to the door, picking his things up along the way* Sheepy: Goro: Please follow us! Arsé-kun: Watson: We're right behind you. Sheepy: Sherlock: Eating snails can kill you. Arsé-kun: Watson: Thank you, Sherlock. Sheepy: Goro: *he leads them back to the theater* Arsé-kun: Cyan: Nyaaaaa! It doesn't make any sense! *she scratches her head* Sheepy: Crow: *he's more focused on his bottle of milk than anything* Arsé-kun: *Crow's been joined by another angsty looking fella* Sheepy: Crow: A fallen angel like me has been bested by a passionless murderer... Arsé-kun: Shadow: Could be worse. Sheepy: Crow: *he takes a sip of his milk* ... My head's killing me... Arsé-kun: Shadow: Then shut up. Sheepy: Crow:...Oi, oi, don't pick up the Old Man's act, now, get your own. Sheepy: Sherlock: Where's the body? Sheepy: Goro: Here, it's in this room. *Goro leads Sherlock to the dead body. do you want to check on the guy complaining about a headache or chrck on the dead body, Watson? Arsé-kun: *the body, duh* Sheepy: Sherlock: Well, it's a dead body. Arsé-kun: Watson: Gee! Sheepy: Sherlock: The death was by a blunt object, one hit to the head and the other to the chest. The one to the head most likely came first and once she had collapsed, the murderer hit her chest in a downward arc to make sure the deed had been done. Sheepy: Sherlock: We can assume that the killer used a long blunt object, such as a bat or shovel. Arsé-kun: Watson: Solid so far, but we were told about the other- The one who was also attacked. What do you make of that? Sheepy: Sherlock: There's one of two possibilities. Arsé-kun: Watson: Go on! Sheepy: Sherlock: First - he was a witness who had to be silenced. Second - he was the intended victim but the woman got in the way. Sheepy: Sherlock: We can deduce that he was attacked last. Sheepy: Sherlock: She was hit twice while he was only hit once. If the killer had time, they most likely would have done him in. Sheepy: Sherlock: Him being the intended target is much more likely due to the rivalrous and hostile relationships that can grow within theater environments. Sheepy: Sherlock: Although, that's only a guess. Sheepy: Sherlock: Don't take my word for it. Give me time to find evidence to back up or modify my theories. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Hold on. There's a detail we overlooked. Sheepy: Sherlock: What? Arsé-kun: Watson: The boy came in here for something, yes? *he lightly taps the cupboard* Sheepy: Sherlock: What's important about a cupboard? Arsé-kun: Watson: Not the object. Inside. *he bends down to open it..* Sheepy: Sherlock: Unless the cups are witnesses, I doubt they tell much of a story. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: !!! *he tries to back away, but can't. He looks absolutely terrified* Sheepy: Sherlock: There's someone inside? Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo! I'm Sherlock Holmes, a detective. No need to panic. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... *he realizes Sherlock Probably wasn't listening the entire time. Probably.* Sheepy: *Sherlock wasn't. He was thinking about snails.* Arsé-kun: Yaiba: But.. Crow... Miss Kitagawa! Are they okay?? This shouldn't have happened, hence..! Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm sorry to inform you, but the woman is dead. The delinquent kid seems to have a head injury but is fine otherwise. Sheepy: Sherlock: Do you know who attacked the two? Arsé-kun: Yaiba: If I'd known this would happen, I'd-- I didn't see it very clearly, hence, I can't say. They were taller than Crow... Sheepy: Sherlock:...Well, that isn't a high hurdle to jump, but it rules out all of the females. Arsé-kun: Watson: That we've seen so far, anyways. Sheepy: Sherlock: Goro, who was with you at the time of the murder? Sheepy: Goro: My group and Cyan. Rosia, Marie, and Aion were on the stage. Yaiba was in here, along with Crow and Mrs. Kitagawa. Boss was sorting the props, unaware of what had taken place. Sheepy: Sherlock: But was he with you? Sheepy: Goro:...No. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'd like to ask him a few questions then. Where is your boss? Sheepy: Goro: *He points Sherlock to Madarame. Sherlock goes to speak with him.* Arsé-kun: *Madarame is out front with everyone else!* Arsé-kun: Madarame: *he looks. extremely unhappy.* Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo! I am Sherlock Holmes, a detective. Can I speak with you for a moment? Arsé-kun: Madarame: Certainly. Sheepy: Sherlock: Can you recount what you were doing at the time of the murder? If you saw or heard anything out of the ordinary? Arsé-kun: Madarame: I was.. In the prop room. The children had fetched a few things to toy with on stage, and had left behind a mess. I was cleaning it up when I heard the scream, but I was under the belief Crow was merely being dramatic as always. I did not leave the room until I was personally told what had occurred. Sheepy: Sherlock: I see. Arsé-kun: Madarame: I do apologize for not being very helpful. Sheepy: Sherlock: No. It helps. Sheepy: Sherlock: Are you aware of anyone who has a grudge against him? Sheepy: Sherlock: That delinquent I mean. Arsé-kun: Madarame: Many of us get annoyed at his antics, but not a grudge or hatred. So, unfortunately not. Sheepy: Sherlock: I see. Sheepy: Sherlock: Are you aware of anyone who has a grudge against the victim? Arsé-kun: Madarame: Against Sayuri? Certainly not. Sheepy: Sherlock: Against you, then? Arsé-kun: Madarame: Me?? Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't mean to delve into anything personal, but you're his boss. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm told that he's one of the main characters of your ucoming production, meaning that it may have been an attempt to put wrench in the works Sheepy: Sherlock: So, does anyone have a grudge against you? Arsé-kun: Madarame: I know some people that dislike that I got this job over them, but not to the extent of a grudge, I believe. Sheepy: Sherlock: I see. Sheepy: Sherlock: Thank you. This has been helpful. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll investigate the scene more clearly. Arsé-kun: Madarame: Please do. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he goes to investigate the scene further.* Arsé-kun: Watson: *he watches Sherlock leave, then goes to check Crow on his own. Perhaps do his OWN investigation* Sheepy: Crow: *he looks up at Watson* ..'re you a doctor? Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes, I am. Sheepy: Crow: My head hurts a lot. Sheepy: Crow: I feel a little dizzy though Arsé-kun: Watson: Understandable. Sheepy: Crow: Am I okay? Arsé-kun: Watson: I'll tell you after I get a good look at it. Sheepy: Crow:...Okay. *he puts his bottle of milk down Sheepy: Crow: I'm ready whenever, Doc. Something like this can't kill a fallen angel like me, but my head is kiling me and I'm really dizzy so if you could fix that, I'd appreciate it. Sheepy: Crow: *he gives Watson a curious look* ...You look a little familiar... Arsé-kun: Watson: I get that a lot. *it is doctor hour!* Arsé-kun: *Shadow watches carefully. He's visibly on edge about this entire matter, but trying to play it cool* Sheepy: Crow: *he sits still* Have I seen you before? Arsé-kun: Watson: You're far more likely to know about Sherlock than I. The possibility remains, nevertheless. Sheepy: Crow: You have a twitter right? Arsé-kun: Cyan: Is it your daughter that's running the account? Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes, and yes. Sheepy: Crow: The icon was a calico cat so I checked to see if there were any cat pictures. Arsé-kun: Cyan: There were! Insta-followed, nyaaa! Sheepy: Crow: I followed because I saw cat pictures but I saw you and that detective in a few of them Sheepy: Crow: I didn't really pay attention to them except the cat was in a few of the pictures, which is why I remembered them. Sheepy: Crow: What's the cat's name? Arsé-kun: Watson: Wagahai. Sheepy: Crow: Oh, that's a cute name. Sheepy: Crow: Do you recognize me? Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Somewhat. Sheepy: Crow: Really??? Arsé-kun: Watson: Now that it's been mentioned, I do recall Iris being friendly with someone with your likeness. Sheepy: Crow: I'm told I'm not easily forgettable. Arsé-kun: Shadow: I wonder why. Sheepy: Crow: I never thought to ask anyone. Sheepy: Crow: Is my head okay? Arsé-kun: Watson: The wound is small, so it's of no worries. I'd suggest resting and recovering.. Sheepy: Crow: For how long? Arsé-kun: Watson: ... To keep it short, until you feel better. Sheepy: Crow:...Alright, fine. Sheepy: Crow: Who do you think killed her? Sheepy: Crow: You're a detective doctor, aren't you? So you can solve murders too? Arsé-kun: Watson: You're asking me? ... I don't know. What I do know is who it wasn't. Sheepy: Crow: Who? Sheepy: Crow: You? Sheepy: Crow: The detective? Arsé-kun: Watson: I know it wasn't any of the kids I see out here, or myself, or Sherlock. Sheepy: Crow: No one would've hurt her. I can't understand it. Arsé-kun: Watson: It's very hard to, I'll admit that. Sheepy: Crow: Do you understand it? Arsé-kun: Watson: Sometimes? Arsé-kun: Watson: It depends on many things. Arsé-kun: Watson: Psychological things, social things, etc. Sheepy: Crow: Huh... Sheepy: Crow:...Either way, everyone but the Old Man had a witness, and the Old Man wouldn't have done it. Sheepy: Crow: It must have been someone else I don't know... Arsé-kun: Watson: You think he didn't? ... You may be right. Your friend described the attacker as taller than the females, and your boss... Almost isn't. Sheepy: Crow: So it must've been a mysterious third party! Arsé-kun: Watson: .. Or anyone else working here. Sheepy: Crow: Hmm.. Maybe. Sheepy: Crow: I don't know everyone who works here. Arsé-kun: Shadow: None of us do. Sheepy: Crow: Yeah. Sheepy: Crow: So it may be one of them. Arsé-kun: Watson: m-hm. Sheepy: Crow: We won't know until that detective comes back though. Arsé-kun: Watson: I wonder what he's up to. Arsé-kun: *so what's sherlock up to?* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he opens a cabinet* Arsé-kun: *it's full of costumes!* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he moves the costumes to see if anyone is behind them* Arsé-kun: *there is not.* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he closes the cabinet and opens the cupboard* Arsé-kun: *it's got some small props, Yaiba, and other miscellaneous stuff. None big enough to do damage.* Sheepy: Sherlock: Can you show me to the prop room? Sheepy: Sherlock: I've just about finished in here. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: *he still looks as shocked as before* Oh! I can, hence, I will! *he VERY quickly exits the room, and waits for Sherlock before running off* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he follows Yaiba* Arsé-kun: *they arrive! ... Not everything is as it was prior.* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he begins looking around* Arsé-kun: Yaiba: It's the legend of messy in here! Sheepy: Sherlock: Your boss does quite the job sorting things. Only he could find something specific in here. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: it's not usually like this, hence, not at all! Did everyone really tear it apart before? Sheepy: Sherlock:...Hullo! Hold that thought. *he puts his goggles over his eyes and presses the camera button on them. zooms in. takes more pics* It's just as I suspected. I have my doubts that that is fake blood. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: Where?! Sheepy: Sherlock: It's tucked away where it can't easily be seen. *he gestures to a prop shovel! ... it's got blood on it...* Arsé-kun: Yaiba: A shovel doesn't belong in here, hence, it's not ours. ... Maybe? Boss would at least bother putting it with the other gardening tools.. Sheepy: Sherlock: You're forgetting one little thing! Arsé-kun: Yaiba: Groceries? Sheepy: Sherlock: Your boss was sorting the props at the time. Sheepy: Sherlock:...Meaning. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: I was in the cupboard! How would I know that? Sheepy: Sherlock: He is the one who put the bloody shovel here. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: But what if he wasn't? Hence, you're probably right, but.. Sheepy: Sherlock: He would've seen them then. Sheepy: Sherlock:...However, there is the possibility of a third party. Sheepy: Sherlock: For now, I'll display my photos to the group and ask if they have any clues as to the owner or not. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he exits the room* What way was it again... Arsé-kun: Yaiba: It was that way, sir..! Sheepy: Sherlock: Thank you! Sheepy: *Sherlock heads back to the group* Arsé-kun: Marie: --- And that's both why Crow is banned from the microwave forever, and why he didn't get paid for the first month. Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo, everyone! Arsé-kun: Watson: Oh, there you are! Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't mean to cause any alarm, but I have a suspect. Sheepy: Crow: Do ya?! Lemme at 'em! I'll make them taste my crimson fist- Sheepy: Sherlock: Based off of the evidence I've collected so far, the most likely suspect is your boss, Madarame. . Arsé-kun: Cyan: Noooooo! He would never!! *she looks upset* Sheepy: Crow: You're some third rate detective, aren't'cha?! Sheepy: Sherlock: However. Arsé-kun: Watson: We'd already discussed here that he would not do it. Carry on. Sheepy: Sherlock: With the possibility of a faceless third party being present in this case, I can't say that it's definite. Sheepy: Sherlock: I found the murder weapon in the prop room, where he was after the crime had been committed. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: *he really wants to say something.... he frowns, then strikes a pose* I'd like to ask a question! Was the prop room as messy as it is now, or is this some legend of debauchery? Sheepy: Sherlock: "Would not" and "could not" are two very different things, Watson... Sheepy: Goro: ...Messy? Sheepy: Goro: It wasn't messy... Arsé-kun: Watson: Fair, but the aforementioned height comment was also t- *Watson pauses for a second* It wasn't? Sheepy: Goro: No, it wasn't. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Hum. Perhaps we should find him again, Holmes? Sheepy: Sherlock: He's suspiciously not present. Sheepy: Sherlock: This makes me want to find him even more... Arsé-kun: Marie: If he did it, kick his ass. Sheepy: Crow: He didn't! Arsé-kun: Marie: Shut up. Sheepy: Crow:...Fine. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he heads off to find Madarame* Sheepy: Sherlock: Where could he be... Sheepy: Sherlock:... ... Ah-ah! Ah! That's no good! Sheepy: Sherlock: Watson! I found him! He's hurt! Arsé-kun: Watson: What!! Sheepy: Sherlock: He's over here! Arsé-kun: *Watson joins Sherlock! Madarame is indeed hurt, clutching his side. He's bleeding.* Sheepy: Sherlock: You brought your medical kit, right? Arsé-kun: Watson: Of course I did! Sheepy: Sherlock: Good! I should tell the others, but I don't want to leave you alone, so... Arsé-kun: Watson: Use your phone. Sheepy: Sherlock: Do I know any of their numbers? Arsé-kun: Watson: ... That's a fair counterpoint Sheepy: Sherlock: They can find out later. I'm staying with you. Arsé-kun: *watson goes to look at the wound* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he watches* Arsé-kun: *it's shallow and already stopped bleeding. he easily patches it up. it was very hastily done* Arsé-kun: *the wound was, i mean* Sheepy: Sherlock: Hmm... Sheepy: Sherlock: This wasn't an attempt to kill, that much was obvious, so... Sheepy: Sherlock: Did you see your attacker? Arsé-kun: Madarame: Yes. Sheepy: Sherlock: Who were they? Arsé-kun: Madarame: Judging by the outfit, part of the lighting crew. Judging by the face, I don't know. Mask. Sheepy: Sherlock: I see... Sheepy: Sherlock: The lighting crew - are any of them new employees? Also, what does the outfit look like? Arsé-kun: Madarame: They're all new: They're all local hires. The outfit is all blue. Navy, specifically. Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay, thank you, that helps. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'd like to bring you back to the main group before trying to find your attacker. Arsé-kun: Madarame: Please. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he picks up Madarame and heads back* Sheepy: Crow: *he is tapping his foot and looks downright miserable* There you are, Third-Rate Detective- *he looks over* Old Man?! Who did that to you? *he quickly gets up* I'll rough 'em up! Sheepy: Aion: For a rodent your size, you've got a surprisingly large presence, and you'll be at a great disadvantage due to your inability to use stealth or detect those who are sneaking up on you. Sheepy: Crow: Only losers jump people, Wimpion! And what's that comment supposed to mean, huh?! I'm not small! I lost a few inches when I fell, gosh! Arsé-kun: Shadow: *he rolls his eyes and pulls Crow back down* sheep: Crow: I can handle anyone! Arsé-kun: Shadow: And I'm the king of space. sheep: Crow: A fallen angel can't be taken down that easily! Arsé-kun: Shadow: Oops. Just did. sheep: Crow: *he pouts* I want to give them a piece of my mind! Arsé-kun: Shadow: How much is a piece? You don't have much to give. sheep: Crow: What's that supposed to mean?! Arsé-kun: Shadow: It means the wheel's spinning, but the hamster's dead! sheep: Crow: Does that mean I'm stupid? Arsé-kun: Shadow: Maybe! sheep: Crow: I'm not stupid! I just don't know a lot yet! I'm still learning... sheep: Crow: I don't get a lot of things yet. Don't make fun of me over it. sheep: *So Sherlock and Watson hunt for the dude* Arsé-kun: *hows that going* sheep: *Eventually they find the dude* Arsé-kun: *and kick his ass?* sheep: *yes* Arsé-kun: *good* sheep: *Sherlock brings him back to the group* Arsé-kun: Shadow: This the punk who did it? sheep: Sherlock: Seems so. sheep: Crow: Why'd you do it?! Arsé-kun: *they don't seem to want to answer.* Arsé-kun: Shadow: Hey, Crow. Wanna give em a piece of your mind? sheep: Crow: *he stands up and nails them in the stomach with his fist* Arsé-kun: Shadow: *he joins in, socking them in the face* Sheepy: Crow: Now will you speak up, huh?! Spit it out! Why'd you do it? Arsé-kun: *they do finally explain it was easy- firm dislike, firm dislike, a nice, long grudge, and firm dislike* Sheepy: Crow: ..What? For whom? Sheepy: Crow: Only one of us had to get involved, right? So what's the point of dragging everyone else in?! If you were fair about it, you'd fight them fair and square! Besides, you chose this job, didn't'cha? What's the point of getting a job with someone you hate?! Arsé-kun: *That's all you're getting from them, Crow.* Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll bring them into the police station, anyway. They'll deal with the rest. Sheepy: Sherlock: As for the loss of a friend, I'm sorry that I couldn't prevent it. *he's visibly awkward* Arsé-kun: Watson: Sherlock, we weren't here until after. Of course we couldn't.. We did what we could.. Sheepy: Sherlock: I know. Sheepy: Sherlock: Anyway, let's get going. Arsé-kun: Watson: Right. Sheepy: *Sherlock hastily leaves with the man* Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Bit harsh, calling him third-rate? Sheepy: Crow: Accusing someone who very clearly is innocent doesn't give me any confidence in his abilities! Sheepy: Crow: Throwing around claims and accusations only gets people hurt. Even if it was just a mere suggestion, the power of suggestion is a powerful thing. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: ... I feel like you don't know anything about deductive reasoning. Sheepy: Crow: All I know is that I fell because I was blamed for something I didn't do. Sheepy: Crow: I haven't a clue what the punishment for murder is, but it's probably as bad as the pain I had to go through. Sheepy: Aion: The Rodent didn't intend to insult. Like a hedgehog he can be quite... prickly. *he laughs* Arsé-kun: Watson: That's fair. Sheepy: Aion: Now! Leave the dark sun god's temple if you wish to catch up with your companion! Sheepy: Aion: Like the black monster on days with discount curry, he was walking hastily. Arsé-kun: Marie: Hey, you don't own the place! Sheepy: Aion: However! The dark sun god is present, meaning that it is his temple! Sheepy: Crow: I'm not staying in the temple devoted to a false god. Sheepy: Aion: Do not speak such insults about the dark sun god, Rodent! To the black monster, you are but a puny mouse! Sheepy: *watson walks out as aion and crow fight each other with prop weapons in the background* Arsé-kun: Marie: Do you two ever give it a rest?? Sheepy: Crow: I'm not puny! Sheepy: Crow: He has no right to judge me! He can't talk without posing with his hand in front on his face... Arsé-kun: Yaiba: Uh, guys? We still have to, uh, clean that up, hence.. Sheepy: Crow:......Oh. Sheepy: Crow: But... Sheepy: Crow: Is it... legal to? I don't get these human laws! Arsé-kun: Cyan: Probably! Sheepy: Crow:...Okay. Sheepy: Crow: *he looks doubtful* Arsé-kun: Marie: We can't just leave it there! Sheepy: Crow: Right, because Yusuke might find it. Sheepy: Crow:...Should I help clean it up...? Arsé-kun: Marie: Yes! Sheepy: Crow:...Okay. Sheepy: Crow: If I start to feel dizzy again I'll sit. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: You guys take care of it. I'll wait here. Sheepy: Aion: Are you sure you don't want someone to stay with you? Arsé-kun: Yaiba: Can the black god stay to watch his temple? Sheepy: Aion: *he nods* Sheepy: Aion: Yes. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: Wonderful. sheep: Crow: *he shoots Yaiba a concerned look* sheep: Aion: Rodent! Your duty lies elsewhere! That is, unless Yaiba wants you to stay as well. Arsé-kun: Shadow: He's staying. *he pushes Crow back down* Helping isn't resting, you little shit. Sheepy: Crow: ...Alright, I guess. Arsé-kun: *a brief pause as everyone else goes to help* Sheepy: Crow: Are you alright, Yaiba? Arsé-kun: Yaiba: ..... no. Sheepy: Crow: ...I'm sorry you had to witness that. Sheepy: Crow: I didn't notice that man. Sheepy: Crow: I should've. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: I'm sorry I didn't warn you in time!! Sheepy: Aion: The dark sun god thinks there's no point reflecting on the past and thinking, "If I had just done this," or "If I had just done that." Arsé-kun: *Yaiba buries his face in Aion's hair* Sheepy: Aion: *he doesn't seem bothered by this* Sheepy: Crow: *he awkwardly hugs Yaiba. He's doing his best to do this comfort thing.* Arsé-kun: *this happens to be the moment Rom rushes in. He's done with work! The truest broman is here.* Sheepy: Aion: Rom! Sheepy: Aion: A murder happened. Sheepy: Aion: Do you know where Yusuke is? Arsé-kun: Rom: Nope! Sheepy: Aion:...I see. Sheepy: Aion: Yusuke's mother was murdered. The Rodent was assaulted. The black monster's tamer has been wounded, but not severely. Yaiba witnessed the murder and the moment that the Rodent was assaulted. Arsé-kun: Rom: *he frowns and pats Yaiba's back while looking at Crow* How badly were you hurt? Sheepy: Crow: I'll be fine. Something like this can't kill me. Sheepy: Crow:...Besides, a doctor looked at it and in Yaiba's games you go to the doctor and you're automatically healthy! Arsé-kun: *and the cleanup crew gets there* Arsé-kun: Minako: --Like I said, though, you guys don't have to! It'll probably be all weird and awkward! Sheepy: Goro: Gosh... it feels so wrong. Arsé-kun: Minako: Of course it does! Sheepy: Goro: I don't think I can do it.. Arsé-kun: Minato: That's fine. We'll do the clean up, like always. Sheepy: Goro: I clean up too. Arsé-kun: Minato: You do, but me and sis tend to the most. Sheepy: Goro:...True. Sheepy: Goro:...*he seems to be lost in thought* Sheepy: Yu: I came to dance and a murder happened. Arsé-kun: Minato: Fate just doesn't want you dancing. You're too powerful. Sheepy: Yu: Yeah. Sheepy: Goro:...On the way here, I kept thinking... "Ah, I hope it's cancelled. I can't see how I could function in such a different setting..." Sheepy: Goro:...Do you think this is life's way of granting my selfish wish? Arsé-kun: Cyan: Cancelling?! Nyaaaa?? Sheepy: Goro: Crow managed to get me a main role. I don't think he realized it at the time, but... Sheepy: Goro: I can't sing nor dance and I use a stunt double. Sheepy: Goro: He seemed convinced that that was me. Sheepy: Goro: I was dragged into the role by him. I didn't ask for it. Arsé-kun: Cyan: Oh, it's a-okay! We change the script all the time, nyaaa! You can summon backup dancers! Sheepy: Goro: There's a fight scene between him and me, right? Arsé-kun: Cyan: Choreographed! He likes to be fancy, but we can keep it niiiice and simple! Sheepy: Goro: He could damage me badly if he hits me the wrong way. I can't keep up with him. Arsé-kun: Cyan: It doesn't matter how fast anyone is if it's choreographed, nya! Sheepy: Goro: I know, it's just... I'm worried I can't do it right. Arsé-kun: Cyan: It'll be okay! Sheepy: Goro:...I don't think so. Arsé-kun: *Cyan seems deep in thought..* Arsé-kun: Cyan: I know!! This iteration of the MC can be a pacifist! Sheepy: Goro:...Really? That could work. Arsé-kun: Cyan: We had a year where the MC was in a wheelchair and had assistants! So, yes! Sheepy: Goro: I see. Sheepy: Goro: Hopefully Crow will understand that and... not get too action-oriented. Sheepy: Goro: I never knew anyone could backflip in heels let alone go through an entire sword-fighting scene in them. The thought of facing him even in a choreographed setting terrifies me. Arsé-kun: Cyan: Yep, yep! Sheepy: Goro: How difficult does he make things? I've had very little interaction with him on the stage. Arsé-kun: Cyan: He's not bad unless he's with me or his band members! Sheepy: Goro: ...Thank goodness... Sheepy: Goro: I've seen his performances before and how he calls his fans cattle. I wasn't sure if that was accurate to how he is during practice... since even off stage he's overdramatic and loud. Sheepy: Goro: But if he's at least calm during practice, it won't be a huge struggle. Sheepy: Goro:...Although it may tick off any people who aren't Crow fangirls to be called cattle, so maybe we should ask him not to do that. Sheepy: *When they get to the crime scene, Yusuke is already there. He looks downright horrified.* Sheepy: Yusuke: Mom...? Arsé-kun: Minato: ... that's not good. Sheepy: Yusuke: *he's silent. he's still processing what he's looking at.* Sheepy: Yusuke: ...What happened... Arsé-kun: Marie: A lot. The idiot that did it already got caught. Sheepy: Yusuke: ... Arsé-kun: Cyan: Come on, Yusu-kun! *she grabs and pulls on his arm* Sheepy: *Yusuke lets himself get dragged* Arsé-kun: *Yusuke.exe needs to reboot* Sheepy: Goro: What should we do about it? Arsé-kun: Minako: Him, or this? Sheepy: Goro: Him and this. Arsé-kun: Minako: Uh! sheep: Goro: ...Should we just focus on cleaning up and give him time? Arsé-kun: Minako: Yyyeah! Arsé-kun: *SO MEANWHILE BACK OUT FRONT WHERE IT CLEARLY MATTERS* Arsé-kun: Rom: -- So, after the third consecutive text from Aion reading "The black monster requires your presence", no punctuation, no caps, I left work early and came here. sheep: Crow: You sure your position will be okay? Arsé-kun: Rom: Yeah, I said there was important business. sheep: Crow: That's good. Arsé-kun: Rom: Also! *he pulls his bag to the front* I bought everyone drinks! Sheepy: Aion: The dark sun god is pleased with your offering. Arsé-kun: *Rom proceeds to pull out a cooler. Rom. why?* Sheepy: Crow: How'd you get that in your bag? Arsé-kun: Rom: Manliness and a deal with a devil. Sheepy: Crow: Wow. Arsé-kun: Rom: *he opens it, and hands Crow a bottle of milk* For you. Arsé-kun: *Rom next hands Yaiba and Aion chocolate milk. :Dc* Sheepy: Aion: The dark sun god will deliver a blessing unto you in the near future in return for your sacrifice. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: Thank you!! Arsé-kun: *This is followed by Rom taking out a bottle of strawberry milk, and using his teeth to rip off the plastic. He then opens it. With his teeth. Like a REAL MAN* Sheepy: Crow: *he seems pleased with the milk. he is a happy fallen angel* Sheepy: Crow:...To think that that guy thought he could kill a fallen angel like me...Hah! Arsé-kun: Rom: I'm fairly certain he believed you were bluffing. Sheepy: Crow: D'you think I'm bluffing?? Arsé-kun: Rom; Certainly not. I've seen the feathers. Sheepy: Crow: Great! Arsé-kun: *yusukun.exe has experienced a fatal error/bsod and needs to reboot. Cyan is not making much progress. ANYWAY* Sheepy: Crow: If he had hit me in the back, though, it might've actually really hurt me. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: You were in a legend of hurt, though! Sheepy: Crow:...True. Sheepy: Crow: My head still hurts but the milk is helping. Arsé-kun: Rom: This should help, too. *he takes out another milk and puts it against Crow's head* Sheepy: Crow: Thank you. Arsé-kun: Rom: Anytime, pal. Sheepy: Crow: I was thinking about a new song but I don't know how I should feel about today or how long I should keep mourning and putting off finishing it. Arsé-kun: Rom: Do it today. Sheepy: Crow: Okay. Sheepy: Crow: I don't know where I put my bag but it's in there... Arsé-kun: Rom: We can find it soon. Sheepy: Crow: Okay... Arsé-kun: *in the distance, the police finally bother helping. like, cleaning up and shit.* Sheepy: *thank goodness* Arsé-kun: *featuring tatsuya bossing them around like he's their boss. the best part is they're LISTENING.* Sheepy: *Terrifying* Arsé-kun: *yea* Sheepy: Crow: I wish people would listen to me and take me seriously. Arsé-kun: Rom: ... I wouldn't recommend this, but you could show them.. Sheepy: Crow: I cant. Sheepy: Crow: It hurts. Arsé-kun: Rom: I did say I didn't recommend it. Sheepy: Crow: Right... Sheepy: Crow: Why don't people believe me??? Arsé-kun: Rom: Most people don't really believe in angels and demons. It's like how nobody asks why Cyan meows, but we know why. Sheepy: Crow: I think it's cute anyway. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: [tweeting] This just in, Crow called @10LivesCyan cute! <3 The legend of girls continues! Sheepy: Aion: Don't let the rodent see that. Sheepy: Crow:...See what? What did you do, Yaiba???? Arsé-kun: Yaiba: [tweeting] Rom brought everyone drinks! #manliestman *attached image of the cooler* Sheepy: Crow: Yaiba, I'm scared. What'd you say? Arsé-kun: Yaiba: I said the legend continues! Sheepy: Crow: What legend??? Arsé-kun: Yaiba: The one where I probably get punched! Sheepy: Crow: *he takes out his phone and goes tocheck twitter* Yaiba what did you do??? Why do I have so many more notifications than I usually do... ... You jerk! Arsé-kun: Rom: [tweeting] #fallenangelcrow wanted for punching #thelegendofyaiba. more at 4 Sheepy: Crow: Humans are vindictive and jealous creatures! They'll go after you if you advertise an interest in someone else! Or they'll go after that person... Sheepy: Crow: I get tons of messages every day asking if I'm gay for you, Aion, or Rom and only today did I learn what gay meant. Arsé-kun: Yaiba: We could have told you what it meant..! Sheepy: Crow: Well the answer is no, I'm not. It'd be sinful and creepy to have a romantic interest for a family member. Arsé-kun: *A tweet from Cyan pops up! It reads "Aw, thanks, #fallenangelcrow ! You're still the best angel I know! Nya~"* Sheepy: Crow: [tweet] @10LivesCyan I'm 1 room away you don't need to tweet at me. But I feel the same way Sheepy: Aion: Social media is an unholy place in which the dark sun god can take few steps. He understands Tweeters and Tombles very little. Sheepy: Crow: You're doing better than that detective from earlier at least. A few days ago he posted the words "fish tongue" woth no context. Sheepy: Crow: Speaking of him, he just posted again with the words, "cannibalistic snail"... Arsé-kun: Yaiba: Is it... Is it shitposting, or...? Sheepy: Crow: I don't think so. Sheepy: Crow: He didn't seem like the type. Sheepy: Crow: He's posted a few attempts at trying to google avocado. Sheepy: Crow: It seems more like technological incompetence. Sheepy: Aion: The dark sun god is not technologically incompetent. The black monster's cage had very little in the way of technology, but he has now broken free. Arsé-kun: *A tweet from Watson pops up! It says "I'm sorry for Sherlock's whatever but I'm leaving those. He was watching documentaries. Also the goofing off about avocados- leaving it."* Sheepy: Crow: Well, it's not a mystery now Arsé-kun: Yaiba: Ask him for more cat pictures!! Sheepy: Aion: The black monster demands a lesson as to use Tweeter one day. Sheepy: Aion: Fail to fulfill the black monster's request and you will surely perish. Sheepy: Crow: [Tweet] @magicalgirliris Wagahai pics please Arsé-kun: Rom: Write. Post. Profit. Arsé-kun: *Wagahai pictures are posted. Sisi is in the shot. Tom is also in the shot.* Sheepy: Crow: [Tweet] @10LivesCyan look at @magicalgirliris 's cat pics Sheepy: Aion: The black monster doesn't understand. Sheepy: Aion: Then why do you a sign? Why do you pound sign? Arsé-kun: Rom: The At sign is so the message is directed to someone. The pound, or hashtag, is for, well, tags. Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] @magicalgirliris OHMYGOSH TELL HIM I LOVE HIM Sheepy: Aion: What is a tag? Arsé-kun: Rom: It's for sorting, or trends, or searches. Sheepy: Aion: The black monster sees the truth now. Sheepy: Crow: [Tweet] Aion is learning about twitter. Will the fourth ShinganCrimsonZ member actually join? Arsé-kun: *crow IMMEDIATELY gets like 500 likes and replies. how does he survive* Sheepy: Crow: [Tweet] I don't know and it scares me. Sheepy: Aion: The dark sun god wants to test it out. Sheepy: Crow: You need to make an account first..... Sheepy: Aion: The dark sun god needs no identity except for his own. Sheepy: Crow: Didn't you make up your own identity as the dark sun god...? You are by every definition of the word human. Sheepy: Aion: *he looks shocked* Sheepy: Aion: N-no. I am the black monster Aion... sheep: Aion: I am no mere powerless human. sheep: Crow: Oh shoot, I think I broke him. He's talking in first person now. Arsé-kun: Rom: You're not, but a lot are. Arsé-kun: Rom: And yes, Crow, you're going to give a perfectly good Aion anxiety, the shame. sheep: Aion: .......... sheep: Crow: I thought he was saying it to imitate my fallen angel thing... sheep: Crow: I didn't know he was being serious. sheep: Aion: The dark sun god has decided that your comment was but a joke. Sheepy: Crow: What a blessing. *Meanwhile, Sherlock and Watson have dropped the criminal off* Watson: .... You know, Holmes, I don't think you should take today's insults to heart. The boy was traumatized and concussed- I don't think everything he was saying was coming out properly. sheep: Sherlock: He's not wrong, though. sheep: Sherlock: It doesn't bother me too much. He's just some stranger. Harley... isn't. sheep: Sherlock: When I say he isn't wrong, I don't mean I want compliments or sympathy. I just mean... In many ways I am third-rate, meaning that I just need to improve at them. Like my inability to memorize things or keep thoughts in my head for a long time. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... This is true. However, that doesn't make you third rate, does it? At least you try your best. Sheepy: Sherlock: ...You're right, thank you. Arsé-kun: Watson: Quite welcome. *he seems pleased* Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Was there anything else you wanted to do today, or shall we return home? Sheepy: Sherlock: I want to return home and sleep more. I actually heard something very interesting... I think it was today? Sheepy: Sherlock: Snails have one foot... but no legs. Sheepy: Sherlock: ...Snails disgust me. Arsé-kun: Watson: Thank you for this information about snails. Sheepy: Sherlock: Centipedes are very greedy, too. If they were generous insects, every snake would have a pair of legs. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Sherlock, then snakes would just be long lizards. Sheepy: Sherlock: ...What? Arsé-kun: Watson: Snakes with legs would just be lizards. Sheepy: Sherlock: .................... Sheepy: Sherlock: What........... Sheepy: Sherlock: Then.............................. Sheepy: Sherlock: If a lizard loses its legs.... it'll just be a snake? Arsé-kun: Watson: I guess? I don't know much about snakes. Sheepy: Sherlock: Snakes are long and gross. Arsé-kun: Watson: Well, okay. Sheepy: Sherlock: Snakes like milk. Arsé-kun: Watson: Do they, now? sheep: Sherlock: Yes. You can bribe them with milk. Arsé-kun: Watson: Huh. I never knew that. sheep: Sherlock: Snakes like music. Arsé-kun: Watson: Is that why snake charmers are a thing? sheep: Sherlock: Yes. sheep: Sherlock: They don't have ears but they can hear. sheep: Sherlock: Snakes are.... ... ... avocado, I was supposed to remember something about avocados. sheep: Sherlock: ...What IS an avocado???? Arsé-kun: Watson: .... It's... an avocado? sheep: Sherlock: But what are they? sheep: Sherlock: An animal? Arsé-kun: Watson: It's a vegetable. ... I think. sheep: Sherlock: It's a vegetable.... sheep: Sherlock: .... sheep: Sherlock: Vegetable? Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes? sheep: Sherlock: Ah! I needed to get something at the store! Arsé-kun: Watson: Oh! sheep: Sherlock: Was it a vegetable??? Arsé-kun: Watson: You didn't tell me. sheep: Sherlock: ........ sheep: Sherlock: Oh... Arsé-kun: Watson: Did you tell anyone else? sheep: Sherlock: I think so. sheep: Sherlock: Oh, I told Arsene. *he checks his texts*... I need to get bread! Arsé-kun: Watson: *he looks at the phone, too* ... And butter. Should we just go grocery shopping while we're at it? sheep: Sherlock: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Watson: Then lets. sheep: *The two go grocery shopping. Sherlock shares his questionably accurate snake facts with Watson.* Arsé-kun: *In turn, Watson shares some of his drafts with Sherlock.* sheep: Sherlock: Wow! Arsé-kun: Watson: Do you like it? I'm thinking I should change the order of the lines, but.. sheep: Sherlock: I like it!! Arsé-kun: Watson: Thank you. I may have to make changes anyway- I didn't intend for this to be a sneak preview to anyone else. sheep: Sherlock: Good point. Arsé-kun: Watson: .... Or is that too mean? It's only a first draft, after all. sheep: Sherlock: Hmm.. they could spoil their friends, though... Arsé-kun: Watson: You know how that goes. It gets so warped that the original is safe at times. sheep: Sherlock: That's true. Arsé-kun: *Watson and Sherlock finish their shopping!* Sheepy: Sherlock: Great, great! We've got everything! I can carry it. Arsé-kun: Watson: All of it? Sheepy: Sherlock: You can carry the light stuff if you want. Arsé-kun: Watson: I suppose I shall. Sheepy: Sherlock: Alright! Tell me if it's too much, though, okay? Arsé-kun: Watson: Of course. Arsé-kun: *they get home with the groceries, without incident!* Sheepy: Iris: Welcome home! Arsé-kun: Watson: Thank you! Sheepy: Iris: Oh! You bought groceries! Arsé-kun: Watson: We did. Sheepy: Iris: Thank you! Arsé-kun: Watson: Quite welcome. Could you help us put them away? Sheepy: Iris: Yup! Sheepy: *Iris comes and helps out.* Arsé-kun: Watson: Thank you very much, dearie! Sheepy: Nyarly: *snicker* Dearie... Arsé-kun: Watson: You've ruined it. Soiled it. Sheepy: Nyarly: I think it's a cute name. Sheepy: Nyarly: Besides, why hate it just because I said it? Sheepy: Nyarly: It's almost like you dislike me or something! Arsé-kun: Watson: It's almost like you used it in such situations where even thinking of the word made me feel sick. Sheepy: Nyarly: ? Sheepy: Nyarly:...I don't get it. Arsé-kun: Watson: You used it constantly in negative or antagonizing situations. I've grown accustomed to it being used in those times, by you, so using it properly feels strange. Sheepy: Nyarly:...Huh. Sheepy: Nyarly:....... Sheepy: Nyarly: So then I put up a good evil mastermind act?? Sheepy: Nyarly: Huh, huh? Arsé-kun: Watson: I suppose so. Sheepy: Nyarly: *he looks overjoyed* Sheepy: Nyarly: Ahahahahahahh!! See, see, I'm a good villain!! Hahaha!!!! Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Yes, we see this. Sheepy: Iris: Daddy, where did you go, anyway? Arsé-kun: Watson: Hm? Sherlock was called away for work. I came with, due to someone being injured. Sheepy: Iris: Oh! A case! I want to come next time. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Depending what it is, sure thing. Sheepy: Iris: *She's hyped!* Sheepy: Iris: Oh, right! Look at what Sheepy made for Sisi! *Iris returns with Sisi, who now has a sweater. dog sweater.* Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Excellent. Sheepy: Iris: He's been making more of an effort to spend time with me. Arsé-kun: Watson: That's very good. Sheepy: Iris: Can I hear the details about the case later? Arsé-kun: Watson: Most certainly. Allow me to write it down, though. Sheepy: Iris: Okay! Arsé-kun: *Watson goes to record events* Sheepy: *Sherlock follows to help.* Arsé-kun: *Iris' phone buzzes. Time to check twitter.* Sheepy: *Iris checks twitter!* Arsé-kun: *in the rp world, twitter shows you things in CHRONOLOGICAL FUCKING ORDER. anD NOTHING ELSE* Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] [retweeted from @fallenangelcrow] Aion finally got an account! He's @darksungod ! Hi, Aion!! Arsé-kun: *IRIS FOLLOWED AION* Sheepy: Aion: [tweet] hello cyan how did you do tha??? Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] @darksungod The retweet? Or the tag? :3c Sheepy: Aion: [tweet] How did you become something that isn't an egg? Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] Settings! Should I come in and show you? Arsé-kun: Yaiba: [tweet] What are we talking about? Do we need to promo aion so everyone leaves rom alone? #leaveromalone2k17 Sheepy: Aion: [tweet] Where are the settings? What is #? Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] Croooow! @fallenangelcrow Go show him! You look closest! Sheepy: Crow: [tweet] @10LivesCyan I'm busy writing a song!! One full of passion!! Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] @fallenangelcrow You're standing there chugging milk Sheepy: Crow: [tweet] @10LivesCyan How'd you know?! Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] @fallenangelcrow I can. See you from here? Sheepy: Crow: [tweet] @10LivesCyan I'm thinking about the lyrics as I drink milk... Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] @fallenangelcrow Still waiting to do a duet about milk Sheepy: Crow: [tweet] @10LivesCyan Nevermind next ShinganCrimsonZ song is put on hold. Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] @fallenangelcrow YAAAAAAY Sheepy: Crow: [tweet] @10LivesCyan Ode to Milk is top priority. Arsé-kun: Cyan: [tweet] @fallenangelcrow \o/ Sheepy: Aion: [tweet] I am no longer an egg. Arsé-kun: Rom: [tweet] @darksungod Congratulations. Sheepy: Aion: [tweet] I am now trying to figure out how to post images. Sheepy: Aion: [tweet] The Rodent has given the Dark Sun God this quest. Arsé-kun: Rom: [tweet]: @darksungod The button under the text box. Sheepy: Aion: [tweet] I see. Sheepy: *Meanwhile, Sherlock seems to be getting fidgety and impatient.* Arsé-kun: Watson: .... What is it, Sherlock? Sheepy: Sherlock: There was somewhere I wanted to go. Arsé-kun: Watson: Oh? Sheepy: Sherlock I want to apologize to Moriarty over my blow-up. Arsé-kun: Watson: Go on ahead. If you're going to go out, bring someone with you. Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay. Who should I bring with me? Arsé-kun: Watson: Whoever isn't busy, I suppose. Sheepy: *Sherlock goes out on a hunt to find someone to go with him.* Arsé-kun: *Impey's sitting in the kitchen, not really doing much, leaning his chair back and having his legs on the corner of the table. Is He Free?* Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo! Sheepy: Sherlock: Are you busy? Arsé-kun: Impey: Not at all! Sup, pal? *he sits up and moves his legs* Sheepy: Sherlock: I want to go out and Watson won't let me go alone, but he's busy. Arsé-kun: Impey: Sure, I'll come with! I've got nothing better to do. Sheepy: Sherlock: Great! Sheepy: *Sherlock drags Impey to Mori's house.* Arsé-kun: *Poor Impey.* Arsé-kun: *The door is answered by a Very Tired Fantomas.* Arsé-kun: Fantomas: ....... oh. it's you. Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo! Arsé-kun: Fantomas: What do you want...? Sheepy: Sherlock: I wanted to speak with Moriarty. Arsé-kun: Fantomas: .... *he moves out of the way* ... Upstairs. Sheepy: Sherlock: Thank you! Arsé-kun: *And Fantomas drops back onto a futon. If you awake, you's a fake* Sheepy: *Sherlock goes to see Mori.* Arsé-kun: Mori: .... *he's staring at the stairs. He heard Sherlock coming* Good evening, detective. Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo, Moriarty! Arsé-kun: Mori: Is there something you need...? Sheepy: Sherlock: I...wanted to apologize. Arsé-kun: Mori: Oh? Sheepy: Sherlock: For exploding at you yesterday. Sheepy: Sherlock: It was wrong of me. Arsé-kun: Mori: I accept. A lot was happening. Sheepy: Sherlock: Well, that's good. Sheepy: Sherlock: I won't quit the case, either. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's not done. Arsé-kun: Mori: It certainly is not. Fantomas seems to be unable to explain where he has been. As well, there are most likely other open cases that are much like the current. Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes, exactly. Sheepy: Sherlock: And we've already seen cases of it. Arsé-kun: Mori: We? Sheepy: Sherlock: Myself and those who room with me. Arsé-kun: Mori: That's more understandable. You'll have to catch me up one day- I'd love to hear what's happened. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'd like to tell you. Arsé-kun: Mori: Is anything stopping you? Sheepy: Sherlock: It's a very, very long story. Are you up to hearing it all? Arsé-kun: Mori: I'm a math professor. If anyone can listen for long periods of time, it's me. Sheepy: Sherlock: ...So, from what I recall, the Joker visited you, right? Arsé-kun: Mori: Correct. Sheepy: Sherlock: It all started with him trying to steal from the wrong person. This person liked to toy with people like the Joker and put him up to a challenge. This challenge ended up in him finding a man tied up. They were obviously intending to kill him through thirst or starvation. Sheepy: Sherlock: This man ended up showing something like what happened with Fantomas - only once, but the point still stands. Sheepy: Sherlock: He had been kidnapped by an organization called "Twilight". We ended up getting under their radar when Watson's daughter confessed that this organization was forcing her to work for them. They ended up burning our Bakers Street address to the ground. My brother and his dog were still living there at the time, but thankfully they managed to get out. Arsé-kun: Mori: So that's why it burned... I'd been wondering about that. Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes. They decided that they weren't done and went so far as kidnapping. So they grabbed Watson first. We ended up saving him along with two men who worked with Watson's daughter. Later, they grabbed me, but I can't recall a thing about what happened except that my arm was broken after the experience. Apparently, much like the other victims of Twilight, the "head" messed with my brain, but I can't be too confident about this. Sheepy: Joker later found another victim who showed the same symptoms as Fantomas - the red eyes, the fits of anger, that sort of stuff. He's calmed down now, but the trendline is that they're all test subjects of Twilight. This makes sense, considering that all of the guards are like emotionless dolls. Arsé-kun: Mori: .... .... How long has this been happening for? Sheepy: Sherlock: ...Months? Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't remember how long. Arsé-kun: Mori: Far longer than it should be, then? Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes. Sheepy: Sherlock: They recently kidnapped Watson again and tested on him heavily. Arsé-kun: Mori: I understand. Perhaps I'll make a few dents of my own if I feel bored enough. Sheepy: Sherlock: He's fine now, but...... Arsé-kun: Mori: No wonder you've been so hair trigger tempered. Sheepy: Sherlock: I apologize. Arsé-kun: Mori: Again, accepted. Arsé-kun: *meanwhile, downstairs, Impey's being. Impey* Arsé-kun: Impey: .... So, is there a reason everything smells like vampire, or is it just me? Sheepy: Robert: ...What? Sheepy: *Robert looks.. shocked, to say the least.* Arsé-kun: Impey: ... So it's just me? Sheepy: Robert: ....... Sheepy: Robert: *he's fidgeting uncomfortably....* Arsé-kun: Impey: It's fine, it's fine! *he backpedals and gives Robert a sheepish, fanged smile* Me too! Sheepy: Robert: ..I see. Sheepy: Robert: Well, then, yes, I'm also one. Arsé-kun: Impey: And the mystery is solved. Nice to meetcha! Sheepy: Robert: Who are you, out of curiosity? I feel like I've seen you before, but... Arsé-kun: Impey: Impey! I live with Lupin and Sherlock. Sheepy: Robert: I'm Robert. Nice to meet you as well. Arsé-kun: *RANK KU HA, VAMPIRE FRIENDS* Sheepy: Robert: I know very few vampires. Arsé-kun: Impey: Yeah, same. Sheepy: Robert: By that, I mean, other than you I only know one other, and that's my father. Arsé-kun: Impey: Huh. I only know one other, too. He's like, this tall. *he estimates* Sheepy: Robert: A kid?? Arsé-kun: Impey: Yeah. No idea if he got turned and he's stuck, or something else. Sheepy: Robert: Out of curiosity, what is the case for you? Arsé-kun: Impey: A bit in the bloodline, forcibly turned when I was 18. Sheepy: Robert: I see. Arsé-kun: Smiley: Me too! Sheepy: Robert: Ah! Smiley! How are you? Are you still hurting? Arsé-kun: Smiley: It still hurts, but it could be worse! Sheepy: Robert: That's unfortunate. Please be careful and rest. Arsé-kun: Smiley: That's what Todd said, yup! Sheepy: Robert: If you need anything, I can get it. Arsé-kun: Smiley: Thanks, Robbie! *he goes and vaults himself over the sofa-- onto Fantoma's back. ... Subverted in that Fantomas doesn't wake up, and Smiley doesn't notice at first* Sheepy: Robert: *he looks concerned but doesn't comment.* Sheepy: *Uh-oh, Sherlock overheard this. He goes upstairs once again. He needs to know. What the heck. What the heck. Moriarty's a vampire?* Arsé-kun: Mori: You're back already..? Sheepy: Sherlock: I had one last question. Sheepy: Sherlock: You're a vampire??? Arsé-kun: Mori: .... I was hoping you wouldn't hear that. Sheepy: Sherlock: It doesn't bother me. Arsé-kun: Mori: Not at all? Even knowing that it's the sole reason I survived? sheep: Sherlock: My neighbor is a lovecraftian abomination and an animated corpse just moved in. Arsé-kun: Mori: I'm going to stop asking. sheep: Sherlock: That, and there's already two vampires living nearby. sheep: Sherlock: While we're on the topic of lovecraftian abominations, you've already met him - Nyarlathotep. His father is the true head of Twilight, while he was just a faker. Arsé-kun: Mori: Definitely done asking. sheep: Sherlock: ...And I already suspected something was weird when you grabbed the knife. sheep: Sherlock: It would be best if you and your son to take care, since Twilight grabs unsuspecting victims often. Arsé-kun: Mori: I will. sheep: Sherlock: Good. sheep: Sherlock: They often wear what appears to be a plague doctor outfit. Arsé-kun: Mori: Explains that whole lot. sheep: Sherlock: You've seen them? Arsé-kun: Mori: Who hasn't? I leave them alone- I didn't want their attention. sheep: Sherlock: That's logical. sheep: Sherlock: Still, be careful. Arsé-kun: Mori: Of course. Yourself, as well. Sheepy: Sherlock: Anyway, I apologize for keeping you. Have a nice day. Arsé-kun: *so i guess sherlock heads down for real this time?* Sheepy: *he does. he actually leaves, too!* Arsé-kun: Impey: !! Sheepy: Robert: Oh, you should probably head back with him. Arsé-kun: Impey: I need to be! I'll, uh, talk to you some other time? Sheepy: Robert: That sounds nice. Arsé-kun: Impey: Neat! *and he hurries out after Sherlock* sheep: Sherlock: I hope you had an enjoyable time. Arsé-kun: Impey: Yep! Thanks for bringin' me along! sheep: Sherlock: Thank you for coming. Watson wouldn't let me go alone. Arsé-kun: Impey: With all the shit that's happening? I don't wanna go out alone, either. sheep: Sherlock: Understandable. sheep: Sherlock: When you want to go out, you can ask me and if I'm not occupied I'll join you. Arsé-kun: Impey: Thanks! sheep: Sherlock: No problem. We don't talk much despite living together, so it gives us the opportunity to bond. Arsé-kun: *RANK KU HA* sheep: Sherlock: Actually, now that I think of it, I know... nothing about you really. Arsé-kun: Impey: Really? Have I really not talked to you? sheep: Sherlock: Very little from what I remember. Arsé-kun: Impey: Huh! I'd better start now, then, huh? sheep: Sherlock: Yes! Arsé-kun: Impey: Sure thing! Arsé-kun: Impey: 'Fore all this nonsense, I worked in an armory. When I wasn't makin' stuff, all I was usually allowed to do was repair and clean stuff- Boss knew I liked to fool around and hey- You don't need fancy machines to cut out metal if I can just break it. sheep: Sherlock: Interesting! Arsé-kun: Impey: Speaking of which, I should probably get off my butt and make vests for everyone, but.... That means I'd have to afford it all.. sheep: Sherlock: How much is it? Arsé-kun: Impey: A LOT. Need the kevlar, need the sheet metal... It's absurd. sheep: Sherlock: I see. sheep: Sherlock: So you're good at inventing? Arsé-kun: Impey: m-hm! sheep: Sherlock: I like tinkering with things. Arsé-kun: Impey: I personally enjoy seeing what happens when things are on fire. sheep: Sherlock: Sheepy likes fire. Arsé-kun: Impey: So I've heard! sheep: Sherlock: I try not to set things on fire. Arsé-kun: Impey: Makes sense! Fire bad. sheep: Sherlock: I touched it once and it hurt. Arsé-kun: *GEE REALLY SHERLOCK* sheep: Sherlock: I like chemistry! Arsé-kun: Impey: Weird that I haven't seen you and Fran working together, then.. sheep: Sherlock: I didn't see you with Fran today, either... sheep: Sherlock: Which I found weird, but... Arsé-kun: Impey: It's that weird..? sheep: Sherlock: You're always with him. Arsé-kun: Impey: Probably 'cause we're so used to each other. Sheepy: Sherlock: Uhuh. Did something happen? Arsé-kun: Impey: Nope! I apologized about stressing him the other day, and we went back to norm. I just wasn't sure what to do. Sheepy: Sherlock: I see. That's good. Arsé-kun: *they're home now!* Sheepy: Sheepy: What will always feel empty no matter how much it's fed? My depression. *pained laughter* I'll be here all week.l Arsé-kun: Van: *he just nods. He's got a mouthful of water. He doesn't look amused* Sheepy: Sherlock: What's going on? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Trying to prove that this man has no sense of humor. Sheepy: Iris: Abby has a sense of humor! Sheepy: Sherlock: He seems like the type to laugh at another man's misfortune. Arsé-kun: Germain: I've already tried tripping. Nyar already tried tripping and injuring himself. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm pretty sure Nyar is always tripping to some extent. Arsé-kun: Germain: I remember the time where he spent a month straight tripping balls. Sheepy: Sheepy: Really? Arsé-kun: Germain: It was the worst thing he's ever done to me in my own house. Sheepy: Sheepy: Did you kick him out? Arsé-kun: Germain: And what, have him terrorize everyone else? Sheepy: Sheepy: Well, no. Arsé-kun: Germain: Exactly. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he turns to Van, and takes out a knife, which he shakes slightly* it's knife to meet you. *he puts it away and just leaves* Sheepy: Nyar: *he takes a sip of his apple juice* Your sense of humor is what drives me to drink. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he takes the apple juice and drinks out of it before handing it back, with a straight face* Sheepy: Nyar:......... Sheepy: Nyar: It's like you stole a child's ice cream, took a lick of it, and gave it back to prove how evil you truly are. Arsé-kun: Germain: Yeah, but children don't care, and neither do you. Sheepy: Nyar: I kind of care. Sheepy: Nyar: My apple juice... Arsé-kun: Delly: Don't be such a baby! Sheepy: Nyar: Babies don't care about germs. Sheepy: Nyar: Nor do children. Arsé-kun: Delly: So you? Sheepy: Nyar: I care about germs because I'm not a human meaning that my immune system is different. Sheepy: Nyar: Disease won't kill me but I can still catch things. Sheepy: Nyar: And vaccination is intended for humans, not eldritch abominations. Sheepy: Nyar: Meaning that if you don't go through with vaccination for whatever reason, I will personally come into your home, flu and everything, and smash your skull to bits to show how I feel about your carelessness and disregard for those around you. Arsé-kun: Van: ... *he twitches but that's about it* Sheepy: Nyar: That wasn't even a joke... Arsé-kun: *Van shakes his head. He can't talk. Suffer* Arsé-kun: Delly: I want Nyarlathotep to come into my house and smash the flu over my head, killing me instantly. Sheepy: Nyar: I could one-up you and give you the black plague instead. Sheepy: Nyar: Which, yes, I caught once, and no, it wasn't fun. Sheepy: Nyar: I have a feeling that everyone at the town was both in awe and downright terrified that I lived through it, because I ended up being considered some sort "blessed being" that only those with the black plague visited to be cured. Sheepy: Nyar: The healthy shunned me because they thought I could curse them with it. Sheepy: Nyar: I can't give people the plague in my current state but I can make them think they have it. Sheepy: Nyar: I'm the very definition of that trope where everyone's fears come true. Sheepy: Sheepy: Sometimes when I'm bored I look up "bara" on google, which is why my phone background is currently this. *he shows Van his phone background... which is a bara corn. Sheepy...* sheep: Sheepy: I feel like if someone stole my phone I'd be sued for emotional damages due to its contents. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Maybe you should do something about that. Sheepy: Sheepy: aabout what? Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Never mind. Sheepy: Sheepy: It'd be their fault anyway. Sheepy: Iris:...Wh...what am I looking at...? Sheepy: Sheepy: Corn bara. Arsé-kun: *Show Van, too* Sheepy: *he shows Van* Arsé-kun: Van: ..... ...... *he makes a face* Sheepy: Iris: Sheepy! Please change your phone background! It's creepy! Sheepy: Sheepy: It's the mighty Corn Bara. Don't disgrace his mighty muscles. He can hear you... he's all ears. Arsé-kun: Van: ..... .... *nope. not funny! Not funny!* Sheepy: Iris: He's gross! Sheepy: Sheepy: This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but it's what perfection looks like. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: How corny. Sheepy: Sheepy: Mycroft, look at the Mighty Corn Bara. Sheepy: Iris: Don't do it, it's weird! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I don't like it. Sheepy: Sheepy: Every night I dreamed that I coild become corn. Sheepy: Sheepy: But my wishes never came true. Sheepy: Sheepy: So I have to live through the art others make to... ... oh, what the heck, I don't know why this exists. I don't want to know why it exists. Are there people who actually find corn sexy? Arsé-kun: Germain: Probably. Sheepy: Sheepy: I feel like Nyar would be the type to. Sheepy: Nyar: What? Arsé-kun: Germain: ... Can we cut this back to pg-13? Sheepy: Sheepy: I thought it was? Arsé-kun: Delly: Do you think there's sexy art of guns Sheepy: Sheepy: Implying anyone but Van is attracted to guns? Sheepy: Sheepy: Although... I could look. Sheepy: Iris: Oh, I forgot that there was something I was going to work on... Sheepy: Sheepy: It's surprisingly clean. Sheepy: Sheepy: Even with safe search off. Sheepy: Iris: Abby! Do you want a special walkie-talkie!? Arsé-kun: Van: ...? *he nods* Sheepy: Iris: Okay! Arsé-kun: Finis: .... Sheepy: Iris: I'll go make it then! Arsé-kun: Finis: ... *he waits for her to leave* .... Shall I give this a go? Sheepy: Sheepy: Go ahead. Arsé-kun: Finis: *he clears his throat, and starts reading from his phone in a completely monotone voice* Boobs. Tits. Twits. Sheepy: Sheepy: Uh. Arsé-kun: Impey: he said tits Sheepy: Sheepy: Wowie. Arsé-kun: *Finis then starts reading synonyms for Boobs. Some of these are made up. Some are foreign. Some of them actually do sound funny.* Sheepy: Sheepy: Are breasts actually funny? Arsé-kun: Germain: On occasion. He's already changed topics twice. Arsé-kun: Finis: Omelette du fromoge. Sheepy: Nyar: It's a common saying that French is the language of love. Sheepy: Nyar: This is incorrect, however. Sheepy: Nyar: R'lyehian is. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I feel vaguely insulted. Sheepy: Nyar: Unfortunately, our language is limited in many ways. Sheepy: Nyar: Considering that many of us are incapable of speech and thought, it's unsurprising. Arsé-kun: Germain: The word "to" doesn't exist in your language. Sheepy: Nyar: It's an implied "to". Sheepy: Nyar: Do you know how hard it was to learn English? Sheepy: Nyar: I learned as civilizations became larger and more complicated, but English is incredibly stupid compared to most languages. Sheepy: Nyar: People acted like I was stupid when I left out to and from! Arsé-kun: Finis: It absolutely is. Pineapple.. Sheepy: Nyar: I understand to you that my speech might sound like alphabet soup at times, but to me your speech sounds overly cluttered and too long! Sheepy: Nyar: You know, Phil once lied to me that butterflies are called pigeons. So I wanted to impress him by using it in a conversation with someone, so I gestured to a butterfly and said, "This is a very pretty pigeon!"... They laughed at me... Phil laughed at me! Sheepy: Nyar: And then I never believed anything he said without second thought ever again. Arsé-kun: Finis: A pigeon. Sheepy: Nyar: Yes. Sheepy: Nyar: I didnt know what pigeons were! Arsé-kun: Van: ....... *he's smiling but not laughing* Sheepy: Iris: *she walks in holding Wag* Is this a pigeon? Arsé-kun: Van: *he finally breaks, spitting out the water and laughing* Sheepy: Sheepy: He can laugh?! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Dammit. Sheepy: Iris: I kind of lied. It was already almost done but I didnt think to ask if you wanted it until now. Arsé-kun: Van: *he recovers and straightens up* Now that I can ask, oh? Is it? Sheepy: Iris: Yup! So I finished it. Sheepy: Iris: *she puts Wag down and gives Van a little keychain version of the Van Wolf.* Sheepy: *...from all appearances it just looks like a toy on a keychain.* Arsé-kun: Van: *he looks it over* ...? Sheepy: Iris: Pull on its ear. Arsé-kun: Van: ...? *he does so* Sheepy: *Sherlock, who isn't in the room, picks up...* Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo? Arsé-kun: Van: Hey. Iris said to do this. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh, she's testing a new one. Sheepy: Sherlock: Be careful not to keep them near your face. Arsé-kun: Van: Why? Sheepy: Sherlock: They've got the useful addition of no hands mode, but... they'll cling to your ear. Sheepy: Sherlock: Much like a bluetooth. Sheepy: Sherlock: And they usually refuse to let go- there we go, it's off. Arsé-kun: Van: Interesting. Sheepy: Sherlock: If it's like Mr. Reaper's, the right ear should be a call to Bun-Holmes and the left ear should be a call to Cub-Watson. Arsé-kun: Van: Is that all..? Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't know. Sheepy: Sherlock: I can't think of anything else except that despite who they're based on, I often have Cub-Watson and Iris often has Bun-Holmes. So.. good luck. Arsé-kun: Van: Good to know, I guess. Sheepy: Sherlock: Am I supposed to mix this with milk... or water? ...Okay, I'm hanging up now- oh? Huh, I'll just use both... it's like a science experiment! Arsé-kun: Van: *he moves the wolf away from his ear* Sherlock's going to ruin the kitchen. Sheepy: Iris: Holmsies is good at ruining things. Sheepy: Sheepy: Please consider what you just said, Iris. Arsé-kun: Impey: He better not be. *he goes in to check* Sheepy: Sherlock: Can I replace the macaroni with spaghetti? Sheepy: Sherlock:.... Sheepy: Sherlock: What's this container for... Sheepy: Sherlock: Can I replace the cheese with spaghetti sauce? Sheepy: Sherlock:...Is it still macaroni and cheese without macaroni or cheese? Arsé-kun: Impey: You can replace the macaroni, but not the cheese! Sheepy: Sherlock: Can I put broccoli in it? Sheepy: Sherlock: I bought a broccoli. Sheepy: Sherlock: I've never had broccoli before. Sheepy: Sherlock: I thought it was an avocado. Sheepy: Sherlock: Actually, I can't say I've never had broccoli before because I don't even remember what I ate for dinner yesterday. Sheepy: Sherlock: Maybe it was a broccoli. Arsé-kun: Impey: You sure remembered a whole bunch of stuff before..! Sheepy: Sherlock: My memory is downright awful for not vital things. Sheepy: Sherlock: I forgot Harley's name for many years. Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't remember Watson's first name. Arsé-kun: Impey: That's fair. ... I heard once you could put ketchup on mac. Sheepy: Sherlock: Ketchup? Sheepy: Sherlock: That sounds gross. Arsé-kun: Impey: No idea if it's any good. Never tried! Sheepy: Sherlock: Ketchup is okay on meat. Sheepy: Sherlock: Meat is better by itself. Sheepy: Sherlock: Like steak. Grilled steak.... Sheepy: Sherlock: Grills improve all food considerably so long as they are intended to be grilled. Sheepy: Sherlock: Like steak and fish. Sheepy: Sherlock: What type of milk should I put in this? Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh, I grabbed chocolate milk... Sheepy: Sherlock: Will that work...? Sheepy: Sherlock: Chocolate cheese sounds downright disgusting. Arsé-kun: Impey: That won't work! Sheepy: Sherlock: Milk... Sheepy: Sherlock: The man today was drinking milk. Sheepy: Sherlock: My client. Sheepy: Sherlock: Raven or whatever Arsé-kun: *close.* Sheepy: Sherlock: He called me a third rate detective. Sheepy: Sherlock: He kind of reminded me of Sheepy. Sheepy: Sherlock: Do you think angels exist? Arsé-kun: Impey: Huh? Sure, why not? Sheepy: Sherlock: My client claimed to be a fallen angel. Arsé-kun: Impey: Lets find out! Arsé-kun: Impey: *he leans into the office* Yo, Nyar! Do angels exist? Sheepy: Nyar: *he gestures to Sanchan* Does he exist? Arsé-kun: Impey: Is he..? Arsé-kun: Germain: No, but I do exist. Sheepy: Nyar: He's an angel in my heart. Sheepy: Nyar: ...Ah, actually, I don't think I have a heart... Arsé-kun: Germain: In your brain? Sheepy: Nyar: Yes. Sheepy: Nyar: Human anatomy is strange. Sheepy: Nyar: What's up with these? *He raises his hands* When they're cut off, they don't grow back again for humans. Sheepy: Nyar: What's the point of nails, too? I chew them when I'm stressed, but what're they used for??? Arsé-kun: Impey: No idea! *he returns to Sherlock's side* They exist. Sheepy: Sherlock: Amazing. Arsé-kun: Impey: So maybe they really were Sheepy: Sherlock: Maybe! sheep: Sherlock: He was some sort of actor or singer... did I mention that already? Iris follows him on twitter. Arsé-kun: Impey: You have now! *he seems curious, but sherlock cooking without incident comes first* sheep: Sherlock: How long do I put this on for? Arsé-kun: Impey: Eleven minutes. sheep: Sherlock: Great. sheep: Sherlock: If I put the heat up higher, will it cook faster? Arsé-kun: Impey: No. sheep: Sherlock: Ugh... sheep: Sherlock: Anyway, his name was Crow. sheep: Sherlock: I...think. sheep: Sherlock: No, wait, it was Raven. Nobody names their kid Crow, but Raven... sheep: Sherlock: He had red and black hair and had black nail polish. Also, he claimed to be a fallen angel. Arsé-kun: Impey: Isn't Raven a girl's name? sheep: Sherlock: What? Arsé-kun: Impey: Isn't that a girl's name? sheep: Sherlock: ...Maybe? sheep: Sherlock: Here, here, I can get a picture... Watson and I share Iris's twitter, so... ... ... here's a picture. *he shows a selfie Crow took to Impey* Arsé-kun: Impey: He's cute. But hey, even his name has 'crow' in it. sheep: Sherlock: Maybe it's a stage name... sheep: Sherlock: He was hit over the head and someone was murdered. sheep: Sherlock: So we solved whodunnit but not why. Arsé-kun: Impey: Distressing. sheep: Sherlock: It's okay. sheep: Sherlock: The police can figure it out. I believe in them! Arsé-kun: *From the other room is Arséne suddenly laughing.* sheep: Sherlock: Huh? *he peeks in* What's so funny? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Police doing their jobs! sheep: Sherlock: Hmmm... sheep: Sherlock: They do their best I'm sure. Arsé-kun: Arséne: The ones that do, I respect greatly. The others... sheep: Sherlock: Why take a job you won't do your best at? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Because some cops become cops so they can be the big kid on the playground. sheep: Sherlock: ...? sheep: Sherlock: Even without being a cop they'll be the big kid on the playground probably... Arsé-kun: Arséne: Now with a weapon, and a "legal reason" to harass people. sheep: Sherlock: But five year olds don't commit crimes... Arsé-kun: Arséne: You'd be surprised. sheep: Sherlock: They can commit crimes? sheep: Sherlock: Is that how you met Sheepy? Arsé-kun: Arséne: No, but he did almost commit arson completely by accident a month later. sheep: Sherlock: How do you commit arson by accident? Arsé-kun: Arséne: By not knowing what a lighter is. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh. Arsé-kun: Arséne: It's fine, nothing of note happened. Sheepy: Sherlock: That's good at least. Arsé-kun: Germain: I feel as if there is something that should be done, but I'm unsure of what it is. Sheepy: Nyar: Like what? Arsé-kun: Arséne: .... I believe I know, but here is not the place to do it. Sheepy: Nyar: What do you mean? Sheepy: Nyar: The whole soul thing? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Yes. Sheepy: Nyar: So here's what we're gonna do. I'll call up my dad and have him deal with it, because I haven't a clue how to deal with it. Arsé-kun: Arséne: We're not dealing with it in my house. I'd rather find a truce zone of sorts. Sheepy: Nyar: Truce zone? Like where? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Why not start at the park? If anything goes wrong, we can get there quickly. Sheepy: Nyar: Well, alright, I guess. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Get calling, then. Sheepy: *Nyar calls up Azathoth* Arsé-kun: Azathoth: *he picks up at the fourth ring* y'llo...? *sounds like it woke him up* Sheepy: Nyar: Hello, hello, Old Man! Sheepy: Nyar: Were you asleep? Sorry! I'll skip the pleasantries then and get to the point... I've got a favor to ask from you. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: What is it? Sheepy: Nyar: To remove someone's soul without hurting their body. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I'm awake. Sheepy: Nyar: You know how those cultists tried to get you to give Fluffy a blessing and he-who-shall-not-be-named interrupted it and gave him Randy's soul instead? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Yes? Sheepy: Nyar: I want to remove Randy's soul and put it back in its correct body. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: ... Now? Sheepy: Nyar: I don't know. Arséne, are we doing it now? Arsé-kun: Arséne: The truce, yes. sheep: Nyar: Apparently there's been a truce that I didn't know about and we're going through wit it now. sheep: Nyar: So yes. sheep: Nyar: Humans are very picky creatures so he wants it to be in the park too. Not your place and not his. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: That's fine.... The grass is nice to lay in, too.. sheep: Nyar: You'd be going there for serious business, not to take a nap... you can do that too but dealing with Fluffy's second soul is top priority. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I'll do it if I can.. *he yawns* sheep: Nyar: Well, I can't. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: ... m-hm... If I've learned from humans right, would bringing a peace offering be acceptable..? sheep: Nyar: Even if I knew how, Her Nastiness has a lot of my power locked... define what you mean by peace offering. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: No harm. Humans love it. I can guarantee this one. sheep: Nyar: Sure, go ahead or whatever. sheep: Nyar: I guess in a way you're many years due anyway. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Am I...? Was I more mistaken than believed..? ... When shall I be there? sheep: Nyar: Uhh, heck, I don't know. Arsene, when should he be there? Arsé-kun: Arséne: We could go now, but it's beginning to get dark... In an hour, perhaps? sheep: Nyar: In an hour. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: 45 more minutes to sleep.. Sheepy: Nyar: Dad, you really need to deal with how you're tired all the time. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Is this anything new...? Sheepy: Nyar: No, but I'm sad and lonely and I don't have Nodens to pester. Her Nastiness still wont let him go. Sheepy: Nyar: Sometimes an eldritch abomination just wants to bond with his family. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: ... I suppose. ... I'll be there on time. Sheepy: Nyar: Good. Arsé-kun: *Azathoth mumbles a goodbye and hangs up* Sheepy: Nyar: And now we wait. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm not thrilled about the thought of someone very tired doing very precise work on me without life insurance. Sheepy: Sheepy: If it's going to kill me, Arséne might as well get paid for it. And it's not like you can sue an eldritch abomination. Sheepy: Nyar: ...Yep, the Randy I know is shining through that. You'll be a much more happy and positive person once we fix this. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I can't wait. Sheepy: Sheepy: I can't wait for him to mess up and somehow take my soul instead. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I can wait. Sheepy: Nyar: Please stop doubting my dad. Sheepy: Nyar: He put one of your group into a coma for a while and has messed with you more than I have. Sheepy: Nyar: Compared to him, I'm like a tiny star in a massive galaxy. A tiny star that shines more brilliantly than that galaxy combined, but miniscule all the same. Arsé-kun: Van: It was by gunfire. That does not give indication of skill- Just accuracy with a gun. Sheepy: Nyar:...Or, well, that'd be accurate, if he wasn't sleeping all the time. Sheepy: Nyar: If he wanted to erase me - Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos - out of existence I wouldn't be surprised if he was capable of it. Arsé-kun: Germain: Changing the subject. Sheepy: Nyar: ...You know, now that I think of it. Azathoth is much more powerful than me... I should ask him for a favor or two eventually. Arsé-kun: Arséne: If you want to. Should we arrive early..? Sheepy: Nyar: Sure. Arsé-kun: Van: I'll stay put and keep watch as per. Don't die. Sheepy: Iris: I'll stay here, too! Arsé-kun: *BG Asougi, having literally no idea what's going on,* Sheepy: Ryuu: Isn't it very late to be heading out? Arsé-kun: Arséne: A bit.. Nyar, will you be coming with us? Sheepy: Nyar: Yes. Arsé-kun: Arséne: All right. Sheepy: Ryuu: Isn't it dangerous? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Of course. A truce with an enemy can always go wrong. *he's nervous, but hiding it* However, it is still a truce. If it is respected, no harm should come to anyone. Sheepy: Nyar: When, exactly, was this truce formed anyway? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oh, when you asked. It wouldn't do us good to not have one. Sheepy: Nyar:..... Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he appears pleased to have gotten a single surprise point on Nyar* Sheepy: Nyar: You... Sheepy: Nyar: No, nevermind, there's no point. Arsé-kun: *and then they get the heck going* Sheepy: Sheepy: I never go to the park. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Noticed. Sheepy: Nyar: I swim in the lake. Sheepy: Sheepy: There's a sign that says no swimming. Arsé-kun: Arséne: You can't tell an octopus what to do. Sheepy: Nyar: That applies to humans, not octopi. Sheepy: Nyar: I yank on people's fishing poles and then let go. Arsé-kun: Arséne: At least put something on it, you bully. Sheepy: Nyar: I also steal their bait without them realizing. Sheepy: Nyar: No? I love messing with fishers. Sheepy: Nyar: You tug on fheir fishing line really hard. You fight them but let them win. But you let go without them realizing so they pull up and... nothing! Sheepy: Nyar: They sit there for hours waiting for a fish to snag. They pull it up. There's no bait. Sheepy: Nyar: Both are equally hilarious. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Well, that does explain where you are half the time. Sheepy: Nyar: I don't have any obligations or commitments. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Touché Sheepy: Nyar: I can't think of any fun jobs. Sheepy: Nyar: I got myself kicked out of Twilight with my last stunt I think. Arsé-kun: Arséne: You think? Sheepy: Nyar: Eh, depends on how Azathoth feels. Arsé-kun: Arséne: That doesn't seem like a good scale. Sheepy: Nyar: Well, he is the head honcho. Sheepy: Nyar: Having too lttle power is boring but having too much power is also boring. Sheepy: Nyar: I enjoyed the power struggle. Arsé-kun: *There's a meow! Somewhere, somehow, is a kitty!* Arsé-kun: *And there IS a cat! It's black with brown patches. And sitting on Azathoth's chest. He decided to nap in the grass. Who knows how long he was there for. It's worth noting that bugs are outright avoiding him.* Arsé-kun: *The cat is staring at Sheepy* Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh, a cat! Sheepy: Nyar: *he lies face-down next to Azathoth. is he sleeping, or?* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he bends down. look kitty he's shorter now* Arsé-kun: Kitty: Myaaa! Sheepy: Sheepy: Here, kitty, kitty... Arsé-kun: *the kitty happily approaches Sheepy and rubs against him* Sheepy: *Sheepy pets the cat* Arsé-kun: *the cat seems happy* Sheepy: Sheepy: Whose cat is this anyway? Is it a stray? Arsé-kun: Kitty: Nyaaaaaaaoo! Arsé-kun: *the kitty turns tail and climbs on the back of Nyar's head, meowing* Sheepy: Nyar: Why. Arsé-kun: Kitty: Nya Nyao! Sheepy: Nyar: Please. Arsé-kun: *the kitty gets off, leaping onto the next available surface- Aza's face. He does not look pleased to be woken up via claws on face* Arsé-kun: Azathoth: .... *he removes the cat and drops it on Nyar* .... Are you early, or am I stupid? Sheepy: Sheepy: We're early. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: ya gotha n'gha. *he yawns and tilts his head to look at Sheepy* Must I do it right now? Sheepy: Sheepy: I've made exactly zero decisions in this entire adventure. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Then do so now. Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't care either way. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Then permit me to inquire a thing or two prior. Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: The first time I engaged in this scientific hobby of mine, none condemned it. Yet this time, it is. Both times, I had been informed soldiers and such were required. Was I informed incorrectly? Sheepy: Sheepy: We aren't in any wars. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I am aware of this, but are they not needed in general...? Sheepy: Sheepy: While people have the option to become soldiers, they aren't necessary. It's more like... a job for the brave and those with a strong sense of justice, I think. Sheepy: Sheepy: So... no, they aren't needed. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: .... ..... sgn'wahl 'fhalma. Sheepy: Nyar: Language! Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I can say whatever I want. Sheepy: Nyar: But the children! Arsé-kun: Azathoth: They can't understand it. *he looks up at the sky* .... If I want to do this, it'll have to wait. The stars aren't right. Sheepy: Nyar: Is that an excuse or an actual reason? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Yes. Sheepy: Nyar: Wow. Sheepy: Nyar: Why are you like this? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Why are you? Sheepy: Nyar: Because I never got any attention when it was most vital in my life so I'm making up for it now by messing with people. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: And I'm just chaotic and crazy by human standards. Sheepy: Nyar: Yes, yes, I noticed. That's why when you have matters where it requires talking rather than killing, I take it into my own hands. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I've been good about not killing everything! Not a single human has died of radioactivity! Sheepy: Nyar: You shot someone in the head. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I said of radioactivity, not of me being stupid. Sheepy: Nyar: Stupidity doesn't make you shoot someone in the head. Sheepy: Nyar: The point stands that many people have died from your experiments, and you directly have hurt many people. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: ... Human morality is so confusing Sheepy: Nyar: Since I've lived among them for so long, lemme tell you. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: They already do this to their own kind. What's the difference..? Sheepy: Nyar: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Twilight already existed before I got there. They probably would be doing the same thing. Why is it so bad if I do it? Sheepy: Nyar: You should know better and yet you proceed. Sheepy: Nyar: You're justifying your own wrongdoings by referencing others, instead of stopping the wrongdoings that others are committing. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I do what I do because I want to know things. I do not interact with humanity often- You know this. How am I to know what is acceptable and what is not? Sheepy: Nyar: Ask me. Sheepy: Nyar: I know humans better than most humans do. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: So humans only become soldiers of their own will at this time and place..? Sheepy: Sheepy: Yup! Sheepy: Nyar: ...Yes. And even if they didn't...... Sheepy: Nyar: Think about it this way. Sheepy: Nyar: Say you make the ultimate soldier. Sheepy: Nyar: It wouldn't help the world. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Whyever not? The potential is there. Sheepy: Nyar: It'd hurt everyone. Everyone would strive it and eventually the "ultimate soldier" - the mindless, tortured soldier - would become the "standard soldier". Arsé-kun: Azathoth: ..... I see, but not well. ... Sheepy: Nyar: Okay, so, since this is a very good example. There's this movie where there's corpses who do everything. They do all of the hard physical labor, they're servants to the people, and they fight wars. Since they're corpses, they can just be resurrected again and again. Certainly, this sounds like the perfect soldier. Sheepy: Nyar: ...Except, once you show someone your ultimate weapon, you're also showing them your ultimate weakness: proof that it's possible. Sheepy: Nyar: Humans aren't like squirrels. Humans have their limits. If they don't get results - if they don't know if they ever will get results, they'll give up. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: *he seems to be considering this* Sheepy: Nyar: But by doing what seems to be impossible, it becomes possible. The first man to climb Mount Everest - the impossible mountain, a feat that was only dreamed of by humans - was followed by man, many others directly afterwards. Sheepy: Nyar: Do you know why this is? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: ... Because it was possible? Sheepy: Nyar: Bingo! Arsé-kun: Azathoth: What about for things that have already been established as possible..? Sheepy: Nyar: Then it doesn't matter. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Excellent. Sheepy: Nyar: Why? Sheepy: Nyar: What are you planning? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Not borrowing anymore toxins from Glaaki anymore, for one. Sheepy: Nyar: Good. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: *he looks up again* .. Still can't do it. Sheepy: Nyar: Great. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Be my messenger for a minute. Can you tell my court to be QUIET for at least five minutes?? Sheepy: Nyar: Yeah, but aren't they there to keep you under control? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I'm tired and prone to error. Sheepy: Nyar: Alright, I'll be back then. Sheepy: *Nyar leaves...* Arsé-kun: Azathoth: *he rubs his eyes and waits* Sheepy: *Nyar eventually returns after shutting them up.* Arsé-kun: Azathoth: .... Muuuuch better! Sheepy: Nyar: Will you not fall asleep now? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I'm awake as can be. C'mere, Curls, lets get this over with. Sheepy: *Sheepy approaches* Arsé-kun: *Then Azathoth does.... Something. Arséne turns away as to avoid figuring out what he's looking at. It's far too confusing to understand. Nyar is completely fine, and probably shielding the cat's eyes. Y'know, just in case. Either way, it's over relatively quickly. Only when Arséne is able to see another humanoid shadow on the ground does he turn back. +1 party member. The cat loses Mysticality points and no longer has brown patches of fur.* Sheepy: Nyar: Wow, you're a baby. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I've already got a headache. Sheepy: Sheepy: Well, uh, I grew a person, apparently. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: That's all I'll be doing tonight. *he exits stage left via fading from view, but he's probably going to sleep on the grass again.* Sheepy: Nyar: Oi, Randy, rise and shine, you've got your own body again. Arsé-kun: Randolph: .... ...... fhtagn.. Sheepy: Nyar: Alright, alright. Sheepy: Sheepy: I feel a little weird. Sheepy: Sheepy: I feel like there's something missing, but at the same time, I feel like a great load has been taken off of my shoulders... Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't know if this is a good feeling or a bad feeling, but I know it's strange. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Lets assume it is good for now? You did have something removed that you had from birth. Sheepy: Sheepy: That's a good point. Arsé-kun: Kitty: Mao! Sheepy: Sheepy: *he pets the cat* ..What do we do about the cat? Arsé-kun: *The cat rubs against Randy. randy, your cat* Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh, I guess it's his cat. Arsé-kun: Randy: .... .... *the good news! is that he woke up. The bad news is that even after adjusting his glasses, he can't seem to see shit* hai'ai? ya wgah'n n'ghft.. Sheepy: Sheepy: We've already got enough animals living around us. Wagahai, Sisi, Nyar, Pepper, and Wilson... Sheepy: Nyar: What was that third one- what, can you not see? Arsé-kun: Randy: ... Nyar? Sheepy: Nyar: That's me! Arsé-kun: Randy: *he clears his throat. Probably to Stop Talking Gutterally* ... I haven't been so glad to hear your voice since the time with the... You know. Sheepy: Nyar: You're happy with my presence? Wow! That's a rare thing for me to hear. Sheepy: Nyar: Last time I saw someone who liked me was when I looked in the mirror! Arsé-kun: Randy: And in sets the regret! Sheepy: Nyar: Would you rather be stuck in Fluffy than stuck with me? Arsé-kun: Randy: I'd still have to hear your voice. Horrible. Sheepy: Nyar: I'm hurt. Sheepy: Sheepy: *he would be more curious about this if he didn't feel so off and tired.* Sheepy: Nyar: Am I a bad weather friend? Only a friend in bad times for you? Sheepy: Nyar: Otherwise, do I just annoy you? Arsé-kun: Randy: There's worse than your voice. Mine. *ha HA self depreciation* Sheepy: Nyar: Wow. Sheepy: Sheepy: Your voice isn't annoying. Arsé-kun: Randy: Thanks. You're more important here- Are you okay? Sheepy: Sheepy: I feel very strange and tired. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm sorry about your soul being taken and being put in me. I was a newborn at the time and I never knew about this cult thing up until recently Sheepy: Sheepy: So... this is the earliest I could have done something about it. Arsé-kun: Randy: I understand that. My deepest apologies in turn for having dragged you down so much. Sheepy: Sheepy: You didn't try to. Arsé-kun: Randy: .... It's strange, though. Now I know far more than I ever wanted to.. Sheepy: Sheepy: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Randy: Well, I HAVE been with you for a long time, now... Sheepy: Sheepy: You've seen every embarrassing thing I've done Arsé-kun: Randy: That, too. Sheepy: Sheepy: You know all of my secrets too. Sheepy: Sheepy: Scary... Arsé-kun: Randy: I won't say anything. Sheepy: Sheepy: Thank you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ..... Does this mean I have two kids now? Sheepy: Sheepy: Apparently. Arsé-kun: Arséne: This is acceptable. Sheepy: Sheepy: This means Iris and I have an older brother now... Arsé-kun: Randy: Far older, but lets not get into that! Sheepy: Sheepy: That's fine. Arsé-kun: *The venture has been successful!! Hooray.* Sheepy: Sheepy: So, um, do we have a place for him to sleep? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Nope! Sheepy: Sheepy:...Oh. Arsé-kun: Arséne: We'll find somewhere. We've managed so far. Sheepy: Sheepy: Yeah. Arsé-kun: *They go home!! Hooray.* Sheepy: Iris: Oh! You're back!...Who's that? Sheepy: Iris: Are you the soul that was sharing Sheepy's body? Arsé-kun: Randy: I was, yes. Sheepy: Iris: I'm Iris! Who are you? Arsé-kun: Randy: Randolph. You, though, can call me Randy. Sheepy: Iris: Nice to meet you, Randy! Arsé-kun: Randy: You, too. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he peers in and gives Randy this look. He seems to be expecting something.* Arsé-kun: Randy: ...? Good to see you, too, Saint. Is there someth-- Arsé-kun: Germain: You owe me fifty bucks from that bet still, and your mansion got wrecked. Have fun. Sheepy: Nyar: *he whistles innocently* Arsé-kun: Randy: It's still in one piece? Doesn't matter otherwise. *he puts his arm around Nyar's shoulders* What did you do? Sheepy: Nyar: Hmmm.... Sheepy: Nyar: What didn't I do? Arsé-kun: Randy: 9-11. Sheepy: Nyar: Well. Sheepy: Nyar: You aren't wrong. Arsé-kun: Randy: Good to know. Sheepy: Nyar: Anyway, Azathoth was so kind as to let me use his grunts... Sheepy: Nyar: And they tore up your house. Arsé-kun: Randy: And trashed the house. Arsé-kun: Randy: Guess who gets to clean up? Sheepy: Nyar: Who? Arsé-kun: Randy: You, if you don't want me jeopardizing at least a quarter of your masks' identities. Sheepy: Nyar: I had my reasons. Sheepy: Nyar: It was to help Phil. Arsé-kun: *The kitty pops out of Randy's shirt collar! He's here, too!* Sheepy: Nyar: Phil's memories were stolen along with my own. Sheepy: Iris: *gasp* A kitten! Sheepy: Nyar: Speaking of Phil, he still has the emotional range of a wood board. Arsé-kun: Randy: Shaggy... *he removes the kitty and drops him into Iris' hands* Still? Sheepy: Nyar: Yes. Her Nastiness still hasn't done her side of the deal. Arsé-kun: Randy: I'm not touching that matter. Sorry, pal. Sheepy: Nyar: This is why you always read the fine print Arsé-kun: Randy: Says Mr. Fine Print on everything. Sheepy: Nyar: I feel betrayed! Sheepy: Nyar: I think that if a few individuals persue this mystery of Her Nastiness, they'll learn the answer to some questions they've had foe a while. Arsé-kun: Randy: You're doing that awful thing where you say a lot but don't say anything of value. Sheepy: Sheepy: Randy needs a place to sleep and I need to sleep. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm tired. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Get going, then, Sheepy. Sheepy: *Sheepy goes to bed.* Sheepy: Nyar: Basically, if you help deal with Phil's lack of emotions, the identity of the Fork Man will become clear to you. Arsé-kun: Van: And I can shoot that son of a silversmith? Sheepy: Nyar: That's up to Saint-Germain. Sheepy: Nyar: Do you want him to rough up fork kid? Arsé-kun: Germain: That's not my decision. Sheepy: Nyar: You're friends with fork kid, right? Sheepy: Iris: I don't want to interact with the fork man... Arsé-kun: Germain: We take what we get. If he's going to be shot, at least make it nonfatal. Sheepy: Iris: Does that mean he's going to show up again? Arsé-kun: Germain: Not the way he did the first time, that's for sure. Sheepy: Iris:..... Sheepy: Iris:....I don't want him to... Arsé-kun: Germain: Then we can show up to him and not vice versa. Arsé-kun: Germain: That way he'll be unable to strike back due to societal norms. Sheepy: Iris: Does he need to show up? Arsé-kun: Germain: He doesn't have to show up here. Sheepy: Iris: But what business does he have with you to make you speak with him? Arsé-kun: Germain: We used to be in the same club when we were younger. We're still on speaking terms. Sheepy: Iris:..... Arsé-kun: *wag and shaggy torment sisi together in the bg* Sheepy: Iris:...Okay. Arsé-kun: Germain: Listen up. If he tries anything? I'll slit his throat. You and your father's safety is priority in this. Sheepy: Iris: Does he intend to go after us as well? Arsé-kun: Germain: I highly doubt it, but with some other details... Sheepy: Iris:...? Arsé-kun: Germain: *he sighs and sets his eyes on Iris* You hear Nyarlathotep mention "Her Nastiness"? She's fork man's boss, and boss Hansel around she does. She bosses Nyar around. She bosses Azathoth around. She bossed me around, but me? I quit years and years ago. You want to know what most of her underlings are? Assassins. Sheepy: Iris: Wh...what? Sheepy: Iris: But... then... why is Nyarly opposing Twilight while Azathoth is running it...? Arsé-kun: Germain: Because Twilight is an offshoot of Idea that can be taken out without repercussions. The boss doesn't care. Her mode of work is "This person will cause "problems for humanity"" *he air quotes* "So kill them." At some inevitable point, she decided someone in your immediately family was dangerous. The rest is history. Sheepy: Iris: Buf Mom never did anything wrong... Arsé-kun: Germain: Perhaps it wasn't her that was the target. Sheepy: Iris:.... Sheepy: Nyar: Sheesh! You're no fun. Arsé-kun: Germain: Don't sass me, Nyarla-hotep. I've been dancing circles around this issue for well over a month. Sheepy: Nyar: If that is meant to be an insult, you're just confirming that I am, indeed, the king. Arsé-kun: Germain: A false dark king that used trickery to get followers. Shut up. Sheepy: Nyar: *he frowns* Sheepy: Nyar: All I have is my wits... Sheepy: Nyar:...You really know how to crush my heart into tiny little pieces. Arsé-kun: Germain: With how long we've know each other? I sure hope I do. Sheepy: Nyar: You hurt me. Arsé-kun: Van: Hold it, hold it. Arsé-kun: Van: How long have you two known each other? And Iris, do you remember what I told you if he was stupidly old? Sheepy: Iris: Shoot him? Sheepy: Nyar: *he frowns* Don't. Sheepy: Nyar: We've know each other long enough to know each other very well. Arsé-kun: Van: That doesn't tell me shit. Arsé-kun: Van: I also didn't say what I was going to shoot him with. Sheepy: Iris: With a watergun? Arsé-kun: Van: That's on the list of options. Sheepy: Iris: Huh? Arsé-kun: Van: I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. Sheepy: Iris: Oh. Arsé-kun: Germain: The issue is that now I feel inclined to recall the exact number. Sheepy: Nyar: Gosh, it's been... Sheepy: Nyar: ... Sheepy: Nyar: Immemorial. Arsé-kun: Germain: You know what? Hold on. Before we do anything. *he strolls over to Sherlock* Might I have your hand for a moment? Sheepy: Sherlock: *he holds out his left hand* ? Arsé-kun: Germain: Other one. Sheepy: Sherlock: ...Why? Arsé-kun: Germain: Trust me. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm only going to infuriate Watson some more. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he hesitantly holds out his right hand* Arsé-kun: *Germain carefully places his hand over it for a moment or so. Was there a glow, or was it just their imaginations? Either way, he backs off after this* Sheepy: Sherlock: What did you do? Arsé-kun: Germain: Enough. *he turns and heads out back* Sheepy: Sherlock: ...? Arsé-kun: Van: *he slips out, except, not at all, because he is in clear view and he just turned and left* Arsé-kun: Watson: .... I don't like the sound of that. Sherlock, let me see it as well. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he holds his right hand out to Watson* Arsé-kun: Watson: ... *he Inspects it. Inspector Watson- Far more competent than Inspector Gadget* Does any of this hurt..? Sheepy: Sherlock: No. Arsé-kun: Watson: It'd have saved me quite a bit of stress if I had known he could do this. Sheepy: Sherlock: Is that what happened to my arm? Arsé-kun: Watson: It'd make sense if it was. Arsé-kun: *Arséne goes to check the backyard. Van is dousing Germain with a particularly large water gun. Incredible. Either way, that's been enough for today, so he is going the fuck to bed*
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