#I would think this is trying to bait bullshit on purpose but it’s an spn blog………
jahiera · 8 months
without getting into the rest of this (enough thinkpieces have been written) the way you guys talk about being attracted to women is really weird sometimes. maybe it’s just the me being a dyke and all that but sometimes I can hear the “oh he wouldn’t like PUSSY 🤢🤢🤢” in your voices
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incarnateirony · 1 year
people learning real fuckin quick i meant it. i am over literally all of your bullshit. The people who listened to what was said, and shared, in full, had zero fucking surprise, beyond perhaps general VAGUE disappointment on an appearance that TPTB already clarified.
But like. yall i meant it
i am DONE. I have tried to cut every fucking tie. I have told people to stop reporting to me. and most of all, I have plastered my shit with announcement that I do not care what you believe.
I knew it was coming, whether you even understood what everyone else understood of the timey wimey story and why it was dean the whole time, or not, okay.
Like. We weren't all bluffing like you guys. I wasn't bluffing about the market testing, or the confession, or the roadhouse, or the omissions, or the pilot, and so on. I do not know why you refuse to learn every time, I Do Not Bluff. Even if you're too rhubish to even understand what the fuck I am communicating to you, for upwards of 3 years at a time. I Do Not Bluff. You'd think you morons would figure that out by now.
I do not need to impress you. I do not need to bend back over into your fake fandom trapese of stan war trap bait, and trying to see how many other people you can trick into missing the point while playing paddleball reductio ad absurdum on any given truth you decide to butcher or miss the point on.
Stop it. Stop baiting for argument. Stop whining. Stop looking for weak points, because every single time, you're only showing weak points in your own perception, when you go WELL A OR B and you don't even realize it's a 256 color palate, not two choice option. That's your shit. Not mine. Stop putting the responsibility of other people to educate you when you already know you're confused as piss.
And most of all, stop treating everyone as an endless, disposable tap. That bullshit is what dug this fandom's holes to begin with. Nobody had to give you a goddamn WORD, I could have let you suffer lost for years while 2po lied and broke everyone's spirits, NOBODY HAD TO TELL YOU ALL SHIT. so STOP USING PEOPLE FOR SHORT TERM ATTENTION. because god DAMN if *I'm* this pissed off how the FUCK do you think show writers and shit feel
Do not fucking argue with me. Do not show up playing fucking stupid with me. Do not appeal to some vague fucking majority with me when I can look right into my own server and see hundreds of people that get it and only one of you that doesn't. Just fucking stop. Go the fuck away. I literally keep trying to like, erase your ability to even make noise in my proximity, I literally made leak systems designed to mitigate you as nuisances. That's how bad I don't care about your opinion beyond the decibel of nuisance your existence ads to the planet, somewhere alongside freight trains and that sound kids make in mcdonalds.
Nobody has to give you shit. Bend backwards for you being a beligerent asshole, even less. I do not know what fucking children of the corn bullshit this is, it's like supernatural fandom got dropped in the internet suspended from all normal fucking human contact for fifteen fucking years and developed their own rabid ass child porn worshipping fucking system and just expect the rest of the world to join their weird hobo hallucination
I. Guys. I'm not kidding. Yall need like. legit deprogramming if you can not step back and look at this from outside SPN fandom perspective, "Why do I care so much what Goob thinks? Why am I so angry Goob doesn't care if I believe him? Why am I arguing with someone that doesn't care if I say I don't care of believe him? Why won't he explain the shit I argued at him, obviously he should wanna straighten the parts I messed up on purpose!! WHY ISNT THIS WORKING!!"-- THIS IS NOT NORMAL FUCKING BEHAVIOR. GET HELP.
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poppythewitcher · 3 years
SPN hell binge Episode 1
Yippe kayay Mother Fuckers, Let’s do this! (edited in the morning or grammar)
Should I watch the recap?
Is that cheating?
I mean It’ll set up the season?
But it it cheating?
Like I’m supposed to get context like when you start a comic half way through
I’m gonna watch the recap just cause I know I won’t even understand that
Aw the cw logo, lets you know you’re getting into some shit
oooo decapitations
what how many of them are there
their voices don’t sound like I imagined
Fuck i kinda forgot Jeffery Dean Morgan was in this
You expect me to take these fuckers seriously where their father, the root of their daddy issues, is Denny fucking Duquette
I’m still confused who the fuck is Jack
I think he’s the antichrist
Listen the practical FXs tho
why is half the recap just a zombie fight
is this the beginning of the this episode or like the end of the last?
oh wait it was the last
listen I get continuity but the fucking font the credits are in makes me want to die
Gay angel can commune with the dead that’s nice
Why did they think that flimsy ass thing will hold the door
“He said welcome to the end what does that mean” the network is finally pulling the plug on this shit show
i love the casual discussion of smiting
I relate to dean in that I too have daddy issues and hate sky-daddy
Is Sam the only function one on this show?
Nope he let the zombies into the crypt
oooops the antichrist is awake
oh its a demon not the antichrist
demon with fashion sense
a demon talking about being a demon the way I talk about working at Starbucks
I like how Sam’s like yeah Cas, give your blood to the minimum wage demon who just met that is currently inhabiting the body of some kid we all really cared about
Nothing could go wrong with that
wait what that fucking worked
how did the minimum wage demon fix God’s mess
okay random teens because horror tropes of violence against young “stupid” women who are just enjoying their lives because it’s easier to enjoy the thing when the male gaze and patriarchal culture not only fetishizes violence against women but it makes the horror easier to watch because it’s not as scary when the victim is a vapid and brainless teenage girl, thus making the male viewer feel secure because his ego tells him that he is stronger and smarter than these weak female and therefore would not fall victim to the monster even though that makes no sense in this context when their main demographic is gen-z girls,gay and theys.
also who gave the camera to the guy with hand tremor what was that shaking
When you have to kill a character but the actor still needs to pay the bills
are they literally just gonna spend the whole season tracking down runaway ghosts this is gonna be worse than I thought
Like is that really Jensen Ackles’s voice is doesn’t sound real
ooo spooky car crash
Wait woman in white wasn’t that the fucking pilot i watched that
oh god really all the fucking monsters of the week are back fuck me what have I gotten myself into
Why is this show trying to be a fucking 80s horror movie now we have a poor housewife and her daughter being haunted by ghosts really
and its not just that its the cinematography and the lighting like the whole fucking mise en scen
its a fun aesthteic but goddamn did they really milk 15 season out of this shit? did anyone actually watch after season 12?
motherfucker a killer clown wow
Like I feel like they’re making they’re voices deeper on purpose
I’m sorry what in the living fuck is this dumb ass FBI shirt that Sam is wearing that does not look real you are not fooling anyone honey has this really been your shtick for 15 fucking years and you look like THAT holy fucking hell it genuinely looks like the costume department is barely trying
Mr. Trench coat honestly looks more believable
wait is minimum wage demon a neanderthal
And he;s hitting on one half or the queer baiting wonder twins great
Minimum wage demon: “who was he”
me: “wouldn’t we all like to know”
I mean me. I would like to know thank you minimum wage demon for getting me this info
So he’s they’re kid that’s nice
So the queer baiting wonder twins had a FUCKING CHILD TOGETHER
holy fuck they weren’t kidding this really is hell
the blood stains are really good like a little bright for being old dried blood but still the practical FX slaps and I’m already starting to think that’s the show’s one redeeming quality
That child is defffffff possessed
This thing is giving me flashbacks to early quarantine when my ex made me watch killer klowns for outer space on Netflix party would not reccomend
I mean I wouldn’t reccomend this either but
Who’s Rowena
Why is the angle that low and harsh on the minimum wage demon being a fan boy like really why
Why is it a dutch too
I just want to talk to the cinematographer and see if he’s okay
Like It went to a stand eye level over the shoulder and then nack to the super harsh low dutch what’s going on
Also Who’s Micheal
Like Micheal the angel?
Is Micheal an angel? idk
why does Cas readily hand out the info that he’s an angel
Sam shot god and honestly fucking mood
is it just Sam or does every one get fucked up if they try to hurt sky-daddy cause that’s kind of a dick move
I feel like I’m supposed to recognize the MILF in white but I haven’t seen the show so IDK
What’s with the whole human sacrifice heart thing like is that standard here
I thought they were going door to door they literally only went to the one house
the killer klown from outer space is back and he has friends
I love how Cas is just like offend and exasperated over being shot
and then just fucking La Llorona makes an appearance
are the spell in fucking Latin on this show
this is why I’m a Witcher stan like at least Sapkowski’s creative an used a different dying language
why does Sam have to stay be hind like in theory they could just sprint
and he picked up the kid he’s like the one functional one here
Sam just told the killer klown from outer space to shut up and honestly same
I have 5 minutes left and it feel like it’s been an eternity
how many times have they been uncomfortably thanked by a little girl on this show cause I feel like the answer is too many
Why is the pie man such a bitch to his husband like way to press against the whole queer baiting wonder twins thing we get it you’re uncomfortable with your character’s repressed bisexuality please maybe chill you made the gay angel sad
even the minimum wage demon gets it
that looks infected
oh yeah dean’s oldest daughter syndrome is back that’s nice
I feel like I see the appeal of this show and how it could be good but then it went to hell
Wait are they actually god now what the fuck
like is this whole season just some Nietzsche bullshit okay
why does dean say just you and me? You also have a gay angel and a minimum wage demon
Final thoughts: I’m going to bed. I’ll do more tomorrow. This really is a dumpster fire. What have I gotten myself into
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