#I’m completely normal about Oscar Isaac
foxilayde · 1 year
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Well well well, what do we have here?
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He’s an Aēsop girlie!?
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The reverence hand balm. You bougie boy.
Notes: Bergamot, Vetiver, Petitgrain.
And oh what’s this?
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Only a psychopath would know what this shadowed Half-turned tube is on first glance…
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Virtue hair styling cream.
Notes: Sweet orange, cypress.
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jcinktinder · 4 months
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TRIGGER WARNING FOR narcissism, angst, emotional and psychological abuse, (former) age gap relationship, stalking, and general unhinged behavior. ( This man is a walking red flag. )
Inspired by "Kill Your Darlings".
This wanted is attached to a character, which you can find here.
Human ✧ 44 years old ✧ Doctor and Professor in the field of Medicine ✧ Oscar Isaac
Demetrius Kotzias was born in Greece and lived there for most of his life, perhaps he achieved his numerous specializations somewhere else, but his nationality and the fact that he tutored in Athens for a few years is a must.
Dr. Kotzias has an extensive curriculum and numerous specializations in the fields of anatomy and physiology, being a passionate admirer of the human body and all its nuances. He's also passionate about sculpting and has a private atelier where he works on his craft as a hobby outside his daily work.
He is described as a narcissist, in possession of the assets of a classic manipulator: charming, charismatic, easy to befriend, compulsive liar, manipulative and egotistical. He is unapologetic, bold, harming people for his own satisfaction and whenever he sets his eyes on something he wants, nothing can stop him from getting it - even if there's the need of hurting or wounding others in the process.
Demetrius is the type of person who's possessive and obsessive towards those he cares about, if you develop any sort of bond with the man, he'll slowly dig his claws into you until you're completely under his control. Dr. Kotzias is certainly a perfectionist and if something is out of his control, he simply loses his mind until he has it under his grasp.
His relationship with Arian Mohsen Salib began when the other man became his pupil in Athens three years prior, it was only a friendly exchange at first, but soon Arian became his muse and Demetrius developed an unhealthy obsession with the other, determined to be in his life no matter what happened. Of course, there was an age gap between them both and Arian was inexperienced in the matters of love and relationships, so he was unaware of how Demetrius' affections exceeded what was considered normal.
Their relationship was tumultuous and toxic. It's possible that Demetrius never loved Arian, it was possibly an addictive power play where he had full control of him mixed with utter obsession for reasons we can discuss - since i have nothing laid out for that. This can end in two ways or more, since i'm enthusiastic about organic development: either Arian will lose his mind and commit a horrible act just to be free from this man or Demetrius will find another person to obsess over, ultimately detaching from the object of his twisted affection.
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qveerthe0ry · 5 months
I have a question for you… What is your Pedro origin story? What character brought you in? Or was it the man himself?
Omg I love this question, thank you for asking!!! 💕
So I remember way back when The Force Awakens came out, I was all up in Oscar Isaac’s business because obviously. Around the same time I was seeing lots of him and Pedro together and some Narcos content here on Tumblr, but I never really caught the Pedro bug like others did (listen I was in college I had a lot going on pls forgive me I’m already beating myself up about it). I mean, I even watched Triple Frontier for Oscar and completely dodged heart eyes for Pedro in some fantastic feat. Honestly I deserve a Nobel Prize for that probably.
Fast forward to last year. My mom just casually mentioned this great show that just dropped an episode on HBO. She said my dad made her watch it but she was hooked within the first 20 minutes. I was like huh, I’m not usually into action and shooting and stuff and I hated The Walking Dead, but if my mom likes it then I probably will too.
Obviously I fell in love with The Last of Us instantly. But I was already totally hyper fixated on Our Flag Means Death (RIP) at the time, so I was determined to be Normal about TLOU.
I failed. Miserably. Lmao. I even had a TLOU themed birthday party because I became so engrossed.
It didn’t help that I was also getting nothing but Pedro/Joel thirst traps fed to me through my FYP on tiktok.
So yeah to answer your question, it was The Last of Us that finally made me catch the Pedro bug and I’m so here for it idk how I’m ever going to get over this man and his incredible characters.
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crowtrobotx · 1 year
I was tagged by @vodkafolie and @heisenhowler for this one (thank you both!! ❤️) - I did one already here but if the people command more content, who am I to deny them?
Three (more) Ships: Okay, I can do this lol. I previously listed the three I’m feral about and I honestly don’t have a ton beyond those that I’ll go out of my way to find content for. However, three more I am also charmed by are:
Adora/Catra (SPOP) - not touching this fandom with a ten foot pole though, YIKES.
FinnPoe (Star Wars) had SO MUCH POTENTIAL and it was completely squandered. I would have really liked to see this one happen, actually. Oscar Isaac I will go to bat for u.
And even though this is the second canon Black Sails relationship I’ve mentioned, quite literally every coupling in that show makes me violently shake the bars of my cage so I would be remiss to not mention the incredibly beautiful and perfect bisexual polycule of James (Flint) McGraw/Thomas Hamilton/Miranda Hamilton. My heart. My agony.
First Ever Ship: Confession: last time I hypothesized it was probably an HP one because I came of age during the height of its popularity, but now that I’ve thought about it again I think it was almost certainly one of the Redwall pairings. 💀 I couldn’t tell you which one but I was NOT normal about those funky little murderous woodland animals.
Last Song: Cry Baby - Janis Joplin
Last Movie: Rewatched Princess Mononoke on a whim the other night - still my favorite Ghibli movie. *chef’s kiss*
Currently Reading: Still reading the Inheritance Trilogy by NK Jemisin. This thing is a BRICK but I love it. (Also wistfully gazing out the window waiting for my favorite Heisenberg fic to come back from war but that’s been a thing for a while lol)
Currently Watching: I have on Jenny Nicholson’s deep dive into the failure of the Evermore theme park for background noise while I work - I’ve already watched it twice but it’s so funny and good, highly recommend.
Currently Consuming: The dregs of my morning coffee and my leftover avocado and feta tacos from last night. Breakfast/lunch of champions.
Currently Craving: skrunkly engineer cock kinda dumb but my mom will be making pierogis for Christmas and I have anticipatory cravings. The carbohydrates, give them to me.
I’ll add the new Picrew vodka put on there too bc this one ended up being very accurate and cute imho.
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I will tag whoever wants to do it (and tag me back if you do so I can see!) but I’ll also poke @grisailledreams @hell-on-training-wheels @patchworkgargoyle and @didney-worl-no-uta even though I don’t really need to “get to know” y’all lol.
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dr-ladybird · 1 year
Tagged by @moniesmonsters
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better/catch up with, and answer the questions below!
Last song: My playlist’s stopped on The Bonnie Ship the Diamond (Gaelic Storm version)
Three ships: Ooh, so for Mass Effect I’ll go with player character x Jaal. Not fussy about Ryder’s gender but preferably one of the more mature and sensible ones. 
Locked Tomb, sorry for being basic but Gideon x Harrow (in a “I hope they get their shit together and have a healthy relationship” way.)
Almost anything you can ship or might want to ship in Elden Ring is some flavour of crack, so I’m going to go completely off the wall and claim that Oleg and Margit had a discreet romantic relationship when they were coworkers. (And Oleg swears he caught the king eyeing him up a few times... he must just be that pretty, eh?)
Currently Reading: textbooks :( ok so fat cancers are divided into well differentiated/dedifferentiated aka normal/bad normal (MDM2 amplified), myxoid aka gooey/bad gooey (DDIT3 rearranged, usually with FUS), and pleomorphic aka really bad (multiple genes broken in multiple messy ways), and the gooey versions look far too much like myxofibrosarcoma and low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma (which are not the same thing)... you get the idea.
Last Movie: Hmm, I haven’t seen a movie in ages... probably the new Dune? That was brilliant, excellent acting and setting, I’m very pleased they were brave enough to go full political. My brother and his wife kept arguing over whether Timothee Chalumet or Oscar Isaacs was more attractive (me, I vote for Jason Momoa)
Craving: a coherent understanding of bone and muscle tumours
Tagging @pigeontheoneandonly @huggingtentacles @bronzeagelove @dr-jekyl @inquartata30 @miniature-space-hamster
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rpadverts · 3 months
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TRIGGER WARNING FOR narcissism, angst, emotional and psychological abuse, (former) age gap relationship, stalking, and general unhinged behavior. ( This man is a walking red flag. )
Inspired by "Kill Your Darlings".
This wanted is attached to a character, which you can find here.
Human ✧ 44 years old ✧ Doctor and Professor in the field of Medicine ✧ Oscar Isaac
Demetrius Kotzias was born in Greece and lived there for most of his life, perhaps he achieved his numerous specializations somewhere else, but his nationality and the fact that he tutored in Athens for a few years is a must.
Dr. Kotzias has an extensive curriculum and numerous specializations in the fields of anatomy and physiology, being a passionate admirer of the human body and all its nuances. He's also passionate about sculpting and has a private atelier where he works on his craft as a hobby outside his daily work.
He is described as a narcissist, in possession of the assets of a classic manipulator: charming, charismatic, easy to befriend, compulsive liar, manipulative and egotistical. He is unapologetic, bold, harming people for his own satisfaction and whenever he sets his eyes on something he wants, nothing can stop him from getting it - even if there's the need of hurting or wounding others in the process.
Demetrius is the type of person who's possessive and obsessive towards those he cares about, if you develop any sort of bond with the man, he'll slowly dig his claws into you until you're completely under his control. Dr. Kotzias is certainly a perfectionist and if something is out of his control, he simply loses his mind until he has it under his grasp.
His relationship with Arian Mohsen Salib began when the other man became his pupil in Athens three years prior, it was only a friendly exchange at first, but soon Arian became his muse and Demetrius developed an unhealthy obsession with the other, determined to be in his life no matter what happened. Of course, there was an age gap between them both and Arian was inexperienced in the matters of love and relationships, so he was unaware of how Demetrius' affections exceeded what was considered normal.
Their relationship was tumultuous and toxic. It's possible that Demetrius never loved Arian, it was possibly an addictive power play where he had full control of him mixed with utter obsession for reasons we can discuss - since i have nothing laid out for that. This can end in two ways or more, since i'm enthusiastic about organic development: either Arian will lose his mind and commit a horrible act just to be free from this man or Demetrius will find another person to obsess over, ultimately detaching from the object of his twisted affection.
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rpgadverts · 4 months
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TRIGGER WARNING FOR narcissism, angst, emotional and psychological abuse, (former) age gap relationship, stalking, and general unhinged behavior. ( This man is a walking red flag. )
Inspired by "Kill Your Darlings".
This wanted is attached to a character, which you can find here.
Human ✧ 44 years old ✧ Doctor and Professor in the field of Medicine ✧ Oscar Isaac
Demetrius Kotzias was born in Greece and lived there for most of his life, perhaps he achieved his numerous specializations somewhere else, but his nationality and the fact that he tutored in Athens for a few years is a must.
Dr. Kotzias has an extensive curriculum and numerous specializations in the fields of anatomy and physiology, being a passionate admirer of the human body and all its nuances. He's also passionate about sculpting and has a private atelier where he works on his craft as a hobby outside his daily work.
He is described as a narcissist, in possession of the assets of a classic manipulator: charming, charismatic, easy to befriend, compulsive liar, manipulative and egotistical. He is unapologetic, bold, harming people for his own satisfaction and whenever he sets his eyes on something he wants, nothing can stop him from getting it - even if there's the need of hurting or wounding others in the process.
Demetrius is the type of person who's possessive and obsessive towards those he cares about, if you develop any sort of bond with the man, he'll slowly dig his claws into you until you're completely under his control. Dr. Kotzias is certainly a perfectionist and if something is out of his control, he simply loses his mind until he has it under his grasp.
His relationship with Arian Mohsen Salib began when the other man became his pupil in Athens three years prior, it was only a friendly exchange at first, but soon Arian became his muse and Demetrius developed an unhealthy obsession with the other, determined to be in his life no matter what happened. Of course, there was an age gap between them both and Arian was inexperienced in the matters of love and relationships, so he was unaware of how Demetrius' affections exceeded what was considered normal.
Their relationship was tumultuous and toxic. It's possible that Demetrius never loved Arian, it was possibly an addictive power play where he had full control of him mixed with utter obsession for reasons we can discuss - since i have nothing laid out for that. This can end in two ways or more, since i'm enthusiastic about organic development: either Arian will lose his mind and commit a horrible act just to be free from this man or Demetrius will find another person to obsess over, ultimately detaching from the object of his twisted affection.
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therpdirectory · 4 months
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TRIGGER WARNING FOR narcissism, angst, emotional and psychological abuse, (former) age gap relationship, stalking, and general unhinged behavior. ( This man is a walking red flag. )
Inspired by "Kill Your Darlings".
This wanted is attached to a character, which you can find here.
Human ✧ 44 years old ✧ Doctor and Professor in the field of Medicine ✧ Oscar Isaac
Demetrius Kotzias was born in Greece and lived there for most of his life, perhaps he achieved his numerous specializations somewhere else, but his nationality and the fact that he tutored in Athens for a few years is a must.
Dr. Kotzias has an extensive curriculum and numerous specializations in the fields of anatomy and physiology, being a passionate admirer of the human body and all its nuances. He's also passionate about sculpting and has a private atelier where he works on his craft as a hobby outside his daily work.
He is described as a narcissist, in possession of the assets of a classic manipulator: charming, charismatic, easy to befriend, compulsive liar, manipulative and egotistical. He is unapologetic, bold, harming people for his own satisfaction and whenever he sets his eyes on something he wants, nothing can stop him from getting it - even if there's the need of hurting or wounding others in the process.
Demetrius is the type of person who's possessive and obsessive towards those he cares about, if you develop any sort of bond with the man, he'll slowly dig his claws into you until you're completely under his control. Dr. Kotzias is certainly a perfectionist and if something is out of his control, he simply loses his mind until he has it under his grasp.
His relationship with Arian Mohsen Salib began when the other man became his pupil in Athens three years prior, it was only a friendly exchange at first, but soon Arian became his muse and Demetrius developed an unhealthy obsession with the other, determined to be in his life no matter what happened. Of course, there was an age gap between them both and Arian was inexperienced in the matters of love and relationships, so he was unaware of how Demetrius' affections exceeded what was considered normal.
Their relationship was tumultuous and toxic. It's possible that Demetrius never loved Arian, it was possibly an addictive power play where he had full control of him mixed with utter obsession for reasons we can discuss - since i have nothing laid out for that. This can end in two ways or more, since i'm enthusiastic about organic development: either Arian will lose his mind and commit a horrible act just to be free from this man or Demetrius will find another person to obsess over, ultimately detaching from the object of his twisted affection.
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allthingsroleplay · 4 months
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TRIGGER WARNING FOR narcissism, angst, emotional and psychological abuse, (former) age gap relationship, stalking, and general unhinged behavior. ( This man is a walking red flag. )
Inspired by "Kill Your Darlings".
This wanted is attached to a character, which you can find here.
Human ✧ 44 years old ✧ Doctor and Professor in the field of Medicine ✧ Oscar Isaac
Demetrius Kotzias was born in Greece and lived there for most of his life, perhaps he achieved his numerous specializations somewhere else, but his nationality and the fact that he tutored in Athens for a few years is a must.
Dr. Kotzias has an extensive curriculum and numerous specializations in the fields of anatomy and physiology, being a passionate admirer of the human body and all its nuances. He's also passionate about sculpting and has a private atelier where he works on his craft as a hobby outside his daily work.
He is described as a narcissist, in possession of the assets of a classic manipulator: charming, charismatic, easy to befriend, compulsive liar, manipulative and egotistical. He is unapologetic, bold, harming people for his own satisfaction and whenever he sets his eyes on something he wants, nothing can stop him from getting it - even if there's the need of hurting or wounding others in the process.
Demetrius is the type of person who's possessive and obsessive towards those he cares about, if you develop any sort of bond with the man, he'll slowly dig his claws into you until you're completely under his control. Dr. Kotzias is certainly a perfectionist and if something is out of his control, he simply loses his mind until he has it under his grasp.
His relationship with Arian Mohsen Salib began when the other man became his pupil in Athens three years prior, it was only a friendly exchange at first, but soon Arian became his muse and Demetrius developed an unhealthy obsession with the other, determined to be in his life no matter what happened. Of course, there was an age gap between them both and Arian was inexperienced in the matters of love and relationships, so he was unaware of how Demetrius' affections exceeded what was considered normal.
Their relationship was tumultuous and toxic. It's possible that Demetrius never loved Arian, it was possibly an addictive power play where he had full control of him mixed with utter obsession for reasons we can discuss - since i have nothing laid out for that. This can end in two ways or more, since i'm enthusiastic about organic development: either Arian will lose his mind and commit a horrible act just to be free from this man or Demetrius will find another person to obsess over, ultimately detaching from the object of his twisted affection.
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rpings · 4 months
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TRIGGER WARNING FOR narcissism, angst, emotional and psychological abuse, (former) age gap relationship, stalking, and general unhinged behavior. ( This man is a walking red flag. )
Inspired by "Kill Your Darlings".
This wanted is attached to a character, which you can find here.
Human ✧ 44 years old ✧ Doctor and Professor in the field of Medicine ✧ Oscar Isaac
Demetrius Kotzias was born in Greece and lived there for most of his life, perhaps he achieved his numerous specializations somewhere else, but his nationality and the fact that he tutored in Athens for a few years is a must.
Dr. Kotzias has an extensive curriculum and numerous specializations in the fields of anatomy and physiology, being a passionate admirer of the human body and all its nuances. He's also passionate about sculpting and has a private atelier where he works on his craft as a hobby outside his daily work.
He is described as a narcissist, in possession of the assets of a classic manipulator: charming, charismatic, easy to befriend, compulsive liar, manipulative and egotistical. He is unapologetic, bold, harming people for his own satisfaction and whenever he sets his eyes on something he wants, nothing can stop him from getting it - even if there's the need of hurting or wounding others in the process.
Demetrius is the type of person who's possessive and obsessive towards those he cares about, if you develop any sort of bond with the man, he'll slowly dig his claws into you until you're completely under his control. Dr. Kotzias is certainly a perfectionist and if something is out of his control, he simply loses his mind until he has it under his grasp.
His relationship with Arian Mohsen Salib began when the other man became his pupil in Athens three years prior, it was only a friendly exchange at first, but soon Arian became his muse and Demetrius developed an unhealthy obsession with the other, determined to be in his life no matter what happened. Of course, there was an age gap between them both and Arian was inexperienced in the matters of love and relationships, so he was unaware of how Demetrius' affections exceeded what was considered normal.
Their relationship was tumultuous and toxic. It's possible that Demetrius never loved Arian, it was possibly an addictive power play where he had full control of him mixed with utter obsession for reasons we can discuss - since i have nothing laid out for that. This can end in two ways or more, since i'm enthusiastic about organic development: either Arian will lose his mind and commit a horrible act just to be free from this man or Demetrius will find another person to obsess over, ultimately detaching from the object of his twisted affection.
0 notes
smreine · 2 years
Dune (Villeneuve 2021) review
I made the mistake of watching Lynch's Dune two days before Villeneuve's Dune was released. Months later, I still find myself unable to decide which is the "better" movie. I suspect it's Villeneuve's. Certainly, Villeneuve's is much more successful in the box office. Yet I can only think of Villeneuve's Dune in terms of how it lacks compared to Lynch's Dune.
Dune is largely considered impossible to adapt, which is silly, because Lynch did fine adapting the whole book. Turning half of the book into a montage may not be what certain fans prefer, but if you watch the movie for itself in Watsonian fashion, it makes sense: Paul Muad'Dib is created by the events in the beginning of the movie, and we see his creation being the downfall of his enemies when he fights Sting And Friends at the end. It is a story at mythic scale that does a "one two, skip a few, ninety-nine, one hundred" approach to the plot. You can try to argue with Lynch's approach, but there's no point, because this is David Lynch we're talking about.
Villeneuve's Dune isn't a complete story in itself. It ends halfway through the book, in a fashion both anticlimactic and abrupt, and does not attempt to construct a standalone story out of that material.
In the meantime, the movie drags us through many long, slow scenes that amount to little more than concept art while establishing world and mood. I genuinely believe that the amount people enjoy this movie is dependent on how likely they are to repeatedly peruse an Art of Dune coffee table book. Although I love concept art, this isn't in a style which appeals to me. It's minimalist, geometric, and nearly monochromatic to almost a comical degree - as though Villeneuve was making a deliberate move away from the lush Baroque world Lynch built.
What do you think the future will look like after humans have spent a couple thousand years trucking around the galaxy? Will we have ancient structures that glory in the accumulated wealth of our empire, or will we be utilitarian?
What do you *want* the future to look like? If you think, "I hope the future has a lot of sheer sandstone faces," then I bet you will love to stare at Villeneuve's Dune.
Similarly, I found the actors' performances less compelling than in Lynch's adaptation - probably because many of them were flown in for a partial movie shoot, whipping out a few scenes under the promise they will have a lot more scenes in the second half of the movie that has yet to be made. But Villeneuve's vision for this movie also involves making Paul Atreides a "normal boy" who is moody and irritating, completely unlike Lynch's Paul Atreides, who feels like he was born a legend and will die a legend and belongs to the mythic forces surrounding his life. The sense of drama is so different.
I could continue enumerating the elements of this adaptation which I found to be inferior, simply because they are so much less *interesting*, but I think I've said enough to make it clear I'm more of a Weird Movies Person than a Whatever Villeneuve Was Trying To Do Here person. I can't evaluate this version of Dune on its own merits, and I don't want to. The fact I sat through it for so many hours isn't just because Oscar Isaac is one of the hottest people on the planet. I was clearly some kind of entertained. But it will never be anything but the Lynch's Dune turned down from 11 to a 4.
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uomo-accattivante · 3 years
Excellent article about bringing a re-make of Ingmar Bergman’s Scenes from a Marriage to fruition, and the twenty-year friendship that Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain share:
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There were days on the shoot for “Scenes From a Marriage,” a five-episode limited series that premieres Sept. 12 on HBO, when Oscar Isaac resented the crew.
The problem wasn’t the crew members themselves, he told me on a video call in March. But the work required of him and his co-star, Jessica Chastain, was so unsparingly intimate — “And difficult!” Chastain added from a neighboring Zoom window — that every time a camera operator or a makeup artist appeared, it felt like an intrusion.
On his other projects, Isaac had felt comfortably distant from the characters and their circumstances — interplanetary intrigue, rogue A.I. But “Scenes” surveys monogamy and parenthood, familiar territory. Sometimes Isaac would film a bedtime scene with his onscreen child (Lily Jane) and then go home and tuck his own child into the same model of bed as the one used onset, accessorized with the same bunny lamp, and not know exactly where art ended and life began.
“It was just a lot,” he said.
Chastain agreed, though she put it more strongly. “I mean, I cried every day for four months,” she said.
Isaac, 42, and Chastain, 44, have known each other since their days at the Juilliard School. And they have channeled two decades of friendship, admiration and a shared and obsessional devotion to craft into what Michael Ellenberg, one of the series’s executive producers, called “five hours of naked, raw performance.” (That nudity is metaphorical, mostly.)
“For me it definitely felt incredibly personal,” Chastain said on the call in the spring, about a month after filming had ended. “That’s why I don’t know if I have another one like this in me. Yeah, I can’t decide that. I can’t even talk about it without. …” She turned away from the screen. (It was one of several times during the call that I felt as if I were intruding, too.)
The original “Scenes From a Marriage,” created by Ingmar Bergman, debuted on Swedish television in 1973. Bergman’s first television series, its six episodes trace the dissolution of a middle-class marriage. Starring Liv Ullmann, Bergman’s ex, it drew on his own past relationships, though not always directly.
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“When it comes to Bergman, the relationship between autobiography and fiction is extremely complicated,” said Jan Holmberg, the chief executive of the Ingmar Bergman Foundation.
A sensation in Sweden, it was seen by most of the adult population. And yes, sure, correlation does not imply causation, but after its debut, Swedish divorce were rumored to have doubled. Holmberg remembers watching a rerun as a 10-year-old.
“It was a rude awakening to adult life,” he said.
The writer and director Hagai Levi saw it as a teenager, on Israeli public television, during a stint on a kibbutz. “I was shocked,” he said. The series taught him that a television series could be radical, that it could be art. When he created “BeTipul,” the Israeli precursor to “In Treatment,” he used “Scenes” as proof of the concept “that two people can talk for an hour and it can work,” Levi said. (Strangely, “Scenes” also inspired the prime-time soap “Dallas.”)
So when Daniel Bergman, Ingmar Bergman’s youngest son, approached Levi about a remake, he was immediately interested.
But the project languished, in part because loving a show isn’t reason enough to adapt it. Divorce is common now — in Sweden, and elsewhere — and the relationship politics of the original series, in which the male character deserts his wife and young children for an academic post, haven’t aged particularly well.
Then about two years ago, Levi had a revelation. He would swap the gender roles. A woman who leaves her marriage and child in pursuit of freedom (with a very hot Israeli entrepreneur in place of a visiting professorship) might still provoke conversation and interest.
So the Marianne and Johan of the original became Mira and Jonathan, with a Boston suburb (re-created in a warehouse just north of New York City), stepping in for the Stockholm of the original. Jonathan remains an academic though Mira, a lawyer in the original, is now a businesswoman who out-earns him.
Casting began in early 2020. After Isaac met with Levi, he wrote to Chastain to tell her about the project. She wasn’t available. The producers cast Michelle Williams. But the pandemic reshuffled everyone’s schedules. When production was ready to resume, Williams was no longer free. Chastain was. “That was for me the most amazing miracle,” Levi said.
Isaac and Chastain met in the early 2000s at Juilliard. He was in his first year; she, in her third. He first saw her in a scene from a classical tragedy, slapping men in the face as Helen of Troy. He was friendly with her then-boyfriend, and they soon became friends themselves, bonding through the shared trauma of an acting curriculum designed to break its students down and then build them back up again. Isaac remembered her as “a real force of nature and solid, completely solid, with an incredible amount of integrity,” he said.
In the next window, Chastain blushed. “He was super talented,” she said. “But talented in a way that wasn’t expected, that’s challenging and pushing against constructs and ideas.” She introduced him to her manager, and they celebrated each other’s early successes and went to each other’s premieres. (A few of those photos are used in “Scenes From a Marriage” as set dressing.)
In 2013, Chastain was cast in J.C. Chandor’s “A Most Violent Year,”opposite Javier Bardem. When Bardem dropped out, Chastain campaigned for Isaac to have the role. Weeks before shooting, they began to meet, fleshing out the back story of their characters — a husband and wife trying to corner the heating oil market in 1981 New York — the details of the marriage, business, life.
It was their first time working together, and each felt a bond that went deeper than a parallel education and approach. “Something connects us that’s stronger than any ideas of character or story or any of that,” Isaac said. “There’s something else that’s more about like, a shared existence.”
Chandor noticed how they would support each other on set, and challenge each other, too, giving each other the freedom to take the characters’ relationship to dark and dangerous places. “They have this innate trust with each other,” Chandor said.
That trust eliminated the need for actorly tricks or shortcuts, in part because they know each other’s tricks too well. Their motto, Isaac said, was, “Let’s figure this [expletive] out together and see what’s the most honest thing we can do.”
Moni Yakim, Juilliard’s celebrated movement instructor, has followed their careers closely and he noted what he called the “magnetism and spiritual connection” that they suggested onscreen in the film.
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“It’s a kind of chemistry,” Yakim said. “They can read each other’s mind and you as an audience, you can sense it.”
Telepathy takes work. When they knew that shooting “Scenes From a Marriage” could begin, Chastain bought a copy of “All About Us,” a guided journal for couples, and filled in her sections in character as Mira. Isaac brought it home and showed it to his wife, the filmmaker Elvira Lind.
“She was like, ‘You finally found your match,’” Isaac recalled. “’Someone that is as big of a nerd as you are.’”
The actors rehearsed, with Levi and on their own, talking their way through each long scene, helping each other through the anguished parts. When production had to halt for two weeks, they rehearsed then, too.
Watching these actors work reminded Amy Herzog, a writer and executive producer on the series, of race horses in full gallop. “These are two people who have so much training and skill,” she said. “Because it’s an athletic feat, what they were being asked to do.”
But training and skill and the “All About Us” book hadn’t really prepared them for the emotional impact of actually shooting “Scenes From a Marriage.” Both actors normally compartmentalize when they work, putting up psychic partitions between their roles and themselves. But this time, the partitions weren’t up to code.
“I knew I was in trouble the very first week,” Chastain said.
She couldn’t hide how the scripts affected her, especially from someone who knows her as well as Isaac does. “I just felt so exposed,” she said. “This to me, more than anything I’ve ever worked on, was definitely the most open I’ve ever been.”
“It felt so dangerous,” she said.
I visited the set in February (after multiple Covid-19 tests and health screenings) during a final day of filming. It was the quietest set I had ever seen: The atmosphere was subdued, reverent almost, a crew and a studio space stripped down to only what two actors would need to do the most passionate and demanding work of their careers.
Isaac didn’t know if he would watch the completed series. “It really is the first time ever, where I’ve done something where I’m totally fine never seeing this thing,” he said. “Because I’ve really lived through it. And in some ways I don’t want whatever they decide to put together to change my experience of it, which was just so intense.”
The cameras captured that intensity. Though Chastain isn’t Mira and Isaac isn’t Jonathan, each drew on personal experience — their parents’ marriages, past relationships — in ways they never had. Sometimes work on the show felt like acting, and sometimes the work wasn’t even conscious. There’s a scene in the harrowing fourth episode in which they both lie crumpled on the floor, an identical stress vein bulging in each forehead.
“It’s my go-to move, the throbbing forehead vein,” Isaac said on a follow-up video call last month. Chastain riffed on the joke: “That was our third year at Juilliard, the throb.”
By then, it had been five months since the shoot wrapped. Life had returned to something like normal. Jokes were possible again. Both of them seemed looser, more relaxed. (Isaac had already poured himself one tequila shot and was ready for another.) No one cried.
Chastain had watched the show with her husband. And Isaac, despite his initial reluctance, had watched it, too. It didn’t seem to have changed his experience.
“I’ve never done anything like it,” he said. “And I can’t imagine doing anything like it again.”
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
Hi, I hope this isn't too personal, but I was wondering at what age did you realise you were a lesbian?
That definitely is a personal question, but I don’t mind answering it!
The short answer: I’ve always known, but I didn’t have the words to label it until middle school or the freedom/safety socially to act on it until I was in my early 20s. (The main reason for this is that I am Old, and George W. “Reagan Was Right About Everything” Bush was president from the time I went through puberty up until after I was out of undergrad. I TRULY cannot emphasize enough how much queer acceptance has changed in the last five years, let alone the last 10-20, or 34.)
The long answer: I think part of queerness is constantly questioning and reaffirming your own sexuality. When society says that you’re supposed to be one way and you know that you’re another, it’s natural to question why and how and whether you want to be that way. That daily decision to be Other in a society that demands you to be the Same is a big part of what queerness is, to me.
I’ve always known that I preferred girls to boys/women to men, but to what extent and in what ways that affects my day-to-day life (especially alone in a pandemic!) is an act of constant questioning and reaffirmation and choice. I learned in preschool that I couldn’t say that I had a crush on Minh from Barney without getting in trouble (at school; at home, my parents have never cared). So I would say that I had a crush on Jacob the Bluejay from Under The Umbrella Tree, and on some level I probably did. That doesn’t erase that I was in love with Minh, too.
The loves of my elementary school life were Claudia Kishi and a girl the grade ahead of me, but I knew that wasn’t something that people would see as normal, so I was practically boy-crazy to make up for it -- when our future high school quarterback moved to town, hoo boy. If the “I can’t socially be a lesbian because it’s the 90s and I’m a child and people don’t understand this and I don’t even know the word ‘lesbian’ yet but I know having crushes on girls isn’t okay” solution was “have very loud crushes on untouchable boys so you never have to worry about them liking you back,” then Jake moving to town was a godsend. Every now-openly-WLW girl I know from my town had a big ole lllllllesbian crush on Jake, lol.
I used the “have obnoxiously loud crushes on untouchable boys so you don’t ever have to worry about being liked back/liked by a boy” strategy all through middle and high school, too. Hence: my boy band thing! They are the LEAST REAL boys and also Completely Untouchable, so they were the perfect armor for the George W. Bush years. I couldn’t possibly be An Evil Lesbian if I had such a huge, annoying, public crush on Chris from Dream Street. (And if in the shadows I was kissing Heather and S. and Jessica and desperately still in love with Nicole and Erin and Jenny, no one had to know. No one could know.)
Also in high school and through the better parts of undergrad, I would sometimes go on double-dates that were two MLM boys, me, and another WLW, so it would ostensibly be two het couples on a double-date. The oldest trick in the book. The first date I went on with a woman without this ruse was after Obama became president, and I was 21 or 22. We went to a queer bookstore and a Tibetan restaurant, and I felt transformed. I never went on another date with that particular woman, but I’ve never pretended to go on a date with a man again, either.
And on some level, obviously, I do still have big annoying loud crushes on untouchable celebrity men -- see Oscar Isaac and the famous “even I, a giant lesbian” Thirst Tweet that is so fucking true. And I think it’s natural that on some level whenever I am Thirst Reblogging Oscar, I think, “Does this undo my lesbianness?” and the answer is no. Oscar Isaac isn’t real.*
*The Oscar Isaac that exists as a public figure is not who he really is, and I have no desire to know who he really is. I have a crush on the image of him, and that’s not real. Oscar Isaac might as well be Jacob the Bluejay.
But still, I think part of queerness is having to wonder that sometimes. “Does my natural personhood somehow undermine this label that applies to me?” is something inherently queer. Because people aren’t labels; we’re not one-dimensional. I’m not “a gold-star lesbian,” so some people would say I’m not a lesbian at all. Some people would look at my lifestyle and say that I’m obviously asexual, but I don’t feel like that label fits me and so I don’t claim it, and I am not it. Queerness is the muddling through. Queerness is reaffirmation and deciding what you’re NOT as much as what you ARE. I know I’m NOT straight and I’m NOT bi and I’m NOT ace and I’m definitely NOT aro as much as I know I AM a lesbian. But I have to decide those things constantly.
So the long answer is, I’ve always known, and I also just decided today.
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Birthday Spankings
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: A normally shy reader decides to tease Spencer on his birthday thinking she could get away with it. Based on this request
A/N: who am I? Releasing two dom Spencer smut fics in a row 😱 lmao 😂 this is all for MGG’s birthday! Happy birthday to The Gubes 🥳 Actually pretty cool day cause both MGG and Oscar Isaac both actually have the same birthday 🥳 I decided to use this request that I’ve been meaning to write and add it with a bit of a birthday twist!! Thanks for reading and requests are open!!!
Warnings: 18+, Dom!Spencer, Shy reader that acts unexpectedly bratty, Reader wears glasses, Impact play, Degredation, Penetrative sex, Use of the nicknames Doll & Sir
Main Masterlist Word Count: 2.6k
“Hey, birthday boy.” There was no need for me to speak quietly as it was still quite early in the morning, but my default voice was still at a soft volume.
Spencer looked up from the crossword puzzle he had been solving like a race with a soft smile directed at me. He definitely did help me come out of my comfort zone a lot, but whenever he looked at me with softness as if he was adoring me I couldn't help but feel a bit of shyness bubbling up.
I was painfully shy around almost everyone in my life, except Spencer. When I had joined as an assistant technical analyst for Garcia I was in stark contrast to her bright and bubbly demeanor. For a long time I didn’t connect with anyone on the team, just did my job as was described to me and only spoke when I needed to.
The event that had gotten me to come out of my shell a little happened to be when I was reading a book that Spencer had loved. He launched into a full rant about the book that I had barely even started immediately when he saw the cover. When he had realized he’d spoiled the book he had apologized profusely. In a rare moment of bravery I told him he could take me to a bookstore and buy me another book as repayment, albeit with my head hanging low speaking so softly that Spencer had to ask me to repeat myself 3 times. Though, it was really just an excuse to get him to talk again, I loved listening to him talk. Ever since then we had been joined at the hip, even beginning to date two years ago. I often helped him become more grounded in the world he often said and it was quite obvious to everyone around me that Spencer helped my confidence bloom.
I will admit he could be a little possessive as of late though not in a bad way, especially after coming back from prison. But, I was still extremely surprised when he came up behind me subtly in the room while I was making the first cup of coffee for the both of us in the morning and I felt a tap on my ass. He must have finished his crossword puzzle.
I yelped quietly in surprise, it didn’t hurt, it had just been unexpected. I turned to face him with a bemused look on my face quirking my eyebrows up shyly in question. My shy befuddled look was in stark contrast to his smirking face making me peek up and smile a little. At least no one had been around, Spencer was brave just not that brave.
I wasn’t sure what made me a little bit more bold today, maybe I thought I’d get some leeway for brattiness because it was his birthday. Honestly, I don’t know why I thought I could get away with it, it was his birthday after all, not mine. I still decided to push up my glasses a little before speaking smoothly with a little more confidence than normal,
“Isn’t it the tradition that the birthday boy is the one that’s supposed to get the spankings?” Spencer’s face was one of shock at first, not used to a snap back from me. Once he recovered from my unexpected remark a dark look that I almost never saw directed at me came over his face letting me know without any words that I was in for it tonight. I wasn’t going to get my normal soft but dominant boyfriend tonight.
Spencer then confirmed my thoughts when he leaned in closer behind me slightly pushing me into the counter and then whispering into my ear, “ I hope you know what you just got yourself into, Doll.”
His presence then left me to go back to his desk, making sure to grab his sweetened coffee I had been making for him along with mine. Making sure he did make sure to spank my ass one last time, this time much harder than the first. Yeah, I was definitely in for it tonight.
I looked around to make sure that no one had been looking towards the break room, luckily no one had been. My cheeks were hot with residual embarrassment and my heart still pumping loudly with adrenaline from getting the courage to say a sassy sentence to Spencer. I tried to mask my embarrassment by bringing up my own coffee to hide my face which also fogged up my glasses a little. I will admit that the rush I felt when I had finally gained the courage to sass back to Spencer made any punishment I was going to get tonight worth it. I even was slightly looking forward to the birthday spankings I was definitely going to be getting.
When work came to a close I was soaked through my panties already in anticipation. Spencer had been casting me looks throughout the rest of the day, it had made me so desperate I had wished I had gotten the courage to make a snarky comment later in the day so I wouldn’t have had to wait for some relief. Though, to be honest I was partially anticipating not being able to have any relief at all tonight by the way Spencer had been looking at me. Even when everyone had been singing happy birthday he had been looking at me as if he was deciding how he was going to take me apart later.
When I got the text at the end of the day that he wanted me to come to his apartment I felt myself get increasingly flustered. I knew I should’ve just stayed in my lane as a good girl who did everything for her dom. My flustered state was so noticeable that the rest of my co-workers had even noticed, which was telling considering my normally shy demeanor translated to flustered.
As soon as I shakily opened the door with the spare key Spencer had given to me on our last anniversary I was greeted with the tall imposing figure of him standing at the end of the entryway.
His slow walk over to me caused me to drop my purse over being intimidated, it was a good thing though because I was positive I had never been so soaked before.
Once he reached me he tilted up my chin with one finger and spoke with a calmness as cool as steel, “You’re going to do as I say tonight, I’m going to punish you. If you speak out of turn once I won’t let you cum for a week.”
Your confidence in your bratty behavior from early had all but completely deflated at those words. He had edged me before too and I had done it many times before, never for so long though. I definitely knew I wouldn’t be able to handle it.
“Yes, Sir.” I spoke firmly to emphasize that I wasn’t playing around anymore, I was ready to listen like I normally did.
“Just a few simple words and you’re so easy to tame?” You nodded with a whimper and averted your eyes away, embarrassed with how quickly he could bring you back to your usual behavior. He reached forward to push up your glasses that had slipped down your nose a little which also refocused your gaze back on him before he spoke again, “I knew you’d be so easy, you’re always so desperate to please me and- yourself. I knew as soon as I threatened to take it all away you’d come crawling back doll. ”
He enveloped me into a harsh all consuming kiss that there was no escape from, not that I wanted to though. He easily dominanted the kiss while also running his large hands through my hair and tugging harshly to pull me closer. Suddenly he broke the kiss, leaving us both panting and he touched me jaw again. This time he gripped it hard before giving me another command that I was ready and willing to follow,
“I want you to ride me tonight, it is my birthday after all. I want you above me while I look at you fucking yourself on my cock, just desperate to cum while you service me.” I whined at his words, hoping that I’d get to cum. But, I had never really been bratty, the only spankings I had gotten before this was because I asked for it. I whimpered in wonder about whether or not Spencer was going to give me the chance to cum or not. Spencer seemed to understand my nonsensical plea then speaking with a condescending tone, “Oh no, you’re not going to get to cum tonight until I see if you regret your bratty behavior, little doll.”
He hauled me up onto his lap after basically ripping down my panties and skirt to straddle him when he sat down onto the couch, which happened to be the closest surface suitable for what Spencer wanted to do to me right then and right now.
He ran his fingers through my folds collecting my juices, teasingly rubbing my clit for a second of relief before popping his fingers into his mouth to get a taste. “Mmm, you taste wonderful. Want to taste?”
“Y-yes, Sir.” He already knew my answer though considering he had already pulled my hair to tilt my jaw back causing me to stutter while running his hands through my folds again. Once he got his finger sufficiently wet again he shoved his fingers into my mouth with no warning, gagging a little in response. He pumped his fingers in and out of my mouth until he was completely satisfied how I had sucked the juices off of his fingers, until drool had been escaping the corners of your mouth.
Again he rubbed my clit in a teasing manner before speaking, “You’re already so wet you're practically dripping, I could just slide right in.”
It wasn’t too long until he had and he was right he did slide right in, my walls gripping him like a glove.
I was only allowed a moment to adjust before he prompted me to start moving by saying, “I’d like my birthday present now.”
I began to bounce on top of him as I had done many times before. At one point I had tried to take my glasses off to make myself perhaps more comfortable but was met with a light growl telling me that he wanted them to stay on. After a while I had created a rhythm for long enough that I was wondering when my punishment was going to come, I already had a pretty good idea what it was going to be.
A harsh sound cracked through the room suddenly confirming my suspicion, he had spanked me hard. My hips stuttered from shock, then stopping completely reeling from the harsh slap.
“Call them out, Doll.” He sharply spoke after landing the second blow onto my other cheek.
“I’ll let that one slide but call them out clearly next time.”
My hips were burning as I tried to focus on rotating them properly while he started to lay in on my ass. It also was difficult to focus on making sure I was calling out the spanks with some semblance of clarity.
“12!” “13!” “14!”
Number 14 had been the harshest one yet making me cry out so loud in the back of my mind I was concerned that maybe his neighbors would call the cops. Though the burning pleasure echoing through me wasn’t letting me voice my concern to Spencer, all I cared about was trying to hold off my orgasm that I was already dangerously close too despite being so far off from the finishing number.
When tears started to prickle in my eyes Spencer looked up at me with slight worry, breaking the scene a little. I hadn’t gotten near my breaking point yet so I nodded for him to continue, I only had about 10 more to go.
“24! 25! 26!”
When my hips started to slow down slightly because of the stinging pain from his spanks he gripped my hips hard which I was sure would leave another kind of mark that I’d wear for a while.
He released his hard grip with one hand to continue the count to the magic number, how many years old he was today. I willed myself to continue counting because I knew I’d just get myself signed up for more, maybe even starting back from zero— I didn’t know if I could handle that and successfully hold off my orgasm.
“38!” The last stinging slap cracked down like a whip to my ass that was no doubt probably would make it hard to sit for the next week, hopefully not more.
I was hoping to get relief from Spencer by letting me have permission to cum but, when he asked the next question I realized he wouldn’t let me off so easy, “Do you think you’ve earned it?”
“No, sir I haven’t but I’d really like to cum please?!” I knew I hadn’t begged enough in his eyes, I knew I hadn’t earned it yet, but I was just so desperate to finish. His cock was running up perfectly against my g spot hurtling me precariously close to the edge.
“Say your sorry.”
“I- I’m sorry, S-sir!” I stuttered out in desperation which was usually not something Spencer would have tolerated, I think he sensed that I wasn’t going to last any longer with the edging and being no longer physically able to control it.
“Ok, Doll you can cum, since you decided to follow my directions so well.” As soon as ‘ok’ had left his lips I stopped holding my orgasm back out of pure exhaustion. It was so devastatingly good, ripping through every nerve in my body, that I barely noticed Spencer finishing as well. I only felt the last few ropes being pumped into me after the majority of my orgasm had passed.
Our panting breaths mingled as I leant over to kiss him while I rocked my hips to drag out the last dregs of our orgasms. The kiss ended up being more messy than I intended but I was just desperate to feel his lips on mine again.
Spencer gripped my lightly jaw once he had caught his breath some and turned my head to the side to press a kiss below my ear before speaking softly, “Such a good girl.”
“Thank you, sir.” I whispered back with another characteristic whine from me that was a little pathetic on my part, I had been ruined by him for sure.
We basked in the presence of each other for a little while, just enjoying being tangled all together. Though after a while the stickiness between my thighs got a little too uncomfortable and Spencer started the main part of aftercare for me. He seemed a little caught up in his thoughts while he started to clean me up so I prompted him with a little boop on the nose to silently ask what’s wrong.
“Did I go too far?” The worry he felt was evident by the tensing in his shoulders where he often seemed to hold his worry.
You quickly interjected as he began to stutter out the beginnings of an apology despite not letting you answer yet, “If you had, I would’ve used my safe word.”
He breathed out a sigh of relief as he resumed my aftercare, making sure I was well taken care of and pampered to perfection. We were sitting in a bubble bath when I finally realized something, I hadn’t said Happy Birthday to him yet.
“Happy Birthday, Spencer.”
I said while I was straddling him and I could already feeling him getting ready for another round, though this one would surely be gentler than the last as to not irritate my ass anymore. Despite my still stinging backside I was glad I stole Spencer’s birthday spankings.
Tag list (message me if you want to be added):
All works:
@shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg
Spencer Reid/CM:
@calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes
Dom Spencer (new tag list):
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skellizo · 2 years
I have never watched a single star wars film completely so now I am learning what the fuck happend through the Lego Game (below read more are notes after completing each trilogy)
I know some very basic stuff of the og trilogy (mainly Luke and Leia being siblings, C3po and R2D2 exist, Yoda in some kind of swamp environment and Luke and Leia being the children of Vader)
I know close to nothing about the prequels except we got a meme from it, Obi-Wan is in them and Anakin = Vader and Pademe is the mother to Luke and Leia (I think Palpetine also appears in those movies but idk the plot of the prequels only that it ends with Anakin becoming Vader)
I know some general plot points (I think) of the sequels as I have watched some clips of them (mainly for Oscar Isaac because of Moon Knight research prior to it being released)
I remember the robot with 4 lightsabers and some lady in red with white facepaint(?)
OG trilogy:
I always thought the whole Luke I am your father would already happen in the first movie but alright
Are….Are Ben And Obi-Wan the same person….?
I thought Palpatine was in the prequel trilogy and Vader was the main villain for the OG
Also why the fuck did no one spoil to me that Vader and Luke would fight together against Palpetine
Was Leias and Hans romance also only established at the very end of the third film?? Seems a bit weird but alright
I didn’t fully get why Luke went to Vader and Palpetine in the first place? Like I guess to prove that he is not gonna turn to the dark side
…Luke and Leia kissed in the movies didn’t they? If yes thank you Lego Star Wars for just removing that part
I don’t know why I thought it was Vader that was cast in the silvery stuff instead of Han
Boba Fett?? Appears in the OG trilogy?? As an “antagonist”??
Anyway Conclusion: Story seems interesting enough especially since I knew NOTHING it turns out about the third movie of this trilogy. I was planning to watch all the movies after the game anyway but atm I am most interested in the story and execution of this trilogy
Prequel Trilogy:
I’m sorry but am I told that Star Wars happened because of an in universe trade disagreement???
Pademe seems a bit…older than Anakin
I have never seen Queen Amidala out of Lego form
Palpatine actually looked normal once huh
Ok but did some strange insects really get sent in for a break in into padmes room??
I can’t imagine General G as something other than in Lego form like his character design stuck so in my head that after more than 10 years I still remembered it in such detail
…So they just made a lot of clones?? I always thought Stormtrooper were a lot of clones but now I don’t think they are??
So Vader/Anakin has a bunch of temper tantrums
Why do peoples faces change when they turn to the dark side??
Conclusion: I got a bit lost during the whole clone thing with Jango Fett. Bit weird when we saw Anakin as a literal small child next to Padmé a senator in the council knowing they would get together later on, had no idea that Amidala and Padmé were the same person short moment my mind was just blown, Episode 1 and 3 I understood the story I think alright but I was a bit lost in episode 2…I literally only knew about Order 66, “Do it” and the whole last fight
Sequel trilogy:
So….I know a lot from the force awakens so not much new stuff buuuut Han Solos death was nice
I thought that vault where the tentacle things were stored were IN the millennium falcon so that’s new
There weren’t multiple Leia temporary general replacements in the films right??
Was there actually a prison break in the movies???
There is a weird hole on Lukes getaway Island and you have like a mirror level in it but no idea how that is translated to the movies
Admiral Holdo?? Times three??
Finn should have become a Jedi
Ep 9 begins and one of teh first characters you see is the live slug reaction slug?? Perfect
Did…did Kylo Ren also just wander into a strange lab like structure and found a Palpetine who was falling apart??
Poe and Rey are on their own…
Finn didn’t yell to Rey about needing to tell her something
Wait who are those Kylo Ren looking dudes?? I just missed that
…Rose feels like a character that was introduced just so that they could give Finn a female love interest after people started shipping Finn and Poe
Who the fuck is this little droid called D-0 and why is it on my team suddenly - IT CAN TALK?
Knowing now Palpetine once looked more like a normal dude it makes more sense as to how he ever had children (the question is still when the fuck did that happen but…)
Zero idea who the Knights of Ren are or if they ever even appeared outside of Episode 9
…where did he get that blue lightsaber from though?? Like? And why does Rey also have a blue one?? One of the two is Leias I just always thought she would have another colour other than blue but still….why both blue
So you are telling me Ben and Rey kissed in the movies?? Alright then…the hug was enough
Was there als a BB-9E that got in basically a Mech in the movies
“I don’t like sand” Thanks Anakin
There is the yellow Lightsaber
Conclusion: Rose felt like she was just there as a love interest, genuinely interesting concepts, I feel like I missed a lot because no idea when the Knight of Ren first popped up and all that. Whose lightsabers did they fight with at the end of ep 9?? Finn should have been/become a Jedi like idc. THE LINE SOMEHOW PALPETINE RETURNED WASN’T THERE. Live Slug Reaction. I think if they had maybe set up that Snoke and the first orders plan was to resurrect Palpetine from the beginning and then Ben and Rey killing Snoke would have set something free that resulted in Palpetine being alive after his death would have worked better. Why did they have to include a Romance between Ben and Rey in the movies like…alright I guess
Final Conclusion: Had a good time :) Also liked most of the main characters and parts of the story though I certainly would have changed let’s say quite a bit but ey from what I got from the games: It was alright. Definitely gonna go watch the movies now so….who knows maybe I’ll become a Star Wars fan
Fun Fact: Lego Star Wars the complete Saga was the only way I knew anything back then about Star Wars. Kids in school would either play Star Wars or Harry Potter during break, so I had barely any knowledge about either of those but just bluffed my way through that. Also when I was young two kids were talking about the (real life) Lego Set for the death Star and how expensive it is, in my imagination I just had a giant Star from Mario in my head as to how this “death Star” looked.
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elizabethh1125 · 2 years
Springtrap/ William Afton with a chubby reader- (sfw and NSFW)
Hello my stinks!!!!!!! I’m a GRADUATED a WOMAN wOOOOOOOOHOoo!!! And I’m off to collage in the fall! Yay! Anyways yes! That was the huge delay y’all I’ve been on that grind trying to complete this year and get though all that mess but here I am! I’m back! And to celebrate my return I will be posting fang head cannons for a whole week! Yes that means a post every. SINGLE. DAY. y’all!!!! I love you all so much more then you think. And also- quick note: WE HIT OVER 100 FOLLOWERS OMGGGG TY ALLL SO MUCH IM CRYINGGGG ❤️ just with that enjoy an extra 2 more headcannons today and throw some requests in for what y’all want to see! Please it would help lots and lots! (One final thing and I’ll let you go): would you all like me to create a new blog for more of my other works not in the fnaf fandom? I’m in love with Oscar Isaac and have the urge to write a Poe Dameron fic. Anyways love y’all thanks so much and enjoy!!!
-Eli <3
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Pretty sfw (a few hints):
Fucking loves the shit out of you.
You're so soft and he loves to just hold you from behind.
Will make you be his little housewife (duh because it's Willy) but while you're doing dishes he will come behind and just hug you, kissing up your neck and to your ears and telling you how beautiful you are.
Traces on your skin with his fingers.
Weirdly enough will squish your face
If you decide to have kids he loveees how your soft stomach holds his seed. (COUGH-*)
Will compliment you endlessly, and if you ever say no, or ew, he will tease you and pester you until your forced to agree.
Buys you tons of fancy dresses and outfits to show you off.
Especially likes to buy custom fit funtime clothing (if you know what I mean)
Gets mad if people stare. But he never loses his cool, just makes subtle comments and rants about it later.
Draws you. (That's a headcannon for another time, but I believe William is a hardcore artist as well) and so he draws you all the time.
If you like to eat, he might feed you if you let him. And if you have issues eating he might just feed you if you like it or not.
grips your rolls when he fucks you.
Likes to slap your tummy.
And if you have a big butt (or really any butt at all lol) he will grab that and smack it as well.
Will cum on your stomach.
Praise kink GALORE!!!!!
If you have chubby thighs... The man might just pass out.
He loves thick thighs-
I'm talking thigh high socks.
Rubbing himself in-between them.
Man is rancid.
Overall the guy is head over heels for you no matter how you look. He's a simp.
loves it but would never tell you.
Secretly sends you nice outfits to wear to work, but you always wear the same stupid uniform.
He tries to hint at you being able to wear normal clothes since it's the night shift but you never listen.
Sometimes you guys sit in the office and you always somehow end up in his lap. It doesn't matter how big you are, the suit is always bigger.
Squishes you so much it annoys you.
And you always tell him but he continues because he knows it bothers you.
Sometimes it is an ass and makes a few mean Comments but only in a teasing way.
Wishes he could be back to his old self so he could wife you up.
Stalks you. Literally he is so creepy.
Got a burner phone just to text you from Fazbear frights.
Feeds you just like William would.
Would break any other worker's arms if he heard them talking about how you look.
Deep down wants to tell you how beautiful you are.
Avid fat girl porn watcher.
Like he loves his bbw
Imagines you spread wide for him.
Can't fuck you cause of the suit, but can lick you with a tounge and can also use his fingers.
Loves to watch your chub jiggle as he fingers you, or eats you out.
Ties you up so he can see your rolls poke between the rope.
Might just let one little comment slip about how hot you look.
Definitely took stalker shower pics of you and masterbates to it later.
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