#I'll be back next week I promise
misspoetree · 2 years
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Kinnporsche + Text Messages [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ? ]
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fishfission-dc · 1 year
Batfamily Powerpoint Night! (Part 7: Damian)
<<Part 6: Steph    |    Part 8: Duke >>
Damian: I volunteer to present next.
Steph: Damian’s will either be really boring or really interesting...
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Cass (signing): Really interesting, apparently.
Bruce: Damian, is this appropriate?
Jason: This seems like a cop out for me-
Tim: We get it Jason we know you died
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Dick: Ohhhhh so this is actually thinly veiled love for us all.
Bruce: Hn. (disgruntled appreciation)
Damian: Absurd. I am simply planning you all to combat likely scenarios. For tactical reasons.
Steph: He loves us :)
Damian: Tactical reasons.
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Jason: Debatable.
Barbara: Not that debatable when you see the Gotham City Police Department’s record on his license. 
Dick:  D:
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Barbara: I’ll take that to heart Damian thank you for the concern.
Duke: Who taught Damian what girlbossing is?
Steph: Damian flawless use of that vocabulary.
Damian: Thank you.
Duke: Why did I ask when we all knew the answer.
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Duke: Did you dye your hair?
Steph: He’s a natural ginger but he’s just emo about it or something
[noises of violence]
Dick: You should consider therapy though like actually 
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Tim: MINE IS A WHOLE NOVEL? AND THE PICTURE??? This is not thinly veiled love this is blatant hatred. 
Damian: You simply have a lot of flaws, Drake.
Jason: Your picture makes me feel a little better about mine.
Dick: Damian is the implication that you’re going to murder Tim for.. being annoying?
Damian: Interpret as you wish.
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Steph: Wow. Fair, but wow.
Barbara: Is that a picture of you in a hostage situation?
Damian: The consequences of one of the aforementioned idiotic decisions.
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Cass (signing): I love you too, Damian. :)
Dick: I’m sensing some aggression
Damian: I sure hope so
Bruce: Hn. (embarrassed but knowing)
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Duke: Is this because of th-
Jason: Yes it’s because of the gang
Duke: I guess that’s fair.
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Tim: Valid.
Steph: Immortal until proven mortal.
[unanimous agreement]
Alfred (from the other room): Thank you, young sir.
<<Part 6: Steph    |    Part 8: Duke >>
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wildwoodart · 5 months
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Finally made a Muse version!
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mispelled · 10 months
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Haven't even met them yet and I'm already obsessed
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sciderman · 5 months
love that last anons take on Gwen's last moments, here's mine. Same situation really, Gwen realises Pete's Spider-man, but instead of hope she gives up. She just... gives up. She knows that he could rescue her, but.... he's never been on time. In the back of her mind she has this growing dread that Peter won't be there. She knows he's going to be too late. But she still has hope in him, even if her body is accepting her fate and is slowly breaking down, even if in the logical part of her brain she knows he won't be able to save her. She knows. But she's hoping that for once- for once in their whole relationship- her hard work will pay off, and Peter will be on time. For once she's hoping that he will be there when she needs him.
god you guys are SUCH downers
you know WHAT! my headcanon is that gwen actually kind of had an inkling that peter was spider-man for a while before norman kidnapped her. i think she'd put it together and, in the same dramatic irony that peter was going to propose the night that gwen stacy died, gwen was going to confront him about his spider-man-ness. if norman had not intervened, this is how the night would have went down probably
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vaexna · 1 month
hello everyone . i've been wanting to draw so so so bad but the end of the semester is next week for me and as the dumb college student i am, i decided to cram everything into my brain last minute... so here we are.
but!!! instead, here something i've written !! it's very much about zane and religion because uhhhhhh yeah :D
disclaimer: i didn't proofread. i'm too busy lazy to. thank u for coming to my ted talk <3 if it sounds dumb it's because i'm dumb . it's 1am, and i had the very aggressive urge to write about this dude so here we are, and uhhh my bad LOL
— under the cut ☆ (mwahaha I FIGURED OUT HOW TO DO THIS!!)
If there's one thing he could stand by, without doubt or fleeting conviction, it's the fact that he's seen it all. Pyres and caskets, offerings and tombstones. He's been to small churches in the back of tight-knit towns, made of wood and the faith of believers. And he's been to massive cathedrals in the heart of vast kingdoms, intricately made of limestone and the blood of overworked architects that'll die without an ounce of recognition.
He's seen homes fall and villages rise. He's seen sinners look to him for help, or for the idea that they'll be saved if they begged hard enough. He's seen believers wearing their hearts on their sleeves, a bigger evil looming over their shoulders, their hopeful smiles bright as they greet him.
Sinners disguised as saints. Saints broken down by sinners. People who claim to be neutral, others who don't hold faith in their hearts anymore, some who couldn't find faith no matter how hard they tried or wanted to.
As the High Priest of O'khasis, he's seen just about everything. And after so many years of the light shining in his favor, the line between good and evil blurred in his eyes. Some days, he'll find himself teetering back and forth, trying to figure out if there's meaning to being such a high-standing man in a world where bloodshed is just another means to get by.
Love and hate, sin and faith, matrons and destroyers, what good is any of it when death is not an 'if' but 'when'? He knew life and death like he knew the back of his hand, it surrounded him in all of its glorious forms. He's seen it in his brothers, along with his mother's anguish. In the baptisms and weddings he's been invited to perform, with the death of the past and the birth of better days.
Oh, he's seen it all.
So on rainy days like this, it always came back to the question: Was it worth it? Was it worth the grievances and the anger? The sacrifices and the pain? He's made it this far, something ought to come out of this. Not even his brothers, Irene bless their souls, could reach the heights he's towered over.
Yes, of course, there had to be something at the end of this. It just wasn't time yet— No, the better days he was promised since the dawn of time, since the blessings of his birth, it'll all come soon. Or, one day at least.
It couldn't all be in vain. The lives he reaped couldn't be in vain, the paths he destroyed could not have all been in vain. His name would be remembered forever, a mark in history, he had to be something more. Regret and guilt were things he could overlook for the sake of the man he'll be in the future.
He knew relying on hope wasn't a Ro'meave custom, though. That's why he did what he did — his father taught him that if he wanted something, he had to get it himself. And if someone were to ask, "Zane, what do you want?"
His answer would've been long and descriptive at first. Something that of world peace, or blessings given by Irene herself. But these days, he preferred something much more simple.
He's lived and learned.
When the light that shone through carefully colored mosaics kissed his skin, he was sure there had to be a God out there to gift the world such beauty. But when whispers passed around of a greater power lurked in the dimension of a long gone warrior, the idea of being a Godlike man himself tasted sweeter than whatever else he was promised in this lifetime.
The line between good and evil was nonexistent to him—he took advantage of both just to get what he desired. What he deserved. He was a self-proclaimed epiphany, and amongst normal men, Zane Ro'meave was both life and death.
Was it worth it?
After all of this effort, he made sure it was.
— ★
ps. would u guys be interested in both art & writing of mine,,,, i do snippets like these in my free time (when i procrastinate) so like i'd be down to show 'em off if u guys are cool with it...
also one of the paragraphs is like weird in here idk it kept getting deleted so i kept having to rewrite it bc it was too good to scrap and i. just gave up. the text is different for that singular paragraph.
ok thanks for reading this im going to bed goodbye goodnight
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cookiwi-octonauts · 1 year
Your art brings me so much joy it's so colorful and cute ✿ the shading and consistency is wonderful
Omg I've never received such words thank you so much 😭💖🐜🫂🏴‍☠️🦜💕
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Just realised I can't use tomorrow to relax because I have to prepare a stupid demo for the staff meeting on Monday 🙃
#ruffled feathers#we have to come up with a game that's 'safe focused and frequent' and doesn't leave anyone waiting for a turn#the TL for my demo is an entire fucking script i kid you not#i'm like. how tf do i make a game of this#it's one thing when you just have to do on Q and one A#but i have an actual dialogue and the age range is 10-12s#so i guess the best thing to do is just some super unoriginal janken ladder game?#everyone knows it so it's not like i'm bringing anything new or interesting to the table#but i have one day off and i've had a 6-day work week at a new school with POs and i have another 6-day week coming up#and i'm still processing a complicated and painful break up with a long-term partner#i barely had time to recover from jetlag before not just launching back into work#but travelling to a new school with Ss i've never met that's so far from yamagata city i had to stay at a hotel#so fuck it. i'm gonna be boring and unoriginal#i'll talk to my boss beforehand bc he's very understanding and i hate disappointing him#just explain that it's not gonna be my best and i know it's not my best for xyz reasons but i promise i'll try harder next time#he'll probably still be disappointed but i'm sure we'll both learn to live with it#besides. no offence to this one colleague of mine but i know he'll quarter-ass some garbage last minute#so whatever happens my boss will probably be less disappointed in what i have to show than what this guy does lmao#i'm such a bitch sometimes but it's true#watch him now put in an effort and come up with something spectacular for a change
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jinhyun · 1 year
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meownotgood · 1 year
I wanted to get much further than I actually did today, but this is still good
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crow-with-a-pencil · 2 years
*scuttles out of my cave, hisses at the sun, then vanishes back into the shadows*
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gabriellovescandy · 3 months
Kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me
#I am so fucking tired of my parents#if I don't find a full time job soon (which i haven't been able to find for the past six months)#it's possible that my dad will be given the opportunity to live in our house by the state#apparently it can be done in around ten days once it's decided#can i trust my mother with these kinds of informations? absolutely not. but there is a 50/50 chances that it's true#i have saved as much as i could all my life in preparation of this moment and i do have enough money to move but it takes time#every other week my mother comes home with similar kinds of insane informations for me to process#one week she reassures me everything is fine and i have like a couple of years before leaving this house#the week after. this.#i have no idea of what's real or not#i am so stressed that last week i lost the ability to finction for three days straight#i am going insane#and i am in no condition to find jobs i've applied to very little positions in this timeframe also because of this stress that paralyzes me#i am not depressed but god i am indeed exausted#i also have surgery planned (do not know the date yet it's not a difficult one but i never had one and i am scared shitless)#and technically i am in a promising job selection but it's a public one so no one tells you nothing and it can take up to six months before#someone calls you back#so i am inside a limbo on every aspect of my life and it's unreal#i can't even see my psychologist because she's getting surgery next week so i'll see her the week after#i don't have the streight to write this new developement to friends#i think i'll just deadscroll for a while and then go to bed#i don't know. i'm so tired and at the same time not at all tired#i'm doing nothing with my days but i still need everything to stop#i don't know#stuff
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starzzify · 3 months
[Government Top Secret File]
Viewing this file in any way may result in federal punishment.
Date: May 19th, 2058
Desc of file:
What seems to be a middle school to high school age girls journal, it depicts the possible events of an “undead apocalypse”. The book seems to be worn and dirtied, the pages are yellowed and dirty. There are three total books that were found inside of a bag in the woods, along with a knife, clothes, and an old Iphone, possibly an 11-13.
Journal one:
“Flu Season” 
The “flu” has been going around my school recently. But I don’t think it’s the flu. So many people are leaving, for so long too. And they don’t seem to be coming back. People are worried about their sick friends staying home and not contacting them the entire time. So far, I'm guessing about 200 people have left. Which is a huge number, this leads me to keep thinking that something is going to happen. I just have this feeling that something big, something tragic, is coming. But I don’t know what it is. But I do know that the sirens in my head are going off. It scares me. I haven’t been able to sleep due to thinking so hard about this big thing. The sickness seems to be highly contagious, anyone who comes into direct contact with someone who’s sick (aka touching them) appears to get sick too. It also doesn’t seem like there’s a way to prevent it. This is why I think it’s not the flu. The flu is preventable, and you don’t get the flu immediately after touching someone with the flu. It isn’t that contagious, but what is that contagious. I’m not sure, but I’m scared. 
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sharkneto · 11 months
how is the writing progress going on the next JT chapter?
It's coming - it's like, I'll say... 80% there? I've had these last chapters half-written for over two years now, which one would think would make it faster but it turns out I'm a better writer than I was two years ago, so have to rewrite a lot because of that, and I've changed the specifics on how things go despite the overall events and trajectory staying the same. Also whoever let me write two giant chapters taking place explicitly at a physics conference where everyone has to talk at least *some* physics - terrible. Why'd I do that to myself lmao. But I am 99% through bullshitting physics and just have emotionally wrought conversations to write, which are difficult in a different way but at least I'm not squinting at physics words going "does that surface level plausibly make little enough sense that it makes sense?"
Anyway, it's coming. Life's been very busy and words have been hard. Good to know you guys are still out there looking forward to more!
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yangjeongin · 6 months
Hi! Maybe you can finish Back door series till New year? 👉👈 Sorry and thank you ❣️
Annoying Back door anon
hello back door anon 🫶 i'm ngl i forgot about this series LJKSDLFJSJDG with how busy i got, i totally will not be able to finish it before the end of the year but i will continue it over time!! i intend to finish it eventually but it's just kinda a "when the inspiration strikes/i need something to gif" series for me. i'm sure i can make at least one set for you before the end of the year tho <3
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wikiangela · 7 months
chapter 3 of alive Shannon is such a disjointed mess so far and it's driving me crazy lmao
this is why I only write linearly, and here I skipped some stuff, some are just half-scenes with a note to add something (literally just that "add smth", nothing specific, and what is a problem for future me 😂), and I just can't lol
I finally got to the bombing but before I continue that, I think I need to clean up the rest of this bc it hurts to look at this mess haha
now only gotta find time to do that lol
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