#I'm not a gif person they hurt my eyes but I do need The Mario Bros Hugging on speed dial
kakusu-shipping · 7 months
1, 2, and 3 for the Highly Problematic question game!
1. First & Latest incest ships - 2. First & Latest sibling incest ships - 3. First & Latest twincest ships
Wait... The answer to all three of these questions is the same. Oh boy.
Time to be insane again
It's them <3
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Mariocest was my very first ship ever, and it came back at me recently with the movie, making them my most recent incest ship as well.
They are a perfect dream team couple and I adore them to no end. We love a Twincest Ship that is "You are my other half, and we will always be together"
I cannot imagine them apart. I don't think THEY could imagine themselves apart. They are a team, two halves to a whole, two sides of the same coin, they are a pair Do Not Separate.
They balance eachother out completely and we've seen time and time again how much they adore one another, how much they love and look up to one another. Mario is Luigi's hero, Luigi is Mario's hero. They are each other's balance, their impulse control, their grounding point.
My god I love the Mario Brothers they are the perfect couple in every way. Have my ever growing gif catalog of every time they hug
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ericshoney · 4 days
Mini Matt plays detective ~ Matt Sturniolo
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Summary: Matt has got a new girlfriend and Mini Matt doesn't like her and finds out some info.
Warnings: usual swearing, platonic pet names, shouting, crying, name calling, clout chaser girlfriend (sorry to all the Mollie's out there, I picked a random name!), angst with a happy ending.
You were sat on the sofa with Chris, playing Mario Kart happily. Nick sat next to you watching you both scream at the TV, laughing at how competitive you both are. Matt, well you had no idea where he was, until you heard his voice, along with a set of heels.
"Fuck." You mumbled, hearing the noise.
"Guys, Y/n, I'm back and I have Mollie with me." You heard Matt call, as he appeared with his girlfriend.
To be blunt, you hated her. She was rude when she wasn't around Matt, constantly touching him, hanging off him and being all demanding. She had a few hundred followers on socials, which didn't matter, but recently you've noticed all she posts about is Matt, you weren't sure if it was just her being obsessed or trying to get attention.
"Oh hey." Chris mumbled, getting up to grab a drink from the fridge.
"Hey Chris! Hey Nick!" Mollie squealed, totally ignoring your presence.
"I'm here too you know." You mumbled with a sigh.
"Oh sorry sweetie I didn't see you there." She replied, being as fake as her nails.
"Whatever." You muttered, going into your room to take shelter. You knew she'd be around wherever Matt was.
"Hey sweetheart, you okay?" Nick called softly, entering your room behind you.
"Just don't like her." You said, Nick knew you weren't a fan of Mollie, he saw how she really acted.
"I know bub, neither do I or Chris, but until Matt listens, what are we gonna do?" He responded, patting your knee.
"No idea." You sighed.
Nick patted your knee again as he got up to leave your room, letting you relax alone for a bit, knowing you didn't want to be around Mollie.
As you sat in your room relaxing, you decided to do some digging on Mollie. Call yourself petty but you couldn't deal with her much longer. You scrolled through all her social media, most of it being posts about Matt and her, trying to get followers and the regular selfie.
However, as you searched more, you found an upload of a fan account. It was a video of Mollie with one of her friends, the video looking like it was taken in secret. You watched it, listening to what it said and what was mentioned, you couldn't believe your ears.
"I'm only using Matt for clout, that boy is so dumb but it won't be long before I have a ring on my finger."
Grabbing your phone with the leaked video, you rushed into the living room where the guys were sat, Mollie laying right besides Matt. The four looked at you seeing you rush in with your phone held high.
"What's going on, kid?" Chris asked you.
"I was just scrolling through my phone, after doing a bit of digging and discovered this." You answered, passing him your phone.
The four watched the video, Mollie looking at you with hate in her eyes as the guys continued watching.
"It's fake." She quickly said once it stopped.
"Looks fake." Matt agreed quietly.
"Fuck no! It's as real as anything. Mollie's just using you!" You shouted as Chris passed your phone back.
"Y/n, just stop. Really." Matt said.
"What." You said in shock.
"Your just jealous. Can't you be happy for me?" He asked, looking at you.
"Matt, come on." Nick called.
"No, Mollie's using you Matt. Can't you see it." You responded.
"Just stop! Your just being a stupid bitch! You need attention all the time! Oh look it's Mini Matt. Like get over yourself!" He shouted.
You stood frozen in shock at his words. You felt the tears burn in your eyes as you ran back to your room, crashing on your bed, crying at how hurtful and blinded Matt was being. As you curled, a knock was heard at the door.
"Go away." You mumbled.
The person ignored you and you shot up once you heard the sound of Mollie's heels.
"I'll give you credit, nobody has ever found that much information about me in such little time. Well done on that video too." She said, a wicked smirk on her face.
"Why? Why do all this?" You questioned, rubbing your puffy eyes.
"For followers you dumb bitch. Matt and his brothers are doing fucking amazing at the moment so I want a part of it and if I keep going I'll push you out. I've turned Matt against you, won't take long for Nick or Chris to follow." She confessed with a crazy laugh.
"The fuck."
You both looked over and saw Nick, Matt and Chris in your bedroom doorway. A look of hurt now spread across Matt's face.
"Oh I'm joking Matty bear!" Mollie squealed, rushing over to Matt, only to be pushed off.
"Get the fuck away from me. Your sick." Matt growled.
"I suggest you leave and never come back." Nick said.
Mollie sighed in defeat and walked out of the house. You looked at the boys.
"I'm sorry Matt." You said as he came and sat next to you.
"No, I'm sorry." He responded.
"You didn't see what we saw, it's okay, bro." Chris said, patting his shoulder.
"No, you all tried to tell and show me how she was using me but I was too dumb to listen. I'm sorry for calling you a stupid bitch and saying you want attention." Matt responded.
"It's okay. I understand you were angry." You replied.
"I for one, am glad she's gone." Nick said, waving his hands around, making you all chuckle slightly.
"Let's take this as a life lesson. Nobody and I mean nobody comes in and tries to break up what we have here. Nobody replaces Mini Matt either." Chris said.
"Agreed." You, Matt and Nick said at the same time.
"I also don't think your over yourself, petal. Having you in my life makes me happy and I wouldn't have it any other way, even if you can be slightly grumpy." Matt said, teasing you.
"Hey, I'm Mini Matt, so you just called yourself grumpy." You replied.
"She got you there, dude." Chris said as Nick nodded in agreement.
Matt laughed and pulled you in for a hug, Chris and Nick also joined and knew they would be much more careful when it came to relationships and who to trust from now on.
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svechnikovvv · 1 year
300 follower special (:
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to celebrate 300 followers, here’s 100 prompts i’ve compiled (: send some in with either jack, trevor, or quinn, and i’ll be answering requests!
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"buy me dinner first and we'll see"
"right now? babe, we're in public"
"ooo, that's not your job anymore"
"tell me everything's gonna be okay"
"yeah, yeah, you're cute. just stop smiling at me like that"
"i'm here if you need anything, okay?"
"let me take care of you for once"
"oh my god! why didn't you tell me it was this bad?!"
"i don't like people, but you're an exception"
"you're the only one that gets to call me that, you know?"
"i crave your affection, but i crave your silence even more so shut up"
"wait... are you braiding my hair?"
"i didn't know you were the cuddling type"
"you stepped on my foot you ass!"
"that's gonna leave a bruise"
"shit! i didn't mean to break your nose"
"please, don't go"
"it hurts. it hurts so bad"
"we can't be friends"
"you shouldn't be here"
"it doesn't feel like you care"
"i need you here. with me"
"i don't know what to do"
"my heart's broken"
"where did this come from?"
"who is _____ ?"
"i shouldn't have come here"
"it's like we've become strangers"
"who hurt you?"
"who did this to you?"
"please, say something"
"i'm not leaving you here"
"after all we've been through?"
"i'm proud of you"
"you'll always have a home here"
"ohmygod, it puked on me. IT PUKED ON ME!"
"where's it's off button?"
"being a parent is difficult"
"have fun dying alone"
"you know what would make me happy? IF YOU WENT TO FUCKING SLEEP"
"sorry, i was really drunk last night"
"i can be sexy AND sad"
"don't say weird things at a kid's soccer game"
"hey, 20 dollars is 20 dollars"
"awe, you do love me"
"listen, we have very thin walls and i heard you blasting taylor swift, are you okay?"
"you locked yourself out too?"
"truth hurts, doesn't it?"
"it's good to see you"
"i need you."
"i'll be there in five"
"you're a terrible liar"
"you should keep your day job because you'll never make it as an actor"
"i brought you dinner"
"you deserve better."
"you've changed"
"you always find a way to surprise me"
"i never meant to fall in love with you, i just did"
"you're the only person i want to be with tonight"
"you're the first person i thought to call"
"if you make a noise, they'll find us. so be quiet"
"scoot over, i want to sit next to you"
"you can't stay in bed all day"
"you called me, remember?"
"what do you mean you're sick? you're my partner in crime!"
"you're such a nerd"
"i'm here for you. always"
"yeah, but you love me"
"holy shit, you're gorgeous. will you marry me?"
"are you judging me because i'm eating cake for breakfast?"
"you're not serenading me with one direction" "watch me"
"don't move, you're comfortable"
"can i use your steam shower?"
"why do i have to pretend?"
"i haven't broken into your apartment in weeks! by the way, you're almost out of peanut butter."
"is that a hickey?" "no, it's a mosquito bite"
"okay... now when is the baby?"
"i'm not crying. my eyes are sweating"
"dude, she said i have pretty eyes!"
"i kinda just ran five redlights to see you, so please let me in"
"nothing is going to change the way i look at you"
"i need to say hi to my girl"
"i don't want better, i want you"
"so this is it?"
"is this what chivalry is now?"
"i wouldn't want to spend a minute loving anybody else"
"repsectfully, shut the fuck up"
"this is why your ass loss at mario kart"
"your pancakes suck ass"
"if anyone asks, this never happened"
"don't get used to me being nice"
"i don't have a bed time"
"you're sleeping on the couch"
"i've taken five naps in the past 24 hours. personally speaking, i think something's wrong"
"i would drop everything for you"
"wake me up in 3-5 business days"
"i'm quite hilarious, actually"
"i'm sorry for calling you a little bitch"
"i've got 99 problems and i'm every single one of them"
"not my team, not my problem"
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gif creds: @jurislafkovsky @jonasiegenthaler
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lollybliz · 1 year
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I posted 10,204 times in 2022
80 posts created (1%)
10,124 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,047 of my posts in 2022
#laugh rule - 123 posts
#tears of the kingdom - 108 posts
#lemony scented - 72 posts
#bliz spams - 50 posts
#bliz rambles - 50 posts
#lu spoilers - 18 posts
#asks - 18 posts
#linked universe - 16 posts
#genshin 2.7 stream spoilers - 14 posts
#xiaother - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#and this pig just ✨️✨️✨️coincidentally✨️✨️✨️wanders around in the middle of the afternoon on schooldays in the teen and juv sections
My Top Posts in 2022:
Screaming and ripping and tearing and crying and howling and shredding and scratching and barking and
I get it. I do. And the loss of any safe piracy hosts is always to be grieved because that's access being denied to countless people who never would have had access otherwise. But book piracy specifically is The Only Piracy That Actually Hurts Someone. Please just uSE YOUR LOCAL FUCKING LIBRARY JESUS CHRIST. we're RIGHT HERE. we're FREE. and we don't MAKE THE PUBLISHERS SO MAD THEY CANCEL CONTRACTS WITH THE AUTHORS LEAVING THEM WITH ZERO INCOME. when you pirate books, various publishing companies have ways of keeping an eye on the ratio between purchased and pirated copies of a specific book in question. A lot of the time, if that number goes too high, instead of I don't know ~cracking down on piracy sites~ or ~putting the books on sale~ they blame the author and cut the contract. Meaning the author stops getting paid entirely. And that's the BETTER outcome. That ✨️clever tiktok trick✨️ for renting reading and returning books on amazon? Oho my friend someone still pays for that book! Guess who! THATS RIGHT THE AUTHOR.
I g e t the need for free books. Everything is expensive right now and $20 for a book that will take you a day to read feels obscene. Go to your local library. Don't gimme that 'but they don't have the book I want' shit--have you Asked? Because beloved guess what? When we genuinely don't have a book you want to read we reach out to sister branches in the area until we find a copy for you! It's called an interlibrary loan and it's completely normal! Sometimes there's a shipping fee if it had to come across state borders. Did you know you can also suggest books we add to our catalogue? And I remind you getting a library card is free. And we have half dozen online resources that are also made free by your having a library card. You Do need a piece of mail with 'your' address on it but besties. Y'all. Do you think we have the kind of time to check if you're giving us Your address or your Grandparent's address? No. Just give us the address of some family member in the area, it doesn't really matter much, you can change or update it whenever. Don't tell anyone I suggested that though lol.
On a very selfish level, our counties don't like giving us our yearly budget. The old cis white capitalist men, shockingly, don't seem to like the beacon of socialism that is public libraries. A lot of the time the excuse they use to literally just not pay us is 'the youth of today don't use libraries anymore, they're more interested in *insert 'them video games' schpiel*'
If you came to the library they wouldn't have that excuse anymore. We're not the cardigan wearing shushers in the movies I swear. We've got Mario kart wii in our teen room.
I'm sorry you lost your book piracy website, genuinely I am. You should have been using the library all along though. Pirating books Does hurt the author. And libraries nowadays have massive digital catalogues so even if you aren't physically close to one there is enormous f r e e benefit to getting a library card. Please god go to your local library
29 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
Liking a mutual's vaguely concerning personal post is like I see you I hear you i am bringing you a cup of tea and a weighted blanket I am holding you i am holding you i am holding you
39 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
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If I had to see this so do you
102 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
No you don't understand your honor I love him
137 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sorry not sorry for the person im going to be for the next year
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See the full post
313 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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callsign-marlie · 3 years
“i fucking love you” “hang up, and tell me this when you’re sober” omg please 😭
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I CAN DO THIS! With the boy because... I've been feeling him since his vlive omg please make him exit my brain ;_; Also holy heck I don't know how to depict platonic drunk people, I feel like it's been so long since I've socialized that I'm just stunted of all memories LOL.
JJK x Reader Roommate!JK and Older!Reader Rated T for mentions of alcohol/drunkeness & minor swearing Remember, never drink & drive, folks! xxx
---- It was 2:47 AM on Saturday morning when your phone rang for the first time. Your eyelashes scraped themselves open to squint at the screen, a GGUKIE flashing menacingly in bright white. Your eyebrows instantly knit close.
' Really? '
You slid the phone to 'ignore', threw it back on the shelf and rolled back over to the cooler, empty side of your bed. Again, nearly 20 seconds after, the Super Mario theme went off unexpectedly like a siren, nearly launching you from your cozy spot. You glared at the flashing screen, half debated ignoring the call *again* just to prove a point.
Jungkook was old enough to know not to disturb you after a long day at work. He was 23 years old and thriving; you were 27 and dying at your 9-5 with "voluntary" overtime. You passed on his invitation to the club earlier that night to catch up on your rest after the long week and truthfully didn't expect your roommate to call you this late into the evening. Jungkook was usually responsible when he went out. Key word there is usually. He usually knows to call an uber this late at night after his galivants on the town with 'the boys'. You, as his older roommate, were not going to be there at his beck and call every time he wanted a free ride home. You were only to be called if he had no other options. 'But', the thought rang in your head, 'what if it's not about a ride home?'
'What if he's in danger? Or hurt? Or he ran out of money or got locked out of his bank account again and he's stranded at the bar and stuck doing dish duty? Are you such a bad person that you wouldn't pick up the damn phone?? Then YOU'RE the asshole who got him killed because YOU wanted your beauty sleep.' So? You answered. "... Hello?" "Hey!!! (Y/N)!!!," was barely heard over the bumping bass of the club he was currently in. "Hey! Hey I have a--- hey! H- Can you hear me? Noooooonnaaaaa~~~~ Can you hear me now??"
The background noises were fading in and out and all around. All you could do was pull the phone away from your ear so your eardrum didn't explode until the vibrations had disappeared. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you collapsed backwards back onto your pillow, running a hand through your hair "Yes, yes, Ggukie, I'm here, what's going on?" "I-I wanted to tell you something! Something really really REALLYYY important!" His giggling nearly covered the slur in his speech, but you didn't need to be a rocket scientist to know that your younger roommate was absolutely, schknockered; just straight, pissfaced drunk. You could imagine the red pinch to his cheeks and him smiling so damn hard, his eyes were hidden behind his long lashes.
"Mhmm? And what's that, Gguk?" "I met this guy tonight and he said he knew you! And he dated you!" Your throat tightened. Huh? An ex? At the club? Wait, how did he know Jungkook? How did you even come up in conversation? "Wha-?" "I don't know, Joo-, Jae, Jun-something, I don't remember... Doesn't matter. ANYWAY I told him, you know what I told him? I couldn't wait to tell you~" He was still giggling to himself, stifling a laugh. You could nearly see him scrunching his bunny nose, trying to cover the lower half of his face with his open hand.
"I told him he made the worst mistake of his life because no one is NICER or COOLER or KINDER or just plain ol' BETTER than you! And he just kinda like, rolled his eyes at me, but I-I-I didn't really care because I live with you, so I know THE TRUTH about you! A-and he just like, grumbled, that you were just too different and that we probably have fun living together, and.. yeah. BUT I TOLD HIM! And I had to tell you!! So yeah!"
Your brain was numb; practically vibrating, in fact. Jungkook, sweet, eloquent Jungkook, was WAY out of his element here, fumbling over his words and thoughts. He sounded- he sounded like a school kid talking about his favorite teacher or something. Were you THAT geriatric at this point? You flushed your cheeks and let your palm hit your forehead. "Thank you... for defending my honor? I guess? Listen, are you coming home soon? It's really late now and I'd like some more shut eye if I can. We can finish this conversation in the morning."
"Huh? Oh... mmhmm I think so... Bar called last calls so... But I bought a round of shots for the guys and Tae suckered me out of some cash for the jukebox so I goooooooooot...," You heard the man fumble around for his wallet and take a minute to attempt to count his cash. "... $3, a condom and the number to a very busty bartender with some dark blue eyeshadow that my mom would have wore in the 70's. That should get me home, right?" His tone was meek. This kid was gonna make you grey and he wasn't even your BOYFRIEND. You huffed, throwing your hair already into a messy bun. Begrudgingly, you muttered a single sentence: " Which club are you at?"
A gasp of air. "(Y/N)!!!! THANK YOU! YOU'RE THE GREATEST."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, you're lucky I picked up the phone because I thought you were dying or something..." You slid your feet into your night slippers and grabbed one of his hoodies that were hanging off the back of his door to throw on your bare chest. He wouldn't miss it for a few days. He doesn't even realize when you steal some of his t-shirts and wear them around the house, for chrissakes. "Can.. Can we take Tae and Jimin home too? They're uh... they're not much better than me in the money department right now... but we'll pay you back! We'll take you to a nice brunch tomorrow!" A pause. You grabbed your keys on the way out and locked the door. 'Aw, what the hell.' "BRUNCH. Yeah, sure. I'm out anyway. But you dolts better wake up IN TIME for brunch or I'm never picking your asses up again."
"I fucking love you."
You heart squelched in your chest. A pang like shattered glass constricted full-on in your rib cage. You smiled deftly, slamming your car door closed behind you.
“Hang up, Jungkook, and tell me that when you’re sober, kay? Be there in 20. Be out front and waiting."
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kaiisenn · 3 years
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Regular school Au
Noritoshi Kamo is a teacehrs pet, listening to everything the teachers say and following their every command. He was annoying to say the least, reminding the teachers of yesterday nights homework and asking "is that all?" When the class gets a little amount of homework.
"Woah! Y/n , nice one! " Yuji yelled out after your homerun after you returned back to home. You were apart of the joint baseball team in school, since a lot of kids didnt want to join they had to combine the girls team and the boys team. "Thanks Yu, I didnt want to get striked" Yuji nodding his head looks, he turns to look slightly behind you to see Noritoshi coming up to the two of you. "L/n, I have to speak to you for a moment!" Noritoshi speaks out with confidence "Hah? We're in the middle of a game right now." You say putting your hands on your hips "It's fine, Y/n you just batted so it will be awhile for you to bat again and I'll fill in for you on field!" Yuji spoke up giving you a thumbs up and a dumb smile "Thank you, Itadori. L/n if you would come with me." Noritoshi finalized leading you away from the baseball field
Away from the field behind the gym, you against the wall with your arms crossed against your chest and Noritoshi infront of you, he spoke up breaking the thick air between you two "L/n you barely passed your last test, the teacher is concerned for your future grade and wanted me to tutor you. I was thinking we cou-" putting your hand up stopping him from continuing on "Hold up, Hold up! I never asked for your help and I dont need some teachers pet feeling the need to help me just cause the teacher asked you to." You told him voice strict "L/n I dont understand your retaliation, this would benefit you and if your grades begin to slip you might have to resign from the baseball team. Why not give it a try?" Noristoshi asked head tilting to the side, making him look like a confused puppy "Fine" saying the f longer than needed to show your disinterest.
After finishing your game and walking home to freshen up, you shoot Noritoshi a text giving him your address for the study session 'cant believe he made me give him my number, how annoying'.
Hearing the doorbell ring 30 minutes after the text was sent, you walked to open the front door, pulling the door to you revealing Noritoshi in a nice button up with black dress pants "where were you going to?" You asked looking him up and down wondering why the boy was wearing such a formal outfit "I'm going to tutor you." He said as a fact "well so duh, but what's up with the get up?" You asked pointing at his attire, he begins to blush moving his head to look anywhere besides you "I thought I would make a gold first impression... as a tutor" he spoke rigidly "nah it's fine, you can come as bummy as you want. I dont really care, your probably gonna be uncomfortable in those clothes, wanna borrow one of mine?" You asked leading him up the stairs to your room "are you sure? Your clothes might not fit me and o wouldnt want to ruin your clothes" he asked "it's fine, besides o usually have all my house clothes be a lot bigger so it fits me longer. I'm sure something of mine has to fit" opening up y e ur drawer you got a large tshirt and shorts out for him throwing it to him and giving him directions to the nearest bathroom.
When he came back he looked a little uncomfortable mentally but in those clothes he seemed a lot more relaxed "See I knew something would fit you, I mean you are pretty skinny" you told him while looking through your book bag for a textbook , after he sat down next to you the two of you began your study session.
After awhile you three you head back onto the side of your bed and made a loud groaning noise "Arrgghh! This is so boring, cant we take a break? Watch a movie, play some games, eat something! I mean we've been at this for three hours straight.." Noritoshi turned to you brows furrowed "it is important to learn the topic and know it in and out but I suppose a break wouldnt hurt." He said closing the text book and putting the cap on his pen "Ah! Thank you so much Toshi!" You said jumping from your spot to give him a hug, after a couple of seconds you removed yourself from him to go get some snack from downstairs.
While you were gone, Noritoshi put his hand over his heart trying to suppress the loud pounding, wondering if you could hear the way his heart beat out his chest for you. For awhile now the raven haired boy liked you, he would always state at you from afar while you would play your games with your team, watching in astonishment as you would run back to home base with the confidence of a Queen. God how he loved your stubbornness, and your aggressiveness when you came up to someones bully to tell them off, but he also loved your soft side how you would shy away from embarrassment when you answer would be slightly off in math, he wanted to shield you from outsiders eyes and only keep that side of you for him. He loved every part of you, but he knew he would never get the chance to be close with you so when the teacher asked him if he could tutor you, he jumped on the opportunity without hesitation.
"Hey Toshi, I'm not sure what you would like so I made some popcorn and got a couple of snacks and candies for us to eat. Also I brought some games up, I got Mario Cart, COD, Minecraft, and a couple of others in my back pocket" you informed putting all the snacks on the small coffee table you had in your room "Which one do you wanna play" you asked holding up the different games to his face like a fortune teller telling their client to pick a card "I'll try Mario Cart" he answered "Good choice!" You put the disk in and waiting for the game to load you got the rest set up giving him a controller and popping a swedish fish into your mouth.
"Booyah! You just got yoshi'd, toshi! That's 3 for me and 0 for you my friend." You teased elbowing his side "Why dont we make a bet, whoever's wins has to do what the other person wants" you offered him, Noritoshi lighting up at your offer nodded his head and got serious changing his character to princess peach.
After a long and grueling round, Noritoshi was pronounced the winner "Alright you got lucky that round but ne-" you were suddenly shut off by Noritoshis lips colliding with yours! After getting over the initial shock you began kissing back putting the controller down and wrapping your arms around his neck tangling your hands into the hair at the base of his neck. The kiss began to get more heated with Noritoshi pushing you down to the floor and asking for permission into your mouth, with new found access he got to work exploring your mouth with his tongue. But all good things must come to an end when you couldnt breathe you tapped his shoulder twice and he hesitantly pulled away from your lips. "W-Wow, I didnt think you would be so straight foward" you huffed out trying to catch your breath "god I've been wanting to do that forever" he revealed dropping his head to make home in the crook of your neck "is this a confession I smell?" You teased stroking the back of his head with your right hand while your left was drawing shaped onto his back. "God Y/n you have no idea how obsessed I am with you. Everything you do has me going crazy" he breathed out "I could kinda tell, you would always stare at me from across the classroom. Although I also have a crush on you, I didnt think I would have a chance i mean you're so nice, gentle and caring and even though you kinda annoy me when you remind the teacher of homework I could never be mad at you. You're too cute to ever be mad at, like a otter or a big cuddly dog." You laugh kissing his neck
"You mean it? You really like me too?" He asked pulling his head away from your neck "Of course I do" you say bringing his face closer to yours for another kiss, after awhile you two broke away not getting too far from each other though "Wanna make a bet? Who ever wins gets to choose where we go for our next date." You spoke against his lips slightly kissing the bottom "You're gonna lose then dear" he said quickly getting up to grab his controller "No, you're gonna lose!"
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Omfg I'm so in love with him ahh Noeitoshi supremacy!!!
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sincerelyasomebody · 4 years
Past Meet Present || Mario Martinez
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(GIF Credit: @merakiaes)
A/N: This hasn't been proofread. It was written in a rush. Don't hesitate to correct me on the Spanish translations. 
Pairing(s): Mario x Reader ▪︎ Angelica x Mario (past relationship) ▪︎ Martinez Family x Reader (platonic relationship) 
Summary: Ex girlfriend meeting the new girlfriend.
Warnings: children having no filter, fluff, language, slight angst; physical altercation, Tik Tok dances,
Word Count: 1564
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Bonding with her boyfriend's little sister was beginning to take a toll on (Y/N)'s body. Luisa, a sassy energetic seven year old, had suggested teaching her Tik Tok dances for the Saturday afternoon. And who was she to refuse such a request. She thought after the second dance, the little girl would go and play soccer with her twin Luis in the backyard. But she refused to go until (Y/N) knew every dance she knew. The young woman had a newfound respect for the people who came up with Tik Tok dances and those who mimicked them.
Benee's Glitter paused mid-chorus, Luisa looked in her direction, "are you giving up?" 
"No, just n–need to take five." 
"If you take five, then you're a loser."
(Y/N)'s eyebrows furrowed, standing to her full height. "How would taking a break make me a loser?" 
She flicked her ponytail, "it just does." 
Not willing to argue with a child's logic, (Y/N) gulped some water down and tossed the bottle to the side. Gesturing to the young girl to change the music for the next dance. Savage Love by Jawsh 685 and Jason Derulo played through the portable speaker, (Y/N) focused on following the movements of the seven year old girl in front of her. She couldn't help but smile as she was shown what to do with her hands. That part was easy, it was moving her hips that (Y/N) seemed to struggle with. 
"You gotta move your hips. (Y/N), h-i-p-s. Hips. Abuelita knows the dance and she's an old lady." Luisa shook her head, threw her hands in the air and called out, "abuelita! (Y/N) needs help. Show her how you move with your old lady hips!"
And with that the rambunctious child ran back inside the house, in the direction of where she thought her grandmother would be. (Y/N) heard a familiar laugh pop up beside her, followed by arms wrapping around her waist. With her head turned slightly, she was met with a kiss to her cheek. 
"Don't worry, bebe." Mario squeezed her hips and swayed, "I know you can move your hips." 
She laughed, "is that so?" 
"Yeah, but as a precaution let me help." 
With one hand on hers and the other on her hips, he began the famous dance. (Y/N) let him move her hands and then sway with her hips. When it got to the part of both her hands in the air, she made sure to put a little pressure in her sway. With a groan in her ear, she broke free from his grip.
She turned around and tapped his cheek, "thanks for the help, but now I've gotta –" 
"Nope, you're staying right here." Mario switched off the portable speaker, wrapped his arms around her body, lifted her up and carried her back onto the porch. He sat down and pulled her close to his chest. (Y/N) laughed, while adjusting herself so her legs hung over the armrest and her head was in the crook of his neck. She breathed in his scent and played with the collar of his shirt. 
(Y/N) had been set up on a blind date by her college roommate Carly. After getting dolled up and entering the restaurant she was told to go too, the twenty minute mark rolled around and her date was a no show. Embarrassed at being stood up, she left the establishment and was almost run over by a guy on an electric scooter. Mario had been the one driving it and immediately stopped to check to see if she was okay and to apologise. The pair went to a diner and exchanged numbers by the end of the night. (Y/N) had expected their budding relationship to be platonic, until he admitted his feelings during one of their hangout sessions. After a moment of shock, she revealed that he wasn't alone and she had feelings for him.
They've been an official couple since. 
However, this was the first time (Y/N) had visited where Mario had grown up and met his family. They had met briefly through facetime whenever she happened to be present while Mario was on a call. Meeting them in person was different. She got along with Ruben, Abuelita and the twins. It was Ruby and his mother Geny who were still weary of her. (Y/N) put it down to Mario's almost being a father fiasco. 
Yeah, he told her all about it. 
"Mario, I didn't know you were back." 
Sitting up, she looked straight ahead and found somebody on the opposite side of the fence. From the pictures Mario had shown her back in his dorm, it was Angelica. The girl he experienced many firsts with and most notably his first love. Mario had told (Y/N) all about him being friends with his ex girlfriend. She wasn't intimidated by her in the slightest. But that didn't mean she was going to be all buddy-buddy with her. She'd keep it cordial. 
"Oh, hey." Mario shifted slightly, (Y/N) hopped off his lap. He stood up and walked over to her. When he noticed (Y/N) hadn't walked beside him, he held out his hand behind him, smiling when she accepted and wrapped an arm around her waist when she was close enough, "this is my girlfriend (Y/N). Bebe this is Angelica." 
(Y/N) smiled and held out her hand. "It's nice to meet you, I've heard quite a bit about you." 
Angelica ignored her and continued looking at Mario, "So… how's your sophomore year in college been?" 
"Wow… okay, just ignore me then." (Y/N) muttered under her breath and retracted her hand, "bitch." 
This time Angelica acknowledged her. 
"What did you call me?" 
Not being one to back down easily, she replied, "a bitch." With her quick reflex, she grabbed onto the hand that was going to slap her, "gotta be quicker than that sweetie." 
Angelica pulled her hand back and glared, before focusing back on Mario. "¿Puedes controlarla?" 
"She doesn't need to be." Mario replied coolly. "She's her own person." 
(Y/N) scoffed, "of course I'm my own person." But, then looked in between the two, "wait, did she say something about me?" Looking back at Angelica, "care to elaborate?" 
"Why don't you go inside, (Y/N)." She pointed behind them, "Mario and I have a few things to discuss." 
Before (Y/N) could respond, her boyfriend beat her to it. 
"What do we have to discuss, Angelica?" Mario questioned. "No tenemos nada de que hablar." 
"I'd rather not discuss our personal business when someone else is present." 
"Our personal business? Our personal business ended the day I went back to college. We don't have anything –" 
She cut him off, "we have a history, Mario."
"That's all it is, history." He replied, "this is (Y/N) (L/N), my girlfriend. My present and potential future, Angelica. Yeah, we have history and I'll always be thankful for what we had… but, that's it. We can go back to being friends –" 
"What if I don't want that? What if I want to be more than that? What if I want to go back to us being together?" 
He shrugged his shoulders, "we can't." His eyes found (Y/N)'s and a smile graced his face, "I've got something good and I'm not gonna mess it up." He looked back at her, "one day you'll meet someone like I have too." 
(Y/N) pressed a loving kiss to his cheek. He responded by pressing one to her forehead. She let out a squeal as his fingers squeezed her hips. He laughed when she slapped his chest. 
Angelica watched their exchange with a mixture of hurt, sadness and anger bubbling up inside of her. She used to be in (Y/N)'s position and was looking forward to reclaiming the title of being Mario's girlfriend when he came back… only to be told by one of her girls that he was seen around town with a girl. She refused to believe that Mario had moved on, but the evidence was right in front of her. The difference between the last time she had seen him and right now was she no longer had a hold over him.
She couldn't do anything other than walk away. Rekindling her romance with Mario Martinez wasn't an option anymore. Like he said, they were history. 
The pair noticed her disappearance when they headed back inside to grab something to eat. (Y/N) felt a little bad for Angelica, but hoped she'd move on. Because she wasn't gonna play nice if Miss Ex decided to come around and get her boyfriend's attention. And if Mario allowed that to happen, she'd beat both of their asses. 
"Everything okay, mi amor?" 
She smiled and cupped his chin. "Angelica may have been your first love, but I intend on being your last," pecking his lips, she giggled, "until I pop out one of your big headed babies." 
"No babies!"
With an eye roll from her boyfriend and a headshake he yelled back, "It was a joke, ma." Before he turned back to (Y/N), "or it wasn't 'cause I'm in the mood to practice if –"
"Another joke, ma."
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Spanish Translation(s): 
Bebe - baby
¿Puedes controlarla? - can you control her?
No tenemos nada de que hablar - we have nothing talk to about 
Mi amor - my love
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darkestdesired · 5 years
Moon Child
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Part 1
Warning:Mentions of abuse,Child endangerment,abandonment.If any of these trigger you skip over this fic!!
Sam raised a brow as he watched charlie walk into the diner with a teenager,there was something off about the young girl that spiked his curiosity.He walked over to their booth,"Hey charlie,who's this?" Charlie smiled up at sam and rested a hand on the girl's shoulder. "This is (Y/n),(Y/n) this is Sam,he's an old friend of mine." I smiled shyly at him."What brings you to forks?" Charlie's smile fell a bit before he cleared his throat."Well um..." I fidgeted with my hands.Sam raised a brow,"Why don't you order something to eat,I'll be right back." Charlie smiled and got out of the booth,he and sam walked outside."What's going on charlie?" Sam asked,he was getting a bit worried."We found her on the side of the road a mile from the station,her parents told here to wait their for them 6 hours ago,Luckily a cop saw her when they were driving by.She told me she's 17 but she shakes like she hasn't seen the light of day in her whole life." Sam's blood was boiling,some humans were disgusting. "What's gonna happen to her now?" They both looked at me through the window,i was scarfing down pancakes like i hadn't eaten for days."Well,I'll take her down to the station,and if no one comes to claim her then we'll have no choice but to call social ser-" sam interupted him."She can come stay with me and emily." Charlie's eyebrows shot up."Are you sure? I know you have a handful with the pack." Sam nodded."I'm sure." They both walked back into the diner.Sam sat across from me,"Hey kid,Sam here offered to let you crash at his place for a while,would you like that?" My head shot up and i stared at Sam with wide eyes."...S..Safe..?" Sam nodded and rested his hand on mine. "I'll protect you,i promise." My expression softened and i nodded.
Time skip.
Sam pulled up to the house,i flinched when i saw a bunch of guys run out and two girls walking after them. Sam slid out of the car,he led me over to the group."Everyone,this is (Y/n). She'll be staying with us for a while." He looked down at me."This is Emily,the woman i told you about." Said woman carefully walked up to me,she had a scar over her face but she had gentle eyes and a contagious smile."It's a pleasure to meet you (y/n)." I gave her a nervous smile. "This is Leah and her brother Seth.And theres Paul,Embry,Jared,and quill. Each of the boys smiled and waved,although leah seemed a bit more reluctant.I fidgeted with the sleeve of my dress,"T-Thank..you.." I whispered to sam who smiled down at me.He ruffled my hair gently before we all walked inside,he showed me around and even gave me my own room.
That night I sat on the window seal and stared outside,i didn't even notice Sam watching from the doorway."You settling in okay?" I looked over at him."Yes..thank you." I said in a low whisper.He stared at me for a second,i could tell he was thinking.He slowly walked over and sat on the edge of the bed,"Can i ask you a quiestion,(Y/n)?"i nodded."Did your parents ever..hurt you?" I looked away."No.." Sam sighed."I won't force you to tell me anything until you're ready.Just know that we're all here for you,you're safe with us." I watched as he stood up and went to leave."Thank you...for being so understanding." Sam smiled and left.I took a deep shaky breath as i looked back out the window,i could have sworn i heard howles from deep in the woods.
The next day i woke up to the smell of bacon,i rushed downstairs and saw emily placing down plates of food while the boys all huried to their seats.Seth smiled,"Hey (Y/n), Did you sleep good?" I nodded and sat next to him."I woke up a few times,i thought i heard a wolf outside." They all gave each other a 'Which one of you was it' look."Well it's common around here,they don't come around us though,Their scared of Paul's snoring." Embry teased and yelped when paul punched his arm. I smiled as i watched them mess around,sam walked in and patted my shoulder before kissing Emily's cheek."She's warming up to them." She said as i laughed at something seth said."I was just on the phone with Charlie." He said with a look of displeasure.Emily furrowed her eyebrows with worry,"What did he say?" They both left the room."He wants me to take her to see the bloodsucker doctor,he just wants her to get a check up." Emily patted his arm."It'll be okay,Carlisle is a good doctor." He nodded."I just don't want to drag her into this life,i don't want to put her into danger." She held onto his hands as he rested his head on her forehead."She's a strong girl,plus she has a pack of wolves to protect her.He nodded and they both headed into the kitchen,"Hey kid,Charlie wants me to take you to get a checkup,it won't take long." I bit my lip and stood up,he patted my back before i quickly ran upstairs to get dressed,emily and Leah had given me some spare clothes to borrow until i got my own.
I came down dressed in a tank top,longsleeved flannel,shorts,and a pair of tan combat boots.Sam smiled,"Ready to go?" I nodded and waved goodbye to everyone.The drive over was nice,he told me about the doctor and how this was going to go.
We sat in the waiting room for a few minutes before a pale doctor with golden eyes and blonde hair walked over to us.Sam stood up,"Sam,good to see you,amd you must be (Y/n),Charlie told me you were coming.My name is Carlisle." I shook his hand before he led the way,i whispered to sam."His hand is very cold,like ice." Sam bit the inside of his cheek,he was regretting this already.Carlisle and Sam shared a look before heading inside a room to conduct the check up.Sam waited outside,Carlisle read over my chart while i sat down on the examination bed."Is it alright if i ask you some personal quiestions?" I nodded.He set down my chart,"Where your parents ever...violent towards you?" I looked down at my lap."I.." Carlisle put a reassuring hand on my knee." This is a safe place (Y/n),no one will hurt you." I took a deep breath,i avoided making eye contact with him."Y-Yes...They told me i was an abomination,a freak..They would lock me in the basement for days on end.I rarely got fed,and i was beat twice a day." I started shaking at the flashbacks.Carlisle stared at me woth pity in his eyes,he wrote a few things down before conducting the check up."You have a few bruises and I'll need you to start a steady diet to get your weight back." I nodded and gave him a small smile."Thank you Doctor." He patted my arm."Please,call me Carlisle." He went out into the hall and caught sam up.Sam clenched his fists and tried to keep his composure,"You can see her ribs,they obviously didn't feed her.She'll need a lot of food in order to go back to a healthy weight." Sam nodded."Um..Thanks for..you know." Carlisle smiled and patted his shoulder.I walked out and was surprised when Sam pulled me into a hug,"I'll see you at your next checkup (Y/n),feel free to call me if you have any quiestions." Carlisle said with a smile before we left.
When we got back i asked Sam if i could take a walk through the woods,he reluctantly said yes as long as Jacob went with me.Jacob and i walked along a creek talking,he was like a fun older brother."Sam didn't seem to like Carlisle that much." Jacob rubbed the back of his neck."Yea um..our family's have a history of not getting along.But the cullens are okay,they have their moments." I nodded along and noticed something move out of the corner of my eye."Hey jake!" I saw a woman with long brown hair and unnaturally brown eyes walking up to us from across the creek. "Hey bella,um this is (Y/n),she just moved in with us at the reservation." She smiled."Yea,Carlisle mentioned you,I'm Bella Cullen,an old friend." I smiled.Bella glanced around,"Do you guys wanna come over? I think it would be wise to introduce her to the family." Jake thought for a moment before looking at me."Do you want to,their nice,i promise." I shrugged and held his hand as he helped me down and bella helped me up,she was surprisingly strong,and cold just like carlisle.
We walked up to a gorgeous house and i smiled when i saw Carlisle walk out with his family."(Y/n),What a pleasant surprise." He walked up to me with an beautiful woman with brown hair and a motherly aura."Hello,My name is Esme.It's a pleasure to meet you." I smiled and shook her hand.'It's ice cold..just like Bella's and carlisle' Edward cleared his throat."I'm Edward,these are my siblings,Rosalie,Alice,Jasper,and Emmett." They all smiled but i jumped when Alice pulled me into a hug."I can tell we're going to be best friends!" I giggled and hugged her back.Carlisle shot her a look and she let go,"Sorry." Esme smiled."Why don't we go inside to talk,would you like anything to drink?" I smiled back."A glass of water is fine,thank you."
We sat in the living room and i thank Esme when she handed me a glass of water. "What's it like living at the reservation?" Bella asked to start the conversation.I smiled and tucked a strand of (H/c) hair behind my ear,"It's strange living with a bunch of guys,I'm glad that Emily and Leah are there.Their all very active and loud so it's something I'm going to have to get used to." There were a few small laughs.Jacob huffed,"We're not that loud." Rosalie scoffed."We can hear you guys from here,You are definitely that loud." She looked at me in surprise when i started giggling.I was the only one that laughed at her complaining,a small smile formed on her face at me. Esme smiled and whispered to me,"I can understand,it can get a bit hectic around here too." I giggled,She gave off a very motherly aura that made me feel welcomed. Emmett's loud outburst startled me but proved his mothers point,"You Should come play Mario Kart with me and Jasper Sometime!" Jasper scoffed."You mean an hour of me beating you while you whine?" We all laughed as Emmett shot Jasper a glare.After talking for a bit Jacob nudged my arm,"Time to go." I nodded and they all walked out with us.Carlisle and esme smiled warmly at me,"You're free to come over whenever you'd like." I smiled thankfully at them."Thank you,for being so open.I hugged them before waving goodbye and hurrying to where Jacob was waiting for me.He wrapped an arm around my shoulder,"Did you have fun?" I nodded."They're very nice,but it's weird." He raised a brow."What is?" I shrugged."Well,Why are a coven of vampires living in a town of humans." Jacob froze as i continued walking.
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