polararts · 1 year
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It's a period piece~
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foone · 1 year
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You know what I hate about modern mice? how pointlessly anti-repair they are. I have had plenty of mice break over time, and often it's just that some fluff or skin-flakes got wedged in the mouse wheel or under the buttons. You just need to open them up and clean them. Except.. where are the screws?
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OH THERE THEY ARE. under the little skid-pads, which cannot be put back on once you take them off, because the adhesive has been ruined! You have to buy replacement pads, if they're available, and maybe cut them down to size, as well as clean off the residue of the previous pads.
You know how this problem could be fixed? JUST DON'T PUT THE PADS ON TOP OF THE SCREWS!
Then you'd have no problem. Easy to disassemble and clean.
But then it'd look 5% uglier because apparently people are scared of seeing screws, and also people might not just throw it out and buy a new one!
It's the terrible sort of weird planned obsolescence that happens as an almost accidental side effect of improving the product. Like, ball mice? They were designed to be disassembled. You didn't even need a screwdriver! Because you had to clean them regularly, or they'd gunk up too fast. Modern optical mice? They still get gunked up, the buttons and wheel still die eventually. They can be cleaned and repaired. But now that it's not required for all of them to be cleaned regularly, that function has been removed. they're designed to be disposable.
The same thing happened with TVs way back when. If you open up a TV from the 50s (or just look at the back, honestly, many of them were designed to be always-open), you'll find a schematic showing where all the tubes are and what models they are. Was this because the 1950s was a golden era of reparability? NO! it's because they burnt out all the time and you had to replace them! As soon as TVs got reliable enough that replacing tubes was no longer needed, the schematics became hidden behind paywalls and for authorized-service-personnel-only.
It would be only a minor change in aesthetics to make your mouse repairable/cleanable. Hell, most of the time when it's not simply fixed by cleaning it, it's because one of these broke:
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This is an Omron D2FC-F-7N microswitch, used in a bunch of mice. It's designed to last about a million clicks. With a soldering iron and some solder (like 25$ on amazon) you can trivially replace it. New switches cost between like 10 cents and 2 dollars, depending where you buy it and how many you want. A couple bucks of parts and half an hour's worth of work, you can repair a 40$ mouse that's "died".
But they make it unnecessarily hard with the slide-pads being unreplacable. You have to find ones that match, you have to carefully clean off the old residue with IPA, or the new ones you just bought will fall off. All to make it look SLIGHTLY better (how often are you looking at the aesthetics of the bottom of your mouse, exactly? (no furries are allowed to answer this question!)) and maybe, just maybe, to push it over into "not worth it". You could do all that, but you have to buy new switches, new slide-pads/mouse-feet (SHUT UP FURRIES), and can you remember where your solder even is? you last used it when you were trying to fix that keyboard...
Basically one thing that is maddening to anyone with the very basics of electronic knowledge (seriously: the amount of skill you need for this is the kind you can get in less than an hour from watching a youtube tutorial) that we're surrounded by all this electrical nonsense that will break and have to be thrown out, but is mostly breaking in ways that could be fixed in a very short amount of time with relatively little work.
It's infuriating to go on amazon to buy another damn mouse and it pop up "hey you last bought this in 2021, you fool" and you're like I KNOW, IT SHOULD STILL BE WORKING TODAY!
I have computer parts from the 80s in my room right now that are still working when stuff made in the last 5 years is already dying! There's no reason it should be this way. It's an endless waste of time and money and resources and it's just to make some logitech or whoever executives slightly richer.
It's deeply bullshit. The modern day is going to be identifiable as the geological layer where most of the trash was generated. We're living in the middle of the quisquiliarumferous period: the layer of garbage.
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fragileheartbeats · 1 month
Rhaenyra in the book Rhaenyra in the show
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Aegon in the book Aegon in the show
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hadesisqueer · 1 year
Things Yang has gotten from Tai: Blonde hair. Name and surname. Fighting style (he trained her). Probably sense of humor.
Things Yang has gotten from Summer: Sass. Takes-no-bullshit attitude. Bravery.
Things Yang has gotten from Raven: Great hair and boobs and horrible flirting skills apparently
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karimationkat · 3 months
All MT/KO wanted was to know where the CG is
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"Hello, I know them"
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*Waiting for Purple to give him the info*
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"Eeerghhhhhhhh, fine, accepted"
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silli---lilli · 10 months
Soap: *looking at Ghost's headstone* I just miss you so much sometimes. It's like I just saw you. Like you never left at all.
Ghost: *after parking the car* Jesus Christ, not again Ghost: Soap! What the hell are you on about? I'm right here
Soap: *crying* It's like I can still hear your voice
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mercschumini · 5 months
Gunther leaving F1 to pursuit his dream (marry binotto buying a vineyard and strolling around together in a fiat 500)
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cryptid mikey gives off feral kitten vibes and i love that so much
That's becuz he ate one
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Donnie be like: Don't worry this one doesn't have rabies
Donnie: You right, it taste better cooked.
April: Where did he find it??
Leo: How are we still alive?
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reidiot · 2 years
felice: how's everyone doing?
simon: i'm breathing.
felice: setting the bar pretty low, huh?
simon: well, it's more than wille.
wille, having a panic attack, an existential crisis and a mental breakdown, all at the same time: honestly, fuck you.
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ravenfan1242 · 1 year
Y'all @andthendk is new to TikTok and not that many people know she is there yet. If you guys love her art as much as I do, it would be so cool if you could give her a follow on TikTok (if you have an account of course). It would be great to see her get some signal boosting there. She's an amazing artist and she gives our fandom so much! Like this hilarious reel that I can't stop playing over and over again 😂
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tthesongofachilless · 24 days
Have a list of the drivers who i think either ate bugs or dirt as a kid
Dirt: Lando, Daniel, Lance, Checo, Logan, Max, Yuki, Alex
Bugs: Oscar, Zhou, Valtteri, Kevin, Charles, Pierre, Estaban
Neither: Carlos, Fernando, Nico, Lewis, George
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whoisspence · 2 months
jj is the type of girl to say "look at me! this isn't you!" when she's trying to break up a fight
hotch is the type of guy to have steam come out of his ears when he's mad
garcia is the type of girl to make a wish at 11:11
reid is the type of guy to purposely drop the soap
morgan is the type of guy to say "there's not enough room in this town for the two of us"
prentiss is the type of girl to stay up the whole night playing fortnite
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fragileheartbeats · 1 month
Book Aegon: I didn't wanted the crown because my sister was heir and I didn't wanted to steal her birth right.
Show Aegon: I didn't wanted it because I'm stupid and don't know how to be king, I don't know how to be responsible.
Book Aegon: I forced my mother to crown me as king.
Show Aegon: My mommy forced me to took the crown.
Book Aegon: I took the throne to protect my family.
Show Aegon: I wanted to escape like a coward.
Book Aegon: I beat the shit out of Jace when he tried to dance with my wife at dinner.
Show Aegon: I just watched and didn't give a fuck.
Book Aegon: I flew Sunfyre over the city on my coronation day as everyone watched in awe.
Show Aegon: I was hiding behind my mommy.
Book Aegon: I like to wear black, red, gold and sometimes green.
Show Aegon: I only have one green dress and I wear it everyday.
Book Aegon: I have really badass quotes.
Show Aegon: I want my mommy... Is that good enough?
Book Aegon: I'm a toxic family man.
Show Aegon: I'm just a creep who have mommy kink.
Show Aegon: *start crying and then pass out*
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rongrii · 6 months
"Gregory is Michael's son", "no, Vanessa is Michael's daughter!!"
Michael has one child and that is Helpy, end of discussion
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donnas-dollface · 9 months
Alcina: hope all the lovely women have a good day today <3
Also Alcina: men... think about all the problems you caused.
-probably aimed at Heisenberg
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aes-555 · 3 months
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A proud dad.
(Ft:Just Carlos realising that Hamilton is no longer his rival but a literal 18 y/o child is! )
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