#If Macaque isn't a bad guy then he can help and if he can help then maybe we can win
imminent-danger-came · 2 months
YOU think MK is a selfless forgiving good boi mc. I think he's self-centered, but that doesn't devalue the good deeds that happen as a result. We are not the same
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cloud-somersault · 1 month
Something that absolutely destroys me about shadowpeach is just the fact that they weren't "good" to each other. They loved each other, sure, but sometimes love just isn't enough.
They are "right person wrong time." They helped each other unintentionally go into a self-destructive paths, and the worst part is that only Wukong managed to get out of it before it ruined him.
Its just so fucked up, imagine you love someone and they love you but they are undeniably going into a path with no return but they do change and they become better, but only after you're gone.
Yeah, I think shadowpeach is compelling and interesting for the layers of tragedy it has. I really do think they're the "right person, wrong time" type of dynamic. If they met each other later on, there wouldn't have been any major problems; just ones they could address as they come up.
But I think...it's a great showing of how people can change each other. A chance interaction can change a person for life. We, as people, are made up of those interactions, the pain, the hurt, the love, the joy we've been shown and what we've given to others.
Wukong and Macaque were doing what they felt was right. In the way they felt was right. And they didn't know how to address it or be better, because confronting the communication issues and lack of respect and value means admitting there's a problem, and neither of them wanted to do that.
I don't think Macaque wanted to, he just wanted to put up with it and stay on Wukong's good side. He disregarded his own hesitations and doubts and believed in this person wholeheartedly instead of making his own decisions and choosing to go against the grain. It's hard to say "no" to the Monkey King, admittedly, but Macaque, probably, felt as if he couldn't.
In s4, he subtly tried to remove himself from the uprising against Heaven, but Wukong dragged him back in on the premise that they're "bros" and it'll be a fun "whatever" kind of time and not a life or death situation. Macaque saw that truth; Wukong refused to.
And that's a lot of Wukong's whole story - thinking he's invincible, that he's above everyone, that he's the handsomest and strongest and best ever. he was entitled and didn't like being told no. Very haughty and spoiled. A brat. He had sense and was funny and showed kindness when he needed to, but he was selfish, also.
Against all that, Macaque's in an odd position. They're friends, but Macaque is quiet. He's subtle. A shadow. Introverted and observant, he probably never felt as if his voice mattered or would change anything. But getting the attention of the Monkey King is a high honor!
And Wukong just thought Macaque was cool, another strong guy with shadow magic that he could get into mischief with. Someone like him!!
It reminds me of a dynamic you see a lot in media. The adventurous main character paired with a more shy and scared secondary character. The main character drags them around unwillingly into situations, assuring the secondary character everything will be fine. And, eventually, it takes the secondary character standing up for themselves for a change to occur.
And that's what happened in that cave.
There is tragedy...in someone you love changing after you're no longer in their life. But...it's more important that they changed at all. A lot of people don't. It's difficult to change. And Wukong was traveling (and was trapped) in this journey with people, learning and humbling himself along the way, learning friendship and love. It took that specific environment and discipline to change him, because changing the Monkey King?? Is a huge task, something that Macaque by himself couldn't do.
And that's said around this fandom like it's a bad thing. I know Macaque would see it as one, because that's his character, but...I don't know. I don't see it as one. Maybe you're not what that person needs, not at that moment, not at that time. And that's..okay. I think that's something we gotta accept.
Because we can't fix everyone. We can't hold ourselves to that standard. Just as I said before, people are collections of their interactions with others, and maybe those other people...are what Wukong needed at that moment. Maybe Macaque wasn't at a point in his life, maturity wise or life experience wise, to direct Wukong on the path to change. Maybe that wasn't his burden to bear.
Sometimes it takes a specific person to say something. With how people weave in and out of each others lives, I think the takeaway should be more "I'm glad you changed. I'm proud of you. You did it!" Like, let's focus on the end result, because...if people change for the better, than they can help others change, and maybe Wukong is the right person at this right time to help Macaque change.
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lotusarchon · 7 days
hey hey, i would like to ask a question out of curiosity (and im sorry if i sound offensive; im not skilled in the department of wording and communication) the 'mischaracterization' thing; would u tell me more of why u dislike it very much, and give examples of it for better understanding?
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Nah dude it's fine, I don't find you offensive one bit. I am surprised with the question but I'll try to word myself as much as I possibly can.
Also, full disclaimer; I am a fanfic writer, and I understand wanting to give a character more/a better personality and backstory, to give more room what the show writers didn't do. I do the same as well; my famous example is Sakura Haruno and giving her more personality than just a girl obsessed with boys. So, I'm aware people may try to give a character better personalities for whatever reason.
There's a limit to how much I can take with it, and the LMK fandom really do take it too far. I'm in a bunch of fandoms, and I'm using Jujutsu Kaisen as an example with how writers tend to write Sukuna especially for shipping with OCs/Readers. Do you wanna know why I'm okay with it though, in JJK?
Because they at least know their fave is horrible. I'm not saying the fandom is good, but at least the few I've read from do in fact get the characters right and don't stereotype them, and if they do, they KNOW their faves are pieces of shits. They just don't care and anyways, it's a fanfic. They aren't gonna go bash people for disagreeing with them (from my experience. And if the JJK fandom has it, idc still, they're better than most of y'all here)
In LMK, it's so, so bad. The mischaracterization doesn't just stay as that. It's become the literal fanon vs canon thing because that's what the fans do. In every fanfic, fanart, ANYTHING related to the characters in the fandom, they stereotype and dumb down every single fucking one. I used to read fics and I've had to stop because of how disgusted I am. It's literally just "they would NOT be like that", but ah, god forbid you try to tell that to this fandom, because if you try you're a proshipper, homophobe/transphobe or racist.
I have a good few examples too, but my most popular ones are;
Fanon Wukong: A bad guy that abandoned MK, abused his 'best friend', just a sexy, hot monkey with grr possessive alpha traits. And, oh yeah! He's so stupid, he can't even read because he's just a big guy with ex issues and nothing else.
Fanon Macaque: A victim who was only trying to get his best/boy friend back. He definitely loves MK as a kid and is a better parent than Wukong. Ignore the fact he never once took blame for the trauma he put MK through as well, he's a victim and a little baby/daddy who just wants love. He's completely misunderstood guys.
Fanon MK: Personality? What personality? He's Red Son's and/or Mei little boyfriend who is just a baby obsessed with fucking and can't think of anything else. He's traumatized so, so badly and is just a poor little baby who's only source of comfort is Macaque because Macaque understands him more, definitely. He's dumb or maybe too smart for his own good but that's okay, there's always someone else to help him.
Fanon Tripitaka: An abusive cunt. Need I say more?
Fanon Nezha: Oh dear, guys he's just a grumpy baby guys, he's a grumpy lil baby, definitely not an adult stressed and exhausted, nah. He's a baby.
See where I'm getting at? Nine times out of ten you check a fanfic in this fandom regardless of the pairing or the plot, these are the kind of traits you see in these characters. There's nothing else but them dumbed down to being morons.
Nevermind that Sun Wukong is actually smart and most definitely has trouble reading modern writing, nevermind that Macaque has never owned up to his actions even when he played a part in hurting MK, nevermind that MK isn't just some sex obsessed baby and has problems and is a grown ass adult who needs therapy, nevermind that Tripitaka of all people only dared used the circlet because Wukong was hard to handle, NEVERMIND that Nezha, a centuries old god with different tales around him isn't someone who's just grumpy much less a child and has problems of his own.
Fans just simply won't look past anything but the fanon version of them. You try to explain that Macaque was a bad guy and redemption arc feels rushed and you're a bad person, or who cares he's hot right? You try to explain that Wukong isn't some illiterate asshole and is trying his best to adapt and be there for MK, because you're just a Macaque hater and also who cares, right? He's sexy and he can fuck Macaque, so who cares for personality, right?
Don't get me wrong. I'm used to this shit because again, look at Jujutsu Kaisen. But my god the LMK fans are so fucking annoyed and obsessed, they refuse to even see that these characters are more than just a single personality trait.
And that's just dealing with canon characters alone, don't get me started on how they react to ocs smh.
The LMK fandom is bad, bad. Nuclear level bad, even. It's a toxic wasteland of morons who have never really understood media literacy and instead simply cares for the appearances of how characters look rather than focusing on what makes them who they are.
But again, what good does it even do to complain right? I'm just some guy on the internet completely irked by the lack of braincells this fandom has. The most I can actively do is block the tags related to this fandom and focus on me. If I need fanfics, I'll write my own, that's all.
But, i will say, if there's a day this fandom actually sees characters as more than sex appeal, it's the day I suck a dick. Pardon my language but that's legit the only way I can phrase it as an aroace person. Y'all are so hazardous you make the 2020 MHA fandom look sooooo much better.
It's not a compliment. Be better. You're fans of a children based show, and coming from an author who writes mainly NSFW stuff for LMK on AO3, it's disappointing.
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nilolol30 · 8 months
FEM! Magical girl reader? Wukong and Macaque (not together) Sees Their magical girlfriend coming home after a rough day at work. Since magical girls are portrayed to be happy and bright, people automatically assume that being a magical girl was easy and happy, which is what wukong and Macaque did. So their shocked to find out what it's really like.
Sorry if this isn't good I'm not that knowledgeable about magical girls other than madoka magica
• In all honesty he sometimes watches over you when you work JUST TO BE SAFE HE PROMISES.
• With the way you fought and carried yourself he thought you were doing great fine even he doesn't really question you unless you actively show it.
• But once you come home a little more banged up and tired he immediately gets to work to try and help you.
• He is at your command want a massage? He's a master want something to eat? He will fly to your favorite place want the bad guy you were fighting to regret every making your day a little unpleasant? He may be retired but he can still throw hands.
• If you just want to lay down and relax cuddle puddle it is if you're on flower fruit mountain expect some monkeys to join in.
• Would offer you more chances to vent about your days at work hoping talking will help get the pressure off your back.
• He'd know before you even got back home he just might open a portal and save you the trip home.
• Wont bombard you with questions at least not while you're still stressed he'd wait at least until the next day to bring it up and if you show any signs of not wanting to talk about it he respects it and drops the subject unless it's really bad.
• After that though he will listen in on your fights just for the slightest hint you may need help.
• Does his best to make sure you know you don't have to put up an act around him wants his home to be a safe place for you.
• If you think you can get away with pretending to be fine or hiding any negative feelings not only is this guy a good manipulator he's a damn actor so he can tell.
• If you want to spend just a day to relax and do nothing by god he's making sure no one disturbs you he won't even let you lift a finger to get anything he'd use himself to cuddle you and keep you snuggled up while sending a shadow clone to get whatever you needed.
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Actually, i think it's closer to a year or more for how long Bai He was possessed. Which is honestly terrifying because why the hell did nobody notice or set up any missing child posters!?
Also, LBD probably didn't know Wukong was, well, a Spiritual Stone Monkey. So she ended up with the most interesting bit of fortune by picking a child to possess, not only because Bai He was the easy target, but because she had inadvertently managed to give herself and inate advantage against Sun Wukong by using the body of a child. As she had said Wukong,
"You're plan is to... fist fight a child!?"
No... not that's not what Wukong's plan was. But it was the only plan he had left. And with LBD piloting a child's body and openly admitting she's a child, she gave herself the advantage with that line alone. Because Wukong may have been going strong it with everything he had, not holding back, but when it came down to it, he hesitated. And it's entirely because his instincts were screaming at him not to do it.
I have no doubt Wukong was pretty messed up mentally and emotionally after being freed from the LBD, notvjyst from the actions he performed while possessed (Grievously wounding his mate, attacking his little big brother Nez Ha and nephew Red Son, kidnapping Mei snd imprisoning her in ice, almost killing MK), but also for his actions right before being possessed. I think, before Macaque has dragged Bai He into the nest, Wukong may have actively avoiding the child he had tried to kill. But then his silly mate bad to go and force the two into the same spot.
Oh Bai He has been under LBD's control since before New Years, and I feel like S2 & 3 is extended over a few weeks to account for Wukong's "vacation".
One subtle detail I noticed at the end of S1 is that the Little Girl's hair is shorter before she's possessed, suggesting that LBD has been possessing her long enough for it to grow out.
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And since Wukong describes "still feeling her [LBD] under my skin", I imagine being possesed felt like Bai He's very skeleton was being puppeted by an icy hand.
For months.
And there was no sign of missing persons posters anywhere around town post-S1 finale. Even though Metropolis is a big city on par with Shanghai or similar, and demon/monster attacks have become commonplace; there would still have been something mentioned about a child going missing in the area. Unless no one was looking out for her...
Bai He would Not Be Fine in the aftermath of S3. She was possessed by a demon for nearly a year - that has to leave lasting effects on the body and soul. I'm shocked that she didn't return in S4 as a full character, even just to provide an outsiders view of all the nonsense going on. She isn't anyone's reincarnation or anyone important, but she will help her new friends by anymeans nessesary!
Wukong def feels awkward being around the little girl seeing how his nemesis was wearing her face for the last while. Bai He on the otherhand is screaming internally cus "Doesn't this guy kill demons for a living!? I'm a demon now!"
She oddly bonds quicker with Macaque, as they both see each other as victims/tools of LBD at the end of the day. Macaque thinks it's oddly cute annoying to have the pipsqueak at his heels, but he at least owes her someone who can related to the pain she's feeling.
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semisolidmind · 1 year
So, I know it isn’t your usual flavor of yandere but what about a ‘shipper on deck’ yandere Macaque, tirelessly working to bring his two favorite people together?  If they are both yandere, I’m imagining a good cop/bad cop dynamic.  Mac would do all the dirty work, terrorizing/ kidnapping MC, letting Sun Wukong play the hero, helping gaslight her when Sun Wukong lets his mask slip.  Even being the one to give her the elixir of immortality, just so she isn’t mad at Sun Wukong. Your Mac calls her ‘princess’, this one does because she will be his Queen when she marries his King.  No one is going to tell him that isn’t how that works.
If he has feelings for MC and Sun Wukong is yandere, the only way Sun Wukong doesn’t kill him instantly is if he is submissive to both of them.
Then if Sun Wukong ISN’T a yandere, he is far enough along on his journey that he doesn’t want to kill Mac.  Mac mistakes this for Sun Wukong just being very deep into his good cop character.
I hope this is more fun than my last ask.  I do love your work.
(i really like these ideas)
mac also being part of the scheme in this one is pretty good. if, in this instance, macaque really is on board with swk and would never even think about going behind his back, then there is definitely a higher chance that he can have reader (sometimes) and not die in the process. the king could be more.. lenient about allowing mac access to reader. so long as he proves his loyalty.
and that bit at the end with the two's ideals not meshing anymore? like, swk is actually becoming a good guy over the course of the journey, and macaque, who definitely isn't, not catching on to it until it's too late? genius. so much angst potential.
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sleepwrites · 1 year
Hi! This is kind of my first time requesting, I already red the rules so um can I request headcanons of SWK, Macaque and MK with the reader who is part of the East Sea's Dragon Clan? Or you could say the reader is somewhat Ao Guang's daughter? Would their father's reaction be on them dating? Would he aprrove?
I hope this isn't too much! ^.^
Aw its never too much dear nonnie! I used the first option since I dont have that good of a grasp on Au Guang lol. Apologies if its short this was pretty on the nose!
Macaque, MK and SWK with a s/o who’s part of the east sea dragon clan
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When you came to visit Mei on orders of Au Guang, to make sure that his greatx1M niece is doing alright after dealing with the samedi fire.
You were around her age and shared interests (swordplay) so he figured you’d be nice to each other.
What he didn’t know was that you also got particular close to a certain Monkie Kid.
Once MK first met you, he already though you were really cool!
Since you lived in the east sea clan most your life he and Mei loved showing you around.
It took a while for him to fall but once he did he fell HARD.
MK is a naturally affectionate person but once he realises he’s absolutely smitten with you he becomes much more touchy, not in a bad way though!
After a couple nudges from Tang and Mei you two started dating!
He loves your scales! Will kiss your cheeks to feel the scales!
My dude will be drawing you allllll the time, especially pre-dating, thats just how he pines.
You two train together! Who doesn’t love fight-flirting.
He also helped you pick a new wardrobe as your current clothes just didn’t make the cut.
Use your dragon powers during a fight or just for fun, MK will freeze bcs u look so cool.
‘Heck yeah baby! Thats MY girlfriend guys!’
Sun Wukong
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You had met Wukong and the others while they were in jail, well met is a strong word, more like walked past them and gave them a weird look.
After the battle with the lady bone demon you went to see Mei, on orders of Au Guang to make sure she was alright.
Thats how you met Wukong again.
At first you two didn’t like each other much. Wukong was a bit salty because of the look you gave him in the hail cell. You thought he was a big trouble maker.
Only when you saw him interact with Mei did you see that, hey maybe he isn’t so bad at all.
For him it was the same but with MK, as long as you and the kiddies got along you were alright in his book.
Fast forward to when you two got together, Wukong made sure it was a spectacle, he is the Monkey King after all.
Expect him to be clingy af, you CANNOT tell me he isn’t touch starved even just a teeny bit.
He’ll always be grabbing your hand or something, maybe putting his head on your shoulder.
Love LOVES the way your scales feel against his fur, especially during summers and hot days.
Tries to use ‘scaly peaches’ as your nick name. Yeah he’ll just stick to peaches.
Likes watching you help MK train, is practically drooling over you.
Cheers you on during actual fights.
‘Heck yeah peaches! Kick their butts!”
Six-eared Macaque
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You and Mei had become fast friends in the east sea palace, she gad even invited you to come help them in defeating lbd.
You of course accepted. After all was said and done you decided to stay with Mei for awhile, get to know the surface world.
What you didn’t expect was that you would fall for a certain shadow.
Macaque had begun by admiring you from afar, watching you through shadow portals.
You could sense that someone was watching you, so you obviously tried to attack him.
You know those slo-mo, love at first fight things, yeah thats what happened between you two.
After Mei explained their truce with Macaque, you still didn’t trust him but went along with it as Mei seemed genuine.
In no time at all you both realised you have burning crushes on eachother.
You confessed first, one day showing up at his house and saying you liked him a lot.
Thats how you two started dating.
Macaque once licked your scales after you started dating to tease you.
You got him back by grabbing his tail and twirling it around you hand.
No, you two are a POWER COUPLE. Seriously imagine a GIANT SHADOW MOKEY KAIJU and a DRAGON charging towards you.
I’d surrender by then.
He likes how well you get along with lbd’s host (she was adopted by everyone I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL-)
Less touchy then Wukong and MK, prefers quality time with you rather than physical touch.
He’ll totally add a dragon character to his shadow plays for you.
“Aw Moonlight, you wanna watch my plays?~’
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rosaletarosie · 1 year
Sorry for the sudden disappearance...I really had no motivation at all but I am working on the requests and such! And also I've been pretty busy with irl stuff soooo... let's do this lil request that someone asked me on my Tumblr dms shall we...?
This person has been having a tough time so in return and since I am feeling rather motivated and having the urge to help this person as much as I can, I'll be doing the requests again so get ready if you see any random posts of people's requests sksksksk :))))
Category: Oneshot and Headcanon
Fandom: LMK
S/O Gender: Female
The Sun and Moon duo having a fem chubby tomboy S/O !! ( Separate )
First up...Sun wukong !!
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People call you fat and think it's bad? Ho, ho, ho...They better run cause your bf boutta kill them and take their head to bring it to you, hopefully you'll accept this gift of his <3333
If you know how to fight then do please train with him...please-
If you're up with physical affection then wukong would probably start cuddling you and fricking snuggle you like his personal teddy bear and if people think that's disgusting then he'll just have to kill them 🤩✨💅
If he sees someone flirt with you or give any romantic affection towards you in any other way he would be death glaring as in he would be glaring at them so much that it fricking rips their confidence into pieces and they just casually run away 🫢✨✨
*Peacefully squeezes your cheeks and hug you out of you being an adorable eusiiwkejsjsj* don't worry he isn't gonna squeeze you to death....maybe...
He doesn't care if you're a tomboy since he has seen different types of people and has probably adapted to them so if you like wearing pants more than dresses then he'll happily help you in your outfit choices and such!!
Everytime you guys are in the public, Wukong would probably wrap his tail around your arm and basically squeeze your arm as a response since he doesn't like crowded places, so he basically just squeezes your arm if he wants to get out of this crowded place ✨🤩✨🤩✨🤩
If you're feeling sad and such, the best way to vent is for him to be right beside you in the couch and you guys just cuddling and stuff and then talk about your day and vent, he'll probably rub your hands so he can soothen them while you vent and talk 😋✨😋✨😋✨😋
Now have this lil oneshot I have of him proposing to you, it's very short soooo yeah 🤩✨🤩✨🤩✨
He wraps his scarf around your eyes so you would be surprised by his little gift for you, he takes your hand as he drags you to some place beautiful, he takes off the scarf and puts it on his neck again. You look around and noticed the rather breath taking view you were in, you were on a cliff side where you could see the entire city from here, while you were in awe about the view wukong kneels before you as he takes out an peach from his pocket but it wasn't just any ordinary peach, it was a peach of immortality... "S/O I know that we've gone to some tough times but we mostly amazing memories together...I don't really know how to do this so I'll be straight forward...would you like to stay with me for eternity?" He gives the peach to you as you ate it, It was a sign that you accept his proposal, he was overjoyed as he lifts you up and spins you around in happens, the light of dawn sparkling in your skin as he looks at you in awe...it was as if he found someone special.... someone that he would do anything for...someone he would die for....and that special something....was you.
Next up...The six eared macaque!!
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One of my HEADCANONS for macaque is that he doesn't care if his S/O is chubby or fat or skinny and such, all he cares about is that they've gotta be someone that he trusts and he trusts you for some reason....he doesn't know why either but he feels safe around you...
Bro would probably sacrifice anything for you....probably even himself too...which is a little concerning- 😰✨😰✨😰✨😰
Everytime he comes over to your apartment and he sees you watching something, he would most definitely just pop out of nowhere and sit beside you and as for you, you got so used to it that you would practically just not panick and pull him closer to you 🤩✨🤩✨🤩✨
Sometimes when he sleeps beside you he watches you sleep and he just looks at you in awe <33333
He may not be one for physical affection much but if you guys did cuddle up together then he would most definitely just fricking hug you like a stuffed animal, it's just one of his habits 🤩✨🤩✨🤩✨
Basically you're cooking breakfast for the both of you and then suddenly macaque just hugs you from behind and telling you good morning as he hugs you tightly and as he burries his face on your neck 😋✨😋✨😋✨😋✨✨😋
If someone were to flirt with you or show their romantic side to you, just so you know...he'll most definitely have his tail around your arm and slowly growl and grumble at the person who is trying to flirt with you and if anyone calls you ugly then...ready for the best roast challenge of your life!!! 🫢✨🫢✨🫢✨
Bro absolutely hates wukong so if he sees you talking about wukong in the slightest or wukong just talking at you in person then he'll either way cover your mouth with his tail and drag your attention to him or he'll have another fight with wukong again <333333
My guy doesn't care if your a tomboy but as long as you're not being fake or denying who you want to be then he'll be fine with it ^^
And now have another lil short oneshot of macaque proposing to you 🫢✨🫢✨🫢✨🫢✨
You and macaque are currently on a date together, most importantly it was your anniversary for being in a relationship for 3 years now, you looked up in the sky as you and macaque talk about stuff and such, it was night time and you 2 are currently talk in the park while sitting in a bench, as soon as the moon shined the brightest macaque's quickly got out of the bench and kneeled, he takes something from his pocket and brings out a small box, he opens it and there you find a ring with mini details on it, it may not have any gems and such but the detail on the ring look so good. "S/O, my love, my dear, my everything...I know this may be so sudden but...once you came to my life it was like faith had finally given me a chance...a chance to change and it did...so...S/O...would you stay with me forever..?" As soon as he said that you nodded and he swiftly puts the ring on your ring finger, it fits your ring finger exactly, he looks at you and smiles at you but not just any smile....a genuine one...it was like the strings of faith brought you both together....
This actually took me 2 hours to complete but that's fine! I really hope you like it !! <3333
P.S I am currently sick rn so wish me luck-
( Person who requested it: @chibithewitch )
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digitaldoeslmk · 8 months
multiple questions. Is Lady Bone Demon alive or did she die in the same in JTTW.
Is macaque alive and is he literal metaphor of Wukong like his a “clone” of Wukong or is he a complete separate being from from Wukong and just represents what evil Wukong can do.
Are yellow camel gang (forget their group name) still supplementing the demon warlords not like they do anything special all you have the DBK, speak of him is the jade face fox still around.
What is Mei doing to do the Samadi fire isn’t split up so what she got to do (the writers really fumble the ball with her well that happen when you are given 10 MINUTES PER EP LIKE WHAT HELL LEGO)? Speaking of the gang are they the same guys or are they still recantations?
What is this demon-human truce I keep hearing about how did it happen? After Wukong sealed DBK?
Is flower fruit mountain still in same place like in the show? Because I can see Wukong using his 10000 ft tall from to pick up all of FFM and pick up a big chunk of the fire ring mountains (I forgot the name of that place too) then place it in the middle of the ocean to be life alone. yes I know volcanoes don’t work like that but come on this world is all really violating the natural norms of our world so what’s one more violation.
1. LBD makes an appearance but she's just a small fry yaojing like in JTTW, and more of a lackey then the big bad. she did get killed by Wukong but she escapes the Diyu with some help
2. Macaque also an escapee from the Diyu and takes role of bbg on S3. he's his own person, but he feels himself equal to Wukong in power and merit, and he resents him for being given the chance at Enlightenment. not that the option is never denied to him, he can do it on his own accord, but not if he can't gain fame and renown from it like Wukong did.
3. the Camel Ridge Trio aren't part of the Brotherhood, they're their own thing but they got deleted by Wukong in the journey and that's that lol his Brotherhood tho is still around in their own way, and they do resent him for ditching them for Heaven. they arent big bads in S4 but they get roped into a vengence plot by Macaque.
4. Jade Faced Fox as well as the Immortal Compliant are still around but they're on PIF's side while DBK got sealed away. They got only minor roles though villains of the week demons for MK, like Yin and Jin.
5. IM TAKING MEI AND GIVING HER A FIX UP MAKEOVER!!!!! She's overall still like her S1 self, but her arc is more tied to her dragon ancestry than stealing Red Son's thunder. the Samadhi Fire isn't a McGuffin hot potato in S3, her arc is about learning to master her water and weather manipulation powers, and learning how to fly on her own. Chinese dragons need a "protusion" in their head to fly which im just reworking as its an age thing, so best she can do half the time is hop around on clouds, and since Megapolis in is a desert and has weather control.... not much chance to stretch herself. Also she has a full proper dragon form, not just a floating hologram form.
6. the gang is not reincarnations of the pilgrims, the lads are all in their celestial posts post-JTTW and they make some appearances here and there, mostly in a support role. Tang is one of Tripitaka's disciples who also got given a few reincarnations as a mortal to build merit and cultivation. Wukong saw that and went "hey yknow what would be really funny?" and so pilgrim group electric boogaloo happens xD
7. after the journey, Wukong became a boddhisattva, and helped over the years to build trust between humans and demons, proving that they can not only coexist but support each other. Megapolis was the first mixed city to be built as proof-of-concept that a demon-human truce could work, and after a few decades, the truce was codified into law both in the mortal and celestial realm. basically demons will be treated as equals among humans if they don't eat or kill humans, and they can be redeemed if they choose to drop a warlord's lifestyle after community service and reparations are given. to maintain the peace, quite a few immortals keep an eye on the mortal realm for any breaches on that truce, so it can be investigated and punished accordingly.
8. JSBDHSHDJHD TRUE THAT!! But FFM is not sealed away so zealously, everyone knows Wukong didn't vanish, he just went to the celestial realm to work as an intermediate between mortals and immortals and yknow, boddishattva duties. FFM got plucked closer to the shore, and after Megapolis was properly established, it even got a few tourist traps along the shores. there are still monkey yaoguai living there quite happily, those villages we see arent deserted, and sometimes scholars and pilgrims are allowed to climb the mountain for an escorted visit. its pretty lively there!
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astronnova · 11 months
Hello! I hope your week is fine. I'd like to ask, in your reblog of Wukong's Mess, you mention that Macaque is being hypocritical, especially during the mountain prison fight. Can you elaborate on that? I'd also like to know your opinion on Sun Wukong, and why his side of the story has been silent and unspoken for so long. Eat you fruits and sleep early!
Side note: do you think, in Shadowplay, the story that Macaque tells us, is in actuality similar to what happened with MK and SWK when the latter witnessed LBD's return, a vision of MK being burned, which spurred him on mission to stop her while keeping MK in the dark about the reason for his "trip" in s2 beginning?
hi hi!!!! i'm doing good!!! hope ur doing well too :333 thanks for ur question!!
this got longer then i thought it would. also wanna write up a short disclaimer that no, i don't hate macaque. i like him alot, he's one of my favorite characters, but he's also a really bad person LOL and im just writing about the fact he is. i like that he's a flamboyant asshole, that kind of character is fun to me.
macaque has shown a lot of hypocritical moments during the show, some of the more memorable ones being in season 4, though he's done this before.
s4ep10 when macaque gives his (questionable) advice to MK and talks about how LBD and azure have been trying to get in his head and a bit about how MK's grown paranoid about that. totally not gonna mention that macaque was the one who originally turned MK into a more dependent and paranoid guy. nope. let's not talk about that at all. he's such a freak goblin
macaque insists that wukong left him behind or abandoned him during shadowplay and in season 3, but in season 4 we learn that macaque was the one to leave wukong under the mountain when wukong needed him most.
during their argument under the mountain, wukong says "...because you always rush to my rescue!" while he's upset. mean thing to say, but it's built in some truth if macaque's actions from the show are anything to go by. at every major conflict he's apart of, he flees to save his own skin. we love a cowardly weido! #slay. macaque counters this with "no, that's you! you're the one that's always running off, looking for more sources of power, sources of immortality!" which also has some truth to it, but the difference is wukong hasn't been fleeing any battles to leave macaque, he's been training and climbing the ranks in heaven to grow stronger to protect macaque and the mountain.
when macaque says "not the great sage, he's got to drag everyone else into his mess!" he's retroactively trying to take the blame of the attack on heaven off himself and the brotherhood and place it completely on wukong. macaque's acting as if he was unwilling and forced into the attack when he could have said no at any time. he's acting as if wukong forced everyone to help him when in reality to plan was mostly azure's, wukong was just their strongest fighter and the one who ultimately led the charge. macaque has a habit of doing this though, removing himself from a problem while pointing the blame at wukong. put a pin in that
wukong even says back to macaque that "you're not in this mess! you're still free!" which is. completely true. macaque's fine, wukong's the one paying for the entire brotherhood, including macaque's, involvement in the attack. and macaques out here yelling at wukong for it as if he isn't gonna be here for what he thinks to be eternity. macaque's fine, is what im trying to say here. macaque's not payin' for jack shit. wukong even says right after that that all of his training and "running off" was him working to protect the mountain and macaque. he says "everything i did, i did it for us!" and then macaque shuts him down and calls him selfish again, even though its pretty clear (with knowledge from jttw AND lmk) that what wukong's saying is true. macaque even calls him an "obsessive demon" which is so funny, thats like. stop yelling at the kettle, pot. macaque's entire identity is based around wukong, ur such a little hypocrite. if oneo f them had to be the obsessive demon, it would be macaque.
macaque then goes on to say that "i told you going against the jade emperor was a bad idea, but no, wukong doesn't listen to anyone! he just does whatever he wants!" which this whole statement is just so weak on his end. macaque warns wukong once, and thats when azure first brings up the idea of going against the jade emperor. he says something along the lines of "idk about this wukong, going against the jade emperor could have some consequences". wukong quickly reassures him and macaque smiles and is like "okay wukong, whatever you say". he says that very fondly. macaque's "warning" to wukong isn't much of a warning, it was a small thought that he quickly drops because wukong says it's going to be okay. macaque and wukong were extremely close, they should know the other's personality. macaque would have known that just a small, off-hand comment wouldn't even be considered a warning to someone as headstrong as wukong.
we can headcanon and imagine all we want that maybe macaque and wukong talked more about it, maybe they even argued about it, but none of that speculation means anything because canon only ever shows us macaque casually mentioning potential consequences that both macaque and wukong ignore. obviously to the characters, including macaque, the consequences weren't really that important if they never brought it up again. macaque is Once Again forcing more blame on wukong as if he didn't have an equal part in the attack or the planning leading up to it.
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i mean, look at wukong's face here in response to macaque saying that! that looks like the shocked face somebody makes when they hear someone say they did/said something they know they didn't. that, along with the "obsessive demon" insult has wukong making a "what the actual fuck?!" kind of face. the one where you're shocked the other person even has the audacity to practically lie right to your face, yknow?
"you put yourself here, not me" macaque says, then he destroys the peach and leaves it on the ground in front of wukong, basically as an act of severing ties. macaque has, in his mind, been innocent the whole time and has no reason to try and stick around and help wukong because, he thinks, "well it's not my fault any of this happened". macaque is constantly playing the blame game, i think it's his favorite
NOW! onto this:
I'd also like to know your opinion on Sun Wukong, and why his side of the story has been silent and unspoken for so long. Eat you fruits and sleep early!
first of all, love eating fruits! apples are very good. secondly, i uh. sleep early. yeah. oops..................... (i went to bed at 2:30 am last night).......... but we're workin on it!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
I have a lot of things I could say about Wukong. a lot of things that i won't for the sake of brevity but in general, Sun Wukong reads as someone who's tired and wanting desperately to move on, while also feeling an innate responsibility to keep helping the world and defending people from large threats. that's why he takes on MK as a successor, because he wants a way to almost "pass on" into obscurity so MK can be the next hero. MK's young, excited, and in his prime while wukong is old, tired, and bogged down with all of his past mistakes that no one ever lets him forget. he's surprisingly really realistic and well rounded compared to the rest of the, ill be real, close to flat cast, which is what drew me to his character. he doesn't feel as tropey as the rest of the cast, he feels like you could assign him a trope but it won't ever perfectly describe him, which is really cool. he perfectly embodies his original character purpose, to represent the power of the mind, as he's constantly changing and growing and learning from mistakes. that's what makes him such a realistic character! he's built to be extremely human even if he's an overpowered stone monkey.
wukong isn't the type of guy to really open up about what he's thinking and spill his insecurities. during the journey, a lot of times wukong would point out a demon threat or would come up with ways to stop threats against tripitaka who, 9/10 times didn't believe him or punished him for his ideas. wukong's basically internalized the idea that he needs to play his cards really close to his chest, which includes his plans for fighting back against something or his own feelings. hell, wukong's only really started opening up to MK in season 4, and he barely does! the only time he ever truly opens up is in the s4 special where he's basically given up. and even then he's filtering himself and not explaining his side of things, just his emotions. its a start tho
that's basically why wukong's taking so long to explain his side of the story on anything, its difficult to have him do so and have it be in character because his major traits are about being closed off emotionally. unfortunately because hes taking so long to open up, the fandom seems to be believing macaque and the villains more and more, painting this really nasty view of wukong which is. so odd to me.
i also have some gripes with the writers for not using the only tool that could almost force wukong to open up or show his side of the story to do that. they show a couple snippets of wukong's past, but it's all pre journey stuff and it all includes macaque. we never learn his side of the story about killing the camel ridge trio or his fight with macaque that led to macaque's death. we don't even hear his own inner monologue or thoughts! and now the scroll is effectively out of play, so we arent even gonna get to see that stuff. which sucks
Side note: do you think, in Shadowplay, the story that Macaque tells us, is in actuality similar to what happened with MK and SWK when the latter witnessed LBD's return, a vision of MK being burned, which spurred him on mission to stop her while keeping MK in the dark about the reason for his "trip" in s2 beginning?
okay, for this one it's complicated. so, yes and no.
macaque only does the shadow play to torture MK and make him feel even more insecure about wukong. he says it himself at the end of the episode, it's why he gives up on the fight so quickly, he just wanted to torture MK, mostly for fun. (is this how you get your sick kicks?!)
MK has a habit of mimicking and internalizing everyone else's words and personalities. the most obvious example is how at the end of season 1, in s1e9 his entire personality changes when macaque trains him, and macaque plants the seeds of insecurity in MK's mind about wukong "abandoning" him. it gets even worse in shadowplay in s2, because thats when MK really start's thinking wukong's abandoned him and he's really putting himself in macaque's headspace. bro stop!!!!!!!! he's evil!!!! stop!!!!! he's a liar!!!!! get out of there mk!!!
so anyway, macaque's whole point is that wukong "abandoned" him to go be a hotshot in heaven and then to go on the journey and make new and cooler friends, and now MK's worried that wukong just did that again but to him. macaque knows wukong's not around, too, which makes this "lesson" easier to tell MK since wukong's not there to defend himself or to explain the truth to MK. macaque's goal though with the shadow play is to insult MK by comparing him to wukong. he's trying to fuck with MK and make him feel shittier, that's why he kidnaps MK's friends, because he wants to be like "wow you didn't even notice they were gone! ur such a bad person lol! just like wukong the hero!" when in reality MK's put himself in macaque's role as the warrior and is just thinking all of his friends abandoned him. he knew they weren't around but he assumed they just didn't want to be with him, not that they were actually captured. it's a whole mess that just makes MK feel even worse by the end of it, but it's still an interesting episode that says a lot about the characters.
so, partially, yes, the shadowplay is similar to wukong leaving mk during season 2 when you look at it through MK's point of view. but objectively? it's not even close.
in reality, we the audience know that wukong isn't just going on vacation, he's actively looking for ways to stop the lady bone demon and doing research. he's finding ancient temples and scouring through their information, he's interrogating anyone who might have a clue, he's very active this season, we just only get clips of what he's doing while we focus on MK. we see multiple instances of him searching for answers, we know he's trying to stop LBD. he isn't really fucking off and doing nothing (but for some reason the fandom thinks he did because pigsy says that??? so).
wukong leaves MK because he's trying to protect him. he trusts MK's ability enough to deal with the occasional monster of the week at megaopolis, but he doesn't think MK's ready for a bigger threat like LBD. he's still communicating with MK to give him advice, but he knows MK knows the basics and can handle himself well, he just needs the occasional push. he's not intentionally abandoning him, he's keeping him out of harms way because he believes MK isn't ready for a world ending threat.
so basically: we know that macaque is trauma dumping and twisting the context of the story to make him seem like some sort of victim that was left behind, that MK is internalizing the story to mean that wukong is abandoning him, and that wukong isn't doing any of that and is trying to protect him. it's a big narrative mess but it's a good one! we the audience know MK's going down a bad path for his mental health and we know that wukong isn't doing any of that because we can see it through wukong's words and actions that he cares about MK and is trying to help him while keeping him safe. unfortunately, wukong's a little too late coming back to the city and LBD starts her plan before wukong can stop her.
sorry this got so long! i think about them a lot
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violett-orwhatever · 10 months
I have come to the conclusion that I don't dislike macaque anymore and that I never hated him before either. I just have beef with his fans bc they are infuriating me (obv not all of them but there's a good amount out there)
Mischaracterizing aside (this excludes AU's do whatever you want, I'm only referring to canon compliant stuff) I feel like he gets too much praise
And I honestly think theres two reason why ppl originally started liking him from his first appearance onwards...bc he's tall dark and handsome or whatever, and bc Billy Kametz (and Alejandro Saab) has a seductive voice. You can't tell it's bc he's tragic or whatever bc in his debut episode his only goal was to kill mk which is why I didn't like him AND HE DIDNT EVEN DO THAT FOR LBD he just did it bc he was mad at wukong like what the fuck dude 😭
I started sympathizing with him later on bc he did get tortured and that's...a not good thing (I never felt anything about his death bc we don't know anything about that, since OUR JTTW isn't exactly a reliable source considering LMK's version has different lore in some places (for example not making tang sanzang the whimpiest whimp around ty for that creators))
Also hot take: I partly blame the samadhi fire incident on macaque. BECAUSE HE WAS THE ONE WHO THREATENED TANG TO FINISH THE RITUAL sure maybe he wasn't thinking straight and I understand that he just wanted to be free if LBD but in the process he got mei hurt
Wukong said he never ment for mei to have the fire, sure his plan wasn't thought out well but let's say nezha and macaque hadn't intervened, there's no saying for sure what he would have done but he sure as hell wouldn't have mei get hurt
Macaque also never got a redemption arc even tho many claim he did. He sided with the gang and helped out in s4 but that's not...real redemption. He just had some off screen self reflection and suddenly a good amount of ppl act like he pulled a zuko when he never even apologized for what he did!
wukong apologized more than once in the last two seasons but apparently he is the bad guy here bc he's stupid and a bad mentor and - that's a whole other can of worms bc i think they both equally suck and excell at being mentors (both of them got the right idea but the execution...)
Aaand this concludes this months rant
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imminent-danger-came · 11 months
what would your ideal lmk season five look like? specifically for mk's character arc because I love your takes on that
I've said it before I want that boy centrifuged by the narrative
I didn't get the title of "MK death spiral blog" that one time by that one guy for nothing. I am 1000% on the "MK getting centrifuged by the narrative" pain train.
Now, in all honestly my ideal lmk s5 is the one they give me. These writers are so talented and they know more about their story than I do, so whatever they got planned is going to make me lose my mind!
But, indulging myself a little bit, here's a list of some things I'd love to see in s5 (or beyond???):
Sun Wukong V MK fight. Anyone who has followed me for any amount of time probably knows this. I need a SWK and MK fallout and then I need them to build their relationship up stronger.
MK Guilt Over Azure's death. That boy felt guilty for "releasing DBK from the underworld" when it was definitely Red Son who did that. MK arguably had a huge hand in Azure's death, being the one to cause Azure to finally lose his grasp on the Jade Emperor's powers.
Samadhi Fire Part 3. Anyone who has followed me for any amount of time also probably knows this. I want MK to be in the position of Samadhi Fire Mei and Jade Emperor Azure, unable to control his own powers, and needing to be talked down by Mei or someone else. We got one half of a 3x10 parallel in 4x08, and I need more!
Mei Dragon Form. Please for the love of god I want her to turn into a dragon so bad—nonnegotiably while she's protecting the people she cares about, for the sweet 4x05 callback. In my heart of hearts, I want Mei to unlock dragon form while trying to reach MK during Samadhi Fire Part 3. If we don't get another "We will figure this out together" what's the fucking point.
MK Subodhi Training??? Or honestly, MK interacting with real Subodhi in general. Did you see his face after the world reformed in 4x14? That was not a face of confidence.
Sandy Backstory. Which partially includes Pigsy. I just want to know what his 2x08 PTSD flashbacks were all about. *pulls out conspiracy board* I want to say those flashbacks take place at the 1x09 battlefield, which has helmets that we then see in 4x01, but who knows!
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Sun Wukong homeless arc. Flower Fruit Mountain was destroyed during the s4 special, and I want to see the consequences of that, especially if MK feels guilty about it! Which he probably will!
MK Spiral! This isn't as much of a prediction/want as it is just a fact. MK is going DOWN next season and I'm here with popcorn and tears. I need a FULL harbinger of chaos meltdown.
Macaque is just there, hanging out. After everything that happened last season I hope we see Macaque around a lot more, because I love him but also because I need MK to yell at him too. Also because "Whatever they're scheming we can handle it."
Yellowtusk helps Ne Zha maintain the seal. Yellowtusk had an important skill in helping Azure contain the Jade Emperor's powers—I'm wondering if he could do the same with Ne Zha's lotus seal.
MK Flashback. You know, how he got to Pigsy's, the circumstances of his birth, an explanation for what the fuck the stone monkey is/all those stone animals were, all that good stuff.
Bye Bye Bandana. If/when MK snaps and completely loses himself to whatever he is, I'd love for the headband to come off. Really cement it.
MK Relives His Nightmares Again. Oops. After going "So we never have to live our nightmares again!" in 4x12 I now need the opposite of that to happen. Sorry MK. I need his new "Better than we found it" resolve to fold like the soggy french fry it is. That ain't lasting.
Hurting The People You Care About Theme. So with "hurting the people who care about you the most" and everything being "to pain", I really want this to go a "hurting people is a part of life" route. We're already almost there with "Mistakes happen but as long as you leave the world better than you found it then it's all good." Like that's SO close. Come on s5 give it to me.
Wukong Killed Macaque Reveal. *twirls hair* This would sooooo not bode well for MK.
MK Gets Out of His "Good Guy" "Bad Guy" Way of Thinking. I think 4x11 as an episode really highlights this. MK views people as one or the other, ignoring the vast grey area that a lot of people fall in. Wukong in his past wasn't just "a bad guy", just like he isn't currently flawless or wholly "a good guy" now. He's just a guy.
I could probably go on forever, so I'll cut this off here!
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Headcanon that sun wukong had anger issues from the start.
he never actually hurt people because of them, but he always got angry way too easily and when he could, or was alone, he always did end up breaking something. But most times it was just him screaming at someone or staying silent but was very, very clear he was not in a good mood.
the only people he would actually scream at were other demons, he would never dare to hurt his monkeys physically or mentally or emotionally.
The monkeys sees him as this perfect little angel and he doesn't wanna break that little belief for them, so he'll keep being the little shy guy.
over time it just got worse, during jttw it was a serious problem because it ended with people actually getting hurt, and wukong didn't even regret it because they "deserved it", him getting angry was like if you just committed the biggest sin and now you had to pay for it. No wonder everyone were afraid of wukong!
The monkeys kept lovin' their king though, he was still the little saint for them, they didn't know what he did and even if they did, most if not all monkeys would excuse it.
Heaven started, not wukong.
The demons looked for it, wukong just answered.
This mindset was also on Macaque.
Macaque also thought that wukong was the little saint that could do no wrong, and if he did do wrong he always had a reason behind and it was someone else fault. It wasn't the great mindset for the monkeys and wukong knows that, but they can't help it, they all grow up to know this wonderful king! How could he ever be bad?
but this mindset is also what brought macaque to his downfall.
Because of this idea of sun wukong, he refused to accept that his friend became bad, that his friend was in this journey to change and be better, he refused to listen even to wukong himself, he was the first one trying to explain it to Macaque.
Macaque didn't thought wukong had to change, he didn't had to change because he was perfect like that, that monk just made wukong into something unrecognizable and macaque couldn't stand it. (And also, the abuse.)
And it lead to many mistakes, which obviously provoked the king, and that lead to Macaque's death.
Macaque still does in fact think that wukong didn't need to change, he was "better" before, his king became such a pitiful, weak pacifist and macaque can't stand it because it's not "sun wukong" or "monkey king" in his eyes.
While the monkeys accept their king choices and changes, and are obviously proud of their king improving in things or becoming better, macaque is so stubborn to refuse to accept that wukong actually did change for the right.
But this leads to another headcanon i have for Macaque, and it's the headcanon that he was always the type of person to think he was always right, like Tripitaka y'know? He just wasn't always an asshole about it.
Tripitaka is obviously different from macaque, and while Tripitaka wanted to help but had this flaw in his personality, macaque had this flaw that was never fixed.
It actually got worse.
And that flaw stayed, stuck in there with macaque.
While wukong somehow fixed his anger issues, kinda. (He doesn't throw tables at least, he screams only. He got more tolerant though!)
Macaque never fixed his little flaw, because he personally thinks it's not a bad flaw. It's not a flaw at all. He isn't in the wrong and he never was and he never will.
but back then he was a good person, we can excuse it, now he isn't anymore.
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quitealotofsodapop · 6 months
Hey, hey!
I don’t remember if this was canon or just fanon, but there was something about Mei and putting trackers on her friends? In the TMKATI-verse, this could be her way of dealing with her parents, to know where her family is. Some keep them on them for her sake.
But what if it those trackers also had cameras and could record sound?
And it recorded the moment Mr. Star Lord of Fire hit Li Jing with his car?
I am only saying this because it would make for Nezhas favorite video clip ever.
And him showing it to Canon!Nezha would be good too. He’d get a human world phone just to have this video with him, I think.
May or may not show it to the rest of the canon group – many reactions ensue, at least a few snickers to a cackle.
But imagine, later – Li Jing for some reason has arrived and has to tell the canon-gang something (can be anything, not important). The Eclipse twins are placed a in a hastily made nest from the scarves/capes and given a phone with a video playing as distraction, while the grown ups deal with that a-hole.
And he’s talking.
And talking.
And talking.
Man’s posturing more than saying the very important thing somebody high up in the Celestial Realm sent him to say. It’s very annoying. The 30 minute video the cubs were watching has ended already and they are now randomly jumping from video to video.
Until the algorithm manages something magical.
The next video they play, is the cucaracha car horn.
It is loud.
Loud that the gang instantly stiffen and desperately stone their expressions to not burst out a laugh.
Probably doesn’t help that the ‘huh’ sound Li Jing made was almost similar to the sound he made when hit with the car.
At least that got him to finish the message and leave.
Cackles ensue. The twins are confused but okay with the hugs baba is giving them.
Mei does in canon have trackers on the rest of the Monkie Kid gang as mentioned in "Noodles or Death", it's how they're able to find out where Pigsy and Tang are; apparently a camera is attached to Tang's glasses.
“I attached cameras to all of you guys a while back. Not so creepy now, is it?” ―Mei
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The canon series doesn't really expand upon it much afterwards beyond being an easy way for the crew to find out where Tang and Pigsy went.
[In the TMKATI-verse, this could be her way of dealing with her parents, to know where her family is. Some keep them on them for her sake.]
Oh thats sad af. I love it >:)
Baby Mei def had attachment issues - her dragon parents knew she was the new Ring of Samadhi, and they didn't want to "get too attached" (especially with a warning from Ao Guang about something big going down), and after the whole "batman-ing" happens...
Cue a baby dragon with separation anxiety who screams if she isn't in the presence of at least one of her caretakers. Like she'd start crying if someone went to the bathroom without her.
Mei got better as she got older, but she always had very bad anxiety regarding her family members even as an adult. She started to worry about the ways her adoptive family could be hurt and unable to contact her. An Incident where MK got himself into some hero-nonsense as a kid and couldn't answer his phone for many hours, Mei had a straight up panic attack, worried that her little brother had gotten hurt.
The trackers/cameras came in as a compromise to Mei clinging to MK 24/7 after the incident. It really helped to put her anxiety at ease and allow for her and MK do their own things as teenagers. As someone who grew up with anxiety, its kinda hard to learn to just "go do stuff" on your own.
Pigsy thinks the cameras/trackers are a bit creepy, but Macaque and Wukong are like; "How is it any different from us using our powers to keep tabs on you guys?" Pigsy in turn argues that the monkeys don't have a chance of catching him in the bathroom ("I use Gold Vision all the time during work to see if you're in the can or not."). Eventually the arguments peter off until the adults just agree to keep the trackers on their phones/personal effects.
MK in turn is very meticulous on keeping himself findable for Mei.
MK: *is being kidnapped by Villains of the Week* MK: "I wanna warn you guys, I swallowed an air tag." VOWs: *shared looks of confusion*
And ofc due to at least one family member at a time having a camera on them, especially during missions...
[And it recorded the moment Mr. Star Lord of Fire hit Li Jing with his car?]
Post referencing; Li Jing getting hit by SWK's Lawyer's car XD
You know the kids are watching that on loop, adding sound and video effects until it's like an old youtube poop. Nezha has the video saved in multiple dimensions for a laugh.
[The Eclipse twins are placed a in a hastily made nest from the scarves/capes and given a phone with a video playing as distraction, while the grown ups deal with that a-hole.]
Oh gosh the imagery of two pairs of little glowing eyes peaking out from a scarf/blanket nest is soo cute. Probably the default way the monkey parents know how to keep cubs occupied. X3
I love the idea of the Eclipse twins accidentally startling/embarassing a whole god with the sound of La Cucaracha. You know the Celestial Realm would never let Li Jing live it down, no matter the universe XD
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MONKIE KID S3E5: Amnesia Rules (Live Blog) SPOILERS
Because I couldn't stop the temptation of reading, this is one of the episodes I get spoiled at. Of course, I only know SWK somehow has amnesia, how? IDK, but I'm hoping for Amnesia Wukong and Macaque interactions! It would be nice their earlier relationship! Especially with Mac's shadow play episode
I totally forgot that Tang and Pigsy are in a bad situation
Yeah! Wake that monkey up, Pigsy!
Wait, it's dangerous? Is this how we'll get amnesia SWK?
You know, I bet whatever predator outside is quite harmless and they're panicking for no reason
Good question Tang! But this is a cartoon, so cartoon logic!
Did I hear that right? Master?
Ummmm, so, like... Wukong is seeing Zhu Bajie and Tripipaka instead of Tang and Pigsy?
I had to pause the episode for 15 minutes cuz I'm reading this in
Yeah, it's the other way around Wukong
How is Mo...?! Nvm
Wait, Tripipaka isn't his Chinese name?! It's Tang SanZang!? Well, at least that explains ORV characters and how Tang got his name being the reincarnation of Tripipaka. And yes, I'll be still calling him Tripipaka instead Tang SanZang
Bonk thee head
Okay, why are you offended, SWK?
Just like Tripipaka, Tang also gets a demon kidnap
It just hit me. Scorpion female demon? That demon wanted to marry Tripipaka in JTTW, well at least that what Overly Sarcastic Productions said
Her voice is familiar. By any chance, did she voice Amethyst from SU?
Tang knows what's up
Wait, Tang had been kidnapped before!? *mind blown*
One way to get a guy is through his stomach. And Tang is the embodiment of that advice
Like everything else, I'm suspicious and the foods are fake and has glamour on them!
Actually, with that evil laugh, she probs putted something in the food
I mean, SWK trainings are full of riddles and no straight answers
Then why have a successor when you, yourself don't believe in teaching someone? Oh right, 500 years on loneliness gets that to you
The local TD? What dat?
It took the whole night until the sun in the sky for this much information!?
Oh, so the fire is a ring? Looking at the next episode title, seems like we're getting it there not here
The demons in JTTW would like to beg to differ
Wait, WUkong can dispel illusions!?
Not helping Wukong!
The 'ignore him', got to me. Wonder how the dynamic between Tripipaka and JTTW-SWK are. Tired master and energetic oblivious student dynamic
Awh(?) Wukong(?)
Awh, worried friend Pigsy!
Well, at least you'll have a new recipe of noodles! With permission of course is a need!
Woah! Tang!
Okay, why did you come to that conclusion? She never said anything!?
Okay, we're just rolling with it? Ok
Tang and Pigsy and shocked to be called friends
Yeah, SWK def had Mac in mind
This is what you wanted Amethyst-Scorpio-Demon
Yeah, he is getting worse
Pigsy your inner Zhu Bajie is speaking
Okay! Bad timing! We could've gotten more info!
Don't worry! He's a stone monkey!
Aw, just like his birth
You're just feeling the effects of the chilli?
Yeah, that lonesome monkey is def missing his master and brother
And Finished!
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Lego Monkie Kid Pride Headcanons!! Part 1, because there's probably more.
DISCLAIMER: I'm aware many of these will probably contradict, but so do mine and the rules are meaningless to me so! Live with the contradictions! I may also add multiple like, separate headcanons, in which I will indicate with a little |. Also if I'm typing super formal I'm on my laptop and I'm usually on mobile, so being on my laptop makes me type extra formal sometimes for. Reasons.
MK - Transgender woman, non-binary, guy, unlabeled gay bisexual, she/he/it. The type of guy to answer 'okay but what gender are you' with 'cookie'.
Mei - Genderqueer transgender woman, lesbian bisexual/unlabeled, she/they/her.
Sandy - Genderflux cis male genderqueer, aromantic demisexual, he/him.
Tang - Cis male, aromantic gay, he/him. Platonically married to Pigsy.
Pigsy - Cis male, biromantic heterosexual, he/him. Platonically married to Tang.
Wukong - Pangender genderfluid demiromantic pansexual, any pronouns (neos included), but most people just assume he/him and he really doesn't care. Used to be in a weird not-platonic not-qpr not-romantic thing with Macaque.
Macaque - Transgender man, demiromantic biromantic asexual, he/him. Used to be in a weird not-platonic not-qpr not-romantic thing with Wukong.
Yeah, I told you the rules were being thrown all the way out the window here. While I'm here, I may as well say that if you're aromantic, asexual, multigender, use contradictory labels, use neopronouns, aromantic allosexual and vice versa, or anything else along those lines my bad memory isn't letting me think of right now, you're awesome, you're great, you're loved (by me if no one else), and you're welcome here!
Rambling under the cut
(Too many tags so I'm basically just transferring them so that's why this might be formatted weirdly.)
I think MK's probably had about 20 gender crisis' by now that Pigsy and Sandy have just kinda made him tea/noodles through.
Mei just keeps trying stuff, and when she sees something works if she still thinks something's missing she goes HERE WE GO AGAIN! And nobody is surprised when she walks in going "I'm trying cat/cats" and everyone just kinda goes "cool" and adheres to that until halfway through the conversation she goes "nope, not feeling that one" and they all switch back.
Pigsy and Tang don't really understand the gender stuff but take the mentality of "I don't understand this and that's okay, y'know as long as you're happy", even though they trip up sometimes. They don't completely get it but they still love the way MK's face lights up when they call say "Hey, what's she doing?" or "Is it watching TV again?". Also my brain isn't working properly so I might change what Pigsy's label is because I messed it up twice.
I think Wukong didn't really know what gender was until MK asked and helped Wukong start looking through labels, and when Wukong was like "can I just have all of the genders?" MK went "yeah!" and now Wukong just kinda walks around with the label even though he doesn't really mention it.
I think Macaque just woke up when he was young(?) one day, went "fuck this", turned himself into a boy, walked outside, and never addressed it again, and Wukong is the only one that knows and also never addressed it.
Okay I'll stop rambling now sorry bye!
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