#If needed
elliot-osks · 2 years
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hirmienworld · 5 months
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The cutest silliest potatoes 🥹😭
And Night seems to be so happy for them. ❤️
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paracosmicat · 8 months
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lose it in the morning
This is a gift for @bittersweetresilience as a part of the Anarchist Gang Server Exchange
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lured-into-wonderland · 9 months
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Continued from [x] with @mannequinentity
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Manny was trying to brush her off. To dismiss her concerns. She could tell that. He needed be aware that it wasn’t about his drinking habit (and also Nunnally was not fully aware of it), but rather about something more intangible. That wasn’t even funny what he was saying to her: --
“I wouldn’t call it the time of your life.” – she frowned while replying to him in a serious voice – “Unless screaming seemingly out of pain and in terror is what you call a wonderful experience.” – it wasn’t that Nunnally tried to be sarcastic. She truly didn’t, but Manny was behaving so carelessly in her opinion. She’d rather have him serious for once. His cheerful demenaour could not trick her. She sighed deeply.
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“I…I do not really remember, Manny. It’s much blurred.” – and so much difficult to distinguish from my own nightmares. But Nunnally was not going to talk about that. Her nightmares were not something Manny should ever learn about – “I was watching someone…being hurt…” – being tortured actually, but that was not important – “Like a spectator…unwanted or unintended…” – she wasn’t sure – “I was surrounded by evil creatures, but they seemed not to see me…” – she sighed, tears appearing in the corner of her eyes – “I am sorry Manny. It’s more like feelings, pictures that I remember…but I am almost sure you were there. Either in the crowd or…” – no! she didn’t want to finish that thought. She didn’t want to admit it that he was the one who was being tortured. Did he call her? Did he want her to come and help him? – “I was just a spectator…I couldn't help that creature…” – which was odd. Nunnally was usually able to control her environment. Her dreams. The dreams of others. She was usually the one to set the rules. This time was different. As if there was a powerful being she needed to hide from. Or who restrained her moves. She was not sure…
His next joke was a bad choice. It not only made Nunnally agitated but also made her realize something. She frowned and almost yelled: --
“S t o p  i t, M a n n y! It isn’t funny! At all! Be serious for once and tell me truth immediately. I’ll know when…when you’ll be lying!” – the electric chair. That couldn't have been a coincidence, but it was too early to tell Manny everything. He was able to pick up the elements of her dream. That needed to mean something. His joke made the pictures from her nightmare coming back to her; her eyes now wide opened in fear and terror.
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“Just who are you Manny…? Or rather what did you involve yourself in?”
“Manny what was exactly happening in your dream?” – she was going to be persistent. Manny would have to confess. Everything.
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mr-miss-anonymous · 23 days
Being unsuccessful at standardized testing doesn’t make me a failure… needing help doesn’t make me inadequate… I’m not—oh fuck it’s too late, I’m already screwed
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swaystar · 1 year
and what happens when, in the finale, something is Implied, and they’re just fucking happy. and semi-free from all this. what then
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spiritmoodboards · 7 months
Whitelisted sources:
These are most of the sources that I like/know about, so I can make more detailed boards based on them. If your source isn't on here, consider helping me out and adding more specific themes! ^^
Bungou Stray Dogs
Death Note
Steven Universe
The Umbrella Academy
Good Omens
Horror (IT specifically)
Welcome to Night Vale
Repo!the Genetic Opera
90s/00s cartoons
Youtubers (mainly Markiplier/egos and Jacksepticeye/egos)
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Boyfriend to Death
The Price of Flesh
Doki Doki Literature Club
Cult of the Lamb
Cookie Run
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skydreamplayzz · 7 months
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Somthing lazy.. Kinda. I tried to draw somthing similar last year but it looked stupid.. So again, still weird. 🌳
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You said you had a 9-5? What kind of work is it? I couldn't imagine working all day at say a convenience store and then having the energy to write and do all the stuff you do afterward XD
I'm an editor! (Not fiction)
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shadowedresolve · 17 days
"We should tell the others, right? As soon as we get out of here, I mean."
It's not like Ann had never thought about possibility of the Metaverse coming back. The thought had crossed her mind before, but... it's never been something that she'd seriously considered. If she's going to be stuck here with anyone, she's glad that it's Akira - but she does feel a little bad for ruining their day out together, despite knowing it's not really her fault.
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"I can't believe it... does this mean that something bad is happening again? I thought we were done with all this!" is what Ann says next, frustrated. Truth be told, a part of her did miss the Metaverse, and being a Thief, so it's hard not to have mixed feelings about it, as guilty as she feels about that. But she also knows just how well this is cause for concern, and she has every intention of treating it seriously, knowing that there's a good possibility that that concern is well-founded. Three's a pattern, after all.
She was starting to enjoy living an ordinary life, too. But by now, she wonders if these supernatural occurrences will ever truly be done.
"At least we're alone for now." No shadows in sight... which does feel a little strange. "So much for a chance to relax, though. I'll make it up to you another time, okay?"
@scarlxtleaves ( starter for akira! )
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notdelusionalatall · 2 months
Drinking coffee to stay concentrated, but then I can't concentrate because my mind goes haywire.
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dcrtmund09 · 4 months
Please don't take Maatsen away from me 🥺
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runawaymun · 11 months
Saying this with love and respect, and as someone who also doesn't care for romantic sam/frodo: is that 'LOTR fandom misreading /understanding' poll something you want on your blog? Like, you may know the OP and I may be reading in too much, but I was able to use the reblogs as a free block list for homophobes and intolerant Christian fans, and I don't think that's what you're about. Not wanting to pressure you or shame you, not trying to make this a public thing or whatever. Just a little concerned that you overlooked the dog whistle (or that I'm overthinking it).
Oh it absolutely seems to be coming from a bad-faith bigotry-riddled sort of place, but I guess I'm the kind of person that wants to plop my thoughts in on it anyway, hence the extensive tags I put on it. I have a compulsive need to get into those kinds of conversations, I guess, since it's the view on LOTR I grew up in so I can remember kind of...like, where they're coming from. IDK if that makes any sort of sense. I sometimes see dog-whistle-y things as worth engaging with because I used to be there and I know a lot of people on this website are kids, and sometimes the best medicine for shit like this is a reasonable, gentle alternative and a good-faith reading of their intentions, rather than avoidance or immediate condemnation. The poll strikes me as being written from...how do I put this...like ignorance based bigotry? A lot of the people in the tags are being super vile about it but idk when something reads as being ignorance based rather than malice based, I tend to still engage with them.
All that to say I don't know OP, highly disagree with pretty much everyone in the tags, but the poll itself did strike a nerve with me (because I've uh...been called a bigot bc I don't ship samfro...) so I decided to engage with some h u g e caveats in the tags which I am hoping people will read, and I'm fairly certain OP will.
Rambling now so idk if this makes any sense. If it really bothers people I'm happy to take it down but yeah...just in general I like chime in on that kind of conversation when it pops up on my feed.
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person4924 · 8 months
i dress like remus lupin. i act like james potter to my friends. i have the defense mechanisms of sirius black. to all my friends im peter pettigrew. when i’m stressed im lily evans. when im with my sister im marlene mckinnon. when im excited im pandora rosier. when im tired im regulus black.
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socialc1imb · 2 years
There are few fics that I would quite literally sell my soul to read for the first time again but Dotf and the LU Townhouse AU are simply the fics ever
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asheanon · 1 year
Ahaha so, uh... 🥴 I didn't share this thing here, but I'm going to answer some questions from it here because, once again, I hate fighting with text limitations from another side of the internet!
I am tagging you for this, though, @vinjaryou, so you get the notification and whatnot. I hope you don't mind. 🙏
From: Ship Ask Game - The Basics
Here we go with more ship posting... 🤠 (Meaning I'm sorry to everyone except the MVPs who don't mind. Hahaha!)
5. Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about?
Not really. Or so I think, anyway. 🤔 They could be more prone to arguments if Sal wasn't so non-confrontational. She also values information over ego, so it's less of an argument and more of a deliberation if she ever gets involved in something. The less proper communication-friendly it is, the more likely it is to be dropped. It's not worth wasting her breath over!
Kuja is similar in the sense that some arguments just aren't worth his time as well, though. He's "too good" for that. Something really has to feel like it's on the line for it to be worth arguing over, otherwise, he'll just let whatever "idiot" is trying to argue with him "die mad." It's not quite like Sal's approach of leaving them be with whatever beliefs they may have; he likes to make a much firmer point of insulting them because he really is all the ego Sal lacks. Sal = information. Kuja = ego. Haha!
There are less serious matters where they both can be open to a more facetious argument, though. They're both just playful enough to get a kick out of being contrary with one another over some of the little things out there! It's with silly little things, such as fashion sense, puzzles, food, etc.
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
More private, 110%. They had private beginnings that were kept as much of a secret as possible from the others for various reasons, plus, Sal is definitely not a PDA type. Even when things are more comfortable/less secretive between everyone, she's very... uncertain of it.
I've described Sal as being very control-oriented out of fear for a great majority of things. "Fire, which fears its own heat. Despite how beautifully it burns" as Kuja himself more eloquently worded it! And that very much applies here too. There's something she's scared of and that uncertainty puts a damper on something like PDA.
As for Kuja, he has some sense of decorum; meaning he doesn't mind maintaining some privacy, though, there are times later on where he would like showing off a little more. He is very vain, after all; to have a lady like Sal to feed into that vanity (and be a little possessive with, I won't lie) appeals to him too.
That being said, however, I will say that it's actually a sign of growth to see Sal become more confident and open to it over time. 🤍
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
They both do the best they can, despite having their individual shortcomings. 💕
For Sal, the more proper medical know-how that she's picked up from years of what is most easily summarized as "lab work" comes into play here. She'll care for Kuja much like a nurse or a doctor. While it has its softness, it also has this respectful distance to it. She isn't the type to cuddle and dote on someone in this situation. I'll bring it up over and over: she's warm, but distant. Just like a star. And that aforementioned "fear" has a lot to do with that too.
As for Kuja, he has some knowledge of his own (it's basically "magic vs. science," if you will. Technically just two different types of medical science, really!) but he's definitely more of the doter/lover when it comes to a problem. If he's emotionally invested, that is! I'd actually say he's had a lot of moments where he's just clueless as to what to do in these situations.
Though both of them are more prone to keeping problems such as these hidden from one another, Kuja opens up to Sal way more easily than she does to him later down the road. Sal is the epitome of being closed off and prone to hiding any form of suffering she has from anyone. It's very rare that she allows that sort of weakness to be seen, if she can help it.
Once again, I'll bring up character development, though: those walls of theirs do gradually start to fall with time. There is a period where both of them aren't entirely sure of themselves and their actions at times like these, but they eventually start meeting face to face in all those layers of vulnerability. It's very endearing. 💙
33. How do they flirt? Who’s the worse flirt?
You have more of your classically romantic flirt with Kuja while Sal is simply sincere, but unintentionally mystique all in the same.
It's needless to be said, but as a professional flirt by default, Kuja is definitely the better flirt. It's a regular part of his character even outside of whatever is going on between him and Sal, haha! He flirts with intention and it's very clear that he's doing it (and he's very successful with it, more often than not.) To make it more sensual is effortless for him just as well.
By comparison, Sal is the worse flirt, hands down. Again, she's merely genuine with an air of mystery; when she decides to throw in a playful remark or gesture on occasion, some may interpret it as flirtatious, however, despite it not being her intention. She'll often take on a more analytical demeanor to help subdue amorous undertones in most social situations, but... man, when she chooses to drop those walls of hers and that sincerity intertwines with the more intimate, it's really something to behold in its own right (at least, in my own incredibly biased opinion! Haha!) She'll never leave you feeling like her love is fake. Let's just put it that way. 🌌
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