#But I was bored
omgeto · 8 months
best friends!gojo & geto who convince you to show up to a Halloween party with them in one of these three person horse costumes. with gojo at the front, geto and the back and you in the middle. funnily enough the costume gives them just the right angle for them to rail you… right on the dance floor.
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mustardmusketeer · 7 months
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Delinquents AU Arya Stark is a lost cause. Spending her teenage years in King’s Landing, she’s learned to stand up for herself, but ended up making enemies as well as friends in every corner. Gendry Smith, in his turn, has never had many options. He doesn’t like relying on other idiots to survive, but that’s Flea Bottom for you. Their paths cross a few times, until they find themselves on opposing sides. Refusing to engage in the needless conflict between their gangs, they befriend each other and try to distance themselves from that life. A few years later, they meet again. Gendry has moved on, but Arya is still stuck with bad connections, debts and shame, too much shame to ask her family for help. He just can’t resist her "lost puppy" eyes, and falls back into the underworld by her side.
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birdmick711 · 5 months
Being a baker and having all this is terrible. I just made cookies while I'm fasting, I cant have any til Friday. The worst.
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vntildavvn · 2 years
The Quarry | Interview Ending
"It was so dark and I couldn't see anything." Abi began, "It wasn't a normal animal but it wasn't human and I couldn't do anything, I tried so hard to help him but it wasn't good enough, I wasn't fast enough." The officer frowns at her in utter confusion, "Abigail..." They trail off and the girl looks up, red clinging to her like a second skin. "You said that it was your friend, Nicholas -" She shakes her head, "Nick, it wasn't him, he wasn't himself, it wasn't his fault." With an unsure sigh, the officer stares, "What wasn't his fault?" It's silent for a moment and Abi finally speaks, "When he was turning into one of those things, he didn't mean it..." She utters out quietly, "He didn't mean it." This time the words sounded more unsure, taunted by her actual thoughts.
"What happened to your hand, Dylan?" The question held a hint of concern, unsure if the young man should instead be in the hospital rather than in a dirty interview room for disease to hurt him even more, but Dylan only shrugs and smiles, more of a grimace as he replies. "It's nothing, it's a precaution or was..." He trails off, dazed but alert all at the same time and the officer clears his throat, "What do you mean by a precaution?" The Lenivy boy looks up as if the man had asked something stupid but he replies to him in a calm voice, the most calm he had been all night. "It was the only option, okay? So I wouldn't turn into a werewolf." The officer raises a brow at the words, "Werewolf?" Now he was sure the boy needed to get that wound seen to, it was as if the unsure tone was dismissed by Dylan as he's quick to look around sharply, "What about Ryan? Was he okay after everything? And the others, did everyone else make it?"
Emma Mountebank was practically rocking in her seat, a look of disbelief as she eyes the officers with judgement. "I am telling you, it was on the island!" Her voice raises in a sharp annoyance, "It chased me and attacked me and I almost didn't get away!" She confirms, "I told you about the photo, the one on my phone, the proof is right there on my camera!" The officer stares with a look that Emma knew meant he didn't believe her, "Miss -" She cuts into his words quickly, "You're not listening to me." Before the officer could say another word, Emma scoffs and leans back into the metal of the chair, "If you aren't gonna even listen to a word I've said then let me go, I wanna see my friends, I wanna see Abi." At least her friends knew what happened was true, at least they believed her when they lived through the exact same threat.
"So you sabotaged the van on purpose?" Jacob's eyes are watery, tears wobbling and threatening to slip, he didn't want to be a weak link to them. "I didn't know what would happen, I just wanted another night with her." The officer writes something down sharply, "Who was it?" Jacob did not understand why he asked but he answered "Emma, I wanted to spend more time with her. We had a moment at the lake but it all went to shit..." It fell quiet before the officer spoke, "What do you mean by that?" Jacob sighs at the officer with an irritated glare, "Oh, I don't know, maybe finding a fucking dead body or being caged next to a monster who used to be my friend, you decide!" The officer stares with some curiosity, "Was the body male or female?" Jacob is quick to look up, "I don't fucking know, I was too busy in trying to get the rotor arm, all I know is that it was gross as shit!" The officer speaks into one of the recorders placed on the table, "Please make a note to investigate further..." Jacob lets out an unsettled sigh as the room falls quiet once more.
Kaitlyn Ka was nervous but she didn't show it. Her face is blank as she stares ahead, keeping her breathing steadily calm but it doesn't stop the thundering heart that makes her throat close up with anxious waves engulfing her and making her ears ring that she barely hears the officer who asks another question. "The gun used on Caleb Hackett, it has your fingerprints on it. Would you mind explaining why that is?" The brunette looks up with furrowed brows, a sense of outrage that barely manages to be held down against her words, "He was a fucking werewolf! He tried to kill me and Dylan and if Abi hadn't given me the silver shells then I wouldn't be here in this room right now!" It's the officers uninterested stare that makes Kaitlyn shake her head and scoff, "So you intended to shoot him?" The officer twists at her words, trying to tell a story that was anything but true. "No, that is not what I said, you aren't listening to me!" Shuffling in her seat, she sits forward in anger, "I am trying to tell you that I didn't have a choice, I shot him in self defense not knowing it was him and even if I did, I would do it again because he was trying to kill us and he would have if I didn't do what I did!" She stares at the officer with no doubts, remaining silent.
"What happened Laura?" The blonde was silent for a few moments, lips in a thin line and face blank as she tried to tell a story that needed to be heard. She felt familiar with the questions, the interrogation tactics, observing Travis Hackett over the months and learning a thing or two and knowing what the officer in front of her wanted to know. "I did this to end the curse, I did this to cure Max and for this whole nightmare to end." She says calmly, "A family was found dead, Miss Kearney." The officer replied, "The Hackett family, Constance Hackett was found shot dead, Jedidiah Hackett was strangled until his neck broke, and Kaylee Hackett was found dead in a pool and a few camp counselors have said you were the one who killed her!" It was clear the officer was unhappy with her response but Laura didn't care anymore, "Everything I did was to stop more death from happening, every single thing that has happened tonight was to stop them from causing more bloodshed and tragedy." The officer glared ahead, "And so you stopped it by causing more bloodshed yourself?" Laura glared back, not letting his comments get to her, she didn't care anymore.
"Is Laura okay?" Was his first question unanswered by the officer in front of him and Max couldn't stop his thoughts taking over, about Laura and all that blood, the screams that blurred between fear, waiting hours on that island, isolated and alone. He was no longer alone, stuck in a police station as an officer spoke quietly to him. "What were you doing on the island?" He frowned but answered honestly, "It was to stop me hurting anyone else, to stop me from killing anybody." The officer let her confusion be known, "What do you mean, Max?" He lets a sigh leave him, "When I turned into that thing, into a giant monster, I wasn't in control and so Laura left me there so she could end the curse once and for all." He admits with a weak smile, "I guess it worked..." He trailed off, a look of relief crossing his features that he wouldn't have to ever live in fear of losing control, losing himself to a monster.
"It was some kind of animal." Nick said quietly, voice low and tired. Covered in red like Carrie White on prom night. "I remember Abi... She tried to - she tried to help me. She never stopped looking out for me even after those things I did and said to her." He admits, guilt all over his face, it's what makes the officer intrigued as she speaks up, "What did you do, Nick?" The Furcillo boy fell silent, he felt sick to his stomach, disgusted by the words he said that were simply not true, words he tried to fight against while this monster clawed its way out and turned him into an evil, a thing that he feared of becoming. "I remember her face, I remember how scared she looked, how upset, how much terror was in her eyes when I -" He stops, "I didn't want to do that, I'd never do that to her, I didn't mean to hurt her." He admits, "But I did, I hurt her. I know I did."
Ryan was quiet and still in his seat apart from his left leg bouncing up and down with fear and his eyes wandering the room with paranoia. "We've identified the body of your camp leader, Chris Hackett." The woman's voice was steady as she spoke, "Is there something you'd like to tell us, Ryan?" His frown deepened, "Chris was - he was a good man, he always looked out for me." He let his words go quiet, "He told us to stay inside, I should've listened, I should've convinced the others to stay inside, I should've done more and maybe this wouldn't have happened..." The officer wants to know more and so she pushes at him, "What wouldn't have happened, Ryan?" It fell quiet for a moment before he spoke once more, "The werewolf attacking Nick and Abi, Dylan's hand being cut off, Kaylee..." He trails off before continuing, "Chris never let me down before, he was always looking out for me, it isn't fair, he didn't deserve this. If I just knew the truth, if I'd believed in something I thought was just a story then maybe I could have changed things." The officer in front of him clicks her pen and asks one final question, "What story would that be, Ryan?" He meets her gaze and lets a quiet answer follow, "The Hag of Hackett's Quarry..."
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skydreamplayzz · 7 months
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Somthing lazy.. Kinda. I tried to draw somthing similar last year but it looked stupid.. So again, still weird. 🌳
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myboyfriendjake · 9 months
i was bored so i made this
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my-coquette-romance · 5 months
soph wtf 😭😭😭😭
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gladioluswanderer · 1 year
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So I apparently have no idea how to draw Aqua butler but here’s a lil doodle for @netherrealmlive
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constellias · 11 months
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too many karats for your budget ask the jeweler, your boyfriend tried me on wore me out made him cooler | estella sketch for my boredom
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authcenter · 2 years
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hi. i’m nikolai and i suppose i’m just some guy.
i selfship and my main f/os are ingsoc (realicide) and shu itsuki (ensemble stars).
my interests are political ideology, military history, and weaponry on occasion. i am a man of many deranged thoughts.
anyway come check out my blog and let’s be comrades. 🤝
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new blog name!!!
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bumblewish · 1 year
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Needed to pass some time, so here’s some doodles.
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neptunium134 · 2 years
My face the entire broadcast:
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captainjonnitkessler · 6 months
Sometimes I wish we would start calling out the performative radicalism on this site for the poser bullshit it is. "Remember, it's always morally correct to kill a cop!" "Don't forget to firebomb your local government office!" "Wow, it sure would be a shame if these instructions on how to make a molotov cocktail got spread around!"
Okay. But you're not killing cops or firebombing government offices. You are posting on a dying microblogging website to a carefully-curated echo chamber that has radicalized itself into thinking that taking the absolute most extreme position on any subject is praxis but that anyone discussing the most practical way to effect actual change is your sworn enemy. You do not have the street cred OR the activist cred to be talking about killing cops, babe.
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