#International Arcade Museum
pixelfireplace · 4 months
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Future Flash - Hoei - 1980
source: The Arcade Flyer Archive
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thebubblesareevil · 1 year
Secrets for the Soul
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 5
“That concludes our meeting for tonight, thank you all for making time to join us.” Announced Batman, finally ending this tortuous l, though necessary meeting. Diana stood from her seat and said her goodbyes intent on getting back to Danny for movie night. If she hurried she could stop and pick up ice cream, her hopes of the frozen treat were dashed however when she was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.
“Diana, a moment of your time?” Batman asked with a gruff voice. Diana silently mourned her ice cream as she smiled back and the two stepped away from the zeta-tubes. “As you are aware, Black Canary is leading the training for the covert team. However Canary brought it to my attention that while Superboy is doing well in his training, he is getting very little experience fighting opponents of an equal or greater power level.” Diana frowned.
“He is the teams biggest heavy hitter, it would do them no good if he were to falter when given a challenge.”
“My thoughts exactly, which is why I would like you to take some time to spar with him. Show him what it means to fight above your level.” Batman nodded,
Diana looked at Batman, skeptical “Wouldn’t Superman be better suited for this task.”
“Things between them are a bit…stained to say the least.” He ground out.
Diana frown, “I would be willing to engage the young one in battle, however Superman needs to figure things out with the boy. He is only a child, he needs guidance.” She said firmly.
“I know your hands are already full, we can work out a schedule at another date however I would like it if you would come by this weekend to meet him.” Diana raised her brow. His eye twitched “Please” he added.
“Now that wasn’t so hard was it? Alfred’s been pestering you about manners again, huh?” She smirked. Batman grunted. “That should be fine, I’ll be there Saturday morning at 10, and Batman? I won’t hold back.” She said with a savage grin.
“I would expect nothing less.” And with that Diana took her leave. It was a short flight from the Zeta point to her apartment, when she arrived Danny looked up from his Mars book.
“You’re late~” He said with a grin “You know what that means. You forfeit your movie choice!” Diana sighed as she went to get changed.
“All right, fair is fair, did you pick up dinner?”Danny nodded as he scrolled through the movie choices.
“Chinese is on the counter, drinks are in the fridge.” He shouted as he set up the movie. “Comedy good?” He asked as she made her way to the fridge.
“Sure.” She replied, opening the fridge she grabbed the drinks sitting next to the chain covered stew labeled ‘Danny’s! Do not touch!’
Grabbing the Chinese she made her way over and plopped herself on the couch. “So what are we watching?”
“Only one of my favorite ghost comedies EVER! The Grudge! It’s hilarious, trust me!” He tilted his head in a picture of innocence. “By the way, why were you late, something wrong with the league?” He inquired, nudging her with his elbow. Diana scoffed.
“We are a team of international vigilantes, something’s always wrong. However, in this case, Batman stopped me to ask a favor. There is a young hero who packs quite a punch, however unlike you he has mostly fought people who are physically equal or weaker than him. He needs to train with someone stronger than him to get used to fighting stronger opponents. I’ll be meeting with him on Saturday morning.” Danny nodded.
“Cool, I’m gonna be hanging out with Travis. We were planning to check out the arcade near his new job.” Diana smiled.
“It’s a pity he left the museum, where did he end up going?”
“He got a job on the boardwalk, at that smoothie shop. Y’know with giant monkey on the window.” Diana nodded.
“They do have good smoothies. Grandfather expects us for dinner that night so don’t stay out too late.”
“Sounds great! Hopefully I can get the recipe for that stew, it’s way better than Lunch Lady’s… don’t tell her I said that.” Diana frowned.
“So long as it doesn’t try to eat my lunch again, my poor sandwich it was so young, so tasty.” She replies dramatically with her hand on her heart. “Now start the movie, I wanna see what passes for ghost comedy.” She passes Danny his mushu pork and he presses play….
Two hours later Danny is asleep on the couch as Diana stares at the tv, reevaluating her definition of humor. Looking down at her peacefully sleeping cousin, she couldn’t be too mad. But she could ask around for the best chick flick she could find as payback.
Saturday morning came, and as promised Diana made her way to a zeta tube. When she arrived at Mount Justice, Batman was already there and based on their reactions he had already briefed them on todays training. She grinned, this was gonna be fun.
She wasn’t wrong either, they each took turns trying to knock her down, each failing more splendidly than the last. When it came time for Superboy to face her she readied herself to face the strength of Superman.
Unfortunately for Superboy, he did not have the same strength as Superman. Diana had also been regularly sparring with Danny, so her evaluation of his strength might have been a bit…skewed to say the least.
Unfortunately only hindsight is 20/20 and so when Superboy charged she immediately countered with full force, and he went flying across the room. After crash landing Superboy quickly righted himself and started charging her once more. Diana, while impressed at his enthusiasm, frowned at how easy it was to push his buttons. She grabbed her lasso and quickly subdued him. He fought against the bindings, though he had no hope of destroying the magical artifact. Diana released him only when he calmed down. She looked Superboy in the eye with a smile.
"You did very well young one, your warrior's spirit is admirable, however you must use it at the right time. When fighting an opponent that you know is stronger than you, you must used that spirit wisely. Wait until you find an opening before you strike, otherwise your opponent will use that strength against you, as I did."
Superboy clenched his fists and grit his teeth, Diana knew that look well. He was frustrated, her advice was likely akin to something he hears quite often. Diana sighed, "I will not tell you to purge yourself of this spirit as it is a useful tool, one I myself use when fighting overwhelming enemies. It is nothing to be ashamed of. However you must be careful not to be consumed by it. I have known many who let the rush of battle consume them. It has never ended in their favor." she approached Superboy, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I will work with you on this journey, young one, so that you may learn as I did." she said with a smile.
Superboy looked surprised "Seriously? Why? What do you get out of this?" Diana laughed
"What else?! I want a proper rematch! You have impressive strength, I would like to see what you can do with it with a little extra training, young one." Superboy looked her in the eye for a moment before looking to the side.
"My name is Conner." he said with a blunt tone. "And...thank you."
"It's my pleasure Conner, now come, our time today is short let's see who else wants to try their might."
She turned back to see Kid Flash slowly inch behind Artemis. She gave a predatory grin, "It seems we have a volunteer!"
Danny woke up with his alarm at noon, and couldn't help but revel in the amount of sleep he got, a whole eight hours. He briefly considered snuggling back into the world's comfiest, and coldest, comforter, gifted to him by Frostbite. He slowly closed his eyes before his second alarm went off reminding him that he does in fact have to get up, as he has plans today.
He dragged himself out of bed, still wrapped in his comforter, and made his way to the kitchen. After starring into the fridge for roughly five minutes, as though it held the secrets of the universe... or poptarts, he grinned and grabbed his leftover stew. Pouring some into a bowl and reheating it, he slowly made his way to the table to savor his blob ghost stew. He jumped only a little when his phone started blaring once more, he scrunched his nose before looking at the caller ID. It was Travis. Danny sighed, it was too early to talk.
"Hnnghh?" The sound of laughter exploded from the other end.
"I'm sorry sleeping beauty, did I wake you?" Danny released a massive yawn.
"Nah, mm jus eatin breakfst? Wazzup?" He mumbled, watching the tiny blobs swim around in his stew with half-lidded green eyes.
"Hey I ran into a buddy of mine, mind if he tags along?" Danny scooped out a particularly plump blob and took a bite.
"Hmmm" Travis laughed.
"I'm gonna take that as a yes. We'll meet you at Café Loco before we head to the arcade, you sound like you need it. Were you up playing video games again last night?" Danny once more responded with a noncommittal, “hmmm” because no he was not playing video games. He was flying invisibly around the city and lost track of time, who wouldn't it was beautiful.
“Alright man, I’ll let you get back to you’re breakfast. See ya soon.” And the call ended.
Danny put his phone back down and finished eating before he started getting ready for the day. He threw on some jeans and a t-shirt, taking a moment to consider the jacket. His core would keep him cold, normally he wouldn’t bother but…. He sighed grabbing the jacket. Being a teen hero left him with more than a few scars, Travis was led to believe he got them in the accident that killed his “parents” but this new guy… it would be annoying to explain again, best avoid it entirely.
He grabbed his wallet and headed out, walking down the street he greeted familiar faces, stopping to pet Mrs. Perkins’ dog as he made his way to the bus stop. It wasn’t a long ride, and when he arrived he clambered out of the bus. Heading towards Cafe Loco like a beacon in a storm. He beelined it to the counter, nearly crying at the lack of a line as he ordered his cappuccino with 4 shots of espresso.
Travis found him huddled in a corner booth, curled around his coffee, watching people pass by. He saw a perfect opportunity and slowly snuck up to the booth, he was inches away from tugging the earbuds out of his ears when Danny suddenly turned his head to look him directly in the eyes. Travis jumped back with a shout, Danny took a long sip of his coffee, the stranger next to Travis covered his mouth trying his best not to laugh.
“Why is it so hard to scare you?! I swear this guy has eyes in the back of his head!” At this point the guy next to him scoffed.
“Or he saw your reflection in the window.” He said, pointing at the offending surface.
“Who’s side are you on?!” The stranger shrugged and Danny chuckled.
“I don’t think pointing out the obvious counts as taking sides. Your Travis’ friend right? I’m Danny, nice to meet ya.” He said, the other guy smiled.
“I’m Matt, nice to meet ya. Is the coffee here any good?” Danny nodded, pulling his coffee closer.
“It’s okay at best, he just likes it because they don’t limit his espresso shots because he bribes them.”
“It’s not consider a bribe of it goes in the tip jar.” He said with a wide grin. Matt blushed.
“Oh really, I’ll have to try that.” He coughed into his hand. “So, uh, you said we were going to the arcade.”
“Hell yeah! You said it had all kinds of new and retro games! Plus desktop gaming! Let’s go!” Danny stood from his seat. While he may never reach the overwhelming height of Jack Fenton, Danny had grown to be a respectable 5’10. He was quite proud of this fact though he didn’t think of it too much, considering his cousin was over 6’. But still he wasn't that tall, right? Danny thought,
'So why the hell did Matt just look at him like he was 10 feet tall? Sure the guy wasn't huge, but he wasn't exactly short either.'
Matt backed up just a bit, rubbing the back of his neck and looking away, "Yeah, let's get going before it get's too crowded." Danny downed the rest of his coffee and they headed out. Along the way they started talking about the upcoming school year, as it turned out Matt would be joining him as a junior at Gateway High.
Despite Travis' not so subtle diversions, Matt eventually made a rookie mistake. He asked what Danny wanted to do when he graduated. For the next hour Danny went on and on about how he wanted to build space ships, and how amazing space is, and did you read the Daily Planet interview with Martian Manhunter?!
Not to say Danny ran out of things to say about space after an hour, especially when Matt was giving him his full attention even when they got to the arcade and started playing. No, as someone who worked with Danny until his parents made him quit, Travis knew EXACTLY how long winded Danny could be when it came to space so he did the only thing that could distract him from space. He brought up his cousin.
"So I here your cousin is single and ready to mingle, according to Mrs. Doris, you think if I gave her my number I'd have a chance?" Travis wiggled his eyebrows. Danny looked at him as though he just said he put jelly on a tuna sandwich.
"Dude first of all, you're like 17 it's not gonna happen, second of all, and I cannot stress this enough, she is way out of your league." Travis pouted as Matt laughed at his suffering, not knowing his sacrifice.
"Ahh whatever man, let's just play. I hear there's this new game added to the online corner. Something called Doomed?" Danny froze, slowly turning to face Travis.
"Did you say Doomed?" his eyes were wide.
"Yeah? Have you-" Danny grabbed both teens by the arm and dragged them over to the desktops. Over the next few hours, the three of them made characters and a crowd gathered as Danny dominated level after level. Eventually though his alarm went off, reminding him to head home for dinner. After they said their goodbyes, Danny took off leaving Matt and Travis alone.
"Don't even think about it." Travis said, Matt tensed.
"He has single handedly increased the foot traffic in the space exhibit from the sheer amount of people who come to flirt with him. Him and his cousin are next level man." Matt's face turned a fiery red. Travis looked at him with pity. "If it makes you feel better, he has yet to actually say yes to anyone. To be fair though, I don't think he realizes their flirting when he's in space mode." Travis shrugs.
Matt nearly wept.
Danny dug into the lasagna with extreme gusto, while Diana ate at a much more restrained pace as she ate her second helping.
"You've outdone yourself, grandfather. Dinner is absolutely divine." Diana complemented the elderly (at the moment) Ancient. He gave her a proud smile.
"I should hope so, I got this recipe from Naples in the 15th century, from a lovely family of noodle makers. I tweaked it a bit based on it's evolution, I'm quite proud of how it turned out." he said with a grin as his form shifted to that of a young man. "But enough of that, how was your day today? I know you were planning on training the young Kryptonian clone today, how did that go?" grinning, Diana raised a brow, Danny perked up.
"Have you been spying on us grandfather?" Danny laughed.
"He's always spying on us, trust me. But who cares, what was that about a clone?" Diana sighed, resigned.
"Conner is a clone of Superman. Normally it would be his responsibility to train him, however he has been a bit... reluctant to interact with the boy." Danny scrunched up his nose.
"Did he try to kill him yet?" Diana looked at Danny, surprised.
"Superman may object to training him but I assure you he has not intent-" Danny waved his hands.
"No, no, not Superman. Did Conner try to kill him yet, it's like, a clone rite of passage." Diana stared at Danny. Danny stared back.
Clockwork drank his tea, fully aware of what he started.
"I'm gonna need a little more explanation than that." Danny shrugged
"I mean, he's gotta try to kill his original at some point. Just to get it out of his system y'know. My clone didn't last a full day before she tried to kill me." Danny shrugged, taking another bite of his lasagna.
Diana gave him a look like she was praying to the gods for patience, honestly she probably was, before she finally responded.
"When exactly were you cloned?" Danny shrugged.
"When I was like, 14 I think. I know it was after I met gramps, now that is a crazy story." Diana took a deep breath.
"We can get to that later, can we focus on the clone that tried to kill you? Please?" Danny set down his fork on his now clean plate.
"I guess, there's not really much to tell. My dad's best friend, who hated him by the way, wanted me to be his son because we were the only existing halfas, he's not technically he's more alive than he is dead, and because he was in love with my mom, she despised him, I told him no when he repeatedly demanded for me to join him, of course not he's a fruitloop, so he cloned me, a couple times actually but none of them were stable so they destabilized, and Ellie, the only stable clone, posed as my cousin, she is now kinda, and when my back was turned she tried to kill me. It's cool though, she realized Vlad was a fruitloop and we beat him up." he shrugged. "Like I said, there's really not much to tell." he explains before he starts to sneak over to the cookie jar.
Diana looked over at her grandfather, "What?" he nodded in symathy.
"I understand it's a lot to take in, however I assure you any future murder attempts perpetuated by young Ellie are completely harmless. She spends most of her time these days exploring the realms or spending time with Pandora." Clockwork explained.
Diana sighed turning to Danny "And you were okay with this? Being cloned by your enemy."
Danny swallowed his bite "Oh, hell no. I was pissed. Not only did he violate my privacy, he stole my DNA! He made a kid to replace me! So I kicked his ass and stole my clone." Diana looked to the heavens for advice, Clockwork set a hand on her shoulder.
"The gods will be no help when it comes to things like this. Trust me." he smiled. "And how was your day Danny? Did you have fun making friends?" Danny grinned.
"Definitely! He let me blather on about space!" Diana's eyes went wide.
'Dear gods, not another one.'
@a-salty-sal@impulsiveasshole@meira-3919@alcorbearson@cute6troll@samgirl98@skulld3mort-1fan@addie-lover-of-stories@amercurio@chronicallyonline-fandomwh0r3 @heirxofxtime @gin2212 @thegatorsgoose@wanderer-of-worlds@terzatheunderscorerima@bright-shade@satanicrutialspecialist@mur-ururu@birdie-24-05@ascetic-orange@cyber-geist@thatrandomsarahchick@dr-syko-pharm-4@observerblock23@addie-lover-of-stories@rainybyday@berseid@pastalavistamf@ae-vixrose@sunflowershine03@theauthorandtheartist@ruelukas22@krzys2000@onlyhereforthechaos@stargirl1331@apointlessbox@mewzaque@distractedducky@cutelittlebeanie@unorthodoxdreamers @universallytacowolfbakery @joseph557@ver-444@icedbluesoul@shark-time@milo-l-l @spookytragedyshark@nutcase8691@idfk-man10
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shunshunrika · 1 year
jjk! boys as Bumble matches
ft. Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, Kento Nanami, Toji Fushiguro, Yuuji Itadori and Megumi Fushiguro.
content : aged up! characters, suggestive texts, mentions of alcohol, not proofread
mdni, ageless blogs dni~~~
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Satoru Gojo, 28
Highschool Teacher at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College
'Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the honored one!' ... is my favorite quote from a suspense thriller I watched when I was a kid. I have a big ego and even bigger...heart! If you are into movie watching and mochi-shop hopping, hmu~
🔗 6'3 (190cm)
🏛 Apolitical
🍼Children: Don't know yet
🔍Looking for: Something Casual, Open to Long Term
🍷Drinks: Never
🐶Pets: Human by the name of Megumi
INTERESTS: 🧁, 🎥, 🎮, ⚾, 🕶
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Suguru Geto, 28
Director at Geto and Associates
Baby, are you a curse? Because I want to delve into the occult for you~ Apart from my philanthropic ventures to help humanity, I frequently engage in stand-up comedy and on the spot 'aura-readings'. I would really like to get to know someone nice and genuine and make them my family *wink wink*
🔗 6'2 (187cm)
🏛 Politically inclined
🍼Children: Want many - looking to grow my 'family'
🔍Looking for: Marriage
🍷Drinks: Socially
🐶Pets: Cursed Spirits~
INTERESTS: 👨‍👩‍👦, ⛩, 📚, ♠, 🎀
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Kento Nanami, 27
Accounts Clerk at Tokyo Department of Finance and Commerce
Humble, hardworking guy looking for a meaningful relationship. Would love to go on a date to a museum or a theatre play to get to know you better. Would prefer if we take a few dates to see how things go. If you have any requests or conditions before hand, let me know - I will accommodate them to the best of my ability. Looking forward to having a great interaction.
🔗 6' (183cm)
🏛 Liberal
🍼Children: Want someday
🔍Looking for: Long Term Relationship
🍷Drinks: Frequently
🐶Pets: One Siamese Cat
INTERESTS: 👔, 🖥, 📰, 💹, 📐
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Toji Fushiguro, 37
Freelance Killer - (hmu for prices!)
If you have an answer for 'What was the best night of your life?' be prepared to have it changed. A hands-on dad. No, not the father kind, the 'my princess is taking me so well' kind. Into the strong, no non-sense typa gal. Would appreciate if said gal can handle a drink or two with me. hmu and I might take you along on to a gym sesh.
🔗 6'2 (188cm)
🏛 Don't Care
🍼Children: Already have 2
🔍Looking for: Something Casual
🍷Drinks: Frequently
🐶Pets: One Pet Curse/Weapon Purse - and you will probably become my pet too
INTERESTS: ⚔, 🥷, 🏋,🔒, 🍷
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Yuuji Itadori, 20
College Student (Mechanical Engineering) - National Institute of Technology, Sendai College
Hi! I am Yuuji! Ace Athlete at Sendai College! Also a proud puppy dad! Beneath my cheerful and carefree demeanor lies an unyielding resolve and a heart full of bravery. Yeah, I'd like to mention I have won multiple bravery awards as a teen (subtle flex) If you'd like, Let's go on rock climbing or to an arcade to see if we're compatible! Don't panic if I tickle you or slap your back too hard!! I'll give you a piggy back if you get tired!
🔗 5'8 (173cm)
🏛 Apolitical
🍼Children: Don't know yet
🔍Looking for: Short Term (Open to Long Term)
🍷Drinks: Socially
🐶Pets: One Shiba Inu!
INTERESTS: 🦮, 🚀, 🧗, 🎢, 🪄
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Megumi Fushiguro, 19
College Student (International Relations) - University of Tokyo
Hello. I am Megumi Fushiguro. I am currently a student and looking to date someone long-term. I don't have many conditions or an ideal type but I'd like for the person I date to have unshakable resolve as I find it to be huge, huge turn on. :) I am into coffee shops although it's an overdone date trend. If you want, we can do indoor games and chill at my home. hmu if you want my number!
🔗 5'9 (175cm)
🏛 Liberal
🍼Children: Want Someday
🔍Looking for: Long Term
🍷Drinks: Avoids, Black Coffee for the win.
🐶Pets: 10 animals that come with my technique
INTERESTS: 🍵, 🏫, 📚, ✈, 🎧
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Disclaimer: All the pictures used were taken from Pinterest, credits to respective owners! Let me know if you want to add explicit credit.
© shunshunrika 2023, please do not translate, modify or republish my works
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hearts4jean · 7 months
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚♡
- jean - confess - modern au -
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We all know this mf would be such a nervous wreck when it comes to anything to do with you (pre-dating and sometimes during-dating) regardless of what it is. Internally, he gets so giddy at any mention of you and attempts to play it off, cannot do the same for the life of him when you’re around. He is described to be well-spoken by others but that reputation goes down the drain when in your presence. Day-to-day interactions are one thing, but actually confessing feelings and pouring his heart out of how he really feels? Yeah, no. He’d be the type to have a crush and absolutely do nothing about it because he’s afraid to come off as weird and being thought of like: “Wow, I didn’t expect him to feel this way,” and has a huge fear of rejection. He just prefers to keep it to himself and remained unjudged by you and everyone else and continue what he has with you. He does this until he is no longer be able to keep up the act because quite frankly, everyone knows.
Everyone knows that he likes you. He’s too obvious and so easy to read, everyone would think. You would have your suspicions but choose to remain oblivious and you feel like it’s just your desires talking. What a dream it would be for THEE Jean Kirstein to fancy you. It gets so obvious that even he is self-aware about it and asks Marco and Connie of all people for advice. Neither would’ve ever been in any romantic predicament. Reiner would’ve but Jean would probably rather get love advice from a romance novel fanatic who romanticises toxic relationships over Reiner if you want to put it like that.
Connie would purposely give dumb suggestions but some ideas do spark other ideas in Jean’s mind which is the reason why Jean still hasn’t screamed at him to stop suggesting dumb romance tropes like serenading you with singing and playing a guitar. Marco as expected gives amazing advice. Alongside this, he assists Jean in gaining confidence to face you and tell you how he feels.
After that, he is able to build up the courage to ask if you’d like to spend the day with him, this would be on a weekend and you two haven’t really seen each other outside of school other than on the bus home and different occasions where you see each other at supermarkets with your parents (closest thing you have gotten to interacting are subtle waves and mouthing greetings as you didn’t want your parents suspecting you of anything. Jean’s mum would already know about you before meeting you, and thinks you seem lovely based off what Jean has said about you to her and how much he talks about you without trying to sound insane.)
The layout of the day was Marco’s suggestion. Jean takes you to various places that do not deem to be romantic, but allow him to have fun with you and eases his thoughts on the fact that he has decided to finally pour his heart out to you. The activities consist of going to an arcade and spending every cent to win at every claw machine, visit an art museum assuming you both have some sort of intriguement in art, and ending the day with a stroll at the park and small picnic, after that, he intends to confess his love then.
On the Saturday morning, you have been waiting for him to show up to pick you up to take you out on this day “filled with fun and surprises” as Connie described the day before, emphasising on ‘surprises’, you get ready for the day extremely early in fear of him finding you still in your bed-wear attire and waiting for you to get ready. Thankfully, he does eventually show up in somewhat formal attire? Not like a whole suit but like maybe a white button up paired with a long coat and scarf which he will probably eventually take off cuz yk how the weather is. Bouquet of your fave flowers in hand, which counts as the first flowers you would have received from him (first of many).
He also would’ve done his hair similar to how it is in high school caste since Connie talked him into it because he would look cool like those “fancy vogue models”. He doesn’t realise that it looks a little silly until he is facing you and attempts to fix it into his normal hairstyle, but you stop him from doing that by grabbing his wrist and insist he still looks great. He is still unsure about it and seems very fiddly with his appearance during the day as he wanted to look his best for you.
But yeah, you go to the arcade first where Jean just wins you a bunch of sanrio plushies from claw machines like he was not stopping until you had every character alongside some “accidental” duplicates. He would be sooo good at claw machines as he has dedicated his pocket mooney to them as a child like you know how ppl display trophies and medals in their rooms, he would do that but with plushies which explains why he doesn’t let anyone into his room other than Marco (and you eventually).
Next is the art museum. He is such an art nerd, he would’ve been to this gallery before so he’d know all about the pieces on display. Who needs a tour guide when you have a Jean? He’d just ramble on about them to you from how they were displayed, what techniques were used with the mediums and how they’re taken care of until he realises that he’s talking too much and constantly apologises. Of course you don’t mind hearing him ramble, you also find it cute when he tries apologising for something so simple. I feel that he would be too used to interacting with Connie and Sasha and he cant talk for too long as they both have short-attention spans. He also explains to you how he has longed for one of his pieces to be displayed in this very gallery or at least some part of an exhibition/collection.
Next is the stroll at the park. The two of you walk around the lake, talking about school, random goals, Connie and Sasha, just a whole bunch of things with no pauses. Both of you do eventually get tired and decide to set up the picnic under a tree (aot reference i just realised that after typing lolzies) where you guys end up making flower crowns out of the bouquet he has give you alongside some smaller ones surrounding the two of you. You tell him that this whole picnic setup reminds you of a children’s tea party in which you both laugh at and results in you both talking in posh accents for a little.
As the days climax edges closer, you two are now just silently sitting next to each other with you both trying to catch glimpses of each other really quickly. Jean knew it was time. But when he goes too peak, that pre-written love confession memorised in his mind all disappears and is just stammering all of a sudden. You kind of know what he wants to say and you suggest to him that he shouldn’t look directly at you as that would make him more nervous and just to pay his attention to the lake in front of you two as the gentle waters would calm him down; and you would try to not look at him and not make any expression. This helps him gets his words and obv you accept his feelings and uh yeah hoorah u and jean are together now
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List of Jeanne media submitted so far
Note that not all may appear in the final bracket.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica / Puella Magi Tart Magica / Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story
Figaro Illustré magazine illustration by Albert Lynch
Gerard Way himself
The Black Parade album cover
Johanne comic by Gerard Way, Marley Zarcone and Hi-Fi
The Lark
Fate series / Fate/Grand Order / Fate/Apocrypha
Joan of Arc Saved France--Women of America Save Your Country--Buy War Savings Stamps poster
Jeanne d'Arc (PSP game) by Level-5
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Pieśń - Studium do obrazu Joanna d`Arc by Jan Matejko
A sketch in the Register of the Parlement of Paris by Clément de Fauquembergue
"Joan of Arc: What Did She Look Like?" YouTube video
Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
Requiem of the Rose King/ Baraou no Souretsu
Hetalia: Axis Powers
The Simpsons: episode "Tales From The Public Domain"
Clone High
Genkaku Picasso
Ikemen Vampire Otome Games
Granblue Fantasy
Sid Meier's Civilization III
Joan of Arc song by Madonna
Afterschool Charisma
Joan of Arc by Arcade Fire
Majo Taisen
Dragon Age
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Joan of Arcadia
Zendaya's 2018 Met Gala costume
Age of Empires II
Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
The Genesis of Misery
Maude Adams as Joan of Arc by Alphonse Mucha
Jeanne d'Arc by Georges Méliès
Jehanne 1429 by Arnaud Courlet de Vregille
Joan of Arc by Gari Melchers
Joan of Arc by Charles Amable Lenoir
Jeanne d'Arc by Roger de La Fresnaye
Johan of Arc - Archives nationales (France) - AE-II-2490 by Vinzez Sozvr Zovzanza
Inazuma Eleven Go
Dragalia Lost
Night at the Museum: Kahmunrah Rises Again
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
The Who Was? Show
The Inquisitor's Tale
Vanitas no Carte
Saints (Boxers and Saints)
Joan by Heather Dale
Saint Joan by George Bernard Shaw
Living Scriptures Animated Hero Classics: Joan of Arc
The Passion of Joan of Arc by Carl Theodor Dryer
Joan of Arc stamp, 1975, Seychelles, for International Women's Year
重奏オルレアン/Chamber Music for Orleans
Johanna von Orleans (Originaltitel The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc)
Joan of Arc by Regisseur Christian Duguay
Statue of Joan of Arc Paris by Emmanuel Frémiet
B&G Foods's Joan of Arc canned beans
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doubleddenden · 1 year
I've been thinking. Jirard The Completionist buying up all of the Wii U and 3DS eshop games and donating them to video game historians is a massive step towards game preservation. That is definitely something impressive he did
But now I'm just thinking of those games that got pulled before he was finished. Before he started even.
He shouldn't have had to spend $24k on this just to preserve them.
Honestly I really think that if a game company is not going to make a reasonable method of legally obtaining a game through traditional means without having to resort to hundreds or thousands of dollars through second hand, they should be free to emulate and available through libraries of some kind. Hell I'll go a step further and say that any game over 10 years of release should be free and legal to emulate.
I know lawmakers and a lot of society may not understand why it's such a big deal, but video games have just as big of an impact on society as books, music, and movies. I'd argue that it's a marriage of the three+ user interaction that really adds a degree of personalization you just can't get from the others unless you've had a personal hand in creating them. A lot of culture has changed and been affected by games- and hell, games even give people the opportunity to interact with the past in a historical or meta sense. RDR2 for instance gives you a small glimpse of life back in the later 1800s, and Donkey Kong Arcade machines are literally historical pieces from an era before house-hold gaming was really viable.
And you know the really, really terrible thing out of this? The data from Jirard's spree is under 2 terabytes. That's not even a server at that point. That's literally a few modern games. They literally had them contained in a few external hard drives and SD cards. Was that really that hard to keep operational? To me, this is just Nintendo ensuring they can port these to the Switch and beyond for a higher price, or worse- sweep some under the rug forever.
Pirating imo has done more for game conservation than Nintendo ever has tbh.
In that light, I think a few things should okay, legal, and done:
1. If a game is no longer available to purchase by reasonable means on modern consoles for a reasonable price without having to resort to price gouged second hand sales, it should be legally free to download, distribute, and emulate
2. If a game console with specific specs is no longer available to customers via reasonable means, it should be legal to emulate on pc or legal to replicate the tech required to do so for a reasonable price. Think like the Retron 5, but for Wii, GameCube, DS, 3DS, and WiiU.
3. There should be fun and accessible museums dedicated to the preservation of older games and other entertainment media, and provide access to those that wish to experience the games as originally intended. Located not just in big cities in California or NYC, but also in smaller cities and states/countries across the globe.
4. From this point onward, there needs to be a larger effort to ensure backwards capability of older games on modern consoles. That means going forward, something like what happens after the Switch needs to be able to support Switch games as well as new ones. For disc based games especially, would it really be that hard to program a ps5 to run a ps2 disc through an internal emulator?
If the tech is no longer being made to play these, and if the old tech or old games are deteriorating, the very least that can be done is to ensure the old still can live on somehow with the new.
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raazberry · 2 years
ahh thank you so much for the compliment on my recent response for the mc monday prompt! ♡♡ mephistopheles gets written off as a jerk, but in-game he's done nothing but own up to his obliviousness & he's on par with solomon tbh!! both in magic & emotional stability, but mephi seems to have a lot more common sense?
he hasn't had a burger before but when met with "you haven't had one before??!?!" from belphie he goes "yeah, i haven't had one before. why are they so cheap?? will the vendors be able to sustain themselves with this much money..."
in the ssr memory card for the cyberverse event, levi said something like, "you've never played this kind of vr game before??" "no, i haven't. can either of you teach me?" and in one of the hard mode URs, he admits that he hasn't been to an arcade before and he just. began excitedly looking around but in the way where it was as if he was looking around a museum & when he got into the photo booth with mc, beel, & raphael, he told mc that he was just copying the way they were smiling so the picture would turn out better (as a way of cultural appreciation) (´;ω;`)
i have SO much to say about my mc; she does have a name! and it starts with an "A"~ i enjoy putting up a mystery as to why i gave her the title of "godtongue" because that name alone is a gateway into her lore. this includes,
a separate reality, a separate universe, spiritual descendants from said universe amongst 13 siblings (including my mc), a curse involving sorcerers' magic consuming sorcerers & turning them into banished denizens of darkness, portals that act as bridges that have since been corrupted & filled with chaotic space,
and other things. SKJDNVKDS
i'm curious...! why did you want to give her a hug? is it because of the opening scene + the last few lines of the fic? :o
WHY IS MEPHISTOPHELES SO??? (holds him) i want to experience the wonders of vr gaming & eating burgers with him.. ><
he seems super straightforward but also extremely out of place/confused to me... & just like you said, low-key reminds me of the way solomon is treated. i can't wait to get to the lessons where he's introduced just so i can get to know more about him he sounds exactly like my type of character.!!
ALSO I WAS LITERALLY GONNA ASK U ABT HER NAME & ORIGINS bc my first thought was "oh is she trans and decided to give herself the funkiest name she could think of?" i will now think of sorcery related names that start with an A to guess what it could be....
i am also incredibly invested in her original reality now... is it this curse that was weighing on her mind in that story? i'm gonna reread it after learning this information 😭
also as for Why i wanted to give her a hug: definitely the last part!! the first paragraph / her internal monologue if i remember correctly (?) made me want to talk to just talk to her and ask her if she's okay and the last paragraph just reinforced that and made me want to just give her a big ol' hug!!!!!! she deserves all the love ever <3
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thisisryderinjapan · 1 month
Day 1
May 6 - Asakusa, Fukugawa Edo Museum, Kiyosumi Park, Arcade, Don Quixote
This moment marks the end of my first day in Japan. I started the day by waking up at midnight, rising from bed in fear that I had slept through half the day (I thought it was 12pm, not 12am), then tyring to go back to bed after realizing it was actually midnight. I was able to fall back asleep, but woke up at three o'clock in the morning with no hope of falling back to sleep, at which point I did the readings for class later in the morning. After class, we went to Asakusa to see the temple and the shops, where I got a matcha puff pastry and a strawberry frappuccino. I don't like matcha, and was reminded of this reality when I bit into the pastry and didn't like it at all. Nevertheless, i finished the whole thing. The strawberry frappuccino was very good and had delicious almond flour jelly on the bottom. After Asakysa, we went to the Fukugawa Edo Museum where we learned about what the area looked like hundreds of years ago. Then, a few of us traveled to nearby Kiyusomi Park, where they had turtles, koi, and pretty vegetation. After the garden, I unsuccessfully tried to withdraw cash from an ATM, and then we went back to the hotel. As I write this, we just returned from going out for dinner, browsing an arcade, and seeing one of the many Don Quixotes (something I can confidently say I will never do again). Overall, the day was productive, but I am extremely tired and looking forward to showering and sleeping.
Academic Reflection
One of the things that has most clearly revealed itself to me after completing the readings was the "cuteness" of Japan that was explained in the Yano - Wink on Pink reading, in which Yano describes a country whose international defining characteristic has become the novel cuteness of characters such as Hello Kitty. Some support the symbol of the Kitty because it represents the rise of Japan on the world stage after its obliteration in WWII, while others reject the dominance of the Kitty as a reduction of Japan to nothing more than cartoon characters in the eyes of the world, lamenting the departure of the past's characterization of Japan as being filled with strong Samurais and hard-working salarymen. After reading about the "cuteness" of Japanese culture, I definitely noticed it in person in most of the young women that I saw and even some of the men. It was certainly very evident in the "maids" advertising the maid cafés on the streets and in the young Japanese people throughout the arcade we visited who were indeed ogling for every stuffed animal in the building.
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nataliehegert · 1 month
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At the International UFO Museum in Roswell, New Mexico, a group of grey-skinned, silver clad extraterrestrials stand rigid under a metal flying saucer that periodically emits a cloud of vapor from its base. The ground under the aliens’ feet is made to look like rocky desert soil, with plastic cacti and yucca plants interspersed with real rocks and fake rocks, while a replica of a juniper tree partially obscures the metal stand that holds the spaceship aloft. The photo backdrop, instead of depicting the local scenery of Roswell, where the High Plains of the Llano Estacado drop off into the Chihuahuan Desert, erroneously places the figures in the Sonoran Desert, indicated by the presence of a few tall saguaro cacti.
Museum exhibits recount the story of the purported UFO crash in 1947 in a field just outside of Roswell and the subsequent theories of military coverups, alien autopsies, and actual top-secret government surveillance programs. A kind of 20th century folklore unfolds in the chronicling of close encounters of the first, second, and third kind: flying saucer sightings around the globe, reports of strange psychological effects and missing gaps of time, and (wildly) various sketches of alien lifeforms that people claim to have seen.
Outside the museum, one encounters little green men everywhere. On benches, in restaurants, on signs and lampposts.
Before the UFO Museum opened in the 90s the Roswell Incident mythology lay somewhat dormant, staying alive only in the inquisitive imaginations of the UFO obsessed. The museum now welcomes thousands of visitors a year, the linchpin of the city’s new identity as a mecca for alien tourism.
Artist Eric J. García came to Roswell for a year-long stay at the Roswell Artist-in-Residence program and found the critical mass of aliens “seeped” into his brain and started showing up in his artwork. “I started questioning, who’s the alien? Who’s from here, not from here?”
García, who is known for his graphic style and political cartoons, grew up in Albuquerque and got his BFA from the University of New Mexico with a minor in Chicano Studies, and then his MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Before that, he served in the Air Force for four and a half years.
He emerged from his service in a state of disillusionment. By that I mean he became aware of the “illusion” that the U.S. projected abroad and to its own citizenry. “Texas, the Alamo, the West, the idea of the cowboy, the frontier, [other] iconic Americana myths, these are super embedded,” he says.
The myth-building was on display in Roswell in an extremely conspicuous way: in the form of flying saucers and alien caricatures, all in service of tourism to the small Eastern New Mexico city. But it was all a grand distraction from the real truth, García found. Aliens were here, and they had in fact colonized the place.
In Roswell, I used to see these tourist shirts with an alien wearing a sombrero and serape, indicating that people from south of the border are not from here, are alien, are not human. Whereas there are many people crossing that border speaking Indigenous languages…They are from the Americas but now we’re calling them aliens.
In García’s video Alien Juxta (2021), he blends popular science-fiction images of extraterrestrials with “actual aliens”—juxtaposing Alf with Christopher Columbus, flying saucers with colonial ships. Even the language sounds sci-fi: the New World and the Old World. The Final Frontier.
Working with artist and video game designer Rafael Fajardo, García adapted the classic arcade game of Space Invaders, replacing the space aliens with cowboys, cannons, and cathedrals—symbols of American colonization. As the game player, you are an Indigenous person, shooting the invaders with a bow and arrow. “I want people to understand these perspectives,” García says, “that the colonial powers were not always here. There were a people here before you.”
To impress his message, García utilizes tactics of humor, satire, subversion, and a graphic style reminiscent of cartoons and the nostalgia of early video games. In his ink drawings, he often breaks down an image into basic geometric blocks, mimicking 8-bit graphics, a super-simplification of image and idea.
These tech-y icons, however, García renders in an ancient and Indigenous medium—cochineal ink, made from insects that inhabit the nopal cactus. When the Spanish brought cochineal back to Europe from the Americas, it became a phenomenon—carmine red. García also makes his own ink from the fruit of the nopal, the bright violet-pink of the prickly pear tuna, which is vivid and pretty, but unstable and lends itself to erasure if exposed to sunlight.
In Game Over (2023), García employs blood-red cochineal ink to depict the 1945 detonation of the first atomic bomb, the Trinity test, in the Tularosa Basin of New Mexico. Departing from the blocky 8-bit motif, a cloud billows up and away from the X on the map, indicating the lasting effects of fallout drifting across the surrounding region and up into the atmosphere. The moment the world entered the Anthropocene, according to some. GAME OVER, indeed.
During his service in in the Air Force, “working in the belly of the beast,” García came to learn the global extent of the U.S. military presence. He reflects on the pervasive myth of the benevolence and judiciousness of the U.S. empire, and how embedded the military-industrial complex actually is in our society:
I grew up completely militarized. I played G.I. Joes, I read G.I. Joe comics, I watched Rambo action movies, I played military video games, I was constantly being exposed to militarism, right here in Albuquerque with the Kirtland Air Force Base. Every day around six o’clock the Air Force chopper would fly over like clockwork. I was constantly bombarded.
His brother joined the military before him. It was understood that military service was a way out and a way to get to college. He says, “It was inevitable that I would join.”
Aim High is a recruiting slogan for the Air Force, but it also refers to García’s ultimate target when it comes to his artwork. He has his sights set on the biggest forces in the game: imperialism, colonialism, militarism, white supremacy.
With satire and wit, García exposes the construction of reality proffered by the powerful, the alien empire embedded in this land. Their narrative has evolved over the centuries, from the Doctrine of Discovery, to Manifest Destiny, to Make America Great Again or Build Back Better. But, with a blast from a ray gun, an arrow from a bow, or a stroke of the pen, García blows their cover, explodes their myths.
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Eric J. García: Mythbuster, published as a fold-out gallery text on the occasion of the artist’s exhibition at Texas Tech University’s Landmark Gallery, February 17 - April 21, 2024.
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nouveau-blog · 2 months
L’Art interactif permet-il un engagement ?
Dans le monde de l’art contemporain, une évolution importante est apparue au cours des dernières décennies : l’arrivée de l’art interactif. Loin des peintures accrochées aux murs des galeries, l'art interactif invite le public à devenir partie intégrante de l'œuvre elle-même. L’essentielle dans l’art interactive  c’est de transformer les spectateurs en Co-créateurs.
Contrairement à l’Art traditionnel ou les œuvres sont souvent appréciées à distance, l’art interactif supprime cette distance car il incite les spectateurs à interagir avec l’œuvre d’une manière qui engage leur aspect émotionnel, physique et intellectuel.
Mais la vrai question est : L’œuvre meurt si il y’a personne qui interagies avec ? l’Art interactif permet-il un engagement ? …
Il y’a plusieurs œuvres interactives qui ont pu marquer les esprits, par exemples :
Rain Room :
Random International est un groupe d'art post-digital connu pour ses installations interactives utilisant divers médias tels que la lumière, la cinétique, l'impression et le son. Le but du groupe, est d'étudier l'impact que le progrès technologique a sur la vie humaine et de créer des liens avec diverses formes de vie.
            Random International :
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Lien: https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a944dffe17ba3e1028384c2/1519756779106-GGD69MNIFIE0QRT927XI/IMG_1697+2.jpg
En 2015, le Los Angeles County Museum of Art a obtenue en prêt l’installation artistique Rain Room pour une durée de 15 mois, qui a su attirer pas moins de 190 000 visiteurs, ceci a attiré l’institution culturelle de l’ouest des États-Unis a acheté l’œuvre, en 2017.
Rain Room met en scène une pièce sombre où il pleut sans interruption ainsi que des détecteurs sont installés pour capter la présence d’un individu, l’eau s’arrête au dessus du spectateur mais continue de l’entourer.
Il faut avancer lentement pour que cette installation puisse déceler le mouvement du spectateur.
                     Rain Room :
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Lien : https://media.beauxarts.com/uploads/2017/01/digitalmeetsculture.jpg
Vidéo de l’œuvre :
The Treachery of Sanctuary :
L’artiste: Chris Milk est un artiste numérique américain, c’est un entrepreneur, photographe et innovateur. Il avait commencé sa carrière dans les vidéos de musiques, Milk avait cofondé Within et Here Be Dragons, une société de technologie virtuelle.
Les œuvres de Milk ont été exposées dans des musées du monde entier, comme le Musée d'art moderne de New York, le Tate Modern de Londres, Cent Quatre à Paris et le Barbican Centre à Londres …
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Lien : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chris_Milk_-_Headshot.jpg#/media/File:Chris_Milk_-_Headshot.jpg
Il a été nommé parmi les 100 personnes les plus influentes par WIRED, un des joueurs numériques les plus puissants de Los Angeles, et l'un des 100 plus créatifs de Fast Company.
The Treachery of Sanctuary: est une œuvre d’art interactive créée par Chris Milk, elle a été  présentée à l'exposition "Digital Revolution" à Londres(2014). Cette œuvre transforme l’ombre des spectateurs en une volée d’oiseaux.
Milk voit son œuvre comme un tableau qui représente les trois stades de la création :
le corps se désintègre en oiseaux, le moment de la naissance.
Représentation de la réaction critique, de l'allègement par soi-même ou par la force extérieure.
représente la transfiguration, lorsque vous surmontez la mort et que l'idée se transforme en quelque chose de plus grand (il vous pousse des ailes géantes).
Chris Milk avait déjà créé pour le groupe canadien Arcade Fire un très beau film interactif,  qui jouait sur la mémoire des lieux du spectateur.
         The Treachery of Sanctuary
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Lien : https://d3atsf3fgek2rw.cloudfront.net/content/uploads/2012/05/Chris-Milk-The-Treachery-of-Sanctuary-photo-Bryan-Derballa.1.jpg
Vidéo YouTube :  
Sur ces deux exemples nous remarquons que sans la participation du publique l’œuvre meurt, donc pour que ces œuvres existent pleinement il faut oser, sans la tentation l’œuvre n’existe plus (sur ces deux exemple l’Art interactif permet un engagement aux spectateurs).
Il y’as aussi d’autre exemples sur l’Art interactif ou l’engagement avec les spectateurs n’est plus nécessaire, ce sont des œuvres avec ou sans interaction par exemple : Dora l’exploratrice (Dessin animés) qui pose des questions directement aux enfants, les encourageant à participer en répondant à ses questions, l'interaction est encouragée mais non essentielle pour le déroulement de l'histoire. Même si les enfants ne répondent pas aux questions de Dora, l'œuvre continue sans interruption.
Farahat Laroussi Malak
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retrogamingreplay · 3 months
The Strong Museum, known for its dedication to preserving and celebrating the history of video games, has recently announced the 12 finalists for the World Video Game Hall of Fame Class of 2024. The museum selected these titles from thousands of nominations, considering factors such as the game's iconic status, longevity, geographical reach, and influence on the gaming industry and popular culture. A Diverse Range of Finalists The list of finalists spans several decades and genres, showcasing the evolution of video games over time. The oldest title on the list is Atari's Asteroids, released in arcades in 1979, while the most recent is Activision's Guitar Hero, the 2005 rhythm game that took the world by storm and led to countless plastic guitars flooding second-hand video game stores. The full list of finalists includes: Asteroids Elite Guitar Hero Metroid Myst Neopets Resident Evil SimCity Tokimeki Memorial Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Ultima You Don't Know Jack Voting Process and Induction Ceremony Fans can now cast their votes for their favorite games on the Player's Choice Ballot. The top three games from the public vote will be counted as a single ballot, joining the ballots submitted by the International Selection Advisory Committee, which consists of journalists and scholars in the gaming industry. Voting will remain open until March 21st, and the final inductees will be revealed at a special ceremony at The Strong Museum on Thursday, May 9, at 10:30 a.m. (EDT). The museum has a dedicated page showcasing the previous years' inductees, highlighting the most influential and groundbreaking games in history. The Significance of the World Video Game Hall of Fame The World Video Game Hall of Fame at The Strong Museum plays a crucial role in recognizing and preserving the legacy of the most important and influential video games ever created. By inducting titles that have left a lasting impact on the industry and popular culture, the museum ensures that these games and their contributions are remembered and celebrated for generations to come. As the gaming community eagerly awaits the announcement of the final inductees, the diverse list of finalists serves as a reminder of the rich history and rapid evolution of the video game medium. From the simple yet addictive gameplay of Asteroids to the genre-defining experiences of Metroid and Resident Evil, each of these games has played a significant role in shaping the industry as we know it today. [caption id="attachment_168182" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] Strong Museum[/caption] The Impact of the World Video Game Hall of Fame Finalists Each of the 12 finalists for the World Video Game Hall of Fame Class of 2024 has made significant contributions to the gaming industry and popular culture. Let's take a closer look at some of these titles and their impact: Asteroids (1979) Released by Atari, Asteroids is a classic arcade game that helped define the early days of video gaming. Its simple yet addictive gameplay, combined with its innovative vector graphics, made it an instant hit and inspired countless clones and variations. Metroid (1986) Nintendo's Metroid introduced players to the iconic bounty hunter Samus Aran and popularized the concept of non-linear exploration in video games. The game's atmospheric setting, memorable soundtrack, and innovative gameplay mechanics have made it a beloved classic and spawned a successful franchise. Myst (1993) Developed by Cyan, Myst is a groundbreaking adventure game that captivated players with its immersive world, stunning visuals, and intricate puzzles. It became one of the best-selling PC games of all time and demonstrated the potential of the CD-ROM format for delivering rich, engaging experiences. Resident Evil (1996) Capcom's Resident Evil revolutionized the survival horror genre with its cinematic presentation, intense atmosphere, and memorable characters. The game's success led to numerous sequels, spin-offs, and adaptations in other media, cementing its status as a cultural phenomenon.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (1999) Developed by Neversoft, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater brought skateboarding culture to the mainstream and redefined the sports game genre. Its intuitive controls, addictive gameplay, and iconic soundtrack made it an instant classic and sparked a series of successful sequels. Asteroids (1979) Released by Atari, Asteroids is a classic arcade game that helped define the early days of video gaming. Its simple yet addictive gameplay, combined with its innovative vector graphics, made it an instant hit and inspired countless clones and variations. Metroid (1986) Nintendo's Metroid introduced players to the iconic bounty hunter Samus Aran and popularized the concept of non-linear exploration in video games. The game's atmospheric setting, memorable soundtrack, and innovative gameplay mechanics have made it a beloved classic and spawned a successful franchise. Myst (1993) Developed by Cyan, Myst is a groundbreaking adventure game that captivated players with its immersive world, stunning visuals, and intricate puzzles. It became one of the best-selling PC games of all time and demonstrated the potential of the CD-ROM format for delivering rich, engaging experiences. Resident Evil (1996) Capcom's Resident Evil revolutionized the survival horror genre with its cinematic presentation, intense atmosphere, and memorable characters. The game's success led to numerous sequels, spin-offs, and adaptations in other media, cementing its status as a cultural phenomenon. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (1999) Developed by Neversoft, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater brought skateboarding culture to the mainstream and redefined the sports game genre. Its intuitive controls, addictive gameplay, and iconic soundtrack made it an instant classic and sparked a series of successful sequels. The Selection Process for the World Video Game Hall of Fame The Strong Museum's World Video Game Hall of Fame has a rigorous selection process to ensure that only the most influential and important video games are inducted each year. The process involves several steps and the input of both industry experts and the general public. Nomination Process The first step in the selection process is the nomination phase. Anyone can nominate a game for consideration, including video game enthusiasts, industry professionals, and scholars. Nominations are accepted year-round through the Strong Museum's website. To be eligible for nomination, a game must meet the following criteria: It must have been released for public consumption more than ten years prior to the nomination year. It must have achieved icon status, meaning it is widely recognized and remembered. It must have longevity, with a significant influence on the gaming industry and popular culture. It must have geographical reach, having been played and enjoyed by people in multiple countries. It must have had a significant influence on the design and development of other video games, popular culture, or society in general. Selection Committee Review Once the nomination period closes, the Strong Museum's International Selection Advisory Committee reviews the nominations. This committee is composed of journalists, scholars, and other industry experts who have a deep understanding of video game history and culture. The committee evaluates each nominated game based on the criteria mentioned above, discussing its merits and impact on the gaming industry. After careful deliberation, the committee narrows down the list of nominees to a group of finalists, typically around 12 games. Player's Choice Ballot After the finalists are announced, the public is invited to participate in the Player's Choice Ballot. This online poll allows fans to vote for their favorite games among the finalists, giving them a chance to have their voices heard in the selection process. The top three games from the Player's Choice Ballot are then counted as a single ballot, which is added to the ballots submitted by the International Selection Advisory Committee.
Final Selection and Induction Ceremony The ballots from the Selection Advisory Committee and the Player's Choice Ballot are tallied, and the games with the most votes are chosen for induction into the World Video Game Hall of Fame. The final inductees are typically announced in a special ceremony at the Strong Museum, where industry professionals, gaming enthusiasts, and media gather to celebrate the newly honored games. The selection process for the World Video Game Hall of Fame is designed to be thorough, transparent, and inclusive, ensuring that the games inducted each year truly represent the best and most influential titles in video game history. By combining the expertise of industry professionals with the passion and input of the gaming community, the Strong Museum has created a robust and respected institution that honors the rich heritage of the video game medium. The Future of the World Video Game Hall of Fame As the Strong Museum continues to recognize and celebrate the most influential video games through the World Video Game Hall of Fame, it plays a vital role in preserving the history and cultural significance of the medium. By inducting new titles each year, the museum not only honors the past but also highlights the ongoing evolution and innovation within the gaming industry. As video games continue to grow and evolve as an art form and entertainment medium, the World Video Game Hall of Fame will undoubtedly expand to include even more groundbreaking and influential titles in the years to come. The Class of 2024 finalists represent just a small sample of the countless games that have shaped the industry and touched the lives of millions of players around the world.
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taruntravell · 8 months
2 Days Itinerary in The Fashion Capital Of Milan
Milan, Italy is indeed the fashion capital of the world, known for its high-end shopping, stunning architecture, and rich history. Here's a suggested 2-day itinerary to help you make the most of your visit:
Day 1: Explore Milan's Fashion and Culture
Breakfast at a Café: Start your day with a classic Italian breakfast at a local café. Enjoy a cappuccino and a pastry.
Duomo di Milano: Visit the iconic Milan Cathedral, Duomo di Milano. Take some time to admire its stunning Gothic architecture and consider climbing to the rooftop for panoramic views of the city.
Late Morning: 3. Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II: Just a stone's throw from the Duomo, explore this elegant shopping arcade. It's one of the world's oldest shopping malls, filled with luxury boutiques.
Lunch: 4. Brera District: Head to the Brera district for lunch. This area is known for its artistic vibe and has many charming restaurants and cafes. Try some traditional Italian dishes.
Afternoon: 5. Pinacoteca di Brera: Visit the Brera Art Gallery, home to an impressive collection of Italian art, including works by Caravaggio and Raphael.
Shopping: Spend your afternoon shopping in the Quadrilatero della Moda (Fashion Quadrangle), home to high-end fashion boutiques like Prada, Gucci, and Versace.
Evening: 7. Aperitivo: Experience the Milanese tradition of aperitivo. Head to a trendy bar in the Navigli district or along Corso Como for cocktails and complimentary snacks.
Dinner: Enjoy a stylish Italian dinner at a local restaurant. Milan has a thriving food scene, so try some traditional Milanese dishes.
Day 2: Art and Culture in Milan
Breakfast: Start your day with another delicious Italian breakfast.
Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper: Book tickets in advance to see Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece, The Last Supper, at the Santa Maria delle Grazie church. This iconic painting is a must-see.
Late Morning: 3. Sforza Castle: Explore the Sforza Castle, a historic fortress with various museums and beautiful gardens. Don't miss Michelangelo's unfinished sculpture, the Rondanini Pietà.
Lunch: 4. Café in Sempione Park: Have lunch at a café in Parco Sempione, the park adjacent to Sforza Castle. Enjoy your meal amidst greenery and serene surroundings.
Afternoon: 5. La Scala Opera House: Take a guided tour of La Scala, one of the world's most famous opera houses, to learn about its history and architecture.
Museo del Novecento: Visit the Museum of the Twentieth Century, which showcases modern and contemporary art by Italian and international artists.
Evening: 7. Navigli District: Spend your evening exploring the Navigli district, known for its picturesque canals and vibrant nightlife. You can enjoy a romantic canal-side dinner or visit a lively bar.
Milan offers a perfect blend of fashion, art, and culture, and this 2-day itinerary should give you a taste of what this stylish city has to offer. Adjust it to your interests and pace, and don't forget to make reservations for popular attractions in advance to avoid long lines. Enjoy your trip to the fashion capital of Milan!
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cool-in-cypress-ca · 11 months
Cypress, CA - A Hidden Gem
Cypress, California, is a hidden gem in Orange County, with excellent schools, beautiful parks, and exciting activities. It offers excellent educational opportunities, with top-rated districts like Anaheim Union High School District and Cypress School District. Cypress High School consistently ranks high in statewide rankings, offering Advanced Placement classes. Oxford Academy, a public college preparatory school, is ranked as one of the best in the country. Cypress School District is renowned for its strong academic programs and dedicated teachers, making it an ideal place to call home. Cypress, CA, is also an excellent senior living community. It’s an inspired retirement living.
Cypress Senior Apartments
Westmont of Cypress is a Cypress senior apartment, the perfect place to enjoy a fulfilling and engaging lifestyle. The community is designed to foster lifelong learning, community involvement, and personal satisfaction. With a range of activities, such as ballroom dancing, museum exhibits, volunteering at local schools, and making new friends, you're sure to find something that suits your interests. The welcoming amenities provide endless opportunities for you to enjoy your new life. They have the Live Your Way Wellness Program, Dine Your Way, a fitness center, pool, on-site therapy services, movie theater, outdoor courtyard, spacious and comfortable living areas, central location, library, salon and barber shop, 24-hour availability, concierge services, on-site maintenance, resident and guest parking, scheduled transportation, and pet-friendly policies. For more information, call (714) 252-7144.
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Adventure City 
Adventure City is a family-friendly amusement park in Stanton, California, known for its affordable prices and family-friendly atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy rides like the Freeway Coaster, Barnstormer Planes, and Rewind Racers and visit the petting zoo with goats, sheep, and pigs. The arcade offers various games, such as skeeball, air hockey, and video games. A picnic area is available for meals or snacks. Adventure City also hosts magic shows, puppet shows, and musical performances. The park is easily accessible on foot, with gardens, a water park, and a train ride.
Cypress police arrested due to sexual assault
An off-duty Cypress Police Department officer was arrested for alleged sexual assault at his home in Garden Grove. The officer met someone at a bar and drove back to his house. The alleged victim fled and called police. The officer initially refused to come out but eventually managed to talk the suspect into surrendering. This man was arrested and booked into the Orange County Jail. The officer, who has been with the Cypress Police Department since 2008, is on administrative leave pending an internal affairs investigation. It’s sad that police officers should be the ones to protect the people, not to victimize them. Read more.
Link to maps
Adventure City 1238 S Beach Blvd, Anaheim, CA 90680, United States Head west on Starr St toward Beach Blvd 233 ft Turn left onto Beach Blvd Pass by Taco Bell (on the left in 0.2 mi) 0.8 mi Turn right onto Katella Ave Pass by Rubio's Coastal Grill (on the right in 1 mi) 3.2 mi Turn right onto Ticonderoga Dr Destination will be on the left 138 ft Westmont of Cypress 4889 Katella Ave, Cypress, CA 90720, United States
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bekoobove · 11 months
Fazbear Fears #13: In Too Deep
 …Stephen finally gets to make the RPG of his dreams without corporate interference, but a different force is altering things behind the scenes…
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 As the video call began, Stephen put on his most polite smile.
 ‘What are they going to ask me for this time?’ he thought bitterly.
 The screen lit up, showing the only other person in the call: Jonathan Klein, head of Public Relations at Fazbear Entertainment. He grinned back at Stephen.
 “Mr Hawthorne! It’s a pleasure to see you again. Great job on Five Nights at Fazbear’s 4 so far, I’m really liking how it’s coming together.”
 “Thank you, Mr Klein. The pleasure is all mine, really; your funding has helped me to try something different.”
 “Well, if you’re in the mood to make something even more different, the company has a new project for you.”
 Stephen groaned internally. This is what he’d been afraid of. Would he be trapped by this franchise forever?
 It had all started about two years ago. Stephen and his family had been on a road trip through Utah, and stopped in a small town overnight. Bored, they’d gone to the town’s local history museum, expecting it to be little more than a collection of dusty relics from the pioneering days.
 However, there was a strange exhibit- an exhibit based on Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. Apparently, this town was where the first one had been founded, and it was a source of local pride. There were lots of objects from there- menus, animatronics parts, old arcades…
 But what really intrigued Stephen was the recreation of the building’s old security office. Apparently, poor security guards working the night shift had been forced to watch through a camera system and use electromagnetic doors to fend off intruders- or malfunctioning animatronics.
 Stephen had heard those rumors about the restaurants’ robots, and they always fascinated him. As returned to their motel room that day, an idea sparked in his mind- create a terrifying game designed to simulate that experience.
 It had been quite different from his previous work, but the concept was so eerily fun that he made it work. He released it, hoping for a few people to enjoy it.
 To his surprise, though, it was more like a few thousand. Within a day, his game was one of the most popular on the website!
 But that attracted some unwanted attention.
 Fazbear Entertainment emailed him one day, and Stephen, bracing for a defamation lawsuit, opened it. However, what they offered was an agreement- create more games, and he’d receive funding and help releasing them on a bigger scale. They only had two conditions- the agreement must remain secret, and they had the final say about anything he made.
 It was then he made the dumbest choice he’d ever made- agreeing.
 Now he was forced to keep creating the Five Nights at Fazbear games. He’d only completed two more so far, but he had the feeling it was just the beginning. When he inquired about calling the deal off, the company had hinted that his fear of a lawsuit would be confirmed.
 So here he was. Stuck, forced to continue making these games for however long Fazbear Entertainment wished. He’d give everything to make something different… ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 As it turned out, he didn’t have to give anything at all.
 “Any kind of game I want?!” Stephen gasped in disbelief.
 “As long as it features the characters but isn’t horror, have at it. Oh, and make it really goofy- no depth at all. May I suggest a pizzeria simulator or a side-scroller beat-em-up?”
 “I know what I’m making.” Stephen smiled- a real one this time. “A party-based RPG.”
 Jonathan considered this. “Hm, yeah, that could work. I think you’ve really got something. Take a few days to come up with some concepts, we’ll meet in another call.”
 “Thank you, sir. I won’t let you down!”
 The call ended. Stephen eagerly ran out of his office, and found his wife Carmen reading a book on the sofa.
 “Honey, honey. It finally happened! Fazbear Entertainment is letting me make my own RPG!”
 She raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. “Chipper’s Lumber Quest?”
 “No- well, sort of. They’re letting me make whatever kind of game I want, and I’m going to adapt Chipper’s Lumber Quest for the Fazbear brand. It’ll take some time remodeling all the characters, but just think about it. The game I’ve always wanted to make will be released for the whole world to play!”
 Carmen smiled, but seemed nervous. “Stephen, dear…are you sure it’s that simple? We know Fazbear Entertainment is hardly the most honest company. Are you sure they’ll really let you make it?”
 Stephen was barely listening, though. He’d already practically skipped back to his office to dig through his notes and make some sketches.
 Carmen laughed a little. “Well, at least he’s happy.” She returned to her book.
 “Hey, Stephen.” Jonathan said. “How’s development on the RPG coming along?”
 “Great!” Stephen answered enthusiastically. It had only been a few weeks, but when Stephen was excited about a project, he got to work fast. “I’ve designed most of the player characters, bosses, and NPCs. Right now I’m trying to figure out each character’s moveset.”
 “Awesome.” Jonathan replied. “By the way, I showed the Nightmare Bonnie model from 4 to our source. Apparently, it needs whiskers.”
 “Whiskers? Normal Bonnie doesn’t have whiskers.”
 “An old animatronic model did. Don’t know why it’s based on that one, but I don’t care. Think it could look cool.”
 Ah, Fazbear Entertainment’s mysterious source. As part of their agreement, Fazbear Entertainment had gotten into contact with an old security guard. Whoever they were, they had a lot of knowledge about the old pizzerias, especially the animatronics and security setups. Since then they’d been feeding Stephen information through Jonathan about how to make the games more accurate. Stephen often wondered about them- what had they faced those lonely nights while they worked? Had their experiences truly been similar to his games?
 “Stephen? Stephen, did you get that about the whiskers?”
 Shaken out of his thoughts, Stephen hastily responded. “Wha- oh, yeah. I’ll add those.”
 There came a knock at the door. Stephen shot a hold on gesture to Jonathan and looked out his office’s window, onto the porch. A cardboard package was being deposited by a postal worker, plain except for a Fazbear Entertainment logo.
 “Hey, what’d you guys send me?” Stephen asked, confused.
 “Oh, it arrived.” Jonathan began to explain. “That box is filled with some old stuff that could help your RPG’s production. There’s some old voice boxes with character speech, and circuit boards from classic Freddy Fazbear arcades. We want there to be some references to some old-fashioned video games, from the good old days.”
 Stephen quickly walked to his house’s door, and picked the box off the porch. After returning to the office, he quickly tore the package open and looked inside. Sure enough, it was stuffed with circuit boards and other small techy-whatsits.
 “There’s definitely some usable code on those boards, so I’ll be sure to scan that in.” Stephen affirmed. He picked one circuit up and examined it, realizing the edges looked burned and melted. “Hey, where’d you get them from anyway?”
 “Remember Fazbear’s Fright?”
 “That security attraction FNAF 3 was based on that burned down a couple of years ago?”
 “Right. These were salvaged from the building’s remains and were sold at an auction a few months later. Fazbear Entertainment snatched up this stuff from it.”
 Stephen chuckled. “Y’know, for a company that’s trying to rebrand for the modern age, you guys put a lot of work into remembering the past.”
 There was an awkward moment of silence. “Uh, yeah.” Jonathan answered. “By the way, if you see any…unusual glitches resulting from the boards, just patch them quickly. Don’t get in too deep is all I’m saying. Ok?”
 “Ok, Mr Klein.” Stephen promised
 A few technical discussions later, their call was over, and Stephen returned to his work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 The following week, Stephen began scanning the arcade circuit boards. He had some advanced software on his computer that allowed him to load the old games, and he got straight to work remaking them in Fazbear Adventure World. It was a varied bunch- Chica’s Rainbow Rampage, Dee-Dee’s Fishing Hole, Foxy Fighters, and Freddy In Space. Stephen had a good time with these- enjoying both integrating them into the game and reminiscing on when he’d played these at his city’s old Freddy’s.
 One day Stephen smiled, having completed his play test of Foxy Fighters. “Another mini-game done!” he cheered. He grabbed the box from below his desk and rooted around in it, hoping to find another circuit board. He did, and pulled it out.
 It looked a little older than the others- Stephen guessed the mid-eighties to the others’ early nineties. He scanned it quickly, curious what 8-bit adventures were formed by its code.
 A select screen came up, revealing this was a collection of mini-games. Stephen clicked through them. They were called BB’s Air Adventure, Mangle’s Quest, Chica’s Party and Stage 01. Stephen scratched his head. He’d never heard of any of these.
 Suddenly, Stephen realized there was one more minigame in the file. He selected it, and his screen lit up with a fuzzy red light.
 His bear avatar was in a clearing, bordered on all sides by crimson pine trees. A similarly red lake sat at the center of the clearing. The space was otherwise empty, save for a single sprite sitting on a rock, casting a fishing line into the lake. The sprite’s species was vague, its only identifiable feature a large mouth filled with blocky teeth- an alligator, maybe?
 Unlike the others, the software didn’t register a game title. It also didn’t give any clarification of how to play or who this strange character was- though it’d probably never graced a pizzeria’s stage.
 Stephen was unnerved. The game was eerily silent, adding to the empty feeling. Eventually he figured out how to move his character around, and walked towards the sprite.
 Without it even moving, it began to speak to him through text on the screen.
 “My name is Old Man Consequences. Come have a seat, and let’s fish for a while. You have no where else to go.”
 It had nothing else to say. Stephen, confused, shut off his computer. “I don’t think I’ll be adding these minigames.” He made a note to himself. “There’s just something weird about them.”
 From the kitchen, he heard Carmen calling that dinner was ready. He eagerly left the office, hoping for meatloaf.
 Stephen looked down at his body. It was a strange mass of sharp corners that vaguely formed a primitive body. It glowed red, just like everything around him.
 The red glow didn’t look electric, though. It was more like light reflecting off of a shiny red substance that coated the trees- a substance that seemed to be flowing…
 With a start, Stephen realized it was blood- shiny rivulets that poured down the trees from an unknown source.
 Panicked, Stephen looked around, trying to scream for help. But he had no mouth to scream with.
 Eventually he forced his twisted body to move. Slowly he inched forward, until he was at the bank of the red lake.
 It was also full of blood, but there were other strange sprites just visible beneath the opaque surface. A silhouette of a child holding a balloon, a grid of four squares, several roundish blobs with slit eyes, the outline of a box, and a bunny figure. All of them swirled aimlessly beneath the surface, as if looking for their proper place.
 From across the lake, Stephen noticed a figure- Old Man Consequences. It began to speak again.
 “My name is Old Man Consequences. Come have a seat, and let’s fish for a while. You have no where else to go.”
 It seemed to become stuck on the line, repeating it several more times. With each repetition, the bloody reflections grew brighter and brighter, until Stephen’s vision was consumed by the blinding light…
 Stephen gasped as he opened his eyes. He looked around in a panic, and realized he was in his bedroom.
 “Oh, right.” Stephen muttered. “I went to sleep.”
 All else was normal. Carmen laid next to him, snoring a little. The quiet hum of their ceiling fan invertebrates from above. The clock on the wall ticked the seconds away.
 So why did he still feel so uncomfortable? Without an explanation, Stephen settled back into bed, and hoped for dreamless sleep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 After a restless night and a good breakfast, Stephen entered his office ready to resume work on the game. Before he did, though, he decided to delete the minigames from yesterday. Logically it wasn’t like they could hurt him, but he’d be happier with them gone regardless.
 Stephen pulled up the file where he’d kept the circuit board data, and was surprised to see all five mini-games were gone.
 “But how?” Stephen asked himself. “Did the kids mess around with my computer?”
 Eventually, Stephen tried to shrug it off and opened the file for the RPG, ready to get back to work. To his surprise, though, the minigames had entered this file. All four seemed to have merged with the game’s main code.
 Alarmed, Stephen tried to delete them. For some reason, though, he couldn’t even remove them from the file.
 The day was spent experimenting, trying everything possible to untangle the games’ codes, but nothing worked. Finally, he had a new, desperate idea: hide the mini-games deep within the code.
 And he did, burying them beneath the game’s surface. Stephen was still worried about getting in trouble, though: Fazbear Entertainment had asked for a secret-free, innocent game, but now anyone who searched the files would find creepy 8-bit mini-games. Still, maybe they would be perceived as just easter eggs rather than something more. He put in the most work hiding the Old Man Consequences game, since it was too weird and creepy to be considered just a reference.
 By the time Carmen called him for dinner, he was exhausted. He’d never felt so helpless to fix a problem in any of his games. In a daze, he walked out, hoping tomorrow would be better. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 It wasn’t, and neither were the next few months. Stephen continued to dream of Old Man Consequence’s lake- while they were never quite as complete a vision as the first, glowing bloody trees and that cursed no where else to go line were frequent guests in his slumbering mind. And things were hardly better during the day either.
 Whatever these games were, they were more than mere intruders. Gradually, they had begun to alter the RPG, primarily the feature called the sub-tunnels. Stephen had designed them as simple shortcuts throughout the game, both for himself and to reward the curious player. But the tunnels had changed- growing and shifting like roots beneath the earth. They began bugging out certain characters, and spawning twisted versions of them in the glitchy halls. What Stephen had designed as a simple cheat had become a bizarre, labyrinthian underworld that he couldn’t do anything to stop, and it wasn’t for lack of trying. He spent at least twelve hours each day staring at his computer, trying to finish the normal game while desperately covering up his mistakes. Stephen barely ate, and hardly saw his family. It was exhausting- even play testing the sub-tunnels caused his mind to flash with memories from the lake. It was really starting to feel true, what Old Man Consequences had said- he had no where else to go.
 One night, Stephen awoke suddenly. He didn’t know why- he hadn’t had another nightmare.
 Still, thoughts of his game and the lake filled his tired head. He didn’t know why, but he felt like something was going wrong- even more wrong- with the game.
 He couldn’t place this bizarre feeling, but he felt it strongly enough that he began to crawl out of bed. The floorboards creaked beneath his feet, causing Carmen to wake up as well.
 Wiping her eyes, she rolled her head to look at him. “Stephen…dear…where are you going?”
 Stephen hesitated. “Oh, honey. I was just going to check on something downstairs.”
 She narrowed her eyes. “Are you going to mess with the game?” she asked in a tone tinged both with annoyance and worry.
 Stephen sighed. “Yes- look, I just feel like I need to make sure it’s alright. I’ll be back up within a minute.
 “Stephen, I don’t understand. I get there’s a lot of pressure from the company, but you’ve never been like this before. You’ve always made time for me and the boys- my God, the boys. They’ve been wanting to play the game for weeks, but you keep saying they can’t. Why have you grown so distant?”
 Stephen sat on the edge of the bed, overwhelmed. “Carmen…I’m sorry. It’s just- ever since we first saw that Freddy Fazbear exhibit, before I even made the game or got involved with Fazbear Entertainment or anything, I’ve felt like there was something more- like I was standing on the edge of something huge. Those murders, the animatronics, the legends- everything felt like part of a greater puzzle I couldn’t understand. I don’t know how, but I think Fazbear Adventure World has become a part of that. I know this has been rough on the family, but I promise whatever the truth is, I’m finishing this tonight. You just have to trust me that everything will be ok.”
 After a moment of silence, Carmen responded. “Fine. I hope you find what you’re looking for, Stephen.” She gave a tired, worried smile. “See you in the morning.”
 Stephen silently left the room and went downstairs. He entered his office and quickly booted up the game.
 An hour passed while Stephen tried to make sense of everything. Very little resulted from this time. Stephen could feel himself falling asleep, but kept himself awake, remembering his promise that he’d finish this by morning.
 After a particularly close call, Stephen shook himself back awake, rubbing his eyes. To his surprise, though, the code that he’d been looking at a moment ago had disappeared. Instead there was just a black screen, empty except for a single red sprite floating in the middle- Old Man Consequences.
 The sprite was blinking more than it ever had, almost like it was calling him to click on it.
 Stephen stared unsure at it. Should he? Something about it filled his whole being with dread.
 But he also knew this was the only way to solve the mystery and truly understand everything. So, he moved his mouse over the crimson, pixelated blob, and clicked.
 “I’m sorry to say that you have gone too deep into the code. There is no way back out…My name is Old Man Consequences. Come have a seat, and let’s fish for a while. You have no where else to go.”
 Stephen opened his eyes and looked around. He was at the lake again, but something had changed. It felt more real, more all-encompassing than ever before.
 He stood right next to Old Man Consequences, who’s apology/invitation had awoken him. He tried to elicit a reaction from the sprite, waving his hand in front of it, but it didn’t react.
 Wait a minute…the body Stephen was in right now wasn’t that of the bear sprite- it was his own. A blank, monochromatic version, lacking any details, but his body in the game regardless.
 Stephen tried to wake himself up. When that failed, he searched the field, trying to step between the trees that bordered it. He might as well have been trying to phase through a brick wall.
 Old Man Consequences began repeating his last piece of dialogue again, as if trying to drill the words into Stephen’s skull.
 “You have no where else to go.”
 “You have no where else to go.”
 “You have no where else to go.”
 It was maddening- and worse, it was true. Stephen was trapped.
 His darting eyes landed on the lake. Months before, Stephen had seen things in its depths. Maybe beneath its red waters lay a way out of this place. He walked over to its banks.
 “There is no way back out.” Old Man Consequences droned as he cast his line.
 Stephen glared as much as he could at the sprite. He braced himself, and jumped into the l̴̪̀̊̋͆͊̉̓́a̴̳̞̫̺̜̽͜k̴͙̞̦̐̾̈́̃͋̍͝ḛ̴̰̱͖̖̘̠̰̂̍́͠͝ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Fazbear Adventure World received quite middling reviews. While it had its fans, who praised it for being a unique, goofy take on the franchise, most agreed it was at best flawed. One of the more common complaints was its lack of polish- it seemed somewhat unfinished.
 It wasn’t like Fazbear Entertainment had many options, though. Stephen had a very unique style in both his design and his gameplay. After he had mysteriously disappeared one night, the company had tried to keep up the illusion it was still his work (no one could know about the company’s involvement in his games, after all), but struggled. Eventually, they released it under his name- an incomplete version of what could have been.
 Stephen’s computer equipment and notes had been taken, locked away in the company archives. His family had protested, but the threat of devastating lawsuits kept them quiet. 
 The archives were high security- only Fazbear’s top brass could enter.
 Or anyone willing to break a window and pick a few locks, like the man entering the dark corridors now.
 Soon enough, he found Stephen’s computer tucked behind some old posters. He also found one of Stephen’s notes, which was some advice from the company’s ‘source.’
 The man grimaced. “I’m sorry, Stephen. I never meant you to get wrapped up in any of my problems. I hope my suggestions were helpful, at least.”
 He stuck a flash drive into the computer, and began downloading the original Fazbear Adventure World program. Interestingly, it also downloaded the original FNAF 3 program.
 “Guess the pieces of this puzzle couldn’t be contained in one game, huh?” the man chuckled bitterly. “When I did this for real, it didn’t end quite how I wanted it to. But maybe now I have a chance for a better ending- for all of us.”
 The programs were fully downloaded into the drive. The man pulled it out, stuck it into his pocket, and stealthily made his way out of the archives.
This story is outdated lore-wise, but I still think it's good enough to post.
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usstatesguide · 11 months
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aghotel · 1 year
Explore Huddersfield like never before!
Explore Huddersfield
If you are not from Huddersfield, you may not know about the incredible places that the town has to offer for travel enthusiasts. Situated halfway between Leeds and Manchester, it has been the place of the industrial revolution and is known for being the birthplace of the Rugby League, Prime Minister Harold Wilson, and the international film star, James Mason. Now that you have learnt some fascinating facts about Huddersfield, let’s explore Huddersfield in the Fortune Hotel way:
Huddersfield Railway Station
The history of Huddersfield Railway Station, a Grade I listed building, dates to the 1850s. The station was described by the famous English poet, writer, and broadcaster, Sir John Betjeman as ‘the most splendid station façade in England’. It is situated in St Georges Square, which won the Europa Nostra award for European architecture. In 2014, English Heritage, a registered charity that manages the National Heritage Collection put the station in the list of “the 10 Greatest English Railway Stations”. The statue of Harold Wilson who served as the UK’s Prime Minister twice graces the award-winning station.
Birthplace of Rugby League
Huddersfield is the birthplace of the Rugby League, which was founded in 1895. The history goes back to 29 August 1895 when 21 clubs met at the George Hotel, Huddersfield and agreed on a breakaway from the Rugby Football Union to establish the Rugby League. The local Rugby League team is known as the ‘Huddersfield Giants’ which plays in the European Super League. A plaque outside the George Hotel is situated to remember the meeting which created the sport of rugby league. The hotel is now set to become the national museum, which will tell the wonderful story of a sport that remains important to the communities.
Greenhead Park
Greenhead Park is a world away from the hustle and bustle of urban life. It is the largest park in Huddersfield and the list of attractions includes a skate park, bowling greens, tennis courts, miniature steam railway, rides, play areas, paddling pool, horse and carriage rides, conservatory, and much more. Out of five lakes in the park, Ornamental Lake is the largest one which was recently redesigned to attract wildlife. It has two refreshment areas, a cafe in the park by the tennis courts and a newer park located behind the conservatory where customers can dine outdoors or in the conservatory.
Town Centre
Huddersfield is known for its large and diverse retail shopping area enclosed within the town’s ring road. The town centre is home to several national high street retailers and chain stores. You can go on a shopping spree to three shopping areas including Kingsgate, The Packhorse Precinct and The Piazza Centre. The Piazza offers an outdoor shopping mall near the public library, with a grassed area, used for relaxation and events throughout the year. Near to the centre, Market Arcade is a covered market hall with listed building status due to its distinctive roof formed by hyperbolic paraboloids. Also, there is an open market located next to Tesco on the opposite side of the town centre.
The John Smith’s Stadium
The John Smith’s Stadium is a multi-use sports stadium with a gym, swimming, spa, and sporting classes facilities. The stadium is home to Huddersfield Giants and Huddersfield Town football team. Among other entertainment options, you can also enjoy dance, drama, comedy, music and exhibitions at The Lawrence Batley Theatre. You can also explore many pubs, restaurants and nightclubs, including Tokyo which occupies the former Huddersfield County Court, a 19th-century Grade II listed building. Don’t forget to visit the oldest pub, the Parish (formerly the Fleece Inn), which has been trading since 1720.
Explore Huddersfield with Fortune Hotel! Become a member and enjoy exclusive discounts on local attractions, restaurants, pubs, and popular places in and around the town. Write to us at [email protected] and our team will be happy to help you.
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