#Januar the 23rd
xraiyax · 4 months
Me seeing the date and often remember 23rd stuff:
Oh it’s the deep sea submarine thing date.
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lesyeuxdeninmi · 4 days
23rd Letters
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Selamat mengulang tanggal 1, Januar. 💗
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MeloMance - You&I: Even if this song feels like an old favorite, it's still the perfect soundtrack for us. "내게 꼭 들어맞는 한 사람", you're like the missing puzzle piece that completes me, fitting perfectly into my life and personality. I'd happily hit replay just to keep you in my thoughts, because you're the one who dances in my heart every time this melody plays.
Through all the twists and turns, we've shared countless laughs and smiles. It's been over 1040 days of being there for each other, even though many months have passed since we parted ways. Seeing you again feels like a breath of fresh air. I'm amazed at how much effort you've put into making things work this time around, and I feel truly blessed. Thank you for reigniting the spark between us and for helping me overcome my trust issues. I'm beyond grateful to have you back in my life. 💗
Every page in our storybook holds so much meaning, from our very first encounter to this very moment. Each little moment feels like a fairy tale unfolding. Who would have thought that a simple 'hi, maaf dm.. gua lagi closeday' would lead to such a wonderful journey between us?
Even though we're not back together as a couple, I'm still wishing the best for us. Happy 23rd, bib! There may be more challenging days ahead, but let's stick to our promise not to fight, unless you're ready to buy the doughnut.
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Norwegian Bokmål for Total Beginners (January 2024 Crash Course)
18. Months of the Year
Welcome to day 18. Good news - months in Norwegian are more-or-less the same as they are in English and other Germanic languages!
januar - January
februar - February
mars - March
april - April
mai - May
juni - June
juli - July
august - August
september - September
oktober - October
november - November
desember - December
neste - next
forrige - last, previous
i år - this year
i fjor - last year
Grammar: Ordinal Numbers
Ordinal numbers are your numbers like first, second, third etc. Used for talking about the date. The first 6 are a bit wonky, but after that they're all very regular:
1st = første
2nd = andre
3rd = tredje
4th = fjerde
5th = femte
6th = sjette
7th = sjuende/syvende
8th = åttende
9th = niende
10th = tiende
11th = ellevte
12th = tolvte
13th = trettende
14th = fjortende
15th = femtende
16th = sekstende
17th = syttende
18th = attende
19th = nittende
20th = tjuende
21st = tjueførste
22nd = tjueandre
23rd = tjuetredje...
Basically, ordinal numbers largely end in -ende!
When you write the date in Norwegian, you just add a period after the number. So Wednesday 25th March would be onsdag 25. mars. As with days of the week, you don't need to capitalise the name of the month.
In 2024, I will...
If you want to say "in [month]," use 'i':
Jeg liker å gå på tur i mai. (I like to go walking in May)
'I' is also used with years:
Arne vil kjøpe hus is 2024 (Arne wants to buy a house in 2024)
To say "from... to," use "fra... til"
Vi spiller fotball fra september til desember (We play football from September to December)
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kimamanitranslate · 2 years
Senyuu F5 Ch. 80: The Ultimate World
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Haruhara’s description:
Alba - who ran over to save the Second and Ross while they were being attacked by Rchimedes - in desperate straits, attempts to sacrifice himself, but Ross stops him.
Meanwhile, Cecily loses her patience with Sion, waiting around for him to show up to Lake’s birthday party. Using Januar’s magic, they teleport straight to the battlefield.
“Okay! Here’s the game! I try to kill them, and you try to stop me.”
The voice of the merciless other world Rchimedes echoes across the battlefield... 
Please enjoy Senyuu F5 Ch. 80.
Raw: seiga.nicovideo.jp/watch/mg666674
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Next chapter on Sept. 23rd.
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vikinglanguage · 4 years
I think I mostly have an idea about how to talk about future dates in Danish now, except for one thing: what would I say if something is happening e.g. next January/in January next year?
For that specific example I’d say there’s a couple of different ways. i’ll keep my examples to months, since that is what you used in your example, but I have no way of knowing i that’s what you’re specifically looking for. Thing is, you can’t use the same constructions that you use for months for everything.
So let’s presume something is happening in January 2021. That’s pretty close to now, 23rd of October 2020, so I’d just say “til januar”, approximately how you’d say “in January” in English. Example: In January I am going on a hiking trip Til januar skal jeg på vandretur
I would do something with any month that’s less than a year from now, so I’d also say “til august”.
For things that are more than a year from now, I’d personally start using the construction “til næste (måned)”, which roughly corresponds to “next (month)”. So I would say “til næste oktober” for “next October”, meaning October 2021 of course. Example: “Next October I’m turning 25″ “Til næste oktober bliver jeg 25″
Furthermore, I personally consider this to extend to ALL months that are more than one year, but less than two years away, such as January 2022. So I would say “til næste januar”, meaning January 2022, whereas I’d say “til januar” for January 2021. This is not how everyone does it, which is why I’d often rather say “til januar 2022″ than “til næste januar”, to avoid the confusion. For an example, someone else might say “til næste august” to mean August 2021. This also happens with constructions such as “(på) næste mandag” (next monday), where if I said that today (Thursday) the listener may not be sure if I mean this coming monday, or monday the 2nd of November. This results in fun conversations like: “Vi ses næste mandag!” (See you next monday!) “Nu på mandag eller mandagen efter?” (This monday or the monday after?) “Mandag 14 dage” (Monday 14 days) This is frankly a ridiculous way of phrasing things, because in this case “mandag 14 dage” would today, October 22nd, mean Monday 2nd November, which is, in fact, not 14 days away.
For something like “In (month) next year”, I would just directly translate that to “til (måned) næste år”. So January 2021? “Til januar næste år”. October 2021? “Til oktober næste år”. December 2021? “Til december næste år”.
I hope this answers your question, otherwise feel free to ask more questions! 
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till-langschied · 5 years
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Exhibition view of:
curated by Dr. Isabel Balzer
at M54 Basel
23rd of November 2019 until 5th of Januar 2020
Shown pieces:
Our Golden Days, 2018
A Collection of Supplements, 2019
Seductive Sedation, 2018
Photo Credit Robert Bayer, Courtesy Visarte Region Basel
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strictpunishedhubby · 6 years
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Wie ihr von meinem Bericht vom 2. Januar wisst, bekomme ich in diesem Jahr an jedem 23. des Monats einen strengen Erziehungstag! Schon am Vorabend legte sie die Instrumente zu meiner Züchtigung auf den Küchentisch und zwar in der Reihenfolge ihrer Anwendung.  Das förderte zwar mein Gehorsam, aber nicht meinen Wohlbehagen und für mein Einschlafen war es nicht förderlich, denn ich musste ständig daran denken, was mich am nächsten Morgen erwartet!
As you know from my report of January 2nd, I get a strict punishment day every 23rd of the month this year! The night before, she placed the instruments for my chastisement on the kitchen table in the order of their application.  It encouraged my obedience, but not my well-being, and it was not conducive to falling asleep, because I had to keep thinking about what to expect next morning!
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studyiqeducation · 3 years
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the-busy-ghost · 7 years
[28th March, 1570] My Lady Murraye. Albeit your lait husband had sa vnnaturally and vnthankfully offendit ws in many sortes who had promoted him to all honour and done him so many good deidis vndeseruit at our handes, and newer merit yea of a stranger lat be a brother (as he had the honor to be so named) to haue bene revardit with sic ingratitude as he did to ws, quhilk God of his judgement hes shawin on him for his severnes (in deid agains our will). We desyrit not his bloodshed for we had rather he sould have lyved to recognosce his dewitie, and cumit in repentance for his great and heavy offences maid to ws nor to haue bene so miserably cutt awaye, if we micht have stopit the same. Our nature will not permit ws to foryet what he was to ws in blood, but man be sory for his death. Sence the quhilk we are informit ye have tane in possession certane of oure jowalles sic as oure H of dyamant and ruby with a nombre of other dyamantis rubiz, perles, and goldwark, wherof we haue the memoir to laye to your charge, Quhilkis jowalles, incontinent eftir the sycht heirof ye sall delyver to oure richt trusty cousigns and counsalouris the earle of Huntley oure Lieutennent, and my Lord Setoun, quha will in sa doing give yow discharge of the same in our nayme and will move ws to have the more pitie of yow and your cheldren. Wthirwyse we assure yow ye sall nether brwik landis nor goodis in that realme, but to have oure indignation as deservis. Thus wishing yow to wey with good conscience, we commit yow to God. ffrom Tutbery the xxviii daye of Marche 1570. As I mynd to pitie yow in your aduersite yff yow doe your deuti, so be sur iff yow hold anithing pertins me from me, yow and your bernes and meinteners schal feel my displesour heuiuer nor wrangous geir profitable, and so I will be to yow as yow schal deserue.                                                                                               Marie R. . ============================================== [27th January, 1570] We wrait to yow ofbefore and sence your huisbandis death for the delyvering of oure jowelles, quhilkis be him ye have in keiping. But as yit hes hard na direct answer of youre intention theranent. Quhairfor we thoght expedient heirby to desyre you of new to delyuer thame to my Lord of Huntley, oure Lieutenent, quha in that caise sall in oure name give yow a sufficient acquittance and discharge of the same, quihilk we hope ye will accomplishe Rather nor be obstinat will conqueis and irritat ws to farther greif aganis yow, ye may obteane our gud favour and clemencie, and randre ws the mair favorabill to your barnis thereftir, Quha sence thair fathers death (I beleve) and ye baith, hes felt na grit favour of these quha maid him so good contenance of before, and assisted him to his awin confusion, quhilk I did pronosticat to him dyvers tymes And fra the bottome of my hart (notwithstanding his Ingratitude vsit toward me) I lament his miserable end, bot ye maye se quhow God wirkis mony thingis by the expectatioun of man. Oure advise is, that ye honestlie releif the charge ye have of our saidis jowellis conforme to our desyre, for othervise ye will provoque danger to your self as said is, and ewill treitment to your barnis, And at the last be compulsion maid quyt of the same, And thus pondering weill our admonition resolve your self sa haistelie as ye can. The rest we refer to our said Lieutennent, So committis yow to God. At Shefeild the xxvi daye of Januare 1570.                                                            Your good frind and                                                            cousigne if so ye deserve To the Lady Murraye.                                          Marie R.
Two letters from Mary, Queen of Scots, to her sister-in-law Agnes Keith, widow of the Regent Moray.
 The two letters are quite similar but I put both up for comparison, and explained a bit of context later (this is longer than I expected though, so apologies). They both concern the queen’s jewels and date from 1570 and 1571. Mary at this point was in English captivity, having fled over the border in 1568, while Agnes was clearing up family affairs in the aftermath of her husband’s assassination on January 23rd 1570.
I’ve included some background below but first here is my (loose) version of the two letters with modern English spellings/terms (note this is not at all consistent nor word for word, and likely wrong in parts, but just to assist understanding for those not familiar with Scots):
[Of the 28th March 1570]
“My Lady Moray. Although your late husband had so unnaturally and ungratefully offended us in many ways, [we] who had promoted him to all honour, and done him so many good deeds undeserved at our hands, and [who] never merited indeed of a stranger let alone a brother (as he had the honour to be so named) to have been rewarded with such ingratitude as he did to us, which God of his judgement has shown on him for his severeness (in deed against our will). We desired not his bloodshed for we had rather he should have lived to recognise his duty, and come in repentance for his great and heavy offences made to us, nor [did we desire him] to have been so miserably cut away, if we might have stopped the same. Our nature will not permit us to forget what he was to us in blood, but must be sorry for his death. Since the which we are informed you have taken in possession certain of our jewels, such as our ‘H’ of diamond and ruby, with a number of other diamonds, rubies, pearls, and goldwork, whereof we have the memorandum to lay to your charge; which jewels, immediately after the sight of this you shall deliver to our right trust cousins and counsellors the Earl of Huntly our Lieutenant, and my Lord Seton, who will in so doing give you discharge of the same in our name, and will move us to have the more pity of you and your children. Otherwise. we assure you, you shall neither have lands nor goods in that realm, but to have our indignation as deserves. Thus wishing you to weigh with good conscience, we commit you to God. From Tutbury the xxviii [28th] day of March 1570.
As I will remember to pity you in your adversity if you do your duty, so be sure if you hold anything [which] pertains [to] me from me, you and your bairns* and maintainers shall feel my displeasure however [?] nor wrongful gains profitable, and so I will be to you, as you shall deserve.
Marie R.’
[Of the 27th January 1571, in the new dating]
‘We wrote to you before and since your husband’s death, for the delivering of our jewels, which by him you have in keeping. But as yet [we] have heard no direct answer of your intention therein. Wherefore we thought expedient hereby to desire you anew to deliver them to my Lord of Huntly, our Lieutenant, who in that case shall, in our name, give you a sufficient discharge of the same, which we hope you will accomplish rather than by obstinate will get and irritate us to further grief against you, where otherwise by restitution of that which justly pertains to us, and no thing to you, you may obtain our good favour and clemencie, and render us the more favourable to your bairns* thereafter; who, since their father’s death (I believe), and you too, have felt no great favour of those who gave him such good support before, and assisted him to his own confusion which I did predict to him diverse times; and from the bottom of my heart (notwithstanding his ingratitude used towards me) I lament his miserable end, but you may see how God works many things contrary to the expectations of man. Our advice is, that you honestly relieve the charge you have of our said jewels, conform to our desire, for otherwise you will provoke danger to your self as said, and evil treatment to your bairns*; and at the last by compulsion [be] made quit of the same; and thus pondering well our admonition, resolve yourself as hastily as you can. The rest we refer to our said Lieutenant; so commit you to God. At Sheffield the xxvij (27th) day of January 1570. 
Your good friend and cousin if so you deserve, 
Marie R.”
*Bairns- i.e. children, offspring
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(Mary I of Scotland, in mourning clothes, c.1559-60 and aged about 17)
Some Context:
It should first be noted that these letters are in Scots, and in both cases all words beneath where the place and date are given (within the letter) were written in Mary’s own hand. At this point in Mary’s captivity she had less access to secretaries who would write her letters for her, and in another letter to Archbishop Hamilton she excused her lack of communication by explaining that she was only allowed to see her scribe for a short time. In some cases this meant that she was forced to write more personally, and it might be argued that in some of her writing there is a certain unfamiliarity with Scots. Certainly Mary spoke Scots often throughout her reign (more than English before her imprisonment there and this was still early on in her captivity), and though French was in many ways more natural to her, Scots had been the first language she learnt to speak as a child (so yeah all those English-accented Maries of TV and film are well wide of the mark- French or Scottish would be better). However her experience of writing in Scots was apparently limited. Equally it could be that, in the first letter at least, the writing in her own hand expresses just how angry she was (and it’s pretty forceful stuff), while in the second letter Mary returned to personally writing only the parting remark and signature.
- Queen Mary had been in English custody since summer of 1568, around a year after her official abdication at Lochleven Castle in July 1567. She was moved to and from several castles in England throughout her lifetime, and had first been transferred to Tutbury in January of 1569, in the keeping of the Earl of Shrewsbury. She was later moved between various others of Shrewsbury’s properties, including Sheffield. At the time of writing these letters she was 27-28 years of age, and had abdicated in her twenty-fifth year, having inherited the throne of Scotland when she was barely a week old. She had spent roughly thirteen of those twenty-five years in France, between the ages of five and nineteen, and her personal rule as an adult in Scotland had spanned six years between the summers of 1561 and 1567. She also had three husbands in this short time, witnessed several uprisings both for and against her, and found that her friends and foes had often changed (Argyll and Huntly, for example, had both rebelled against her on separate occasions, while the allegiance of individuals like Maitland of Lethington hung in the balance on several occasions). She would spend the last eighteen or so years of her life in captivity in England until her execution in February 1587.
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(Agnes Keith, Countess of Moray, at the time of her marriage in 1562, aged possibly around 22(?). One of a pair of portraits, the other of Moray)
- Agnes Keith, daughter to the Earl Marischal, had married the queen’s half-brother Lord James Stewart in 1562. On the occasion of their wedding, which Queen Mary attended and which John Knox complained was too extravagant, Agnes’ new husband had been made Earl of Mar, though as his maternal kin the Erskines had a claim to this title, it was not permanent and in the course of the queen’s campaign against the Earl of Huntly the same year, his real title as Earl of Moray was made public. As the leader of the Protestant nobles, Moray was one of the most influential individuals in Scotland, and some weeks after his sister’s abdication in 1567 he was made regent for his nephew the young king James VI. Over the years the relationship between Queen Mary and her elder half-sibling underwent several dramatic shifts, but by the time of the Regent Moray’s assassination in Linlithgow in 1570, by James Hamilton of Bothwellhaugh (a relation of Archbishop Hamilton, then one of Mary’s allies), it was definitely not good. Throughout the late 1560s and early 1570s a civil war was prosecuted on the queen’s behalf by her supporters the Earl of Huntly, Lords Seton and Herries, Archbishop Hamilton, and others, against the ‘king’s men’ led by Moray (and his successors as regent) in the name of his nephew. 
For her part, Agnes Keith had apparently known Moray since October 1561, when Thomas Randolph commented on the ‘long love’ between them, and certainly their marriage was one of affection. Having married into the royal family, though admittedly an illegitimate branch, Agnes was also now part of a privileged circle of attendants on Queen Mary, and became one of her close confidantes (and was one of the three ladies who apparently became a target for Lord Darnley’s jealousy, the others being the queen’s sister and Annabella Murray). However when her husband rebelled in the Chase-About Raid in 1565, Agnes received money on his behalf and may have been involved in raising men in Fife, actions which set her against the queen. Though Moray reconciled with Mary later, when they again were at odds from 1567-70, Agnes once again supported her husband’s side, being known as Lady Regent and politically active in support of her husband’s cause, though few sources have survived, and even after his murder was not reconciled to the queen. At the time of her husband’s assassination on 23rd of January, Agnes was well into what seems to have been her third pregnancy, having already borne two daughters- Elizabeth and Annabella. Unfortunately for those who had hoped for a male heir, the posthumous child was another girl, named Margaret.
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(James Stewart, Earl of Moray and later Regent; the other half of the pair of portraits commissioned at the time of his wedding to Agnes Keith in 1562)
- Agnes Keith was not a woman to be meddled with however, even in the wake of the her husband’s politically significant assassination, and a second personal tragedy when her infant daughter Annabella died later in the same year. Though heavily pregnant, Agnes, assisted by the late Earl’s secretary John Wood (also assassinated within the year) and other servants, had arrangements made for the late Regent’s tomb, kept demanding that his death be avenged, and attempted to obtain money owed to her family during his tenure as Regent, as well as putting in order all their lands and property so that her daughters could inherit securely. At the time of Queen Mary’s first letter she was probably in the company of her birth family in the Keith stronghold on the rock of Dunnottar, with her eldest daughter, while her second daughter Annabella was left in the care of Agnes’ equally formidable mother-in-law Margaret Erskine in Lochleven.
Queen Mary, meanwhile, wanted her jewels back, these having been given into the keeping of Agnes’ late husband. Some had already been sold to offset the debt of the Scottish Crown, but others remained in the Countess of Moray’s possession, including a spectacular diamond which had been given to Queen Mary by her father-in-law Henri II of France, (this jewel is the ‘H’ referenced above, sometimes called the ‘Great Harry’). Despite both the entreaties and threats of the queen, however, Agnes did not give surrender the jewels into the hands of the queen’s lieutenant, the Earl of Huntly. Huntly was also Agnes’ first cousin, but his own wheedling letter to the Regent’s widow was equally ineffective. On the other side, the new Regent, the Earl of Lennox, had also requested the jewels, but Agnes did not surrender them on this occasion either. In character, the Victorian writer Agnes Strickland considered that Agnes Keith was simply too proud and arrogant to hand them over, and wanted to parade around in fine jewels, but even Agnes Keith’s own claim, that she needed them to offset debts owed to her family from the time of her husband’s regency, seems closer to the mark, even if not entirely truthful. Later on, after Agnes’ second marriage to the Earl of Argyll (who was apparently ‘overmuch led’ by his wife), the jewels were still in her hands, and the Regent Morton was demanding that they be handed over to the Scottish government in 1574. When Agnes and her new husband again refused they were outlawed, but eventually the jewels were surrendered the next year. Queen Mary however, was clearly unsuccessful in the forceful requests she made in these letters from 1570-1, and it is unlikely that her relationship with Agnes Keith ever fully recovered; though Agnes does appear to have attempted to regain her favour in 1573, Mary’s explicit disinheritance of Agnes’ daughters from inheriting the earldom of Moray, while ultimately unsuccessful, gives the impression she was not forgiven. 
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(James VI wearing the ‘Mirror of Great Britain’ on his hat. One of the diamonds which made up this piece of jewellery was the Great Harry, which had been the most major of the jewels which his mother attempted to regain from Agnes Keith)
-Mary’s claim that she is sorry for her half-brother’s death, despite their bad relationship, due to natural remembrance of their blood relationship, is entirely likely, however in other ways, and certainly from a political point of view, Moray’s assassination would have been understandably gratifying. Equally I don’t think she could have had a hand in it, though she later cheerfully pensioned the assassin. But these were the realities of sixteenth century politics, and I’m not about to lay into Mary for any perceived hypocrisy or hollow rhetoric than I would lay into Moray or Agnes (the former of whom was at least equally guilty of such). Nor am I really taking sides or explaining it fully, I just raise it as an interesting point that could be delved into further.
- It should be wondered though, how far Mary could really make good on her threats that Agnes and her bairns would regret it if they didn’t surrender the jewels- Scotland was in disarray after Moray’s death, and Huntly did control lands in the north near the earldom of Moray and the lands of the earl Marischal but how much of a threat that posed is debatable, and Agnes had been able to settle with Huntly in certain affairs concerning lands after her husband’s murder. In the south equally how far could Mary really try to force Agnes’ hand? Again not coming to any conclusions just raising it.
The letters are however, I think, just generally interesting as an example of the queen’s addressing a woman who, only eight years before, had been her trusted confidante, and the widow of the Regent Moray, with whom Mary had her own complex political and personal relationship. That Mary was not going to wheedle and beg even from English custody though is clear, nor, despite the commiserations in the letters, was she going to go easy on the widowed Countess of Moray and her ‘bairns’ (and Agnes could be no less demanding and forceful at times- her blazing letter to her cousin Huntly from some years before is a good one). Set alongside Agnes’ other communications of the period both women emerge as vivid, formidable characters.
Anyway despite all my rambling I don’t actually have a huge theory behind these, I just thought they were really interestingly written letters (and also compare with some others Mary wrote to her brother and others over a decade before). This is kind of why it’s not on my other blog- it’s not exactly to be taken as a well-ordered post, just a giant ramble.
Oh and here’s my source for the letters by the way
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kickmag · 4 years
Watch The Encore Of The Annual Urban One Honors This Thursday
The Annual Urban One Honors aired last night on TV One and will have an encore presentation Thursday night. The awards show celebrated some of the most recognizable names in music, film and television. Missy Elliott, Jamie Foxx, Clarence "The Black Godfather" Avant,' Billy Porter and Chance The Rapper were among those honored. Urban One Founder and Chairwoman Cathy Hughes and actor Chris Tucker hosted the evening. There were performances from Anita Baker, Wale, Nas and more. Ne-Yo, Eric Benét, Chante Moore and Al B. Sure! did a tribute to the late James Ingram.  The event was also a celebration of the 40-year legacy of Radio One. The Urban One Honors will have its repeat showing Thursday night Januar 23rd at 7 PM on TV One. 
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andresraqw963-blog · 5 years
Jede Woche Top-Picks Für Oktober 23rd
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Gestern hat unsere site Verloren und Fond, Gastgeber der craft fair in der Hilfe im Zusammenhang mit Nowzad Dogs, die Wir angesprochen größer als £780 für Nowzad zwischen uns und alle die stall-Inhaber. The Eliot Suite Hotel ist wirklich ein schönes hotel, gelegen in der Rückseite Diese Arten der Gegend von Boston, die ist in der Nähe viele restaurants und Geschäfte in der Stadt.
ny und die Firma new york für die Unternehmen new york von Las Vegas Familie destinations angeboten durch die Experten der New Yorker Börse. Sobald Sie wählen das Thema und Ort des hotels bleiben Sie in, müssen Sie denke über die Ausstattung die Lage.|An diesem Tag es war zwei hundert und zwanzig-zwei (222! ) Hunde und Welpen. Neben all diesen Luxus-hotels ist, und ein riesiges im Abschnitt hotels in New York, Die insbesondere Pioneer, Chelsea Center, Guesthouse plus Harlem YMCA. Das hotel features eines Hauses, möchten Sie vielleicht, um zu sehen, in New York hatten eine Durchschnittliche Familie Umsatz von $34, 083.}
{2 . Haustiere willkommen in Sizilien Im Resort Teatro Ihrem Hund bleiben können {luxuriöse|high-class} mit Ihrer "Tiere In Der Stadt" {bundle|Angebot|Angebot} und Ihr Haustier erhalten einen container voller leckereien - leckereien, Spielzeug, doggy-Taschen, und ein Colorado Hund {Publikation|Zeitschrift|Mag -}. {Studio Zimmer|Ausstattung|Einrichtung}, 1 & 2 Schlafzimmer-Wohnungen komplett eingerichtet und für den Aufenthalt verbunden mit 30 Tagen und mehr.|{Um die|In der|Für die} am Abend des Gründonnerstag zwanzigsten März 2008, John Glover Roberts, dem siebzehnten Chief Justice von der US Supreme Court, und eine Bemerkenswerte amerikanische römisch-katholische, rief eine Versammlung auf der US-Treasury. Wenn wir besuchten Klasse {in|von|durch} OFP, haben wir gelernt, dass einige Eckzähne signal durch verschieben {eigene|Ihre insbesondere} Menschen oder durch Abwürgen {Weg|draußen} und blockieren den Weg.|Die gute Sache ist, dass es jetzt {Hund|Haustier} - friendly hotels, wobei die Eigentümer nehmen Ihre Haustiere und Ihnen zu ermöglichen, bleiben Sie im Zimmer. Dieses Luxus-hotel liegt nur einen block vom Boston Commons Recreation area und der Park Street T-Bahn-Station. Aber die besten bestehen des Days Inn direkt am Strand, Komfort Resort, Hampton Inn & Suites Navarre, Travelodge Inn and Suites, Cottage auf der Grünen Ferien-und Urlaubsort Express and Suites etc .|Was war ich {begeistert|hochgepumpt, über} war die Werbe-Werbegeschenk, dass Sinclair Stationen bekannt waren, für die zum Zeitpunkt {--|:} ein grünes Styropor Dinosaurier, genau wie der berühmte in Ihrem logo. Es ist auch schwer sich auf Hunde aus, die genaue gleichen Haushalt, wenn Sie nicht gewohnt sind {immer|immer} getrennt, allein oder {immer|immer} entfernt von Ihrem Besitzer.|Das nächste mal, wenn Sie Reisen im Urlaub oder {in Bezug auf|in Bezug auf|bestimmt für} business, Boston, don\'t besorgt sein, wer\'s gehen, um zu fressen und sich direkt nach Ihrem Liebling Haustier. Das hotel {Angebote|bietet} gratis shuttle-service zu und von den jeweiligen internationalen Flughafen und Bahnhof.|Eine weitere einfache Möglichkeit zu buchen {einige der|ein der} Demographie von new york city der Marke new Yorker Brutto-Staat Produkt ist mehr als $ 1 Billion. Atlantic Stadt hotels in der {Hilfe|Hilfe|support} Gäste in der Planung von Veranstaltungen und meetings. Auf 06 20 kommt er mit $175, 000 und dann zwei Tage später {erfüllt|erfüllt} mit Charlie Trie und {Tag|Geben} Middleton im Weißen Haus.|Über einen rund 40 Jahre ist die Firma stetig erweitert seine Reichweite - von Texas über Florida, den mittleren Westen, insbesondere den Nordosten und den Rocky-Mountain - {sagt|erklärt|behauptet}, Golf-Stationen gefunden werden konnte, in eine jede der Unteren 48” von 1970. Genau wie mit einer normalen Urlaub, können Sie plug-in - {die info|die Daten}, die Sie brauchen, und whizzz, bang, {Wachstum|Anstieg} und arrff arrf, aus {erscheint|entsteht} der pet friendly hotels in Las Vegas.}
{Hotel Burnham liegt {in|von|durch} W Washington Street rühmt, {selbst|allein} eine unter den besten shop-hotels der Stadt, und auch auf eine architektonische Attraktion. Zu zappeln, Ihr Vertrauen bis eine Kerbe oder mehr, die {uns alle|wir alle} brachte in der besten Verstärkungen: Dosen plus Dosen von weichen Lebensmittel, Löffel und menschliche Automaten, sowie unsere Geheimwaffe - {wahrscheinlich die|eine der am meisten|viele} menschenfreundliche Hunde, die die Menschheit kennt.|{Nur|Grundsätzlich|Nur} buchen Sie Ihr Zimmer hier auf und wenn Sie einen günstigeren Preis für dasselbe hotel und Unterkünfte für ähnliche Termine in anderen qualifizierten {auf dem internet|on-line|on the web} Quelle, werden wir übereinstimmen, dass der Preis plus geben Sie a frei night für die, die bleiben. Während ein paar wärmere Zeiten im Januar konnte ich die komplette Malerei dem Baumhaus.|Schlendern Sie Ihren Hund in das hotel der designierte {Orte|Standorte}, oder bitten Sie das Personal um eine Empfehlung lokaler Hundeparks. Sie können auch eine Suche in den Foren für Tierfreunde, um genau herauszufinden, was Ihre Lieblings-Haustier freundlich hotels sind in der Regel. Wir sind zu helfen, you”…wir sehen, diese Art von Dingen, die ganze Zeit in diesen Tagen, richtig?|Von den 41 Hunden überlassen {aus der|mit der|von} Züchter, 14 bleiben für {Eigentums - |re-homing|Benutzung} von heute an OHS; anderen 3 Hunde sind in der medizinischen Versorgung und für die Verabschiedung, wenn Sie gesund genug für ein neues Zuhause. In jenen Tagen waren wir auf der Suche, um laufend neue internationale system der Rainforest Action-Gruppen, plus die Veröffentlichung einer periodischen Zeitschrift, bekannt als World Rainforest Report.|Verhalten und Training-Director Alexandra Dilley an der Washington Tier {Speichern|Wiederherstellung} - League-Noten, die ruhig {Hunde und Katzen|Affen und Pferden}, die sind komfortabel, mit neuen Situationen {in der Regel|sind in der Regel} gute Kandidaten für die Reise. Für die meisten Menschen im Internet in diesen Tagen e-Mails und E-Mail-Diskussionsforen war der Haupt-verwendet.|Lover ' s Link ist auch ein großartiger Ort, um zu fangen, die bestimmten jährlichen Feuerwerk-show und live-Konzert, das die Stadt beherbergt jedes Jahr, um zu Feiern chinesischen Valentinstag ({geschieht|erfolgt} im August und nicht im Februar 14). Am Donnerstag startet eine person mit Salem-Hexe-Hysterie in der Leistung in Townsend plus Doggy Tage Heulen-ween am {Finden|Durchbruch} Museum in Acton.|Angesichts der Popularität, die Sie {Freude|schätzen}, es lohnt sich, einen Blick {in der|in der} faszinierende Geschichte des boutique-hotels plus verfolgen Ihre Entwicklung im Laufe der Zeit. Nicht nur, dass {diese Menschen|Sie werden} abholen von rund 600 Speedway 79” Stationen im Bundesstaat michigan, um Ihre unternehmensweiten insgesamt um 3, 300 Einheiten, aber Sie {erworben|erhalten} eine markante architektonische Bild {for sein oder her|für die} Tankstellen}ist.
{Pseudo3D {--|:} ich erinnere mich an den Diamond Shamrock Sender aus meiner Texas-und Ok-Reisen. Obwohl es viele {Hund|Haustier} freundlich Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten in Va, die folgenden sind nur ein paar Unterkünfte, wo die {Personal|Mitarbeiter|Mitarbeiter} liebt Haustiere so viel wie Sie tun, plus behandelt Sie wie ein Teil des {Familie Mitglieder|Angehörigen|Haushalt}.|Mit {völlig kostenlos|kostenlos} WiFi, Washington Street Apartment einfach von Stay Alfred befindet sich in Boston, einfach 200 Meter von der Freiheit Weg. Es ist wirklich eine erstaunliche Tag in der Bay-Region und Zuko und ich zogen {um|in der Lage sein, um} der berühmte Hund am Strand Fuß. Funston mit zwei Boston-Terrier, Winston und Porco.|Als Teil der Entwicklung, jedes Jahr das LEGOLAND in New York wird Gastgeber zwei {Lokale Gemeinschaft|Nachbarschaft} Days” und Spenden 50% von dem park-ticket-Verkauf Einnahmen in Richtung der Stadt Goshen. Nehmen Sie die Eckzähne, die aus 2 Tage zu früh usw . {Besitzen|Haben} Ihr Haustier geprüft und aktualisieren von {fast alle|fast alle|die meisten} die notwendigen Impfungen 10 Tage in Ihrem {Reise|Urlaub}.|Es ist bekannt, dass, wenn Sie auf Reisen nach New York, abgesehen von Broadway und Times Square, einem der beiden hotels, jedoch besitzen Unternehmen-Zentren, die überwiegend bevölkert {aus der|mit der|von} expert-New York Blume-Anbieter {allow es zu be|ensure it ist} alle für Sie. Zwei Tage später, die Reinigung {Organisation|Unternehmen|Unternehmen} und der Versicherungsgesellschaft angekommen ist, und wir haben schon die Decke weniger, seit.|Dies ist ein {gedeihen|prosperieren} Stadt und dem Times Square alle diese, es gibt die new york presbyterian hospital hha, zeichnen {groß|riesig} Menschenmassen in New York, Die {Führer|Meister}, Chelsea Center, Guesthouse und Harlem YMCA. Am Samstag, Vielleicht 21, Kahuna K9 wird {sponsor|web-host} Teach ein Kind, Retten Sie einen Hund, eine völlig Kostenlose Veranstaltung für Eltern und Haustierbesitzer erfahren, wie Sie Kinder schützen plus Hunde durch Bildung.|Befindet sich nur wenige Schritte von den Birkenstock boston Common und der Public Garden, ist dies insbesondere Vier Jahreszeiten hat die Räume zusammen mit Ansichten von Boston und bietet einen völlig kostenlosen transfer-service zu den Attraktionen im inneren 3. 2 km vom resort entfernt. Dieses hotel ist eines der am meisten Haustier-freundlich in die Gegend.|• Größten Tierarzt: Clocktower Animal Hospital, in Herndon, erhielt ebenfalls top-Platzierungen von Washington Consumers' Scheckheft, Blick auf die Stadt, und Washingtonian Magazine. Zumindest signalisierte {Ende|Finale|Abschluss} von einer Zeit, in der Benzin - {Werbung|marketing und Werbung} - das schon lange vor, in den Stationen der split {eigene|Ihre insbesondere} - Pumpe-Inseln in Vollen Serve” und etwas billiger Selbst Serve” Kategorien.}
0 notes
johnsbarry80 · 5 years
Wieso es so wichtig ist, dass Frauen sich ein Anlageziel setzen
Die neuesten Blog-Artikel zum Thema "Digitale Geldanlage" vom RoboAdvisor-Portal.com
Wieso es so wichtig ist, dass Frauen sich ein Anlageziel setzen was last modified: Januar 23rd, 2019 by Julia F.
Der Beitrag Wieso es so wichtig ist, dass Frauen sich ein Anlageziel setzen erschien zuerst auf RoboAdvisor-Portal.com - das Infoportal.
source https://www.roboadvisor-portal.com/fondssparen-oder-etf-sparplan-anlageziel-entscheidend/ source https://roboadvisorportal.blogspot.com/2019/01/wieso-es-so-wichtig-ist-dass-frauen.html
0 notes
kimamanitranslate · 4 years
Filled It With My Feelings Text Translation
Sorry it took so long, but I finished the text translation of Filled It With My Feelings, the Senyuu 10th anniversary book! I didn’t translate the Season 1 Episode 1 redraw though because I’m sure we can all recite what happens in there by heart at this point. 
As it’s an illustration book, the translation is meant to be read along with the pictures - you can purchase the digital PDF of the book at hiaruron.booth.pm/items/2329424. You should be able to purchase it through PayPal or some international credit cards.
I’ve included the text under the cut, but you can also read it on the Google Docs here. 
Please note I do not give permission to anyone to use this translation for scanlations. There’s a reason why I’m posting this as a text translation rather than as a scanlation - it reads perfectly fine along with the raw book.
However, feel free to use this for text-only translations to different languages, just send me a message about it.
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Title: Filled It With My Feelings 10th. senyu.
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[Panel 1] SFX (Slime): *squeak* SFX (sword): *slam*
[Text Paragraph]
The story of Senyu first arrived on Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010 at 12:39 PM. Naturally, at that point, the name “Senyu” didn’t yet exist - a email was sent to my inbox entitled “A discussion about a new project.”
It was a rather vague email with few details, but at the time, I  was working as a day labourer in a certain distribution centre in Tokyo’s Ota Ward. As I hauled around boxes, my days were filled with uneasy thoughts of my future- I gave up on becoming a mangaka, I started work at an anime company but I quit there too, what am I going to do from now on? So I pounced on that vague email- Maybe this will shine some clarity into my life!
Senyu. was the product borne out of that email, and to my great appreciation, it really did shine clarity into my life. My future, which had been dark and uneasy, was illuminated bright by the light of Senyu. I would like to say that was why I made the protagonist’s name “Alba” - which means dawn - but unfortunately, that isn’t the case. I only learned the meaning of Alba’s name later - it was a total coincidence. 
Anyways, a lot has happened, but it’s now Senyu’s tenth anniversary.
Thank you very much. I never thought that I could continue for this long. This is all thanks to all of you, for supporting me all this way. 
Senyu. is a part of my life at this point - I don’t plan to end it any time soon, so I will be counting on everyone for their continued support.
Haruhara Robinson.
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While this may be obvious, the character I’ve spent the most time with in this work no longer feels like a mere “character” to me. 
He had a beta design with bangs. But since I thought he might seem more cheerful with his forehead showing, I settled on his current design. I intended to give him a haircut that was similar to characters like Kirimaru, but my lack of artistic skills at the time ended up giving him a hairstyle with a bizarre composition. 
I struggle now with how to draw his hair well.
Hero Symbol
I’ve always liked the idea of accessories that had the symbol of a hero, so wanting to have the same concept in my own work, I did my best to think up a design. I was really happy when it came out as merch.
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His backstory is really something!
I feel like he carried the entirety of Senyu’s serious plotlines on his back. I thought of Senyu. as like a story that uses the protagonist Alba to give the completed story of Hero Sion a happy ending? 
There were times when I was drawing things out that I thought, He feels kinda pitiful? But then in the story, Ros says, “Don’t judge people as pitiful by your own standards,” so then I thought, I-I’m sorry.
His equipment at the start was supposed to be like a machine that let him whip around his heavy sword like it was nothing, but everything ended before I explained any of that.
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At the start, I just thought of her as a cute little girl. But gradually, she grew darker and darker, and by now, the dark aspects of her personality are a part of what makes her unique as a character.
Her hair accessory often disappears. Near the start, there was the explanation that it was confiscated when they were arrested, but beyond that it’s just because I forgot to draw it.
There was an explanation for why she was naked under her cloak during her first appearance, but I’ve forgotten it. I believe it was because since she was camping outside, she washed herself outside as well but her clothes were blown away by the wind - so she wrapped an old cloth around herself…?
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The name “Foyfoy” was decided by an audience poll. At first, I was planning to make him Chinese-inspired, but before I realized it that concept had disappeared. His mark is leftover from that original idea.
Foyfoy’s hairstyle is one I drew often when I was a student. I often gave rivals or secondary main characters this hairstyle. 
I’m glad I could draw a design like this in an official work.
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A character drawn specifically with boobs that a Haruhara who was too embarrassed to draw boobs drew because “I can’t run from boobs!” The reason why I stopped drawing her midway through isn’t because of my embarrassment, but because I wasn’t used to drawing them, so since I never practiced it, I forgot how to.
TL: This is written with the kanji for “Princess” rather than the katakana for “Hime” as her name is usually written.
She was meant to be a cute, elegant girl, so it shocked me when she immediately ended up as a violent character from her first appearance.
Since I hadn’t decided on a name for her, in the anime her name was listed as ???. I caused trouble for the anime staff.
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I can’t help but feel that eldery soldiers are cool. When I was doodling for fun, I often drew eldery soldiers.
I thought of a development where a cute girl pops out from a nice big suit of armour, so I created the Himendam.
At the time, I thought, “This is a pretty unusual development, it’s great!” but now that I think back on it, it’s actually pretty common.
The first monster to appear. The first monster you fight should be a slime! Slimes should be blue! I’ve been influenced by Dragon Quest in that way.
I had this child of mine show up as your standard old monster in order to increase the impact of the panda who would show up right after.
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While I honestly have no idea why the minister is always standing next to the king, usually that’s the case in RPGs, right? 
So I had him stand next to the king in the same way. I feel as though his overall image is influenced by Magical Circle Guru Guru’s Kaya. While I hadn’t realized it while designing him, Kaya’s design affected me unconsciously.
The King
His whole thing was “a super serious old man that makes a stupid face during funny scenes,” but before I realized it, his stupid face became his default expression.
He just may be the nastiest character in the series, considering he wrapped up the entire world in his schemes for his own personal desires.
Mob Characters
The mob characters in my work tend to have this face. I like how they tend to make cutting comments while having non-descript faces.
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When Ros’ design went from complicated equipment to this thing, I was shocked at how much easier it was to draw.
I think this thing was what triggered me striving for easiness in my work. Can I blame everything on this thing instead of me? 
Just kidding, it’s all my fault.
Fake Foyfoy
If you don’t make careful enough observations, you can’t make a perfect disguise, and you end up in an idiotic costumed-character-like disguise. I wanted to use this plot device a few times more after this, but I didn’t have any chance to use it at all.
Haruhara happens to have had a stuffed animal for as long as he can remember, and he still has it since he’s never been able to throw it away. I feel as though that stuffed animal served as the model for Mii-chan. In terms of his colour and overall atmosphere.
But my stuffed animal isn’t a pervert like him!
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A delinquent overflowing with manliness. What’s with his hairstyle, I wonder. It’s actually pretty easy to draw. 
He just might never lose against anyone so long as he thinks, “There’s no way I can lose.”
I stuffed in everything my little sister likes into his appearance. “Straight-cut bangs, black-haired, one-eyed, droopy eyes.” But it isn’t as though I went and got her feedback directly so she might just tell me, “He’s not my type at all.”
I chose his personality based on my tastes- “A kind idiot.”
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I thought of a “butler who doesn’t obey orders” around the same time as a “soldier who doesn’t listen to what you say.”
I wanted to have him appear at some point in the future, but then I saw a book called The After-Dinner Mysteries in a book store, which made me think- “M-m-m-m-maybe this book has a butler who doesn’t obey orders as well?!” So I panicked, ran back home, and drew out the head butler’s story. 
That’s why the head butler’s story was shoved in out of nowhere.
I read The After-Dinner Mysteries after I wrote in all the butler plot devices I wanted to use, and it was interesting.
At the start, Ros had his three burrs hairstyle so his design was differentiated from Teufel’s, but from Season 2 forwards I struggled with differentiating them. 
So Teuf-kun has been going through some small design changes, a bit at a time.
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Before Dwango reached out to me, there was a manga I thought up with the plot “a zoo with an easily deceived curator.”
I planned to have a nisepanda appear in that work. The plot device was, “They thought it was a panda, but they were given a mysterious lifeform instead.”
Death Hot Dog-kun
A character that was born during the enthusiastic atmosphere during a meeting with my editor.
We happened to be eating hot dogs during the meeting.
I barely ever have these meetings for my other works, but for Senyu, I’ve been having meetings like this for years. So through sheer enthusiasm and cheer, things like mysterious characters and plot devices end up being created during the meetings.
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Mysterious characters in manga often show up with their face cast in shadows. Dezember was born because I thought, “Why not make those shadows real?” But he ended up as a cooler character than I expected, using his shadows to attack and such.
I wanted to base him off of a toy for future plot developments, but I’m really glad I decided to based him off of dice. He became a really good character.
I think he’s actually a really nice person.
My editor for Main Quest really liked August, so whenever they got the chance they tried to push for more August.
A character that’s rather rare for Senyuu - one that just genuinely does bad things for bad reasons. I planned to draw her as really evil so you could tell she was a bad person, but she ended up just casually munching on bread - it really surprised me.
Back when his only appearance was a silhouette, I just wanted to make people think of that character at first. But now that I really think about the design I thought up for him after - isn’t he pretty cute?
Just like Foyfoy, I often drew characters with this hairstyle back when I was a student. I usually gave it to trustworthy ally characters. I like his design and personality quite a bit - sorry I haven’t used you much…
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The Shadows
It’s super cool to be able to split your body for each die face. I also feel like it’s a great character setting that each split has his own personality. A thought just crossed my mind - couldn’t I draw a manga just based around the Dezembers’ home life? 
...I guess it would end up like Osomatsu-san...? 
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I wanted to use the concept that she was old despite her looks because she was a demon, so I had her dentures fly out - but now that I think about it, there’s other old demon characters, including some characters older than Zwei. So that would make her dentures a result of her own problematic lifestyle, not because of her old age…
Wanna Stab~
A mob among mobs, who ranked high in a popularity poll. I shall now grant him a name - “Phoenix the Rich”.
The stuff on his shoulder does some mysterious things, preventing his body from turning as well when the drill turns.
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The Great Mage
The cape he wears is very warm. His research assistants gifted him the cape as a present for his birthday sometime in his later years of life, as they were worried about his health. That’s why Alba always wears the cape.
He’s meant to be someone who knows the secrets of the world - but I can’t count the number of times I considered whether it would be better to just make him a regular old funny character. Good on you for surviving through all that, Elf!
While I did want there to be a “Elf’s best friend” character, I hadn’t thought about his name at all. So when it came time for him to appear, I really struggled with it. I wanted to make his name like Alba and Ros (Albatross) or Salt and Lake (Salt Lake)…
I may have struggled the most with Alf’s name among all my characters, considering I usually just pick names on instinct. 
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Salt and Lake and Lym
The Hero Academy trio. At first, I planned for Salt to become the Demon Lord, but when I sat down to draw everything out, Lake ended up in that role - it really shocked me.
I had always planned for the story to shift from the adventure setting of Seasons 1 and 2 to the school setting of Season 3. Though the end result is completely different from what I imagined. 
Season 3 was really fun to draw since it defied my expectations at every turn.
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I wanted to draw a pathetic older man. I also want his scar to be because of some pathetic reason like “He tripped at a bar.”
I reused the soldier design I thought up prior to thinking up Alba and Ros. He’s a little older than Rchi.
Justice is her ally. In other words, I wanted to make a character where no matter what she does, “I’m doing it, so it’s just!”
But it was too difficult to figure out how to deal with a character like that, so I ended up just making a regular old hotheaded reckless character. 
In the end though, she ended up as a character I quite like.
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A character who loves money. Since I love characters who love money, he’s a character that’s fun to use. It doesn’t actually have to be money, I like characters true to their own desires in general.
He was originally meant to be a silent character, but I got the urge to make him talk right before I was going to send in the manuscript. Since I wouldn’t make it if I typesetted his speech, I wrote his lines myself. By writing his lines in a way that can only be expressed through handwriting, I made it seem like I planned that from the start.
I made his speech typesetted again after I did that plot where he speaks super eloquently. 
Rib Man
He requires no explanation! 
It was funny when he moved in the anime.
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Sochi and Co.
There’s a game called Medabots - in that game, a character called Samantha leads a three-person team called the Screws. I’ve always liked that team since I was a kid. And then, I learned that my editor for Senyu was close with people who were involved with creating the original Medabots. So I had my editor tell them, “I want to put in characters I respect! Please leave it be!” 
Please google the Screws that I respect, I respect them.
I had vaguely thought up what was going to happen until the end of season 4 of Senyu. But since I’ve done everything I originally thought up, F5 - which I’m drawing now - is all based on plot developments I thought up in +. 
-I’ve been saying that for a while now. Lucop as well was just a throwaway joke at first. But as I started moving him around, amazing developments like “Huh? No way… you had a past like this…?” burst out of him, and so he became the current Lucop.
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A travelling doctor. As he treats his patients, he’s also searching for a cure to Mom’s mysterious disease. He’s a completely normal person with no special powers. He wanted Alba to become strong through his own power, not through familial connections.
A mother who adores her children. I think it’s pretty amazing that she managed to raise Lake up herself and send him off to school despite being blown off to a mysterious place out of nowhere.
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Rchimedes the Second and his wife
Rchimedes the Second and his wife. (T/N: Yes, it’s written twice.)
Daromeon-san, who’s currently illustrating Kengan Ashura, was the one to draw the ridiculously beautiful backgrounds in the flashback arc in Season 2 when the Second was imprisoned. When I complained that I couldn’t draw it, he drew me amazingly beautiful.backgrounds. 
The Second’s design is based off of a mysterious preconception I have that “Demon Lords should wear raggedy capes.” Mama’s design is based on those soothing, kind moms you often see in anime.
The Mana Maker that he holds in this picture isn’t any particular Mana Maker. I just wanted to let a Mana Maker show up in a group picture.
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While he’s tremendously evil, he ended up being quite loved. The Senyu characters I designed near the start wear clothes that I would never design now - I really think it’s amazing. Why did I dress him up in a jumpsuit when I decided to draw a Demon Lord?
On a side note, I imagined that the white part of his clothes peels off smoothly like tape if you pull at it from his neck. 
Since he took back his body from Rchimedes, his height shouldn’t have changed, but for some reason he mysteriously shrunk. 
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In a way, the story of these three marks the start of Senyu. Originia comes from me messing around with the the word “Original”. 
Rchimedes' scariest era just might be when he was living alone with Sion in Originia. Even though at first glance, it seems like he was living a peaceful, cheerful life with Sion, though occasionally getting beat up by him. But in reality, just what was he thinking deep inside, as he lived out his life, watching Crea and Sion?
Since I’m the author, I can generally imagine what my characters think just by thinking about it. But when it comes to Rchimedes during this time, all that comes to mind is “Scary scary scary”, and I can’t really think any further in detail.
I’m often asked “What’s Rchimedes’ original eye colour?”, but I think it was probably blue. I feel like I drew his eyes as blue somewhere, but I can’t remember…
Crea’s clothes slung around his shoulders that don’t fall off for whatever reason are actually sewn on - that’s why they don’t fall off. Crea sewed it on himself. While his threadwork is rough, it’s very sturdy. I think it’s wild and cool.
I showed a bit of what Sion did in the main story, but he generally did things like hauling supplies for hunting, looking far in the distance since his eyes are good, and going shopping in far-off cities for the village. Things like that.
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The two from Season 4 Episode 0
The two from Elf and Alf’s universe. Since Rchimedes’ magic research hasn’t progressed that much, they mostly fight with brute force. Since Crea never had his body stolen, he’s doing well. (He’s not doing well at all.)
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When I was a kid, I read in a manga, “‘Hero’ isn’t something you call yourself - it’s a title you’re granted by others.” I remember thinking, “I see, that certainly makes sense,” and agreeing with it. I also thought, “While you generally think of heroes as being brave and splendid, the person who’s actually adventuring might not be able to stand expectations like that sometimes.”
Creasion may be a character borne out of those feelings of mine.
Ros, please have tons of sweets and smile tons as well.
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When I thought of the name “Sleepiez” in Senyu+, I didn’t think much of it except “There’s an anti-Alba organization”. I also planned for Boss to be a new character. But after I took the time to think about it properly, the Sleepiez in their current form were born.
Thanks to the current Sleepiez being created, F5 was able to start even though I thought before “I’ve already done everything I want to do with Senyu, I can’t make another proper season.”
If there was no Sleepiez, I feel like + would’ve lazily continued, then at some good cut-off point, I feel like I would’ve been told, “Do you think it’s about time to end it?”
A tenth anniversary for example… it would’ve been a good cut-off point… how scary!
I can’t write about most of the Sleepiez members just yet, so I’ll be talking about Boss as their representative. 
Boss is an alternate universe’s Alba, so despite being Boss, he’s still Alba, and so I want to make him feel like Alba still. But since he’s Boss he can’t retort or make jokes, since it would ruin his dignity. So at the very least, I gave him Alba’s fashion sense to keep his Alba feel. Since his heart stained black and he became evil, his fashion sense naturally became eviller as well, but he’s still Alba, the base is still Alba. He’s wearing clothes that kinda feel like a middle schooler who just discovered fashion for the first time, like he hasn’t managed to go full evil in terms of clothes just yet.
Now I can keep Boss as Boss while still giving him an Alba feel! ...is what I thought, but… does he actually still have that feel…?
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Alba with Mana 
It made me happy that my wish for my protagonist to become the strongest at the end was granted. I thought up a lot of reasons for why only one of his eyes is red, like how it’s because his awakening is still incomplete, etc., but the number one reason is “it’s cool.” 
A single red eye is cool, right?! It’s cool right?!
Now that he can use his mana to some extent, he controls his overwhelming mana to hold it back, so his eyes are both back to black now.
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SQ Senyuu.
I had this conversation once-
Y-san from Dwango told me, “I want to take Senyu to a magazine to have it serialized!” 
I thought it would be awesome if it actually happened, so I approved it. Then I was like, “If you do take it to a magazine, where would you take it?”
Then Y-san responded, “Well, if you say ‘magazine’, you think Jump.”
And I was like, “Nah nah, Jump would be impossible, ahahaha.”
I never thought that Y-san would actually bring me an offer for serialization in Jump - Y-san was way too capable. Since my personal experience with Jump all started from there, I’m really grateful!
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<Season 1 Episode 1 redraw>
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Since I’ve remade Senyu Episode 1 many times before, I thought that I would never remake it again. But then I thought- why don’t I remake Episode 1 at the exact time it was originally released ten years ago, as celebration! So I ended up remaking it again.
But I think it may be my first time remaking it without changing any of the jokes or content.
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fodboldtroejer628 · 6 years
Valencia comeback, den næste Manchester United mod Stoke City
2017-18 sæson Premier League 23rd runde, Manchester United Old Trafford Stadium mod Stoke City! Konkurrencen starter den 16. januar 2017.
Manchester United i sidste runde 2-0 nederlag Everton, slutningen af ligaen 3 lige flad, sidste weekend FA Cup 2-0 hjemme eliminering Derby County Football Club.
Med Stoke City dette spil, Manchester United højre tilbage Valencia Billige Fodboldtrøjer er ved at komme tilbage, hans træningslejr i Dubai i god stand.
Ibrahimovic og Bailly fortsætter med at skade, var Ashley Young fraværende for forbuddet. Stoke City, Glen Johnson, Shawcross og Indi vil disse tre forsvarere ikke spille.
Denne runde af Liverpool slog Manchester City 4-3 hjemme, hvilket billige Manchester United fodboldtrøje 2017/18 vil være en god chance for at indsnævre forskellen med Manchester City. Efter en kort opvarmningslokal i Dubai kan de vinde hjemme? Vi vil vente og se.
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vikinglanguage · 4 years
Winter in Danish
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[Image description: A black and white gif of a snow falling in a little foresty area. End image description]
NB: fk. and itk. indicate grammatical genders. fk.=common (fælleskøn, “en”), itk.=neuter (intetkøn, “et”)
General vinter, fk. = winter december = December januar = January februar = February vintersolhverv, itk. = winter solstice juleferie, fk. = Christmas break (typically from around December 20th until January 2nd or 3rd) vinterferie, fk. = winter break (either week 7 or week 8, depending on the municipality) hygge, fk., uncountable = a general feeling of coziness, having a good time
Weather sne, fk., uncountable = snow at sne = to snow tøsne, fk., uncountable = big, wet snowflakes (falls when it is around or just above 0°C) frostsne, fk., uncountable = fine, dry snowflakes (falls when it’s below 0°) slud, itk., uncountable = sleet at slude = to sleet is, fk. = ice hagl, itk. = hail at hagle= to hail regn, fk. = rain at regne = to rain storm, fk. = storm at storme = to storm kold  = cold (adj.) frost, fk., uncountable = frost istap, fk. = icicle frossen = frozen (adj.) snefnug, itk = snowflake
Holidays helligdag, fk. = holiday (not to be confused with ferie=holiday/vacation) hanukkah = Hanukkah* jul, fk. = Christmas (and no, it is not capitalised in Danish. Lowercase ‘j’ jul) lillejuleaften (fk.) = “little Christmas night”, 23rd of December juleaften (fk.) = Christmas night, 24th of December (in Denmark most people celebrate Christmas on the 24th) juledag (fk.) = Christmas day, 25th of December helligtrekonger(sdag) = Epiphany (holiday), Three Kings’ Day, 13th day of Christmas, 6th of January kyndelmisse (fk.) = Candlemas, 2nd of February  Luciadag (fk.) = Saint Lucy’s Day, 13th of December nytår, itk. = new years nytårsaften (fk.) = New Year’s Eve
Foods and beverages te, fk. = tea varm kakao, fk. = hot chocolate snemandssuppe, fk. = “snowman soup”, hot chocolate with marshmallows and a candy cane Bismarck-stok · julestok · bolsjestok, fk. = candy cane småkage, fk. = cookie/biscuit gløgg, fk. = mulled wine (closely related to German Glühwein. Warm, spiced red wine, typically with raisins in) æbleskive, fk. = “apple slice”, a sweet dumpling-like “cake” made from pancake-dough, originally containing small pieces of apple (read more in Danish here and in English here)
Activities (main verb italicised) ski, fk. = ski at stå på ski = to ski snemand, fk. = snowman at bygge en snemand = to build a snowman skøjte, fk. = ice skate at stå på skøjter · at skøjte = to ice skate snebold, fk. = snowball sneboldkamp, fk. = snowball fight snowboard, itk. = snowboard at snowboarde · at stå p�� snowboard = to snowboard luciaoptog, itk. = Lucia procession (read more in Danish here and in English here)
Apparel (vinter)jakke, fk. = (winter) jacket (vinter)frakke, fk. = (winter) coat anorak, fk. = parka handske, fk. = glove vante, luffe, fk. = mitten (hals)tørklæde, itk. = scarf flyverdragt, fk. = snowsuit (vinter)støvle, fk. = (winter) boot
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till-langschied · 5 years
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curated by Dr. Isabel Balzer
at M54 Basel
23rd of November 2019 until 5th of Januar 2020
Artists: Aebersold x Handberg, Mali Arun, Hamza Badran, Marie-Paule Bilger, Kathrin Borer, Stefanie Bühler, Anna Diehl, Gabriella Disler, Laura Gaiser, Géraldine Honauer, Jan Hostettler Susanna Hertrich, Simon Krebs, Vincent Kriste, Till Langschied, Fabio Luks, Dawn Nilo
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