#Jinbei x reader
onepiece-fics · 3 months
Strawhats' reaction to their S/O napping randomly in weird places
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Summary: Strawhats reacting to their partner falling asleep in weird places in positions randomly.
Warnings: Gender-neutral reader. General fluff. Mentions of gaslighting but in a joking way (incredibly unserious).
Word count: 1126 
Honestly, he’s too stupid to consider that it could be a health issue so he just kinda thinks it’s cute
It’s not until someone like Chopper or Nami asks him if you’re okay that he’s like “Wait a damn minute…. Is my partner okay???”
He’ll confront you about it, super concerned, asking if you’re dying and you’ll be like “ ??? what now???”
He’ll sit with you as Chopper examines you with very stern eyebrows. When Chopper tells him that you’re fine he has the BIGGEST smile on his face.
Would probably either join your naps (and also sleep in weird places/positions) or poke you until you wake up lol. 
Dude will join your naps, no questions asked.
He’ll ask you if you’re okay, but once you tell him that you’re fine he shrugs his shoulders and just lies down near you. 
If you look particularly uncomfortable if you’ve somehow squeezed yourself in between two boxes or something he might pick you up and plop you down in a hammock instead.
Most of the time though he just sits or lays down next to you, with an arm around your shoulder or waist.
He knows you think it's adorable to wake up with him half-snuggled into you <3
Before you start dating she might judge you a little. She might give you a weird look when she finds you hanging from your legs in her tangerine trees lmao.
When you start dating though she’ll find it cute as hell. Whenever she’s just walking around on the ship and finds you in the most random places it’ll make her giggle. 
When she finds you she’ll squat down beside you, move your hair from your face, and give you a kiss on your forehead as you wake up.
“Wake up sleepyhead, surely this can’t be comfortable?” she’ll say teasingly as she pulls you up on your feet (and drags you away to go cuddle somewhere) 
He thinks it’s soooo cute but…. He might jokingly gaslight you about it.
“Oh Y/N? Remember that time I found you sleeping in the Cola barrel and you heat all of Franky's cola up with your body temperature? No? Dang, and Franky got so sad about the Cola too…”
He’ll only gaslight you for a little bit though before kissing you and telling you it’s a joke. He’s not doing it maliciously, he just thinks it’s funny to tease you and make up stories (and tell them to Chopper who totally believes it every time)
Honestly, I feel like Usopp would be the type to tuck blankets and pillows away in the most random places that you tend to fall asleep in, in hopes that you would use them.
He would also tell you to call for him if you start feeling sleepy so he can wake you up! 
In reality though, if you do call for him he’ll just get super soft and cuddly with you and you’d both end up napping together. 
He’d be SO worried about you it’s not even funny
Would be sprinting to Chopper with you in his arms the first time you fall asleep in a weird place asking him to cure you immediately
After an intense check-up from Chopper (with Sanji crying, holding your hand) he’ll be so relieved that you’re fine.
He might scold you if he finds you in positions that look particularly uncomfortable, but he wouldn’t ever wake you up. He’d just pick you up and place you on a sofa somewhere and wait until you woke up to scold you.
Like Usopp, he would also ask you to tell him if you were feeling sleepy, but with cuddling 110% in mind.
If you ever come over to him and tell him that you’re sleepy you best believe this man is dropping WHATEVER he’s doing to pick you up and run somewhere you two could cuddle. 
As a doctor, he’ll ask you some questions about it and be able to give you some advice on what to do.
Might prescribe you melatonin pills to take when you go to bed at night in hopes that you don’t nap at weird times/places.
Would definitely keep an eye on you and might get upset if you nap when he tells you not to (how could you do that to the poor doctor T_T)
I don’t think Robin would be all too worried honestly, I think she’d just find it cute
Similarly to Zoro, I think she might sit/lay next to you if she finds you and just read for a bit, stroking your hair if you’re lying in her lap.
She trusts that both you and Chopper know what’s healthy or not regarding your naps.
She might propose a daily naptime for you lol. Like, just a 40 min nap time where you’re leaning against her in the hammock or something like that.
It takes him a while to notice at first, and when someone tells him they found you under a carpet in the dining room he doesn’t believe them at all. When he goes to look for you and finds you under the dining room carpet though…. He loses his mind.
Honestly, I feel like Franky would just be baffled more than anything.
“But why would you nap there?? Aren’t there better places to nap? What if someone steps on you?” Mans is just incredibly confused. 
Might make you a smartwatch that gives him a notification whenever you fall asleep so he can go get you and put you to bed lol 
After it happens like 10 times he just starts joking about it even though he still doesn’t really understand. 
Another one that doesn’t really reflect on how weird it is lol
If he sees you lying somewhere random on deck he might just laugh at you
Will tease you about it when you wake up, might even make a stupid rhyme about it and get Luffy and Chopper in on the teasing as well 
But it’s all lighthearted at the end of the day!
I feel like Jinbei would be very confused like Franky, but would ultimately find it kind of cute. 
Might pick you up and carry you to your or his bed and tuck you in with a little kiss on the forehead
More than anything I feel like if another strawhat found you sleeping somewhere weird they would come up to him like “Jinbeiiii, they fell asleep on the stairs againnn” like it’s his duty to go pick you up lol. 
He might tease you a little bit about it because he finds it silly, but more than anything he finds it cute. 
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lehguru · 1 year
characters: luffy, zoro, sanji, nami, usopp, robin, franky, brook + jinbei
warnings: not proofread + commissions are open !
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monkey d.luffy doesn't even care about pet names. you try to call him out by using "my love", but he doesn't even look at you; he only notices you're calling him when you use his name or a nickname. "oh, what's up?" he simply answers, his wide eyes staring at you with obvious happiness and joy – simply out of seeing you there. everyone in the crew smiles at the obliviousness of their captain and the situation just becomes a joke. (nami asks if you need her to punch him till he acknowledges the pet names)
roronoa zoro almost growls at you when those two words leave your lips if you two aren't alone. it's not that he hated those cute names, he likes them, but in private; he knows that if you two use any pet name, sanji and the others won't stop bothering him, so he prefers to keep everything behind closed doors. if you call him 'my love' before bed, he will softly smirk at you and kiss your forehead, holding you close to his body.
sanji feels like doing backflips when you call him by any cute name. "my love, do you need any help?", he didn't need it, but as his body hits the floor, his eyes having hearts on them, he ends up needing help. he begs you to call him like that again, saying that it makes him feel all warm and nice that his sweetie is giving him such cute nicknames.
nami scoffs anytime you come up with a new nickname. "i'm not going to give you more money", she always says, her arms crossed in front of her chest. when she notices you're just being soft and adorable, she will press light kisses all over your face and woo at you. "you're s' lovely, baby! c'mon, les' have a date!"
usopp waves between being embarrassed by the pet name and being cocky about it. he can and will go "heh, obviously 'm your love! 'm usopp, after all!"; but if you do it in private, he will bury his face on your neck and quietly ask "do ya really think that?". no matter what, he will hug you and spin you around, laughing with joy at your own giggles. usopp will want to be next to you the rest of the day, doing his silly little jokes and telling you more stories to hear you laugh at him.
robin tears up softly after hearing you call her 'my love' for the first time. she never felt like that before; the straw hats make her feel like she belongs somewhere, but you... you make her feel something greater than that. the tall woman will grab your hand and softly kiss your knuckles, bringing you closer to her body so her other hand can rest on your hips. "you are my love, too." she will softly whisper against the skin of your hand, her lips forming the softest smile.
franky will immediately pick you up so you can sit on his metallic shoulder. "aren't you proud that your love is super strong?", he would say with a wide smirk. he would make sure to tell everyone that pass you two that you're the best partner ever and that he's so lucky to have someone like you – even if all crew members know about that.
brook laughs loudly. looming over you, he would start giggling and tease you a little; "yohoho? 'm your love! oh, my dear! i am truly your love!" he would pull his violin out and start serenading you, singing all the songs that he wrote about you. if you sit and applaud him every single timehe finishes a song, he will fall even harder for you.
jinbei simply smiles and puts his hand on the top of your head, cautiously so he doesn't end up hurting you. he resumes on doing whatever he was doing before, but your words would ring in his ears and he would remain with a smile on his face the rest of the day. at night, before you went to sleep, he would kiss your forehead and murmur, "goodnight, my love."
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2023 © content belongs to lehguru, but the characters used on them belong to their respective creators!!
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princeoftheeternalbog · 4 months
Really sleepy and so like sleeping with you headcannons lets go
I'm not sure half of these are even on the same vibe so uhm like do with that what you will, this is so long and it's atrocious but oh well. Also sorry if its ooc😻
I think maybe one line of suggestive in Franky's and Namis.
I feel like i forgot someone tbh..
Sleeps anywhere and everywhere but sleeps better and longer next to you. Thus he is obsessed with sleeping with you and whenever he wants to sleep now you have no choice you must take sleep too. He snores and drools but that's kind of a win because then he doesn't care if you do yk? Loves taking naps with you and it's a way he likes to connect with you. Always kisses you before you sleep and after you wake up. He's so comfortable to lie next to because he's so squishy and he holds you in like every way possible because he doesn't have to worry about circulation being cut off or anything.
Again he will sleep literally anywhere. He sleeps like a log but somehow you are the only person able to wake him up, Robin theorises it's his observation haki keeping an eye on you but whatever it is you are Zoros designated alarm clock. However, there is about a 30% chance that when you wake him up, he will just snatch you to cuddle and go back to sleep. You cannot escape his hold and if you keep trying to wake him up he'll just bite you(gently) idk he's feral. Depends on his schedule if he's comfortable or not, usually when he's bulking up he's squishier and it's nice to cushion your head on.
Never naps and it's so alarming. How does he survive on like 6 hours everyday we will never know. Anyways he's very clingy when he's sleepy but in like a 'I don't want to bother you so I'll just sit over here looking really forlorn', just take the man to bed. Is somehow so comfy to sleep with it's actually annoying because after a certain point you just can't sleep alone anymore. Always tucks you in if you don't get up at the same time as him and he'll leave little snacks and drinks on your bedside table for when you do wake up. Sanji has a more lean muscly build so it's more comfortable to have him lie on top of you and he is not complaining in the slightest.
Loves cuddling in the winter, hates it in the summer. She's really sensitive to the temperature yk it's that innate sense of the weather, so when it's hot she is hot. But she really likes being able to touch you, so after a certain point she just forces franky to install(invent) air conditioning and it makes the summer so much more bearable. After this there's no escape, you will be cuddling every night (unless boundaries yk). She always tries to convince you stay in bed in the morning...and it always works. She's very persuasive okay. Lets you use her as a pillow, like her chest or thighs or tummy, she just wants to be next to you.
Really shy about sleeping with you the first time. Only the first time. After that well lets just say you created a monster. He's really good at telling when you need a nap, especially when you won't admit it. He just subtly ushers you to a comfy spot and then oh what a surprise your eyes are getting really heavy and hm Usopp wouldn't mind if you leant on him for a bit and then snoreville. He thinks you're so pretty when you're sleeping because you look so peaceful and relaxed, so even if he's not tired he will always agree to a nap. He will carry you to bed. And he's so casual about it too, I guess because you're not like watching him directly so he's just like really chill.
Actually has a nap schedule with her sleep schedule, she usually takes a very short one after lunch because her power can be quite draining and so once you find this out it's just a big cuddle session which she loves. She tends to keep you to a sleep schedule too but she won't force you if you are really insistent on staying up, but she will say I told you so when you're grumpy and feel sick the next day. So lovely to sleep with, she barely moves, never hogs the blanket, doesn't snore and somehow always stays very cool even in the summer. She also always makes sure you get into bed safely if you're drunk or ill, even if she is too, she really cares about you.
I won't lie...he builds himself an entire like cushion add-on thing so you can comfortably sleep next to him. He looks like a giant marshmallow man it's so funny. But also it's so cute because he takes your comfort so seriously and he runs multiple tests to make sure it's the absolute comfiest he can be for you. Loves naps but absolutely adores actual bedtime because of the whole like rituals and because he knows he doesn't have to get up in like an hour. Sometimes he will seriously overwork into the night, but on those occasions it's fairly easy to coax him to bed(😚). Also he wears one of those stupid scrooge hats tbh. And yes he says super in his sleep.
Really insecure about sleeping together because he thinks he'll be uncomfortable to lie next to or cuddle :(. On the other hand, you're also really worried because you don't want to accidentally hurt him while he's asleep, so for the first few months you sleep in beds that are close enough to hold hands instead. Eventually when you both become comfortable with the idea, you end up sleeping together almost every night and you occasionally nap together too. He wears really soft padded pajamas to make sure you're comfy. It's surprisingly more comfy to sleep next to him than you thought it would be.
I won't lie sometimes you do shit yourself waking up and seeing a skeleton.
So responsible, absolutely will stop you from napping if it's too close to bedtime. He knows sleep is important but he also knows a routine is important...and he can't bear watching you sleep alone so if you mess up your schedule then you're messing up his. This also works for if you try to stay up late too, he'll straight up snatch you off the ground and just carry you to bed no matter how much you complain. Really good cuddler, like really good. He always knows how much pressure to use while holding you and when you want more or less contact, knows when you need extra blankets, when you want to sleep in a hammock instead of a bed. He's got a sixth sense for your sleeping habits (read: he's desperately in love with you).
Really grumpy about it. And really shy. Also he's a hypocrite, he'll stay up working till early hours of the morning but if you dare even try he's stood there staring at you like the mf eyes of notre dame. He always wants to cuddle but absolutely despises asking so again he just stares, you can always tell though because his ears go really red. Once you're in the bed though he's suddenly mr suave i will arrange everything, he will literally pick you up to manoeuvre you both into a better sleeping position and doesn't even bat an eye. He will nap but you have to trick him into it, he secretly loves it and lets you do it even when he knows what's happening.
Needs like 15 million blankets to sleep. Uses one of said 15 million blankets to wrap you up like a burrito if you refuse to come sleep/nap with him. But actually it kinda does hurt his feelings so you can make up for it by playing with his hair until he falls asleep. Loves napping, he's like an overgrown cat and he'll sleep literally anywhere. But if it's anywhere other than his or yours (or killers) room he somehow? manages? to scowl? in his sleep? Yeah I don't know but it just stops his crew from messing with him because he looks so angry. Like Zoro he will literally just snatch you if you're in his vicinity, like you walk past for two seconds and then suddenly your vision flips and you're just stuck in this iron grip. He won't let you go and the crew just walk past you too.
You literally don't sleep together until you've been dating for like a fucking year. He really values his privacy and you really respect it which culminates in neither of you asking for such a long time that you both forget its a common couple thing. Until someone asks why you don't sleep together and then you guys are like huh idk and then that's the day you finally do. He's a good cuddler but he's a blanket hogger and you have to braid his hair before bed or it will end up in your mouth. On the plus side, he will make and leave breakfast or coffee (or anything you want) on your bedside table if he wakes up first. Also he always picks the best bedsheets and eventually buys two quilts so you can at least have some blanket when he snatches it all.
Naturally runs like a furnance and is hell to sleep next to in the summer. But he gets really grumpy if you dont sleep next to him so the crew make you suck it up I'm sorry. Literally you're like clawing at the walls as they throw you in and lock the door. Anyways he's a really good cuddler and so comfy to sleep with, and he always takes naps with his head in your lap. He loves to have you sleep on him too because he loves to look at your face and stroke you hair, idk he likes being slow with you even though he's really energetic. Being naturally sleepy and like a little radiator also tends to make the people around him sleepy so you two are banned from working next to each other because you both just end up napping.
He doesn't sleep a lot because well he doesn't really need to. But he adores sleeping with you. It's one of his like favourite 'bonding' activities, especially if you haven't been able to be alone for a while, he just loves being that close and the intimacy of sleeping in each others beds. On another note he's obsessed with making your bed really comfy because as a doctor he knows sleep hygiene is important and as a bird...well yk...nest. He's not shy about it but don't tease him because it will hurt his feelings and he won't tell you to save your feelings, beautiful sweet man that he is. LOVES a good nap/cuddle especially in the winter, if you both have spare time he just bundles you both in a big fluffy blanket and just exists with you for a bit.
He is surprisingly a really undignified sleeper, which is why you don't sleep in the same room for months when you first get together😭. When you finally do, you wake up with his arm in your face, his hair is everywhere, there's a pillow across the room, the blanket is somehow under the bed, you're just like wtf how. And Izou is just (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿◡⁠`⁠). But he gets better over time because his brain becomes more aware of your presence as you become more important to him and then bedtime settles into comfy chaos. Pillows still end up everywhere but he is now your cushion so you don't really care. He doesn't really nap anywhere that's not his room but if you do then he carries you to bed :).
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one-piece-aus · 1 year
What would marriage life would be like with the seven warlords?
This is an old anon request, I do apologize for not getting to it sooner but here we go
What Marriage Life Would Be Like With the Seven Warlords (Headcanons)
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It's pretty chill being married to Mihawk
Y'all just vibe in a mansion on an isolated island
I imagine Mihawk is a person of quality time and acts of service so the two of you would often spend time together
Whether it's reading in your library or cooking dinner for each other, every moment you do together and action you do for him is cherished in Mihawk's heart, even if he doesn't mention it
He makes sure you're healthy and well (eating properly, making sure you get your sleep)
This man will be able to instantly tell if your state is the slightest bit off and will not hesitate to voice his concern
He is not opposed to having children, the idea might amuse him
In fact, after Zoro and Perona had made their appearance, Mihawk grew fond of the idea taking care of his own child, even if they would be irritating at times
Btw, Zoro and Perona think you two act like an old married couple ❤
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Only way this would be possible is if you are someone like Luffy
She might not understand exactly what marriage life means but she will do her best to make you happy
She is going to cook for you and feed you
She will bathe you and make sure you have the best clothes to wear
And she will order the best doctors to bring you back to your best health if you get sick
She is taking ✨amazing✨ care of you
The two of you are just living the life of luxury regardless of where you choose to live because you two are together and happy
You will not have kids (for a number of reasons that I will not get into because this is supposed to be a fun post)
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Alright, I had no idea what to do for Moria so I asked @ask-the-night-crowl for these headcanons, thank you again Snugs
In a marriage, Moria would totally rely on his partner to fulfill all the duties he has/ should be responsible for. Granted, the other mysterious four already take over most of those, but someone has to keep them all in check.
His spouse better not be aversed by his crew, because for as much as he says he doesn't care about these idiots, he would also face death to protect them.
Unless him and his s/o have known eachother for a pretty long time, he'll try to keep them at an arm's length. Not necessarily because they don't have good enough of a connection, but the idea of loss is always on his mind.
He doesn't mind affection. In fact, he'll back-handedly seek it out by annoying his s/o until they give him attention if he so desires. He's pretty much like an oversized cat.
On the other hand, you'll also have to be prepared not to see him for days on end, because of his sleeping habits (Again, like a cat).
But in that time, cuddling with him is totally fine, because once that man is out, he sleeps like a rock.
His frequent nightmares might lead to the conclusion that comforting him would be the answer. But he hates the idea of being treated as weak as that and would much rather appreaciate the mere presence of his s/o when he wakes up next to them.
In contrast, he'll offer the same to his s/o when they feel down and would have an immediate (even petty) grudge against anyone harming them.
Staying in with him at a fireplace, drinking fancy wines and making fun of the other warlords would be his favorite way to spend time when he's awake for once.
If the spouse is good at cooking, you can bet they'll become his personal chef - after all, love goes through the stomach amirite.
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If you're marrying Doffy, his family comes as a package deal, you can't have him without it, that being said, he expects you to get along with them (you can tolerate them instead but just don't let him notice)
Of course, he will expect you to take care of Baby 5, Buffalo, and Dellinger as if they were your children, he is open to making blood offsprings, but never put them before him
Doffy is your number 1 priority, whatever he says goes
But just because he's demanding doesn't mean he won't show you affection, in fact, most of his demands is just him wanting to give or receive affection
You are showed in gifts and luxury, he is the king of Dressrosa afterall, your word has every weight as his own since your are his queen
He is proud to show off his spouse, you are his most prized possession after all
However, you are more than just a trophy, after the loss of his dear mother and brother, he holds you close and tells you how dear you are to him every night
You are often woken up in the middle of the night due to his rustling from nightmares, just hold him to calm him down
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Crocodile keeps you in the dark about his work, for all you know, he is a casino owner in Alabasta that keeps the people safe from pirates since he's a warlord
He takes you out for a stroll around in the evening, outside to admire the stars, or in the casino where your every need is met
He doesn't show affection in public but his gestures do show you belong to him and no one else
He keeps you company in bed at night until you fall asleep but when you wake up, he is not there, he's working as always
When see him next, he'll have a gift for you, an apology for not being able to always be around as he is a very busy man, but he'll make it up to you
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I imagine it would be comfortable, like little cottage in nature kind of comfy
You both would wake up in the morning with a nice cup of tea
Your place would be clean and organized
You'd receive lots of comforting hugs and cuddles
Life would be peaceful
Until strawhat crew comes knocking on your door
Don't quite have any ideas for Kuma so... This is end, I hope you enjoy anon, and thank you for requesting
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marimology · 6 months
one piece characters and how they’d react to you having a shirt with their face on it that says “ i heart my girlfriend “
characters : ichiji vinsmoke,jinbei, ace, sanji, franky + robin
warnings : none short drabble poly frobin
— is NOT amused
—hates the shirt actually
— went to hug you from the back in the morning while you where making breakfast and asked if you got a new shirt until you turned around and he saw THAT with a picture of him sleeping in the heart of the shirt
his face got redder than his hair
“don’t you dare wear that in public”
“didnt plan on it sugar” you say before heading out the door
“i’m going to get mail”
“ok….. realization hits WE DONT HAVE A MAILBOX”
as soon as you take a shower he’ll use the shirt as a gag and throw it out the next day
hates that fuck ass shirt
— is…. amused at least
“whered you even get that picture”
“you’d be amazed how many pictures the fishman pirates has of you”
“howd you even-“
“i have my ways jinbei��.i have my ways”
— the next day appears with a shirt that says “ i heart my pearl” with your face on it.
as SOON as he sees that shirt he’s burning it
saw you pouting cus of it and asked whyd you get it
“cus you’re my baby girl”
“ well i don’t need to be put on a shirt !”
he’s a division commander of the whitebeard pirates he doesn’t need to be put on a shirt :( you do it again to spite him
“AWE I HEART YOU TO Y/N-SW- wait does that say girlfriend” he said with hearts in his eyes before stopping mid movement to reread the shirt
“maybe —“ you’d say covering the shirt up
makes you cross it out and replace the word girlfriend with prince or something
gets a shirt with your face on it that says “i heart y/n-swan”
franky + robin
you all have matching ones actually and the one he has of you he works in. he has no shame he wants everyone to see the super cool shirts he made of all of you.
everyone who sees his shirt is like “partners?” and he stares at them and is like “ yes don’t they both look amazing!” without a care in the world
chopper has one that says “i heart my parents” with a photo of the three of you on it
it was for an anniversary present he refuses to take it off
notes : i actually have a shirt of sanji
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cinnbar-bun · 4 months
Gifts OP Characters Give you for Valentine’s Day
Rating: SFW
A/n: happy Valentine’s Day!! Enjoy this short little thing. Vday is kinda messy for me cuz I’m allergic to chocolate so 😭 Oofie lmao. Chopper is platonic only!!!
Luffy: He is very earnest and most of his “affection” is shown through actions, so he’ll probably be more physically affectionate and want you by his side all day. Would gift you some food to share and maybe a single flower (he accidentally crushed it but it’s so cute)
Zoro: Your favorite drink. He probably would drink lots of sake, but if you don’t drink sake/alcohol in general, he buys you your favorite soda, coffee, tea, or sparkling juice etc. to drink beside you. Prefers a more romantic gesture of drinking at night alone with you under the stars.
Nami: Chocolate covered tangerines. Or if you’re allergic to both/either/don’t care for those, she gives you a nice piece of matching jewelry to wear with her.
Usopp: A heart-shaped device. Dunno what that device would specifically be but it’s probably based on whatever you needed and he decided to spruce it up for you.
Sanji: Mr. Prince does everything. Bugs you two dozen glitter roses, large teddy bears, and heart shaped everythings. Gives the gifts to you all day and makes sure to make a romantic vday dinner with you. Lots of kisses.
Chopper: cotton candy!!! And it’s pink!!! And kinda looks like a heart!! (Please ignore the way he wants to take a bite of it… or don’t and just forfeit all your possessions to him).
Robin: A lovely scrapbook and some flowers. She likes homemade gifts for you and her, so she made sure to buy those for you to always carry the memories you two shared with each other.
Franky: a miniature boat with figures of you and him he dubs the ‘love boat’. It’s so cheesy but it’s so expertly crafted and made you can’t help but be l happy about it.
Brook: a new song just for you. Brook is always happy to perform for you, and you’re his biggest muse so he’s always got you on the brain. He crafts a love song just to express his feelings for you.
Jinbei: a nice new tea and some desserts for you two to indulge in and relax with. Sweets are always better with you <3
Buggy: New makeup and a matching outfit with him. He loves when your outfits complement his so he wants to have you dress up in a similar fashion to him!
Mihawk: Nice homemade meals and a romantic dinner. He’s extra attentive and romantic today, making sure to pepper you in kisses and hold you close to him.
Crocodile: Expensive gifts made with gold and lots of flowers. Excess is the name, and that’s Crocodile’s game. He is happy to present you with a room full of gifts and then murmur to you he is happy to have you beside him the rest of the day (and night).
Law: Says he doesn’t believe in this yet he got you nice (and a healthier version) of some of your favorite foods. Also some flowers too, which he extensively looked up the meaning of so he could confess the feelings he’s too tsun to admit (if you care to notice-)
Corazon: Says you don’t need a gift, since your love is the best gift in the world. Just kidding, he gets you flowers and offers to take the day off to just do whatever you want.
Doflamingo: Awwwww you were expecting flowers? Maybe even chocolates? No, he’s got you a new outfit and you better be ready soon cuz he’s got a reservation at a fancy restaurant for the both of you.
Shanks: Also says you don’t need a gift because he’s the greatest thing ever and your love is just so strong with each other and- okay okay, he’s being serious now. He got you that one trinket you were eyeing at the island back there that you thought he didn’t notice you were eyeing but he did because he’s like that.
Beckman: Gruff man who is offering to take care of you today and make sure you’re completely relaxed and not lifting a finger. If the others try to get you to work, he’s lecturing them. Also wants to just spend time with you quietly.
Ace: Big teddy bear!!! It’s so cute!!! Just like you!!! He had to get it!! Might also accidentally set it on fire from getting flustered when you kiss his cheek.
Sabo: Gentleman- he gets you traditional gifts associated with Valentines Day, but then offers to take you to an untraditional date spot.
Koala: Girl put her hardest effort into making your favorite sweets/food. She wants a romantic meal with you and to spend time not working for a night.
Perona: … hello??? You’re supposed to be getting HER gifts??? She’s a princess, why are you bugging? Okay… she’ll admit, she made you a cute gothic outfit so you can be just as cute as her. She demands romantic movies and cuddles.
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heartsforseo · 2 months
Straw hats x cat! reader
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Summary: You were just playing around in your room and one of your spells made you a temporary cat. request=open requested: <yes> <no> wc: 1,120 ft: straw hats
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⭑First of all, Luffy would call out your name EVERYWHERE.
⭑If you didn't respond, he would use his Gum-Gum Fruit to climb the crow's nest.
⭑But, sadly, he didn’t see u. But instead, a small cat sitting on top of the merry’s head.
⭑He’d used his gum-gum powers to go to the cat and would tilt his head to the side due to confusion.
⭑But no worries since he’d smile and try to pet the cat.
⭑Would honestly forget about you and would just wanna play with the cat (which IS technically you...)
⭑The next day though, he'd try to look at the cat again (HE WANTS TO PLAY!!).
⭑Though when he saw you, he'd be happy again!
⭑Would invite you to look for the cat with him but give up 5 minutes later.
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⭑You promised Zoro to spar with him after lunch.
⭑However, when he arrived at the crow's nest, a cat was waiting for his arrival.
⭑He won't pay mind to the sitting cat, instead, he'd use that time to train.
⭑But, the sun is starting to set and the cat hasn't moved an inch. He's getting pissed.
⭑Would mumble a curse and say stupid. But the cat meowed at him.
⭑He FINALLY looked at the cat and said, "What?"
⭑You'd growl at him and scratch his pants.
⭑He was honestly deciding to kick you but noticed your similar features and FINALLY REALIZED.
⭑Would laugh at you and pet you. He also realized that he likes cuddling with you!
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⭑Poor man, save Sanji from this hell.
⭑When he didn't see u in the dining hall eating, he was worried.
⭑Would asked Robin and Nami if they saw you, but both the girls said no.
⭑After everyone left to do whatever and Sanji finally overcame his breakdown, he saw a small cat standing at the center of the table.
⭑He was honestly angry at first. Who's cat is this? And don't they know that they shed a lot!?
⭑But when he took a closer look at you and a super deep inhaling, he finally realized it was you.
⭑"Is that really you, Y/n?" he said.
⭑You meowed back, happy that Sanji recognized you immediately.
⭑He'd pet you and hug you (He wanna spend time with you ok? Especially if ur taller than him. NOW HE'S LARGER >:))
⭑The rest of the day was just u sleeping on the counter, occasionally getting pets from him.
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⭑You were hanging around Nami's tangerine trees, trying to hide from the sun.
⭑She finally finished drawing the last island that you guys went to. So, of course, she wanted to rest for a while.
⭑And what better way to do it than to eat one of her tangerines?
⭑She took a step forward but was blocked. She looked down and saw a little kitty sleeping.
⭑She cooed on the sleeping cat and picked it up gently, scared to awaken it.
⭑Nami would then go to her office and lay you on her desk, admiring your sleeping form.
⭑She would take a piece of paper to put every question she has for you and try to communicate with you.
⭑When she finally noticed that the cat was you, SHE WAS SQUEALING!
⭑She was kinda sad that you can't turn into a cat at will though.
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⭑Ussop was bored and was just walking on the green grass.
⭑Suddenly he tripped and fell. He then would look back and notice a cat sleeping.
⭑The cat, who was formally sleeping stretched its body.
⭑Ussop, honestly, was scared at first. He WAS sure there wasn't anything lying around. But when he turned around, he sent out a relief of sigh.
⭑"It was just a cat," he had thought, "WHAT IS A CAT DOING HERE?"
⭑Bro was shaking. Though you just glared at Ussop, disturbing your sleep.
⭑Would sit down and play with you.
⭑Bro exhausted you and got you back to your human form quicker than 24 hrs.
⭑W Ussop
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⭑Chopper was reading a book in his office when he heard some scratching on the other side of the door.
⭑Chopper opened the door and saw you frowning.
⭑He immediately recognized it was you. From your features to your smell.
⭑When I tell you his eyes were sparkling, it was SPARKLING.
⭑He invited you to his office and tried to talk to you. Since he was an animal by heart, it was the easiest to talk to him.
⭑You honestly had a good fun chat with Chopper.
⭑He told you fun facts about cats and how they used to be worshipped.
⭑Honestly, 10/10. Just come to Chopper.
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⭑Robin was just hanging around the deck of the merry. Reading as she pleased.
⭑Until she heard some meowing beside her.
⭑She looked down and saw a cat. Though it was her first time seeing it, she felt a sense of familiarity.
⭑"Y/n?" she spoke.
⭑You meowed back, happy that Robin noticed you.
⭑She made a few jokes about you staying like that forever. (It made u scared and u started meowing faster.)
⭑Robin chuckled and used her devil fruit to tickle you.
⭑And from exhaustion, it made you turn back to normal. YEY!!
⭑Now, whenever someone from the crew gets turned into a cat, Robin just needs to exhaust them, and they'll turn back to normal.
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⭑You were gonna surprise Franky 'bout being turned into a cat.
⭑You weren't looking in your direction and fell into a massive tub of cola.
⭑Franky saw you and used his mini hands to save you.
⭑You stuck your tongue out to the cyborg man who was in a state of confusion.
⭑"Owh! Y/n! This is SUPPPERRRR weird!" he said.
⭑He'd honestly play with you in your cat form. I mean, he's superrr excited!!
⭑He also got u back on ur normal form. YEY!!
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⭑Brook felt something heavy on top of his head.
⭑He tried taking off his hat and feeling his hair, but nothing was there.
⭑It's when Brook lost his balance and you fell on his hands. (Thanks to his great reflexes)
⭑You had a smug face when you saw the skeleton's shocked face.
⭑He'd just forget about it and make a welcoming song for you though.
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⭑Jimbei was just steering the ship when he heard meowing behind him.
⭑He saw a cat that was sitting down.
⭑Jimbei thought that it was somebody's pet. And since he was the newest person in the crew, he had no right to throw the cat.
⭑He picked you up and put you on his shoulders. The clean breeze hitting your fur.
⭑You fell asleep on his shoulders and woke up on your bed, feeling a sense of exhaustion on your hands and legs.
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cyborg-franky · 3 months
Jinbei has practically zero content for him…
Can I request a jinbei x gender neutral reader where reader is married to him, but the other straw hats don’t know?
Maybe one of them accidentally tells the crew and now everyone’s in varying degrees of shock. (“Y/n you’re in your fourties?!” “Jinbei you’re married??” “When?” “Congrats!”)
I loooooove Jinbei and yeah he doesn't get alot of love. I think cus he gets put in 'dad' like I do with Whitebeard so people are hessitent to ask for him.
Jinbei x GN Reader
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You and Jinbei didn’t share your personal lives, not really. It wasn’t because you didn’t trust or like your nakama it was simply the way you were, Jinbei too.
But when Nami complimented what you wearing, a simple but cute necklace of pearls and a seashell you simply replied “Thank you! Jinbei gave it to me for our last wedding anniversary, I love it.” You said smiling and holding the shell up, admiring how the pearlescent shell gleamed in the light.
“Wait! Your both married?” Nami shouted, grabbing you by the shoulders and shaking you which some of the others overheard.
“Your married?” Usopp repeated and stared at you both. Jinbei had walked over just to be yelled at by confused crewmates.
“And to each other?” Nami asked and you nodded, leaning against Jinbei as he wrapped an arm around you as best as he could with the size difference.
“Yeah, wasn’t it obvious?” you said with a chuckle, Jinbei joining in with your amusement as Sanji now joined in on the confused noises and barrage of questions. 
“You look too young to be married! Wow,” He said as he eyed you up, no idea you were around Jinbei’s age. 
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Usopp said and Nami nodded along. “It’s not like we hid it from you, we just aren’t super PDA or chatty about ourselves…” You explained and then flipped it on them with a wicked smirk.  “Or maybe you just didn’t notice? Don’t even notice your nakama…”
“T-thats not it!” Sanji and Nami said at once, Jinbei giving a loud boisterous laugh. “Well, now you know. We are married, I don’t know what you’ll do with that information, it’s not useful.”  Jinbei said but you both knew the three strawhats were going to run away to gossip with one another. 
“Very happily married,” You added and placed your hand on his and he murmured in agreement. 
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galamalion · 11 months
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˚ ୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ first date (i)
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⤷ ⋆ * ˖ ౨ৎ ⋆ summary﹕what do you do on your first date?
⋆ * ˖ ⋆ notes﹕hello! first straw hat crew post! <3
⤷ ⋆ * ˖ ౨ৎ ⋆ pairing﹕straw hats x gn!reader
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⤷ ⋆ * ˖ ౨ৎ ⋆ luffy﹕
luffy is a big fan of the outdoors, so he’d be excited to show you around a trail!
well, it’s less of a trail and more of an incredibly tree-dense area deep in the woods, but luffy seems to know where he’s going…
one mountain lion and two bear fights later, you and luffy reach your destination, the foot of an imposing cliff
the sun had already begun to set by the time you reached the top, giving you and luffy a beautiful view
sitting beside him on the cliff, you snuggled your head into his shoulder
despite the scrapes and mosquito bites you received, this hike seemed pretty worth it, especially since you got to spend it with him
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⤷ ⋆ * ˖ ౨ৎ ⋆ zoro﹕
zoro likes three things: fighting, drinking, and lounging. luckily a picnic can incorporate at least two of those!
you prepare a basket full of food and enough booze to down several men, but you know he’ll probably only get a little tipsy
he gets to lay back while you unpack the basket, waiting for you to feed him like the king he believes himself to be
instead of a couple juicy grapes, a sandwich hits him in the face, knocking him out of his royal stupor as you laugh at him
your quaint picnic devolves into a food fight as you take positions, dodging the onigiri zoro was chucking at you
once you two are fully covered in food, you gaze at the stars, glad to have spent this day with your ‘king’ 
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⤷ ⋆ * ˖ ౨ৎ ⋆ sanji﹕
sanji would never pass up a chance to show off, especially in an environment he’s familiar with
he’d cook whatever you’d want: breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert. whatever you’re craving, he’ll make it!
you settle on cupcakes, and he instructs you on which ingredients you need, letting you do the mixing while he prepares the next steps
eventually your cupcakes rise perfectly as you take them out of the oven, the scent filling the air
sanji guides your hands as you pipe the frosting, keeping them steady while you decorate your sweet treats
and…ta-da! you’ve got yourself six beautiful cupcakes and a very messy kitchen! but it’s ok, you two can clean it together 
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⤷ ⋆ * ˖ ౨ৎ ⋆ usopp﹕
usopp wants to go somewhere safe and fun, plus he could try and get a discount by claiming one of you qualifies as a senior (this plan almost works)
he’s pretty stoked to go see the reptiles, dragging you behind him as he looks at the lizards and chameleons in awe
but he also goes to the animals you want to see! he gives interesting fun facts that he totally didn’t read off the nearby plaque
the two of you eat overpriced zoo food as you take a break from all your walking, cooling off under an awning by sharing an ice cream cone
later you drag usopp over to the petting zoo, enjoying all the cute animals they had (usopp wants to pet a lizard so badly)
as you exit the zoo, you and usopp find a tiny lizard in the grass! he tries to name it after you, but you gently steer him into choosing another name 
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⤷ ⋆ * ˖ ౨ৎ ⋆ nami﹕
nami either likes free dates or expensive dates; there’s no in-between, so where better to go than the beach?
she’s eager to show off her new swimsuit, and she’s kind enough to buy you one free of charge if you need it
no, she’s not being nice! she just needs someone to carry her bags at the beach!
she’ll have you sit under the umbrella with her while she flips through her magazine, letting the sunscreen you applied soak into your skin
after she finishes her magazine, she’ll grab your arm and tug you into the open water, splashing and swimming alongside you
when it becomes too dark to swim, nami will help you carry the bags back, but only because it’s so dark, plus you did help her apply sunscreen, so she owes you 
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⤷ ⋆ * ˖ ౨ৎ ⋆ robin﹕
robin wanted to show you her area of interest, and what better way to do that than to go to an archaeological museum?
she likes telling you fun facts about various artifacts, like ‘that pot was used to store urine’ or ‘this tool was originally used for—’
despite her occasional grim remarks, the date is still fun, holding hands and prancing through the museum halls
whenever you see something you recognize, robin will listen carefully to whatever you have to say about it
sometime later you two reach the art section, which robin doesn’t know much about, so she’s glad to walk beside you and admire the pieces
once the museum closes you guys walk back together hand-in-hand while admiring the beautiful night sky 
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⤷ ⋆ * ˖ ౨ৎ ⋆ jimbei﹕
jimbei takes you to an incredibly large and extravagant pool (a private one, for your comfort)
he’s perfectly fine letting you do your own thing, whether you want to sunbathe or swim around in the pool with him
if you choose to sunbathe, he’ll 100% show off in the pool by doing fun and intricate tricks for your entertainment
if you choose to swim with him he’ll be incredibly stoked, helping you in the water and teaching you any cool moves in the water
tons of inflatables and other water toys float along and around the pool, and jimbe is happy to play fetch if you ever get bored
as time passes, jimbe will graciously offer a place to relax (it’s his chest, lay on his chest please), letting you use him as a living floaty for the next couple hours
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discordantwritings · 8 days
Feeling Better
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, gn afab! Reader, we out here monsterfucking, Jinbe has two dicks, oral sex, fingering, double penetration, PiV sex, anal, belly bulge, use lube guys don’t listen to me
WC: 4.2k
Summary: You’re feeling down, but thankfully Jinbe finds you and gives you all the comfort you need.
Notes: sorry I’ve been ✨depressed✨ so I haven’t written too much but then the cure for being ✨depressed✨ was writing Jinbe comfort so. It all works out.
Tagging: @keiva1000
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The aquarium bar was lit only by the lights in the tanks at this time of night, slowly shifting shades of blue thrown about the space as you curled up into yourself in one of the crooks of the long bench. You came here to calm yourself down but it seems the melancholy colors only drag you further into your own sadness, tears streaming down your face despite yourself.
You couldn’t pinpoint one good reason why you felt so painfully empty. Every day you were surrounded by people you were lucky to call your friends, going on adventures across the world, helping people. And yet still sadness crept up on you some nights, clenching your chest and refusing to let go despite all logic. The swimming of the fish around you, that normally fascinates you, feels almost fake as you stare at them for far too long.
You’re about to pull a blanket over your head and try and sleep through the tears when you hear heavy footsteps walk by the entrance and then stop. You do your best to stifle your crying but when a voice calls your name you can’t manage to call back.
It’s Jinbe, probably just getting off of his watch. You try and keep your face hidden but there’s only so much you can do as he slowly walks over.
“Hey, are you okay?” His voice is soft and laced with concern and all the effort you’ve put forth to stop your crying crumbles immediately.
You can barely see his face through your tears but he’s at your side immediately, kneeling on the ground to be more level with you. “Are you hurt? Did something happen?”
You shake your head no and bury your face in your hands. A large hand gently rubs your shoulder as you sob. You’re not sure how long you’re crying before you can pull yourself together, rubbing the tears from your face.
“‘m sorry…” You mumble as you dot the remaining tears from your eyes.
“There’s nothing to be sorry about.” Jinbe gets up and sits next to you, strong hand never leaving your shoulder.
“No this is- it’s so stupid.” Your voice cracks as you feel emotions creeping up your throat again.
“I can assure you it’s not stupid.” He squeezes your shoulder gently. “Would it feel better if I gave you space?”
You furiously shake your head, suddenly hating the idea of being left alone as you feel tears welling up in your eyes again.
“Do you want me to sit next to you? I could hold you if that would make you feel better.” From anyone else you might have thought the offer was hollow but with Jinbe you know he’s sincere.
“If it’s not too much-“ You don’t even need to finish your sentence before strong arms are lifting you up and sliding you into his lap.
You’re sideways on his lap, legs hanging over his large thigh and your side tucked into his chest. There’s a few moments where you’re stunned out of your thoughts by how easily you were maneuvered and how muscular his thighs feel beneath you. But the second your brain catches up and you realize how tightly you’re being held it all comes crashing back.
You dig your face into his shoulder as tears come out again- you try to tell him that you’re sorry and it’s nothing serious but your words are all lost against his firm heartbeat near your head. It’s not long before he starts to hum, a tune you distantly remember from Brook’s playing, and the low reverberations from his chest to yours help your breathing slow. Eventually you’re able to steady out your breaths- partially from how exhausted you are but more so from the constant presence of your crew mate.
There was something about Jinbe that was always so steadying, even before this moment. An immovable and fierce presence that was somehow still endlessly kind and patient. You’re not sure how that was all wrapped up into one fishman but you were always grateful for it. And now, leaning into his chest, you appreciate him more than ever.
“Do you want to talk about it?” His voice is soft and you feel his thumb rubbing circles on your back as he keeps you against his chest.
“I don’t know…” You answer honestly. “It’s just- I know it’s not logical. And I know once morning comes all these stupid emotions will be gone. Sometimes they just sneak up on me.”
“Emotions are like the tides like that. Controlled by forces we can’t see, ebbing and flowing endlessly. Do not feel silly for not being able to control the tides.”
“That’s…” You huff out a small laugh. “How do you always have just the right thing to say?”
“Years and years of experience.” You aren’t looking at his face but you can hear that wide smile. “And my experience is always available whenever you need it.”
“This is too much to ask of you already.” You say, referring to the fact you’re still being held and comforted despite the worst of your emotions having been spent already.
“It is not. Actually…” He trails off and you look up at him after a few moments of silence. “Never mind.”
Your brows knit together as a traitorous thought that you’ve done something wrong creeps into the back of your mind. “What?”
“No it’s-“ His eyes meet yours and to your surprise you can make out a small dusting of darker blue on his cheeks. “It’s selfish of me.”
“Now you’re just confusing me.” Worries have dissipated but his words still leave you with too many questions.
“I enjoy having you in my arms.” He confesses, movement stilling as he watches your reaction.
It takes a few seconds for his words to sink in but when it does you find a heated blush creeping up your neck. You never considered that Jinbe would like you like that, given the species difference, but you realize it’s not weirder than the way you feel in this moment. How much his presence has always made you feel better, how you felt so protected and cared for whenever he was around.
It was more than just the momentary emotional comfort that had kept you seated in his lap past your crying session.
“I… enjoy being in your arms.” You finally respond, eyes darting down to your lap.
Silence hangs in the room as his hand slides up and down your back again in a comforting motion. You find yourself curling up slightly, heels on his thigh as you angle yourself inwards towards his body. Your fingers play with the collar edge of his kimono absently. The blue hue of the room is no longer somber but instead calming as it glows against Jinbe’s similarly colored skin.
“How do you feel?” He asks after some time, gently breaking the silence.
“Better.” You respond honestly, the weight of sadness having long left your chest.
“Is there anything more I could do for you?” His fingers creep up your back and eventually come to play with the ends of your hair.
“Oh- I’m keeping you up aren’t I?” You sit up straight but Jinbe makes no movement to remove you from his lap.
“You are not. I was- forgive me I’m rather out of practice with this sort of thing.” He shifts slightly under you and you look up to see his face almost a whole shade darker.
Everything clicks and heat races through your body. Suddenly all of the contact you have with him feels electric and you fight not to shrink away.
“There is- I mean-“ You fumble over your words but quickly pull yourself together. “It would be nice to completely forget about earlier.”
“Would you like my help with that?” He asks as the hand playing with your hair sneaks around to your collarbone
“Please, Jinbe.” Your words come out nearly breathless and Jinbe does not waste a second.
His hand tilts your jaw up to give him just the right angle to capture your mouth in a kiss. The kiss is gentle but firm and you find yourself melting into his strong arms. His large tusks pressed into your cheeks but you didn’t mind their presence at all. When he pulls away you’re left breathless and before you can go in for another kiss he’s placed a quick one to your forehead before pulling away further.
Before you know it you’re sitting on the bench and Jinbe is knelt on the ground before you, surprisingly dexterous fingers unfastening your pants. He looks up at you as his hands hesitate, checking one last time. When you nod your pants and underwear are slipped off of you in one fell swoop. Before you can hide yourself Jinbe pushes your thighs open, guiding them to rest over his broad shoulders.
“Forgive me for moving fast but-“ He places kisses up you inner thigh between his words. “I need to taste you.”
Before you can say anything his tongue is at your folds, wet muscle pushing through them and playing at your entrance. You whine as you feel his tongue press into you, slowly working its way inside you. You don’t stop yourself from threading your fingers in his hair and pushing your hips further into his face, grinding your clit against his nose. This only seems to encourage him, his large tongue filling you more than your fingers ever had.
“Jinbe- Please-“ You’re not sure what you’re crying out for exactly but Jinbe is ready to give you what you need.
Sharp fingernails dig into the plush of your thighs just short of pain as his tongue slides out of you to dance along your clit. You have to bite back a shout when he presses and sucks against your bud, sensations suddenly overwhelming you as you see white.
Jinbe gently licks at your folds as you come back from your orgasm, eagerly taking as you run your fingers along his scalp. Once he’s throughly cleaned you up he presses kisses up your hip until he’s standing over you.
“Better?” He asks, face shiny with your slick.
“So, so much better.” You respond with a dazed smile, hand cupping his face.
“Good, we can get you back to bed now.”
His response confuses you, and you sit up a bit straighter. “But what about you?”
“This isn’t about me love, this was about making you feel better.” He turns his head slightly to press a kiss to your palm. “I’m sure I can manage.”
“But what if-“ You shift in your seat, embarrassed despite everything. “What if I want you. More of you.”
There’s a moment of hesitation before Jinbe speaks again. “Trust me there is nothing more I want right now but I don’t want to… overwhelm you.”
It takes a second for your pleasure riddled brain to fully comprehend what his words are implying but oh yeah- he’s a good few feet taller than you which would mean…
The idea only filled your head with more lust.
“Can I see?” You ask, hands already playing with the tie on his kimono.
He nods and you feel his gaze lock onto your face as you undo the knot holding his clothing together. Whatever you thought you were prepared for was quickly blown out of the water. Not one but two cocks stood flushed and erect under the drapes of his kimono. Different from the human anatomy you knew his started off thinner but tapered to incredibly thick at the base. Both looked like two halves of a whole almost, but you knew just one would be an impossible fit. The challenge sent a new wave of heat through your body.
“Like I said, I don’t want to-“
“I need you inside me.” You cut him off, looking up to lock eyes with him.
He looks at you, stunned for a second before a large toothy grin takes over his face. He surges down to meet you in a kiss, more heated and charged than the one you shared before. You can taste yourself on his lips and tongue and you don’t pull away until you’re dizzy from lack of air.
“Stay here for just a moment.” He says before pulling away.
You watch as her gathers up some of the pillows and a blanket, setting them up on one of the nearby tables. You nearly giggle at how carefully he places every pillow and how he takes his time to make sure you’ll be comfortable. Obviously you’d both prefer a bed but there’s no crossover of beds and private space aboard the ship.
At least Franky always reenforces all furniture and bolts every table to the ground. You’ll have to thank him for that later.
When Jinbe is done with his makeshift bed he rushes back over to you and easily scoops you up into his arms. You yelp and wrap your arms around his neck and Jinbe laughs at your reaction. It’s only a few seconds before you’re sat on the table, the blanket and pillows softening the hard wood under you. You keep your arms around Jinbe’s shoulders and while he has to lean down a bit to keep his face close to yours it doesn’t seem to bother him. You try to wiggle your hips closer to grind against him but a firm hand holds you in place.
“I’m going to have to open you up a bit first.” He says as a hand creeps between your legs and his breath ghosts over your neck.
“But you just-“
His teeth scrape gently against your neck and you whine. “Patience. I’ll make it worth your while.”
One of his thick fingers presses into you easily and your head falls back. With more of your neck available to him Jinbe lightly bites and sucks your neck, never breaking the skin or causing you pain but using just enough pressure to make you feel him. There’s something about knowing he could very easily rip your throat out that made your brain fog with lust almost just as much as the finger slowly working in and out of you.
He slowly adds a second finger, whispering praises in your ear as he works you open. “Just like that. You’re taking my fingers so well, letting me stretch you out…”
“I can-“ You moan as his fingers curl inside you and one of your hands flies up to grip onto his shoulder. “I can take more.”
“I know you can love.” He places a gentle kiss to your jaw as a third finger begins to join the first two and your body is finally showing some resistance.
It was a stretch before, certainly, but there’s the sting of being forced open as Jinbe presses that third thick finger into you. He feels your body’s resistance and his thumb quickly finds your clit, rubbing slow soothing circles into it.
“Just relax for me, I know you can do that.” You nod as you take a deep breath, trying to release the tension in your body.
“‘s a lot.” You breathe out, almost jokingly.
“I know baby.” The three fingers are fully inside you by now but they aren’t sliding in and out easily. “How about you tell me how you feel.”
“Full.” You respond automatically, earning a huff of laughter from Jinbe.
“You’re going to get much more full than this.”
“That’s- fuck I need that-“ Remembering what you’re working towards and the deliberate movements of Jinbe finally have him moving without any resistance.
“You’re just about ready, do you feel okay?” Jinbe locks eyes with you, concern and care still prominent on his face despite the clear lust.
“I- um-“ You weren’t hesitating because you didn’t want him inside you- quite the opposite really.
Eyes glancing down for a second at his cocks, flushed and leaking, you can’t help the perverted places your mind goes. Of course you would take whatever he would give you however he would give it to you but…
“Use you words love.” He’s hesitant but firm as his movements still.
“Is there- and if you don’t want this please don’t feel bad but- do you think it’s possible that you could be in there-“ You roll your hips to push his fingers just a little bit further inside you. “And my other hole?”
There’s a painfully long pause after you ask that question- so much that you’re about to backpedal and call off the whole night but the Jinbe drops his head into your shoulder and lets out a loud moan. To your side where Jinbe’s hand helped him lean against the table you hear the sound of wood cracking and you look over to see the table has given in slightly under his grip.
“Fuck you’re so-“ He moves up again so his forehead is pressing against yours. “You’re so perfect. Wanting me to fill you up all the way? Just one of your holes wasn’t going to be enough?”
“No- need all of you.” You move your hips to grind into his hand, the idea that a fantasy you didn’t even know you had was about to come true sending you close to the edge.
“Are you going to cum just thinking about it? Need that from you- give me all that slick so I can get your ass ready for me. You want that don’t you? Want these fingers stretching you out again?” Jinbe might be just as far gone as you are, words almost slurred as he matches the rhythm you’ve set.
His encouragement is all you need, crying out as your walls clench around his fingers as you cum.
“That’s it baby just like that-“ He nuzzled against your cheek as the last of the tremors worked through your body. “Can you lay down for me now?”
You ease yourself backwards and Jinbe makes sure there’s a pillow ready for your head. With one hand he lifts your hips up and slides another pillow underneath them, giving him better access to you. He easily but gently manipulates your body, pushing your thighs up and apart.
“You can put your legs on me if you need to but I’m going to need you to help me keep you open, okay?” His hands knead your thighs, some of your juices from his hands smearing into your skin.
You shift and reach down, using your hands to pull apart your asscheeks for him. He groans as you hold yourself open, his hands digging into your thighs for a second before he remembers himself. One of his hands releases its grip so a finger can dip between your folds, gathering your slick before trailing down. His fingertip circles the right ring of muscle as he presses a kiss to the inside of your knee.
“Just relax, I’ll take care of you.” You do your best to listen as his finger presses in.
It’s a strangle feeling at first and you have to fight not to tense up as he slowly pushes his finger in further. Once your body is used to the feeling though you can feel the heat seeping into your stomach again as Jinbe works you open, whispering praises to you the whole time.
“You’re taking me so well baby. You’re going to feel so good around me, squeezing me so tight. You can take more, can’t you?” The press of another finger has you tighten up reflexively before you force yourself to relax. “That’s it-“
The stretch of two of his thick fingers stings initially but his actions as slow and careful and the stretch soon becomes almost natural. His other hand leaves your thigh and while it’s getting a bit tiring to hold your legs up and open his skilled fingers working against your clit easily make up for it. You groan as his fingers scissor you open and grow impatient.
“Jinbe please just- I’m ready I need you inside of me.” You whine, looking at him with pleading eyes.
“I don’t want to go too fast-“ He starts but you cut him off.
“You would never hurt me. Please.”
You watch his hesitance fade away as he leans over you for a surprisingly soft kiss. “Alright love.”
He straightens back out and slides his fingers out of you. You whine at the loss but are easily distracted watching him take his cocks in his hands, fingers covered in your slick pumping each of them a few times to get them coated. He carefully lines them both up, dragging the tip of one over your clit before pressing it slightly into your entrance. Once his tip is seated in you then he pushes his other one in and you are already overwhelmed.
He slowly pushes into you and only gets a few inches before you’re tapping his shoulder, needing him to pause. The stretch in both of your holes at once overloads you and you know you need a bit more time to adjust. He understands you immediately, stopping and running his hands over your skin.
“Take your time, you’re alright, I’m right here with you.” He praises, words and hands soothing you as you take deep breaths.
You’re not sure how long it takes before you’re ready again, but the strange feeling of being stretched out bleeds into something far more pleasurable quickly enough. All it takes is for you to nod before he starts slowly pushing in again.
There’s a few more times you have to stop him but he’s just as patient with you every time, non stop praises flowing from him. Soon enough you feel one of his heads press into your cervix and he stops, holding himself in you. When you look down you see that his whole length isn’t in you- that just wasn’t possible- but you had taken most of him. His hand runs over your stomach and you can see and feel his cocks bulging through your midsection. There’s something so maddening to see your body contort in such an unnatural way to accommodate him that makes your head fuzzy with desire.
“Look at that- fuck- you take me so well-“ One of his hands lightly pushes down and you both moan at the feeling. “You feel that?”
You don’t have any words left anymore, so you just nod and whine as his hips lightly grind into you. One of his hands drifts slightly to hold onto your hip while his other finds one of your hands, interlacing your fingers together. He gives you a reassuring squeeze as he slowly starts to move, dragging his cocks out of you.
“You’re so tight and- fuck- warm- baby I’m sorry I’m not going to last long you just- you feel so good.” The hand on your hip holds you still as he pushes back into you, pace slow but deliberate as both of you fight to hold on for just a bit longer.
Your brain couldn’t hold any more thoughts, everything pushed out by the overwhelming sensation of being stuffed full. You’re sure you’re going to rip in half at any point in time but honestly you feel way too damn good to care. Both of his cocks drag against every spot you know and didn’t know about, pleasure in every small movement you’re given. After this you’re not sure how anything will ever compare.
“Are you- I can feel it baby- you’re close too? Getting tighter around me-“ His hips move a bit faster now, unable to stop himself from indulging just a bit more in the way you grip him. “You can let go- I want feel it come on-“
His hand leaves your hip so his fingers can press tight circles against your clit and like that you’re gone. You scream- probably, you can’t really hear yourself but something is ripped out of your throat as you cum harder than you ever have before.
“So good- I’m gonna-“
Jinbe goes to pull out of you but you manage a needy- “Inside” and he quickly shoved himself back inside you as much as he can.
You feel as he releases inside you, his cocks pulsing almost in unison as warm cum fills both your holes. You look at him as he looks down at where you are still connected, his cum spilling out around his cocks. Slowly he pulls himself out of you, mesmerized as he watches his cum slowly seep out of both of your holes. He shakes his head quickly, snapping himself out of his trance and immediately gathers you up in his arms. One arm is behind your back and the other is underneath your knees as he holds you to his chest. He kisses your forehead gently, nuzzling into you slightly.
“Do you feel better now?” He asks, a dazed grin on his face.
“Much better.” You respond, knowing confidently any bad thoughts had been shoved far away.
“Now let’s get you cleaned up and to bed.”
You think you could get used to being taken care of like this.
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lild00td00t · 10 months
Straw Hats with a Shy! S/O Part 2
Sorry this took so long guys, but here is the final part for the Straw Hat Pirates, I hope you all enjoy! Thank you for being here <3<3<3
Characters: Nami, Robin, Franky, Jinbei
• She finds it so endearing to have a Shy partner, she loves to talk to you and show you things because you’re a great listener <3
• She gives you a new found confidence when trying on clothes, she manages to find a style that makes you look so refined and comfortable
• If you’re scared to talk on the phone she would definitely write up a small script for you and stay close by the help you, she would be so encouraging honestly <3
• No one will ever tell you that you’re being too quiet or that they can’t hear you, she’s looming behind you, staring at them with the most threatening look on her face-
• Holds your hand or pulls you to her side if she feels you’re getting uncomfortable, she wants you to know that she’s there for you not just emotionally but physically, you can lean on her for support and she will gladly provide it <3
• Id give her a 10/10, strawhat women just hit different <3
• Besides Sanji and Jinbei, she is the BEST with a shy S/O
• She brings such a calm energy with her, if you’re ever feeling nervous or scared she’ll coax you to a quiet space and calm you
• Loves reading to you when you’re panicking or need something to ground you
• She would definitely offer to practice getting you out of your comfort zone, she doesn’t want you to stay shy forever, but she would never force you, if you’re not ready that’s fine with her, she’ll continue to support you until you are
• If you get uncomfortable she simply hands you a book, winking and saying:
• “ If you have a book, they won’t bother you since you look preoccupied.. plus, you’re cute when you look concentrated~ ”
• Has all of your orders memorized, AND remembers all the foods you don’t like
• Robin breaks the scale with an 11/10 -
• I want to say Franky would be awesome with a shy s/o, but he can definitely be overwhelming like Luffy
• Like Sanji, he sends food back for you, and has no trouble telling them what’s supposed to be on it
• He also orders for you if you’re feeling timid, if the waiter/ess keeps coming back to ask then he’ll tell them you need a moment, just for you to decide so that you can tell him your order and he gets it down pact, he really is the sweetest <3
• The reason Franky isn’t absolutely perfect with a Shy Significant Other is that he sometimes hypes them up at inconvient times, say you’re walking down the street to meet him-
• Gets confused when you walk into the nearest store to scramble away from all the eyes that turned your way, hes a sweetheart, just..… kinda dumb sometimes <3
• 8/10 with a shy partner
• He is the epitome of a Shy Persons dream partner
• Feeling nervous ? Hold his hand, he’ll give you reassuring squeezes and swipe the knuckles of your hand with his thumb reassuringly, letting you know he’s there for support
• Knows your orders by HEART like Robin, if you’re feeling something different he’ll memorize it on the spot -
• If people ever tell you to speak up or that they can’t hear you in a demeaning way towwards you he’s ending the conversation, not in an impolite way, god no not Jinbei, he just has to move you to a different area so he can knock someone’s teeth down their throat -
• If you start feeling uncomfortable around people hell pull you close to his side, rubbing up and down your arm as he presses you to him in a comforting manner, feel free to hide your face in his chest, he’ll gladly conceal you and rub your back soothingly, everyone needs a place to feel comfort and safety, yours just happens to be in his arms <3
• He’s 10/10 <3
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Day 2 🡆 Monsterfucking (Jinbei x afab!reader)
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summary: as the Madame to one of the most popular brothels in the Grand Line (no matter what Black Maria might claim), you've been in the business long enough to live by three rules.
no kissing.
never except less than what you're worth.
don't fall in love.
and in all this time, you have never broken these rules. well, except for Him, of course.
pairing: Jinbei x afab!reader, onesided!Kizaru x afab!reader
cw: Jinbei is probably so OOC and i'm sorry for that, reader is a sex worker and a Madame, also is in her mid/late 30s, so there's at least a ten year age gap between reader and Jinbei, reader has a name, gentle dom (mostly)!Jinbei, no use of y/n, she/her pronouns, afab reader, sexual content, reader also smokes, bit of a size kink, slight dumbification, blood mention, biting, Jinbei has two cocks and that's all you need to know, slightly possessive undertones, despite everything reader is pathetically (and secretly) in love with him, the feelings are implied to be mutual...but you know how One Piece men are when it comes to their FEELINGS
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his solid thighs slap into yours relentlessly, his tall body looming over yours as he groans in your ear.
“Hng, oh my god—!” he praises in his near whiny voice, clearly enjoying himself. “Your pussy’s so good after all these years, like silk, baby! Missed it so much!”
and you? well you just keep resting your head on your folded arms, eyes on the wall in front of you as you fight the urge to fall asleep. how long has he been here? your bored eyes dart to the clock hanging on the wall, and your painted lips curl into a sneer. too long.
with a sigh, you clench around his throbbing cock and roll your hips back to slap your lush ass against him, knowing that drives him insane. the old bastard’s been obsessed with your ass for years, and he gets absolutely ridiculous whenever he watches it move, whenever he even touches it.
“O-oh, oh fuck, baby...! Gonna make me cum!”
see what I mean?
hurry up then, you think, blowing a strand of hair from your face. there are more important things for you to do, more people to see. more money to make. the night is still young, after all, and you and your girls gotta eat and keep that roof over your heads steady—and quite frankly, you can only tolerate his presence for so long while remaining sober.
“—So good, so fucking good,” he finally chokes, and then he’s letting out that long groan, his greedy hands squeezing right at your ass as he tosses his head back. “Aw, yeah, take it all baby, yeaaaaah—”
you feel the warmth inside you, filling in the condom he’s wearing, and a bit of relief eases from your chest. 
Fucking finally, you think with a long sigh, barely noticing him pulling out and putting himself back together. I’m gonna need such a strong drink after this.
very quickly after, when your rather low cut kimono is back in place, you are leaning against your desk and counting the money he handed you. 
“All the belli should be there,” he assures you, still wearing his usual oily smirk—like you weren’t making him cry with your cunt minutes before—and adding in a low voice, “Along with an…extra donation.”
you raise your eyebrows in appraisal, despite still eyeing the money you count. once you see the amount originally promised to you, plus the extra he claims is there, you give him a nonplussed look.
“That’s rather generous of you, Admiral,” you tell him with a gracious nod, slyly reaching behind you to place the money in your lockbox. “We are grateful for your continuing patronage.” 
he stares at you, the lenses in his glasses flashing as his eyes narrow slightly.
“…Is that really all, my dear?”
“What else is there to discuss?”
he stares some more, then—with his cheeks slightly flushing—he clears his throat. “My proposal, perhaps…?”
the urge to roll your eyes is strong, but you manage to resist it—barely.
“Kizaru, I’ve told you already,” you tell him, as you have told him a million times prior. “I’m not marrying you.”
his expression falls slightly. “But why not?”
“I’ve told you why.”
“But you haven’t seen him in years, doll. You told me yourself. He’s probably dead by now,” Kizaru croons, his smirk widening as he reaches his long arm to offer you his palm, gold rings glinting under the light. “You’d benefit more if you come with me. I’ll take good care of you, promise…”
you raise one eyebrow, expression dry. then you nod to the door out of your office. “You should go back to your men, Admiral. They’re probably wondering where you are.”
Kizaru’s glasses glint again, just as the offered palm twitches. your gaze remains steady on him, the hand behind you grasping lightly at the hand canon you keep on you at all times.
but then Kizaru lets out a slow, but still chilled laugh.
“If you say so,” he says, adjusting his white coat along his shoulders. “But you really should reconsider, darling. I personally love your establishment and the services you offer—but Akainu will not be so forgiving if he finds out.”
your mouth settles into a frown. it’s not a threat, but the truth is undeniable. this meeting with Kizaru will not be the last—in fact, it will be necessary to keep you and your girls safe.
at least for now.
two pairs of feet are at the door, their steps so light, they might as well have been the wind. you lift a hand up in a gracious gesture.
“Good night, Admiral. Bella and Donna will walk you out.”
“Oh, no, that’s unnecessary. Thank you, of course, girls,” he says to the two masked young women dressed salaciously in red and black. “But I remember my way out…”
you shrug, resisting the urge to spit the spot on the ground he’d stood on—that carpet was a gift from a dignitary in Alabasta, and it would be a shame to have it ruined further—and then fold your arms across your chest. 
Suit yourself…prick.
and with a few steps, he is finally—finally— out of your sight. 
once he is gone, Donna turns to you. because her mask only covers her eyes and part of her nose, you can see how her painted lips twist in a disgusted sneer.
“Did he really offer marriage? Again? Does he not know what ‘no’ means?”
you take out a cigarette and, once it’s between your lips, quickly ignite the end with the flick of your lighter. 
“He’s a pig who answers to the World Government. Of course he doesn’t.” 
Bella frowns, a near pox on her soft face and then she lifts her hands to quickly sign, “Are we safe, mistress?”
“For now,” you reply gently while sitting down in your chair. “But be on your guard. We don’t know how long Kizaru’s ‘kindness’ will last.”
a pause.
“Well, pig or not, he’s pathetic—very much like every other man who’s proposed to you,” Donna sneers, hands on her hips. “Why don’t they all just move on?”
Because I’m good at what I do, part of you wants to answer, but you shrug instead. to make such a statement is unnecessary.  
“I wouldn’t put too much blame on them, really,” you say with a smirk while spinning your chair to face your window, seeing the full moon overlook the calm sea. just looking reminds you of the smell of salt, of drinking sake and talking, of him holding your hand, of his sharp teeth on your throat— 
after taking a slow drag of your cigarette, you release a smoke ring in the shape of a blazing sun. 
“Not their fault I was ruined for human men years ago.”
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The Return
weeks later, when you get news of his arrival on your island—of him heading towards your establishment—every inch of you bursts into flame. your hands start to shake and your skin is flushed from heat and longing and oh my god he's finally coming to see me after all this time.
no time to waste. you've got to get ready.
you leap to your closet to go through the dresses hanging in your closet, shifting until you come across a particularly lovely and salacious kimono—one you recall him liking quite a lot—and then snatch it off the hanger. the robes still fit you, thankfully, with the sleeves hanging slightly off the shoulder and your ample cleavage still covered but only enough to entice, to tease. 
turning to the mirror, you start to fix up your hair. memories inspire you to undo your bun and leave it flowing down your back, over your bare shoulders. you run a hand through your hair to give it some volume and check the mirror. Perfect, you think. he will be pleased to see your hair down; he is very fond of running his fingers through it.
(you are too, of course. there is little you would do for him.)
when you hear the knock, you leap back to your desk. you lean on the edge, lifting one leg through the part of your kimono to lean your foot against the mahogany, just enough to reveal one of your rather thick thighs through the parting, but still enough to maintain your modesty. you quickly grab your pipe and inhale the weed inside, to give yourself an air of nonchalance. of the aloof and mysterious madam running the best brothel on this side of the Grand Line. (no matter what Black Maria says.) you don't pine, let alone fall in love—much like your girls don't. you have not been eager to have him visit again, after all these years. aloof and mysterious Madam Spider Lily, they call you.
you imagine you’re quite a sight at the moment. any man would absolutely salivate at the sight of you. 
and that’s why you’re so nervous. because the truth is, he is not just any man. he is unlike any other man you will ever meet, in many ways.
still, despite your stomach fluttering—or perhaps because of it—you clear your throat and finally call, “Come in!”
slowly, the door opens. he steps inside carefully, ducking his head and leaning one palm against the doorway. when he’s fully inside, he stands at his full height—which would loom over three of you stacked together—and then stares down at you, his expression softening.
“Sayo,” he rumbles out your name, like the word itself was a prayer.
feeling weak, your expression begins to melt as your eyes widen and sparkle up at him.
God, has he always been this…massive?
trick question, of course he has. it was the first thing you noticed about him years ago, when you were twenty years old and just green enough to be feel uncertain about sleeping with a Fishman for the first time—let alone one close to Fisher Tiger, who wasn’t really known for being…kind to the girls you worked with at the time—but now? seeing him after two years?
your thighs squeeze together, trying to quell the wet heat gathering there, the ache slowly building. your tongue swipes across your mouth, just as your eyes turn dark.
“Jinbei,” you reply, making your voice like the softest, most expensive silk. while taking another puff of your pipe, you start to step away from your desk. “It’s been quite some time.”
“Two years,” he says.
And six months, two days, you add mentally while making a show of inspecting your nail, your fingers first curling into your palm and then stretching outward. 
“Oh, really?” you say. “I hadn’t noticed.”
Jinbei watches you, his head tilting slightly. then the side of his mouth quirks upwards as his brow twists to make his expression wry. he steps towards you slowly, almost like a prowl really, and gently places his palms on either side of your hips. and throughout all that time, you refuse to look up, even with the heat spreading across the back of your neck, even as you begin chewing your bottom lip. but then a cool hand cradles the side of your face, thumb stroking near your chin. then Jinbei is grasping your chin, gently turning your head, and then tilting it upward so you’re looking right into his eyes. your throat tightens, the eye contact is a lot, but you don’t fight him.
“…I missed you, dear,” Jinbei whispers.
heart fluttering, you reply, “Truly?”
the sound of his voice makes you melt, a smile spreading across your flushed face automatically as your eyes cloud over—but then you catch yourself in time. you sit upright, then move away from his grip to cross your arms over your chest, expression freezing over.
“Words are cheap,” you tell him. then, with a jerk of your head, a challenge in your expression, “Show me how much you missed me.”
Jinbei’s expression falters for a moment, the gaze in his dark eyes melting into something he is still afraid to name, even after fifteen years of this thing between you two—but again, only for a moment. you likely don’t catch it in time.
the hand previously cradling your face quickly moves to rest on the side of your torso, right under your arm. slightly stunned, you feel Jinbei’s other hand grasp your other side and with barely a struggle, he lifts you off the ground until you are at eye level with him. breathing harshly, you feel your heart hammer against your ribs, feel searing heat shoot right to your cunt. he stares at you for a moment, his gaze full of fire, before tossing you over one of his shoulders.
and you’re stunned, for a moment, before placing your palms against his back and glaring over at him.
“H-hey, this was not what I meant…!”
“Where’s your room again?” Jinbei mutters, looking around the room before he notices the door on the left of your desk. “Ah, there it is…”
before you can protest further, the door is practically kicked open and you’re thrown right onto the soft bed with crimson sheets. a yelp leaves you as you bounce, and you stare up at the ceiling to try to catch your breath.
How dare he—? Treating me like this, you think with a whimper. It’s hardly fair!
you barely sit up before one hand is on your throat to pin you down while the other is on the inside of your right thigh—spreading, exposing, claws digging slightly into your soft skin—and then, of course, Jinbei’s there. his breath is hot, his teeth nearly graze against your folds before his mouth opens and then his tongue delivers a fat lick along your slit, resulting in a weak moan leaving you, the pleasure tearing apart your resolve, reminding you just how badly you’ve been wanting him inside you, after so much disappointment from other men. how much you’ve been aching for his attention. a small, dreamy smile starts to spread across your lips as your cheeks flood with heat, as you lay back and let him have his way.
then, just as you start to relax, that tongue is thrusting inside your cunt, thick and twisting and relentless.
you let out another moan, shaky but deep from your throat, and then writhe against the bed, the only sensation grounding you is the feel of Jinbei’s giant hand tightening slightly around your neck, keeping you in place but giving you enough room to call out your safe word if the moment called for it—not that it crosses your mind, really, you’re too overcome with your desire for him. 
still, as Jinbei seems intent on eating you alive, you still can’t help but writhe on the bed, mind growing empty of all thought. you want more, it’s too much, it’s not enough, he should be more gentle with you it’s been so long, I want him to fuck me like a beast— 
embarrassingly (well, for you), it isn’t long before you fall apart at the seams, your eyes rolling back and your toes curling as you scream and scream, waves of pleasure spilling from you. he snarls against your cunt, satisfied at the slick gushing into his mouth, dripping onto the sheets. his long tongue continues to thrust inside you, to twist and swirl—anything to make sure every inch of you feels him—and then it’s curling right there, right where you’re reaching your peak. 
finally, as your lower stomach tightens and your teeth clench, the fire building inside you becomes impossible to control.
you press your palms at his shoulders, perhaps as an attempt to push him away, to tell him to be gentle with you—but he’s too big, too ravenous. your small hands probably feel like nothing to him right now. you try hard not to whimper at the thought, at imagining him looming over you and how his presence brings out something in you no other has. men like Kizaru are pigs. fucking them is barely business anymore, it’s a chore; something you do to make sure you and your girls stay fed. 
how can any man mean anything else to you, after He ruined you, so many years ago, when you were young yet had a heart full of cold steel?
“Jinbei, please…!”
he lets out another growl against you, mixed with a deep moan. he pulls up from you, swiping his tongue across his mouth, his eyes dark but full of warmth. no other man has ever looked at you like that, like you mean something. like you’re more than just another whore to throw money at when the deed is done.
seeing that, your heart trembles, even as the gaze in your eyes hardens. you refuse to hold back anymore.
your hands reach up for the collar of his kimono to pull him down to meet you. although Jinbei is much stronger than you—that even trying to pull him to do anything is like moving a stone—he still dips down to bring his mouth to yours. kissing him is a bit of a challenge—his mouth is full of sharp teeth, so your lips are never left without bruises or slight cuts, no matter how gently he always tries to handle you—but you don’t care. with a moan, you tangle your tongue with his; and with a needy mewl, you reach up to tangle your fingers through his hair and then rest your hands on his shoulders, the sides of your mouth stinging already as the kiss deepens.
you barely notice Jinbei undoing his kimono, or the fastens of his pants—but when you feel him, oh you feel him.
gasping, you eagerly look down to see both his cocks out and ready, and your body clenches with need. immediately, something feral and burning erupts from inside you, causing your hands to clench around his shoulders.
Jinbei swallows, watching your expression carefully. 
“H-how do you want…?”
“Both,” you answer instantly.
his brows rise to his hairline, eyes wide as he sputters out, “Both?”
licking your lips, you nod. your eyelids close to hood your gaze while you sneak a hand down to stroke one of his long, fat cocks. “I want all of you,” you purr out.
hearing that, Jinbei’s cheeks flood with color and there’s this odd sparkle in his eyes—and then, fire.
with a little squeal, you find yourself on your stomach, your bottom half lifted up so you’re kneeling on the plush bed. Jinbei crawls behind you to mount you, your ass right against the curve of his cocks and his thighs right behind yours, practically forcing them apart. the tips of them brush right against your entrances—the bottom one pressed right at the slick folds of your body, while the one on top is pressing right against the pucker of your ass—and you bite back a moan.
he looms over you then, growling against the shell of your ear. “Ready?”
you can barely speak, can only nod frantically, pressing your face against the bed as you hum out in a near whine, “Mm-hm, mm-hm…!”
then he’s pushing in and in and oh god—your mouth parts to let out a long, keening moan as your eyes go clouded, your mind empty. fuck, fuck, he’s still so big and with both cocks inside you, you’re left so full. you really shouldn’t try to take him. most sane women would have ran away. but your body only clenches and sucks him in deeper as he moves gently inside you, opens you up so you can take more of him. 
with a mewl, you start rolling your hips back to meet him, making Jinbei let out a choked groan behind you before he firmly places a hand to your lower back.
“Stay still,” he demands in a growl. 
“Jinbei,” you beg in a whine, squirming under his cool palm. “Need you…”
“Sayo, I won’t risk hurting you. So stop being a little brat,” Jinbei emphasizes with his webbed fingers grasping the roots of your long dark hair, the pressure still enough to keep you in place as he growls, “and do as I say.”
with that said, he shoves the rest of himself inside you, his fat cocks stuffing your holes instantly. your back arches as you let out a broken moan, your thighs trembling. Jinbei groans behind you, then looms over you to breathe hotly in your ear.
“Can I—?”
he huffs out a laugh but obeys instantly, proceeding to fuck you so hard and fast your eyes end up rolling back. it isn’t long before the only sounds in your bedroom are your moans bouncing off the walls, the sounds of your skin meeting his, and the soft but filthy words he whispers into your neck. 
“…Look how your body sucks me in so eagerly, darling,” Jinbei rasps, his grin widening at how you cry out wordlessly, your eyes glossy and tearing up with each drag of his cocks inside your body. “I forgot how greedy you are, how much of a whore you can turn into when I fuck you…”
you let out a moan, barely a string of words together. “…you!”
he hooks his hand under your chin and tilts your head up so he can bore into those wide eyes of yours. “What’s that, dear? I didn’t hear you.”
“Only for you,” you repeat, sounding clearer through your moans. you blink tears away and add, “Only for you, Jinbei!”
Jinbei pauses a second, his expression faltering a fraction—and then he’s snarling, a flush across his cheeks.
“Damn right!”
with that growl, he dips his face downward to the side of your neck and sinks his teeth into your shoulder, eagerly suckling at the little drops of blood that seep from the wound. as you let out another cry of his name, Jinbei increases the ardor in his thrusts, making sure to drag every inch of him against the spots inside you that make you see stars. while one hand remains under your chin, his free hand sneaks between your legs and begins stroking your pulsing clit to the rhythm of his thrusts.    
it isn’t long before your moans become longer, until your voice starts to tremble.
“J-Jinbei, I can’t, I can’t—”
Jinbei doesn’t respond beyond licking at the bite wounds he left on your neck and increasing the strokes of his fingers on your body. then, before you can even think to hold back, your whole world explodes in pleasure that gushes and gushes out of your cunt. you scream along with it, each wave of your orgasm hitting you and making your knees buckle into the bed—the only thing holding you up being Jinbei’s hands going to your waist and keeping you in place as he uses you to chase after his own orgasm. 
“Yes, darling, just like that. You’re so good, you always are,” he praises, his groans becoming choked. “I’m almost there, almost—!”
he suddenly moans, long and deep as his cum gushes inside your cunt and ass, dripping around his cocks and dribbling down the inside of your thighs. then Jinbei nearly collapses on top of you, turning his head to leave fervent kisses and bites along your neck and shoulders. 
although you’re practically a drooling, moaning mush of a woman, you can’t help but start grinning drunkenly as he leaves you an utter mess on the bed.
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lehguru · 1 year
the straw hats with a extremely affectionate crew member!!
warnings: this was a request, pure fluff, written with platonic relationships in mind + commissions are open !!
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the straw hats are a very warm and sweet crew. none of them would ever deny the affection from another mate, but they all have different ways of receiving and dealing with it.
luffy would be a little confused at first. why are you holding his hand? do you want to take him somewhere? after spending some time with you, he wouldn't mind the affection and would be more comfortable about touching you too. if you're not the one hugging him, he will b hanging from you and whining about something.
zoro is the only one that doesn't really know how to deal with your affection. he would never hurt you or be actually mad at you for it, he simply does not know how to react. he will allow you to hug him and hold his arm, even give him kisses on his face, but he will always pull his hands away from your grip. if you ask why, he will tell you that he needs them to fight if something happens. but, eventually, he will let you hold his hand if you are in a more relaxed moment – in private too and don't you dare tell anyone about it.
nami would find your affectionate side extremely lovely. whenever you two are talking, she would lay down her head on your lap, letting you play with her orange hair while she speaks. she loves to cuddle to sleep and hold arms while you two walk around. if you want to give her kisses on the cheek and randomly hug her, she will mimic your actions and giggle loudly.
sanji absolutely thrives with the affection you give him. you can make that man your living teddy bear and he wouldn't mind it at all. kisses, hugs, holding hands, playing with his hair, everything is allowed. he often will initiate those himself; he loves to come up behind you, hug you and spin you around, then give you a light forehead kiss as you laugh. if you hold his hand and tell him he looks nice that day, get ready for him to pass out on top of you, his eyes turned into hearts.
usopp is a little shy when it comes to your physical touch. it doesn't mean he doesn't like it, though! he loves it! he just gets a little embarassed about it. whenever you hold him, he would look around to see if anyone was watching you two; if no one is paying attention, he would lean on your touch and reciprocate it. his favorite thing is when you press a soft kiss on the tip of his nose, it makes him feel validated and nice.
chopper pretends to not like the affection but he absolutely adores it! loves it when you hug him and give him kisses. chopper likes to be held by you as he explains something or while exploring a place the crew decided to check. zoro, robin and you are the people that chopper loves the most to shower with; the way you caress his head and give him little forehead kisses in the bath makes him so so happy.
robin finds your affection really cute. whenever you hug her, she hugs you back and chuckles softly. if you likes to read, she would enjoy having a afternoon with you cuddled up against her body as she reads a book out loud. she would prefer to not cuddle to sleep, but she's definitely alright with you sleeping closer to her.
franky is HUGE on touching as a form of affection. in fact, out of all the straw hats, i believe he is the biggest appreciator of skin-to-skin contact. you can jump on his back while he is working and he will chuckle, spin around while holding you and then keep on working with you as his backpack as if that's nothing. sometimes he might not notice you want to hold his hand because of it's large size, but just give him soft eyes and he will bring out the smaller hand so you can hold it as you wish.
brook would enjoy your physical touch more than he would let out, but he would also be a little insecure about it; after all, he is... well, just bones. if you don't mind it and still keep on hugging him, holding his hand and much more, he would be overjoyed, his characteristic laughter coming out of his mouth.
jinbei wouldn't mind, but wouldn't exactly reciprocate it. he finds your behavior a little odd, although a little endearing too, and he just doesn't know what to do to give it back to you. he will still allow you to hug him and jump on his back whenever you please, as long as you ask or at least warn him about it!
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2023 © content belongs to lehguru, but the characters used in them belong to their respective creators!!
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princeoftheeternalbog · 3 months
Op characters with a clingy/handsy drunk? let's go
suggestive in Sanjis, Luffy, Brooks, DEFINITELY in Namis and Frankys and maybe Usopps? Mostly vague stuff, on that note would you guys actually be interested in like nsfw stuff? I know I'm really toeing the line here and i have drafts but I'm nervous to post😭.
Feel like this could be ooc in some places but who cares😻(me :()
Giggles a lot, he finds it so cute and it really makes him feel warm in his chest. He can't get enough of you to be honest. Like this man loves physical touch but be warned he will think it's a sudden new level in your 'friendship'(read:in love with each other) and start acting that affectionate all the time. Willing to carry you around and also wrap himself around you so you can walk with him just there, yes this includes to the bathroom-
Adores it. I think he actually loves affection and physical touch but just doesn't say it because he thinks it's obvious (it's not). So when you come up to him, wobbly and on your 6th drink, and just practically throw yourself into his arms hes just like :/). Makes sure you stay nice and close to him because he doesn't want you clinging to anyone else, and he always makes sure you drink water before bed even if bed involves falling asleep on top of him.
Makes him nervous to be honest. Usually he's the forward one in the relationship but here you are untucking his shirt just to shove your hands up it. He absolutely will shriek if its in front of other people, and he's trying to wrangle your grabby hands but he really enjoys it so his resolve is so weak. Tries to satiate you by being affectionate back but it just makes you worse and he ends up taking you to a more private area so he at least doesn't have to blush in front of others.
She thinks it's so cute. Let's you do whatever you want as long as the people around you are comfortable and you've said it's fine(when sober ofc), but she doesn't really care about people seeing until you start trying to either get undressed or undress her and then she takes you to a private space because she's ever so slightly possessive. Listen for a girl who didn't have much, you add a lot of value to her life and she wants to treasure you properly, she doesn't trust anyone else to appreciate you the way you deserve.
Surprisingly confident. You come up to him with this big dreamy smile and you're practically falling over yourself so he just- scoops you up. Front piggyback style yk, he's got one arm under your ass supporting your weight and the other one is holding his drink, listen this mf is strong okay you think a man who can build a boat isn't strong? Fool. He just lets you do what you want to be honest, one of your hands is tucked in his back pocket, the other is trying and failing to undo his overalls and he's just like "You okay honey?".
She's flustered. She's not that used to physical affection so it makes her really giggly and blushy, though she's still quite confident in her words and actions, she's fr twirling her hair around her finger. She has quite a high tolerance for alcohol but she actually gets a bit similar when she's drunk, she's more reserved of course but she just melts into you like butter on a hot pan. The crew always take so many pictures because they think it's so cute, literally every celebration you two just end up cuddling and then it sorta turns into a big cuddle pile with the crew because seeing her relax gets them emotional.
Oh baby you are looking in a mirror. He is just as bad if not worse- when he gets drunk he is a massive flirt and a massive tease. He's so giving in relationships and usually you don't have to ask twice but being drunk will mean he wants you to practically beg for a kiss. Half because he thinks it's funny and half because he's a horny bastard- Though if you get upset then he immediately drops the teasing, even when drunk he's so considerate of your feelings and your boundaries.
Doesn't mind at all but prefers to be in private when you're like this.
Quick headcannon that his bones are more sensitive than skin because there's less external protection-
Lets just say one time you touched a sensitive area in public and he will never get over the reaction he had or the fact that other people saw it. So you go to room jail as soon as you start trying to practically crawl inside his clothes to be as close as possible. He's not mad though, he giggles the entire way, he's just very shy about his interests.
Flustered as hell but makes him feel really secure in your relationship. Also, he lowkey loves being able to bring it up to tease you later, like he pulls an uno reverse when you're sober and you're just like omg omg omg- He's a sneaky guy fr, does so many unexpected things in a relationship. Don't get me wrong though he'd never let you do anything inappropriate, even when drunk he's very aware of boundaries and social etiquette so if he notices you getting a bit grabby then he takes you somewhere private for both your benefit and the people around you.
Oh baby. This man is feral don't even start. The first time he experiences it, it's actually really unexpected, it's quite early in your relationship so you havent been too affectionate yet, but you come up to him and just sit down. On him. And you can practically see his brain melting out of his ears, his face goes so red you think he's going to pass out but the second you stand up, drunk and lowkey sad, he snatches you back down. You wanted to sit there, you are going to sit there now you have no choice. (You do but would you want to get up?)
Menace. Cannot even state how much of a menace. He's so physically affectionate that it usually flusters even the most confident people, and this is while sober, so if you start getting clingy when drunk he just becomes obsessed. But he absolutely hates it if you're like that with other people so once you start getting to that stage then he's whisking you away to your shared room, usually you stick to him like glue anyways but the crew love to wind him up by coaxing you away from him with food and funny stories.
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zaimta · 1 year
parings: usopp, jinbei, brook, x black!reader
zai says: i actually have nothing to say but yk i’m on a grind
ˏˋ«────── « 𓆩♡𓆪 » ──────»
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i don’t know what kind of growth oil he used during them 2 years but he got inches and loves his hair
with usopp wash day would be the most fun, y’all are always like “i’ll wash my hair when you wash your hair” and then y’all just never do because y’all don’t feel like it or the straw hats run into trouble
the moment y’all have no excuses y’all dread every second of it, usopp helps you part your hair in the places you can’t see so your parts aren’t all tangled when it’s time for you to wash
detangling for usopp is a big hell no, y’all would fight and the amount of combs he’s snapped with his hair is insane, at some point, you got tired and stuck to brushes permanently
he loves sitting in between your thighs when you’re doing his hair, when you’re done he kisses your inner thigh as thanks
cracks jokes about your thighs on either side of his head and you pop him with the comb instead he laughs because it didn’t hurt but he swears the joke was worth it
give him twists!! he would love them as long as they last something about waking up and not having to touch his hair he enjoys it but he goes back to his normal look of wearing his hair out because he loves it
matching bonnets, he made them for y’all because he saw some bonnets at a store and they were so damn expensive
adores your hair and if you have dreads he helps you with your retwists, i feel like he would know how to braid hair so he would pop off on cornrows if you wanted those
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takes great care of his hair i mean have you seen what this man is workin with
if you don’t feel like tying up your hair he’ll do it for you, master of slick back buns he did it for you once and you never went back
you cannot make the “i’ll wash my hair when you do” promise with this man because when he says this he’s going to wash his hair so if you’re planning to stall another day it’s simply not happening
his scalp massages are top fucking tier, makes you completely forget you’re washing your hair and you feel so relaxed
he has no problem washing his hair but if you decide to wash his hair for him he is very grateful
sometimes he swears he can’t do certain things with his hair so you could do it for him, either that or he completely gets straight to the point and hands you the hairbrush
he is a decent braider, because of his thick fingers he can’t get a precision braid but he can do twists and bigger braids
when you’re sleeping on him and your bonnet slips off he adjusts it for you while your sleeping, ever since y’all got together your bonnet stopped going on vacation
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it would be the simple acts that get him sentimental like he hasn’t had someone help him out with his hair in decades so it does get to him a little
you’re the only one he trusts to touch his hair, his hair is very precious to him so that says a lot
you would sit there and detangle his hair and the comb goes through so easily you think you’re crazy you sitting there like
“what…” every time the comb goes through because somebody gotta be lyin
when it comes to wash day he’s on top of it, there’s a specific day when he washes his hair and whenever he’s going to he asks if you want to join him
his hair would absorb water like it’s nothing but his hair would also be very soft like his hair is out here shining
when it comes to picking out fros he’s the best, usopp comes to him when he wants his puff to look nice he be bringing out inches you didn’t even know you had
bonnet believer, usopp made him one and he never went back he doesn’t know how he lived without it
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ungodlyslut · 2 years
𝑰𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒕𝒉
Note: I will refer to the Japanese photo booths here because they have all the fun things like effects, weird filters, stickers, and drawing and writing. For example, when you are done taking photos in the booth, you will go out to draw, write, or add stickers on the chosen pictures before getting them from the machine. I personally think they are more interesting than just normal photo booths so yuh.
POV: Walking past a photo booth with One Piece characters during a date and you want to take a picture with them.
He has no idea what a photo booth is but is eager to try
“What IS a photo booth?” “Whattt???? You mean this little box can take photos of us?” “Coooool!!!”
Unable to sit still once you enter the stall, however. He just keeps complaining about how small it is.
“No Luffy, please! It will be really quick. Here…” You click the Start button and the rubber boy is taken aback by the sudden flash
He then quickly finds that the photo booth is pretty interesting once he gets to see the first pictures (he is surprised!)
Actually, too interesting, and you guys end up taking more pictures than necessary.
He loves doing the weird face! Making cute gestures! Choosing the weirdest filter and laughing cheerfully at each of them.
You have to stop him when both of you run out of money, and he looks kinda sad, pouting as you drag him out of the booth.
Luffy only cheers up when you promise to come back here soon, and he is energetic again when you tell him he can decorate the pictures before getting them.
Oh, look at how he draws! He keeps adding too many stickers on the photos that you can’t make out of your face anymore.
But watching him, with his gleaming eyes, his wide smile, and the way his nose crinkle when he focuses on adding the right stickers to the right place, you feel your heart fill with joy. 
Lovely date! The photo booth is rated 10/10<3
He is suspicious!
That place looks small, he says. Too narrow to draw a sword, he says
“No Zoro!!!!” You roll your eyes, speechless, “There is no enemy there. Just come, idiot.”
First, he feels uncomfortable.
Too small, he repeats. But he just sits still, tensed, maybe waiting for a sight of the delusional attack so that he can protect you in time
His facial expression is almost boring throughout the process. His glare is so intense that all the cute pinky lovely filter cannot hide the seriousness in his face (the opposite is somewhat amusing, though:’) )
You have to make him smile for the last shot. Placing your fingers in the corners of his mouth, you pull his lips upward, and behold! The world's most menacing smile EVER!!!
Please don’t laugh at Zoro he is already pissed off😭😭😭
You think he might not like the photo booth idea very much, but later, you will find him discreetly looking at the photos you two took together, and this time, with a gentle gaze in his eyes and a tender smile tucks on the corner of his lips;)
Pretty great overall, and super fun to see grumpy Zoro with blink-blink mascara so 9/10
“Excuse me? Are you saying that we have to PAY for the photos?” “How much? NO WAY!” “This machine won’t have my money thank you goodbye!”
She agrees to get into the photo booth with you at last, after making a deal that you will clean the room for the next 3 months.
Super picky about the filters and the effects. “Ugh no no no! This one makes my eyes look like they are bulging out.” “Omg, those freckles are surreal let’s get them!” “Adjust the light please.”
She intends to take only one photo first but ends up getting obsessed, and now she is the one who forces you to take several pictures in a row.
Direct you on how to pose, how to smile, the right angle to turn your head, the right moment to open your eyes, etc
Her handwriting on the pictures is beautiful, and you love the way she draws little hearts at every corner of the photos.
Nami is pretty satisfied at the end of the day, and when you clean her room for the next 3 months, you find the photos hanging proudly in her drawer.
A little bit tired (including cleaning the room afterward) but Nami looks hella fine in those pictures so still a 10/10
He is surprisingly very normal about this all (compare to his nakamas)
Will be the one to drag you into the photo booth first, and help you find the most adorable (and weirdest) filters
He loves making funny faces just like Luffy. Weird poses. Even weirder filters. And cute gestures! Biggest smiles! Hands on cheeks! Etc etc
His doodles are super cute when he draws them on the pictures, and he will not-so-discreetly add heart stickers here and there. The timid laugh when he spots you looking over his shoulder melts your very heart.
 Usopp is just SO cute!!!!
He hangs the pictures on the nightstand to look at them before going to sleep. Little does he know you do so too!
Fun, cute, and warm; that how it is a 10/10 
Actually, he loves whatever you suggest doing, because everything sounds exciting doing with you
He let you choose the filters and the effects but will be the one who prompts you to do different poses.
“Hey, y/n let's form a heart together! Put your hand in shape like this…that’s right!” “Pinch, pinch my cheeks!!!” “How about doing the upside-down peace sign next” “Ohhh, I know, let’s…”
He is likely the one to write silly, cheesy but lovely quotes on the pictures, and you will draw a big big heart between your two
Sanji looks at the pictures lovingly before having them secured in his wallet. He wants to keep the moment close to his heart. And you know he will keep them there forever, watching them any time he thinks about you.
“But you know, y/n, I think the unfiltered version of yourself is still the cutest.” *wink and a kiss on the cheeks*
Don’t say a word I know you are already drowning in his sweetness. 100/10
Giggles and pats your head when you point at the photo booth excitedly.
She looks stunning and effortlessly beautiful that filter is nothing compared to her beauty.
When the pictures are out, you think they are literally glowing with Robin smiling in there.
But then you recognize that she is smiling at you. She never looks at the camera once, she only has her eyes on you all the time. And oh that tender look of hers!!!
Robin will keep the photos in her diary, with a small note written next to them: “With my angle.”
You are a blushing mess. You are a blushing mess. You are a blushing mess.
100000000/10 to Nico Robin supremacy.
He says the normal photo booth is too ordinary, so no, Franky will invent a suuuper photo booth just - for - you!!!
You can capture the movement when taking pictures, and the printed photos can move just like gifs! Not only that, the photos will play a song if you touch Franky’s nose in there(???)
The photo booth even provides you with fast food and snack while taking pictures
There is no need to put money in, just say SUUUPPERR as the password to turn it on!!!
The whole crew is excited and fights for their turn to try Franky’s new photo booth
But there is a special effect just for you and Franky that no one knows. Whenever you take a picture, there will be a big heart sparkling right above your head, and Frankly will look at you, proudly, waiting for praise.
You will praise him, of course, with lots of kisses and hugs, because the things he does for you are just super…just like himself!!!
How can you not love this man? SUPER OUT OF TEN FOR FRANKY HE’S THE WINNER!
He doesn’t fit into the photo booth💀
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