mika-white-to-blue · 3 months
Salut !
Je m'appelle Michaël, j'ai 43 ans, je suis français, j'habite en France et je suis comptable.
Chaque jour, de plus en plus, je regrette mon éducation qui m'a éloigné du travail manuel.
Les seuls moments où je me sens épanoui, c'est le week-end quand je porte un pantalon d'artisan ou un vieux jean et que j'aménage mon jardin, les mains et les pieds dans la terre.
J'en ai assez du bureau, des chiffres, des écrans, des collègues qui parlent tout le temps (trop !) et qui cririquent tout le monde.
Comme j'envie les travailleurs manuels dans leurs beaux uniformes ! Comme j'envie les ouvriers du bâtiment, les ouvriers agricoles, les ouvriers d'usines, les éboueurs, les mécaniciens, les agents de nettoyage..
J'espère qu'ils savent qu'ils sont â leur place, que eux sont utiles â la société, qu'ils sont de vrais hommes, qu'ils doivent être fier !
Comme j'adorerai porter leur uniformes, travailler durement, commencer la journée tôt le matin jusqu'à tard le soir, avec peu de pauses, transpirer, me salir, obéir aux ordres et rentrer le soir fatigué mais fier.
Je ne voudrais pas quitter tout de suite mes vêtements de travail mais au contraire les porter le plus possible, 7 jours sur 7, toute l'année et aimer toujours la sueur, la boue ...
J'ai besoin d'une reprogrammation totale !
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rekrootinginc · 5 months
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Give it some thought and consider your future before choosing to change careers.  Think about the opportunities you have for growing professionally, accepting greater responsibility, and perhaps even getting promoted.  Consider your unique situation and follow your instinct for advancing your profession or meeting the requirements of your family.   Well, there are various other factors that need to be considered for a job change. Read the full blog through this link. https://bit.ly/3ROp7Wt
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Greetings from Ashra Technologies we are Hiring
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bizessenceaustralia · 11 months
How to Answer When Someone Asks You a Reason for a Job Change?
All of you might have come across a confused scenario where HR asks you the reason for a job change! It sounds intriguing for an interviewer but provokes a state dilemma for you! Here are some top verbal hacks to answer this question and nail your interview!
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tdsgroup · 2 years
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These latest HR trends prompt organizations to change their workplace and workforce strategies. Represent an urgent response, and this is the most exciting time to work in HR.
For more information, Call us at 0172-5090668, Whatsapp No. 7527003884.
Visit or DM us at https://tdsgroup.in/ 
For Job Application, Apply here https://tdsgroup.in/career/ 
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jpmellojr · 4 months
Three of four CISOs ready for job change
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Growing anxiety over new and expanded demands for their jobs has many CISOs mulling over an employment change. https://jpmellojr.blogspot.com/2024/01/three-of-four-cisos-ready-for-job-change.html
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Are You Feeling Underutilized at Work? According to recent stats, 70% of employees believe their skills are not fully utilized in their current roles. Don't let your potential go to waste. It's time to find a job that values your abilities!
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meetworks · 8 months
Hello, you can visit our portal to find suitable candidates for this job. Just search #meetworks on Google Playstore and there you can find us.
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coachnash · 9 months
Career coach Nash
Career Compass....guiding you on your career journey!
Our journey towards finding a career that is in alignment with who we are, and what gives us fulfilment falls under 4 broad areas:
1. KNOW YOURSELF - Career Discovery.
2. EXPLORE OPTIONS - Resume and Interview Coaching.
3. GET FOCUSED - Personal Development Coaching.
4. TAKE ACTION - Conflict and EI Coaching.
We will go deeper within these 4 areas to research industry trends and companies once you have decided on a career path. Do a gap analysis to outline where you are, where you want to be, the goals and actions you must take to get you to your destination.
Skills such as conflict management and emotional intelligence to help you navigate the world of work will be covered. You will learn how to lead, communicate, manage relationships with colleagues and show up with the right attitude for work.
Contact me for your FREE 20 minutes session: [email protected]
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Career coach Nash
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Good Monday Morning!
It is the start of a new day and a new work week. What better way to get started than to have your own affirmation for life.
If you are seeking changes in life or your career, only you have the power to create it.
Ask what will make you happy and take the actions that will get you there.
Happy work week!
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resumewriterrecruiter · 9 months
This is a digital download item. No items will be shipped physically.
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catalystalok · 1 year
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👉 मैं नौकरी करने का विरोधी नहीं हूं, लेकिन मेरे दिमाग में एक प्रश्न जरूर आता है। 📍 क्या आपको लगता है कि आज आप जो भी सैलरी पाते हैं वह सैलरी इतनी बढ़ सकती है कि आपके आज से 15 से 20 साल बाद जो भी खर्चे होंगे उन खर्चों को पूरा कर सकती है? 🤔 यदि नहीं तो समय आ गया है कुछ सोचने का कुछ निर्णय लेने का कुछ नया सीखने का कुछ नए तरीके से जिंदगी में आगे बढ़ने का। 🔰 फिर भी अगर आपको नौकरी करनी ही पड़े, तो कमसे कम वो नौकरी करो जिसमे आप कुछ सीख सको, कुछ कौशल सीख सको। 📍 जिसका प्रयोग आप बाद में जब आप खुद का काम प्रारंभ करे, तो कर पाए। 📍 इसके आज विभिन्न सरकारी कौशल विकास केंद्र है, जहा से आप अपने अंदर कई सारे कौशल विकसित कर सकते है, जिसके माध्यम से आप अपना काम प्रारंभ कर सको। 🏆 हमेशा याद रखो नौकरी आपकी जरूरतों को पूरा कर सकती है आपकी चाहतों को नही। 📢 तो देर किस बात की, एक कदम बढ़ाओ। कामयाबी आपका इंतजार कर रही है। #work #success #job #development #linkedin #linkedingrowth #linkedinpost #jobcreation #jobseekers #jobforyou #jobchange #jobalert https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp9aFkIoRz5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bizessenceaustralia · 11 months
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Are you considering a job change? We understand that everyone’s career journey is unique and would like to support you in making the right decision for your professional growth. Reflect on your current situation and consider what factors are driving your desire for a change.
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splendiforouslife · 1 year
Mistakes On (& Inspiration Under) My Desk
It was so distracting and noisy in my studio, until suddenly…it wasn’t. I looked below my desk to find this. I then realized that her soft breathing was a nice backdrop to help me focus; however, the calm after the storm came too late for me to realize I was using drawing paper to watercolor paint…. Is this something that happens to other amateur water color artists (someone please say…
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sachinprakash · 1 year
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