#Jojo angst
vincent-4ever · 11 months
I think you should write Hoeseph (not the wrinkly old prune one) x reader general hcs (ill give you a kiss if it's good which it probably will be)
Okay lol
Joseph Joestar General Dating Headcanons
Gender neutral reader
╰┈➤ 100% a goofy boyfriend. If you asked him for a kiss he would be all like "Pucker up darling!" and cuff your face in one or both of his hands.
╰┈➤ He always tells you about his hamon and the things he's done with it. He tells you about Caesar after his death.
╰┈➤ If you do anything nice for him like buy him a gift he would keep on a cool act when accepting it. He won't tell you but later on he cherishes it like it's the only thing he has left.
╰┈➤ Before he started dating you he always tried to keep up a cool act. He was also pretty flirtatious but inna goofy way. He probably uses or used those pickup lines where it's like "your lips would look better on mine"
╰┈➤ He's 6'5, so I feel like he DEFINITELY teases you about your height. If you're really short, for dates he probably would take you to an amusement park and take you to rides you can't ride on accident. But he would make it up to you, probably by buying you cotton candy or winning a prize for you.
Help this was my first JoJo fic and I haven't watched JoJo in a hot minute so I hope this is good
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nanivinsmoke · 1 year
Avdol angst, apart of the Seven Deadly Sins Series. Spoilers ahead
Also I tried my best to create a storyline based around envy.
Envy | Muhammad Avdol x AFAB! Reader
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Envy: Jealousy Towards Another’s Happiness
click below for more
They ran up your spine, as you stared at the decapitated limbs that sat on the tiled floors not too far away from you. ‘A-Avdol?’ The Frenchman that stood beside you began, wondering where the hell he went; also looking at the brown limbs in front of you both.
It can’t be.
You jumped up from your mattress, covered in sweat; waking up from your repeated nightmare. The same nightmare you’ve been having for the past couple of months. Your boyfriend’s death completely effected you, it changed who you are. The journey to Egypt to defeat Dio Brando, was not for the weak. The crusaders were tested every step of the way, and this one tested your heart; causing you to fail. You couldn’t forget that day no matter what. His blood soiling your clothes as you held his fallen arms in yours; screaming until your vocal cords gave out. You will never forget that.
The loss of your other two comrades added on to your depression, you felt like the ‘god’ was torturing you for his own amusement. After Dio was defeated, the last of the crusaders parted ways, never seeing each other again. The only one that reached out to you from time to time was Polnareff. He understood your grief, and would console you the best he could. He reached out to you earlier this week; telling you he would be in town for a bit and wanted to meet up with you. Although you weren’t in the mood for any social interactions, you didn’t want to turn away the one person who cared about you.
As you walked down the busy streets of Egypt; random civilians began to cry out in fear as the unexpected began to happen to them.
‘Why are these swarm of bees coming after me?’
‘Where the fuck did these nails come from?!’
‘Mommy! Help me!’
‘Cut it out Y/N. Leave these innocent people alone’ Polnareff’s voice rang into you ears, nudging you to call your stand off. Your stand was based around luck and your emotions; and right now everyone but you and Jean were receiving tons of bad luck. You rolled your eyes and called off your stand, ‘Whatever’. Polnareff let out a loud groan and pulled you aside into a nearby alleyway; away from the pedestrians.
‘I don’t have time for a lecture, Pol’
‘I don’t give a damn, you’re going to listen to me!’ He shut you up with quickness; he needed to get everything off his chest. ‘Look, I know you’re upset that Avdol died. Hell I am too! I know you want to avenge his death, but the person who killed him is gone. Don’t get me wrong, You have the right to be angry, you have the right to be unhappy, you have the right to cry. But, you don’t have the right to harm innocent people that have nothing to do with him dying.’
You couldn’t look the French man in his eyes, you knew he was right. But, you were pissed. You weren’t just mad at Vanilla Ice, you were mad at the world. You were mad the being that ruled over heaven for taking away the man you loved more than yourself.
‘Polnareff…I can’t do it anymore. I can’t keep living; I can’t living when he’s not here with me!’ His blue eyes widened, he couldn’t believe what you said. He’d never thought you would say that, let alone think that. He grabbed you by your shirt’s collar; making you look at him; this was the first time he’d been aggressive with you; let alone a woman.
‘Dammit Y/N! I don’t ever want to hear you say that again. I get it, you’re mad at the world, but imagine how he’d feel if he had ever heard you say you don’t want to live anymore? You can’t think like that Y/N, I’ve been there before and I felt soulless. I don’t want you feeling like that, so do you ever say that again. You got me?’ His voice was stern and his blue irises searched yours for emotion. Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision of the man in front of you. ‘Mhm’ You agreed, unable to speak due to the huge lump in your throat; before you couldn’t take it anymore and began to sob into Polnareff’s chiseled chest.
He rubbed your back as you dampened his shirt with your tears, as you were finally able to let your emotions out. ‘W-why does everyone get to be happy but me Pol? Why do they get the happy ending, but we’re stuck with three dead friends; while those two are living their best lives?’
Jotaro and Joseph Joestar hadn’t reached out either of you. You wouldn’t thought Joseph would’ve, since he was just as close to Avdol as you were with him. But, It’s like after they saved Holly from Dio’s reign, they forgot all about their friends they made on their long journey to defeat them. She wasn’t as upset with them as she was with then being that ruled over life itself, she was jealous that they got the good end of the stick. Polnareff couldn’t answer, he had also felt the same way. He kept tabs on them both and found out that Jotaro finished highschool and was on his way to college. And Joseph began to see his daughter more and more.
‘I loved him Pol….’
‘I know.’
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crazybojoe · 6 months
The Forsaken Afternoon
[Polnareff's Point of View] I vaguely remember the sight of him disappearing right in front of me, and then Iggy came right after. That fight with Vanilla Ice might have been the toughest fight I have ever been on, a terrifying stand that can swallow you into the empty void as it took the man I held dear from the start.
What good of a value does Avdol have? Well, for starters, Avdol is an Egyptian fortune teller. A man who held the tarot cards of fate and his stand burned brightly as a fire would, a good and loving friend... And boyfriend. I regret to say that the time we shared I believed with him was short, I didn't get to keep my promise to date him after this trip as we planned to do so by the campfire.
I know the mission had been done but godammit had it stole what meant everything to me, if only I found a way to rest in his arms again. Just a moment to hold with Avdol again, I swear on my life I would pay to see him well and alive. My life had two main debts I owed to Avdol, and both of them were saving me form the fleshbud and saving my life from Vanilla Ice.
...I wish I gave him the same treatment if I wasn't so stubborn.
My soul is now growing old inside a turtle as I linger my thoughts to the memories I shared with him, and with Iggy too. Until my soul shall pass, to reunite with Avdol again.
Dearest Muhammed... I'll be right behind you.
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osakunt · 2 years
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LEONE ABBACHIO [contains spoilers]
You look at him with a plain expression.
“C’mon you can’t have possibly forgotten about me already”
A slight chuckle comes out of you. The vivid picture of you in front of him feels surreal to him. It couldn’t be. It just couldn’t be.
Coming in closer to him you extend your arms out as if you were to give a hug. His ombré eyes watch you in surprise but also sorrow.
He remembers the last time he saw you. It wasn’t the best way way to say goodbye yet it was the only memory of you that would replay over and over again.
His eyes start to water again ever since he got there. He knew what was going - though never did he think he’d ever see you again like he hoped one day, he would. The feeling of surprise and fear all mixed in one.
“How could I forget you ? It’s only been a year or two”
His voice fills your ears with glee. Your body moves on its own - it moves you towards him at a fast pace. A few glides and you’re in his arms. Your own engulfing him into a tight hug.
Bucciarati can only look into the the scenery in front of him.
“At least they are now together”
He tries to smile knowing that two lovers have once again been reunited.
He can’t smile though. Not even a forced one can come to his face. The desperate feeling of wanting to bring back his friends and allies daunts him. All he can do is stay strong for what’s to come.
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beneathashadytree · 2 years
Hello if possible could you write about a Zeppeli! Reader that looks very similar to Caesar and is friends with Josuke and when they meet Joseph he mistakes the Zeppeli! Reader for Caesar
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Warnings : general feelings of grief, mentions of death, Zeppeli!reader, this is purely platonic, this is not proofread, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : angsty but also kinda fluffy?
Word count : 0.8K words
Additional notes : Thank you so much for requesting! This was a brilliant idea, and very easy to write. I like writing platonic stuff every now and then, and this had a particularly good twist of angst to it. I hope you enjoy reading this!💗💗💗
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
Want to support me financially? Here’s my CashApp.
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“Hey, Josuke!” someone called out from the back of the docks, causing the teenager to turn around.
He found his friend, standing at the back and waving at him as they jogged to their direction.
“Hey, uh, a little preoccupied at the moment.” Josuke nodded his head in the direction of the old man who was currently holding onto his arm as he slowly walked forward.
They looked confused for a moment, before Koichi came up to them and whispered something in their ear. Their eyes went wide. “Ah.” About to introduce themselves to the old man whom he now knew was Josuke’s supposed father, Joseph, they were stunned to see that his eyes were as wide as saucers behind his spectacles.
“Caesar?” the man gruffly asked, green eyes glimmering with something no one quite understood. “Is that you?”
Perhaps they had no idea what this was all about. After all, neither Josuke nor Jotaro knew anyone with that name, and Joseph had never been in any hurry to tell the stories of his years of youth and the misery he carried back with him. He’d shoulder it all with a laugh and a cheeky comment that made everyone forget about the momentary darkness that snaked its grip around him every now and then.
Josuke’s friend looked like someone from his most blissful dreams and his most haunting nightmares. They had the same brilliantly shining green eyes, pale skin that almost reflected the light, and blonde, almost white hair that tumbled down in shapely waves. Perhaps the only things that set them apart from the beloved person in his memories was the scatter of dark freckles dusting their nose and cheeks, and the slit in their left eyebrow.
Seeing them in high school uniform was unsettling, when the last time Joseph had seen an uncannily similar face, he’d been dressed in the most outrageous fashions of the 1930s; an age the old man both remembered fondly and dreaded. And though he thought for a second that perhaps this was all just a figment of his imagination, the gentle hand that touched his free one, and the kind look in those eyes were very much real.
“No, sir,” they softly said, “Cesare era il mio prozio. Ceasar was my great-uncle, may his soul rest in peace. I am a Zeppeli as well.” Smiling gently like one may do to console a grandparent, they asked, “I take it you are Joseph Joestar?”
Joseph seemed to be stunned for a few beats, before tears began to well up in his eyes, and his shoulders began to sag as he nodded. “Has anyone told you…”
“Many a time, yes,” they chuckled, “As many times I’ve been told about your benevolence and great deeds. You’ve become somewhat of a legend in our family, sir.”
Their words only caused him to sniffle as the tears fell down his cheeks, something that shocked both Josuke and Jotaro, who’d been watching the exchange. Jotaro was probably the most dazed by the sight, as he’d never found his grandfather this vulnerable; to the extent that he’d shed tears—in fact, it was likely that no one but Suzi ever had.
“But I failed him,” Joseph mumbled under his breath, shame flooding his face, “Your great-uncle, I was too late. Too brash. I let him go all alone.”
They sighed, a small sad smile on their face as they saw how tortured the man was about this after all these decades. Now both their hands clasped Joseph’s, reassuringly patting it. “And he lives on through your memories. Do not pity the dead, kind sir. It would be a disservice to the both of you.”
Swallowing thickly, Joseph looked up to meet their eyes. Strange, how now that he took a good look he could no longer see the strength of the resemblance. It almost felt as though a mist had cleared from their features, and he could make out the things that stood out to him as not being the same as Caesar’s, if his memory was serving him correctly.
“On second thought, you are quite different, after all,” he murmured quietly, an odd feeling of long-awaited peace settling over him. His muscles seemed to have lost the tension that had been keeping them stiff for the past 60 years, and he could swear his limbs felt a little lighter.
Perhaps this was the closure he never knew he needed, but had secretly been desperately clinging onto. Perhaps now he could breathe a little easier, and live out the rest of his years surrounded by those he could call family, quaint as it was.
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Taglist: @mrsgiovanna @blondeboyfriend
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mel0-dy · 2 years
even the night changes - angst! Prosciutto
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synopsis: His voice guided you to come back to his arms.
author's note: I rarely write and don't know why it should be this way but spoiler alert a little bit.
She's fallin', doesn't even know it yet
... Havin' no regrets is all that she really wants
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It's been months since you finally decided to move on to your ex-lover. It was an on-and-off relationship. You were his first lover and so does to you. God knows how the both of you struggled to maintain this pathetic relationship but you couldn't just seem to accept the fact of letting all this go. You can't be happy even if you wanted to, the bittersweet feeling just lingered. You lied about being okay with people who were always there for you and yourself. It was really a tough decision to accept what happened in the past. It was impossible until you were tired of the endless cycle of bottling up negative emotions.
You were doing fine, you're thankful. You finally managed to think on the bright side even in the slightest. Your parents always told you that it was fated but you didn't expect to be hurt so bad that you don't recognize yourself in the world without him anymore. It was a warm afternoon that you called your friend. They said they were out hanging with someone until a familiar melody came. You suddenly heard Prosciutto's voice over your friend's call.
You can't believe it, it's impossible. Were you imagining things? Did your friend have someone in there with the same voice as Prosciutto? You overheard their conversation, apparently, your friend forgot to mute the call. You stood there in silence until you talked the most random thing just to make it look like you didn't hear it. The call ended afterward, you just wished the call didn't exist. Or maybe you wanted to hear Prosciutto's voice even longer.
After what happened, you tried your best to be distracted as if you didn't remember Prosciutto's voice. You missed him, you won't just admit it. You wanted to contact and go with him but 4 years since the break up is already too late. Fate suddenly planned to toy with you when you the image of Prosciutto came into your dream.
He was there, the same image as before. He didn't age even a little, he's still the same man you loved and imagined a lifetime with. He walked slowly as soft footsteps echoed the room around. He put his hand on your shoulder, and you closed your eyes with a sense of uncertainty about what would happen.
"Shh love, this is not a dream."
You know Prosciutto is lying, there's no way he'll be there for you. Even the both of you had a relationship before, there are some things that you didn't know about your lover. You didn't know what his real job was, he kept it really private because he don't want you to get in trouble.
"Y/n, before I left I saw our future together. Our family, our plans together it all happened. Those were some of my best memories that started when I met you. Thank you really for making me the happiest man."
He whispered to your other ear, you could feel his sincerity. Even if it sounds cruel, you admit you were the one who broke up with him. It was pure of guilt and Prosciutto didn't ask your intentions. He respected you. You even heard rumors that he stopped looking for other ladies after he went through with you. He suddenly disappeared until you learned from your connections that he left the city for his job.
"Love, could I ask one favor to you?"
Your eyes suddenly widened and finally, Prosciutto was in front of you. He took your hand closer to his lips and gave small lovely kisses like he used to. He gave a small fainted smile before saying his farewell.
"Don't forget to give me my favorite flowers at the cemetery. I don't mind if you will find another partner because you deserve another chance at love. I'm happy about what we started, I love you always y/n it was a grateful dead. "
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do not repost nor translate @narxiso.
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elmos-sockpuppet · 2 years
Spoilers for stone ocean kinda
I really want someone to make something with the winner takes it all and the ending of stone ocean
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mikibagels · 5 months
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My roman empire is thinking about how many times Pucci had to watch his late friend die when going through Jotaro's memory DISC 🙁
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laynore-x · 7 months
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Just an idea i had months ago about these two.
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Slipping through my fingers, all the time
Do I really see what’s in her mind?
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murtacalafate · 10 months
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This took longer than I thought. I doubted uploading it, mainly because of the broken dialogue and how weird was the reading. Writting is my weakness. Believe me, I considered doing the comic completely silent, but I wanted to get out of my comfort zone.
I don't know if the outcome turned out decent, I'm not sure. I've been staring at this comic for 2 months that my perception is heavely warped. Therefore, I'm not in good conditions to judge my work sjdhsdh
Anyway, hope you like it josuyasu nation.
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nanivinsmoke · 1 year
finished stone ocean and im not okay. here’s a lengthy one shot, full of spoilers by the way. and it’s an angst! also used my stand oc in this, might make series based on the stand with a diff user.
sorry in advance
End Of Time | Jotaro x AFAB! Reader
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words: 1.4k
She stared out the plane’s window, her mind on the conversation she had with him a weeks ago and the conversation she had with speed wagon foundation; a day ago. ‘Daughter? You have a daughter?’ She asked, blinking back a couple of tears. Why was she just learning about this? He said nothing, but just nodded at her remark.
The two have known each other since highschool, being in an on again and off again relationship with each other. They attended the same college and had similar interests in science. With him being a marine biologist and her being a chemist. She also possessed a stand; which allowed her to accompany Jotaro on his journey to defeat Dio and save his mother from his tyranny.
‘Her name’s Jolyne and I have to protect her; a disciple of Dio is roaming the prison she’s in and im sure he’ll be after quite soon’ Her emotions quickly changed once she heard that vampire’s name. The man that once tormented the Joestar lineage is at it once again; even from the grave.
‘Let me come with. You know—‘
‘No. I need you to stay here. I don’t know how strong this guy is. I can’t have you getting hurt as well’ She wanted to fight him on that but he had that look in his eyes, and she knew not to pester him any more. That was the last conversation she had with him, and the last time she saw him. As the two days went by, she began to worry more and then the call she got from the speedwagon foundation didn’t make her feel better. So, here she was on the next flight to Florida to save the person she loved dearly and his daughter.
She still couldn’t believe he had one and when did this happen? Was it the year they had broken up? Although she was initially upset, she couldn’t blame him for hiding her identity from the world, he wasn’t the only one hiding secrets…
Meanwhile, Jotaro had finally made it to Florida and just in the nick of time to save his daughter from bullets that was just about to hit her. Pucci was shocked to see he had arrived, but this only intensified the fight. The priest had gained a new power up and the group of stand users couldn’t find him, and to top it all of something was wrong with the time; everything was moving faster than normal, including Pucci himself.
They were now trapped on a rooftop, trying to search for him. Using star platinum’s the world, Jotaro tried his best to find him and plan his next move during the time stop. However, his ace in the hole didn’t work for long and now they couldn’t find him.
‘Where the hell is he?!’ Jolyne called out, trying to sense him. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted him, but there was something off about him.
‘What the hell is he doing? Emporia do you have binoculars?’ The little boy in baseball attire nodded and reached into his stomach to pull out a pair of jet black binoculars, handing it Jolyne. Her green eyes peered into it, looking at the enemy stand user, where she was able to see the priest. A gasped escaped her green lips, ‘What the hell? It looks like he’s about to cough up a lung?’ She began to pass around the binoculars so everyone can see, and when they got back to emporio; his eyes widened.
‘I’ve seen this before….I’ve read about it in some book!’ The green haired woman took a look at him, urging the boy to continue. Pulling out the book he flipped a couple of pages before looking at the priest again. ‘From how his body’s reacting, he looks like he has ozone poisoning! But, how?!’ Jotaro’s eyes widened to a degree before he sensed a familiar presence. ‘I know how. You can stop hiding yourself. I know you’re here’
On queue, the woman had appeared; a smoke screen had been shielding her. Everyone, but Jotaro, stood guard. Not trusting the woman, until Jotaro reassured them she’s an ally. ‘Don’t worry guys, she’s not an enemy. She knows about everything including Dio’ He looked at her, she was wearing a goofy grin; ignoring his anger. ‘I told you not to come!’
‘When do I ever listen to you, Kujo?’
‘Old man, who is this woman..?’ Jolyne asked, looking at her father and the woman who were having a stare off. Before he could answer the woman turned to Jolyne, a smile on her face. ‘You must Jolyne! You must get your looks from your mother’ She joked, earning a chuckle from the nineteen year old. The two began to make jokes about Jotaro, which caused a vein to pop on his forehead.
‘I don’t mean to cut the reunion short, but we have bigger fish to fry here’ Anasui spoke, pointing at the priest; who was over coming the toxic gas. They all got serious, looking at the man who was just on the verge of death. ‘Whatever you did, you have to do it again, he’s aiming to kill me, but when that happens Mr. Jotaro; you have to take that moment and kill his ass!’ Anasui continued; speaking to both Y/N and Jotaro.
Her stand, Thriller, controls matter. Be it solid, liquid or gas; she can control and create it. But, in order to create them; she has to know the contents of it. That’s why she spent so many years in college. ‘It’s no use! We have to move, that jack ass is heading towards us!’
Thanks to Emporio, they were only able to escape from him momentarily; as they launched themselves to the marshes not too far away. ‘You okay?’ Jotaro asked her, after she landed on a small piece of rock, that hit her stomach. She croaked out a small yeah, but she wasn’t sure. Holding her stomach, she had hoped the tiny human growing inside of her was okay. She took his hand and got up. Anasui was impaled and Jotaro immediately stopped time, ‘Knives? Just like Dio. Dammit’
He quickly moved Jolyne out the way, but just as his five seconds was up, he noticed the blood that was seeping out of Y/N’s stomach. With a wound like that, she wouldn’t make it. ‘The time is nigh! The joestar blood line ends here’ Pucci spoke, sending some attacks to the opposing stand users, but he quickly stopped, feeling like he was being stabbed from the inside. The priest fell to the waters underneath him, which hardened; causing his knees to be stuck in ice.
‘What the—‘ She slowly approached him, still holding her stomach. ‘Doesn’t it feel like 1000 knives stabbing you from the inside? I bet you can hardly breathe, the loss of blood flow leaves you immobile, which makes it easier to kill you! Do it now Jotaro!’ She screamed, which allowed the time stop stand user to pummel the priest. She had hardened his blood from the inside, thanks to the open wounds he received. However, the priest had another trick up his sleeve, he accelerated time once more and flashed away; injuring Jotaro in the process
It was clear they weren’t going to win this fight, with a gravely injured Ermes, Anasui and Jotaro on the brink of death; this fight only had one ending. And this time the enemy stand user was winning. Using her stand power, the woman hardened the blood that was leaking from her open stomach, before limping her way to Jotaro who was collapsed in the ocean.
Kneeling down next to him, she turned him over and let out a gasp once she seen the huge wound he received. He had a huge split in his face; and the way she was weak right now; she wasn’t able to use her stand power to temporarily heal him while she was healing herself. Tears poured out her eyes as she began to panic, the person she loved was now dying right before her and she didn’t know what to do.
‘Please, don’t leave me. Don’t leave me here; don’t die. I love you, I love you…!’ She cried out, she was scared. She didn’t want him to die, she didn’t want to die either. She grabbed his hand that was turning colder by the second and placed it on her stomach, ‘that’s us right there. That’s our baby! I used my stand and solidified the fluid around them, but that’s ours! Don’t die! Save Jolyne, save us! Please don’t leave me….’
Being that she was too weak and lost a lot of blood, her heart was no longer receiving blood, causing her to collapse on top of her dead lover. Everyone had died that day; but in another universe all of them had lived all thanks to Emporio.
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bygiornogiovanna · 1 year
Idk if you’re accepting requests but if you are I have something I’ve been think about for a bit now,,,
How about HCs for the bucciarati gang where the gang is teasing the member about reader but he denies it to get them to stop their constant teases (even though it’s obvious their in love with them) and reader hears it (because they walked into the room or something) and become sad/sulky and ignores them as a result like basically how each member would react to that!
If you can that would be awesome! I’ve become so obsessed with your writing so please continue writing for as long as it makes you happy cause I guarantee it brightens other people’s days as well! 💖
Facade (Bucci gang x gn! reader hcs)
in which they are being teased about liking you...
bruno bucciarati, giorno giovanna, leone abbacchio // i currently have no idea what to write for mista, fugo nor narancia, please, give me ideas in the comments.
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"Come on, man, just admit you like them!" Trish laughed and a sigh escaped past his lips. The man felt like one of the veins in his neck was about to pop. He despised being teased about his feelings towards you. He thought he was doing a good job at hiding them, but apparently, the whole gang knew except, well...you.
"No! I don't like them at all, shut up! We were, we are and we will always be only friends!" He yelled and, when he turned around to leave, he felt like his world was going to crumble. You were standing right there and the look on your face said everything: What you just heard completely broke your heart.
Without saying a word, you turned and left, and, from then on, everything went down the hill. You either ignored him for weeks or when you spoke to him, only a blunt coldness was showed in your voice.
☆Bruno Bucciarati☆
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Bruno felt his heart break every time you looked at him with such hatred...Well, at least on the times you looked at him. Because yes, there went weeks without you sparing him a glance;
And all of that because his friends just couldn't keep their mouths shut. That, and because he was too much of a coward to admit the fact that he did like you;
Bruno went from looking like the most put-together man to looking like one of those homeless people. Big, dark circles could be seen around his eyes from all the sleepless nights he had been thinking about how can he fix this. His hair was a mess. Wait, scratch that...He was a mess;
He decided he couldn't keep going with this facade and that you two needed to discuss it. You were adults now. You had to communicate;
Even if it wasn't at easy to do as it was to say, he abused the fact that he was the boss of the team you were in and called you into his office because of a "mission" he had to assign you;
"Are you going to tell me the mission, or do I have to sit here forever?" you spat five minutes after stepping into his office. "Take a seat, please," he said calmly;
"Tell me the mission." you insisted, and he sighed. "Sit down first." Bruno countered, and you rolled your eyes. The faster you did what he said, the quicker you would leave. The more you sat and looked at him, the harder it was for you to not let your tears flow, his words clear as fresh water in your head;
"There is no mission. We need to talk." The moment you heard that, you wanted to get up. "At listen to me, please." His voice sounded so...pained. You sighed and sat back down, a quiet way of telling him you were going to listen to him;
"Look, I know that the situation I put you in a few weeks ago was a painful one, hearing your friend say they don't like you at all...It is a pretty difficult thing to manage. I wish to say...It was all a big misunderstanding. I-" You raised a brow at that, your soft voice interrupting him;
"You mean that saying you indirectly hate me is all a misunderstanding?";
"Yes! I wasn't saying that I hate you...I was saying that I don't like you in...that way." You opened your mouth to talk back again, and he raised his hand to stop you. "Before you comment, let me finish. I was lying when I said I don't like you. I love you, Y/N. I was just scared of you not...feeling the same. And I know my friends, they can't keep quiet when they know something.";
You stared at him wide-eyed. No words were coming out of your mouth and only now you noticed the absolutely horrible state he was in. You don't think you've ever seen Bruno this stressed;
"I really...don't know what to say, Bruno. I'm sorry for reacting how I did, I just...I thought you hated me. And it broke my heart knowing the one I'm in love with hates me." You admitted and he gave you the same stare you just gave him;
"You mean you like me back?!"
☆Giorno Giovanna☆
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Giorno had no idea what to do for you to forgive him;
He was never good with expressing his love and gratitude for others, and he was especially worse at it when it came to you;
The day he met you was the day his world was turned upside down. He was ready to do anything it took for you to love him back, but it seemed that all his effort was crushed after his little outburst;
Everytime he tried pulling you away from the rest to talk to you, to explain you why he said that, to apologize, you gave him the cold shoulder. And, with every cold, unamused gaze you gave him, his heart shattered;
Unlike Bruno, he couldn't just make you come to him. The only thing he could do was sit and watch you from afar. Sit and watch how pretty you looked when you laughed during those weeks, but it was never with him;
"Please, just look at me" was his thought every time you avoided his begging eyes. Quietly, Giorno begged you to look at him. To forgive him. And he never begged;
His only option was writing you letter. He wrote, and he wrote. The blonde poured his feelings and his explanations that you refused to listen to into words on a paper and slipped them into your purse, disguised as a ladybug;
He only knew that you read them when you showed up at his door at one in the morning, messy hair and teary-eyed. No words were spoken between the two of you, but you both understood what each other meant;
You crashed your body into his and he was there to catch you. He was there. And he will always be there for you, to soothe your pain, even if he was the cause;
As you sobbed into his arms, emotions overwhelming you, he rubbed your back and planted a kiss on your head. There were no words needed anymore, the two souls of yours were connected into one as both of you acknowledged and realized your feelings for each other;
"Now you finally know I love you more than anything in this world, tesoro."
☆Leone Abbacchio☆
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Abbacchio hated you. He really did;
He hated the way you made him feel love for the first time in years. He hated the way he loved your smile. The way he cherished every moment spent with you. He hated how he was always there, watching your every move, but not daring to step in. He hated the way you never backed away from him, the way you always searched for him and considered his opinions. And he absolutely loathed the way he was craving your presence;
Ever since that little...incident, should we call it, happened, it was like he was invisible again. You didn't even look at him, let alone talk or be near him the way you were before;
He wanted to curse at you, at his so-said friends who brought this upon him. It was only their fault, if they only knew when was time to shut the fuck up, he wouldn't be in this shitty situation. But, most of all, he wanted to curse at himself. For being such a coward and never admitting his feelings for you to himselft, let alone others;
And right now, for the second time in his life, Leone was desperate;
The only solution he had was drowning himself in alcohol. The substance he was so used to was his only solution to end his despair. He thought that, if he couldn't think, you would leave his mind;
But oh, how wrong he was. He found himself thinking even more about you. It's like you were stuck in his head, exactly like the roots of his hair were;
That's exactly why he was there, in front if your house, desperately knocking at three o'clock in the morning, desperately seeking you;
Annoyed by the never-ending sound of knocking on your door, you opened the door to your house, wondering who could it be at this hour. However, you certainly didn't expect seeing your usually stoic teammate, drunk and with such a look on his face;
"A-Abbacchio?! What are you doing here?" you asked and were met with silence. Pure, cold silence;
Without saying a word, he pulled you into his body, and this was the first time ever since you met him that he hugged you. Even if he didn't say anything, you somehow understood everything;
The silence was now comforting and, even if you had no clear explanation, you didn't exactly care at that moment. You could speak tomorrow, now, you just enjoyed his warmth;
"I love you, Y/N."
the queen of angst lmao
hope you liked it anon <3
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missallanious · 10 days
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"Kakyoin! Stay with me, oi! Kakyoin!!"
This scene is stuck in my head I’m sorry lmao ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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laynore-x · 8 months
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