#Kinda suggestive
za-travvy · 2 months
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— here to serve?
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almostswagkid · 4 months
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Грегор Германович yippe
i've had an idea of drawing my beautiful roach wife ogtha on his different smoke breaks so thats what i did
can't deside whitch one turned out the best so i'll leave it to for the public to judge
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zishu-arts · 25 days
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victim “if i get close to you i’ll either end up hurting you or you’ll end up leaving me” x agent “just let me take care of you”
(they’re work fuck buddies who accidentally developed feelings for each other)
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angelxd-3303 · 2 months
I think Luigi's starting to understand why Bowser loves commissioning dresses for him so much...
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Anatomy is a cruel prank targeting artists specifically.
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brachiocephalics · 4 months
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Uh, I’m not going to the bachelor party. Every time I go to one of your parties, I end up embarrassing myself in some new and unexpected way.
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(also here's the full scene GIFed, lol. couldn't stay away from it)
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2018-01-20 · 1 year
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for the longest time, ever since you first met dan heng, you have never been able to envision him with a lover.
you don’t even intend to think that in a negative way. you know that, underneath his (stupidly pretty) poker face and all of that grand seriousness, there is at least some love and passion in him. it’s more in a platonic sense, however—like the way he checks on tired astral express passengers by anonymously dropping off tea in their rooms, or how he gives backhanded compliments to march to make her huff and laugh at the same time. even the way he subtly looks at the trailblazer for any signs of exhaustion from all the work they put on their shoulders doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
you know that deep inside, dan heng really does care a lot for the people around him.
“what are you doing here?”
you let out a quiet hum as you slowly close the door to the archives behind you, turning your head to observe the bookshelves that decorate the walls. dan heng recognizes the tune you’re humming as your favorite song that plays often in the parlor car.
“do i need a reason to be here?” pulling your eyes away from the books around you, you tilt your head to him and match his questioning eyes with your playful ones. he eventually sighs, leaning his chair back as you attempt to hide the eagerness in the steps that you take in his direction. “i still can’t believe you like to sleep in this room every night. you’re already in here all day.”
you stand before him as he’s still seated comfortably beside his desk, and your face start to feel a little warm when you see the earphones of his that currently lay idly on his shoulders when they had previously been in his ears when you first entered the room. the way he holds your eye contact never fails to make your heart do flips in your chest. you swear you can go crazy just by looking at how beautiful he is just sitting in a chair, waiting for you to do something, anything.
“i missed you,” you finally whisper. and although he doesn’t say it back like you knew he wouldn’t, he does trail a hand to your jaw to gently cup your face as he pulls you in close. your lips meet his in no time.
there is something about dan heng that no one knows but you. and it’s that he doesn’t kiss like there are fireworks going off, or like there are sparks flying everywhere, or like it is the end of the universe—he kisses like he has reserved all of the time in the world just for you. he kisses like you are his favorite sweet. he kisses you slowly with both patience and expectancy.
he tilts his head to make it more comfortable for the both of you, his other hand hooking around your waist to slyly urge you onto his lap (which you of course do without protest). you don’t hesitate to place your hands onto his chest, and the approving hum he lets out against your lips has you going incredibly dizzy. minutes easily feel like hours when dan heng has you close in his hold.
you don’t even want to get started on the way he carefully takes his time, but also kisses you in a way that shows he craves absolutely nothing but you.
when you are finally, although reluctantly, pulling away, you are met with the sight of a slightly panting dan heng that looks at you without a worry on his mind. your head feels feverish as the hand on your hip moves to lightly hold the back your neck, and the next thing you know, you’re only centimeters away from him again.
“don’t stop,” he shamelesly breathes out, before moving towards you once more.
ever since you first met dan heng, he has stumped you in more ways than one. like the way you became the lover of his you never expected him to have, or the way he would rather show both his platonic and romantic love with his actions instead of his words.
but his kisses and touch are reserved only for you. the one he holds dear and close. the one he can truly love without holding back.
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grrrechka · 6 months
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College hits hard but Donna obsession hits harder 😭
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scrollonso · 2 months
First Kiss (Race 11)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (2k words, kinda nsfw) [@v3lnys @biancathecool] {I like this one and IM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT ONE}
last part - masterlist - next part
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Fernando entered the paddock with Giancarlo, a comfortable silence between the two before they began signing whatever fans pushed their way, asking how the two felt about today, asking if they felt they were going to perform better this week.
Lance was in the middle of an interview, his eyes wandering to Fernando as he answered the questions, the man behind the camera was quick to notice how distracted the driver was, following his eyes to the world champion
"Well, that's enough. Thank you, Lance"
Lance looked back at the interviewer, nodding as he thanked him before beginning to walk towards the Spaniard
"Your boy is coming over" Giancarlo spoke, nodding over to Lance's direction
"My boy?" Fernando questioned, looking at Lance and smiling before turning back to his teammate
"Are you two not..?" He sounded surprised "I figured you two were together."
"We- huh?" Fernando laughed nervously, shaking his head at the assumption "No, we- we are friends"
"Sure" The man said sarcastically, patting the Spaniards back before leaving his side to go to the garage, Lance finally reaching him
Fernando watched him leave, a strange feeling in his throat as he thought about what he said, his boy?
"Nando, hola" Lance said cheerfully, a bright smile on his face as his arm fell over the mans shoulders
"Hola, Lancito, how are you?" He asked as if they weren't texting that morning, Fernando too busy in his phone to realize Giancarlo had been speaking to him.
"I'm good" Lance nodded, looking at Fernando as he spoke, the Spaniards hair already beginning to grow back out "Gonna get on the podium this time?"
Fernando smiled, eyes slipping down Lance's face to his lips as his teammates words ran through the back of his head "Only if you are on it with me, mi sol" He said as he elbowed the boy, too absorbed in their conversation to think about how they were standing in the middle of a walkway, blocking peoples path.
"I'll be on that top step, get ready to look up to me, Nando"
"Am always ready to look up at you, Lancito" The world champion shook his head, attention leaving Lance as he heard the boys engineer calling for him, watching as he quickly excused himself and disappeared into the white and pink garage.
Quali was stressful, Nico and Lance qualified 9th and 11th respectfully, both fairly close to the points. Once they made their way back to the garage the team began discussing strategies for tomorrows race, everyone desperate for points, even if one of them just barely brought 1 the team would be overjoyed, it had been so long since the team scored anything that the thought of double points seemed like a fantasy.
Lance wanted to get points for his team, wanted to do well, wanted to make them proud but as the season progressed and he began doing worse and worse he realized he was slowly losing faith.
Despite the realization the rookies both promised to try their hardest, wanting nothing more than to both bring home points for another race.
Lance hadn't seen Fernando since before quali, he had embarrassingly enough stayed back later to see if maybe he'd come to look for him but he hadn't.
He gathered his things, most of the team having already left for the night, then he left the garage.
"Lancito" He heard a voice from the Renault garage, eyebrows raising at the name, having not expected to hear it again that night
Lance was quick to turn back to the yellow and blue garage, shocked look quickly turning to adoration as he saw the man sitting by his car, quickly motioning for the Canadian to come over
"Am I even allowed in here?" Lance laughed as he headed towards the Spaniard, not caring if he was or not
"Is just us, no?" Fernando smiled, looking around as if he wasn't already aware everyone had left "Am sorry I didn't see you sooner, was so busy after today"
"It's okay, Nando" The rookie smiled, taking a seat on the floor next to Fernando "So this is your championship winning car?" Lance turned his head, looking at Fernando before reaching out and tapping the car
"Have not won the championship with this car, mi sol"
"You will, Nando" Lance said plainly, leaning forward to lay his head on the livery
Fernando smiled slightly, thinking about how pretty Lance looked next to blue and yellow, his eyes slightly lidded as he smiled against the carbon fiber. He looked good leaned up against it, hair messily laying on the yellow as his fingers trailed along the blue.
As his eyes wandered so did his mind, the image of Lance bent over progressing into Fernando holding him down as he fucked him on top of the car, the rookie whining sweetly at the new feeling and gripping tightly onto the edge of the livery. He could picture the boys moans, how he breathes out his name and begs for more. He felt dirty for the thought, dirty for thinking of Lance that way because he was so young but he couldn't help it, he craved him.
"Nando?" He spoke up, turning to face Fernando, now sitting up straight
"Hm? Sorry, mi sol, I got distracted" Fernando hummed, biting his lip slightly as he was snapped back to reality, trying his best to imagine Lance doing anything else.
"What hotel do they have you staying at?"
"Le paddock" He answered, glad Lance started a conversation, he desperately needed to get his mind off of the fantasy.
Lance groaned, eyes rolling at the realization that Fernando had a hotel so close to the circuit "Lucky ass"
"Is yours far? You know you are always welcome in my room, Lancito." He offered, well aware at Lance's lack of a car (and license) at this point
"Could I? I sorta missed my ride hoping you'd come talk to me"
"Ay, Lancito, why would you do that?" Fernando laughed, pushing himself up and holding a hand out to the boy, not able to stop himself from licking his lips at the sight of the Canadian sitting below him "C'mon, am tired"
Lance nidded, grabbing onto Fernando for support as he stood up, a bright smile on his face as they left the paddock together, the dim light of the moon on their skin being practically the only light as they found the Spaniards car.
"Ladies first" Fernando teased, opening the door for the Racing Point deiver
"Thank you, el viejo" Lance smiled as he got into the car, giggling at the sight of Fernandos face after being called an old man
"Maybe I should force you to walk back, eh?" He said as he got into the drivers side, starting the car as he looked at Lance, pretending to consider the idea
"Yeah, yeah, let's just go to our room" Lance waved his hand, leaning back into the seat
"Buckle up and we will"
"Come on, it's not far, I'll be fine" The Spaniard rolled his eyes, leaning over to buckle up the boy, looking down as it clicked before making eye contact with Lance, faces centimeters apart "Safety first, mi sol"
Lance swallowed dryly, nodding as the man went back into his seat, buckling up and leaving the parking lot. He could feel his heart beating in his chest, unsure why his body was reacting this way, all Fernando did was buckle is seatbelt for gods sake.
The two got to the paddock together the next morning, Lance having woken up just minutes before they had to leave. The Spaniard thought he looked so peaceful asleep in his white sheets it would be cruel to wake him up as early as he was going to.
Lance yawned, stumbling slightly as he closed his eyes, wearing a pair of Fernandos sweatpants and a team t-shirt
"Sleepy?" Fernando spoke, moving an arm to Lance's side as they walked, worried the boy would fall
"Nuh uh" He mumbled "Wide awake"
The man smiled, shaking his head at the obvious lie. He made sure to walk Lance to the Racing Point garage before turning back to go to his, Lance still on his mind after he'd long left his sight.
They lined up on the grid, Lance finally awake as he thought over the strategy again, knowing Nico was on a similar one, the teams main goal was to get the two into the points.
He raised his eyes to the lights ahead as they turned on one by one, foot hovering over the throttle, not blinking as they went off, pressing hard as he made it his goal to overtake Coulthard straight away, which he did.
Ten laps passed with no progress from Lance although Nico had passed De La Rosa with ease and was now in 8th.
Lance was now coming closer to De La Rosa, determined to overtake him like his teammate did. He was stuck behind for two more miserable laps before being able to push past, Nico overtaking Fisichella soon after.
"How's my pace, Brad?" Lance asked, the two good overtakes fueling his ego, he was confident, really confident in the strategy.
"You're doing spectacular Lance, you're faster than Fisichella, you'll be able to pass within 5 laps."
Lance hummed a response, waiting impatiently for an opprotunity to come to him.
He got a chance three laps later, hungrily taking it as well as 8th place, he could see Nico ahead of him, the pink livery hard to miss.
"What place is Giancarlo in?" Fernando asked, still maintaining second
"He was just passed by both Racing Points, now in 9th."
"Both?" Fernando echoed, knowing that meant Lance had fought his way into the points (so had Nico but Fernando didn't care about his result nearly as much)
"Yes. Now focus, Fernando."
Lance could hear his heart in his ears as he zoomed by the chequered flag, hearing an excuted voice on the other side of his radio
He'd almost forgot that he wasn't in 11th anymore, now processing that him and Nico managed to do it, managed to get points for the team for the first time since the European Grand Prix
"FUCK, BRAD. THANK YOU, SO MUCH, GOD I LOVE YOU" He laughed, hands hitting his steering wheel as he entered back into the pit lane, Nico close ahead
"BUBU" Nico called as he stepped from the car, Lance wasn't sure where the name came from but Nico had promised it didn't mean anything bad, Lance just "looked like a bubu"
"NICO, WE DID IT, MATE" The two were shouting, harshly pulling eachother into a hug as they started jumping, their team quick to join in on the clebration
By the time everyone calmed down Lance was practically panting, so out of breath from the screaming that he hadn't noticed the podium celebrations had ended.
Fernando went to Lance first, speeding past his own garage to pull Lance into his arms in Racing Points
"DE PUTA MADRE!" He exclaimed, Lance laughing at the Spaniards enthusiasm "Ay, Lancito, you are brilliant, brilliant, so amazing, mi sol"
Lance beamed, eyes twinkling as he hugged Fernando tightly "You did good, Nando, I wish I could've seen you on the podium again"
"You always have next week" He hummed, lips close to the boys ears as he spoke
Lance pulled back, hands on Fernandos shoulders as he shook him, obviously excited about the point he scored, Fernandos cheeks hurt with how big he was smiling, insanely happy for the boy, more happy for him than he was for himself. "Next, let's get you on those steps with me, eh?"
Lance smiled, nodding before pulling Fernando into another hug, a perfect way to end the week.
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fattylime · 4 months
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you've received a letter 💌
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dogsarec00l · 8 months
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if you guys don't know, i'm a big fan of Chlolix
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z4-rk · 3 months
DAY 4:royalty AU/vampire AU
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I was going to render it but I'm already late
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hannycho12 · 10 months
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It be like that.
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notsquid · 2 months
Slightly suggestive
Noise and Peppino sleeping :3
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rebluvio · 4 months
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women and not women version 🫶
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magma-frog0 · 5 months
You decided to see what would happen if you gave Leon some attitude, just to see what would happen. You’d be sitting on the couch watching your show on the tv when he comes out of the shower, his hair soaked and sweats hung low on his hips. He’d still be drying his hair with a towel as he walks up to you.
“Baby, I’m done with the shower. What movie do you want to watch?” He’d ask sweetly and throw his towel back in the bathroom.
You’d scoff with a little more sass than intended and get up from the couch. “Whatever you want.” You’d say in a sassy, mumble like tone. Obviously giving him more attitude than you thought.
He’d let out a grumble and pull you back to him. “Quit it or I’ll fuck the attitude out of you. Now what do you want to watch tonight?” He’d ask looking at you with a stern expression.
You’d be baffled for a moment, usually Leon was so gentle and sweet but your tone must’ve set it off. “I-…” You swallow and blush red. “Can we watch The Last of Us?”
He’d smile and kiss your cheek. “Of course dear, now be a good girl and put the movie on while I order us some pizza.” He said with a smile.
You’d put on the movie and the pizza, drinks, and popcorn will be set up on the coffee table in front of the two of you. You’d be sitting on one end of the couch while your legs are propped on his lap as he traces your calves with his fingertips.
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axolotlsupremacyowo · 3 months
Apollo: So, you have a daddy kink. Klavier: Ja. Apollo: You want me to act like a dad. Klavier: Jaaaa :3. Apollo: Alright, I can do that. Apollo: Do you want to have a little game of catch, old sport? Klavier:
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