im-yn-suckers · 10 months
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they dont match butttttt, I. DO. NOT. CARE. PERIODT.
pairing- bf choi yeonjun x mexican female reader
warnings- hugs, kisses, food, not proofread, uhhhhh idk what else lol
yes, i did it. coming from a mexican female, i think i have a say in this. where all my mexicanas at? i love yall🫶🏻
christmas with your parents was an exciting topic for yeonjun. he always wanted to meet your parents and was extremely excited to meet them on christmas.
you arrive at you parents house and yeonjun was flowing with excitement and joy. he was excited to stay the night and he wanted to see how you lived growing up. you werent nervous about him meeting your parents at all because you knew theyd get along. you were a bit worried about the food.
what if he didnt like it? would it make your parents feel guilty? no, hes going to love it.
"mija! your here! oh i missed you!" your mom greeted you at the door as soon as she saw you. you hugged your dad next.
"mija! how are you?" "im ok, papi" yea, you called him papi, and? he your father, you love him.
"mijo! its so nice to finally meet you! how are you?" "yes it is! im alright, mrs.-" "oh, dont start that nonsense, call me mama." you heart melted at the sight of your mom and your boyfriend getting along so well.
"mijo, how are you?" "im good, mr.-" "call me suegro" (it means father in law in spanish). "alright" your dad shook yeonjuns hand and smiled very fondly at him.
"so! shall we have some dinner!" "lets eat!"
the table was decorated with pozole, tamales, pico de gallo, enchiladas and mole. yeonjun was left amazed at all the dishes on the table.
you two ere standing as your mom brought out the bowls, spices, and anything you could imagine.
"sit down mijo, get whatever you'd like, i made pozole and tamales. if you dont like that theres pico de gallo, enchiladas, mole, and theres desserts."
"thank you" he served himself some pozole and you grabbed the bowl of tortilla chips to eat with the pozole. (thats how i eat it lmao, if you eat it differently, adjust it as you wish)
"uh, y/n how do i eat it?" he nervously giggled and stared at his bowl in confusion.
"you can use your spoon to drink the soup, you can roll up the tortilla to dip it in the soup and use the spoon to eat the chicken and the corn. and you can also put lime, lettuce, raddish, and chile in it."
"ok, thank you" he did as you told him to and his face lit up with delight when he took the first spoonful. "wow, this so good!'
"im glad you liked it, mijo!''
he served himself one enchilada, a small spoonful of mole, and some pico de gallo, you cant forget the tamal he put on his plate.
he ate some of everything and he loved every bite of it. you mom served him a glass of horchata and he had two cups of it!
"i'll clean up you guys go and wait in the living room, and when im done we can eat dessert!" your mom obviously could not wait until a certain dessert that ill leave to your imagination for now.
"i'll help you pick up!" yeonjun immediately refused to sit down and went to go help you mom.
in the living room, you and your dad were chatting. "so, yeonjun, really liked the food, huh, mija?" "yea, he loved it. i think he liked moms pozole best though. the chiltipin helped a lot too." "well, your mom made a lot for your could take leftovers home." "i'd love that. also, mami never made this much food for christmas when i was a little girl. we only had pozole and we bought the horchata, did she make it?' ' she did, and she was going to make birria but it takes too long." "aww, i love her birria" "come get desserts guys!!" your mom poked out of the kitchen and called you in.
when you walked in, the table had a big rosca de reyes in the middle and buñuelos and conchas, and mugs of champurrado. oh, how you missed the nostalgic smell.
"ok, who wants the first piece of it?" "be careful, if you get the baby, you need to make the tamales for everybody" "oh, uh. should i get the first piece?" "if you want" "papi, did you get the baby?" " no thankfully" "mami, give me this piece" "no baby!!!" "yeonjun, here you go!" she gave him a random slice and she bought the rosca de reyes so, she couldnt cheat. "did you get it baby?" "uh, yea." your family burst into laughter at the fact that yeonjun, who had tasted tamales for the first time today, was stuck making them!" "ay, mijo! i'll give you guys the recipe dont worry."
all the dessert was delicious and so was the champurrado. you and yeonjun cleaned up as your parents set up the living room for gifts and maybe some mistletoe. but shhhh. they may be mexican but, they still follow the trends duh.
"so, we gotta make tamales for the boys huh"
"i guess, but i dont know how to make them. and your lucky, mami never made this much food on christmas."
"im her favorite i guess" "when i was a kid, i always dreamed of getting the baby. when i turned fifteen, me and my sister got it and we were stuck with making tamales. never wanted the baby ever again."
yeonjun laughed as you walked into the living room with your mom and dad waiting. a big present marked yeonjun and y/n was waiting in your seat.
"open this one first!" you opened it and a big ol pot was wrapped up. your mom and dad were laughing and you and yeonjun were smiling. you mostly wanted to cry, you cant make tamales like girl.
everyone opened up their gifts and they gave you guys some to give to the boys back home. "alright, its really late lets go to sleep." you and yeonjun got ready for bed and went into your parents guest room. it was filled with pictures of your childhood an teen years and stuff you wouldnt really display yourself.
"good night mijo! buenas noches mija! te amo! (i love you)" your mom told you both as you were walking into your room. "buenas noches mami. te amo!" "good night mama!" you wouldve definitely melted into putty right there and then if you could.
you plopped into the bed and waited for yeonjun to finish changing. "your moms so sweet. y/n!" "i know, she was texting me nonstop in the morning asking what time we were heading over." "aww," he laid down and kissed you softly. "goodnight baby" "goodnight my love"
in the morning you were woken up with a torta that smelled like heaven. you needed to leave soon so you ate then went to your room to clean up your things. "we only ate beans and tortilas for breakfast when i was a kid. you must really be the favorite." "she loves me''
"alright, mami. the cars loaded, we're gunna get going."
"oh, wait!" she brought out three(BIG) full bags of containers of food.
"wow, this is alot. " "good, now no one will have to cook for at least a day." "with five men in the house, itll be gone in an hour"
"bye mijo, it was nice having you over and meeting you." "thank you suegro. it was nice meeting you too" yep, melted again.
"mija, bye, i love you." "bye papi, i love you too"
"mija, bye, i'll miss you. thank you for coming over. i love you" "i'll miss you too, thanks for having us. i love you too mami"
"ay mijo. i dont want you to leave." "i dont want to leave either"
"bye mijo, thank you so much for coming. i'll miss you." ''bye, mama. thank you for having us. i'll miss you too."
you two walked out the front door and got into the car.
"love you guys! say hi to the boys for me!" "we will mami! love you too!"
"bye mama! love you!!!"
and with that, you were driving back to your house. yeonjun intertwined your hands and kissed it. man he was hot driving with one hand.
the end
um so why am i posting a christmas fic in august, bc i thought abt it while eating mole sooooooooo. yall, before you come at me for having the rosca de reyes in december, i know its eaten in january but, yall arent gunna visit them until then soooo. uh LATINAS FOR YEONJUN
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27-roses · 7 months
thoughts on tinnitus demo version
We were robbed. People would have died-I would have died-but it would have been a noble sacrifice for that song
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thoughtsforsoob · 3 months
txt x latina!reader
a/n: I know some people said not to write this but I desperately want to :( I think this is really self-indulgent but I hope at least one or two people will enjoy this post and maybe find it comforting or relateable. Latina!MOA, I love you !!!
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the first thing that came to my head was him getting along with any siblings/cousins you may have
hispanic families are pretty big and he really enjoys being around everyone and getting to know your family
all the tias also try to steal him away from you and like to ask him all kinds of questions about his jobs
they're all impressed with him and he's all red because all the attention makes him shy
later on, they text you being all like "congrats mija, you picked a good one"
I also feel like he would want to impress your parents so badly
he wants to make a great first impression so he bring your mom a pretty bouquet of her favorite flowers and a necklace ("ay no! pesto es de marca buena!")
for your dad, he brings him a fancy liquor bottle and something else he has an interest in (he begs for your help to find the perfect gift and you're all like, "don't worry! he doesn't worry about being gifted things"
ends up buying him fancy watch and your dad is just in shock with the Rolex in his hand
he makes a great impression for say the least
you mom texts him to check on your when you haven't checked in and they even hang out by themselves when you visit home. she called him "hijito"
your dad is a little skeptical (because who's dad isn't) but eventually comes around when yeonjun invites him to a sporting event together. they have a couple drinks, get to talking and he expresses that his intentions with you are serious, which pleases your dad.
he's so shy when you tell him that your parents are coming to visit because he hadn't thought it would happen so soon
he was only doing practice schedules for that week so he was able to spend time with them when he got home
he begs you to teach him some Spanish so that he can make a good impression and try him best to connect with them, even if they also speak English.
he comes home one night and they're in the living room, you in the kitchen fixing up dinner...he's frozen but manages a small wave and a little "hola~"
your mama finds him very sweet looking and gets up, going him a hug and squishing one of his doughy cheeks.
your dad on the other hand...not very impressed...(latino dads like the mach types for their baby girls and soobin isn't very...yknow)
he notices this and walks over to shake his hand, which your dad reluctantly does
you come into the living room and call everyone for dinner, which happened to be pozole since it was super cold out
soobin loves the meal and it impresses your parents (you've been feeding him mexican dishes to prepare him for their visit and he loves them so you gave nothing to worry about)
you have to facilitate the conversation but the night ends without incident
the next day, you and soobin take your parents out to some sights
he does his best to explain where they were in the little English and Spanish he knew and you're parents appreciate his effort
he buys meals and pays for all four of you and they urge him not to but he insists because he wants to prove that he cares about them and takes care of you on the daily
they enjoy their trip and overall approve of him
he knew that you were hispanic when you first started dating and also begged you to teach him some Spanish so he can impress your parents when he eventually meets them
once you express your family dynamic with him, he becomes a little more understanding
he knew that you struggled to get along with your family because of the choice you'd made to move abroad but never fully understood it until one day when your parents had called you
he had just come home from filming a To Do with the boys that day and he heard you on the phone, so he sat next to you
you let him say hello and he got up and walked off to take a shower
the conversation, like it so often happens to, switch to the topic of you moving away and when you were going to come back
when you let them know you're not coming back and they you were established and had a boyfriend, your mom and dad started to get upset, once again
something a long the lines of "Hija, you can't seriously want to live there forever? What about your family? We miss you? Plus, you should really date someone a little different. Ese muchacho no es hombre."
you go off about how it's not fair how they try to guild you like this and immediately hang up
beomgyu heard a little bit of it and vaguely understood what they'd said so he comes to you to try to help you calm down a little
he holds you while you cry to him about the argument you just had and how they want you to go home and leave him for someone else
he comforts you so well
"I may not understand why they think it's okay to try and tell you what to do, but you're old enough to make your own choices and choose whoever you want to be with. I understand your culture is a little different from mine but I try to understand. we're gonna work this out and I'll make sure they like me."
your smile up and him and go about your night, making dinner and having a nice self care night since he knew you desperately needed it.
this guy is so supportive of you, especially because he knows there are struggles that come along with being a foreigner
he is so interested in learning Spanish
he will sit there with you, textbook and notebook on the table, and go over grammar and vocab and everything
he loves practicing with you by saying sweet things and integrating vocab into everyday conversation
he really wants to impress you, and eventually your family
he also wants to connect with you on a deeper level
back to the being a foreigner thing...he really supports you and gets so angry when people say stuff about you in public
you were both at a cafe one time and an older woman kept staring at you
taehyun noticed and tried to move you behind him but she kept looking in your direction
she eventually comes up to you both and starts asking you a bunch of questions that weren't so kind and tyunnie was so annoyed and upset
you, being the nice person you are, patiently answered her questions even if they bothered you as well
once she left, tyun looked at you with his big pretty eyes and asked you if you were okay
you've also had younger girls, around your age, make snarky comments about you In public but taehyun knows exactly what to do in these scenarios
he pulls you in by your waist and kisses you just to shut them up
she loves your differences so much and celebrates them any chance he gets
huening kai
baby loves the food and when you speak to him in spanish
she loves the pet names in Spanish and says they somehow seem more sweet
his favorite would def be "mi amortico"
when you call him that he just melts into a puddle
his favorite one to call you is "bebe" because he thinks it perfectly captures you
like I said, he loves the food
when hes hungry, he now has the habit of just making a simple quesadilla just the way you taught him
he burns himself the first couple tries when flipping the tortilla with his bare hands but he gets the hang of it eventually
he hates that there isn't more Mexican food/ingredients in Korea but whenever its possible, he orders stuff online and surprises you with it!
he will want to learn all of the recipes you know and calls them your cooking dates
oh my goodness...when he meets you parents
they think he's kind of goofy looking (something my parents would say) but they would ultimately deem him a sweet boy
I feel like he is a grandmas boy so he is sticking to your grandma and you the whole time
your grandma feeds him tortillas with limon y sal and he is just so happy eating them
he also wants to learn Spanish so he can communicate better with abuelita (and you ig LMAO)
he loves your culture and how lively it is
he loves dancing with you at these family parties
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vixialuvs · 2 months
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୨୧ genre. angst w/comfort
୨୧ cw. insecurities, crying, cuddles, racism
୨୧ a/n. should i do a maknae line ver. of this?
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﹒ yeonjun would likely respond with understanding and reassurance. he might express empathy, acknowledging the validity of your feelings while gently reminding you that your heritage is an integral part of who you are and something to be proud of.
﹒ when he comes home one night to find you crying on the couch, picking at your skin, he immediately knows what’s up. he’d bring you into his arms, littering kisses across your skin, murmuring things like “you’re so perfect baby” and “i love everything about you and your heritage, don’t hate yourself.”
﹒when he finds out you’re crying about your skin because someone was being extremely racist to you at work, his grip tightens. he’s pissed now, not at you but at the idiot who had the nerve to say that about you. for the rest of the night, he worships your skin.
﹒ he would def react with a gentle and caring demeanor. he would express understanding of your insecurities about your hair, taking note of the societal pressures and standards that can contribute to such feelings. he would offer words of reassurance, emphasizing the uniqueness and beauty of your curly hair.
﹒it’s another day of straightening your hair, since you despise your natural hair so much, all you do is take a flat iron to it. you know it hurts soobin, but you can’t help but hate the way it frizzes up and you can never get it to look the way curly hair looks on instagram. as you pick up the straightener to straighten the first strands, he pulls it away gently.
﹒“sweetheart, your natural hair is beautiful. i want you to embrace it. i can even help you style it, if you like?” he would whisper, looming over your figure in a non threatening way, before moving to sit beside you at your vanity. he would kiss your cheek and murmur all sorts of things about how much he loves your hair and how enamoring it is, as he helps you finger coil each and every one of your soaking wet strands.
﹒tell me this man is not in love with curly haired latinas. you can’t. that’s why he loves you so much, he thinks your utterly perfect in his eyes, and loves learning about your culture and what makes you you.
﹒he is constantly praising you about your hair and your skin, knowing how you can get insecure. he refuses to play with your hair when you style it natural because he doesn’t want to mess up all the hard work you put into it.
﹒when, one day, the odd looks of everyone in korea gets to you, the way everyone wants to take a picture with you like you’re a tourist or a statue, you break down in his arms as soon as you get home, your soft cries filling the apartment as he holds you. he rubs the nape of your neck comfortingly, kissing your cheeks and nose as he whispers words of endearment.
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@vixialuvs ‘24. reblogs/likes appreciated!
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jinhyun · 1 month
Hola reinaa
Como te anda tratando la vida? Espero que te estés cuidando y descansando tanto como sea posible 💜
Escenario random para vos, no sé si has visto los videos de Peso Pluma con su bailecito en 'quema', pero no me podes decir que hyunjin (y yeonjun, mingi, bangchan, yuta, san, heeseung, y la lista sigue) le super atinan a la vibra, el outfit que usa y todo
Tipo enserio me lo puedo imaginar en plan latino dándolo todo en una fiesta con esa canción, y ando 🤭🤭🫦🫦🫦🫦 (o puedo estar ovulando, quien sabe)
En finnn, solo venía a hablar de cualquier vara, ojalá todo esté bien por allá, tqm 🫶🫶
holiii, he estado bien, gracias 🥰 y tú??
mira, no te voy a mentir, siento que he fallado como latina porque no estoy para nada metida en la música urbana (menos kid voodoo, una de mis bfs lo ama y me ha dado clases sobre él lol. tkm kid voodoo) y siempre quedo perdida en estos temas 😭😭 PEEEEERO lo busqué en tiktok y solo puedo decir que MINGI. MINGIIIIIIII. ay, diosito, ahora necesito a ese maldito haciendo ese trend en algún momento jdñsjd. si hyunjin o minho lo hacen también me voy a la chucha. o yeonjun y yuta. en verdad todos los que dijiste me dejarían malllll si lo llegan a hacer en algún momento. siento que me falta un polluelo en esa lista pero si me llego a acordar lo agrego jajaja.
muchas gracias por crearme una nueva necesidad 🥲👍🏻 espero que esté todo bien por allá también, te mando muchos cariños<3
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kookielips · 3 months
─ about me !
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﹒୨ ˚﹒hello <3 my name is camila, but you can call me mila or cami !! i'm seventeen, latina, bissexual, infp and my pronouns are she / her. multifandom !
LIKES ! watch movies / series, history, philosophy & literature, tea, kpop, cats, cherry, peach, theater, diet coke, art & fashion, ties, anime, dc & marvel universe, horror.
DESLIKES ! cigarette, hot weather, bugs, seafood, vomit, dentist, gore, dove.
ARTISTS ! bts jungkook and namjoon, stray kids felix, txt yeonjun and soobin, aespa karina, le sserafim chaewon, sabrina carpenter, taylor swift, harry styles, lana del rey, billie eilish, ariana grande, troye sivan, frank ocean.
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minghaoslatina · 3 days
about me
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my name is grey
19yrs old, leo, gryffindor, latina 🇬🇹, she/her
ateez seonghwa but ot8
new jeans minji
my other loves
seventeen wonwoo + joshua + minghao
aespa ningning
riize eunseok + anton
itzy yeji
boynextdoor leehan + taesan
kiss of life natty
the boyz juyeon
gidle shuhua
bts jin + jungkook
txt yeonjun
enhypen jay
reading books, annotating, writing, drawing, watching films/tv shows, making playlists, creating pinterest boards, knitting, baking, journaling, blogging, shopping
obsessed with
the colors pink and silver, miniskirts, mascara, lipgloss, romance, music/playlists, enemies to lovers and forbidden love trope, horses, arroz con leche, horchata, sandwiches, CHOCOLATE MILK, sweaters, studio ghibli, sanrio
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tyunzonlystar · 27 days
Who would yeonjun go for?
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ppulverse · 9 months
also i love how this is the first time they actually shoot an mv with another artist (like. on the same set. everyone together sharing the same space) and this artist is anitta shaking her ass with yeonjun i love brazilian/latina representation
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binniedeactivated · 3 years
𝐝𝐢𝐥𝐟!𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧. || 🌪💦
[ m.list ]
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 | 𝐝𝐢𝐥𝐟!𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝐱 𝐏𝐎𝐂 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 | 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐮
𝐖/𝐂 |  4k
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 | 𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐚𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭'𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫-𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐰𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
 POC = person of color
a/n; should this be a ff?
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adriana didn’t mean for it to happen, it just did. her dirty thoughts never stopped ever since he walked into her kindergarten classroom that one morning. with his sleek parted blonde hair, tall physique and lush pink lips she couldn’t keep her eyes off of him day in and day out. she had a job to do of course. teach the children, take care of the children and make sure each and every one of them were safe.
but myla rose’s father looked nothing like any man she had ever seen before. and it was a pity that his ring finger was occupied. that made her attraction to him even more difficult at the school’s open house.
adriana greeted every parent who stopped inside her classroom, guiding them to their child’s work display and giving short reviews of their performance in class. she was an excellent teacher. one of the school’s favorite in fact and every child loved her. the parents were always pleased with her enthusiastic attitude and compassion for their child. and this was evident especially when myla came running to hug her legs at the door.
“Hi ms. A!”.
in awe, adriana hugs her gratefully. “hey myla!”.
she glances up and with a warm smile the man takes her hand. “good evening, I’m choi yeonjun. myla’s dad”.
adriana smiles back a little harder than normal but she tried her best to conceal it. to her demise though, yeonjun didn’t come with just his beloved daughter.
“this is my wife, leah. our eldest son daniel. and this little guy right here--“.
yeonjun pauses for a moment to squat next to the baby stroller that his wife was pushing. he lifted the top of it a little, revealing the small one year old child who was currently dressed in a brown furry onesie with a dog ear hood. he sucks cutely on his blue pacifier glancing upwards at his father in wonder and being immediately surprised by the splashes of color around the classroom. he looked just like yeonjun.
“this is our youngest son logan”.
adriana smiles and coos at the younger child, “aww he is adorable. myla why didn’t you tell me about your little brother?”. she directs to the small girl with a  pink ribbon wrapped around her ponytail. she rolls her eyes.
“because he’s annoying”. she says with more attitude than she ever showed in class. adriana laughs.
“nice to meet you leah. and hey daniel”. she greeted the eldest. he looked to be at least 8 years old. not very far from myla. he waves shyly, burying his face into his father’s chest. how lucky leah was, to have a family with yeonjun. as a single woman, dealing with families was always hard. it’s just what adriana wanted especially at this stage of her life.
“well, first things first myla is a pleasure to have in my class. she is always doing her work diligently like I ask and she’s always the first one to answer questions when it’s time”.
yeonjun nods in approval rubbing his daughter’s back as they were then guided to myla’s work display. he was here for his daughter he had to remember that. especially when his eyes kept slipping below adriana’s waist as she walked. but it was something about the way she walked. she walked like she wanted to be seen. as if she were inviting yeonjun’s eyes to admire her every curve. nevertheless he snaps his eyes back up whenever she turned around.
“and right here is myla’s art work, her math work, and her reading caterpillar. as you can see she really loves watercolors. her math work is outstanding. she grasps every concept I teach. and her reading caterpillar--eh it can be longer”. she playfully laughs. she tried to make the conversation as general as possible but with leah on her phone pretending as if she had no care in the world adriana’s only focus was on yeonjun who, didn’t hesitate to give an unforgiving stare into her eyes every time she talked.
adriana was an afro-latina beauty. black spiral curls dropping just above her mid back, deep set brown eyes, and full sensuous lips that anyone wanted to kiss with just one glance. and yeonjun took advantage of admiring her every chance he got.
“and um,” she fidgeted. “for each book she reads she gets a segment added onto to her caterpillar. the first student to become a butterfly wins a prize”.
“you hear that myla? don’t you want a prize?”. yeonjun cooed holding her hand. she nods excitedly. “yes!”.
“you have to start reading more okay? see look, your caterpillar is short”. yeonjun pointed at the green bulletin board. “can you buy me more books daddy?”. she asks in the soft voice that she knew would touch his heart.
“you already have enough stuff myla”. daniel chimed in, annoyed. wanting nothing more than to go home and play his play-station already.
“hey! you have stuff too”.
“you’re always asking for the most”.
“so what! daddy will buy it for me”.
“that doesn’t mean you have to ask all the time”.
“guys. enough. we’re not at home we’re at an open house”. yeonjun settled. all the while leah just stood there just as annoyed as them. she could’ve helped yeonjun calm the kids down but she didn’t. she didn’t even seem interested in myla’s work nor her progress. much less wanting to be there in the first place.
“I’m sorry,”. yeonjun apologized. “my kids are spoiled”.
adriana chuckles. “it’s alright I understand”.
“so how are myla’s grades? is she getting along with the kids okay? I know she can probably be a little chatty”.
“oh myla’s grades are amazing. she’s great with the other kids, rather a leader. she’s only chatty when I allow it”.
yeonjun hums in approval. “good job baby”. he coos to her. he pays his attention back to adriana though. “she loves you. she always comes home with stories about what game you played with them or what you taught them that day”.
“oh really?”.
yeonjun nods. “yeah she does. you’re a phenomenal teacher. thank you for taking good care of her”.
“thank you yeonjun. it’s no problem I love these kids like they’re my own”. adriana spoke, sinking into the hypnotics of his lustful gaze. the one that made her feel like she was the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.  “she’s a pleasure to teach”.
“thank you for this. so um--we go to the gymnasium now right?”.
“yeah, do you need help finding it?”.
“no it’s alright, I think I saw it on my way in. thank you though”.
“no problem. I hope you guys have a nice rest of your evening!”. she smiles sweetly.
“you too”, yeonjun nods, nudging his wife to push the baby stroller before they turned to leave. and adriana instantly wondered what he saw her in her. she was beautiful. but she wondered why he loved a woman with such an attitude. perhaps they had argument beforehand that she didn’t know about. but even that wouldn’t explain how careless she looked about her family.
and she was almost too careless. yeonjun could feel his adrenaline rushing at the sheer thought of fucking someone new. it’s been a while since him and his wife had any kind of sex. she’d always blame it on the fact that she was tired and would postpone it to another night. but yeonjun had needs and once he saw adriana he became desperate once again. he didn’t want to ruin his marriage. god knows he didn’t.
but things in the choi household never went how yeonjun wanted it to go.
“give me back my controller myla!”. daniel shouts.
“no! you shouldn’t have cut the hair off my dollie! now your controller is going in the toilet!”. the smaller girl runs to the bathroom and locks the door behind her, leaving daniel angrily banging on it in agony. “stop it myla!!”.
“no I’m flushing it away!”.
all the commotion in the next room over was enough to startle logan, who was sleeping so soundly leaving yeonjun thinking that he was out for the night. but he wasn’t in this case. now he was crying and screaming to the top of his lungs and rattling his hands wanting nothing more than his father’s warmth. 
daniel races to the kitchen, “daddy!! get myla she’s trying to flush my controller down the toilet!”. he screeches to his father who happened to be cooking over the stove top. “what do you mean she’s trying to flush it?”.
“get her! my controller is going to be broken!”.
overhearing the baby crying yeonjun rushes down the hall to get him, slowly lifting the infant out of his crib. still sobbing, the baby clings to his sweater and yeonjun shakes him gently hoping that his presence would be enough to calm him. but he could still hear daniel banging his fists against the bathroom door. yeonjun scrambles into the hallway and fiddles with the door knob.
“myla open up this door right now. you two are being too loud you just woke up your brother”.
“daddy?”. she asks innocently.
“yes this is daddy open up the door”.
there was faint shuffling on the other side of the door before she opened it. daniel gives a sigh of relief at the sight of his game controller sitting on the bathroom sink away from the toilet. myla glances up at her father with big eyes and the cutest face she could give. she’d do anything to avoid her father’s wrath.
“I wasn’t really going to flush it daddy”.
“give your brother back his game controller. why are you messing with him?”.
“he cut all my dollie’s hair off!”. she points, stomping her foot for good measure.
yeonjun looks back at his eldest son sternly. “daniel? why would you do that?”.
“daddy she’s always teasing me and being annoying”.
“give me the controller myla”.
she strolls to the sink and pushes the controller in her father’s hands while crossing her arms. yeonjun turns, “I’ll give you this controller but if i find out that you’re sabotaging myla’s toys again I’m selling your play station. If she’s annoying you come tell me so I can deal with her. I spend a lot of money on this stuff daniel”.
he huffs his breath with his back against the wall. “fine”.
“and myla,”. he turns, “if I find out that you’re trying to destroy your brother’s stuff again I’m selling your dolls. I spent a lot of money on that too”.
she gives a sigh that was identical to her brother’s. “fine”.
“good. you guys go play. where’s your mom?”.
“she said to tell you that she had to go someplace and that she’ll be back soon”. daniel exclaims while walking to his room. yeonjun checks his phone lock screen wondering where did she have to go at 9 o’clock at night. and the crazy part about it is that this isn’t the first time she’s done this.
“daddy?”. myla murmured fiddling with her fingers. yeonjun hadn’t notice she never went to her room.
“can you buy me a new dollie? since daniel ruined my last one?”.
“yes. but stop teasing your brother so much and maybe he won’t mess with your stuff”.
“go on your ipad and pick one out. after you’re done show it to me okay?”.
“okay!! thanks daddy!”. she jeers, scurrying to her room already having the perfect doll in mind. yeonjun sighs, now looking at his messy haired baby boy who inches his tiny fingers up to press on yeonjun’s bottom lip.
“are you ready to eat logan?”. he asks in spite of the chaos that was going on in his mind. throughout the night he was calling leah consistently and she never picked up, her phone going straight to voicemail. so it was up to yeonjun, pretty much like it was every night. for him to cook dinner, for him to feed and change the baby, for him to make sure the kids are washed and ready for school the next day. and as frustrated as yeonjun was he always made sure he got everything done with or without her.
he was laying logan down in his crib for the night, the sleeping baby’s head falling tiredly into his pillow. he kisses him on his forehead and his cheeks before he heard the front door open and close.
making his way downstairs he spotted leah walking into the house, no--stumbling into the house with her work attire on. he approaches her before she could knock the kitchen chair over.
“leah? what is wrong with you? where were you?”. he whispers. she gives him a solemn glance trying to make herself look sober. it was failing miserably.
“I had to finish some stuff back up at the office yeonjun. don’t start”. she kicks her heels off at the door.
“don’t start? you’re never here. when are you ever going to be here? the kids see you once in the morning and then somehow you disappear for the rest of the day”. 
“I just told you where I was. I’m going to bed now. I don’t feel like talking about this”. she brushes past him making her way to the staircase. the things yeonjun wanted to say to her-- but he bit his tongue. he didn’t want to pour his heart out just for her to leave him single and alone. had that been him coming in late and drunk she would’ve raised hell. accusing him of cheating and trying to kick him out the house. with three kids, the last thing yeonjun wanted was to be alone. it stressed him out. 
and adriana saw it all over his face.
“hey, um- myla left her lunchbox in the car I just wanted to drop it off”. he approaches the vacant classroom-- the kids playing outside for the hour with the P.E teacher. adriana softly smiles at the man whom she wasn’t expecting to see so early in the day.
“hey yeonjun. no problem you can just sit it right there on her desk”. she guides. she was at the back of the classroom stapling work to the bulletin board.
“are you okay? you look a little stressed”. she adds.
“yeah I’m fine you know--just kids. they’re a handful sometimes. I’m sure you understand”.
“of course! I know how they can be at school. i don’t have any of my own though so I have no idea how they can be at home”.
hm, so she didn’t have any kids. yeonjun was annoyed with himself for even taking note of that. even worse, wondering if she was single.
“imagine a 24 hour school day. that’s exactly what it’s like”.
adriana chuckled. “god that’s brutal”.
“it is. you’ll find out for yourself soon enough. whenever you and your significant other decide to have children at least. it’s a world you haven’t known”.
she hops off of the stool to grab another sheet of paper to staple. she chuckles a little, “i hope this doesn’t sound weird but i actually look forward to that. whenever I actually get a significant other”.
yeonjun nods his head in disbelief. he wondered how a woman so beautiful with such an enthusiastic, compassionate attitude could be single at all. maybe she had a secret past yeonjun knew nothing about. perhaps she’s a psychopath. maybe even a gold digger.
but with the way she carried herself, in confidence but with humility, it attracted yeonjun he wouldn’t care if she was both.
“you’re single?”. yeonjun blurted out, wanting to smack himself for thinking out loud. she grins.
“why do you sound surprised?”.
while she stretches her arms up yeonjun stares at the small dip in her back and swallows. “well because you’re gorgeous”.
she steps off the stool again stifling a blush. she toys with the stapler in her hands.
“thank you and if i’m not mistaken it kind of sounds like you’re flirting with me”. she accuses, the cute grin of hers twisting into an innocent smile.
yeonjun breathes. it’s been years since he flirted with anyone other than his wife. but with the stress he was feeling nowadays he was willing to take any type of chance he could. he approaches her,
“it’s because I am”. he reassured, looking down at her hoping she felt the same way. only if he knew how much she thought about this moment, he’d take her right then and there. she pushes her face closer to his teasingly.
“aren’t you a married man? choi yeonjun?”. she licks her lips at the up close sight of his.
 “please don’t mention my marriage while you’re licking your lips at me like that”. he monotones.
“or what? hm?“.
he grins, bending lower to hover his lips over her ear. “don’t test me adriana“.
his words sent chills down her spine. her heart races and before she could say her next word he was already glaring into her eyes soon after. he places his fingers at the bottom of her chin forging her attention on him.
“kiss me”. he demanded.
she clutches his wrist, half leaning in and half hesitant. she was uncertain. he had a wife. a family. children. but he was sexy and she could already feel her panties clinging to her now sticky folds. his lips were halfway there but he had other plans.
he sticks two fingers between his pretty pink lips while maintaining his gaze. adriana could feel her legs turning into jelly at the streams of saliva that slipped in between them and running down his hand. when they were finally drenched with the contents of his tongue he pulls them out and instead sticks his messy hand directly into her panties.
her lips parted and she tensed immediately, not gasping the air but gasping in his mouth---because it took almost nothing for yeonjun to pull her into a wet heated kiss. her lips felt just as yeonjun though they would. soft and full. she whimpered in delight as her tongue lolled into his hot mouth. his fingers slid through her slick liquid so easily, she was practically gushing for him and all he was doing was tracing his fingers around the circumference of her clit, not wanting to give her too much too soon. but the lighter his fingers were the more she twitched up into his hand. she wanted so much more. she needed so much more. her mind went blank.
“y-yyeonjun”., she mewls before he roughly sticks his tongue down her throat. she waited until she got another speck of air. “you’re m-married”.  she partially wanted to warn, mainly because she didn’t want him to do anything that he was going to regret. he only let his fingers do the talking,  allowing them to travel into her channel, pumping them into her gradually. she does that little innocent gasp again. the one that yeonjun likes, the one that made her seem like she’s never been touched before. the euphoric waves his fingers gave her was like venom, swimming through her nerves and making her legs tremble.
his hand searches for the back of her thigh and he lifts her leg around his waist, widening her legs.
“you’re thinking about my marriage and I’m thinking about pounding you into this fucking table”.
he watches her face contort in pleasure and he smirks. he couldn’t deny the hard on she gave him by her measly moans alone. she sounded so helpless and needy for more of him. she was dripping down his fingers and it took every instinctual part of him to not unbuckle his jeans. she pressed her body into his like a bruise, gasping into the crook of his neck as his fingers delve deeper into her. “ohh m-my god please ddon’t stop”.
pulses of arousal amended around yeonjun fingers and he sloppily kisses her hungrily. she steadily grinds her hips into his rhythmic thrusts in need.
“just like that adriana, fuck my fingers”. he groans into her mouth, she wondered if it was possible to get wetter at the sound of his voice. if not, she was definitely pulsating harder than before after he said that. with a shaky hand she reaches down to unzip his pants. “pplease fuck me I need it”. she whines, not being able to withstand anymore of the finger fucking. she wanted to be stretched. “pplease make it quick I have to go get the kids in 7 minutes”.
yeonjun lets her undo his pants, he enjoyed her desperation for him. it was hot and it was something he wasn’t used to. leah was never like this. but adriana was a woman who knew what she wanted and who she wanted it from. so it wasn’t as embarrassing for her to slide down on his dick the way she did. she was turned, her back facing his front where yeonjun could see her ass swallow his dick whole. he wasn’t going to fuck her initially since this was their first  sexual interaction. but he was hard and she was needy so he didn’t care anymore.
the setting quickly fades from his mind while he watches her bounce against him wildly. his breathing becomes weighty and he grips her waist in absolute heaven, her slick sheathing his dick faithfully. he hid his bottom lip behind his teeth to produce a curse word but couldn’t quite get it out entirely; everything felt so fucking amazing and unbelievably so. broken curse words fluttered from his throat.
“fu--fuckk”. he utters with a low grunt. with her own electricity shooting through her veins and torso obscene moans fled from her lips and yeonjun clasped his hand over her mouth before she could get any louder. he had no intentions on getting caught but on the other hand it was hot hearing her unable to control herself.
her hips rolled down as she took up a measured pace riding him, her thighs burning but her movements were pleasing the both of them and the way yeonjun smacked her ass in praise gave her every reason to keep going. he soon met her thrusts by gripping her ass and grinding against it, chasing the orgasm that wouldn’t come if she kept going at the same pace. “ohh my god”. she hissed. he was gripping her ass rough enough to leave a significant bruise. not that adriana cared anyway, it would be an honor to be bruised up by yeonjun.
“god I’m going to fucking cum all over you”. she whines, reaching down to play with her clit along the way. yeonjun fucked into her a bit harder, exhaling all the choked up groans he withheld until her juices was spilling down his dick with ease. she trembles, wiggling her ass on him a bit longer before rushing to pull her panties up and look presentable for the rest of the school day. she was shocked to see that yeonjun was still hard as a rock, yet he was zipping up his jeans.
she clutches her clipboard, totally not expecting yeonjun to grab her from behind and kiss her on the cheek the way he did. she felt his bulge pressed against her backside.
“next time ride my dick until I cum”.
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ghostingtrackone · 3 years
hi moa tumblr!
i’m not a new moa, but i am a new writer! please rt or follow if you’d like, it would mean the world to me! 💌
a bit about me:
you could call me nini (she/her), i’m 19, latina, a pisces, a ghosting enthusiast, i enjoy writing poetry, & my bias is yeonjun (but i’m ot5!)
feel free to request anything you’d like, please read my rules!
my prompt list is right here! i’m looking forward to writing for you all as well as reading all of your works.
my masterlist!
p.s. i will be making my pinned a lot cuter soon! hehe thank u
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kyutown · 3 years
Hiii!! Can I request a ship with Enhypen, TXT, cravity, seventeen and treasure please?
I’m a bi latina girl, kinda short (1.56 cm - 5.12 ft). I’m an Aries sun, Taurus rising and Piscis Moon.
Sometimes I’m ENFJ and sometimes I’m INFJ, but I identify as an INFJ most of the time.I’m a 04 liner. I consider myself a very open minded person, aggressive most of the time but actually I’m a softie in the inside 😂 . I love to dance and to write lyrics. My favorite music genres are Hip-hop and Rock. My fashion style is like e-girl mixed with baddie ???? Idk, I say it’s an emo baddie style lmao. I’m kinda quiet most of the time and I really dislike people who’s too loud, people who’s disrespectful towards others and stubborn people. I think my weaknesses are that I’m not patient at all, I get scared easily and that I like to joke a lot so people who’s too sensitive can get annoyed or feel hurt by me but I feel so bad when I hurt someone, I wouldn’t even hurt a fly (I’m serious, I can’t even kill a mosquito).
I don’t think I have an specific type, but I value people who’s open minded, someone who supports me and someone I can support too, and most important, someone who wouldn’t judge me. I think that’s all I can tell u about me :). Also sorry if I made any mistakes writing, English isn’t my first language 🙃.
hi! thank you for responding!
i have limited the groups to 4 and you requested for 5 so i just did all five groups but only added a short description for why i picked the idol.
for enhypen, i think jay would be a nice match for you! i feel like jay's style would match yours as he is a bit emo as he wears lots of black! he would also be the type who wouldn't be too loud and would always be patient with you and when you get scared, he would stay by your side.
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for txt, i think yeonjun would be a good fit! yeonjun is someone who might seem intimidating at first but really he is a softie like you! he would also be open minded and would enjoy dancing as he loves dancing like you!
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for cravity, i think you would match well with serim! serim would be the type who would enjoy hip hop with you and he is the type who can't kill a mosquito and would feel bad. his personality would match yours and would be the type who wouldn't be stubborn or disrespectful.
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for seventeen, i think you would be nice with vernon! vernon is part of the hip hop team and i feel like he would enjoy the same music as you! he would be the one who would be patient, more on the quiet side and would be very respectful!
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for treasure, i think you would fit well with hyunsuk! i feel like he would match your type well! he would never judge you and would always support you and would appreciate when you support him!
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sunshinee0-0 · 3 years
Hi i'm Wari or Honey :) and these are some things about me :)
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🌼. 19
🌼. Latina
🌼. My favorite color is yellow or (light) brown
🌼. I really like ducks and squirrels and cats <33
🌼. I have a hermit crab name Rocky, i also have a kitten called neko and Minette :)
🌼. My bais wrecker of each group (I'm ot(insert group name)
Bts - jhope & Namjoon & suga
Stray kids - Seungmin, Changbin, I.N
The boyz - Kevin & Eric
Seventeen - S.cups
Wayv - Lucas & Ten
Nct - Mark, Johnny & Taeyong (and maybe Yuta)
Blackpink - Jiso & Lisa
Got7 - jackson, Bambam, & Jinyoung
Twice - dahyun
TxT - Soobin or yeonjun
Enhypen - Jake & Jay & Heeseung
Ateez - san and hongjoong
🌼. I really like writing and drawing!
I think that's all if you have any questions just ask me!
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mazeinthemirrorff · 3 years
Cap. 2
-Eu estou com fome, que horas você sai? – ela pergunta revirando os olhos, Tiele faz o mesmo.
-Não seja idiota, você sabe muito bem que horas eu saio, você também trabalha aqui.
-Tiele mesa cinco! – a voz de Woobin faz com que ela dê as costas para a amiga e siga naquela direção.- três milk shakes, dois refrigerantes grandes e um chá gelado. Três hambúrgueres, uma torta de limão, vinte e sete peças de sushi e uma pizza pequena pra viagem.
-Caralho. – Thais exclama ao escutar o pedido.- Quantos elefantes estão sentados naquela mesa?
Tiele abafa o riso e segue naquela direção.
-Eu trago o resto em um segundo. – ela fala com um sorriso simpático.
O cara a encara. Ele tem os olhos escondidos por óculos escuros e usa uma máscara cirúrgica.
Tiele volta para o balcão e pega o restante do pedido.
-Aqui está. Você tem certeza que consegue levar tudo? Eu posso pedir para alguém te acompanhar até onde você está.
-Não precisa. – ele responde em um tom simpático – eu acho que consigo.
Ele pendura uma sacola em cada braço e fica de frente a ela
-Obrigado. – é o que ele diz. – tchau senhorita.
-Tchau senhorito. – Tiele dispara, mas no mesmo instante leva a mão a boca, droga.
Ele se vira para encará-la.
-Os latinos são engraçados. – ele fala de repente.
-Como você sabe que sou latina?
Ele dá de ombros.
-Vocês são leves. Enfim, até mais.
Quando ele sai cafeteria afora, Thais tem os olhos fixos na amiga.
-E aí?
-E aí o que?
-Quem era?
-E eu sei?
-Qual era o nome dele?
-Eu não sei.
-Era bonito?
-Eu não sei.
-Como assim?
-Máscara cirúrgica e óculos escuros, eu queria saber quem foi o idiota que falou pra eles que usar máscara cirúrgica é legal.
-Aff informação zero a respeito dele?
-A não ser o fato de que ou ele está acompanhado ou come igual a um cavalo, não.
Após o almoço como é de costume as duas seguem para o parque pra respirar um pouco, nessa época do ano especialmente a vista é mais do que bem-vinda.
As flores estão cada dia maiores e... E eu estou falando sozinha.
A amiga a encara com um ar nada contente no rosto, Thais abre um sorriso amarelo.
-Eu estava escutando.
-Não estava nada.
-Estava sim.
-Do que eu estava falando então?
Ela ri alto dessa vez.
-Ok eu não escutei, mas juro que queria.
-Pensando no cara do taxi de novo?
-Claro que não, eu só me distraí e bem, às vezes meus pensamentos viajam e caralho, eu não perguntei o nome dele.
-Eu sabia que você estava pensando nele, desde ontem que você não faz nada além de falar desse cara e você nem ao menos viu o rosto dele.
Thais para encarando as flores de cerejeira ao redor.
-Ahh você tem razão.
-Olha o que você deveria fazer era esquecer isso, afinal você pode nunca mais vê-lo na vida e mesmo que o veja, como vai saber que é ele?
-Aiiii são dez da manhã, não faz pergunta difícil.
-Enfim, para de sonhar acordada.
-Eu estou indo, meu horário de almoço já acabou, mas você aproveite a sua folga, nos vemos depois.
-Tá certo, até depois.
Thais faz um gesto negativo com a cabeça e volta a caminhar pelo parque, as árvores estão mesmo começando a ficar floridas e aquele clima a faz esquecer um pouco da vida e se concentrar apenas na sensação de frescor e liberdade que ele oferece.
Enquanto caminha ela nota uma movimentação estranha, mas como é acostumada a ignorar tudo o que não lhe diz respeito ela simplesmente continua a caminhar.
Em uma das curvas do parque ela sente um impacto nas costas que a atira de cara na grama, alguém esbarrara nela. Ela se senta para reclamar, mas antes que o faça sente uma mão forte tapar sua boca. Ela fica ali sem saber o que fazer, tenta se libertar, mas então escuta a voz em seu ouvido.
-Por favor eu não vou te machucar, eu só preciso que faça silêncio.
Por um segundo ela pensa em voltar a se debater, mas havia súplica na voz dele, por isso ela decide que não dirá nada.
Então um bando de garotas loucas passa correndo por ela, algumas gritam, outras têm câmeras em mãos, todas completamente desesperadas, Thais nota que não é um desespero de medo, mas ... Espera, elas estavam perseguindo o cara que a segura atrás da pedra?
Então quando elas passam ela sente a mão ao redor de sua boca se afrouxar e ela vira o rosto para encarar quem a estava segurando e ao fazê-lo simplesmente perde a voz. É sério? É mesmo ele?
-Me desculpe. – ele começa antes que ela consiga dizer qualquer coisa. – eu vim aqui pra fotografar as árvores, não sabia que o lugar ia estar cheio de Moas.
Ela continua em silêncio, ele se aproxima passando a mão em frente ao rosto dela para ver se ela o está vendo.
-Me desculpe. – ele começa tentando conter o riso, afinal a reação dela é no mínimo engraçada.
-Que idiotice. – ela fala se atirando sentada na grama, está frustrada e quer apenas gritar com ele.
-Me desculpe ter te assustado. – ele começa de forma relutante. – é que eu não sabia mais como agir.
Ela não responde, está visivelmente irritada.
-Você aceita as minhas desculpas? – ele pergunta se aproximando dela de forma relutante.
Ela ainda resmunga um monte de coisas sem nem ao menos encará-lo, ele abre um sorriso, aquela garota não é normal.
-Moça? – ele continua sentando de forma cuidadosa ao lado dela na grama. – eu te machuquei?
-Não! – ela dispara agora encarando-o. – mas, poderia.
-Eu sei, desculpe.
-Você sai sempre por aí agarrando as pessoas assim?
-As feias não.
Então ela o encara, há ainda mais revolta em seu olhar, ele ergue os braços em um gesto de rendição.
-Foi uma piada.
-Bem ruim.
Ela respira fundo tentando conter o misto de sentimentos que toma conta dela. Frustração, susto, surpresa, medo e insegurança.
-Você também não deveria estar parada no meio do caminho dessa forma. – ele dispara e ela o encara, é sério?
-Como é?
-Sim, se você não tivesse parada no meio do caminho parecendo um poste, eu não teria esbarrado em você.
-Isso é um parque, as pessoas supostamente vêm para cá para passear, eu estava passeando antes de ser atropelada por uma jamanta fugitiva louca.
-Está me chamando de jamanta?
-É tão difícil assim de notar?
Ele não responde, fica encarando-a firme nos olhos, ele nunca vira uma garota como ela na vida.
-Você é bem rude para uma pessoa tão pequena. – ele dispara e ela cruza os braços visivelmente irritada, aquele gesto faz com que ele sinta vontade de sorrir, ela parece uma criança fazendo birra, é no mínimo fofo.
-Pelo menos não atropelo as pessoas e as arrasto para detrás de uma pedra.
-Eu já pedi desculpas.
-Eu não disse que as aceitava.
Então os dois ficam ali apenas se encarando, seus olhos em uma batalha silenciosa.
-Choi Yeonjun. – ele dispara, ela mais uma vez leva um susto.
-É eu sei. – ela fala ficando de pé e começando a sacudir a grama das roupas, ele faz o mesmo.
-Vou te pedir desculpas novamente. – ele continua. – senhorita...?
-Thais. – ela fala sem emoção alguma.
-Apenas Thais?
-Você é surdo?
Ele ri, dessa vez com vontade.
-Não, não sou surdo, enfim já que é apenas Thais, pode me chamar de Yeonjun.
-Tanto faz.
Ela começa a caminhar para longe dele, Yeonjun não sabe o que fazer por isso a segue.
-Você perdeu alguma coisa? – ela pergunta ao notar que ele a segue.
-Você não disse se me desculpa ou não.
Então ela para encarando-o, ele tem um sorriso no rosto, aquele tipo de sorriso que faz com que qualquer mulher simplesmente enlouqueça.
-Desculpo. – ela fala enquanto o encara, com ambas as mãos na cintura. Ele ri novamente.
-Obrigado e prometo não esbarrar mais nas pessoas.
-Fico feliz com isso.
Ele sorri, ela enfim abre um sorriso também.
-Enfim, obrigado por ter me ajudado mesmo depois de eu ter te atropelado feito uma jamanta desgovernada. – então ela ri com vontade agora.
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-De nada. Enfim, tenha um bom dia Yeonjun. – ela fala lhe fazendo uma pequena reverência e se afastando.
Ele fica encarando-a enquanto ela se afasta. Quem é aquela garota tão estranha? E por que diabos ele não consegue parar de sorrir?
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we-arethenewheroes · 5 years
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Hi thank you for doing my requests! I’m not sure if the idol life ship one went through, so I’m just sending it in again just in case. Can I please get a private idol life ship with a boyfriend? I am a 99liner, 166cm, Latina. I am described as someone who is intimidating at first but in reality I am the opposite and never understand why people think I am. I like to make people laugh and try to make the best of any situation. However I have a hard time expressing my emotions. I’m also described as easy going and fun to be around. I love animals especially dogs. I am a hip hop dancer and love to perform. I listen to mainly rap/hip hop and reggaeton. I also like to eat and travel. My favorite groups are BTS & NCT. Sorry if you already have this😭 Thank you again💕💕
@madeofsaltiness of course !
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Hope you like it ! 💚
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wickedloving · 2 years
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𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐲,
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𖦞 call me a. she/her. painfully single but not really painful.
𖦞 ‘02 . taurus . intj-a
𖦞 latina aka english is not my first language.
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𖦞 FAVS: jimin + the other guys (kidding, I love all of ‘em) , johnny + YUTA + mark + HYUCK + JENO + JAEMIN , chan + changbin + HYUNJIN + JISUNG, jacob + kevin + juyeon + SUNWOO + eric, HONGJOONG + SAN + wooyoung, YEONJUN + beomgyu, JAY + SUNGHOON
𖦞 LIKES: coffee, music, reading (fantasy mostly), currently into KNY, JJK and BNHA! , being a wh0r3 for unreachable, nonexistent people and 3D characters
𖦞 DISLIKES: people (kidding… kinda) rude people, racists, xenophobia, homophobes/anti-LGBTQ+, tea, tomatoes, politics, most vegetables actually, fakes
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