#La Mulana rp
Self Promo
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Do you like animals and nature? What about eerie abandoned places? How about cute girls and adventure? If you're interested in any of those things then like/reblog to interact with a Studio Irodori multimuse featuring Kaban, a super smart safari guide and her zany animal friends.
(All fandoms tagged are ones I'd love to crossover with ^_^)
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incarnateirony · 11 months
Once again thinking of differences in GM and general presentation styles. I've been getting comments from players like. bro you expanded my MIIIIND I came in with a blank character and D&D mindset and I have GROWN. Or like. CAN'T WAIT TO DO THIS AGAIN THIS IS SO DIFFERENT.
Because it's a living mythology, the definition of show, don't tell, with a moral not overbearing but suddenly so overwhelming everyone freezes in their tracks. Something tangible for characters and players both to walk away with beyond burned time and fake loot rewards.
And like, I look at other campaigns and just see Lord XsdFDKFkD of the SJDKf realm is big bad, go into this dungeon that makes no goddamn sense on why anyone would invest in all these structures and traps for the infinity dungeon with nonsense rooms only there for tricks or loot. Now kick in the next door. Maybe this one has a tile puzzle because the DM is obsessed with DDR. Logic, fuck logic, this is SPARTA.
And even when I build a setting in chaos itself people realize every plant and lightbulb has a reason to add to something somehow, but they have to travel the journey to listen and find the meaning. And talking to players like. Complexity and riddles for the fuck of a challenge rating and none other get real boring when you realize it's all the same. And a lot of it is like. Why. Oh we put the dark lord in a box behind a riddle wall after building a needlessly complex structure full of wasted space and resources but we're good, nobody's known how to read for 2,000 years.
And I'm like
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Bro buddy I love you but if you think the length or challenge of this campaign is the only element that players are attracted to, you are missing the point yourself again. Complexity and tedious length for the fuck of it are simply not fun. It gets boring in video games much less having to stop and roll 32 dice every nothingburger room or pointlesss trap and having to do the algebra for it. You have to give them a reason to care, and you cant just TELL them they have to care, people don't work like that. All I hear on a game dev level is "they'll never run out of doors to kick and dice to roll. Plans beyond that? idfk".
Meanwhile our earlier convos like
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honestly another reason me and the ex wife just weren't compatible RP types either beyond the romance push. During our first breakup in the early 201X period is when I first made Kion in concept as an offshoot of the old Zenthus character with all of this, started playing in someone's campaign, MADE the first Xorvintaal and she showed back up like, ok but since Zenthus is duality what if it was TWINS. And like. I cracked. Bc she wanted it. Like yeah sure why not. But the design went "big pretty strong blue elf with horns, anger problem" and stopped there, so now that I'm remastering it without her around, while literally NOTHING is lost mythologically or in plot contribution, I have this awkward stray end kinda writ in to acknowledge since other players in this server that survived the old cycles had MET said brother. And now I'm just. Stuck with this awkward lump of character tied to this otherwise flawless mythology even getting in the way of an actual HOOR AND SET BE TWINS build that would have been available with a brotherlike character, but no. Duality is one infinitely deep character and one pretty blue barbarian with giant moobs. Fml.
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sparkylurkdragon · 7 years
Baby's breath, sunflower, petunia!
baby’s breath: about how many fics have you completed?
Hmmm. I wrote a lot of individual Ecco the Dolphin fics back in the day, all shorts... one old published Metroid one, one VERY OLD Pokemon one that no one is allowed to look up, two newer La-Mulana ones, and one old Sonic one... then there’s the co-authored fics with Ardil, of which one is done, one is mostly finished, and one is in the initial writeup stage and mostly done with that, and a lot are in the wings.
Like, twenty-five or thirtyish? And if we count unpublished RPs that number shoots up to legit over a hundred, I think, not even counting arcs that petered out and never got finished.
sunflower: what is the best feedback/compliment you’ve ever received regarding your writing?
That something I wrote helped someone through a bad time in their life. That is, I think, the absolute highest praise any author can get.
petunia: who is your favorite character to write for? why?
Haha, this changes depending on what fandom I’m into at the moment... today I’ll mention that I really love working with Shadow the Hedgehog and Wander, though.
Shadow’s just got an interesting personality: The way I interpret him, he’s fairly calm and easygoing when nothing serious is going on but is all business when there’s a problem. Also, because he’s an anthro with superpowers, writing him means getting to play with non-human modes of expression. (He has moveable ears that are often set back because he gets stressed easily, and perceives the local magic as different colours of energy.)
I like headcanon!Wander for similar personality reasons - he’s less hardcore than Shadow in most incarnations, the kind of guy who doesn’t want trouble and won’t start fights, but mess with the people he cares about and he will definitely end them. And his back-and-forth with Dormin is a lot of fun.
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Munday Meme!
Rules: Answer the twenty-three questions and then tag twenty people you want to get to know better!
• Name: Alex
• Zodiac Sign: Cancer
• Height: 5′9″
• Languages Spoken: English, rusty Spanish
• Favorite Fruit: Orange
• Favorite Scent: Pumpkin Pie
• Favorite Color: Silver
• Favorite Animal: Ravens
• Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate
• Favorite Fictional Character(s):  Not really stanning anyone right now
• When Was Your Blog Created: 11 months ago for my RP blog, coming up on six years for my personal
• Dream Trip: Chernobyl NPP
• Last Movie Seen: I forget.  It was something I watched for class, though.
• Songs You’ve Had On Repeat:
Anti-Soul Mysteries Lab -- Castlevania Lament of Innocence
Kazakh Theme -- Strider (2014)
Thermal Base 2 -- Freedom Planet
Guile’s Theme -- Street Fighter 2
In Yggdrasil -- La-Mulana 2
Rise or Fall -- Phantasy Star 2
• Favorite Candy: Toffifay
• Favorite Holiday: Halloween
• Random Facts About You:
one : I’m old enough to remember the Soviet Union being a thing
two :  I’ve broken three toes, four ribs, both arms, six of my ten fingers (at least once), and my skull’s missing some chips
three : (A)
Tagged by: Stolen from @charg3d
Tagging: All of you.  Yes, even you.
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