#Lansoni fic
pajulammas · 3 months
This whole story idea was originally just a silly little daydream I liked to imagine while trying to fall asleep. I'm not super into the idea of Sonic and Shadow being parents, but the idea of Galahad being Lancelot's son from a previous relationship and Sonic being a stepdad was intriguing. It would have such a different dynamic, especially if Galahad is already an adult. My friends had to witness this AU Getting Me in real time, and now we're here. It's actually a fic now-
This AU is partially inspired by original Arthurian lore, partially by Sonic lore, and the rest are just all kinds of ideas that popped into my head. This AU is basically just "Since Sonic's Arthurian world doesn't have Guinevere in it, it's only logical that Lancelot would be in love with Arthur instead, right?" and old man yaoi-
Chapter 1: The Lost King’s Return 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationship: Sonic the Hedgehog/Lancelot (Sonic and the Black Knight), Shadow the Hedgehog/Sonic the Hedgehog, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Characters: Sonic the Hedgehog, Lancelot (Sonic and the Black Knight), Galahad (Sonic and the Black Knight), Gawain (Sonic and the Black Knight), Percival (Sonic and the Black Knight), Lamorak (Sonic and the Black Knight), Other Character Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Action/Adventure, Adventure & Romance, Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Forbidden Love, Developing Relationship, Parenthood, Single Parents, Step-parents, Trans Male Character, Trans Sonic the Hedgehog, Family, Aged-Up Character(s), Arthurian, Chivalry, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Asexuality, Pining, Dadow, Internalized Homophobia, Period-Typical Homophobia, Betaed
Summary: Sonic has reached the ripe age of 50 and is now longing for another adventure. One day, he wakes up back in Camelot, but it’s not the same one he left, as no one seems to remember those events other than Sonic; and on top of it all, they all think that he is the lost king Arthur who has simply lost his memories.
Arthur’s most loyal knight Lancelot is the same age as Sonic and a single parent, who is struggling with his sudden loneliness as his son Galahad has recently moved away. Sonic is enthralled by him, since he’s something that Shadow isn’t; mortal. Given their position as king and his bodyguard, the two quickly become close, closer than their titles would suggest in fact.
Now Sonic is struggling with his new duties and expectations – ones that he didn’t really even ask for in the first place. In the midst of it all, he’s trying to keep his newly blossomed relationship a secret, while also adapting to yet another new, unexpected title; stepfather.
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tillytilli · 2 months
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art trade with @pajulammas of his au Chivalrous Devotion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! old man yaoi
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one-way-dream · 1 year
The King's Shadow - Ch. 2
Rating: General
Words: 3000+ (4600+ Total)
Media: Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic and the Black Knight
Pairing: Sonic/Lancelot (Sonic/Shadow)
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Developing Feelings, Pining, Alternate Universe - Medieval (Check AO3 for any tag changes!)
Warnings: Canon-typical violence
Chapter: 2/3
Link to the original work
AO3 Summary/Excerpt:
The other’s embarrassment slowly melted away into a resigned sigh, before turning into a smile; mischievous in appearance, but nothing short of putting the sun’s radiance to shame. And then Lancelot truly felt the carefree and trusting weight, the sheer warmth of the newly crowned king’s hand in his own.
And he knew more than ever that his life now belonged to him.
Author's Notes: WOW sorry this took so long! nearly two years..... truth be told it's just been sorta sitting there but i finished up the chapter tonight (ya boy got medicated finally) and i hope to get the next one eventually too! hoping to get it out within the next 5 years /j
thanks for reading and for all the support!! ❤❤❤
Lancelot came to learn that King Sonic was not fond of excessive armour.
Surely, it was made clear enough by the fact that he only sported a gauntlet most of the time during his time as a self-proclaimed knight. Though despite being crowned as king, he still insisted on minimalism.
“It’s just a little too much, y’know?” Lancelot barely picked up on words that still sounded slurred to his untrained ears, “It’s easier to run with less of that metal stuff on me.”
Said “metal stuff” lay in a carefully discarded heap in the grass by the entrance to the moat, which would undoubtedly be picked up by one of the castle’s workers after the king would accidentally forget about it. Despite being polished daily and in pristine condition, there wasn’t a soul alive in the kingdom to actually wear that armour for more than two hours a day.
“Alright, patrol time is finally over! Ready to move out, pal?” Sonic glanced back at the knight keeping a respectful distance between them, who gave a silent nod in agreement. Lancelot’s visor generally hid his face during daytime patrols – the sunlight had been stronger and brighter than usual, bouncing off dirt paths and stone walls all the same. It was a bit too harsh for the knight, who preferred the cool whispers of the evening air dancing through his black and red quills. It was quiet. It was safe.
The king technically wasn’t obligated to wear armour if he didn’t please, but Lancelot noticed that Sonic at least attempted to wear it once a week, even if it was just for show until they were out of sight from the prying eyes of townspeople. The knight assumed it was a way of balancing his lifestyle of freedom with the customs that a life as king expected from him. In a sense, Lancelot found it to be rather noble.
He could only imagine the turmoil he faced leaving his people – it became clearer each day that there was a major cost, a sacrifice, to staying in a different world as their king.
As they made their way into the open meadows, Lancelot watched the other hedgehog stretch to the best of his ability, locked hands reaching above his head suddenly swooping down to the flower-adorned grassy field under them, fingertips grazing the white straps of his well-loved ruby sneakers. 
“Y’know,” He starts, posture reverting back to a casual stance as he turns towards Lancelot, “I didn’t really expect to have to wear all this bulk.”
The knight felt his frown deepen without him meaning to.
“That ‘bulk’ is a royal heirloom, passed down from monarch to monarch, your majesty.” But as soon as he processed the sound of his own voice, Lancelot regretted his tone. “…I— I beg you to forgive me for my insolence, sire.”
Sonic could only shrug, as if Lancelot hadn’t just spoken abrasively to him like he was some low-ranking squire. As if their relationship weren’t that of a legendary king and one of his many knights. As if their relationship didn’t have complexities woven into it through the gaps between each fibrous cross of thread. Impenetrable, so to speak, – not only to outsiders, but also to them.
“I mean, you’re not the same as him, but I’ve definitely heard far worse.” He smiled back at Lancelot even brighter somehow, like he didn’t have a care in the world, “Don’t sweat it, Lance.”
The knight’s expression grew even more perplexed.
“What?” Sonic stopped, expression mirroring Lancelot’s own, or at least whatever he could make out through his visor, “Surely that painfully abrasive tone meant that you’re a little more comfortable around me right?” He said with a sarcastic grin, motioning with a nod of his head for them to keep moving and conversing.
“That’s a good thing then! You can let your quills down and be as casual as you want, and in return I can give you a nickname. That sound like a fair trade?” Sonic laughed breezily, grazing the back of his hand against Lancelot’s arm in a half-hearted but friendly nudge.
Warmth stirred in Lancelot’s chest at his words, at his touch; like a sweet nectar that trickled down his parched throat and made him feel alive.
“You know, back home I have a friend who goes by a nickname. He’s like a brother to me, so nicknames came pretty naturally after I met him.” He spoke fondly, not catching the way he had Lancelot’s attention rapt thoroughly and genuinely, “His full name is Miles Prower, but we all call him Tails. Actually, he looks a heck of a lot like the blacksmith we have back in town! A kind and brilliant kid… just like him.”
Lancelot tried to crumple the odd feeling he got at the mention of “brother”. The conversation had more or less settled into its usual back and forth of the day as they continued strolling through the field of sweet violets; admittedly, one of Lancelot’s favourite parts of each day.
Usually these hours were somewhat one-sided conversations, but only in the sense that the king loved to talk, and Lancelot was more than content to listen and affirm. Though, he kept silent mostly out of respect and necessity – he had a responsibility to focus and protect the king, after all.
But today, when the winds are quiet and gentle and the skies bloom with iridescent clouds above them, somehow everything shifted on its axis again; for once, Lancelot was willing to finally hold up his end of the conversation. His heart throbbed loudly in his throat, in his ears, as he took a few short breaths and practiced his next few words in his head.
“I… have a sister.”
There. He said it.
He breathed her back into existence, and never again could she be kept buried deep inside of his soul.
The king slowed his pace, glancing to the side at Lancelot who still kept his eyes hidden under a visor. “Yeah? That’s really nice to hear!” Sonic immediately perks up, livelier than ever at the fact that his favourite knight companion was finally, finally opening up to him, “What’s she like? How old is she?”
Lancelot’s hand slowly reached up to his visor, hovering by the edge as he contemplated, before lowering his arm again and letting it settle by his side, not catching the way the king’s ears drooped slightly at his actions. He let a smile play on his lips instead, reminiscing about sky blue and moonlit gold.
“She’s… a good person, and she’s a little older than me. Full of love; always eager to share it with those around her, even if that means giving up parts of herself.” Lancelot spoke wistfully, affectionately, and in the back of his mind he realized that this was the most he’d ever divulged to anyone about her, “Whenever she’d scold me, there was never any harshness to it – even that was always out of love. She wasn’t perfect of course, but to me she was the closest anyone could ever be. More than anything, I… I think I miss her stories and her mischief the most.”
“Oh… what happened to h—” Sonic’s eyes widened in realization as bit his own tongue into silence, shaking his head and hastily covering up his tracks, “I’m so sorry— please disregard that, you really don’t have to answer anything you’re not—”
“…It was illness, your grace.” He solemnly answered.
“And it’s alright, please do not apologize. We live in difficult times, after all.” He gave the king a small smile, though he didn’t doubt that he could see right through his mournful expression, “I do miss her dearly, but… now that I have shared a piece of her – proof of her existence and a piece of my soul with someone like you, I do not think she will be forgotten so easily.”
The king comes to a standstill and turns to face the other, and it’s only then that Lancelot’s mind catches up with the gravity of what exactly he’s said. He hadn’t said enough to betray how he truly feels, surely, but he can’t help but feel his joints lock up anyway. The first emotion that rushes to him is dread, but then he remembers who Sonic is in the first place, takes in his charming smile in a single brave glance, and relief cleanses every bit of dread out of his system.
“Still…” The king steps closer, reaching out and letting his hand gently hold onto the other’s arm. It takes every bit of self-control Lancelot had been taught in training to not have a visceral reaction at the contact, “I really am sorry for your loss.”
But Lancelot had not been prepared for the faraway look in Sonic’s eyes as soon as he chanced a glimpse at his face. There was something… unreadable. Almost sorrowful in its nature; although something told him that King Sonic wasn’t just mourning the loss of his sister.
For the first time in his life, he didn’t want to listen to his gut feeling.
As quickly as his expression had come, it was gone like the wind, replaced with another casual smile. A rare glimpse of his walls unguarded. Lancelot thinks carefully – but even if Sonic was going to pretend that nothing happened, he couldn’t let it go so easily. The knight wills his heart to settle before taking the dive.
“Do you miss it?” He finally says it, quiet enough that the other could disregard him if he so pleased. “Do you miss your home world, sire?”
“I…” Sonic opens his mouth, then shuts it with a shake of his head, as if to shake an unwanted thought out of his mind, “Nah, I’ll go anywhere an adventure takes me.”
But somewhere in his heart, Lancelot felt that he wouldn’t.
He would tire of this adventure.
He would tire of his duties.
He would tire of this world.
Would a free soul like King Sonic be able to bear the crushing weight of a kingdom in pain? His kindness had seemingly no end in sight, but for how long until he runs on empty? How long until he may have to realize that there were more mouths to feed than plates to give? Or worse: more sick people than there were beds in monasteries? Would Sonic give out pieces of himself at that point, or would he have the courage and humility to step down?
Rather, would Lancelot be able to bear the sight of seeing the king’s spirit broken until it was a mere ghost of what it used to be?
“You’re thinking way too hard about this,” Sonic spoke somberly, as if reading the other’s mind. “I’ve got no plans to leave just yet.” Lancelot felt his heart leap out of his chest from being caught off guard. “Did… you hear what I just said?” he paused, “Sire, did you perhaps use witchcraft to listen in?”
Sonic stopped in his tracks, turning on his heel with an incredulous look on his face only to find that Lancelot was completely genuine. He laughed, bright and lively.
“No, of course not. I just have decent intuition… erm, sometimes.”
They continued in silence for some time, taking in the scenery around them and Sonic carefully stepping around the flowers the best he could. Things continued as normal, walking side by side for once instead of Lancelot acting as King Sonic’s tail. They watched the sun slowly dip closer to the horizon – but there were still many hours left of the day, and many more hours to spend with each other. The thought alone made his heart squeeze for a moment, and he selfishly let his mind wander with thoughts about the other world, wondering if he could ever be a part of it, even if only in his dreams.
And then, against all odds, Lancelot made a request for the first time.
“Your majesty, if you don’t mind… could you tell me more about your world?”
Another month had passed peacefully.
The king and Lancelot had gone on their patrols together as usual, Lancelot never needing to prod Sonic for answers about his world, as the latter happily indulged him with hours upon hours of grand adventures and small tidbits about his dear group of friends, and occasionally, rivals. It was the one time in the day, besides the mere minutes he spends in his chambers before inevitably crashing from exhaustion, where he felt like he could truly let his guard down and be free.
Lancelot smiled to himself. Even under the rule of a king, he felt free for the first time in years.
In the present day, King Sonic had an audience with the duke of a neighboring kingdom, accompanied by Merlina. Though one of the knights generally accompanied the king, he insisted that he could manage the meeting this time, especially with Merlina’s assistance. Lancelot casually shrugged – another unique quirk that he adapted from Sonic through his behaviour and his stories alone, although he made sure to only ever do it when the two of them were alone. It makes him both nervous and happy that he’s able to learn so much from him, that he’s able to grow even closer to him as his right-hand – his most trusted knight.
Both Sir Gawain and Sir Percival had invited Lancelot to a sparring match between the three of them, as a means of refining their skill over the course of the meeting, as well as during Sir Lamorak and Sir Galahad’s absence. If he had recalled correctly, the two of them had been sent on a great expedition.
Percival and Gawain clashed viciously, sparks flying as they both met their match. Sir Percival knew all the right points to hit; she had a keen eye for weakness and vulnerability, which meant that letting one’s guard down could be fatal within seconds of realizing it. The latter had to be the most powerful of the knights – sheer, raw, energy channelled directly into Galatine as he threw himself head on towards Percival. Lancelot personally preferred a more strategic method of fighting, but even he couldn’t deny that his strength had the potential to overwhelm him.
He stares up at the overcast sky, already missing how blue it was that day he had a heart-to-heart with his king. As the other two finish their match, with Percival as the victor, his gaze eventually settles on the dirt floor before him. Now that he really thinks about it, before he met Sonic, he’d… never really noticed these things about the others.
“…Do you know if the rumors about the king are true or not, Sir Percival?” Sir Gawain was the first to speak, chest heaving from their intensive sparring match.
Lancelot’s head shot up from the ground, any fluttering thoughts screeching to a halt as he stood from his place on the bench.
“Sir Gawain, I do not wish to partake in the spread of—”
“Rumors…?” Lancelot interrupted, taking the other two knights by surprise. It was rare enough for the black hedgehog to speak, let alone intrude on a conversation. Gawain cleared his throat, looking hesitantly between Lancelot and Percival, before he continued, “Yes, I thought… you might have already known, given that you are closest to King Arth— I mean, King Sonic.”
Lancelot continued to look onto Gawain in questioning silence, his breath caught in his throat.
“King Sonic is said to depart back to his world in a week’s time.”
Everything slowed down to a crawl for Lancelot, and he couldn’t fathom why. It was a simple sentence, but one that had the power to shatter his entire world.
A week’s time? He couldn’t be serious. It just didn’t make sense to him how or why everything was happening so suddenly.
But more than anything, even if it wasn’t true, why couldn’t Lancelot simply be happy for the king returning to his beloved home? Nausea brewed inside him, twisting and thrashing around in his stomach – anger only adding acid to the mix as he stormed up to the other knights, eyes locked onto the red echidna.
“Sir Gawain.” Lancelot says coldly, looking straight at Gawain’s confused expression and feeling relief in the back of his mind that he left Arondight propped against the bench. He didn’t know what he would do if he brought it with him. What had King Sonic even done to him to make him feel this way? “If these allegations prove to be false, and lest I find that you show yourself to be the perpetrator of these lies… there will be consequences.”
“What… do you mean by ‘consequences’?” Gawain’s look of confusion sharply morphed into one of intimidation, shoulders tense and letting out a low rumbling growl under his breath as if to challenge the other knight, “Tell me, do you doubt me, as your fellow knight? Do you doubt the loyalty I have for our king?”
Something ached inside Lancelot’s very core. Whether it was burning him up inside or settling him with a pit of grief, he couldn’t begin to differ.
“That is quite enough.”
Percival speaks up next, deep and commanding – enough to make them less tense, but not enough to break their unwavering eye contact, ruby upon amethyst in a deep scowl.
“If you are not guilty of any such crimes, then you shouldn’t feel the need to bare your teeth back at me.”
But Lancelot was the first to quickly mellow, the guilt setting inside him and taking the anger’s place as he realized that he was being impossibly defensive, far enough to threaten a fellow knight. It gnaws at him, because he knows well enough that he’ll regret this action in the coming hours – especially if the king hears about it.
He steps back, giving up and tearing his gaze away from Gawain in defeat as he clenches his jaw, heartbeat in his ears loud enough to make them twitch.
“All I was… —all I am ever after, is protecting our king’s honour.” Lancelot watches Gawain lower his guard as well, rage fading from his features as he also takes a step back, seemingly willing to listen. “I will not let his image falter.”
“That is all there is to it.” He lied.
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maitroll · 3 months
50yo lansoni... My ... My beloveds.
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lunapegasus · 1 year
Summary: After messing with Merlina's staff without her permission Arthur and Lancelot find themselves in each other's bodies. Now Lancelot must play the part of King for the neighboring royal court that has come to visit Camelot while Arthur has to fulfill Lancelot's promise he made to help one of the kingdom villages build a new bridge. Can they successfully last till the end of the day without incident while Merlina searches for a reverse spell or did the two hedgehogs bite off more than they can chew?
Word Count: 8881
Chapters: 3/3
Rating: General Audiences
Fic for @thesoniclibrary's February prompt: Body/power Swap
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cryptid-punks · 9 months
Hi stinkies :)
Uhm, yeah been a while. I’m back in classes, so I have less time. I’ve spoken on why WAISTS Ch3 is taking so long (I never made a timeline or true plot, so now I’m stuck planning ideas lol. plus it’s supposed to be a slow burn, and those are NOT my speciality.) But besides that, thinking of quick doing a birthday fic (my birthday being monday- it’s sunday right now).
Ok cya then! Sorry to keep ya’ll hanging lol
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iridescent-heartt · 11 months
chapter 13 just dropped oh yeah baby its all coming together
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thel0llip0p · 4 months
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"A rose for you, my lord"
( I FINALLY DREW LANSONI after reading fics for days ! )
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crows-home · 1 year
hey! i hope you don’t mind me asking, but do u have any fics you recommend reading? (specifically sonic fandom ones)
im so sorry anon but im probably the worst when it comes to fic recs. I just started using the bookmark function on ao3 like last month. There's probably tons of fics that i've read and absolutely loved, but never saved and are just collecting dust in my history ToT
i'm going to shout out a few of my favorite authors whose works i absolutely adore and some fics under the cut!
There's definitely more authors and fics i missed, but this is what i was able to come up with!! in general, the sonic community is full of so much talent and i'm just really happy to be here :)
@cozyqueerchaos - I love every single piece they put out honestly and these fics are the reason i dipped my toes more into the sonic fandom years ago. they're THAT good. love them all.
@phantomruby - another wonderful fic writer that everyone should check out. "Slipping Away" makes me cry fr, although i haven't caught up on the latest updates. everything just makes my heart go oshfdsfhd
@chaoxfix - sonic fics are wonderful sonic takes are top notch i dig everything. the understanding of the characters and archie is just phenomenal.
@teamxdark - fell in love with the Tales of Avalon series and fell harder in love with the team dark Boomtober fics and dynamics and aaaaaa, wonderful writing and style.
@rubyiiiusions - every fic is a joy to read and every story really just gets your attention and keeps it till the end. i've bookmarked a few of them since last week :)
I went digging through my history and here are some of my personal favorite Sonic fics!
radio silence under a yellow sky by chaox Summary: Sonic finds out Tails is missing. And more importantly, that no one's been looking for him.
A gen fic about Sonic finding out Tails was MIA during Forces it's so so good i think about it a lot
falling by sonosuke Summary: Shadow likes a boy
sonadow during SA2 I'll cry. so angsty but it makes me :')
Birds of a Feather by SonicaSpeed123 Summary: Sonic has been trapped in Camelot for three years, but he's started to make a place for himself that he can finally be comfortable in with his beloved Lancelot Something has been bothering him, though: If all the people of this world look like the people back home, where is Sonic's lookalike?
Lansoni. Part of a series of SatBK mini fics that i really love, but this one especially because it answers the question of 'what about the Sonic doppleganger?'
you can hardly swallow your fears and pain by chaox and sketchjii Summary: Shadow is usually better at putting up that cold, unfeeling front, isn't he? Or maybe that's him. (or: sonic doesn't need to be in touch with his feelings if he pretends they don't exist in the first place)
One of my all time faves i love it so much i dont think i have the right words. shadow tries to give sonic mental health advice. it does not go well. takes place some time after Forces.
the time has come again for stars by rubyillusions Summary: (five times someone notices sonic and shadow are in love and one time they do something about it)
sonadow, Teen. obsessed with how the characters are written here and the way all of their friends interpret their relationship it's just so cute and sweet and shit and i love it a lot.
against every odd by eggskie Summary: "We're friends?" Nine asks, small and timid, and oh, doesn't that break Sonic's heart. "Of course we are. We always have been. Or we always should have been." Or: Nine isn't used to being cared about
wanna see how hard i can cry? Gen, Sonic Prime fic about sonic and tails and what they should have been.
Dreams Don't Come True by Skyblaze Summary: Short, mildly humorous fic with sonadow flavouring. It also takes the mickey extensively out of the Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 Next Gen game. Warning: not to be taken seriously.
This fic is just really silly i like it a lot :)
A largely platonic cave by mousewritings Summary: "You know I uh, love hanging out with you and all, but do you think we could go somewhere that's not a cave for once?" Shadow stares at him. "What do you mean, go somewhere that's not a cave? Think you're too good for caves?"
Sonic Boom Sonic and Shadow (pre-slash sonadow) my beloveds <3<3 this fic is so funny they're so insufferable
Also, uh. I know you said only Sonic fics but i'm going to add a few more fics that i really really love from different fandoms because i reread them a lot, i hope you don't mind! ^^
Our way by shpeeper Summary: Overall, the mission was pretty simple. Sniper was instructed to track the spy for a week, figure out his daily patterns, then put a bullet in his brain when no one is around. No one told him there would be a kid. An AU in which Spy raises Scout alone, and Sniper is hired to kill Spy.
Oh my fucking god i could go on about this fic. Sniperspy, Teen, TF2. filled with action and danger. Every time a new character would get introduced, i would have fun piecing together who they were in my mind. the first chapter already had me emotional, it's been in my brain for YEARS. And don't even get me STARTED with the twist at the end. holy shit.
Desmodontinae by Romiress Summary: Kirk wakes up in a Gotham that is not his own. A what-if, where Gods and Monsters Batman winds up in the DCU. Originally intended as a short oneshot, and expanded out into a small story, exploring the differences, struggles, and conclusions. Focuses primarily on Kirk Langstrom (G&M Batman), with a side or Hernan Guerra (G&M Superman), Damian Wayne, and Bruce Wayne. Guest appearances by various other Robins, Clark and Jon Kent, and several others.
The Gods and Monsters DC team means so much to me and oh my god this fic was made with so much love and care for the characters. It's been a while since i read it, but i remember this fic had me staying up literally all night, eagerly going through all the chapters, one at a time. i was in bed kicking my sheets quietly irl lmao.
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sonysakura · 11 months
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SatBK Week 2023. Day 4: Dragon
A story about how Lansoni hijacked my fic! /j For reals tho, it wasn't supposed to be shippy, but they just couldn't keep their hands off each other... It starts when Sir Lancelot has a suggestion for his king.
Oh, and Happy Sonic's Birthday!!! I guess Lansoni is what he deserves 💝
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pajulammas · 2 months
Chapter 2: Lancelot’s New Duties
Check the content warnings in the summary of this chapter!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationship: Sonic the Hedgehog/Lancelot (Sonic and the Black Knight), Shadow the Hedgehog/Sonic the Hedgehog, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Characters: Sonic the Hedgehog, Lancelot (Sonic and the Black Knight), Galahad (Sonic and the Black Knight), Gawain (Sonic and the Black Knight), Percival (Sonic and the Black Knight), Lamorak (Sonic and the Black Knight), Blacksmith (Sonic and the Black Knight), Other Character Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Action/Adventure, Adventure & Romance, Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Forbidden Love, Developing Relationship, Parenthood, Single Parents, Step-parents, Trans Male Character, Trans Sonic the Hedgehog, Family, Aged-Up Character(s), Arthurian, Chivalry, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Asexuality, Pining, Dadow, Internalized Homophobia, Period-Typical Homophobia, Betaed
Summary: Sonic has reached the ripe age of 50 and is now longing for another adventure. One day, he wakes up back in Camelot, but it’s not the same one he left, as no one seems to remember those events other than Sonic; and on top of it all, they all think that he is the lost king Arthur who has simply lost his memories.
Arthur’s most loyal knight Lancelot is the same age as Sonic and a single parent, who is struggling with his sudden loneliness as his son Galahad has recently moved away. Sonic is enthralled by him, since he’s something that Shadow isn’t; mortal. Given their position as king and his bodyguard, the two quickly become close, closer than their titles would suggest in fact.
Now Sonic is struggling with his new duties and expectations – ones that he didn’t really even ask for in the first place. In the midst of it all, he’s trying to keep his newly blossomed relationship a secret, while also adapting to yet another new, unexpected title; stepfather.
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dalekaiken · 3 months
🌻 (hope your day's been fine pal)
It's been good ^^
All my replies are probably gonna be about my newest fic/AU because I Do Not control the autism and my hyperfixations but... This is such a perfect song for my Lansoni AU
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one-way-dream · 1 year
The King's Shadow - Ch. 3
Rating: General
Words: 4900+ (9600+ Total)
Media: Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic and the Black Knight
Pairing: Sonic/Lancelot (Sonic/Shadow)
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Developing Feelings, Pining, Alternate Universe - Medieval (Check AO3 for any tag changes!)
Warnings: Canon-typical violence
Chapter: 3/3
Link to the original work
AO3 Summary/Excerpt:
The other’s embarrassment slowly melted away into a resigned sigh, before turning into a smile; mischievous in appearance, but nothing short of putting the sun’s radiance to shame. And then Lancelot truly felt the carefree and trusting weight, the sheer warmth of the newly crowned king’s hand in his own.
And he knew more than ever that his life now belonged to him.
Author's Notes:
cheesus christ i think this is the first time i've ever finished a multichapter fic…….. a short one but multichapter nontheless….. dang
ANYWAY i hope you enjoy :] hope you heeded the warning at the end of ch1
THANK YOU FOR READING I HOPE YOU ENJOY (also thank you for 150+ kudos on ao3 that is WILD) ❤❤❤
Sonic put his quill pen down with a sigh, before quickly catching his inky mistake of leaving the near-dripping calamus exposed on the expensive desk as he scrambled to place it back in the inkwell. 
He leaned back into his extravagantly lush and velvety chair and stared up at the expanse of the accented wall, flourishing with delicate patterns and complemented by rich silk fabric in reds, blues, and golds. While he hadn’t tested it out for himself, the bedroom looked large enough for him to do laps in probably— no, definitely. Just by eyeballing the area, it was more than likely twice as large as Tails’ workshop.
At that name, the pang in his chest came back, harsher than ever before.
Sonic sighed again heavily, lacing his fingers behind his head and running his eyes up the wall until they hit the ceiling, right at the giant gunmetal-steel chandelier that seemed larger than his whole body. A sense of unease crawled through him every time he entered his bedroom; it was the only place where the other knights or Merlina weren’t allowed to visit, and thus, the loneliest place in the entire kingdom.
It was like the room was trying to swallow him whole; like it knew that he didn’t belong there, that he was an intruder bestowed with riches that didn’t belong to him – tearing out pages from the book of legends and rewriting himself into it.
He always believed in deciding his own fate, but… he couldn’t decide for the others unless they wanted it too. He couldn't change the course of their world like that just on a whim. Sonic smiles a little melancholy to himself, thinking about how that line of thinking was probably the most king-like thing he’s done thus far. After all, it wasn’t always about fighting bad guys around these parts, was it?
Even if the others did consent to his continued ruling, now he had a choice – to go back to his own time, to Shadow and the others, and let the people of this world decide their destiny, or he could stay with the kingdom, with Lancelot.
As he looked down at the two letters on his desk, one stamped with red and the other with gold wax, he knew his answer. A pressed violet rested soundly in one letter, while commands almost befitting of his soon-to-be-lost title as a king lay in the other.
Sonic took in a deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut.
His gut feeling wouldn't let him down.
King Sonic had not made his nest in Avalon for very long, and yet Lancelot felt his presence permeate every inch of their lives with relative ease, making a friend out of everyone he possibly could, regardless of whether they were a peasant or noble.
Each and every townsman had felt it too, Lancelot could tell by their charmed expressions as he accompanied the king on his rounds. He’d insisted on travelling alone, putting his faith in Caliburn should anything take a turn for the worst, but his advisors were persistent. However, when Lancelot’s company was suggested to him, he was surprisingly quick to give in; one could even say that his eyes lit up, though the knight knew not to be so hopeful as to expect the king to enjoy his company above the rest. He could only hope that he didn’t greatly mind Lancelot cherishing their time together. 
Even the nobles that had once upturned their noses at the new king, relented to the fact that he was indeed unique – however, that came with a hesitancy, deciding whether or not this new king would be good for their kingdom would be judged in due time, but for now, Lancelot could breathe easy knowing they trusted him for the time being.
But still… what if the rumours were true?
Lancelot’s stomach churned at the mere thought.
The two of them passed a quaint little shop at the far end of the town’s main street, something of a food and trinket vendor that rotated their inventory every other week. They’d been struggling a lot with thieves in the past month or so, but when word got around to the king, he’d rounded up the knights to tighten up the security within the town. And then just like that, those petty thieves were a mere tale of the past.
Much like King Sonic may one day be, Lancelot thought to himself, heart sinking in his chest.
He caught a glimpse of the shop owner standing behind a stand full to the brim with apples; some spotted and bruised, but otherwise perfectly edible and polished with care. Lancelot watches with a newfound fascination as the owner exchanges a bag of seasonal berries for a small bag of what he assumed was coin.
Lancelot curiously fished around the small brown bag secured around his waist, hoping for at least a few shillings to leave behind as they walked past.
The king however, had no intention of simply passing by. He silently gave the knight the sign to wait for the exchange to finish entirely before beelining for the shop with an eager wave. Lancelot glanced to his side, quietly smiling at his king and his ever-so charitable heart of gold.
“Your highness!” The shop owner beams at the approaching hedgehog, “How do you do?”
“Not bad, not bad! I’m happy to see you doing well. Have those thieves come back?” Sonic grinned cheekily, happier and more relieved than ever to hear the shop owner be so easy going about his presence, “I wouldn’t mind giving ‘em a personal message, if ya know what I mean.”
The owner pauses for a moment at the king’s words, a perplexed expression just barely lining the features of their face as they helplessly glanced at the knight and then back at Sonic – it’s a look Lancelot knows far too well. After all, he too was guilty of bearing such an expression at Sonic’s unusual speech mannerisms at the beginning. But they seemed to adjust quickly enough, perking up again with a light laugh as they shook their head, “I think I understand, sire, but there’s no need; there hasn’t been a single robbery ever since you assigned guards to patrol the town.”
Sonic smiles, giving a thumbs up that Lancelot wasn’t sure the other understood, but took politely anyway, “Good to hear it, buddy! Keep up the good work! Oh, and here—”
He fishes through his own mostly-empty bag, frowning when he feels only one coin. He pulls out a single silver penny and lays it on the counter, “Really sorry this is all I had on me. I don’t want anything; it’s just my way of saying good luck. I think silver means good luck, anyway!”
They look back at the king, at a slight loss for words at the sudden donation before Lancelot strolls up to the king’s side and neatly places a stack of coins on the table as well. Sonic’s expression changes from surprised to pleased as he shoots him a wide smile from the side, and Lancelot makes the mistake of looking right at him. He curses himself for being drawn into his gaze, distracted, while they were in the presence of another. The knight swallows thickly and pulls away, face heating up despite not being under the harsh sunlight anymore.
It was… strange how it was sunny much more often. Or maybe it was Lancelot’s imagination.
“T-thank you… it’s truly a miracle that a king like you has come to rule our kingdom, but…” They look away, a forlorn expression on their face. Lancelot can’t fight off the icy dread nipping at his heart, his mind begging away the premonition to no avail, “Forgive me if this isn’t my place, but… I have heard rumours that you will be heading back to your world some time?”
The anxiety hits him full force once the question lands, gauntlet covered hands curling into fists at his side. He knows he can’t bear to look at the king now. Not now. But… like always, he still can’t find himself looking away from the other.
Except the flash of regret, – of sorrow and melancholy, –  in Sonic’s eyes devastates him like nothing else.
And it’s only for a moment, and not a moment longer, but it’s enough for Lancelot to understand.
“Yes, I—” He clears his throat, smiles as he scratches his head nervously, “The royal wizard, Merlina, has found a way for me to get back home.”
“I see… how much time do you have left, sire?” Lancelot almost couldn’t hear the owner’s voice over the sound of his own heartbeat.
“…I will be leaving in three days.”
For a moment, Lancelot feels nothing. Almost as if he’d been expecting it since the very moment he laid eyes on the king; but that couldn’t be true – deep down he knew that he wanted to serve King Sonic until the end of his days, and no one else. Until his final breath. Until crimson spilled and met with the soil beneath his feet in the name of honour, or until his old age finally put his battle-worn bones to rest.
But no thoughts of a peaceful or honourable death could put his mind to ease when the anguish suddenly poured in, as if the floodgates had shattered all at once.
He didn’t know what to think. What could he think when he couldn’t even figure out the source of his pain, let alone put a name to it? All he knew was that his chest hurt unbearably, and that he couldn’t bear to let go of someone like Sonic the Hedgehog.
“—H-hey, are you okay?!”
When the world came back into focus, he found both the shop owner and the king looking back at him with worried looks on their faces. Those wondrous, lively eyes so full of worry for him. For him.
Suddenly, he was overcome with the urge to laugh. Had he become so delusional to think that his feelings ever really mattered to begin with?
As a knight, he had a responsibility. And surely, as a mortal hedgehog, he had a heart. He knew well enough that he could not carry both in his hands, and so he chose to be a knight until the very end, just as he’d promised on that fateful day that he took the king’s hand and swore his life to him.   
“I’m… quite alright, my liege.”
Lancelot looked back at Sonic with all of his courage, and smiled at him with every bit of strength he could muster.
The king then sighs, face pulling into something almost irritated. Amidst the new surge of fear, Lancelot suddenly finds his wrist captured by the other as he’s pulled into a dark and damp alleyway near the back of the town, ignoring the questioning looks from the other townspeople.
He could barely make out the king’s face in the dim light from the side, but really, it was probably better this way. Although, who was he kidding? He’d already memorised his face down to the small, healed nick by the bridge of his nose that Sonic himself probably hadn’t noticed.
The king relented his grip on Lancelot’s quivering wrist, as they both stood to face each other, their backs to the walls. He huffs, crossing his arms and tapping his foot impatiently, “Okay, what’s up?”
“I mean—” Sonic pinches the bridge of his nose, “What’s the matter? What happened? Are you not feeling well or somethin’?”
“I’m… fine, sire—”
He clicked his tongue and sighed, “Take off your helmet; it’s easier to talk to you face-to-face.”
Lancelot stiffened. He… didn’t usually take it off while outside – it made it easier to obscure his face and somehow, he just felt more comfortable having it down during patrols. But it was rare to hear the other truly ask something of him, and so he was in no position to decline as a knight serving under him. Still, before he could stop himself, he spoke, “Is that a command, sire?”
A look of hesitation flashes over Sonic’s features, opening and closing his mouth before finally sighing, letting his arms fall to the side, “I… no, it’s not. I just wanted to—” He shakes his head, looking away a little embarrassed, “Never mind, forget it.”
There’s a careful beat of silence between them.
“…Is this because I didn’t tell you first?”
The shock that ran through Lancelot’s body was vicious, heart stopping at his words. Yet he shakes his head, even though he was far from incorrect in his judgement of Lancelot. Pathetic, pathetic Lancelot.
“It isn’t like it was my right to know.” He tries to steady his voice, despite the pin-pricking sensation in his chest, “It… doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter. You’re my right-hand man. You’re— you’re the person closest to me in this whole kingdom and I…” Sonic stops himself, unaware of the way Lancelot’s heart was caught in his throat, “I wanted to tell you first. That’s why I brought you out today. I didn’t mean for you to find out like this…”
Lancelot finally breathes, the tightness in his chest alleviating a little at the king’s reassuring words. Even if he weren’t his king, Lancelot would trust and respect him all the same; he’d earned that much all on his own. And with that, he loosens the sides of his visor, sliding it all off slowly as his red and black quills trickled out. Sonic looked on with surprise, shoving down yet another pang of nostalgia and longing as he saw the other as he was, stunning ruby eyes, quiet honesty, and awe-inspiring boldness in action. Lancelot set his visor on top of an old crate pushed against the grey stone wall, before setting his sights back on the king, similarly ignoring the way his heart rate spiked at the way Sonic had his eyes set on him.
Slowly his expression falls into something a little more downcast, ears drooping as he breathes out deeply.
“I’m sorry, Lancelot. You deserve better than this.”
This time, Sonic could see how Lancelot’s eyes widened at the words, and his heart ached in wonder of how much he’d wordlessly endured until now. It must not have been easy for him, serving under such a clueless and carefree king right after dealing with the abuses of a corrupt one.
But in Lancelot’s eyes, all he could think about was the fact that someone cared enough to that extent; to reach out a hand to him in battle even when he was covered in mud and grime, to laugh with him at small things, share a meal with him, to race with him against the sweeping winds that spoke to him tales of freedom and adventure, to walk him to his quarters at the end of each wonderful and star-speckled eve. He couldn’t possibly, reasonably, ask for more.
Yet, Lancelot couldn’t help but still be mysteriously drawn into him, almost like it was magnetic.
Could he really be blamed?  
“Is, uh… is there something on my face?”
Lancelot doesn’t catch the words at first, far too lost in thought. Too lost in Sonic. Anxiety doesn’t line his breaths anymore, just for a moment, because all he can think about is deep blue and emerald. All he can think about is how he wants to reach out and touch him, make him real – as if he, too, would disintegrate before his eyes like an illusion, like the fallen King Arthur.
But Sonic wasn’t like that.
Even if he would no longer be a part of this world in a few short days, he’d never give in or fade out, stubborn as he is. He’d never disappear like that, would he?
He was all courage and stupidly charming wit and a true follower of his own heart. And perhaps that was why he had such a hold over Lancelot’s own. He was forever burned into their lives, into their memories, regardless of whether he was there to lead them as king or not.
And so he reached out, heart pounding in his chest.
“W-woah,” Sonic laughed nervously as he watched Lancelot’s hand grow closer, “Lance, what are you…?”
“What am I…?”
He paused, mind fully going blank for the first time in his life.
“Oh. There’s… ah, dirt, on your left cheek.” Lancelot fibbed as he scrabbled to pull out a handkerchief, ice running through his veins despite the way his face burned all the way up to his ears. He willed his hands to stop shaking with all his might, and brought his hand up to the other’s cheek, ignoring the wide-eyed and flustered expression the other wore, “M-may I?”
Sonic slowly nodded, unblinking as the soft cotton of Maria’s handmade handkerchief brushed his cheek. Lancelot had hoped that he bought the lie, because he didn’t know what to do if he didn’t.
He doesn’t even know what to make of his own actions, after all.
His strokes are a feather light touch on short-hair peach fur that bloomed a delightful rosy tint that Lancelot would have savoured any other time. But right now, all he could do was hold his breath and hope that the other wouldn’t catch the way he couldn’t take his eyes off of him.
With his heart in his throat, Lancelot shakily breathed out a little carelessly, making the king’s shoulders flinch at the warmth as his eyelids fluttered shut. Despite that, he hadn’t said a word about all this. The knight finally pulled away and tucked his handkerchief back in his bag, leaning until his spines met the wall. It’s only then that he realises that they met in the middle, far closer than they needed to be, and yet King Sonic still hadn’t pulled back.
He looked at the ground, eyes stinging from embarrassment. The king truly is… a wonderful person.
And Lancelot couldn’t begin to think of how despicable he himself truly was.
On the way back, they walked in silence, tension too thick to cut through with their usual easy conversation, which only pained Lancelot more knowing how little time he had left to cherish their moments together. But right now, he couldn’t fathom thinking about anything but their time in the alleyway.
Shame burned like acid inside of him.
Why… had Lancelot done that? Why couldn’t he pull away like always? He knew better than to suspect the king of using witchcraft like he did before – he just wasn’t that kind of dishonest person, and he simply wanted something then he knew that Lancelot would lay down his life for him at his word. If anything, Lancelot was at fault for doing something as disgraceful as touching the king like that, but…
More importantly…
…Why was Sonic looking at him like that?
Lancelot slides a sealed letter under Gawain’s door, stepping away just in case the door swings open. Despite him feeling apologetic, he wasn’t keen on having a face-to-face conversation, especially not after what happened the last time he tried having one.
He made his way through the winding hallways, footsteps muffled by the crimson carpet laid out before him that seemed to run endlessly. The walls were a decadent light cream, framed portraits of gold lining the walls every fifty or so metres. Lancelot had spent enough time in the castle to count just how many there were; he knew this castle like the back of his hand.
At the end of the hallway, he finds one of the guards with a letter in his hand, carefully wrapped and tied with a dark blue string that would’ve looked black to anyone else. He nods to the guard as he hands over the letter to Lancelot, although the knight has a feeling he knows where it’s from and what it’s about.
Lancelot unties the letter, the string undoing itself rather gracefully with one swift but careful tug. He reads its contents once, and then again, just to really burn it into his memory. It was King Sonic’s handwriting after all, and at this point, what did he have to lose?
A heavy feeling settles into his gut, contrasting the steady beat of his heart pounding. He couldn’t let up now – he couldn’t be afraid.    
He swallows dryly, although it does nothing to clear the lump in his throat. Both reading the letter and saying it in his mind made it real, as much as he didn’t want it to be real; today really was the final day.
Lancelot had humbly requested the king’s presence; a request that defied everything he had been taught up until his knighting. But… King Sonic was a strange one; full of life and humour and charisma, full enough that he had no such room for attachment to formalities. Each time he’d been addressed as king, there was a hint of shyness that was easily overtaken by his usual demeanour not a moment later, followed by words along the lines of, “Just call me Sonic!”.
If this had to be his last day, then Lancelot would adhere to a balance for his sake, even if it wasn’t commanded of him. He was such an unusual king, uprooting all that they’d known and creating a pact uniquely his own; to follow your heart, so that you may do good for yourself and those around you.
Any other king, Lancelot might’ve questioned those words. But King Sonic had just as much strength as he did grace and imperfections, and that made him all the more beloved to his kingdom.
He held a fondness for his king that he’d never felt for the fallen King Arthur. A fondness that feels familiar but different in many ways from his sister. A fondness that he still didn’t understand to this day.
Try as he might do his best to defend Arthur’s honour as a king, he could die for his sake, but he could never say that he would weep for him, even if he was ever good.
But… King Sonic…
He was different. He was always different.
Lancelot steps out the castle gates, Arondight tucked into its sheath by his hip and a showy confidence in each step that he wished he truly possessed. It was all just a performance; no one could begin to gauge the ache from the gaping hole in his chest as he pushed through the crowds of townsmen, gaze focused on the violet fields at far reaches of the grassy plains, right where the horizon kissed the outskirts of Camelot.
As soon as Lancelot’s shoes touched the grass at the end of the stone path, he took off at full speed. He couldn’t bear it anymore – he couldn’t bear to waste a second longer away from the king. Their king, his king, even if he could no longer remain as such. But only Lancelot would know how much he meant to him, and maybe it should simply stay that way.
The deep woods aren’t as thick or treacherous as they usually are, and it’s only after a moment that Lancelot notices the dirt path leading out. He smiled to himself as he followed it, knowing full well that the only person who could do something like running back and forth enough times to make a permanent path in the forest would be the fastest thing alive, Sonic the Hedgehog.
At the end of the clearing, he sees him, armour-free and vivid blue against the violet-spotted grass, and it takes every ounce of self control in Lancelot to not trip up over himself at the sight of the king. Even besides being undignified, he couldn’t bear to think of how he’d feel if Sonic saw and tried to help him up. He still couldn’t forget the lingering feeling of Sonic’s hand brushing against his arm from days past.
And oh, how he would miss it dearly.
When the king turns around, his expression brightens tenfold. Lancelot can’t even fight off his own smile as he approaches the other, heart thrumming against his ribcage like butterfly wings batting wildly. 
“You came.” Sonic breathes out, closing the formal distance between them. 
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. After all, it is I who requested your presence.”
“Took you long enough to finally start making demands of me.” He laughed lightly, toothy smile as charming and heart warming as always, “Too bad that… it's the last day.”
A silence treads between them; questions, hundreds of them probably, lingered in the space between whiffs of fragrant flowers and sun-kissed fur. Yet only one honest query made it past Lancelot’s lips.
“Sire…” He starts hesitantly, clearing his throat before Sonic catches onto the tremble of it, “Forgive me but, is this really what you wish?”
“I…” Sonic stops himself, shakes his head as if he can’t make himself say what he truly wants to. Lancelot wishes he would. “It's like I said, everything has its end. Every adventure has its end. I’ll… be leaving to see Merlina after this – I just wanted to see you first.”
Lancelot stops breathing for a moment as Sonic pulls out two letters from his quills, a flash of vulnerability across his expression that he just barely caught.
“This is for the next person who pulls out Caliburn,” He smiles at Lancelot though it doesn’t reach his eyes, handing him one of the letters before pulling out the letter with the gold stamp and placing it firmly in his hand, overlapping his own, “And this is for you. Please… don’t read it until later, okay?”
And before another word could be uttered from the knight, he was held in a sudden embrace, Lancelot’s body stiffening from the contact but melting into the touch within moments all the same. There was just something different about him, something he couldn’t place his finger on quite yet – something he should have been able to figure out as he felt the king’s heart race against his own bare chest.
Sonic pulled back hastily, “I couldn’t do that to you. I couldn’t do that to my… Shadow.”
“Your… shadow?” Lancelot wondered why he was referring to him with that old name again. He hadn’t heard it since they first met, so why now?
There was a fond, but melancholy look on his face, as though his eyes were searching for something beyond Lancelot.
Something, or someone, just was great as the king was.
“Yeah.” And there was that smile. “My shadow.”
This time, he looked straight at Lancelot; emerald eyes boring into his, with a voice that was drenched in a longing sadness he’d never imagined the king would bear within him. A burden Lancelot so desperately wanted to bear, so that he may alleviate his troubles. Anything to cease his suffering.
But something within him cried out, as if warning him that learning the truth behind those words would undoubtedly crush him.
“It is alright, your majesty…” Lancelot pulled farther away from his touch, already feeling the cool air creep in absence of the other’s warmth. But that was quite alright, because the cold was still familiar enough. “I think I understand.”
And then he heard the king’s breath hitch.
Till the end, he was certain; his life belonged to him.
Even as he kneeled, as he’d done so many a time before, no one’s presence filled his soul so overwhelmingly. Nor his heart so deeply.
Lancelot reached out his hand to hold the king’s in his own, just as he’d done during his inauguration. Feeling the wind begin to settle, he felt King Sonic’s hand gently slip into his with care.
He hung his head, hearing his very own heart pounding in a way he didn’t know what to make of. And over the sound of the howling wind, he heard the words…
“Thank you…” A beat of silence between them as the world stood still for just a heartbeat, “Remember that your destiny is in your hands, but… someone will come for you. I promise, Lance.”
A sharp chill ran down Lancelot’s spine as Sonic squeezed and then carefully pulled his hand away; something about his tone, the uncharacteristic vulnerability behind it, made him look up to face the king against his better judgement.
Just like before, he was gone without a trace. Without another word. 
And so Lancelot thought hard to himself, emotions running high while he remained rooted on the spot, as to what everything could mean.
Whether these feelings were ones meant between the strongest of kings and the most loyal of his knights.
Whether such ideals even applied to a king such as Sonic, who had no desire to adhere to a set-in-stone knight’s code, and would rather follow his heart.
Or whether this is what it meant to truly follow his heart. To know affection so deep, a pull stronger than what Gawain knew as honour, and what Percival knew as duty. Far stronger than what Lancelot knew as loyalty.
The blow of reality coursed through him with such a crushing force that it would only be described as heartache. Because even if that rang true, it would not be until he was gone like the wind, that Lancelot realised he had been in love with the wind itself. 
It was always destined to be a fruitless endeavour, he thought as he felt his heart fall to endless depths in his despair, and as his vision began to blur.
After all, he was a shadow of the flame that burned the brightest.
And one that went out just as quickly.
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reading lansoni fics is driving me INSANE
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cwjf-au · 5 months
can we just forget - general masterpost
Summary: It's been around a month since Merlina's defeat and subsequent disappearance. Sonic was crowned king, following hushed assurances that he would find someone better suited to take the role than him. Even if his heart aches for the people he's saved, he can't stay. It'd just be easier to forget him, even if the trouble brewing underneath his very shoes says otherwise.
Cross-posted from my account on fanfiction dot net. More information about the story to follow under the read more.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three
General information that might need to be cleared up:
Character Changes:
Sir Percival is trans masculine, but keeping in line with what's more common in Shakespearean plays, it's meant to be ambiguous. Sonic isn't aware of this.
Sonic himself is trans masculine as well. This will come into play later.
The blacksmith (the version of Tails in SATBK) is known as Kay. Will it be relevant? Yeah probably.
General Fic Things:
The fic is focused on lansoni (Lancelot x Sonic) slowburn. There is mostly Percival and Sonic interacting in the first two chapters though. Sorry, I think he's neat.
It's not historically accurate to the time period because I'd get a migraine, and there are custom characters that aren't heavily focused on.
Link to the original fic posted on ff.net is here.
No content warnings apply so far.
"#cwjf au" or "#can we just forget au" are preferable hashtags. I'm not gonna police you if you don't use them though.
0 notes
sonics-left-shoe · 2 years
A Wander
Gen, Lansoni content
"You speak the dialect, Sire?"
The towering castle walls are the strongest thing for miles around.
It is built of stones of varying shapes and sizes, each one as unique as the other. From a distance they are a uniformed grey, from up close it is a mosaic of weathered stones.
But together they create the grand castle, the crown of the landscape and protector of the people.
Lancelot studied the various stones.
"Each of them nobody would think anything of, were they loose by the roadside." He pondered.
Besides his regular duties, Lance is often requested to accompany the King on his daily outings. Typically a stroll through the hustle and bustle of a local market, stopping to know every detail about the many items for sale, or simply a walk into the depths of the nearby woodlands.
Not that Lance ever complained, he didn't mind in the slightest.
Today they had made their way to one of the far corners of the kingdom, to the marketplace of a much smaller village. They had explored plenty of the main surrounding areas, the King was excitedly determined to discover everything his land had to offer.
The charming curiousity that gleamed in Sonic's eyes was something Lance wouldn't dare oppose to.
"So, whaddya think?"
Tugged from his thoughts, Lancelot couldn't resist a grin upon the king's choice of fashion.
"I don't think this jester hat looks too bad with the crown, huh Lance?"
Much to the dismay of the hat stall keeper, he found himself laughing near to tears once again with the King. He knew better, of course, yet Lance couldn't help but get caught in Sonic's ever-contagious laugh.
Such loose formalities with the King was still a foreign idea,
"It suits you wonderfully, Sire."
Yet Lance had enjoyed getting to know him as if he were a regular townsfolk.
Sonic let out a comedic gasp before collapsing into another fit of laughter.
"Okay, okay, but I'm still getting the hat!"
It was wonderful.
"As you wish, Sire."
Getting to know all the many stories of adventures with aliens in space, creatures of water taller than the tallest mountains, tales of ancient gems and the power they held, Lance would never tire hearing about them.
Though Sonic missed his world greatly, it was comforting to know how he still may find the joy and beauty that this world has to offer.
"Wych, diolch!" Sonic waved the stall keeper goodbye and joined the knight.
Lance curiously glanced to the king beside him, "You speak the dialect, Sire?" Hoping it wasn't an absurd question.
"Not completely, but I know some words here and there." Sonic chuckled, "You pick it up eventually, especially with how much we come down to these places!"
The knight grinned, nodding in agreement.
"With all the places I've been, the people I've met and the languages they speak, talking to them in their own language means more than just talking to them in a language they understand, yknow? There's so many different ways we could talk to eachother, so many different words and signs, it's beautiful how everyone has their own way of doing it."
Lance dwelled the king's words in awe, as if spoken like poetry.
"Ydw, mae'n fendigedig.."
The pair shared a blissful smile, every day was a gift with the new King. Forever grateful to experience the time he has with Sonic. May his beloved Arthur rest easy, knowing the Kingdom is safe in their hands.
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