Younger Tristan once ‘crowned’ younger Lancelot with a flower crown,declaring him the other king of Liones
Meliodas remembers when they tell him their together
Meliodas, after they tell him: So, Tristan, does that make you King now instead of Prince, or...?
Tristan, confused: What are you talking about, Father?
Meliodas, casually: Oh, you know, since Lancelot is the other King of Liones and all.
Lancelot and Tristan, very confused: ...
Lancelot: Excuse me, Uncle Meliodas, but what the hell are you talking about??
Meliodas, grinning: You really don't remember when Tristan "crowned" you, Lancelot? For an entire week, he kept insisting we address you as "Your Majesty" and "King Lancelot".
Tristan, eyes widening, mumbling: Oh goddess, I didn't think anybody remembered that.
Lancelot, remembering: Oh.
Lancelot, grinning and turning to Tristan: So? You didn't answer his question, Tris. Are you my King?
Tristan, blushing: Lance!
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zak-dar · 2 years
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I have no powers, so I leave it just like this, ok?
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masteranddubstep · 3 years
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trapbooay · 4 years
The FifthGuys, Levianth, Lanstan — Hold Me Down
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intoperu · 4 years
The FifthGuys, Levianth & Lanstan - Hold Me Down
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I give you my first real piece of content for this lovely fandom<3
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Imma write some 4kota fanfics
There's currently so little of it, I know it's not just me who's craving more of it, and so, I shall try my best to provide to the people based on the ideas that have popped into my head so far, lmao
Currently have an idea for a Lancelot x Reader story (Most likely male, gn, or nb reader, there also might be smut, idk yet, we'll see where the characters take me)
And then also a lovely idea for a college roommate AU for Tristan x Lancelot that's super fluffy <3 (it MIGHT end up with more than one chapter but I'm not entirely sure yet)
Besides that, I'll have to wait for more ideas. Maybe you guys can inspire me? I make no promises that everyone's ideas will be made into stories cause sometimes my brain just doesn't let me no matter how much I may like the story idea, but if you guys drop some random prompts/ideas down below, I can try my best to get some other stories out besides the two I have planned!! (If I write something based on your idea, I'll cred you and your lovely brain <3)
The only thing is 1.) I won't write Gawain with a guy or Nasiens with a girl romantically for obvious reasons and 2.) I won't write anything for Chion atm just cause I haven't quite figured out his character yet and therefore don't feel comfortable writing for him yet (besides him being a background/side character). But besides that, I'm a multi shipper and I write reader inserts so throw something at me!! I also write platonic/general stories, too!!
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1. it’s been a secret for the longest time
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A/N: Hey, guys!!! I've been working on this story for about a week or so, I'm so excited to finally be posting it!!! A couple of weeks ago, I became absolutely obsessed with the song inspiration for this and eventually my brain started applying it to Trilance and I'd say the result is absolutely beautiful. This is actually Chapter 1 out of at least 2 (though I might continue with more than that if people really want me to). Originally this was going to be much longer, it was actually going to include a whole smut scene which would've almost doubled the word count at least, maybe even fully doubled it, but my laptop needs to charge and I need to go to sleep, lmao. So you guys get part one now and part two sometime tomorrow!! Imma have to go back through and do some proofreading later on, but for the most part, it should be good to go!!! Happy reading!!!
Pairing(s): Tristan x Lancelot
Summary: For months now, Tristan and Lancelot have played a game of secret flirting, lustful longing, and maybe even something a bit more. But now that a certain date has finally been set, they're running out of time to decide what they want and Tristan decides he's going to finally make a move to advance things forward.
Tags: Aged up characters (somewhere around 21-24), alcohol, sexual tension, slight Guinevere bashing (💀💀), cheating/infidelity sorta (depends on how you look at it, I guess? But people have tried to come at me for not tagging cheating in the past, so, lmao)
Song Inspiration: Shameless By Camila Cabello (Highly recommend, btw)
Word Count: 4,883
Not beta'd, all mistakes are my own.
[Series Masterlist]
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9]
[Read on AO3]
[Author Masterlist]
Lancelot holds his breath as he waits. It's time. This is when he always shows up. Well, when they always show up, but he could care less about her. It's only him that he's concerned about. And there he is. Right on time. He watches from across the crowded club as two people come in through the front entrance. The flashing lights of the paparazzi that have followed them here were barely noticeable thanks to the heavy door blocking the club from the outside world quickly closing behind them.
A pinkette and a silverette make their way through the dancefloor slowly, stopping and talking to people, going by the bar to get their first round of drinks. Both of them are the closest thing to royalty you can get in their country, and in this club that means they are royalty as far as anyone is concerned. And they definitely live up to the title. A prince and a soon-to-be princess.
They're both beautiful. Stunning, even. They're shining stars, a picture perfect couple. The ultimate couple goals. Their life is perfect and nothing could be better. Everyone wants someone to love them like those two love each other. All anyone wants in life is to find someone who treats them as well as the prince treats the princess. That's all according to the world-wide media, anyways. But again, Lance doesn't care about anyone but the prince.
Finally, after a few minutes, they make their way over to where Lancelot is. Because of course. If they're the prince and princess, then he's a nobleman, his father being the royal advisor to the King himself, after all, if he were to continue his kingdom metaphors. He could even go so far as to say he was a family friend, though he's personally never spent much time with any of them.
"Lancelot, hello!" The princess addresses him kindly. "How have you been?"
He meets her eyes reluctantly. Not because he's afraid or intimidated by her, quite the opposite, in fact. There's just better places for him to look at right now. "I've been well, and you, your majesties?" He tacks on his little nickname for them with a playful grin.
She flushes slightly, but just shakes her head at him with a roll of her eyes while the prince beside her lets out a deep chuckle that absolutely lights Lance up inside. "We've been very well, isn't that right, my love?" The prince looks from Lance to the woman beside him as he speaks.
"Oh, yes, so much has happened recently. We must catch you up once we've finished making our round of greetings." The princess looked to be positively bursting with excitement. She then looks to the rest of his booth with curiosity and confusion, seeming to just now notice the lack of a brunette beside him. "Both of you. Where's your princess, Lance?" She questions, a mischievous spark in her eyes as she teases him with his own nickname for her.
Oh gods, don't let her hear you call her that. She would never let any of us live it down and then we'd have some real problems. He thinks with a mental sigh of exasperation. "She had a business call to attend to, I'm sure she'll be back by the time you two are." He states politely.
They both nod. "We'll be off then, see you in a few." Is called back at him as they turn and walk away. He shakes his head and turns back to the table, downing the rest of his drink in order to keep himself from staring at the Prince's backside as he walks away. He sets his glass back down and tilts his head back, closing his eyes and sighing as he sags in his seat.
The prince and princess. Tristan Liones and Isolde Connors. Son of Meliodas Taizman and daughter of Chester Connors. Chester is someone who started out as nothing more than average middle-class and managed to work his way up the ladder and into the livelihood of the rich after finding a way to create a new piece of technology that allows people to rediscover long lost memories.
Meliodas is the Mayor of the city of Liones, the capitol of our country and the biggest and most populated place in all of Britannia. He's married to the previous Mayor's daughter, so some like to say that he didn't rightfully earn his place as leader of the people, but the truth is, he had already started making a name for himself before he'd even met his current wife, through his connection with the Sin Committee.
They were a group of activists who came from out of town. They're an interesting mix of people. Each of them have their own individual cause that they wanted to focus on the most, so they'd be in charge of that topic, situation, idea, etc. But whenever there was a protest or a meeting or a vote, all the other members would gather to help out. There was 7 of them, so they each chose one of the seven deadly sins to use as a code name, which is also where their official group name came from. They gathered for all kinds of stuff. Protests, uprisings, voting polls, they made speeches and outed assholes who tried to make themselves look good. And they didn't just do it in Liones, they did it all over Britannia. Danafall, Edinburgh, Benwick. They were changemakers and they were damn good at it.
They were planning on eventually traveling out of Liones and continuing on, but then Meliodas met the mayor's daughter, Elizabeth Liones. And he decided to stay so that he could be with her, settle down and actually grow out some roots somewhere. And the rest of his group followed suit, each one finding some reason or another to stay here and build an official life for themselves. Eventually Meliodas and Elizabeth got married and not long after, Meliodas ran for Mayor as Elizabeth's father stepped down.
So, the prince. Yeah, Lance thinks it's a pretty fitting name, considering the whole damn city is named after his family. That choice of nickname definitely doesn't have anything to do with the fact that if told to, he would immediately fall to the man's feet and do whatever else was asked of him without hesitation. It definitely doesn't have to do with the fact that for months, the only constant thought in his mind is what Tristan's skin might feel like and how his lips might taste. And it definitely doesn't have anything to do with the fact that Lance has never wanted any man, any person, more than he's wanted Tristan Liones. Definitely not.
"What's up with you? Tired already?" A voice breaks him from his thoughts as the brunette slides into the booth next to him, having finished up with her phone call.
The only thing making me tired is you, Lance thinks wryly. "No, just lost in thought, thinking over some stuff." He replies, flashing her a quick half-hearted smile. "Isolde and Tristan stopped by to say hi. Isolde says she wants to tell us about some things. They should be back anytime now." He informs her.
"Oh good, it's been awhile since we've seen them, it'll be good to catch up." She states, smiling as she loops her right arm through Lance's left one and leans her head on his shoulder. Lance suppresses a sigh and places an arm around her shoulders out of obligation more than anything else, the girl under his arm sighing contentedly and snuggling closer. He grimaces, glad she can't currently see his face. Luckily, he's saved from having to linger too much on her, as Tristan and Isolde take that moment to appear once again.
"Oh, Guinevere, you're back! Lance said you would be back before we were, but I was worried when he mentioned it being a business call." Isolde admits to the woman at his side.
"Oh, it was nothing, everything is fine now." Guinevere waves her hand in front of her with an air of nonchalance.
Lance stops focusing on the women's interaction as he finally gives in to his urge that's almost instinct by now to look at Tristan. Tristan, who currently appears to be burning holes into Guinevere's arm with his eyes, glaring directly at where her arm is looped with his. Oh. Jealousy was not something seen often on the prince, but Lance is just now realizing that it is a very good look on him. Especially when it's about Lance himself.
Tristan must've felt Lance's eyes on him because his multi-colored eyes were suddenly meeting bright red. Lance's breath hitched. He was suddenly pinned by the hot spark in those green and blue irises of his. Something had changed, had finally shifted in this long game of theirs. He knew right then that tonight would be different. He didn't know how yet, but he was excited to find out, and he made sure to hold his realization and how he felt about it into his expression, with a hint of questioning. The silver-haired prince shook his head with a quick wink, just the tiniest of movements that no one would notice unless they were specifically looking for it. 'Not right now, you'll see.' Is what he was saying. Lance gave a nod in acknowledgement, another barely there movement, and smirked. Tristan is the only reason he really even continues to come here and he never disappoints, not that Lance has ever expected him to.
"So," Tristan speaks up then, clearly having paid enough attention to the other conversation happening to know when to interrupt. "Shall we head up to the lounge? It's so much easier to talk privately up there." He suggests, looking away from Lance and between the pinkette and brunette.
"Oh, yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea." Guinevere says, already getting up with her drink in hand. Lance follows suit as Isolde chimes her own agreement and the four of them head up the club's spiral stairs, the prince and princess leading the way and Lance swears that Tristan is swaying his hips slightly. Gods, he'll be the absolute death of me, Lance groans inwardly.
They enter one of the VIP lounges, the one they enter completely empty except for the bartender at the bar in the back of the room. Lance orders a second drink as the other three go sit down and he walks over to join them soon ever. When he reaches the table that they chose, he freezes for a moment. The place that was picked to sit at was a round, single booth with two spaces to enter it. On Lance's right, he could easily sit down right next to Guinevere, just like he always does, just like he should. But next to Guinevere is Isolde and next to Isolde is Tristan with an open spot right next to him and for a split second, Lance genuinely considers turning to the left and sitting next to the prince. But he catches himself and dutifully takes the spot to the right.
As he slides into his seat and places an arm across the top of the booth behind Guinevere's head, he looks to Tristan with nothing but a deep longing, finding the same emotion reflected back at him. He swallows and turns away from him, afraid he might do something stupid if he continues looking at him in that moment.
"So, Isolde? What's all this exciting news you guys have to tell us?" Lance asks as he looks at her, an eyebrow raised as he takes a sip of his drink. He notices out of the corner of his eyes that Guinevere also turns to her as she leans into his side again. He forces himself not to shift away from her.
Isolde suddenly gives out a quiet squeal. "Okay! So," She looks at Tristan for a moment before turning back to them, Lance watching as the positions of the prince and princess mirror almost exactly Lance and Guinevere's. But he doesn't think much of it as Isolde continues talking. "Tristan and I have finally gotten a date for the wedding figured out!!" She exclaims happily, positively beaming. Guinevere gasps and shares in Isolde's excitement, the two women taking a moment to ramble together.
Tristan gives out a low chuckle and Lance turns to him again, something off about the sound that escaped him. The prince seems tense, his expression tight, and it becomes clear to the blonde that his chuckle wasn't born out of any kind of amusement, though it could easily appear that way to the two others in their party, as they were barely paying him any attention in this moment. Lance's brows furrow, a slight tilt of his head asking Tristan what his reaction was for. Yeah, so they figured out a date for the wedding already. Not ideal for Tristan, he was sure, but-
"Yes!" The fakest smile he had ever seen to date plasters itself across the prince's face. "August 28th." He states. "Of this year." And right there was the answer to Lance's question. Four months. Tristan and Isolde were getting married in four months. The public had only known them to be engaged for three.
"Ohhh, an end of summer wedding will be beautiful." Guinevere says in awe.
"Oh, won't it?" Isolde coos, her hands clasping in front of her.
"In just four months, huh? That's a lot sooner than I would've expected." Lance pipes up, his eyes not having left Tristan's at all yet.
"Yes, well, Isolde just couldn't wait any longer." Tristan states. "And apparently neither could my parents. August was supposed to be a completely unavailable month. But upon hearing that August was ideal over September or November, he completely canceled all matters of business for the month. That way we could have "the pick of the lot", he said." Tristan spat out, his words getting colder as he continued, and this time it didn't seem to be for a reason that he cared to hide.
Lance's suspicions were confirmed when Isolde spoke up next. "Oh, Tristan, cut your father some slack. I know you were excited for that trip, but your father just wants to help us in any way he can." She tells him, her voice on the verge of scolding. The tone made Lance almost scoff.
Tristan looked down at Isolde with a much softer expression than he had just a moment before and smiles at her. "You're right as always, I'm sorry. Forgive my thoughtlessness." And then the prince lays a soft kiss on the princess' lips, and the young nobleman has to look away quickly at the sight. Lance takes a long drink from his glass as he surveys the rest of the lounge outside of their booth, seeing it still empty as it was before. He's about to excuse himself for a moment, needing some air, when he's stopped from doing so.
"Isolde, do you mind if I talk to Lancelot privately for awhile? Most of the rest of your announcements have to do with the wedding more than anything else and Guinevere seems a lot more interested in those details than Lance does. Plus, I feel like I should finally get to know a bit more about the man. His father is practically my uncle and yet I feel I've barely spent any time with Lancelot himself." Tristan explains to his fiance, looking at her with casual questioning.
Isolde smiles at him, believing his explanation entirely. "Of course!" Suddenly she lights up even more. "Oh! Anne should be here soon, too! Guin, have you met Anne yet? You would absolutely love her!" Isolde gushes as she looks to the brunette.
Guinevere shakes her head. "Oh, I don't think so, but if she's a friend of yours, then I have no doubt that we'll get along." She states warmly. Isolde beams at her as Tristan exits the booth to let Isolde out and Lance follows his lead, letting Guinevere out. Isolde and Tristan share a peck on the lips and Lance turns to Guinevere to do the same, knowing she'll expect it.
"Take your time, don't rush, okay? I want you to have fun with your friends. We are here for that purpose, after all." Tristan points out to Isolde.
Isolde grins and throws her arms around him in a quick hug and for a moment, the smile on Tristan's face is back to being genuine, obvious affection on his face for the woman before him. Just not the kind that it's supposed to be. "Thank you. Have fun with your new friend, Trist." Isolde says before turning and looping her arm with Guinevere's, dragging her away as the brunette waves at Lance as she goes. Once the two of them have left the lounge and headed down the stairs to go meet up with Anne, Lance turns back to the booth, seeing Tristan already sitting once again. Lance sits back down as well, both of them choosing spots that allow them to be exactly across from each other.
They both stay silent for a few minutes, simply staring at each other, both seeming to be in quiet contemplation. Then Tristan breaks the silence first. "So, when are you and your fiancé going to make an announcement? The public doesn't even know that you two are engaged yet." He points out.
Ah, yes. His fiancé. Not by his own choice, of course. He doesn't have a single romantic notion towards her. In fact, he doesn't really have any platonic ones towards her, either. Guinevere is too arrogant for her own good and has way too big an ego, not to mention her whole I-know-everything attitude. It's all just a big turn off for him. But he's stuck with her. For now, at least. She's the person that his parents chose for him. Just like Isolde is the one that Tristan's parents chose for him. Some people have said recently that arranged marriages are way too old school and going out of style, but in reality, they're just as common now as they were 200 years ago.
"I'm not an actor like you, Prince Tristan." Lance tells him with a wry smile. "Guinevere is well aware that I'm not in love with her and she doesn't want to start up the wedding process until I do fall in love with her, because, apparently, she's absolutely certain that I will eventually."
Tristan tilts his head to the side slightly. "And how do you know that I'm acting with Isolde?" He asks, a hint of teasing in his tone.
Lance raises an eyebrow at him and he chuckles softly. "Considering you look at me in ways I've never once seen you even consider looking at her, I'd say you're more likely to be in love with me than with her."
Tristan's eyes widen as soon as the words leave his mouth and Lance's do, too, once his own words register in his mind. That right there was territory neither of had even dared go into before. There's never been any communication of feelings besides lust, passion, and curiosity. There couldn't be any romance between the two, could there? He was frozen, unsure how to recover from his own suggestion.
"Well. You certainly are observant, that's for sure." The silverette seems to have recovered faster than him, though his voice is much softer than it was before.
The topic switch definitely helps. Lance locks eyes with him, pouring every ounce of want he has for the man into his eyes without a single bit of shame or hesitation. "Yes, but you already know that, don't you?" Flashes run through his mind of all the times they've checked each other out or sent silent flirtations towards each other.
From the way Tristan bites his lip, he's thinking of the same thing. But instead of replying, he slides further into the booth, until he's in the middle of the half circle. He pats the spot right beside him. "Come over here." He orders.
Lance hesitates for a moment. Not because he doesn't want to be closer to Tristan. He knows that once he moves closer, it'll be the turning point of whatever this is between them. All of this is completely new. As he noticed before, he makes note of it again. Something is different about tonight. And he has a feeling he's about to find out exactly what it is. But he hangs back a little longer. It's like when a roller coaster reaches the top but then stops for just those extra few seconds, building up the anticipation so that you feel it just that tiniest bit more when the ride finally dips and takes the drop down. And it seems his decision was the right one.
When Lance doesn't immediately come over to him, Tristan bows his head down slightly, then looks back up at Lance through his lashes, an almost shy look on his face. "Please?" The single word comes out as half whisper, half purr and Lance suddenly feels the need to adjust himself. Fuck.
Lance slides across the booth until he's right beside the prince, only about an inch of space between their bodies. He's tense now. He doesn't know what to do with himself, where to put his hands. Eventually he decides to just place them on the table in front of him. He left his drink across the table, so he just lays his hands flat on the dark wood. Then Tristan places his hand on top of Lance's and he startles slightly, sucking in a deep breath at the contact. He can hear Tristan's breath hitch beside him and he knows that he must've felt it, too. The bolt of lightning that struck through to the very core of his being as soon as their skin connected. But Tristan continues despite it.
"Just take a second to relax, okay?" He says casually in a low voice. And then he starts moving his hand across Lance's wrist and over his arm slowly, causing Lance to do the opposite of relax. It felt like electricity was coursing throughout his entire arm, spreading out from where Tristan's hand was. He watches with wide eyes as the silverette's hand reaches the crook of his elbow and starts making it's way up.
"Relax, remember?" Is whispered into his ear as he feels the slight brush of hair against his cheek. He closes his eyes as his whole body shudders.
He tries his best to follow the instruction, urging his body to relax against the seat. Then Tristan changes the position of his hand slightly, pressing the tips of his nails against Lance's shirt and then lightly dragging them against the skin over his collarbone and Lance melts. His head falls back against the top of the cushion behind him and bites his lip as the other man's palm presses flat to the spot where his neck meets his shoulder, sliding up the side of his neck and over his collarbone, until his hand finally stops, resting gently against Lance's cheek. The electricity has followed his hands path, leaving a pleasant burn in it's wake, every part of him that's been touched feeling so warm.
He slowly opens his eyes as he sits back up, looking at Tristan. The prince has a look of pure awe on his face as he stares at him, as if something Lance just did has absolutely amazed him. Lance reaches up and threads his fingers into some of the hair at the top of the prince's head and runs them through it gently. Tristan's eyes flutter closed and he hums, a pleased sound. Once his fingers reach the tips of his long hair, he brings his hand back up and mimics what Tristan did, his hand curved around his cheek. When Tristan opens his eyes again, the blue and green in them is barely visible with how wide his pupils are blown.
"Lance." He whispers, his voice shaking slightly now. "I don't exactly know what it is going on between us. What all these feelings are and what they'll lead to. I know that I want you. I want you more than I've ever wanted anybody or anything in my entire life. But," He brings his free hand up to wrap around the wrist of the hand Lance has on his face, tracing small circles into his skin with his thumb. "I feel like it's something more than that. Like even if I finally have you, I won't be able to let you go." He admits, giving Lance that same shy look as before, but with a hint of fear in it this time. Fear of what, he wasn't sure.
Lance swallows before answering. "I think I know what you mean." Is all he whispers back. He has his own theories of what it all was, but he isn't sure he's ready to confront that just yet. Tristan runs his eyes over Lance's face a few times, like he's searching for something. Then they lock eyes once again and Lance suddenly realizes that it's not Tristan's voice that's shaky. Tristan himself is trembling. Before Lance can question him, he speaks up again.
"I don't know what it is," A fierce determination sparks in his eyes and Lance is both surprised and entranced by it. "But I want to." He says just barely above his breath. "I want to-" He cuts himself off, like he's afraid of what was about to come out of his mouth.
"What is it?" Lance asks him. "What do you want to do?" He brings his other hand up to cup Tristan's other cheek gently, looking at him pleadingly. Somewhere deep down, he knew exactly what the prince wanted, because he wanted it, too, but he needed to hear him say it first.
Tristan leans into his touch and lets out a sound close to a whimper. "I want to find out together. You and I. We could do it, you know. Because you were right. Of course you were. Isolde has never been anything more than a sister to me, a friend. I hate the idea of marrying her and everything that's meant to come with it. Tomorrow, I can break things off with her. Tell my parents that there's someone else. I don't care how mad they get at me. And then you and I, we can take this however far it goes, as long as you do the same. We can make our own choices for once instead of just always doing what everyone else wants us to." His own eyes are pleading now and the fear is even more evident. Lance realizes that the fear is of rejection. That his proposal will be brushed off and turned away from.
"And what would your choice be, Prince Tristan?" He asks, his own voice trembling.
"As of right now, my choice would be you, Sir Lancelot." Tristan says with certainty.
"What if I don't want that?" Lance asks him. Not because he's considering no. Not at all. Only because he's curious as to what the alternative is.
Tristan leans in slightly, taking his hand from Lance's wrist and reaching up to run a thumb down his temple and over his cheekbone before his hand lands on his jaw and stays there. "Then we won't continue this any further. I couldn't handle doing anything more if you don't want the same as me. But it's your choice. Kiss me right now and I'm yours. Walk away from me right now and we'll never be this close again, everything we've been doing will stop."
Lance looks at him. The answer was clear as soon as the idea left Tristan's pretty pink lips. Leave Guinevere and the stupid arranged marriage behind in order to pursue Tristan and see where the feelings between them go? It wasn't even a question. Lance gives him a grin. "Stupid of you to think that I could ever walk away from you." He tells him. And then Lance is crashing his lips against Tristan's.
A/N: So, how is it so far??? Did you guys like it?? Cause I honestly loved writing this. I love these boys sm and this AU was really fun to come up with. You guys will get the rest tomorrow!!! Please, lemme know all your thoughts on this!!! I hope you enjoyed it!!!! Love y'all 💜💜💜
[Lemme know if you’d like to be added to the tag list for this story and anything related to it!!!]
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"I'm in love with you, Tristan." He blurted out. "I think I've been in love with you my whole life. For as long as I've even been able to. I was just too much of an idiot to figure it out before now." Lance admits. Tristan just stares at him for a moment, his eyes wide and his lips parted in a silent gasp. But then his face softens into something else. He's got a brilliant grin on his face and his eyes sparkle.
Tristan steps closer to Lance, reaching his hand up and placing it gently on the taller boy's cheek, his fingertips just barely grazing his hair. "Yeah, you are an idiot. But so am I, so I guess we'll just have to be idiots together." And before Lance can even reply, Tristan is crashing their lips together.
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not necessarily an ask
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Tristan and Lance ✨
This is exactly the kind of asks I enjoy, actually 😭
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I will never get tired of making these, especially when they're for our favorite boys<3
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found more here <33
Honestly I love these sm, they're so fun, thank youuuuu <3
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Okay, okay, hear me out. Lancelot is half fairy AND he grew up in the forest, right? So it's very likely he has a very big knowledge of different rocks and crystals and whatnot, right? So imagine he likes giving rocks and crystals to Tristan because then Tristan, always wanting to learn new things of course, will def love it and treasure it, but also start asking Lance a bunch of questions about it and so Lance tells him everything he knows about it and he absolutely loves how Tristan just absolutely lights up in excitement over all the new knowledge <3333
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And Tristan as the reckless one ofc because that boy would not know the definition of "stop and think" if it smacked him in the face 😭
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Okay and for the flirting one, we both know that it's accurate and Lancelot would be soooo flustered upon realizing that Tristan is legit flirting with him, BUT I also feel like after they're finally dating, it would switch around a lot of the time because Lancelot would slowly start figure out this whole flirting thing and start getting payback on Tristan
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Lancelot hates how Isolde acts around Tristan and gets a little possessive
Lancelot and Tristan are both pretty possessive of each other just in general but whenever Isolde is around, Lancelot completely refuses to even stop touching Tristan. Like, he has to be touching him in some way whether it's holding his hand, having an arm wrapped around him, Tristan leaning his head on his shoulder. Just some kind of constant physical contact.
And he definitely does not ever leave Tristan and Isolde alone together. If Isolde's around, Lance completely refuses to leave Tristan's side, no matter what. He won't even budge.
Tristan always spends most of the time reassuring him and doing whatever he can to keep Lance calm while Lance just glares at Isolde the whole time 💀
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Tristan once broke the earring his mother gave him and cried,but Lancelot hugged him,later giving it to him,perfectly fixed
Tristan cried for so long afterwards, the poor baby felt so bad about it, and Lance just held him until he exhausted himself and he fell asleep. Lance give shim the earring again after he wakes up and Tristan has never been able to figure out how on earth he fixed it and Lance won't ever tell him how either
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2. now that you have me, do you want me still?
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A/N: Tada!!!! Chapter 2!!!! I've spent all day writing this because I kept getting distracted 💀💀 But I just wrote almost an entire 5,000 words in one day, I think that might be a new record for me, tbh, lmao. But lemme tell you guys, I absolutely love this. I think this is actually both the best and my favorite smut that I've ever written. It's slightly different than how I usually write it as well, but I think it's better this way, tbh. I hope you guys like it, too!!! Please read all the tags before diving into the chapter in case there's something in there that you don't wanna be reading!!! Enjoy!!!
Pairing(s): Tristan x Lancelot
Summary: Tristan and Lancelot go home together and finally take action on all the tension that's built up between them for the last 8 months.
Tags: Aged up characters (somewhere around 21-24), cheating/infidelity sorta (again, depends on how you look at it), smut, explicit sexual content, blowjob, anal, anal fingering, discussion of how gay sex works (you'll see what I mean, LMAO), I think that's it, but if I missed something that you think should be/want to be listed here, please let me know!!!!
Song Inspiration: Shameless By Camila Cabello
Word Count: 5,747
Not beta'd, all mistakes are my own.
[Series Masterlist]
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9]
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[Author Masterlist]
As soon as their lips are touching, he's completely gone. Lance usually isn't one for sweet things, but Tristan is an immediate exception to that. The other boy's lips have the faintest hint of strawberry on them and he vows to start appreciating the fruit way more than he used to. Tristan immediately slides his hands into Lance's hair and leans into him, trying to get closer. He can barely believe this was happening, that they'd finally gotten to this moment. He doesn't think he's ever enjoyed something as simple as a kiss as much as he's enjoying this one. This is a completely new experience for him. What surprises him the most is Tristan. If anyone has ever tried to claim that Tristan Liones is a bad kisser, they're sorely mistaken. Not like Lance himself is an expert or anything like that, but he's most definitely experienced some bad kissers. But Tristan is the complete opposite of those.
His lips are firm against Lance's, insistent. When Lance swipes his tongue across his bottom lip, he's instantly granted entrance. There isn't a single hint of hesitation in Tristan's actions. He knows exactly what he's doing and he's not at all shy about it. Lance tries his best to give the same thing back. His hand that was on Tristan's cheek now slips back to tangle in his long, silver hair, something that Lance has wanted to do since the moment he first laid eyes on the prince. He rolls his tongue over Tristan's and is rewarded with a quiet moan against his mouth. Tristan gives a slight tug to Lance's hair and he groans softly, his head tilting up slightly as the other man deepens the kiss. Before either one can do anything else, though, they both hear someone clear their throat loudly somewhere close by, causing them to pull apart and quickly turn in the direction of the person. Lance instantly relaxes upon seeing who it is, however.
"Oh, it's just you two." He says a little breathlessly. "Hey, guys." He says in a casual tone that he doesn't at all feel.
"Lance? You know them?" Tristan asks hesitantly. Lance looks at him. He looks nervous, his eyes flickering between the two other men standing right in front of their booth. He gets it. The two of them are both technically in relationships, as far as most of the world knows, and now they've been caught all over each other by people that Tristan knows as complete strangers. There's so many people that could use this information against them and that wouldn't be good for either of them. But luckily, Lance knows they wouldn't ever do such a thing.
"Yeah. These are my friends. Nasiens and-"
"I'm Percival!" Percy blurts in his usual loud, bubbly voice. "But most of my friends just call me Percy. It's so wonderful to meet you, Tristan!"
Lance watches as Tristan tilts his head in confusion and he chuckles. "Sorry," He whispers in Tristan's ear. "Percy tends to act very familiar with people even if he's just met them, it's just the way he's always been."
"O-oh." He replies. And then the most brilliant smile spreads across his face. "It's lovely to meet both of you! You're the first of Lance's friends I've gotten to meet and I can't wait to spend more time with you both in the future." He shoots Lance a look full of meaning and Lance feels a slight flutter in his chest, finding himself smiling back at him.
"We'd love that. But that can wait. It seems you two have somewhere else to be right now, yes?" Nasiens is giving Lance a look that's half knowing, half teasing, with a hint of something soft. Lance grins at him.
Percy looks confused and is about to question Nasiens but Lance turns back to Tristan and speaks up first. "Yes, that's right." His eyes question the silverette silently, making sure they're both on the same page. Tristan nods once, a smirk curling his lips.
Both of them slide out of the booth and stand up as Percy and Nasiens move back to give them room to do so. "I'll catch you guys later, yeah?" Lance playfully flicks Percy's forehead and then ruffles Nasiens hair slightly.
The black-haired man just huffs while Percy beams. "Of course!"
Lance and Tristan walk towards the lounge's entrance before stopping, turning to each other. "Your place okay?" Tristan asks, reaching forward to brush his hand against Lance's.
Lance catches his hand before he can pull it back and intertwines their fingers together. "Yeah, that definitely works. What are you gonna tell Isolde?" He asks curiously.
Tristan takes a step forward and reaches up with his free hand, placing it on Lance's chest. "I'll just tell her that we're gonna have a guy's night." As he speaks, his eyes leave Lance's face to instead watch his own hand as he slowly trails it down Lance's chest and toward his stomach. "You know. Get a bit drunk, play some games," Lance stops breathing as Tristan's hand moves down his torso and over his stomach, stopping right about the waistband of his jeans. Tristan looks back up at him as he finishes speaking, his eyes absolutely burning with heat. "Get to know each other." And Tristan pulls his hand away and takes a few steps back, grinning.
Lance sucks in a deep breath, nearly choking, much to his embarrassment. But Tristan has a knowing twinkle in his eyes, his expression one of mischief. He's a fucking tease. Noted. He shakes his head at the man. "C'mon, the guard at the back door owes me a favor." He smirks, leading Tristan out of the lounge with their still twined hands and to the stairs, both of them breaking apart as they go down them. Tristan then follows Lance through part of the crowd until they reach the back entrance to the club. Usually only employees can use it, but he did a favor for the guard usually posted there once and now it's time to ask for one back. He catches the guard's eye and gestures to the door and then both Tristan and himself. The man nods once and then steps to the side, letting them slip through. They were in the employee parking lot now. Lance looks around to see if anyone else is around before taking Tristan's hand again, seeing no one but the two of them there.
"You're a favor guy?" Tristan asks him, amused.
Lance looks at him and shrugs. "Are you complaining about me already?" He asks teasingly. As he walks towards the chainlink fence leading into the parking lot everyone else uses.
Tristan gives him a look full of mock-offense. "Oh, I would never."
Lance laughs. "You better not." Tristan steps forward and opens up the door in the fence, letting out a giggle that warms Lance all the way down to his toes. So many new sides he's seeing of the Prince now that neither of them are having to hide.
Tristan holds the door open for Lance, letting him go through before following him and closing the door behind them. "I assume you didn't bring your own car?" Lance asks, an eyebrow raised.
Tristan's cheeks turn slightly pink, like he's embarrassed. "No..." He trails off while giving Lance a sheepish smile. "Guess I really do tend to live up to that "prince" nickname, don't I?"
Lance's brows furrow and he steps forward, bringing his hand to Tristan's cheek. Tristan leans into his touch immediately. "Hey," Lance says seriously. "That's not a bad thing. I happen to really like Prince Tristan, I'll have you know." He smiles softly at the silverette.
The prince's mood lifts immediately. "Good. If you didn't, we'd have a lot of problems." He teases. "Now, I assume unlike me, you do have your own car with you, Sir Lancelot?"
"I do. And my apartment is about 10 minutes away." He leans down closer to Tristan. "And once we get there, we can continue getting to know each other." He says quietly, his voice taking on a huskier tone.
He watches as Tristan visibly shivers, his eyes darkening. "Lead the way." He says just as quietly. And so he does.
His car isn't too difficult to find and the car ride goes by quick. Soon enough, they're making their way down the hall of the 4th floor of Lance's apartment complex, stopping right in front of his door. As he pulls out his keys to unlock the door, Tristan wraps his arms around one of Lance's, leaning into him. He does it much in the same way that Guinevere does, but unlike with her, Lance doesn't mind it one bit. He likes it, even. He swings the door open and lets Tristan go in first, reaching in to turn on the light to his living room as he follows close behind, the door closing behind them.
As soon as Lance places his keys on the hook by the door, Tristan's lips are back on his again. Lance groans as one hand returns to the mass of silver hair on top of the prince's head while the other wraps around his waist and pulls him close. Tristan seems to purr as he wraps his arms around Lance's neck, his hands tangling in the hair at the back of his head. The prince nips at his bottom lip, seeming to demand entrance rather than ask for it, and Lance couldn't say no even if he wanted to. He pulls Tristan as close as he can with their current position, but it's still not enough.
As their tongues roll together and start to explore, Lance moves both of his hands down until he can grab Tristan's ass. Tristan lets out a whine and tugs on Lance's hair harder than he did before. Lance moans as he suddenly pulls up, bringing Tristan with him as he stands to his full height. Tristan wraps his legs around Lance's waist, pulling back from their kiss to start trailing his lips along his jaw and down to his neck, nipping and sucking at each spot his lips touch.
"Marks?" He asks breathlessly, lips moving against Lance's skin.
"You definitely won't hear me complaining." He grunts softly as he squeezes the prince's backside.
"Good." Tristan moans.
He then goes back to what he was doing before, paying extra attention to a spot on Lance's collarbone until Lance is sure he'll have a bruise there for at least a week. Lance moans, one of his hands moving up and under both the shirts Tristan is wearing, his hands sliding over the smooth bare skin of his back and sides. Tristan arches into him, his forehead leaning against Lance's jaw.
"I think now would be a good time to head to your bedroom, yeah?" Tristan asks, pulling back to look at him, bringing a hand to Lance's face and tracing a thumb over his lips.
Lance opens his mouth and nips at the tip of Tristan's thumb, the silverette gasping quietly at the action. "I was just gonna say the same thing." He grins.
"And yet, you're still just standing here." Tristan says with mock exasperation, leaning forward until their lips are grazing.
"So impatient." Lance mumbles playfully before closing the distance between them once again and starting to make his way toward his bedroom, thankfully only stumbling once or twice despite his lack of attention on where his feet were landing.
His bedroom door was already open and he pushed past it, closing it behind him with the weight of his shoulder. He makes his way over to his bed and leans over it until Tristan's back is pressed against his comforter. Tristan relaxes against the bed and Lance pulls away from their kiss in order to move down and suck on the pulse point on his neck. Tristan groans and trails his hands down Lance's sides, running them back up under Lance's shirt. He keeps moving his hands up until Lance has no choice but to stop his assault on the man's neck in order to pull back and let Tristan take his shirt off, the dark red henley being tossed to the floor somewhere.
Lance sits back on his knees, looking down at Tristan. The prince looks absolutely delighted, sitting up until he's also on his knees, trailing his hands up from Lance's stomach all the way up to his chest and shoulders. "What's that look for?" Lance asks him curiously.
Tristan grins. "Oh, nothing. It's just that, I knew you worked out, I just had no idea you worked out this much."
He runs his nails down the abs on Lance's stomach and Lance lets out a long hiss between his teeth. "You been stalking me or somethin'?" He asks as he starts unbuttoning the black dress shirt Tristan is wearing overtop something blue.
"Oh, it doesn't take much to find out, really. The internet really does know everything about you, don't you know?" And then the prince leans forward and wraps his lips around one of Lance's nipples, sucking hard on it.
"Shit." Lance moans in surprise.
Tristan pulls back and lets his now fully unbuttoned shirt fall off his shoulders and down his arms, revealing that the blue underneath is a tanktop. "Well, maybe not everything." He says. "The rest is for me to figure out myself."
Lance pulls the tanktop over the silverette's head, the piece of clothing getting lost along with the rest of them. "You don't seem too bothered by that fact, your majesty." He points out, amused.
Tristan starts planting kisses down the blonde's chest. "The first thing you should know about me, Sir Lancelot, is that I'm always down for a good adventure. Especially if it involves exploring." And then he pushes Lance to the side, making him land back against his pillows.
"That's definitely good to know." Lance grunts as he watches Tristan from his new position, the Prince moving closer.
His mouth goes dry when Tristan's hands immediately go to the button of his jeans, undoing it and pulling the zipper down. And then he slips his fingers underneath the waistband of not just his jeans but his boxers as well and tugs them down, getting them off with only a little help from Lance. Those are also added to the floor and now Lance is completely naked in front of the prince, his cock flushed red and hard against his stomach. Tristan bites his lip as he moves forward and straddles Lance's thighs, reaching down and wrapping his hand around him. Lance groans, bringing his hands up to run them up Tristan's thighs.
The prince pumps his hand along Lance's cock once, twice, then rubs his thumb over the head, precum dribbling out in response to his actions. But Tristan's eyes were on Lance's face, watching his reaction. "You're more reactive than I expected." Tristan admits, his voice husky and thick.
"That a bad thing?" Lance asks, trying to catch the breath that seemed hellbent on leaving him completely.
Tristan lets out a little giggle. "Not at all. The opposite, actually." And then the prince is leaning down, his body sliding down Lance's body slightly, his tongue shooting out and licking up Lance's cock from base to tip in one quick motion.
"Fuck!" Lance's hips buck up as he curses. One of his hands immediately tangles into the prince's hair again as he looks down at him. "You know, you sure do look pretty like that." He admits.
Tristan's eyes shoot up to lock with Lance's, a bright red flush blooming across his face at the compliment. Lance smirks at the obvious effect his words had. Definitely good to know. And then his train of thought completely shatters when Tristan's lips wrap around him, the silver-haired man not holding back one bit as he moves his head further down. Lance lets his head fall back against his pillows as he pulls on Tristan's hair, receiving a moan from the other man that Lance feels more than hears and he returns it with one of his own.
Tristan starts bobbing his head up and down and Lance lets out another curse. "Tristan." He groans out. Hearing his name spill from the blonde's lips seems to be something he greatly enjoys, as it only spurs him on, the man's mouth moving a bit faster now.
Tristan's free hand runs up and down Lance's thigh a few times before stopping to settle on the dip of his hips, running his thumb over the spot in a way that's almost the complete opposite of what his mouth is doing. Lance is panting now, his free hand gripping the fabric underneath him as Tristan continues his ministrations. He was getting close now, eight months worth of built up tension between the two as well as their make out session combined with Tristan's clearly well-practiced mouth on him, it was all too much and he wouldn't last much longer. And then the hand Tristan had on his hip trails up his torso and reaches for one of his nipples, pinching it between two of his fingers at the same time that Tristan stops at the head of his cock and sucks hard on it, and that's all it takes. Lance cries out as he cums, his entire body tensing and his body arching upwards. Tristan hums against him, sucking softer and then stopping completely as Lance's body finally relaxes again.
As Lance's eyes finally open again, Tristan's face is hovering right above his. Lance immediately wraps his arms around the prince's waist as his weight settles over him, his legs on each side of Lance's waist. Tristan slams his lips against Lance's and neither of them have to prompt it this time, their tongues immediately finding each other and Lance realizes that Tristan had saved the taste of him on his tongue, sharing it with Lance now. Lance bites Tristan's lip and then sucks on it slightly as he pulls away, causing him to let out a whimper as his still clothed cock pushes down against the blonde's stomach.
"Do you have lube?" Tristan pants.
"Yeah," He points at the dresser across from the end of his bed. "Top drawer. Condoms in there, too."
Tristan is standing up before he finishes speaking, walking over to the dresser and opening the drawer. Lance sits up and moves back, leaning against his headboard. Tristan quickly finds the bottle of lube and a couple of condoms, taking one of them and tossing both items to Lance as he turns back around, who catches them. Then he unzips his own jeans as he walks back towards the bed, Lance watching him the whole way.
"You look nervous, Lance. Don't tell me you aren't gonna finish what you start." Tristan says with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh, I fully intend on seeing this through, don't you worry." He assures before letting a slightly sheepish grin form on his lips. "Just never actually been with a guy before." He says honestly.
Tristan looks genuinely surprised at this, but he recovers quickly, his expression returning to what it was before but with, dare he say it, a hint of affection in his eyes. "Well, I don't think I ever would've guessed." He says, taking a moment to remove the rest of his clothes, leaving himself completely bare as he gets back on the bed. Lance's eyes look over his form, enjoying every single part of the view.
Tristan continues the topic. "But in that case," He says, placing himself in Lance's lap. "I'll just have to teach you a thing or two, won't I, big boy?" He whispers.
Lance swallows thickly, the nickname doing exactly what he's sure it was intended to. "Oh, you're kinky as all hell, aren't you?" He blurts out.
Tristan smirks. "You have no idea."
"Of course. What have I gotten myself into?" Lance asks teasingly.
Tristan lets out that damn giggle again. "The best lay of your life, duh." He rolls his eyes playfully.
"I could say the same to you." It was Lance's turn to smirk now as he grabs Tristan's hips and pulls the two of them flush together, rolling his hips against the silverette's.
Tristan gasps and moans, mimicking the motion. "Clearly you're ready to go again." He comments.
"With someone as stunning as you in my lap, how could I not be?" Lance questions.
That wonderful flush comes back, turning his already pink cheeks into a bright red. His expression turns into that same shy one as before and he doesn't respond, instead reaching out besides him, bringing his hand back between them, the lube now in it. "Gimme your hand." He tells him quietly, clearing his throat right after.
Lance holds back a snicker and does what he says, holding his hand out to him, palm facing up. Tristan holds his hand in place, leaving his fingers out and his palm empty. He flicks open the cap on the lube and turns it over, squeezing some of it into Lance's hand before closing it and tossing it onto the bedside table closest to them.
"Now," Tristan starts, dipping two of his fingers into the lube and then trailing them along Lance's fingers, slowly spreading the liquid. "I suppose it's not too different from fingering a girl. But boys don't have g-spots or a-spots or anything like that. There's just the-"
"The prostate, right?" Lance interrupts.
Tristan continues his slow covering of Lance's hands with the lube as he looks at him his head tilted and eyes amused, just as Lance's are. "Yes, that's correct. However, I would appreciate it if you raised your hand next time, Mr. Antin." Tristan scolds jokingly.
"My apologies, Mr. Liones." Lance jokes back.
Tristan gives him a small smile. "Yes, the prostate. It's not always the easiest to reach, but trust me, you'll know once you've found it. Okay?"
"Okay. I think I can handle that." Lance says, looking down at their hands as Tristan pushes the rest of the lube onto his fingers and intertwines his own fingers with Lance's, using it as a way to spread the lube the rest of the way over his hand.
"Good." And then he catches Lance's eyes and starts guiding Lance's hand down and around his back, moving down until he's pressing the tip of one of Lance's fingers to his entrance. "Start with one finger. Go slow at first." He instructs quietly, biting his lip yet again.
Lance keeps his eyes trained on Tristan's face as he slowly pushes his finger up and into him. The prince gasps softly, both of his hands coming up to grab hold of Lance's shoulders. He keeps pushing his finger in slowly, all the way to his knuckle. Then he pulls it out just as slowly, before repeating the process a second time. Tristan's lips part in a silent gasp, his entire body starting to quiver.
Lance pushes his finger into him a third time. "You doing okay?" He questions uncertainly.
Tristan nods quickly. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's just been awhile." He admits.
Lance nods as well in response, his hesitation gone. They stay like that for a few more minutes, Lance keeping his same slow pace, before he decides to speed up a little bit. Tristan groans, leaning forward and kissing over Lance's shoulder until he reaches the junction between his shoulder and neck, working on adding another mark to the blonde's skin.
After a few more thrusts of his finger, Tristan starts rolling his hips back to meet him halfway. "You can add another finger now." Tristan breathes, sucking on the spot right below his ear. Lance does just that, pulling his finger out and going back in with two. He reaches for Tristan's chin and tilts his head up so that Tristan is looking at him again. His eyes are cloudy with pleasure, his lips are chapped and swollen, his face is flushed red, and his hair is already an absolute mess. He looks incredible.
"Hey there, gorgeous." He says softly. The red on the prince's face darkens, just as Lance expects it to.
"You know, if you're already trying to g-get a second night," He rocks his hips back onto Lance's fingers with a moan. "It's w-working." He informs him.
"Is that so? Is Prince Tristan really that easy?" He wonders teasingly.
Tristan moves his hips faster and Lance speeds up to match his pace. "Oh, not at all. O-only for y-you." He says matter-of-factly.
"Well, I'm honored." Lance replies, watching Tristan in wonder. The other man is now riding his fingers and gripping his shoulders tightly, and when Lance adds a third finger, he lets out a low hiss.
"Ooohhhh, yes." The word is drawn out as the silverette's head falls back, his face towards the ceiling. And then Lance pushes up right as Tristan comes down and the prince cries out, his nails digging into Lance's shoulder.
"R-right there, you f-found it." Tristan gasps out.
Lance repeats his actions, then, making sure he keeps the same angle and pushes just as deep as before. The man on top of him pants and squirms as he keeps meeting his fingers. "S-so good. Ngh, you're so g-good." He praises.
Lance keeps on hitting his prostate, watching as Tristan becomes a wanton mess of pants and whines. Lance feels his own body shaking with need, the sight Tristan makes very quickly becoming the only one he ever wants to see. None of his past sex partners could ever even compare to the man with long, silver hair and blue and green eyes crumbling right before his eyes. If something were to interrupt them right now, he doesn't think he'd even care. If the world started to end right outside his window, he'd never even notice. His eyes are unable to look anywhere else but right at Tristan.
"H-hey, Lance?"
"Yeah?" Tristan is looking at Lance again now.
"I n-need you inside m-me. Right n-now. P-please." He urges pleadingly.
"Don't need to tell me twice." Lance groans, pulling his fingers out of him, causing him to whimper at the loss. The blonde reaches beside him to grab the condom off the bed. He tears it open and tosses the packaging onto his bedside table, rolling the latex over his now aching cock.
He looks back up at Tristan. "Where do you wanna be?" He asks him.
"Just right here, sir." Tristan says, looking at him through his lashes just like he did earlier that night, and his cock twitches, a wave of heat spreading over his entire body. Oh. Oh. Putting that away to figure out later.
"Works for me." Lance says, his words a bit shaky. He runs his hands down Tristan's back and over the curve of his ass, squeezing and then pulling him up.
Tristan falls forward against his chest with a gasp, reaching down to grab Lance's cock and line it up with his own entrance. "Ready when you are." He says breathlessly.
Without responding, Lance slowly pulls Tristan back down. The head of his cock pushes its way into him and the prince shudders against him as they both let out a long moan. Tristan inches his way down onto Lance's cock until he's fully seated before he stops, giving them both a moment to adjust and get used to the feeling. Lance, needing something to do with his hands, reaches in-between them to wrap his hand around Tristan's neglected cock. It's bright red and leaking, precum dripping onto Lance's stomach.
Tristan's hips buck slightly as the blonde pumps his fist a few times. "Fuck."
"I agree." Lance rasps, flicking his eyes between what his hand is doing and the expressions on Tristan's face.
Tristan's hands come up to cup the sides of Lance's face and he leans forward to connect their lips, the kiss slow and deep. Lance returns it without hesitation, bringing his free hand up to slide across his cheek and into his hair. Their tongues slide against each other and for a moment, Lance gets lost in the kiss. And then Tristan starts to move on top of him and he nearly chokes.
"Oh." Lance moans as Tristan pulls himself up slightly and then back down again, repeating the motion but moving higher as he does. "Oh, fuck."
"Been awhile for you, too, huh?" Tristan asks in a strained voice, going for teasing but it's half-hearted.
"Something like that." Lance replies, only partly paying attention.
Tristan kisses his jaw. "Well you better not make me do all the work." He remarks.
"Wasn't planning on it. Just letting you set the pace." Lance swipes his thumb over the head of Tristan's cock as he speaks.
"The pace I'd like to set is you fucking me." He groans out.
Lance breathes out a small laugh. "Your wish is my command, your majesty."
Lance takes his hand that's between them and wraps it around Tristan's waist, holding him close as he pulls on the silverette's hair hard enough to tilt his head back. As he trails kisses down his neck, he starts thrusting up into him, each thrust building up to a steady pace. Tristan wraps his arms around Lance's back, his nails digging into the backs of his shoulders. Lance mouths along Tristan's collarbone and down his chest, the prince's hands sliding up and into his hair as his head moves down. The blonde flattens his tongue over one of Tristan's nipples before sucking on it, his teeth grazing it slightly.
"S-shit, keep doing that." Tristan demands, his hands pulling at Lance's hair as he moves against him. Lance does as he's told, switching to the other nipple and doing the same thing to it a few times before pulling away. He leans back and slides down the headboard slightly, allowing him to change the angle of his hips slightly. On his next thrust up, he pushes in deeper and hits that same spot as before, his prostate.
"Ah, fuck! Lance!" Tristan nearly sobs, his forehead pressing into Lance's, their lips grazing with every pant and moan.
"Fuck, Tris." Lance growls, picking up his pace as he keeps that same angle. He was getting close again and he could tell that Tristan was nearly there as well. The man looked absolutely wrecked and Lance wanted nothing more than to see him completely fall apart above him.
"You're close, aren't you?" Lance asks him.
"So close." Tristan gasps, bouncing on his lap.
Lance speeds up, pounding up into him. "Yeah?" He reaches between them and grabs his cock again, pumping his fist in time with his thrusts. "You gonna cum with me, baby?"
"Ngh, yes. Gods, yes." Tristan whines loudly.
"Good." Lance grunts.
The two of them are moving together in sync and after a few more thrusts, they both come undone with a shout of each other's name, Lance forcing his eyes to stay open through his orgasm so that he can watch Tristan. The prince's eyes are squeezed shut tightly, his mouth open in a silent cry and he's gripping onto Lance hard enough to leave bruises in his skin, not that he's complaining. His entire body is tensed up, much like Lance's own, and his back is arched. Once function starts to return to his body, he gives a few more soft thrusts as they slowly come down from their high.
"Shit." Tristan curses shakily under his breath. Lance doesn't respond. Instead, he connects their lips in a quick, rough kiss, despite the lack of oxygen in their lungs currently.
They both pull back again as Tristan slowly lifts himself up and off of Lance's now softening cock. Lance pulls the condom off of himself carefully and ties it, placing it in it's previous packaging and then throwing it away in the small trashcan beside his bed. Tristan reaches down and grabs something off of the floor and when he sits back up, Lance sees that it's the blue tank top he was wearing earlier. He uses it to wipe his own cum off both of their torsos and then Lance takes it from him and tosses the shirt in the direction of his laundry basket.
Lance lifts his hips up in order to tug the comforter free from beneath him, the both of them adjusting until they can get underneath the covers. Tristan gives Lance a kiss that's slow and sweet before settling with his head against the blonde's chest and his arms wrapped around his waist. Lance wraps his own arms around the prince and their legs tangle together. He runs his hand through Tristan's hair a few times and the silverette makes a happy little sound as he leans into the touch, causing Lance to lean down and kiss the top of his head. Both of them are exhausted, and soon enough, they're drifting off into a deep sleep.
A/N: How was it??? Please tell me your thoughts, I love hearing them sm!!!! I'm super happy with how this chapter came out and I hope you guys are, too!!!
Do you want me to continue this as a series?? If so, what would you guys like to see in this AU going forward?? What situations would you wanna see?? What would you want me to focus on?? Etc.??
UPDATE: I will be continuing this series!!! But please do let me know what kinds of other things you’d like to see in this AU going forward and I’ll do my best to make it happen (As long as the story allows, ofc)!!!
[Lemme know if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series and any other stories relating to it!!!]
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Everytime Lance goes off on his own,he leaves something of his with Tristan,like a sweater
Lance will leave and Tristan will go to bed that night wearing one of Lance's sweaters and cuddling his lil fox plushy 🥺
Lance will always make his way to Tristan's room sometime before he leaves and just leaves an article of clothing behind on Tristan's bed for him to find whenever he goes to his room next and then whenever he gets back, Tristan will give it back and then he'll get something else the next time Lance leaves again<3
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One sure fire way for Tristan to fluster Lancelot is call him ‘Vixen’
works every time
I actually read a short lil fanfic where Tristan did this and I've absolutely loved it ever since.
No matter how many times Tris calls him that, Lance never gets used to it, despite trying to in order to stop himself from getting so flustered
But it still surprises him every single time and Tristan loves doing it so much
It makes things even worse for Lancelot when Tristan adds other adjectives or compliments along with it, or adds "my" to it, like "my vixen", "little vixen", "cute, little vixen", etc. And then Lance just goes completely red immediately
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