the-monkey-ruler · 6 months
Do you know all of Sun Wukong's children? I understand that King Paramita is Lady Iron Fan's son with Wukong(?). and that Yuebei Xing and her brothers are maybe children of Taiyin xing (the theory). Obviously I understand that they are not like something canon, however, it is interesting to know about them.
I can’t say that I do know every iteration that Wukong has kids but I can try to make a list of what I got at least! There are the non-canon kids of Sun Wukong that I know of at least right now. I'm sure there is more but these are the ones I know from media at the moment.
A Supplement to the Journey to the West (1640) 西遊補 (this is just a dream) Paramita 4 other unnamed sons
Journey to the South (1570) 南遊記 (unnamed partner) Jidu Luohou Yuebei Xing
Later Journey to the West (17th-century) 後西遊記 Sun Luzhen (adopted)
Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (2000) マーヴル VS. カプコン 2 Sonson
Westward Journey Online II (2002) 大话西游2经典版 Mind Monkey (unintentionally contributed to new Rock Monkey)
High School DxD (2008) ハイスクールD×D Bikou
The Monkey King's Daughter (2009) Meilin Cheng
New Journey to the West: Unexpected Jingxi (2017) 新西游之意外晶喜 Unborn child (with White Bone spirit) (also might not be his)
Adventure in Journey to the West (2018)大闹西游 Sun Wuyuan (disciple, but like it's obvious he adopted)
God of High School (2020) 갓 오브 하이 스쿨 Park Taejin (adopted)
DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration #1 (2021) Sun Marcus (hair clone treated as child)
The Chronicles of the Ranger (2021) 游侠战纪 Hou Mo (stone monkey, hard to say if direct descendant)
Monkey King (2022) 悟·空 Sun Xiaosheng (disciple, might be adopted)
American Born Chinese(2023) Sun Wei-Chen
Honorary mentions:
Monkey King: Hero Is Back (2015) 西遊記之大聖歸來 Jiang Liu'er Anan
My Dad is Monkey King (2021) 我的爸爸是齐天大圣 Li Yiyi (this is more symbolic than real dad)
Lego Monkie Kid (2021) 悟空小侠 Qi Xiaotian / MK (stone monkey, possibly related)
So this is NOT ALL of the children I'm sure but I'm sure as I keep posting media that the list with increase!
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centuryberry · 2 months
I love how Yue is like “they’re so little” when it comes to her brothers, but they’re already older than she was during part 1 lmao
now she understands why her parents doted on her so much, she really *was* a baby
I mean, things are a lot clearer when you’re in the other person’s shoes, right? Now that she’s no longer teeny tiny and (mostly) out of her survivalist mindset, Yue understands now why everyone treated her so gently and dotingly.
Her brothers are so small to her and she was even smaller - especially with the malnutrition before she landed in FFM.
Yue also saw how her brothers grew and developed and wonders why her family never thought she was strange. She definitely didn’t act like a normal toddler, even by yaoguai standards. (No, Red doesn’t count. He’s a natural prodigy and he still had some toddler-typical immaturity.)
The answer to that question, by the way, is that FFM as a whole are used to weird foundlings and don’t really have a normal measurement for the child development of a monkey yaoguai. Wukong popped out of an egg walking and talking and shooting laser beams. Macaque was forced to grow up quick when he was small. Shanzha was just relieved that Yue had the skills and smarts to survive (She also grew up alone and wasn’t literate until RinRin came into her life).
RinRin is the only one out of all of them who kinda was taken aback by Yue’s intelligence at first. But then, she just went with it since this was the child who caught her Master’s attention so of course she would be special.
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lmk-aus-galore · 1 year
Incorrect quotes for most of my AUs
Primate Brotherhood AU
Wukong: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!
Macaque: Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!
Wukong: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING MK WITH ME!
Chikao getting the monopoly with me: I think we’re gonna stop playing now.
Primate Brotherhood AU
Wukong: Everyone, synchronize your watches
Macaque: I don’t know how to do that.
Chikao: I don’t wear a watch.
Tongbei: Time is a construct
Children of the Sun AU
Louhou: Is stabbing someone immoral?
Wukong: Not if they consent to it.
Jidu: Depends who you’re stabbing
MK: YES???
Children of the Sun AU
Jidu, setting down a card: Ace of spades!
Louhou, pulling out an Uno card: +4!
Wukong, pulling out a Pokemon card: Jolteon, I choose you!
MK trembling: What are we playing.
Shi Hou reborn AU
MK: So, what, now I’m just supposed to do anything that Shi Hou does? I mean, what if he jumped off a cliff?
Macaque: If Shi Hou were to jump off a cliff, he would’ve done their due diligence regarding height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Shi Hou jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff.
MK: You jump off a cliff!
Macaque: Gladly. Provided Shi Hou did first.
Shi Hou reborn AU
Macaque driving Shi Hou and Macaque: So how was your day?
Shi Hou: We almost got surprised adopted!
Macaque: What?
MK: We almost got kidnapped
Macaque: *slams breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
Ghost Tripitaka Au
Tripitaka: Tang, stop! This isn’t you, you’ve gone mad with power!
Tang: Well of course I have.
Tang: Have you ever tried going mad without power?
Tang: It’s boring
Ghost Tripitaka AU
Tripitaka: Tang…
Tang: Oh no, Tang in b-flat
Tang: You’re disappointed
Villain Tripitaka AU
Tripitaka: I went through an entire character arc during death
Tripitaka: I’ve become more evil if you’re curious.
Tang: We’re still alive, don’t worry, there’s time for redemption arc still!
Tripitaka: I’m going to get worse on purpose
Villain Tripitaka AU
Tripitaka: I’m a reverse necromancer.
Tang: Isn’t that just killing people?
Tripitaka: Ah, technically
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is nezha normal again?
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Louhou: Yeah…kinda…
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sketching-shark · 1 year
Jiaozi is a character from the "journey to the west" of the yuan zaju dynasty, daughter of king huolun jinding and wife of sun wukong, the great sage of tongtian. Sun wukong once said, "I stole fairy clothes, fairy hats, fairy peaches and fairy wine in my heavenly palace. My wife will happily enjoy them." So jiaozi is not only sun wukong's wife also is the mother of his children. Jidu and luohou and daughter yuebei. The eclipses twins and the moon star comet
@maidenofthecloud hmmmm apologies if I'm missing something but as far as I knew "Jiaozi" is just a kind of dumpling (X_X). HOWEVER, this could very well just be due to my own ignorance and the fact that I've never encountered an English translation of the Zaju Xiyou Ji. If you have the link to one please share it!
As it is pretty much all my knowledge of that play comes from the scholar Hongmei Sun's overview of different versions of the the Monkey King throughout the centuries. Here's a few things she has to say on this earlier version of the westward journey:
"The six-part, twenty-four-act Zaju Xiyou ji is attributed to the fourteenth-century playwright Yang Jingxian, who lived during the late Yuan and early Ming periods. In the few hundred years between Shihua [an even earlier version] and Zaju, the story of ‘Journey to the West’ is not only more expanded, containing many of the stories that can be found later in Journey to the West, but the monkey figure in Zaju has grown into a character strikingly different from Hou Xingzhe [the monk's faithful companion in Shihua]. If Hou Xingzhe in Shihua is depicted as an advisor for Tripitaka, as respectable albeit mysterious deity, and a brave fighter, the monkey in Zaju is pictured as a rowdy clown, an untamed demon and ill-qualified Buddhist disciple.
The monkey’s name in Zaju now is almost the same as in the sixteenth-century fiction Journey to the West. He refers to himself as ‘Tongtian Dasheng’ (Great Sage Reaching Heaven), only one word’s difference from ‘Qitian Dasheng,’ the title Sun Wukong receives from the Taoist heaven in the sixteenth-century book. In some versions of the Monkey King story, including the Zaju, Qitian Dasheng and Tongtian Dasheng are brothers…
Although Tongtian Dasheng is the monkey’s title, in the drama everyone calls him ‘the monkey’ (husun), including Guanyin, even though she is the person who gave him the names Sun Wukong and Sun Xingzhe (Acolyte). When Guanyin presents Sun Xingzhe to Tripitaka as his disciple, she gives the monkey an iron fillet, a cassock, and a knife….Even with the headband’s control, Tongtian Dasheng’s behavior and language indicate that his mind remains that of an irreverent demon.
As in the zaju theater tradition, Sun Xingzhe introduces himself to the audience with a poem at his first appearance. Vaunting his celestial birth, his power, and the troubles he could create, in colloquial expression rather than elegant traditional terms as others’ opening poems, the monkey’s poem describes himself as a celebrated ape demon, referring to himself as the King of a Hundred Thousand Demons. In the following statement he introduces himself and his four siblings as his demon family: His elder brother Quitian Dasheng, a younger brother Shuashua Sanlang, and two sisters, Lishan Laomu and Wu Zhiqi Shengmu. This genealogy of the monkey shows that Sun Xingzhe in Zaju is already much more localized, settled into the local religious/cult culture. Unlike the monkey in other versions, this one has a wife, the abducted princess of the Country of the Golden Cauldron. He also proudly reports to the audience his famous misdeeds, which is also the reason that heaven is after him: he has stolen the Jade Emperor’s celestial wine, Laozi’s golden elixir, and the Queen of the West’s (Xichi Wangmu) peaches and fairy clothes. He also makes upfront ribald references about himself in this very first speech. The monkey’s demonic heart is indicated by his intention to eat Tripitaka immediately after Tripitaka rescues him from beneath the mountain. He never shows any seriousness about his business of pilgrimage, and his behavior does not improve during the journey. When the team arrives in India, he uses crude language in a conversation with an old lady about Buddhis ideas of the ‘heart.’”
@journeytothewestresearch also writes that in Zaju Xiyou Ji the princess is eventually freed from her forced marriage to this monkey by Heavenly King Li Jing (Li Nezha's father) and the Bodhisattva Guanyin. Here Sun Xingzhe/Sun Wukong definitely bares more similarity to magically powerful and sexually violent monkeys in other stories from Chinese folklore! And that remains true even though the quote you provided makes it sound like he wants the princess to enjoy nice things.
So given these literary and historical circumstances, especially with Jidu, Louhou, and Yuebei Xing not appearing until the 17th century Journey to the South, it might be a stretch to say that the princess of the Country of the Golden Cauldron is a likely candidate to be their mom. This is especially true since as far as I'm aware there's no mention of Sun Xingzhe and the princess having any kids, or even of her being pregnant...ON THE OTHER HAND, it must be acknowledged that she might also be the best candidate given that no mom is mentioned in Journey to the South and that there is a historical precedent for her being Sun Wukong/Sun Xingzhe's wife for awhile. If that narrative thread is followed then it might mean Jidu, Luohou, and Yuebei Xing have more than one similarity to the children of the Yellow Robe Demon, who also kidnapped a princess and had two children with her. In that situation I'd actually hope that she isn't their mom, given that that would make Sun Wukong a rapist and them the product of a forced marriage. ON THE OTHER OTHER HAND, given that the Monkey King's characterization and many aspects of his history from Journey to the West and Journey to the South (as far as I know lmao) is so different from Sun Xingzhe's in Zaju Xiyou Ji , and that all of this comes from folkloric roots in which stories are very different from region to region and even one year to the next, I could see there being an argument made for bringing her into the more recent continuations of Xiyouji as Sun Wukong's wife and the mother of his children while the rapey aspect of the earlier version of their relationship is dropped for something more loving or at least consensual. So even with my ignorance on what precisely happens in Zaju Xiyou Ji and Journey to the South, it seems like as with Xiyouji itself there's a lot you could potentially do with "the princess of the Country of the Golden Cauldron is Jidu, Louhou, and Yuebei Xing's mother" idea, from the sweet and loving to the absolute grimdarkest context.
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loyaltykask · 6 months
I made a fanfic about the non-canon kids for Supplement JTTW, JTTS, and PJTTW!
I do wanna say that I started the chapters with Wukong being mostly inspired by 1996 Xiyouji dynamics and who Wukong is mostly based on. The first chapters are about Paramita and the four unnamed kids in Supplement! All named after paramitas in buddism.
I try to base each kid off one of Wukong's inspirations in media! I hope y'all enjoy!
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I'm not the best artist but I did have fun trying to draw them
Pink - Jnana, fifth born
Red - Paramita, first born
Yellow - Bala, fourth born
Green - Pranidhana, thrid born
Blue - Upaya - second born
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Jidu: Well then…that’s good…
Louhou: Dad’s over there talking to the inky version of himself…
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artisticmoonfall · 2 years
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Based on the forgotten sequel of 'A Supplement to the Journey to the West', 'Journey to the South' and ' Later Journey to the West'. The Monkey King has a total of eight children shared between two 17th-century novels, but only four are mentioned by name along with a descendant. The ones mention by name; Paramita, Jidu, Luohou, and Yuebei Xing and Luzhen. Peach Tree AU From left to right, oldest to youngest: Paramita, Jidu, Louhou, Yuebei Xing, Shani, Shruka, Kasei, Xingzuo Xingxi and Luzhen.
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rebeltigera · 2 months
About Wukong's children, they're actually non canon. In total there are about 9 non canon children from different fan sequels.
Paramita and his four brothers from supplement of journey to the west. (Wukong jumped inside PIF's stomach and thus she had quintuplets)
The lunar node triplets Jidu, Louhou and Yubei Xing from Journey to the south.
Luzhen from later journey to the west. (Basically its a repeat stone egg birth but Wukong is a spirit and there's decendents?)
Wukong went for milk
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samadhifired · 9 months
Okay, a long ramble time:
Some people might already know this, but apparently the JttW has a semi-canon sequel called the Journey to the South (Though it seems like JttS was written first: 1570 and 1580 vs JttW's 1592. So technically that would make JttW a "prequel-sequel"?)
And as you probably also know, Wukong has three kids in it: Two kids who are only name dropped (Jidu and Luohou, assumably sons) and skull throwing, "I can curse immortals to die within 3 days", daughter (Yuebei Xing).
The funny thing is; they all are named after deities found from China's version of Hindu Astrology. Jidu and Louhou refer to planetary bodies associated with the moon (namely ascending and descending Lunar nodes where eclipses happen), while Yuebei's name comes from a planet representing the lunar apogee (Moon's furthest point from Earth).
But to tie this to LMK fandom and make things even better..
The people in this fandom has pretty much given Macaque three kids as well: Rumble, Savage and Bai He. Two shadow clone sons (I think they are boys?) who are only name dropped in a non-canon toy set and a human daughter who was possessed by a demon/goddess who has a strong association with bones.
Is this just me or are these description sounding awfully familiar?
I'm not saying that we should start referring Rumble, Savage and Bai He as Jidu, Luohou and Yuebei Xing...
Buuuut I'm definitely headcanoning that they are the alternate universe versions of each other.
It just fits way too well!
(Also, if these three were to be part of LMK universe, there is no way they wouldn’t be Macaque's kids as well. Because why else would Wukong have 3 kids who all have Moon themed names?
Unless their mother is some other moon themed being like Chang'e. Which most likely is the JttS's explanation.)
If you are interested: This blog has couple posts about Wukong's kids in general [1, 2] (Journey to the West Research also has a Tumblr).
While this one paper that explains some of the history of Daoist astrology. Luohou and Jidu (who are referred with their Hindu names Rahu and Ketu) are first mentioned in the beginning of “Musée Guimet, Painted Banner” section, while Yuebei comes up in “Ruiguangsi 1005 CE Print: Planetary Roadmap” right after the Figure 12.
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 months
Hi! I don’t know if you happen to know, but I’m trying to research Journey to the South (as I am currently reading Journey to the West) but I can’t seem to find any translations of it available to an English speaking audience. Would you happen to know of any translations?
Thank you
Funny enough I happen to know quite a bit! I helped create and edit the JTTS pdf together and it is publically available thanks to @journeytothewestresearch
Feel free to enjoy!
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centuryberry · 2 months
I’m just imagining the four celestial primates huddled around their respective eggs, both couples so excited about their new babies
then cue the awkward looks around when the babies end up looking distinctly like Wukong/Rin and Mac/Shanza fusion babies
(In my heart, this kickstarts the poly progression from “we’re raising a kid together but we’re not together together” to “oh no, there are feelings”)
To be clear, Louhou and Jidu take after all four of their parents. Not just from one from each pair. Halfway through the egg warming period while Shadowpeach and Iceflower were passing the eggies back and forth to imbue their energies into them, there was a hiccup. A switcheroo. (Most definitely Wukong’s fault.) And then Shadowpeach and Iceflower were passing the wrong eggies back and forth, which they didn’t realize until the babies hatched and - oh dear. Iceflower’s egg baby looks almost exactly like Wukong and Shadowpeach’s cub has Shanzha’s face markings. Oh no.
Macaque: You got them mixed up?! When?!
Wukong: I don’t know! Maybe it was when I set the egg down to get more blankets? Maybe it was after the monthly checkup? It could’ve been any of those times!
Shanzha and RinRin: (trying to process the current situation)
Liu: I mean, you guys can just co-parent?? I don’t get what’s wrong?? I have TWO niblings to spoil now so I don’t get how this is anything other than a win??
And so, Shadowpeach and Iceflower kinda shrugged and went with it after calming down. Macaque is a lot happier once he realizes that he has two babies now instead of one.
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wuzhiqi-enj0yer · 1 year
Headcanons for Sun Wukong’s children !REWRITE! (Part 1)
King Paramita
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The oldest and was born immortal. This however didn’t stop him from stealing the nectar of immortality.
Enjoys sweets.
Became a general at age 15.
Retired at the age of 25 to take care of his younger siblings.
is currently the caretaker and teacher of Jidu, Louhou, and Yuebei.
Has never met the Bull Demon Family.
Was never told about his birth.
Yuebei Xing
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Currently the youngest
Almost destroyed a section of Flower Fruit Mountain.
Her red bracelets were gifted to her by Guanyin to help control his powers
The skull she carries is the head of Lady Bone Demon.
doesn’t really get along with their siblings very well, especially Jidu.
Usually keeps to herself to prevent conflict which leads her to respond apathetically
((Part 2 in W.I.P))
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Who… who let you out azure?
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Louhou: Nevermind that we’ll deal with that later…the scroll…there was no reason for it to be in my father’s possession…did you plan it…?
Azure: Why so much hostility, me and your father used to be friends-
Louhou: Used to be…even if we were given away at birth, even if we were too old to remember any of our father’s teachings…there’s one thing we always agreed with him…
Louhou: Unless said otherwise, no one in his brotherhood should be trusted…
Tang; That sounds…kinda extreme…
Louhou: He placed it for good measure…
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multishippers-stuff · 2 years
this is my first post and I hope you like it
just for some context: I will be talking about wukong's 8 children plus Sun luzhen who is Sun Wukong’s spiritual descendant. In other words, also a stone monkey who just so happens to learn the secrets of immortality and causes havoc in heaven, before being tasked to protect the historical monk Dadian on a similar journey to India.
oldest to youngest: Paramita, Jidu, Louhou, Yuebei Xing, Shani, Shruka, Kasei, Xingzuo Xingxi and Luzhen.
(Only know a bit of paramita, jidu, luohou, Yuebei xing and Luzhen's personality, not much on the others though)
So anyways, this is just an AU of how macaque finds out about them and all of sun wukong's children have his powers
Now on with the story:
the siblings are in their human forms (except for paramita who just changed his eye color because he's the most human looking out of all his siblings) wandering around the market to buy groceries and peach chips for wukong while he's in FFM training mk until paramita accidentally bumps into macaque (who is also in human form), mac helps paramita up, sees the others behind him and notices how they all look like wukong, mostly.
(Note: paramita is the only one who knows about macaque and his drama with wukong in this au)
Paramita quickly gets up and excuses himself with Jidu, Louhou, Yuebei Xing, Shani, Shruka, Kasei and Xingzuo Xingxi following but then macaque sees Luzhen who looked like a carbon copy of wukong. Everyone went on with the shopping and went back to FFM once they were done. Macaque who was frozen in place gets suspicious and shadowteleports to FFM, he hides in the bushes when he finds paramita talking about him and warning his siblings not to get close to him for the whole visit. Macaque then follows them all the way to wukong's hut.
Paramita: Father, were back, here are those peach chips you asked for.
Wukong: Welcome back and thanks for getting them.
Wukong then turns around, opens the peach chip bag and starts to eat. While Mk and the others were happily conversing, paramita quickly goes on to drag Wukong away for a secret conversation, with macaque hiding in the shadows near.
Paramita: *Whispers* Father, I saw macaque earlier today in the market. I think he recognized us, considering how he froze after seeing Luzhen.
Wukong: WHAT?!
Mk and the monkey siblings immediately turning their attention to wukong
Wukong: It's okay, paramita just told me that uhh... he saw some of the monkey fighting AHAHHAHA. Nothing to see here
Wukong: (going bak to the conversation)* Whispers* Are you sure? and how do you know it was mac?
Paramita: Seriously? I have the eyes of truth and I doubt he would be dense enough to not notice the resemblance
Wukong: Were you followed?
Paramita: No, I don't think so
Mk: *Shouts* Hey Monkey king, what are you going you guys talking about?
Wukong and Paramita: Nothing, Mk
Mk: Well ok, but you better finish, especially you Paramita, you're in charge of cooking
Paramita: I know and we will
Wukong: just in case, keep your eyes peeled. He could be lurking somewhere
Part 2?
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sketching-shark · 2 years
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WAUGH finally finished at least a semi-decent grayscale coloring of a family portrait starring Sun Wukong and his three children from the 17th-century Journey to the South. Obviously everyone’s favorite super-simian is in the center, and he’s holding his sons Jidu (with black fur), Louhou (with white fur), and gigantic immortal-cursing daughter Yuebei Xing is smiling in the back. You can read more about them in this interesting overview of the different children and descendants people have written for the Monkey King here:
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