#Lucy does ballet
daisyndahlia · 13 days
ballet au anyone? (the og pose is from here!!)
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ghostofhyuck · 3 months
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NCT Dream who's most likely to have kids in the future. 
AN: Okay don't take this seriously, just a thought lol.
Lee Donghyuck
I mean, Haechan did mentioned that he wants to be a father so he's most likely to have kids. I chose two because I feel like he wants his kids to have siblings, ohhh and he's definitely a girl's dad. He'll give them bear onesies especially the matching one. If he had a son, he'll match his outfit with him. He's also very protective of his kids. 
Na Jaemin
Yes another one thank you. Not surprised given that he has three children already just kidding. Jaemin is fond with kids that's why he's second. I believe in Na Jaemin girl's dad supremacy and yes two daughters. Two pretty princesses with a pretty Dad. He'll spoil them rotten and give them the cutest room ever, painted pink of course. He's also protective of them and he lets his daughters play with Luna, Lucy, and Luke. 
Huang Renjun
Renjun seems to be the type who'll settle when he found the one. He's very endearing and the way he treats Dreamies as his kids, feels like he do want to have kids someday. I feel like he's a boy's dad, he's very familiar with boys that's why he prefer it,,, like does that make sense. And just one, because in this economy,, why would you want more than one? I think he'll be happy with just one kid. 
Zhong Chenle
Just like Renjun, Chenle would probably be the type who'll settle once he's really really serious with them. He seems to be the type of dad who'll spoil their son, base from how he treat his nephew and Daegal. I think that he's a girl's dad too! but a son is okay too. Probably the type who will indulge his kids with their hobbies. You like ballet? Okay I will enroll you to a ballet school, you want to be a singer? Okay he'll train them but will not let him sign under SM.
Mark Lee
Mark seems to be more career-driven, so he's at the least likely. If he did had kids someday, I feel like he'll have two, and he's definitely a boy's dad. I feel like the way Mark was raised is also the way he'll raise his kids. Especially with his faith, I know it sounds cheesy but I think that Mark's number one influence in his kids would be his faith. 
Park Jisung
This kid, he will die a virgin. Joke, I feel like it'll take time for him to find a significant other and if he did, he'll just have one kid. He's a boy's dad, definitely. And he'll see himself in his son, so he'll cherish him dearly. Maybe accidentally brought him to a dancing class one day so that he can also be a dancer like him. 
Lee Jeno
I placed Jeno in the least likely to have kids in the future because I don't know. That's just how his vibe radiates. He'll most likely be like Lee Dongwook in the future. Hot Dilf who's actually childless. He seems to be the type who's contended with his single life with his pet cats. If he did settle down, Jeno would probably have two kids and he can both be a girl's dad and a boy's dad. He seems like a chill father for me too. 
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lacontroller1991 · 30 days
Blindsided (Mob Boss!AU Cooper Howard x Lucy Maclean)
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Main Master List || Misc Master List Part 1 || Part 2
Inspired by @ghoulcyamour's mob boss idea and requested by anon
Summary: After being kidnapped, Lucy demands answers, but is left heartbroken and with more questions than before.
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: 18+, kidnapping, alcohol, language, Mob elements
Author's note: So I typically don't write character x character fanfic (I'm much better with x reader), however I had a good idea for this one and so I hope it pays off. I definitely think it should be in two parts, and I plan on having the second out sometime this week!!!
“What do we do now?” A muffled voice asks in the darkness, the voice rough and unsure.
What seems to be another man sighs. “He’s not going to be happy.”
“When is he ever happy?” “Well shit, I don’t know, but he’s going to be extra mad when he finds out we kidnapped the wrong Maclean. She’s waking up.”
Lucy wakes up with a groan and a pounding headache. Either she drank too much last night, or she hit her head against something and blacked out. Her bet is on the latter. Trying to regain her consciousness, her eyes slowly open, wincing immediately at the bright light. Why on Earth is it so bright? Sitting up on the oddly stiff bed, Lucy cracks her neck a couple of times before her eyes properly open, letting out a yelp of surprise to see two men in her room. Scurrying off the bed, Lucy flees to a corner, back against the wall while she watches the two men who don’t make a move toward her. “Where am I? Who are you?”
One of the men steps forward, setting a box down on the bed before returning to his partner’s side, their cold eyes piercing yours. “You’re in no danger. For now. Put that on and fix yourself up. He wants to meet with you.” Lucy gulps, hazel eyes flicking between the box on the bed and the two men. It’s clear to her that she’s been kidnapped. She’s never met them before, and she hasn’t seen them before. One moves to open the door, slipping out while the other stares at her, eyes traveling down her body, lingering on the party dress that reveals a little too much. “We’ll be back in 10.” The man comments before stepping out of the room, closing the door, and locking it from the outside with a soft click. 
Once they are out of sight, Lucy begins hyperventilating. Who are these people and what do they want with her? She’s done nothing wrong. All she did was go out for a couple of drinks last night with her friends and now she’s here, in this room, with no answers. Looking down at the box, she runs her fingers along the edges before lifting the top, revealing a simple pair of ballet flats that lay on top of a simple black dress. Moving the flats to the side, Lucy lifts the dress, bringing it over to the mirror in the room and holding it over her body. It’s not her normal style, however it does have a certain elegance to it. Letting out a shaky sigh, Lucy looks at her reflection in the mirror, cringing at her slightly smeared makeup and appearance before looking down at the classy dress in her hands. “Okey Dokey.”
“Where are you taking me?” The hands on her arms are firm, but not firm enough to leave any serious bruising. 
“Will you just shut up?” The man on her right comments, leading her through a series of hallways that maybe if she was paying closer attention she could map out. Wherever she is, whoever owns it must have a lot of money. The two men on her arms lead her through open double doors, revealing a large room with high elaborate walls and a large fireplace on one side while a library covers the other side. In the middle of the room sits a large oak table, filled with trays of food. At the sight of the food, her stomach grumbles as nausea sets in. She hasn’t eaten anything since yesterday morning and the alcohol is finally taking its toll. The two men forcibly sit her down on one of the chairs at the table before standing behind her. 
A set of doors open, gathering Lucy’s attention, watching a group of men walk in and in the middle stands a man with a cigarette hanging loosely between his fingers. Looking him over, Lucy takes note of the way he holds himself. Straight posture, pressed suit, neat, combed back hair, sharp eagle like eyes that don’t seem like they would miss anything, and a persona that radiates boss energy. Lucy’s breath hitches in her chest. Aside from him being older than her, she can’t deny how attractive the stranger is.
Taking a seat across from her, the man snuffs out his cigarette, motioning for a waiter to pour wine into Lucy’s cup before moving to the man, filling his glass with the red liquid. 
“Uh- hello?” The man tilts his head, eyes squinting at her, the gears in his head visibly turning. Leaning forward, the man rests his head on his clasped hands, eyes remaining on Lucy, making her squirm. 
“I bet you’re wondering why you’re here.” At the mention of finally getting some answers, Lucy’s eyes light up. 
“Yes actually! Among other things,” she smiles, stomach growling but she pays no mind to it. “Like who are you? What is this place? What do you want from me? I mean this is all so much and I’m not sure exactly what I’ve done to be kidnapped or why you gave me this dress and this food! I mean there’s so much! Can I start eating?" Lucy’s rambling causes the man to smirk in amusement. Gesturing for the food, he watches as she piles food onto her plate, immediately taking a bite and moaning at the taste, causing him to raise an eyebrow. 
“Does your daddy starve you or something?” 
Lucy stops chewing, instead turning her attention to the man across from her before swallowing her food. “You know my dad?” The room erupts in laughter, including the man in front of her, a puzzled look gracing her features.
As the laughing quiets down, the man in front of her takes the glass of wine and swirls it before taking a sip. Closing his eyes, he savors the liquid before swallowing, smacking his lips and setting the glass down on the table. “Now that is some fine wine. I’m personally more of a scotch man, but this brand is hard to beat. So little lady, down to business. Your dad owes me a lot of money. My boys were supposed to grab your brother, but I guess you’re just as good.”
“I think you’re thinking of someone else; my dad is a legitimate businessman. How can he owe you money?”
Letting a chuckle fall from his lips, the man puts some food on his plate, using his fork to shovel the food in his mouth, building suspense. “Your dad is not who you think he is. He took my wife, and he costed me a fuck ton of money, so I am going to put a price on your pretty head in hopes that he pays up.”
Lucy stands up abruptly, eyes wide in suspense as the two men behind her take a step closer, ready to step in when the moment is called. “You can’t do that! I’m going to call the police!” 
“Sit your ass down,” one of the men forces Lucy down onto the chair as the man in front of her takes another bite of food, chasing it down with wine. “I get that you might not know of your dad’s business, but the police ain’t gonna help, not when they’re in my back pocket.” Gulping, Lucy grabs the wine, downing it in hopes that it will ease her nerves. She’s known that her dad runs a very lucrative business, but she didn’t know how lucrative, and if it’s anything like this man suggests, then she might be in for a shock. 
“Who are you?”
“Name’s Cooper Howard,” he scoots back from his seat, briefly standing up and fixing his suit before walking over to Lucy, handing her a phone. “Your daddy took something from me, and I want collateral. You’re going to use this phone and you’re going to call Hank, tell them that Cooper Howard has you and he wants his wife back along with the 3 million he stole or else you will be killed, and believe me, I am not above killing a pretty little thing such as yourself.”
He drags a finger down her cheek as a tear falls down Lucy’s porcelain skin. Just what has her dad done that could get him in such a mess. Reluctantly, she takes the phone from Cooper, flipping the screen up and silently pray, hoping that her dad will come to her rescue. “What’s your wife’s name?”
“Barbara.” Lucy’s head snaps up, recognition flooding her brain. Surely, he can’t mean the same Barbara that’s been living with them. If so, her dad kidnapped her? She doesn’t seem to be kidnapped, if anything, she seems happy, free. Not like how Lucy is feeling right now.
“Dark skin, brown hair? Really pretty?” Cooper’s head tilts, brows pushing together at Lucy’s question. 
“That’s her. How do you know her?” 
“She lives with my dad, brother and I. Makes some good hot chocolate.” Cooper’s eyes widen as a scowl form on his lips. Reaching forward, he grabs Lucy’s chin, as he leans in, his breath fanning against her face. 
“What the fuck do you mean she’s living with you?” Cooper’s eyes burn with rage as the gears in his head turn. Lucy chooses her next words carefully.
“She said she needed to get out of her marriage, so she moved in with us. I had no clue that she was kidnapped. She seemed happy, never complained about anything, always laughing at jokes, and telling us stories. I’m pretty sure her and my dad have a thing going on.” It slips out of Lucy’s mouth before she realizes what she said and to who. The man in front of her growls, bringing up a hand and slapping her across the face as she lets out a gasp, pain tingling against her cheek. 
“You’re a fucking liar,” he steps back, fists clenching and unclenching. There’s no way that she’s right, right? Sure, he and Barb went through a divorce, but he thought that they had come to an understanding, especially given that Janey was still in school. After pacing for a minute, he shoves the phone into Lucy’s hands. “Call him. Tell him he better give me 6 million now or else it’s going to be your head on a platter to his front door.”
Not wasting any time, Lucy ignores the pain on her face as she dials Hank’s phone number, hoping that he picks up. “Hello Dad? ... I’ve been kidnapped, and he’s demanding Ms. Barbara and 6 million dollars… Some guy named Howard.” Cooper’s foot taps impatiently as a hand runs over his mouth. This can’t be real right now. “Dad no. NO PLEASE! Just give him what he wants! I wan-“Lucy is cut off, tears welding in her eyes as she holds the phone against her ear, disbelief setting in. How has her whole life been a lie? How could her dad say, ‘good luck I’ll see what I can do’. 
Noticing her sudden shift in demeanor, Cooper turns his attention back to the young girl. “Well, what did he say girl.”
“He said ‘go to hell you bastard’ and ‘you’ll never get her back’ and-“Lucy chokes back a sob, resisting the urge to break down in tears, “and he said that you can keep me.” The room goes silence as Cooper processes the words. He honestly didn’t think Hank was that bad of a guy, but leaving his daughter out to dry is something that not even he would do. Motioning to the two men behind her, he grabs the phone out of Lucy’s hands as they escort her out of site, the girl too emotionally wrecked to even fight back. Sitting down on his sofa by the fireplace, he sips on a scotch brought to him by one of the servants. 
“What do you want to do boss?”
“We’re going to make him pay.”
Part 2??? I think so. Let me know how you guys like it in the comments!
Tag List: @reveluving @mariedork @palesatan @atttck @therighteousmanisdead
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rainbowmothed · 3 months
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╰ ⋯ ➢ just some random hcs i thought of off the top of my head!! ♡ as always, reblogs and likes appreciated! includes both main cast and heaven hcs. :3
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Vaggie says stuff like “rad,” “dude,” etcetera unironically and definitely gets made fun of for it. Mostly by Cherri and Angel– Pentious says it is ‘hashtag trending awesome sauce.’
Vaggie sets 6 alarms in the morning, all with custom minute intervals between the snooze alarms to make SURE she doesn't sleep through it. Charlie doesn't mind, though, mainly because she wakes up at four in the morning to work on projects anyway.
Charlie has made playlists for everyone in the hotel on hell's equivalent of spotify; Vaggie's is the most well thought out, but they all describe them very well. Alastor never listens to it due to his dislike for modern technology/apps, but he appreciates it– or at least acts like he does– nonetheless.
Charlie definitely rides on Alastor's shoulders like a little kid bro IDC WHAT U SAY
Vaggie has cried ONCE in front of the rest of the hotel after being genuinely dogged on repeatedly on one of the worst days of her life, and they all just stared at her in shock. They hate on her so much because it never impacts her– or so they think so, because Vaggie always shrugs it off. They refuse to talk about it.
Vaggie's spice tolerance is unmatched.
Each night, Charlie visits Pentious’ memorial and wraps a weighted blanket around it, saying that maybe it'd remind him of the Egg Bois and the way they snuggled around him in the afterlife.
Vaggie is a huge Hunger Games fan. 90% of her personality derives from Katniss Everdeen.
Adding onto the last one, if Charlie and Vaggie were to have a child, I feel like it'd have the personality of Lucy Gray Baird.
Niffty definitely writes strange fanfiction. Also has BL as her header on the Hell's equivalent of Twitter. She's a little twisted, but we love her.
Cherri is an absolute menace. That is the best word to describe her.
Angel and Cherri did the “screaming in public restrooms” prank once.
Everyone assumed Charlie was mid-20s until she dropped the bomb that she's over 200 years old. They were all flabbergasted (minus Vaggie, who already knew. Angel also called her a “gilf lover.”)
Angel asked Vaggie about her body count once to tick her off, and she answered “around 1,000 or so, roughly estimated,” thinking he meant kill count. Charlie was shook.
Vaggie is a Paramore, Flyleaf, Evanescence, etcetera fan. Proud listener to 2000s emo girl music.
Charlie's guilty pleasure is punk/metal/rock music. She says she only listens to “Taylor Swift and musicals,” but she has a hidden playlist with KORN, PTV, and all of those bands on it.
Angel wakes Husk up by blasting Ayesha Erotica songs into his ear occasionally since Husk is a heavy sleeper and refuses to get up sometimes.
Pentious calls himself a “semi-proud father of the Egg Bois.”
Charlie ran a hate page about Katie Killjoy. She has since moved on from it... probably.
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Vaggie definitely played about 100 sports back in Heaven. Fencing, soccer, and, bare with me here, she definitely did ballet. She refuses to admit so, however.
The exorcists actually aren't brought into the world as adults. Instead, they're raised by volunteer parents of Heaven their entire lives, starting fighting training at age 6 or so. They claim that “children's brains are easier to mold.” Basically, they're taught to be murder weapons from a very, very young age. It's also instinctive, but it's the training that truly brings it out.
Each exterminator is based on a different bird breed, but the most common are eagles, falcons, hawks, and generally predatory avians.
The Exterminators are also very fast flyers, and they establish the quickest flyers through racing. Vaggie was formerly the fastest until she was cast down to Hell. Now, the fastest is Lute.
Adam also referees these races, and instead of a gun or whistle to start them off, he uses his guitar.
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hippolotamus · 2 months
Thirsty Fuck it Friday 🪩
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Tagged by @tizniz for Thirsty Thursday and @daffi-990 for Fuck it Friday. And let me just say... go read their snippets if you haven't because 🔥🔥🔥
okay! so, two tag days, two snippets... right? a little Buddie here, a little Lutalia there. bon appetit!
from debatably (i use that so loosely lmao) sfw watch my shattered edges glisten:
Whatever Eddie thought he was going to see tonight– this was not it. He was prepared for flowing, graceful, and ethereal. For simultaneously muted and vibrant blending together in what could almost be described as an erotic ballet.   This, however– it’s loud and bold. Like being thrust into the daylight after years of darkness, or an endless storm, sending the shadows scattering.  Arsen steps out to music that begins with roughly ten seconds of synthesized horns before melting into an intense beat. He’s forgone his usual long sleeved mesh tee, wearing only a black chest harness on top. Even that’s slightly different, using a shiny patent leather instead of a matte finish. It hugs his muscles perfectly, with horizontal straps encasing his pecs and a singular vertical strap down the middle that disappears under matching booty shorts that showcase his thick thighs. Normally, Arsen seems to tease at whatever’s hiding beneath his clothes. Just enough of an outline to make Eddie wonder. Tonight there is no hinting. There’s an obvious bulge under the skin tight attire, further highlighted by the way he drags his palms up his quads and deliberately frames it with his fingers. Like he’s showing off. Strutting around like a peacock looking to prove he’s the best mate.
Buck’s music 😏
And some definitely nsfw untitled Lutalia (they are strangers at this point and Lucy hasn't given up her name):
Her right hand slips over Nat’s abdomen, past the hem of her dress until she’s grazing Nat’s inner thigh. A torturous barely there touch that sets her alight. Fuck.  How did she let herself go so long without this? How did she get so lost in the business of people dying that she denied herself the chance to live? Nat lets out a breathy whine, already just this side of desperate.  The woman nibbles her ear, chuckling darkly. “Impatient, are we?”  “Y-yeah. Yes.” Corset moans, somehow holding Nat closer. “Goddamn, what a fucking dream you are. Bet you’re all wet for me, too, aren’t you?” Nat knows she is, can feel the slickness between her legs. All she’s able to manage is a nod in response.  Corset hums appreciatively, tracing an invisible path up, up, up.  The prospect of relief is so near, Nat buzzes with excitement, eagerly anticipating the moment she’ll finally be touched the way she wants. Short nails scrape along her skin, toying with the seam of her underwear. She’s never been more grateful for being low on clean laundry and being forced to choose a thong tonight.  Except Corset pulls away then and Nat whines. A high pitched undignified thing that should leave her drowning in shame if she wasn’t so turned on.  “Don’t you worry. You’re getting what’s coming to you. Just gonna make a few adjustments first.” Corset deftly unzips the back of Nat’s dress, allowing the front to drop, exposing her breasts. Sleek leather and ribbon presses into her spine while Corset grins salaciously, rolling each nipple between her fingers. Corset’s other hand brushes over her swollen, sensitive clit through damp lacy fabric.  Nat meets her eyes in the mirror, pleading for more.  “Christ, just look at yourself, baby. Look how beautiful you are for me.” Nat does and fuck. She looks as debauched as she feels. Tits out and makeup smeared, letting a complete stranger be in control of her pleasure.
np tagging @stereopticons @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @actuallyitsellie @apothecarose @barbiediaz @buddierights @chaosandwolves @diazsdimples @elvensorceress @epicbuddieficrecs @eowon @fortheloveofbuddie @gayedmundodiaz @giddyupbuck @say-bi-for-me @honestlydarkprincess @hoodie-buck @indestructibleheart @jesuisici33 @thekristen999 @ladydorian05 @lemonzestywrites @lizzie-bennetdarcy @loserdiaz @loveyouanyway @monsterrae1 @rmd-writes @spaceprincessem @spotsandsocks @statueinthestone @steadfastsaturnsrings @the-likesofus @theotherbuckley @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @thewolvesof1998 @vanillahigh00 @watchyourbuck @weewootruck @welcometololaland @wikiangela @wildlife4life @your-catfish-friend @maygrantgf and anyone else who wants to 😘
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per1w1nkl3 · 30 days
in honor of dracula daily I watched the dracula ballet (with the milwaukee company, by micheal pink) and let me tell you it's so good!!! imo it's pretty book accurate, with a few limitations ofc (but they do include jonathan's queer dreams that may or may not be caused by the paprika)
anyway here are a few pictures
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and here's the link:
i have a few thoughts but I'm hiding them under the tag in case anyone might want to watch it and go in completely blind. either way do yourselves a favor and go watch it!
i love the cool blue light for the vampires. I think I usually associate them with red so the blue was a nice change
love the brides. love how they usually are en pointe vs most other characters usually aren't. love their clothes
i like all the costumes actually
obsessed with dracula's entrance and him moving his arms like bat wings and just in general him acting very bat-like
LOVE dracula and jonathan's pas de deux. if I could I'd draw them i would.
actually the first act as a whole is so so good
the fact that jonathan walks with a cane is very cool. it would've been so easy to undermine his trauma a little, especially with the fact that it's a ballet. but no, dracula really does look scary and threatening. i just wished they kept it for a little longer.
jonathan being the first to see dracula is also great
the fact that lucy goes en point the moment she sees dracula hdhdhhdh
and tries to play it off like nothing happened :((
van helsing, seward (or is it quincey? he looks a little texan lmao) and arthur dancing over minas deathbed :(((
hello renfield!!
hello renfield dancing with his hands tied!!!!
it was quincey morris omg hii
mina and dracula pas de deux!! everytime the count is on stage is just so cool to watch
are those the people dracula killed?? idk but I love them
the fight. are you kidding me.
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muraae · 26 days
i’m sorry (but also really not) but this the vaultghoul poto au has me in a chokehold- and i don’t know if i’ll ever write or if someone else wants the challenge, but here are my thoughts on what the au could be.
a vaultghoul phantom of the opera au where cooper is the phantom and lucy is christine.
would have elements from both the book, musical, and the show.
cooper obviously looks like how he is in the show for his disfigurement, and wears a black half mask to cover the upper half of his- also kudos for this because coop does look exactly like erik (the phantom) in the book.
debating if cooper will be born deformed or someone or something causes him to be disfigured.
i personally like the latter more just to play with the idea of cooper once being a famous star within the opera house who befell a terrible incident that ruined his life and is now embittered and angry, wishing to exact vengeance against those that ruined his life.
only a slightish change, but ‘the ghoul’ is added along with ‘the phantom’ and ‘the opera ghost’ as his other aliases.
lucy is a ballet dancer in the opera, the daughter of the famous soprano, rose maclean. i’m not certain where hank would be for this au, but he’s not exactly in the family picture, but i would want him to cause some kind of conflict in the future.
slow down there abbie, we don’t have time to write a full story- let’s just stick to the basics.
lucy and norm come to live and work at the opera house under the care of moldaver (madame giry) after the death of their mother- lucy in the ballet corps. and norm with the stagehands.
lucy had always been a talented singer until she hears a voice in the halls, vents, and the grand stage she visits late at night, and starts starts teaching her that the managers begin to take notice.
cooper takes notice of lucy whenever she walls the grand stage late at night singing to herself. he becomes intrigued by her.
so cooper watches lucy from afar and doesn’t make himself known to her as the ‘voice’ until he finds her crying in the opera chapel, grieving for her mother after a long, trying day.
mother said, "When i'm in heaven, child, i will send the angel of music to you."
cooper commends her voice, but tells lucy it needs training. he offers her voice lessons, promising to help lucy become the greatest singer the world has seen- does it come at a cost later on for his own purposes- that it is for all to decide if lucy is a means to an end but ends up wrecking his plans by becoming more.
fuck i’m getting sidetracked again-
over the years the two develop a bond that extends the bounds of teacher and student, cooper’s infatuation with lucy becoming deeper.
steph is lucy’s roommate and friend- sharing the role of meg with norm- and she and norm are the only two who can put up with lucy’s disappearances and odd hours, though are concerned by the strange behavior.
cooper continues to reign the opera house as his domain, demanding the managers to follow his instructions on how the opera should run, and causes ‘accidents’ if anything doesn’t go his way.
on the night of the gala, lucy finds herself replacing the prima donna when the former falls ill. she is an overnight sensation and ensnares the hearts of half the city, and much to cooper’s jealous chagrin, catches the eye of the opera’s newest patron.
i’m tempted to make maximus raoul, however, monty would fit a little better- so we’re going with monty because i want this vicomte and his intentions towards the new starlet to be sinister. because fuck monty.
lucy is at first flattered by monty’s attention, but becomes soon after uncomfortable by his advances.
and though she is charmed by the young detective (maximus) that was hired by the managers to prove there is no opera ghost, she is still drawn to the mysterious voice.
on the night of her triumph, cooper reveals himself and takes lucy into the vast underground tunnels of the opera house. it is here where lucy becomes enamored by the man who has given her so much, but is confused why he wears the mask. Surely a face would match a voice as beautiful and deep as his.
it only takes removing a mask to change the course of a relationship and for the two of them to cross the point of no return.
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ladylooch · 5 months
One of my favorite blurbs you made was Timo and Liv’s daddy daughter date (the cutest ever 😭) But what happens when Nico takes his girls out on daddy-daughter dates? 🤣🤣🤣
A/N: AH! THANK YOU! I love that one too. Livy is so sassy... and mama's #1 fan hehe.
“Hischier babies! Look at mama!” Lexi calls to her girls. All three of them are dressed in matching red dresses. Nico is in one of his game day suits in the middle with a daughter on each knee and the littles on her butt between his feet. It’s Galentine’s Day! Which means all the Hischer women are taken out by their main man. Except this year, Lexi is staying home to enjoy some much needed alone and quiet time. Lexi grins as she clicks her phone to take a burst of photos. Wow, her and Nico made gorgeous babies.
“Daddy, do you like my dress?” Lucie asks. She sets her black ballet slipper against the opposite knee she is sitting on, right into Mack’s lap. Mack scowls, pushing it off her. 
“Very pretty, Luc. Just like you. But please keep your hands and feet to yourself tho."
Lucie and Mack lock eyes, clearly annoyed with one another. 
Nico sighs. This is why Lexi needed a break. 
Two year old Sophie excitedly runs to Lexi. 
“See!” She yells. Lexi turns the camera to show her daughter the pictures. Soph claps her little hands together and stomps her feet. She loves her daddy. She bounces back over to him, holding her arms in the air. “Up.” Her 'p' pops dramatically. Nico swings her up. 
“Okay, girls, jackets, hats, and mittens on.”
“I hate these shoes!” Mack yells. She punts them both off, running to the mudroom to get her big puffy yellow boots. 
“Well, at least we got a nice picture before.” Lexi smiles at Nico.
“I am in for it tonight?”
“Big time. Good luck with those two.” She motions between Mack and Lucie who are back to glaring at each other. 
But Lexi should have learned by now to never underestimate her perfect husband. 
“How was it?” She whispers to Nico as she helps him bring their sleepy girls back into the house after their busy night. They had burgers and fries and milkshakes and saw a 3D movie at the nice theater with heated seats. Nico let them each bring blanket too. They got to pick out a drink and a snack. He even let them all get the blue icee AND candy.
“Good. Lucie and Mack snuggled up together in their seats. It was cute. I'll show you the picture when we get them to bed.
“No way.” Lexi stops at Mack’s doorway with her, gaping at Nico.
“Yeah.” He says, disappearing into Lucie's room.
“How in the…” She mutters, shaking her head. Lexi and Mack struggle through getting her little pajamas on. She resists the whole time, saying she is too tired to change. “I know you’re sleepy, but we can’t wear this to bed.”
“I hate this dress. Next year I get to pick the outfit.” 
“Next year, Sophie does.” Mack whines. “It is only fair.”
“But she is littler than me.”
“Yeah, now you know how LuLu feels when you get to pick.” Lexi puts her long sleeved pajama shirt over her head. Nico walks in, pulling back Mack’s covers so she can snuggle into her pillow.
“I had so much fun with you today. Thank you for spending time with me.” Mack’s demeanor softens into gooey compliance at her daddy’s sweet words. “I love you.” He kisses her forehead. After Lexi gives a smooch too, her and Nico leave their middle child. Sophie is next followed by Lucie. They find their oldest sitting up on her propped pillows, crying quietly. 
“What’s up, baby?” Nico asks worriedly. 
“I don’t want our day to be over.” She mewls. 
“Oh sweets.” Nico pouts sitting next to her. “I had the best day with you. Thank you for helping me with your sisters. You’re getting so big.” He smooths her hair down. Lucie and Nico talk for a bit longer about their exciting night and how Lucie can't wait for him to take her to school on Monday since he will be in town. Eventually, Lucie’s brown eyes begin to close. Nico slides out from under her limp body, settling her back into her pillows. Him and Lexi tip toe out. 
She grins, wrapping her arms around him from behind as they walk together to their room.
“Our girls love you so much, Neeks.” She puts her nose into his spine, dropping a kiss there.
“I am not gonna lie, I don’t know how you do it by yourself. I am so tired after a few hours with them. You amaze me, baby. If I haven’t said it recently, thank you.”
“You literally said thank you this morning.” She reminds him, running her hand down his chest, resting it on his hip. Her green eyes meet his brown ones, reliving their morning connection. 
“Wanna do that again?” 
“Mhm. Really bad.”
Nico chuckles, leaning down to kiss her.
Now it’s time to take care of his favorite Hischier girl.
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anteroom-of-death · 4 months
Teacher's Pet part 5
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Synopsis: After a good long talk with an old friend, the Doctor catches Reader out on her lie. And figures some things out.
A/n: I feel so indebted to you all. The praise and likes and reblogs feels good, my guys. Also, this weekend, I'll have maybe not as much output but you know...gotta work on big issues instead of work and vibin. But ahhhh. Hope you like it.
(Y/N) called out of class. Maybe she really was sick. Humans leaked a lot. Especially when sick.
Rose once had a common flu and she cried until her temperature came back down to normal. It was hard to hold her, his body being so cool in comparison to hers, he felt like, in that time and body and place, it would relieve her nearly 39 degree fever. The tender grasp he held her body in made her cry and sweat even harder. Mickey apparently never held her like this when she was sick. It overwhelmed her shocked system even more…
Suddenly the thought of him, in this body, holding (y/n) to cool her down invaded his mind.
Ideas of different ways and reasons to hold her left his mind awry. He imagined how it would feel, her skin against his. Her lips against his. The feeling of him looking in those nervous, doe-scared eyes as he thrust de- he stopped himself before he could finish the fantasy.
Her empty seat later that day haunted him.
Another mystery woman from the universe. Hell-bent on driving him to madness.
It was always the women, the one’s that seemed so mundane, yet glimmered in a way that their essence caught his eye. Drove him wild. Even when he wasn’t initially attracted to them. Sooner or later he’d become so.
A fatal flaw.
The class ended.
He visited Missy in her Vault.
If anyone could understand madness, it’d be her. Despite the cost it’d bring him.
“Ignore the blindingly obvious irony. But you need to help me.” He half-pleaded, half-ordered.
“Oh? Wee Ickle Me? The great Doctor needs my help?” Missy cackled an awful grin. “Whatever bothers you, my sweet?” She purred. “What can I do that you don’t, besides serve.” She straightened herself up and gave a snap of her fingers above her head and put herself in almost a ballet dancer’s poise.
“A girl I teach in my class. Why do I keep thinking of her. I have all these primal, base instincts when I see her. Frankly way beneath a member of our species…” He confessed to his oldest friend and greatest foe. And ex-lover. “She is ruining me and my focus.”
Missy fell over laughing and pointing. Her petticoat flashing wildly through the air.
“It’s always the Earth girls!” She exclaimed.
“Though, I did marry that poor Lucy girl.” She had a moment of lucidity.
“These Earth girls are going to kill us. And hey- why not just let them! Get me a perky little thing to ruin me too! Let’s commit suicide and genocide in one fell swoop!” She cackled even harder, her booming voices echoing throughout the Vault.
“No, you shouldn’t.” She seemingly sobered up.
“Assuming that you don’t kill her, as you usually do with these little flings.” She made a hand and body gesture that resembled herself being flung. It hearkened back for the Doctor how physically emotive (y/n) was…
“You’re her teacher. And in position of power! If things get wonky in a marriage bed sense…well doctor, can you handle the storm? Con your way out? You’ll be the one holding the dirty diaper. Not her.”
“And wherever will you put me… I’ll have no good place for your prison to be?” she became sing-song and gave a sarcastic pout.
The Doctor put his hands on his face and rubbed hard. This was both too much help, and not enough.
Missy was right.
And seemingly taking a moral stance, an action previously unheard of for many a millennia.
He decided that he’d go and take this all with a grain of salt.
“Yeah, yeah. You’re right.”
“Oh.” She seemed shocked into silence.
Giggling ceased.
They stood in silence.
“You might be fucked.” She said after minute.
He crouched deeper into his despair. The weight of his grief and Missy’s well-balanced advice echoed in his skull.
“Oh, off you go Teacher! Go get yourself a new Pet!” She seemingly understood and definitely read his mind.
He found himself at odds.
He left her and vanished further into the day fading into the dark of the night. Refusing to leave the planet and irk Nardole’s ire.
He chose to walk the streets of Bristol.
The cold air whipped around him. It was a blustery day. The air had a bit of winter’s last ice in it. Dying season for a dying ethos. The freshly birthed night was adding a layer of chill.
He could feel the turn on the planet under his feet as he turned a corner.
What was this?
He swore he saw (y/n) turn the adjacent corner into a street ahead of him. He took a few quick steps and curved into an alley. It was definitely her.
Go into a large detached building with a sizeable car park. She had her big, over stuffed tote bag with her. She looked in perfect health.
Whatever happened to her sickness?
A lie? Or did she feel his encroaching gazes and seclude herself from him.
He wouldn’t blame her…
It didn’t appear to be flats or even a room-share or sublet situation. Maybe it was her elusive job?
But what was it, in this seemingly askance residential building? With the car park that seemed a bit too big, even for the size of the house.
He stood on the corner of the street and gazed at it. He was clever enough to find out what she did now. Obviously.
But did he want to break her trust? Even in this little way? She was obviously quite guarded about her source of income.
Was it shame? Was she something that was shameful?
That narrowed it down, what jobs held stigma?
Down to a few.
What job would necessitate a huge bag such as that?
Seldom more.
He came to two or three careers.
Now which would be held in this suburb?
Two left.
What one would be in a place with a large car park and- he noticed all the windows were blacked out. As if coated in the same tint a car would have on its..
He couldn’t honestly be shocked. It could prove lucrative. And it was flexible for her schedule. Not a common choice, but one trillions across the universe and time had made…
He crooked his head.
“Ah, bingo!” He felt himself saying aloud.
No wonder he felt sexually charged and drawn to her, he rationalized. She was changed by this career. Even in her normal, day-to-day, her mind was probably racing on ways to keep this concealed. The psychic cues probably just meddled with his mind.
She was probably scared shitless that a peer or a professor, or someone on administration would see her here. The stigma around this would damage her chances at a civilian career once she graduated.
Or even worse, request her to service them…
Though, yet he couldn’t fault her for the risk…
He’d taken billions.
Especially when the economy was fascistic.
All these humans had to make do to tread water.
And this was her attempt…
He felt liberated over this. Just psychic cues and her own internal warfare! Not him!
Or was it?
How easily was it for him to accept these fantasies, despite how much he tried against them?
Was it so simple? Or was it deeper? He enjoyed the brief time they had shared. She was intuitive. Empathetic and, if the last class they shared, valued everything from humans to microbes at the same level…
He decided it was a combination of all of the above.
She’d definitely make an interesting companion, of not a romantic partner.
Why not?
Precious little to lose, except her…
He said he’d email her about meeting on Monday. He whipped our his phone, and shot her a nice, professional sounding email requesting her presence at the same time.
Let the seduction of (y/n) begin…He thought as he made his way back home.
He had to prepare.
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dewdropdinosaur · 5 hours
Baby Don't Hurt Me
Summary: You and Lucifer were never really a labeled thing until when your very life is at stake, does the King of Hell truly take into account his feelings.
Warnings: PG-13 for implied sex, sexual language, vulgar language.
For the lovely @pixie-skull
In the dark and tumultuous realm of Hell, a sinister yet charismatic figure ruled supreme. Lucifer Morningstar, the embodiment of rebellion, carried himself with a confidence that belied the chaos of his kingdom. At least that is what it looked like to his subjects. Among the twisted landscapes and restless souls, there was one being who managed to capture Lucifer’s true self like no other—Y/N.
Their relationship was an enigma, even to them. Late nights were spent in shadowed alcoves, hidden from the prying eyes of Hell’s denizens. Whispers and stolen glances became their secret language. The thrill of sneaking around, of keeping their connection hidden, added a dangerous allure to their meetings. In the privacy of Lucifer's opulent chambers, they would share moments of passion, both knowing but never saying that there was something more between them.
Neither of them dared to label what they had. It was easier that way. For Lucifer, admitting to love was a vulnerability he couldn’t afford, especially not after Lillith and just getting Charlie back in his life. Y/N, strong and independent, valued their freedom and feared the chains that love might bring in a place like Hell. They reveled in the attention from Lucifer but to admit true feelings might do more harm than good in Hell, especially with all the people who love to take advantage of others. Both men and women alike had only used them so why wouldn't the King of Hell himself, Y/N was convinced, only use them too?
Ye even as the war of love raged on, the forces of Heaven prepared their assault, and Hell and the Hazbin Hotel braced for the inevitable clash. The day of the battle arrived with a ferocity that shook Hell to its core. Angels descended with blinding light and righteous fury, led by the vengeful Adam, Heaven’s warrior. The air was thick with the sounds of clashing weapons and the cries of the damned and divine.
In the midst of the chaos, Lucifer fought, albeit a little late to the party, with a fury born of centuries of defiance. His eyes constantly darted around the battlefield, always finding their way back to Y/N. 
Standing utop the roof, sword glinting in the light of the battlefield, Y/N stood guarding a fallen Charlie. 
“I would suggest you back the fuck up, Adam.”
“Awww, isn’t this cute, the little lover wants to save Luci's little girl.”
“The closest you get to brainstorming insults Adam is a light drizzle.”
Slicing his guitar towards Y/N, they met it with a block. Both parties slashed through the air, perry and block one after the other. Sweat poured down Y/N’s face, their short hair sticking to their face. he moonlight cast a silver sheen over their blades, creating an almost ethereal glow as the two adversaries faced off.
Adam's eyes narrowed, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "You really think you can stop me, Y/N?" he taunted, his voice dripping with contempt.
Y/N tightened their grip on their sword, the weight of the steel comforting in their hand. "I won't let you hurt them," they replied, their voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through their veins.
Without another word, Adam lunged forward, his blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. Y/N parried the blow, the clash of metal ringing out like a thunderclap. Sparks flew as their swords met, the force of the impact sending vibrations up Y/N's arm.
Adam was relentless, his attacks coming fast and furious. Y/N matched him blow for blow, their movements fluid and precise. The two danced a deadly ballet, their swords weaving intricate patterns in the air.
"Impressive," Adam sneered, his eyes glinting with malice. "But you're only delaying the inevitable."
Y/N didn't respond, their focus razor-sharp. They could feel the strain in their muscles, the burn of exertion, but they pushed it aside. They couldn't afford to lose focus, not now.
With a sudden burst of speed, Adam feinted to the left and then swung his blade towards Y/N's side. Y/N barely had time to react, twisting their body just in time to avoid a fatal blow. Pain lanced through their side as the tip of Adam's sword grazed their skin, but they gritted their teeth and pressed on.
Using the momentum, Y/N counterattacked, their sword arcing towards Adam's chest. Adam deflected the strike, but Y/N was relentless. They pressed forward, their attacks becoming more aggressive, each swing fueled by their determination to protect Lucifer and Charlie.
For a moment, it seemed like Y/N had the upper hand. Their blade cut through the air with precision, forcing Adam to stay on the defensive. But Adam was cunning, his eyes never leaving Y/N's. He saw an opening, a split-second lapse in Y/N's defense, and he took it.
With a swift, brutal strike, Adam knocked Y/N's sword from their hand. The weapon clattered to the ground, and Y/N stumbled back, breathless. Adam advanced, his sword raised for the final blow.
“Go ahead and cry to your boyfriend, he isn’t here. I will enjoy destroying you, sinner.”
Watching this all unfold, Lucifer's heart clenched—a sensation he hadn’t felt in eons. With a roar that echoed across the battlefield, he unleashed his full power, tearing through the ranks of angels to reach Y/N. He arrived just as Adam’s sword plunged into Y/N’s side, a scream of agony ripping from their lips.
Lucifer’s vision turned red. In a blur of motion, he struck Adam with a force that sent the angel sprawling. Adam, now unconscious under a pile of rubble, laid motionless. 
Rushing back to the roof, Lucifer knelt beside Y/N, cradling them in his arms, the world around him forgotten. Blood seeped from the wound, and Y/N’s breaths came in ragged gasps.
“Stay with me,” Lucifer commanded, his voice breaking in a way it never had before. “You can’t leave me, not now.”
Y/N’s eyes fluttered open, a weak smile playing on their lips. “I’m not going anywhere, you stubborn devil.”
Lucifer felt the sting of tears. He pressed his forehead against Y/N’s, a silent plea for them to hold on. As the battle raged around them, he realized the depth of his feelings. This was more than a fleeting connection, more than a casual fling. This was love, raw and undeniable. This man had given him love, passion, kindness, heck even tried to save his own daughter.
“I…I think I love you,” he whispered, the words heavy with the weight of a thousand unspoken emotions.
Y/N reached up, cupping his cheek. “I know. I love you too.”
“Lucifer, for Heaven’s sake, it will heal on its own!”
“I know ducky, but please….just let me look at it!”
“No you worried devil, I will be okay!”
Letting out a light chuckle, Y/N laid in Lucifer’s plush bed, surrounded by bandages and pillows. While Lucifer’s concern over his new found love was touching, the constant mothering was a tad annoying but mostly endearing. 
“Promise, me ducky?”
“I promise, Puggle, now come cuddle with me!” 
With a grin, Lucifer plopped into the bed with Y/N, burying his head into their shoulder. After a moment of silence, Lucifer shifted…and then shifted again.
“Yes, platypus?”
“You wanna make out yes?”
“....only if you are okay with that?”
“Darling, if I ever say no to that question there is a gun in my top dresser drawer. Shoot me with it.” 
Stealing his lips into a searing kiss, Y/N tangled their hands into Lucifer’s hair. Rolling ontop of Lucifer, Y/N kept kissing him with fevor. A thousand past kisses didn’t compare to the fiery nature of this single one, it felt like even their fingertips deliciously burned at each other’s touch. Popping the buttons off one by one of Lucifer silk shirt and then removing his own, the dance of tongue and teeth continued. Nips, soft bites, and moans eoched around the spacesou bed room. Tilting his knee up, Lucifer ground his leg into Y/N’s crotch. Lewdness sprung forth from their mouth as they clamped down onto Lucifer’s shoulder. 
Outside the doorway, however, was a very concerned Charlie who had been hearing the commotion and was worried about the injured state of Y/N. Softly pushing the door open and immediately regretting her decision, Charlie stood dumbstruck. 
“Fuck, just like that Luci, mhmmm….so close.”
“Ducky, come on, come for me!”
The scene came to a halt! Caught in a rather…precarious position, Lucifer and Y/N stopped their movements. Throwing the covers swiftlyt over them as Charlie shielded her eyes, all parties stared at each other. 
“I’ll knock next time I am so sorry, I was just so worried about Y/N and you and the fight and—”
“Charlie! Its okay. Luci…I guess this is a good a time as any….Charlie dear your father and I are dating—”
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Okay, have my 'If the Cornley society members were in wind band' headcanons:
Chris - flute. That man has flute vibes. And he pretends to play one in his ballet. He also conducts the band when the regular is away, much to the dismay of Robert
Robert - tuba. He started out on a trumpet but wanted to play something bigger and more annoying to the people around him. And also the bass section never pays attention in rehearsals, which suits him perfectly.
Dennis - percussion. I don't know why but I have this vivid image of Dennis being an amazing drummer in my head, and everyone being shocked because he DOES NOT look like a percussion player.
Max - trumpet. He's not your stereotypical bolshy trumpet player, but he loves it and always gives encouragement to the rest of the band (by yelling at them across the room).
Sandra - oboe. I don't have much reasoning for this beyond she is definitely a woodwind player, and the oboe solos are usually very prominent.
Vanessa - clarinet. She sits on 2nd because she doesn't want to play 1st, but occasionally the 1st is missing and she sits shaking all rehearsal (but nails it because she's amazing)
Annie - French horn. I have no reasoning. She just is.
Trevor - bass guitar. He's in a rock band. Need I say more?
Jonathan - saxophone. Confident, slightly arrogant, but a nice person really.
Bonus: Lucy - flute as well, she steps in if Chris has to conduct a concert. Robert criticises her all the time, but she's actually better than him.
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heavenly--knight · 2 months
I think adam x mikey would work in many ways. The personality dynamic works very well, I can imagine so many reasons they fall in love, they are both angelic beings so there's no questioning it in mikeys head, it fits his standards, mikey needs a person who would not let him walk all over them and tell him no and be dominant over him or else he would overpower the relationship. Adam is just as selfish and smug and prideful. The two fit. He's also just as strong. Plus war backgrounds both can chat about battles and even team up in exterminations. It's perfect. Both have also had a history w luci is different ways. Plus luci would get jealous lol of his brother stealing adam when he could not. I also imagine the two preening each other's wings it's cute. Fancy boy x rebel rocker boy quite literally he does punk rock he does ballet lol, also, sun x moon Boys yes, so true, and small x tall boys
Pls omg
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icanmakewords · 11 months
Got inspired by everyone sharing their amazing mc’s from @disenchantedif and figured I’d share a few of mine!
Verity Park
Species: Sorcerer
Route: Viktor/Theo poly
Fun facts:
- she got her nose pierced on a dare from Theo. Ten solid minutes of Viktor attempting to talk them through why doing this at home was a bad idea later, it was done
- she is that drunk girl in the bathroom giving solid life advice and providing tissues & a shoulder to cry on. She’s been the demise of a few relationships after helping someone realize that they deserve more
- she was a ballet baby. Do not cross. You think you’re safe until you face the (unlikely) wrath of a woman who grew up knowing how to survive pointe shoes and work them easily
Outfit Inspo:
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Jacqueline Payne
Species: Nephilim
Route: Lucia/Cameron poly
Fun Facts:
- she’s a strong swimmer, and an even better diver. She’s got a scary precision to almost everything she does
- immediately after her and Lucis first kiss (bitter ex lovers back to lovers y’all), she thanked her. She was so flustered after doing that that she decided to cap it off with an honest to god handshake like she was entering a job interview
- after they begin dating, she’ll occasionally stalk out stan Twitter (or whatever equivalent) just to find the especially complimentary (or downright hilarious) tweets there about Cam. Any “I want them so bad” is likely to be followed by a “same”
Outfit Inspo:
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Hayden Dalton
Species: Banshee
Route: Charlie/Avery poly
Fun Facts:
- they knit for the people they love. They have an excellent eye for design of that sort, and the patterns are soothing. Their entire friend group has a knitted item from them- Theo and Vik the most. Luci got one too- one they made as a thank you. They didn’t have the heart to take it back.
- they ate an entire bucket of popcorn through Carrie once, so they’re most often cuddling whoever gets scared by horror movies because it is definitely not them
- they appreciate a good weighted blanket to be sure, but a fluffy rug is the way to go for them. If you’ve ever seen a cat kneading, it’s exactly like that. They’ll be laying there at 2 in the morning just. Vibing.
Outfit Inspo:
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Savannah Asturias
Species: Cambion
Route: Harlow/Wraith poly
Fun Facts:
- she is a dirty fighter in snowball fights. She’d pout her way into convincing Harlow and Wraith that something needs to be checked out just to turn her relentless stack of snowballs on them
- she’s an excellent chef. It’s a hobby that turned into a skill. She raids Harlow’s closet before she begins cooking because cozy
- she’s the one most people go to to get bailed out of situations. She’s extremely tactful when it comes to disarming the situation, and comfortable with making a few assholes uncomfortable if it helps to get the situation over with
Outfit Inspo:
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
Hi, Molly! So, Lavender Haze is on my mind pretty regularly, as you know. I love Kate and Anthony, I love your writing, I love tattoos, I love romances in which the attraction is communicated from the jump. This Kate ties in my head with Mile High Kate for your sexiest Kate. Sexy Kate bullying Posh and/or Prim Anthony with her sexiness and Anthony being very into it is my favorite dynamic. It's really got it all. So, I'm gonna try to remember all the questions that just popped in my head while I was in the shower pretending to listen to what my husband was saying.
Does Benedict have tattoos before meeting Sophie? If not, does he become a total convert like Anthony does?
Does Kate ever convince Anthony to give her a tattoo? I see her constantly wanting to teach him how to use a tattoo machine and Anthony being terrified of doing something wrong.
Once both Kate and Sophie are integrated into the Bridgerton family, is there a friendly (but not really) competition about which of them can give the most Bridgerton tattoos? I imagine once Lucy starts her apprenticeship, Gregory is keen to offer his entire body to let her catch up.
Most tattoo artists do other kinds of art. Does Kate do watercolors? Does Sophie have other mediums?
Those definitely weren't all of my questions, I don't think. Oh, well. Thank you, as always, for sharing your stories with us.
I think Mile High Kate and Lavender Haze Kate are pretty similar honestly. Both of them are a little reckless, and Anthony being affronted and confused what to do with her is very funny to her. She thinks he’s cute, and it’s endearing that he’s flailing around trying to look after everyone. The caregiver in him calls to her. The part of himself that he’d rather keep the most hidden is what draws her in closer.
Now to answer your questions!
Benedict did have one tattoo before he met Sophie. Ballet shoes on his chest. And Sophie hates it. It’s so badly done. The line work is uneven, and the shading Has the light coming from two different sources. And she stares at it all the time and mourns the fact that someone did this to him. Eventually he lets he cover it up with her own version and he has to admit; it’s way better
Kate would love for Anthony to Tattoo her. And eventually, he loses one of their drinking contests and the next day he has to tattoo her. He’s terrified he’s going to make a mistake and his hands shake the entire time and Kate just chuckles, Do you really think I’d regret it? You did it, that makes it special, baby boy.
Sophie and Kate have a competition for who can put the most tattoos on their partner in a six hour window. They do it as a charity event, Ben and Anthony advertise it and people donate money to one of their mother’s causes, the whole thing is live streamed. Kate wins because Anthony was egging her on the entire time, telling her they absolutely could not lose to Ben and Sophie. He was holding a sippy cup of water and he was an inch shy of suggesting they wear nappies so neither of them would have to go to the bathroom.
Sophie and Kate both went to Art school and are very talented artists in their own right outside of people’s skin. Kate is fond of water colour as her tattoo style is watercolor as well. But Sophie’s more of a charcoal kind of gal.
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3d-wifey · 6 months
i may be just astronomically obsessed with songbirds and snakes rn but your recent chapter had me thinking!! when you said she got lost in the sea it made me think of lucy gray getting “lost in the snow”. idk if that was on purpose or not but either way you’re so talented ugh
Thank you stink 🥺 and I actually haven't read or watched the ballet of Songbirds and Snakes but I did learn about the meaning behind her name pretty recently. Happy little accident, but stuff like that happens all the time. I'll have no ulterior motives behind a line and then my beta reader will be like "wow does this mean blah blah blah?" and im like "no, but it does now. 😁👍🏽"
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coffeecakecafe · 2 years
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Knox is both the stealth guy and the comic relief guy for the Guardians of Atlas. He starts off helping because when Aerin asks it just kind of sounds like fun, but ends up really loving his teammates and shifting his priorities in life through the story. More under the cut!
Aerin - Riley - Wallace - Milo - Knox - Lucy
Knox is Aerin's cousin, and he lives in the basement apartment of her duplex with his older brother Marcus. He's a very dedicated dance student, but when Aerin asked him to start the Guardians with her he thought it sounded like fun. He doesn't really start taking things seriously enough until he runs into his first very personal danger, and his nonchalant attitude can be both a blessing and an annoyance for the others.
His powers are invisibility and density shifting; he can make himself and anything he's touching more or less dense, which he typically uses for passing through walls and enemies. He does have trouble with metals and other super-dense materials, which is why he personally doesn't have any piercings (also why Milo won't let Knox density shift him). He's really flexible and athletic, and dance has given him a level of physical control that would make him the team stealth expert even if he wasn't invisible. Like with the density shifting, Knox can make himself and anything he's touching invisible. The touch limitation does mean that he can only ever affect two other people at a time.
Knox's mom and Aerin's bio mom are twin sisters, and his dad is French! He speaks both French and English and grew up traveling the world for his parents' work as archaeologists. He's studying ballet and contemporary dance, hoping to join a fairly elite studio that's local to Atlas.
He's cocky and confident and incredibly sarcastic, and greatly values his friends and family (and his boyfriend, Izzy). His cheerful personality does mask some deeper anxieties, but it's nothing he can't handle with all of his people around to lean on.
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