chocomaomao · 7 months
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What is love? What is obsession?
I think Homura is a girlie treading that fine line 🥹 can’t wait to see what the new madoka movie will actually bring omg 🥹🥹🥹🥹
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maehemthemisfit · 2 years
all i can think about is cutting my finger on one of those goofy ass books and accidentally summoning a kazutora demon.
so like, could u do a scenario for demon kazutora hcs?
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Thinking of DEMON KAZUTORA who wants to stay in the overworld bc his world sucks so when you accidentally summon him, he knows you don't know anything about demons, so he's using that to his advantage
DEMON KAZUTORA who doesn't tell you how to send him back so he gets to chill and bother you all day, poking at anything interesting you have and asking you a dozen questions about humans and your interests
DEMON KAZUTORA who can turn into a cat to hide his demon form. He's a bengal breed which basically is a cat that looks like a tiger.
DEMON KAZUTORA who begs you to take him outside so he can see the city, so he clings to the inside of your hoodie, poking his head from your collar to see the world, his fur tickling your chin in the process as he looks around with big curious cat eyes, marveling at any and everything he sees.
DEMON KAZUTORA who never gets summoned, so everything is a new experience for him, so ofc he's overjoyed over the simplest things :(
DEMON KAZUTORA who tastes human food and sweets for the first time and literally cries, hot tears rolling down his face as he clenches his chest, the thought of tasting something so good making his heartache since "He doesn't have this back at home..."
DEMON KAZUTORA who tries desperately to make a contract with you so he wouldn't be forced to leave once his time is up
DEMON KAZUTORA who grows attached to you and your antics so he's helping you around the house. The way his eyes are trained on yours whenever you explain something to him is adorable. He's so focused, eager to make you happy that he did something right.
DEMON KAZUTORA who whines anytime you leave without him, already in kitten form with his teeth holding on for dear life onto the pants you're wearing, attempting to pull you away from the door. He sulks around the house when you do eventually leave, but as soon as he catches a whiff of your scent or hear the sound of your keys, he's already ready to greet you at the door, tail wagging excitedly as he patiently waits, ready to tell you how much he missed you and how bored he was.
DEMON KAZUTORA who's favorite thing to do is watch movies and shows with you. He gets a lot of information from them, but the best part is he gets to cuddle with you
DEMON KAZUTORA who loves when you rub his horns, wings, or his little heart shaped demon tail. You also point out his little fangs which always makes his face heat up. he secretly wants to bite you
You aint hear that from me 🏃🏾‍♀️💨
I swear his tail gives away his emotions. It comically points straight up whenever he's surprised or flustered and curls around himself when he's shy/nervous.
DEMON KAZUTORA who's heart jumps anytime you try to get him so go back where he came from. Screaming words like "Begone demon! depart! goodbye! cut loose! May the power of Christ compel you!" scared when you actually get close to saying the words that would send him back.
DEMON KAZUTORA who sneaks in your bed in cat form, and in your sleepy daze you're fine with that. Then you wake up to his arms wrapped tightly around you, back pressed to his chest, face snug against your neck as his soft breath tickles your skin. UGHHH I NEED THISS PLSSS SHJERHS
DEMON KAZUTORA who sometimes doesn't understand boundaries especially when you're upset with him, so you have to slam the door in his face. He knows he could easily get in if he wanted to, but instead he uses his cat form, tiny paws clawing from under the door, begging to be let in along with many meows and apologies that you eventually cave into 🥺
He's a clingy demon, and god forbid another gets close to you. He'll wrap his arms tightly around you and glare daggers to whoever it is.
DEMON KAZUTORA though he isn't a popular demon, he isn't weak either. So he'll fight a mf if he needed to. He's protective, but not overbearing. He'll be grumpy if you bring another guy home, but he won't bother you, just stare menacingly at the guy in his cat form like >:( and it freaks the fuck out of your guest.
"Uh, your cat is just... he's just staring at me."
"Oh, h-he does that to everyone. Heh... don't mind him." 😐
"Yeah... well i'mma go."
slick mf 😒 lucky he cute.
DEMON KAZUTORA who just loves touch and physical affection. Giving and receiving. Back hugs, pecks, head pats, boop his nose and he'll melt. Whatever touch you give him he'll gladly take it.
He also finds ANY REASON to touch you. Having trouble reaching something in a high place? Don't worry, he'll place his hands on your waist and lift you. This throws you tf off an then you get all flustered as he chuckles. He knew he coulda just flew up and got it for you, but this is so much better.
Touch them, tease them 😈 He's very vocal that way
I HC most demons are cold to the touch, so DEMON KAZUTORA is addicted to your warmth. No matter what the weather is he'll always be ice cold which comes in handy on very hot days and he loves it because you'll cuddle up to him more.
IN CONCLUSION. DEMON KAZUTORA is probably the best demon to be stuck with compared to others. It's his goal to protect you, even if you want him there or not. 10/10 demon buddy
Who should I write next? 😏
A/N: This may or may not be a series
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missjanjie · 4 years
hiiii for the prompts, may i ask for 12/9/27 with crygi plsss?
why am i lowkey loving this au lmao
12. babysitter au / 9. strangers to lovers / 27. “That was a very bad idea. 0/10 would not recommend.”
“And here are all of the emergency phone numbers,” Kristi explained. “My older daughter, Gigi, is working on a big project. She can feed herself, just please make sure she actually does.”
Crystal nodded understandingly. “How old is she?”
“Oh, she’s eighteen, a senior, she’s just really invested in this thing and I promised I’d let her see it through. Anyway, I’ll be back before midnight,” she said before grabbing her bag and heading out.
Admittedly, Crystal was amused by the fact that she was only two years older than this other girl, but she would give her the space she apparently needed and focus her attention on the seven year old she was getting paid to watch.
One chicken nugget dinner and Disney movie later, Crystal heard footsteps coming down and looked over with casual curiosity. “You must be Gigi. Your mom said to make sure you eat, so… go eat.”
“That’s why I’m down here,” Gigi replied, then walked over to see who this new babysitter was, and suddenly her tone changed. “I didn’t get your name,” she added, twirling her hair around her finger and batting her lashes.
“Crystal,” she replied with a more casual smile.
“What’s wrong with your eyes?” Samantha, the younger sister, leaned over to ask Gigi.
Gigi glared as her cheeks turned red. “Isn’t it past your bedtime?” she hissed.
Crystal looked down and checked her phone. “Oh shit- I mean crap- I mean… yeah, let’s go get your pajamas on, Sammy,” she said, guiding the (still confused) child upstairs.
By the time Crystal had gotten Samantha to sleep and returned downstairs, Gigi had finished dinner and was watching tv on the couch. “Don’t you have a project or something to finish?” she asked as she sat beside her.
“I needed a break,” Gigi said simply. “So, do you go to school around here?”
Crystal arched her brow, a bit amused at the girl’s sudden interest in her. But she would be lying if she said she didn’t like the attention. Honestly, she welcomed it - she didn’t exactly expect a girl close to her age to be hanging around, and a hot one at that. “Yeah, uh, I’m a sophomore art major at MSU.”
Gigi’s interest was even further piqued. “You’re an artist? Me too! I mean, that’s what I was working on,” she said brightly. “Sorry, shouldn’t yell if she’s sleeping.” “It’s alright, I’m sorry I cursed in front of her.”
She snorted. “That was a very bad idea. 0/10 would not recommend,” she told her. “Only because I can’t promise she won’t be saying it nonstop tomorrow.”
Crystal laughed and groaned, hiding her head in her hands. “I guess I won’t be invited back anytime soon.”
“Well, maybe not by my mom, but I’d invite you back…” Gigi hummed, shifting closer to Crystal.
She smirked, leaning back against the couch as if to invite Gigi closer. “You coming onto me, Geege?”
Gigi laughed softly. “I mean, Sammy noticed it before you did, but yes.”
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