#Machine Hallucinations: coral
dergarabedian · 2 years
Una obra NFT de Refik Anadol se exhibirá en Buenos Aires
Una obra NFT de Refik Anadol se exhibirá en Buenos Aires
La obra “Machine Hallucinations: coral”, del artista digital Refik Anadol se presentará por primera vez y de forma gratuita en América latina. (more…)
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sheltiechicago · 10 months
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Machine Hallucinations: Coral - Temporary Exhibitions / Exhibition Design
By Refik Anadol Studio, United States
Creative Communication Awards
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groxglitch · 9 months
Every synapse and nerve ending in 621’s broken body burned. The sudden Coral surge was overwhelming. It felt like his brain itself was buzzing, his head spinning. Every sensor feed from his stricken AC was more noise than actual data. The last time he’d experienced this much misery in one place was his initial augmentation; unlike that time, he no longer had a larynx with which to scream. Everything was red. Outside, inside, even if he closed his eyes all he could see was that flashing, jittering, intense red. At the outer vestiges of his mind he could hear a voice; soft, feminine, surprised and curious, though he was far from capable of making out what was being said. He clung to the margins, fading in and out as his AC was thrashed around the interior of the Watchpoint. He was fairly sure he had faded in and out of consciousness a few times now. And what was that voice? He was no stranger to hearing voices - usually the med cocktail took care of them - but this was different somehow, more alien and external than a voice in his head had any right to be.  Even in his dazed state, he could pick out angular changes in orientation, hear thrusters firing. Accelerometer data confirmed the changes, when his twice-fried brain could actually understand the signals. Was he doing that? Even his instincts had their limits.
There was that voice again. At least she sounded soothing. Was this it? Was this the parting hallucinations of a brain that had figured out it was going to die? Something seethed  deep inside him. This was not how it was supposed to end. He had not come this far to die in some Coral-filled hole in the ground. His AC systems read off a full readiness report he could barely even comprehend. He did make out “operator vitals stable”, so he probably wasn’t dying. Not unless the Coral in his brain decided to cook off, anyway. He also noted he had absolutely no outbound signal. He struggled to un-slump himself within the fluid of his control pod.
“Raven, you need to wake up. There’s a PCA craft on direct approach, it’s jamming our signal.”
Suddenly his mind snapped awake. Combat. The noise had died off and he could make heads or tails of what was happening, albeit with some difficulty. His AC was standing on the roof of the Watchpoint. How? He could figure that out later. There was a hostile incoming. If he didn’t get it together now he wouldn’t live to worry about getting out of the Watchpoint, or the voice in his head that was evidently not a dying hallucination. He was still struggling to function, though; his movements were sluggish and he was struggling to process his machine’s full bandwidth of data. Frankly it was amazing he was doing as well as he was given he should, by all rights, be dead.
“I’ll synchronize with your brainwaves and support you as best I can. Get ready.”
Synchronize with- what? 621 struggled to make sense of the statement, but it wasn’t like he had time to worry about it anyway. At the very least, his datastream had cleaned up, and his AC was moving better, though it felt almost as if it were moving of his own accord. Wait, is this voice doing that? Who the hell even is this? Radar tracked a large AC screaming down to the Watchpoint at high speed. It swung around and drifted to a stop opposite his position on the roof, a large biped with what looked to be an EVA extension pack on the backside.
“Scans indicate it’s an autonomous PCA interceptor, designation Balteus. Be careful.”
The machine physically reached up and dragged down a sizable MRLS rack, locking in for a salvo. 621 already registered the hostile lock tone. This is gonna suck.
“Main system: reactivating combat mode. Move, Raven!”
He didn’t need to hear the suggestion twice. He lunged his AC forward with a booster-augmented kick, dipping low to the right to drag the missile volley towards him before suddenly juking left, sending most of the flight slamming into the ground behind him as he loosed a volley of his own from the plasma launchers on his shoulders. They detonated against Balteus, a shimmering off-teal field shielding the body of the machine from damage. Of course it has a pulse shield. Fucking PCA. He staggered discharges from the laser rifle in either arm as Balteus started to move, bolts rippling across the shield as the autocannons on the support ring returned fire in kind. Damage reports were fed directly to his consciousness as stray shells splintered off armor plating. Balteus came to a brief halt, and 621 reflexively fired his machine’s lateral thrusters, just barely clearing a cannon shell screaming past his left shoulder. He took the chance to loose another plasma volley, slowing down the rhythm on his rifles to give the poor guns a chance to cool, thermal warnings whining in his head. Not like he needed them; he could feel the rain sizzling off the barrels. No pulse weapons on hand. The only way I’m getting through that thing’s shield is with brute force. He tracked Balteus’s orbit, keeping pressure on with his lasers as it came to a halt, gaining altitude over him. The lock tone buzzed in his head. Perfect. He fired off the transit thrusters on his AC at full power, scraping low again to drag the missiles clear before streaking up underneath Balteus. It started to evade but it moved too late, as 621 brought his AC’s foot up in a rocket-powered flip kick. Sensors registered the shield protecting Balteus drop, and 621 carried his momentum through, bringing his weapons to bear as gravity reclaimed his machine. This time his weapons struck true, plasma fields and laser beams finding purchase against Balteus’s reinforced hide. It started to move again, putting distance between itself and its target as more autocannon fire raked 621’s armored hide.
“Thermal spike, Raven, get clear!”
The voice called it out before he even registered it, but sure enough, gouts of flame built at either side of Balteus’ support frame. The machine came screaming forward, lashing a gouge of superheated fire across the roof. 621 barely jumped his machine clear of the sweep, firing off a wall of plasma bolts as he engaged retro-thrusters and put some space between them. Balteus came forward for another sweep, which he evaded only by slamming down to the ground. He dashed forward underneath Balteus, barely managing to keep his machine standing as he pivoted around to bring weapons to bear once more. The damned thing’s shield was already back up.
“Keep fighting Raven, we can do this.”
Gotta kick it again, it’s the only way. Back to square one. Focus. He kept skidding backwards away from Balteus, throwing in erratic changes in vector to throw off its aim with the autocannons. He shifted into a hard left at the edge of the Watchpoint, tracking as Balteus followed his movements along the edge and repositioned accordingly. It initiated a staggered set of dashes forward, firing off another cannon shell in the middle, before launching into another flurry of flame blade strikes. 621 struggled to keep his machine ahead of the assault, thermal sensors spiking well past the redzone as flames licked at his machine. Finally, however, Balteus slowed down. It’s energy was, for a short window, spent. There’s my window. Once again, 621 fired his transit thrusters and slammed feet first into Balteus with as much weight and force as his spritely machine could muster. Its shield flickered out and 621 proceeded to hammer it with as much firepower as he could muster at any one time, driving his weapons as hard as they could go. Balteus tried to regain it’s stability under his barrage, and he fired up the thrusters again, this time sending it drifting across the roof with a shoulder tackle. He kicked off high, continuing his barrage until the weapons forcibly quit fire.  Flames poured from Balteus as it struggled to get itself under control. Flames billowed from several open blasts across the hull. Its thrusters gave out, and the machine tried to catch itself on its feet, swaying before buckling and dropping to its knees. It reached up and tried to drag its missile racks down for a final, spiteful salvo. However, in the midst of them sliding into place, several detonated in the rack, leading to a chain reaction that blew the entire craft to pieces. “Sympathetic detonation confirmed in enemy magazines; enemy craft destroyed. Well done.”
621 found himself huffing inside his control pod. Even if he hadn’t physically moved much at all, pushing an AC to its limits right after brushing shoulders with death takes a lot out of you. He took a second to collect himself. “Mind explaining to me who - or what - the hell you are, exactly?” He asked. Things weren’t adding up. Sure, a voice in his head could just be a hallucination, but his hallucinations never actively helped him drive an AC before. Short wave radio comms would pick up in his skull as well, but that PCA unit was very much jamming comms so that’s out, and there is zero chance of somebody copiloting an AC remotely over radio. “I am Ayre - a Rubiconian. We made Contact when you were subsumed in the Coral flow below. The surge of Coral throughout your machine allowed me a measure of direct control, and I was able to override the autopilot and extract you. The residual Coral in your machine is already fading, however… I am symbiotically bound to your implants.” Finally, a name to the voice- Ayre. It wasn’t just another mental side effect of his implants going haywire. Arguably, it was worse; he’d picked up a stray. How? Since when were there people in Coral? It was a mineral, a fancy sparky rock in the ground. It could do a lot of things, to be sure, but since the fuck when was Coral alive? “I understand that this is probably a lot to take in all at once. I tried reaching out to you before, but I… I guess you were still too far gone then to even understand me. Or maybe I hadn’t worked out how to communicate in a way you could understand.” “Well. Thank you for dragging me out of that pit, at the very least.” He said. “So, you’re in my head?” “Yes, specifically your cerebral implants. The Coral throughout your central nervous system acts as a resonator and allows me to exist within your brain, functionally as an extra brainwave.” “Well that’s grand.” 621 lamented. “As if I wasn’t enough of a wreck as-is. I’m going to guess you can rifle through my memories and the rest of my brain at a whim?” “That is correct, yes. At a surface level, that’s how I worked out your name, and worked out how to best coordinate with you in combat.” “Do me a favor then, don’t go poking around places you don’t belong. There’s places in my brain even I don’t touch anymore.” He chided. “I… will keep that in mind, Raven.” Ayre agreed. “Something you should keep in mind yourself: look up.”
In the gaps between clouds, as the storm overhead began to part, 621 could see the bare sky. Streaked through in red, churning as crimson lightning raged within. It traced clear back to the horizon, to the northern coast, where smoke and debris were only just beginning to settle. “That Coral surge you were caught up in was but a drop in the greater tide… and only a small taste of what is to come in Rubicon’s future.” “Fuck.” 621 found himself at a loss for words. How much Coral did we just release? What kind of well was that cork holding closed? “Raven, you need rest. Both you and your AC are in rough shape. I’ll re-establish communications with Handler Walter.”
621 looked to the-now smoking remains of Balteus. Maybe the PCA had a good reason for trying to keep the Watchpoint sealed.
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demonlist · 8 months
Current Demon List:
Silent clubstep
Abyss of Darkness
Sakupen Circles
The Lightning Rod
Saul Goodman
The Hallucination
Tunnel of Despair
Edge of Destiny
Hard Machine
Sinister Silence
Sonic Wave Infinity
Solar Flare
walter white
The Golden
Verdant Landscape
Aerial Gleam
Terminal Rempancy
Critical Heat
Thinking Space
Lotus Flower
Cold Sweat
Crimson Planet
Sky Shredder
Calculator Core
Cosmic Cyclone
Lucid Nightmares
Akashic Records
Escape Room
Descent Into Exile
Launchpad Labyrinth
Silent Club
Omega Interface
The Rupture
The Art of the Blade
Jesse Pinkman
no jokes
Knights of Thunder
Coral Cave
Jupiter My Favourite
The Yandere
untitled unmastered
Neon Skyline
Visible Ray
Arctic Lights
Dance of the Violins
Plasma Pulse Finale
Frozen Cave
Spectrum Cyclone
Gustavo Fring
Excruciation Chamber
Aquatic Auroras
Storming Summit
Power Grid
of Ambrosia
Eternal Moment
Mirrored Calamity
Collect All Pets
Hyper Paracosm
Beyond Hell
Spacial Rend
the wiener
Cybernetic Crescent
Fever Dream
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jcmarchi · 7 months
Pushing the frontiers of art and technology with generative AI
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/pushing-the-frontiers-of-art-and-technology-with-generative-ai/
Pushing the frontiers of art and technology with generative AI
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Many people are scrambling to predict how AI will impact society. But living in a world of ubiquitous computing has already changed us in ways we might not fully appreciate. Generative AI-aided art — like all art — can be a powerful tool to visualize those changes, broaden our perceptions, and inspire us all.
That was the message of a keynote talk by artist Refik Anadol on the first day of MIT’s Generative AI Week. Anadol walked the audience through his studio’s body of work, which includes public art displays and other digital creations that visualize human and machine intelligence around the world.
“I’m inspired by the idea of how our perceptions of physical and virtual worlds are transforming us,” Anadol explained to a packed Kresge Auditorium.
The presentation was part of a full day of events that also included panels on generative AI’s potential applications and impact on society, with opening presentations from iRobot founder Rodney Brooks and MIT President Sally Kornbluth. The goal of the week of events is to bring together MIT’s community to spotlight insights from MIT’s researchers, stimulate thoughtful analysis, and engage in critical dialogues on the implications and possibilities of generative AI. Other days feature symposia on generative AI and education, creativity, and commerce.
Anadol’s work uses generative AI-based aesthetics on top of data from things like real-time weather data, changing climates and landscapes, historic architecture, and more. Some of his projects even incorporate AI-generated smells. A growing portion of Anadol’s work uses generative AI to visualize data and the physical world in new ways and change people’s perspectives of their surroundings and themselves. Part of that work leverages hallucinations — or creations by machines that are often a source of frustration for computer scientists.
“It’s really inspiring to see how we can reconstruct this information through AI’s hallucinations to compose a new form of art-making and space-making,” Anadol said.
For one of Anadol’s projects, he combined a dataset of approximately 100 million images of coral reefs with generative AI and visual art techniques to show vibrant, morphing coral images based on actual corals found in nature. The project sought to raise awareness of climate change by emphasizing the importance of coral preservation.
Another project Anadol discussed used real-time climate data in Barcelona to generate an array of digital patterns that were projected onto the famous Casa Batlló created by renowned architect Antoni Gaudí. The display was later sold as a nonfungible digital token, or NFT, with a portion of proceeds donated to institutions that work with neurodiverse adults and children.
“I believe light, data, and AI, when connected, can create a new form of architecture, which I call sensing architecture,” Anadol explained.
A third project was sparked by Anadol’s experience watching his uncle struggle with Alzheimer’s disease. The experience led the artist to consider new ways of visualizing neurological data in a way that provokes fundamental questions about the human brain and mental health. Anadol later received permission from patients to use their datasets, collected by electroencephalogram (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), to create a multisensory, immersive art exhibit and to promote mental health through art.
“Our fundamental goal is to find dreams of reality and concepts of reality,” Anadol said. “It’s about trying to find new ways of speculating, and I think the future of imagination, with neural networks and the integration of materials, [offers] a lot of room for creatives to recombine and explore connections between humanity.”
Through each of the projects, Anadol seeks to enhance our ability to express ourselves and find meaning.
“I believe by using AI, whether generative or otherwise, we have the opportunity to find the language of humanity,” Anadol said.
Speaking in front of a large screen displaying each of the projects, Anadol’s presentation gave the audience vivid examples of how generative AI technology is changing the world of art. Speaking in roundtable discussions after the talk, MIT professors gave more examples of how the technology could transform other fields, from transportation and manufacturing to health care, finance, and music.
One of those presenters was Cathy Wu, an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Wu described how generative AI could be used to create synthetic data to help prepare self-driving cars for rare events, better model traffic patterns, and improve zoning regulations to ease housing shortages.
In conducting her research, Wu said she was surprised to find so many promising applications for generative AI, and said she’s cautiously optimistic it will contribute to some of the transportation industry’s hardest problems.
“Longstanding issues are longstanding issues, and generative AI by itself will not move the needle, but it adds one very powerful tool to the toolbox,” Wu said. “I’m very encouraged that for some of these challenges, generative AI might just give us the push we need to make an impact.”
Another speaker was Marzyeh Ghassemi, an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Ghassemi showed how some models can perpetuate unequal outcomes by recommending African Americans exhibiting violent behavior be sent to jail while recommending their white counterparts be sent to a hospital.
Still, Ghassemi showed that the way decision makers interact with models ultimately determines if they exacerbate biases.
“Maybe we can get to safe integration [of these tools] without perfect models, as some other industries like aviation have done,” Ghassemi said. “If we want to move forward with AI in health care, we need to recognize that this is an ongoing process and it’s going to require diverse data and [consideration of diverse] needs.”
All of the examples presented in the afternoon described a technology whose ultimate effect on society should be determined by the people it impacts most.
“The impact of bringing generative AI to different fields is captivating,” Anadol said toward the end of his presentation. “By co-creating with musicians, other artists, and the public, there’s a beautiful, positive future to explore.”
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diarioelcentinela · 2 years
'Si un día una máquina decide crear su propia cultura ¿la aceptaremos?'
‘Si un día una máquina decide crear su propia cultura ¿la aceptaremos?’
Refik Anadol. Como parte de la Semana del Arte que se celebra en Buenos Aires, el artista turco Refik Anadol -considerado uno de los creadores digitales más importantes del mundo- presenta en el Teatro Colón la monumental “Machine Hallucinations: coral”, una obra visualmente impactante, pionera en el uso de datos e inteligencia artificial, que según cuenta el artista a Télam remite a la idea de…
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elcorreografico · 2 years
Refik Anadol llega a la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y su obra NFT se exhibirá en el Teatro Colón
#Cultura #Cripto #CABA | #RefikAnadol llega a la #CiudaddeBuenosAires y su obra #NFT se exhibirá en el #TeatroColón
Por primera vez en Sudamérica, organizado por artbag y el Ministerio de Cultura de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, con el apoyo de Borderless Capital y Ripio, la obra “Machine Hallucinations: coral” de Refik Anadol se presentará de forma gratuita el 3 de octubre en el Teatro Colón junto a la Orquesta Académica del Instituto Superior de Arte del Teatro Colón.  Asimismo, a mediados de octubre, la obra…
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thesunlounge · 5 years
Reviews 304: Mazzo
Though most of the attention was given to Sacred Bones’ loving reissue of Mother Earth’s Plantasia, there was another release this year also focused on using soothing sonics to help plants grow and gardens flourish: Mazzo’s Sound for Gardening. Released on Doom Chakra Tapes Worldwide, this cassette sees 3D artist, virtual sculptor, and musical producer Mazzo combining stargazing new age and paradise dancefloor magic while employing a conceptual split across two sides of tape. On the A-side, seaside house anthems, airy electro vibe outs, and slow motion boogie cruisers intermingle with spiritual ocean sonics…resulting in a truly transcendent stretch of balearic beat. Then on the B-side, Mazzo gives over fully to cosmic aquatic mesmerism, letting ambient Italo dream textures intermingle with Berlin school sequences amidst immersive starscapes of kosmische synthesis. There are moments throughout the tape where it feels as if the soul is afloat in some etheric ocean, wherein rainbow currents eddy around coral crystals and sparkles of gold cause mirage-like hallucinations. Other times it’s like being transported to some fantasy 90s dancefloor…a mass of bodies moving in spiritual ecstasy beneath a shimmering canopy of stars. And threaded through every moment are atmospheres of harmony, peace, and universal love, with the music functioning not just as a balm for plant-based beings, but also for the human spirit.
Mazzo - Sound for Gardening (Doom Chakra Tapes Worldwide, 2019) In “Cloud Mattress,” spiritual choirs sing from a sea of deepest blue…their voices rising to the clouds. Balmy chords float the soul and sea-crystal melodics flutter up above as the track glides on sparse percussion in the style of Sth. Notional’s “Yawn Yawn Yawn,” and during sparse rhythmic drops, pianos move between echoing chords and starbeam descents. The three-dimensional bass pulses of “Purple Waves” lead a reverential house body groove, with kick, hats, and snare locked into a four-to-the-floor jack pattern while claps and electro-toms morph through the spectrum. Dolphin tracers and immersive pad layers fade in as we ascend towards anthemic brass chord fanfares, which give Mazzo’s balearic beats a glowing aura of disco soul sensuality. Tom fills rocket through the stereo field and introduce a virtual marimba solo, with melodies splashing through tidepools in a way not dissimilar to A Vision of Panorama and Miskotom, and everything breaths through a paradise haze, as ethereal currents of light sparkle and the titular purple waves carry the spirit towards beachside dancefloor transcendence. Tambourines echo and ambient pads flow through pooling liquids in “Water Based,” with claps cracking through the layers of cinematic majesty. Island breeze hand percussion spreads across the mix as it generates a gaseous jazz bop while music box melodies dance alongside spiritual pan-pipe enchantments. Elsewhere, the mystical sea spirits from “Cloud Mattress” resume their harmonious choral drift…their voices suffused by golden string warmth…and after a quiet pause, the track rushes back to life with a more defined structure, now seeing glowing arps of ocean glass ascending into reverberating dream textures and fusion synths bending into whalesong psychedelia over a kick drum heart throb.
Despite it’s name, “Mowing Machine” evokes for me some refreshing sailboat cruise across sparkling blue waters…a seaside boogie glide rendered in slow motion with synthfunk basslines and swinging machine drums holding down a sensual body groove. Syncopated toms blast through the stereo field and pan-pipes are repurposed into jazz scats as cosmic oscillations swirl, carrying with them visages of dancing butterflies. The sensual, almost clavinet-esque bassfunk motions are spectacularly tracked by sparkling xylophones…like splashes of equatorial light descending in tandem with the liquid groove. After a glorious stretch of beatless ocean ambiance, featuring aqueous voices intertwining with synthetic hues of blue, the groove rushes back in, now with ultra-chilled fusion solos swimming through a sunset sky. And so it goes for the rest of the track, with Mazzo alternating between blissed out solo synthesis and deep sea dives into mermaid choir mystery. A-side closer “V70” heads immediately into a dreamcloud electro headspace, with airy breakbeats vibing out and panning pads stoking hallucinatory visions. Claps cracks in counterpoint to the rhythms, electronic rimshots blast across the stereo field, and insectoid oscillations ride unseen currents towards a sunset horizon while layered bass syncopations and jacking sequential bursts bring touches of future funk and sci-fi boogie. The rhythms disperse at some point, leaving space for psychosonic bubble tracers, melodies of glowing glass, and pads that swell into a gentle smolder before blowing waves of tropical warmth across the mix. And as the heady electro groove resumes it’s starlight dance, fusion scats, soul-funk solos, and rainbow dashes of light are woven together amidst a wobbling tapestry of vocally generated sea-foam.
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The B-side opens with “Clear Sky Cold Wind” and its environments of lapping water, which set the stage for shadowy pad swells and synthetic bass waves. Crystalline chords melt over the billowing currents of synthesis and each pulse of melodic air hits with more strength than the one before, as the notes trail out ever longer through psychotropic fx chains. Those now familiar mermaid choirs join the beauteous float as a galactic arp fades in, with the mixture of emotional ambient darkness and glowing kosmische reminding me of the works of Råd Kjetil Senza Testa. The Carpenter-esque bass synths of “Swarm” generate ominous atmospheres as the Berlin school evocations of the previous track take center stage, with layered sequences weaving a polychrome kosmische panorama. A momentary bassline drop out sees the sequential patterns transforming into themes of flower kingdom prog majesty and when the throbbing bass pulsations return, they bring with them a pillowy kick beat…like pulsing Italo magic repurposed into a mechanized krautrock lullaby. Sequences and arps are filtered into a dazzling displays of synthetic light, alternately bouncing like a balls of cosmic energy, snapping through gemstone refractions, or smearing into drunken delirium. Later, the track breaks down into a false ending that sees progressive electronics mutating into aquatic bubbles strands while sirens sing songs of enchantment through a wah-wah soundbath. And as starscape sequences low pass filter back into shimmering resolution, they carry the spirit with them on waves of anticipation until the kick beat drops and the Italo bass pulsations resume their slow motion hypo-jam, now with epic spaghetti western themes flowing forth on spaceage crystals…the effect like racing across a paradise vista in some futuristic rendering of the wild west.
In “Water Flow,” cold industrial breezes blow over a vortex of darkness while percussive sparkles transmute into frozen mist. String synthesizers and phaser organs whoosh across the stereo spectrum, bringing kosmische atmospheres yet again…though this time evoking the earliest days...think Schulze’s Cyborg and Tangerine Dream’s Zeit. Arps dance star-to-star, pads evoking oboes and bassoons swoon through heart-wrenching descents, ghosts scream amidst fields of cyborg computations, and seabirds fly through the celestial ether, with wing motions causing ripples of laser light to spread in every direction. As well, during particularly spellbinding moments, tremolo picked guitars howl into the void, causing my mind to drift towards Manuel Gottsching and those early Ash Ra Temple B-sides. Sound for Gardening ends with “Dark Clouds Above the Roses” and its flutey bubbles, rattling percussion fx, and shards of sonic ice cycling in a sea of abstraction…with everything modulating in ways that defy logic. Sequential synth patterns skip across clouds as the track evolves into funereality, with tambourines clicking through pools of reverberation and kick drums stomping into the night. It’s a magisterial dirge for forgotten seafloor kingdoms….a sad yet radiant waltz through a paradise of shadow and sorrow…with synthesizers joining together for massive melodies of solar melancholy. The sparse rhythms drop away at times in favor of polysynth prog leads and later, ethnological hand drums bop through bodies of water as star-crystal electronics play schmalzy melodies of new age spirituality. There’s a touch of Vangelis to it all…of floating off towards a cinematic horizon, with ominous clouds gathering and somatic arps filtering sofly amidst the subsuming atmospheres of dreamtime romance.
(image from my personal copy)
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dergarabedian · 2 years
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La obra «Machine Hallucinations: coral», del artista digital @refikanadol se presentará por primera vez y de forma gratuita en América latina. Enlace a la nota en la bio. https://www.instagram.com/p/CjI7CyJuZvH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sororsam-blog · 7 years
MUSE AESTHETICS //    BOLD any which apply to your muse!    remember to REPOST  !!  feel free to add to the list !!
[ COLORS ]   red. brown.  orange.  yellow.  green.  blue.  purple.  pink.  black.  white.  teal. silver.  gold.  gray.  lilac.  metallic.  matte.  royal blue.  strawberry red.  charcoal gray.  forest green.  pastels.  apple red.  navy blue.  crimson.  cream.  mint green.  lavender.  copper.  turquoise.  amber.  magenta.  midnight.  jade green. neon yellow.  neon green.
[ ELEMENTS ]  fire.  ice.  water.  air.   earth.  metal.  spirit.  rain.   snow.  wind.  moon.  stars.  sun.  heat.   cold.   steam.   frost.   lightning.  sunlight.  moonlight.  dawn.  dusk.  twilight.  midnight.  sunrise.  sunset.  dewdrops.
[ BODY ]  claws. long fingers. fangs.  teeth.  wings.  tails.  lips.  bare feet.  freckles.  bruises.   canine.  acne.  scars.  scratches.  wounds.  burns.  spikes.  fur.  feathers.  scales.  webs.  eyes.  hands.  tongue.  sweat.  tears.  feline.  chubby-faced. curvy.  short.  tall.  busty.  normal height.  muscular.  makeup.  piercing.  tattoos.  dimples.  plastic surgery.  dyed hair.  painted nails.  amputation.
[ WEAPONS ]  fists.  brass knuckles.  sword.  dagger.  spear.  arrow.  hammer.  shield.  poison. guns.  axes.  throwing axes.  whips.  knives.  throwing knives.  pepper sprays.  tasers. machine guns.  slingshots.  katanas.  maces. staffs.  wands.  powers.  magical items.  magic.  rocks.  mud balls.  claws.  razors.  fighting fans.
[ MATERIALS ]  gold.  silver.  platinum.  titanium.  diamonds.  pearls.  rubies.  sapphires.  emeralds.  amethyst.  opal.  topaz.  jade.  agate.  bismuth.  geodes.  metal.  iron.  rust.  steel.  glass.   wood.  porcelain.  paper.   wool.  fur.  faux fur.   lace.  leather.   silk.  satin.  velvet.   cashmere.  denim.  linen.  cotton.  charcoal.  clay.  stone.  asphalt.  brick.  marble.  graphite.  dust.  glitter.  blood.  dirt.  mud.  smoke.  ash.  shadow.  carbonate.  synthetics.  fool’s gold.  fossils.  sea glass.
[ NATURE ]    grass.  leaves.  pine trees.  maple trees.  palm trees. cactus.  bark.   roses.  daisies.  tulips.  lavender.  lilies.  desert flowers.  hibiscus.  petals.  thorns.  seeds.  vines. roots.  hay.  sand.  rocks.  flowers.  ocean.  lake.  river.  meadow.  forest.  desert.  tundra.  savanna.  swamps.  rain-forest.  caves.  underwater. coral reef.  beach.  waves.  space.  clouds.  shooting stars.  rainbows.  auroras.   fjords.  canyons.  floods.  droughts. thunderstorms.  tornadoes.  hurricanes.  tsunamis.  volcanoes.  earthquakes. blizzards. meteors.  constellations.  comets.  planets.   seashells.  driftwood.
[ ANIMALS ]   lions.  tigers.  bears.  wolves.  coyotes.  eagles.   owls.  falcons.  hawks.  swans.  snakes.   turtles.  ducks.  bugs.  spiders.  birds.   whales.  dolphins.  fish.  sharks.  horses.  zebras.  giraffes.  cats.  dogs.  bunnies.  cows.  sheep.   pigs.  goats.  frogs.   snails.  praying mantises.  butterflies.  bees.  wasps.  crows.  ravens.   parrots.   peacocks.  mice.  rats. hamsters.  lizards.  werewolves.  unicorns.  pegasus.  phoenix.  dragons.  foxes.  llamas.  camels.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ]     sugar.  salt.  candy.  bubblegum.  wine.  champagne.  hard liquor.  beer.  coffee.  tea.  mate.  kombucha.  spices.  herbs.  apple.  orange.  lemon.  lime.  cherry.  pineapple.  strawberry.  watermelon.  bananas.  mango.  coconut.  pomegranate.  vegetables.  fruits.  meat.  fish.  pies.  cakes.  desserts.  chocolate.  vanilla.  nutmeg.  hazelnut.  peppermint.  cream.  caramel.  berries.  nuts.  cinnamon.  popcorn.  pretzels.  soda.  burgers.  burritos.  pizza.  pasta.  lasagne.  peanut butter.  curry.  bacon.  pancakes.  soup.  cheese.  avocado.  vegan.
[ HOBBIES ]  music.  art.  watercolors.  gardening.  smithing.  sculpting.   pottery.  painting.   sketching .  fighting.  writing.  composing.  cooking.  sewing. cosplay.  training.  dancing.    acting.  singing.  sound editing.  martial arts.  self-defense.  electronics.  technology.  blogging.  vlogging. cameras.  video cameras.  video games.  audio recorders. computer.  phone.  movies.  theater.  libraries.  books.  magazines.  cds.   records.  vinyls.  piano.  violin.  guitar.  electronic guitar. bass guitar.  harmonica.  harp.  woodwinds.  keyboard.  drums.  percussion.  marching band.  drama.  playing cards.  poker chips.  chess.  dice.  motorcycle riding.  eating.  climbing.  running.  partying.  walking.
[ STYLE ]  lingerie.  armor.  cape.  dress.  tunic.  vest.  blazer.  shirt.  boots.  sneakers.  slip-ons. sandals.  heels.  leggings.  trousers.  tights.  jeans.  shorts. skirt.  jewelry . leather jacket.  earrings.  necklace.   bracelet.  ring.  pendant.  hat.  cap.  crown.  circlet.  helmet.  scarf.  brocade.  cloak.  corset.  doublet.  chest plate.  gorget.  bracers.  belt.   sash.  coat.   hoodie.   gloves.  socks.  masks.  cowls.  braces.  tie.  watch.  glasses.  sunglasses.  visor.  contacts.  makeup.  bowties.  canes.  bows.
[ MUSIC ]  rock.  pop.  jazz.  rap.  r&b.  hip-hop.  funk.  alternative.   classical.   trance.  dubstep.  edm.  ebm.  hardstyle.  blues.  cumbia.  reggaeton.   trap.   k-pop.  j-pop.   ambient.  new age.  metal.  world fusion.  dancehall.  reggae.  soca.  punk.  ska.  singer-songwriter.  folk.  country.  bluegrass.  swing.  opera.  show tunes.  acapella.  minimalist.  avant-garde.  new wave.  disco.  baroque.  symphonic metal.  soundtrack.  vaporwave.  glitch.  house.   lounge.  chillout.  psychedelic rock.  post-rock.  cabaret.  trip-hop.  easy listening.  nightcore.  indie.  grunge.  contemporary.  black metal.  metalcore.  emo.  screamo.  rockabilly.  parody.  industrial.  electro pop.  electro swing.
[ MISC ]  balloons.  bubbles.  fireworks.  reflections.   cityscape.  cathedral.  mosque.  light. dark.  candles.  war.  peace.  money.  power.  percussion.  clocks.  photos.  mirrors.  pets.  diary.  fairy lights.  flashing cameras.  madness.   sanity.  sadness.  happiness. optimism.  pessimism.  loneliness.  family.  friends.  lovers.  assistants.  co-workers. partners.  enemies.  loyalty.  smoking.  drugs.  kindness.  love.  hugs.  kisses.  lies.  angels.  demons.  fairies.  elves.  gnomes.  mystery.  body horror. cosmic horror.  hallucinations. TAGGED BY:   @sacrificas TAGGING:  anyone who wants to, say i tagged you!
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sacrificas-a-blog · 7 years
MUSE AESTHETICS  //    BOLD any which apply to your muse!    remember to REPOST  !!  feel free to add to the list !!
[ COLORS ]   red. brown.  orange.  YELLOW.  GREEN.  blue.  purple.  PINK.  black.   white.  TEAL. silver.  gold.  gray.  lilac.  metallic.  matte. royal blue. strawberry red.  charcoal gray. forest green.  PASTELS.  apple red.  navy blue.  crimson.  cream.  MINT GREEN.  lavender.  copper. turquoise.  amber.  magenta.  midnight.  jade green. neon yellow.  neon green.
[ ELEMENTS ]  fire.  ice.  water.  air.   EARTH.  metal.  SPIRIT.  rain.   snow. wind. MOON.  STARS. sun.  heat.   cold.   steam.   frost.  lightning .  sunlight.  MOONLIGHT.  dawn. dusk.  twilight  MIDNIGHT. sunrise.  sunset.  dewdrops.
[ BODY ]  claws. long fingers. fangs.  teeth.  wings.  tails.  LIPS.  BARE FEET. freckles.  bruises.   canine.  acne.  scars.  scratches.  wounds.  burns.  spikes.  fur.  feathers.  scales.  webs.  EYES.  hands.  tongue.  SWEAT.  tears.  feline.   chubby-faced. curvy.  SHORT. tall.  busty.  normal height. MUSCULAR.  makeup.  piercing.  TATTOOS.  dimples.  plastic surgery.  dyed hair.  painted nails.  amputation.
[ WEAPONS ]  fists.  brass knuckles.  sword.  dagger.  spear.  arrow.  hammer.  shield.  poison. guns.  axes.  throwing axes.  whips.  knives.  throwing knives.  pepper sprays.  tasers. machine guns.  slingshots.  katanas.  maces. staffs.  wands.  powers.  magical items.  magic.  rocks.  mud balls.  claws.  razors.  fighting fans.
[ MATERIALS ]  gold.  silver. platinum.  titanium.  diamonds.  pearls.  rubies. sapphires.  emeralds.  amethyst.  opal.  topaz.  jade.  agate.  bismuth.  geodes.  metal.  iron.  rust.  steel.  glass.   wood.  porcelain.  PAPER.   WOOL.  fur.  faux fur.   lace.  LEATHER.   silk.  satin.  velvet.   cashmere.  DENIM.  LINEN.  COTTON.  charcoal. CLAY.  stone.  asphalt.  brick. marble. graphite.  dust.  glitter.  blood.  DIRT.  mud.  smoke.  ash.  shadow.  carbonate.  synthetics.  fool’s gold.  fossils.  sea glass.
[ NATURE ]    grass.  LEAVES. pine trees.  maple trees.  palm trees.  CACTUS.  bark.   roses. daisies.  tulips.  lavender.  lilies. DESERT FLOWERS.  hibiscus.  petals.  thorns.  seeds.  vines.  ROOTS.  hay. SAND.  ROCKS.  FLOWERS.  ocean.  lake.  river.  meadow.  forest.  DESERT.  tundra.  savanna.  swamps.  rain-forest.  caves.  underwater. coral reef.  beach.  waves.  space.  clouds.  shooting stars.  rainbows.  auroras. fjords.  CANYONS.  floods.  droughts. thunderstorms.  tornadoes.  hurricanes.  tsunamis.  volcanoes.  earthquakes. blizzards. meteors.  CONSTELLATIONS.  comets.  planets. seashells.  driftwood.
[ ANIMALS ]   lions.  tigers. bears.  wolves. COYOTES. eagles. OWLS.  falcons.  hawks.  swans.  snakes.   turtles.  ducks.  bugs.  spiders. birds.   whales.  dolphins.  fish.  sharks.  horses.  zebras.  giraffes.  CATS.  dogs.  bunnies.  cows. sheep. pigs.  goats.  frogs.   snails.  praying mantises.  butterflies. bees. wasps. crows.  ravens. parrots.   peacocks.  mice. rats. hamsters. LIZARDS.  werewolves.  unicorns. pegasus. phoenix.  dragons.  foxes. llamas.  camels.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ]     sugar.  SALT.  candy.  bubblegum.  WINE.  champagne.  hard liquor.  beer.  COFFEE.  tea. MATE. KOMBUCHA. SPICES.  HERBS. apple.  orange. lemon .  LIME.  cherry.  pineapple. strawberry.  WATERMELON.  bananas.  MANGO.  coconut.  pomegranate.  VEGETABLES.  FRUITS.  meat.  fish.  pies. cakes.  desserts.  chocolate.  vanilla. nutmeg.  hazelnut. peppermint. cream.  caramel.  berries. nuts.  CINNAMON.  popcorn.  pretzels.  soda.  burgers.  burritos.  pizza.  pasta.  lasagne. peanut butter.  CURRY.  bacon.  pancakes.  soup.  cheese.  AVOCADO. VEGAN.
[ HOBBIES ]  music.  art.  watercolors.  GARDENING.  smithing.  sculpting.   pottery.  painting.   sketching .  fighting.  WRITING.  composing.  COOKING.  sewing. cosplay.  training.  DANCING.    acting.  singing.   SOUND EDITING. martial arts.  self-defense.  electronics.  technology.  BLOGGING.  vlogging.  CAMERAS.  video cameras.  video games.  AUDIO RECORDERS. computer.  phone.  movies.  theater.  LIBRARIES.  BOOKS.  magazines.  cds. records.  vinyls.  piano.  violin.  guitar.  electronic guitar. bass guitar.  harmonica.  harp.  woodwinds.  keyboard.  drums.  percussion.  marching band.  drama. PLAYING CARDS. poker chips.  chess.  dice.  motorcycle riding.  eating.  climbing.  running.  partying. WALKING.
[ STYLE ]  lingerie.  armor.  cape.  dress.  tunic.  vest.  blazer. SHIRT.  boots.  SNEAKERS .  SLIP-ONS. sandals.  heels.  leggings. trousers.   tights.  JEANS.  shorts. skirt. jewellery . LEATHER JACKET. earrings.  necklace.   bracelet.  ring.  pendant.  hat.  CAP.  crown.  circlet.  helmet.  scarf.  brocade.  cloak.  corset.  doublet.  chest plate.  gorget.  bracers.  BELT. sash.  coat.  HOODIE.   gloves .  SOCKS.  masks.  cowls.  braces.  tie.  WATCH.  GLASSES. sunglasses. visor.  contacts.  makeup.  bowties.  canes.  bows.
[ MUSIC ]  ROCK.  POP. jazz.  rap.  r&b.  hip-hop. funk.  alternative. classical.  trance.  dubstep.  edm.  ebm.  hardstyle.  blues.  CUMBIA.  REGGAETON. TRAP. k-pop.  j-pop. ambient.  new age.  metal.  world fusion.  dancehall. reggae.  soca.  punk.  ska. SINGER-SONGWRITER.  folk.  country.  bluegrass.  swing.  opera.  show tunes.  acapella. minimalist.  avant-garde.  new wave. disco.  baroque.  symphonic metal.  soundtrack.  vaporwave.  glitch.  house.   lounge.  chillout.  psychedelic rock.  post-rock.  cabaret.  trip-hop.  easy listening.  trap.  nightcore.  INDIE. grunge.  contemporary.  black metal.  metalcore.  emo.  screamo. rockabilly.  parody.  industrial.  electro pop. electro swing.
[ MISC ]  balloons.  bubbles.  fireworks.  reflections.   cityscale.  cathedral.  mosque. light. DARK.  CANDLES.  war. peace. money.  power.  percussion.  clocks. PHOTOS.  mirrors.  pets.  diary.  fairy LIGHTS.  flashing cameras.  MADNESS. sanity.  SADNESS.  happiness. optimism.  pessimism. LONELINESS.  FAMILY.  friends.  lovers. assistants.  co-workers. partners.  enemies.  loyalty.  SMOKING.  drugs.  KINDNESS.  LOVE.  HUGS.  KISSES. LIES.  angels.  demons.  fairies.  elves. gnomes. MYSTERY. BODY HORROR. COSMIC HORROR. HALLUCINATIONS.  TAGGED:   @tragicloss​ (  !! thanks a lot ) TAGGING:  @overdove​, @cosmicwar​, @kiyote​, @bestvictim​, @ghstsight​, @sunskissed​, @opheliaavery​, @sororsam​, @whcwashe​ idk man anyone who wants to do it. 
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whydoyouthinkileft · 7 years
your muse’s aesthetics
[ BOLD ANY THAT APPLY TO YOUR MUSE! ] please repost, don’t reblog. feel free to add to the list.
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. baby blue. burgundy.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset.dewdrops.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. piercing. tattoos. curls.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. fire extinguisher.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbon. rubber. synthetics. silicon. graphene. nanocrystals. gallium. lead. copper. palladium. polymers.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains.sky. fog.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. rats. monkeys. raccoons. koalas. tigers. 
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. whisky. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. ambrosia. sandwiches. pretzels. popcorn. macarons. french fries. truffle fries. cupcakes.
[ HOBBIES ] music listening. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. writing non-fiction. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. cello. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. cars.eating. climbing. running. board games.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. wedding ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. ties. jumpers. cardigans.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. kisses. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. hallucinations
tagged by: @whiskeyandtwoshotglasses and @lovelornrocketscientist
tagging ANYONE who wants to do it 
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diarioelcentinela · 2 years
El artista digital turco Refik Anadol expondrá su obra en el Teatro Colón
El artista digital turco Refik Anadol expondrá su obra en el Teatro Colón
Refik Anadol y su equipo recolectaron 300 millones de datos centrados en temas de la naturaleza para esta muestra / Foto: Prensa En el marco de la Semana del Arte, el creador turco Refik Anadol, el artista digital más influyente del mundo, exhibirá en el Teatro Colón -y por primera vez en Sudamérica- la obra “Machine Hallucinations: coral”, que se presentará junto a la Orquesta Académica del…
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therapardalis · 7 years
[ BOLD ANY THAT APPLY TO YOUR MUSE! ] please repost, don’t reblog. feel free to add to the list.
[Under cut to save people’s Dashes!]
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. baby blue. burgundy.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. piercing. tattoos. curls.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. fire extinguisher. slide rule. ICER. Brain.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbon. rubber. synthetics. silicon. graphene. nanocrystals. gallium. lead. copper. palladium. polymers.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. sky. fog. Yes.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. rats. monkeys.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. whisky. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. ambrosia. sandwiches. pretzels. popcorn. oysters. strangely misshapen but well intentioned cookies.
[ HOBBIES ] music listening. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. writing non-fiction. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. cello. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. cars. eating. climbing. running.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. wedding ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. ties. jumpers. cardigans.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. kisses. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. hallucinations. affection.
TAGGED BY:  @lovelornrocketscientist
TAGGING: Anyone who’d like to!
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Your muse’s aesthetics
[ BOLD ANY THAT APPLY TO YOUR MUSE! ] please repost, don’t reblog. feel free to add to the list.
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. baby blue. burgundy.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. piercing. tattoos. curls.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. fire extinguisher. 
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbon. rubber. synthetics. silicon. graphene. nanocrystals. gallium. lead. copper. palladium. polymers.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. sky. fog.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. rats. monkeys.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. whisky. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. ambrosia. sandwiches. pretzels. popcorn. macarons. french fries.
[ HOBBIES ] music listening. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. writing non-fiction. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. cello. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. cars. eating. climbing. running.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. wedding ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. ties. jumpers. cardigans.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. kisses. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. hallucinations.
tagged by: @lovelornrocketscientist
tagging: anyone who hasn’t been tagged and who would like to do it!
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thefuckingsun · 7 years
Athen’s Aesthetics
BOLD what applies to your muse.
Remember to REPOST. Feel free to add to the list.
[ COLOR ]  red.  brown.  orange.  yellow.  green.  blue.  purple.  pink.  black. white. teal. silver. gold.   grey.  lilac.  metallic. matte.  royal blue.  strawberry red.  charcoal grey.  forest green. apple red.  navy blue.  crimson. cream.  mint green.  magenta.   pastels.  darks.  bubblegum pink. blood red.  ivory. neon.
[ ELEMENTAL ]   fire. ice. water.  air.  earth.  rain.  snow.  wind.  moon.  stars.  sun.  heat.  cold.  steam.  frost.   lightning.  sunlight.  moonlight.  dawn.  dusk.  twilight.  midnight. sunrise. sunset.  dewdrops. clouds.  
[ BODY ] claws.  long fingers.  fangs.  teeth.  wings.  tails.  lips.  bare feet.  freckles.  bruises. canine.  scars.  scratches.  ears.  wounds.  burns.  spikes.  feathers.  eyes.  hands.  sweat.  tears.  feline.  chubby.  curvy.  short.  tall.  normal height.  muscular.  slender. scrawny.  trained.  piercings.  tattoos.  strong.  weak.  shapeshifting.  junoesque.  svelte.  long hair.  short hair.   dark circles.  big.  small.  prosthetics.  experimented.  cyborg.  halos.  horns.  tails.  wolfish. suntanned. sunburned. scabbed. marked. fidgety.    
[ WEAPONRY ]  fists.  sword.  dagger. spear.  scythe. bow and arrow.  hammer.  shield.  poison.  guns.  axes.  throwing axes.  whips.  knives. throwing knives.  pepper sprays.  tasers. machine guns.  slingshots.  katanas.  maces.  staffs.  wands.  powers.  magical items.   magic.  rocks.  power loader.  flamethrower.  metal rod.  shotguns. needles. crossbow and bolts. charm. 
[ MATERIAL ]  gold.  silver.  platinum.  titanium.  diamonds.  pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst.  metal.  iron.  rust.  steel.  glass.  wood.  porcelain.  paper.  wool.  fur.  lace.  leather. copper.  silk. velvet.  denim.  linen.  cotton.  charcoal.  clay.  stone.  asphalt.  brick.  marble.  dust.   glitter.  blood.  dirt.  mud.  smoke.  ash.  shadow.  carbonate.  rubber.  synthetics.  yarn.  slime. ivory. teeth. bone. dragon scales.
[ NATURE ]  grass.   leaves.  trees.  bark.  roses.  daisies.  tulips.  holly.  lavender.  lilies.  petals. thorns.  sunflowers.  seeds.  hay.  sand.  rocks.  snow.  ice.  roots.   flowers.  ocean.  river.  lake. meadow.  forest.  desert.  tundra.  savanna.  rain forest.  swamp.  caves. underwater.  coral reef. beach.  waves.  space.  stars.  clouds.  mountains.  fungi.  cliffs.  sunlight. greenhouse. thunderstorms. 
[ ANIMALS ]  lions.  wolves.  black panther.  eagles.  owls. seagulls.  falcons.  hawks.  swans. snakes.  turtles.  ducks.  bugs.  roaches.  spiders.   birds.  whales.  dolphins.  fish.  sharks.  horses. cats.  dogs.  bunnies.  praying mantis.  crows.  ravens.  mice.  lizards.   frogs.  bears.  werewolves. unicorns.  pegasus.  dinosaurs.  dragons.  felines.  foxes.  centaurs.  rats
[ FOOD/DRINK ]   sugar.  salt.  water.  candy.  bubblegum.  wine.  champagne. hard liquor.  beer.  coffee.  tea.  spices.  herbs.  apple.  orange.  lemon.  cherry. strawberry.  watermelon.  vegetables.  fruits.  meat.   fish.  pies.  desserts.  chocolate.  cream.  caramel.  berries.  nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos.  pizza.  vanilla.  cookies. mixed drinks. ice cream. hot dogs. root beer floats. fried foods served on sticks.
[ HOBBIES ]  music.  art.  piercing.  watercolors.  gardening.  knitting.  smithing.  sculpting.  painting.  sketching.  fighting.  fencing.  riding.  writing.  composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing.  acting. singing.  martial arts.  self-defense.  electronics.  technology.  cameras.  video cameras.  video games. computer.  phone. movies. theater. libraries.  books.  magazines. poetry. philosophy.  cds.  records. vinyls.  cassettes.  piano. violin.  cello.  guitar.  electronic guitar.  bass guitar.  harmonica.  synthesizers.  harp.  woodwinds.  brass.  trumpet.  flute.  drums.  bells. playing cards.  poker chips.  chess.  dice. motorcycle riding.  eating. climbing.  tree climbing. running.  vivisection.
[ STYLE ]  lingerie.  armor.  cape.  dress.  robes.  suit.  tunic.  vest.  shirt.  boots.  heels.  leggings.  trousers.  jeans.  skirt.  shorts.  jewelry.  earrings. necklace.  bracelet.  ring. pendant.  hat.  crown.  circlet.  helmet.  scarf.  neck tie.   brocade.  cloaks.  corsets.  doublet. chest plate.  gorget.  bracers.  belt.   sash.  coat.  jacket.  hood.  gloves. socks.  masks.   cowls.  braces. watches.  glasses.  sunglasses.  visor.  eye contacts.  makeup.  pantyhose. stockings.  thigh highs. combat boots. cropped tops. tank tops. studs.
[ MISC ]  balloons.  bubbles.  cityscape.  landscape.  light.  dark.   candles.  war.  peace. money.  power. percussion. clocks.  photos.  mirrors.  pets.  diary.  fairy lights.  madness.  sanity.  sadness. happiness.  optimism. pessimism.  realism. loneliness. anger.  family.  friends.   assistants.  co-workers.  enemies.  lovers.  loyalty.  smoking.  alcohol.  drugs.  kindness.  love.  embracing. surrealism. hallucinations. delusions. greed. hedonism. conflict.
tagged by: @rask-the-rogue
tagging: @wolf-queen @bbygurlnia @thedesertsmaw @kailaethshadowflame @silver-sorrows
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