#Meagan Spooner
slaughter-books · 5 months
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Day 17: JOMPBPC: Snowflakes
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fangirlforthewin · 1 year
Hi I saw your fairytale retelling recommendation list and I wanted to ask if you have recommendations for beauty and the beast retellings in particular? Thank you in advance!
Thank you for the ask! I saw your other ask clarifying that you were specifically looking for Fae Beauty and the Beast retellings. I do have a couple that I've read that I can suggest.
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas
Curse of the Wolf King by Tessonja Odette
A Deal with the Elf King by Elise Kova
Heart of the Fae by Emma Hamm
An Enchantment of Thorns by Helena Rookwood
I know you weren't asking about nonFae Beauty and the Beast retellings, but here are a couple suggestions anyway because I like them a lot:
Hunted by Meagan Spooner
A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer
I hope you find a good read or two out of these suggestions! Let me know!
Also if anyone has any other suggestions, feel free to reblog and add!
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gergthecat · 2 months
Guys I just reread TBS a few days ago and
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I'm almost sure this is somewhat based on the Robin Hood BBC production 😁 bc it's so Guy-of-Gisborne - centered & presents him in a proper light! And Marianne is not only the nightwatchman.
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kazz-brekker · 1 year
anyway the height of romance is when the main character of a story has a double life as a masked vigilante and their love interest discovers this but, despite having an obligation to report this information to their superiors, keeps it to themselves not just because they’re in love but also because they secretly support the vigilante’s actions.
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Fairy Tale February: Week 3 Book Recs
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The Forbidden Wish - Jessica Khoury
A magical, imaginative retelling of Aladdin. The first law of the jinn is: Do not love a human. Zahra has already broken it once. Now, with a chance to earn her freedom at stake, her growing attachment to the newest master of her lamp might cause her to risk everything. Every wish comes with a price; the Forbidden Wish has the steepest price of all.
Ella - Sarah Price
Another sweet, lovely little Amish romance, this one with a Cinderella twist! Navigating life with her awful, unappreciative stepmother and stepsisters, Ella feels the first glimmer of happiness she has felt in a long time when a young man comes to town on business — and stays for her.
Hunted - Meagan Spooner
The second Beauty and the Beast retelling I've read this month. When her father doesn't return from a hunting trip, Yeva sets off into the forest to search for him, and encounters instead the Beast her father had been raving about. Taken captive for an unknown purpose, Yeva finds the lines blurring between animal and human, hunter and hunted, fairy tale and reality. A captivating retelling!
Sadie - Sarah Price
The third and final book of the Amish Fairytale series is a retelling of Snow White! Sadie Whitaker meets a kindred spirit in the woods near her house and soon begins her first courtship. Meanwhile, her life at home becomes increasingly troublesome as her stepmother's true colours start to show. I love how human Sadie's stepmother is! From the beginning, her pain and anger are very real and empathetic, and the way she chooses to direct her jealousy toward her stepdaughter is understandable, as wrong as it is.
Amish Fairytale series: Belle | Ella | Sadie
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bookcoversonly · 10 months
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Title: The Other Side of the Sky | Author: Amie Kaufman / Meagan Spooner | Publisher: HarperTeen (2020)
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razreads · 1 year
Reason plays no part in fear.
Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner, Their Fractured Light
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madlovenovelist · 1 year
Book Review – ‘Undying’ (#2 Unearthed) by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
Uncovering alien secrets to save the human race! Genre: YA, Science Fiction No. of pages: 308 When Earth intercepts a message from a long-extinct alien race, it seems like the solution the planet has been waiting for. The Undying’s advanced technology has the potential to undo environmental damage and turn lives around, and Gaia, their former home planet, is a treasure trove waiting to be…
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timeladyjamie · 2 years
"Marian—I meant it." The words were a desperate torrent, flowing around gasps for breath and cracked lips. "I love you. I thought I loved you, and then you kissed me, and I thought then that I loved you, and then I found out who you were, and I hated you and loved you even more—I'd die for you. I'd die with you." He pulled her closer, trying to fold her in his arms.
Guy of Gisborne in Sherwood by Meagan Spooner
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slaughter-books · 7 months
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Day 12: JOMPBPC: Want To Re-Read
I'd love to re-read this trilogy someday! 💜
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rosesnwater · 1 year
My review for Meaghan Spooner's Hunted which gave me a headache to get all my thoughts down in a few reasonably sized paragraphs, but I have to post it because I put a lot of time into it-
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Picture included is the original cover procided on goodreads
First of all if a story brought any entertainment to my day, it gets 5 stars no questions, that being said, I really enjoyed it! It has a really interestingly dichotomy that it tends to touch on even within the narrative by giving examples like the duality between beast and man in one body, fairytale and reality in one world, this last one really being emphasized in the end. Its's an attempt to ground readers in real people with real feelings and thoughts while indulging in the fairytale archetypes of the characters they are based on. I think all these themes hooking into one another are excellent to the books credit. My one quibble which is more of just a personal thing is that at first when the characters were just people, their own individuals, I thought that if the beast had attempted to use the mind games of 'I'll make you want to kill me by saying i killed your father and threatening your family so you'll stay and help me' would have ABSOLUTELY driven any other character that was not Beauty to hate him more than ever, but that's also the weird magic of this book. It feels like 'doomed by the narrative', but instead, it's 'destined by the narrative'. Was it a long shot the narrative did exactly what it did? Sort of- But as a reader much like the 'music' pulling characters to each other and other magical things, it makes perfect sense why out of all the characters in the books universe, these two managed to come together as they did.
I will add that I don't think this needed to be a beauty and the beast retelling, that it could have picked any fairytale where a character wanted against all odds, but I dont think it hurt the story to choose the fairytale that it did. I like characters to be more character than archetype, which is essentially what this story delivered though it skated the line near the end especially where it tipped into the fairytale narrative more than it did in the beginning, but this matched the feel of the story. Overall, it played well with the dichotomy between beauty and beast and made new themes rather than sticking to the old ones related to physical appearence of the original tale.
For the most part their victories do not feel easily won, and taking on the almost philosophical dip into the unchecked want (leaning into greed) of humanity and its search for fulfillment by placing vaguely historical characters inside their fairytale counterparts feels very familiar, similar to the characters in c.s. Lewis's 'until we have faces' where the author attempts a glance at religion and god through the greek myth of eros and psyche, another beauty and the beast adjacent story of all things!
I feel the story's main themes are perfectly encaptured by Flannery O'Connor's quote "picture me, with my ground teeth, stalking joy- fully armed too for its a dangerous quest". The violent nature of 'stalking with ground teeth' much like the hunter Beauty or her beast, alongside their inner desires, their dangerous quest of always searching for what will fulfill them- bring them joy
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an aesthetic board → cottage core
“where flowers bloom, so does hope.” - lady bird johnson
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gergthecat · 5 months
The fact that I can read This Night So Dark but not The Threads We Weave is utter lunacy. Like what?????
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rphelperblog · 2 years
These Broken Stars Book Quote RP Meme
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book by Amie kaufman and Meagan spooner- feel free to edit or change pronouns for rp purposes
“I know she is playing games with me, but I don’t know the rules, and she got all the cards.”
“Dislike is much easier to handle than sympathy.” 
That's my kind of girl!”
“Sometimes you take all my words away from me.” 
“You don’t mention death when it was hovering near someone you love.”
“But she's here, she's mine. I'm hers.” 
“And there it is, against all hope, like the sun peeking out from behind the clouds. The smallest hint of a smile.”
“I'm not doing much at all. I might as well be a rag doll. Comes complete with matching shoes. Spine sold separately.” 
“Then you ought to kiss me while you can. It may be a while before your next opportunity.” 
“The anger is a shield, and if I relinquish it, I’ll shatter.” 
“Promise me that no matter what you hear, you won’t go off on your own to investigate. I want your word.” There’s
“You saved my life. Again."
“I know what you would’ve given up for me. I could never let that be for nothing.” 
“If you die then I will too.” 
“How is it that I can want him so badly when he's only been gone from me for a minute?” 
“It’s all I can do not to turn my face toward his, the way a plant grows toward the light.” 
“When she smiles, she looks like somebody I could know.” 
“You'll face it all with me?"
“Just once I’d like to look like I’ve got myself together.” 
“Beautiful? I’ve always been reasonably pretty—but enough money would turn even a cow into a catch.” 
“I’m going with you. You kept telling me you’d take me home with you, and that’s what you’re going to do.”
"I had to. I wouldn't last a day around here without you.” 
“I love you, and I should’ve told you before you—” 
“You don't mention death when it's hovering near someone you love. You don't want to attract the reaper's attention.” 
“I'm not doing much at all. I mimght as well be a rag doll. Comes complete with matching shoes. Spine sold separately.” 
“Then she smiles, and it turns out she has dimples, and it's all over.”
“But who names a starship the Icarus? What kind of man possess that much hubris, that he dares it to fall?” 
I reach for her hand and wind my fingers through hers, turning them so the rain patters down onto her palm. I trace a circle there with my thumb, smoothing the water in her skin. I want to show her there's nothing to be afraid of.”
“...if you ever wanted to take a run at it, I'd say now's your time. There's hardly any competition, unless you count me. Though I am of course very handsome, even dead.” 
Even now, she looked radiant to him. How ridiculous that he'd be romanticizing her in these final hours. What could have once been love was now the resignation of a heart long broken. “
“All of it—for this. Leading us to a door we can't open, a password we don't have.” 
“How do you live again, knowing what waits for you in the end?” 
“I could tell myself that I’m doing it because she’ll get back to her feet just to spite me—but the truth is, I really just want to piss her off. Keeping her moving is a bonus.” 
“We’re being exact, Major. We’d appreciate it if you tried to do the same.” 
“I think I’d rather an instrument told me so. Not that I don’t trust your extensive training.” Her eyes narrow, and if looks could kill, then toxic atmospheres would be the least of my problems.” 
“We’re in luck. This place looks like it’s terraformed. There must be sensors for checking the air quality outside.” 
“Abandon her? If only my duty or my conscience would let me. The galaxy would be better off, if you ask me. Who’d even know we were in the same pod? Except that I would know. And that would be enough.”
“I know a thousand different smiles, each with its own nuanced shade of meaning, but I don't know how to reach the few feet away to touch this person next to me. I don't know how to talk to him. Not when it's real.” 
'You're the same girl who crashed on this planet with me, who I dragged through forests and over mountains, who climbed through a shipwreck full of bodies to save my life. You're the same girl I loved, and I love you now.” 
She rolls over with a little protesting noise, reaching sleepily after me. Then she begins to register the raindrops as they connect with her skin, and she sits up with straight with a gasp. I'm busy sitting up too, because when you go to sleep wrapped around a pretty girl, there are some things going on first thing in the morning that you don't exactly want making headline news. “
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Fairy Tale February: Week 2 Book Recs
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Cinder - Marissa Meyer
A sci-fi Cinderella story in which Cinderella is a cyborg mechanic trying to help her prince deal with a devastating, incurable plague and the looming threat of a powerful and ruthless queen. Fantastic writing, fantastic world-building! The only thing I didn't like was the ending; I wish there had been some sort of resolution for at least one of the conflicts, instead of leaving everything loose. That said, I can't wait to read the rest of the series!
Lunar Chronicles: Cinder | Scarlet | Cress | Winter
The Door in the Hedge - Robin McKinley
Four fairy tales: two retellings (The Princess and the Frog and The Twelve Dancing Princesses) and two originals (The Stolen Princess and The Hunting of the Hind). Robin McKinley writes such beautiful, rich, lyrical language that is so well suited for fairy tales. Her stories are mesmerizing!
Sherwood - Meagan Spooner
A retelling of Robin Hood in which the famed outlaw is actually Maid Marian in disguise! When Robin of Locksley dies fighting in the King's war, his betrothed, Marian, must deal with her grief and the uncertainty of her future. As she tries to protect her friends and do what is right for her people, she finds the freedom to be herself in a surprising way — by becoming someone else! I cannot express how much I loved this story! This is the only version of Robin Hood I care about now.
Fairy Tale February: Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Masterpost
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