#Minho drabble
godslino · 1 month
HARD LAUNCH | minho drabble. established relationship.
“Do you guys have french fries?”
“Minho.” you hiss, nudging his shin beneath the table.
He cocks an eyebrow before turning back to the waitress. She smiles softly, laughing at the two of you. 
“We do, yes.” 
“Wonderful,” Minho grins, “We’ll have a side order of those too.”
“Perfect. I’ll put that in for you guys and check back soon.” The waitress says happily, collecting the menus and scurrying off to tend to another table.
As soon as she’s out of earshot, you groan, covering your face with your hands. 
“Why would you do that?” 
Minho chuckles, shakes his head probably. You wouldn’t know since you can’t see him.
“Do what?”
Still using one hand to cover your eyes, you pull the other away, pointing an accusatory finger in his direction. “I told you I’d be fine. Why’d you have to ask for french fries? That’s so embarrassing.”
Minho hums. Unbothered. “You know what’s worse?”
“Literally nothing.” you mumble, returning your other hand to your face. It only serves to muffle your voice more. “This is humiliating. We’re in a nice restaurant and you ordered french fries because of me. Oh God. I’m going to hide in the bathroom.”
A good choice, you think. Minho’s in god damn slacks for crying out loud. Every second that passes is another second that your pity order of french fries is probably spending in the deep fryer, right next to the lobster tail and shrimp tartar that everyone else has a mature enough palate to eat. 
Before you can move to get up and make a beeline for the toilet, you feel Minho’s fingers wrap around your wrists, pulling until your hands give way to your face. You crack one eye open and then the other, his amused expression coming into view.
“What’s worse than ordering french fries is me knowing you’ll be hungry if there isn’t something familiar for you on the table.” he says pointedly, like your reason for feeling embarrassed is unnecessary. “Besides, who said I didn’t want any?”
“Min, look around,” you say, turning your head to glance at the room, “The napkins are cloth. Cloth! Nicer than my bed sheets. We can’t be seen eating french fries in a place like this. I told you I’d be—”
“—fine. Because as long as you’re here I can do anything.” Minho recites, word for word, cutting you off. 
Heat rushes to your cheeks immediately, spreads like wildfire when Minho smiles and leans on to his forearms. His button up tightens over his shoulders, hugs his arms, sleeves rolled up to the elbow.
“Just like how you’re doing this for me, let me do something for you.” 
You and Minho have been seeing each other for four months now, but even at that, you’re still not used to his straightforwardness. 
Seeing Minho has been nothing short of a dream. What started as just interacting at parties because of mutual friends eventually gave way to him asking for your number, and then hanging out separate from your friend group, until one day he plucked up the courage to ask you out. Since then, the two of you have been inseparable, always spending every free moment together. Laughing, talking, even sometimes just existing in the same space. It’s nice. So, so nice.
“Shouldn’t I be the one blushing right now?” Minho teases.
“Shut up.” you say, tearing your gaze away from him.
He laughs again before reaching out and placing a hand on top of yours. Soft. Minho is unbelievably soft.
It’s the thing you love the most about him. But more than that, more than the delicate skin of his fingers or the brush of his lips against yours, you love the softness of his eyes.
Minho is hard to crack, his emotions shrouded most of the time. Not that he wants to be, but because that’s just how he operates, or so you’ve learned. 
But despite all of that, his eyes are a dead giveaway. When he’s looking at pictures of his cats, or staring at you from across the room, or right now as steaming plates of some of the finest cuisine Seoul has to offer are being placed in front of him.
“Holy shit.” he whispers, staring in awe as the waitress walks away from the table.
“Is it rude for me to take a picture? Like, would anyone get offended?” 
Minho scoffs. “Babe, I would be offended if you didn’t document this right now.”
“Okay, okay,” you laugh, pulling out your phone.
“Do I get to be in it this time?”
You look up to find Minho pouting across the table. Another thing about your relationship— nobody knows yet. 
You’ve been teasing about the possibility of a boyfriend for two months now, you and Minho only having made it official about a few weeks ago. The most anyone has been able to see are carefully positioned photos where only his hand or other inconspicuous parts of him are visible.
It’s not that you don’t want people to know. It’s just hard with his job and all. Privacy reasons.
"For someone who likes to claim that people won't give me a hard time because of your fame you sure do seem eager to test that theory."
Minho smiles mischievously. “Well, yes. But I’m also waiting because I want to show you off.”
You busy yourself with opening your camera app to stop the heat creeping up your neck. “Yeah, yeah. You big flirt.”
Minho laughs but obliges, scoots back to let you get a good few pictures of the food. 
Photos aren’t enough to do it justice, though. So you opt for a video, scanning the table with your camera, only the bottom half of his torso visible across the table. A silk white button up only three-fourths of the way buttoned, sleeves rolled to his elbows.
Minho watches silently, his face unreadable. And then, at the last second, he dips his head down so fast you don’t even realize what’s happening until his face is fully in the shot, a shit-eating grin pushing his eyes into crescent moons.
“Min!” you laugh, ending the recording. 
He chuckles, straightening back out. “Post it.”
“Are you insane?”
“No, but I’m going to be if you don’t post it and then eat with me.” He nudges the plate of french fries towards you. “Come on.”
“You really want me to post it? You’re sure?”
Minho smiles. Soft. “Never been more sure about anything in my life.” he says, neither of you willing to address the weight of his words.
He grabs your hand, plants a kiss on the back of your knuckles. The resulting flip of your stomach is enough to give you the courage to hit post and tuck your phone away.
Whatever happens, you’ll deal with it later. Together.
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[ tags: @102598s @skzstarnet @snowyquokka @jisunglyricist @itsgghowitsgg @alician87 @skzms @meloncremesoda @palindrome969 @ilychee08 @allaboutsan @legally-lixs @astronomicallyyy @doohnut @linocz @romancerry @djeniryuu @pinkpunkdynamite @pynchkilledme @stayceebs97 @candyquokka @liknws @beeracha @feelikecinderella @caitxx1 @lilac13 @sebastianswhore13 @classiclitandmemes @hyunverse @linosazuna @lastgreatamericandynasty1 @bubbly-moon @cookiesandcreammy ]
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tasteleeknow · 25 days
lino letting you cling to him during a scary movie and pretend he's annoyed and hot when you cuddle him tightly in bed because you're still scared
was this inspired by the lix haunted house clip? u get me
"Is it really that bad?" he asks through a breath of laughter. "You're alright."
His skin is as warm as always where you press your face to his neck, averting your eyes from the unnaturally tall figure on screen. "I'll have nightmares," you whisper against him. He flinches a little at the tickle of breath you release, his neck sensitive.
"Should we watch something else?" he offers, his fingers brushing the back of your own neck lightly.
You shake your head, "Wanna see how it ends."
You make it through half an episode more. The creeps get worse and when you notice Minho starting to squint his eyes in an attempt to save his own dreams, you nudge him and mumble an, "I'm tired," against his heated skin.
It was only the nightmares. If you could be sure you'd have a peaceful sleep every time, you were sure you'd be the bravest person alive. But the nightmares were out of your control.
The shadows, where they were once innocuous, are now imposing; a potential threat. The open bedroom door is a gateway to more of them. Minho shifts next to you, rolling onto his side. "Thought you were tired," he mumbles, half asleep.
You shuffle towards him, the blankets tucked up around your shoulders. "I am," you whisper.
He hums. "Sleep."
You can just make out his features, almost see the freckle at the end of his nose. You shuffle a little closer. He doesn't move. A little more...
His lips part.
You close the distance, pressing yourself as close as humanly possible to his warmth. You take a deep breath as you nuzzle a little further under his chin, your lips settling gently against his collarbone.
Safe, your brain signals. How could nightmares possibly get you here.
It lasts all of 20 seconds.
He groans before he wiggles against you. It's no attempt at escape. Escape would be easy. It's a display of dramatics, one that has you giggling as you rock with the movement he creates.
When he falls still, you're slightly dislodged from him, a few gaps created between your bodies that hadn't existed before.
His lips brush your forehead. "It's hot," he grumbles.
You couldn't argue that. He was always so warm. "M'sorry," you whisper back.
His arm drapes over you, tugging you back into him—bodies aligning once again.
He says nothing else. Instead, his breath evens out, his chest rising and falling steadily against you.
Escape would have been so easy.
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writingforstraykids · 4 months
what about sub minho with dom felix? like all the boys think felix definitely gets topped by minho and then they hear felix ruining him in the dorms…
He deserved it
Pairing: Minlix (mention of OT8 | Chanin)
Word Count: 1324
Summary: Felix marks his territory after listening to Minho drooling for Chan all day.
Warnings/Tags: smut, whiny!sub!min, rough!dom!lix, degradation (slut), spanking (shortly)
A/N: Loved that one...might post a 2nd part if you want🤭
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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The boys were all sitting on the sofa watching a movie when their front door opened. The two missing members came inside, and Chan greeted them with a wave, frowning at how pissed Felix looked. The rest couldn't help but stare either as Minho put his sneakers aside, tensing up as Felix grabbed his wrist tightly. Minho blushed heavily as Felix whispered something to him and nodded timidly. 
Felix pulled him into the living room and pushed him past their friends. Minho was waving at them with a small smile before getting pushed up the stairs. 
The door to Minho's bedroom fell closed and Chan blinked a little in surprise. “What the hell did we miss?”
“God, Lix looked pissed,” Jisung chimed in. 
Hyunjin frowned gently. “Did I just see that right?”
“Felix's in charge when it's those two?” Changbin asked, stunned. 
“I always thought….,” Seungmin started, blushing a little and stopping himself from finishing that sentence. 
“Minho…a bottom? Minho being submissive?!” Jeongin finished it for him. 
“Nah, that can't be. Felix is way too-” Chan trailed off at a sudden noise, the bedframe hitting the wall. 
Jisung grabbed the remote, turning the volume down. None of them protested. All of them had been sleeping with at least two other members. None of them really remembered when that started, but they didn't mind having seven pretty guys at their disposal whenever they needed someone. 
“Felix can be dominant,” Jeongin told them and blushed, thinking of their last encounter. “But with Minho?”
“He can?” Chan frowned, surprised. “He was sobbing last time; I can hardly imagine that,” he giggled. What made him even more curious was the thought of Minho being submissive. They never hooked up yet because they both liked to be the one in control. A loud moan of Minho answered his question and he sank deeper into the sofa as they rose in pitch, matching the bed frame hitting the wall. “Oh god,” he whispered to himself, and Changbin threw him an amused glance. 
Minho's face was buried in the pillow, eyes squeezed shut and jaw slack, leaving him no way to silence the noise. He could only hope the others wouldn't hear him getting ruined by Felix; they'd never take him seriously after that. He gripped the sheets as Felix pounded into him, pulling his bum up high and making his back arch beautifully.
“Not so talkative now, huh,” Felix gritted out between his teeth, and Minho moaned in response. “Behaving like such a little slut instead of asking.”
“I'm sorry,” he whimpered and cried out in pleasurable pain as Felix slapped his bum. 
“No, you're not,” Felix shook his head, picking up the force of his thrusts, shoving Minho up the mattress. The older one weakly reached up to brace himself against the headboard and stop himself from scooting up even more. “Talking about Channie hyung all night, saying he'd make you cum harder than I ever did.”
“I wa-ahh-s joking,” he moaned out in pure bliss. “Needed you, wa-wanted you so bad.”
“Yeah, so needy that you started talking shit?” he asked and slapped him again. 
Minho grew slack with a loud whimper, tears shooting to his eyes. “Mhm, so needy.”
“Needy little slut,” Felix growled and changed the angle of his hips. “You're mine.”
Minho nodded dumbly and gripped the sheets tightly as another harsh pain shot through his left cheek as Felix's hand hit it. “Only need you, don't need Cha-ahhnn,” he moaned out obscenely loud as Felix hit his prostate and made his body shake. 
Chan's ears burned up, eyes widening and lips parting at the sound of Minho moaning his name so loudly it could be heard in the whole house. If he hadn't been hard before, he definitely would be now. He didn't dare lift his gaze and check if the others had caught it as well and shifted a little on the sofa, getting uncomfortable. Looking up, he noticed Changbin and Hyunjin had started kissing, and Jisung was seated in Seungmin's lap. 
“Hyungie?” Jeongin spoke up, and Chan turned his head to his maknae. He was sitting on his knees next to him, eyes teary at the neglect of the others, and his sweatpants did a bad job of hiding his arousal. 
Chan's face softened, and he patted his thighs. “Come here, baby,” he said, and Jeongin quickly shuffled over, straddling his lap and pressing down against him with a soft sigh. Chan gently cupped his face, soothingly rubbing his thumbs across his cheekbones, and planted a kiss on his forehead. “Need your hyung to take care of his little baby?” he asked quietly enough for only them to hear. 
“Please,” he whispered, needily grinding down against him. 
Minho was seeing stars by now, unable to form a clear sentence. He couldn't stop the noise from leaving his mouth, and it had him writhing with embarrassment. Felix had never gone so hard on him before, and fuck he loved it. “Close,” he whimpered, and Felix laughed. 
“Forget it, you're not cumming before I say so,” he told him. “I'll show your beloved Channie just how fucked out you are once I'm done with you.” An obscene moan spilled from Minho's lips, and he clenched hard around him. “My baby would like that, huh? Such a needy little slut.”
“So needy,” Minho slurred, completely out of it by now. “Please,” he whimpered, a tear falling from his face. 
“Please, what?” Felix asked sharply, dragging his dick across his prostate with every harsh snap of his hips. 
“Need to -ohh- cum,” he choked out, curling his fists in the sheets so tightly his nails drew blood even through the fabric. “Please, can't-” he breathed out before breaking apart with another loud moan. 
“Go on then, cum and make a mess, like the needy little slut you are,” Felix told him, and Minho's body shook intensely only seconds later. He came with a broken shout of his name, sobbing into the pillow weakly as Felix kept chasing his high. 
Chan gently kissed Jeongin, rubbing his hips after tucking him back in. “How the fuck are they still going?” the younger one asked, and Chan laughed. 
“No idea,” he said, noticing they were the only ones left in the living room. Jeongin curled up against his chest and Chan soothingly rubbed his back. His ears burned up at the sound of Minho stumbling over the edge, and closed his eyes, hoping they'd stop before he'd lose his mind. It got quiet soon, and after another few minutes, Felix strolled down the stairs, looking pleased with himself. “You menace.”
“He deserved it,” Felix shrugged and smirked at Chan. “Didn't stop talking about you ruining him. Should've seen him when I told him I'd show you how wrecked he is.”
“Felix,” he gasped, and Jeongin stared at his friend in wonder. 
“Never thought you'd be so jealous,” Jeongin snorted. 
“Well, I am,” he laughed and exchanged a glance with Chan. 
“Please tell me you didn't leave him there like that?” he said, barely above a whisper. 
“He's fine; he gets emotional, that's all,” Felix shook his head. "Come on, hyung. Do him the favor and take care of him. I'll cuddle Innie. I promise he's fine; I wouldn't leave him if he weren't.”
Chan reluctantly handed over Jeongin to Felix and made his way up the stairs, heart thumping in his chest. Seeing Minho like this, he hadn't imagined it to happen like that. Chan pushed the door open, jaw dropping at the sight. “Oh my God,” he breathed out. Minho was sprawled out on the bed, sobbing quietly as cum dripped from his hole. His hair stuck to his face, tear streaks painted his cheeks, and his body shuddered. “Lix, we have dance practice tomorrow!” he shouted downstairs, and Felix cackled in response. 
“Channie,” Minho whimpered, and Chan's stomach flipped at the sound of it. 
Oh, for fucks sake.
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Taglist: (Please let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the taglist!)
@atinyniki @mal-lunar-28 @lilmisssona @aaasia111 @galaxycatdrawz @kthstrawberryshortcake @channieaddict @soullostinspaceandtime @malfoygalaxies @rebecca-johnson-28 @michelle4eve @lixie-phoria @gxtwllsn @xxstrayland
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minhosimthings · 9 months
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His Universe: A Minho smut drabble
Synopsis: Raw sex with Minho before movie night. That's it.
Warnings: smut, fluff, unprotected sex (Don't do it kids), Oral; receiving, Dom!Minho, FemSub!Reader, Slight Dom reader, mentions of food. MINORS DNI.
A/N: oh wow look at that I accidentally wrote a drabble haha so funny. Real tho guys I'm trying to complete my Jake fic but this idea came into my lizard brain so I HAD to write it. Enjoy it everyone and as always Feel free to give feedback!
Divider by @cafekitsune thank you for this!
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"My kitten what in hell are you doing?" You were currently trying to ice a chocolate cream cake with vanilla icing (sue me I love choco vanilla).
Things were going haywire however as the icing melted, because your dumbass decided to ice the cake when it came fresh out of the oven.
"Minho?" A plan had formed in your wicked mind. "My darling, beautiful, hot, rich, pussy wrecking husband?" Minho looked up from licking the melted cream to your doe eyes, amusement clouding his face. "Husband? Girl I don't see no ring on your finger." He held out his hand to you and moved his fingers, flipping his imaginary hair. "Yes husband." You told him, as he snaked his arm around your waist. "How about you and I doordash some cake and we stay in today? All day. Just the both of us in comfy pajamas and that cringy anime you wanted to watch." Minho thought for a second about that suggestion. Yes that would be the most amazing thing in this entire fucking world, just getting on a couch, all warm in the middle of November, with you looking adorable in those sailor moon pajamas you owned. It would be so.. domestic. Something that he had wanted with you ever since... well forever.
"Alright fine we can stay in today. What time is it?" He checked the cat clock on the wall, which read six pm and smiled down at you, before kissing your forehead and letting go of your waist. "I'll get the pillows ready then?" He winked at you in a cringy way, to which you fake gagged and took up your phone to order doordash, while he went upstairs to get pillows and all the necessary equipment for a perfect night.
"Kitten come out I'm dying right now." You were currently in the bathroom, putting on the last bits of your moisturizer, while making a mental note to buy another bottle the next day. You knew your ass would definitely fall asleep the moment you hopped onto the couch, and Minho would fall asleep next to you, so you had to do your skincare in advance. Minho, on the other hand, was standing outside the bathroom, whining and stroking Soonie's head, while Doongie and Dori played outside (correction: Dori annoyed Doongie). "Alright I'm going to break this handle right now." Minho got up from his position on the floor, setting Soonie down, and getting prepared to break down the Pokemon decorated door.
"Oh my god Minho could you be more dramatic? You're turning into Hyunjin slowly but surely." Oh fuck Minho was so fucked right now. He was glad the boys weren't here right now, otherwise they would have a lifetime's worth of material to tease him. You looked so gorgeous, like a magnolia in May and a dainty dandelion at the start of December. It was just loose hair, floppy pajamas and Bunny slippers, but the way they all draped on you was so stunning to Minho.
"Fuck kitten." He grabbed you by your waist and pulled you closer. "You look so fucking pretty." He slammed his lips against yours, eyes closed, drowning in ecstasy. "Min- Minnie" "Nuh uh baby." He slammed you against the purple wardrobe, which he had built for you on a cold November's night. "Fuck the movie. Fuck the food. All I want right now is you and whatever is inside those pretty little pajamas." You let out an involuntary moan as you looked at Minho with wide eyes. He was all sweaty, with his hair slightly falling in his eyes, and his arms decorated with veins. He still wore his promise ring on his finger, the one with fake diamonds you got for him as a joke. Dizzy, that's all you felt as you looked at Minho's gaze over you, admiring every tiny feature of yours. "Minho~" you moaned at him as leant closer to you kissing your neck. "What is it kitten? Need your master to touch your sweet cunt?" "Y-yes Sir." Sir. That's all it took for Minho's mind to enter limbo and let his dick take over.
Pushing his tongue into your mouth, he dragged your body over to your shared bed, pushing you to the soft mattress, the one with the dark green pillows, embroidered with both of your names.
"Tch tch" Minho clicked his tongue, as he slowly pulled away your clothing, to reveal the turquoise bra you had on underneath. "Oh baby. You're wearing my favourite one are you? Such a good girl you are." Praise. Praise was what got you to fold easily. Just one mention of the word 'good' and you're gone. "Minho please." You said, feeling the bulge in Minho's pants rubbing against the smooth fabric of your underwear. "Please what Jagiya?" "Please go inside me. Please oh f-!" Without warning, Minho had ripped away your underwear with ease, and stuck his tongue inside of it. Pleasure so much pleasure. If this was seventh heaven, you wondered what eighth heaven would feel like. Minho tongue rubbed around your walls, trying to find your cunt, as you moaned his name in the unholiest way possible. You tried everything not to swear out loud while Minho moved his tongue like that. He hated when such dirty words came out of your pretty mouth, but when he was literally giving you the greatest pleasure of your life, how could you not?
"Oh Minho Minho fuck don't stop please! Fuck!" He raised his head slightly to you, immediately giving you the greatest displeasure ever. You were right there! Right there and then he had to stop. Wiping his mouth, he rose up slightly and came over to your face, dick dangling ever so slightly above your pussy. "Oh baby didn't anyone tell you good girls shouldn't speak big girl words like that? Are you a big girl now baby? Or do I have to teach you what happens to big girls?" You slightly gulped at his deep voice, laced with delicious venom. "N-no daddy. Im sorry." He looked down at you and bent to your ear, whispering in a sultry tone. "You don't want daddy to fuck you into tomorrow kitten? that's too bad." Your cum controlled brain panicked ever so slightly as he moved his legs to get off the bed. In a moment of impulse, you grabbed his arm tightly. "No daddy! That's not what I meant!" Slightly smirking at your innocent behaviour, Minho made himself back on top of you. "Aww such a slut for me aren't you, you pretty thing? Alright I'll fuck you but on one condition. You don't cum until I tell you to got it?" You nodded fervently, desperate for his dick to get into the wet walls of your V.
One thrust then another, all the while you asked for Minho to go deeper, give you more pleasure. This was the first time he had ever fucked you raw, and God did it feel so good. Sweat dripped from your brow, but all that was on your mind was trying not to cum while Minho rubbed his cock all over you wet pussy. Oh god this was hard. How the fuck could he ask you not to cum, while fucking your brains out like that? Unfair, and rude.
"Minho. Minnie let me cum." You whined to him, making sure your pout was extra large. He looked up at you, stopping his routine of adding love bites to your already swollen collarbone. "Aww my kitten wants to cum? She's so brave is she? To ask her master to let her cum? How about I pull out baby? Would you like that?" Honestly at this point, you were fed up. Today was supposed to be movies, food and then you were supposed to dom his little cocky ass, with that cute bra you secretly bought. And then he HAD to ruin it didn't he. And he didn't even allow you to cum. That was the last straw.
"Sure babe. Pull out. I'd like to see your dumb dick go out of this pretty pussy." You said to him, voice laced with pure poison. You weren't being his Harley Quinn tonight. Tonight you were Poison Ivy. Minho, on the other hand, looked at you with surprise. When did his little kitten get so brave? It turned his dick hard, to see you be so... courageous. Asking him to let you cum and telling him to pull out? Oh was this the start of heaven or what?
Gently caressing your hips, cock still inside, he kissed your lips softly, instead of crashing them with violence like he usually did. A spark of electric light travelled through your body when you saw him smirking at you through the passionate kiss. What was your boyfriend planning now? What was going on in that attractive brain of his?
Minho's grip on your hair tightened slightly as his left hand moved down to your pussy. A high pitched whine left your mouth as he stuck them in your cunt, playing around with whatever was inside. Edge after edge after edge. That's what was your punishment. You dared disobey your master. Oh baby you're in for it now.
"Can you take this baby? Want me to cum inside of you? I'll allow you to cum don't worry pretty baby." He told you as pulled his fingers out and looked at your glistening figure, hair all messed up and nipples all hardened. "Yes daddy. Please cum inside of me." That was all your robotic, brain washed self could say. You were drunk on his siren eyes tonight, even if you weren't just trying to dom him like five minutes before.
"you are doing so good" Minho praised, his swollen lips leaving your core, his dick pleasuring your cunt "but a good slut like you can take more, right?" he asked as his body climbed into the bed, his lips desperately looking for yours to give you a glimpse of your own taste.
"fuck, it hurts" you moaned with broken words, feeling minho's breath close to your ear "it hurts so much" another strangled cry was heard and this one was accompanied by a growl. the pain felt good when you remembered who was the one inflicting it and that only made you eager to take it even more."it feels good" you whispered against his lips, feeling how minho's digits rubbed your clit in slow, circular motions "god it feel so fucking good"
"god minho" you moaned, letting out whimpers every time his dick touched your sweet spot "please don't stop Minho!"
"Yes princess cum over my cock there you go good girl. Such a good girl aren't you Y/N?" You felt warm liquid fill your small hole and as you let out low moans of his name, Minho couldn't help but think of marrying you, to get this everyday. "Wanna make you a mommy. Wanna get your tummy swollen. Fuck baby. Have my fucking babies. Oh god you feel so good."
"God that felt so fucking good." Minho gasped as he flopped onto the bed next to you, gently stroking your hair and bringing your tired head upto his chest. Listening to his heartbeat always calmed you down and at this moment, it felt like all time had stopped and his heartbeat was the only thing that mattered. Feeling tired from all that you had done, combined with the warm feeling of Minho's body, your eyes drooped and your mind drifted off into pleasured sleep. "So wanna watch that mov-" Minho stopped his sentence as soon as he saw you lightly snoring. You looked so pretty at that moment, eyelids gently dropped over the prettiest eyes and brows furrowed, to make that cute face you made whenever you fell asleep. Minho's heart and soul was so full right now. He couldn't help but imagine your wedding day, when you would look like Heaven's incarnate in your dress, carrying flowers and looking at him with doe eyes.
And when you told him two days later, that you were pregnant, courtesy to your raw sex session, he knew that he would burn down the entire world for you, just for you.
The universe could be on fire, but the only thing that mattered to him was his universe. His universe and nothing else.
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milkistay · 1 year
getting over it — lmh
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pairing. minho x gn!9th member!reader
format. drabble?
word count. 0.6k
synopsis. you really shouldn’t be crushing on one of your members. but when it comes to lee minho, how can you ever help yourself?
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from your spot on the shiny dance practice floor, you can see the slight pinch in minho’s expression. it’s the smallest hint of a furrow in his eyebrows, the squint of his eyes—an expression of determined focus. you’ve observed him long enough to recognize it: he’s studying himself in his mind, going over the parts in the choreography that looked awkward and making mental notes to fix his positioning. these are the moments when minho’s dance background seems apparent. when the rest of your members collapse on the couch or the floor, their faces red and their breathing erratic, minho is still glued to perfecting himself. 
it’s admirable. you watch him in fascination, like it’s an honor to train with an idol like him, despite having trained with him since stray kids’s pre-debut days. but you can’t help but admire him.
and see, you’ve gotten good at pretending you see minho the same way you see the rest of your members, that the love you have for him is just that same undeniable love you have for them that draws a line at the platonic. 
because, of course, you’re best friends. all of the sleepless nights you spent sharing your deep anxieties and confessions on the floor of your dorm, all the afternoon lunches where you doubled over in laughter at the stupidest jokes, all the too-early mornings backstage at m countdown taking photos of each other falling asleep in the makeup chairs—they all count for something, no doubt about that. this is minho, your dear friend who you’d take a bullet for and who would do the same for you (and later find any way to bring up the fact he took a bullet for you and that you were indebted to him).
but this is also minho, with his bright, gleaming eyes and teasing smile and whole-hearted laughter. minho, who stops to pet every cat he comes across and never lets a mealtime pass without asking you if you ate and pokes fun at all his members but would never let them get hurt. 
minho, who will look at you one day in his perfectly-styled hair and just-tight-enough outfit on stage or put his hand on your back to guide you through a crowd or wear a stupid determined expression on his face during dance practice and suddenly make your chest clench in a way that just a “best friend” couldn’t. 
but you’ve gotten good at ignoring that nagging affection because you have to. you can’t afford to be catching feeling for your members, there exists simply far too many ways for it to go wrong. in fact, being rejected would be the best case scenario because it would avoid the endless trials of attempting to secretly date in a profession where secrets are a rare luxury. but there’s no point in even thinking about dating because it can’t happen. you know this. chan knows this when, one night, you two got a bit tipsy and you let your attraction to minho slip and chan immediately advised you to get it under control. you know. you know, you know, you know. 
but you watch him from your spot on the floor as he runs a hand through his hair and pushes it back, licks his lips, and subtly stretches his neck and, fuck, it’s hard to keep it under control. 
you’ll get over it, you swear you will. no, you promise you will. but is it too much to ask to just have this for a little longer? can’t you just watch him for a little longer?
but then he rises from his seat, claps his hands together, and instructs another run-through. as your members groan a bit and start to get up from the couch and the floor, minho catches your gaze and gives you a small, encouraging smile that’s equally friendly and endlessly affectionate.
you’ll get over it. eventually.
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mae-gi-writes · 1 year
01. the note under your desk | minho (xo kitty)
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”it all started with a note under her desk.”
genre: mentions of suicide, professional swimmer athlete! Minho x marine biology student! Reader (Nina Shim)
Thanks for reading <3 @myahwritesss @sparkysparking101 @suzzie63 @upsidedownjill @lovely-hao @lupinette @seoli-16 @rory-cakes
——— masterlist | 01. DEAR K. | NEXT ———
Everything sucks.
From the university, to the students that inhabit its walls, to the dining hall food that has nothing but salt to make up for its lack of taste, to the annoying jocks that keep partying every night, to the girls who can’t stop gossiping about who got laid first—
Yes. Nina Shim is convinced that everything sucks indeed.
Opening her door to her shared apartment dormitory, she catches sight of the stale pan that has been sitting over the stove for over two weeks, despite her reminder to her roommate this morning that this should be gone by the time she gets back. Nina sighs, pushing off her boots in one swift, clumsy motion before staggering over to the small kitchen island that makes up most of the kitchen space, grocery bags in hand her backpack still slung over her one shoulder.
October is almost over in Toronto and people have been hyping up the idea of Halloween since last week. As Nina puts away her stuff in the fridge, she takes note of the scattered pumpkin-coloured paper streamed across the couch, the paper-mache ghosts in a stack on the coffee table. Her roommate, as depressed as she states she is, is gearing up quite nicely for Halloween. Too bad she can’t be as excited to clean up her own flat space. Nina has been granted all of that in her stead.
And it isn’t that Nina wants to complain. She’s not one to, has a pretty high tolerance level if she says so herself. But the thing is, it’s starting to get on her nerves. She might not be as outgoing, as carefree, as Hanni is, but that doesn’t mean that she needs to clean up after the latter like a mother would do for her children.
She has a life, even if that extends to merely hanging out in the University Aquarium lab and checking in on the goldfish every now and then.
Her phone rings in the silent stillness of her flat. Nina quickly fishes it out from her back pocket, pressing the green call button before placing it at her ear, “hello?”
“Nina!” Her mother’s voice is so warm on the other end of the line. So warm that it makes Nina’s eyes sting with tears, “how are you doing?”
“I’m okay,” she forces the words, glad that her mother can’t see her face, for she would’ve read right through her like an open book. Instead, she puts away the remaining biscuits in the cupboard above her head, “and you? How’s dad? He’s feeling better?”
“Oh you know how he is, always so stubborn,” her mother sighs, “he doesn’t want to take his medicine! And then when he falls even sicker he complains like a baby! Aiya, sometimes I wish he would just stop making my life so difficult—“
On and on she goes and that causes Nina’s mouth to twitch upwards into a smile. She misses her mother dearly, more than she will ever admit, and hearing everything that’s been happening back home makes her feel a little better about being far away despite it all.
“—but Nina, tell me, how has your roommate been? Still as dirty as always?” Her mother’s question brings her back to attention.
The girl leans against the kitchen counter, “she’s alright…just, yeah—not clean. But what else is new?”
“You should report her, you know. It’s a violation of your space and if you can't cope then--"
"Ma it's fine. Just--leave it."
"I'm just saying it would help."
"Anyway, how's dad doing?"
"Dad's been...he's been good."
"Going to his appointments I hope?" Nina asks while pulling out a glass from the drying rack.
"Yeah, it's tough for him. You know how much he hates it."
"Yeah I know."
"And you? We never get news, Nina. How's school? Do you go out with friends? You should--" she's grateful when she hears someone call her mother from the other end of the line and quickly fishes for an excuse, "oh it's okay mom, you can go. I'll catch up on homework anyway."
Her mother leaves the call with another apology, and when Nina cuts off the call and tosses her phone back onto the table, she lets out a prominent sigh. Looking up at the ceiling, she forces her eyes to stay dry, to not cry. Because crying means that she’s giving up.
She’s never felt so alone.
“I can’t fail.”
Minho’s seatmate and good friend going by the name of Q, just chuckles before looking down at his friend’s paper, “uh sorry bud, but I think you already did.”
“What happened to you?” His other friend Dae asks with furrowed eyebrows.
“I don’t know, man,” Minho musses up his hair and moans as if the world is about to end. Well, to him it is.
“Maybe you need a tutor,” Q suggests as the class slowly starts to file out of class.
“Or maybe Mrs. Chung hates me,” Minho says snarkily.
“Or maybe,” Dae’s hand falls onto his shoulder, “you need to get your head back in the game. You haven’t really been focused lately.”
“Yeah he’s got a point,” Q says, “anything you’d like to get off your chest?”
“Girl problems?”
“Family problems?”
“Love problems?”
“Oh shut up,” Minho rolls his eyes, slinging his backpack over his shoulder as the trio exit the lecture hall and file out into the main corridor where lingering students are waiting for the next class to begin.
“You know what’s your problem?” Dae suddenly says.
Minho looks at him with a raised brow.
“You’re skipping too many lectures.”
“Aha,” Q snaps his fingers, “now that, my friend, makes a lot of sense.”
“In my defense I have to—“
“Yes yes, we know, you have a rigorous swimming schedule,” Dae rolls his eyes, “but I think maybe it wouldn’t hurt to talk to Coach Choi about it. He might understand.”
“You mean, he’ll kill me,” mutters Minho sourly.
“Or maybe you need help from someone smart,” Q reasons, “why don’t you ask uhm—what’s her name again? The girl who’s always sitting in the front row by the right corner?”
“Ah Kimberley Chen? Yeah she’s hella smart. I’m sure she can help you,” Dae says.
While it sounds like a good idea, Minho’s pride cannot take it. Him? Asking for anything from anyone? He’d rather eat chicken feet, and god knows he hates that stuff.
Though…that doesn’t mean he can’t ask her in secret.
So that’s what he decides to do a few days after their small discussion. He stalks her social media accounts with no success. Apparently, this Kimberley Chen character doesn’t want any distractions from the digital world, hence her lack of presence on Facebook or Instagram.
Minho had no other choice than to stalk her in-between classes. Finding out where this famous Kimberley Chen sits is an easy feat considering that she’s a creature of habit. Having gathered some information on her beforehand, Minho had found out that she’s actually in the block right after his lectures, meaning that he has full chance of getting his personalized note to her.
He waits for the right moment. As soon as the bell rings to dismiss class, Minho quietly sneaks between the rows of desks before smoothly slipping in the note in the shelf right underneath. Then, assuring that no one has spotted him doing such a thing, quickly walks out with his head held high.
He should probably mentally remind himself to check that said desk during their next lecture.
“There’s a study group happening in the library. You coming?”
Nina shrugs at her seatmate, knowing full well that it doesn’t matter whether she comes or not. The girl had just been asking out of politeness.
Honestly, her days at university had proven to her that it was almost impossible to make friends on her own. That, or maybe she had just been destined to be alone.
It hadn’t been the case in high school. Nina remembered the happiness, the excitement about attending events with her friends.
Now, she barely had any energy to get out of her house.
“Okay well, if you wanna come, it’s at three thirty,” the girl whose name she doesn’t remember gives her a quick wave of her glossy nail-polished fingers, “bye!”
“Bye,” Nina mumbles to no one in particular. She lets out a soft breath, waiting for the rest of the seats to empty out, before quickly gathering her stuff from her shelf underneath.
It’s as she’s packing up her books that a note falls from her stack. Curious, Nina reaches down to pick it up, turning the plain white letter over. No name. Weird.
Was it money?
Would it be rude of her to check?
It isn’t addressed to anyone, meaning that Nina isn’t practically breaking any boundaries by doing so.
Maybe it belongs to someone. Someone important.
She lets her curiosity get the better of her, breaking off the sealed tip and opening up the page as her eyes scan the contents:
Dear K,
My name is Minho. You’ve probably heard of me. After all, I’m on the professional athletics team. I’m writing you this to ask you for your services. I heard that you’re the top student in class. Well, since I am failing Mrs. Chung’s class, I would really like some help with some additional notes or some studying sessions. You will be rewarded for this.
Let me know if you’re down for it. Cheers.
Whoever this Minho guy is sure has some great nerve. Nina wonders who in the world would have such a big ego to write such a thing. It sounds almost too absurd to be true.
Wait…Minho. The name somehow sounds familiar…
Or not.
She crumples it up in growing annoyance and is about to throw it away, when she thinks better of it and slowly un-crumples the note.
Maybe she should answer back. Teach him a lesson. And what is this about “You will be rewarded for this”?
Uncapping a pen and flipping the paper over, Nina bends over the table and starts scribbling down her response. Satisfied, she then folds it back into its letter and places it under the desk.
Reward, my ass.
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mykoreanlove · 2 months
Roman Holiday 🇮🇹
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Minho would be the type of guy to confess his feelings in a grand yet down to earth manner.
He’d take you to Italy, a lifelong dream of his.
He’d be so giddy to spend the time overseas with you, his best friend and confidante.
He had it all planned out - walking tours amongst the sights, plenty of gelato and fake pretend fights at the coliseum.
He’d be learning a couple of words in Italian, hoping to impress you when he’d be ordering delicious pasta for the both of you.
Walking around with Minho would mean a lot of stares, mostly by females, which would go unnoticed by him. Amongst all those historical monuments and sights his eyes were set on the only art that mattered - you.
He’d rent out a Vespa and be your chauffeur on hot days, getting matching helmets for the two of you.
He’d be joking about being a gladiator, fighting and protecting you if hell broke loose.
Minho would have a blast with you, overflowing with happiness and gratitude, shoving his nervousness into the back of his mind.
On the last day, at night per se, he would take you to the trevi fountain with a bag of loose coins in his linen summer coat, ready to shoot his shot.
„You go first“, he would encourage you as he placed the dime in your soft, delicate hands.
You turned around and closed your eyes, focusing on your wish as you threw the silver metal into the fountain.
„Hey, good job!“, Minho congratulated you.
You jumped up and down and ushered him to turn around, watching him from the sidelines.
Minho brought the dime to his lips and kissed it, whispering his wish into the material. With eyes closed he threw it behind him, right into the heart of the fountain.
„Woah, you’re so good at this.“
Minho walked back to you and took your hand into his, guiding you to sit down in front of the dimly lit fountain.
„What did you wish for, y/n?“
„Isn’t it bad luck telling you?“, you shook your head repelled.
„Not if you wished strong enough“, he mused happily.
„Okay, fine.“, you gave in.
„I wished that this trip would never end.“
A serene smile formed on his lips.
„What did you wish for, Min?“
Minho‘s heart was beating out of his chest. This was the moment he had anticipated for months.
„I“, he cleared his throat.
„I wished for you, y/n.“
Your eyes widened in surprise.
„For me? What do you mean?“
Minho slightly adjusted his position, facing you directly now.
„I’m in love with you, y/n. Have been for quite a while now, actually. And if there’s anything that’s missing in my world then it’s you by my side. Only you, y/n.“
You watched him attentively, his eyes were giving away his sincerity.
„What do you say? Will you grant me my wish, y/n?“
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moni-logues · 2 months
Oooh, your requests are open! Any rules or prompt list? If there are none, please may I request the following?
You, as BTS Jungkook's Noona. You have a loving sibling relationship, the kind where parents would love for their children to have with each other. The only complaint you have is that he sometimes acts like the older brother, which can be a little claustrophobic when it happens (e.g. chaperoning you on your date when you were teenagers, having a word with your boss when you were overlooked for a well-deserved promotion, etc). Especially when you were a strong (emotionally and mentally, at least) woman, and totally able to f9ght your own battles. Aside from his BTS members, he's good friends with Bang Chan and Minho from SKZ. Given his overprotective tendency, how does he react when he find out that some of his members + Chan and Minho have feelings for you?
Thank you, and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns?
ok so this is like, the very lite version of what you've asked for lmao because I wanted to keep it brief and it could so easily have got out of hand
I don't even really know what to categorise this as.
It's Jungkook's older sister x (potentially) Chan or Minho. It's three men being idiots. It has the tiniest bit of cheek. It is... what it is lol
Word count: 640
Content: none to warn for
Three Men and a Lady
“Hold on,” Jungkook said firmly, his hands up in front of him. “You both like her?” 
“Yes,” Chan and Minho answered.  
“And I’m supposed to decide which one of you gets to ask her out?” 
“No,” Chan replied emphatically. “You have to tell us which one of us she likes more.” 
“I don’t think she likes either of you.” 
Chan and Minho exchanged a confused look.  
“Neither of us?” 
“Why would she like you?”  
They looked at each other again, somewhat at a loss for words. They hung out all the time with Jungkook, and that meant, a lot of the time, with his sister, too; they all had fun together. She must like them at least a little. Surely? 
“Why wouldn’t she?” Minho asked.  
Jungkook stared at the two of them. Yes, they were his friends. He liked them. They were good guys. Good enough for his sister? That was where his conviction wobbled. No one was good enough for his sister.  
He sat back against the sofa and considered it. She could certainly do worse. She had, in fact, already done worse. If she dated one of his best friends, he could probably far more easily keep an eye on things than if it were some other random guy. Chan and Minho were giving him a choice, too. He got to make the decision. He liked that because his sister quite clearly couldn’t make a good decision on her own. But he would have to approach it carefully; both men were competitive and he didn’t want this to ruin their friendship. 
On the other hand, both men were competitive, and that could be a lot of fun. 
“Ok.,” he said, sitting forward again, clapping his hands together. “Let’s do it like this. A competition.” 
Both suitors pulled a face.  
“JK, that sounds weird.”  
“What is this, like 1700 or something? We’re not competing. We’re not trying to impress you.” 
“You should be if you want me to pick you!” 
“You’re not picking us! SHE is. We’re just asking if you know what HER pick is!” 
“And you clearly don’t,” Minho accused, with a roll of his eyes. 
“Woah woah woah...” JK’s hands were up in defence once more. “Let’s just calm down-” 
“Why are we calming down?”  
All three male heads turned to see the woman in question exit from her bedroom. They froze, like deer in headlights.  
“Uh,” Chan began, not sure where he was going after that.  
“Well, it’s-... Uh,” Jungkook stammered.  
“Jungkook is wilfully misunderstanding us,” Minho explained without really explaining.  
“Sounds about right,” she scoffed affectionately.  
“You know it’s true.” 
She continued on into the kitchen area of the living space, very much still within earshot, so the guys stayed quiet, trying to make non-awkward conversation with her as she prepared a sandwich and made a coffee.  
None of them had realised she was in. She was supposed to be out—at a gym session or class or something—that was why the conversation was taking place there. Jungkook was supposed to have made sure she was out.  
They were figuratively holding their breath, unsure what she might have heard. Chan and Minho knew she would be furious. She was frequently furious with Jungkook and his over-protectiveness. His possessiveness. She was his sister. His older sister, at that, and took great exception to the way Jungkook acted as her keeper and protector. If she found out Chan and Minho had gone to him first, well, neither of them would ever get to date her. Or probably even speak to her ever again.  
“It’s Chan, by the way,” she said as she took her plate and mug back to her bedroom. 
She paused in the doorway. 
“Chan. He’s the one I like. Sorry, Minho.” 
Then she winked and shut the door behind her.  
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godsmenusuperbowl · 10 months
Stay ~ *Lee Minho*
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Summary: It’s Sunday morning. And you know what makes Sunday mornings so great? Soft, lazy Sunday mornings with your boyfriend.
Pairing: Lee Minho X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Word Count: 704
Warning: N/A
Taglist: @foxwinter @maeleelee @mxnsxngie @kpop-will-kill-me
The sunlight streamed through the curtains, causing you to stir and wake. As your eyes fluttered open, a smile tugged at your lips, feeling good about today. It was lazy Sunday mornings like this which made everything in life worth it. Not only that, but it was even better when you get to spend them in bed with someone you loved.
Smiling to yourself, you looked over at Minho, sleeping peacefully beside you. He looked just like an angel when he was sleeping. Now worry collected in the furrow of his brows and sweat beading down his face. He looked so serene in this moment. If only you could bottle this moment and keep it with you for the rest of your life as more than a precious memory. His lashes lay delicately on his soft cheek and his hair was disheveled enough to make him look rugged. Not only that, but his cheeks were also perfectly kissable, leading you to press a soft peck to each one.
This effectively woke him up, making him sigh and stretch, mumbling, “Good morning, angel.”
“Good morning to you too.” You answered him, giggling. “Although, you look more like an angel than I do.”
“Is that so?” He lightly teased, making the both of you laugh.
As you pecked his nose, you sighed. “It is a good morning now that you’re awake.”
He chuckled. “What time is it?”
Checking your phone, you replied with, “Around 8:30 in the morning.”
Minho stopped stretching to stare at you. Just as you were about to ask what was wrong, he exclaimed. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”
You looked at him like he was crazy. “I just told you, silly!”
Flopping back on the bed, he groaned. “Why’d you have to wake me up so early? I haven’t gotten to sleep in so, so, so long! The one day I have time off and you wake me up so early. You’re so mean to me!”
Chuckling, you shook your head and laid back down next to him, cuddling him close. After pressing a kiss to his temple, you mumbled, “Sorry baby, I didn’t mean to wake you so early.”
He snickered before pecking your chin. “It’s fine, angel. Don’t worry about it. If anything, this just means I get to spend more time with you which is always a plus.”
You could feel your heart melting at his words, which prompted you to connect your lips with his finally for that morning. It was a sweet kiss, full of love and laziness. It made you want to keep this moment forever frozen as well, and far away from the tricky hands of time.
However, apparently breathing is an essential function of life, meaning you both had to pull away to continue said function of life. You rested your chin on top of his shoulder before saying, “How does this sound: I go make breakfast and we have breakfast in bed together. Sounds like a plan?”
“Hmm.” He hummed, and glancing at him, you could see his eyes have already closed again.
Laughing to yourself, you slowly unwind yourself from his arms and legs, careful not to disturb him too much. Taking a few breaths to psych yourself to get up, you eventually had your feet planted on the ground. You took a few steps, and was right at the door frame, before you heard Minho whining for you. Looking over your shoulder, you saw him, still curled in the fetal position with his eyes closed, making grabby hands towards you. Honestly, he was like an overgrown baby sometimes. Not that you didn’t think it was adorable.
“Don’t leave me, my angel.” He whined. “Stay.”
He nodded. “Just a few more minutes please? Then we’ll both make breakfast in bed.”
Pretending to ponder the idea, you smiled before crawling back into bed with him. Again, Minho hummed in contentment, snuggling himself back into your side. You chuckled, kissing his forehead softly. “I suppose I can stay for a little while longer.”
“Good.” He muttered, his voice thick with sleepiness. The two of you both slipped back into sleep together, nestled in a warm and loving embrace.
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violixs · 2 years
Minho doesn’t want to ignore you. To him, it’s the only solution.
He can’t sleep at night without thinking of your hands on his skin. Smaller than his, but barely an inch’s difference, he can feel the way they cupped his cheek, the radiating warmth of your palm settling upon his skin as you tilted his head to the side. Then, you’d whispered something to him, coherent enough for him to catch, but not important enough for him to remember. The only thought important enough to linger was you — from the gentle scratch of your nail that felt so welcome against his jaw, to the proximity your lips were to his own.
Chapped, a deeper scarlet in some areas from where you’d presumably bitten them. Kissable. Preventing him from getting the proper amount of rest his soul so desperately needs.
Two hours he sat through a computer science lecture, and he can barely recall a single word that the professor said. Minho does, however, remember the scent of your perfume, and the daisy he saw pinned to someone else’s bag that happened to remind him of it. Fragrant, floral, nothing short of the word lovely. In fact, it rather resembles you: flowery, bright, spring-like in all your glory.
And when he got a text, your given name flashing up onto the watch that sat proudly on his wrist, he was completely gone. For all he’d known, he could’ve been in space, because you were becoming all that he knew, the limit of his knowledge and his interests, truly the apple of his eye.
However the moment he sees you with someone else, he decides it can’t be.
It, you and him, the object of his desires and the apple in the garden of eden. Something he craves so desperately, something he doesn’t believe can ever happen.
Really, it’s not you. If it was you, it wouldn’t be so hard to pretend you weren’t there. Like compass pin finding north no matter what, Minho’s eyes find you the moment he walks into a room. They’re drawn to you — unnaturally so — and the way his heart soars exponentially high the moment they meet your own? It’s not right, as though he’s falling off the edge of a cliff, horribly fast and overwhelming and although he knows he’s going to meet his death, he can’t help but enjoy the adrenaline that shoots through his body.
But perhaps Minho doesn’t know as much as he thinks he does. His immediate failure at avoiding you proves so.
He looks at you, standing there with someone else, and his whole body seems to drop. You’re not even doing anything, nothing more than walking side by side, a polite smile on your face, but he feels as though his world is crumbling. Suddenly he is not falling off of the cliff but is the cliff that is crumbling, too fast to keep up with and equally as dangerous.
Yet the moment you break away, your eyes flittering up in his direction, he starts to float. As though the butterflies inside his stomach are lifting him up, he smiles — barely, but it’s there — and gives you a little wave. It’s almost shy, fleeting as though he’s nervous, but you seem to eat it up anyway, similarly to how he consumes your reaction.
He’s clinging onto every smile you give him, the way your cheeks grow round with your grin and the crescent moons that break out of your eyes. You’re looking at him as though he is not simply Lee Minho, but the moon that keeps your night sky bright, and he feels like he’s floating in the clouds.
It’s when you begin to talk that everyone can see it. You’re idiots, the both of you, falling helplessly while being hopelessly unaware, but it’s sweet. It’s young, it’s blooming, it’s exhilarating. But you’re both so blinded by the other that you can’t see the simple things, the hearts in his eyes as he looks at you, the way you always seem to be outside of his class when he’s leaving.
Minho tries to ignore you; it’s impossible, it was never going to work. But he thinks, the more rational, small voice in the back of his head, that allowing you to ruin his life and send him smiles from across the room is at least a little bit better.
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godslino · 4 months
MINHO’S LOVE IS | minho drabble.
Minho’s love is quiet. It’s lingering touches and wandering eyes from across the room. It’s shared glances when someone says something funny, your eyes immediately finding one another with a knowing look. It’s his back against the headboard as he scrolls through his phone, his other hand playing mindlessly with your hair while you watch tv. It’s the damp soil of the plant you swear you’ll be able to take care of all on your own, already watered by the time you wake up in the morning, Minho long gone for a day of practice. It’s the way he orders for you at restaurants, already knowing what foods you’re comfortable with. It’s the extra french fries that keep showing up on your plate, an innocent look on his face when you catch him in the act.
Minho’s love is warm. It’s the feeling of his jacket being draped over you when you fall asleep in the car. It’s his breath against your neck at night when he pulls you into his chest and tightens his arm around your middle. It’s the soft skin of his stomach when you shove your cold feet under his shirt, laughing as he shakes his head but still lets you get away with it. It’s his hands when he maps out your body, the blankets pulled tight around the both of you, fingertips trailing every dip and curve of your figure like he’s seeing it for the first time.
Minho’s love is loud. It’s laughter when he chases you down the hallway after you refuse to hug him, his body covered in sweat from the gym. It’s music blasting from a speaker in the kitchen while he cooks your favorite meal. It’s him screaming at the other guys to quiet down when he’s on facetime with you, the ocean-wide distance not enough to keep you apart. It’s the way he calls out to you, an excited “I’m hoooome!” when he gets back from a long day of work.
Minho’s love is gentle. It’s the press of his lips against yours when you open your eyes in the morning. It’s the tug of his fingers on the sleeve of your jacket when he pulls you towards the inner part of the sidewalk and takes your place instead. It’s his hand on the small of your back whenever you’re out in public, a reminder that he’s there. It’s his thumbs swiping the tears off of your cheeks when it all becomes too much to handle. It’s the way he holds you like he means it, like you’re something he’s scared of losing, as he promises over and over that he’ll never break you.
Minho’s love is quiet, warm, loud, and gentle. Minho’s love is more than just three words whispered into the space between your lips. Minho’s love is immeasurable in size and unexplainable in essence.
Minho’s love, to you, is everything.
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[ tags: @102598s @snowyquokka @jisunglyricist @itsgghowitsgg @alician87 @skzms @meloncremesoda @palindrome969 @ilychee08 @allaboutsan @legally-lixs @astronomicallyyy @doohnut @linocz ]
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tasteleeknow · 1 year
kinks? hands
18+ content. minors dni. hand kink. finger sucking. hands on throats without choking. masturbation. voyeurism. cum play.
"Crush these for me?" you ask, holding out the knife out in Minho's direction. He hums in response and then his fingers are brushing yours as he carefully takes the handle from you. It's not with any nefarious intent that you ask him to crush the garlic for you. He's simply better at it.
Still, it's not an unpleasant sight. You step around the kitchen island and rest your elbows on the counter to watch. He doesn't take any notice of you as he presses the flat side of the knife down onto one of the cloves with his palm.
The veins in his hand and arm are prominent as he forces the knife down into the bench, crushing the garlic beneath it. Your mind wanders to the night before, when you'd watched as he'd wrapped that same hand around his cock. He'd once said how much he loved the way your hands looked on him, soft and small and warm. You understood the sentiment when you'd asked him to let you watch him get himself off, the way his veins has popped out as he worked himself up, the way his thumb brushed over his tip just before he jerked his hips off the bed and released with a whine.
"That enough?" he asks, snapping you out of your haze.
"Huh? Oh yeah, thanks."
It's not your fault, you reason with yourself as you regain control. He was the one always touching you: resting his hand on your thigh, on the back of your neck. He was the one that insisted on pressing his fingers into your mouth when he was buried inside you, instructing you to keep your lips wrapped around him until he filled you.
Sometimes when he was particularly worked up, he'd feed his cum to you like that, pressing it between your lips with his fingers. The way he looked at you made the taste of it inconsequential: like he wanted to keep you there underneath him for a week straight.
You press your fingers into his shoulders after dinner, massaging the knots from his muscles as his head drops back to rest on your stomach. "Come to bed?" you ask before placing a kiss to his forehead.
He hums in response and you leave him to tidy up as you brush your teeth, standing in front of the mirror with your hand on your hip. He steps into the small bathroom just as you finish and steps up behind you. You keep your eyes fixed on the mirror as his hand snakes around your waist and slides up your stomach, grazing your breasts on it's path to your neck.
Your breath stutters as his his hand wraps around your throat. He presses up against you from behind as your stomach flips a little at the sight of his fingers against your neck. His thumb begins moving a little, gentle strokes against your pulse point as he presses his face into your hair.
His other hand wraps around your waist, fingers pressing gently into your side. You're wrapped in him. You feel it. You see it.
"Where do you want my fingers tonight?" he whispers.
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writingforstraykids · 5 months
"One of us is going to end up with a broken heart" -> them saying no to adopting/fostering a cat or kitten, so probably Min, you can make it a runt of the litter if you want to sprinkle some angst, but only sprinkle! I can't handle being drowned 😭 Honestly this feels self indulgent now, but we ain't gonna dump now, no sir-e
Just a fluffy time with the "no we can't keep it" dad trope (dad? I mean if you wanna, I won't say no 🙈) then them being the reason its kept, always a sucker for this ugh, gen.neutral would be fine, see no reason for specification on this, go ham, cause I kinda did lol whoops
Aww I love this thought so much, I finished it immediately after you sent it in🤭 I do hope you like it💕
Pairing: Minho x gn!reader
Warnings/tags: pure fluff
Word Count: 767
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“Minho, no,” you shake your head firmly as you realize where your husband is so eagerly taking you this cold December morning. 
“You don’t even know what I-” he starts protesting but gets cut off quickly by you.
“Min. We’re not adopting another cat!” you groan softly. 
Minho parks the car in front of the animal shelter and turns to you with a big pout and the best puppy eyes he can muster. “But-”
“Minho Lee, I said no,” you shake your head, thinking of Soonie, Doongie, and Dori, who had just gotten familiar with the newest addition, Cookie, a small brownish-grey goofball who’s been keeping you busy this past month. 
Minho sighs softly and looks at you, utterly heartbroken. “Baby, listen, we agreed ‘no kids yet,’ but…I have to share my love somehow.”
Your jaw drops, and you try to stifle a laugh. “Minnie, you have four kids already, five if you count Felix as your fifth kitty.” That makes him laugh as well. “You can practice being a dad of five, do we really need a sixth kid?”
“Look at him, isn’t he sweet?” Minho asks, voice growing all gentle and sweet like you know him around cats. In the small basket in front of you, there’s a little black kitten staring at you with big brown eyes. Your husband turns toward you in search of agreement, and suddenly, you’re faced with two brown-eyed kittens staring into your soul. 
“He is,” you nod, eyeing him suspiciously as he pets his head softly.
Minho looks back at the kitten and makes a soft sound, his smile widening as he kneels down, and the kitten makes a few wobbly steps towards him. Minho picks him up after checking with the employee and rubs his forehead against the kitten’s head. “He looks like Channie, doesn’t he? All in black and those sad eyes.”
You chuckle and roll your eyes at him fondly. “Ah, that’s why; you miss your hyung so much you want to adopt a kitten looking like him.”
Minho shoots you a playful glare and shakes his head. “Obviously not.”
“Minnie, come on,” you sigh softly and shake your head. “It’s too much.”
“Cookie needs a little brother, that’ll make him responsible,” he says so seriously it makes you laugh. 
“Seriously, Y/nnie,” he sighs and makes eye contact with the kitten. “Always the same with them. One of us is going to end up with a broken heart at this rate,” he tells him. 
“Minho, seriously,” you laugh and smack his head playfully.
“You’re such a meanie,” he pouts. 
“And you’re forbidden to take another step into an animal shelter in the next five years at least,” you shoot back, and his head spins toward you. 
“Five years?! Honey, are you crazy?” he gasps and sets the kitten back down. “I’m so sorry, Channie, I would’ve taken you in any day. I would’ve made sure you had a cozy spot, delicious food and you’d be our new maknae kitten.”
Oh, for fucks sake.
“Cookie, look, you got a little brother,” Minho announces cheerfully and sits down, keeping your sixth kid in his lap. He makes a happy sound and wiggles from side to side as Cookie nuzzles his face against the newcomer. “Soonie, Doongie, Dori, come here,” he calls out for the rest and holds up the black kitten above his head. “Say hi to your baby brother, Channie.”
“No, he won’t. He’ll kick your ass if you tell him the reason for it,” you snort.
“Minho,” you crack up. “You can’t seriously call him that.”
“Why not? He’ll love it,” he grins smugly.
“He’ll never know,” he shrugs and sets down Channie on the floor. “Never,” he announces and looks at you firmly.
“Come on, I said yes, let me at least choose another name,” you laugh and sit down next to him. “I don’t want to wake up to you calling out for beloved hyung in the morning.”
“Fine~,” he sighs and side-eyes you with a light huff. 
“Oh! I know something, we’ll call you Lixie,” you say proudly after a moment.
“And that’s supposed to be better?” he asks sarcastically, ruffling your hair. “I can’t name two of my kitties the same.”
“You call him Yongbokie either way. Shut up,” you giggle, and he pokes your side.
“You shut up,” he giggles and presses his lips firmly against yours. “I love you so much, baby,” he beams at you.
“Yeah, yeah, anything to satisfy my beloved cat dad,” you snort and ruffle his hair, giggling softly. Gosh, you love this idiot.
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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blu-joons · 2 years
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It was definitely a habit of Minho’s to pay attention to you, as soon as he caught sight of you for the first time when you were in the room with him, he’d keep looking across until you finally went over to him.
The two of you didn’t tend to bicker too often, it happened every now and then but only when you were trying to prove a point. If anything, you found yourself bickering more with the other members of the group over things, always having Minho in your corner to back you up and encourage you to keep going.
He was by your side in a heartbeat as soon as Minho got the slightest inclination that you weren’t yourself. He didn’t care how busy he was, or if he had other places that he needed to be, by your side would be the only place that he’d be, staying there until he was absolutely sure that you were alright.
It was incredibly rare for the two of you to argue, you were far too calm around one another to argue often. If you did argue, then it would usually be over something stupid such as who would pay the bill when you went out for dinner because you’d both argue your case. Arguing over something serious pretty much never really happened between the two of you as you tended to stop it before things erupted.
The best thing about the two of you was that you found that you had plenty in common pretty early on when you first met each other, which made getting to know each other a lot easier. You would soon talk for hours as you talked about your shared interest, sometimes disagreeing about a couple of things, using that to learn more about one another though and pick up on what the other didn’t like.
Minho’s family were always there for you whenever you needed them, they treated you just as if you were a member of the family too. It wasn’t just his immediate family that knew about you either, his extended family knew you too as you were often invited to family events, although you weren’t a proper member of the family, everyone just as well considered you one as Minho’s best friend.
Most of the time the two of you would find planning what you would do when you hung one of the things that you argued about. Minho liked to do what you wanted to do, and you liked to do what Minho wanted to do, usually having to flip a coin so that you could finally decide and do something together.
The two of you had a habit of finishing each other’s sentences as you tended to know exactly what the other person was thinking. It was surprising to most people who knew you just how well the two of you got along, and how well you knew one another to be able to tell exactly what they were thinking too.
You loved to use your inside jokes as weapons to make sure that you got what you wanted from Minho. If he said no to you, you’d often threaten to tell the boys about something that had happened that Minho was desperate to keep between the two of you, soon finding himself suddenly saying yes.
He knew a lot about you, and so if anyone ever tried to give off the impression that they were your best friend, Minho would shut them down. He couldn’t help but get jealous when someone tried to take his position, and so he’d make sure to ask them a question about you that he knew that no one would be able to answer but him, proving to them, and to you, that he was definitely your best friend.
Minho got a kick out of seeing you do well, he prided himself on being your biggest fan. Even if it was a tiny achievement, Minho would still hype you up and let you know that he was proud of you. The smile on your face when you succeeded was his favourite smile of yours, and he loved to see it as often as possible.
He loved how you were always there for him whenever Minho needed a bit of support. Whether it was something big or small, you always listened and always tried your best to help him through whatever was troubling him. He hated to say that he relied on you, but it definitely surprised Minho just how much he did depend on you, mainly because you never let him down, and always helped him out.
The two of you first met at a sports game when your seats were next to each other. You both went on your own as you couldn’t persuade any of your friends to come, but that loneliness ended up forcing the two of you to speak to one another and bond over your shared interest and support of the same team.
He showed a side to you that very few people got to see when he was being silly. He loved how comfortable he could be around you and that encouraged Minho to let his guard down and not feel wary with you.
Minho was obsessed with your company, he never tired of spending time with you. He didn’t like to spend many days without seeing you, arranging plans with you no matter how difficult it was for him.
He was particularly fond of the times when he got to see you with his family and see how well you got along with them. Their approval was something that Minho valued a lot, and every time that he saw you with his family, he was able to remind himself just how much his family loved you as his best friend.
Even after so many years, Minho loved to find out more about you, and so he’d often ask you questions when he wanted your opinion on something so that he could learn something new about you.
You both matched a lot to let everyone know that the two of you were best friends. Your phone cases, and often your shoes were two of the things especially that you had with you which made sure that everyone knew when they saw you that your friendship was as strong as it always had been.
Having your support was something that Minho always treasured, even if it was only a text from you in support. He loved how you always knew exactly what he was up to so you could root for him, often setting reminders in your phone to make sure that you didn’t forget to send Minho an encouraging message.
If you had the time, Minho loved to bring you along for a bit of a tour with the group and show you the world. Leaving you at home was tough on him, so if he could, then he’d definitely take you along for the ride.
He felt incredibly lucky to get to call you his best friend, it was one of the roles that Minho never wanted to step away from.
You could often be visiting Minho at work, whether he was working as an idol or an actor. He loved when you stopped by as you always brought food for him to make sure that he was taking care of himself.
A lot of effort into the advice that Minho gave you, he never liked to say something if he didn’t think that it wouldn’t be helpful for you.
He couldn’t help but be protective of you at the best of times, but when you were out and about, he was especially so. Minho didn’t care about being seen holding your hand or hugging you, just as long as you were safe.
You were his favourite person, Minho relied on you more than he did anyone else.
Despite you trying several times, Minho never let you leave his place when it started to get dark or chill off. Even if it meant sleeping on the sofa for him, Minho would let you stay and rest in his bed for the night.
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milkistay · 2 years
by your side — lmh
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synopsis. sometimes birthday celebrations can make an introvert like yourself a bit anxious. luckily, minho is there for you, all the time.
pairing. bf!minho x gn!reader
format. imagine
word count. 1.2k
request. yes
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you can’t blame chan. one of his admirable traits was how he seemed to naturally make friends, sweeping through crowds of strangers and turning them all into acquaintances. it was part of his extroverted charm. his favorite birthday parties always involved a huge crowd of the friends he’d collected over the years. so, of course, as your own birthday was approaching, his first suggestion was a big party. you can’t blame him.
but you weren’t chan. with your introverted nature, you didn’t get the same buzz he did when surrounded by people—strangers, friends, whoever. as he paced the kitchen, excitedly rambling about his plans for your birthday party, you couldn’t help but feel on edge.
“honestly, it’s gonna be so much fun,” he insisted. “we’ll invite the members, your friends—i can even invite some of my friends! there are some people who i think you’d really like if you met them. it’ll be really cool.”
from the dining table where you and minho finished up some takeout, you turned your gaze directly to the tteokbokki in front of you and away from chan. you poked at the rice cakes with your chopsticks as he continued talking. you didn’t want to crush his excitement—to tell him you’d much rather just spend a chill day with minho and the other members—but it was true. just the thought of having to be around all those people began freaking you out. 
from the dining table where you and minho finished up some takeout, you turned your gaze directly to the tteokbokki in front of you and away from chan. you poked at the rice cakes with your chopsticks as he continued talking. you didn’t want to crush his excitement—to tell him you’d much rather just spend a chill day with minho and the other members—but it was true. just the thought of having to be around all those people began freaking you out. 
from the corner of your eye, you saw minho looking at you and you wondered if you were being too quiet. so you smiled up at chan.
from the corner of your eye, you saw minho looking at you and you wondered if you were being too quiet. so you smiled up at chan.
from the corner of your eye, you saw minho looking at you and you wondered if you were being too quiet. so you smiled up at chan.
“sounds good,” you said.
chan grinned back. “great!”
you finished the rest of your dinner without saying much. you thought your true feelings had fled under the radar, until—when chan headed to the studio and left you and minho alone to clean up the dishes—minho turned to you.
“you hate it, don’t you?” he asked.
“huh? hate what?”
“the birthday party chan’s planning for you.” 
you bit down on your lip, feeling suddenly vulnerable. “no, it’s fine. it should be fine.”
minho chuckled and shook his head slightly. “sometimes you underestimate how much i know you.”
you sighed. “okay, fine. maybe it’s not my favorite thing but it should be fine. i’ll be fine. it’s not that big of a deal.”
“it’s your birthday, you know. you can do whatever you want.”
“but he’s so excited,” you said. “and i will be fine, okay?”
he crossed his arms over his chest and took a moment to think. “how about this: you and me celebrate your birthday for the day—just the two of us—and then go to whatever party chan wants to host and stay in the corner and talk the whole night. how’s that sound?”
you smiled. “you’re too kind to me.”
he wrapped his arms around you and placed a kiss to your head. “only cause i love you.”
you didn’t know exactly what minho had in mind for your birthday and, honestly, you had almost forgotten about your conversation entirely. that was until, on your birthday morning, as you gently stirred awake, you found a confetti-filled balloon tied to your bedpost. you could barely process it before you picked up on the ridiculously-enticing breakfast smell coming from the kitchen. when you walked out of the bedroom, hair messy and in one of minho’s hoodies, rubbing your eyes groggily, minho—who had been setting out two plates and utensils on the table—greeted you with a grin.
“good morning,” he said, rushing over to kiss you and pull you into a hug. “happy birthday.”
“cute balloon,” you mumbled into his shoulder.
“yeah, thought it was nice.” he pulled away and carefully cupped your face and swiped his thumbs across your cheeks perhaps in an attempt to wake you up a bit. “wanna eat? i made your favorite.”
after your breakfast spent sharing laughter and still-sleepy conversations, minho took you out to the park. together, you watched small kids cruise by on their first bikes as parents trailed behind them and ducks dip their heads into the glistening pond water. with your hand in his, you split a pastry on a park bench as you talked about the passage of time and minho doted on you just a bit more than usual. honestly, your cheeks felt sore by how much you were smiling.
chan’s party approached soon enough and, though you had spent the whole day in bliss with enough forehead kisses to last you until your next birthday, you couldn’t shake the familiar anxious feeling that always preluded social events as you were getting ready. you clasped a necklace around your neck, letting out consciously-steady breaths in a self-soothing effort. you checked the time—you had to leave soon to make it on time.
“minho?” you called out from your room to him in the living room, where he was waiting for you to finish. “min, are you ready?”
without a response, you called out his name again. nothing.
“minho?” you asked once more, opening the door to the living room.
minho, who was hunched over something on the dining room, was too focused to look at you.
“wait!” he said. “close your eyes.”
“just do it, trust me.”
you complied. you could hear him making small noises of satisfaction as he moved about the room, turned off the lights, and approached you.
“here, give me your hand.”
he led you to the dining table with one hand holding yours and the other on the small of your back, moving slowly enough to ensure your safety. he positioned you where he needed you.
“okay, open,” he instructed.
you opened your eyes to a small, intricately-frosted cake holding lit candles that illuminated the dark room with a warm glow. on the cake read “happy birthday” with a small icing heart at the end of the phrase.
“happy birthday, love,” he said. “make a wish.”
you were almost too touched to do a thing. “minho…” you said.
“it’s your favorite flavor, i managed to pick it up before you woke up. quick, make a wish,” he encouraged, rubbing your back.
with a smile on your face, you closed your eyes and pressed your lips together, making a silent wish in your mind: let him stay with me forever.
you blew the candles out in one breath and plunged the both of you into darkness as minho offered gentle applause. he kissed your cheek.
“nice,” he said.
you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. you pulled away and kissed both of his cheeks.
“i love you,” you said. “thank you.”
“of course,” he replied. “i love you, too.”
the two of you shared a quick slice that you ended up making you late for the party but it didn’t matter too much since you were giggling with fondness the whole car ride there. minho kept his promise and stayed by your side the whole night in the corner of the party, leaving only to refill your drinks. and at the end of the night, when chan brought out the cake he bought for you and had all the guests sing a sloppy chorus of the happy birthday song for you, it wasn’t too nerve-wracking when you could look out to the crowd and spot minho between a loud, drunk jisung and smiley, giddy felix and feel instantly comforted by his gaze.
it was the best birthday ever. you couldn’t wait to spend every future one with minho.
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mae-gi-writes · 1 year
02. The note under your desk | Minho (xo kitty)
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”it all started with a note under her desk.”
Play: —<| beside you - keshi |>—
(Credits to owner for the gif.)
Thanks for reading &lt;3 @myahwritesss @sparkysparking101 @suzzie63 @upsidedownjill @lovely-hao @lupinette @seoli-16 @rory-cakes @sir-simp @rubes26 @chaerins-world @sadiebrookeholt @sincerely-aaronette @instabull @itsnotino
——— MASTERLIST | 02. Kind Regards, N | NEXT ———
Minho bunches up the note in his hand and pounds it into the wall. The paper bounces easily and falls, crumpled, onto the floor, which does nothing to ease the kind of anger bubbling up through his chest.
What nerve, he thinks as his eyes see all red, who the fuck thinks they can mess with him and get away with it?
He’d almost laughed as he read the words once. Again, and again. Until the reality had kicked him in the balls and he came to the conclusion that whoever this person is, they’re messing with him.
Dear Minho,
First off, that’s such a patronizing way to ask for help. Not even a please? Who the hell do you think you are? What you need help with are your manners, bro. Oh and I’m not Kimberley and I will definitely not pass on your message. Maybe you can try asking again — nicely, and then maybe I’ll consider telling her about you.
Also, Kimberley doesn’t sit at this desk. Maybe you should’ve known that first before even making a move. Kind regards,
N <3
A stranger.
A stranger had read his note. And this stranger might know exactly who Minho is. Great.
Now his entire reputation is at stake because of this stupid idiot who thinks it’s fun to pass on messages like love letters.
A knock sounds on his door and before he can ask, Q’s head pops in, “hey dude. You got a minute?”
“That depends,” Minho sighs and leans back into his plush bean bag, “I’m currently in the middle of a crisis.”
“What happened?” Q frowns, closing the door behind him before settling down on the carpet opposite.
Minho opens his mouth. Closes it. Regards Q with narrowed eyes. Then, a scowl forms onto his face.
Q blinks, “what? What did I do?”
“If I tell you, you cannot tell anyone.”
“Uh—sure, okay.”
“Swear it on your mother’s head.”
“Wha—Minho, come on. Just tell me—“
“Swear it.”
“Okay okay fine,” Q rolls his eyes, “I swear on my mother’s head. Now tell me.”
Minho recaps everything from the moment he’s dropped the note underneath the said desk to the episode that occurred just a few minutes prior.
Q cannot help himself but laugh, covering his mouth in an attempt to calm himself down as the other boy’s face twists into a ferocious glare that would’ve sent anyone running home, “oh my god,” Q says, trying to hide his chuckle, “this—you—oh my god, this person’s hilarious!”
“It’s not funny!” Minho rages, hands going up to grapple through his locks, “what am I supposed to do now?!”
“Well, assuming that it’s a girl from the handwriting,” Q shoots him a pointed look as he settles more comfortably against the couch, “I’d say you should write back.”
“And say what? That it was a mistake?” Minho rolls his eyes.
“No, but if she’s sitting in the front row, maybe she has all the resources you need. Ever thought of that?”
At that, Minho straightens and looks at his best friend as if a lightbulb has struck, “you think she’s smart?”
“I believe so. Why else would she be in the front row?” Q shrugs.
“Q,” Minho’s eyes fly up to his as a smile breaks across his face, “I think you’re a genius.”
“I know,” Q grins, “thank me later.”
Nina is half asleep when her fingers curl over the note under her desk.
It hadn’t been her intention to find it, but somehow it seems as though fate enjoys playing tricks on her. Huddling behind her stack of books and quickly ripping it open under her desk, Nina quickly places the paper over her copybook, slouching over her desk as though in deep thought when in truth she’s reading over the words with barely concealed amusement.
Dear N,
Well well well, nice to meet you. I guess I should apologize for my “patronizing” behaviour, as you said, but maybe you should just tone it down a little. Juuuust a little. Violence was never the answer, honey.
Anyway, since you’re the one who received my beautifully crafted handwritten letter, maybe you’d like to help me out with my horrible grades.
Pretty please? I’m asking nicely this time ;)
Yours sincerely,
P.S: you know my name but I don’t know yours. Care to share?
Nina shouldn’t answer. She shouldn’t get involved with such a boy who seems to suck at flirting and who’s desperate enough to do it for the grades. Yet, his half-baked attempts only cause an amused smile to slowly crawl up her lips, one that she quickly hides when Professor Chung turns to ask the class a question.
Hiding behind a curtain of hair and leaning over her desk, Nina takes out a fresh piece of paper, and starts to write.
Dear Minho,
who even calls anyone “honey” these days? I think you need a real-life update. In any case, why don’t you ask the library for a tutor to help you out? I’m sure they’ll have much better resources than a random stranger from lecture.
Try it out, it might work wonders for you. Who knows, maybe you could use your flirting skills then ;)
Sincerely, N.
P.S: the first letter of my last name is S. That’s all I can give you for now.
Dear N.S.
I finally have some initials to call you by. Nice, although, a name would’ve sufficed. I’ve tried the library, horrible staff and the tutors are just there because they want a piece of me. What can I say? I’m a horribly enchanting man who cannot go anywhere in peace. So please, help me?
Dear Minho,
bold of you to assume that they’re enchanted by you.
I don’t know, should I help you? You’re not being very convincing. Then again, what do I know? I’m just some girl whose notes you need in order to get good grades right? Reality check, my man. Maybe you need to realize the world does not revolve around you :)
Kind regards,
Dear N.S,
I’ll just say it’s still not fair you know my name and I don’t know yours, so I’m holding that against you. You keep insulting me but you also keep answering my notes. Either you’re a masochist and enjoy watching me suffer or you’re just a little bit entertained. I know I am even though I’m still struggling with Psychology.
Kindly, Minho.
The water is icy cold.
Minho’s limbs are freezing by the time he’s twenty laps in, the heat slowly spreading from his heart to the rest of his muscles as he keeps moving through the water as easily as a fish in the sea. This is where he feels the most alive, the most content.
Underneath the surface, everything is dulled out. He can only hear himself, the echo of sounds and voices drowned out by the alienated air pulsing through Minho’s ears.
Breaking through the water with a shaky breath, he quickly swims towards the edge and grabs on. On the other side are toddlers with their swimming instructors, voices loud and bouncing off the walls of the indoor-heated pool.
Minho grabs onto his cap, tugs it off his head before shaking out his hair. Part of him feels guilty for not doing more but he can’t find it in himself to continue for today.
“Hey if it isn’t Minho!”
The said man turns to find one of his swim mates, Jung Kiseok, striding towards him with purpose. He lifts a hand in greeting, “hey man.”
“Long time no see!” Kiseok claps him on the back before jumping into the water, the edges sloshing as he does so, ���what have you been up to lately? You don’t seem to be around much.”
“Yeah I’ve been trying to save my grades,” Minho grimaces.
Kiseok groans sympathetically, “Oh I know how that feels. You found a tutor yet?”
“I don’t like the library tutors,” Minho sniffs, causing his friend to laugh, “why don’t you enter a study group? Wouldn’t it be easier?”
“Study group? How’d you find those?”
“Just go on the School Portal, man. They’re everywhere, for every subject.”
Minho straightens at that, eyes wide with hope, “how am I only finding this out now?”
“Shit, you really haven’t been studying have you?” Kiseok laughs even harder, “I’ll send you the link to one if you want. I know the TA in charge well.”
“That would be great, thanks.”
it isn’t until that night that Minho opens up the letter found underneath the desk from his Psychology class this morning. He finds that, ironically, he looks forward to having snippets of conversation with that infamous N.S. It somehow makes his day a little better, a little brighter. He wishes he can know what she looks like, at least.
Muscles aching and hair still wet from his shower, the said young man settles onto his couch with a heavy, tired sigh, before finally giving in and opening up the letter.
Dear Minho, okay. You got me. I’m actually really entertained by our conversation so yes, caught me red-handed. I wouldn’t have imagined that you would answer my note after the first time. Question: why did you take Psych if you’re struggling? I’m sure there must be another elective you can take.
Anyway, I’ll play nice and forward you the latest notes. Just give me your email.
Kindly, N.S.
“Yes,” Minho mutters to himself, inwardly punching the air as he quickly scribbles down his response and folds it as small as he can get it to go.
His phone suddenly vibrates. The young man grabs hold, presses down onto the call button, before placing it by his ear. “Minho, how are you?” “Eomma,” he switches to Korean, the language flowing smoothly through his tongue, “I’m good. How are you?”
“You’ve been very quiet lately. How’s your swimming going?”
“it’s alright,” he lounges back onto the couch, “same old.” “I hope you’re not skipping swimming practice.” On the contrary, it’s school he’s skipping out on. Not that she needs to know that.
“No Eomma, everything’s fine okay? You don’t have to worry.”
“and your grades?”
He clenches his teeth, “my grades are fine.”
Another lie. It’s the only thing that will keep his mother’s nose out of his business. They talk for a few more minutes before his mom is called back to work, and Minho cuts off, head resting back against his couch as another exhale escapes his lips. Lying to his mother had never been in his plans, but he finds it’s easier to do that rather than having her on his back about every little single thing. He’s surprised she has even let him be on his own for more than one day, considering that she used to pester and harrass him about being on time and being perfect at everything he did.
It was tiring. And Minho had grown sick of it.
His phone pings once more. Minho looks down to find Kiseok’s message with a link tot the Study group he’d been bragging about earlier.
Maybe that will help him out.
“You going to study group later?”
Nina looks up from her book. It had been one of those rare occasions where she could actually rest after this hectic week that had just passed —what with her midterms coming up, her assignments, and having to find a part-time job to finance her living situation.
It’s also a very rare occasion that her roommate actually reaches out to talk to her like she actually exists. It’s so surprising that for a minute, Nina just looks at her in surprise without registering anything she has said.
“What?” Nina asks blankly.
Her roommate — her name is Karen Liu and she’s a cheerleader —cocks her head at her, long hair streaming down her left shoulder, “you okay?” She asks, “you seem a bit out of it lately.”
It’s not the first time that Karen tries engaging with her and for that, Nina feels grateful. But the thing is, Nina feels so…blank in comparison. Karen’s life is filled with colour and pops of bright vibrancy that seems to jump out of the page at you. She’s someone bright, bubbly, funny, everything that anyone’s ever wanted to be. She’s popular amongst the boys and the girls, so can Nina face her without ever feeling like she’s never enough?
So Nina avoids her. Like the plague. And despite Karen’s greatest attempts at reaching out to her, the latter would rather have it that way.
Nina isn’t someone ready to be thrust in the spotlight. She never was.
“Uh yeah,” she stutters out a reply upon realizing that Karen had been waiting all this time, “I’m good, just busy. And yeah—I’m coming to the study group later.”
A smile so bright fills Karen’s face, “great!” She chirps before slinging her tote bag over her shoulder, “I’ll see you then!”
Great. Now Nina has no other choice than to show up now that she’s made a promise she can’t avoid. And it’s ironic really, considering that she’d been planning to have a quiet evening to herself, listening to her favorite music and watching the latest videos about marine life; more specifically about orcas.
The afternoon goes by quicker than she wants it to and before she knows it, she’s walking straight into the library at five on the dot as the sun slowly descends in the horizon and glazes everything in summery gold despite the fact that it’s freezing outside. Winter is coming. Nina can feel it in her bones.
There are already a few people there and she quickly takes a seat next to a guy she hasn’t seen before. Karen sends her a subtle wave from across the table and she waves back shyly, before focusing on gathering her books from her bag.
“Right, thanks for coming everyone,I’ll just do a quick intro for the new faces around here,” the TA in charge stands and leans his palms against the table, making sure to get a glimpse of every face, “my name’s Alex and I’ll be in charge of the Psychology study group. Make sure you come every week because we don’t normally linger too much on each topic. These sessions are here to help you get a better understanding, not to actually revise any material.”
Nina nods along with everyone else, already knowing all this. She clicks and unclicks her pen out of habit.
“Today we’ll be reviewing on the different mental disorders. I’ll be passing out study sheets and key points to take note of for each,” Alex starts handing around some papers as he speaks, “feel free to ask any questions. Before we begin with the questions, have a quick-read though and discuss with the partner on your left.”
Nina turns instinctively towards a young man who seems unfamiliar, a new addition to the study group probably. He’s nicely dressed, with a crisp white polo and a beige cardigan thrown over him, pretty features framed by stylish locks.
“Hi,” his voice is deeper than she’d imagined, “my name’s Minho Song, I’m new to this study group thing and I pretty much hate Psychology. I’m a Sports Science major.”
He reaches a hand out and she shakes it, “hi, I’m—“
Could it be—
Her Minho? The guy with whom she’d been exchanging messages with all this time?
No way. No. The world can’t be that harsh to punish her like that.
“I’m—uh—“ Nina’s mind blanks out. Shit. She needs a new name, “my name’s Na—Nana.”
His brow dips in a furrow and Nina quickly realizes that he knows her initials, “I mean—yeah Nana Liu! Yeah. That’s my name.” She laughs to hide her nervousness, “nice to meet you.”
He seems amused, at least, “you from here?”
“No I moved here after high school,” good. It doesn’t seem like he’s suspicious in the slightest, “what gave me away?”
“Your accent. You speak English with an accent I can’t place.”
“Ah yes, well—it’s not my mother tongue.”
“What is it then?”
“I speak French, normally.”
“French,” his eyebrows rise up, “interesting. How come you ended up in Korea?”
She shrugs while trying to calm down the wild beating in her heart, “I thought it’d be cool to live here.”
“And how is that turning out for you?”
“Uhm,” quite horrible but she can’t say that, especially not to a native Korean guy whom she just literally met a few minutes ago. Although, if this is the same guy from the notes, then —
But what’s the chance of having two Minho’s in the same course as her and who are majoring in Sports Science?
She tries to probe a bit further, “so…sports science huh?”
Thankfully, Minho provides her an immediate answer to her silent question, “I’m a swimming athlete. Got a scholarship to study here.”
“Ah. That’s cool.”
Shit. So she’s right. Her gut feeling never lies.
“And you?”
“I’m a marine biology major.”
“Guess we have one thing in common then.”
“Oh,” she cocks her head at him, “which is?”
“We both enjoy the sea, or the idea of it, anyway.”
“Okay guys,” Alex is quick to interrupt, “let’s focus on the work that needs to be done and we can get to know each other later, right?”
That shuts her right up, bringing back the reminder that this Minho is the same guy who’s trying to get her notes. Pompous, self-centered and insolent….somehow, this Minho standing before her doesn’t seem to add up to that same guy.
Nina manages to focus on the task at hand, pushing back her own personal feelings in order to get this assignment out of the way. Together, they discuss the ways in which Bulima and Anorexia are different and she really tries not put her focus elsewhere, stuffs it at the back of her mind like a secret she wishes to forget.
It's a long hour of work before Alex finally calls for a discussion. Then, he summarizes the content for the night before he lets them off, "remember," he calls out, "don't study by heart. Study first to understand."
"You done for the night?" Minho asks as they are packing up their bags.
Nina glances at him in surprise, "uh yeah. My classes are over. You?"
"I have this god awful swim practice I gotta get to," he tugs at his bangs in a manner so childlike she can't help but find endearing.
"Somehow, I'm very glad not to be in your place right now."
"That's because you haven't seen me swim."
Nina laughs, "I like the ocean, I'm not a big fan of swimming."
"Why not?"
"Well, nobody ever taught me how." She flushes upom realizing how sad that sounds, "well, it's not like an essential skill--"
"Uh I'm pretty convinced it's essential," he smirks at her.
"You're just biased because you're a literal mer-man."
"Merman?" Minho chortles, "oh god, haven't heard that one before."
it is only then that she realizes they're the only two left in the study room. She looks around, amazed that she had been so caught up in conversation that she'd barely heard any of the other students leave.
Minho seems to think so too as he slings his backpack over his shoulder, "let's get out of here."
"Do you like it?" Nina asks as they exit the library. The wind has picked up its pace, a lot colder as it whips across her face.
Minho shoots her a glance, "like what?"
"Swimming. Do you like it?"
There's a small pause. "I do."
"How...how does it feel? To swim?"
He takes his time to answer, “it feels…peaceful.” He looks at her then, eyes softening, “as if you’re the only one left in the world.”
Nina wonders how that feels like. And how, in context, is it defined as peaceful. Because she’s been alone and she feels like she’s alone despite being surrounded. And yet, peaceful is not the word that comes to mind.
“That sounds nice,” she murmurs absentmindedly, before spotting the gymnasium in the distance, “well, I guess that’s your stop.”
“Yeah,” Minho’s face creases into a soft smile, “I guess I’ll see you next study session. Don’t miss me too much.”
Nina chortles at that, “dream on, merman.”
A/N: second part is up!!! How did you find it?! Let me know your thoughts! Also, I’m creating a playlist for this small series so I’m open to any song suggestions that might fit this couple!
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