#Mister Superstar
gothkrislemcheslut · 6 months
head NOT empty. one thought: mister superstar lounge version
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dweeeeb · 9 months
Motivational Music in the Morning ... #MarilynManson, #MisterSuperstar ... From the Album #AntiChristSuperstar [Official Audio Track] (1996) MMitM1
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semena--mertvykh · 1 year
La fille qui n'aimait pas être amoureuse
Tout commence et tout finit en musique ici, aussi ai-je cherché des titres qui parlent de toutes ces choses lourdes et noires que j'ai traversées ces derniers temps, des chansons qui parlent de rancœur, de rage, de dépit, de frustration, d'autoaccusation / autodépréciation / autodestruction...
Et, étonnamment, j'en ai trouvé beaucoup moins que des chansons d'amour.
Un artiste en tout cas ne déçoit jamais quand il s'agit d'être grinçant, cynique et brutal, c'est Sa Majesté des Mouches Marylin Manson.
On avait été le voir à l’Élysée Montmartre, juste avant que "Antichrist Superstar" ne devienne LE gros truc dont on parlerait même au Congrès, au point que MM allait devenir à son tour une superstar à qui des cohortes de fans allaient hurler : "Hey, Mr Superstar, I'LL KILL YOU IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU".
Je me revois dans la fosse, perchée sur les épaules de Fred, c'était une fête et c'était l'étuve, MM vociférait le refrain de 1996 dans notre direction et on lui renvoyait tous ses phrases d'un geste large des poings, index et petits doigts dressés, comme un répons à l'église, et j'adorais ce type, j'adorais son personnage de monstre de foire échappé d'un cauchemar de David Lynch, et je crois même que tous les deux avaient dit la même chose, à quelques années d'intervalle : "Je montre l'Amérique que personne ne montre ailleurs" - en substance, celle des cadavres et des asticots. Je me sentais de cette famille-là - Marylin Manson, Lynch et son plan fameux sur l'oreille coupée, et "Eraserhead" qui m'avait inspiré, ado, la même fascination nauséeuse que les revues pornos que le mari de ma nourrice me montrait quand j'étais petite fille. 
Angel With the Scabbed Wings, autre époque, autre ambiance, je suis en train de rouler à 160 sur l'A11, quelque part entre Le Mans et Chartres, la banane jusqu'aux oreilles, prenant mon pied dans la vitesse et le déluge de saturation sonore, c'est l'année de la Licence Pro et je me dépêche parce que je sais que Khaled m'attend à Paris et qu'on va passer le weekend à s'envoyer en l'air, et il a beau me répéter au téléphone : "Sois prudente sur la route", il sait que je vais exploser les compteurs parce que c'est dans ma nature.
Des putains de bons souvenirs, ouais.
J'ai réécouté "Antichrist Superstar" dans la voiture, en allant sur mon lieu de stage ; un vendredi à 10h, la circulation était fluide et je n'étais plus dans le même espace temps que les autres : comme un film où tout le monde serait coincé dans une marmelade de carrosseries à chaque intersection, et quand j'arrive une brèche se dégage par miracle, et sans même avoir besoin de rétrograder je glisse comme une loutre devant des dizaines de placards d'affiches appelant à la grève générale contre le projet de loi sur les retraites.
Le Périph intérieur, un rêve.
The Beautiful People était une petite bombe qui fonctionnait toujours à 25 ans d'écart ; en silence, je l'ai dédicacée à Sexy et à son fan-club de collégiennes, supposant que pour tous ces Beautiful People-là, je ne devais sans doute pas dépasser le stade du Quasimodo rampant ; leur souhaitant bien du bonheur dans leur monde tout lisse de gagnants, leur monde merveilleux qui ne connaît ni la vieillesse, ni la souffrance, ni l'humiliation
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parce que, quoi qu'il arrive, je reste l'enfant du métal que j'étais à 19 ans - le métal du carter des moteurs trois-temps, le métal des guitares, celui des carlingues de F-16, celui du canon d'un 9 mm, le métal du couteau qu'un forain m'avait planté dans le dos, un soir, pour une embrouille dérisoire, le métal de la chevalière que portait le type qui m'a envoyée valser d'un coup de poing à travers la pièce, à 18 ans, et qui m'a éclaté le tympan avant de m'étrangler.
J'ai passé le semestre à les écouter soupirer, critiquer tout ce qui bouge, parler des gens de ma génération comme si on était des Untermenschen - y  compris devant moi - les filles avec leur tête toute pincée, les mecs blasés comme des vieilles putes ; tous plus aigris qu'un quarteron de syndicalistes en rade du Grand Soir ; et pendant ce temps, moi je m'embrasais pour de vrai, sans faire de bruit et à l'insu de tous. Mais çà, vous ne l'auriez même pas vu, même pas si on vous l'avait mis sous le nez - oui, oui, çà vaut aussi pour toi, fringuant quinquagénaire - tellement c'est évident dans vos têtes qu'une femme de cinquante ans, c'est pas censé tomber amoureux et c'est pas censé pleurer, c'est même pas censé être jaloux, amer, ou furieux ; tellement pour vous, l'amour et le désir, c'est permis seulement si elle est jeune et belle, et si on ne vous le montre pas dans une série télé ou une publicité, vous ne croyez même pas que ce soit possible en vrai.
Vous n'êtes même pas capable d'imaginer ce qu'on ne vous met pas en scène, et c'est moi que vous avez regardée de haut toute l'année ?
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simpalert · 1 year
blinkies for daycare show lovers :D [/p ofc if ya want] [free to use]
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thats all for now, most likely will make some of these for my mutuals ocs :D
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whorekneecentral · 7 months
The Flash Of The Camera
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Daniel Ricciardo x Fem!Reader
Warnings: photographer/husband!dan, recording/filming consensually, boudoir shoot of sorts, stripe tease, masturbation (fem), oral (f!receiving), fingering, nipple play for a few seconds, penetrative sex (p in v), creampie + softness at the end.
Word Count: 1,617
Author's Note: okay so this one was an idea from pooks, all of you that are groaning about that - shut up. this one fucks tho if I can say so myself
merry smutmas series
You enlist Daniel to help you with your Christmas gift for him. 
That stupid camera was with him 24/7 - the only time he put it down was to shower, work out or sleep. Even then, you're certain he dreamt of it.
Daniel had somehow ended up on a photographer kick, thanks to Lando. As you two got ready for the holidays, Daniel spent more time taking pictures than helping you. You were a bit annoyed but you had an idea, a way to get him to put the camera that he so desperately wanted to be behind.
You had mentioned to Daniel that you wanted to take a few photos for a Christmas card, just some stuff for your family to send over the holidays.
He was more than happy to take the photos for you, bouncing around the house all day waiting for you to be ready.
"Are you ready?" He shouts from the bottom of the staircase.
You were just about ready, your hair curled and tossed over your shoulders, makeup done perfectly and you took one last look in the mirror to check your outfit.
"I'm coming!" You shout back, making your way downstairs.
Daniel was waiting for you in the living room, smiling at you as you sat yourself on the couch. Blue jeans and a silky white button up, "you look pretty," he smiles, fiddling with the settings on his camera.
"Yeah?" you smiled, glancing down at your outfit. "Thanks baby."
"Yeah," he nods, holding up his camera. "Ready whenever you are, superstar."
You nodded, sitting comfortably on the couch as you smiled for him, Daniel's camera flashes a few times before he directs you; move this way, lay that way, put this hand there etc.
"You wanna try another spot?" He asks as you stand, you shake your head.
You smiled, hands lifting to undo the buttons of your shirt. "I have a different idea,"
His brows furrow, watching as you toss the shirt onto the other shirt. "What- I'm not sure these are family friendly," Daniel mumbles, watching as you undo your jeans, stepping out of them.
"Mhm I know," you smiled, sitting yourself back on the couch.
The set was red, lace and silk covered your body and Daniel smiles to himself, watching as you make yourself comfortable on the couch.
"C'mon mister camera man, don't leave me waiting." You sit on your knees, fluffing your hair. Daniel smiles, nodding as he lifts his camera again.
He takes a few pictures, you smile at him, moving around a bit. It wasn't until a few moments later that you pulled the straps of your bra down, leaning forward; your hands on your knees as you smiled at the camera.
There's a twinkle in your eyes, something mischievous and Daniel can't quite place what it is but it makes his cock twitch. He watches, the camera flashing every few seconds and you unhook your bra, letting it fall off the couch.
"Wh-Babe.. what are you doing?"
"Just keep going," You flip over, laying on your stomach.
You look over your shoulder at him, Daniel moving around to get pictures of you. You smile sweet at him as if you weren't half naked, posing for him like a playboy bunny.
Now you're on your back, lifting your hips as your manicured fingers hook around the side of the lace panties you had on. "Y/n," he trails off and you look at him.
"Keep going, Daniel." You smile to yourself, rubbing slow circles over your clit.
His eyes fix on you, not moving even an inch. He watches your every moment and listens to every single sound that slips out of your mouth.
"Are you sure you want this on camera?" His words are hesitant but his movements aren't; moving closer to you as your fingers slip lower, exactly where he wished his fingers were.
You look over at your husband, his name slipping from your lips as your fingers go exactly where he wants them to. You don't miss the way he clears his throat, shifting a bit and the bulge on his shorts beyond obvious.
"Put the camera down, baby. C'mere, come join me."
There's a look on Daniel's face, one used by him many times before; the look that he gets when he's got some sort of mischievous idea, spinning around that big head of his.
"Why put the camera down?" He hands it to you, dropping to his knees.
Your eyes fixed on the man between your legs who settled himself between your legs, looking at him in awe. Something about Daniel always fascinated you; you could never put your finger on it but he was always an object of fascination, of desire.
He can feel your eyes on him, he reaches for the lace you’re wrapped up in and tugs it down your legs, letting it fall to the floor. He shifts to sit on his knees between your legs, leaving a trail of kisses as he works his way up to your cunt.
Your eyes meet his, he knows you’re looking; he wants you to look at him.
The camera in your hand clicks then flashes, taking a picture of your husband between your legs.
Your hips buck when you feel his tongue against your clit, your hand gripping his curly hair.
Daniel knew you like the back of his hand, gripping your thighs to keep them in place as his tongue lapped your clit. Your hips buck, your way of saying you want more and he gives in.
Two fingers pushing into you, he glances up to see your head tossed back onto the pillows, eyes fluttering shut and your free hand groping your tit.
Daniel pulls away, earning himself a pout from you along with a groan but he moves up, kissing from your hips to your stomach, up to your chest.
He shifts a bit, dropping down against your side when his lips wrapped around your nipple. You can feel the way his tongue moves, how gentle he is. Daniel's tattoo covered arm slips under you when your back arches. There's a half smile on his face, watching as you lift the camera to take a picture of him.
 “Hands and knees,” Daniel tells you, take the camera from you to give you a chance to re-situate yourself.
You're on all fours, face buried in the couch cushions with your back arched. The slightest clicking sound reaches your ears, followed by a smack to your ass and then another clicking sound.
"Did you just smack my ass so you could get a picture of your handprint?" You glanced over your shoulder at your husband.
The man smiles, lipped pressed together as he shakes his head. "Definitely not. I would never do that, babe."
You laughed, the giggle is cut off by a moan when Daniel pushes his cock into you. Your back arches, the curve of your spine evident when he comes up behind you. His hand rubs down your back, resting on your tailbone as he takes another picture.
The camera is set on the coffee table, both of Daniel's hands rest on your hips now.
Daniel pulls out and pushes into you again, his name falling from your lips. “God, Danny, like that,” the words tumble out, begging your husband for more as he fucks you. 
His hands squeezing your hips, nails digging into your flesh. Your hand reaching under you, fingers barely reaching to rub your clit. 
He pulls you up, his arm wrapped around your middle, your back pressed to his chest. His fingers dig into your side for a moment, squeezing you a bit. 
He whispers in your ear, "all mine hm?"
"Yours," you mumbles, holding onto him as he fucked you from behind.
“I love you, I love you so much.” He whispers to you and you smile, a hand reaching back to touch his jaw.
“I love you.”
Daniel's cock twitches when you clench around him, “oh fuck,” he breathes, forehead against your shoulder. “This pussy was made just for me, hm? Take me so well, my pretty girl.”
You can feel your heart skip a beat, no matter what this man always makes you so happy and feel so loved, even when his cock is buried in you.
“Come on sweetheart,” Daniel whispers, letting you drop back into the couch and it’s like you read his mind. You knew exactly what he was going to say.
“Mhm,” you breathe, “almost.”
It takes a few more sloppy thrusts and Daniel's orgasm follows yours. Your husband still buried in you when he drops down onto you, landing with an oof. You let out a giggle and whisper, “thank you.”
Daniel lifts himself up a bit, moving to lay beside you before looking at you. "What for?"
You shrug, at a loss for words. “For being you, for this.”
"No need to thank me, baby. What else is a husband for?"
"Uh.. a lot?" You laughed, resting your head on his chest.
Daniel smiles, reaching for the camera to click through the pictures. He shows you the ones you had taken at first, with clothes on - he points out his favourites as they become a bit more scandalous.
"What brought this on?" He asks, looking at you and you shrug. "Just an early Christmas gift, I suppose."
He turns the camera to face the two of you; you're pressed to his side, the throw blanket over the two of you, all dazed and in love. The flash makes you squint a bit, the two of you have sleepy smiles on your faces.
"What was that one for?" You asked.
"A final addition to the gift." He smiles, kissing you.
taglist:  @nosugarallspice @evieepepi08 @mimithepooh @koufaxx @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @topguncultleader @molliemoo3 @aisharmi @mamako23 @ac3may @lewislcver @miahgonzalez16 @books-and-netflix-pls @wibi96 @bwddermilch @pedrisgatorade @clarasenchant @sainzluvrr // @forza55 @norrisleclercf1 @allalngthewtchtower @therealcap @burningcupcakefire @stargirl36 @brettlorenzi3 @guiseppetsunoda @magnummagnussen @flippingmyshit @savrose129 @lovelytsunoda @irda12-blog @dhhdhsiavdhaj @slytheringirlthatkillpeople @f1lovers22 @toomuchdelusion @eviethetheatrefreak @faye2029 @lillians-world-is-f1 @chalando1604 @lenaxwbr @im-obsessed @potashiuhm @lcxlerc16 @enjoythebutterflies3 @lillyfootballsworld @micksmidnights @mashtonbunny @chrlsleclerc @logischeroktopus
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
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was asked to doodle an old classic, the Original AU,,,,,, the Eclipse Moves In AU(trademark), where Reader brings a decrepit and neglected beta-stage model of the Daycare Attendant in to the superstar daycare to rehabilitate him and also maybe cuddle his sad lanky self until he's sick of it (he will never b sick of it) and Sun and Moon are very absolutely not jealous nor upset no no not in the slightest they swear
(can also be thought of as the 'Eclipse is Mister Steal Ur Blorbo' au)
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thetriumphantpanda · 11 months
I Was Enchanted To Meet You | J. Miller Drabble
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Summary | Literally just a Drabble about Joel being an era's tour dad, meeting a pretty girl in cowboy boots and flirting. That's it. It's dumb. This goes out to my girl Doni @morning-star-joy who is going to see Tay-Tay tonight and can now be delulu about meeting Joel Miller there. And also therapy for me because I'm in the UK and got waitlisted for tickets, so CRIES. I wrote this in like an hour so excuse any spelling/grammar errors.
Joel Miller didn't exactly understand when he'd signed up to take Sarah to her first concert. When she'd asked to use his credit card to buy the tickets, he'd just nodded and handed it over. When his bill came through the next month, he almost passed out from the cost. But stood here now, in seats that might very well give him a nosebleed, watching Sarah almost lose her mind over the fact that Taylor Swift was about to appear on stage, it was all forgotten. All Joel ever wanted was for his little girl to be happy.
He'd spent weeks listening to the songs, learning the lyrics so he might be able to sing along with Sarah. He watched her sit in front of the television each night making bracelets to trade, and he squirrelled away as much money as possible so he could buy her a t-shirt or something on the night too.
Joel was watching as Sarah swapped friendship bracelets with two girls to her right when something else caught his eye. Two people shuffling into the two seats that had been vacant in front of Joel and Sarah for most of the night. One of them, around Sarah's age, was almost as excited as his girl, bouncing up and down, looking around the stadium with eyes as wide as saucers, taking it all in, but you? You were something else entirely. You had a white cowboy hat sat on top of your head, not dissimilar to his own apart from the colour and the fact yours was covered in sparkly rhinestones. You had a white dress on, falling to your mid-thigh, made of lace and scalloped edges, and a pair of beat-up old brown leather cowboy boots. The literal picture of heaven on earth as far as he was concerned.
He watched as you pointed to the two seats in front of him and Sarah, motioning for the other girl to sit down so you could hand her the soda you were carrying. He noticed your wrists were covered in the same type of bracelets his daughter had been going wild for all evening. Almost on cue, Sarah leans over, tapping your shoulder.
"You wanna trade?" She asks, holding up her own plastic-laden wrist to show you.
"Hell yeah," You smile, nudging the girl with you, "Why don't you give this little superstar one of yours too?"
Joel watches intently as you let Sarah scan your wrists for the specific bracelet she wants, picking one made of pink beads, swapping it with one of hers that was made of black and gold. Joel had no idea what any of them meant, all he knew was that the bill for friendship bracelet materials on his credit card nearly rivalled the bill for the tickets.
"You want one as well, mister?" Your voice cuts through his thoughts, "Can't come and see Taylor and leave with empty wrists I'm afraid."
"Well, I ain't got anything to trade ya with." Joel shrugs.
"That's okay," you smile, "I'll forgive you, this time."
Joel keeps an eye trained on you as you search your wrists, obviously having something incredibly specific in mind for him. You find it, eyes lighting up as you pull it from your wrist and hand it over to him. He takes the delicate thing in his big palm - red, white and blue beads with letters in hearts that spell out 'Cowboy Like Me'. Very fitting.
"Thanks, Darlin'," He smiles, slipping it over his hand, "You been waiting to find the perfect man to give that to all night?"
You let your head fall back in a laugh and Joel thinks you might just be the prettiest goddamned girl he's ever seen in his life. Sarah is pulling at his wrist so she can see exactly what bracelet you've given her dad, laughing and then leaning forward.
"I made him wear the hat!" She exclaims, "Told him he had to fit in."
"Well, you made a good choice," You grin, "He looks mighty fine in his cowboy hat."
You finally turn your attention back to your companion - judging by your likeness he assumes it must be your little sister. You're pointing out things around the stadium for her to look at, and he can't help but find it endearing how she's bouncing in her seat at every little thing, much like Sarah had done when they'd taken their seats.
Joel feels a nudge to his side, Sarah is looking up at him with that glint he knows and loves so much - she's got an idea.
"She's really pretty, dad."
"Sarah!" He chastises, eye flickering to you to make sure you didn't hear what she'd said, but you look completely oblivious.
"She is though!" She retorts in a hushed whisper, "I think she likes you."
Joel brings a finger to his lips to try and get this devil of a girl to be quiet, but he can't help but indulge her - Sarah was right, you are really pretty, "She don't know the first thing about me," He finishes the conversation, "Now you sit tight, I'm going to find you a soda."
When Joel returns, to drinks in hand, he can see Sarah leant over the seats speaking to you. He dreads to think what she's been trying to cook up, seemingly obsessed with making sure he's not so lonely in life anymore.
"Move over," He asks, Sarah shifting to the seat he was in before he left, "Don't drink it all at once, you'll need it for all the screaming you're gonna do." He says, handing the soda to her.
Once he sits back down, you turn in your chair to speak to him.
"Sarah says you're a builder?" She asks, clearly just trying to make polite conversation with him whilst your sister speaks to Sarah.
"Contractor actually," He shrugs, as if it matters, "But yeah, I build stuff, what do you do?"
"I'm a teacher," You smile, "Teach 4th grade." He's about to ask you another question when every single person in the stadium starts screaming, he thinks by the end of tonight he might actually be deaf, "Well, you enjoy the show, mister, hope you learnt some lyrics."
Contrary to what he'd thought, Joel actually does enjoy the show. He sings along to some of the songs he remembers, dances with Sarah for most of the night and keeps a close eye on you during it all. You know every single word to every single song, just like your little sister and he has to admit that when you're throwing your hands in the air and screaming to the lyrics, he finds you prettier than he had done all night.
When all is said and done at the end of the night, you say a polite goodbye to him and Sarah. When he finally sits in his truck, waiting for the scores of traffic to clear so he can get them home, he kicks himself for not asking for your number, but resigns himself to the fact that it was fate. Meant to meet once and that was it. It's not until he's finally carried Sarah up to bed, fast asleep in his arms and settled down to unwind in front of the TV that he pulls his phone from his pocket and sees a message from an unknown number.
I was enchanted to meet you, Joel. Drinks? Saturday @ 6pm?
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Wonder Woman #1 by Tom King, Daniel Sampere and Tomeu Morey. Variant covers by (1) Stanley 'Artgerm' Lau, (2) Mikel Janín, (3) Julian Totino Tedesco, (4) Matteo Scalera and (5) Rose Besch. Out in September.
"After a mysterious Amazonian is accused of mass murder, Congress passes the Amazon Safety Act, barring all Amazons from U.S. soil. To carry out their plans, the government starts a task force, the Amazon Extradition Entity (A.X.E.), to remove those who don’t comply, by any means necessary. Now, in her search for the truth behind the killing, Wonder Woman finds herself an outlaw in the world she once swore to protect! Writer Tom King (Batman, Mister Miracle, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow) and superstar artist in the making Daniel Sampere (Dark Crisis, Action Comics) join forces for this action-packed relaunch and the beginning of what will undoubtedly become a groundbreaking run on the character."
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ametrinearrows · 7 months
Hold His Hand
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I woke up this morning with a mix of excitement and nervousness about how the day was going to play out. It was SummerSlam Day, one of the biggest events on the WWE calendar. Though I wasn’t a WWE superstar, I was still a staff member who had worked closely with all the stars on the roster. Especially Triple H. Over the years, Paul has become my best friend and on occasion my therapist. Tonight, he was going up against The Rock, a great talent in his own right and Dwayne was definitely a crowd favorite. They had been building this match up for months and neither man could have been more ready than they were. 
The match was one of the most heated matches I have seen in a while. Hunter and Rock went back and forth for a while on who was dominating the match. The crowd was roaring loudly in the background and were all on the edge of their seats, or at least I was. Everything was going really well, it seemed, but in a split second, all of that changed. 
Dwayne had delivered the strongest spinebuster I had ever seen he had ever done. It was something that Triple H could normally come back from with no problem, but Paul wasn’t getting off the mat. When the cameras got closer, I could see the look on his face was etched in nothing but pain. The referee stopped the match completely and I watched as the medical team rushed down to the ring with a backboard and gurney.  
My body acted before my brain could catch up with what I was doing, and I ran down to the ring after them. It was like I was autopilot and the only thing I could focus on was getting to Paul. When I got out there to him, the medics had just placed the neck brace on him. 
I followed them as they headed to the ambulance that we kept on site for moments like this, Hunter held my hand the entire way to ground himself. We stayed locked hand in hand the whole way to the hospital. I don’t know who was more comforted by it, me or Paul. 
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I sat there in the waiting room as complete nervousness raked through me as I waited for an update on how bad the injuries to Paul’s back were. When the doctor finally came out, he filled me in on everything that was going on and informed me about the road to recovery that my best friend had in store for him. She then directed me to his room. 
I stood in the doorway for a moment, taking note of all the wires that he was hooked up to and how he was a ghostly shade. 
“So, our Cerebral Assassin isn’t as indestructible as we thought,” I said as I made my way further into the room. “You really know how to scare the crap out of a girl, you know?” The relief mixed with concern was fully evident in my voice as I spoke. 
Paul managed to give me a weak smile before he said, “Sorry, YNN. It was not my intention to make you worry the way I knew you probably were this whole time.” 
I reached out and took his hand in mine, giving it a gentle squeeze. “You don’t have to apologize. Thing only thing I need from you is to get better and from what I was told, the damage wasn’t all that intensive. You just need to take the time to heal.” 
“So, I'm told,” he stated with a small nod. “I was also informed that I have a great support system to go along with it.” 
I smiled slightly. “Oh, do you actually think I would let you recover from this without me especially knowing how stubborn you are and wouldn’t follow orders to a T without me? You're funny.” 
“So, you’re gonna play nurse now?” Paul questioned with a look of amusement written on his face. 
I shook my head at his question. “Nurse? No. The best friend that is as equally as stubborn as you when it comes to helping the people she loves? Most definitely. So don’t try anything, mister. It won’t work in your favor. I assure you.” I warned the blonde-haired man that was lying in the hospital bed in front of me. 
Paul managed to let out a small painfilled laugh but just hearing that made me feel a little more at ease than I was.  
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Over the next few weeks, Paul went through some tough physical therapy and numerous doctor's appointments. It was slow and grueling, but he was getting through it all like the champ he was, and I was there every step of the way. Sometimes we would joke about when he returned to the ring, which helped get him through the majority of it all. 
During the day I would help him with the daily tasks around his house that he was still having trouble doing. It never bothered me to help him. If it meant it was helping him recover, then it was worth it even if I was a little short to reach most of the things he or I needed. This led to being called “Shorty” or “Smurf” a lot. Which was nothing new. 
One evening, as we sat out on the porch enjoying a nicely lit fire, if I do say so myself, he looked over at me with a grateful smile. “Thank you for being here for me, YNN.” 
“That’s what friends are for. We take care of each other. Besides not many people are able to keep you in line.” I said with a loving smile of my own. 
“Well, I’m lucky to have someone like you who can.” 
Soon after that, Hunter made his return to the ring, and the Cerebral Assassin came but in full force. The look on his face before heading back out into the ring read of pure gratitude. Gratitude to his fans who cheered for him and kept him in the hope of getting back out there and doing what he loves.  
I knew there would be a moment in time somewhere in the future when he might be in the same boat again. I knew there would be more times that I would need to be there to hold his hand again to ground the two of us. And just like before, I will be there every step of the way. 
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istadris · 1 year
Thinking about plots dealing with Luigi being (technincally) a Bowser Minion and member of his army while playing also playing Superstar and minion's Quest (I am alternating between storylines so that main is ahead but not *too* far ahead)
And now I really really want a spin off where Bowser has been kidnapped by an evil Princess who wants to be an evil Queen and is trying to force him to marry her and because of a series of both politics and hilarious hijinks, Luigi has to work his way up the army ranks so he can go and rescue Bowser. mostly I am imaging him deciding he needs a Cunning Disguise and uses the Mr L- evil minion of evil persona from Super Paper Mario
Bonus mental image that keeps making me laugh: Optional party members Mr M (Mario disguises as an evil minion) and Miss P (Peach disguised as an evil minion)
The Plan was, at first, for Luigi to sneak into Bowser's castle to learn what Bowser had been up to (no Peach kidnapping attempt in four months ? Not even on her birthday ? Something must be Wrong) because just kicking his door down and demanding answers would be very rude. So  since Luigi is technically part of the Koopa Troop, he's technically allowed to go in there and look around, right ? The magic in Bowser's Castle seems to agree and let him in.
Then the Plan had to be tweaked because Luigi came across some of Bowser's actual minions and unlike the Castle, they are very untrustworthy of random humans wandering around.
"Hey !! What do you think you're doing ?" "Waaah! I'm-I'm... the newest recruit" "What." "Y-yeah, Bowser hired me himself ! Y-you can ask him if you’d like!" "Haha, very funny. What's your designation then, Mister ??" "I'm Misteeeeer..." *panic panic panic* "...L ?" "What" "Err. Yeah. Mister L. ?" "(what a lame name) Yeah okay, registration office is this way, I'm not paid enough to actually care"
Thankfully, even if most minions have faced Luigi at least once at some point, he's discrete and shy enough that almost everyone forgets his face, but still, there are a couple of scares with someone going “wait, why do you remind me of someone ...?”, so a change of attire seems logical.
Also, turns out Koopa bureaucracy is obscure and frustrating enough that by the time Luigi grabs a mask and a change of black clothes and tweaks his cap, everyone just rolls with the situation and "Mr L" is just. Part of the deal now.
They also have bigger problems to care right now, like the whole Bowser kidnapping situation. Not that Luigi is aware of that at first, he’s trying his best to get closer to Bowser, but everyone is very Mad and Ready to Fight so he’s trying his best to not step on any toes.
Still, Luigi should really learn to say no, especially in situations like "HEY YOU! Get over here, the rescue mission in the Death Lands is about to leave!!"
I don't know how canon Super Paper Mario would be here, and to me the M&L games and the Paper Mario games are separate continuities (Paper Jam confirms it, no?). So either Paper Jam already happened and M&L!Luigi has vaguely heard of Paper Luigi's bout in evildom, either M&L!Luigi does come up with the persona on his own
Either way, I honestly think that while Luigi is a big cowardly scaredy cat, he can be brave and even as fearless as Mario, but only if he hides behind something : a disguise (Princess Peach), a persona (Mr L, Mario when Luigi gets hypnotised in Superstar Saga, Dreamy Luigi) or his brother himself (if Mario is rushing ahead, or if he’s in danger, he follows). In any case, the less he gives himself time to think, the less he risks to gets trapped into his own anxiety and paranoia. So what to do when you need to Not Think and get answers at the same time ? You rush ahead and pray that no one catches on that you have no idea what you’re doing
the Green Thunder moniker comes fairly quickly, because Bowser’s minions love gossip and a guy in green using lightning attacks is pretty awesome.
The Plan gets some more tweaks when the Koopa Troop comes across Mario himself, and of course, they throw the new guy at him because it’s a hazing ritual to get stomped by Mario. Does Mario recognize Luigi and play along (and even goad Luigi into giving his all) ? Does he not know who that new minion is, and unlike Luigi he doesn’t know what to expect ? In any case, Mr L gets a lot more respect from everyone after tasering Mario into a waterfall.
Bonus for the bowuigi crowd : when Luigi finally finds Bowser : “What are you doing here ??“ “Saving you from a forced wedding to an evil queen, apparently!” “Tch, does that make you Mario ?” “I don’t know, does that make you Peach ??” And they promptly shut up because now they realize the Implications and try to not think about (it doesn’t work)
Badass team up rescue though!! With the bonus of knowing each other more than they expected! (Just me who likes the aesthetic of a smaller character climbing on another bigger character’s back when they team up in a fight)
Honestly I’m not sure how much Peach and Mario could effectively pass as minions, but it would make a very funny reason for Wario’s existence in that verse
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gothkrislemcheslut · 5 months
Tagged by @dilfsuzanneyk to :
"Spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are
tysm for tagging me!!
M - My Name Is by Eminem
A - Angel With The Scabbed Wings by Marilyn Manson
R - Ready For Love by Mindless Self Indulgence
I - I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams by Weezer
L - Like A Surgeon by Weird Al
Y - You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) by Dope
N - No, You Don’t by Nine Inch Nails
M - Mister Superstar by Marilyn Manson
A - About A Girl by The Academy Is…
N - No Rabbit In The Hat by Wednesday 13
S - Starfuckers, Inc. by Nine Inch Nails
O - Organ Grinder by Marilyn Manson
N - Numb by U2
S - She’s Gone Away by Nine Inch Nails
P - Professional Widow by Tori Amos
U - Unkillable Monster by Marilyn Manson
S - Sex Toys by BrokeNCYDE
S - Scaredy Cat by Marilyn Manson And The Spooky Kids
Y - You’re Pitiful by Weird Al
And I tag: @a-dope-fiend @alicecoopersbush @annacore13 @3asystreets @clandeztine @daddymikeyway @finallyhappy000 @intranara @littletroubledgrrrl @nice-tits-shitty-life @official-koolaid-man-cum-sock @offtheheezayy @peterpansexual19 @milfweirdal @microwavedsalmon @buried-freak @thejeordiewhite @mezt111 @teenagedchriist
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jknerd · 2 months
Elvis (2022) X YOASOBI's "IDOL"
"INVINCIBLE SMILE IN THE MEDIA!" "What is his secret, his mystery, we wish to know!" "Even so, he keeps in under his check!" "Complete and so PERFECT!" "Speaking and singing delicious LIES!" "DEAR MISTER GENIUS STAR, THE KING!"
Reporters: "What did you eat today? What book do you love? Whenever you go out for fun, tell us where it is!"
Elvis: "I didn't eat anything today. It's a secret, can't tell."
Any question asked, he just respond vaguely.
Reporters: "What is your type of gal? Anyone interesting? Please, tell us!"
There's always somebody who's fallen for his words and cues, made them lose their head over for him.
"He could make everyone fall in love with him!" "He's the perfect, most ultimate STAR!" "NOBODY would ever replace him!" "He's like a rooster, the bringer of light!"
Oh, using that charming smile and wink. That "I love you" again... now, the world is lured and captivated by him. Those alluring eyes, eloquent lips... even when untrue, it's his perfected affection to his fans.
"YEAH, YEAH, he's one of a kind, we know." "We already lost the moment he wiggle his booty and sing his heart out." "We're just an extra for the big honcho." "Can't tell myself everything was because of him-, BULLSHIT, IT'S NOT RIGHT, OUT OF THE LINE, HOW CAN WE NOT BE JEALOUS WHILE BEING AROUND. YOU GOTTA BE FUCKING WITH US. WE CAN'T FORGIVE THE IMPERFECT YOU. I, MYSELF, CAN'T ADMIT ANY OTHER THAT IS NOT PERFECT AS YOU!"
"Lord, everyone's worshipping him!" -Conservative parents, appalled. "Oh, he's an UNRIVALED superstar!" -Fan 1 "There is NO weakness from him!" - Fan 2 "The star is here with us!" - Media
Elvis: (hands on his face after exhausting rehearsals and arguments with Tom Parker) "The gaps, the shortcomings... can't show them.... nobody would want this side of me. No one will remember me when they see this."
"Elvis...please go back to Memphis. You're dying inside. Please rest....for our Lisa." - Priscilla
Elvis: "No. I'll continue to lie. Because, I pray to lord everyday it becomes true. Time flies and I will hold everything that I pursue. I'm a star, but a greediest. So, I'll go back on stage. Lying again, until it became true. Up to this day, I never get to tell you and Lisa those words that means a lot..."
Oh..., finally... now, I can say it.
This is not a lie.
Priscilla... Lisa... I love you both, so much.
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differenteagletragedy · 7 months
one of my olba mcs is so taylor swift-coded it’s unreal and it was a total accident despite me a fan, but it’s been in my brain for a while. and it’s even better that that mc was for baxter. and then i got to thinking… like how would he be with a mc who’s Basically taylor swift (assuming miss swift doesn’t exist in the ol universe)? like teen singer icon turned global superstar who plays the guitar and piano, writes and sings almost solely about love and her love life, and even wrote a few songs about them.
personally, i think baxter would Not Have A Good Time (tm), since he left in step 3 and did his best to forget about mc. and now mc’s breakup songs (one which was Definitely written about him) are plastered on the radio and their love songs are being played at weddings and their face is all over the news and social media, he can’t escape them LMAO!
and you know mc would show up to jude and scott’s wedding and sing some of their songs (acoustically) cause if you have a global superstar at your wedding, it’d be a little foolish not to have them sing (also cause they probably wrote a cute lil song for jude and scott and wanted to perform it). and i can just imagine mc making The Most Intense eye contact ever with baxter as they’re singing a small set of their popular songs (love songs and break up songs included) LMAO
but what do you think? it’s been rattling around in my brain for a long time and i like Have to talk to someone about it LMAO!!!
Honestly, I don't think I'm the right person to ask for this, I really don't ever imagine any of my MCs anything like this ... PYSCH. I have actually thought about this a lot because it's very fun, so hop in, OP, we're going for a ride!
-- So the way I picture it is that MC has always been good with music, always written songs and played some instruments and sang. After they graduate high school, they decide they don't want to go to college, they want to pursue a career in music and they're making some steps to get there when Baxter shows up.
-- They let MC play at the country club sometimes because the family has been members there so long, but also MC is just really good too. Cove always comes along to see MC perform, and so do Miranda, Terry and Derek when they can. This is how Baxter first sees MC sing and he is MOVED.
-- Since MC is Taylor coded, they can pop out songs like nobody's business, so by the time Baxter sees them perform they already have a cute little early romance song about him. Depending on how bold MC is, they could play it, or not! But it exists.
-- So sort of as the relationship gets more intense, MC starts getting more opportunities to go professional. I like to imagine that Baxter takes MC to LA to meet with a record label, because even though he's not a city boy he's well traveled, and he would just handle himself well in that kind of situation I think. Also, road trip!
-- And yeah, then Baxter leaves, and he's like "out of sight, out of mind," but not so fast mister man. It may take a couple of years for MC to get the amount of mainstream success that makes them a household name, but they get there and yeah, he is having a Very Bad Time indeed.
-- This is not an original thought, but "Cruel Summer" is about Baxter so.
-- He does his best to avoid it. He won't listen to the radio, he won't look at magazine covers. But eventually MC just gets to be unavoidable, and that's no fun.
-- Like to the point where he's just overhearing people gossip about MC at work, can he not get a moment's peace?
-- No.
-- He does his best, but hearing some songs and some facts about MC's life is just going to happen. Maybe he's watching a movie and one of their songs is on the soundtrack, something like that. It's hard because he still thinks they have the loveliest voice, and it would be so easy to just do a deep dive on all their songs and throw a big pity party, but he tries not to.
-- At one particularly low point he'll give in though. He'll just lay on his couch listening to the latest album with a bottle of whine, so deep in his feelings.
-- He will never ever ever talk about it though. No one knows he knows MC or about his secret pain.
-- They just think he's a hater, which is fine by him.
-- Baxter is a professional though, so if someone wants one of their songs to be their first dance song at their wedding, then that is perfectly fine. He can cry in the parking lot after.
-- After MC's presence gets to be so much, he might sneak a peek at a magazine, just out of curiosity, not because he still has any feelings, definitely not. If it's about someone breaking their heart, he'll be miffed about it but then realize he has no right because he also broke their heart and cue a downward spiral. But if it's about them being happy in a new relationship, he'll be sad that it's not him, so a downward spiral is happening either way.
-- If he really wants to hate himself, he'll google them. He's not brave enough to go for social media though.
-- When he meets back up with them for Jude and Scott's wedding, he'll try to ignore them, but when they force him to talk he'll act like he has no idea that they're a Big Deal.
-- And THEN if MC performs at the wedding, oof. He'll avoid it at all cost because while he's the planner, he also just cannot deal. They'd do a love song during the reception and what a coincidence, that's when Baxter has to do something outside for just a quick moment.
-- Ok, but then they get back together and MC is all in, and the fans are going rabid over Baxter. He's so pretty! He'd a wedding planner, how romantic! Is he just with MC for their money? Let's hope they don't find out that they actually dated for the first time five years ago, because then fans would be on the hunt for clues that old songs are about him. Baxter would be a little scared, but he can handle it!
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simpalert · 1 year
I need to know
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Before I reveal the contestants, I want to shout out some characters that didn't end up getting in, for one reason or another, but stood out to me
Prince Peasley (Superstar Saga): I mentioned him as a character I really enjoyed learning about, but since he won the Luigi ship competition, I'm unsure of his obscurity status and he may overpower the other characters. I'm sorry your highness, please know I love you
Francis York Morgan (Deadly Premonition): I was stunned to see not one, but 2 people submit this character. I'm endlessly entertained by his weird ass game. He would've been a shoe in had he not been submitted twice. Sorry buddy. Also if he was I would've put in my own propaganda, consisting only of this image
Tumblr media
and a video of the squirrels that make monkey noises
Crow T. Robot (Mystery Science Theater 3000): the only reason he's not in is because another MST3K I consider comparatively more obscure was submitted, but I am going to post part of the propaganda for him now because I really loved it and it would be a shame if I was the only one who got to read it:
i have to take a chance on crow, for he is my #1 blorbo and my favorite mst3k character since forever. i charted out a whole TIMELINE for him and there's like. 4-6 of him just existing in various locations. he's shaped like a friend. he can be folded into a torpedo. he has legs and i constantly forget this until he has them on-screen and i'm like OH SHIT this guy is mostly leg (he's around 5'4"). he managed to kill mike (the human guy he lives with in space) TWICE on accident and neither time stuck. all of his presentations are insane and completely factually inaccurate. he claimed women were myths like bigfoot in a short-film style black and white presentation. he's friendly/friends? with pearl, one of the main antagonists (and a woman, who he just claimed didn't exist). he can play the trombone. he just kinda bounces up and down sometimes and is so shaped. he spent 500 years alone because he got bored of being pure energy at the edge of the universe after five minutes. he wrote patrick swayze christmas, the only christmas song ever. he's constantly doing t-rex arms. he keeps falling from extreme heights. to a few ancient romans he's a spider-duck god. he's a bit of a pyromaniac. he went to thanksgiving in deep 13 and walked away unharmed (everyone else got poisoned). he causes an illusion in the theater where it looks like he's staring at you instead of the movie. he's an absolute menace. he contains so much gender yet none at all. he's different! he wants to decide who lives and who dies, and i think he should. he is simply so guy. ty for reading my crow rant sorry for the wall of text
Thank you for this. I love Crow and MST3K too, you are in good company
Mister Qi (Stardew Valley): In the propaganda section, the submitter wrote: "He sucks and I hate him. It'd be really funny if he lost." and it made me laugh
Chuck Cunningham (Happy Days): The submitter's dad told them to submit him and that was also funny to me
Vincenzo (kdrama of the same name): Submitter's dad has a crush on Vincenzo <3
Pioneer 9 (17776): This was the most submitted character, with a total of.....4 submissions! Wow!
Husky (+Anima): This is the second most submitted character, with 3 submissions! I'm sorry to you both but this means you are automatically excluded from being picked for the competition.
Less specifically, shout out to the many characters who were just barely well known enough to drop out of priority. And the major characters/protagonists of major series. A couple were clearly jokes, but several were not.
And all of the characters from albums, commercials, various Real Life Things, myths, some OCs, etc: I have a plan for you. It's not the main bracket, but you are not being left out here. More information on that when the time is right.
Thank you for all your submissions! The list of contestants and their matchups are coming soon!
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ghostherlig · 8 months
more johnshi nick/petname hc's
i love them a reasonable amount and definitely think about them a normal amount- here's more personal hc's feel free to use them if you want :) NSFW warning!! (not a lot, putting it just in case)
gorgeous/beautiful/darling - uses these whenever kenshi joins him at a nice event, always gassing up his bf when possible
"my" in front of any pet name - johnny loves to use this when him and kenshi are out in public, very possessive when others start to stare or even attempt to flirt- (nsfw) always uses these in bed, usually punctuated by a few "mine" 's that always make kenshi mush
sweetie - (nsfw) usually uses this one when he's being annoying or teasingly condescending in bed, the tone always gets kenshi to fold
handsome/good lookin' - every morning, without fail, if kenshi is up before him and cooking... "What's cookin', good lookin'?"- uses handsome whenever they're getting ready and kenshi asks him how he looks ("you look perfect, handsome,")
mister man - uses this one when he's just a little upset about something. ("you tell me, mister man, what do you think?")
dove/dovie - started using it when he found out kenshi is particularly fond of birds- he always wanted one when he was a kid but his lifestyle never allowed him to have one :(
jo - before they started dating, still comes up sometimes whenever johnny is trying to convince kenshi to do something either really stupid or potentially dangerous
starburst - uses this one when he's wrangling johnny after a few drinks or when they spar together, usually says it like a dad would picking up a toddler by the back of their shirt ("c'mon, starburst, it's bed time-")
sunbeam/sunshine - uses these when johnny is in his element, normally when he's standing next to johnny at nice events or when he's trying to encourage johnny during sparring matches or the friendly brackets they do sometimes ("KICK HIS ASS, SUNSHINE!")
lover boy - called johnny this on their first date, johnny stuttered and stammered over his sentences for twenty minutes after, couldn't get his heart to stop hammering until the waiter brought him the wine- now uses it whenever johnny is being extra sweet on him just to get him to stammer
angel - whenever johnny is being extra sweet or just doting on him or when he's worrying about kenshi's injuries especially, he'll try and soothe him with assurances ("Im doing just fine, angel, they patched me up,")
superstar - always uses it sarcastically, gets johnny to roll his eyes without fail- (nsfw) uses it as praise when johnny does something especially good ("look at you, superstar, just like that,")
ducky/duckling - started calling johnny this after he woke up one morning and he caught him on the phone with his bed head still rockin- he had a little bit that stuck up similar to donald duck's little hair tuft- kenshi couldnt unsee it now pulls the little piece of hair up whenever johnny isnt paying attention (bonus: tomas, syzoth, and kuai liang all think it looks especially funny/cute)
snappy - uses this one exclusively when johnny is upset and refusing to talk to anyone else or is just frustrated and needs a minute- usually gets johnny to smile a little, followed by "you're lucky i love you, or i'd take your head off" to which kenshi always replies "uh huh"
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