#Most men don't want children they want clones of themselves
coochiequeens · 7 months
So glad she got away from the dude. And the church coming out to support her instead of just pleading for her to stay because...... "divorce makes Jesus sad" is a pleasant surprise.
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antianakin · 3 months
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I'm very definitively positive on clone/Jedi relationships, both platonic and romantic.
I'm going to hit the biologically children thing first because like... no, they're not. If you want to go that route, then you have to count Grogu as a middle aged adult because he's 50 years old even though his official name for a while was literally "The Child" and he's definitely treated like a child in the narrative more often than he isn't. Jango Fett was (as far as I'm aware) a regular human. The clones, the altered ones at least (so not Omega or Boba), are almost an entirely different species. They LOOK human, but they've been engineered to be different from the baseline human they were based off of to the point that they aren't necessarily all that similar to a regular human beyond cosmetics. So if you don't view them as "fucked up humans who should be treated like children because they're technically only 10 years old" and instead view them as "subspecies of human that reaches maturity around 9 years old", then it's a lot harder to view them as children.
I think that it's fair to claim that the clones are SHELTERED and likely fairly ignorant and naive about a lot of things in the world due to their upbringing, sure, but that doesn't make them children. They're also relatively young regardless of whether you'd consider them children or not, the youngest ones we know about are sent out to war at what would be the equivalent of about 20 years old and they're only around 26ish by the time the war ENDS. So even accounting for the accelerated aging, they're still pretty young and there's going to be a lot about the galaxy and how to live in it that would be new to them. Their understanding of how relationships work is going to be skewed given everything we know about their childhoods and the way the Kaminoans canonically seem to view them.
So I think that the Jedi and clones would likely often end up in a sort of mentor/mentee relationship, especially in the beginning. We see this most strongly with Yoda and the three Coruscant Guard characters and Plo Koon with the three 104th characters in the first four episodes of season 1, as well as with Shaak Ti and Fives and Echo during the Clone Cadets episode of season 3. The Jedi are natural teachers and I think they'd start to get to know these young men who are so devastatingly intelligent but who were only ever taught about how to fight a war and they'd immediately take the opportunity to help guide the clones towards figuring out who they are and who they want to be. We're pretty much told that this is true point blank when I believe it's Nala Se or Lama Su speaks to Dooku during season 6 and they say that the Jedi have been encouraging individuality in the clones. Fives says that the Jedi respect the clones and calls the Jedi their best friends at two separate points in the narrative. The Jedi literally use their OWN PHILOSOPHIES to help the clones learn what it means to be PEOPLE and to embrace that for themselves.
The relationship between the Jedi and the clones is honestly one of the most beautiful and heartwrenching dynamics in the entirety of Star Wars to me. Their destinies are entwined irrevocably and they are each the others' doom and salvation all at once. The Jedi help the clones discover who they are, but they're also going to end up being the reason the clones lose all sense of themselves. The clones are a light in the dark for the Jedi during the war, but they're also going to be the weapon that helps plunge the entire world into darkness by eliminating the Jedi. These two groups that are SO similar in so many ways but for vastly different reasons who are thrown together by forces beyond either of their control and learn to understand each other better than anyone else ever has and love and trust each other implicitly for it and that love and trust is then used to destroy them both. It's absolutely devastating and really gets me in those feels.
As far as romantic ships, I sort-of said my piece on the age thing earlier, but I honestly find that fussing about characters' ages in Star Wars is more ridiculous than it usually is. These characters are literally ALIENS and it's a universe where human characters who are twelve years old are allowed to hold office. I have my personal preferences in terms of clone/Jedi ships, but I am a very ship and let ship sort of person (yes, even with the ships I DESPISE), so I'm not going to make a big deal out of clone/Jedi ships. I also like clone/clone ships which tons of people find problematic for other reasons, so whatever.
I HAVE seen the superior/subordinate thing get addressed in clone/Jedi fics before. Sometimes it ends in the characters deciding to wait until after the war and when the clones are given rights and official citizenship status or something before they begin a romantic relationship, and sometimes it ends in the characters recognizing that a lot of the rules shouldn't really matter when they're at war and they could die literally any day and they deserve to find happiness and pleasure where they can find it so long as they work to ensure that this doesn't impact their respective responsibilities. Again though, this is a space fantasy and absolutely nobody on the writing staff for The Clone Wars was taking the structure and internal dynamics of this fantasy military particularly seriously, so I'm not sure why I or anyone else should have to if they don't want to.
So yeah, I love relationships between the clones and Jedi, it's probably my favorite dynamic in the whole franchise, regardless of whether it's platonic or romantic.
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enluto · 9 months
haven't posted a tiktok in a while bc i deleted the app from my phone, but i saw this brilliant commentary reposted to youtube and had to share it.
men who tell women to lower their standards and settle for/tolerate a kingbaby or else they will die alone are BLUFFING! whether they know it or not. some of them are more conscious of the fact they will one day be old and need someone to take care of them. they are actively trying to rope in a woman for themselves to assume this role and holding the line for other men so that they can secure a caretaker too. others have really overdosed on redpill content that they are actually disconnected from reality and don't see how many of them are dying alone, unloved, and forgotten. and that no, men actually don't age like fine wine and can attract a big-titty 10/10 submissive 25 year old to be their caretaker like fresh and fit said; or that they can emotionally neglect their children and still reasonably expect those children to care for them on principle of being "the protector and provider father." men are the ones dying alone, and they would do well to humble themselves and built a community (which includes his family/partner) that actually cares for him bc he built a good relationship with them, nurtured them and enriched their lives.
sometimes these men can condition their sons to be their loyal narcissistic clones (see: andrew tate and his abuser father), but a lot of the times even the sons are not having it and go no contact or resist the father's abuse of the family. i see this a lot in the mexican immigrant/mexican-american community from the sons. i remember a tiktok that went semi-viral of a mexican-american guy in his early-mid 20s who said he wanted to work and be successful so he could buy his mom a house and provide for her. and there were a lot of people (mostly men, but women too) giving him a hard time in the comments for just saying this was for his mom, and not mentioning the dad. they were mad bc he broke rank and said the quiet part aloud: that his dad wasn't shit and didn't deserve anything, so he was not going to receive anything from him. not because they couldn't relate.
in my own city coroner's office, there are 13 unclaimed female bodies. 3 of which are homicide victims, and 2 of the 3 were burned/otherwise damaged specifically to make confirming their identity difficult for police and the public. there 36 unclaimed male bodies; all in relatively good condition upon discovery. all different races of men are going unclaimed at my local morgue, at nearly 3x the rate of women. i saw some women out of curiosity checking their local coroner's office to see if this trend of unclaimed male bodies superceded the amount of unclaimed female bodies after 1 woman posted her results (which is why i checked mine), and nearly all did. this is the (literal and metaphorical) nail in men's coffins. they MUST learn to socialize as a community members and as good fathers, because women and children of today are not playing. they WILL leave their shitty husbands and fathers in the dust. from dust they were formed and to dust they shall return, like isn't that a saying?
never get in the way of a mans karma. let the people decide. are most men worthy of having people by their side of their death bed? of being claimed by others for burial? don't fall for their mind games. they think we as women will not call their bluff, that we will eventually relent on staying single and childless in order to not have to settle. let's make sure they are WRONG!
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t7-01 · 2 years
is it true??? could it be??? i’m back folks, and so is the clone dad jango au with part 11! masterpost
hondo ohnaka is not a man who knows how to manage children. he's good with them, but that's mostly because he has a natural way with people - anytime he meets a child he has to interact with, he spends most of his time guessing and hoping he's right.
hondo ohnaka finds jango fett's identical children fucking terrifying, but hell if he's going to let any of them know that. the two he met on florrum, the ones who called themselves 24 and 10 (although 10 is apparently fox now, go figure), stand firm in front of the rest, arms crossed, unimpressed expressions matching perfectly like some kind of little action figures.
like hondo said, terrifying.
"our dad didn't say anything about credits," says 24, lip curled in barely-contained disgust. what hondo ever did to them he doesn't have the slightest clue, free booze and a new pet and this is how the brats treat him? well, that is to be expected, he supposes - their father can be supremely ungrateful when he feels like it.
"let's chalk it up to a miscommunication, eh?" hondo says. "jango would not want his boys scamming dear old hondo! so, let me see the nearest data chip, and we can get this all squared away, lickety-split." his tone is friendly enough but he makes sure to let his hand rest near his blaster - he's not planning on shooting jango's boys, of course, but he gets the feeling that they only respond well to methods involving a show of force. 24's eyes flick to the blaster, then back to hondo.
"our dad already paid you on florrum," 24 says coldly, and hondo's eyes narrow. "he gave us permission to kill you if you came around here begging," fox adds. it's almost certainly a lie, but then, hondo's lying about the payment issue, so he supposes lies are only fair play at this point. still, the threat makes his men tense, has them taking a few menacing steps forwards. the boys don't so much as flinch.
"big mouth for a little kid," growls goru, hondo's favorite loveable idiot who tends to act as muscle on account of his being Enormous. one of the boys, one hondo has yet to meet, takes a menacing step forward of his own, coming up roughly to goru's navel and staring the larger man down without a hint of fear.
"big body for a tiny brain," the boy replies coldly. for a tense moment, no one moves - and then hondo laughs so hard he has to rest his one hand on his knee, the other on goru's massive shoulder.
"ah, you truly are your father's sons!" hondo cries through shaking laughter, his men relaxing as he slings an arm around the brave boy's shoulder. "come, come, no need for this nasty business, bah! you boys have a new ship to explore! a house to show me! we will discuss business later, yes?"
"there's nothing to discuss," says 24. "you're not getting any more credits." but hondo waves him away in favor of chatting amicably with jango's other sons - who, it turns out, are only about half as prickly as the two who had visited florrum. he finds out the one with the smart mouth is called ponds, who actually has a pretty even temperament, even apologizing to goru on the way to the homestead.
("why are we taking him back to the house?" fox grumbles. 24 shrugs jerkily, also unhappy with this turn of events, and mentally hopes rex and boba are well-hidden. maybe he can keep them from having to interact with this idiotic pirate.)
"rexy!" keeli calls. "we have guests!" 24 smacks his forehead.
"ah, look at this one, how polite!" hondo says delightedly, patting keeli on the head. keeli positively beams. "rex, is it? my boy, do you know where your father keeps his spotchka?"
"we don't have alcohol in the house," 36 lies easily. (24, personally, breathes a sigh of relief that not all of his brothers have lost their minds). "but if you bring us some from your ship, maybe we don't have to mention your little scam attempt to our dad," adds 36. (okay, that's it, 24's having a serious family meeting with his so-called brothers after ohnaka leaves).
"ha!" says hondo, waggling a finger at 36. "you drive a hard bargain, but why not, eh? goru! get back to the ship! get something top shelf for these boys, you understand? top! shelf!"
("what is happening?" 24 bemoans, looking at his brothers like he doesn't know them. it's fox's turn to shrug. "maybe we shouldn't have told 36 and bly that we got to try ohnaka's liquor," fox muses. 24 has to concede that the temporary bragging rights weren't worth the trouble.)
hondo bursts through the front door, ponds and keeli under each arm, and somehow finds the nearest coms unit with surprising ease, tuning into a radio station and blasting music throughout the house. 24 thinks he’s going to be sick. keeli is absolutely cutting a rug to what hondo calls “real music, my boys, real music!”
by the time goru returns with the booze, 24 sinks into the chair jango normally takes, the picture of defeat, but not before sternly informing rex and keeli that if they go near the alcohol he’ll dye their hair pink. rex crosses his arms, looking very much like their father in that moment.
“i’ve had weird hair for as long as i’ve been alive,” rex tells him, and 24 really doesn’t know where the attitude is coming from, “you’re going to have to make better threats than that.” “i think pink hair would be cool!” keeli adds unhelpfully. “then i’ll shave something stupid into your hair,” 24 says instead. rex and keeli look at each other and nod.
“okay,” rex agrees, handing 24 boba, who peers around the room with interest, “no alcohol.”
a little ways down the road, piik sant makes his way to the fett homestead, surprised to see a pair of unfamiliar ships at the edge of the property. he tries to shrug off his concern, but internally is thankful he left cyelle with her grandparents. if there's strangers at the fett house, they could be dangerous - better he feels them out alone.
the poor man doesn't have a clue what he's walking into.
hello everyone! sorry for the delay - i had a rough go of things for a while, but i’m back and more passionate about the clone dad jango au than ever! these next parts will be kind of silly before we reach the serious and daunting task ahead of jango, which will involve plenty of twists and turns and little heartbreaks. hopefully y’all enjoy this little update! thanks for reading!
FIRST - previous - next
tagging: @thealghulwaynes
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omegas-spaghettios · 3 years
In Defense of Bo-Katan
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This character receives an enormous amount of hate and it is so unfair.
Before I begin, I have a few disclaimers to make.
1. I used to be on the hate train for her. When TCW S7 and Mando S2 aired, I hated her. Absolutely loathed her and I was vocal about it. You could go back and find a trail of me hating on her, I want to admit to that before I go on.
2. I love every character I talk about during this. When I compare her to other characters or discuss other characters, it comes from a place of love. Flawed characters are the best characters because it makes them feel human.
3. I am not defending her from a moral standpoint. She does some pretty awful things. What I'm arguing is that a lot of criticism levied at her for being a "bad character" is unfair because what she does either lines up with her motivations and thus makes her a well written character (if not unlikable), or she does things and gets slammed for it when male characters do the same things and get away with it.
I'm just gonna go chronologically and discuss major talking points on why people hate her.
1. Her Discussion with Kenobi in 7×10
People hate on her because of this, and that could be fair, depending on how else you view Star Wars. Bo was responsible for helping bring an organization to power that killed her sister, she weaponized the death of her sister against Obi-Wan, and also her organization (Death Watch) has tried to kill Obi-Wan many times. She is overall being incredibly unfair and awful in this scene.
Okay, so she helped kill a woman important in her life, weaponized that death to guilt Obi-Wan, and also is responsible for attempts on Obi-Wan's life.... why does this feel familiar....
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Anakin did much, MUCH worse than her, yet he is still loved. I love Anakin! But it pisses me off that when Bo does it it's a valid reason to hate her and one of the two most commonly listed examples to hate her, but when Anakin does it he gets nuance. Anakin's character and motivations line up to that event, it makes him a flawed character. But when Bo does it, we just hate her?
"But she doesn't have the development to that point like Anakin" the entire Prequel Era is the story of Anakin, no character has as much time dedicated to them. How can Bo have that much development to make it "believable" when the only character who can rival Anakin's level of development is Ahsoka?
If you hate both Bo and Anakin then her Discussion with Obi-Wan is a 100% valid reason to hate her. This is not to say you can't hate her for that, this is to say that there is a lot of hypocrisy in the fandom over this.
2. Sabine Wren
I'm not gonna spend much time on this, cause it isn't a huge reason I see often and it's just, so easy to debunk. I love Sabine and her arc is good, but from a Mandalorian standpoint, she's lucky she left the planet with a decent public standing. She makes a weapon for the empire that is handcrafted to kill Mandalorians and names it after Bo's dead pacifist sister. Under no circumstance is any Mandalorian required to treat her well after that, especially Bo.
I know she has an arc to redeem herself over the course of the show, but imagine if a public figure irl did that. No one would care how hard they worked to redeem themselves, no one would ever trust them again and that is valid.
3. Bo's discussions with Din
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The way she and the other two scoff at Din is not kind at all, it's pretty rude. But guess what? Din got aggressive first when they took their helmets off.
I understand being in a cult means your view of the world is purposefully warped and information withheld so he doesn't know better, but why does Bo have this responsibility to be kind to anyone who is mean to her just because they might not know better? Why does Bo NEED to give everyone the benefit of the doubt?
Din was aggressive and accused them of not being mandalorian FIRST, he doesn't know better and that makes Bo's treatment of him less than ideal, but why does she have to respect his beliefs and identity when he IMMEDIATELY is trying to rip apart hers?
She never even says he isn't Mandalorian, just he was raised in a cult, which he high key is. The amount of identity suppression and implied information control in The Children of the Watch or whatever they are called is very cultish.
4. The Boba interaction
This and the TCW S7 interaction with Kenobi are the two big ones I see very frequently.
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Before I begin with her motivations, can we talk about how blatant the one-sided hate is in this scene anyway? Boba is standoff-ish and aggressive right from the get go, audibly calling them a waste of time, ridiculing Bo for wanting to liberate her literal ancestral homeland, calling her all sorts of names, etc. Boba is by no means trying to be respectful or diplomatic but that's fine, but when Bo gives the same energy as him she gets hated. Again, Boba starts it by saying they were a waste of time.
Getting mad that she called him "not a real mandalorian" is pointless because he immediately says "never claimed to be". Boba isn't Mandalorian. He isn't. He doesn't view himself as Mandalorian and his connection to the armor is just because of his father, not because of Mandalorian heritage.
Her seething hatred for clones and attacking Boba with it is awful but it's understandable within her character. Clone Troopers came to help in the Siege of Mandalore with the explicit agreement they would leave once Maul was captured. Maul was captured, Order 66 came down, the clones never lifted their occupation. Does that mean her hatred of all clones is justified? No. But is it understandable from her viewpoint? Yes, and that makes her a 3 dimensional, flawed character.
We know it wasn't the clones' fault, but we have no reason to believe Bo knows about the chips. Even then, it is established in Rebels when Kanan first meets Rex and crew that people who know about the chips don't necessarily believe it. It takes discussion with the clones themselves and evidence to sway his belief. So even if Bo knows, why does she need to believe it when Kanan initially didn't? Bo hasn't had any discussions like Kanan and Rex had with a clone on screen, so the evidence already shown in previous media lines up with her hating clones.
Also, the weird stuff with the darksaber is not her fault. It's legit just the writers changing how it works to write their story so now she has to bend. It's inconsistent between Rebels and Mando but literally every character shown so far suffers from it. The Saber has not been won in combat since Maul killed Pre Vizsla, the whole "rightful heir" thing is just a mess and is more inconsistent writing that affects star wars overall, not just Bo.
Hate her all you want but stop letting men get away with the shit you hate her for lmao
I still don't particularly love her at all, I don't tend to think about her much, but y'all, come on.
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reydjarinkenobi · 4 years
Can we get more of that time-travel fanfiction? (With maybe a few more clones? If you don't want to it's ok)
Hi. Here is the next installment. The clones get a bit of action, but really I needed to do one more chapter of set up first. Clones will be much more prominent soon.
As soon as the doors of the light freighter - which Mace could now see had clearly been modified as a smuggling ship - closed, the girl turned on Obi-Wan with a guarded expression.
 "How did you know just who we'd want here for our explanation?" she demanded, her question immediately causing the others in her party to tense. 
 Mace spied Cody and Ponds, who had escorted them in, no doubt to provide an extra layer of protection for their generals, whilst the non-Force Sensitive human had frowned, but acquiesced to their presence with a nod.
 Obi-Wan, ever the smug bastard, just smiled knowingly.
 "Your mental channels for speaking are very strong, but you all still project some thoughts," he informed them gently. "It was quite easy to overhear them - thought I was the only one close enough to."
 The girl pursed her lips and squirmed slightly, but she nodded and stepped away, retreating so that she was standing in line with the two other humans of their party. The Wookie had retreated from the room they were in with a garbled roar that Mace hadn't understood, as he had not elected to learn Shyriiwook in his time. However, Obi-Wan had not reacted, so Mace assumed that the Wookie would not harm them.
 Obi-Wan quickly explained what he and Bail had seen and learnt back in the temple.
 Mace would find time travellers from the future difficult to believe if it wasn't Kenobi. At this stage in the war, he may as well just accept it. He was too tired to summon the appropriate amount shock, even if he was inclined to show it on his face, which he wasn't.
 This was meant to be a simple mission.
 "We may as well sit down," the male Force User - Finn - said. "We have over fifty years of history to cover."
 His companions nodded in agreement, gesturing to the various couches around the living space. They waited until they were all seated, including Cody and Ponds before they all squished themselves onto one side of seat shaped in a semi-circle around a holoprojecting table, with Bail and Obi-Wan on the other side and Mace, Cody and Ponds on their own chairs that had been pulled up to the table.
 "Where do we start?" Finn wondered absently, as he leaned his elbows on his knees.
 The other human male - Poe - hummed. "I know that General Leia has been teaching you and Rey about the Clone Wars."
 "She's been telling Rey about the politics and the Jedi for longer - I was usually only around when she got to talking about the clones."
 Both men glanced at the girl, who was sitting on the right edge of the seat, next to the male Force User, who was sitting in the middle. Rey sighed and stood up but didn't complain.
 "I may as well get straight to the point," she began, crossing her arms. "The Clone Wars are pointless and were constructed, and are being drawn out by the Sith for the sole purpose of destroying the Jedi and for cementing their reign over the galaxy."
 Cody and Ponds stiffened in their seats.
 Mace blinked. He felt Obi-Wan's shields wobble.
 Senator Organa straightened. "I beg your pardon?"
 "It's true," Poe said. "His Empire lasted twenty years before the Rebellion managed to defeat him."
 "So the Separatists won?" Ponds asked with a slight frown.
 Rey grimaced. "Not exactly."
 She hesitated, obviously choosing her next words carefully. "The clones were supposedly commissioned by a Jedi who had visions, or something along those lines, right?"
 Mace fought to keep his expression under control. That information wasn't exactly public knowledge.
 "That is correct," he confirmed. "Master Sifo Diyas."
 The girl's hands tightened around her arms and she shifted onto her other foot.
 "The… accounts are not sure, but it is theorised that his visions were planted by the Sith Lord… or that Darth Tyrannus took control of the project quickly enough to alter the original order."
 She took a deep breath. "The few surviving sources say that that after the main Separatist leaders were killed, that the Jedi discovered the identity of the remaining Sith, but those that were dispatched to arrest him were defeated - betrayed by one of their own, who allied himself with the Sith at the last moment."
 "Then," she went on, breaking off for a second to glance nervously at Ponds and Cody. "He activated an order on the control chips, which are embedded inside every clone troopers' head."
 Her eyes lowered and she swallowed. "Order sixty-six: execute all the Jedi."
 Mace went completely still even as he saw Cody and Ponds recoiled as if she had shot them. Obi-Wan's eyes widened and shock reverberated through the Force, mixing with Mace's own.
 "You lie," Senator Organa claimed. "The clones are loyal to the Republic."
 The girl's head snapped up, a glare flashing through her eyes and hardening her features.
 "I do not."
 She looked away, breathing deeply.
 "We have proof," Finn interjected. "History books, recordings, diaries. They should be tucked away somewhere around here. We always carry out study material with us."
 "Our two clearest sources of information on it are the diaries left by you, Senator Organa and General Kenobi," Poe explained, looking at them. "I know General Leia has had Rey read them closely."
 Obi-Wan's gaze jerked to them. "I survived?"
 Poe nodded. "Until almost the end."
 "It wasn't your fault," Finn informed Cody and Ponds, his voice strained as he stared at them desperately. "The chips. They-they overtook you. They erased you. You didn't have a choice."
 Mace could tell from the horror leaking into the Force around the troopers that his words brought them no comfort.
 "Who is the Sith Lord?" Mace asked.
 Rey looked at him, breaking out of the haze she had been lost in.
 "Palpatine," she breathed. "Chancellor Palpatine was the Sith Lord."
 Mace instinctively wanted to deny her. The Chancellor couldn't be the Sith Lord. He was the most powerful man in the Republic.
 And yet.
 There had been many instances in which Mace had, privately, questioned his decisions. He knew that a few of the 'debates' he had engaged in with the Chancellor had hurt their standing with him. But none of the Senate, nor many of the Republic citizens, were willing to trust the Jedi anymore.
 And who had been the one to suggest that the Jedi lead the war. The Chancellor had denied his involvement but the man had not discouraged the idea when it had quickly gained popularity.
 Out of the corner of his eye, Mace saw Obi-Wan tense.
 "What is Anakin's role in all of this? You talked of him with each other."
 Poe glanced down and Finn's jaw tightened.
 Rey turned her attention to him, her eyes holding a deep regret.
 "No," Obi-Wan breathed, his shoulders hunching forward slightly.
 "Darth Vader was one of Emperor Palpatine's most effective weapons," Rey murmured. "But, at the very end, he did turn back to the light. To save his son."
 Obi-Wan curled into himself and Mace felt the wave of pain and sorrow pulse out of him before the other master slammed his shields back into place.
 "We are here now, though," Rey said firmly. "None of that has happened yet, and our knowledge can help you stop it."
 "Yes," Finn agreed readily, still looking mostly at Cody and Ponds. "We can start to de-chip the clones and work on a way to deactivate them en-masse."
 "It won't be easy," Poe cautioned. "Didn't you guys tell me that the Jedi were powerless to prevent their fate, even if they had known about it?"
 Rey frowned and nodded. "Yes. They do not have the political power to make any significant move. Which is why we need the senators to start working. We have the information they need to start changing the system. They just need to get the physical evidence in this time period."
 Senator Organa glanced around at his still shocked companions, and cleared his throat, startling all three of the time-travellers.
 "You said it took around two decades to defeat the Empire, yet you are from fifty years in the future. What is the state of the galaxy in your time?"
 Mace nodded his agreement with the questions.
 Poe let out a shaky sigh. "Yes, the Empire was defeated the first time. Though not without heavy casualties. Alderaan was destroyed. The Mandalorians were wiped out almost as thoroughly as the Jedi. Countless lives were lost. And we still could not prevent the First Order rising from its ashes."
 It was the Senator's turn to jerk back in surprise in pain. "Alderaan was destroyed?"
 Poe nodded. "Yes, by a weapon called the Death Star. Capable of destroying whole planets. Luke Skywalker and his twin, your daughter, Leia Organa helped destroy it, along with the second one they built a few years later."
 Rey went on, "Finn, Poe and I were there when its successor, Starkiller Base, was destroyed. Not after it destroyed the Hosnian System, the capitol of the New Republic first though."
 "Though Poe did all the heavy lifting with his X-Wing," Finn said, shooting a smile at the man beside him.
��Poe gave him a fleeting smile in return, barely a twitch of the lips.
 "It wasn't enough though," Poe murmured, his voice thick. "The Resistance was losing. Many planets would rather submit to another tyrant than fight, and there was nothing we could do to stop them from invading systems and growing their army."
 Finn stared hollowly at the table in front of him. "The Empire's stormtroopers were a poor mockery of the original clone troopers, meant remind Imperial citizens of them but have very little of their effectiveness save in their overwhelming numbers. But the First Order's stormtroopers… we were modelled more closely to our predecessors. Taken from our planets as mere children and raised to be the perfect little brainwashed soldiers. They even started chipping us in the end, when more and more started to defect - refusing to carry out the horrors they asked us to."
 He stopped abruptly, looking down at his lap and taking a deep, shuddering breath as Poe rubbed a hand across his back.
 Rey smiled at him sadly before turning purposefully to Senator Organa.
 "I have little love for the Senate," she claimed and Mace had to suddenly suppress a smile at her frankness. "It failed to protect the Republic twice in fifty years, and all because of its corruption and general uselessness. However, Leia has told me stories of senators who could have changed it, if they were given enough time and manoeuvrability. I'm sure we have more than a few political texts that can inform you of just what corruption is being hidden in the shadows and behind the closed doors of the rotunda."
 Senator Organa, who had paled drastically since the start of the conversation, swallowed and nodded. "I think you are right."
 Poe smiled sharply. "I'll start looking for some of our books."
 With that, he pushed up off the couch, sliding over Finn's lap and left.
 "We will contact the Jedi Council, but what of your stories?" Obi-Wan asked. "What of your training? Surely some Jedi survived."
 Rey shrugged. "I heard that a few did. Many of them died during the Rebellion. Most of the survivors were wiped out by the First Order when they destroyed the New Jedi Order. Any remaining would have gone into hiding, and I haven't exactly had the time nor the opportunity to look for one. Besides, Luke Skywalker has been… assisting me with using the Force. He was going to take Finn on as a padawan any day now."
 Mace frowned. "Not you?"
 Rey gave him a close-lipped smile, something in her eyes causing Mace's gut to twist. "Master Skywalker does not think I am suited for the path of a Jedi. And he may be right. I… I struggle with control. Of my powers and my emotions. And I know that anger can be dangerous when accessing the Force. I have spent hours almost every day meditating for the last eight months and I still haven't made much progress."
 Finn scoffed. "That's a load of banthashi - er - I mean, that's not true and you know it. Besides, you're a lot less angry than most would be in your situation."
 Mace tilted his head to the side, his mind whirling. They were both already very powerful, especially Rey. Shatterpoints surrounded all of them as if they had smashed a dozen glass bottles at their feet. They would need to be trained, regardless of their suitability. Their connection to the Force was open too far for them to go untrained.
 But, he would like to know if they could really grow to be suitable Jedi.
 "Situation?" he questioned.
 Rey looked to him and smiled sadly again, her dark grey eyes becoming shiny.
 "My parents… sold me to the junker on Jakku when I was five years old and I spent the next fourteen years waiting for them to come back."
 Mace's eyes widened and he felt everyone around him look sharply to the girl. However, before they could touch anything, there was a tumultuous crash which had a panel in a door swinging open and small one-wheeled droid with a cone-shaped head come barrelling out of it.
 "D-O," Rey greeted quietly, kneeling down as the droid approached her.
 "Rey," the droid said, "I missed you."
 Rey smiled and carefully smoothed out one of the three antennas poking out of the back of his head.
 "I can't believe you brought him along," Finn muttered.
 "I wasn't very well going to leave him. He doesn't like being away from me for long."
 Finn hummed non-committedly. "You know, you never told us where you got him. He just turned up after that mission you and Jess went on a few months ago and started following you around."
 Rey stilled, glancing up at him as she stood up, rubbing at one of the arm bindings that ran up her arms.
 "I found him on my parents' ship."
 Finn pursed his lips. "So they're - "
 "Dead. Yeah. The First Order got them. Or the Empire. Whatever they were calling themselves then. The chest has everything they left to me. I haven't been able to read through all the datasticks yet."
 Finn nodded solemnly as Rey joined him on the couch.
 "I think Finn would make a great Jedi," she announced. "We've been looking at what little we could find of you, and he's everything you want. He's kind and thoughtful, and doesn't let his emotions overwhelm him."
 Finn rolled his eyes. "All of that could describe you as well."
 He looked between Obi-Wan and mace seriously. "She talks of how her power could lead to the dark side, but if she was going to Fall, she would have done it by now. Something awful happened on Dandoran, but she didn't let it affect her and managed to pull like three and a half dozen TIE fighters right out of the air. At once. There was no dark side; she was calm as a desert."
 Mace felt his eyebrows raise in surprise. That was not small feat. Even for the most skilled of masters.
 "It's not like you haven't had to do your job before when Poe was being threatened," Rey shot back.
 "Yes, well, he hasn't…" Finn trailed off before he could finish the sentence, but the damage was already done.
 Rey's expression crumbled and she looked away, needing to scrub at her eyes before she looked back up.
 Obi-Wan cleared his throat. "Yes, well. I think we've heard enough to tell the Council. And we have just enough time to comm them before we must leave. Regardless of the outcome, I imagine you will be leaving with us."
 The meeting did not actually take that long. They used their most secure lines and still did not dare reveal the full extent of what they'd been told, only that they had uncovered something of import regarding the Senate and that they would convene with any councilmembers physically on Coruscant as soon as they returned.
 As for the time travellers? Not unexpectedly, the Council voted to train the Force Users, whilst allowing the others to accompany them. It did not seem like a good idea to separate them. Especially if they found a way to return them.
 They, of course, would not be telling the Senate that the newest padawans of the Order were time travellers, at least from the future. Officially, the group had been caught in a stasis trap for hundreds of years, which was only released by Commander Cody accidentally brushing a specific rune. It would explain their unusual ship, which was actually not that old, but had been modified beyond recognition from its original model, and it would explain their lack of training, as the Jedi had not always had the reach to collect as many Force Sensitive children as they did.
 "Now, we must decide who will train them," Obi-Wan said, rubbing his chin as the session began to draw to a close.
 "Decided, it already has been," Yoda announced.
 Mace glanced at his companion before they returned their attention to the holoprojector.
 "By whom, Master?" he asked, keeping his voice level.
 "Brought them to you, the Force has. Train them, you must."
 Mace sighed. He knew he was going to say that.
 "We are both far too busy to properly train a padawan, Master," Obi-Wan tried to reason only to be stopped by an imploring look.
 "The best choice, you are. Sense it, I can."
 Obi-Wan pursed his lips, but had no argument to that.
 Then, Yoda had the gall to laugh.
 "Stick together, you two will, for the foreseeable future, whilst you train your new padawans."
 Mace was going to kill him. The Force knew he loved and respected Obi-Wan as a friend and fellow master, but that did not mean he wanted to be partnered with him, which would also, inevitably mean being partnered with Skywalker more often, especially after recent revelations. The man was a trouble magnet if Mace had ever known one.
 Even if he didn't hate the idea of training them.
This is also on ao3. What do you think will/want to happen next?
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maneaterwithtail · 4 years
The politics are the cough. the disease is flooding to chase the trend of personal brand building. Events and confusing communities and arguably the arrangement of the direct market itself. No simplicity and lots of expense with shakeup one after the other.
And some transparently business or out of story disrupting existing (in humans versus mutants)
Starting Marvel, as an example, is harder than figuring out where to come in on the Fate series. I mention this because Comics are often compared to manga and yet however convoluted in silly may get for the most part you buy one collection, or let's not kid ourselves pirate, or wait until an animated adaptation comes out realize that it's pretty much faithful, go back to the core comic and so long as you start from the beginning you can follow to the end. Even if it's based off of a visual novel chances are everything will progress from beginning to end. It's usually when that models messed up with that something becomes destructive and difficult to follow or deal.
Unlike with manga where if you're having trouble following where to start with, like the Fate series, you can at least enjoy the latest Nasu verse offering. especially if you can turn your brain off and just engage with one example. Or if you don't want to deal with that you can just go to an entirely different property from a similar publisher that scratches a similar itch.
Like the premise of America Chavez buts I think she did it wrong? Well it's not like you can just switch over to Champions because that's a mess as well along with Miles Morales Spider-Man and ms. Marvel or spider woman.
it's expensive, patchy, filled with all sorts of weird continuity that you end up having to buy just to start. As such only the dedicated fanbase could possibly tolerate it but that also is exclusive in the sense that it's so to them with a history that it feels kind of off-putting.
I like the comicsgate comics I have heard of. I can also understand why we try to move away from that. Such as very obvious p*** tracing. And so on. Yes supposed diversity has basically led to a similar story of we're here now we're going to f*** the status quo too strongly relating to the audience or the author's pandering.
But it's not just they're going to have a trans person in an announcement. Which is a pretty major character trait I imagine that they want to talk about that or include it in the announcement.
the discontinuity does not help you build upsetting characters characterization and Circumstance. This is what I mean you're following themes story and events building to something then a new author will come in and he or she will wreck all that up so that they can go in an entirely different direction. Okay maybe you don't like the homosexual overtones of Eddie Brock and Venom. Maybe you want to stick it to all the slash shippers on Tumblr. But they've been the people who been following the comic and there's been a multi-year build up with sleeper, Eddie Brock and Venom's son.
going no now Eddy has a son he doesn't know about. oh and he was in the car that killed a child and him and Venom hate each other? Basically says f*** that other story we're going back to this story because I liked it better when I was young and I like it this way. And this kind of hostility is constant with every Changing of the Guard which can happen almost every two to three years. This keeps happening right when things are starting to get good or conclusion is reached. this undermines any death any major event or twist especially when it's in the headlines as if it's going to be meaningful
we can't even engaged in the illusion that someone has a plan charting something out when it feels like it's always fly by the seat of the pants the slightest whim can blow off the direction. We know in our conscious nothing that happens matters or at the very least when things end and we don't move on to something else then realize that there was a change but it seems seamless. Or at the very least it's a damn good seem that makes a very likeable and unique and distinct quilt. Again comparing and contrasting with manga
basically constantly ragging on the Politics as if that's what's causing the problem as opposed to Poor practices is off. yeah the customer service is definitely a no-go. But let's not kid ourselves Fanboys started it
I can straight up say that if you had a book that was straight up gay. like it starred the gay couple that once was Rescued by Captain America including his childhood hero And they were joined by the gender-bending exiled courtesan. you know those girls that always hang around in the background of Thor comics and everybody talks about winching and all that stuff? What if we actually focus on one of them and we threw in some mythological deviant queerness with the idea that men who practiced a certain form of Witchcraft had to be ladies. Now in practice this often meant anything from cross-dressing to performing ceremonies with a freaking dildo. But this is Comics so instead I can just go with the idea that after he uses magic so much he can turn or does turn into a lady. At first it's inadvertent but then he Masters the power so much that can transform into any lady. So he can go from weak little nerdy witch man to a Vanir (super durable pretty strong) or she giant.
It gets even more so when apparently he can change not just to a generic woman but any specific one. so he can literally clone an individual lady alive or dead. If she's dead you can act as a vessel for her soul so effectively while he might be booted deep within he can resurrect anyone's female loved one. Until changes back. The Twist is that while he won a beauty contest to be one of Odin's many many side pieces due to the politics and sociology of the time and the setup Odin didn't like admitting that they were both men or equals. Now the crossdressing courtesan isnt necessarily the nicest person. In fact the number one thing that characterizes him is that he hates the alpha male warrior culture or at least what he perceives of the negatives of it of Asgard. But that doesn't necessarily mean that he provides a good alternative. This will be a total retcon. not only would this make Odin effectively bisexual -although it's long since established that it seems like he's banged about so much he has had a child with everyone but his wife- but the idea that Loki and Thor grew up exposed to this weird gender-bending courtesan who tried to compete with the affections of their Queen Mother just so that that way he could get ahead and hated showing the absolute loyalty and Devotion to Asgard seeking glory in battle and death as opposed to conniving Gatling favor and trolling for booty while having to serve drinks for the Warriors that came by and were celebrated in the castle Hall.
Probably make up all sorts of relationships with other lesser-known Danny's that haven't been as much part of Marvel Thor but are important or at least well-known for the tradition. I would also shamelessly ripoff @gumon and her take on Norse mythology. With giants that just naturally produce children whether male or female. anyway ignoring all the continuity just so I could bring in the mythology that I want I would have it so that he was ultimately exiled because he got set up on a failure assignment. He got assigned to the Blue Mountain the traveling planet or set of rocks now that was the home of one of the Warriors Three the blue guy well the guy who wears blue and looks kind of like Angus Khan
The entire point of this is to get a different eye view of the Marvel Universe. What was it like to be one of those disposable pin-up girls. What is the gay population in gay culture and gay people been doing and light of the world that's been invaded from the ground been in a Perpetual fight with remnants of terrorists from World War II. And of course how they've been in for you property and making their lives and how are they responding to the fact that New York finally recognizes their marriage and of course life in the Twilight years as a gay couple that's constantly facing mortality. Also with the usual hey I'm an immortal mystical being who's having to relearn how to be human after having lived a life with a God's but neither being loyal to them nor a particular loyal to my own people. Along with the issues of the shapeshifter gender Dynamics and identity and all other sort of things. Pretty damn gay book. But I read it
Kids like imitating what they see so ripping the idea that someone's going to take some of the more iconic X-Men looks and style themselves after them when they know that their mutant doesn't seem wrong. I like the idea that we're going to open with someone who manages an online community for mutants. I like the idea of Trailblazer I like the ladies thick and I like the fact that she has a more utility power that she's going to have to work with and around hopefully being clever though that backpack does run the risk of becoming the Omnitrix and having the solution for every problem that you need.
Basically I like the children of the atom a bit more than the whole lineup of the new Warriors. I think people really should give the characters a chance so if you're turned off by yet another set of incest siblings in Marvel ya no problem or argument here.
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