cookiesncreamlover17 · 9 months
Yandere!Damian Wayne x Reader pt.13
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⚠️Warnings⚠️: Cursing, Mention Of Death, Illegal Interrogation And False Information
🇺🇸Word Count🇺🇸: 1,576
👾Characters👾: 8,563
Soon after you had finished your make out session, you both headed up towards Damian’s dorm. Luckily, he stopped at your locker making sure you put the note with ‘ Hector’ on it and into your locker. Tomorrow would be day 6. If you were wrong today, you’d have only two guesses left. Two days, you might be dead. But as long as Damian was here, you knew everything would be okay.
There was something different about today. And no, this was not because you slept in the most comfortable bed that you’d ever touched. Today felt like more of a burden. You had two guesses left. If you weren’t to get either one right, you were dead. Death was such an unfamiliar word to you. It was so unbelievably odd to know that you were going to possibly die, but not be able to do anything about it. The tears had yet to spill. You had time. That time was spent trying to figure everything out, but it didn’t make sense. You just wanted to go home, but the world was unfair and brutal.
Today was the first day of the weekend. Your last possible sleep. But you weren’t going to let death come after you. No, never. You had a plan. Y/n L/n ALWAYS had a plan, even if it wasn’t the best. You were going to question people around your school. EVERYONE. Damian of course, would help you. It would be a hard, excruciating day, but if it meant you would keep your life, you didn’t mind.
You were currently heading to break feast right now. Damian had BEGGED you to the Arabian break feast called Shakshuka. He did also ask you to sit with him, Steph, Jason, Tim, and Cass. But were you really going to risk that? They hated you a lot, so why should you make them hate you more? But you and Damian were semi-dating, so they were just going to have to suck it up.
As you neared the lunch table you received two harsh glares from none other than Jason, aswell as Cass! You supposed the reason Tim and Steph weren’t glaring at you was because Steph was complaining about how her nail chipped during P.E.
“Can we help you”, Cass sneered ignorantly.
“Leave her alone Cass. I told her to sit here”, Damian rudely sneered back.
Cass grumbled but didn’t push it further. Though, you could still feel the glares of two extra people. When Steph and Tim stopped talking, you knew they were glaring at you aswell. But you couldn’t care less as you and Damian ate your DELICIOUS break feast talking about everything! It was wonderful. You just hoped that you could experience this in the future, without dying.
The moment soon ended when you both finished your break feast and went to go question people. You decided to first start on the first floor while Damian would do the basement. There you would of course meet everyone from your classes and a few other strangers. Though, when you got to questioning Cass, it hit you. This could be a girl! Why didn’t you think of that before?! Right now Cass was your number one suspect. With her rude glares and arrogant attitude, you should have figured it out sooner. God you were such an idiot to not even consider that possibility!
The second person that came into your mind was Stephanie. Her and Casa obviously believed Damian’s words about you being ‘crazy’, but they would need to have something against you to be the ones who put the note in your locker when you first got here. Maybe you could question them? Though, you’d first need to get Jason, Damian, and Tim away from them. Tim was probably going to be the hardest considering how he’s glued to Steph’s hip twenty-four/seven.
As you began to roam around the area expecting to find Cass and/or Stephanie, you weren’t expecting to be called over the announcement. Whoever was speaking through the microphone instructed you to report to the main office. Oh my gosh. It was probably Mr.Wilson. It had to be. Who else would be want to speak to you out of the blue.
As you slowly made your way towards the office, desperately not wanting to, you eventually saw the big brown doors with little wooden figures of animals carved into it. With a deep sigh and all the courage you could muster up, you gently knocked twice on the door. The wish for someone to not open the door quickly vanished as a man with black hair opened it.
“Are you…. Y/n”, he questioned while looking down at his clip board.
“Yes”, you said while trying to make eye contact with his ocean blue eyes. He was quite attractive with the muscles showing threw his back T-shirt.
He smiled gently. “Perfect”, he said as he opened the door up for you, indicating for you to step inside. Once you stepped inside he placed a calloused hand on your back and led you threw a series of multiple doors and hallways. Holy hell was Mr.Wilson’s office big. You’d never been in here before. You stoped after about a minute of walking. It appeared to be a what looked like a therapy office? No, an integration room. It had the structure of an integration room but it had numerous books based on human feelings. Plus it was decorated like a therapists office. Was this man trying to question you? What about?
“You can take a seat you know? Or stand”, he said as he was the first one to sit down. It was clear you didn’t quite understand what was happening considering the fact that you weren’t being very open. Your arms were crossed and your eyes darted between this man and the chair you were suppose to sit in. “Don’t be shy”, he said. Take a seat”.
As you walked towards the gray chair, which oddly resembled the gray chair in your room, you sat on it. “What did you need me here for”, you question in a low tone as you fiddled with your thumbs. You were quite nervous. You really needed to start questioning people. This event was only delaying that more! You didn’t have much more time. You just prayed that this would be over with quickly.
“Yes, indeed I did”, he stated calmly while looking up at you.
“We’ll I’m kind of on a tight schedule, so could we speed this up a bit”, you questioned while looking around and tapping your left foot.
“Of course your majesty”, he said in a sarcastically funny way. “Well it has come to my attention that you seemed a little stressed. Now I won’t play games with you or lie to you. I understand that you feel threatened by some anonymous person here. My job is to make sure the scholars at Gotham Academy are feeling perfectly fine. In order for me to make sure no one is going to be harmed here, I’m going to have to ask you a few questions. All you have to do is tell the truth. This meeting should take about two to five hours, so I suggested you put your schedule on hold for a little bit”, he said his he pulled the pen out of his pocket and clicked it, making the tip of it to come out.
“Two to five hours”, you exclaimed!
“Indeed. So! For your first question do yo-“, he was abruptly cut of.
“Listen sir. I would love to answer your questions right now. But I don’t have time to spare. I’d like to reschedule this anytime next week. I just really don’t have time right now”, you spoke as you stood gathering all of your belongings.
“According to the “misprision of a felony” law, you legally have to answer my questions. You are a witness of a possible committed crime and can face jail time of up to three years and face a fine of two-hundred fifty thousands dollars. According to your files, you could barely pay rent. If you answer my questions truthfully this possibly does not have to affect you. Is this clear”, he questioned.
This should be illegal. Damn this school! Every time you tried to find things out you were always shut down by something or someone! He shouldn’t be able to interrogate you without your consent. But you new he could get away with it. With his income and the schools favor on him, he could easily beat you if you two were to go to court. You truly had no way to escape his questions so you did the only thing you knew you could. You agreed.
Eight hours. What was suppose to take five hours at MAXIMUM took eight fucking hours. You could never get those eight hours back. Damian had probably been wondering were you were. Would if he thought you were dead? Well now you knew that wasn’t the case when he saw you again and hugged you through the entire night. Tomorrow was the last day. You had one more day till it was all over. One more day till you might be dead. Tomorrow would be day 7. The final day. You needed to know who this person was. Though, you did learn that the man who might rob you of your life was named Grayson. Dick, Grayson. And that’s exactly why he went on your list tonight. And tomorrow Cass or Steph might be your last guess.
Written: Friday, September 15, 2023
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possum-creacher · 2 years
A drawing I made a while back of my friends character
His name is Franklin 🦝
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onelastfic · 18 days
Ngl I loved Nenet and Loki’s kids but just imagining Nenet and an older Phebe sounds funny to me 😂😂😂
Nenet sat down on a bench in Avalon's gardens, ready to enjoy her lunch. She unwrapped her sandwich, savoring the aroma before taking a bite.
"Greetings, Nenet!" came a cheerful voice from behind her. It was Phebe looking every bit the mischievous as her father.
"Oh joy… Hello, Phebe," Nenet replied, wondering what she did to deserve the little hellion’s company this time. "What trouble are you up to today?"
Phebe grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, nothing much. Just practicing some magic."
Nenet shook her head, not believing the statement for a minute. She went to take a bite of her sandwich, only to find it suddenly gone. She blinked in confusion, staring at her empty hands. "What the fuck?"
Phebe laughed, holding up Nenet's sandwich. "Looking for this?"
Nenet narrowed her eyes, a smile tugging at her lips despite her annoyance. "Hahaha. Very funny, kid. Can I have my lunch back now?"
Phebe pretended to think about it, then handed the sandwich back. "Here you go. Just keeping you on your toes!"
"Sure ya are…" Nenet said, rolling her eyes. "I can see ya getting better at ya little magic tricks."
Phebe's grin widened. "You haven't seen anything yet!"
“And I don’t plan to. Try testing that shit out on someone else for a change.” Nenet remarked.
Nenet walked through the hallways of Avalon's castle, her tail swishing with irritation. She had a feeling Phebe was up to something, and her suspicions were confirmed when she found herself in a seemingly endless corridor that just kept stretching and stretching.
"Phebe!" Nenet called out, her voice echoing. "I know this is one of your illusions. Cut it the fuck out already!"
A giggle echoed through the hallway, and Phebe appeared, leaning casually against the wall. "Caught on quick, did you?"
Nenet folded her arms, glaring at the young prankster. "This ain’t fucking funny, kid. I have things to do."
Phebe waved her hand, and the illusion dissolved, revealing the true corridor. "Alright, alright. I just couldn't resist."
Nenet sighed. "You're a menace, you know that?"
Phebe shrugged, her grin unabashed. "I get it from my dad. But hey, no hard feelings, right?"
"Yeah, sure, whatever," Nenet agreed, ruffling Phebe's hair. "Just try to keep the pranks to a minimum, okay?"
"No promises." Phebe said with a wink.
Nenet waddled cautiously down the halls of Avalon, her pregnant belly making her movements slow and clumsy. The sudden chill in the air gave her pause, but she didn't think much of it until her feet slipped out from under her. She fell to the ground with a yelp.
Nenet flailed her arms and fell to the ground, landing on her side with a thud. Nenet’s hands shot to her belly. "Oh gods!"
Phebe, who had been watching from around the corner, rushed over, a look of genuine concern on her face. "Nenet! Are you okay?"
Nenet bit her lip as Phebe leaned down to help her up. Just as Phebe extended her hand, Nenet quickly pulled out a snowball she had concealed in her sleeve and smushed it right into Phebe's face.
Phebe staggered back, stunned. The snowball splattered across her nose and cheeks, and she blinked in surprise. "What the—"
Nenet grinned, sitting up with more ease than someone who had just slipped should have. "Gotcha! How’s it feel to be out pranked by a pregnant lady who can’t even tie her shoes?!"
Phebe gasped, more shocked by the unexpected turn of events than the cold snowball. "You tricked me!"
Nenet laughed, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Ya ain’t the only one who can play pranks. Remember that."
Phebe wiped the snow from her face, a slow grin spreading across her lips. "Alright, I admit it. That was pretty good."
Nenet was in the middle of a training session, practicing her fire magic, when she suddenly realized her favorite training dummy had vanished. She spun around, her cat ears twitching in annoyance.
"Phebe! I know you're behind this!"
Phebe's laughter filled the training grounds as she appeared out of thin air, holding the invisible dummy. "You know, Nenet, you'd make a great detective."
Nenet groaned. "Very funny. Now put it back."
Phebe snapped her fingers, and the dummy reappeared. "Done. How's the training going, by the way?"
"Better before some little shit started messing with my stuff," Nenet replied. "You're getting a little too good at that invisibility spell."
"Thanks!" Phebe said, beaming with pride. "I've been practicing a lot."
"Just remember," Nenet warned. "I know where you sleep."
"Noted," Phebe replied, still grinning. "But you have to admit, I keep things interesting."
Phebe belongs to @thepaladincosplays
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owltherandom · 1 year
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(Tired drawing)
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+hello neighbor (mr.wilson)
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imknotyomi · 1 year
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Mr.wilson #0
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madmanwonder · 3 months
Crossover AU
Kuvira Vs Deadpool
MK1 Intro
Arena: Earth Kingdom Throne Room
Kuvira: I am going to end your life Mr.Wilson!
Deadpool: I said I was sorry!
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basilacademia · 1 year
I LOVE your DST OC, Wyette! Volt goat newsboy clopping around~ PLEASE I need to know MORE about him. Likes/dislikes/fav food/fears/abilities.
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Oh, you're so sweet!! I'm so happy that someone wants to know about my silly little boy! He's such a previous OC to me!
He's actually a character I plan to make a mod for! I've modded my partner's OC into the game, and plan on doing the same for my friends OCs! Here's my general concept for his mechanics below the cut:
"Wyette’s special ability is his ability to channel unique powers from storms and rain. Similarly to WX-78, Wyette acts as a natural lightning rod and will become charged like Volt Goats upon being struck. When struck by lightning, Wyette’s stats increase by +20, stacking up to three times. He will gain increased movement speed and the ability to hop across the screen, similarly to Wheeler’s dodge roll. Wyette’s attacks become charged with electricity and will deal additional damage to wet players and mobs. He may also choose to release his charge in a burst of electricity that deals damage to anything in range, returning him back to his original stats. With one charge, he will deal 30 damage to anything in range. At two charges, he will deal 50. At three charges, he will deal 80." "There is a 20% chance that any electric damage will charge Wyette, such as attacks from a Charged Volt Goat or a Morning Star." "Wyette is slightly faster than other characters. His movement speed will increase further when it rains or when Charged." "Wyette also comes into the Constant with his Newsie Bag, granting him +12 inventory slots." His favorite food in game are pumpkin cookies and his base stats are 175 hunger, 150 health, and 180 sanity! His horns also spark when it is about to rain and he will remark on it, making him a stand in for the rainometer. I also tossed around the idea of him taking slightly less damage from all sources and having a slower hunger drain as a callback to his personality and how he always puts others before himself, and refuses to give in to hunger and pain. Wyette is hardworking, kind, and selfless. As soon as he was able, he started working as a newsie to get extra coin for the other orphans he lived with, especially a little girl named Millie that he had a sibling like relationship with. He put responsibility on himself heavily and he has a fear of adults he doesn't know very well. He is a bit stubborn aswell, not really knowing when to back off of a problem if he thinks he can fix it. The orphanage he grew up in was...bad, and harrowing, and he often found himself at the receiving end of punishments especially if he worked past the time he was supposed to be home but he always took them with a brave face and pride, wanting to be someone that others could lean on. I don't want to go on TOO long and make this the world's longest post, so have some trivia about Wyette! -He knows how to tapdace! He taught himself from observation. -His favorite flowers are sunflowers. -After his mutation, his horns spark when he's excited! -He looks up to Wilson a lot and refers to him as "Mr.Wilson" and will do anything to help him around camp. Or any of the survivors, for that matter. -He's got a bit of a sweet tooth due to not being allowed or not having access to sweets at the orphanage. -The other newsies were relatively nice to him, seeing him as a younger brother. -He was brought into the Constant as an accident. -He likes ragtime music! -His dream is to be an actor/stage performer.
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Mother Teresa’s 25th Remembrance Day was celebrated by Mother Teresa Charitable Trust in various states of India. In Chennai Medical and Eye camps organized at Choolaimedu. Gramaltes Hospital, Saveetha Medical College and University and Sankara Nethralaya organized, general checkups,Physio,Skin,dental and eye camp. Around 300 participants attended. 20 people taken for eye operation at Sankara Nethralaya Hospital. Free medicine supplied.
Mr.Ezhilan Naganathan,MLA., Chennai Corporation Counselors Ms.Suganya Selvam,Mc.,, Mr.M.S.Diraviyam,MC., Adv. Jose Daniel, Daravida Nadu Munusamy Ex.MC., Mr.Chittibabu,Ex.MC., Mr.Vinoth, Mr.JPratap Premkumar Assistant commissioner of Police were the chief guests. Dr.G.K.Dhas Managing Trustee presided. Mr.A.Xavier Trustee,   Ms.Radha Sanjeev, National President,Dr.G.Arul Prakash, Dy.Gen.Secretary Dr.T.V.Pandia Rajan, Gen.Secretary Er.I.Stephen,Vice Presidents A.Robert Bruce, Sivaji Nathan, Karathe Selvam, Shahir Ahamed, K.M.Asan Sheik, Mother Teresa Auto Drivers welfare Assn. President  G.Karunanidhi, P.Babu, K.V.Sivakumar, D.Jeganathan, Mr.Wilson Raj Afroze Ahamed, Er.Y.Cycilraj, C.Herbert, Yesudhas, Dr.Abubucker, Christian, Seerani T.Dhas, Shanthi, Thenblack A.Vinoth, R.Richard Regan,District Presidents Ms.Anbu  Ammu Gandhi, Aalphe,Mr.Sukumar and others participated.
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I want to die.
Hi im katherine a deppressed 13 year old that does not give two shits about my reputation. I have no idea what im doing in life, im starting to go on hunger strike and close myself in with dark spaces, i only come out of my ‘room’ when i need to well ya know, the only person that keeps me company although he only exists in my mind is Mr.Wilson (the neighbor) I talk to myself and sometimes i hear voices which makes me think im going insane, all i do is listen to dark songs and wear black and sometimes sketching my ‘dream man’ (mr.wilson) so please help me regain my life and perpouse to be in this world because i dont feel like i belong here, thank ya’ll for reading i hope we can do something about this.
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cookiesncreamlover17 · 9 months
Yandere!Damian Wayne x Reader Pt.11
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⚠️Warnings⚠️: Mention Of Sex, Lying, Cursing, & Mention Of Kidnap
🇺🇸Word Count🇺🇸: 1,690
👾Characters👾: 9,365
“She experienced the same thing, Y/n. We have 4 more days to figure this out. Four people. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Don’t only do this for you, but for the girl who went missing. My dear friend, Gordon. Barbara Gordon.
That night have flown by. It was currently day 4. Thursday. That meant you had one day till the weekend. Three days till you’d disappear. You and Damian had agreed to start going around interrogating people. Though, you ‘forgot’ to tell him that you were also going to be asking people about Barbara Gordon. If she experienced the same things as you, she was clearly aware of what this person was trying to do her. Maybe if any of the students had beef with her, it would be a perfect trap to capture her. And you might be able to predict something that could happen to you. Last night you decided your best guess would be Jason. He was three years older than you, but he seemed fishy when it came to women. He was a constant flirt, and he could’ve dragged Barbara out somewhere and no one would question him simply because of his attitude and looks.
You were currently walk to Gym class right now. You had it twice in a week. It was a very good feeling to die at eight in the morning. Since Jason and Tim didn’t appear to be the killer, Damian was helping you with this whole ‘interagiront’, he couldn’t be it, so that left you with asking people who they thought was the most mean in the school. During gym it appeared to be Cory, in English it was Josiah, and in Math it was Hector. It seemed the school couldn’t agree, but to decided to question them all. Though, before you would do that, Damian asked you to name some suspects with him. He had also helped put a few suspects on the list. Just for extra protection.
So here you were, walking towards the big library door. It still amazes you in every way. How calmed the people looked, the smell of lavender, the peaceful feelings, and so much more! A certain someone caught your eye; Damian. You quickly walked over to him and going to sit down on the bean bag next to him.
“Hey”! You said cheerfully as you also went to open your book.
“Hey? You seem awfully cheerful today”? He said with a confused laugh at the end.
“I am very happy, thank you very much! I just found out my first three suspects. How many people did you get written down”? You questioned.
“Thirty-two……” he said with a sigh.
“Thirty-two?! Not everyone’s a suspect Damian”! You said before bursting out laughing.
“Just-Just-Just pick out your top ten, okay? By the way….., I was thinking about Barbara and all, and I was just wondering if you wanted to look for her? What if we question everyone about it? We might be able to find her Damian, don’t you think?
“Y/n, Barbara’s been missing for a year. I think-I think it’s safe to say she’s gone, Y/n. Dead. Permanently taken out. Forever. There’s no hope for her anymore, we need to focus on the present right now. You’re still here, right? We need to figure out who this is, okay?
“I guess……”, you said with a heavy side.
“Anyway, I was also thinking a lot about this. Whatever happened to Barbara should have been prevented, but it wasn’t. If-IF something happens to you, it’s best I know where you are. I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise”, he stated before leaning in closer. But instead of pulling away, you leaned closer and closer and closer, until your lips were almost touching. And then they did touch. Your body felt hot, and your stomach began to have a swarm of butterflies flying around in there. It lasted for about five second before you gently pulled away.
You both just looked at each other before you made a bold move. You leaned back in and kissed him back, hard. Your arms instinctively went to rap around his neck and you went to place your hand in his hair. His hands went around your waist and pulled you to sit on his lap. You too began to roughly make out. But then it hit you, you were in public place! People could see you! You tried to squirm away but his lips traveled down to your neck and began to suck gentle hickeys.
“Mfm! Damian, we’re-were in a public place! People can see us”! You tried to whisper.
“You were the one who kissed me”, he said with a grin.
You did finally manage to stop kissing each other and began to work on who was going to question the suspects. Right now you were going to question Cory because Damian said it sounded like the ‘sweetest’ name out of them all. Damian agreed to question Hector and Josiah saying he didn’t then to ‘get any ideas’, and he added that if they wanted you dead, they could just kill you on the spot. It was a reasonable answer, so who were you to refuse?
Luckily for you, Cory was in your L/c so hopefully you could get the chance to question him. Damian had, luckily, agreed to skip this class and go question Hector and Josiah who were currently in English together. You fully trusted Damian. He never gave you a reason not too, expect the time he lied to everyone about believing you were ‘crazy’, but he had a pretty reasonable explanation. At least, you hoped he was telling the truth.
You were currently listening to your teacher yapping about the history of the language you were studying. And there Cory sat. He had thick, light-brown hair, paired with ocean dark blue eyes. He was wearing the Gotham uniform with a light blue tie on as well as a few scars on his hand. You wondered if he had gotten them from fights if he was involved in any. He was bulky so you wouldn’t be surprised if he did. You were very intimated by him, but you needed to know who this person was. So, with a heavy sigh, you walked pass your desk and sat down next to him. Hopefully some kind of conversation would spring between you too, you could question him about the letter and Barbara. You understood that Damian didn’t want you asking question but you were certain that asking questioned about her was the best thing to do.
As you sat down beside him, he and the teacher gave you a weird look, but ignored you. You thought socializing with Cory would be A LOT easier. Though, fate was clearly proving you wrong today. So you moved onto the next step. You ‘accidentally’ bumped your arm into your pencil.
“Um, excuse me. Could you pick that up for me?”, you said with a softer voice.
He roughly sighed and bent down to pick up your pencil and put it on your desk with a very loud bam!
You knew he was already grumpy, so you didn’t talk to him for the rest of the period. Though, when you both exited the classroom you clearly had other plans.
“Um, hi! My names Y/n. After Gotham Academy I want to go to Stanford to study criminology. I was just wondering if I could ask you some questions about a student who went missing last year? Barbara Gordon’s her name”, you said softly trying not to anger him more than you probably already were.
“Barbara Gordon? Never heard of her”, he said with a gruff voice.
“Oh, okay? Didn’t you hear of any missing students”?
“No! I’ve known everyone in this school. There’s no Barbara Gordon that goes here”, he said with a scoff.
“But-but that’s impossible! A friend of my mine said she went here. There’s no way she couldn’t have. He-he talked with her! He told me about it”! You said with your voice getting louder.
“He’s lying then! Listen, if you really wanna know if there’s a “Barbara Gordon” that goes here, you can look it up on Wilson’s computer. You just gotta sneak in there around 10 o’clock”, he said with a roll of his eyes, and then went to walk away.
This wasn’t possible! Damian couldn’t have lied about Barbara. He was your friend! And you just knew Barbara Gordon existed. She just had too! Cory, could be it? He could be lying about Barbara to make sure you didn’t catch onto him. He was also very strong so he could easily take you down with one blow. He did also mention that he knew everyone in this school. Maybe he had a grudge against you. You decided to go find Damian after all your classes were finished.
As you were walking towards his dorm he quickly opened the door and yanked you inside.
“Did you find anyone”? You questioned.
”They were together, Y/n. I talked to them about any grudges they had against people. They said they were against the ‘Blondies’ because they had unnecessarily constant sexual intercourse with any guy that appealed to them. I’m more suspicious about Hector though. He was sweating a lot, and was really bad at lying. He changed up his story a handful of times. Did you find anything on Cory”? Damian questioned curiously.
“I’m suspicious of him. He was very ignorant and seemed to be nervous. I think I’ll write down Cory, and then Hector tomorrow. Meanwhile we can question more people later today or tomorrow”, you said with a gentle smile.
“As long as you’re okay. But I’ll kick his ass for you anytime beloved”, he said before kissing your cheek and guiding you to his bed.
“I’ll go get us some food, you stay right here”, he said before walking out of the dorm. You felt bad, but you needed to figure out if Barbara was really at this school a year ago. So you made your way down the halls and onto the third floor. As you enters the room, opened Mr.Wilson’s laptop, and typed “Barbara Gordon” into the machine. It began to load. 1-5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-55-60-65-70-75-80-85-90-95-100%! Loading….. ………………………………………………………………………. NO FILES FOUND ON “GORDON, BARBARA
Written: Thursday, September 7, 2023
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blackthewolf17 · 7 years
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Fergunson-sempai, the medic y king Candy son mis hombres perfectos . Pd:se ve así por que lo tome con otra cámara
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ukalayla · 7 years
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Hello Neighbor | Curiosity
You, the curious player, devising a plan to somehow break into the neighbor’s house and find his secrets once and for all. Hello neighbors, here is the finished painting of the curious playable character from the game "Hello, Neighbor!" I hope the player's intense stare won't make you guys feel uncomfortable, he's just curious that's all. Speedpaint Demo: [PART 1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q_t_Q8-7Zw
[PART 2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsQKaUnCNG4
Speedsketch Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDRNj5Z6dms&spfreload=10 
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owltherandom · 9 months
Helloneighbor (au)
Mr.wilson & player(not have name yet)
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New creation (au)
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Getting comfy with @askbobby-t-wilson @ask-lorelei-covington @ask-carlos-theghosttoaster 🤫
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madmanwonder · 3 months
Crossover AU
Who annoys you more Kuvira? Qrow or Deadpool? Both do love talking back to you... but one is more judgemental while the other just makes lots of jokes.
Kuvia: Both are equally and annoyingly annoyed me. But I will for this question will lean toward to Mr.Wilson.
Deadpool: *cheerful* I am her favorite~!
Qrow: *amused* Looks like I have to amped up my game in annoying you
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Liberal Arts - Chapter 3 - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: A new job at New York University should be a fresh start. Things don't go as planned when you fall in love with one of your students. || Request by @ecruzsalaz
Warnings: (18+), explicit language, smut, dom!reader and bottom wanda, heavy angst with happy ending, cursing, secret/forbidden relationship, teasing, romanticism, legal age gap.
Words: 5.920K
A/N: There's not much scenes of Wanda in this, but the next ones will be worthy the wait... Good reading!
All Works Masterlist || Series Chapters || AO3
Chapter Three - From Russia to England
You have a warning letter about absences when you board the plane to Russia.
And your cell phone no longer has Wanda's number on it. To avoid incidents, you tell yourself.
Natasha wishes you a good trip with a tight hug, commenting about you visiting her mother before she can.
You have not told her about your latest argument with Wanda, just as you have not told her that you have no intention of returning to the United States.
One of the judges called you two days earlier.
He mentioned Cambridge University's interest in your portfolio. The position available on the faculty.
You knew that the dean of NYU was waiting for the next crack to dismiss you, tired of dealing with the problems you seemed to attract.
And you were simply exhausted from seeing Wanda in your classroom. It was too painful.
So you said you accepted the offer without even hearing the judge finish speaking.
After Russia, you were not going to take the plane to New York as you had mentioned. You were going straight to London.
After everything she's seen you go through these past few weeks, Natasha would understand.
You just hoped she wouldn't be so angry to hear you kept it from her.
Russia was as cold as expected.
And at least this time, you had fun.
The art was very sophisticated, and your more challenging photographs were well appreciated.
Also, competitions in the final stages were exciting.
You had a sweet drink in your hands, standing next to other famous and respected photo critics, and you all looked interested in the heated discussion of two of the competitors a few meters away in the middle of the gallery hall.
"Mr.Barnes and Mr.Wilson, if this doesn't stop immediately, you two will be disqualified!" Someone finally interrupted the bickering.
You tried not to sigh in frustration. You finally had a distraction and it was taken away from you.
Turning your body back to the bar, you ordered another drink.
"It's a shame when fights end at the best parts." Commented a voice next to you.
You laughed in agreement, turning around.
A stunning woman in a black dress was looking at you. Her hair was pinned up, exposing her collarbone to which you tried not to stare so discourteously.
"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Miss Y/L/N." She greeted by extending her hand to you.
"You know who I am?"
She laughed at your embarrassed tone, and you try to regain some dignity by shaking her hand quickly. "Everyone in this room who has the slightest talent knows who you are."
You let out a clumsy laugh. "That's very kind, Miss...?"
"Valkyrie, but Valky is fine." She introduces herself. "And those are just facts, Miss Y/L/N. I even heard you're going to teach at Cambridge now."
"God, news travels fast." You mutter in surprise, and the woman in front of you just continues to stare at you intently, a short smile at the corner of her lips.
"You have to be aware of what's going on in a market as competitive as ours." She argues. "Knowing what our competitors are doing."
" Oh, so you're a photographer too?"
"No, I'm a publicity agent." She clarifies. "My clients, however, you know."
She doesn't say the name, just gently tilts her head toward something behind you.
You look in the same direction, and let out a short chuckle. "Wow, impressive I have to admit. " You say as you look at her again. "Everyone knows the Arsgard golden duo."
"My company represents the best in the world of photography, Miss Y/L/N. And Loki and Thor are one of the high pillars of the current scene."
"I agree, but I still think Thor's last collection was kind of down." You mutter, taking a sip of your drink.
"That hurt my feelings." It's a male voice speaking behind you in a joking tone, and you almost choke on your drink. "Ha! I'm just messing with you." Clarifies the blond man when he sees your expression, and moves to stand next to Valky.
"Thor, meet Y/N Y/LN." Valky introduced you, and watched you greet the blond shyly. "I was ready to tell her about Asgard's interest in her work."
"Oh, great for you, Valky, but I just came to get a drink. No talk of work today, enough of those grumpy old men around me." He speaks quickly, and grabs a whole bottle of whiskey from the bar. "Good grown-up talk for you two. And Y/N, a pleasure to officially meet you. If you stay around, we're having a party at the hotel, room 412. Feel free to drop by."
And he left, rejoining his brother deeper into the gallery.
Valky let out a laugh. "Sorry, he's pretty detached sometimes, and good manners aren't his strong suit. Although talent is."
You shrugged, really not caring about the whole interaction. "You wanted to talk business?"
She smiled. "Yes, but we can put it off for a while. This place is full of journalists. How about over dinner?"
From the way she leaned in, it wasn't just a business dinner.
You were about to say that you preferred to do everything on the phone, when a young woman with a camera hanging around her neck approached you two.
Valky gave you a look that said "I told you" but smiled politely at the girl.
It was a picture for the cover of something, you didn't pay much attention. You were distracted by Valk's hand on your waist as you were posing.
The young woman left after thanking you both, and Valky didn't move very far from you. "What about my invitation?"
"Dinner sounds great."
You woke up late on Sunday.
With a contract with a renowned gallery and a few hickeys on your neck.
Your bed was empty, but Valky left a note saying that it had been fun, and maybe when you went to Norway, where the Asgard company headquarters were, you guys might do that again.
Yawning, you got up to prepare coffee.
You had the day free to explore the capital, since your last appointment was only in the evening.
But you were not too excited to go out, and thought about watching something.
If only Nat were here, she could keep you company.
So instead of watching TV, or going out and exploring beautiful Russia like all your fellow photographers were doing, you stopped putting off the inevitable and sat at your computer, writing your resignation letter to Dean Nick Fury.
It was bigger than you thought it would be. You tried to be polite and grateful, and also had to check if the hotel did printing so that you could sign and scan.
And when you went to the front desk to do that, you encountered Loki Laufeyson heading out for breakfast.
"I believe we haven't been officially introduced yet, which is a shame, because I couldn't wait to compliment your work." He spoke with a charming smile. You chuckled awkwardly, shaking his hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Laufeyson." You returned.
"And you're not going to compliment my work?" He questioned in a playful tone.
"Well, you hear that too much, perhaps a change of scenery would be best." You return in the same tone making him laugh.
"If you're not busy, would you like to join me for breakfast? The other critics and judges have reserved a table for the entire contest team."
You sigh, thoughtfully. "I still have to finish something important, so thank you for the invitation." You spoke, and Loki made an almost disappointed expression. "It won't be long, maybe I'll show up at the end of the buffet."
"I hope so." He says with a wink before saying goodbye and walking out toward the lounge.
The receptionist returns with your printout and you go up to your room again.
As soon as you sent the letter to Nick Fury, you locked up your computer and headed for the shower, deciding that you were going to join the rest of the team.
Loki introduced you to the whole table as if you had been friends for years.
It was a very nice breakfast, you sat at the head of the table, Loki beside you, and Thor in front of you. There were also some other judges and critics, some about your age, like Shang-Chi, Mantis and Carol Danvers, and some younger, like Monica Rambeau and Rachel Roths. The latter, was the same age as Wanda, and you mentally repressed yourself for thinking about the brunette again, while you stuck a whole piece of apple in your mouth.
The team was going on a tourist walk around Moscow, and you found no reason not to accompany them.
You went back up to your room after breakfast with the intention of showering and getting ready for the tour, and you didn't take long.
Knowing that soon you would have messages from Natasha about your dismissal, or the director's answer, you left your cell phone in your room and went out.
You were running away, that was the truth.
But it was good to be able to have fun again, so you ignored the guilt, and smiled when Loki offered his arm for you to hold during the tour.
It was an incredibly fun afternoon.
All the critics had similar interests to you, talking about photography, about the world, about work.
You bit back a guilty laugh, thinking that Nat was right, they were all kind of snobby hipsters, but it was like being at home.
Thor commented that you would have had fun at the party he gave at the hotel, but Loki whispered in your ear that the most fun part was knowing that his brother woke up in the hotel manager's room, making you laugh softly.
Loki was very charming, he was clearly flirting. You were almost guilty to dismiss him when he asked you out to dinner.
But he didn't seem to be upset, he said goodbye politely and said he would meet you at the contest event later, and you went back to your room.
Your cell phone was vibrating on your bed, and you let out a tired sigh.
It stopped ringing before you could reach it, and you thought that maybe Natasha had given up.
But then your laptop in sleep mode on the bedroom table notified you of the skype call, and you pressed accept as you took off your shoes.
"Y/N, damn it finally!" Nat complained aloud, she was in work clothes, but in her apartment. She should probably be leaving for work. "Fury just sent a text asking if I knew about your resignation! What the hell is he talking about?"
"Good morning, Nat. I'm doing well, the trip was great, Russia is beautiful..."
"Y/N, I'm serious."
You sighed, and took your eyes off your shoes to look at her. You didn't even have to tell her to curse softly.
"Why didn't you tell me?" she asked, upset.
"I didn't know how to tell you." You replied. "You got me this job, and you have helped me so much. I didn't know how to say it, Nat, I'm sorry, I-"
She gestured for you to stop. "No, I'm sorry. If I made you feel pressured to stay, if I don't know, made you feel like you couldn't tell me that-"
"No, Nat, it's not like that!" You interrupt in desperation. "That's not your fault! I swear, I just-" You tried to explain, and took a deep breath, searching for the right words. "I'm so tired. I can't see her every day anymore, Nat. It feels like I'm going to cry every time I walk into the room and she's sitting there with that damn ring on her finger. I can't-"
You sobbed and Nat sighed, "Oh, honey, I wish I could be there to hug you."
Letting out a tearful laugh, you restrained your emotion. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. In fact, I think it' the first time in weeks I'm able to breathe again."
"Russia, did you this good, huh?"
You smiled. "I guess so."
"I know that face, come on, tell me everything that happened."
You did. Natasha was impressed, especially when you mentioned briefly that she spent the night with the Asgard Company representative.
"God, I've seen her in some magazines, you're a legend I swear." She mentions making you blush and shake your head.
"She's nice I think."
"Nice? The woman looks like a Greek goddess. She is more than 'nice'."
"Jesus, Nat, do you want her number or something?" You tease.
She laughs but raises her eyebrow. "Actually, I think it's a great idea."
It was your turn to laugh, and lift your middle finger at her before going back to take off your shoes.
"But you're really not coming back here? Not even to pick up things at your apartment?" She asks next, and you shrug.
"I was going to have a company do that."
"You're really avoiding this place."
You sigh. "Nat, of course I want to see you again, and say goodbye, but I just don't want to go back, you know? Every corner of that place has a ghost of my relationship with Wanda."
"Well, I'll visit you in London then." She says looking like she wants to change the subject to keep you from starting to cry again, and you let out a giggle. "I think I might be able to do that next holiday."
"I'd love that."
"And do you know where you'll live yet?"
You bite the inside of your cheek thoughtfully. "Well, I could always move back to my house."
"It's okay" You reassure her. "The place has been empty since Dad died, only the housekeeper takes care of it. And well, it's an amazing house, and I won't have to worry about rent."
"I didn't want you go alone there for the first time in so long." She murmurs and you smile.
"Nat, I'll be fine, I'm a pretty big girl don't you think? I can handle it."
"Yeah, I know. But if it's too much, call me okay? I fly to London the same afternoon."
"Your students would love that."
She laughs, shrugging. "They'll survive a few classes without my brilliant mind. But yours, I'm not so sure."
You let out a grumble, burying your face in your hands for a moment. "Damn, I hope they don't hate me for leaving in the middle of the semester."
"Don't worry, I'm sure Fury should be working it out by now. Besides, they'll have plenty of time before exams."
"I hope you're right."
"I'm always right."
The two of you exchange giggles, and Nat checks her watch, and sighs. "I have to go honey, but I'll call you later okay? When you're at that fancy party of yours."
She blew a kiss and hung up.
It was better than you expected at least.
You got up to go to the bathroom, and occupied your mind with the choice of clothes for the party.
And at about half past seven you came out of your room wearing a very nice dark suit, pushing away any memory of Wanda telling you that you looked so nice in a suit.
Because you were on the other side of the world, sipping a glass of champagne in a room full of important people from the world of photography, you had no way of knowing what was happening in New York that afternoon.
How Wanda was trying on wedding dresses in a renowned Times Square store chosen by her father, with pieces that were worth more than cars.
The way she was forcing a smile with such ease that anyone could say she was the happiest bride in the world.
You had no way of knowing about the tailor that was helping her, who knew that Wanda liked photography, and commented on a magazine that had an elegant couple on the cover, and handed the item to Wanda thinking she was pleasing her.
You were laughing disguisedly at Loki's ironic comments while Wanda's smile broke when she saw you hugging a woman in a magazine.
You didn't know that Wanda excused herself and went back to the changing room, nor that she began to cry.
The worried employees at the door, listening to the sobs with confused looks in their eyes.
You didn't know the way she wiped her tears, and stood up. How she came out of the dressing room and said she was just happy because the dress was perfect.
You didn't know that she turned out so well at faking it as you did.
On Monday morning, you flew to England.
Your cell phone had lots of new numbers, from the entire photography team, but you figured you wouldn't actually call any of them.
Natasha sends a picture of good luck, and asks you to call her as soon as you can, and you think it best to wait for the plane to land.
It is a very busy day.
You have a meeting with the dean of Cambridge University, and you have to settle all your issues with NYU by phone.
Also, Valky wishes you to go to Norway to visit the company and decide on your new photography project with them.
You have to remember to buy air tickets.
Cambridge University is the same university where your mother and father graduated, and is the first thing the dean thinks it best to mention.
You just nod politely, and listen to his proposal.
The university is already ready for you, but he says that you would start in two weeks, which would give you time to go to Norway and get a place to live.
Technically, you had a house.
A beautiful, magnificent, expensive residence in Notting Hill, which you inherited from your father when he died three years ago.
The same residence where you watched your mother's cancer slowly consume her, and the same one to which you went years without visiting.
And where you asked the taxi driver to take you.
You hesitated at the front door, but took a deep breath and went inside.
It was exactly as you remembered it, even the walls had the same texture, and the objects were still in the same places.
Your father was always so methodical about everything.
You left the copy of the keys on the little table, and smiled when a woman came to greet you.
"Y/N! Look at you!" Spoke Agatha lovingly, rushing over to hug you tight.
"Hi Agatha, good to see you." You returned, and she guided you into the kitchen, where she had prepared tea and cookies for you.
Agatha was the housekeeper. She took care of your mother, of you, and then of your father when he stopped taking pictures because of his eyes.
When his bitterness finally gave him a heart attack, he died and left the house to you. But that was always Agatha's home, and you said she could stay as long as she wanted.
"I can't believe you're here, it seems like yesterday that you went to Paris to study." Comments the nostalgic woman, pouring the tea for you.
It's good, seeing her again. She is the only family you still have.
After telling you some news, she says that she has already prepared your room.
You sigh as you enter it, it's exactly the same as the day you left.
Posters of bands you don't listen to anymore, amateur photographs, dusty books. Clothes that don't fit, vinyl records, and your mother's camera.
You sit in bed, feeling exhausted from the trip, and overwhelmed with the emotional burden of being back home.
Trying to convince yourself that your life was going forward, not backward, you took a deep breath and took off your coat, knowing you still had a lot to do.
For the next week, you didn't work.
Agatha helped you with the relocation, you donated the vast majority of your father's belongings, and you had to face your mother's room.
It smelled of dust when you entered.
Even without the medical equipment, you could still remember the exact image of her in bed, her arm with needle marks, and the IV beside the bed.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Agatha asked leaning against the door frame. You nodded quickly.
"I ran away from here too long, Agatha." You clarified. "It's time to deal with it."
You sold the furniture. Everything was still very much hers, and you decided to buy cans of paint and turn your mother's room into a working office. She would like that, to have you working from home.
Your father's office was empty. You used to complain that the house had too much space, and you still think so after so long.
Your furniture arrived on Thursday. Natasha sent an audio message telling you exactly how she directed the guys from the furniture company, and how she divided up the box of your belongings, and you said you missed her, and couldn't wait for her to visit you again.
You took Agatha to dinner at one of the restaurants your mother used to take you to, and it was an evening full of nostalgia.
On Friday night you traveled to Norway.
The hotel room was nice, but the country was as cold as Russia.
Valky made an appointment for breakfast at the Asgard Company at ten o'clock in the morning, and it was difficult to get out of the blankets for your appointment.
But the crystal building in Oslo was really impressive.
She had the same smile full of second intentions when she greeted you, but it was really just a business meeting.
"Of course we have interest in a long term contract, but with the end of the European competition, it's a great time for a new exhibition." She mentions a few moments later deeper into the introduction of the subject. "Do you have any work in progress?"
You hesitate. There is one. The one that earned you your place as a critic in the contest, but which you have not exposed to anyone but Nat.
"I have a photograph, Valky." You say after a thoughtful pause. "But it's unique, not part of a portfolio."
"Oh come on, don't make it so much suspense, let me see it."
You pulled your cell phone from your pocket, and cleared your throat before saying, "Here it is."
Valky picked up your cell phone and was silent for a few moments, until she sighed. "That's really impressive, Y/N."
"You think so?" You ask half unsure. She nods sincerly.
"The best thing is that it's exceptionally different from any of your previous work." She explains. "It will be an incredible revelation to the critics, an abrupt change of style. I can already imagine the headlines.
"But I only have that one." You recall. "Is a single photo enough?"
"Yes, if it's as good as this one.." She speaks with a chuckle. "My, my, what a beautiful thing. It's one of those rare shots that impacts those who lay their eyes on it the first time. And it's exactly the kind of photo we value here. Pictures that cause a reaction."
You frown at the compliments, but are grateful. Valky returns your cell phone with a curious smile. "And I must offer my congratulations to both the photographer and the model. If the girl is a professional, I'd like to have her contact information."
Your stomach did a complete turn.
"Actually she's another photographer." You clarify putting the cell phone away, and thinking about your next words. "I-it was one of my students. It was a surprise photo, she wasn't posing. But sure, I can get her number for you."
"Such a beautiful shot like that and she wasn't even posing? That's really impressive." She says. "It's nice to know she's a photographer, if she's as talented as you are, who knows, she might work with me. The indication she already has." Valk comments with a wink.
You think the universe is laughing in your face at this point.
Forcing a polite smile, you go back to paying attention to the final details of your contract that Valky brings, and she seems very keen to have your picture displayed next year.
As you leave her office, you text Natasha asking for Wanda's number, and she calls you almost five minutes later.
"Sorry I missed a chapter? Are you having a meltdown or something?" She inquired worriedly on the other end of the line, and you sighed as you got into a taxi headed for the hotel.
"No, Nat, it's for work." You said and told her about the meeting. Nat was laughing when you finished.
"My god, I'm really, really sorry for laughing." She comments between giggles. "It's just ... Can you imagine what a coincidence if she goes to work with you? My god it sounds like fate."
You grumbled unsatisfied. "I think Valky has enough projects so that won't happen. By the way, I'm selling my father's pictures and she looked ready to kiss me when she said that."
"Wow, that sounds good."
"It is." You said. "He might have been a selfish bastard, but he was an incredible photographer. I think I'm going to get almost two million for the pictures he took in Alaska."
"Please tell me you're going to buy a mansion on the beach for me to visit."
You laughed, shaking your head. "Of course, sugar baby. What more do you want?" You scoffed and it was her turn to laugh.
She was silent for a moment after that. And then you warned:
"I'll talk to Wanda before I give you her number, okay? I think it will be good to just mention that it's about work so she doesn't block you once she sees the notification."
"Thanks, Nat." You say. "And how are things going over there?"
"As usual I guess." She mutters and then lets out an exclamation. "Except that your substitute has arrived!"
"Oh, really? And what does they look like?"
"To my surprise, she's not a hipster like you." She teases. "She hasn't moved into your apartment either, I think she lives in Central Park."
"You've done your homework I see."
She laughed. "Well, of course. I like to know all about the people I work with."
"And what's her name?"
"Maria Hill."
You let out a hiss. "Fury sure picked fancy. She has a Pulitzer, works with journalistic content photographs. Really impressive."
"Sorry, the only thing I heard was nerd, nerd, and nerd."
You laugh at the joke, noticing that the taxi is already arriving.
"Good luck with Miss Hill, she seems much less fun than I am."
"You are so cocky." Nat comments.
"I have to go, I'm going back to London and I'm arriving at the hotel. Talk to you later, okay?"
She hung up after agreeing and you put your cell phone away wishing you were home soon.
On the plane back to London, just before you need to get up to use the bathroom, Nat sends you Wanda's number.
You don't have the courage to say anything to her, so you just send the contact directly to Valky saying that was the girl from the picture, but you ask her not to tell Wanda about it.
She doesn't question it, and says she wouldn't anyway, because the contracts are confidential, and thanks you for your speed in giving her the number, and wishes you a good trip.
You risk sending Wanda's public profile, and Valky says that she was right, your student is as talented as you are.
When you finally land in London, you think you could enjoy your last week of vacation without any commitments.
You have no idea when Valky is going to call Wanda, and what she's going to tell her, but you hold back when you realize that this really was none of your business.
You spend Sunday indoors, but go to a local craft fair on Monday, and start reading a new book saga on Tuesday.
In the early hours of Wednesday dawn, there is a message on your cell phone.
"Thank you." - Wanda Maximoff
You want to cry just seeing the notification. You can almost imagine how excited Wanda must have been to get a call from someone as important as Valky interested in her work.
But all you do is order a pizza and drink wine on the floor in the living room. Agatha comments that you haven't changed a bit, and you don't know if this was really a compliment.
Your classes at Cambridge University start the other week.
You remember yourself why you love teaching.
The students are the same as anywhere else, but it is still good to teach about photography to people who are full of hope and talent.
Also, the finals of the European competition finally have a date confirmed.
At the end of the season, a few weeks after you started work.
Fortunately, you were stable in London, it would be no problem.
And it would be good to see your colleagues again.
In the third week since you started teaching again, Nat calls and tells you that she will come visit you.
You are very happy, but surprised because she says that the news she has can wait until she arrives.
You pick her up at the airport on Saturday morning, and are very happy and pleased to see that Yelena is with her. And Fanny, the dog.
"It's so good to see you guys!" You say hugging them.
"Darcy sends her regards, and well, your former colleagues too." Nat counters. "Even Fury said hi."
You laugh, helping her with her bags to the taxi.
When you arrive at your house, the two sisters let out impressive whistles.
"So all this time you've been a secret millionaire?" Yelena jokes, making you laugh awkwardly.
“Yeah, yeah, I'm like Batman, let’s go in.”
“Such a nerd.” Nat mocks while following you inside.
You help them with their bags, and you also tell Yelena that she can drop Fanny into the backyard, and she raises her eyebrow, making a snarky comment about your fancy house again before disappearing into the back, the blond Labrador waving his tail excitedly by her side.
A few hours after they have finished packing, and met Agatha, you sit down at the tables on the backyard porch for lunch.
"I feel like I'm in a Hollywood movie." Yelena comments on the scenery and you laugh, taking a sip of your grape juice.
"You're going to spend the whole weekend teasing me about my money, aren't you?"
"You bet I will, Scrooge McDuck."
You and Natasha laughed, and soon lunch began. During the meal, you guys talked, but you felt that there was an odd hesitancy with your best friend.
When you finished eating, you and Nat sat on the porch, watching Yelena play with the dog in the backyard.
"Will you tell me what is bothering you now, Miss Romanoff?" You ask resting your chin on your hand and your elbow on your knee. Nat sighs.
"I'm considering it."
"How cliffhanger."
She doesn't smile, and you let out a surprised giggle. "Nat, come on, tell me. I'm starting to worry."
"Promise me you won't do anything stupid?"
You raise your eyebrow, but her serious expression doesn't change. "Jesus, sure, I promise. Will you tell me now?"
She doesn't say anything, just reaches into her pocket for her cell phone.
Typing for a few seconds, she hands it back to you.
A newspaper page with a video is open, and you frown before hitting play.
"Looks like all is not perfect in the white house." Began the reporter with an excited tone. "Or at least, not everything is perfect in Senator Erik Lehnsherr's house."
"What's this?" You questioned.
"Just watch it."
You sighed, and returned your attention to the screen.
"Now with an exclusive live from New York, we have the latest information on the breakup of the engagement of the Senator's daughter, Wanda Maximoff, and one of New York University's new major investors, Vision Jarvis, direct from the capital with Tobey Garfield."
You widened your eyes, listening more intently.
"That's right, Gloria. No one from the family would comment on the event, but a video is circulating all over the internet, of Miss Maximoff throwing the engagement ring at Mr. Jarvis during the union ceremony that took place this Sunday." The reporter counters, as the video appears on the screen. "Some of the guests shared the footage, where we can see the beginning of the ceremony being interrupted by the enraged bride storming into the hall and assaulting Mr.Jarvis with a slap to the face, which shocked everyone present."
"My god." You mutter, stunned.
"More than half of the congress was present at the wedding, and the senator refuses to comment on the event." The reporter continued. "We got the information that the union was completely terminated, but the reason still remains mysterious. Insiders theorize a one-sided betrayal, but Mr.Jarvis would not comment on the rumors. We tried to contact the university where Miss Maximoff studies Photography, and Mr.Jarvis lectures Robotics, but the dean refused to give any word on the case. We'll keep an eye out for any news about what happened, and-"
Nat paused the video, and touched your forearm. "Y/N, I-"
"Have you talked to her, Nat?" you interrupted worriedly. "Is she all right? My God, I can't imagine how hard it must be for her to deal with the journalists. Tell me Fury managed to keep them out of the campus and..."
You stop talking because Nat is shaking her head. Hesitantly, you ask what is wrong. She sighs before saying. "Wanda dropped out of college."
"It's her father, Y/N." She clarifies. "You know he was paying for everything. Fury told me that he called at the office first thing on Monday morning and asked the Dean to let Wanda know that if she wanted to continue at that University, she would have to pay for everything herself. She left the same day."
"And where did she go?" you asked in desperation.
"Home, I guess." She says. "I don't know them that well, but where else would she go?"
"Fuck." You mutter. "I'm going to call Pietro."
And you get up before Nat can say anything, looking for your phone.
Pietro only answers after many rings. "Y/N, this is not a good time."
"Please, Pietro, I just need to know if she's okay."
He sighs, and you can hear muffled noises of an argument. "No, Y/N. She's miserable right now. But she'll be fine eventually, don't worry. By the way, what you've done for her is probably her last chance to make a living."
You want to ask more, but Pietro says he needs to hang up.
Nat notices your hands trembling and strokes your forearms as the call ends. "Y/N, breathe. I'm sure things will turn out fine. Wanda can take care of herself, and she has Pietro if she needs more help."
You let Nat hug you to ease your worry a little.
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