#My sibling and I were messing around in Photo Mode and yeah
magic-magpie · 1 month
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Live Peppermint reaction
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talesofarcadia78 · 3 years
Our Time || One shot
Summary: Douxie’s remembering the good old times. 
Warnings: angst, mention of character death, that's it I think?
Word count: 1,735
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Everything was set. The lanterns were hung up on the trees nearby, providing light to Douxie for the night. The campfire was crackling just a couple of feet away from the round dining table and chairs that Douxie had set up not too long ago. The plates were also ready on the table, waiting to be filled with food.
Douxie magicked up a bouquet of roses, and placed them in the vase that was in the middle of the table.
Suddenly, he heard a twig snap behind him. He quickly spun around, staff and bracelet ready, only to see Archie looking up at him in his cat form.
"You seriously thought that I was danger?" Archie questioned with an eyebrow raised.
Douxie magicked his staff away and deactivated his bracelet, "Hehe… yes."
Archie rolled his eyes at his familiar's response, "Do you not remember that you put a ward around this whole area?"
Douxie just shrugged and went back to doing last minute preparations.
After a few minutes of silence, Archie cleared his throat to gain Douxie's attention.
"Yes, Arch?" Douxie asked, turning his gaze to the cat.
Archie pointed to the two figures in the distance heading towards them.
Douxie's eyes widened at how time flew by quickly. He didn't even have time to get changed!
He quickly got behind a tree and used a spell he had recently learned, and changed into a black dress shirt (sleeves rolled up of course), black pants and shoes, keeping his signature skull necklace.
He stepped out from the tree to see Archie fly away. His eyes wandered around until they landed on both you and Jim getting closer. You were wearing a stunning black A-line lace dress that went down to your knees with half laced sleeves and beige heels.
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You were blindfolded as Douxie had requested Jim to do to you so you had a surprise.
Douxie could hear you complain to Jim how you didn't like being blindfolded. Jim just rolled his eyes at your antics and told you that all would be revealed in a matter of moments.
Douxie walked up to you two siblings and took you from Jim.
"Thank you, Jim. I'll take her from here," Douxie smiled and took your shoulders.
"No problem, Doux! Tell me the end result!" Jim waved and walked off.
"Douxie, where in the world am I?" you asked.
"Shhh. Be patient, love. All will be revealed," Douxie reassured.
After a few moments, the blindfold on your eyes was taken off.
You took in your surroundings. The trees were decorated with lanterns, a dining table was set and a campfire was already lit. Everything was beautiful.
You spun around to see Douxie holding out a rose for you to take, which you, without a doubt, accepted.
"Shall we, m'lady?" Douxie inquired, holding his arm out.
You nodded and you let him take you to the table.
Douxie had prepared f/f for dinner, and for dessert, an apple pie.
Now, the two of you were quietly sitting on a blanket at the campfire, leaning on each other.
"Love?" Douxie asked.
You hummed in response, letting him know he had your attention.
"Remember the first time we met? I had spilled a drink on the ground in the cafe and you rushed to help," Douxie remembered.
"Yeah," you nodded, memories flooding back.
You anxiously tapped your feet on the ground, waiting for your order to arrive.
You were in a big rush.
Mom had called to tell you that Jim was in the hospital. You knew that he was the Trollhunter, so he had gotten a lot of injuries, though, he didn't need to go to the hospital to get them treated, so you knew that this was serious.
Abruptly, you heard a crash from behind you. You turned around to see a drink had spilled all over the floor. The waiter was already on his knees, trying to clean it up.
You got up from your seat and ran over to help him. You kneeled in front of the guy to hear him faintly say, "Fuzzbuckets". You saw a faint sky blue spark come from his hand.
A wizard.
You placed a hand on his arm, making him look up into your e/c eyes. You mouthed ‘no’ and shook your head, telling him not to perform the spell. He stopped and sighed before cleaning up the mess the old fashioned way with your help.
After helping him, you returned to your seat.
Just when you were about to leave, getting fed up of the wait, the same waiter you had helped rushed up to you, order in hand.
"Hey! You were the one who helped me with the spill a couple of minutes ago, right?" he asked.
"Yeah," you nodded and then added quietly, "And the one who stopped you from using magic as a shortcut."
You smiled and took your order from him. You headed out but got stopped by the same guy.
"Hey, I never got your name. I'm Hisirdoux Casperan, but you can call me Douxie," Douxie winked and held out his hand for a handshake.
"Y/n, Y/n Lake," you replied, shaking his hand. "I'm really sorry, but I really need to go."
He nodded understandingly and waved goodbye.
As you walked to the hospital, you opened the bag that had your food in it, as well as a note. You took it out and read it:
Hey, stranger, who I probably got the name of!
I was wondering if you would grab a bite with me tomorrow at the cafe. 4 pm sharp.
Don't be late.
Yours truly,
Hisirdoux Casperan.
You smiled. You had finally found a fellow magic wielder.
"Then, the time when Jim got a bit overprotective of you when you were at the bookstore."
"A bit?"
"Okay, extremely overprotective of you."
The sun was shining high in the sky, your hair moving along with the gentle breeze, and a nice cup of coffee in your hands while you and Jim made your way to GDT Arcane Books.
Jim opened the door to reveal Archie, Douxie's familiar lying on the ground near the fireplace.
"Hey, Archie!" you greeted.
"Hello," Archie called.
You turned your attention away from the cat and to Jim, who was looking around in suspicion.
"Jim, what is it now?" you asked, placing your hand on your brother's shoulder.
"It's just… why does this store seem so… magical?" Jim inquired.
"Because a magical being owns the bookstore," you replied.
Jim nodded in response.
"Hello!" a new voice spoke.
You turned around to see Douxie coming out of the back. From the corner of your eye, you saw Jim's gaze harden at the sight of the wizard. He pulled you a bit closer to him.
Overprotective brother mode switched on.
"Hey, Doux. Did you call us in for some help?" you inquired.
"Yep! There's only so much a 900 year old wizard can do by himself," Douxie nodded.
Douxie told you and Jim what he needed help with.
Jim was sent off to get some supplies from around town, to his dismay. He wanted to keep an eye on you and Douxie, but alas, he had to go shopping.
Before Jim had left, you heard him send a death threat to Douxie.
"Don't do anything funny with my sister, Casperan. I won't hesitate to slice your head off with Daylight."
Your eyes widened. You knew Jim didn't like Douxie, but you didn't know that he hated him so much to actually threatened him.
Geez. He's way too overprotective.
You made your way over to Douxie as soon as Jim left the store.
"Don't mind him. He's just overprotective," you told Douxie.
"Uh-huh," Douxie nodded slowly.
"We know each other so well, made so many wonderful memories, we've spent so much time together," Douxie sighed. "And I want to spend more time with you."
You turned your head towards him, silently asking him to elaborate.
Douxie moved away and got up. He lent you his hand, which you accepted and followed suit. He took a deep breath and got down on one knee.
"Y/n, love, we've been through so much together. Good and bad. Sad and happy. And I'll continue to. You made me the most happiest man when you became my girlfriend and I thought I couldn't be any happier. But today may prove me wrong," Douxie expressed.
You gasped and clasped your hand over your mouth as Douxie took out a golden ring with embroidery and held it out.
"Y/n Lake… make me the happiest man in the world. Will you marry me?"
You had tears in your eyes at this point. Douxie looked at you with hope, love, admiration, and so much more as he waited for your answer.
Douxie's eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning, and quickly got up. He grabbed your waist and brought you close. He leaned down and softly kissed you as he slipped the ring onto your finger.
Douxie stared at the photo of you two on your wedding day. You were wearing a short lace white dress and beige ankle strap heels and Douxie was wearing a white dress shirt, black tuxedo, black tie, black pants and a rose attached on the left as you two stood in front of each other, hand in hand while Douxie was kissing your forehead.
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Douxie placed the photo back and glanced down at his wedding ring. It was simple, a silver band with swirl embroidery as you had the same, but gold. He remembered the feeling of your hand in his. Your giggling. Everything. But alas, ever since you had passed in battle, he couldn't seem to bring any of those memories back.
Tears formed in Douxie's eyes as he remembered the good times.
Suddenly, the door opened to reveal Jim and Claire.
"Hey, Teach. What were you--" Claire started before she noticed the tears streaming down his face.
Douxie wasn't going to cry but as soon as he saw the wedded couple, he couldn't help himself.
Jim and Claire rushed over to Douxie and enveloped the wizard in a hug, attempting to comfort him. He sobbed into Jim's chest as Jim ran his hand through his hair and Claire rubbing Douxie's back.
Nothing was going to be the same without you.
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writting-thingz · 3 years
Pairing: Kaminari X femReader
Summary: Not only have you made it to your dream school UA and into the hero course but you were part of class 1A. What else could you possibly ask for? You have achieved one of your dreams so why did you feel so off? It seemed the only person who could help you feel normal was a short-circuiting classmate of yours. Another peculiar addition to this weird problem and solution of yours was the static feeling that rushed through your skin touched his.
Warnings/Notes: fluff, slight angst, homesick, reader has younger siblings
Short Circuit
     This is both the best thing and the worst thing to ever happen to you. You’ve been accepted into UA’s hero course as a transfer student. Talk about a dream come true, so why? Why was there this empty weight sitting in your stomach?
“Y/n?” A voice calls but doesn’t pull you from your train of thought.
‘Why… I should be –just– happy, but I feel like something’s wrong… like something’s missing.’
“Y/n… Y/N!” The voice snapped as a cane wacks the top of your head. You rub your head as you turn to Recovery Girl.
“I’m sorry, ma'am..” you bow and apologize. She lets a heavy sigh slip from her lips,
“Y/n, why don’t you go enjoy the fair. We can make it without your spare hands for an hour or two”. You tilt your head to the side as a single brow lifts cautiously,
“Are you sure about that?” The entire reason you were at the fair was to help Recovery Girl at the first aid station when fairgoers got hurt. If you were being honest with yourself, you would have preferred to stay in your new room, alone. Not that you wanted to be alone, either.
“You’ve done great work helping; you should go before I change my mind,” Her eyes narrow.  You nod and skip away.
'AhhhAHHHHahhh, AhhhhAHHHHahhh’
      Walking about the fair was the Bakusquad.
“Hah Bakugou, do you see your face in this photo!?” Mina teases,
“Delete it! Or I’ll blow your ass up.” Bakugou growls.
“Bakubro, that’s kinda aggressive.” Kirishima chuckles.
“I think it looks pretty funny!” Sero chuckles, Bakugou looks kinda scared in it. Denki, don’t you agree?“ There is no response. A few attempts are made by Mina and Sero to catch the electric boy’s attention but to no avail. Kaminari’s eyes were being held captive. He watches as the lights, the smells, and the sounds seem to enrapture you momentarily.
’Candy, she’s sweet like candy in my veins’
The awe and wonder breakaway as the faint sound of a sniffle finds its way to your ear. You notice a child quietly crying because their icecream fell. You pull two lollipops you had on hand for kids that came by the first aid tent from your back pocket. You kneel before the child,
"Here. It may not be ice cream, but it’s just as yummy. Cheer up; the grass is happy to get such a sweet treat from a kid equally as sweet, even if it was by accident.” The child smiled and giggled. It reminded you of your younger siblings, and that empty weighted feeling came rushing back. Still, you return the smile and wave as the child runs off.
’Baby, I’m dying for another taste’
Kaminari watched as you stood up and met his gaze. You wave, giggle, and smile. He almost short-circuited right then and there. He hadn’t even noticed his buddies stopped walking.
      "Mm-HAH!“ Bakugou exclaims as he snatches Mina’s phone and rushes to delete it.
"No fair!!” Mina whines as the explosive boy pockets her phone “Wait, don’t tell me.” She gasps playfully. “Bakugou, were you actually scared on that ride!?”
“SHUT UP! OF COURSE, I WASN’T SCARED! ARE YA ASKING TO GET YOUR ASS BEAT?!?” Bakugou figuratively and literally explodes. The sounds of small explosions in his hands startle a nearby civilian with a porcupine quirk. Quills went flying towards a food tent that had someone working with knives. At that moment, it seems like times slow down as you decide how to react. One of the quills hit the food worker holding a knife; they accidentally fling the knife. You manage to focus long enough to use your quirk, forcing the spaced-out boy to stop moving, then your feet spring into action. You sprint at the Bright-haired boy, as the knife hurdles towards him. You just barely manage to drop down and leg swipe him in time. Time feels normal again as you quickly get to your feet.
      "Oh, my goodness!“ You finally realize what you had just done, "are you okay?”. You bend down and reach your hand out to the boy you just leg swiped. Kaminari groans as he sits up and rubs the back of his head. Out of natural reaction, he reaches for your hand without realizing it.
“What just hap… pened,” his eyes lifted to see the girl he’d been staring at moments ago. “A-am I in angel because you look like a heaven,” he blurts. You laugh at the messed up pickup line as your hand wraps around his. The moment your skin touches his, a static feeling jolts its way up both of your arms.
“Woah,” being startled by the sudden feeling you jerk your arm back. Kaminari’s whole body appears to short circuit. You rush to wrap your arms around his back, so he doesn’t fall.
“Heh heh, wheew” his face and voice had changed, and once again, you found yourself giggling. It was then you realized who he was.
'Oh right, he’s from the hero course’ You slip your hands down his arms and grab onto his hands. The static feeling shoots down your arm once again.
“Come on short circuit, let’s get you to Recovery Girl.” You pull him to his feet and pick him up.
       "Hey, co-…“ You look round to ask Kaminar’s friends for help, only to realize they were already helping those who had been injured by the quills. "Could you have the injured follow me?” You ask the helpers.
“Sure thing girly! Thanks for helping our friend you have there.” Mina answers. It takes a moment for you to recognize Kaminari’s friends, but it all comes to you eventually,
'Ah… I watched them in the sports festival they have here’. Once Kaminari is in a seat, you double-check for any injuries you missed. A heavy sigh comes from Recovery Girl,
“What on earth happened?” She asks openly. You went to answer, but Mina starts explaining.
“…. She leg swiped Kaminari, and then we gathered all of the injured while she helped him back up.”
“So you managed to control his movements? Does this mean you will not be able to help heal?” Recovery Girl looks to you.
“I just need to drink some water and rest for a few minutes. All I didn’t use much energy to do it.” You answer reassuringly.
“As dangerous as it was, it looked pretty cool. It was like she froze him in place.” Mina’s eyes lit up, and her hands shake from side to side. Her excitement and curiosity became infectious because sooner enough, others in the group were asking the same thing.
“Yeah! How did you do that?” Sero crosses his arms and dares to lift an eyebrow.
“Oh.. ah. It’s not all that amazing. I was just controlling the fluids in his body, forcing him to stop moving. I suppose I could have made him run out of the knife’s way, but that would have used more energy, and I wanted to make sure I could still help the others afterward. I just got lucky that the only one in the knife’s way was your Short Circuited friend.” you explained.
“That’s so cool!”
“Awesome! That’s kinda Manly!”
“Heh yeah. What they said,” The group compliments in various ways.
      After all the injuries were looked after Bakugou was forced to apologize for his outburst and Mina for causing it. Everyone is then released to enjoy the fair again or leave it. This included you.
“But recovery girl, this fair isn’t over yet..” you started. She shook her head,
“Go back to the dorms and rest. You start classes tomorrow, and if I keep you here too late, you’ll pass out in class I can guarantee it.” She explained and shoes you away.
“Hey, why don’t I walk him back?” You suggest as you look over at their friend, who still seems to be out of commission, “Can he walk?”
“Oh yeah, He’s a bit slow when he’s like this, but he can walk,” Sero reassures. Bakugou rolls his eyes and barks at his electric friend.
“Dunce face, let’s go!” slowly but surely his friend got up.
“Yyyaaay!!” Kaminari cheers with his hands in the form of thumbs up.
“Are you sure you don’t want us to come with you?” Kirishima offers, but you shake your head and insist they continue having fun.
      The two of you start your walk back to UA, as you walk silently that empty feeling pools in your stomach once again. The thoughts of spending time with family floods your mind so rapidly it’s almost nauseating. The smell of the grill’s flames licking the hamburgers and hotdogs. There was a faded echoing of laughter of your mother bouncing around in your head. The chill of ice pouring over your head by your father. The taste of salty peanut butter cookies that one of your siblings made because they mixed up teaspoons and tablespoons. The warmth that encases your body when there was a family group hug. Tears began to form in your eyes.
‘And every night my mind is running around her’
“HeyyYYyY…” Kaminari whispers as he tugs the back of your shirt. You turn and regret not wiping your tears first. It appears he’s still partly in ‘dunce mode,’ but it’s clear that he’s worried. He tilts his head as if to ask what was wrong.
“I-I- …I’m fine. Really I am. I just spaced out that all” You chuckle trying to play it off, but it doesn’t work. He tugs your shirt again.
‘Then it gets louder and louder’
It was useless to try and fight back the tears; they just kept forming one after another. That empty feeling weighs down on your stomach causes it to ache. You cover your mouth and turn your head as the first tear breaks through and rolls down your cheek.
‘Baby, you’re like lightning in a bottle’
Once again, you can feel Kaminari tugging at your shirt, but this time it was enough to pull you closer to him. When you find the courage to look at him again, his arms are outstretched. You could only manage to give him a nod for permission. His arms wrap around you, encasing you in tonight’s scent fair food, and cotton candy. You snake your arms around him and hug him as tight as you could. He places his chin on your head and that static feeling from earlier returns. It was strangely relaxing. It rushed to circulate through your body once then pooled where his chin at on your head. The static ran a similar course through Kaminari. The longer the two of you stood there in each other’s embrace, the less everything seemed to hurt.
‘I can’t let you go now that’s I’ve got you’
      Weeks pass, and you found that you sleep easier if you spend a little time with Kaminari. You weren’t sure why he made you feel like you were home, maybe it was his dorky and memey personality that reminded you of your siblings. Or perhaps it was the way his eyes shined that reminded you of your mother. It could also be the way he laughed, just like your father. It just as easily could be the way his hugs felt like they had the same warmth and affection as family group hugs. It could be some or all of those things, but one thing stood out about him. Every time you and Kaminari touched a static feeling would rush through your body before pooling right where ever your skin touched. It was like grazing your fingers along the screen of an old tv or the shock from rubbing your fuzzy socks on the carpet and touching a doorknob. Kaminari felt it too and wonders if you felt what he did. He found himself wondering a lot about you. He fell smitten for you at first sight. To him, you were a water angel and had not only saved his life but had the generosity to walk with him back to the dorms. He enjoys every moment the two of you have together and craves more every time you part.
‘All I need is to be struck, by your electric love’
Just another touch, word, look, or hell he’d even take having just one more breath around you. You felt the same way, anything to feel normal again; he gave you that. You hated that homesick feeling that would creep up on you occasionally. Just being around Kaminari made it melt away, he was a home away from home.
‘Baby your electric love, electric love’
     Today was particularly hard for you since it was family day, and none of yours could make it due to conflicting schedules or just plain hatred of traveling. You watched your classmates enjoy a fun-filled day with their family. A few tried to include you, even Kaminari, but you simply shook your head. It wouldn’t be the same; it would just hurt more. The laughter, arguments, and sibling rivalry filled your ears, making you wish you couldn’t hear anything. The sight of others being with their families made you feel nauseous. The empty feeling you had been fighting off for so long came back full force and then some. By time family day had come to an end, the weight had tripled, and a thick tired aura surrounded your body. It was almost as if the universe could see how bad of a day you were having. Soon enough, the weather reflected your feelings. A storm of lightning and thunder rushes in while you sat on the porch of your dorm. Wanting to feel something, anything, besides the pain of being alone, you stepped into the rain. From the window of his dorm room, Kaminari spots you outside. Questions whizzed around in his head as he rushed down the stairs.
He couldn’t understand why anyone would want to be in this weather. He couldn’t understand why you would put yourself at the risk of being struck by lightning; or the risk of any danger, really. He rushes out the front door, and you spin around.
‘You make my heart beat like the rain’
“Y/N! What the hell are you DOING out here!?” Kaminari yells cautiously, approaching you. The river of tears that poured down your cheeks melded with the drops of heavy rain and was carried off by the screaming winds. Him, just him, that was all you needed.
“Surround me” You cry out with outstretched arms. Without another word, Kaminari sprints to your side, embracing you tightly in his arms. The rain around you two stops and forms a dome. You lift your head from his chest, wrap your arms around his neck, and crashed your lips against his. His electricity hit the walls of the rain dome like a plasma globe.
‘Hold me deep beneath your weight’
After getting over the initial shock, he kisses you back. The static feeling you two always felt rushed through your bodies over and over again. The sweet and longed for kiss ends. The two of you rest your heads on the other’s shoulder.
“I love you, my little Water Angel,” He whispers,
“I love you too, my precious Short Circuit,” You whisper back.
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razzmooncake · 3 years
  Hi! So I decided to write another fanfic! Also I just wanted you guys to know that this story is from my pov:
When my lovely friend, Cadence Blackburn invited me to have a sleepover at her house with some friends; the last thing I was expecting was the night to end in complete chaos. I had known her for ages and she had never pulled anything like this. It all started at midnight. Morrigan and I were watching tik toks while Jack kept daring Hawthorne to do silly and stupid stunts. Jack knew that Hawthorne would do it because Hawthorne is practically the definition of chaos. I was pretty sure that Jack wanted to see how far Hawthorne would go with these stunts. Right now, Hawthorne was attempting to climb a tree.
    “Hawthorne!” Morrigan cried when she realized what Hawthorne was doing, “Get down from there!”
    “I’m fine!” Hawthorne replied from the top of the tree.
    “Yeah,” Jack responded with a snicker, “He’s fine, Morrigan.”
    Morrigan ignored him and pleaded with Hawthorne for the next few minutes. It was funny to watch Morrigan and Jack’s interactions. The two were like cousins or siblings, depending on how you looked at it. Morrigan’s guardian was a man by the name of Jupiter North. Jupiter North was Jack’s uncle, but he could also be seen as a father figure to Jack. Because of this, they knew each other very well. For example, Morrigan told me earlier that night that she was positive that Jack was going to dare Hawthorne to do something stupid tonight. She warned him that he shouldn’t, but yet here we were.
    Finally, Cadence convinced Hawthorne to come down. She persuaded him by promising him candy bars in the morning. We spent the next few minutes relaxing on the grass and trying to come up with what else we should do. Honestly, at that moment, I was thinking about calling it a night and going to sleep. The green grass beneath me was tempting me. It was very soft and calming. And the air was perfect! There was a slight breeze that carried the voices of bugs. And knowing that my friends were right beside me made me feel at peace. I had just started to close my eyes when Cadence asked the question that led to this whole mess.
    “Do you guys want to look for Mothman?” Cadence asked.
    I could hear the grass rustle on my left. This told me that someone had gotten up. I opened my eyes and saw that it was Jack. He was sitting up and staring at Cadence. Meanwhile, Morrigan, who was on my right, got up and looked confused. I peered over at Hawthorne. I was horrified when he had a mischievous look in his eyes. That’s when I knew that something was definitely going to go wrong. 
    Hawthorne replied with an eager “Yes!” as Morrigan, Jack, and I asked “Who’s Mothman?” at the same time.
    Honestly, I was glad that I wasn’t the only one who was confused. Cadence smiled and then began to explain. 
    “The Mothman is said to be a cross between a man and a moth,” she said in a storyteller voice, “Legend has it that he stalks these woods at night. Wanna go look for him?”
    “Girl,” I said. 
    I found that in that moment, that was the only thing I could say. After all, I was in disbelief. Why would we go after a scary man (or moth I guess?) who stalks the woods at night. Luckily, Jack said the same thing that I was thinking. 
    “Why would we do that?” Jack asked as he raised an eyebrow.
    “Because it would be fun!” Hawthorne exclaimed.
    I stared at Morrigan.
    “Morrigan, bestie,” I asked, “You don’t want to do this, do you?
    Morrigan refused to meet my eyes as she whispered, “I kind of want too,”
    “Jack,” I said as I turned to him, getting ready to ask him if we should really allow them to do this. After all, we were the oldest. We shouldn’t be letting them do silly stuff that could get them hurt. 
    Jack sighed before speaking.
    “They would run away to do it the moment we go to sleep,” he replied.
    I sighed. Of course, he was right. And that’s why at 12 a.m., a bunch of teenagers were looking for the mothman. After 10 minutes, I started to believe that this whole thing was just a hoax. I kept peering at Jack to see if he would tell the rest of the group that we should turn around and go to sleep, but he never did. I was disappointed. Not because of him, but because we had decided to do the thing that those silly characters did in horror movies. How did we sink to this level? I was about to tell the group that we should turn around when the tree to our right started to rustle violently. I began to back away from the tree. 
    “We shouldn’t have come here,” I muttered out loud.
    “Show yourself!” Hawthorne said with way too much excitement for this situation.
    I turned to see how the others were reacting. Morrigan was positioning herself behind Jack. On the other hand, Cadence looked excited. For a moment, I overcame my fear and rolled my eyes in disbelief. Some group we are. The tree continued to shake. Like a flash of lightning, something jumped down from the tree and landed in front of us. All of us screamed as the thing stood up. It was a man. But it was also a moth. It was the Mothman. 
    “Hello children!” he exclaimed. “I’m here to make your worst nightmares come true!”
    He turned to me and said, “Starting with you.”
    Suddenly, “Nobody” by Mitski started playing. 
    “This isn’t so bad,” I said and started dancing to the music.
    Then, it happened. Just as Mitsk’s paradisiacal voice began to sing the chorus for Nobody; she was cut off by a man saying “What you know about rolling in the deep?”
    I screamed in horror. This was a tik tok trend in which songs were interrupted by a man saying “What you know about rolling in the deep?” Sounds fun, right? After all, it’s nice that teens are creating remixes! Except there was one downside: it ruined the song. 
    “Clover!” Cadence cried while covering her ears, “Try taking a picture of him and using the flash! I want a picture of him and you can use the flash to scare him away! He hates lights!”
    Luckily, the Mothman couldn’t hear us because he was too busy singing along with the man. I opened up the camera app. I turned on flash mode and took a picture of Mothman. He screamed and began to use his wings to fly away. 
    “That’s for Mitski!” I screamed.
    Then I turned to Cadence. 
    “How does the picture look?”
    “Ready to go back to the site?”
    We walked back to the campsite in complete silence. When we arrived at the campsite, I got ready to lay back down on the grass and sleep. But Cadence stopped me.
    “Are we going to share the photo?” She asked.
    After a few seconds, I replied with “I don’t think we should.”
    “Why?” Hawthorne asked as he titled his head.
    “Well, number one, then our guardians will know that we were wandering the woods at night and we might get in trouble. Two, we might gain popularity and that isn’t always a good thing.”
    “Wow. I didn’t even think about that.”
    “I’m tired. Can we continue this conversation in the morning?”
    Everyone replied with “Yes” or “Sure”. 
    Then, we got ready to go to sleep. The sound of rustling sleeping bags filled the air as my friends got ready for bed. Eventually, everyone else was soundly asleep.There was a mix of breathing and snoring that joined the chorus of bugs.There was a slight breeze that made the summer evening pleasant. I felt my eyelids grow heavy. Finally, I was starting to fall asleep. But I could have sworn that as I was drifting into a state of unconsciousness, I heard a faint, “What you know about rolling down in the deep?” in the distance. 
Tag list: @wundersimp
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We’ll Carry On - Chapter Forty
We’ll Carry On Tag
General Content Warnings: Sympathetic Deceit Sanders, Substance Abuse, Abandonment, Minor Character Death, Transphobia, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Dissociation, Bullying, Homophobia
January 1st, 2016
Patton didn’t understand what was going on. His mom was clutching her head frequently and muttering about everything being too bright, too loud, too much of anything. He didn’t want to bug her, but he and Virgil were hungry, and something needed to be done.
Gently, he walked across the floor as softly as he could and tugged on Mom’s sleeve. She cracked an eye open but immediately winced. “What’s wrong, Patton?”
“Virgil and I are hungry,” he said. “Can we have lunch?”
“Sure, go ahead and make yourself lunch,” she waved off, closing her eyes again.
“No, I mea—” Patton cut himself off. Clearly, his mom wasn’t up for making them lunch. Even if he didn’t know how to make stuff other than possibly sandwiches, it would have to do. Why was what was supposed to be a happy time of the year leaving him miserable?
December 25th, 2019
Patton didn’t know what to do. Ami was sitting alone, in the master bedroom, head in his hands. He didn’t think that Ami was hungover, or drunk, because he hadn’t seen Ami touch a drop of alcohol. He’d never seen alcohol in the house. But he didn’t know why Ami would be alone in his bedroom with no one there to help him if something big weren’t going on.
At the same time, he didn’t want to bug Ami if some time alone was all that was needed. After all, if Ami had a migraine, or just a headache in general, Patton wouldn’t want to make it worse. So he decided that he was going to go to the second best source of Ami-info, Dad. He went downstairs, going past Dee who was fiddling with Tinker Toys in the den, past Virgil, who was reading the first Harry Potter book to see if he’d like the series, and past Roman and Logan in the basement who were playing together on some video game, using the new laptop and the old one to do co-op mode.
He went to the office, and knocked on the door before opening it and finding Dad on the other side. “Dad,” Patton asked softly. “Is something wrong with Ami?”
Dad turned from where he had been working at the desk, running a hand down his face. “There’s not something wrong with him, no. He’s just a little upset today.”
“Why?” Patton asked.
Dad sighed. “I’m not comfortable telling you without his permission.”
“But...he’s okay? He’s not hurt or sick or hungover?” Patton asked.
“He’s okay,” Dad said. “Or as okay as he ever is on Christmas.”
Patton fiddled with his glasses, taking them off before putting them back on and pushing them up his nose. “Would it be okay for me to talk to him?” he asked.
Dad bit his lip. “I suppose it couldn’t hurt, but leave him alone if he asks to be left alone, all right?”
Patton nodded. He dashed away, up the basement steps and up the second flight of stairs that took him to the top of the house. He walked to the master bedroom, knocking on the door lightly. Ami looked up from whatever he had been looking at on his phone, and sniffled. “Patton,” he said softly. “Everything okay?”
“I don’t think so,” Patton said, walking over to Ami and looking up at him. “You’re upset, and that means not everything’s okay.”
Ami shook his head and put on an unconvincing smile. “Don’t worry about me, Pat. I’ll be okay.”
“Why are you sad?” Patton asked.
Ami looked away. “I don’t want to use you as my therapist,” he said.
“You don’t have to. I just wanna know why you’re sad. You don’t even have to tell me if you don’t want to,” Patton said.
Ami sighed and fiddled with his phone, pulling up a photo. He held the phone up to Patton’s face. “You see those two older people behind the young guy in the picture?”
Patton nodded. The young guy kinda looked like Ami, but he had no idea who the older people were.
“Those two are my parents,” Ami said, shaking his head. “They haven’t been in contact with me much ever since I dropped out of college and moved in with Emile. I guess I was the black sheep of the family. My older sister and brother were their golden children, and I’m the college dropout who they see as a glorified barista. What little they’ve told me since we stopped talking is mostly that they want me to have ‘a better life’ than the one I have right now.” He laughed, but it was bitter. “And despite how they treated me and my siblings growing up, ignoring us, or at least ignoring me to the point of neglect, I regret not keeping in contact with them sometimes.”
“And this is one of those times?” Patton asked.
Ami nodded. “I want you kids to meet your other grandparents, even if they aren’t grandparents by blood. But I know that the second they’d come over, if I told them where we lived, they’d nitpick everything. They’d use the wrong pronouns for Logan. They’d throw in snide remarks about me being gay and how I went against every plan they had for me.” He sighed. “They’re...really unhealthy. Toxic, almost. And Emile is the one who holds me back from contacting them. But there’s a small part of me, that always hopes...despite what they did, that they could turn around...be better...be proud of the fact that Emile and I have you guys, and what you’ve done every day.”
Patton didn’t know what to say to that. “That’s hard,” Patton said. “It’s kinda like how I sometimes miss Mom, even if she listened to Charles too much and blamed me and Virgil for stuff.”
Ami laughed, choking back tears. “Sorry for unloading all that on you, Patton. I shouldn’t have.”
“I asked you to tell me why you’re sad. You did. It’s okay,” Patton said. He climbed on the bed and hugged Ami tight. “If you wanted to go into detail about that, I think Dad would be better, but you just told me why you were sad.”
Ami closed his eyes and hugged Patton back. “Thanks, Pat. You don’t have to keep this a secret from your brothers, okay? If they ask, you’re allowed to say I’m having problems with my parents.”
Patton nodded. “You know, I’m pretty sure even if your biological parents aren’t proud of you, Grandma and Granddad are. And Dad is. And I know that Dee looks up to you like you’re a superhero. And I trust you with my deep, dark secrets, even if it’s just that I like wearing skirts in the summer. Virgil and Roman and Logan all love you, too. The family you were born in may not have been great, but the family you found now loves you almost too much to understand. Or at least, too much for me to understand. I don’t know about you.”
Ami laughed, even as he cried. “I know. I know you guys love me. Sometimes, it just hurts. And when it does, I let myself be sad for a bit, and then I come back to you guys and know that you all love me.”
“Are you ready to come back now?” Patton asked.
“Not yet, Pat,” Ami said. “Though your hugs do help. I just need a little more time to think. Maybe I’ll call my brother, or text my sister. They’re not always the most accepting but I’m always going to be their baby brother, and they don’t let me being gay stop them from loving me.”
“Do you think that we could meet them sometime?” Patton asked. “Our aunt and uncle?”
“I don’t know, honestly,” Ami said. “It depends on how they treat me, and react when I tell them that I have kids now. Especially if I tell them that Logan is transitioning.”
Patton nodded. Logan mostly passed, but he still sometimes couldn’t wear his binder, and that meant some jerks would misgender him. So sometimes it was necessary to say he was transitioning. And if Ami’s siblings used she and her when they heard about Logan, well, Patton doubted they would be invited over, ever. “Do you want to call them now?” Patton asked.
Ami considered the question, eventually nodding. “Yeah, I’ll give my brother Toby a call. Do you mind giving me some privacy?”
“Not at all,” Patton said, hugging Ami one last time. “I hope they make you feel better.”
Ami smiled. “Thanks, Pat. Now, I think you and Dee have some Legos and Tinker Toys to mess around with. Go on and have fun.”
Patton nodded and left the room, mostly closing the door, and letting Ami have his phone call in private. When Patton returned downstairs, Dee was working hard on building...what resembled a skyscraper. Dee looked up and signed, “Is Ami okay?”
“He’s a little sad, but he’s working on feeling better,” Patton told him.
“What is he sad about?” Virgil asked, looking over at Patton. “It’s Christmas. It’s hard to be sad around Christmas.”
Patton shrugged. “He’s sad that he can’t introduce us to his parents. Because his parents weren’t good people, and he doesn’t want us to get hurt.”
“Oh,” Virgil said softly. Dee looked stricken as well. “Do you think we should make him a card or something? Maybe that could make him feel better?”
“It’s worth a shot,” Patton agreed.
Dee jumped to his feet, signing, “I’ll grab the paper and markers!”
Virgil and Patton looked at each other and shrugged. “What do you think we should say on the card?” Virgil asked.
“Why are you asking me?” Patton asked.
“Because you’re the one who talked to him. You know why he’s sad better than we do.”
Patton thought about it, and shrugged. “Maybe we could just put...‘You’re fam...ILY’? because Logan taught me that ILY is short for I Love You, and that would be a fun pun to make,” Patton said with a shrug.
Virgil thought about it, and nodded. “Sounds good. A little cheesy, maybe, but Ami likes that kind of stuff anyway. It’s good.”
Patton grinned and Dee came back in the room with paper and markers, as promised. “What are we writing?” he asked.
“You’re fam...ILY,” Virgil said. “Patton came up with it. It's a pun, and it shows that we love Ami lots.”
Dee nodded and put everything down on the table, looking at each of the twins in turn. “Who has the neatest handwriting?” he asked.
Patton and Virgil looked at each other. “I think...I do?” Patton asked. “But both of us have really bad cases of chicken scratch.”
Dee thought for a moment, before shrugging. “We could always check by writing it small on another piece of paper before we write the big one?” he offered.
“That could work,” Virgil said. “Dibs on the purple marker.”
They each wrote down the words to the card and they were all surprised to figure out that Dee had the neatest handwriting out of all of them. So Dee took a piece of paper that Virgil had carefully folded in two, and wrote, “You’re fam...” on the front of the card, and then on the inside put, “ILY!” on the left side of the paper.
Adding bits of this and lots of that and putting the other thing all over the paper, they created a drawing of the whole family for Ami.
About halfway through an argument over who should sign the card where, Roman, Logan, and Dad all came into the room. “Um...boys? Care to enlighten us on why you’ve been so quiet? I would have expected at least one exclamation by this point if you’ve been working together,” Dad said.
“We’re making a card for Ami,” Virgil said. “Because he was feeling bad. We’re just debating where to sign it.”
“Oh, I want to sign it too,” Logan said.
“Me three,” Roman said.
“Would I be allowed to, as well?” Dad asked.
“Yeah!” Patton exclaimed. “The whole point of this card is to show Ami that we all care about him!”
They all signed the card, right before Ami came down the stairs. It was clear that he had been crying, and if his red-rimmed eyes weren’t enough proof, he was still sniffling a little. “Sorry, guys, I ran out of tissues, I’ll go back to my room in a sec so you don’t have to deal with me...”
“Wait! Before you do, we have something for you!” Patton exclaimed.
Dee approached a very confused Ami with the card behind his back. He presented it to Ami, who frowned as he took it from Dee’s hands. He read what was on the front of the card...and then he opened it, and promptly began crying again.
“Oh, no. Rem, you okay?” Dad asked.
“Th-this is...this is...the nicest thing that...th-that anyone has ever done for me...” he held the card close to his chest. “I will cherish this forever. Thank you.”
“Of course!” Patton chirped. “After all, you’re fam!”
“And we definitely love you,” Virgil added.
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evenstevensranked · 6 years
#20: Season 2, Episode 14 - “Sadie Hawkins Day”
The Sadie Hawkins dance rolls around and Louis is expecting Tawny to ask him. He ends up blowing his chances with her by trying to seem desperately desirable to all the girls. He's left to go to the dance with Monique last minute.. and Tawny goes with some popular, shirtless dude Tad. Meanwhile, Ren’s stuck taking care of a pig. Seriously. So, let’s listen to some Relient K and get into the Top 20! 
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This one opens with Ren getting everything settled for the upcoming Sadie Hawkins Dance. Of course she’s in charge of it. Who other than Vice Principal Ren Stevens? We see that a pig has been delivered to the school a day early, so Ren is now stuck taking care of it for the rest of the episode. Ren honestly deserves better plots. Like.. what the heck. Louis gets an entertaining, romance-y main plot -- and Ren gets... a pig. Christy Romano even said in an interview recently that working with this pig was a low point in her career, lol. Wow. 
A scene later, Tawny and Ren have a little conversation about the dance and Tawny mentions that she’s gonna ask Louis!! Yeeeee! She asks Ren if she’s gonna ask Bobby, but the melodrama strikes and Ren is all “That’s actually been over for a while...” EXCEPT!!! This episode initially aired the literal day before Sibling Rivalry, which is Ren and Bobby’s official break up episode. Seriously, Disney?! I will never understand why they jack up their airing schedules so bad. At least the order of my countdown inadvertently tackles these episodes sequentially! I’d also like to mention that Tawny says the idea of the girls asking the guys is cool, but states “I don’t do Hillbilly” with an air of disgust. I RELATE TO HER CHARACTER SO MUCH???
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At lunch, 6 girls who have asked Twitty to the dance swarm him, anxiously awaiting his decision. This is one of those instances where you realize... Oh, right. Twitty is supposed to be cute and kinda popular even though he hangs out with the outcasts? Okay. Louis walks over with Tom and shouts to the girls “Hey, what’s up! I’m Louis!” The girls scatter and you hear one snicker “Yeah. No kidding! So what?!” HAHA. Louis is a little salty over the fact that not one girl has come “within 50 feet” of him, yet Twitty has 8 potential dates lined up. I think y’all know by now that if I were a student at LJH back in the day, I totally would’ve been that weird girl who asked Louis Stevens lol. Tom exclaims that the only other guy with as many offers as Twitty is Tad Taylor. Some popular dude we’ve never seen or heard of, who Disney clearly didn’t want to cut a check for because he never says a word. 
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Twitty himself is shocked that the Sadie Hawkins thing has suddenly turned him into a “babe magnet.” Tom interjects “I’m like a lint magnet! I mean, how am I getting this stuff all over my trousers?!” *whips out a lint roller and gets to work.* Gee, I wonder why Tom hasn’t received any invites!! Tom doesn’t understand it either! “Why do all the really good looking guys with sparkling personalities get all the girls?!” he asks. Which is possibly one of the greatest lines in the entire series. Louis is left wondering the same thing! So, Twitty reassures him that no girls have asked him because they all assume that Tawny will. :)
Later that day, the guys are hanging around Louis’ locker when Tawny starts approaching. Twitty tells Louis “This is it! She was just makin’ you sweat a little!” and Tom says yet another gem: “Yeah, ya know. Girls are always doing that! ...................*cough* or, so I’ve read.” Tom seriously has SO MANY incredible lines in this episode. I don’t know how I’m gonna make it through this review without quoting every single one. This is probably my personal favorite Tom performance ever. 
Louis royally messes everything up. Tawny was totally going to ask him, until he tried to be over-confident. “Yeah, I figured. You wouldn’t believe how many girls have been asking me out to that thing. Can’t keep their paws off me!” Since Tawny is the greatest ever, she’s immediately turned off and doesn’t ask him. Yaaaasss, gurl. 
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Twitty: I said play it cool.
Tom: “Yeah, and you played the foooooool! ...Sorry. Ya know, I just like to bust the occasional rhyme.” -- I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW FANTASTIC TOM IS.
After school that day, the guys go to Louis’ house and spin a literal wheel of dates to help Twitty make a decision. We get yet another A+ Tom moment. “Big money, big money!” he shouts as it spins... and lands on DORIS!!! HIS FREAKIN’ MOTHER. The camera zooms in on her photo and it kills me. “Oh. *nervous laughter* Sorry. That... Must’ve fallen out of my wallet” is Tom’s excuse. I don’t even fully understand this comment or why the HELL Tom (or Twitty accidentally) would put her on the wheel to begin with, but it’s hilarious. Just because it’s one of my favorite moments, I have to gif it:
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That zoom in is something straight out of The Office and Louis’ reaction is the best.
Just then, Donnie receives a phone call from a random girl who called to say he’s hot. Donnie tells Louis his appeal and ability to nab dates comes from giving off a “bad boy” vibe. Louis takes that information a little too far (as usual) and transforms into the most repulsive version of Louis Stevens ever: 
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First of all: He’s burping here. Secondly: Yeah, Louis. Dressing like a total bum from Middle of Nowhere USA with a taped-on anchor tattoo and bag of cheese puffs is really gonna reel in the ladies.
Obviously, this attempt at being a “bad boy” did not work for Louis. It did, however, work for Tom. Who looks absolutely amazing!! haha.
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“Hu hu hu, au contriare pierre!” he says as Gwendolyn, his date, appears. Are we sure this chick isn’t at least 30 years old? Is that part of the joke? No way in heck she’s in 7th grade. I always thought that was a little disturbing, lol. 
It’s weird because Louis is actually already a “bad boy” ...is he not? I mean, he’s not the stereotypical “bad boy” but it’s not like he’s a nerd. He’s always getting into trouble, always in detention, etc. I guess people like the idea and aesthetic of a bad boy instead of the real thing, ayyyy!
We get a montage of Ren trying to ask numerous guys to the dance but the pig keeps ruining everything for her. It eats one guy’s lunch, farts in front of another guy, and attacks some other dude. Which means that guy is really weak, or that pig is really strong: 
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If this were a lame sitcom someone would shout “Aw, shucks! That darn pig!!” and the audience would erupt in laughter and applause.
Louis runs into Tawny in the hall and tries to apologize for acting stupid earlier by yelling "WHY DON’T YOU JUST ASK ME!!!!” assuming she hasn’t asked anyone else yet. Wow, Louis. Wow. But Tawny, being the badass that she is, tells Louis “There’s one little problem with your logic... I do have a date. Bye.” Yes. Just, yes.  Louis is left sulking on the floor when Monique approaches him. She’s trying to give him a bag of some pig food that Ren left in her locker, but Louis jumps to conclusions and is all “YESSS, I’LL GO TO THE DANCE WITH YOU!!” before she even says anything lol. Even though that wasn’t Monique’s plan, she agrees to go with him. So, in the end Louis basically asked a girl to the Sadie Hawkins Dance... that’s not how it works, Lou. 
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That banner tho... “GALS GIT YOUR’N FELLERS for the SADIE HAWKINS DANCE!” 
CUT TO THE DANCE! Monique isn’t there yet. So, once Twitty and Tom arrive with their dates, Tom gives us his last great line of the episode: “I gotta say, we’re all a little worried about ya. Truth be told I had Doris on standby.” Louis is so insulted: “DORIS? YOUR MOM DORIS?! No, Tom. I’m NOT gonna go out with your mom!” -- The way Shia says this gets me every time. He informs them that he was “asked to the dance” by the head of the cheerleading squad -- Yeah, that’s a bit of a fib, Louis.. but I’ma let it slide. Louis thought he was going to the dance with a hot cheerleader.. but Monique shows up in full hillbilly mode.. complete with blacked-out teeth and everything. Meanwhile, Ren is stuck in the pig pen. She’s purposely dressed to kinda look like a young farm girl so this is one of the only times I’ve watched this show and thought “wow, Christy actually looks 14.″
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Lawrence Jr. High is really dedicated to ~immersion~ I guess, because Principal Wexler gets up on stage and speaks in the most ridiculous southern accent. Like... I always wonder... How do people from the south feel about stuff like this? Wexler announces that the square dance caller for the night is STEVE STEVENS. Oh my freaking god. Steve is the best, hahaha. He pops up outta nowhere like “HOWDYYYYY” and a crowd of 30-something-year-old adult extras stare back at him, confused and unimpressed. 
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Yeah, Gwendolyn probably is 30+ years old.. because apparently the majority of LJH students are grown adults. Either that or... Did these adults not get the memo that it’s a dance for middle schoolers? Why is no one concerned that adults are partying it up with 13 year olds? WHO LET THEM IN?! *shrugs* But, seriously. Disney couldn’t find some KIDS to attend the dance? Come on, now.
Monique invites Louis to square dance with her and Louis says "I'm not a square dancer, I'm more of a circular kinda guy." Idk I just kinda like that line. Tawny shows up with her date, the popular silent boy Tad Taylor. She and Louis spend their night trying to act like they’re having a great time without each other. Tawny is specifically trying to make Louis jealous and it’s pretty great. They give us these dramatic slow-mo shots of them dancing and glancing longingly at each other from across the room. I love it. There’s also a bit where Monique takes the call “Swing your partner round’n round!” a little too seriously and I can’t help but laugh: 
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I will always be a sucker for a good obviously fake dummy gag. 
That crazy swing ends with yet ANOTHER Louis stunt double flying into (and destroying) the pig pen. I seriously never realized how many stunts happen on this show!! There has literally been a stunt every week of this countdown as of late! Anyway, the pig gets loose, runs to the principal’s office, and starts oinking into the intercom. That’s basically the end of the pig subplot. 
Louis is scarred from the twirling incident so he hides from Monique in a tiny, little pig house. For whatever reason, Monique looks for Louis in handfuls of hay! WHAT?! She literally holds some hay, looks at it and asks “Louuuuis???” I kid you not: 
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She eventually finds him, of course. Right around then Wexler announces that it’s hitchin’ time! While Monique excitedly asks Louis to go get hitched, Tawny looks on and decides to get hitched to Tad before them as a way to get back at Louis... and it works. He’s all depressed watching the two of them up on stage. Monique can clearly see he’d rather be with Tawny so she encourages him “Go get her, cowboy!” So Louis ruuuuuuns up there and interrupts the “wedding.” Which is something else that must be gif’d:
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“If ya’ll wanna get hitched, say waaAHHH-HOOO!” I love how Margo is laughing as she shouts “waaaahhh” lol. That zoom in on her confused face as Louis runs up there is too good. 
Louis objects and claims “This whole wedding is a mockery!” To which Wexler says “Oooo! You’re a sharp tack, Stevens” as he points to a sign that says “Mock Weddin’s: 5 Cents.” That’s one of my favorite moments ever honestly.
Tawny pulls Louis off stage and out into the hallway where they end up having a really sweet talk where Louis admits to messing everything up. It’s so nice, complete with tinkering romantic piano in the background and everything, haha. I love their dynamic so much. So, yeah. They makeup and square dance the night away to royalty-free, generic bluegrass music. 
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And that’s it!
I like this one a lot. Tom pretty much MAKES it, he’s so good here. I obviously adore the Louis/Tawny content as well. It’s just a fun and solid episode overall, imo. 
Question: Did your school ever have a Sadie Hawkins dance? I remember both Even Stevens and Lizzie McGuire (among other childhood shows, I’m sure...) had Sadie Hawkins episodes. So in Junior High, I remember waiting for my school to hold one but it never happened. For the longest time I was under the impression that Sadie Hawkins dances only existed on television. To this day, I still kinda believe that lol. 
Thanks for reading! Chime in via Disqus below please. :) 
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sunnnet · 7 years
daily writings: ii
this is also on my wattpad (follow me, read & like my stuff)! i am sunnets on wattpad and i really am only writing these daily exercises for feedback on how to become a better writer, so with that being said please read this short story i wrote today and give me lots and lots of feedback because that is all i really want. cool? cool. enjoy the story
on the 21'st day of june in the year 2017
the one in which a child, a fanatic, a window, and something someone shouldn't have heard are all involved
Horace had lived on the house on the hill for as long as he had remembered. He wasn't sure how old he was, he wasn't sure if other people lived near him and his mother, he wasn't even sure what exactly he looked like. His mother had always told him that looking in mirrors and taking photos were very vain things to do and since God would punish those who loved themselves too much, he had never done any of those activities. His mother was quite literally his whole world by default and the only person Horace had ever had a meaningful relationship with. He wasn't allowed to go outside and play with other people because his mother had always described the world as a "den of evil whom everyone is eventually consumed by". His mother rarely left the house, unless it was to go grocery shopping or go to work, but Horace was never allowed to go to either of those places.
It was one faithful and sunny spring afternoon that Horace's mom decided to leave because they needed some more food to last at least til the end of the week.
"Now Horace, I expect to see a clean house when I come back home. I should only be gone for about an hour or two and that should be plenty of time for the house to be sparkling when I come back. Remember my rules and Horace do not go outside!" she warned.
It was almost like she was reciting a list of her demands, it was the same speech she gave every time she left the house. But, Horace didn't mind and in the spirit of being obedient he nodded his head wistfully, as his eyes got lost in the mesmerizing sight outside of his window.
His mom used to read him a book when he was younger called Bambi and the cover art looked just like the outdoors right now. The trees seem to be standing with their chests out and their heads of leaves are straining to touch the sun. The forest is teeming with wildlife, butterflies fluttering about and little bunnies carelessly hopping around. It was a stark contrast to the cold, dark and dusty house that greeted Horace first thing in the morning and put him to bed in the dead of night.
This second of reprieve was not lost on his mother and in her high shrill voice she once again warned, this time with a threatening edge in her voice, "Do not go outside Horace, there are many dangerous people in the world and it would absolutely break me if you left. Remember Mommy loves you," there was a long pause before she finished her sentence and with great she stated,"and do not forget to do as you're told."
So, he did do what he was supposed to do... for a minute at least. It was after he had finished doing the dishes that the call was getting too strong for him to resist. Horace had always felt that the outside was always tempting him to leave his house and now it the pull was so forceful he almost couldn't resist it. Just as he was about to leave his living room to get back to work a hard white ball with red stripes around it demolished his window and rolled to Horace's foot, almost like it wanted Horace to throw it. He picked it up, careful not to touch the glass shards and stared at it. He had never felt something so dense and sturdy in his life and had never seen something like that before. He was so enraptured with the ball that he almost didn't hear the voice interrupting his trance.
"Hey, we are so sorry we messed up your window. I told my sister to not throw it so high but she didn't listen and it went straight through your window. Do you mind throwing the ball back to us?" a tall, lanky, boy asked.
The ball was now not the focus of Horace's attention but he was now intrigued by the tall boy and a little girl, staring sheepishly, behind his leg. They both reminded Horace of the brown teddy bear he had had from birth. The color of their skin was very similar to the bear's but both of them had tight dark brown coils of hair that framed their faces very well. The boy had cut off his curls on the sides of his hair whereas the girl let her hair grow freely, til it reached her chin. The both had the same dark brown eyes, full lips and high cheekbones and looked very alike. Horace was so caught up in his thoughts that he forgot what the tall boy asked him to do earlier and was very openly staring at the pair.
"Listen, my name's Tre and this is my little sister Desiree. We are real sorry about this and when your mom comes home we will have our parents meet so we can fix the window. We just really need that ball back, it's very special to us." the boy, Tre pleaded for the second time.
Horace, now fully snapped out of his reprieve was caught in a very tough place. He couldn't throw it out of the window again because it would only cause more glass to break but in order to give them the ball back he would have to go outside. He would have to break his mother's #1 rule and that excited and frightened him. He knew his mom didn't want him going outside but he figured that she would understand why he would have to and turned to go to his door. The wood was heavier than he imagined and it took all of his strength to push open the door but he did it.
His first step outside is something he will never forget. The sun seemed to bathe him in warmth and the damp grass tickled his feet with every step he took to move closer to the duo. The wind gave off a nice, cool breeze by the time he placed the ball in Tre's hands.
"Thanks so much little man! Would you like to play catch with me and my sister before you go back inside, you looked a little lonely in there all by yourself." the older boy offered, smiling down at Horace.
"Yeah it would be fun! Come play with us!" Desiree insisted, taking Horace by the hand and pulling him to go to her side, closest to the house.
Tre was about 50 feet away and the three played catch for a good minute. They were enjoying themselves but Tre felt that something was off about the boy. His curly brown hair was matted, his white shirt was too big and dirty, and he was unbelievably quite. He found it very strange that his house was in the middle of nowhere and he could almost guarantee no one in the small nearby town knew anything of the little boy or his mother. The boy was also unusually pale to the point where he was translucent.
"Hey, little man, we have been playing catch all day and you never gave us your name." Tre inquired, eyeing the little boy up and down.
Instead of answering the question, Horace looked down in shame, he thought his new friends didn't like him now.
"Hey it's ok, I just want to know your name if all three of us are going to be friends, that's all."
Horace's head perked up at that and he gave a goofy grin to Desiree, who started giggling.
"Y'know, you are really skinny and pale Horace. It looks like you've never been outside before. Have you ever been outside before?" Desiree joked, her eight year old mannerisms showing through.
"Of course he's been outside befo-" Tre was interrupted by Horace shaking his head "no" and looking down in shame.
The siblings exchanged equally shocked and concerned looks. Tre continued,"So like you've never been outside before? Do you have any friends? Do you go to school?"
Horace continued shaking his head "no" and looked at the ground awkwardly, embarrassed that his new friends had found out his secret. He knew he should have stayed inside the house.
Tre's big brother mode was now kicked into full gear. He knew he had to do something to help this kid out, the situation Horace lives in was at the very least, child negligence.
"HORACE!" a booming voice bellowed. They all turned around to see who that voice belonged to. They were all met with an image of a tall, thin woman who was pale and who's faced was twisted up into the same snarl cats give you when you dunk them in water. Horace commenced shaking, he knew his mother would be highly displeased with him when he got back in the house and he didn't want to leave Tre and Desiree behind.
Tre hid both Desiree and Horace behind his back and stood up to meet the willowy woman. Tre, towered over her, but her overall monstrous presence made him feel like he was two feet tall.
"I'm not sure what the hell you've been doing to your kid, but I'm taking him to the police station and we'll figure it out from there." Tre announced with feigned authority in his voice.
The woman started laughing maniacally for a good minute. Horace, who had never heard his mother laugh, was chilled to the core with the sound that just escaped her mouth. All three had confusion and fear painted on their faces.
"Now,now children. My Horace has a very active imagination. It's something that he's had ever since he was born. I appreciate the concern but I promise you Horace will be fine, healthy and happy if you leave him with me." she lamented, her condescending tone dripping off of her words.
Just as Tre was about to open his mouth, he was met with the barrel of a gun being pressed against his forehead. The metal of the barrel was cool as hot sweat dripped down his head. It matched the expression of its owner, who acted like she didn't just pull a 9mm handgun out on a teenager and two kids.
"I do understand however, that Horace probably told you some things about us and how we do things at home. You really shouldn't have heard that. So, all four of us are going to have a nice, long chat inside, ok?"
author's note:
wow that was a lot of words holy fuck, i got carried away. but i got this from a writing prompt generator and this story is supposed to be for children but oopsie-daisy!  have an awesome day and give me some feedback. see ya tomorrow.
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