#NCIS: Los Angeles Fanfiction
ncis-yp · 2 months
Saint Tony (Tony DiNozzo x reader) part 1; fluff
You’d been working at NCIS for a few months. Gibbs saw you working for the police department. You were a detective that wasn’t taken seriously. You made observations and figured out things that the other cops didn’t, but you were so young, you were a girl. Nonetheless, Gibbs asked you to come work for him. And that’s how you met Tony.
You: I’m going drinking tonight with the girls.
You respond to his text. You hadn’t been talking to Tony for a long time, had only been friends since you started at NCIS.
Tony: Oh fun! What bar?
He replies he wasn’t gonna show up. He just wants to make sure you’re safe
You: Stevie’s
You say, a dc famous western themed bar/club known for its really good drinks and music but terrible violence. You had been fine in your past experiences, so you didn’t think much of it.
Tony: Taking a gun?
You: Mmm I thought about it but not tonight
Tony: Have a DD?
You: No we’re taking an Uber.
Tony: Well call me when you get home, or if you need anything
You: Okay thanks dad 😂. You joke.
Tony: Wow I care about you and all I get is sarcasm? Not even a promise of a kiss
You: Aww poor Tony… baby needs some attention.
Tony: I mean, I wouldn’t mind having you to myself tonight
You: Ooo maybe maybe.
Being with Tony seemed like such an amazing idea. As much as you wanted to play around before giving in, you were wanting to dive head first into him.
Tony: Well go have fun with those girls! Call me. Be safe (y/n).
The disappointment settled in as he changed into some pj pants and his hoodie. He heated up some leftovers and turned on a movie.
Time skip~
Tony was asleep in bed. Meanwhile a night at the bar turned to be you starving, drunk, and desperately searching for your phone. When you finally found it, you called Tony.
“DiNozzo” he says sleepily into the receiver end.
“Hey Tony. Would you mind picking me up?” You ask. Your words slurring into each other.
“Yea, I’m on my way” Tony sat up and swung his legs out of bed. Grabbing his keys and wallet he left the house. 15 minutes later Tony’s Mustang was running idle in front of the bar. You walked to the entrance where Tony was standing. You laid in his arms as he leaned against the door of his car, laughing.
“Tony Tony Tony” you say.
“(Y/n)” he laughed. “Let’s get you in the car”
“Okay okay” you were giggling. Body shaking against Tony’s as you did. Tony was smiling. You looked so beautiful. A black satin dress, your hair was messy now, a little mascara under your eyes, but that lipstick was unmoved. He helped you into the car, running to the other side to get in.
You had your head on his shoulder. He could feel your light breathing on his neck. While waiting at a red light he tried to look down at you, he found your eyes looking at him. You moved your body, a drunk hand lazily moving around his neck. He moved his face to looking at you completely as you laid your lips on his.
“Can I sleep with you tonight?” You whispered between kisses.
“Yes” he responds as he began driving to his apartment. Your hands all over his body. “(Y/n)” he moaned. He slowly started losing his composure. Dick hardening as he speedily drove to his apartment.
Tony was willing to admit that he wanted to have sex with you. But not drunk. He wanted you when you were sober. In his mind, if you love him sober, you’ll love him drunk. Not the other way around.
“Tony” you whispered in his ear.
“(Y/n)” he responded. Your hands still traveling around his body when he pulled up into the driveway. He parked the car and turned it off.
Once the two of you were inside, Tony took you to his bedroom. You drunkly got undressed. Tony had his back turned while you were pulling down your pants. He tossed one of his shirts on the bed.
“I’ll be back” he said and left the room retuning a few minutes later to see you sitting on the edge of the bed. “Brought baby wipes for your makeup” he shrugged crouching down to help you wipe it off.
You were smiling. You played with his hoodie strings while he cleaned off your face. Slowing down around your lips. You leaned down and kissed him. He kissed you back. Tony moved between your legs and you scooted back on the bed. The blankets already in disarray seeing as he was sleeping earlier.
“Tony…” you whisper palming him through his pajama pants. He shook his head, kissing you deeply.
He held your hips. Close to his.
“Fuck” he groaned as you moved against him.
He pressed his lips to yours one more time. You passionately kissed him back. He covered you with the blanket, as he noticed you were getting sleepier and sleepier.
“Goodnight gorgeous” he kissed you before cuddling next to you. You hummed in response.
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chiefdirector · 8 months
Bullets and Broken Glass | G Callen | NCIS: Los Angeles
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No.26: Curse
Callen knew from a young age that some people were meant to be alone, that some were forever cursed to solitude, that some people did not deserve to be loved. For a long time he thought that he was one of those people.
And then he met her.
Agent (Y/N) (L/N) crashed into his life with a series of bullets and broken glass. She was on an undercover operation, sent in from the NCIS basis in Washington D.C, nobody in the L.A office knew that she was here. Hetty had a field day talking to Vance about her presence and her abrupt gatecrashing of their own operation.
It didn't take long for Callen to know he wanted her on his team; it also didn't take long to convince her Los Angeles wasn't so bad. Despite his reliance on his partnership with Sam, Callen always cherished the days where he ended up with her in the field instead. It took him months to realise that the ease and trust he felt with her was something more than a professional friendship.
He had never truly be in love before, so much so he didn't even clock onto the feeling until he found himself wrecked by another nightmare and he found himself driving to her apartment, craving her presence. He also did not realise that he confessed his love for her at her doorstep not even twenty minutes after.
Callen hadn't expected to have the pieces of his life fall into place shortly after. Everything started to make sense; he did not believe in fate, but even he would acknowledge that something greater was at play to send something so divine to him.
He should've known that it wouldn't have lasted forever.
He lost her the same way he had found her, with bullets and broken glass. Nobody had expected the operation to go wrong, the building was meant to have been abandoned weeks ago; they were just scoping out the place to see if anything valuable had been left behind.
They were right, the building was deserted, but the neighbouring rooftop was not. The glass window next the the staircase gave the sniper a clear and direct view to (Y/N). Nobody noticed the red dot hovering on the back of her head until she crumpled to the ground. She died before she hit the floor.
It took a few moments for Callen to notice that she hadn't dodged the attack. He had assumed she had dove for shelter when the gunshot fired. As soon as he clocked on to what had happened, he rushed to her side, pulling her body into his as if that would bring her back.
The crunching of the glass around him caused him to lift his head away from her. Sam, Kensi, and Deeks all stood there, looks of pity on their faces. Callen looked down at her again, not letting himself believe what had happened.
Eventually the M.E came and took her body away. Sam took Callen back to the office and they both sat in silence. It took a while, but he stood up again and moved to the locker room where he stripped out of his ruined clothes and into the showers where he washed her blood from his skin.
Callen stood under the water for a while. He couldn't help but blame himself. He could not love anything without it being destroyed. Maybe if he hadn't of loved her then she would have lived. Deep down he knew that her death had nothing to do with him, but as his thoughts circled on the diamond ring he had planned to give her this evening, Callen couldn't help but feel cursed.
Masterlist | Whumptober Masterlist
@ailesswhumptober @happygirl-0408
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jessi-2021471 · 2 months
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Radiant in red: A captivating smile that draws in hearts effortlessly red
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Omgggggggggg y’all they are making a spin off with tony and ziva on ncis
My dad told me that he heard it on raidi(we were talking about how Sam has been on ncis Sydney or one of them now that LA isn’t rlly on anymore) and now i have to keep it a secret which isn’t fun
My dad is gonna tell my sister because she was destroyed when ziva “died” and when she came back she flew out the chair got part burn and like threw a laundry basket so we keeping it a secret so we can get the reaction
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bluenet13 · 1 year
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When there is no place safe and no safe place to put my head
Fandom: NCIS Los Angeles.
Characters: Marty Deeks, Kensi Blye.
Summary: After hearing disturbing noises, Deeks and Kensi confront their neighbors suspecting the husband is abusing his wife. But when things escalate, they find themselves in a dangerous situation.
For the @badthingshappenbingo​ prompt: domestic abuse.
AO3 - ff.net
Hey all, long time no see. It's been a while. I wrote this fic the week they announced the show's cancellation, and, after that, it just didn't seem right to post it right away. I never like to close doors, but I'm not sure if I'll ever write another fic for NCISLA. So, if this is my last, thank you. Thank you to the show, to Deeks and ECO, and the rest of characters and cast, for changing my life. And thank you to everyone that read and commented on my stories in the past. If it weren't for all your support, I wouldn't still be writing fanfiction 5 years after that one time I took a chance and decided to post 'Gray'.
Kensi walks into their house and immediately knows something is off. Deeks is kneeling on the floor, ear pressed against the wall, eyes closed in concentration.
"Deeks? What are you doing?" she asks, setting her bag down on the kitchen table. "What's going on?"
He jumps at the sound of her voice, turning to face her with a look of concern on his face. His worry briefly flashes away, his eyes darkening when he traces her long legs, but it comes back tenfold when a crash sounds next door. "Shhh, it's happening again."
Kensi lets out a sigh of long-suffering, knowing exactly what he's talking about, but asking anyway. "What's happening again, baby?"
"He's hitting her again," Deeks says simply, blue eyes still darkened but for a completely different reason.
"We don't know that's what's happening here, we have talked about this," Kensi states, not wanting to dismiss Deeks' concerns but also not wanting to jump the gun. "For all we know they could be doing renovations."
Deeks shakes his head and gestures for her to come over and listen.
Kensi reluctantly nods and kneels down beside him, pressing her ear to the wall. She can hear the muffled sounds of a woman crying, and a man shouting in the background. "Maybe they're watching a very emotional movie?" She suggests.
"I know what house renovations sound like, and this isn't it," Deeks argues, abandoning his post by the wall and moving to the window. "I've also seen you watch Titanic a million times, and this is a different type of crying."
Kensi chuckles but shakes her head. "Maybe, but it's not something for us to deal with. We're supposed to be keeping our heads down," she pleads, joining Deeks by the window. She wraps her arms around him and rests her head on his shoulder, raising on her toes to kiss his cheek. Eventually she turns him away from the window and presses a kiss to his lips, trying to distract him.
Deeks deepens the kiss but just as quickly pushes away and looks at her, a pleading look in his eyes. "Kens, please. You know I've been hearing it for a few days now, and it's getting worse. I can't just sit here and do nothing."
Kensi presses their foreheads together and whispers, "Since we got married, we've already moved four times. I know a couple were due to the job, but there's also that one time you thought our neighbors were smugglers, and then you were convinced the old lady next door was working for Kessler. And I really don't want to have to move again. I so happen to love this house, and Rosa is settling down. She's in a good school and is making friends."
Deeks sighs and smiles sheepishly at her. "Okay, I was way off about the smugglers, but I still think there was something off about Edith, we just moved before I could prove it." He drops his head on Kensi's shoulder and holds her close, some of the tension ebbing from his back.
She hugs him back and they stay like that for a few minutes, but then another crash sounds from the house, followed by a shriek and what appears to be glass breaking. Deeks tenses again and dislodges himself from her arms, turning back to look out the window.
Kensi sighs and runs a hand over her face, dropping on the couch with a grunt. "Deeks, it could be a dog playing and hitting some furniture, or kids running around the house. Or they could be having issues with their plumbing or replacing the carpet. I'm not saying it's not what you think, but we can't be sure."
Deeks shakes his head, and turns around, running a hand through his hair, pushing back the wayward curls that fall on his eyes. "Kens, I know what domestic abuse sounds like," he murmurs, holding her gaze. "I wish a neighbor had cared enough when I was a kid to try to interfere. Now I can do that for someone else and I need to do it. I need to stop another 11-year-old from having to shoot their father."
"We don't even know if they have kids," Kensi tries, but stops as she takes in his broken expression. His eyes are on her, but he looks haunted, and his mind's eye is clearly lost in memories of a long-lost past. "Okay, let's call the cops then. Let them handle it."
"Cops won't do anything. She will say it was an accident and they will go and turn a blind eye to what's in front of their eyes." Deeks keeps talking as he walks to the bedroom, coming back wearing boots, and a jacket, the outline of his off-duty weapon hidden enough for a civilian but not well enough for his partner to miss. "Besides, there's nothing an abuser hates more than cops showing up unexpectedly at their door."
"Yes, and I'm sure they will love a couple of federal agents instead," Kensi deadpans.
"I'm not an agent. I'm an investigator," Deeks says matter-of-factly.
"You say that like any of us even knows what the difference is," Kensi says, standing up from the couch and catching Deeks' wrist.
A fleeting grin crosses Deeks' lips but he quickly pushes it away. "I don't have to go like an agent or investigator, I can be a concerned neighbor wanting to know if everything is okay, or just a clueless neighbor asking for some salt." Deeks softly pulls his arm away and continues to the front door. He sets his hand on the handle and turns around, his expression still serious but a twinkle in his eye. "Or I can just say my wifey is baking a cake and ran out of sugar." He grins and her eye roll is so automatic, so quick and familiar, that he almost misses it.
Kensi tries to pin him with a serious look, but a soft smile breaks over her face anyway. "Yeah, right. Like I ever bake anything."
"Yeah, you just buy a cake and try to make everyone believe you bake it." Deeks's lips curve upward into a smile at the memory from so long ago. "But they don't know that."
Kensi's eyes crinkle in silent response. She worries at her bottom lip, like Deeks has seen her do a thousand times when he's trying to make her laugh and she's trying to resist. It's as distractingly sexy as it's telling, and his resolve almost crumbles, forgetting about the neighbors and taking her to the bedroom instead.
Kensi sees her husband run his tongue over his lips and feels her body respond. Her feet automatically carry her a few steps forward and her hands are suddenly on him. One hand tangles on his hair and the other braces against his chest as though to get her point across. "Are you sure you don't want to call the cops to deal with that and go have some fun in the bedroom? Rosa won't be home for a few hours," she whispers next to his ear, tickling the soft skin there, before she inches down and presses a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth.
"I, uh, I-" Deeks is uncharacteristically at a loss for words, his mouth chasing after hers when she pulls back. He scrapes his teeth against her bottom lip and his eyes linger on them.
She laughs and tiptoes back towards their bedroom, her hands beckoning Deeks forward.
Deeks' first instinct is to follow, to not let her go so easily, but he has a duty that goes far beyond the LAPD oath he once swore and the NCIS manual he now follows. "Let's put a pause to this and we will continue later," he says, opening the door. "I'll be right back. You don't have to come."
Kensi groans and stops in her tracks, knowing she'd follow him anywhere he goes. "You're not going alone, Deeks. Give me a minute." She leans down and puts her shoes back on, then goes to grab her gun and badge and follows him out the door.
"Thank you," he says softly, his all-too-familiar grin finding its natural place on his face.
Kensi grins and squeezes his hand. "Anytime, partner. Now let's go bust down some doors."
"Wait, no, no. No busting down doors. We're just trying to help not cause more trouble," Deeks calls when he's left alone to chase after her, silently wondering why he thought it was a good idea to get his kickass wife to go confront their neighbors.
Together they make their way to their neighbor's house and softly knock on the door. As they wait, they take stock of the decaying plants on the sad looking pots on the porch and how all the curtains in the house are drawn. Eventually, a woman answers and they introduce themselves as neighbors, recalling how they met once why taking out the trash.
She reminds them her name is Cindy and tries to make some small talk but hesitates when her husband calls from inside the house demanding she turn the solicitors away. "I'm sorry, I was right in the middle of making dinner," she explains, blushing, but it's barely visible over the bruise already forming on her cheek.
"Is everything okay?" Deeks asks quickly as she begins to push the door shut. "We've noticed some noise coming from your house and wanted to make sure everything is alright," he says, trying to keep his tone light and not acussing.
Cindy's eyes flash and she inadvertently turns around back to the house. She opens her mouth but before she can say anything her husband, Johnny, steps up beside her. He instantly sets a hand on her hip and keeps the other behind the door, as if to limit their view of the inside.
"We don't want whatever you're offering, you can go now," Johnny says, trying to sound polite but coming across as demanding.
"We're not trying to sell you anything, we're your neighbors," Kensi interjects, signaling to their house. "We came to see if everything was alright after hearing some concerning noises."
Johnny seems taken aback by her directness but quickly composes himself. "Oh, sorry. Everything's fine. Just a minor disagreement while organizing the kitchen." He waves his hand dismissively and begins to pull his wife back inside.
Kensi can tell that he's not being entirely truthful and doubts the wife would risk saying anything incriminating in front of him. She glances over at Deeks, silently asking how far away he wants to take this.
Deeks subtly shakes his head, and says, "All good then. We also wanted to know if you've been having problems with your plumping or if it's just us."
Both Johnny and Kensi turn to him dumbfounded but he just smiles in return. "We got a leak, and the guy said it was due to old pipes. We're still new in the neighborhood so we were wondering if you have had any issues like that."
Johnny narrows his eyes, his defenses up after the abrupt subject change, but he answers anyway, "I can't say we have. But anything like that should have come up in your inspection so why don't you contact your realtor and let us move on with our night."
"We did," Deeks explains, "he said we should ask some of the neighbors to see if it's a community-wide issue. If you come with Kensi, she can show you."
Johnny reluctantly nods and follows Kensi across their yards, calling behind his back. "Go back inside, honey. I'll be right behind you. And remember I don't like my steak burned."
As they near the house, Kensi turns to look at Deeks and lifts her brow in a way that would be entirely threatening if she didn't look so hot, silently asking what the hell she's supposed to show him.
Deeks shrugs and throws her a wink as if to say you're a federal agent specializing in undercover work, figure it out.
Once Johnny is out of sight, Cindy tries to retreat back into the house, but Deeks asks her to listen to him for a second. He makes sure to take a step back as he speaks, his tone as soft and non-threatening as he can muster. "I think I know what's going on here and I know it's hard. I've been there before." At Cindy's disbelieving look, he raises his shirt slightly and points to a faint scar over his ribs. "It was a beer bottle when I was seven."
"I'm sorry," Cindy murmurs, and blinks her eyes rapidly but they fill even quicker.
"Thank you," Deeks says honestly. He knows the husband won't stay away for long, so he steers the conversation back towards her. "We can help you, if you want. You just say the word."
"He's not- He's not really." Cindy stops and wipes her tears away, winces when she bumps her blackening eye. It seems to spur her on and she nods. "How?"
"First we start by getting you away from here. I have some friends who can take you in for the night, or we can pick a shelter. I've volunteered at a few around LA, I can get you a bed. Then I'll call some friends at the LAPD." Cindy nods again and Deeks smiles, daring to hope this story will have a happy ending. "He won't hurt you again, I promise."
But Johnny is not as easily distracted as Deeks hoped and he quickly realizes what they are trying to do. Before Deeks knows what's happening, Johnny is on his face, clearly having heard at least the end of what he said. He's past being defensive and full on aggressive as he shouts, "What're you getting at?" He pulls Deeks back so roughly that he trips and would have fallen down if not for Kensi steading him. "Are you trying to accuse me of something?"
Deeks stands up straighter and doesn't back down. "We've heard some noises that sound like domestic disputes and we're concerned for your wife's safety," he says, no longer concerned with keeping the conversation civil.
Johnny's expression turns murderous and for a moment it's not his neighbor looking back at Deeks but one Gordon Brandel. "You have no right to come into my home and accuse me of something like that."
As Johnny becomes more agitated, voice raising and arms flailing about, Deeks turns back to Cindy. She's no longer inside the threshold of the house, but fully standing in the yard and cowering behind Kensi. Tears stream freely down her face and she's hugging herself as her small frame shakes. Deeks takes that as his sign and pulls out his phone.
He tries calling 9-1-1 but the husband suddenly punches him in the face, making him stumble and fall to the floor. Kensi quickly steps away from Cindy and pulls out her gun, pointing it at Johnny and telling him to back off.
Kensi helps Deeks get up and he wipes the blood from his lip. He cleans his hand on his pants and reaches back, grabbing his handcuffs off the waistband of his jeans and taking a step towards the husband. "You're under arrest, dumbass."
"It was self-defense," Johnny tries to claim as Deeks pulls his arms behind his back.
"I never laid a hand on you. And we have two witnesses to prove it." Deeks pushes him down to sit on the steps leading up to the porch and proceeds to dial 9-1-1, addressing Johnny again once he's done with the call. "And you're not only going down for domestic abuse, but also for assaulting a federal agent." He pulls out his badge and smiles as he shows it to Johnny.
"Good luck getting out of that one," Kensi says gladly. With the husband taken care of, she goes back to Cindy and hugs her softly. The distraught woman sinks into her arms and finally lets all her anguish out. Kensi runs her hand over her back and lets her sob.
The next hour is a flurry of activity as LAPD shows up to arrest the husband and take Deeks, Kensi and Cindy's statements. A few cops who know Deeks joke about him missing them so much he had to get involved in their call, others snicker about NCIS clearly having no grooming policy if he still looks like that, and the lucky few who actually know him and his past walk quietly to him and squeeze his shoulder in understanding before texting him later that night offering their support.
Then Johnny is taken into custody, and they try to help Cindy clean out the mess in her house. She refuses for the night but accepts their help the following day and takes the business cards they offer.
It's past dinnertime when Kensi drapes one arm across Deeks' shoulder and they make their way back. They stay silent as they walk across their front yard, eyes locked down as they try to ignore the abundance of neighbors that came out of their homes to check out what was happening outside.
Once inside, Deeks sits down on the couch and leans forward, resting his head in his hands. While Kensi goes to the freezer, coming back a moment later with a frozen bag of carrots. "Thank you," Deeks whispers when she carefully pushes him back against the cushions and sets the bag over the bruised side of his mouth.
They sit like that for a bit, the icy cold soothing but not as much as the featherlike touch of her fingers running through his hair. "I'm sorry we have to move again. I really didn't mean for this to happen." Deeks lets out a sigh and tips his head back to look at her face.
"I know," Kensi says in an exhale, tugging his hair away from his forehead so she can press a kiss there. "This wasn't your fault, Deeks."
"It kinda was." He smiles sheepishly and tucks himself closer against her side.
"Maybe. But we did the right thing. You know I don't like to see you hurting, physically or otherwise, but I'll never fault you for putting yourself in harm's way to help others. It's one of the things I love the most about you." Kensi says genuinely, before adding with a smirk, "Besides, you will make it up to me."
"Is that so?" Deeks raises an eyebrow in question and teasingly pokes her side.
Kensi nods and grabs her laptop from the coffee table, pulling up Zillow before she sets it over Deeks' outstretched legs.
Deeks groans but starts searching anyway. "I promise, from now on, I'll be more careful so we can stay put for a while. And who knows, maybe our new neighbors will be a little more peaceful."
"Ha! The only chance of that happening is us moving into the countryside where we wouldn't have neighbors for a few miles," Kensi mutters, rolling her eyes, knowing that trouble seems to find them no matter where they go.
"Who's moving into the countryside?" Rosa asks, alarmed, as she pushes open the door, followed by a nonchalant Roberta, who's sipping what looks suspiciously like a Margarita.
Deeks can only groan again at the sight, realizing Kensi is not the only woman in his life he will have to make it up to. But as she grabs his hand and squeezes once, he remembers they're a team and he doesn't have to face any challenge alone, be it arresting one's neighbor for domestic violence or having to move to a new place because of it.
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imdonnalynn · 1 year
Harmon "Harm" Rabb Jr. / Sarah "Mac" MacKenzie JAG (series 1995 - 2005), NCIS: Los Angeles (series 2009 - 2023; strictly special guest appearances)
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10 years of torture from these two. Season, after season, after season they would play the "would they, won't they" until this moment when they FINALLY gave in and the audience felt a collective minor orgasm just from the final culmination of the biggest set of foreplay in history.
After JAG they married but ended up divorcing because Harm couldn't stay away from his career and they decided to split but still are amiable.
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liar-or-lawyer · 1 year
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lupines-slash-recs · 1 year
Rec: True Friends Don't Draw Fake Moustaches on Your Face While You Sleep (They Already Think You Look Cute) by misura
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Title: True Friends Don’t Draw Fake Moustaches on Your Face While You Sleep (They Already Think You Look Cute) Author: misura Canon: NCIS: Los Angeles Pairing: Sam Hanna/G Callen Rating: Teen [PG] Word Count: 1,461 Summary: In which G accidentally falls asleep on Sam’s couch and Sam does the obvious thing.
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innerlovecoffee · 1 year
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chenfordsrollisi · 1 year
New Fics: 2/12/23 - 2/18/23
2/12/23: Fandom: NCIS: Los Angeles Pairing: Densi Fic: Coming Home to You Fandom: Supergirl Pairing: Sanvers Fic: Kinda Dramatic 2/13/23: Fandom: NCIS: Los Angeles Pairing: Densi Fic: Protective 
Fandom: Wynonna Earp Pairing: Wayhaught Fic: Who You Really Are
2/14/23: Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Clexa Fic: Dreaming With You
2/15/23: Fandom: South of Nowhere Pairing: Spashley Fic: This Time 
2/16/23: Fandom: Supergirl Pairing: Sanvers Fic: I Won't Let You Get Hurt
2/17/23: Fandom: South of Nowhere Pairing: Spashley Fic: More Than Our Mistakes
2/18/23: Fandom: Degrassi Pairing: Palex Fic: Cursed
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trashblog07 · 3 months
Rip Nell jones. You would have loved folklore and evermore
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...if you knew the type of crossover thrown in for your craziness, would have been Hawaii Five-0 and NCIS Los Angeles right into Transformers vice versa with a theme of Multiverse madness involved as well
My OC is huge. Because I asked myself: how many people are going to know Hawaii Five-0? How many people are going to know NCIS Los Angeles?
How would other people feel about the many ideas crossovers in one? Would it be too complicated and messy? Oh yes I ended up writing one tonight and threw it into the abyss. No I'm not publishing it because I don't know how readers will feel. And it's bit personal to me to be frank
When I feel a personal fic I end up wanting to tear it off again... It's that kind of feeling 😳
How many people will know the Marvel movies areas?
Yeah those questions was banging off my head
But if you know readers who loved more than one tied crossover...
Well, consider me to be a crazy writer smashing into several agencies and watching too many NCIS episode gave me a kick lmfao.
Anyway, I'm not sure when I will see you all again
But if you're interested
Feel free to comment if you're ever interested to see a familiar crossover on: NCIS Los Angeles and Hawaii Five-0 fanfiction
I wrote one before...but I discarded it because was too messy. I am the writer of Rogue Agents for NCIS Los Angeles and Hawaii Five-0. My username is: Skylia2017
My primary fanfiction is TorianScriber2012 and still love that account. 💜
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ejzah · 1 month
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blogger360ncislarules · 4 months
A warm spring day at the Lange-Granger household.
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deeksblye · 1 year
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Hey, I just posted a new fanfiction. You can read it by clicking in the link below. I hope you enjoy it 🥰
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arrthurpendragon · 2 years
My name is Esther Jean Tyler. This post is for: OC creation spotlight and introduction. I wish there is an edit button for Tumblr in the Ask area for reals.
I'm the writer for "Stand By Me", "Rogue Alliance" and "Until Death Do Us Apart" for all Transformers series. I'm an OC writer. A crossover writer. I do love Avengers. I love crossover Avengers as well and X-Men included. I'm a big fan of Marvels as well. Consider me as a crossover writer.
{Stand by Me will be mentioned strongly with the Avengers. A lot of background changes just FYI on that. One of the most darkest fic I will ever write in history. }
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{book cover is created by Kass for me 💜🥰😍}
Favourite OCs writing cups have been: Victoria Valorheart, Esther Tseo and Ariella Illonois. I enjoy writing and reading: hurt/comfort, angst and dark themes.
I also created a very dark OC Jadis Sybill Astrophe. She will be a villain character in Chapter four Stand By Me Transformers and one of the favourite characters I enjoyed creating for background.
I am indeed on wattpad. But I'm not frequent as I am on Fanfiction and Tumblr.
To find out more about me, hit my Tumblr: MrsTransformersFanfiction.
My Wattpad is: TorianScriber2012.
A fair bit of dark themes I might add. I enjoy writing mature contents, a dark settings and NC17 sometimes. I can be a very dark writer myself so if you don't like darkness. I'm probably not the cup of writer for you.
I used to be a former roleplay writer. But I quit a long time ago and now write only for Fanfiction. You can find me: @TorianScriber2012 fanfiction
https://www.fanfiction.net/~torianscriber2012 and @MrsTransformersFanfiction archive of our own ao3
I am trying to promote also my stories and to get out of the community, to see more creative writers, to see more crossover writers and sometimes I will asked request to write a fanfiction for Transformers. I am looking for Transformers writers.
So if you write Ironhide, I'm going to die. If you write William Lennox and a fair bit of twist, I'm going to go crazy! I am looking for any also Transformers fanfiction buddies, very intrigue on any writers who writes a Dreadwing fanfiction connection going on. Allow me to write a request from awesome fanfiction. This is why we need great writers because sometimes I don't have time to even finish my own fanfiction due to real life. I adore all the fallen bots.
I am also looking for crossovers with Hawaii Five-0s in that fandoms or NCIS Los Angeles fandoms. So I may be the one who may be annoying writer that may request once a blue moon. Well, fair note, I don't annoy people. It's usually the other way around. 😂📚✍️ But I look for rare gem fanfiction.
All I asked is: respect. We don't have to like each other's stories but allow others to spread their creativity. HOWEVER, if you are a crossover writer like me, I am seeking crossover fanfiction writers who writes for a particular fandoms. Sometimes I do look for Once Upon a Time crossovers as well if I'm in the mood. Lately my mood is in Marvels.
I'm also looking for some Ironhide x OC fics or William Lennox fics too. You really don't see many of them around. So I decided to write for them. Anyway, that's it.
Thanks love. A fair warning a lot of chapters will be really dark. Don't say I didn't warn you. Feel like I'm torturing a bit of my OC character. I feel so evil tonight. Fanfiction buddies welcome. Note: I really don't follow Roleplayer writers. I quit that area for a reason and doesn't bode well with my mental health. Mental health comes first always. Don't get offended if I become picky for a reason. I'm very introvert awkward person.
What I'm looking for in the community: very open to ideas, be open to dark themes or all themes, feedback and crossover writers. Being respect and not copying one another is one of my pet peeves as well.
I look forward to seeing you all. Thank you, Kass for allowing fun and creation for OCs writers. I don't mind fanfiction buddies. I use to be on a writing community on Fanfiction before I decided to take a year off for personal reasons.
Have a great week. Bye!
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