yonemurishiroku · 7 days
something something after Jason's death, Nico often loses himself looking up at the sky.
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heraldofcrow · 7 days
What kind of music Demigods would enjoy?
Oh boy, here we go 💀
Hippieeeeeee. Hippie stuff from the 70s. He’s out there listening to the Grateful Dead (lmao) and Jefferson Airplane getting while getting high with Fortissax. He also likes 60s pop in general.
Gospel songs, Christian rock, and he’s a sucker for bluegrass for some reason….? Sometimes he secretly listens to “bad and sinful rock music” like Pink Floyd and Resonates (TM).
Black metal, death metal, and some 80s trad goth + some of that later darkwave stuff when he’s in a mood.
You know, with how his voice is, I WANT to say death metal, but I actually think he’d be a bit weirder and appreciate stuff like Ska punk and hardcore punk, vibin’ to Black Flag and Rancid and yelling “Fuck the system” or whatever lol.
She either digs solo artists that are politically driven and focused on social commentary like Bob Dylan, or else she’s listening to world ambient stuff like Dead Can Dance.
Pure classic rock n roll, boyyy! The heavier stuff too, like Iron Maiden and Metallica. But sometimes he’ll listen to a corny ass rock ballad and start sobbing.
Malenia really would vibe with classic female singers, I think. The ones that sang about the world and the complexity of relationships with sensitivity. She needs the Stevie Nickses and the Kate Bushes. The soulful sirens. THE ETERNAL MUSES.
You INSISTED on folk and I DO agree, but hear me out….he also loves New Age. Stuff like Yanni. Really ethereal spa day music to help everyone calm down after a rough day 🙂‍↔️✌️
Bro likes really aggressive classical stuff because it makes him feel epic and stronk, but it also does match his visions of glory and bountiful kingdoms. He also secretly loves the Spongebob Musical 😔
Don’t know enough about him yet, but he’s probably into all the classic early 2000s emo stuff like MCR and Paramore. He needs some dramatic ass stuff to accompany his war crimes. Don’t @ me lol.
Marika and Radagon fight over the AUX cord because they both want to listen to different Taylor Swift albums (from what I understand about Taylor, she sings about revenge and break-ups and her albums have different themes?) (i think?) (i might have made up that revenge part…..) (please someone help me…)
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mangomagicaart · 24 days
Here are all of my grumpus sexuality and gender headcanons nobody asked for! 💕✨🏳️‍🌈
Filbo- transmasc pan romantic asexual. Gets extremely flustered by sexual stuff.
Beffica- bisexual, definitely prefers women tho
Lizbert- transfem lesbian
Eggabell- transfem lesbian. Supplies Snaxburg with whatever hormones everyone needs, being a doctor.
Wambus- a lil bisexual but only has eyes for Triffany
Triffany- bisexual but only loves Wambus
Cromdo- gay man. Married his wife because of comphet and pure obligation/convenience.
Gramble- he/him lesbian. Wears a binder because top surgery freaks him out too much
Wiggle- canonically pansexual
Chandlo- canonically bisexual; transmasc, he got all the tboy swag
Snorpy- gay man; cis but literally the most supportive boyfriend a trans guy can ask for. Was with him every step of the way during his transition. Took him to doctors appointments, got binders, helped pick out a name for him, arranged for Floofty to do his top surgery, etc
Floofty: demiromantic lesbian but an extremely tough nut to crack in the romantic attraction department. Definitely transmasc leaning but their gender presentation more or less depends on how they feel any given day. Did their own top surgery and takes t. If you misgender them, they won’t hesitate to correct you in the snottiest, most condescending way possible
Shelda: Aro Ace. Just generally indifferent to romance/sexuality because she dedicates so much time to Mother Nature.
Alegander- demiboy. Too poor for top surgery, wears a binder but desperately wants better health insurance to cover it.
Journalist- pan, doesn’t lean any particular way in terms of gender
Clumby- mean lesbian ™️
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the-final-sif · 2 years
c!Sam, when he started running the prison: "I can't believe Dream ended up being evil. Nobody could've foreseen this. I feel so betrayed for having worked for him."
Also c!Sam: *literally built Dream a hell prison with death trap rooms with no clear explanation as to what this is for or why Dream needs it*
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purplehoodie09 · 1 year
AU where foxybro puts the collective group braincell together in his brain for a second there and realizes fredbear doesn't actually have any safety mechanism whatsoever and maybe they shouldnt put the kids head in the chomp chomp crusher 3000
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ferahntics · 2 years
Kirby species wing headcanons
This was on my mind during work so I just wanted to scribble this down sjdhg
It gets lengthy, and this is completely my subjective view, and it might most likely change over time c: Also I am in no way an expert on wings and I am most likely messing up a lot so bare with me XDD
So, Kirby wings: I imagine there’s no real ‘limit’ to what kind of wings they have, but I do think they’ve each got their own rarity, kinda like with cat genetics (except kirby’s species doesn’t have genetics so there’s no real lineage to go off of). I kinda compiled how I feel they’d go with rarities, from common to legendary that only happen under extremely specific circumstances.
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Common wings would include wings from smaller birds like sparrows, just large and strong enough to enable flight. Though they do require frequent flapping, which can lead to exhaustion since those wings are rather small and they can only hold so much strain before rest is necessary.
Tiny round wings, like that of a cartoon bee almost, are also a relatively common sight, though they’re more sensitive compared to the bird-like wings and can be fragile, so caution with them would be advised.
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Bat wings would fall under the uncommon territory, and sometimes may be confused with something negative due to their appearance, though they can fly faster than the common wings. 
Dwarf wings are also a possibility, however, because they’re even smaller than the common ones, these can be seen as a hinderance. More often than not, they are not capable of flight - maybe enough to serve as a spring in a jump, but not enough for actual flight.
There are cases where they don’t have any wings period. This can cause them trouble as they lack flight all together and will need to improvise and adapt if they wish to handle themselves in danger.
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These are considered some of the rarest wings that could be asked for. First in line would be large wings, more often than not reminiscing the ones from a hawk or an eagle, sometimes an angel even. These are fully capable of long flights, however the large size of them could be a downside if they happen to be stuck on the ground, as they can be hefty to drag around. They’re surprisingly durable, and capable of great speed and agility.
Though less durable than the aforementioned ones, insect wings like that of dragonflies, butterflies, moths, etc., these are specifically for agility. They’re much more fragile in comparison to the feathered ones, but thanks to their light weight, they allow room for swifter movements and give them the chance to catch an opponent off-guard with quick movements.
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Finally, we’ve reached the wings that are deemed so rare, they might as well be called legendary. These almost never happen normally, more often than not they are something that requires extremely specific circumstances to achieve. These are typically depicted in possible murals from the time of the ancients (I imagine for Galacta Knight he might’ve been depicted with multiple wings as a sign how powerful and terrifying he was at his prime).
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prototypelq · 9 months
I`ve mentioned a couple of times that during answering Ember’s @dmc-questions-anon crossover ask, I mixed, purely on a whim, DMC Sparda loser twins into a Dishonored-setting-AU and truth be told, the idea has not left me ever since. A week later, I've decided to compile everything I had for this AU into one post, so here it goes.
UPDATE a month later: I went over this post again to bring up to speed some things we've thought out with @stashoflostsouls! Her help with this AU has been immense and the brainworms might have stopped a long time ago if not for her, so this whole thing is her fault now xDDD (no regrets)
This is not a complete rewrite of the original post, but the DMC3/Dishonored 1 plotline has been edited heavily and new stuff brought to light. Adaptations of other DMC and Dishonored games will be coming later too.
Big thank you to everyone who is following this monstrocity as it builds itself along!
Personal notes: I've played Dishonored games, finished only the second though, as they had not grabbed me as they do other people. Still, I am enamoured with it's setting and aesthetic. The whole AU was smashed together in my head because, in my opinion, Dishonored does not do enough work with it's characters, and DMC does not do enough to flesh out it's worldbuilding, so I mashed them together to get the best of both worlds - a super unqiue and cool thought out setting and incredibly compelling and deep characters.
Disclaimer: I am very much a DMC enjoyer, however I am not that deep into Dishonored. I've refreshed my memory with some lore videos, on the topic, but please feel free to correct/advise/give commentary on adaptation of Dishonored stuff. DMC fans too! This is very much thoughts-in-process kind of AU
With all that out of the way - as a short summary Dishonored setting is a kind of mash of royalty+hitman+humans with powers AUs together. Dishonored is a tesla-punk-ified victorian britain setting (so we got strict class division with start differences in between, helthcare is nonexsitent, and the Empire is built upon the four kingdoms, each one on their own Isle) that is built upon the whale oil and whale hunting (that is used as fuel for electricity). Setting is also magical in nature through through the Void (kind of a mix of purgatory/death/dream/eldrich horror dimension, which has an avatar/god in the form of the Outsider, his worship is considered herecy by the local 'inquisition' but it can't fuly stop the weird, horrifying or perverse rituals that are held in his name). This world is quite dark, death is abundant, and violence is quite common. Nobles play their policial games and order asassinations to eliminate their rivals, common men are exploited at industrial factories, whale hunting is the main source of income and progress, scientists and philosophers play with their deadly inventions and even human lives for the sake of their research. (for vibe purposes check out the Drunken Whaler song and Dishonored 2 trailer they sum up the aesthetic exceptionally well)
Alright, so, how can we (hopefully) meaningfully insert the DMC cast into Dishonored, and how I, with major help from Raven, see the story of the twins going on from there:
Background and general setup:
In this AU Eva Redgrave is the Empress of the Empire of the Isles, Sparda Santiago is a talented swordsman, who rose from the poor districts, climbed ranks and became the Royal Protector of the Empress (=bodyguard). Romance bloomed from there, and they had twin sons and heirs for the throne, their relationship not announced to the public, but also not a secret to anyone in court.
Twins were royal children and had a lot of freedom in their childhood. Still, they had their tutoring done by an established professor of the Academy of the Natural Phylosophy - sir Arkham. Needless to say, both boys hated their lessons, and they picked up that their father was hanging around more losely when those were held. They did enjoy fencing a lot, sparring with their dad and each other especially, and were quite good at it. (not sure where to put in so I'll insert that here) Sparda favoured using bird mail, and had a favourite crow, twins tried playing with it sometimes too.
Canon DMC Eva was able to raise her demonic sons, so I imagine she had a steel spine. In this AU I think this would mean her politics as Empress were more strict than the Empress Jessamine of thre Dishonored setting - the Spymaster was not allowed to work under the radar (as he is allowed to in canon Dishonored which causes a myriad of problems later), and she would try to manage the long list of social issues and class difference, but of course, won't be able to solve them all. Her politics were based on maintaining good trading relations with other nations and trying to improve the life of lower classes, which did earn her some opposition from nobles and 'traditinal' oriented individuals, but did not stop her. Sadly, just one Empress is one reign was able to improve the lives of common people a little, but the things mostly stayed as they were.
Since her reign and politics were not a popular choice, plus she had twins as heirs (so the chance of her sucessor continuing this course was high), an asassination was arranged.
During the outbreak of a rat plague (which happened naturally in this case), the quarantine helped prevent it's spreading, but there was no known cure. Eva tried asking the other countries for help, but received no concrete answers, and she was getting desparate. As a last resort, she decided to sent out Sparda himself on a diplomatic mission, and to conduct this search himself, he was very reluctant to part but the situation was dire.
Arkham, as he was common presense in royal court, learned of this mission, and with the help of opposing parties and the Spymaster, planned a coup to asssinate and overthrow Eva during Sparda's absence. Members of this coup were not exactly concerned about the plague, as the affected districts of the city had been quarantined in time, and posed no threat to them, plus the main casualty here are the poor. However, the plan did not exactly work out as it should - Sparda finished his mission earlier than planned, as there was no cure for the rat plague. With these grave news, he sent out his mail crow to message to Eva about this, and the fact that he was coming back earlier. Arkham was able to capture a crow with this message, caged it, and began planning for Sparda's return - with his knowledge or the arcane and acute inventor's mind he conducted a magic trap, a curse, to stop Sparda in time. Literally in this case. And so, with Sparda's early return, he was warmly met by Arkham, then subsequently betrayed and frozen in time. Frozen Sparda was held somewhere in the dungeons of the Arkham estate. The asassination took place as planned.
Eva is killed during a nighttime stroll, but the twins are a harder target inside the palace walls. Things get bloody and palace guard is alerted. However, the twins chose that night to sneak out to play in the garden, and they stumble into seeing the last of their mother. Some of the assasins stay behind to keep an eye on their escape route, they see the twins and give chase. The twins are of course, shocked and traumatised, but they did their best to give the pursuers a hard time, as both are skilled fencers. Working together, they disarmed one of them, and Vergil was even able to deal some blows, but ultimately they are just children and had to run. Twins escape to the lighthouse, which had docks with some boats that Sparda used to them swimming around. Near the cliffside, one of the asassins has had enough and, seeing as the waves will drown out any sound, shoots. Dante falls into the ocean and is held under by the waves.
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Vergil has no choice but to continue running, and near the lighthouse, he gets miracuously saved by Arkham.
yes this is technically a roleswap as Vergil is saved,and Dante is forced into contact with supernatural, but if saving was done by Arkham does it really count?
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Dante gets chosen by the Outsider and lives through being bestowed the Mark upon. As this was done at a young age, there will be some repercussions.
The fallout of the asassination is hard on everyone. Publically, Eva and the royal family are stated to have been deceased by the plague that they tried to prevent, and in the place of an Empress, a ruling counsil of wealthy noble houses is instated.
The curse Arkham conducted was powerful, but short-lived, so a couple of years after the tragedy he finds himself free, escapes, and finds himself displaced in time. His family dead or missing, with no trails to follow to find any of them. The tragedy weights down heavy on him, he leaves the kingdom of Gristol to try to pick up the lost pieces of himself, with no luck.
Dante is picked up drifting in the sea by a ship. With no resources, stranded and alone, he has nothing to back up his claims of being a royal heir, and no help in sight. When the news of the royal tragedy reach him, there is no point in even trying anymore, and he is forced into the life of a street urchin. He hides the Mark he received, and slowly gets used to it's powers... and the consequences of having them. With his wits, and the advantage of the Mark, he makes the best of this situation - avoids the gangs to the best of his ability, travels by stowawaying in some caargo crates on different ships, then manipulating the crewmen to teach him sailing. He makes contacts, deals, gambles and grows street-smart and cunning. Dante is known at Enzo's bar, is a common sailor in Morrison's trader ship crew, and even dealt with some contrabandists/pirates like Lucia. When not sea-faring, he spends his time in fighting rings, or investigates anything Void-related in exchange for favours. This payment system makes his services available to locals, but he does those secretly, protected by an alternate look and a mask.
Note: this background negates some of the issues the canon twins have, most notable - their demonic-human nature conflict, and in both cases the twins grow up almost properly socialised, who would have thought. Basically what I am getting at is that there is more free space and opportunity for twins to get to know someone. However, neither me, nor Raven are really interested in going down those alleys, so there won't be shipping notes here. I just wanted to point out that in this seting, relationships are not half as complicated as they are in the canon DMC. I would not be opposed to hearing some Lady/Vergil or Dante/Lucia headcanons tho
Vergil is raised in secret by Arkham in his estate, which goes as well as you might have expected. Vergil takes very badly to everything that has happened, he growns up only slightly paranoid as the result of recurring nightmares, half of the time - not his own. Arkham trying to force himself into a father figure for Vergi was not helping matters in any way, and only made Vergil fight back against any sort of control more. Vergil spends a lot of time training his physical and fencing skills (to never be taken by surprise again), studies a lot of different science fields, as any competent heir should (heir to the throne of the Empire, an heir to Eva Redgrave, not in any way shape or form did he want to be controlled by Arkham. the only reason he even tolerated Arkham and his behavior is because Vergil had nowhere to go to, and if he wanted to reinstate himself and his family name later in life he needed the jumpstart Arkham's resourches, libraries and teachings provided). He starts attending high class events like balls and such, as a special guest of some imaginary rising noble house under the name of Paul Southworth.
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As a treat, have a DMC3/Dishonored1 plot adaptation:
Twins are in their twenties.
Arkham, in all thess years has been unsuccesfull in all his attempts to 'mold' Vergil into a manipulable figure, and he tries to go for another approach - starts forcing Vergil and Mary (lot Lady yet(?)) interactions. Both are of course, aware of what Arkham wants from them and appropriatly hate each other on these forced meetings.
Somewhere, around this time, during one of the masked balls, a woman takes great interest in him, and he feels frustrated with his life and rebeliious enough to indulge her.
Probably after a screaming match or two between Lady and Vergil, they actually find a connection in this mutual hatred for the situation Arkham is forcing them into and bond instead. Lady ends up taking some fencing lessons from Vergil from the whole ordeal, which they conduct in secret, of course. They grow closer and are on their way to becoming friends, which Arkham actually sees as his plan working.
Everything changes after the mysterious death of Kalina Ann.
Mary is taking her death extremely badly, she is practically inconsolable, and wouldn't leave her room. Arkham, the wonderful parenting figure he is, and who needs his daughter for future plans, makes the best decision possible - buys her a doberman. For some reason, Mary is not thrilled at this idea at all, she hates then dog and he is not well-behaved at all, which means there's now an uncontrollable and uncared for doberman going loose in the estate. Vergil and the dog met a couple of times, but the dog left him alone because he recognised this man's authority, and Vergil himself was uninterested in bonding with it. His opinion shifter when he saw the dog harassing some estate staff, and poor person retaliating back, which almost ended badly for everyone if Vergl hadn't intervened. He berated the person for being unable to take control of the situation, and the doberman got his own share of it too. The incident did prove to the dog that Vergil was the leader here, so he accepted his 'second in command' position and started diliggently following Vergil everywhere. Doberman is not clingy or overly affectionate, so Vergil was okay with his, and also he welcomed the company a little, because the death of Kalina affected him a lot too. She was the only person in the whole estate he felt comfortable around, and while they did not spend much time together, it reminded him too much of his childhood trauma. But this time Vergil was older, more competent and decided to take control of the situation himself - so he starts researching everything he can get his hands on about the Royal Tragedy, and secretly goes vigilanty-ing at night, masked, to gather the information in other private soures or anywhere he can, really.
The trauma and the doberman dillema between them, Vergil and Mary grow distant in their hurting at this time. Mary, when she is feeling more like herself again, decides to look into the death of her mother, which was too sudden to be anything natural, and was covered up quickly by Arkham and the public. She can't say for sure, but has a hunch this is related to Arkham's private Void studies (which are publically banned), and thinks there is something very fishy going on. She finds a contact and meets a person, who is claimed to be known to help in these situations. During a metting, the person is wearing a mask, so she doesn't recogise his face. He starts looking for information on Arkham, and finds some very very messed up things on him.
On night of another big noble ball, he decides to go to the source - Arkham estate and take a look through there.
That same night Vergil decided to use this opportunity to venture out himself, he got ready and was almost out, before he notices Ceberus, the name he gave the doberman, spotting some shadowy figure on the nearby rooftops heading in the direction of the Arkham's estate. He intercepts the breaker-in and they start fighting. The fencing match is at a stalemate, neither opponent able to break another's guard, untill the intruder freezes for a moment, which was all the opening Vergil needed. He goes in for a stab, only for the intruder to teleport away and make a run for it. Vergil can't let a Marked asassin get away, not after his childhood tragedy, he commands Cerberus to alert the guard and chases after the intruder. On the rooftop they catch up to one another, and lo and behold, the breaker in was Vergil's long lost brother.
It was @stashoflostsouls' wonderful headcanon that when the twins touch for the first time, it is then that Vergil himself is visited by the Outsider and Marked.
Just as in DMC canon, the twins' goals are actually the same here - both Vergil and Dante are looking for the conspirators of their mother's asassination and for anynews on their father. Unlike in DMC canon, there are less pressuring circumstance here, twins have more breathing room to actually talk to each other, and this is why here they band Together to reach their goals.
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From this point on the story goes pretty much same as Dishonored 1 story - the twins investigate different noblemen that were plotting against Eva Redgrave, and it is revealed that Arkham was in the middle of it all, which was also the reason why Vergil's search has been so unsuccesfull - the evidence has been right under his nose the entire time. This is also happening during another outbreak of the rat plague, which this time, as Dante learns, originated inside the country, and is definitely not a natural occurence is it claimed to be.
This second rat plague outbreak is the Spymaster's that worked under late Empress' rule idea of 'ending poverty' (so some Dishonored 1 canon events are mixed here as well). Twins will find this out and deal with him, and the other 'royalists' during their investigation, which ends with Arkham. In his dungeons they also find the crow Sparda favoured, the message of his early return in the midst of other papers. Arkham ignored the bird after the initial capture, but staff of the estate kept it fed in the cage, he is quite old already but the twins are happy to see him nonetheless.
This plotline ends with Vergil publically reinstating himself as Redgrave, Dante keeping himself away from nobles, perhaps with a sailing trip or two, and very supportive of his brother's cause. Vergil won't be pushing for the throne just yet, in the moment he will be satisfied with getting the Redgrave estate back, but the throne is his end goal in the future.
Void abilities!
Vergil: professional swordsman. Has a cane-sword with him on all times. Cane-handle can be replaced without screwing the balance of the blade, so he goes with his favourite sword on missions when he expects trouble and keeps his wristbow (=compact crossbow). Vergil grew up in company of sharkes, disguised as nobles, so he prefers the ghost stealth approach so the target is not even alerted to anything happening, but for the same reason he will not hesistate to draw blood (that's not to say he likes killing, just that it is acceptable under pressing circumstances or to clear an objective)
Void Abilities: Displace (teleport, but requires a mark to be placed beforehand to teleport to, is a great tool for planning your approach beforehand or preparing an escape), Foresight/Shadowwalk (allows the bearer to explore ahead in a form of a summon that can scout ahead and take form of black bird, cat, or amorphous shadow creature, user is stationary during this ability and summons can only knock down enemies, but not kill them), Doppleganger (not new to DMC fans, works the same here - a controlled clone summon) and Bend time (allows user to stop time=gain amazing speed for a couple of seconds, user is able to freely move and act during this ability)
Dante: professional brawler. built like a brickhouse/sailor and not for show either. Keeps his wrists bandaged and always ready for trouble. Uses assasin's blade - shortsword with broad blade, stylised after fish scales, but has a modified crooked-up guard for catching blades and for easier disarming moves. Uses pistol for ranged combat. Prefers a stealthier approach, will absolutely brawl if a chance is presented and knock some heads down. Won't kill unless absolutely no other option is presented.
Void abilities: innate Rat hearing and rune/bonecharm sense (= Dark vision), Blink with the time-stop-before-use upgrade (a little more useful than other teleports for combat as you get time pause to think the encounter through, can't act or move during use, just stops time to looks around/think through before teleporting), Wind blast (a wind blow strong enough to literally plaster enemies if thrown into a wall... strenght of the ability is controlled), Pull (pickpocketing and eldreich-horror levitating bodies to the user), Semblance (lets the user make a void copy of a person's face and wear it around, does not alter voice or manners just casts an illusion over the wearer), and Doppleganger.
Twins's mutual connection to the Void, and with their souls attuned to each other, gives them some unique abilities too. They can establish a connection with each other through the Void dimension if in close proximity, share visions (for ex. Vergil scouts ahead with his powers and Dante will be able to see it too), and even share their abilities if in direct contact. Their souls connecting was always thing, it is why Vergil had so much nightmares in his childhood - he had been forced to see Dante's too.
Now, for Dante's early life Void contact consequences - he is sensitive to the Void. He has a sense for finding and locating any Void artefacts and he can hear and understand rat thoughts. Thankfully, the latter ability he somewhat learned to controll later in life, because let me tell you, Dishonored rat speech is Messed Up. (Gnaw, gnaw. Set teeth to hard wood, soft plaster, stone. Past it, a path. Rooms of delicious sea-scent, fish flesh. A feast for us! Soon, soon. First, we gnaw.) It did help Dante survive on the streets a lot, and he took advantage of many opportunities thanks to this. Rat speech is also how he learns the new rat plague outbreak is not natural. Whales and whale bone affect him too. In Dishonored, whales seem to be very intricately connected to the Void, once stated to even exist in both dimensions simultaniously, so to a Void-sensitive person this is going to be a lot to handle. This is one of the reasons Dante stays clear of whaler ships - he will hear loud and panicked whale screeches and whails and he won't be able to deal with that, this is an ability he cannot damper. He will grow used to it, but going near whale meat can factory or sailing during a whale migration season, when they are hunted in great numbers, is a very very big no no for him. I am absolutely not going to force him to go through something traumatising like this ever, surely not through a canon whale meat factory level from one of the DLCs, no huh, especially not with Vergil for company to literally carry him through this
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Thank you for your time and I hope you like what I and Raven have been cooking up here! Next update we will have: Trish showing up to overthrow government, Dante going solo and bonding with Cerberus, Patty and her pet rat, Vergil deciding to kill God, and Kyrie being a witch.
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death-does-grip · 1 year
thinking about how ghost probably isn’t up to date on a lot of pop culture things. couldn’t name the last movie he saw, doesn’t know any current celebrities, but i know he hasn’t stopped listening to music.
he listens to every release of his favourite bands, branches out into new micro-genres, and he’d never tell a soul but he has a playlist for each of his family and closest friends consisting of songs that remind him of them.
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opbau · 6 months
strawhats and bending elements for this au:
Luffy - water
Zoro - earth
Nami - water
Usopp - fire
Sanji - earth
Chopper - non-bender (reindeer)
Robin - non-bender
Franky - non-bender
Brook - air
Jinbei - non-bender (fishman)
little bit more explanation under the cut
my man cannot turn water into ice or fog and doesn't have the strongest control in the world, but in terms of raw power? pretty fucking strong
to be clear, he can manipulate ice, fog, snow, etc. but he can't alter whatever form it's already in. Nami gets a headache if she thinks about it too long
learned a little bit of waterbending from Shanks, but never really had a teacher
strong earthbender with much better control than Luffy
can only bend earth
metal, sand, gems- nothing. he is very much a one trick rock pony
he only learned the basics from his village's earthbending teacher and devoted a majority to his time to swordsmanship so. yeah
Zoro doesn't even know what the hell sandbending is until they get to Alabasta
one of the few strawhats to have a formal teacher and learn more than the basics
Bellemere was a great teacher. but. yknow.
Nami learned most of what she knows from waterbending books and scrolls that she stole over the years from other pirates and rich people. And she's learned a lot compared to the other strawhats.
To keep this brief-ish, she's practically a master at waterbending, save for healing. For the life of her, she couldn't really get the hang of it and none of the scrolls or books she had picked up over the years were at all helpful in explaining it. She's still working on it.
The unfortunate part of this is, while she has great control and precision over her bending, her power is... lacking. Which is where the 'practically a master' vs. 'an actual master' distinction becomes important lol
Due to amazing forethought, Nami is perceived by the outside world as a non-bender. Even some of her enemies think she's a non-bender. Nami really doesn't want people to know how good she is at waterbending because that would make her more of a threat and her pretty little heart wouldn't be able to take it if her bounty increased, Robin, so could you do her a big favour-
christ where do i begin
the only firebender in Syrup Village. Yasopp is a known pirate and firebender.
Usopp never had a firebending teacher. He did, however, have ample amounts of earth and water benders to watch from afar. He taught himself bending, in a way that works for him. It is far from traditional firebending, but hey it works.
Somewhere along the line- maybe around Loguetown or after- he learns that firebenders really can shoot lightning and it wasn't just a myth. He blows himself up a lot trying to create it on his own before some lady on an island they stop at explains the right way to do it and demonstrates. Usopp still blows himself up, but now his form is correct.
While the other strawhats tend to weave their bending into their fighting styles somehow- or at least use it to aid them in battle from time to time, like with a boost into the air via rock- Usopp never uses his bending in a fight. He likes his bending and all, but he's the sniper and he has a bag of explosives on him so uh. No.
one day, post-Wano, Usopp has a really good day before bending practice and accidentally discovers his ability to combustion bend. He doesn't know it's combustion bending though, because all that comes out are little sparks of fire, like a sparkler. No one else knows either and he just uses it as a party trick.
dear god this one is gonna be. AA.
all of the Vinsmokes are earthbenders. Sora is not. Sanji is.
After escaping onto the Orbit, Sanji decided the best way to never be found again would be to never bend again. Ever. (also because those 3 bastards and Judge were earthbenders and Sanji hated them)
He had an earthbending teacher, but anything that wasn't a superhuman feat was deemed a failure so Sanji never actually learned shit from that teacher. He also just wanted to cook all the time, so he never practiced.
Point is, when he's stuck on that rock with Zeff, he has the power and control to lift a rock, but nothing heavier than something he could physically carry himself.
Zeff is a non-bender. While the Baratie has it's fair share of benders, Sanji is Zeff's son and when Zeff offered to teach him how to fight one day, what was Sanji to do other than accept?
Sanji never told Zeff he was an earthbender, but he had a feeling Zeff knew anyway.
Sanji never told his crew he was an earthbender either. This was less of him actively hiding it and more out of habit. He loved them, but he didn't really see a need to explain it to them when it didn't matter. He wouldn't see his 'family' again and he could fight just fine without it anyway-
[Whole Cake]
Sanji: Hm. Hm™
He reveals he's an earthbender post-WCI. Zoro forces him to learn the basics and also adamantly insists that he knew the truth the whole time (he didn't. he's embarrassed). Zoro starts saying some super smug stuff now, like "is that any way to talk to your teacher?" and related lines. Think Zoro's thing about ranking and always insisting he's above Sanji and now that he's got the opportunity, he's gonna enjoy every moment.
(He's also gonna have some kind of earthbending specialty, but I haven't decided yet. Leaning towards metalbender though.)
Sanji faces the firebender rumours instead of Usopp. Both of them are incensed by this bc Sanji wants people to think he's a non-bender still (connection to Zeff) and Usopp is just mad people don't think he's a firebender (quite literally his own fault).
always thought bending was cool even if he couldn't do it
Doctor Hiriluk was a non-bender too. Sometimes the two of them would talk and make up impossible scenarios that benders might do and laugh their heads off.
Doctor Kureha is an earth bender. She isn't a metalbender, but everyone besides Chopper thinks she is.
she comes from a long line of waterbenders, but she and her mother were both non-benders.
The scholars on Ohara were benders of all types and specialties. Fire, Earth, Water, Air all living in harmony and all that. Real shame. Anyway.
Because of Nami's "i'm totally a non-bender teehee" scheme, Robin has become the "strawhat's waterbending witch" that some people spread rumours about. The gist is that Nami begged her to help and Robin thought it'd be fun. Misleading people with her ability and those rumours never gets old.
non-bender in a family of 1) a fishman, 2) a mermaid, and 3) Iceburg (annoying waterbender his age)
Water 7 is known for a majority of their people being waterbenders. The Franky Family is mostly made up of non-water benders.
Franky didn't really care about figuring out bending as much when he was younger and after the Sea Train incident and he built himself back up, he couldn't bend a thing. He doesn't really know if he just fucked himself up hard enough he couldn't bend anymore or if he never could bend in the first place. He doesn't really care though, too busy being Super!
A lot of outsiders think Franky is an earthbender, specifically a metalbender, because of his whole cyborg thing. Also the no shoes thing. After joining the strawhats, the metalbender thing sort of holds up, especially post-timeskip with his General Franky.
There are also groups of people who are like "this guy is from Water 7, are you kidding? he's a waterbender for sure." They also point to the fact that he's always wearing a speedo and thus always ready to get wet.
The rumours are pretty funny to listen to and he and Robin love to just hang out on an island incognito (or as much as Franky is capable) and just listen to rumours about themselves and laugh about it. They share what they hear with the crew too.
he doesn't use his bending often, but there are occasions; can do loads of funny little tricks that he taught himself during That Time. He's also quite good at propelling his body high into the air for surveillance.
Not exactly a master airbender, but does have the basics down, like Zoro. There are attempts to mimic Sanji's Sky Walk- more for entertainment and curiousity than anything- with varying levels of success (Brook kicks himself too high, doesn't kick at the right time, etc)
Learned about 'gliding suits' (created after he died) and refuses to ever wear one. Adamant that if he must wear traditional airbending clothing, it's flowy stuff or nothing. (he's shy about form fitting clothing being too close to the skin. well, not that he has any-)
literally the exact same. Fishmen can do all the same things in canon, but they cannot be benders. Reason being: every single one of them is uhh, hmm. best way to say this is waterbenders, but to the left.
Fishmen can manipulate water with their hands but only if they're touching the element itself; they can't turn it to ice or anything like that, but the tradeoff is the immense amount of power and precise control they can more easily learn than humans... or smth like that
honestly, Jinbei's just here to chill in this au and probably unintentionally give Luffy bad waterbending advice (it's advice for Fishman Karate which isn't the same, but it's pretty close right? And Luffy keeps asking and insisting he teach him, and well, who is Jinbei to say no? Surely, Franky, who came to watch, will tell him if he's giving the wrong idea-)
Nami yells at both of them. Then yells at Franky because of his waterbender conspiracy theorists.
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umahumahumah · 8 months
i think most people in the hetalia fandom like to think of the nations as these "super duper government secret that only a few people know about" but honestly i like to think that humans do know about them, they just treat them like their average neighbour joe because its funnier that way
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eldritchqueerture · 4 days
john would love the new bring me the horizon album
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junotter · 2 years
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I won't lie this sketch is just an excuse to show my Jack Hunter music taste headcanon (mainly him in like season 5 cause his character changes in a way I don't love in the last 2 seasons)
anyway I think he takes himself way too seriously
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machihunnicutt · 11 months
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having bj hunnicutt lyric feelings again, send help
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ferahntics · 1 year
I’m back with more headcanons nobody asked for, and this time its the Doomers’ turn. Thank you to @startistdoodles for listening to a lot of these and for indulging me in this chaos, I’m having fun xD 💕
Now, there ARE spoilers for Deluxe below the cut - specifically, it spoils some of the bosses in Magolor’s Epilogue.
Doomers, specifically the elemental and EX ones, are usually rather solitary or they’re in smaller flocks when they’re grown, usually only with those they’re close with. As small chicks, they’re smothered together in a cozy nest which is normally made out of anything shiny, snatched by the Grand Doomer.
Speaking of which, like with lions that have one adult male that leads them, there is always one Grand / Crowned Doomer present in a certain radius of nearby Doomers, that’s looked at as ‘the big boss’. It takes charge in raising smaller Doomers until they reach a certain size or maturity before they leave to fend for themselves.
The way they are born is relatively unknown - I imagine it’s a series of a Grand / Crowned Doomer manifesting a portion of its strength to create a new one. When they are born, none of them have any kind of object or spheres in their mouths. That’s something that could be considered a ‘rite of passage’ for them. Once they’re able to obtain something either of great value, either price, rarity or purely sentimental on some occasion, it’s seen as a Doomer reaching some form of ‘adolescence’ which they carry like a badge of honor - a trophy. How they get these depends from Doomer to Doomer, usually from theft.
They’re not overly aggressive or territorial, unless the aforementioned object is in some kind of danger, being targeted by thieves or by their original owners trying to get it back. This is where they drop any kind of truce and become violent - attempting to take the object is like an insult to them, and an attack on something they essentially see as a part of them, a part of their identity. And that being threatened causes them to go berserk.
Rampaging Doomers are mostly the same, with a few differences. For one, they tend to be in slightly bigger groups - that being said, they are that much more aggressive and territorial, so fighting amongst one another is nothing unusual. They are much more mischievous as well, and have a habit of attacking or picking on the runt of the group.
As chicks, they play with one another a lot, but their games are very rough. So them getting banged up or even damaging each other, once again, is not rare.
They don’t target any special objects either, for them they’re seen as fully grown after a certain number of victories as they brawl with the others. However, some do go after an object but it’s more so for their own personal reasons, usually if the object is a form of memento or means something special to them. Yet this might be seen as a weakness by other Rampaging Doomers, so there is a chance they’ll be bigger targets, if only just so they provoke them by trying to snatch the item.
Both Sphere and Rampaging Doomers do have some form of ‘meeting’ with their entire local species and their respective Grand / Crowned Doomer, where they all gather together for a few days as a form of bonding with one another. During this period, the Sphere Doomers tend to play or groom each other - if they are especially fond of one another maybe even exchange something shiny - but usually bring some trinkets for their Grand Doomer.
Rampaging Doomers on the other hand, take it as a trial and a display of their strength, and participate in fights. These are never lethal and really just serve as a show of sorts, and whoever is the winner may receive a small blessing from the Crowned Doomer, perhaps a small portion of its power or the ‘unique’ object they have as a trophy.
And speaking of, Grand / Crowned Doomers are an ‘adult’ form of the Doomers. To reach this peak of strength revolves a large amount of power, which can be gained from fighting experience or, with Sphere Doomers, gathering rare objects and absorbing their energy (hence why so many target Magolor’s Energy Spheres.). Rampaging Doomers on the other hand primarily get it from fighting each other, or by fighting other creatures in their dimension.
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whysamwhy123 · 18 days
Ain't done this in a while but it's sorely needed because I have had A Week. So, if anyone has any spare serotonin lying around and would like to share, through the form of asks, it would be greatly appreciated.
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boltgunkiller-archive · 5 months
wait i’m rewatching episodes of glee s2 right now and tina helped santana write trouty mouth 😭😭😭 tell me why that makes so much sense
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