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rough day...
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noodlebox-bird · 1 month
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ladyofthenoodle · 11 months
It doesn't take long after repairing the miraculous to find out what happened to the butterfly.
Marinette doesn’t take the bracelet to Luka right away after she fixes it.
Maybe she should have—maybe Luka would have been a better candidate to tell Adrien. He’s good with words, after all, and at staying calm in the face of other's despair.
Marinette is neither of those things.
She's especially not those things with Adrien.
But she can't bear to tell Luka first—she hasn't even told Chat Noir yet.
At first, she'd planned to keep Gabriel's secret. He'd asked her to, his dying wish, and she'd still been haunted by the nightmare of Adrien sobbing over his father's ashes. She'd wanted to protect him.
But over time, she'd started to have doubts.
Gabriel hadn't been a good father.
She'd see the statue in the park and think, doesn't Adrien deserve to know the truth?
But then she'd see Adrien laughing in the sunshine, and think, doesn't he deserve to be happy?
So here she is, standing in his room, wielding the snake miraculous alongside her own.
His gaze rakes over her costume, taking it in, before landing on her wrist. She could pinpoint the exact moment of realization by the fear that flashes in his eyes.
"That's not for me, is it?" He doesn't ask this every time—only the times when she doesn't speak first.
"No," she reassures him, and winces at the way his shoulders relax, knowing that what she'd come for was far worse than asking him to wield the snake again.
"Then why…?"
"I have to tell you something," Cobrabug explains. "And I'm not sure how to do it right. So I thought I could… practice?"
Adrien looks thoughtful. "Is this the first time?"
She shakes her head. "The 27th."
His thoughtful expression grows pained. "27 times, while you're wielding two miraculous?"
She waves him off. "I'm sure I'll get it right soon."
He nods.
And—miraculously—she does get it right, this time. All the words come out in the right order and they all make sense and she doesn't start crying.
His face is pale with shock, and Cobrabug is waiting with baited breath for his response, her hand poised to reset the clock.
Adrien opens his mouth to say something, but only a choked, strangled sound comes out.
That's when she notices the butterfly.
Dark, and glowing, and heading straight for Adrien.
Her heart plummets into her stomach.
The missing miraculous.
He notices it a second after she does, eyes flicking back to her in terror.
She reaches for her yo-yo, intent on purifying the akuma, but Adrien is faster.
“Don’t tell me again,” he says, and turns the bracelet on her wrist.
Cobrabug stands in Adrien's room, wielding the snake miraculous alongside her own.
His gaze rakes over her costume, taking it in, before landing on her wrist. She could pinpoint the exact moment of realization by the fear that flashes in his eyes.
"That's not for me, is it?"
"No," she reassures him. "Sorry to bother you. Just checking in."
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galactigatorr · 1 year
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yay siblings !!!
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zaacoy · 1 year
freenoodles request!! Tang smoochin his husband on the snout and Pigsy getting extremely flustered!! (I love these old gays so much they are my fathers actually) ((real)).
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he caught him off guard
Here are your dads, thank you for your request!! Very cute concept to draw out thank you very very much :D !
Small bonus! heeheehoo :3c
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deadwooddross · 1 year
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Inventory Commission, with a bonus Whole Entire Fella! Really felt like getting lost in the render sauce on this one, guess I was in the mood for Textures...and Skin. But I’m always in the mood for Skin Had to scrunch this down a bit to fit tumblr, so go wander in a slightly larger field of silky veins and aged fabric on PATREON if u like
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petra-dot-png · 2 months
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Thought a lot about Song Machine today
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da-shrimping-station · 2 months
some Lucifer headcanons and stuff (Part 1)
he initially didn't want a castle at first because anything ostentatious and fancy reminded him too much of Heaven
not to mention he's gotten pretty comfy w the lil cottagecore life the three of them got going
but nope, the other kings insist he has a castle of his own (and to also establish the capital for Paradise Lost)
he wanted to tell them he's fine without a castle but Mammon had already made up his mind, deciding that that'll be his welcoming gift for him and he and Satan are a few ways away, picking out a good spot for it
meanwhile, Levi and Beel ask him about potential nobles to serve him
he relented because Gamigin and Jjok looked so excited at the thought of living in a castle
Lucifer met Morax first, then Marbas, then Buer
man's got the voice of an angel (hehe) but rarely sings (he used to together with the seraphs but after the fall the desire to sing is almost nonexistent)
he also knows how to play a few instruments
one day he felt a bit nostalgic and started to absentmindedly sing while doing paperwork
he got carried away to the point he was singing loud enough that it can be heard outside his office and the windows
the devils who heard his singing wept (especially the nobles)
they declared that day a national holiday in Paradise Lost
Gamigin has a recording of the singing (that he sometimes listens to in secret)
oh crap there's a lot lmao gonna post part 2 the day after
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timothvy · 9 months
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alfreds not watching, do a kick flip in the house !!1!
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mayakern · 7 months
me and my editor are making SUCH good headway with the spitfire edit and it is honestly killing me that i can’t share it with y’all bc it is so good!!!!!!!!
also obviously knock on wood but we’re hoping to have the first book (i.e. first half of legacy spitfire) edited and ready for submission in early 2024, hopefully by end of january but i don’t wanna get ahead of myself
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
(Continued from Part 1)
Steve’s first thought is that he’s died and this is the afterlife, which makes no sense. But it makes a hell of a lot more sense than Eddie Munson, frozen in the doorway of the bar, staring at him.
Another patron pushes past Eddie, because he’s kind of blocking the entrance, and Eddie stumbles a little. It seems to shake him out of whatever stasis he’d been in, and he turns back towards the door.
Steve fucking vaults over the bar. Even lunging full speed, he barely manages to grab Eddie’s jacket in his fist.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” he growls, dragging Eddie back inside. “I swear to god, Munson, I will track you down like it’s 1986 all over again.”
Eddie lets out a choked little laugh. “Okay, okay, Harrington. Cool your jets. I’m here, you got me.” 
His voice is a little different. Rougher, maybe. He still sounds like himself; he still looks like himself. 
Steve clamps a hand on the back of Eddie’s neck like he’s scruffing a cat, and hauls him stumbling along to the back room. “Taking my break, Laurie,” he calls on the way. It’s a slow night, and Laurie likes him. He’ll have as long as he needs to deal with the Eddie Munson Situation.
He lets go of Eddie once they’re in the back. He doesn’t want to. He can’t stop staring. The idea of Eddie has followed Steve around since he was 19. Having the flesh-and-blood guy in front of him is tripping him out. It’s like double vision, the way he sees Eddie and also all the Eddie-related thoughts he’s had over the years all at once, all crammed into one space. 
Eddie’s visibly uncomfortable, shifting his weight. His eyes are darting around like he’s scoping out exits. 
“I’m sorry,” he blurts out. 
“I don’t forgive you,” Steve says. It feels like the words are being scraped out of him with a butter knife.
“I…” Eddie hesitates. “Yeah, I get it. Okay, I’ll just. I’ll stay out of your way.”
Steve’s reaching out before he even realizes he’s moving, grasping tight at Eddie’s shirt like a child and crowding close. “No, no, I don’t want—you can’t do that again. You can’t leave again. You don’t get to fucking leave like that.” 
“Oh, Harrington,” says Eddie. He folds Steve into his arms, so carefully, and then Steve’s clinging to him, head tucked into his shoulder, shaking like a tornado. 
It’s fucked up, but this might actually be the first time they’ve ever touched in a deliberate kind of way, aside from the kind of shoulder-slaps and awkward jostling that teenage boys do when they don’t know how to be in each others’ space without it being some kind of fight. Steve doesn’t live like that anymore; he thinks nobody should have to live like that. Now, it’s so easy to curl into Eddie and soak up every little thing, the way his skin and hair smell a little bit like sweat and smoke, how all of him is here under Steve’s hands. 
Steve wants to crack open his own ribcage and stuff Eddie inside. 
The thought is so sudden and solid that it snaps him out of his little breakdown. He needs to stop thinking about Eddie as a defining moment of his youth and start thinking about him as someone who probably has plans for his life that don’t involve being clung to by Steve Harrington for all eternity. 
It’s just that he’s had his whole adult life to let the what-ifs and possibilities ferment in him, shaping who he is, and there’s just no way he can ever be even a little bit normal about Eddie.
He’s got to try, though. Steve pulls back and clears his throat. Eddie’s eyes flick down to where Steve can’t quite make himself let go of the grip he has on that stupid leather jacket, but Eddie doesn’t say a word. It might be a kindness, or Eddie might’ve just learned some tact in the last decade.
“So,” says Steve. “Explain.”
Eddie starts talking right away, no hesitation, like he’s been waiting to be asked.
“Okay, so, after everything went down, the feds took my body back and kept it for a couple years to run their creepy little tests on. Normal fucked-up government stuff. Got the shock of their lives when I started thrashing around all monster-y, very Night of the Living Dead. And then by the time they figured out I was, y’know, coming back, we figured it’d be kinder to just let you all get on with your lives. I wasn’t even talking like I was human for a few years, and by that time, the kids were practically done with high school, so. That was pretty much that.”
“How long,” says Steve. An awful image is starting to take shape behind his eyes.
“How long what?” Eddie tilts his head, looking confused.
“How long were you alone. How long were you locked up.”
“Oh. I dunno. Are we counting from, like, when my body first regained consciousness? Or when I first remembered who I was?”
“Either. Both.”
“A while, I guess. It really sucked, I’m not gonna lie. But…they didn’t even know I was me, so I can’t really blame them.” Eddie huffs out a croaky little laugh. “Harrington, you gotta understand. I didn’t know I was me. They basically had a wild animal of unknown demonic origin for their little menagerie, so they weren’t too psyched about me starting to be, like, a person who might possibly have rights again. I think I really messed up some of their research.” 
“I wish—they should’ve told us. They should’ve told—we would’ve helped. We would’ve done something.”
“It wasn’t so bad. Four walls and a roof, got my Fancy Feast twice a day.”
“Fucking hell, Eddie. How long have you been out? Wait, how long have you been in Chicago?”
“Not that long. They ran out of funding a few months ago, so now I’m kind of a tag-and-release deal. Wound up here a couple weeks ago, just trying to figure out what comes next.” 
So at least it's not like Eddie's been running around just existing in the world for years, and Steve missed it. He feels relieved, and then he fucking hates that he's relieved, because at least Eddie wouldn't have been a damn lab rat. 
He wants Eddie to be happy. he really does. He's just greedy, is all. He had all these scraps of Eddie that he hoarded jealously through the years, thinking there'd never be any more, and now it's overwhelming to be able to look and touch and breathe the same air. 
Steve just needs to keep remembering that Eddie's his own person. But maybe it's okay that he's going to be weird about Eddie, because Eddie is looking back, taking in whatever there is of Steve to take in. The glasses, maybe, or the earring. 
“What happened to you, Steve Harrington?” Eddie’s voice is quiet, like he’s talking to himself. Maybe he is.
“You did,” says Steve. 
Eddie looks up, almost cartoonishly surprised. His mouth actually drops open. 
“We weren’t friends or anything. You didn’t know me.” Even as he says it, Eddie’s wincing like he knows he’s wrong, or maybe just like he knows he's being cruel. He doesn’t take it back, though.
“Fuck you, Eddie. Christ. If you think it didn’t fucking kill me that you died, fuck you.” 
“You’re still kicking, ain’tcha?” But Eddie’s already jostling close. He’s like a cat, trying to comfort Steve by climbing all over him. 
It’s fucked up that Eddie is having to comfort Steve about his own death, when Steve’s had a whole life in the years when Eddie was lying alone on a government slab somewhere. He’s said yes and yes and yes to Robin, to chances, to the Eddie he’d carried around in his head like a song that won’t let you go. Steve went to London with Robin, and walked through Camden Market in the sunshine thinking Eddie would’ve loved this, all while Eddie was getting hooked up to monitors underground. Steve went dancing in Paris and kissed a beautiful man with dark, curly hair who spoke almost no English by the Seine, while Eddie was clawing his way back to humanity.
Steve’s had every good thing because of Eddie, because he wanted to live the kind of brave and colorful life that Eddie'd had stolen from him, and now Eddie’s rubbing his back gently and going, “Hey, it’s okay, it all worked out fine. You’re okay.”
“I grew my hair out for a while,” says Steve. 
Eddie audibly gasps, clutching at his heart and reeling dramatically. “Tell me there are photos, Harrington. You can’t just say that and not show me photos.”
“Yeah.” Steve finally lets go of Eddie’s jacket. “I can do that. Give me a second to talk to my boss and we’ll go see the photos.” 
He pauses before he opens the door. Eyes fixed firmly ahead, he says quietly: “Eddie. Um. You should know. If you pull another runner on me, I’m—I’m not gonna survive it, man. So just…promise you won’t leave without telling me first.”
“I won’t,” says Eddie. “Promise.”
(series tag)
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averyshittyseal · 1 year
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It's been a while since I posted something! But I couldn't help it, it's the end of May and we're going to say goodbye to Marmay in no-time! SO! There's this splendid artist @glass-noodle that's making a wonderful AU on Connor!Mermaid so... yeah! I HAD TO DRAW IT!!!
(Sorry for the quality i just... 🏳🏳🏳)
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totallynotagremlin · 8 months
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The update took over and i immediatly started doodling
I am frothing at the mouth over this stunning fic
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brutalitybunny · 4 months
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bitchy klav and loungy daryan
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
sometimes, adulthood is realizing that the only vegetables you have in the house are jalapenos, and that you won't be able to go grocery shopping 'til wednesday
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verkomy · 6 months
what is your favorite soup?
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