#Not just bc I'm union but when you have the BEST work family???
kelpiemomma · 1 year
Rolling around a modern au where Ingo never got yeeted to Hisui and Akari still isn't dawn, but she does look an incredible amount like her. Akari works at gear station with the twins and bc she looks like dawn people often mistake her for the Sinnoh champ. Akari is the youngest of the gear station crew so everyone is constantly looking out for "the baby" (affectionate) Making sure the baby has her lunch, making sure the baby has all her hygiene needs, keeping the baby safe from people who want dawn's autograph or a battle. Akari left her family at the first chance, so the support of the gear station crew means everything to her. Maybe someone, a leftover from team galactic or team plasma, mistakes her for Dawn and thinks they'll get revenge on her and abduct her. Except they made a mistake, because they took gear station's baby and there will be hell to pay.
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15-lizards · 1 month
what looks do you think the westerosi are showing off at the Tourney of Harrenhal?
biggest gathering of the year, first inter-kingdom gathering after winter, first King Aerys public appearance in forever, some peeps expecting a secret meeting with rhaegar about taking over for his father — it was THE party!
oh bitch the girls were turning ouuuuuut!
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The Starklings were dressed in very Riverlander-like clothing (early to classic Medieval-ish) for the trip, which were very well made, befitting their status as children of the Warden of The North, but probably way simpler compared to most of the southerners. Probably a muted grey-black-deep blue pallet too, so that Rickard could cement their Serious Stark Vibes at the function. Brandon probably thought it made them look cool. Lyanna had the traditional wide flowing gowns and loose veils that I guess make blonde predators go oh wow I need to kidnap her for a prophecy
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Tywin couldn't have his children looking like bums ofc. Cersei was still in the throes of her teenage Higharden fashions era, with a very high waist, pushed up bosom, and puff sleeves. Jamie's doublets all fitted perfectly and was made sure to have his fur-trimmed overgrown fall at just the right angle. And he probably had the best armor at the tourney, gilded with lions and vines. Because even though Tywin would rather kill Jamie than see him in the kingsgaurd, his son couldn't be caught not looking fresh. The tailors at Casterly were worked so hard they probably had the first ever medieval thoughts of unionizing.
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Rhaegars bitch ass. Probably tended to wear longer coats/gowns/talbards, except for when he was sparring or jousting of course. They were obviously very well made, but were almost underwhelming for the heir to the kingdom, as he tended towards the simplistic side. Also I think they sometimes bordered on feminine bc he was a fairly androgynous figure To Me.
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I think the Daynes were wearing their usual (Turkish) fashions, liking to stand out a bit from the crowd, but didn't stand out so much as the Martells. Ashara was the belle of the ball with her insanely detailed over gowns and fur linings in almost foreign styles. Yes it made Arthur extremely jealous when he saw Brandon and Barrister tripping over themselves around her (yes I'm going with the Dayne incest headcanon sorry). Also, the men in the family wore the traditional tightly wrapped styles as well, except for Arthur who probably slept in his kingsgaurd armor.
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edwinspaynes · 4 months
Re Follow up to Wessa spicy and loving ur work > CC and long fits Q
I CANNOT WAIT FOR WESSA SPICY, U WRITE SPICY SO FREAKING WELL! I also have never thought about historical spicy stuff. which obviously happened cuz hello folks back then did it as well, it's not just a present day thing haha.
I think I just feel ur engagement is way more motivating and higher than CC's. Obv CC has mad kudos for creating this Universe, but like any author who has made It so clear that she wants to move on from the universe, the fun part is playing within it YK? Not just creating plots and marriages just so that the union and the good ending is the telos of it. The pay off is now seeing them banter about together, have the dynamics shift as they age, see how they view the world and how they continue to problem solve yk? And it gets even more fun when you create ensemble casts, bc THATS why Downton abbey is so long! It's so much fun to see it through, throughout!
An example I use is I follow these two authors who LOVEE their book universes, and also write generational fun family (modern day) ensamble casts with friends, and they spend normally 3-4 books focused on one character's OTP, seeing it through, throughout, and than moving onto another. Not the traditional stickler predictable "one book per pairing" in a series we see too often. AND THAN, when they move on, they continue to write publish 2 bonus chapters, update their interests boards, and talk about everything on their Patreon for like less than 3 dollars a month. there are over 100+ chapters now at this point!
Not to say that's what CC wants to do, but when you have amounted such a huge fandom, a lot of it is not just about making annual deliverables and canon events occur, but having fun just domestically and I feel like she doesn't want to do that. Which is totally fine! I respect that. But obviously the type of fan I am, as you can see, I gravitate towards the way you produce, engage and write (u write for yourself and ur fans, yes u have fans and I am one) more so than her. That's kind of what I was trying to get at in my initial post :-). Bc when CC wants to move on, it feel so lovely and safe, to know my safe space won't go, because ur still leading it. <3 <3 So again, from the bottom to the top of my heart, thank you <3
This made me tear up. Thank you so much, friend.
Messages like this make me feel extremely motivated to write. I really hope you enjoy my Valentine's fic as much as I am liking writing it.
I think I understand what you're saying - Cassie does a really good job of creating characters and telling their stories. I consider her to be one of the best creators of our time, specifically in TID and TLH as well as Sword Catcher (even if that one has less of a hold on me, it's inarguably one of her best works world-building and plot-wise.) But yes, sometimes you just want little fluffy post-canon stories of the characters, which is not always possible for a world-famous writer with tons of ongoing projects. I'm looking forward to Better in Black a lot because of this.
I just write what I want to see and roll with it. I am glad that it's what you want to see, too.
Dear God, I am tearing up a lot. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, I truly appreciate everyone who has read one of my fics and given me a chance to play with their blorbos.
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awellboiledicicle · 1 year
Timo is fun bc her whole life Demeter's "winter until persephone comes home" rage has been going.
Her family are farmers and shepherds.
So her family had her and kept her bc there was a span where things were warming back up... then it got bad again. But as marrying age crept up, there just wasnt enough of anything to be a good dowry. So she keeps adding weaving work to her dowry, since staying warm is literally a lifeline rn. But it's slow because they still have to sell some stuff to make ends meet. Then wars broke out and it's just her, her mother, and the sheep.
So she hits 17 and is convinced shes never going to marry. Then she hits 19 and the local wars die down. Shes convinced her dowry and marriage chest is largely for her mother's sanity. Then she meets Hypnos and spends two more years Doing Her Best.
Then one of the men returning from war goes to her dad and says he'll take her if he adds some sheep to the dowry.
Cue panic from Timo at her dear friend like "but I dont even know him! My brothers dont even know him! I know I should be happy but I'm not"
Bc like part of why shes been so informal with Lykos (Hypnos) is because 1: dream, and 2: shes under the impression shes already fucked up being a woman, may as well break social rules and be super close with an unrelated guy she thinks she made up.
Which is why she has a hard freak out when he goes "I'm actually Hypnos, surprise"
Meanwhile Hypnos has 0 idea of like.. what's the protocol for mortal polite society. So it didnt occure to him that that's part of the freak out. He also doesn't pay too close attention to stories floating around the mortals so he has no idea she just did the mental math of "almost had a Zeus situation" and is reconciling that with her beloved Lykos.
All this not to even mention that overt informality involved a lot of flirting and like. Hugging when sad/happy. Talking about Women Things like bitching about period cramps that kept her up. Compliments in both directions. Because she thought he was just... a really solid part of her dreams.
Like once she calms down a few notches it's fine, but like. Panic. Which makes Hypnos panic because her response in panic was to start apologizing and falling to her knees to beg forgiveness for being so rude and presuming things about him. And he instantly feels like he fucked up telling the truth, but he as to or Hera wont help him ascend her to divinity enough to live in the House. Or bless their union, which is about the only way he could marry her instead without Hera getting pissed. Which he worries about happening at all because Panic.
So they just. Awkwardly sit there once he gets her to stop calling him Lord etc... and then she has this epiphany. A god is literally saying he wants to marry her. And hes been mostly a gentleman this entire time. Her. And she was literally just saying she loved him too much to be happy marrying a mortal man. This couldnt have worked out better actually.
Which makes the follow up "ok but you need to go tell my father or the wedding planning will still happen. Also I want to see the reaction to me marrying a god" delightful. Because flesh and ichor Hypnos gets to zip over there and shiver at her doorstep like "hi, I'm marrying your daughter. Also can I come in? Its mighty chilly out. What?"
Like it all goes well eventually, but contextually I like the implications. Also bc after Persephone comes back and the winter stops, Timo does a lil happy dance about her family being able to thrive again.
Yes I did too much research about marriage in ancient Greece and the age of usual marriage. And I was not gonna make my oc that young. So implications of being unmarried etc at 21 when most girls get married a whole lot younger.
But anyway. Rotating in my mind
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I was wanting to go for a skilled trade (plumber or electrician) but I've been discouraged from like, all sides bc "being trans and trade workers don't mix" 😒 do you have to face a lot of bullshit?
Honestly, it just depends! When I first started out, I was prepared to keep my head down and follow the 'don't ask don't tell' procedure, but when I was delivering my referral from the union to the counselor at my electric company, she was talking about how some guy in the company would look cute in makeup or drag. So out of curiosity, I basically asked if she thought I'd have any issues as a trans woman, or if I'd have an easier time being closeted.
And she started talking to me about one of their older apprentices named Joel. She said he was one of the best hardworking apprentices they had, and for the longest time she never even put together that he was a trans man. He started experiencing some kind of health problems and just stopped coming in one day, but he's still missed and thought well of.
At my school on my first day, I DMed my training instructor and basically asked him "hey, I know you were talking about feeling dignified and respected regardless of background stuff earlier, but do you think I would get harassed to the point of interfering with my studies if I'm out as a trans woman here?" And during break, he pulled me aside to a spare room and said it was up to me and what I was most comfortable doing.
He said that unfortunately there are still quite a handful of shitheads in the industry. But that if anybody in the school ever made that my problem, that he would make it their problem and remove them from the program. He mentioned one trans guy student who was there some years before who had relatively no issues with harassment. And a different student who got homophibic slurs yelled at him. The guy responsible for harassment was promptly kicked out, but the student being defended felt traumatized enough that they wanted to drop out.
And he shared an anecdote about the employee who was helping their family purchase a new vehicle. One day they came in to be helped, and the representatives new name was Cindy.
I would say in these situations, I'm very fortunate that I'm not the very first trans person a lot of these people have met. But in any industry or anywhere I go, I do have to tend to act as though I am gonna be the first point of contact people make with a trans person and inform their impressions about other trans people whether I like it or not.
For me that unfortunately usually means I can't be too sensitive. As long as my dead name isn't used, I put up with wrong pronouns until I'm positive I've earned everybody's respect. Sometimes they'll ask questions about trans stuff and I do my best to explain a concept or dynamic to them. There is unfortunately still a lot of shop talk between men, but I've had to bite my tongue about some things until I have more equal footing.
I haven't felt too inclined to wear makeup to the construction site, but I'll probably wear it to the company Christmas party or out with other coworkers. I work a strong work ethic and learn as much as I can, and they appreciate having me on the team. At the end of the day, they've agreed that I'm one of them and they'll take care of me/have my back and won't let anybody start shit with me either. If I ever did have any issues, I would be able to take it up with HR, or find work elsewhere through the union without too much trouble. Within the IBEW is also the Electrical Workers Minority Caucus (EWMC) which is meant to help provide resources/organize for women, racial minorities, and lgbt workers within the industry.
So I'd like to say that each time we can make a good impression on somebody, these industries do become more inviting to others like us. I would say that regionally things may be different from one place to another. With my city, I wasn't sure what to expect, so I've always been proceeding with caution. But in the trades, hard work/caring about your job really does go a long long way.
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d4rkpluto · 2 years
happy easter and congrats on your milestone 😼
❥ your exchange: how will your next partner treat you?
your next partner will treat you, i'm hearing "like you deserve". they'll see you as an equal to them and give you the respect you deserve. they'll respect your words and choices so you won't have to worry. your next partner is the type of person who will put in a ton of effort to make this relationship work. if you're ever having problems with them, they'll work with you not against you. they just want a successful relationship with you so they're willing to go out of their way to help you and be there for you. they genuinely see your happiness as the most important thing to them. sometimes he may so much effort in that it frustrates him a little when you don't respond. doesn't seem like it'll lead to conflicts but it could be hard to be on the same page sometimes. i'm seeing that before you two get together, there's gonna be something standing in the way of your union (but i think you already know who it is lmao). other than that, this relationship is gonna be intense. he'll have very intense emotions for you. sometimes he'll come on too strong but i think it's bc of all the sexual tension. your next partner will treat you like you're their best friend and lover in one. i'm seeing one of their love languages is gift giving? so he's gonna love to spoil you and buy you things just cause he feels like it. his presence will also act as a safe space for you and im seeing your relationship could be very private. he may be very good at reading your thoughts or knowing what you need just by looking at you. kinda also getting the vibe this dude would wanna marry you but too bad for him 💔
no channeled songs for this one bestie, next time tho 😔
♇ thank you so much for your patience and for playing this game @cancerfairy
♇ this exchange was sweet, and it resonated well because it makes sense with the ongoing situation [ i kid you not this is the same dude you did a reading on me for the first time, he did huge shadow work ] and everything you have told me is aligning with everything i've gotten
♇ your question - how will your next future partner treat you
♇ my answer - queen of pentacles, two of cups and knight of wands
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♇ okay so this is a good spread, they would want to give you comfort and nurture you. they would want to give you stability and make food for you. they'll be very generous and loyal to you, they would bring no nonsense to the table, they seem like someone who likes their peace. they would want to take care of you and might want to have a family with you.
�� they would be a great partner with you, this future partner will be very attracted to you, they would want to do things that is beneficial for you. would want to help you and encourage you to start beginnings that'll blossom well for you. they would be harmonious to you and fair. would like to listen to your judgement as well.
♇ good beacon of your future partner being sexually attracted to you, they will be very passionate with you and the relationship will not lack physical intimacy. they will be courageous with you and will most likely be the one to shoot their shot first. they will be very charming and passionate, you might find them unpredictable though.
♇ make sure to leave feedback in the comments!
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28dayslater · 3 years
okay so basically my question is, is uni as fun as it looks?
i'm 23 and never went, i couldn't even finish college bc of mental health and then i never knew what i wanted in life so thought it didn't matter that i didn't go right away and i kept meaning to like figure it out but then i fell into a job i really like and have been here for a few years now and am content enough. no one in my family went to uni so it was never expected of me so when i didn't go there were no consequences y'know.
but social media is full of people in/who just graduated uni and it looks so fun that i feel like i've missed out. people posting videos in their new accomodation and with their flatmates and becoming best friends and staying up all night, going out doing random things and just having fun and being young with no expectations, and i feel like i've never experienced anything in my life.
like i did some of it, i moved out but there's no parties, no events or societies or getting off with strangers. and i hate to admit it but i still only have a single friend, not the friend group i always wanted. i've been on nights out a few times but it's always different because i know i have to go to work tomorrow, it's never the carefree "i don't know where i'll wake up and that's fine just living in the moment" type of experience. everything is different as an adult i guess. i'm tired by 8pm and going out until 10 is late for me.
and like i know myself i know i would not do well in uni due to my mental health and i would have dropped out or failed, and honestly i do not want to study i do not do well in education. i like finishing work and not having to worry about homework or whatever, but i really wish i could have experienced the social side of uni. i don't know if i'd have even enjoyed it, and it might have gotten old real quick, but i wish i could have at least tried it. and especially when everyone i work with met their partners and friends at uni, and i'm here doing everything i want to do just on my own because my singular friend doesn't share most of my interests.
but i also know people often exaggerate things on social media, and that lots of people don't share their experiences so i'm not sure whether uni is as fun as it always seems or whether it's just select people only sharing their few good experiences. idk i'm just kind of feeling like my entire life has just passed me by or something idk.
sorry for the dump omg i did not mean to say all that i was just gonna ask the question but lost the plot a bit 😭
i think the thing with uni is that like most things it is what you make of it. its a wonderful opportunity to hang out with people your own age, party and ignore your lectures and make stupid decisions bc youre on your own for the first time, and theres no other situation where youre gonna be so free to do what you want, but even when youre there that opportunitys only there if you take it. i went uni for three years, spent half of it violently depressed and not getting out of bed or doing any work, fucked up my actual degree and left with precisely one friend that im still in contact with. so even if youre in the position to be having the time of your life its very easy to waste it and end up having had no fun at all.
it sounds like you wouldnt have enjoyed the actual studying and what you're envious of is purely the social side. and tbf the social part of it does get old quickly, i spent my entire third year living with my best friend just watching crap tv every night instead of ever leaving the house or seeing anyone else. but also, theres no reason you cant create that social life for yourself! all the parties and that i went to at uni were just club nights in town or occasionally at the student union, you dont have to be invited or know anyone before you go.
and as miserable as it is to do and as trite as it sounds, you can make friends even when you're not forced together by school or uni or student accomodation. coworkers, friends of friends, roommates, online mutuals who don't live hundreds of miles away, you can ask those people to hang out and see where you can get from there. and as much as it sickens me to say bc i sound like my mum, theres always societies and events and stuff you can join if you go looking. most my adult friendships have only stayed in my life bc ive put effort into them and made a point of seeing those people and actively making plans. fucking sucks shit but thats the nature of being an adult, when youre not forced together by circumstance every day you have to cling to every friendship youve got and dig your claws in hard
but i hope you do okay! and i think you will
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@ne-nene-ne said,
[1/2] Hi~ May I pls have a matchup? I'm a ♏, ISFP, 5'0 fem w/ medium length dark hair & eyes. I like wearing sweaters/sweatpants a lot! I love to draw & sing especially! I'd sing softly to my s/o if we're close & alone together. I often take endless pics of the sunset bc it's so pretty! Tbh I'm a loner. I'm shy, quiet, awkward and I like my alone time. I'm friendly and good-willing towards others nonetheless! I've been told I have a positive aura. I'm more chill, silly & playful w/ family!
[2/2] I can joke around w/ them! I have a short temper but I forgive just as quickly. I can be hard on myself bc I feel it's necessary to improve. I'm an appreciative person so I'll say "thank you" like 1000 times lol! I highly value family & honesty! My ideal s/o is someone family-oriented, devoted, and genuine. Bonus points if they're funny too! I'd like someone who I can slowdance to soft, jazz music w/. My love language is Acts of Service! Tysm! Take your time, stay healthy & stay safe! ❤
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✧ Thank you so much for requesting a matchup love. Tumblr is not letting me tag you so hopefully you’ll see this. 😔 I wish you well during this challenging time. Hope you keep safe as well! 😷
I’d match you with: . . .
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➜ HOW YOU TWO FIRST MET ; Juza Hyodo is that typical cold guy in school that everyone is lowkey scared of. That’s how he seems from outside anyway. You were asked by your biology teacher to borrow the books for the class’s current lesson from the library on the spot so you took a beeline for the shelves as fast as you could. But for god’s sake all the books were placed at the topmost part of the science shelves. You stood there for a good minute while glaring at the books overhead. You knew you were damned for good since there were no chairs nearby that were available and the librarian was nowhere to be seen. You stomped you feet in annoyance until you felt a looming presence behind you. A tall one. When you turned around, you saw Juza grabbing the books at ease and handing it to you. You thanked him quietly which surprised him because you actually didn’t quiver with fear or panic in his presence??? and you genuinely thanked him?? It was not usual for him to hear someone express their gratitude towards him. Even the cashiers from sweet shops he’d like to visit secretly we’re scared of him for heaven’s sake. After murmuring a little “‘S nothing.” he walked away. And that was the end of it. Or so you thought. The second time you met the purple haired boy was in a cafe. You were patiently waiting in the line for this so called Peanut Butter Pound Cake S'mores. According to your friends, it was one of the best desserts the cafe ever had. To test that theory, you decided to check the dessert yourself. Everything was perfectly normal until a young teenage boy of average height with fluffy pink hair and light blue eyes bumped into you, spilling a little of his drink on you. Yes, I’m talking about Muku. Baby boy was so scared and flustered, he apologized to you multiple times like crazy. Luckily it wasn’t anything hot so you didn’t burn yourself. Giving the boy a soft smile, you said it was fine and he shouldn’t worry about it. But he is a kind-hearted and modest boy with the motto "doing one good deed each day" so of course he offered you to give some of the Chocolate-Caramel Sandwich Cookies he had ordered before to apologize properly. Normally you would’ve reject the offer but with the way he was looking at you, you couldn’t find the heart to do so. While waiting for your order together, you learned what the boy’s name was and that he came here with his cousin. When you heard that the first image that popped into your mind was a soft looking person just like him you. After you got your order, the two of you made your way towards their table. And with that, your previous thought was thrown out of the window just like that. There he was, one and only Juza Hyodo, the person who helped you in the library, was sitting in a chair, quietly munching on one of the many sweets in front of him. When Muku announced that he was back, his eyes shot up to him and then shifted towards you. Yeah, it was awkward. Nevertheless, you tried to offer the tall boy a smile, which he just nodded his head, cheeks tilted pink to get his sweet tooth exposed to someone from school. After you sat down, Muku began to explain how he accidentally bumped into you and spilled some of his drink on you. Juza got the picture and said nothing. Though, gradually he started to become more comfortable. Before you knew it, you befriend the young teenage boy with fluffy hair. You told Muku how you two first met, which he only exclaimed how cool his cousin was and how the scene was just like from a shoujo manga. So yeah, your friendship with Juza started that day and slowly but steadily developed into something more. You would see him at school and chat with him, give him snacks to eat together on the rooftop etc.
➜ PERSONALITY COMPATIBILITY ; Let me just start of by saying that you two are really similar in terms of personality. A loner who is shy, quiet, awkward, likes alone time yet still friendly and good-willing towards others? Yeah, you get to point. When you're dating someone who has almost identical personality traits as you, reading them becomes easier. Juza is honest and critical of himself but is more than willing to work hard on it to improve himself and so are you. You two motive each other become better versions of yourselves, constantly pushing forward hand in hand ad I think that’s a beautiful thing in a relationship. You two have the same values. He deeply values his comrades and family so he would love it whenever he saw you getting along with Muku or Kumon. He’s very protective of those he holds dear, so watching you interact with them and care for them as if they were your own family would make him fall for you even more. The same goes for him as well. He’ d try his utmost best to get along with your family. Physical affection is OUT the window in the first start of your guys' relationship though. And when you guys DO start attempting physical contact, he'd be so stiff. Baby boy really hasn’t had a lot of experience in regards to how to treat others with affection outside of his family. 🥺 but deep down, Juza has a soft side. He’s a bit shy with showing his affections, but he tries his utmost best to convey his love to you― one of them being if you ever needed him support with ANYTHING honestly, he’ll always make it known to you that you have his full support and that he’s always right beside you through everything.
➜ SHARED ACTIVITIES ; With an delinquent-like appearance that often gives people a "scary" impression of him, I feel like Juza would rather spend time inside rather than outside. For those with a serious sweet tooth, baking, especially with a lover has a double benefit: It engages the two of you in an activity you probably don't do often, and you get to enjoy something delicious afterward. You two make an especially decadent dessert when you're feeling ambitious, or simply break out a boxed mix if you're short on time — or baking skills. At first times, there is a lot of trial and error and you guys end up getting covered in flour and such, a cheeky smile present on your face. These are usually the times where you get to hear Juza’s rare laughs as he joined in your joy. Feeling too lazy to bake something? Have a candy tasting. Satisfying your sweet tooth is a foolproof way to survive. Stock up on different colors of Starbursts, Gummi Bears or Worms, Sour Straws, Hi-Chews, and whatever else you are craving— and then eat your way through the rainbow together. Bonus points if you’re lounging off your sugar coma with a movie on the couch afterwards, he doesn’t particularly mind what kind so it’s totally up to you which genre you want to watch. This one is technically not a date but sometimes you, Juza, Muku and Kumon play board games. Depending on how competitive you are, this idea can be a little dangerous. (looking at you monopoly.) But it’s always a blast to spend time with people you love and cherish.
➜ ZODIAC COMPATIBILITY ; Juza’s birthday is on September 27, which makes him a Libra. When Libra and Scorpio come together in a love match, they tend to make a very emotionally connected and mutually satisfying union. Though Scorpio is a brooder who can get lost in the confusing welter of their own emotions, Libra’s proclivity for balance and harmony helps keep Scorpio even. Scorpio can return the favor to Libra with their characteristic powers of focus, a trait that Libra usually lacks. These two are very compatible due to their similar needs in a love relationship: Libra is the Sign of Partnership, and Libra is happiest when in a well-balanced and intimate relationship, while Scorpio thrives on emotional and sexual intimacy with their mate. These two Signs can make a very loyal, close and satisfying partnership. What’s the best aspect of the Libra-Scorpio relationship? The power they find in unity. They can accomplish a lot, whether they come together for a cause in the business or romantic sphere. They are both winners and they won’t give up, making theirs a relationship that takes care of business.
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volgotha · 4 years
Holy shit I just read your text post I'm so sorry! How are people so easily sold on bullshit??? What happened that lead up to all that?
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Okay, strap yourself in. I’m only typing this mess up once more and then I’m never mentioning it again as long as I live. I’m not going to tag it with anything relevant either so once its posted, i’m letting it get lost in the sea of reblogs. Here we go, warning; this is gon be long.
In 2006 I went to college. From 2006 to 2009 I hung out with 5 friends and my bf at the time, Andre. It was in 2007 that we started to poke our heads into the 2C11 room (the clubspace room). Matt and his best friend Jogn Carlo started coming with us to Rocky Horror, a thing only myself and two of my 5 friends would do together, along with ppl they knew from their old highschool. By 2009, we had formed a big gang of friends from the clubspace, and we all started going to movies and sushi together. One of my friends organize panels for Otakuthon, where we’d all meet up.      
But in 2009, two of the 5 ppl I hung out with had a falling out. They stopped being friends. One went to university, the other was around for one more year then she went to university in 2010. That’s when the old group began to change from a family to a clique: In 2010 new members joined the club, and became new staples in the old group–most importantly, a guy named Tin.
It used to feel like a big family, but when the new semester started in September 2010 and new members flooded the club, everything changed. Tin instantly gave me a strange feeling in my gut, like there was something off abt him I couldn’t articulate. Shannon was dating Alex, the then club president, who stepped down in disgrace after I and one of those 5 friends went to the student union to complain abt him being the Harvey Weinstein of the club,. He wanted to permanently ban her from the club bc that summer when he was making a shitty youtube movie, he asked her out and she said no. The only reason he stepped down is bc I helped her take it to the student union and took him down. So when 2010 came along, Tin swooped in and became Alex 2.0, and when I warned ppl abt him they didn’t listen.
Fast forward a year to 2011, and the shitstorm happens; My mom had bvee battling with cancer since 2009. She had a hysterectomy but it didn’t work, and the cancer came back with a vengance.
January 15th 2011: My mom comes into my room and tells me her doctor doesn’t give her 1 year left to live. A few minutes after she leaves my room, Tin talks to me on Steam. He starts trolling me, I exploded on him. I felt bad about it so I tried to apologise to him, and I wrote on my facebook wall a message: “Just found out my mom has a year left to live, not in my right head, plz stay away from me for a while” so i wouldn’t explode on anyone else. I said I tried to apologise to Tin on steam, because him being an abujsive sociopath, instead of just accepting the apology or not like a normal person, instead he starts demanding that i admit to being a shitdisturber. I ignore him at that point, tell him im sorry, wish him good night and then sign off steam, and go to bed.
The following day, Shannon heads me off as I’m in the 2C11 hallway heading to the clubspace room; she warns me that Kelly is having a shit fit and screaming about how much of a horrible person I am, that apparently Kelly thinks my facebook post is me using my mom as an excuse to get away with being a bitch. I run to confront her, because excuse me, no it fucking wasn’t yknow? and whatever trauma she hasn;’t resolved yet doesn’t give her the right to twist my meanings and paint me as a monster. Thats when she goes into the Oliver’s caf so I follow her, and she screams at me calls me pathetic and heads back into the clubspace, and everyone followed her and left me in the caf crying with Shannon and Alex. :/
The situation was made ten times worse later that night by a certain person named Mathew, remember him? He was supposed to be my friend. Instead, he took the opportunity to write a huge post on fb tearing me down, on which everyone else joined in taking a public jab at me. Matt was seen as the community leader at the time. He could have used his power to calm the situation down, instead he made things worse. To this day, I suspect that troll Tin is the one who twisted my words to trigger Kelly and cause all of this, and that he also had Matt in the palm of his hand, but i digress; Matt’s post convinced most of them to ditch me. That devastated me in an already overwhelmed state, and I attempted suicide a few nights later.
That summer, I saw that my former friends were all having a big party, “What Killed the Dinosaurs? The Bad Movie Night.”, and I wasn’t invited. Shannon saw how much it hurt me, so she invited to her bf’s party instead, and that’s where I met Paul.
The following school year of 2011-2012 went by without much incident. The people who had ghosted me slowly added me back, Matt even apologized for his shit, and things seemed to be on the up and up. It looked like all this drama was behind us. I was wrong.
After I graduated, I decided to go visit the club in Fall 2012. Big mistake.
I saw someone I knew, Sarah, crying on someone’s lap, and asked her what was up. She told me she was in an abusive relationship with Tin. For giving her the advice to leave him, Tin came at me on steam again, and I told him that he was an abuser, that he would not intimidate me and to go fuck himself, and I blocked him. Suddenly, Matt was trying to extort 100$ from me for 2 locks I had broken the year before, which should’ve only cost 42$. Where did that come from? Well, Tin was the club’s Treasurer that year. He was trying to get back at me for standing up to him and helping his victim escape, and he was doing it through Matt, who was going apeshit on me on MSN for refusing to pay 100$. I insisted I should only have to pay what I owe, which was 42$. He kept freaking out on me, so finally I threatened to get a lawyer involved, and that’s when he backed down. I still paid the money I owed for the locks I had broken but I blocked Matt, having had enough of his bullshit, and that’s when suddenly a bunch of ppl from the group ghosted me for good.
Why was I ghosted when Matt was clearly the one in the wrong? Because Tin. They ghosted me bc Tin told them to. Tin and Matt told them all sorts of shitty things about me and they believed them. They don’t hold Tin or Matt to any of their shitty actions though bc they don’t want the same abuse that happened to me to happen to them. They turn a blind eye to every shitty thing Tin and Matt do. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand there’s an extremely toxic abuse dynamic at play in that group.
But the story doesn’t end there. Remember that party I went to with Shannon, and that guy I met named Paul? From november 2011 to march 2015 we were together. I was isolated from whoever was left, only hung out with him and his friends. In 2014, I became close friends with a girl name d Ariel, a member of that old groiup who ghosted me. But that was probably a manufactured relationship manipulated into existance by Paul, so he could jump to her when he was done with me.
Paul was extremely abusive when no one was around. The night he left, we had a huge fight. I tried to escape the situation by running upstairs. He chased me and when I ran into my TV room and closed the door behind me, he started pounding on it and trying to push his way in. When he did manage to get through the door, I panicked, picked up a glass bottle and threw it at him, and then slammed the door again when he backed out. The bottle broke, and cut his finger very deep. He used that cut to get everyone present during the situation on his side. Nevermind all the crazy abusive stuff he had just pulled in front of them, no, I was the bad guy, and once he had them convinced, he left to my then bff’s house, who later became his new gf.
He posted a picture of the wound on facebook, and because of that and previous drama from years ago that never really went away, most of the friends I had left from Dawson believed him, and ghosted me. I couldn’t tell them that a week earlier he had raped me, and that’s why I was scared enough to throw that glass bottle at him.I filed a police report, I warned everyone who would listen to me about him, and I warned her. I did all I could.
 I was too scared to tell this story for such a long time, because if asking for understanding while my mom was dying was twisted into me using my mom as an excuse to get away with being a bitch, then asking for understanding for the outbursts I had after being raped would just be twisted into me using my rape as an excuse to get away with being a bitch. I couldn’t handle the idea of my rape being trivialized as just some excuse–and Mathew is in part responsible for it all, because of that fucking post he made publicly tearing me down. Had he not posted that, I would’ve never lost my support system, I would’ve never gone to that party with Shannon, and I would’ve never been raped.
So I spent the better parts of 2016-2018 telling those involved off for their part in my current situation and blocked them, and the rest rebuilding what I had back in 2009, with resounding success. 
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So, there you have it. That’s what happened. Fuuuuuuuucking insane isn’t it. Its over now, none of them can hurt me anymore and Ive once again surrounded myself with friends I can actually trust, so everything’s good now. I still have my low days bc this was yknow, a lot, but I’m doing much, muuuuch better now. 
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faunusrights · 5 years
I've probably missed something, or I wasn't following you when you answered it but whats the Adel company/family like in Frapps? bc I've re-reading some stuff and you imply that they're bad (like racism bad maybe idk) a few times and I'm like....how binch..how?
generally speaking the adel family business jumps into all areas of beauty and fashion; it’s not just clothing and high-end fashion design, but also beauty products, salons, and more. whilst the adels aren’t as anti-faunus as the schnees (who don’t like faunus unions, the white fang, and more), they’ve had some Incidents which have left a bad taste in many a faunus’s mouth, including but not limited to:
paying faunus to test new and unreleased beauty products, some of which were drastically dangerous on skin, eyes, and internally
promoting fashion shows which were sponsored by major anti-faunus companies, like the schnees
employing faunus in sweatshops to produce their cheaper clothing lines
having staff refuse entry to faunus in their larger high-class stores, especially during publicity events
stealing faunus designs from a variety of tribes to be sold at premium prices
whilst most of these saw full apologies and settlements paid out, they’re still guilty of ripping off faunus designs or inventions, and accepting sponsors from shitty businesses. they’ve certainly got big-name faunus designers under their banner, and do support several charities for faunus (esp. after the whole. sweatshop thing. in which coco’s momma made an initiative to encourage proper working conditions across remnant), but once bitten, twice shy, as they say. 
thankfully coco is physically unable to even try and fuck up in the future because velvet WILL remove her legs if she does so shes. gonna do her best.
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imagineityourself · 4 years
Hey guys, I'd like to tell u what's happening in my country right now.
I don't usually write posts about politics but it's really important, especially for lgbtq+ community. I know there are other important issues in the world right now like police brutality against black people which i strongly oppose, but please read this as well.
As u might know, very soon there will be a constitutional referendum in russia. We'll be asked if we approve the entire revised constitution (not each amendment separately).
New constitution in a nutshell:
Putin will be president like... forever. New constitution will allow him to *potentially* stay in his position until 2036. Stalin ruled less. And nothing will change during all these years. And after 2036 Putin will stay in the Federation Council and rule from here.
Marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman. The institution of family and marriage is under the jurisdiction of the State. While the whole world is legalising same-sex marriage we're making a step back. Just... no comments. The government will be almost oficially empowered to move towards further denial of lgbt rights.
What is more, God is mentioned in a constitution of a *secular* state. And keep in mind that russian orthodox church is extremely homophobic and conservative.
And we move to the worst part.
The propaganda is everywhere, and we're shown propaganda videos, there's one of them. Watch it even if you don't speak russian, i explained the key parts below.
YouTube officially blocked it for being homophobic but it's still on our TVs, it is spreading on the internet and honestly i don't mind - now it's working as anti propaganda.
The video shows a scenario in which Russia did not adopt the amendment to article 72 (marriage as a union between a man and a woman). As a result, in the year 2035, LGBTQ people in Russia are allowed to adopt children. But it's shown like it's something AWFUL.
In the ad, an orphanage employee records a video, saying : “A little boy was adopted here today.” The child asks his new dad where his new mum is, and the dad points at his husband and says he's the "new mum". The boy is really upset, the women from the orphanage show their disgust, and the othed dad is pulling out a dress for the boy.
It is so STEREOTYPICAL and WRONG. It could be even funny if you didn't know that most of the russians think it's true.
What is even worse, there are some alluring things in the amendments, like social benefits (minimum wage is adjusted to never be lower than the cost of living) but u CAN'T vote for them separately, and majority of people will vote for the entire thing.
On the other had, a lot of people understand it's ridiculous.
Like, really? U don't want children from orphanages to be adopted by happy and loving families?
22,000 people gathered in Moscow on February 29th to protest the constitutional amendments, and it was only the beginning, but then the coronavirus shit happened.
Even the actor who has a role of the other dad in this video said he'd vote against.
At this end of the video, the narrator asks “Is it the Russia you choose?” ("Такую Россию ты выберешь?)
And now the hashtag #yesitis (#давыберу) is trending. Many russian artists make really cute arts with this family to support lgbtq. I've chosen my favorites and added a translation. (they're not mine but i have no idea where to find the links, write me if u know those artists)
I know most of tumblr users aren't russian and u can't vote, but u can spread the information and show your support. I'm writing this post bc I'm really scared when i imagine the future of my country (and I'm a fucking political science student, I'll do my very best to change something). Because we really need changes. I'd be grateful for any sharing, reblogging etc. Thanks for your attention.
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