#Not talking about xy and his 'mad dog'
add1ctedt0you · 6 months
It's amusing how mdzs is about depressed fucked up men who throw shades at others without sitting for a moment to think about their problems lol. They are all so unreliable
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sonik-kun · 10 months
Friendly reminder that canonically Jiang Cheng DID vouch for the Wen siblings at first, but was ultimately shut down after doing so
Most of the CW were against the Wens. Vouching for them was political suicide and yet he still attempted to defend them. He received backlash for it.
Lan Xichen, a more respected leader than JC at the time, was also shouted down too. Clearly, there was no room for arguments where the Wens were involved.. You were either with them or against them. The sect leaders had to take that into consideration during the deliberation. Nobody wants a target on their backs, especially when they are responsible for an entire sect.
Not saying the Massacre was right, neither the discrimination but be fr here.
Plus, Jiang Cheng and Nie Mingjue had trauma from all the shit the Wen clan did. They're hardly going to be so forgiving or trusting for that matter.
Furthermore, Jiang Cheng wasn't conscious when the Wen siblings saved him. He never fostered the same bond WWX would have. Remember, this is a genocide survivor we're talking about here. Forgiving and thanking members from a sect responsible for his family's demise isn't going to be easy. And yet there he was at the sect meeting, making an attempt to stand up for the Wen siblings in front of all these powerful leaders. So much so that it baffled Nie Mingjue.
Jiang Cheng (although afraid and begrudging to let WWX go in fear of might happen to him), initially allowed WWX to be with the Wens. He grew to accept that that was his path. He was happy to let him live in peace with them so long as WWX was safe and happy. But it didn't work out for them like they had hoped. And it all came to an end when his sister died, his brother in law too, and that all resulted in the Siege.
But I ask, can we really blame him for it? If he was anything like he was after his parents' deaths, the destruction of LP, and the core loss, he most definitely wouldn't have been of sound mind (he most likely wasn't for some time after either, if you remember the scene where both JGY and XY laugh, calling him a mad dog. Which makes me question the other sect leaders, if anything. It seems they were the ones more willing to jump in at any chance to finish off the Wens if they were willing to follow a "mad dog" into battle? But eh, that's speculation. We're not given the full story regarding the siege. So ig it's unfair to pin sole responsibility on one person..). He may have led the Siege, but he ultimately wasn't the one who orchestrated it with some huge, wicked end game in mind.
The persons responsible for it are all spelt out for you in the book. And yet I find it interesting that it's Jiang Cheng who is blamed and hated for everything when the real villain is right there *looks at the Jins*
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
I feel like the fandom loves to excuse the villains and their shitty behavior because they had bad childhoods. JC and JGY fans love to cry that their fave has "daddy issues", XY stans cry that he was an orphan who was never given love ect. and so all of their crimes should be forgiven because they have childhood trauma. Honestly a lot of the characters had terrible childhoods or something traumatic happen to them and they don't come even close to behaving like the villains. I mean a whole WWX exists and he went through way more trauma than anybody else and he's one of the most morally sound people in the novel. Nothing wrong with liking a character, but don't try to justify or excuse their actions because of trauma. Having a shitty childhood does not give you the right to be a shitty person.
Absolutely. I think it's one of the cheapest excuses to be honest. Why do unrelated strangers have to suffer bc someone had a shitty childhood? How does that make sense? Don't get me wrong the candy story about Xue Yang as a kid twists my heart; Jin Guangyao suffering watching the cruelty with which his mother was treated, powerless to do anything about it likewise, but once they were no longer vulnerable they chose the kind of people they wanted to become. They chose over and over again. I have even less sympathy for jiang cheng who largely was the architect of his own misery in his childhood by giving the worst parts of his nature free rein. He never had to fear not having food or shelter. His mother was a horrible venomous woman, but he had YanLi favoring him, and in spite of how his stans try to twist it, his father only tried to gently guide him along. jc chose to echo YZY's world views and rhetoric to a t HIMSELF -Don't help anyone. Only help yourself. Balme everything ever on Wei Wuxian- and then was mad his father didn't praise him for it!
Wei Wuxian was left orphaned not even knowing what happened to his parents when he was four or five and spent four years on the streets, freezing, starving and being mauled by dogs fighting for food. Then he got to Lotus Pier where YZY had to be a venomous piece of shit, and make it her life's purpose to torment him, punish him for every imagined infraction and trash talk his dead parents.
Jiang Fengmian’s wife, Yu Ziyuan, had never been interested in having a conversation with him at all. If she didn’t whip him a few times and tell him to get out, kneel at the ancestral shrine, and keep far away from Jiang Cheng, he already considered that pretty good. (Chapter 29)
If Wei Wuxian hadn't made a conscious choice to see the best and forget the rest in the time he spent in Lotus Pier how miserable would another type of person have been in his place?!!
Someone asked, “Clan Jiang’s Lotus Pier has to be a lot more fun than this, right?”
Laughing, Wei Wuxian said, “Whether it’s fun or not depends on you. There are definitely a lot fewer rules, and there’s no need to wake up so early.” (Chapter 13)
How much carte blanche in terms of bad behavior should everything he went through have given him?! Instead not only is he a nice guy regardless but people in this fandom are actually pressed he didn't remain jc's servant for life after jc was already responsible for his DEATH once! They're try to excuse everyone who was shitty, but get mad that WWX was heroic...
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queensconquest · 2 years
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@aristarchos​​​​​ said: ☂ // jc @ xy !
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   “  Ha...ahaha...  “  Oh  this  was  familiar.  This  was  very  familiar.  Being  collapsed  in  an  alleyway  like  any  old  street  dog.  Here  he  was  laying  covered  in  blood  that  the  cold  rain  was  slowly  trying  to  wash  away  from  it.  But  what  of  it  was  his  and  what  was  others  he  couldn’t  say.  Only  that  some  of  it  was  definitely  his.  People  never  talked  about  how  dry  the  mouth  gets  while  bleeding  out  ,  but  much  like  the  stink  of  pain  ,  Xue  Yang  knew  that  feeling  well.  He  knew  all  of  this  so  well  ,  bitter  memories  a  delectable  poison  for  his  mind.
   What  he  doesn’t  expect  is  to  hear  footsteps  approaching  him  over  the  sound  of  thunder.  Face  down  as  he  is  ,  he  can’t  see  who  it  is.  Nor  does  he  have  a  guess  ,  this  is  just  one  of  many  cities.  Maybe  some  other  punk  or  a  street  rat.  Not  dog.  He’s  too  tired  to  get  up  and  fight.  But  if  they  roll  him  over  to  rob  what  they  probably  assume  is  a  dead  corpse  ,  he  could  get  them.  A  knife  sits  hidden  in  one  hand  under  his  sleever  ,  and  he  waits.
   He  lets  his  eyes  close.  he  feels  them  nudging  his  side  ,  turning  him  over  ,  bending  down.  And  THAT’S  when  Xue  Yang  strikes.  An  explosion  of  killing  intent  and  a  knife  pressed  to  their  throat  -  stopping  only  millimeters  from  slitting  their  most  important  arteries  ,  the  carotid  arteries.  If  he  had  ,  they’d  bleed  out  in  seconds  completely  unaware  of  their  death.  It’s  a  smart  tactic  he’d  learned  on  the  streets.  What  stops  him  is  the  purple  and  familiar  face.  Xue  Yang  freezes  ,  and  then  his  energy  is  up  and  he  collapses  back  against  the  stones  of  the  street  with  a  laugh  bordering  on  insane.  It’s  the  closest  he’s  ever  genuinely  come  to  killing  the  sect  leader  outside  of  idle  thought.  What  a  SAD  death  that’d  be  ,  taken  out  by  his  ignorance  of  life  in  the  streets.
   “  You  -  you  nearly  just  had  it  !  “  Xue  Yang  gasps  out  ,  knife  clattering  somewhere  to  his  right.  His  eyes  close  ,  feeling  the  rain  pouring  on  his  face.  It  does  little  to  help  the  blood  and  cuts  near  his  temple  ,  but  it  does  wash  away  his  killing  intent.  His  eyes  open  when  lighting  lashes  across  the  sky  ,  but  his  eyes  were  on  Jiang  Cheng  ,  not  the  clouds.  “  Now’s  your  best  chance  if  you  want  to  kill  me.  Take  me  out  like  some  animal  in  the  streets.  “  He  cackles  ,  but  the  laughter  doesn’t  reach  his  eyes  like  it  normally  does.
   It’s  something  else.  Something  else  less  vicious  ,  less  mad.  Don’t.  Xue  Yang  does  not  beg  or  plead  ,  not  for  something  like  this  at  least.  But  his  eyes  remain  on  Jiang  Cheng  as  his  lungs  draw  in  breath  after  breath  in  the  frigid  rain.  Is  he  going  to  do  it  ?  Is  he  going  to  leave  him  ?  
   Does  it  matter  ? 
   He  heaves  out  a  sigh  and  then  lets  his  eyes  close.  But  his  ears  were  alert  ,  listening  for  what  he  might  do  despite  having  little  strength  anymore  to  move  through  all  the  pain.  His  actions  certainly  hadn’t  helped  ,  but  rather  aggravated  his  injuries  further.
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
Cat’s Not-All-Encompassing Character Ranking
Okay, so I have to admit that I omitted a lot of characters I don't have strong opinions on. Most of them were one-off akumas, so don't get your panties in a twist, your faves are probably still on here (and ranked lower than you think).
As a preface again, these are just my personal opinions. They can't hurt you. You can still like characters more or less than me. And I don't care how you feel about them. This list is for me. And the person that asked for it. So shut up. Go make your own rank list if you’re so butthurt. 
We're going in reverse order this time, starting from the bottom:
84. Gabriel Agreste- I mean, is anyone surprised? I am not private about how I think Gabriel should go to jail. Or fall off a cliff. Or be erased from existence. Rip to those that like him, but I’m different.
83. Thomas Astruc- Honestly, he’s down here on principle. Self-inserts are generally a no-no, and I just laugh every time I see him on screen because he really put himself in this show and said boohoo no one appreciates me XD
82. Bob Roth- I feel like this one should also be obvious. He’s just a dick. Terrible human. I give him 0 stars.
81. Tomoe Tsurugi- We all collectively hate her, right? It’s not just me?
80. Su Han- This mans has small peepee energy. And he bad mouthed Fu, so get FUCKED, my dude.
79. Rolland Dupain- Listen, I get it, he liked Marinette in the end, but I could do without the racism.
78. Nathalie Sancoeur- My opinion of Nathalie took a nosedive after the s2 finale. I just do not care that she is in love with her boss. Don’t care that she’s dying. Just do not have it in me.
77. XY- Justin Bieber ass wannabe.
76. Nora Cesiare- I didn’t care for Nora. I know Thomas loves her, but the overbearing sibling trope is tired.
75. Anarka Couffaine- I underestimated how much I don’t really like her. Like, it’s not full-on hate, but I just do not care for her.
74. Otis Cesaire- Got akumatized because a kid said he could outrun a panther. I’m still not over it, Otis.
73. Andre Bourgeois- No love for the crooked mayor. I hope your wife divorces you. 
72. Alec Cataldi- The real villain of Stormy Weather. Like fr why is he such an asshole?
71. Roger Raincomprix- Is Officer Roger just doing his best? Sometimes. But like sometimes this mans just needs to take a chill pill.
70. M. D'Argencourt- Please get out of the 1600s
69. Ella/Etta- These two are basically the same character, and I am indifferent to both of them.
68. KnightOwl/Barbara- Listen, I would have liked you more if you were less controlling.
67. Majestia- Same as above, but like I guess I like you more
66. Theo- *Mean Girls principal voice* Stay away from underaged girls!
65. Andre the ice cream man- I just want a scoop of chocolate, Andre. Is that too much to ask??
64. Amelie Graham de Vanily- We haven’t seen much of her, but she seems like a snake bitch.
63. M. Kubdel- I mean, if my son wanted to resurrect an ancient mummy and believed in aliens, I’d give the family heirloom to my daughter too.
62. Jalil Kubdel- Lolol, buddy, pal, dude, my guy. Chill.
61. Vincent (Adrien's photographer)- Head empty. Mom’s spaghetti. Idk he’s alright.
60. Manon- I don’t hate Manon. She just gets on my nerves every time she talks.
59. M. Ramier- This mans got akumatized a billion times because he gets emotional about pigeons. I mean, honestly mood.
58. Mme. Mendeleiev- She doesn’t put up with Chloe’s shit, and we respect her for this.
57. Baby August- Someone just give this mans some food. He’s a growing boy.
56. Santa Claus- If I were Santa, I too would list Ladybug as the best kid in the world.
55. Art Teacher- He doesn’t even have a name, but I vibe with him. He seems like he likes to paint scenes of nature with his pet squirrels.
54. Prince Ali- Lil mans just wanted to have a good time. I can respect that.
53. Duusu- Duusu, I get that your Miraculous was broken, but get with the program, girl. You is a hostage.
52. Other Kwamis- Idk, all the ones we haven’t seen as much. I don’t have real opinions on them yet. Just neutral.
51. Sass- He gives me dad vibes.
50. M. Damocles- You go, you funky owl man
49. Jean (Chloe's Butler)- He deserves a raise. What is your name, sir? We may never know.
48. Mireille Caquet- She’s pretty cute. No complaints.
47. Aurore Beaureal- Baby’s first akuma. I love her design. She’s a cutie.
46. Claudie Kante (Max’s mom)- This womans just wanted to go to space and live her dream. We stan a hardworking queen.
45. Hot Dog Dan- I like him more than Andre the ice cream fraud. Sure, my hotdog might turn me purple, but if I ask for chili on it, I bet he’d oblige.
44. Nadja Chamack- I mean, she’s doing her best.
43. Audrey Bourgeois- So, as I said in the episode ranking, I have a love-hate relationship with Audrey. She’s the worst, but that’s why I love her. I love her ironically. Like, yeah she’s atrocious, but I just want to watch her burn the world.
42. Luka Couffaine- Directly in the middle, like he’s always been.
41. Nathaniel Kurtzberg- My opinion of Nath improved after Reverser surprisingly. I ship it.
40. Chris Lahiffe- I like Chris better than Ella/Etta. He’s just a little mans out here living life wanting to grow up. Don’t believe it, Chris. Stay little forever. Being an adult suuuuucks.
39. Fang the Crocodile- The goodest boy.
38. Nooroo- I just want to give him a hug.
37. Mlle. Bustier- She’s doing her best, but I mean, when ya whole class keeps getting turned into supervillains, I’m surprised she’s not an alcoholic.
36. Penny Rolling- I just like her. I think she’s neat.
35. Ondine- Mermaid queen! She’s so sweet, and I love her with Kim. I hope we see more of her in the future.
34. Marc Anciel- Marc is a little cutie bean. Idc if he’s based off one of Thomas’s irl friends. He can stay.
33. Wayzz- He loves Master Fu so much I cry.
32. Felix Graham de Vanily- I know everyone hates canon Felix, but tbh he exudes massive chaotic neutral gremlin energy, and I actually kinda vibe with that. And he pisses with his uncle which is a whole ass mood.
31. Tikki- Tikki is very cute, but bby please work on the preaching. You don’t always know what’s right, babe.
30. Sabrina Raincomprix- Sabrina deserves better. I hope we see good things happen for her.
29. Lila Rossi- Surprised? I actually like Lila. The first fic I ever wrote for this fandom was a Lila redemption. I think she is a good antagonist and foil to Marinette. I absolutely want to see her get dunked on in canon, but that doesn’t mean I hate her.
28. Wayhem- I don’t know why, but Wayhem makes me laugh. I love him XD
27. Uncle Cheng- He’s just a good mans with a birb who wants to make you tasty food. What’s not to like?
26. Trixx- Trixx shot up after GoS. Chaotic bean make Eiffel Tower go bendy
25. Jess- She’s pretty cool. She’s a vibe.
24. Aeon- The cutest bean!!! She saw Adrien and Marinette and said yep. Those two are meant to be together. Jess, we gotta make it happen.
23. Ivan Bruel- Ivan is such a gentle bean. We love him.
22. Mylene Haprele- Smol
21. Fei Wu- I still have not watched the Shanghai special with subs, but I liked her.
20. Gina Dupain- The grandma I aspire to be.
19. Marianne Lenoir- I love her. She is good. She and Fu are so cute. And she seems like she would have kicked le ass back in the day. (and even now)
18. Rose Lavillant- I am so excited for Pigella!! Rose is too cute. We love her. 
17. Gorilla- aka Adrien’s real dad. If the series doesn’t end with Gabriel getting yeeted into the stratosphere and Gorilla adopting Adrien, I don’t want it.
16. Clara Nightingale- She’s in love with Marinette. You can’t change my mind. 16 is also how old I hc her to be, so don’t nobody come for me.
15. Tom Dupain- Most. Supportive. Dad. Soft bean. Just wants to make you fresh bread.
14. Sabine Cheng- Good mom vibes. We love to see her.
13. Juleka Couffaine- Shy goth bean. Just wants to have her picture taken. Definitely a lesbian. We stan.
12. Nino Lahiffe- The goodest boy. He’s just out here doing his best, loving his friends.
11. Chloe Bourgeois- Chloe is another one I have a love-hate relationship with. Her brattiness is funny to me. We had high hopes for her. Honestly, she ranks this high because I like to play with her in fic.
10. Max Kante- He smol and smort. And I adore his friendship with Kim and the fact that he made an AI himself at 14. What a legend.
9. Alya Cesaire- Rip to Alya salters, but I’m different. Outside of Chameleon, Alya is fine. She’s a supportive bff. All yall people that are mad she doesn’t kiss Marinette’s ass all the time need to go out and make real friends. I said what I said.
8. Alix Kubdel- I love Alix. I love how she is always so done with all the lovey-dovey bullshit. She is tiny queen, and Bunnix, while OP af, is still super cool. We love to see her.
7. Kagami Tsurugi- I will fight anyone who shits on Kagami. She has done nothing wrong, you guys are just haters. All she did was exist, and yall said, wow what a toxic bitch?? Disgraceful.
6. Jagged Stone- We are going to ignore the deadbeat dad trope that canon thrust upon him. He is a Marinette stan, and we love that.
5. Kim Le Chien- I really love Kim, you guys. Does that surprise you? Listen, my favorite male character types are sweet beans and himbos. Kim is both of these.
4. Master Fu- If you didn’t pick up on how much I love Fu from the episodes ranking, then idk what to tell you. I want him to be my grandpa. I would trust this mans with my life. He did his best. You paint those pictures, you funky little man. I love you.
3. Plagg- My galaxy trash man. Love him. 10/10 chefs kisses all around.
2. Adrien Agreste- The biggest Marinette stan there is. I just want him to kiss her on the face. And marry her. Idk, I just think that would be neat if he could do that. I just want good things for them.
1. Marinette Dupain-Cheng- Honestly, are you surprised? I have always been and always will be a Marinette stan. If you expected anyone else to be in this spot, then clown suit rentals are off to the left.
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drwcn · 4 years
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Not to bring up the distasteful teenager memory of Twilight LMAO, but yall remember that part of the story where it is revealed after Rosalie turns into a vampire she goes and devours every single one of the men who r*ped her.
Fierce Corpse!Qin Su coming for Jin Guangshan’s life.
JIGGY was always looking for ways to make a fierce corpse wasn’t he? Well consider this.
Madam Qin confronts JGY, but it was already too late. Qin Su was already pregnant. JGY, being the dumbest smart person, realized he has fucked up, but what to do? It’s not like he can tell Madam Qin he knocked up his own sister accidentally. Unknowing of this, Madam Qin then went to Qin Su to tell her the truth. Surely even if that degenerate won’t stop this marriage, once Qin Su finds out they are related, she wouldn’t go through with it.
Well, little did Madam Qin expect, once Qin Su finds out, she’s so overcome with disgust she takes her own life (canon compliant, I think? idk what that episode was about to be honest. I always assumed Jiggy drugged her to keep her quiet, but Qin Su was the one to take her own life. Jin Rusong is at best a ball of cells at this stage and abortion is a staple trope of cdrama don’t @ me. I take no criticisms.)
Well shit, now Qin Su is half a step away from death. Jiggy discovers this first, and is like O.O oh feck, but also... opportunity????  He recruits evil gremlin extraordinaire Xue Yang, and beginner’s luck takes them to a successful resurrection.
*cue Mary Shelly shaking her head from beyond the grave or... in the future....technically.*
Qin Su is rightfully like wtf JGY, but Jiggy is like aight sis i know you’re mad, but hey now that everyone knows what’s the deal here, I think we have a common enemy: Jin Guangslut. Should we kill him or should we kill him?
Xue Yang: yo so .... you still gonna get married or what?
Qin Su: if you even think about getting married i swear to god -
JGY: ....okay, how about “fake” marry. Once dear old Dad is dead, we can...idk have an amicable separation. I can even set you up on a date with a guy I know in the fierce corpse community. His sister is still in my basement come to think of it -
QS: what
JGY: what
QS: you are a fucking nutjob, Jiggy, you know that? I can’t believe I was attracted to you.
JGY: first of all that’s hurtful, but... hey at least you didn’t insult my mother.
QS: why would i? our mothers are innocent. *deep sigh* okay fine, how should we kill JGS, I vote for castration. Also *points to the black veins on her paste-y complexion* this is gonna be a problem.
XY: *quirk an eye brow* realllly starting to see the family resemblance now. Don’t worry I got make up to cover that up. Also gotta find you some blush, so you don’t look so ... undead.
JGY “so we get prostitutes -”
QS “No. Jiggy, I’m sensing some internalized classism. Let’s just sic Xue Yang on him and be done with it.”
JGY “....you were less bossy before.”
QS “I was also less dead before. Also, Xue Yang doesn’t mind, do you dear?”
XY *eating the candied pastries QS got him* “Nah, not at all, jiejie. I can wear a dress and get dolled up if you want, but I want silk and the dress needs to be tailored. Bespoke. *points to his plate* These are great. Do you have more?”
JGY: *facepalm* what have done.
QS: created a fierce corpse you can’t control. Karma’s a bitch, isn’t it brother?
QS “I feel bad for Chifeng-zun. If I had to sit and watch you and Lan Xichen make eyes at each other over the guqin day in and day out....”
JGY “Oi, you’re not even my real wife.”
QS “Doesn’t mean I can’t nag you. Also, you have an issue, you know. You can’t just murder your way to the top.”
JGY “I wasn’t -”
QS “Save it. If you give Xue Yang enough candy, he’ll tell you anything.”
JGY “NMJ is a problem. He disrespects -”
QS “You think maybe the reason he thinks you’re a untrustworthy little shit is because you are...an untrustworthy little shit? Also he’s always violent and aggressive towards you...yeah ‘cause you’ve been playing Terrible Temper Tango on repeat for weeks.”
JGY “.....................” *well sis does have a point, maybe i should re-evaluate my strategy “Then what do you suggest I do?”
QS:  I believe Xue Yang calls it “when it doubt, fuck it out.” 
JGY: ...............................you two need to stop hanging out together. 
Jin Guangyao and Qin Su spend many nights in the secret chamber plotting together. Apparently the Jin crazy can both be inherited and developed. Qin Su decides her second life is rather nice, and having power is nice too, but she’d rather have some friends. 
*Jiggy and Qin Su’s Ten Step Plan to Un-Fuck the Cultivation World*
Aka Jiggy’s illegal but necessary emergency U-Turn. 
Step 1: Start playing some nice music ffs, and maybe when NMJ is in a better mood, the venerated Triad can be the venerated Triad. ;) 
Step 2: start treating MXY better. He could be useful as a loyal brother. 
Step 3:  Sic him on Nie Huaisang. They seem like they could do well together. Also, the easiest way to get through to NMJ is through his little brother.  
Step 4:  Make Jin Guangshan disappear.
Step 5: Speaking of little brothers, they’re gonna have to eventually deal with Lan Wangji. Even Qin Su’s 78 year old grandma with cataract can see he’s just a liiiiittle hung up on Wei Wuxian, who is unfortunately....dead. 
”How do you suppose we fix this particular problem?” 
”Isn’t there some cultivator prisoner found guilty punishable by death in your single minded cleansing of your political enemies?” 
"Of course. Go on I’m listening, mei-mei.” 
”So while you were off being shady, I did some research. There is a spell. I think a potential trade off could be made if we bargain right. Their soul, which was forfeit anyway, in exchange for a lifetime of protection and financial stability for their families.” 
“>:) dear sister, where have you been all my life I’ll never know.” 
Qin Sun, “Just make sure they’re not too hard on the eye. Lan Wangji doesn’t seem to be the shallow type but one never knows.” 
Step 5: Jiang Wanyin needs an emotional laxative like... last year. Look into resurrecting Jiang Yanli. Once she’s alive, all that Yunmeng Bullshit will resolve, and you will also have a Lotus Pier forever grateful for Jin Guangyao and Qin Su’s kindness. If that doesn’t work...idk get Jiang Wanyin a dog. 
“Okay, hooow are you going to get a woman to give up her soul to -”
“Can we fierce corpse her? Wei Wuxian had a bunch of undead ladies hanging around right?” 
“........worth looking into.” 
Step 6:  Jin Zixuan. Yikes -
JGY “I didn’t kill Jin Zixuan. Wei Wuxian did.” (note: CQL washed WWX of any responsibility for the deaths of others by making it so that the Song of Turmoil caused him to lose control. This, in fact, is not what is written in book canon. WWX did lose control by himself without external influence. I can cherry pick the plot points I want to keep.) 
QS “..........but you sent him to his death.” 
JGY “..........”
QS *Deep sigh* “Who can we throw under the bus this time for Jin Zixuan’s death, Jigs? Someone that won’t be missed...got it. Su She.” 
JGY “He’s loyal to me, he’s an ally -” 
QS “Listen here, once you resurrect Jiang Yanli and Wei Wuxian, you will have the eternal gratitude of Yunmeng Jiang and Gusu Lan. Who gives a shit about Su Minshan that simpering turd.” 
JGY: True. *he’s understood by now that he could get rid of those who would talk shit, belittle, and disrespect him...but he could always do more with a couple of important influential people who would spread words of his goodness. Stubborn righteous cultivators like the Jiangs, Nies and Lans.* “Also Jin Zixuan’ll be an undead, not able to inherit. We’re safe.” 
QS: “Exactly.” 
Xue Yang: eating candy......... *eye roll* 
Step 7: Because Step 6 didn’t work out, forget about Jin Zixuan. 
JGY: “you know... maybe Jin Zixuan moved on.” 
QS: “Would explain why we couldn’t call his soul back the way we called back Jiang-gu’niang.” Qin Su glances back at Jiang Yanli’s soul-infused clay body in the process of being reanimated (lifted this idea straight from Inuyasha - ahem- kikyo.) “It’s probably better this way. I don’t like the thought of sharing the control of Lanling Jin with more people.” 
JGY:  “Ah, blood of my blood you are indeed.”
Step 8:  Reveal Jin Guangshan’s evil deeds. Once they kill Dear Ol’ Dad, they can just blame EVERYTHING on him and have him be the disgrace of the entire cultivation world, and them the unfortunate children left to do his bidding and trying the best they could to salvage what they can from his trail of ruins.
Step 9: Reunite Wen Ning and Wen Qing. Lie. Blame it all on Jin Guangshan who is too dead to argue in his own defense. If Jiang Wanyin finds out about Wen Qing...well, information gets around. 
JGY “So about that Date.” 
Qin Su: “Yes I distinctively remember you promising me eligible young men of the Fierce Corpse Community.” 
JGY: >:) I’m here to make good on my words. 
Step 10: Reap the benefits of a world restored. 
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crossdressingdeath · 4 years
You know, for people that try to act like JC killing/torturing demonic cultivators was justified...we really don't know anything about the people that he was killing, whether they were actually dangerous people like XY, or people who really had no idea what they were doing and probably needed a good lecture, and not...a death sentence and/or torture. I doubt everyone who used demonic cultivation was some evil mastermind, especially since, unlike in the tv show, WWX actually creates 1/9
demonic cultivation, so it's not like it's been around for years, with big bads like WRH and co. being known for using it like in the show. It's something new, and there are undoubtedly people who probably tried to be copycats of the Yiling Patriarch and had bad intentions, but there were also probably a lot of people who stumbled into it having no idea what they were doing. JC does not discriminate between these groups. When he first meets WWX, and thinks that he is MXY, JC's 2/9
immediate reaction is to say "If you see this sort of evil and crooked practice, kill the cultivator and feed him to your dogs!” At this point what exactly has 'MXY' done to warrant this? He hasn't hurt anyone. He used demonic cultivation to…trip someone over. I'd hardly call that 'evil.' To add to that, MXY is very young (in his 20s I think?), potentially even looking younger because of his smaller stature. So (as far as JC knows), here is a young man, only a few years older than 3/9
some of the Juniors in the novel, who hasn't tried to physically harm anyone, and JC's immediate reaction is to kill him without even trying to figure out his intentions, or question him, or anything. Even worse, he is TEACHING this to an impressionable teenager who will one day be the leader of his sect. He is telling his nephew to brutally murder people with no fair trial, or questioning, and he is using what could essentially be a prank as an example of this 'evil' behaviour. 4/9
…JC, wtf is wrong with you. JL, don't listen to your uncle. People who claim that every single person who used demonic cultivation (or was suspected of it, since it obviously doesn't take much to convince JC) are evil are kidding themselves. And, even worse, people who claim that it's all down to rumours! Seriously, we not only see JL himself acknowledging that it happens - and he saves 'MXY' from his uncle, regardless of the demonic cultivation, because even a teenager can acknowledge that 5/9
things aren't so black and white that everyone who touches demonic cultivation is evil and must be killed - but we also hear it FROM JC's MOUTH. JC all but implies that this is something he regularly does! So don't turn around and write poor uwu JC, a victim of rumours, because he LITERALLY confirms it! And just...JC has this awful habit of putting everyone into one category. There's no grey area with him, no inbetween. He did this with the Wens, where EVERYONE with the last name Wen was 6/9
supposedly evil and deserved to die, and now he's doing it again, where EVERYONE who uses demonic cultivation is evil and needs to die. I'm not saying that them using demonic cultivation is a good thing! We know it can be dangerous, and if even WWX, the person who created it, lost control, then people who probably have no idea what they're doing should not be using it. But like I said, there are probably a lot of misguided, young people using this thing for various reasons, who might not 7/9
realise that they're in over their heads, or just how dangerous resentful energy really is, and if JC really wants to make a difference he should try to EDUCATE these people. Especially if they haven't done anything particularly abhorrent, like 'MXY' who's dastardly deeds at that point had consisted of tripping JL over. JC could talk to these people, try and make them realise that they were doing something wrong, and, if that didn't work, THEN take more physical action. But nope, he's 8/9
Just going to straight up kill them. …Yeah. Just…the fact that this guy sin charge on one of the most prominent sects in the cultivation world, and raising the future of another of the most prominent sects, is genuinely kind of terrifying. This sort of behaviour, this inability to have a more nuanced view of the world, is a very dangerous thing. And view hasn’t changed at all since his teens/early twenties just shows a worrying lack of character growth. 9/9
Oh, JC telling JL to kill ‘MXY’ gets even better, because remember, MXY was JL’s uncle. JC isn’t just getting mad at JL, a thirteen year old, for not cutting a young man who hadn’t actually hurt anyone down without hesitation; he’s getting mad at JL for not killing his uncle. That entire scene is incredibly fucked up. Like, I feel the need to restate this to make it perfectly clear: JC is getting angry at his thirteen year old nephew for not murdering his uncle in cold blood. It’s genuinely horrifying, but it’s completely glossed over so often.
Anyway, you’re right that it’s incredibly unlikely that all demonic cultivators are evil; hell, we know they’re not. WWX is right there. And other than XY and WWX himself, we don’t hear of a single threat coming from a demonic cultivator. The biggest threats to our heroes are righteous cultivators, in fact. There is nothing to suggest the sort of widespread demonic cultivation threat that would even begin to justify JC’s actions. He’s killing them because he wants to kill them, not because they’re a threat. And both JL and JC acknowledge that these demonic cultivators aren’t a threat; JL is willing to free WWX from JC on the grounds that he doesn’t deserve what JC will do to him! The fact that JL is sure JC will do something horrible to WWX if he stays suggests both that the “rumours” are actually fact and that at least some of the demonic cultivators JC catches haven’t done anything to deserve being tortured to death. At least evidence suggests JL is not following in JC’s footsteps.
JC doesn’t want to teach young and foolish demonic cultivators the error of their ways. That could’ve been a very sweet thing; trying to turn people like WWX from following his path to its horrible end. But that’s not what he wants. He wants twisted revenge-by-proxy on the brother who died before he got the chance to do these things to him. It’s like how once WC died JC was no longer interested in justice against the Wen sect, only revenge. Genocide for genocide. JC wants to assuage his own feelings even if it means slaughtering innocents. It’s childish, in a twisted sort of way, like XY’s insistence that anything he does to avenge his own pain is justified no matter how much he does.
...You know, all this makes me wonder if JC becomes another bogeyman for the civilians of the area. “The way you’re acting, Sect Leader Jiang would accuse you of demonic cultivation!” That sort of thing.
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court-of-pokemuses · 4 years
Every Eusine ship rated!
I’ve done this over on my main account @/pkmnsdarkqueen, and I think it’s kinda fun. It’s every ship on the muse from this page rated by my personal opinions. For this account I’ve been slowly working on it since January, and since this is a multimuse it took this long. I hope ya’ll enjoy!
Disclaimers directly below and the list under the cut!
strike through=my side commentary, trying to be funny, usually about ship names italicized=if asked I’d be down to rp it mostly just to see how/it it’d work * by name=I just think it’s a wildly random ship bold=ship name and who in it to help you find a certain ship highlights=they are grouped up, again in case you want to find that one ship
Took out category of Eusine and a protagonist/rival/or companion since they’re all children so it’s a hard no. A few other younger characters fit in the other categories though they’ve been judged no as well for the most part. Some shipped but ONLY in the context of the character being grown up.
Took out category of Eusine with pokemon because pokephelia. In multiship some of them have a pokemon and these have been dubbed as being one of the human’s part pokemon.
ships on ‘never ending romance’ website. Before asked yes mun has other ships she likes that aren’t listed, but Im only focusing on those listed.
Eusine w/ a Villain
Top rated ships: Diamondstud, & Uxorious shipping. 
Bottom rated ships: Fanatic, Fixation &  Hoax shipping.
*DiamondstudShipping - Colress & Eusine 5/10 I mean they’re both fabulous dudes who are focused on finding legendaries so I’d give it a fair shot of happening. Then again would Colress be able to put up with Eusine? 
FanaticShipping - Eusine & Saturn 0/10 Hehehe, they’d kill each other. (Saturn would kill Eusine)
FixationShipping - Eusine & Giovanni 0/10 Giovanni would kill him let’s be honest. 
HoaxShipping - Archer & Eusine 1/10 I.........hm.........yeah don’t really see it too much either as a long term thing. Maybe a hook up?
*UnfortunateShipping - Butch & Eusine 4/10 I mean it’s interesting you got 2 folks who like to show others up, and are fancy bois. Could kinda work I suppose. 
UxoriousShipping - Eusine & Hunter J 6/10 And in this corner we have the wild ship that kinda makes sense just make Eusine more crazed. I mean they’re both obsessed with finding legendaries??? So just watch em run around trying to find certain stuff. Not much love there tho
*WorthyShipping - Cyrus & Eusine 4/10 I’m sorry but I do not see Eusine as hitting the ‘worthy’ level on that I mean he’s strictly emotion based tbh. This would be wild though to see. 
Eusine w/ a champion
Top rated ships: Regent shipping
Bottom rated ships: Gnomon shipping
AeonShipping - Eusine & Cynthia 0/10 Oh gosh no, how the f is that gonna work? Like bruh I don’t think she’d put up with him. 
GnomonShipping - Eusine & Steven Stone 4/10 Gnomo means gnome, so this ship is about gnomes???? Anyway moving on from that def another one night stand scenario.
MantleShipping - Eusine & Lance 4/10 Here we have another one night stand! Seriously just very few people can handle Eusine long term.
*RegentShipping - Alder & Eusine 7/10 Eh Alder did casually shoot his shot at Cynthia so if he did with Eusine def would of at least gone a round. Tho hm long term???? Maybe? I mean Alder has more patience???
SplashShipping - Eusine & Wallace 4/10 Both fabulous, but can they handle each other’s extraneous is the real question.
Eusine w/ an elite 
Top rated ships: Ouroboros, and Harker shipping
Bottom rated ships: DarkMagic, MythHunter, and Elitist shipping
DarkMagicShipping - Eusine & Karen -50/10 Hehehehe, no. Yeah no even if Morty wasn’t involved in why Eusine hates her they would soon find a reason to be at each other’s throats.
ElitistShipping - Eusine & Will 1/10 Will would be sick of him pretty soon, or Eusine would be sick of him. If they didn’t chat much before hand maybe 1 night.
HarkerShipping - Eusine & Marshal 7/10 Cuter than some others I will say and I mean Marshal does seem to have more patience than some, and maybe it’d work.
MinaShipping - Eusine & Grimsley 5/10 Oh grims baby boi shipped around. Yeah I could kinda see it running better than some but again 2 dramatic bois, we’ll see how long they can take each other. 
*MythHunterShipping - Drake (Orange) & Eusine 1/10 I just want to see em exploring the world trying to find crazy legends and such. 
OuroborosShipping - Eusine & Flint (elite) 9/10 Kinda want to see this happen. I just imagine it being the refined boyfriend and messy other boy friend who were originally roommates. 
PilgrimageShipping - Bruno & Eusine 3/10 Ye Bruno would have the patience of a saint to handle him but would it be a good relationship?
WellReadShipping - Eusine & Lucian 5/10 Hm, nerd meets fabulous extrovert. Kinda sorta maybe?
(Surprised to see everyone in the Johto league and no Koga)
Eusine w/ a gym leader
Top rated ships: Sacred, Maelstrom, and RagingInferno shipping
Bottom rated ships: Camilla, Sacrosanct, and Broxa shipping
BroxaShipping - Eusine & Winona 0/10 Winona would not put up with this man. 
CamillaShipping - Eusine & Sabrina -10/10 Sabrina WOULD NOT put up with this man.
CeladonShipping - Eusine & Erika 3/10 I kinda want to see this in that Eusine can usually get away with his slightly flirty shiz and expects Erika to fall, but she just outright does not and boom he’s like,”but....hm I am intrigued.”
CorruptShipping - Bugsy & Eusine 0/10 No way in heck would Boy Scout and Eusine get along
DropletShipping - Eusine & Misty 2/10 Huh it’d be interesting but also they’d probably just fight alot.
HereticShipping - Eusine & Falkner 6/10 I think the name is funny, and brings up some interesting possibilities in au, but as the same time I kinda see it in the main timeline and wanna see it. 
IntertidalZoneShipping - Eusine & Jasmine 0/10 Ye they might ship, but would it be a healthy relationship?
JustinShipping - Eusine & Elesa 0/10 Who is Justin. They would be fashionable together but trying to romance would not work.
MaelstromShipping - Eusine & Volkner 8/10 Ok maybe. Tbh Volkner and Morty have somewhat of the same vibe to me, but Volkener has a bit more sad energy. 
MinakaneShipping - Eusine & Whitney 0/10 This is the first time I feel like Eusine would be annoyed and only becasue she’s just a happy ball but like all the time.
*RagingInfernoShipping - Chili & Eusine 7/10 Ok but watch em both get mad and scream like and then like cuddle afterward and both apologize. 
RueShipping - Eusine & Candice 0/10 Eusine is bent on finding legendaries and Candice is all protect them. no.
SacredShipping - Eusine & Morty 1000/10 Top for the boi cause they just have alot of character moments, and also they have the same salty chemistry and I love it.
SacrosanctShipping - Eusine & Clair 0/10 Clair would hurt him first before any sparks flew. 
SiWongShipping - Byron & Eusine 4/10 Eusine is your dad now Roark. So anyway I think it’s kinda interesting I like the contrast they have with each other but Idk how it’d work together. 
TesseractShipping - Brock & Eusine 1/10 Please explain the name to me, are you telling me they’re Avengers now??? So anyway I kinda feel like this wouldn’t happen. Like I mean Brock is a kind soul, and Eusine is kind of a goblin. 
WTFEverShipping - Brawly & Eusine 3/10 The name says it all. They’d have a one night stand, Brawly would think it was more and scream that at Eusine who’s confused why he’s mad. 
Eusine w/ Professor or assistant to
CrossRegionShipping - Bill & Eusine 3/10 Bill I suppose could work but I feel like things would fall apart when Bill realizes ‘oh you don’t just like suicune in a research sense you’re a bit fanatic.”
***ForelockShipping - Eusine & Professor Sycamore 5/10 .....Ok but if Sycamore was evil maybe? Idk why specifically this, but for some reason I feel like that would vibe??? In general tho naw.
*InvestShipping - Eusine & Professor Rowan 4/10 Naw don’t see this long term but I see it going longer than most.
*LifelongDreamShipping - Eusine & Fennel 9/10 There aren’t too many heterosexual ships I see with Eusine but oddly enough I can see this one. Especially after Eusine lost suicune and they get to talk about what they want from life. 
Eusine w/ a minor GAME npc
Top rated ships: Bowtie, and Value shipping
Bottom rated ships: Chaser, and Jinx shipping 
*BowtieShipping - Eusine & Juggler Irwin 6/10 You know what ye, let em both be showy but one has the cool ability to juggle.
ChaserShipping - Eusine & Satsuki 2/10 Satsuki is a kimono girl about protecting the legendaries idk if she’d be down with his goal unless you just want to focus on them enjoying the journey of looking. 
HarangueShipping - Eusine & Thorton 5/10 I can’t tell if Thorton is a child so that’s weird but for this we’re gonna head cannon he’s an adult. I mean kinda cute I guess with crazy pants McGee energy that Eusine has and in control Thorton. SO eh.
*JinxShipping - Eusine & Palmer 2/10 But Palmer making a hologram suicune? Eh Might be cute, but it’d need more depth than my little cute joke. 
MysticPoisonShipping - Eusine & Lucy 3/10 Funny to imagine same energy as Erika, but long term I don’t see it. 
PokeWifeShipping - AZ (XY) & Eusine 4/10 Someone please explain, please. I mean it’s a no from me dog, but like maybe in an alternate timeline???
*ValueShipping - Eusine & Riley 6/10 They just wanna go find legendaries. They both have the slight cool vibe and I like it.
Eusine w/ a minor ANIME/MOVIE npc
Top rated ships: Harrow, Thunder, Jones, and LegendQuestShipping/PursueShipping/RavingShipping
Bottom rated ships: 20Questions, FollowMyLeader, and Legato shipping
*20QuestionsShipping - Eusine & Flint (Kanto) 0/10 Ya’ll this is Brock’s dad. Like wut??? Brock I am your dad now. I guess the fandom just sees Eusine with dads/dad bods. what 20 questions are they asking?
*AncientPossessionShipping - King of Pokelantis & Eusine 5/10 ..........yeah if anyone was gonna end up possessed it’d be Eusine. They both want to find a legendary pokemon, but Eusine still has their heart focused on wanting to help the pokemon. Although hm idk but what if the king corrupted Eusine??? 
FollowMyLeaderShipping - Eusine & Molly Hale 0/10 So this is the child from the movie and I get we see her all grown but still I don’t like this. 
ForeignShipping - Eusine & Harrison 3/10 This guy has a houndoom as his main and has a tie with ho-oh, I’m shocked the fandom didn’t slam him together with Karen. Anyways he doesn’t have too much depth in the way most anime NPCs do but like mayhaps
GoldbergShipping - Eusine & Noland 5/10 Another dad bod type. Anyway I see this one tho since the cold calculations of Noland may mix with Eusine’s craziness. 
*HarrowShipping - Eusine & Harley 10/10 Yes def on this one. Harley is kinda intense, Eusine is intense. I think this makes sense. 
JonesShipping - Eusine & Ian 8/10 There isn’t much on this guy except that he takes care of pokemon. But he has that dad bod which apparently is Eosin’s thing so sure. 
LegatoShipping - Butler & Eusine 0/10 So Butler has a girlfriend for one. I honestly feel like they have the same energy but Eusine is gay. 
LegendQuestShipping/PursueShipping/RavingShipping - Eusine & Lawrence III 8/10 Again this is just crazy Eusine with someone enabling him. 
*MadShipping - Eusine & Tyson (Johto) 6/10 The Tyson they’re talking about it she one that forced the evolution to happen. I mean I guess but also again this would be the crazy Eusine one. 
ThunderShipping - Eusine & Kudou 8/10 One gets Suicune, and one gets Raikou I mean he’s one of those anime characters that doesn’t get much character so let it happen.
WitnessShipping - Eusine & Ritchie 0/10 This guy is a rival to Ash so ya know it’s a kid, and I don’t see anything they’d connect on.
Eusine w/ Orre or Ranger npcs
SuicuneShipping - Eusine & Venus 8/10 So they’re both conceited, and focused on folks liking them? 
Eusine w/ manga characters
UnworthyShipping - Eusine & Walker Guess what folks, it’s another dad-o, specifically Falkner’s. 
Eusine and multiple people: (All are gonna be a no romantically because I don’t see Karen being poly, but I’ll give plot ideas)
Top rated ships: ImaginaryFriend, and Oos shipping
Bottom rated ships: MissSaigon, Erratic and CrystalIntegrity shipping 
4KingsShipping - Eusine, Falkner, Morty & Lyra 3/10 I’m kinda lost on the name here, and I could see them all hanging out I guess. Maybe a couples date thing, Eusine & Morty w/ Lyra and Falkner. Where do the kings come from tho?
BromanceShipping - Eusine, Flint (Elite), Morty & Volkner 7/10 Bromance where nothing is platonic and clearly 2 couples, or heck maybe it is, anyways I like it though! CapeShipping - Eusine & Jackson (Vincent) / Eusine, Jackson (Vincent) & Lance 9/10 Ok but cape awareness club though where they all sit down and make up good reasons to have a cape, and they make PR for it cause they’re tired of getting teased. It’s a funny idea. CrystalBellShipping - Eusine, Morty & Suicune 5/10 Ok this is just Eusine completing his goal in life and morty also being there. I mean I feel like Morty would be the 1 person to support him having the pokemon but I mean it’d eventually just be his fav pokemon on his team.
CrystalIntegrityShipping - Eusine, Paul, Kris & Suicune 1/10 This is just eusine hanging out with children and a legendary pokemon what are they supposed to do?
CrystaltrioShipping - Eusine, Morty & Kris 4/10 Just a gay couple handing out with this child who defeated them both in pokemon combat. Look she just thinks they’re cool ok?
DashingFanboyShipping - Baron Alberto, Eusine & Lawrence III 9/10 3 bad bois all out wanting to catch their pokemon favorite. Please don’t leave them along longer than 5 minutes because bad things can and will happen. 
EastWindShipping - Crystal, Eusine & Suicune 4/10 This is just Eusine being mad that she caught the pokemon. It makes sense tbh, but I think she’d get annoyed with him trying to convince the legendary to be his pokemon.  ErraticShipping - Eusine & Morty + Eugene (Eusine) & Kudo 2/10 Ok so this is just Eusine shipped with one guy and another Eusine shipped with Morty cause Eugene and Eusine are the same person. I am confusion and I feel like Kudo and Morty would be too. 
ImaginaryFriendShipping - Eusine, Lawrence III, Morty, Ho-Oh, Lugia & Suicune 10/10 .........This is just people giving them a hard time about pokemon they will never get/see isn’t it. Heh I feel like you could put more people in this thing, and I think there should just be that as a support group.  IntelligenceShipping - Eusine, Lucian & Will 5/10 Bruh Lucian would lose his mind trying to deal with these two, It’d be funny to watch but poor Lucian.  KarmaShipping - Eusine, Falkner, Morty & Will 5/10 What did Falkner do to deserve bad karma? And yes I say bad cause Will, Morty, and Eusine alone would cause some shiz. This is the above but with one more person and falconer stuck with it.  LovelyangstyfanserviceShipping - Eusine, Falkner, Lawrence III & Morty 5/10 Ah so these are the angsty bois huh? You’re missing a few folks.  Marina'sFondestDreamShipping - Eusine, Jackson (Vincent) & Lance 3/10 I think this is just a 4 way someone wants to happen. Eusine would have a good time talking to Vincent about Raikou cause it could help him find Suicune. Lance is wondering how he got wrapped up in this convo. 
MisledShipping - King of Pokelantis, Ash & Eusine 4/10 So Ash got possessed by the king and Eusine would def fall into the same boat if there. Yeah the king would have 2 minions basically. 
MissSaigonShipping - Brawly, Eusine & Morty 1/10 So many Eusine and Morty with another person. Hm I can’t think of much they’d have in common immediately...
MovingOnShipping - Eusine, Lawrence III & Professor Carolina 5/10 Professor Carolina helps 2 dorks get over the fact that they can’t have the legendary pokemon they want. MysticQuestShipping - Eusine, Jimmy (Kenta) & Marina (Johto) 4/10 This is just them all looking for suicune and only one gets it, spoiler it’s not Eusine
MysticShipping - Eusine, Morty & Will 6/10 Ah yes the clairvoyant, the psychic, and a fanboy. One of the most powerful forces to ever exist. Real talk though I feel like they’d just all cause trouble together. 
MystifyShipping - Eusine, Morty & Whitney 3/10 Is it just me or is anyone that ships with Morty and Eusine feels like a 3rd wheel? I feel like they’d have an ok time together but idk if it’d go long term. OnMyHonorShipping - Eusine, Falkner, Morty & Clair 6/10 Ok yeah they all definitely have that ‘honor’ vibe about them but I fell like their honor systems have various levels of skew to them. It’d be interesting to get them all in a room to talk about it though. 
OosShipping - Brawly, Eusine, Morty & Will 10/10 Please catch them all in some school au where they are the trouble makers of the school. Brawly is the wanna-be intimidating jock, Will is the class clown, Eusine is the dramatic theater kid, and Morty is the introvert they adopted.  SacredDevotionShipping - Eusine, Morty, Ho-Oh & Suicune 9/10 They finally got the pokemon they have fan boy crushes over. Cute but I feel like they’d not realize how much for it takes to care for a legendary. That and be bad at trying to defend them, interesting thing to explore.
SacredFireShipping - Eusine, Morty & Ho-Oh 5/10 Now morty got his pokemon he wants. Kinda cool, maybe it’d show Eusine what he looks lie to other people. 
SacredHonorShipping - Eusine, Falkner & Morty 3/10 Again falconer feels like the third wheel here, and idk what they’d do long term. 
SuitUpShipping - Butler, Darach, Eusine, Lance & Steven Stone 6/10 All the dudes in suits huh (and Lance)? I feel like some are missing. I can see them all going shopping some time though and getting wild new styles. 
TrimurtiShipping - Eusine, Giovanni & Lance 4/10 Huh....ok I mean I just see it as Lance reluctantly keeping Eusine safe from Giovanni cause Eusine would def do something to make him mad trying to act tougher than he is.
Eusine w/ Eusine
RagingEgomaniacShipping - Eusine & Eusine 10/10 He’d band himself in a heart beat, and they’d be wildly annoying to everyone else. 
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weiwuxiian · 5 years
The Untamed / Chenqing Ling Episode 6-8
I’m sorry for all the spamming !!! I didn’t expect to be so into the live action but it just gets more interesting ; O ;  Also slowly getting a crush on Wang Yibo/LWJ’s actor. Last POST I SWEAR !!! until the episodes next week... AS ALWAYS, SPOILERS INCOMING !!!
Ep 6
NHS is late for the party because he wanted peanuts. The boys barricaded their doors and place a silencing talisman over it. WWX teases JC about his ‘criteria’ for a wife and got banned by the whole cultivational world. They fool around as JC tries to murder WWX and NHS is trying to protect him. LWJ walks in, while WWX takes the lead, JC and NHS feigned drunk and ran away when WWX gave the cue. WWX placed a talisman on LWJ and made him obey him and call him ‘Wei-gege’. But when WWX wants to touch his forehead ribbon, LWJ snaps awake and says only family members and his wife are allowed to touch it. WWX is like,  “Pfff wife, your Lan sect has so many rules I doubt any girl would was to marry into the Lan Sect.” LWJ is like, “I am fine with that.” and WWX gets awkward... tries to joke and say, “Since you’re a lil fuddy daddy, and your dad is a big fuddy daddy. Does that mean your mother is very ridiculous? (since LWJ called him ridiculous).” and LWJ is like, “I do not have a mother.” and WWX immediately feels bad and offers LWJ his own story too, saying he lost his mother at the age of 4 and cant even remember how they look like. His earliest memories were only being chased by dogs. 
The next day, a Gusu disciple reported to LQR and LXC that WWX and co were caught drinking alcohol in the CR. LXC chuckles good-naturedly but spits out his wine when the Gusu disciple says LWJ is also involved, and LXC is like “What?!”
LQR and LXC go out to bestow punishment. LWJ and WWX gets 300 beating each, JC and NHS gets 50. WWX and JC makes JYL baby them and cook mutton stew for them. They meet LXC on the way, LXC telling WWX that LQR and Cangse Sanren used to be classmates, so he was annoyed easily by WWX. He tells WWX to go to the fountain to heal. 
WWX goes to the fountain and meets LWJ. They both fell into a cave with a mysterious guqin and a bunch of rabbits. LWJ is like “Why is that rabbit wearing a forehead ribbon.” The guqin starts attacking WWX and it appears to attack anyone who isn’t a Lan. WWX sees the rabbit with the forehead ribbon and asks LWJ to give him his forehead ribbon. LWJ flies over and ties his forehead ribbon around WWX’s wrist.
LWJ performs Inquiry on the guqin and summons Lan Yi. Lan Yi tells them a story:
A long time ago in the Burial Mounds there lived a tyrant called Xue Conghai (Xue Yang’s ancestor??) who as a pet Xuanwu and crafted the Demonic Metal, using human sacrifice to feed it. The Five great sects including Wen Mao, rose up against him and killed Xue Conghai. They spilt the metal into 4 pieces and sealed them away. Lan Yi thought she could use the metal for good and tried to unseal it. Her best friend at that time is Baoshan Sanren, who tried to stop her, but Lan Yi ceases to listen. So she realized her mistake after that, uses her powers to seal the last piece of the Demonic Metal in the cave for hundreds of years. However, her powers are slowly fading and she could no longer uphold it. LWJ swears an oath that he will find the Demonic Metal and destroys it. WWX also pledges before Lan Yi. LWJ is like, “This doesn’t concern you, you are not a Lan.” WWX is like, “Im not heartless. Even though I’m from Yunmeng Jiang, we help each other when the other is in need.” Lan Yi is pleasantly surprised to find that WWX is the son of one of Baoshan Sanren’s disciple and says he reflects Baoshan’s teachings. She gives them the last piece of Demonic Metal and vanishes.
LWJ and WWX returns and finds that they have been gone for almost one day and night. They gave the metal to LQR and LXC, and finds that they already knew about it. Only all leaders of the Lan Sect from generation to generation knew about this secret.  
LQR and LXC made WWX swore not to tell anyone. On their way out, NHS came to to ask after WWX and asked what happened, LWJ almost told him, but WWX stopped him, bullshit about a big snake trying to eat them and scares NHS off. 
WRH sends XY off to Yueyang to retrieve one piece of the Demonic Metal. WC is jealous that he isn’t chosen and seems to have plotted something. 
They make lanterns. JZX and JYL ship is thick here. WWX asks LWJ is they want to set the lantern off together. Lwj says he’s used to being alone, but WWX pushes on and says habits can be changed and he doesn’t need to be alone, besides, he made the lantern with LWJ in mind and shows him his lantern with a golden-eyed rabbit. LWJ smiles fainted and it made WWX laugh, saying “You smiled!” LWJ immediately gets nervous and picks up Bichen, WWX is scared off and accidentally pushes NHS’ lantern into the fire. They set off the lanterns and made wishes:
NHS wished that he could pass the exam.  JC steals a glance at WQ as she wishes that WN would live a life of good health. LWJ steals a glance at WWX and was impressed when WWX wished that he could help all the weak and poor and that there would be no injustice in the world.
WWX asks JYL what she wished about and guessed that it’s about marrying into a good family. JZX walks off, WWX runs after him and ask that it mean... etc etc they got into a fight. JFM and JGS comes to Gusu and after settling the matter, LQR retains JFM to tell him about the Demonic Metal. JFM tells LQR and LXC about WRH receiving a guest with the surname ‘Xue’ and they were shocked. 
WWX tries to cheer up JYL by sending a paper man into her room and she could guess it’s him. WWX tries to run away but was caught by her and he asked her to scold him, but she says it’s not his fault. With JC, they approach LQR and LQR to take their leave back to Yunmeng. On their way out, WWX caught LXC saying “Have a safe journey.” to LWJ and concludes that LWJ might be going to retrieve the Demonic Metal alone.
WWX visits a place and it’s discovered that he took all of Lan Yi’s rabbits and tried to raise them outside of the CR. WWX talks to the rabbits, asking if they’re fine and etc, and he wants to bring them back to Yunmeng but feels like LWJ would be lonely without them. 
LXC and LWJ watches them leave and LXC is like “the CR would be quiet again without Master Wei... I wonder how long it will last.” He asks if LWJ wants to tell WWX about his trip, but LWJ says it doesn’t matter.
JFM, JYL, JC, and WWX set off to go back home to Yunmeng. On their way, they stop by WWX’s rabbits. As they patted the rabbits, JC is like “Why did you have so many rabbits?” and WWX says he picked them up from the road because he couldn’t tell him he’s seen Lan Yi. JC then, “Could it be that you wanted to eat rabbit meat?” and WWX quickly covers the rabbit’s ears, “JC!! You can let rabbits hear something like that!! They baby...” (I found this so cute!!!)  After they left, LWJ passed by the same passage. He greets the rabbits and says he hopes they’ll meet again.
Back in LXC’s place, WC visits him and asks for the Demonic Metal. LXC tells WC go to home. WC threatens him and says he knows that LWJ just descended the CR this morning, and laughs when LXC is shocked. LXC prays for LWJ to be safe.
Back with the Jiangs, JFM found a letter with a smiley face left to him by WWX. JC is mad that WWX left without forewarning and says he’ll catch him back, but JFM says it’s fine. JYL tells JC that if WWX left, it must be because it’s something important. 
WWX and LWJ gets a random change of (more attractive) clothes. WWX runs after LWJ and annoys him, LWJ calls him ridiculous but lets him onto the boat anyways. WC is seen stalking them.
LWJ is moving too fast and WWX asks him to wait for him, but LWJ ignores him, so WWX creates a string using an array so that he and LWJ are tied together and couldn’t stray apart from each other further than 2meters. It just ends with LWJ dragging WWX across the mountains. They arrive in a city and met NHS. 
JC leaves Yunmeng to find WWX. JYL caught him, but lets him and tells him to be careful. JC appreciates that she’s supportive of his decision.
WWX and NHS fooled around before WWX noticed LWJ is interested in a crowd of people and asks why he isn’t approaching them to see what’s up. LWJ comments that there are too many people and he doesn’t want to crowd. WWX takes LWJ’s hand and runs into the crowd regardless, NHS tags along. They notice they were all crowding upon a sign that says [novel reference] if you recite a poem correctly a beautiful fae would appear and show herself to you. They bask in flower petals for a while then later finds out that WC had came earlier and took a piece of the Demonic Metal from the fae, so she’s gone.
On the road, NHS starts associating himself with them as WWX tells him about their quest. WWX begins to get a little annoyed that NHS is being too intimidate with them. NHS was like “So if we’re holding one piece of the Demonic Metal, wouldn’t that be dangerous?” and WWX responds, “What ‘we’? It’s just me,” points at LWJ, “and him!! There is no ‘we’ !! you just tagged along from nowhere!!” 
WC scene again.  WQ tells WC that they should go to Yueyang to aid Xue Yang, but WQ says he knows that WQ is prevent him from getting near WWX and LWJ and warns her not to use WRH to threaten him. Here WC reveals that WQ’s family (Granny, A-Yuan, Uncle Four) were all from Dafan mountain and WQ says WRH promised not to hurt her family. WC laughs and says he is going to awaken a man-eating beast (hint: goddess).
JC runs into WQ in a coffee shop. WQ purposely picks a fight with him by copying all his orders and actions, and uses the opportunity to tell JC that WWX is in trouble in Dafan Mountain. JC thanked her and runs away to WWX’s aid.
WWX, LWJ, and NHS meet an old lady on the road (suspect to be A-Yuan’s Granny). Granny seems to be mumbling about a goddess coming to life as WWX asks for a place to sleep. She leads them to a cave. Uncle Four walks out and tells him that the goddess was originally a rock who developed a face after receiving prayers from many, but was sealed/controlled by someone powerful. WWX saw the cenotaph in his hands having a ‘Wen’ character and asks if that someone ‘powerful’ is from the Wen sect, Uncle Four insist that he doesn’t remember. 
At night as they slept, NHS had a nightmare and woke LWJ and WWX up screaming. The goddess suddenly comes to life. WWX and LWJ teamed up to fight her. In the process, the goddess was mainly attacking LWJ persistently so WWX asks LWJ if he thought she fancied him, and LWJ asks him to shut his mouth. After that, WWX and LWJ sealed the goddess, but a bunch of walking corpses suddenly appeared and started attacking them. WC’s black phantom bird appears and NHS points it out. WWX is like ‘stupid bird.’
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
While MDZS never states canon Songxiao or XueXiao, but the author herself said that Xuexiao would never happen and that XXC was much closer to A-Qing than XY. She said XY got what he deserved and that he irredeemable. I don't think XY had romantic feelings for XXC, but saw XXC as a toy. He was mad that XXC left him and his source of comfort was gone and his little game ended. The only reason he wanted to bring XXC back was because XXC would be under his control and XXC would continue to comfort him and he could keep destroying XXC by making him do horrific things. It's the ultimate revenge. He liked toying around with XXC and destroying him. He doesn't resent having XXC kill SL and takes no responsibility for his actions. He blames Chang Ping for everything when in reality everything is his fault. If he does have feelings for XXC they are perverse and twisted. XXC would never love XY and would always find him despicable if he knew the truth.
Also I see many fans excuse XY's action saying that if SL didn't ruin everything Xuexiao would have been happy or they say since he has a shitty childhood his actions are understandable and with XXC's love he would become a better person *eye roll*. He kills A-Qing in cold blood and laughs at XXC's heartbreak over losing SL. This is not a man who can be cured with love, but a sadistic psychopath. He tried to slander XXC's name by using shuanghua to kill people. He has no remorse. Plenty of characters have sad childhoods some even worse than his and they still would never do what he did. Everyone always has sympathy for XY, but they never have any for SL and what he went through at the hands of XY.
XXC literally kills himself when he learns that he killed SL and his soul shatters to pieces over it. If that doesn't prove how much he loved SL even platonically Idk what does. He broke his promise to never return to the mountain for SL and gave up his eyes. When SL asked him to leave, he did so without hesitation because he thought that would make SL happy. When A-Qing asks if he's blind, his eyes start bleeding. When they are telling stories XY purposefully brings up SL as a way to hurt XXC. XXC smiles sadly when talking about him. He wanted create a new sect with SL. XXC's love, care, and respect for SL is shown time and time again even if it's platonic. The way people discredit their relationship is truly sad.
I don't really disagree. When it comes to Xue Yang I enjoy him a lot as a character. He's one of the few whose portrayal (by Wang Haoxuan) I liked even in cql, but I just follow Wei Wuxian's evaluation of him. When it comes to what he feels for Xiao Xingchen:
“Wei WuXian, “Hmm? You hate him that much? Then why did you kill Chang Ping?”
Xue Yang sneered, “Why did I kill Chang Ping? Did you really need to ask, Patriarch YiLing?! Haven’t I told you? I said that I was going to wipe out the entire YueyangChang Clan, so I won’t even leave a dog behind!”
Wei WuXian continued, “That’s a great reason you came up with. Unfortunately, the years don’t add up. Someone like you who seeks revenge for the smallest things and murders in such ruthless ways wouldn’t have waited so many years to finish off one clan, would you? You know the reason why you killed Chang Ping.”
Xue Yang, “Then, tell me. What do I know? What do I know?!”
“He shouted the last sentence. Wei WuXian asked again, “You didn’t just kill him. Why did you choose to use lingchi, the torture that represents ‘punishment’? If you were avenging for yourself, why did you use Shuanghua, instead of your own Jiangzai? Why did you dig out his eyes and make it so that he was just like Xiao XingChen?”
Xue Yang shouted himself hoarse, “Nonsense! That’s all nonsense! It’s revenge—why in the world would I have let him die comfortably?”
Wei WuXian, “You were indeed seeking revenge, but whose revenge were you actually seeking? What a joke. If you wanted to seek revenge, the one you should’ve executed lingchi on is yourself!”
In other words Xue Yang felt something for XXC but whatever it was revolved around how XXC made him feel. What he wanted etc. He had no regard for XXC's wellbeing and happiness or for what XXC himself would have wanted. I understand the immense temptation of this kind of dynamic- who doesn't want to see the absolute evil bad boy leashed by love & it's fun to explore in fics... but that's not quite what happened here. Xue Yang is still prioritizing his own wants and happiness (and fun), that fun just happens to include XXC's existence.
So to conclude:
“Lan JingYi couldn’t help but ask, “Just what did you see during Empathy?”
Wei WuXian, “It’s too long of a story. I’ll tell you later.”
Jin Ling, “Can’t you sum it up? Don’t leave us at a cliffhanger!”
Wei WuXian, “In summary: Xue Yang must die.”
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