bearlyfunctioning · 3 hours
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NonBEARnary 💛🐻‍❄️💜 🖤
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aro-comics · 9 months
Part 5 of Arrow's Comic has been added in now!
Hiya everyone I TOTALLY goofed (or maybe tumblr glitched?) and Part 5 of the Arrow's comic was not uploaded into my queued posts - but it's there now!
(I do think it was my best work visually for the whole comic so I would highly recommend going back to check it out haha)
Alright peace y'all <3
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lost-sandwich · 1 year
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Tried out a new brush/style with some of the Bendy crew! It's nice drawing Sammys long hair and tail again, he feels naked without it even if no hair is his canon design.
I plan to do more after this, most likely the butcher gang, searchers, lost ones and maybe I'll even try Alice!
Design notes and character backgrounds (contains spoilers if you're going through my askblog! [i promise i'm working on the next part but animation is hard to get motivation for]) in the read more ^^
For Norman I made him a failed Bendy as he said he often lurked around the studio as a projectionist so he likely saw the demon or heard of him around the studio from Joey or Tom. Long arms, hands and legs reflecting that, he came out very animalistic and has a large bundle of thick wires from his projector and back gathering to make a tail. He was made soon after Buddy as Joey thought that after his success he'd get better results but Norman fought back and ended up dying before he could be put through the ink, a projector being knocked over and breaking over his head.
Buddy has a little less in common with cartoon Boris reflecting his different mindset from Boris and giving him more wolf-like legs and a tail. He is still mute but wanders the studio a bit more, trying to gather more for his bunker because he feels like something will happen soon, something bad.
An OC I made! His name is Edmund Murphey and worked in a gift shop that was added to the first floor of the studio. He resides in the city seen in the Dark Revival with a copy of his shop. A band of angry people stormed the studio one day and ended up killing Edmund, impaling him with metal rods found at the breaking down studio (pre arch gate) and his cash register bashed into his head. He now wanders his shop, docile to the player unless they steal items and food without first dropping some slugs on the counter where he will chase after them, angrily rattling his register and hitting them with projectionist-like strength.
The Ink Demon is the largest thing in the studio other than Bertrum and the hand in the ink rivers. Its long thin legs end in pig hooves, its imitation of a demon even failing to copy the usual goat hooves. His tail is long and thick, also failing to copy a demons tail. Machinery replace one of his ankles after Buddy and Dot cut part of his leg with an axe.
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This is not a comic (But you can ask these characters)
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notayenota · 4 months
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three spots… you could even say TRIPLE spots
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ocombatenterondonia · 8 months
NOTACom o adiamento do JIR, e diante de questões orçamentárias, Porto Velho não pode mais ser município sede dos jogos
A Secretaria Municipal de Esporte e Lazer (Semes) vem a público esclarecer que diante do adiamento dos Jogos Intermunicipais de Rondônia (JIR) não poderá mais se manter como município sede dos jogos. A secretaria recebeu o comunicado de adiamento da Superintendência da Juventude, Cultura, Esporte e Lazer (Sejucel) um dia antes da solenidade de abertura do evento, ficando impossibilitada de…
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noxtime-comics · 4 years
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with all the AC hype I had to draw Nox as an AC character
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azevial · 5 years
English shenanigans #shakspeareantalk #shakespeare #oldenglish #bullshitting #dumbjokes #voices #accents #comedy #notacomic https://www.instagram.com/p/B0iFZVdgLFd/?igshid=yb6uzeg86dnl
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prince-jack-lancer · 6 years
Going to reblog other Deltarune/Undertale content on this blog. If you want to filter it out it’ll be #notacomic
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ok im gonna stop exporting the tumblr and tapas versions with different watermarking
its all just gonna be the same
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demoniclovedbz · 7 years
Rejected not-a-comic
I thought of this before… Bassoon is the OC of @littlepuku , and he isn’t actually interested in Viola in that way so I don’t know why I thought of this… But it seemed kind of cute even though it’s sad lol 😅 I hope it’s okay… I wanted to do it as a comic but don’t have the skill or time or patience 😆 so I wrote it instead lol
Bassoon: Viola… do you like chubby guys…?
Viola: *considers it* 🤔 Hmmm… nah.
Bassoon: !!
Viola: I guess I have my mama’s taste in guys. I like tall, strong ones. You know, muscular guys.
Bassoon: I… I see…
Viola: I mean I guess they don’t need to be super muscular… just not fat.
Bassoon: Yeah, I… I got it…
Viola: But also… you’re not my type anyway. You’re too nice. Nice guys tend to bore me.
Bassoon: *feeling worthless* 😢 Okay…
Viola: … *realises he probably likes her* Oh! Um… *looks at him* But… if you want to go on a sympathy date, that would be fun…?
Bassoon: *internal sobbing* ((😭)) No, it - it’s okay. I was just curious… 💔💔💔
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bearlyfunctioning · 2 months
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Totality ☀️⚫️
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aro-comics · 2 years
About the updated panel in MMPA
(Oops, I meant to post this a bit sooner - the moving situation has really been causing me a lot of mishaps! So sorry, I hope things will calm down soon). Full explanation under the cut!
So, as promised - when I originally posted this comic, I had a different panel for Part 1 Slide 7.
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This was the original (as currently on Instagram), and below is the current one.
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I changed it to feature a boy instead of a girl, mainly because of the unintended implications created by the use of a wlw relationship in the original example.
This part of the comic was made to explain how social pressure can influence people’s decisions to pursue romance. The point I set out to make was this: Some people, while well meaning, will see their friends/family display (what they believe, rightly or not) some form of romantic attraction to another individual. These people decide to encourage their friend/family to pursue this relationship, sometimes with a strong degree of insistence. While this is not automatically harmful, this pressure can become very strong. It sometimes influences people to pursue a romantic relationship they otherwise would not have. I have heard of many of all orientations, but especially aros,  who have experienced this phenomenon and have entered relationships that led to distress because they were not ready, or did not really want, to be in this relationship. 
In this particular example, what I wanted to show was a gentler scenario with this pressure. A friend, who well-meaning, goes a little too much out of his way to push this girl in front of her crush when she hasn’t quite worked up the resolve to pursue this relationship with someone she *is* attracted to. The emphasis was meant to be put on how this amatonormative pressure can ignore people’s discomfort, which isn’t good regardless of what someone’s orientation is!
However, between the phrasing of the comic and the choice of example, I understand that this could be interpreted as saying that this girl isn’t actually attracted to another girl, which is an unfortunate form of delegitimization often applied to queer, and especially sapphic relationships. I'm really sorry about this! As someone who is sapphic myself, my decision was based on wanting draw an example of a sapphic couple for representation purposes (since I did feel I was drawing a lot of "straight" couples as examples of romance related subjects). I did not think this through, and again I am sorry for the harm this caused! I will be more careful about implications chosen by my examples in the future.
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lost-sandwich · 9 months
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scug parade! Finally colored all the rest of my slugcat ocs! And an orange lizard. You can read more about them below!!
Most of them are descendants of prized show animals that were sent to Guiding Unified Neutrality before their owners would have come. I say most because the one in front is actually a specialized organism sent by another iterator to explore and gather information for them! Their name is the Copycat! They're able to mimic creatures noises to scare or lure them away. They can also gain powers from eating different foods! But only one, and if that same food is eaten it'll get stronger but once they eat something else, the chain is broken and they need to hibernate before gaining a new power and strengthening it.
The second one is a large slugcat with a large shell, he acts as the colonies friendly uncle and he loves babysitting and looking after the young pups. His name is the Hermit! Theres nothing too special about them, his ancestor really just bred to see if they could have a new strange feature.
The one sitting on them is a silly slugcat called the Defenestrated. (i wanted to make a really silly little guy) They have a very long, spiked tail and after getting pushed out of a window by a lizard, lost an ear antenna thing and got a scar over his eye. He now likes to act as a look out and loves to climb on everything they can get their paws on.
And then the frilly spiked slugcat called the Jester! She's currently the youngest pup in the colony and is still learning and growing her personality! They love collecting food and shiny things.
Next is the Aristocrat and their lizard friend! When they were very young, the lizard fell down into the colony and saw the Aristocrats ears and immediately thought they were a leader orange lizard, they've been glued side by side since.
The last slugcat at the end is a strange one that wandered in one day and was welcomed despite their strange appearance. The Acquiesced is a slugcat that tried to ascend, having been in another group of slugcats that had a tradition of doing it. She made it all the way down to the depths and dipped into the void fluid, but the pressure and fear took her over and she climbed all the way back out. The void fluid clung to her and fused and melted pieces of her, making her skin see through and her skeleton glow. She now cannot touch anything living or else it begins to melt away and be destroyed.
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im-sealman-blog · 7 years
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notayenota · 4 months
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them guys
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