#OC Profile
mimble-sparklepudding · 6 months
Winter Greenery OC Questions.
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A little list of OC questions based on the folklore of winter greenery in Northern Europe. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all symbolic meanings, but rather just a small selection for entertainment, rather than educational, purposes.
Fir: Endurance and Hope.
Is your OC generally optimistic about the future?  Or do they tend to prepare for the worst, whilst hoping for the best? Or do they even take a generally pessimistic view of the way things will likely unfold?
Does your OC actively attempt to nurture or inspire hope in others – even when things look particularly dire? Or are they inclined to be more blunt with their assessment of a situation?
Would your OC ever fight for a lost cause on principle?  Or would they give up – or even change allegiance – in order to ensure the best outcome for themselves?
What is an example of something (or someone) to which your OC has been stubbornly loyal, through thick and thin?  Was it worth it in the end?  Could it ever have been?
How many setbacks can (or will) your OC endure before they give up on a course of action?  Or alternatively, how many times can they be let down or betrayed before they turn their back upon another person?
Holly: Protection and Luck.
Is your OC protective of those to whom they are close?  Are they ever somewhat over-protective?  Or do they prefer to let people suffer the consequences of their mistakes?  Perhaps because they see this as a useful life lesson?
Does your OC carry a lucky charm of some sort?  What makes them think it’s lucky?  Or do they not believe in luck, yet find themselves unable to part with it all the same?
Has your OC ever taken on a burden or suffered harm to protect another from suffering its consequences?  Did the person in question realise that they had done so?  What was their motivation when doing this?
What does your OC believe to be the luckiest event in their life?  Is this an accurate assessment?  Or was there actually more than simply luck at play?
Does your OC believe that they were historically let down by those who should have protected them?  If so then what has been the impact of this upon them?  If not then have they always been kept safe by others?  Has anyone ever sacrificed themselves to protect them?
Ivy: Fidelity and Loyalty.
Has your OC ever been unfaithful in a relationship?  Could they ever be tempted by the physical charms of another?  Or have they ever been surprised by how little they are tempted by others, at least once they embraced their current lover?
What inspires loyalty in your OC?  Will they follow someone purely based upon duty or rank? Or are there certain qualities towards which they are drawn?  Or perhaps there ways by which another person must prove themselves before earning their loyalty?
Has another person ever offered to leave their spouse or lover for your OC?  What was it about them that this person found so hard to resist? How did they feel about it at the time? 
Does your OC feel any abiding connection to their place of birth?  Has this ever been challenged by conflicting loyalties?  How are they viewed by those currently living in their society of origin?
Does your OC remain steadfastly loyal to those who have helped them on their journey?  Or are they quick to dispense with those who are no longer of use to them?
Mistletoe: Peace and Friendship.
Who was your OC’s first friend?  What drew them to each other?  Were they expecting to get along? Or was it a surprise to them both?
Does your OC find it easy to make friends?   What barriers are there to them doing so?  Has this changed over time?
Do other people experience your OC as having a “peaceful” energy? Or are they inclined to restlessness - or even fractiousness?  Do others find them relaxing company?
To what extent does your OC believe in the perfectibility of mankind?  Do they believe that they are playing a part, no matter how small, in ushering in a new utopian age of co-operation and peace?  Or do they consider that people are intrinsically flawed and that the best that can be hoped for is a series of trade-offs between conflicting values?
Who is your OCs most unlikely friend? What made their friendship so unexpected?
Pine: Healing and Longevity.
What is the worst physical injury or illness that your OC has ever suffered?  How long did it take them to recover?  Does it still have an impact upon them now?
What is the worst emotional or spiritual wound that your OC has ever suffered?  What was the long-term impact of this experience? What helped them to move on from it (if they ever have)?
Does your OC make a good patient?  Or are they resistant to being given medical treatment - or even agreeing to rest?
Does your OC expect to live a long and fruitful life?  Or do they consider themselves to already be living on borrowed time?
Does your OC believe it is better to burn out than to fade away?  Or do they perhaps pretend to believe this, when actually they would be quite happy to retire peacefully one day?
Birch: Rebirth and Regeneration.
Has your OC ever experienced something that changed them irrevocably?  If so, then how do they view the person they were before?
Does your OC believe that sometimes a person needs to hit rock bottom before they can begin to rebuild their life?  Has this ever been their personal experience?  Or would they rather spare someone suffering, even if it meant they failed to learn from their mistakes over and over again?
Does your OC recover quickly from injuries?  Or has it got harder for them to keep bouncing back as they’ve got older?  If so, is this something they would ever admit?
Has your OC ever made a heroic or unexpected comeback from a dire situation?  What helped them to do so?
Has your OC ever been part of a wider cultural or spiritual renaissance?  Perhaps following the defeat of an occupying force?  Or the rediscovery of long-lost wisdom?  Or even a reinterpretation of existing traditions?
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boopshoops · 3 months
Ezra Goldspire - Who Knows Best
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Name: Ezra Goldspire
Nicknames: Ezzie, Killifish
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Homosexual
Birthday: May 7 (Taurus)
Age: 362 (In canon and AU)
Height: 5'11 or 179cm
Voice Claim(s): Caleb Hyles
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Twisted from: Mother Gothel/Esther Gothel of Tangled
Unique Magic: "What Once was Mine" Through the use of magical herbs and alchemy, Ezra is able to capture the likeness of himself and other individuals. He can share and change other's physical features with these concoctions, ranging anywhere from shoe size to facial structure to vocal coords. These changes last as long as he desires as well as under his own set conditions at the cost of requiring outside materials to complete. Typically the magic is contained in what appears to be a type of spice or powder, and the change leaves a mark/tattoo on the individual which the magic is cast to indicate what exactly was changed.
Grade: Primarily teaches Sophomores and Juniors
Class: Teaches art and music, along with being the homeroom teacher of class 3-D.
Hobbies: Alchemy, botany, herbology, singing, painting, playing the harp, improv.
Likes: Broadway, theater, pasta alla gricia, small spaces, spring, jewelry, floral arrangements, experimental learning, any music.
Dislikes: Crickets, wrinkles, scars, wasted talent, mumbling/whispering, tracking time.
Fears: Aging, other Changeling Fae, not being recognized by those he cares for, forgetting people.
Summary: As the most easygoing teacher on the entirety of campus, many of the students and fellow staff members view him as a scatter-brained daydreamer. However, his dreams filled with immense passion, as he desires for nothing more than to watch his student's talent blossom... and keep the bloom contained and protected in a glass case.
Now, don't get him wrong! He has the best intentions, of course. There are many, many scary people and places out there in this Twisted Wonderland. People who would take advantage of such bright minds. He is simply preventing that from happening. The man has been around for a long time and has been through his own share of ordeals, so he would most definitely know.
He has a big heart. While he goes about an odd, constrictive way of showing it, he does truly care. He has a hard time letting things go, and he simply wants the best for those he cares for. Ezra would spoil every single one of his students rotten if he were able. Even as a rather new professor at NRC, he wishes to guide every single one of them on the right path.
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Outfit Inspiration
Author's Notes: ARGHHH MY BOY... Ezra is a very new character I made only a few months ago. He was created specifically for TCOAV, but alas I have grown attached. Given we already have quite a few gaslight gatekeep girlboss type characters over here, I decided to focus more on twisting different aspects of Mother Gothel. I particularly focused on her parental tendencies as well as her means of "caring" for Rapunzel. Whereas whether Gothel truly cares for Rapunzel or not is still up in the air, and they truly had a toxic relationship nonetheless, I wanted to make Ezra a more misguided but good individual.
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welldonekhushi · 3 months
Call of Duty OC: Samantha "Scarlet" Wright 🦋
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Finally, after ages, I came up with Scarlet's biography sheet! So in case you guys are curious about her, you can go through this post, hope it helps! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
If you want to see any artwork or fics on her, go to the #samantha scarlet wright tag for her content!
Name: Samantha
Full name: Samantha Wright
Codename: "Scarlet", Hotel Two-Six
Age: 29 years old
Gender: Female
Nationality: British (UK)
Languages spoken: English (native), Arabic (conventionally), Russian (for intelligence purposes)
Date of Birth: June 9, 1984
Place of Birth: Cambridge, England
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Martial Status: Single (married in 2017 to John "Soap" MacTavish, her childhood friend — diverging canon AU)
Occupation: British SAS (Special Air Services), member of the Task Force 141
Status: Active
Rank: Sergeant
Universe: Original timeline (2011-2017), reboot (alternative AU)
Faceclaim: Jenna Coleman
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Song: Tangled Up by Caro Emerald (Lokee Remix)
Biography: Samantha Wright, under the codename "Scarlet" followed her dream in joining the most elite forces of the British Army, after hearing about her father's experiences in the military. As her hard work pays off, she finally gets selected for the SAS, and then for the Task Force 141, for her skills and strength. There, she meets a very old friend, that she missed and deeply cared for..
Task Force 141
Captain John Price
John "Soap" MacTavish
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Hannah "Sparrow" Clayton (@revnah1406)
Sergeant Annabelle "Kit" Pham (@applbottmjeens)
Charlotte "Jade" La Jardin (@sleepyconfusedpotato)
Joyce "Joe" Hardman (@mctvsh)
2nd Commando Regiment (@kaitaiga)
Sergeant Damien Whitlock
Captain Lachlan Jones
Los Vaqueros
Colonel Alejandro Vargas
Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Alyssa "Aly" Martinez (@alypink)
Weapon induced: M4A1 Carbine, M4A1 Grenadier w/ Red Dot Sight, M14 EBR Scoped
Fighting style: Hand-to-hand-combat, martial arts, a bit of jiu-jitsu
Special skills: Has good agility, wits and strength from intensive physical and mental training.
Talents: Is able to strategise a plan for greater impact.
Shortcomings: Is a bit sensitive and confused when it comes to choosing a decision which leads to life or death.
Myers-Briggs Type: ISFP (The Adventurer)
Is a positive presence among everybody: Yes, a soldier sure is a tough-hard individual who is determined to follow their duty, but Scarlet is the opposite. She maintains her duties and also motivates and cheers others up to keep moving and never surrender, as taught by her father. The reason why others notice when Scarlet is present with them, they feel calm and encouraged.
Emotional, but also dangerous: Sure Scarlet looks like she's a sweet presence among everyone, but at the same time, we shall not forget she's SAS-trained. When things get serious, she gets serious. During some missions (1 and 2), she has shown remarkable strength and courage by eliminating enemy soldiers in combat, as if she's a different person. The cheerful presence Scarlet holds among others has another dark side inside that she never reveals, but towards her enemies.
Can indulge with anyone, and is respectful: She'd love to make friends or teammates! It doesn't mean she doesn't give importance to anyone, but she especially bonds a lot with Soap. They two have been childhood friends since the start and everyone notices how close they both are and thinks if they two are a couple. Even if Soap is her best friend and he has a superior rank, she'd still respect him as her Captain. But sure, personally, they two engage like they used to.
Very empathetic: Whether it's a random person or not who is dying in her arms, it breaks her. It happened once when she tried to save a person who was losing their life and in the end they couldn't make it. It makes her want to blame herself a bit, thinking she didn't do her duty right, even if everything wasn't in her power. Also, if she sees anyone in distress, she's able to console and help them in time of need, the reason why Scarlet is able to sympathise and understand others well.
Born as Samantha Wright, she lives in a small town in England with her father, Albert Wright, who is a former SAS-soldier under the codename "Bolt", and mother Elizabeth. When Scarlet was a toddler, she used to hear stories from her father about him working in Special Air Services, an elite special forces unit, and retired the day when his one leg was brutally injured that made him unable to walk or run.
Those stories gave Scarlet an idea to also join the SAS like him, but her father chuckled and said that right now she was too young to do so. Sometime later, she met John MacTavish, who recently moved into her neighbourhood from Scotland, but wasn't happy that he shifted away from his homeland. She wanted John to be her friend, and make him familiar with the surroundings so he'll get used to everything and love staying at his new home. And soon, they two grew closer, and became best friends.
They two had a similar goal — to join the defense. And one day, that day had to come between the two, when John had to leave for military school. Bidding her best friend a bittersweet farewell, unsure what future has for them in between, John encouraged her to follow her dreams. Taking that as a motivation, Scarlet kept John close to heart, while continuing her aspiration to join the SAS.
Her father got to know about her plan, saying that it won't be easy, since the SAS had the toughest selection processes. That sure unsettled her for a while, but didn't make her back off from her decision respectively. Instead, she learnt a couple of exercises, tips and tricks on self-defense from him that mentally and physically prepared her fully at the same time.
When she recruited herself in the selection process, it was an absolutely different experience for her. The way her mind drastically changed during the training quite traumatized and scared her, knowing what it feels to be in the SAS. But, keeping her father's words by her side, she didn't let the weakness and fear sink her in and moved on further. At times, she was ridiculed by others that she'd never be able to complete the process, but chuckled it all out instead.
The day came, when her hard work paid off, and she finally became eligible for the special forces. It was a blessed feeling for her, as if luck always stood by her side. And this is where, her journey begins..
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kaitaiga · 11 months
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COD MW OC: Damien Whitlock
Full Name: Damien Whitlock
Nickname: Damo
Birthday: 7th March 1996 – Sydney, Australia
Face Claim: Zane Phillips
Affiliation: 2nd Commando Regiment (2CDO REGT), Tactical Assault Group East (TAG-E), SOCOMD.
Rank: Sergeant
Call sign: Bravo 2-6 (2CDO)
Height: 186cm (6’1)
Weight: 90kg
Blood Type: B- (B NEG)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Languages: English, Arabic (conversational), Indonesian (conversational)
Father: Arthur Whitlock
Mother: Audrey Mae Whitlock
Older Brother: Thomas Whitlock
Older Sister: Sienna Whitlock
Younger Sister: Zoe Whitlock
2nd Commando Regiment
→ Captain Lachlan Jones
→ Sergeant Daniel Greenhill
Task Force 141
→ Sergeant Major Hannah “Sparrow” Cayton (@revnah1406)
→ Sergeant Annabelle “Kit” Pham (@applbottmjeens)
→ Charlotte “Jade” Le Jardin @sleepyconfusedpotato
→ Joyce “Joe” Hardman @mctvsh
→ Captain Price, Gaz, Laswell
Los Vaqueros
→ Alyssa “Aly” Martinez (@alypink)
Para SF
→ Captain Arjun Dhingra, LT. Aditya Tripathi (@welldonekhushi)
Urzikstan Liberation Force (ULF)
→ Farah Karim
→ Alex Keller
→ Jackson Wyatt (1CDO, Warcom)
→ Benjamin “Otter” Lee (SAS)
Hair: blond, short mullet.
Eye Colour: blue/grey
Build: tall, muscular
Scars: Bullet wound (left shoulder), knife scars (forearms)
Beauty Marks: Right jaw, above and below the left eye.
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Personality and Traits
Damien comes across as a very laidback and open guy, very easy to approach and talk to. He is a pretty big jokester, likes to crack a few jokes here and there to make people laugh or lighten the mood.
Though in the heat of battle, he has known to be brutal towards his enemies, sparing no mercy and absolutely no time - getting a job done quickly and efficiently. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind when needed, even if it may be more emotionally driven.
Nevertheless, towards those he likes, he is a very caring and loyal person. Ride or die buddy. It’s pretty damn obvious too, he’ll never stop bugging someone he cares for no matter where they are in the world. He can read their emotions like a book too; he can tell when someone’s feeling down and will try his best to cheer them up.
Damien’s also the sort of guy to take care of others but not himself. Truthfully, after he lost Daniel, he found it very hard to cope. Thus, he took on Daniel’s role of looking after others.
Damien is also really good with any sort of trade work which he learned whilst growing up on his family farm. You need an electrician, mechanic, or welder? He’s your guy.
Like any other commando, Damien has undergone a multitude of training, preparing him for anything and everything. Alone or with his squad. A few of these include:
Demolitions and Breaching
CQC/Melee Attacks
Wilderness Survival
Long Range Recon
HALO / HAHO (including water insertion)
Roping (aid climbing)
Hostage Rescue
First Aid
And so on. In his own time, Damien frequently trains in Jiu-Jitsu, earning his purple belt, further enhancing his CQC.
Coming from a family of farmers, Damien spent most of his childhood living and working out on his family farm in rural New South Wales. Throughout his younger years, he was constantly harassed/bullied by his drug addicted older brother, Thomas. Young Damien was no match for him but luckily enough, his older sister had his back at all times. Thomas would eventually runaway and was never seen again – presumed dead.
As he grew up, Damien attended an all-boys boarding school in Sydney where he met Daniel Greenhill – his best friend for many years to come. He never really excelled at any subjects other than wood/metalwork and P.E., so when it came down to his final ATAR exams he absolutely flunked them. Not wanting to continue studying or returning to farm life, Damien worked the odd job here and there to make ends meet.
Whilst working one of his jobs alongside his buddy, Daniel had dropped that he had met a special forces operator by the name of Jackson Wyatt and suggested that he should meet with him.
After hearing all about Wyatt’s career as a Commando, Damien was sold on the idea; so much so that at the age of 19, he enlisted into the Australian Army after being trained by Wyatt himself much to his parent's disapproval. He served two years as an infantryman within 3RAR before completing the Commando selection course and earning his green beret, where he was placed in Lachlan’s B Company. Turns out he had a real knack for this sort of thing as he continued to undergo a range of further Commando specialist courses after initial Commando training.
 Since then, he’s done multiple tours to Urzikstan, Afghanistan and Iraq where he was introduced to Captain Price (via Lachlan) and Benjamin “Otter” Lee (via Wyatt).
Damien has since then worked alongside Captain Price closely thanks to Lachlan’s close connection to him, particularly in Urzikstan, but isn’t opposed to flying out to lend a hand wherever.
Modern Warfare I
During 2019, Damien is first seen in the UK on a training exercise with the SAS before he is swiftly sent to London’s Piccadilly Circus to assist against AQ’s terrorist attack, alongside Gaz. Afterwards, he joins the SAS Anti-terror wing along with Price and Gaz to clear a house in Camden, full of AQ affiliates in search of any information related to the Piccadilly attack and The Wolf.
Damien returns to Urzikstan alongside 2CDO REGT, where not long after he is called to assist Captain Price, Gaz and the others at the US Embassy, also aiding to save the Ambassador’s Assistant, Stacy. Following this, he follows the rest of the team back to the ambassador’s residence only to find the Wolf had been extracted by AQ forces already. Furthermore, he is seen briefly helping SAS and CIA on the night raid to locate The Wolf at his compound.
After the events of MW19, Damien spent this time on rotation in TAG-E, though was later sent back to Urzikstan on an emergency deployment to help aid in the assassination of an AQ leader. This proved to be a struggle. They were given little to no information and thus were subsequently ambushed, leading to the death of best friend, Daniel Greenhill, who tried to pull an injured Damien out of enemy fire.
After the funeral, Damien spent his time spiralling down. He became depressed, not leaving his Sydney apartment for days at a time and ultimately almost being discharged from his duties. Though thanks to his Captain and two close friends - Lachlan, Sparrow and Aly - they helped him find the means to work towards getting better and soon enough, he was ready enough to go back to his duties.
Modern Warfare II
In 2022, Damien is first seen undercover at Café Gracht alongside Captain Price where they wait for representatives from both AQ and Las Almas Cartel to show up. After seeing Gaz tranquillise the cartel member, they all move to enter Laswell’s vehicle and leave the area swiftly.
Later on he returns to Urzikstan, where he is again enlisted for help by Price to rescue Laswell from AQ along with ULF fighters.
Modern Warfare III
Damien spends this time going home to Australia for a little while before being sent on another tour around the Middle East. It is in Urzikstan that he (and 2CDO REGT) work alongside Phillip Graves and his Shadow Company, unaware of the events in Las Almas concerning Los Vaqueros and TF141. He is only made aware when seeing his friend Sparrow again, where she rips the SC patch off of him and promptly has a go at Damien for wearing that thing around them, explaining the full story.
EDM and rock/metal music is what he listens to most.
He is a Mclaren F1 fan, as well as being a big fan of the AFL team: Collingwood Football Club (Magpies).
Absolute gym junkie. Has an extensive collection of pre-workout, protein powder and creatine stored in his apartment (and snuck onto base). If he wasn’t a Commando, he’d probably be a bodybuilder or athlete of some sort.
Damien keeps a scrapbook that he fills with stickers, trinkets, thoughts or drawings from various places he has visited.
During his downtime in Sydney, he likes to go café-hopping! He’s a big foodie. Also likes to take long walks during the night, overlooking the Harbour Bridge and generally just taking in the city lights. It's one of his favourite things to do to ease his mind.
Thanks to Daniel, Damien is pretty good at speaking Indonesian and really enjoys Indonesian food! His favourites are nasi campur and soda gembira. He’d mix Indonesian and English together to gossip about something to Daniel. After they both graduated high school, Daniel took Damien to visit Jakarta for the first time and he loved it! Also owns a couple batik shirts.
Drives a 79 series Landcruiser. His number plate is “WHITLOCK”.
Does jiu-jitsu and is currently at a purple belt.
Frequently visits Daniel’s grave when he has the time. He sits there for hours just catching him up on every little event or thought that has happened, as if he were there to listen like the old times. Frequently catches up with Daniel's family too, they've taken him in like he's their son.
In the past, Damien has never had a good relationship - they’ve all either cheated on him or ghosted him. He gave up looking for a partner even though he longed to have a family of his own.
Moodboard + Playlist
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multix-ct117 · 4 months
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Lucifer Morningstar x Penelope Skylark
The Devil x The Forsaken
“When a devil falls in love, you should be terrified, for he will go to the depths of Hell for her.
When an angel falls in love, do not mistake kindness for weakness, for she will give up Paradise to be with him.”
Unbeknownst to his daughter, Lucifer Morningstar lost everything when Heaven cast him into the pits of Hell…
10,000 years later, he finally has the chance to defend his dreams and reclaim what’s his;
…and he won’t let anything get in his way.
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freeusemuses · 7 months
The Fiery Bombshell: Aryn Frederica Anhaldt Scaletower Von Zerbst
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Name: Aryn Von Zerbst
Age: 22
Race: Faunus
Faunus type: Dragon
Faunus trait: Horns
Occupation: Huntress/Noble/Pentagram Mage
Aryn is the offspring of Drake Scaletower and Kirche Zerbst. Taking more after her mother in both looks, and flirtatious personality. There was hardly anything that the dragon Faunus couldn't achieve by just batting her eyes.
Aryn attended both schools her parents attended. Excelling as both a powerful fire mage, and as a Huntress.
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aggravateddurian · 6 days
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2024 Updated Profiles for Val and Mel
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
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Elements of this Character Profile is STC.
Keep in mind that all my OCs in this blog are from a shared universe and that the story/character elements might change as I work on the series. Some works here are also non-canonical to the character, and as such may contain a different plot/setting/character backstory entirely.
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AGE: 21 (As of 1896)
HEIGHT: 6’8” (203cm)
WEIGHT: 250 lb (113kg)
RELATIVES : The Ban Clan
— Ban Gabrielle (Descendant)
— 11 Siblings
— Parents
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Featured In:
Tumblr Works / As a Yandere Character :
— Hairpin | Popped
— 1K Celebration | Underwear
(note that the earlier stories are separate from his actual lore and are the connected at all to the comics he’ll feature in nor his backstory in the overview)
Comic Series :
— Make Money Not Love!
— Midnight Darling
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Main Storyline ( In the Comics ) :
Mori comes from an extremely poor background. He’s the 8th out of all 12 siblings, and was only ever given attention to due to his hair and eye color presumably given to him by Celestial Tower [more on that in future, will link a separate post explaining the Tower].
As such he was forced into school despite wanting to help out by working instead. He’s faced with great pressure to graduate and eventually join the new Reconnaissance of the Otherworld • Special Unit ( RO•SU ロ•ス ). However, his mana was found out to be corrupted and he’s quickly dispatched (killed) on site.
He is reborn many centuries earlier as a delinquent, back before the Celestial Tower’s appearance. His arc on the comic “Make Money Not Love” is about his struggles with finances and the expectations of an Asian society that places value on monetary success.
Mori is abnormally tall. He used to be AMAB in his original timeline and his height (along with his hair and eye color) carried over despite the new biological sex. His height is presumed to also have come from the Celestial Tower since such an incredible height is rare not just from his family but the country he lived in.
Due to the value put on his looks (i.e. hair and eye-color) he abhors people touching him. Afraid that even the slightest change, or damage would affect his value as a person. Even in fights he makes sure that neither gets in harms way.
As a Yandere (for x you/reader people):
Now as a Yandere, Mori is extremely materialistic. Whether consciously or unconsciously, he likes when he’s given objects of value. He’s also extremely masochistic, as he likes to get into fights or annoy people for the sake of attention.
Mori has extremely low self esteem. The slightest bit of kindness will have him falling, but that feeling is usually fleeting unless the other person maintains their affection towards him.
If you’re to be his darling, you’d need to be extremely patient or at least be resistant to teasing. He can’t help it, he does it out of love, you see?
His ideal darling would be the type to be rude when it comes to words but soft when it comes to actions. A tsundere one might say. He’s also into the cool, collected types (but it would be even better if they insulted or beat him up once in a while)
His worse match would be a shy, demure, compliant darling. He enjoys challenges, thrills. His previous life basically wired him to enjoy hardships. If the Darling gave into him easily he’d find them boring.
Is probably the only yandere I’ll ever write that’s okay with being cucked. Might even like it a little too much.
Sub leaning switch.
[to be added upon]
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[to be added upon]
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©️ hana.no.seiiki | yun. please do not redistribute, repost, translate this written / painted work without credit or permission.
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islandtarochips · 3 months
Call of Duty OC: Tiala “Shark” Toa🦈
A young female First Sergeant, who joined the U.S. Marines Corps to honor her older brother’s name. Who sadly passed away from one of the toughest missions. Working long and hard to save civilians from being captive by terrorists or any dangerous enemies. She’s the woman who would get the job done.
UNIVERSE: Modern Warfare 2/Modern Warfare 3
🦈 Name: Tiala Toa 🦈 Alias(es): Shark, Tia, Ala (by her brothers), T, Alpha 5, First Sergeant T 🦈 Gender: Female 🦈 Age: Mid 20s 🦈 Birthday: November 19th 🦈 Nationality: United State National (American Samoa) 🦈 Place of Birth: American Samoa 🦈 Home: Kahaluu, Hawaii (Moved there to where the base are at) 🦈 Spoken Languages: English, Samoan, Spanish (Learning) 🦈 Sexuality: Heterosexual 🦈 Occupation: First Sergeant in the Marine Corps, Second-in-Command of the Warriors Task Force
🦈 Eye Color: Dark Brown 🦈 Hair Color: Black and Light Brown (Light Brown is highlighted) 🦈 Height: 5’7”/170 cm 🦈 Scars: Only have burnt scars that were traced on her tattoos that were once there on her right shoulder down to her forearm. Very recognizable, so she mostly wears long sleeve shirts to cover it up. No matter what. 🦈 Face Claim: Auli’i Cravalho
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🦈 Color: Ocean Blue 🦈 Food: Shoyu Ahi Poke, Samoan Oka 🦈 Drink: Mostly Water (Refreshing) 🦈 Flower: Hibiscus 🦈 Hairstyle: Bun when she’s out of duty or at home, Loose Braid for missions (Usually asked Kanoa to braid it for her before going out)
🦈 Myers Briggs Type: ISTJ Tiala is always taking her duty very seriously when she's working. Whatever job you give her; she'll take FULL responsibility to finish it. She's honest, will always open her mind to suggest or advised about the mission. Tiala has self-control when it comes to situations that will tick her off. Choosing her words carefully. She has a very good mind of planning things ahead (You can ask her to plan your wedding or birthday parties or any special occasions!). 🦈 Strict and Caring: Just like her father, who used to be in the military, she is very strict when it comes to training. Making sure that the recruits are not just lacking or sitting around. She made sure they DO things. But she is very caring for her comrades. You can say it's call "Tough Love" (learned that from her parents). 🦈 Hardworking: Tiala is young and strong so she did most of the heavy work for her team. Always help others out with some heavy lifting. Negative Traits: 🦈 Tiala is usually a stubborn gal. She doesn’t usually ask for help. It was really concerning for others to see her working by herself very hard without any assistance. 🦈 Judgmental. She has a bad habit of judging people when in first meeting. Just like when she first looks at her older brother’s, Rangi, girlfriend. She dislikes her RIGHT there. 🦈 Tiala can be reluctant sometimes. That depends on the situations that she is in. Examples: Dealing with the enemies, no sweat. But dealing with the enemies that have families. She will hesitate. 🦈 Most of her comrades say she’s a BAD driver. She’s not TECHNICALLY a bad driver. Just don’t rush her. She’s a calm driver but when you pressure or telling or even ANNOY her to hurry up then she’ll just ZOOM-
Skills and Abilities: 🦈 Fighting Style: Hand-to-Hand Combat 🦈 Weapons: Any sniping guns and any shotguns 🦈 Distinct Weapons: Ka-Bar Knife 🦈 Special Skills: Can dive down underwater about 50 meters and stay underwater for about 20 minutes with one breath. Good reflexes. Family:
Nakoa Loe Toa (Father, Alive)
Elei Toa (Mother, Alive)
Hōne Toa (1st Older Brother, Deceased)
Sami Toa (2nd Older Brother, Alive)
Serah Toa (Sister-in-Law, Samis’s Wife, Alive)
Penny Toa (Niece, Sami’s Daughter, Alive)
Dinah Toa (Niece, Sami’s Daughter, Alive)
Rangi Toa (3rd Older Brother, Alive)
Kanoa Toa (4th Older Brother, Alive)
Hemi Toa (5th Younger Brother, Alive)
Iosefa Toa (4th Younger Brother, Alive)
Tamah Toa (3rd Younger Brother, Alive)
Fetu Fetuao Toa (2nd Younger Brother, Alive)
Iona and Kiona Toa (Youngest Brothers, Twins, Alive) Trivia:
🦈 Tiala’s last name, Toa. Means ‘Warriors’ in Samoan. So you could see that these families REALLY represented their names. By joining the military. 🦈 The only time you’ll see Tiala smiling or laughing is when she’s with her brothers or family or close friends. Any strangers, she’ll just show her serious face to them. 🦈 Love Sharks and the oceans. She secretly has a shark plushie back at home and has a small shark chain hanging on vest pocket. (Kanoa got that for her) 🦈 HATES the cold. It always makes her nose runny and needs a lair of coats and scarfs to keep her warm. 🦈 Heat doesn’t bother her. Even wearing long sleeves and putting her hair down under the heated weather. 🦈 Enjoys dad jokes. Surprisingly.
Background Story:
Tiala was born and raised in the Island where most of her family lives. She was living a happy life learning about her ancestors and culture which she loves. Even spending time with her family. Her four older brothers are looking after her and six younger brothers that she will protect.
Her four older brothers are in the military while growing up. The eldest one Hōne is in the Marine Corps. Along with the other two, named Rangi and Kanoa. And the second eldest, Sami, is in the Navy. It really inspired Tiala that she wanted to join the military too.
It also pushed her to join the military after hearing the news of the death of her older brother, Hōne. Who was KIA during that one mission. And it saddens her even more that it was her 16th birthday. The day he promised to come back home. And now that promise has already been broken.
So she pushed that anger up to immediately sign up to the Marine Corps right after High School. She was 17-years-old at that time and worked long and hard to be enlisted. And after a few tries, she had finally been selected to be in the marine. Tiala had also met up with Kanoa, who was a Corporal at that time, and Rangi, who was Sergeant First Class. After 4 years of serving in the Marines. She had volunteered to pretend to be a worker for the human trafficking that is going on between Asia and the Pacific. Just to get some intel of their next locations.
Her two brothers disagreed at this when they heard about her volunteering but she convinced them and reassured them that she’ll be fine.
Oh how much she regrets saying that. The enemies had found out about her TRUE identity and captured her for interrogation. It’s been two months of torture and being used. It was traumatizing and painful. And then, Kanoa and his team that he’s leading had found her after searching for her for so long.
Seeing her being tied up on a chair in the empty room. Kanoa quickly took her back and put her in the medical bay IMMEDIATELY.
Tiala was truly scared for life. Even with the burnt scar that the enemies had given her. She was being released from the Marines until she was well again. It’s been a year for her to get her sanity back. Thankfully with her family support, she had found her confident again and went back to serving the Marine Corps.
Then later on, Kanoa had decided to create a Task Force to protect the Pacific. And Tiala was the first one he had picked. The two have been working together for 6 years in this Task Force and they have proved a LOT. Saving the hostages, stopping the human and children trafficking. They have done so well to make sure the world is safe from any creeps who dares to hurt people.
Which it got the attention of General Shepherd as he started to call Laswell to contact their General for some interesting missions. Will they take this task?
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yoselin-uyu · 11 months
Hpma Charecter Profile ♦️
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Hiii, so even if i already made one before i chaged somethings ! But mostly all is the same 🤌🏻
I share canon with these beautiful people: (Where i'll be making a drawing with them of how they meet or sm)
Tristan Winger @khamoise || ♡
Nathaniel @jasminediaz ||
Adalia Untermann @maleliddell ​ ||
Scarlet Bianchi @immagrosscandy ​ ||
Charlotte Sorell @aleapple1216 ||
Crowen @tiny-chiro ||
-> He's very popular, thanks to the fact that it is very easy for him to make friends.
-> when i say he just wants to be loved is that it's not hard to make him fall for anyone. (Also... Pansexual)
-> yep, in 6th - 7th grade he has his first real/official relationship with Tristan Winger, and that is an interesting story we'll talk about later.
-> He has lots of hairstlyes, but you'll never see him with short hair.
-> Even if he hates the fact that the Frey twins do and are bullies, something prevents him from not getting along well with them. He says that they can change, they are just kids looking for attention. Although he cant say the same for Cassandra, he just doesn't like her at all.
Past story:
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> He lives on the land of Svolvær where it is always winter with nice people near the lake.
> The town remained traditional and cultured for a long time, when his grandfather was going to leave the position of chief to his son, he fled with his beloved, leaving his son
> Now being raised by his grandparents, Everard was supposed to, once he was old enough, be in charge of the town's affairs.
> His first strong manifestation of magic was at the age of 4 when he got lost in the woods following a cougar to fight with it 
> [When the cougar became aware of the presence of the child, it hid and went from being the prey to the hunter, keeping the curious child in its sights, when it was slowly approaching to attack it, Everard saw it and remained quietly in shock, not knowing what to do , apparently unconsciously he wanted to be a bear to defend himself and instead of that he seemed to call a real one, causing this bear to defend him from the cougar, when he won he passed by the boy ignoring him, for Everard it was incredible he would never forget that moment].
> After that he did tricks with the other children of the town, his grandmother who was the wise of the town said that his mother was a witch that Everard had inherited it from her.
> Everard was always an outgoing child who loved to get lost in the woods, he learned that he should always put others before himself, but he was not going to be embarrassed for that .
> Everard always came out to defend those who were given unfair treatment since childhood.
> That's why he used to get into several fights since he was little, Adults and Parents couldn't interfere in a fight because from there the value of each one was demonstrated, Fortunately Everard managed to win each one of them.
> When he received his letter from Hogwarts accompanied by Hagrid, his grandparents were not very in favor of letting Everard neglect his education and responsibilities with other kinds of people, but in the end, they accepted it.
> Everard very happy to know the outside world and discover why his parents had abandoned him in order to get out of that place, he understood them, the outside was incredibly wide and different, he got excited imagining that so many adventures await him.
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insomniphic · 1 month
I think I’ve gatekeeped enough.
Here’s a reveal of all of the characters relative to Narry’s Story (so far)!!
Happy Frothy
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Clover the Elf
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Reme (Rem-mee)
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Mayor Winstead
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Talia the Succubus
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Expect more in the future but look at them! 🥹
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lesserafim-eden · 6 months
( ♡ ) ... 🏹 ⁀ EDEN’S PROFILE ࿐ !
𓆩 𓆪  ࣪˖﹫𓂃⌁. ࣪˖ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓  𓂃𑁍 ࣪˖ ›
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꣑୧ 𓈒 ۫ caught in some traffic, but the radio is blasting 𓂋 💿 ۪
___.れレ: : GET TO KNOW HER.____
___.れレ: :- BASIC INFORMATION .____
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___.れレ: BIRTH NAME: Eden Noelia Lee
___. れレ: KOREAN NAME: Lee Binna
___. れレ: HANGUL: 이빈나
___. れレ: CHINESE NAME: Zhao Meixing
___. れレ: NAME MEANING: The name Eden means "place of pleasure and delight." Binna 비나 This name means “to shine” in Korean. The Chinese name Mei-Xing means “beautiful star”.
___. れレ: NICKNAMES: Dance Queen, International Playgirl, Global ambassadors (as she is the brand ambassador for many brands), Rich girl style, Sold out Queen, Elegant beauty, nation's heartbreaker, 'SM/HYBEs Ace, China's IT girl, Social butterfly (as she friends with everyone) ( used by her fans ).
___. れレ: BIRTHDAY: November 11, 2001
___. れレ: ZODIAC: Leo
___. れレ: BIRTHPLACE: London, UK
___. れレ: AGE: 21 years old ( Korean age ) 20 years old (int.)
___. れレ: NATIONALITY: English
___. れレ: ETHNICITY: Chinese/South Korean
___. れレ: WEIGHT: 49kg (100lbs)
___. れレ: HEIGHT: 5'8" (173 cm)
___. れレ: BLOOD TYPE: AB
___. れレ: REPRESENTATIVE EMOJI: 🐨 ( koala  )
___. れレ: VOCAL(s) CLAIM: Hoody ; BiBi ; Saay ; Nessa Barret ; Silly Silky
___. れレ: RAP VOCAL(s): Kim Jennie ; Yezi
___. れレ: DANCE CLAIM: Mina Young (1 Million Dance)
___. れレ: GENDER: female
___. れレ: PRONOUN(s): she // her
___. れレ: BODY MODIFICATION(s): 12 ear piercings (6 on her left ear, 6 on right ear ) + 5 tattoos, 2 belly button piercing
___. れレ: LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English ( First language ), Mandarin ( Second Language), Korean ( Third language), French ( learned ), Italian ( learned/ Fluent ) Japanese ( learned/ Fluent ).
___.れレ: : GET TO KNOW HER.____
___.れレ: :- CAREER INFORMATION.____
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___.れレ: STAGE NAME: Eden ( 이든; since 2018 ) or Eden Noelia Lee ( since 2022-present )
___.れレ: GROUP(s): IZ*ONE ( 아이즈원 ; 2018-2021 ) LE SSERAFIM ( 르 세라핌 ; 2022-present )
___.れレ: OFFICIAL POSITION(s): Main dancer, Vocalist, Rapper, Visual ( IZ*ONE ) Main dancer, Main rapper, Vocalist, Visual, center ( LE SSERAFIM )
___.れレ: COMPANIES: SM Entertainment (2015-2021), Source Music/ HYBE Label ( 2022-present )
___.れレ: OCCUPATION(s): Singer, Rapper, Actress, Model, Songwriter, Global Ambassador, Voice Actress
___.れレ: DEBUT DATE(s): October 29, 2018 ( IZ*ONE ) May 2, 2022 ( LE SSERAFIM )
___.れレ: DEBUT AGE(s): 15 (Int.) 16 (Kor; IZ*ONE ) 19 (Int.) 20 (Kor; LE SSERAFIM )
___.れレ: YEARS ACTIVE: 2018–present
___.れレ: TRAINEE YEAR(S): 3 years
___.れレ: DOMESTIC POPULARITY: South Korea 95% ; China 100% ; United Kingdom 100% ; Japan 100%
___.れレ: DOMESTIC LOVE: South Korea 89% ; China 100% ; United Kingdom 100% ; Japan 100%
___.れレ: DOMESTIC HATE: South Korea ; 80% China 10% ; United Kingdom 2% ; Japan 20%
___.れレ: DOMESTIC OPINION(s): South Korea ; Eden was exposed to the South Korean public before she debut as part of SM Rookies. When she finally debuted as a member of IZ*ONE, people adored and loved her. They loved her stage presence, one of a kind beauty, and talents. Over time, she garnered some antis and the public didn’t hold her in as high regard as they used. She became too ‘problematic’ for the South Korean public with her scandals, proactive actions, fashion, and her ‘attitude’.
China ; Eden built a reputation for herself in China and became a very popular, and loved idol. The Chinese people love her and are obsessed with her. If anything and anyone threatens her and her safety, you know a Chinese fan will be there to protect her. Badmouthing her is an unspoken do not rule. Eden is very popular amongst high schoolers and many girls idolize & love her and are inspired by her attitude and fashion sense. Eden is a popular name that comes up when talking about celebrity crushes and her beauty and talent are greatly admired. Chinese fans often get into fights with Korean fans over whether Eden is considered a Chinese or South Korean singer.
Japan ; the Japanese people quickly fall in love with Eden during her produce 48 days as she would help the Japanese trainees with choreography, and teach them Korean. The hardest mission in the world is to find a Japanese kpop fan to say bad things about Eden. She is an absolute sweetheart and loved by the public of Japan.
United Kingdom ; When first people heard about an English girl was going to debut in a kpop, they were surprised. But now, Eden alone is more popular in the UK than any other kpop groups and people describe her as a lovely, talented and beautiful girl. Through her rapidly growing popularity, she is even put on par with the British royal family.
___.れレ: INTERNATIONAL OPINION(s): it’s spilt down the middle & there’s no in-between. You either absolutely love her and adore her or you hate Eden with all the living cells in your body. People love her while others love to nitpick every single thing she does and says. She is very popular. If you go to the street and ask people if they know her or have heard of her name, 80% of the people will say yes.
___.れレ: SEARCHES: 98,876,799,567
___.れレ: KNOWN FOR: Her iconic Performance on Produce 48 covering Britney Spears "baby one more time" Duality, her fancams going viral every time, brand endorsements, small waist, deep voice, good at video games, insane visuals, being the ultimate It girl of her generation, coming from a rich family, going to one of the most expensive schools in the world ; Institut auf dem Rosenberg, amazing fashion senses, dating rumors with half of the 4th generation kpop male idols, very long legs, stage presence, deep British accent, iconic long blonde hair, songwriter, musically gifted, 90-degree shoulders, being photogenic, top model material, everyone’s crush, dancing skills, painting and drawing, sell out power, resemblance to a Disney princess, being hate on for releasing more than her members, her aesthetic pleasingly instagram account, her nail art, almost being apart of Aespa, her close friendship with Nct dream members, IVE’s Wonyoung & Yujin, Aespa’s Karina & Itzy’s Chaeryeong, her rumor, having a high IQ, her being very social and knowing a lot of idols/celebrities, just her.
___.れレ: RESPECT: 94% ; with all of her accomplishments and legacy at a such young age, she knows she deserves it
•vocals ability : 8/10
•rap ability : 10/10
•dance ability: 10/10
•visuals: 10/10 ( Korean Standard )
•Stage presence: 10/10
•producing ; song writing ; composing: 9/10
•choreographing: 7/10
•public speaking: 8/10
• Variety show: 9/10
___.れレ: SIGNATURE(s):
«For fans»
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•BTBT ; released on May 13, 2022 along with Soulja Boy & B.I
•dying on the inside ; released on July 23, 2022
•hell is teenage girl ; released on September 06, 2022
•No name ; released on November 11, 2022
•Blame ; released on April 24, 2023
•Breathin ; released on June 1, 2023
•Don’t know me ; released on July 23, 2023
•I’m yours ; released on August 01, 2023
•Boyfriend ; released on October 30, 2023
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___.れレ: INSTAGRAM: @/ gardenofeden ( personal 46m followers ; 17 following, 330 posts ; E2N2L private account: 77 followers & 50 following )
___.れレ: YOUTUBE: @/VlogswithEDEN (8.9m subscribers, 45 videos )
___.れレ: TWITTER: @/ imnoteden ( private account 23 followers & 1 following, 1,765 tweets )
___.れレ: TIKTOK: @/ justforfun ( private account 12 followers & 4 following, 0 videos )
___.れレ: PHYSICAL: diamond shaped face, tall, lateral flare eyes, hazel green cat eyes, small nose, pouty lips, full eyebrows, pear-shaped body, clear skins, long limbs.
___.れレ: PERSONALITY: ESFP {Entertainer} If anyone is to be found spontaneously breaking into song and dance, it is the Entertainer personality type. Entertainers get caught up in the excitement of the moment, and want everyone else to feel that way, too. No other personality type is as generous with their time and energy as Entertainers when it comes to encouraging others, and no other personality type does it with such irresistible style.
___.れレ: STRENGTHS:
«Bold»– Entertainers aren't known for holding back. Wanting to experience everything there is to experience, people with the Entertainer personality type don't mind stepping out of their comfort zones when no one else is willing.
«Outgoing»– More so than things though, Entertainers love to pay attention to people. They are talkative, witty, and almost never run out of things to discuss. For people with this personality type, happiness and satisfaction stem from the time they spend with the people they enjoy being with.
«Performer»— Not stopping at mere outfits, Entertainers inject artistic creativity into their words and actions, too. Every day is a performance, and Entertainers love to put on a show.
___.れレ: WEAKNESS:
«Sensitive » Entertainers (especially Turbulent ones) are strongly emotional, and very vulnerable to criticism – they can feel like they've been backed into a corner, sometimes reacting badly. This is probably Entertainers' greatest weakness, because it makes it so hard to address any other weaknesses brought to light.
«Easily bored » Without constant excitement, Entertainers find ways to create it themselves. Risky behavior, self-indulgence, and the pleasures of the moment over long-term plans are all things Entertainers get into a little too often.
«Conflict-Averse» Entertainers sometimes ignore and avoid conflict entirely. They tend to say and do what's needed to get out of such situations, then move on to something more fun.
___.れレ: RELATIONSHIP STATUS: taken (unknown to the public) since 2022
___.れレ: SEXUALITY: straight
___.れレ: CONFIDENCE: Eden is a very confident person, especially with her look (you can tell that whenever she is on stage).
___.れレ: FLEXIBILITY: Eden is a very flexible person as she does yoga with her best friend Bella. She can concentrate on many things at once, you disturb her, she goes into flames.
___.れレ: ADAPTABILITY: Eden can adapt to many things.
___.れレ: HOBBIES + SKILLS: learning new languages, baking, drawing or painting, free style dancing, playing multiple instruments, modeling, voice acting, makeup, reading, and making everyone hot and bothered, giving massages to the members when they feeling down.
___.れレ: HABITS: Eating and laughing too much, saying "ah" and "yah"a lot, spacing out when thinking about things, clapping, bouncing, or randomly dancing when she feels excited, sitting in a many ways, pouting when she's sad, getting scared easily, tendency to say what comes to her mind, sarcastic comments, impulsive shopping, tapping her feet when nervous, when uncomfortable she touches her collarbone a lot, working out to relieve her stress, playing with the ends of her hair, sleeping with a large number of blankets, pillows, and plushies.
___.れレ: DISLIKES: Mean people,invasion of privacy, rude/ sasaengs fans, fat shaming, diets, entitled people, fireworks or loud sounds,antis, racism, homophobia, being yelled at, overworking herself, rumors, stalkers, people talking about her family, judging people without hearing their side of the story, Seafood, sleeping without more than two blankets and pillows.
___.れレ: LIKES: makeup,choreographing, photography, painting, playing video games, fashion, snowboarding, watching murder investigations, playing video games, cuddling with special person, feeling powerful/sexy while performing, blinks, Pilates, fairs, flirting with her boyfriend, raping, singing, horror movies, comedy, massages, butts, trying new things, watching anime (mostly seven deadly sins), and Polaroids.
___.れレ: FAVORITE COLOR(s): Baby pink 'cream' purple and teal.
___.れレ: FAVORITE FOOD(s): Tangerines, apples, chimaek, samgyeopsal, instant noodles, avocados, smoothies, Pizza, chicken, blueberry muffins, French fries, mangoes, watermelon, avocados, jjampong, bibimbap, kimchi fried-rice, sushi, any type of cakes.
___.れレ: PHOBIA(s): phonophobia (fear of loud noises), Coulrophobia (fear of clowns), Monophobia (fear of being alone), Entomophobia (fear of bugs), fear of losing her loved ones.
___.れレ: STRUGGLE(s): her fear of bugs, being away from family, not eating enough, dealing with anxiety, feeling insecure about herself, finding hard to control her rest bitch face.
___.れレ: BAD HABIT(s): staying up late, cracking her bones.
___.れレ: FAMOUS CLOSE FRIEND(s): all of ( ITZY ) all of ( Aespa ), all of (G)I-DLE ) Jay & Jake ( ENHYPEN ), Minji & Danielle ( New Jeans ), Jaehyun ( BOYNEXTDOOR ), Yiren ( EVERGLOW ) Gaeul, Yujin, & Wonyoung ( IVE ), Haewon & Lily ( NMIXX ), Hyunjin, seungmin, & Bangchan ( Stray kids ), Shin Eunsoo, Lee Yeon, Jung Dabin, Seol In-ah, & Park Jihu ( Actresses ), Chaeyeon, Eunbi, Yena, Yuri, BiBi ( soloists ), Minhee, Wonjin, Hyeongjun ( GRAVITY ), Hanbin & Jeonghyeon ( Evnne ), Nako, Minju, Haewon ( actresses ), Hitomi ( AKB48 ), Seungkwan & Dino ( Seventeen ), Matthew & Gunwook ( ZEROBASEONE ), Isa & Sieun ( STAYC ), Xiaoting, Hikaru, & Huening Bahiyyih ( Kep1er ), all of ( NCT DREAM ), Choi Hyun-Wook, Park Jihoon, Ryeoun ( Actors )
___.れレ: IDEAL TYPE: Someone who can match her energy, Someone who treats her like the only girl in the world. Someone that she can easily be herself around him. Someone who makes her laugh. Someone who is at least 178cm tall. Someone who seems cold on the outside, but super soft on the inside. Someone she is visually attracted to.
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welldonekhushi · 2 months
Call of Duty OC: Katya Kovalevskaya 🌹
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An updated bio sheet of Katya! The last one felt like it was straight Wiki format style, but doesn't really explain her character properly, I also added some changes to her character as well so, here you go! <3
Name: Katya
Full name: Yekaterina Viktornovna Kovalevskaya
Codename: "Katyusha"
Alias(es): Lady of Death (by the Red Army), Mama Katya (by her soldiers), Der Russische Leutnant (by the Germans)
Age: 32 years old (Call of Duty: World at War), 58 years old (Call of Duty: Black Ops), 70 years old (Black Ops: Cold War)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Russian
Languages spoken: Russian, German (for intelligence purposes), English
Date of birth: June 15, 1916
Place of Birth: Ural Mountains, Imperial Russia
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Martial Status: Single
Occupation: Senior Lieutenant and Sniper of the Red Army (retires after the events of the first Black Ops)
Status: Active
Rank: Senior Lieutenant (1942), Lieutenant Colonel (1945)
Affiliation: Red Army, CIA (briefly)
Universe: Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Black Ops: Cold War (alternative AU)
Faceclaim: Anna Chipovskaya
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Song: "Katyusha" by Boris Alexandrov
Biography: Yekaterina, commonly known as Katya joins the Red Army for the service of the Soviet Union to avenge her parents death under the hands of German forces. While defending her country amidst the raging Second World War, she faces tremendous amounts of obstacles and barriers in her life which often try to make them as her weakness, but the woman was sworn to take her last breath in achieving one goal with her comrades — and that was liberating Berlin.
3rd Shock Army (Red Army)
Sergeant Viktor Reznov [K.I.A]
Private Dimitri Petrenko [K.I.A]
Private Chernov [K.I.A]
Commissar Markhov [fate unknown]
Major General Nikita Dragovich [K.I.A]
Colonel Lev Kravchenko [fate unknown]
CIA (Call of Duty: Black Ops)
Alex Mason
Frank Woods
Jason Hudson
Grigori Weaver
Weapon induced: Scoped Mosin-Nagant, Tokarev (TT-33), PPSh-41, Molotov Cocktail, RGD-33
Fighting style: Hand-to-hand combat, but rarely, since she's more used to being a sniper giving covering fire
Special skills: Is a very experienced sniper, that gave her the infamous name of "Lady of Death", but Katya didn't want to coin such a name for herself when she was only serving her people as a soldier of the frontlines.
Talents: Knows natural remedies, holds a lot of empathy for others, can speak fluent German even if she knows a little bit of it
Shortcomings: Due to the incident, she lost her face partially along with the half-vision of her eye throughout the accident, faces survivors guilt, is a bit mentally depressed but she's able to push those negative thoughts down
Myers-Briggs Type: ISFJ (The Defender)
Is very protective towards her comrades: Ever since she lost her parents, Katya had always been searching for a way to cope up with her loss by taking care of the people she loves and believes in the most. Even if she never married, or birthed a child, she automatically unlocked her motherly instincts by calling her comrades as her "sons and daughters", considering them as her one, found family.
Ruthless, but at times merciful: Katya has shown immense strength and courage in the battlefield as a sniper and a squad leader, haunting the Germans in their own sleep thinking Katya wouldn't kill them and make the mattress they're sleeping on as their deathbed. But also, when Katya wants to show mercy, she'll show it. She thinks there's no use to wasting her own bullets on someone who already decided to surrender to the Red Army.
Emotional: Let it be a soldier dying, or a civilian, she'll ask forgiveness from God that she wasn't able to save an innocent despite having the duty to protect her own people. The incident that killed all of her soldiers left her deeply scarred, and believed she committed a bigger sin for being too naive and careless, and she deserved the impact on her face. It was even worse when Nikita Dragovich killed her teammates again by putting them as test subjects for the Nova 6 experiment that made her grow deranged and bloodthirsty to hunt Dragovich and his lapdog, Kravchenko in a fit of vengeance, until the CIA caught her presence.
Intelligent and observant: Katya is more aware of her surroundings ever since the incident impacted her, which caused her to be very vigilant, and grew her intelligence in the battlefield which made her useful for the Red Army as a sniper and as a squad leader in the infantry.
Katya was born around 1916 with her mother Elizaveta Kovalevskaya (neé Petrova) and father, Viktor Kovalevsky. Spending her childhood in the Ural Mountains, she learnt how to snipe at a young age from her father, who was a hunter, the reason why she took her father's skill in the field of sniping.
In 1939, she recruited herself in the Red Army as a sniper, in which her talent gave a huge role and reputation among the soldiers as a source of bravery, courage and inspiration, that gave her the name "Lady of Death". But, Katya on the other hand didn't want to coin such a name for herself when she believes she's only doing it for the protection of her own people.
But, in 1941, when Germany attacked Soviet Russia under "Operation Barbarossa", her village became a victim of the attacks, which ended up killing her family in the process. Broken and enraged, Katya wanted to avenge her parents death by going through missions and eliminating every single enemy who tried to cross the Soviet borders. Her life completely changed when one day she encountered General Heinrich Amsel, who was responsible for the death of her family along with many others, wanted to kill him by her own hands but never succeeded because he evaded before she could get to him.
Furious, the General wanted to eliminate Katya in her path, by luring her into a trap that he was staying at a hotel and could grab her an opportunity to end his life there. But little to her knowledge, it was all a set up, when he used that entire building as a decoy with the explosives attached. His soldiers locked away his teammates, including Katya but she was able to break through it. In a desperate attempt to find her comrades who were still locked inside, it was too late before the explosion could take effect, and blew her out of the building, leaving her drastically injured.
The explosion was the turning point of her life, where it emotionally scarred her and made her regret being a soldier, when she couldn't even protect her own soldiers, who basked into the flames of Amsel's planned explosion. She was taken for medical assistance, which took her a month to recover physically, and mentally. But, that didn't stop Katya from retiring, as her mind still revolved around that one goal — to eliminate General Amsel, and push all the German forces back from invading Russia.
Somewhere around 1942, she was promoted to Senior Lieutenant, and became the squad leader for the 3rd Shock Army, and participated in the Battle of Stalingrad alongside Pvt. Dimitri Petrenko and Sgt. Viktor Reznov. As the General's whereabouts were found, she led her team throughout the warzone and successfully countered Amsel, which led to his untimely death under the hands of Dimitri's sniper rifle. Katya, who held immense pride for the Private for doing something she couldn't, made him along with Reznov and Chernov as her closest comrades.
After the entire battle, in 1945, they finally achieved victory by liberating Berlin by hoisting the Soviet flag on the Reichstag, Katya was now at peace, hoping for a better future after the war's end.
But, somehow.. her life was going to go into a bigger turmoil, when she gets sent to the mission around the Arctic Circle, leading the events of the first Black Ops.
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marketfreshfics · 3 months
OC: Paisley Gallos
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Full name: Paisley November Gallos Nickname: Pais Gender: Female Species: Witch / Vampire Date of birth: December 14th, 1874 Nationality: Spanish-French, born in the Americas Blood status: Muggleborn Wand: Walnut, dragon heartstring, 11”, unyielding
Hair colour: Dark brown / mahogany Hairstyle: Short, wavy Eye colour: Hazel Skin tone: Medium Height: 5’2” Body type: Average, slight muscle definition
Clothing style: Functionality takes priority; light-medium, but durable fabrics such as cotton and leather for ease of movement. Prefers more fitted clothing, especially when travelling or exploring outside the castle walls. Fond of worn denim; often wears her brother’s hand-me-down pairs when out of class.
Often carries a harmonica in her back pocket
Her father’s wristwatch, despite it always running a few minutes ahead
Other distinguishing features:
Three diagonal scars on the left side of her jaw (obtained while trying to escape from a vampire)
Two small birthmarks below her bottom lip
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Traits: Intelligent, resourceful, clever, determined, crass, blunt, intuitive, curious, decisive, quick to anger, observant, goal-oriented, remorseful Likes: Early morning hikes, writing in a new notebook, solving problems, the ocean, strong coffee (with two sugar cubes), stargazing, foraging for minerals/rocks Dislikes: Perfume, wet socks, the afternoon sun, formal attire, dishonesty Hobbies: Fishing, metalsmithing (when out of school) Fears: The unknown, her own thirst (once she becomes a vampire)
MBTI: INFJ-A Zodiac: Sagittarius sun, Aquarius moon, Libra rising Temperament: Choleric Archetype: The Rebel Similar characters: Remus Lupin, Albus Dumbledore, Sam Winchester, Harry Callahan, Lisa Simpson, Han Solo, Max Mayfield, Jon Snow
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Father: Pierre - Muggle, Fisherman Mother: Rosalyn - Muggle, Teacher (Died in 1882 from scarlet fever) Sibling(s): Mathieu (age 19) Pet(s): Barred Owl, “Crispen” Friends: Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Garreth Weasley, Amit Thakkar, Natsai Onai
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Boggart: Extremely thick fog, accompanied by a foghorn Patronus: Colossal squid Polyjuice: Turns crimson, tastes like spring water and copper Amortentia: Smoke, bergamot and clean, starched cotton Special abilities:
Fire-based offensive spells and charms
Non-verbal magical spells
(Once transformed into a vampire) can sometimes "absorb" a person's abilities after consuming their blood
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Born in Nova Scotia, Canada to immigrant muggle parents, Paisley grew up in a small fishing village just on the outskirts of a port city. Because of this, she spent many days on fishing vessels with her father and older brother, while her mother worked as a teacher at the schoolhouse in town. When she was eight, her mother fell gravely ill and unfortunately passed away from complications of scarlet fever. Her father, Pierre, often struggled to balance work obligations with raising Paisley and Mathieu, and more often than not her older brother was left responsible, which caused her to develop a great deal of independence.
Being from a non-magical family, Paisley's magic was a startling discovery. It revealed itself when, while arguing with her brother, she made a milk bottle spontaneously explode in frustration. The following morning, two members from the Ministry for Magic arrived, explained magical abilities to her and her family, and promptly enrolled her in the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
She was sorted into the Horned Serpent house, based on her high level of intelligence and ambitious, goal-oriented mindset.
Paisley excelled in her studies, her hunger for knowledge consistent, and while graduating from her fifth year she was recognized for her advanced magical comprehension. She was hand-selected by the Minster for Magic himself to take part in an accelerated graduate program at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, and with great excitement she transferred at the start of her sixth year. Having researched the Hogwarts houses before her arrival, she anticipated being sorted into Ravenclaw... however the mysterious rumours about the Slytherin house fostering several dark wizards in history captivated her curiosity, and thus the sorting hat placed her there instead.
Soon after arriving at Hogwarts, she was captured by a well-known criminal, who subsequently bit her and changed her into a vampire against her will. The details around this, and why she was selected specifically, are still unknown...
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Best subject: DADA Favourite subject: Astrology Favourite teachers: Professor Fig, Professor Sharp Worst subject: History of Magic Least favourite subject: Divination, Theory of Magic Least favourite teacher: Binns Quidditch: N/A
As a student:
Prioritizes her studies as much as possible; she is aware of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study at Hogwarts and does not take it for granted.
Sometimes misses classes without explanation, particularly on sunny days.
She is always happy to help fellow classmates, however, she is wary of many. This only increases once she has been turned.
Mostly keeps to herself; has few, close friends, with whom she places a great deal of trust.
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Career: Researcher or Archivist Naturally, Paisley is drawn to a career path that allows her the opportunity to further her education and learn something new. Her ambitions focus on filling her brain with as much information as possible, so taking up a job as a Researcher or Archivist for the Ministry is very much in her wheelhouse.
Spouse: TBD Children: TBD
Special thanks to @hazyange1s for letting me follow their OC layout 🤍
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julymarte · 5 months
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Finally decided to move my butt and do some proper character profiles for the main 7 to put with the timeline i'm most likely going to also adjust the links in the pinned post of my blog to redirect here and in the timeline and world too.. i'm tempted to also remake the relationship chart with...cleaner visuals fgyhjukilo but yep! there you go! finally some proper introduction all in one place after years lol (i'm the worst i'm sorry, i did do some more vague ones b4 tho)
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freeusemuses · 4 months
Bunny MILF: Opal Inaba
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Name: Opal Inaba
Age: Unknown (over 50)
Race: Viera
Making her home on Managerie Island after leaving both her home in the Green Wood, and Ivalice, Opal raised her daughters alongside the Belladonnas. Though she preferred to make her home deeper into the woods of the island, than closer to the village of Kuo Kuanna.
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