#OR damn majima got in a jail again
radioactivebeggars · 1 year
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Silver foxes
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maddogofshimano · 7 months
The Fist of Reason: Majima Boss Rush
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Happy 5th anniversary to rggo! hard to believe it’s been this long already
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look at our festival boys! anyways lets get into this because I’m very excited
sometime after the events of Y1, Kiryu gets a call that Haruka has a fever. On his way to pick her up, he bumps into someone familiar...
[One day, some time after the strife caused by the Tojo Clan's stolen 10 billion yen was settled...]
Kiryu: Hello. ...Thank you for calling.
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Kiryu: ...Huh? Haruka's got a fever? ...I understand, I'll be there right away. <scene change to outside> Kiryu: .....
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<he bumps into someone> Kiryu: Oh, sorry. ???: Sorry? If sorry was enough to cut it, there wouldn't be yakuza! Majima: Ain't that right? Kiryu-chaaan!
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Kiryu: Majima no nii-san!? What are you doing at a place like this... Majima: What's so weird about that? If Kiryu-chan's somewhere, then Majima is too! Majima: Outside of that, the spot where ya just rammed into me hurts like hell... Majima: Shit, ya probably broke the bone... Hehe, what're ya gonna do? Kiryu: People with broken bones don't laugh about it. Sorry, but I'm in a rush right now. Majima: Why ya bein' so cold~? We ain't seen each other in ages.
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Kiryu: We can talk more next time. Like I said, I'm in a rush. Majima: Too bad! No matter what ya say, ya gotta beat me if ya wanna go!! Hehehe! Kiryu: Tch...! Kiryu: Give it a damn rest already! Haruka has a fever! Majima: ! ........ Majima: What the hell... I didn't know that. Majima: I'm sorry for this. Go on, hurry up 'n' get gone.
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Kiryu: .....Damn. <he runs off>
[And then, 3 months later...]
Kiryu: ...I haven't seen Majima no nii-san around here since then.
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Kiryu: (I thought he was the kind of person to come back the next day for a fight, but...) Kiryu: ........... Kiryu: (Even if I was in a rush at the time, did I speak too harshly to him...?) Kiryu: (Of course I don't think a guy like him would be dejected from that... Well, it is possible...) ???: Kiryu no ojiki (tl note: ojiki is an honorific that's literally "dad's younger brother" which is used for patriarchs less senior than your own. Nishida usually uses it) Kiryu: ...Hm? Kiryu: You're that Majima Family guy...
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Nishida: About that... My boss is going to be put in jail. Kiryu: What...!? Nishida: It happened yesterday... Our family is supposed to be running a festival... Nishida: In the middle of it some thugs started acting up, and they got into a fight with our family members. Nishida: So now they've issued a warrant for my boss, since he was the one in charge... Kiryu: What is Majima no nii-san going to do? Nishida: He thinks it would be futile to resist, so he's waiting at the festival site for the police to arrive. Kiryu: What? Nishida: My boss has been acting oddly for the past 3 months or so. He doesn't have any energy, and seems pretty depressed. Kiryu: 3 months... it can't be. Nishida: And so, my boss really wants to see you before he goes to jail... Kiryu: Me...? Nishida: Yes. He said he has something to tell you, so... Kiryu: ...Got it. Lead the way. Nishida: Y-Yes sir! <they leave> Majima: ......... (tl note: I'm sorry the image of him just holding that pose in that outfit while waiting for the cops to show is so funny to me)
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Kiryu: ...Majima no nii-san. Majima: ...Oh, Kiryu-chan, ya showed.
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Majima: Excuse my appearance. I was up on a float till now. Kiryu: ...I just spoke with Nishida. Are you really going to jail? Majima: ...Yeah. Orders from on high, can't be helped. I'll be awfully lonely during those years... Majima: That said, I won't be botherin' ya any more, Kiryu-chan. Kiryu: ...... Majima: I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused ya. ...I wanted to at least say that, before I went to jail. Kiryu: ...That's not like you. Kiryu: Are you really going to let your underlings see you leave the outside world with such a pathetic display? Majima: ...I don't really care either way. Kiryu: ........... Kiryu: ...Good grief. You acting this way is completely infuriating to me. Kiryu: It can't be helped, this is a big favor. ...I'll get you all fired up again.
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Majima: Hah...? Kiryu: You know the best way I can cheer you up? ...Come at me, Majima. Majima: ...!
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Majima: Is this... are you pickin' a fight with me?
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Kiryu: Heh, isn't that what I just said? Majima: ........Hee, hehehe! Majima: Kiryu-chan, you're always the best! Majima: Let's get started...! Kiryu-chan!!!!
<event happens, Receive and Bite You is the theme>
Majima: Hehe... As always, Kiryu-chan... you're tough as nails...
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Kiryu: Heh... You are too. (tl note: RARE KIRYU SMILING SPRITE)
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Majima: Oi oi, you're sayin' somethin' nice? Kiryu: Majima no nii-san... I'm sorry. Majima: Ah? Kiryu: For what happened 3 months ago. Kiryu: I was flustered, and I snapped at you. Majima: ........As always, Kiryu-chan, you're soft as a marshmallow~. I'm astounded. Kiryu: ....? Nishida: E-Excuse me! Kiryu no ojiki!
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Nishida: The truth is... My boss going to jail was a lie in order to get you to show up... Kiryu: What? Then... was him being depressed also a lie... Majima: It was aaaaall an act! Majima: I was pretendin' to be put off by how ya talked to me so ya'd feel sympathetic, then after worryin' ya for long enough-- Majima: I'd reveal it was all a ruse, 'n' you'd get pissed off enough to throw down! That was the plan! Majima: It played out a little differently than intended, but, we still had a fight so it's all good. Kiryu: .....Heh, you're such an ass. (tl note: TWO smiles!! unprecedented.)
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Majima: What, you're not mad? Kiryu: I had a feeling that something like this was going on. Majima: Then why'd'ya fight me? Kiryu: ...When it's with you, I can go all out in a fight. Kiryu: ...If I really think on it, I guess I enjoy fighting with you. Just a bit. (tl note: THIRD smile!!!)
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Majima: !!..... Hehehehehe!! Heeey~! I knew it!!
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Majima: C'mon, let's go another round! Hearin' ya say that's gotten me all worked up again! Kiryu: ...Heh, sure. It's a festival, after all. It's a good excuse to really cut loose. Majima: Hell yes!! Let's do this... Kiryu-chaaaaaa~n!!!! Nishida: A-Ah... This won't end until the sun comes up...
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bonus stuff:
oh wow. oh man. that was pretty gay. between this and like a dragon: gaiden: the man who erased his name (lad gai man) thank you ryu ga gotoku studios for sending me birthday presents
obligatory boss rush pic
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also a bonus shot of Kiryu’s apartment
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the two new cards for this are “Mad Dog of the Festival Stage” and “Dragon of the Festival Band”
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and since it was a festival I also put together a very special team to repeatedly kick Majima’s ass 
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zaddyazula · 9 months
yakuza final review?
fhsiaosjhde i love this question!!!!! (spoiler bit is under the cut)
i really do not like the fighting in 4. i will not lie. it’s really fun in the other games (even 3 which is known as blockuza 😭😭😭) and i only enjoyed one fight. in the entire game. in 22 hours of my playing i enjoyed a singular fight, mainly because of how annoying the other ones were. they weren’t necessarily hard, but just very, very tedious and mini-bosses who made me want to kill myself.
the story on the other hand is one of my favourites in the series. 4 protagonists!!!! 4 main characters!!!!! they all had 4 parts each with 4 chapters each and it actually got going pretty quickly. it didn’t drag out at the start like in 3 where for 5 FUCKING CHAPTERS (probably about 6 hours of playing) was housewife simulator and i was debating quitting the game. i will admit i wasn’t 100% at first, but as the story moved on i started to like it even more. the story isn’t as good as 0’s or 2’s (in my opinion) but it’s still a really enjoyable story which has the same amount of silliness as the others. four main characters also meant four final bosses though, though the first three were fine. it’s the just the last one which is really my fault for being annoying. i didn’t have enough money to get recovery items before the point of no return so i crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. managed to get to it by 12am and got steamrolled even after changing to easy. ended up reloading the save and doing the other three fights again, before managing to the the last one first try on normal after all of that. the one fight that i enjoyed was the third boss fight which i actually played properly for once. because i was impatient i did the first two on easy to save time (i did them on normal the first time anyways) but the third one i just played on normal because i enjoy it so much.
all of the big bads weren’t even really big bads, apart from one dickhead who just annoyed me greatly (the last boss). one guy was a police officer pretending to be a yakuza, one was some washed up ass yakuza and the other was the guy who the main main character (of all the other games) made head of their yakuza clan (tojo clan) at the end of 2. he was in a coma for all of 3 and i was screaming at the tv for the whole fight taking the piss out of him. what a clown. he had it coming. he put my favourite character (majima) in jail.
the game took a bit of patience at times, but i would play it again if someone held a gun to my head. i really hate the combat.
i really wish i was able to record my voice along while playing so you could hear the ramblings i go on with. maybe next time.
i think that’s all of my thoughts (spoiler free). now. spoiler time 💥💥💥
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THIS BITCH ON THE LEFT. THIS FUCKING CUNT. he’s the boss fight i actually enjoyed. guy on the right is my favourite character. who daigo put in jail.
moving on.
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these are the main guys. like damn i love it when we get a lined up shot like this. left to right is: akiyama, saejima, kiryu (main man) and tanimura. that’s also the order of the boss fights. i really like talking to fake chat as well, and i swear i wish i was able to record me fucking ranting on at these bitches. all it takes is one boss fight and it’s me ranting about some random nonsense.
at lot of this game was running back and forth between places which got very boring VERY quickly. unlike in 0, 1 and 2, i did not have a blast all the time playing this. as getting stopped five million times trying to move across the map is actually rage inducing. some of the “boss” fights were just me getting grabbed by their support demons over and over again. i was losing my shit by the end of it. had to go for karaoke a couple of times.
i honestly think that’s all i can say.
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mjm5655 · 6 months
she hasn’t heard from Majima in weeks, perhaps even months. but the moment her phone ever rang, even from an unknown number, cogita answered. a small hope lingered at the back of her mind when she accepted the call.
and it was him.
“ Majima ? my dear, where have you gone to ? are you safe ? is saejima with you ? ”
unprompted asks // always accepting ! // @cogiita
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majima had grown desperate at this point, he hadn't heard her voice in so long. there was the anxiety that she forgot all about him, or saw him as a good for nothing asshole for leaving her once again ... he wouldn't exactly blame her if that were the case ... he was a good for nothing asshole the amount of times this has been happening. sure, it's usually situations out of his control that make it happen, but it still didn't make him feel any better about himself.
this place in hokkaido had a horrible signal to boot. he had got a new phone, registered under a false name since he, & the other former tojo had to lay low. they were basically in hiding once again, the security company plans had fell through. not like majima thought he was ever cut out for that work, he was a yakuza through, & through. he's been a yakuza for so long, the idea of disbanding originally was something that majima was against, but he knew ... with how the world was going ... yakuza were being punished more severely than ever. each one of the highest ranking tojo were arrested for a while, including himself, the treatment they received in jail was harsher than nearly anyone else there, especially for him ... with his reputation & all.
he was about to toss this damn phone eventually, no matter how many times he tried, it wouldn't dial. absolute waste of money, what was he thinking ? her number was one of the few numbers he remembered well, so he knew it wasn't the case of a wrong number.
trying once more, he decided to make the call again. this time, instead of being met by the sound of a dead signal, he heard it calling. he was alert, & quickly sat up from his makeshift bed. anxious more than anything that the other wouldn't pick up. when the sounds of the call going through stopped, he was met with silence ... but he was not met with a message of no signal either.
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❝ babe, ya there ? ❞
suddenly he was met with an onslaught of frantic questions, she remembered his voice ... she was concerned for him ... she didn't sound mad ? majima was so relieved.
❝ oh my fuckin' god, ain't i glad to hear yer voice, babe ... ❞
he wish he had an easy way to record this message, but this was the most basic ass model of a phone there was. he just didn't know how long this call would last before he was cut off again ... he wanted to play it over, & over, just hearing her voice was everything to him right now.
❝ i'm as safe as i can be ... n' yea, saejima's here, daigo too. babe, we had to go into hidin' again, i hope ya ain't mad, but i'll understand if ya are. i do this too often now, don't i ? ya would think with leavin' the yakuza life behind, there wouldn't be as much of this. i'm sorry, babe, i really am ... we aren't gettin' any younger, we should be spendin' our last years together ... meanwhile, here i am, stuck in the fuck's middle o' no where, fishin'-. ❞
before he would even get a reply ... the signal cut off. fuck. at least she knew he was safe now ... but still, he wanted to hear her voice more, a single tear made its way down his face as he slumped back down onto his bed, tossing the phone to the side, reaching into his pocket for his cigarettes, & lighter, he lit one up, & took a drag ... it was the only thing keeping him from exploding in rage.
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zevzevarainai · 4 years
Hey! You ever end up doing essay on the kazumaji gifs? (I'm highly interested because it's always majima o' clock where I live)
it’s always majima o’clock here too; maybe we live in the same area... but lmao i didnt write the essay on my kazumaji gifs because i didnt think anyone would want to hear it so i meant it more as a per request kind of deal. and you’re requesting. I want you to know you did this to yourself, my friend
below the read more for everyone’s well being. welcome to my first official majima analysis essay
ok so in those tags i said something like majima is softest with kiryu because it is absolutely the truth (unless you count makoto, which i love them too, but majima has moved on or at least is making an effort to. and that was pre-tacky snake skin jacket and pre-mad dog persona.) 
the prompt for the gifset was “maybe something about majima being stupid and unhinged but like, in a sweet way” and the whole point of this rambling is that kiryu is really the only one we see who causes the mad-dog persona to slip. kiryu says he can never get a read on majima but just because he is unpredictable doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand that he isn’t just batshit crazy. he trusts majima, and finds comfort in his lack of predictability, keeping kiryu’s life exciting and providing distraction from the insane amount of tragic shit that happens to kiryu. and majima has a similar experience of idolizing the yakuza lifestyle as teens/young adults only to have the yakuza drag them through hell. But this is supposed to be about Majima.
ANYWAY what GETS ME is again that mad-dog vibe slipping around kiryu. the only time we really only see it again is with Saejima when he comes back from jail. i’m gonna talk about that later too. LET’s GET TO THE GIFS i’m going in chronological order not the order i put them in
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Ok so as an audience, we don’t really know what happened between Kiryu and Majima between Yakuza Zero and Yakuza/Yakuza Kiwami. Yes, we get that tiny ending scene of Majima going KIRYU-CHAN for the first time and Kiryu smiling at him. But we are given nothing as to how they met or why Majima started calling him Kiryu-chan. It is left completely to the audience’s interpretation. Because then it goes straight to the first scene with Majima in Yakuza/Yakuza Kiwami after Kiryu gets out of jail. It implies that they already knew each other, and arguably that they were somewhat close -- close enough for Majima to “miss him.” (What was majima doing for those 10 years, i don’t know, but he clearly wasn’t in a great place, missing both kiryu, makoto, and saejima, we ignore y5 lore in this household or make up shit to fill in the giant gaps) You could argue that Majima missing Kiryu is just Majima being “crazy haha woah” but his character is so much deeper than that, and it’s proven in this gif’s scene. Yes he is fighting Kiryu with all his men. But if you are reading this you understand that them fighting physically all the time is a secret love language. They never intend to severely hurt each other. Fighting is how they know that they have an equal, someone else who was modeled into a weapon because of the Tojo Clan.
And yes, “He belongs to me!” is an extremely gay thing to say. He doesn’t even need to say that, though. One of his men didn’t understand that he doesn’t actually want to hurt Kiryu. The guy picked up Majima’s knife and tried to actually hurt Kiryu. Majima willingly gets stabbed so Kiryu doesn’t get hurt. That’s a handful of gay subtext right there. Majima’s first scene in y1 is about how the world is a horrible, shitty place that will chew you up and spit you out if you care. Then he goes and gets stabbed. Self-sacrificially. He cares about Kiryu, even if it hurts. 
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This one isn’t as deep. It stems of the same concept of them fighting each other as equals. Majima explicitly says more than once that strength is the most admirable trait, Goromi says that it only matters that a man is strong. Kiryu is the only person who presents a challenge to him. He admires him. 
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(As a disclaimer, I know a lot of people are uncomfortable with Goromi. I’ve also seen a lot of non-binary, gender-fluid, etc. people project on Goromi and Majima, and I feel like that can only be a good thing. Obviously they deserve more and more quality representation. I think the people who dislike Goromi are valid as well, but for the sake of this argument we are going to see Goromi as the people who project on her do and I’m going to use she/her pronouns when talking about Goromi.)
Regardless on your stance on this whole little side quest, the player has the choice to go along with Goromi which creates actually a lot of subtle connecting between the two of them. Even in just talking to her, we see the mad-dog mask slip. She talks about how much she cared about the girls at Club Shine and wonders how they’re doing. Literally says “all part of my tragic-ass backstory.” And Kiryu sympathizes with it. Says he sees through the “i hated it” bullshit and sees Majima/Goromi’s true self, which is that the cabaret job was hard for Majima because he cared about the women and didn’t like using them as a source of income and knew it would be his fault if they got hurt. 
Also, Goromi says that "When I’m with a guy, it’s all about if I’m having enough fun. That’s why he’s gotta be strong.” Sound like someone we know? Someone who we are talking about in the last gif with i-just-got-the-shit-beat-out-of-me-and-it-was-awesome bliss on his face?
Anyway, the scene in the gif is near the end of the session. Kiryu is talking about how he’s been in prison for 10 years, and Goromi says that now that he’s out he should try to relax and and a little fun. Arguably, “since you’re so lonely right now, I’m gonna give ya a hand!” is most of Majima’s role in YK1. Kiryu gets out of prison. Majima wants to fight him all the time and says it’s because he’s gone soft and needs to train. Majima Everywhere presents excitement in his life when everything else is hard and shitty and traumatizing. Yes, Majima kidnapped Haruka. But there isn’t a lot of info on that. Majima says he did it so they could fight but it very likely could have been an order from the Tojo Clan or even Nishiki. Until he develops a bond with Haruka, Majima is, in a way, all he has. Nishiki is mean now. Yumi is ???. Kazama is i don’t even remember but he certainly isn’t any emotional support. He’s lonely. Majima is the only person he has from before prison, and quite possibly the only person who understands what he is going through. 
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YK2, Kiryu has yeeted out of Majima’s life as Kiryu does, but he’s trying to protect haruka so I’ll let it slide. And what does Majima do now that Kiryu’s not there? Leaves the Tojo Clan. Yes it’s because he doesn’t like the 5th chairman’s style and to make up for Kawamura, but the point is he’s bored. The use of “MY Kiryu-chan” is obviously written there because “haha majima he’s crazyyy” but come on. Majima left the Tojo Clan after Kiryu stepped down as the 4th chairman. Because he was bored. Because he couldn’t trust his own men. The only person he considered an equal just wasn’t there anymore and he found it difficult to adjust. (That’s YEARNING, fellas)
So yes, HIS Kiryu-chan came home, but what is home in this context? It clearly isn’t the tojo clan, so I guess it could be Kamurocho in general. But if the clan doesn’t make it home, what does make it home? Perhaps a certain triangle shaped man??
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Oh boy silly Majima wants to fight Kiryu again hahaha weeeeeeeee NO listen, LISTEN, he does want to fight kiryu again, because 1) the man has been bored for a year 2) FIGHTING IS THEIR LOVE LANGUAGE 3) Majima is once again surprising Kiryu in a world where nothing surprises him anymore, where kiryu expects people to be vile and only want him for gain. Every single goddamn game it’s “Kiryu plz save the Tojo Clan plz” and Kiryu NEVER gets anything in return unless you count, i don’t know, Daigo and Haruka’s safety? But Majima doesn’t give a shit about any of that. Majima is one of the only people who consistently does things for Kiryu (even if they’re presented in an abnormal way). Majima is really the only one who makes sacrifices for Kiryu. But this fight, it kicks off YK2 of “hey, i missed you but i won’t admit it because we’re manly yakuza, please let me try to make you smile.”
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THE kazumaji scene. Going off of Majima being the only one to make sacrifices for Kiryu, here’s a perfect example. Majima first aids the Tojo Clan which he swore to leave literally only because Kiryu asked him to. Then, here, he get beaten within an inch of his life because he promised Kiryu he would protect Kamurocho from Ryuji. Majima does not give a shit about the Tojo Clan at this point. Yes, Majima LOVEEESSSS beating people up, but he’s fatally wounded. This is not a Majima who would die for the Tojo Clan. This is a Majima willing to die for Kiryu. After warning Kiryu about being to trusting, too.
And of course, we get the Majima collapsing on the pavement and Kiryu rushing in to CRADLE him in his arms like a damn fanfic. You’ve even got the “I did it for you” which everyone knows is basically an “I love you.” Look at Majima’s face in the gif. Bless the Kiwami 2 graphics, first of all. He’s looking at Kiryu like he wants him to be the last thing he sees, like he wants him to know that he’s going out for Kiryu, that despite the fact that he’s about to cough up blood he needs Kiryu to have the information he needs to save the clan and Kamurocho. He’s telling Kiryu all this with labored breath because he promised. Kiryu “One-Expression” Kazuma is viably worried as hell, the little nod in the gif kills me because Kiryu needs him to know he’s touched and he’s so grateful. The only reason Kiryu left him was because there was danger elsewhere and he trusts Kaoru enough to take care of him. (Side note: I love Kaoru Sayama, but I still feel like she’s good enough a character on her own and doesn’t need to be a romantic interest for Kiryu. Like it was like oh... she’s Girl so she needs to fall for the Big Strong Male Protag.... If Majima was a cis girl they would have made out in this game, maybe even y1.) 
7) Speaking of sacrifices, Yakuza 3, the game where Majima literally joined the Tojo Clan again because Kiryu wanted him to protect Daigo. That’s a huge lifestyle change, Majima.
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Yes, this scene is funny because Majima is riding in a Barbie-ass truck like a 15 year old driving on a learner’s permit in a downpour (yet proves he can drive stick seconds later) and thinks he hit Kiryu while he purposely hit everyone else. Look, Majima needs this ok y3 he looks like he’s been crying since kiryu left no one No One is going to hurt Kiryu now
That truck is likely stolen, he’s driving erratically as fast as he can because Kiryu is in danger, how did he even know that Kiryu was in danger is it like some kind of 6th sense... If you didn’t already know, I would take a bullet for Majima’s voice actor; his delivery of “Kiryu-chan! Where are you?!” could have just been like haha oops kiryu did i hit you ;3 but instead it’s this raw cry of genuine panic, like did his actions get kiryu hurt, Majima could not live with himself if he was the reason Kiryu got fatally hurt
8) Ok I’ve hinted at the fact that I have beef with the Hot Mess that is yakuza 5, wasn’t huge on Y4 and Y6 was fine but it was heavily based on the events of Y5. In my head I’ve got an entire fix-it fanfic in which Majima yeets out to Okinawa with Kiryu after Y3 I could write that upon request too ANYWAY here’s another sacrificial majima...
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Despite not caring for Y5, THIS SCENE is RAW. Maybe he’s not super “unhinged” in this scene but it’s just so much. Majima, who Kiryu brokedown in his taxi bc he thought he got killed (because Kiryu made him stay in the tojo clan haha we’re out here crying), chooses Kiryu over Saejima. Saejima, Majima’s oath brother, Saejima. We love Saejima, Majima loves Saejima, but 25 years is a long ass time. Majima changed. Saejima changed. For awhile he had Makoto, but then Kiryu was all Majima had for a good chunk of Saejima’s time in prison. This is the man Majima got his eye stabbed out for defending. But the BaD GuYs that arent memorable enough for me to even look up the names of are like look, we want to watch the world burn because we are Bad Guys, so either you are going to fight your brother to the death or we are going to snipe Kiryu’s daughter in the fucking head. Obviously he doesn’t know that Baba is going to betray them, so he has to pick between Saejima and Haruka. He chooses to potentially kill Saejima for Kiryu’s happiness. I’m sure if things didn’t change, Majima would have held back and let Saejima kill him. Majima would rather die than see Kiryu in pain. Majima would rather kill Saejima/let Saejima kill him than let Haruka die. If that’s not a giant declaration of unconditional love and devotion, I don’t know what else to tell you.
Anyway, thanks so much for indulging me and listening to my yakuza opinions if you made it this far you the mvp :’’’’)
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bi-naesala · 3 years
Feel alive
Fandom: Yakuza
Rating: T
Warnings: /
Relationships: Majima Goro/Nishikiyama Akira
Characters: Nishikiyama Akira, Majima Goro
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Fighting, First Kiss
Nishikiyama and Majima keep seeing each other after Kiryu goes to prison.
(Also on AO3)
It’s hard to tell what has brought Nishikiyama to go along with this. He never tries to dwell too much in this train of thought, knowing that it would only bring to the surface very unpleasant feelings that he’d like to keep hidden.
The thing is this: without his precious “Kiryu-chan” around, Majima has been getting restless, and Nishikiyama needs to get stronger. Yes, he’s making a name for himself and yes, people now respect - fear - him, but it’s not enough, and as much as it hurts his pride to admit it, he knows that it would sting even more when Kiryu is released from prison and he’s still not on his level.
Between the two, Nishikiyama has always been the brains kind of guy and sure, that can certainly help when it comes to pure combat, but he’s aware that he can’t rely only on that.
 That’s why, when he gets news of Majima being around his territory - poor thing must be so restless without someone to fight - he goes to personally greet him, provoking him into a fight.
What better way to get better, after all, that measuring himself with the same person Kiryu used to go toe-to-toe against?
He should be able to get some very nice pointers from this, and besides, consider this some sort of payback for what happened at Serena during the Empty Lot affair.
 He puts up a nice fight, but in the end, the one who comes on top is Majima. Nishikiyama knew this already, but just like Serena, it hasn’t stopped him; he’s tenacious like that.
When Majima leaves, Nishikiyama feels like he’s been stomped by a pack of wild animals, and yet there’s a manic smile on his face.
Today he’s learned a lot.
He wasn’t expecting Majima to come back, and then to come back again, and again.
He had assumed that once he would’ve realized - but he must’ve have known already, right? - that Nishikiyama wasn’t on the same level as Kiryu, he wouldn’t have shown his face around anymore, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Alright, this is something he can work with. Actually, for him, this is excellent news: it means that he’ll keep getting stronger and stronger. By the time Kiryu gets out of jail, he’ll have surpassed him; oh, that sounds so good in his head: he’s always lived under Kiryu’s shadow, but soon he won’t anymore…
 Still, he can’t for the life of him figure out why Majima keeps going back to him.
Is it because he’s the only one with enough balls to openly challenge him? Maybe, since Nishikiyama is pretty sure that only Kiryu has ever sought him out for a fight; everyone else is scared shitless of him.
Maybe he feels he owes it to Kiryu to check on his bro, and although this should enrage him because it would mean that, as always, Kiryu’s at the center of attention, on the other he finds himself not that against the idea of someone - anyone - checking on him. Had it happened sooner, maybe things might’ve gone differently…
 Regardless of the reason, Nishikiyama welcomes Majima with open arms every time and with the sharpest smirk on his face.
 It’s quite… liberating, Nishikiyama can’t deny that.
For once he doesn’t have to think about the family, he doesn’t need to worry about his plan; all he needs to do is to dodge and punch, dodge and kick, get up and do it all over again, maybe even try to get Majima’s tanto and use it against him if he feels bold.
He wonders if this is why Majima is the way he is, if he too feels this intoxicating high, though he’s not pretentious enough to think he can even begin to comprehend what goes on inside that head of his.
Whatever the reason could be, what truly matters is that they both keep indulging in this unspoken thing they share. It feels good to be able to let go, even if for just a short while.
Maybe that’s why they keep coming back to each other. That and no other reason whatsoever…
  Surprisingly, they don’t always fight, or better, they don’t always fight first. Sometimes Majima would find himself at Nishikiyama’s office to drag him somewhere to have a drink or have some fun - at least Majima’s idea of fun - and then they would fight.
Why do the do this? Fuck if they know, but it’s fun, so they keep doing it. Anything’s better than being sucked in the monotony of being a clan’s patriarch, despite the surge of power Nishikiyama feels at the growth of his family; soon, it’ll become Tojo’s strongest, he knows it.
  He’s not as familiar with using a bat as much as Majima is, but he still manages to give him a run for his money at the batting center.
Sure, Majima still wins, but only by a small margin. Not that they’re keeping track anymore, since Nishikiyama has decided that this is enough foreplay and goes to hit Majima right as he’s preparing for another ball. He manages to hit him on his side before he can dodge out of the way, sending him stumbling for a few steps.
“Naughty naughty, Nishi-chan~” he says, using the nickname that he knows Nishikiyama hates, a manic smile on his face. “Someone’s got to teach ya a lesson…”
Nishikiyama can’t help but to return the smile, staring at Majima with his sharp gaze. “Oh? And will you be the one doing the honors?”
A laugh.
“Ya bet yer fuckin’ ass I am!”
 Majima doesn’t pull any punches, but neither does Nishikiyama. At first it almost feels like a swordfight, with Majima trying to get him with his bat, while Nishikiyama parries, but in the end he decides to let his bat go, preferring to use a style more familiar to him.
Sure, going against a bat-wielding maniac unharmed seems like a bad idea, but Nishikiyama feels confident in his own abilities. Besides, where would the fun be otherwise?
At first, Majima forces him on the defensive, but eventually, Nishikiyama manages to kick his bat out of his reach, sending the other on a giggling fit.
“Not bad, Nishi-chan!” he says, hand going to his back pocket to grab his trusted tanto, which he unsheathes and points at Nishikiyama. “But now it’s time to get serious!”
“Heh. Bring it.”
  They keep staring at each other as they catch their respective breath.
Nishikiyama has gained a few cuts, courtesy of Majima, but overall, it’s all superficial damage. Majima isn’t doing that well himself: his face is beginning to swell very close to his only good eye; Nishikiyama almost feels guilty about the way he stomped on his face, but everything’s fair in love and war, he supposes, and they are at war, sort of.
Besides, it’s not like Majima is against cheap tactics, given that, as soon as he gets up, he tries to jam his fingers up his eyes to return the favor, having left his tanto discarded on the ground.
Nishikiyama has to hold his arm back with both his hands, furiously pushing against Majima, who then uses the momentum to make him lose his balance, going down with him. He barely realizes he’s fallen on the ground until he opens his eyes and sees Majima hovering over him - he’s heavier than he thought - with a victorious smirk on his face.
“Looks like I win.”
All Nishikiyama is able to do is to try to catch his breath as he keeps staring at Majima. He must’ve hurt his head in the fall, because all he can think about is how good - majestic even - he looks like this, panting and sweating for the fight, with his signature manic gaze still in his eyes, instead of arguing that just becomes he’s on top of him now, doesn’t mean he’s won the fight. Yes, something must be terribly wrong with him…
 Even when he’ll think back about this moment, he still has no idea about what has possessed him to grab Majima by the neck of his hideous snakeskin jacket and crash their lips together. He’ll only know that he did it, that he was the one who initiated it.
Unexpectedly, Majima doesn’t oppose any resistance. By the sound that escapes his lips before Nishikiyama can seal them with his own, he must be surprised by such a tactic, except that it is no tactic at all. Even if Nishikiyama doesn’t know what it is, he’s certain that it’s not just a trick, because if it was, he would’ve premeditated it, instead of letting it be something done in the spur of the moment.
What has to be more surprising, though, it’s how good it feels. Besides… is that blood, what Nishikiyama tastes on his lips? Must be, given that he’s kissing Majima of all people, but who drew it from whom? That’s the real question, not that the answer really matters though.
 When they pull away, Nishikiyama has no idea what to expect from someone as unpredictable as Majima, so he tries to mentally prepare himself for anything, and yet, he doesn’t know how to respond when Majima looks down at him, still shocked, and says:
“No, looks like you win.”
It startles a chuckle out of Nishikiyama that immediately evolves into a laugh, and soon he’s followed by Majima. Do either of them know why they’re cackling like two kids? Absolutely not, but they’re doing it anyway.
 Then Nishikiyama drags Majima down again, and they kiss over and over and over, neither of them knowing how long they’ll feel this insatiable thirst for the other, but also with no intentions of stopping.
Eventually they’ll have to get back to being the leaders of their respective family, but for now they’re just two people who are into each other and nothing more, two people who are enjoying this moment and have all the intentions of making the most of it.
 Damn, Nishikiyama had forgotten about this feeling.
It’s the closest he’s been to alive in a very long time.
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First of all, Happy Birthday!!! I hope you’re having/had a good day!
And for the prompt list: can I request 7. I Missed You Kiss with Kazumaji? Some angst with fluff and a happy ending is always good \( ´ ~ ˋ \)
Awww, thanks so much! It’s been weird, but it’s nice to be writing sweet scenes for everyone c: 
7.  I Missed You Kiss 
“We’ve been just waiting to lock you up,” the guard sneered. 
“Yeah, well, enjoy it while ya can,” Majima muttered back, “I don’t aim t’ be here long.” He tilted his head back to grin knowingly at the man in uniform. The guard snarled, incensed, and moved to actually get into the cell and try to assault him. Fortunately, his cooler tempered companion held him back and directed him away from the view of the inmates. 
Majima smirked and leaned back against the cool, concrete wall behind him. This was just a holding cell in the local jail. Even for a high-profile collar like him, there wasn’t much they could do to him before trial and he knew it wouldn’t come to that. Kiryu was on the scene now. There wasn’t a problem in existence that man couldn’t solve. Not that Kiryu was rescuing him in particular in this case and Majima knew that. He’d come for Daigo, of course, only right that Kiryu should come save his kid. He was just sorry to get in the way, actually.
He sighed and patted his jacket for his cigarettes before remembering they took them from him. Damn, that was annoying. He never thought he’d miss Nishitani’s prison but times like these... cooped up and alone, he could do with a bit of that old mad man. 
Majima closed his eyes and laid down on his narrow bench. No sense wasting his energy. Someone would be in to claim him soon enough. The mess was already mostly over. Well, his part of it was. He got Saejima back and that was... He’d heard about people seeing their homeland again, about getting to go back to a place that was really yours and meant more than the world to you. If there was such a place for him, Saejima was probably it. He didn’t think he’d get Saejima back, full stop. And... he did. As long as he lived, Majima would never ask for anything ever again. 
It’d been good to see Kiryu again too. Not that they’d had time to catch up. He’d looked so distraught to see him being taken away. Majima wished he’d had the time to apologize. He’d promised Kiryu he’d look after Daigo, that he’d stop shit like this from happening, but he got distracted and slow and... He’d let the kid listen to the wrong people, again. Kiryu ought to be mad at him. But he hadn’t looked mad, he’d just looked... upset. 
If Kiryu had the time, if he hung around long enough, Majima wanted to explain, wanted to tell him all of it, about Saejima and Yasuko and all of it. They’d never quite gotten around to saying the really important shit and now felt like a good time. Now that Saejima was back and he could finally... finally start living again. Now was the right time. He was gonna tell him all of it, the whole thing. Kiryu deserved that much. He deserved so much. 
“Ya gonna sleep in there all day?” Saejima asked. 
Majima opened his eye and beamed up at his brother at his cell door. “Depends, did’ya have all the fun without me?” He sat up as Saejima chuckled. 
“Yeah, we did a bit, but I bet you’ll stir up some more soon enough.” He stood aside as the jailer opened the door and Majima strode out, saluting merrily at the annoyed guard in the observation booth. 
“And the money lender took out a captain? You’re shitting me,” Majima was saying as they walked out of the station. 
Saejima shook his head. “Nope, the weasel’s got some moves. Dunno where he picked them up ‘cause he’s not family and he isn’t interested in becoming family...” He trailed off and nodded to Daigo who was waiting by a family car. Majima raised an eyebrow and looked where Saejima was nodding. 
“Majima-san, I’m so... I’m so sorry,” Daigo started, bowing his head slightly. 
Majima held up a hand, interrupting him. “Don’t worry about it,” he sighed, "I’d have done the same thing in your position. I didn’t take it personal.” 
Daigo frowned at him, still looking apologetic. “But you weren’t in my position and you wouldn’t have been,” he shook his head and sighed, “Sometimes I worry I'm always going to be following in your and Kiryu-san’s footsteps.”
Majima cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Easy kid, we can’t all be superman,” he encouraged, smiling faintly. Daigo brightened a little at that and moved into the car, leaving the door open for Saejima and Majima to follow. 
That was the only face in his welcome home part Majima didn’t see; Kiryu had already skipped town. He reminded himself that that was exactly Kiryu’s MO and he made no secret about it. Majima already knew he wasn’t going to get much time with the guy, so he couldn’t be disappointed. 
“Oy, what’s eating you bro?” Saejima nudged him as he stared morosely out the window. “Was just a few hours in jail that bad? Try eighteen years.” He grinned. 
Majima smiled back weakly. “Guess the place just drained me... it’s been a long day, y’know?” He yawned to prove his point. And he was tired, that just wasn’t the most pressing concern. 
Saejima seemed to take that and launched into an anecdote about various cell mates he’d had and it was so soothing to hear Saejima’s voice again, Majima almost entirely forgot about how bad he needed to talk to Kiryu. How bad he needed to see Kiryu again... 
After a few weeks of having Saejima home, it was beginning to settle in as real. The loss of Yasuko still stung bitterly, but they had each other to get through it. Majima was grateful every day for what had been returned to him. He was happy every day to see the wear of prison slowly start to fall from Saejima, less tired, less unsure, more comfortable, more confident. He could be happy like this, just his bro and his men and his job. He could be happy like this. 
He didn’t need to think about Kiryu. He didn’t need to wonder if he’d said too much or not enough. He didn’t need to miss him every single day like a dry riverbed misses the gush, trickle, even drip of water. He had so much to be happy about, he didn’t need to be sad. 
“...I figured, why not? I’ve always wanted to build something and I’d seen what refurbishing a rundown building was like. Why not start from scratch? So I started-” 
Majima froze in the middle of the street. Saejima stopped next to him, frowning, then looking back where the sound came from. “Is that...?” he started. 
Majima didn’t hear the end of it because as soon as he started to turn, Kiryu slammed into him, forcing his mouth against his in more of an aggressive smash than kiss. Majima tensed and tried to twist to make this easier, but Kiryu held him too close, too fast, too hard. The trickle of water turned to a flood and Majima’s heart beat hard in his throat. After a moment Kiryu seemed to realize that this wasn’t the best kiss ever constructed and let up just enough for Majima to set his mouth right and then they were kissing properly. There, in the middle of the street, at 2 in the afternoon. He didn’t know how long they stood there before Kiryu broke and gasped, “I should’ve stayed, I should’ve said... I should’ve told you...” 
“I missed you,” Majima breathed, half for himself and half for Kiryu. His fingers curled around Kiryu’s neck, leaning on him for support. 
Kiryu met his eye and nodded helplessly. “I just, I didn’t- I... I’ve got so much to do, but I couldn’t stop thinking and... could you just kiss me again?” 
Majima barely let him finish before complying, pulling Kiryu tight against him and making the man whimper with how much Majima had missed him too. 
Eventually, Saejima added, “So should I start selling tickets or something?”
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
The BNHA Group Chat Fic Nobody Asked For
Pairings: Todoroki Touya (Dabi)/Mr Compress (Sako Atsuhiro), Shimura Tenko (Shigaraki Tomura)/Chisaki Kai (Overhaul)/Kurono Hari (Chrono), Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic)/Aizawa Shouta (Eraserhead)/Shirakumo Oboro (Loud Cloud), Fukukado Emi (Ms. Joke)/Kayama Nemuri (Midnight), Bakugo Katsuki/Kaminari  Denki/Kirishima Eijiro, Iida Tenya/Monoma Neito/ Aoyama Yuuga
Word Count: 1,529 Words
Summary: Hitoshi goes home, an Aizawa-Yamada fashion show happens, the Todoroki-Yukimura family is having issues, and the Provisional Licensing Exam happens.
Warnings: Injury Mention, Food Mention, Cursing, Fire Mention, Trauma Mention, Arranged Marriage Mention, Caps, Half Blind Character, Deaf Characters, Mostly Mute Character (due to a different medical issue), Selectively Mute Character, let me know if I should add anything else.
Notes: Yes, I know they met The Big 3 already, but I'm rearranging and Aizawa introduced 1-A to The Big 3 before the Provisional Licensing Exam because he wanted to inspire them to achieve their best in the exam, even the L.O.V. kids. Also, the fight between Midoriya and Bakugou never happened.
Usernames: We Are Number One™ Aizawa: Dadzawa, Aoyama: immafiringmahlaser, Ashido: princessbubblegumknockoff, Asui: Galvan, Iida: Emergency Exit, Uraraka: 9.8, Ojiro: tailfloof, Kaminari: Pichu, Kirishima: baby shark, Koda: youredoingamazingsweetie, Sato: GuyFieriIsGod, Shoji: Cthulhu, Jirou: Jack Skellington, Sero: Spider-Man, Tokoyami: EdgarAllanCrows, Todoroki: WHERE?, Hagakure: cena, Bakugo: WHAT?, Midoriya: SmolMight, Mineta: Mineta, Shinsou: exhausted, Yaoyorozu: TheGreatCreator, Kurono: stopwatch, Chisaki: donthugmeimscared, Yukimura: choticgaydisaster, Bubaigawara: shadowclonejutsu, Shimura: idontfeelsogood, Awase: illrememberyouallintherapy, Kaibara: IDOWHATIWANT, Kamakiri: scyther, Kuroiro: itsmeyaboy, Kendo: Akimichi, Kodai: deadinside, Komori: shroomgurl, Shiozaki: wElCoMeToBiBlEsTuDiEs, Shishida: furry, Shoda: cryptid, Tsunotori: mylittlepony, Tsubaraba: airbender, Tetsutetsu: Iron Man, Tokage: t-rex costume, Fukidashi: glorifiedtextbubble, Honenuki: Eren Jaeger/spookyscaryskeletons, Bondo: Slimer, Monoma: HopeSummers, Yanagi: iLiEdImDyInGiNsIdE, Rin: snek, Toga: mystique, Sako: lostmymarbles, Hikiishi: queenofmagnetism, Iguchi: eye gucci, Shinokanri: stardust
Usernames: Emos Anonymous Kaminari: blackcloakedbrides, Shoji: fryingpan, Jirou: greentwentyfourhours, Tokoyami: myscientificinfatuation, Todoroki: twentyoneplotpoints, Bakugo: immobileinwhite, Midoriya: falldownboy, Shinsou: stabtheveil, Kurono: inhalecarolina, Chisaki: plummetingininverse, Yukimura: anxietyintheclub, Shimura: nappingwithsirens, Kuroiro: thousandfootcane, Kodai: marianaspit, Monoma: entiretimelow, Yanagi: recentyearsday, Sako: halfminutetomars, Aizawa: hollywoodlivingdead, Shouji: fryingpan, Kurono: inhalecarolina, Aoyama: phantomtown, Honenuki: visualizedragon, Sako: halfminutetomars, Awase: distressparade, Shinokanri: simplestrategy
Usernames: UA Teachers Are Tired™ Eraserhead/Aizawa: grumpy scarf cat, Present Mic/Yamada: screeching cockatiel, Midnight/Nemuri: chaotic goth gay Ingenium/Iida: gotta go fast, AllMight/Toshinori: actual sunshine, Vlad King/Kan: bloody hell, Power Loader/Majima: speechtotext, Ectoplasm: needalegup?, Snipe: kazoo cowboy, Cementoss: concrete block, Blackmist/Kurogiri: goth portals
Shopping, Licenses, and Interships-Chapter 7
7:45 AM
We Are Number One™
exhausted: I'm goin home today bitches! they're finally releasing back upon this pitiful world after a week!
Dadzawa: and he's getting transferred to 1a today too.
chaoticgaydisaster: do you remember who did this, Hitoshi?
exhausted: no, I wish I did, but I don't. I only get flashes. My head got hit too hard I guess but I don't remember what happened well enough to know who did it.
exhausted: can we talk about literally anything else?
WHERE?: kay. how bout, do you want to go to the store with me and Touya later? we're getting our foods for the week. we can pick you up some stuff too.
exhausted: coolio. I need to pick up some stuff.
WHERE?: tell me a list so you don't forget anything, Hito. me and Tou always write our lists down, we'll write your stuff down too.
exhausted: kay. so I need rice, eggs, onions, scallions, tsuyu sauce, beef, chicken, shrimp, and pork for my lunches and you can bet your ass I'm picking up at least two other meal things but I haven't decided yet because the rest are dinners and I need my Mom's input.
Dadzawa: today's dinner is takoyaki and gyoza, tomorrow is your choice, Tuesday is oden and tempura, Wednesday me and your Dad need to agree on, Thursday is yakisoba-pan and ramen, Friday is your choice again, and Saturday is soba and curry bread.
exhausted: Eri already picked her two dinners?
stardust: yup!
exhausted: I'd have to say Monday is soba and yakitori and Friday is okonomiyaki and korokke.
Dadzawa: News from your Dad, Wednesday will be katsudon and onigiri.
stardust: WOOHOO!
exhausted: Yayy!
exhausted: let's go shopping, bitches.
WHERE?: Woo! Shopping day!
chaoticgaydisaster: We're going to the mall also btw.
exhausted: good, I need to get more clothes, half of mine are gone because of M****a.
WHERE?: time to spend my dad's money on nice clothes for my best friend.
exhausted: I love you, dude.
WHERE?: Love you too, Hito, now, let's go shopping.
2:46 PM
We Are Number One™
Dadzawa: Ah, that's where my son went today.
exhausted: it was fun, I got new sports bras.
Dadzawa: finally, we can burn the ones that are so old they're falling apart.
exhausted: they were spares!
Dadzawa: still burning them. love you, kid.
exhausted: hey, wait for me. I wanna burn them too!
3:17 PM
SmolMight: Is anyone else really concerned about Hitoshi? I mean, he got attacked and he won't say anything about it.
WHERE?: Izuku, I'm concerned, but it's none of our business.
SmolMight: You know what happened, don't you?
WHERE?: I may as well. But I'm not at liberty to say and Hitoshi doesn't need this right now. He went through something traumatic and I won't have you dredging it up again yet. He deserves to have more than a week to recover.
SmolMight: He'll be fine though, right?
WHERE?: He'll be okay. He's got all his friends and we'll help him no matter what happens.
SmolMight: We'll be the best damn friends to him ever!
4:41 PM
We Are Number One™
tailfloof: what's with the radio silence from all the former L.O.V.?
Emergency Exit: Kai had an allergic reaction so Tenko and Hari are with him in the ER. Atsuhiro had a meltdown and Touya is with him, Jin got hurt during a training drill yesterday and is being healed by Recovery Girl still, Himiko and Eri are at the their doctor today, Tami is working on changing her name legally today, and Shuichi is accompanying Tami.
tailfloof: Thank you inspector Iida for this enlightening information.
6:52 PM
We Are Number One™
exhausted: Mom, fashion show. I got new clothes.
Dadzawa: I know, I'm waiting in my room, Toshi. so is your Dad, Eri, and Ayane.
exhausted: Hells yeah! Family fashion show. I got a bunch of leggings.
Dadzawa: you can't just wear leggings, Toshi.
exhausted: And yet I do.
Dadzawa: you are an insufferable little gremlin child and you're lucky that I love you.
exhausted: That's the point.
8:39 PM
Trauma? Yeet. Memes? Yoink.
lapis: So how are the girls?
vulpix: All are good, they went to the store with us for food shopping.
wine: all happy.
thermostat: Good, I was worried because we haven't seen any of you in a week.
vulpix: yup. How are things back home?
thermostat: Well, it's okay. Nothing's changed much.
wine: what happened?
thermostat: Dad's setting me up for an arranged marriage now.
lapis: time to come home and beat our father's head in.
thermostat: Please don't, I don't want any of you going to jail over this.
wine: fine, but only because I respect your choices. but I will intervene if shit goes down.
vulpix: How are you okay with this?
thermostat: I'm not, but I don't want my brothers getting in trouble for me and me having to visit you idiots in a prison instead of at a school.
vulpix: As long as you know you can come to us if anything. And I mean ANYTHING happens to hurt you.
thermostat: I will, don't worry. And I'm taking care of the girls tomorrow because of you two's exam so I'll take them to school for you boys.
8:16 AM
We Are Number One™
Cthulhu: literally everyone???
spookyscaryskeletons: Good luck, you guys!
princessbubblegumknockoff: good luck yot you guys too! have fun at y'all's exam!
exhausted: Have fun you guys!
Dadzawa: Child, you fill M****a's place. You're going to take the exam today with 1-A.
exhausted: Gimme a minute. Just a minor heart attack.
exhausted: WHAT THE FUCK!? I'm not ready! Mom, you gotta pull me from it! I can't do this!
donthugmeimscared: And all of us LOVs started at UA less than a month ago! You can't expect us to be able to pass!
Dadzawa: I'm sure you'll all be fine. I have faith in you. Now get on the bus, I'll be down with my son's present in a few minutes.
8:25 AM
We Are Number One™
cena: Todoroki is asleep again. Both of the twins are.
EdgarAllanCrows: what have I done to deserve such adorable goth best friends?
shadowclonejutsu: And I thought one twin was cute, turns out both are.
lostmymarbles: Firstly, they're IDENTICAL twins. Secondly, don't you hit on my man, Jin, or you'll lose an arm.
shadowclonejutsu: Alright, alright. Not flirting, just saying. I'm with Iggi.
eye gucci: Dam straight.
shadowclonejutsu: *Dam gay.
eye gucci: You right tho.
4:17 PM
We Are Number One™
WHERE?: I can't believe we failed.
WHAT?: It wasn't even my fault! I was a nice bastard! I didn't scare them, they're just wimps!
chaoticgaydisaster: I can't believe I need to retake that.
idontfeelsogood: I only failed because of a technicality, why are you all complaing!
Akimichi: What technicality?
idontfeelsogood: I may have blown up the rock beneath me by accident because I got startled by Gang Orca showing up and hurt one of the fake civilians a little bit...?
stopwatch: Darling.
idontfeelsogood: And then I broke my left knee and sprained my right from falling and couldn't continue to compete.
stopwatch: There we go. The fake civilians said they weren't mad, they know they startled you and it was fine, but you hurt yourself and couldn't continue so you had to be disqualified to prevent you from injuring yourself even more.
idontfeelsogood: I woulda been better as a villain. I can't even save someone without something going wrong.
Dadzawa: I already told you that you all can retake the exam soon so there's no harm done. And your legs should heal up by the time of the next exam, Tenko, don't worry. You are not better off as a villain, you do have good in you, I can see it. You're doing your best, keep doing it, and we'll all be here for you when you aren't able to.
idontfeelsogood: Hang on, I'm gonna cry really quick.
stopwatch: I am hugging my boyfriend as we speak!
donthugmeimscared: As am I!
HopeSummers: Only me and Himi failed from our class, didn't have enough power to get through it all.
Iron Man: we're all proud of you both for trying your hardest, though!
mystique: And we all appreciate your support, guys.
9:14 AM
We Are Number One™
cena: 3 of the Big Six!
mylittlepony: The other three from the Big Six are here!
donthugmeimscared: Great, another thing that none of us are gonna be able to do because no agency in their right mind would ever want us.
Dadzawa: I've already matched you all to agencies that would love to have you there. It's tapes to your dorm doors. Have fun picking, children. And Toshi, you're in my agency with Light Splitter and Biolumina and all of the like.
exhausted: I love my Mom. Have I ever told you all how much I love my Mom? Because it's a lot. And entire fucking lot.
Dadzawa: yes, you have. you brag your Mom is the best ever a lot. you've done it since you were about two.
exhausted: And my point still stands thirteen years later. Must be a winning arguement.
Taglist: @logan-sanders-enthusiast @luckyicekitsune @whippedbel @lgbtforeverything @pinecone-chomper @mikmacmoo @wasinotwantedatthisexactsecond @purplespiderstormcloud @stankyratman @king-of-the-oranges @headcannons-and-random-things @fear-ze-queer @turtleluv799 @ymmm-someone
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So I was thinking of something. A Harvester Games styled Yakuza game but it's Nishiki-centric (Damn, can't get enough of this guy, can I? :'D). The title would be Ryu ga Gotoku: Himawari/Yakuza Himawari. I don't think I would expand the idea beyond the ones I write in here tho but who knows? Maybe I'd revisit this in the future.
So here's the idea:
The premise is that Nishiki dreamt about his future a.k.a. whatever happened in Yakuza 1/Yakuza Kiwami 1. The catch is he got it after he killed Dojima so he had very little time to basically change the course of his history if he wanted to prevent what happened in Y1/YK1
I'm thinking it would be 3D environment like traditional Yakuza game when he's awake but changes to 2D ala The Cat Lady when he's dreaming or in the Afterlife/Purgatory (like, the literal Purgatory instead of the underground place)
Idk when he met Reina after shooting Dojima but when he's about to slap her, I'm thinking either there's a QTE for him to basically stops himself from doing it or there'll be a choice prompt to either slap her or keep it to himself and let her explain herself (since he felt she's calling him useless but she said he got the wrong idea)
One dream sequence had him facing his Yakuza 0 self in the same forest he was attempting to murder Kiryu back in Y0. Y0!Nishiki is in Kiryu's position, practically begging Nishiki to kill his "weak self". Wether he did kill him or not depends on the player (via choice prompt)
There will be some sort of sanity meter to gauge wether Nishiki would retain his sanity after all that happened (given he already "saw" what would happen to him and he's in a way of changing it), would break regardless, or in between (retaining his sanity but becoming mostly apathetic). The two aforementioned points right above this one would contribute to this
Depending on the player's choices and the route, Yuko can be saved but she'd fell into a long coma instead. And even then, there's several circumstance that would determine her survival afterwards
If Nishiki's in the in between situation and Yuko dies, he would still kill Matsushige, considering him as a "Parasite", but he wouldn't contemplate killing any further unless absolutely necessary (If he's on the sane side, he just had Shige cut his pinky). I imagined he'd say or think "I'm surprised I didn't lose my mind at this point. But how long would I keep holding myself up?"
If he's not on the worst end of the sanity meter yet, Nishiki would visit Kiryu in prison for once after the Matsushige incident (I'm not sure if he still wearing his family badge when visiting or not since idk if it would affect the clan's view on him if he did). Kyodai be giving him advice and emotional support. If he's sane enough, player has an option to make Nishiki turn himself in and clear Kiryu's name (provided there'll be an additional gameplay and scenes for him to gather evidences)
There'll be 4 endings based on the sanity meter and the route leading to them (and since this is more of a 'what if' scenario, multiple endings wouldn't be much of a problem):
The worst ending is basically just Y1/YK1 all over again, with Nishiki contemplating if fate already had his future set in stone and wouldn't let him change the course of his life (Choosing to have Nishiki turn himself to prison would lock him from this ending. Even with the worst sanity possible, it'd net neutral ending at worst)
The neutral ending has him either confronting Kiryu much more peacefully this time (patriarch route) or pursuing Jingu on his own (prison route) in Milennium Tower. It ending up with him fatally wounded by Jingu regardless and dying (in Kiryu's arms for patriarch route or alone for prison route). If Yuko's still alive by that point, Nishiki will regret that he's leaving his sister alone (and ask Kiryu to take care of her if it's in patriarch route). The epilogue has Kiryu, along with Haruka and Yumi, visiting his grave
The good ending has him teaming up with Kiryu much earlier, thus sparing him from his demise in neutral ending. They managed to stop Jingu in time and having the 10 billion yen destroyed as per Yumi's wish, with Nishiki shielding Yumi and Kiryu shielding Haruka when the bomb detonate. Depending on the route, Nishiki either still running his family with Kiryu by his side (patriarch route) or serving the rest of his prison sentence in jail with Kiryu occassionally visiting him (prison route)
The golden ending is not much different than the good ending. The difference is that Nishiki had planned to propose Reina now that he know she's in love with him (and the feeling has grown mutual), Yuko is alive, and the Nishikiyama family has mostly "clean" records (going with prison route would lock out this ending. The best possible ending to get with prison route would be the good ending)
Substories are still a thing, don't worry. Most of post-Matsushige incident works comes from substories
Speaking of post-Matsushige incident stuffs, idk really much what to put (the one in patriarch route, at least. Prison route's not a big problem) beside spending some time with Reina, being harrassed by Majima, and searching for Yumi (for her safety or for his own ambition, it depends)
Saejima makes appearance in prison route. Mine has cameo at the end of golden ending. Akiyama appears when Milennium Towers explodes (that random homeless man will now be him in here)
Susan cameo? Joe cameo?? Lorelai cameo??? Maybe in substories. Queen of Maggots, tho... Could she be the reason Nishiki has those vision in the first place?
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draayder · 4 years
the sugoroku event in ryu ga gotoku online was EXTREMELY good Majima/Saejima content, here’s a rundown:
it’s new years 2012, Saejima is going back to jail to finish out his last 2 months following Y5, but he’s got a week or so out before that happens. Despite his protests that he just wants to stay in and have a quiet new years celebration with Majima (because Kiryu is still in the hospital and he doesn’t feel up to doing anything fun), Majima tells him he’s got a whole New Years tour planned and Saejima says “Well, it can’t be helped. Guess I’m going on a little date with my kyoudai.” 
Tour Stage 1: Get dressed in nice hakamas and go play Hanetsuki (traditional new years game, it’s like badmitton with no net and the loser gets their face drawn on with ink). They go to the empty lot area in the champion district cause it’s the only place big enough to play, but two goons show up and challenge them for the spot. Saejima and Majima keep colliding because Majima is overeager, then when they split into zones Majima gets bored and stops playing, leaving the score 0 to 9. The goons insult them for calling each other kyoudai when they clearly are not a good fit for each other, and they both instantly tilt into full gear and win 10:9.
Tour Stage 2: Kakizome! New Years writing with the theme of your goal for this year. Nishida says he wants to build a house for his parents. Minami says he wants a revenge match with Saejima, which Saejima obliges immediately. Saejima says he wants to get to the top. Majima wrote the exact same thing.
Tour Stage 3: Hatsumōde! The first shrine visit of the year. Saejima complains that they’re doing things out of order. They both do a prayer and write some emas and then Saejima gets his fortune drawn. Great blessing! His fortune says “You’ll have the best fight of your life”, which he just accepts as a thing a shrine might put on a fortune, because he’s a himbo. He fights a goon who comes at him, knocks over all the emas, and when he goes to put them back up he finds Majima’s which says “I want Sasai to return” which Saejima is really really moved by.
Tour Stage 4: Fukubukuro! Shops but out blind bags for a big discount to get rid of their stock from last year, so the boys go and buy one. The stall looks a little shady, but where’s the fun in buying from some big name store? Before opening the bag Majima gets a call, the Majima Family office has been robbed! They took a bunch of Majima and Nishida’s stuff, including something Majima kept in a safe in his office. Majima runs off and Saejima opens the fukubukuro to find... Majima’s snakeskin jacket??? He realizes that the robber is the one running the stall and beats the shit out of him, reclaiming all of the Majima property. The thing inside the safe was... a ring. Saejima realizes that Majima’s been through a lot while he was in jail. Tour Stage 5: Osechi! New years food prepared by Nishida (and presumably the rest of the fam). Btw they’ve taken over Tojo HQ to do all this stuff and everyone’s just like, cool with that. The meal served contains: tai - auspicious days  ebi - long life kazunoko - wanting a lot of kids in the coming year roast beef - no special meaning date maki - more auspicious days   Then there’s two Majima Family goons out front going ham on making mochi because there is just so fucking much rice flour. Nishida hits his food limit. Minami bravely tries to continue eating and collapses. Saejima doesn’t want to waste any of the flour, so these two absolute clowns go set up in the middle of theatre square and make mochi together with Minami and Nishida selling it. Some goon harasses them, they kick his ass, same old same old. They’re down to two mochi left and Majima says he knows who he wants to eat them, which surprises Saejima. They get in the car and visit... Yasuko’s grave. Majima talks about how he wishes she could be there to have this mochi they made, and Saejima realizes that Majima’s been taking care of the grave while he was in jail. He tries to express how much this means to him, but Majima brushes it off as nbd because that’s how Majima is. Majima then tells him that this tour is his new years gift for Saejima, and wants to know if he’s been having fun or if there’s anything he missed. Saejima says that it has been fun despite his misgivings, and there’s nothing more he needs. Tour Final Stage: Majima takes Saejima to the top of the Millennium Tower. Saejima asks if this whole tour was a set up to this fight and Majima says yeah pretty much. The hanetsuki was a warm up, the new years writing was to make sure Saejima still had that drive for the top burning in him, the shrine visit was to get him pumped for a fight, the fukubukuro went a little sideways but was supposed to be some stress relief, and then the good food would strengthen him physically and mentally. It’s all a set up to give Saejima the best fight he could have before he goes back to jail again, the one he didn’t get before he went back to jail in Y5. Saejima talks about what Majima said back then, about getting soft and needing to sharpen his fangs or else he’d never survive and, cue Receive and Slash You starting up, he wants Majima to see how strong he is.
They fight, both go down, Majima comments in a daze that Saejima’s fangs are really damn sharp and Saejima gushes about how fucking fun that was.
The scene ends and we’re told that a few days later Saejima turned himself in voluntarily and was sent to Abashiri prison for his last few months of his sentence.  Majima continued supporting Daigo and the Tojo clan. In their pursuit of climbing all the way to the top of the Tojo clan.............. the two beasts will keep fighting.
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