#On one hand he is overprotective beyond the nine circles of hell.
lordofthestrix · 1 year
Lucien: Uh, just a tick. Aurora has Rebekah, hmm?
Aurora: No reason why I shouldn't be trusted with my sire's safety. Lucien: [scoffs] Of course... unless you were to have one of your episodes.
Tristan: Easy, Lucien. My sister sought leverage to protect herself. Who among us would do otherwise?
#Tristan's pov:#She stole her from me and I'm not offended.#Would you kindly put on your muzzle?#Tristan is very complicated when it comes to Aurora. There is quite a bit of inner conflict there#On one hand he is overprotective beyond the nine circles of hell.#And he hates Aurora playing where there are so many immortals stronger than them.#And yet...He also defends what he calls her “right to take charge of her fate” Not once not twice but trice. All times to different people.#And in opposition this is reason number 767 why he would never take Lucien's crush seriously.#From Tristan's interpretation Lucien is sort of similar to...Gatsby without the charisma.#He has these fantasies about impressing the girl he wants by placing the world at her feet.#But he doesn't truly want Daisy. He merely wants the idea of Daisy he fabricated inside his head forever ago.#And he lashes out to the point of offense whenever Aurora doesn't conform to the script he has for her#He refuses to admit she is the kind of Daisy who...Kidnaps Rebekah.#Tristan exists at this strange point where he is sometimes the one reassuring Aurora she is indeed that person. And that's just perfect.#He “has no doubt she can burn the entire world to dry the oceans”#She “should remember she can do anything.”#But simultaneously he is still going to be insanely worried and murderous about Aurora suffering a bruise whenever she massacres a city.#Because she is just so much more important to him that everything else that surrounds her. And he doesn't know how not to be.#Even the infinitesimal possibility of anything bad happening to her awakens his best and his worst.#Out of eternity
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erule · 7 years
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Six feet under
 Title: Six feet under
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 3.3K+  
Warnings: angst, romantic, OOC Dean, daddy!Dean, daughter, AU     
Summary: Dean’s divorcing from his wife for a lie he told, but they’re still in love with each other and their daughter is the only one who can save this marriage.
Notes: This is the story I wrote for the Fandom Writing Challenge, my prompt was heartfelt apology. This contest is such a great idea! Hope you like it, feedback is always appreciated :) I suggest you to listen to this song while reading.   
 << Please, start telling me your name and why you’re here. >> the woman said, with a British accent, sitting on the couch in front of him.
He raised an eyebrow, then he snorted.
<< Fine. My name’s Dean. >>
<< Go on, you’re doing it right, Dean. >>
He shaked his head, frustrated.
<< I just… don’t understand why I have to tell this. >> << It was demonstrated that patiens acquire more awareness, if they say it. Just follow my lead, okay? It will be alright, I promise. >> she responded, with a little smile.
Dean still wasn’t sure about that, but he remembered the reason why he was there, so he talked.
<< My name is Dean Winchester and I’m here, because my wife asked me to. >>
<< Why did she, Dean? >> she asked.
Dean torched his hands, while his gaze was far away, beyond the wall behind the woman. He was recalling the moment she basically ordered him to go. It was painful. It made him feel like she didn’t trust him anymore. Yeah, he made a damn mess, but he knew for certain that he didn’t want to lose his family.
<< Because I… >> he gulped, stopping. He took a breath, planting his nails in his knees, breaking the fabric of the jeans. Ha was almost having a panic attack. Everytime she screamed, the oxygen began to disappear from the room; everytime she felt betrayed by him, it was like he could fall deep down the ground and she would have been happy about it. If only she could see the way he looked at her, she would have felt his pain like it was her own. But she couldn’t. << I made a mistake. >> he admitted, for the first time, out loud. He looked her in the eyes, glossy and full of suffering. She almost felt bad for him. << I made a mistake and now she’s gonna be taken away from me. >>
<< How does it make you feel, Dean? >> she asked, writing some notes on a piece of paper.
He moistened his lips, while the fingers were slipping away from the knees, red of bood.
<< Lost. Broken. Alone. >> he answered. << Well, sort of. Sam, he’s my brother, is always in the motel’s room with me, annoying me. >> he corrected himself, joking. << He doesn’t want to leave me alone. He’s afraid I could do something bad or dumb again. >>
She nodded.
<< What did you do, Dean? What was this mistake you’re talking about? >>
Dean shrugged, passing a hand on his forehead, clenching his jaw. He didn’t want to relive that night, the night in which his whole life fell apart. The never-ending night. That was its name. Sam called like that, of course: he was the genius in the family.
<< No. I can’t. >> he said, with rough and low voice.
<< Dean, the audience is tomorrow. I have to know, so I can help you. >> she stated, raising from the couch as he got up.
<< You don’t know me, Doc. You’re not gonna save me. >>
She locked her eyes in him and, suddenly, the realization hit her.
<< You don’t think you deserve to be saved. >> she whispered.
Dean swallowed, staring at the parquet.
<< A friend of mine said the same, once. I guess it could be true, after all. The only truth that people seem to believe in. >>
Then, he opened the door and walked away.
 He sat down next to her, a book in his hands. She placed herself better under the sheets, her blonde hair scattered on the pink pillow. He opened the book, echanging a sympathy glance with her. She chuckled, highlighting her dimples.
<< Shh, don’t wake your mom or she’s gonna be very angry at me. >> Dean said, smiling. She put her hands on her mouth, nodding. << Which story do you prefer, tonight, Princess? >>
<< Alice’s. >> she answered, with her acute voice.
<< Why do you like it so much, baby? >>
<< You called me like your car, daddy! >> she laughed. << I don’t now… she’s little, but she’s strong. >>
<< You wanna be strong like her? >>
She shrugged.
<< Maybe. One day. You’ll teach me, right? >>
<< As sure as hell, I will. Starting tomorrow. I’m gonna make you a Led Zeppelin’s tape with all my favourite songs of them. >>
<< Great! Mom hates them. I’m gonna listen to them, when she gets home. >>
<< You look like an angel, but you’re the devil in disguise, Princess. >> She smiled.
<< Now read! >>
<< Don’t be so bossy. I’m gonna read it just for five minutes, okay? Then you’re going to sleep. >>
She agreed, unhappy.
<< Okay. >>
 He entered in the office. She didn’t expect to see him, so he wasn’t surprised when she almost lose her temper, when she looked at him. In his head, while she was walking towards him, he saw a past scene in rallenty: the flower’s crown on her head, the bottle of beer that was falling from her hand, her short dress, her bare feet on the grass, her ravenous eyes. The best night of his life. He wished he could come back to that: nine years from now.
<< What are you doing here, Dean? >> she asked, almost as a murmur, but angrily.
<< I just wanna talk to you, Y/N. >>
<< No. I’m working, Dean. >>
<< You’re always working, Y/N. Last time you didn’t, it was the last day of University. Remember? We had so much fun. >> he whispered in her ear, making her shiver, closing her eyes, but she didn’t fall for that trick.
<< I’m a lawyer, I can’t afford distractions. >>
<< I’ve always been your distraction, sweetheart. >> he replied, while his fingertips were laying on her back, caressing her skin under the blouse.
The minute later, they were closed in the bathroom, his lips all over her body, his fingertips not just on her back and her hands between his hair. Last time he felt her so close to him, not just body but soul too, they were in Chicago, some months before, while their daughter was with his best friend. The good times that now were gone, because of a stupid mistake. His wife hated the white lies, the ones you tell to protect the people you love. But, more of her, his daughter hated them.
 << Uncle Cas? >> she called.
<< He’s coming home, Princess. >> Dean said, taking her hand and kneeling in front of her.
Her eyes instantly filled with tears.
<< Is he dead? >>
Dean shaked his head, drying her tears with a thumb on her cheek.
<< No, baby, he’s returning to his dad. He’s sick and he needs uncle Cas. >>
She breathed out relieved.
<< He did the right thing. If you’d call me, I’d run to you. >>
He hugged her, holding her tight.
<< You’re my beautiful princess, Celeste. I’d kill whoever tried to hurt you. >>
She closed her eyes, laying her head on his shoulder.
<< Auntie Charlie was a pretty girl, daddy. Will I be pretty like her? >>
Dean nodded, with a knot in his throat. Celeste was Charlie’s real name and he gave it to his daughter when she died. She was like a sister, to him. She was the best part of him and when she died, that part died with her too.
<< You’ll be even prettier, because a part of her is with you. >>
Like she was always with him.
 She went out from the bathroom, trying to adjust her clothes, while he was putting on his belt again. She put her hair in a ponytail and that made him laugh a bit.
<< What’s so funny? >> << You always do that when you’re uncomfortable. Are you uncomfortable, because you’re divorcing from the man you still love? >>
She took a deep breath, then she turned around to face him.
<< Guess who called me this morning. >>
Dean rolled his eyes.
<< And she said…? >> << She said that you basically ran away from the office. You’re such a bad liar, Dean. If you don’t care about this family anymore, why do you put so much effort in this? Just let go. We’ll be fine. >>
The rage grew up in his stomach. They just proved the world wrong, after what they just did in the bathroom, but she still wanted to hide behind a lie? She was too overprotective. She didn’t want to get hurt and she wanted to keep Celeste safe, away from him and he got it, but hell, she couldn’t just blame him for everything!
<< We’ll be fine? Are you kidding me, Y/N? >> he asked. She tried to talk, but he raised his voice. << I’ve protected you from a decade, Y/N. Don’t say that I don’t love my family, because, someone help me, every damn step I made in these years, I made them for you and Celeste! After I found out… >>
<< Yes! That’s right! That’s the lie you kept telling you and me, that comes out again. You didn’t just find out, Dean. You did it. >> she replied and he noticed that her eyes were tired, circled in red. She was exhausted. << You did it. She meant something to me. >>
He gulped.
<< She meant something to me too. >>
<< You knew I loved her… >> she stopped, holding back the tears, a hand in front of her nose, trying not to cry. << You, Cas and Sam, you did that. I can’t just forgive you, like nothing ever happened. She won’t. >>
<< You’re on her side, even if you’re still in love with me. >>
Her bottom lip trembled, but she nodded.
<< She comes first. You’ve always said that. >>
<< She doesn’t understand, Y/N. Make me talk to her and she will. >> << No. You can’t see her before the audience. She would change her statement. >>
Dean closed his eyes, finally she came clean to him.
<< You don’t want her to change her statement, don’t you? >>
<< I want justice for her. >> she whispered, pointing a finger at him. << And even if I don’t want you in jail, I sure as hell want you miles away from me and Celeste. >>
Dean held her wrist, looking her in the eyes.
<< I’m not a murderer, Y/N. >>
Her gaze was full of hatred, when she spoke.
<< Maybe not, but you covered the murder and you kept it hidden from me. >>
<< You couldn’t handle. >> << You didn’t give me the chance to try. >> she replied, then she wriggled and he remained alone in the alley, his heart falling in his stomach.
 Dean went as soon as Cas called him. Something bad had happened to Charlie and he had to run to her. Sam was already there, according to Cas, his best friend. When he arrived, it was very late. He entered in the garage and he saw Cas’ face, in pain, his clenched jaw and Sam’s eyes circled in red.
<< Where’s Charlie? >> he asked, feeling that his voice was about to crack. A bad feeling was killing him on the inside. He knew that she was gone. He knew it, yet he was hoping that it was just his fantasy.
Castiel pointed a finger at the silhouette of a corpse on the ground, covered by a white blanket. Dean closed his eyes, not able to kneel next to her, to look at her.
<< Dean, we aren’t supposed to be here. >> Sam spoke. << She was killed by the men of Cas’ uncle, while she was undercover. We can’t talk. They found out that she was police, so they killed her. If they’d know that we… >>
<< I get it, Sam. >> Dean said, remaining calm, too much for a man who already lost his best friend, his almost sister. << We’ll handle this. Y/N mustn’t know. >>
Cas crossed his arms.
<< Why? >>
<< She loves… I mean, she loved Charlie so much. She can’t know that a damn criminal killed her. We’ll make up an excuse, like a stroke or a disease. >> << Dean, sooner or later, she’ll find out. >> Sam replied.
<< She’s my wife, so I get to decide for her. She will not know. Try to tell her and I swear, I’m gonna kill you both. >> Dean threatened. They nodded. << Good. Now, let’s get to work. >>
 Dean closed his eyes, in front of the court. He was about to enter in a room, to listen to a judge who didn’t know anything about his relationship with his wife nor his daughter, but he would have done what the lawyers wanted and he would have taken his daughter away from him. He went to the doctress to learn how to get his family back, but it didn’t help. Even if he tried to say to his wife how he felt, it didn’t work. Y/N found out about Charlie after she heard a phone call between Cas and his dying father. His uncle was in jail by now and he sold out the men who killed Charlie, in order to get released. Y/N, though, questioned their whole marriage, because if he lied to her about something so important, maybe he could have lied about more. He confessed that he knew, but it was the only big lie he told her, he sweared. But that wasn’t the only thing that went worse that night: Celeste heard them and she, that had this sort of “myth” about her beloved aunt Charlie, got so angry, she yelled at Dean. She understood that he lied to her mom and that he lied about Charlie. That was the moment in which his heart fell into pieces.
Y/N arrived with her black tailleur, holding Celeste’s hand. He got closer, while Sam was arriving too. Y/N tried to avoid him, but he stood in front of them.
<< Hey, how are you? >> he asked, trying to fake a smile.
<< Let us walk, Dean. >> Y/N replied.
<< Can I talk to Celeste for one minute? >>
<< No. >>
<< Oh, come on, Y/N! You’re about to take her away from me forever, can I just talk to her for five minutes? >>
She snorted, then she looked at her daughter. Celeste nodded.  
<< I’ll give you two minutes. >>
<< Fine. >> Dean said, then she went away and he kneeled down, in order to face his daughter. << Hey Princess, how are you? >>
<< Good. >> she answered, without looking at him.
<< Why are you not looking at me, Celeste? >>
She looked at the ground, her hands behind her back.
<< Because I don’t want to cry. >>
Dean breathed out, sad.
<< Listen, baby, you know I will always love you, right? I will love you even if the world would crumble down. If this is what your mother wants, I will find another apartment, I will see you when I will be allowed to. I will, I swear to you, that I will. But I don’t think that this is what she desires. She’s just very angry at me. >>
<< Mom warned me. You’re not gonna make me change my mind or hers. >> Celelste replied, looking at him fiercely. He really was his daughter, after all: determined, strong.
<< You really are like me, don’t you? >> he asked, smiling. She shrugged. But, if she was like him, she wanted honesty. She wanted to feel loved, to open up. She wanted the painful truth. << I’ll give you the speech, Celeste. I’m sorry. I already told your mom a hundred times, but it wasn’t needed. I apologize to you from the bottom of my heart, because Charlie was important to you too and I should have told you about her. I should have told you now, when you’re grown and you can understand things better. >> Dean said, giving her the heartfelt apology she deserved and her eyes became glossy and red. << The night we met for the first time, the night you were born, I swore to protect you from this world, because I’m you father and that’s my job. And I will always do it, no matter what. But if you don’t talk to your mom today, I won’t be able to do it properly. I will see you just sometimes and I will have to miss you every damn day. I don’t know if your mom would change her mind, I don’t know if you still love me, maybe I’m just so selfish, but I feel good only when I’m with you. >> he continued and Celeste’s cheeks were wet of tears. Dean’s voice cracked at the end, but he wanted to let her know everything. << And when I’m without you, it’s like my heart is six feet under the ground. That’s how it would feel, if I’d no longer be your dad. >>
Celeste sobbed and then, she hugged him. She hugged him so tight, her knuckles went white. The tears were burning behind his eyes, but feeling so close to her, made him feel already better.
<< Celeste? >> Y/N called. << Honey, what’s wrong? Dean, what did you do? >> she asked, scared.
<< Don’t do it! >> Celeste screamed. << I love you, dad. Don’t do it, mom! I don’t want him to go away! >>
Y/N exhaled, thinking about what to do. They had to enter in that room, to talk about the case. She couldn’t just blow it.
<< Can I talk to you for a second, Dean? >> she asked.
He dried his tears with a thumb, leaving his daughter with Sam. He smiled at her, while he was dissolving the embrace. He reached his wife, who was biting her bottom lip, confused.
<< You lied to me, Dean. I know that you wanted to protect me and Celeste, I know that Cas is trying to handle the situation with his family, but I’m scared. I’m scared that he could find you and then us and… >>
<< You think that pushing me away would help? >> Dean asked, in disbelief.
She breathed out, looking anywhere but him.
<< I thought it could be easier for you. If you thought I hated you, you could run away without looking back. >>
Dean closed his eyes, passing a hand on his face.
<< You were protecting me. >>
She nodded.
<< I tried. >>
<< That’s why we got laid in that bathroom, yesterday. I was right. You never stopped loving me. >>
She nodded, again.
<< You’re so cheesy, Dean. Like in the letters you wrote me during college to ask me out. >> << Well, tell me they didn’t work. >> he said, with a smirk. She chuckled.
<< They worked, when you bought the tickets for a certain concert you remember. >>
<< Hell yes, it was the first time we… >> he was saying, but then, she cupped his cheeks in her hands and kissed him, leaving him breathless. Celeste shouted and Sam laughed, behind Dean. << …kissed. >> he finished, when she left him to breathe.
<< I’m fucking in love with you, Dean Winchester. >>
He smiled, happy.
<< Me too, baby. >> he decide to call her like his car, because his daughter didn’t love that nickname very much, but she seemed to. << Me too. >>  
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