#P. 129
starsapphire · 9 months
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like this is gay right. this is gay?
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p-isforpoetry · 1 year
Sonnet 129 by William Shakespeare (read by Ralph Fiennes)
Th' expense of spirit in a waste of shame Is lust in action; and till action, lust Is perjured, murd'rous, bloody, full of blame, Savage, extreme, rude, cruel, not to trust,
Enjoyed no sooner but despisèd straight, Past reason hunted; and, no sooner had Past reason hated as a swallowed bait On purpose laid to make the taker mad;
Mad in pursuit and in possession so, Had, having, and in quest to have, extreme; A bliss in proof and proved, a very woe; Before, a joy proposed; behind, a dream.
   All this the world well knows; yet none knows well    To shun the heaven that leads men to this hell.
Source: When Love Speaks - The Sonnets
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commetombeunarbre · 8 months
elke vorm van mentale 'excitatie' tot het niets wil reduceren - en daarmee ook elke vorm van praktische, concrete en dus politieke 'excitatie' vernietigt. ... In die zin kunnnen we stellen dat het tijdperk waarin we leven narcokapitalistisch is: het medicijnkastje biedt ons vandaag ook een hele voorraad aan begrippen, die van elke mogelijke vorm van politiek een politiek van het onmogelijke maken. Om een dynamiek terug te vinden die ons in staat stelt de vluchtlijnen van een 'excitatie' te volgen moeten we een einde maken aan deze begrippen, of, beter nog, aan het idee dat ze slechts begrippen zijn en geen boodschappers van wat we eufemiserende krachten kunnen noeme. ... , om zo eindelijk het besef te herwinnen van de grenzeloosheid die elke vorm vna denken zou moeten aandrijven.
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kiganokija · 2 years
</p><br>https://kiganokija.tumblr.com/post/692101415684997120/un-travail-musculaire-permettre-de-d%C3%A9couvrir, https://velebasacice.tumblr.com/post/692101490630967296/la-voie-ferr%C3%A9e-pdf-download-link-vkccc7jkeu, https://lopohaxoqic.tumblr.com/post/692102094483849216/httpsvelebasacicetumblrcompost69210088018878, https://lopohaxoqic.tumblr.com/post/692102094483849216/httpsvelebasacicetumblrcompost69210088018878, https://lopohaxoqic.tumblr.com/post/692102094483849216/httpsvelebasacicetumblrcompost69210088018878.
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venmondiese · 3 months
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Stress Relieving Purposes
For @targaryen-dynasty sleepover challenge, again thank you so much!!
Trope is friends with benefits and the AU is College AU. The prompts are 23: “this is a one time thing” and 129: “i can’t hold back anymore”
Summary: Exam week is probably one of the worst things humankind has to experience in college, so you have a brilliant idea for you and your bestfriend; get laid. For that, a study group might help you get closer to those you wanna get with. but fate is always a funny thing
✧Pairing: Modern!Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader ✧Warnings: MDNI 18+, p in v sex, masturbation (m), (kind of?) sex video, car sex, praising kink, degradation kink, dom/sub undertones, oral sex (m receiving), ✧Word Count: 10.5k ✧taglist: @qyburnsghost ✧˖°⊹♡ @cupidelocke ⋆⁺₊⋆ ✧Note: I am so happy and excited, because i loved the trope, au and prompt given to me. I spent days thinking how to make it perfect (i wrote like 4 versions of this, lol) and i am proud of the results. Yes, I went insane and wrote exactly 10529 words, but hey, who is counting?
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Aemond Targaryen was always an unconventional man. Even so, an unconventional friend. Maybe you spoke too much, always an extrovert, and he was more reserved. You were always admired by many, and he was always repealing the simps. 
“Why didn’t you tell me about Aegon’s party?” You ask almost offended by him, as she comes to sit by his side. He rolls his eye as he turns to look at you. 
“I thought you were in Epistemology by now”
“I was” you say to him “But do I care? no. I care more for why you didn’t tell me, Cregan Stark was there” You say to him and patting his shoulder as if wanting him to realise the seriousness of the situation. “Cregan Stark!” You repeat in a low tone.
“Maybe that’s why I didn’t tell you...” he says trying to refocus on the paper in front of him, both hands in his temple as he tries to ignore you, yet you appear in his good eye peripheral view. 
“Come on, why didn’t you invite me? I thought we were friends” you say looking at him like a wet puppy.
“Do not start-”
“I’ll ask Aegon to do another” you say quickly “He’ll let me go”
“He’ll be the one to try to get in your pants” Aemond says, not looking at you. “And you need someone to present to you to Jace, so he can present Cregan to you. Aegon will do no best than to embarrass you”
You hum, as he knows your intentions well. He was your best friend since the start of college, and you two… worked together. He had your back, and you had his; he heard you ramble about your weekly crush and you heard about the books he read. Of course a friendship between you both was good, as you have managed to get along and become close. Yet, Aemond could not deny the sexual tension sometimes. 
As if you didn’t catch him looking at your boobs. As if he didn’t catch you looking at his body in the gym.
“So go with me to convince him” you beg him. 
“I am not in mood for parties”
“Because of Alys?” She asks, sighing and rolling her eyes “Get over her, it’s like the twentieth time you two broke up.” 
“Seventh time, and it’s not that” he corrects you, turning his head to look at you, and you roll your eyes.
“It is that, I know you” You say looking at him and she takes his right hand and she inspects it “Aha!” You turned his hand to his face “The body of the crime. You have been picking your fingernails” You expose him so easily.
“It was one time, and it is because I have a damn exam Monday that my brain cannot seem to want to study” He says, sighing, and showing you the papers. He looks stressed, like the little eye bags under his eyes tell you enough. 
You look at him, and you press your lips together. “Then you need a distraction, like.. Going to a party?”
“Absolutely not” he says, rolling his eyes. “University is for study. Not for parties” He says, looking at you almost scolding you.
“Come on, what did you do when you needed to relieve stress from the last exam season?”
“Alys” he responds with a smirk, which makes you gag. “And things with her that you don’t wanna know.”
“First of all, ew” You say looking at him as you are basically seated on the weirdest position by his side, your elbow resting on the table as you are turned to him, keeping the conversation alive. “Second of all, Alys? Really? You could go to a party and..”
“No parties”
You remain silent a bit as he starts to refocus his attention on his papers, but you can’t just keep quiet, it seems.
“Then get laid”
“I swear to the gods-”
“But think about it!” You say, and you can hear the ´shhh´somewhere in the library, so you sigh “Think about it” You repeat almost in a whisper “Let’s say, I present to you… Floris Baratheon, or anyone else from my friend group. You present me Cregan Stark, and we both get laid. You then, wake up tomorrow with a renewed energy to study to your political philosophy exam, and you get a perfect score as you always did… before her”
“Do you truly think getting laid will help me study? You are so delusional” He shakes his head as he searches for his last essay to have something to study.
“Ouch, rude.” You state “But it will help. She broke your heart!” Your whisper is loud, as if scolding him. “And you are miserable for it, if you don’t believe me, ask your fingers; if they are not too busy bleeding” You add sarcastically. 
He squints his eyes at you, and he sighs. You were insufferable, in more than one way. But most of the time, you were right. In an odd and annoying way, you were right. He wasn’t concentrating, at all. No matter how hard he forced himself, it wasn’t working.
“It is clouding your mind. You have to get rid of the problem by root; you either let your frustrations go away, or we just gonna have to kill Alys” You say shrugging.
“Absolutely not.” He says and he rolls his eyes.
He looks at how you really want this, and he sighs. Maybe he could do something that could benefit you both. 
“Maybe I could invite them to our study session” He says, almost instantly regretting his choice, but you seem too excited to care.
“Oh… That’s brilliant!” You say excited and you lean to kiss his cheek in excitement, and you lean back. 
“I’ll invite Jace, and tell him to bring his friend group. The northerner will be there” He added.
“That is brilliant, truly brilliant” You repeat, and he has to roll his eye at how amazed you seem by his ideas. “We get to study, and then get laid.”
“It’s a study group, not an orgy” He clarifies.
“I know, imbecile. I mean, study… and then after, Cregan and I go to your room…”
“ABSOLUTELY NOT” he clarifies very quickly, and someone also shushes him. “It's going to be in Aegon’s house. I am not risking my own home for people to come, besides, Vhagar hates visits” 
“Whatever, it is so exciting!” You say clapping happily as he collects all his papers and books, and the same student at your side tries to shush you again. “I’ll invite Floris and you Cregan”
“You just want to get laid” Aemond says in a sigh. 
“You do too” You say, smirking. “For stress relieving purposes”
The thing that Aemond finds annoying, apart from your obnoxious talking, is how indecisive you were sometimes. You would worry and obsess over the smallest details out of control. And it probably bothered him because he was the same.
Much hours later, he was sitting on your bed, as he checked his phone. The photo of him and Alys was still one of the last things in his gallery, and he often looked at it, looking at her smile, at her eyes, and how her hand rested on his leather jacket. He looked happy; as happy as Aemond can look. She has her typical red lipstick, and her hands with the perfect manicure that he liked when scratched his hair. 
He sighs, and he bites his lip without knowing what to feel, he hates her, he misses her. But he knows it is for the best to let her go.
“Do not tell me you are looking at her photos” You say on the other side of your dorm, as you apply the last parts of your makeup.
“Can’t I miss her?” He asks you.
“You can, and you will. She was your girlfriend.” The little shrug and how you look away knows you are not teasing him as usual. “You weren’t on the same page”
“How can someone… old can be so… indecisive and not know what they want?”
“Old but immature” You say, rolling your eyes. “I am not one to hate women, you know it is not my style, but I swear, that woman..:”
“I know” He says, turning off his phone, and he turns his head to look at you. “Do you think I'm over that so fast?" he sighs, feeling a little bit of relief as she is serious about the matter. Even if she always teased, she was a good listener when needed. "I don't know what is wrong with me. I miss her, and every time I see a woman I compare them to her" he mutters rubbing his eyes a bit.
“I have been there” You say as you keep applying some blush on your cheek, looking at yourself in the mirror as you keep the conversation flowing. “It is not the end of the world. It sounds mean, but… Nobody died, the world didn’t explode…”
“I know” he murmurs, and he sighs. “But I miss her” he insists.
“Oh, yeah” You roll your eyes as he clearly didn’t hear anything you said at all, turning your head to face him. You smirk almost mischievously as your eyebrows raise a bit “Poor Aemond, missing his sugar mommy”
“She was not my sugar mommy”
“She was the grandma to your Aaron Taylor Joy. The Elvis to your Pricilla, the… Woody Allen to your… I don’t know the name of his stepdaughter.”
Aemond has to laugh at that, because as ridiculous you were, you always made him laugh with your stupid things. It makes him feel better, because he is always serious, and you are so unserious. 
“Shut up” he says laughing a bit, and he sighs, feeling slightly better. 
“Point is, she is much older and you are much… inexperienced in the field.” You say with a nod “And you are far better not having to live up to her expectations” His hum is the only thing he does, and at least you know he heard you.
“I thought you liked her. When we were together you always were friendly, sharing makeup and stuff” He murmurs. 
“I am always going to be a friend of your girlfriends, and a hater when they are your exes.”
You stand up after finishing your makeup, trying to look tidy and clean before the mirror, and you accommodate your hair so it looks fine. It is a bit endearing how you try to look as best as possible, as you reach for perfume before applying it from head to toe. 
You look amazing, he has to admit. You wear a green skirt with a black tie front top, very revealing in his opinion, but it was still cute. You even took the time to search for a headband to match it all, which made him chuckle a bit. Even your makeup noted the effort you put into this outfit, and he knew very well what you wanted; to get laid.
“So, I thought that maybe the heels were too much, but these boots are really..”
“We are just going over to study… Wait, are you ovulating?” He asks, looking at the date on his phone, and he looks at you.
“Maybe? Are you asking me that because I wanna get laid?” You say unsure why he asks. “Shut up” you murmur amused at the idea.
He knows you are, for sure. He wasn’t too sure what the effect of ovulation was on women, but for some reason, they were always hotter in those days. At least, you were right now; your figure was well defined, he could even swear your breasts were rounder and firmer. His fingers tap his own thigh as he thinks deep about it, as you ramble about your outfit.
“I can see your ass” He says, looking at you.
“That’s the whole point” You add moving your top a little lower, so your boobs are practically spilling out. “To make him drool for me”
“In a study group…”
“If I like a man, I wanna see him hard just from the sight of me” You clarify as you accommodate your hair.
Aemond is not listening to you. You move slightly as you look in the mirror, and the way you lean to make sure your tits look decent, tempting but not obscene. He has a good view of it, your tits are definitely different. Is it because you are ovulating? 
Because you look absolutely gorgeous, showing skin yet it isn’t so indecent. Suggestive? Yes. But it doesn’t make you look bad. It is reasonable. Why do you look so good, though?
“I think I know what is missing” You say as you walk to search for one of your favourite earrings. 
As you lean to grab your earring, you quickly put them on and you nod at yourself; you look good. You like it, you feel confident enough to go to a man and flirt.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You ask, feeling Aemond’s eyes bore into your skin, and you look at his reflection in the mirror, and he looks back at you.
“Like what?” He asks in a raspy tone as he accommodates in the bed, sitting with open legs as he plays with his phone in his hands. 
“I don’t know” you shrug. “Is it so bad?”
“Horribly bad” he says, trying to tease you but it sounds strangled and you nod satisfied. 
As you finish some touches on your outfit, you look at him and nod, “ I am satisfied with that”
He hums, using his phone once again and seeing the image of Alys that was still there when he unlocked his own phone. She was radiant, of course. She was always so… Convincing. But for now, at least, it isn't her who he lusts after. It feels a bit like a betrayal, even if he wasn’t hers and she wasn’t his anymore. Yet… he does not feel guilty.
“One would say that at the seventh time you would have learned something” You say teasingly, and you are quick to move and grab his phone from your hands. “To delete the pictures”
“Give it back” he says trying to grab his phone, quickly standing up and moving his hands, following yours as you try to dodge his attempts. “It isn’t funny”
“It only hurts you, you look like a wet puppy-”
“I don’t want to let her go”
“You must” you insist and he has both arms at the side of your waist, his hands trying to grab his phone behind your back. “Let me delete them. You clearly can’t”
“You need it”
“It is the only thing I have left” He insists, a bit defeated by it all, he was stubborn (As you also were)
“Trust me” you say softly, looking at him with your kind eyes. Kinder than his ever were. “Trust me” you repeat looking at him.
He sighs, his body against yours and his arms grabbing your wrists. He lets go of his firm grip, but he doesn’t move. He looks at you, with deep eyes and lost in thought. Maybe too close, for your opinion, since his chest practically presses against yours and his breath hits your own face.
“I don’t want to be here when it happens” he murmurs.
“Wait in the car then” you say looking at him. “I’ll delete most of them. Won’t take me more than five minutes” 
“Don’t inscribe me in a essosi gay porn site or something, my mum would kill me if she ever-” he says looking at her with slight worry.
“Go” you insist, taking his phone in his hands.
His lockscreen was a picture of Vhagar, the little grumpy thing frowning as much as a cat can, even if it is adorable it was still just a quick change from the Alys wallpaper. 
Aemond is probably the most organised person in your friend group,so when you enter his gallery you see all the carpets with photos. 
Alys pops up first, as her name started with the first letter in the alphabet. You look at the photo in the cover of the file, and you roll your eyes at the photo. You press the file and it is all photos of her, some with him, some alone. You press one, of where he seems all smiles and she kisses his cheek, and then you select all of those and you sigh.
It was even hard for you, it felt a bit wrong. But you just press delete all the files, and then all 148 photos and videos are gone. You watch the album disappear and back the rest of the albums. 
There was one of you. 
You frown a bit confused, and there are a lot of moments with you that he organised. You can see some of the photos of the plates you eat together and you posing at the background, ruining his photos (as you like to call it)
There are some selfies, and some photos of you, totally unaware of his doing, you have to giggle a bit, because probably half of them you looked terribly, but you knew he was a gentleman enough to delete those ones
And there is the video.
You do not recognise what it could be at first, the photo of the preview was oddly just the ceiling and the top of his silver hair. You frown confused, because it was mildly recent and you do not remember a video. Aemond wasn’t a fan of videos either, he preferred the immortality of photos. 
You hesitantly press it, and the video starts as Aemond sat on his couch. Was it his apartment? Yes. By his clothes, you knew that he came right after the gym. He was wearing that tight black shirt and his sweatpants. 
“Tis’ stupid” he murmurs as he sits, and he sighs. You see how he accommodates the camera on the coffee table in front of the couch, and he takes a bit to get it at the right angle. You don’t understand much, as the angle only shows his lower body part, from his torso to his knees. 
Once you understand, he is already lowering his sweatpants to his knees, and he sighs. You freeze in place as his very prominent erection comes to light, almost jumping once free from his pants, and he is quick to grab it with his hands, just taunting it softly.
“I’m really horny” he says and he chuckles a bit, embarrassed, you could tell. He was a bit awkward as he presented his erection to the camera. “For you, really…” He admits in a low murmur. 
You really don’t see what happens with his hand off camera, but he then starts to slowly caress his erection. That man, your best friend. And you are paralysed looking at that. As he whimpers and masturbates for a camera, his pale skin from his thighs and abdomen showing, and you could see the ring with dragon scales that he never takes off. 
“That’s it” he murmurs in a low tone, almost muffled by the microphone as he leans back on the sofa, showing you more of his chest and part of his chin, as he licks his lips. His hands stroke his cock softly, as you can see his right hand goes down to fondle his balls, as the palm of his left hand moves to the tip of his dick and starts moving around it.
It’s… weird, to say the least. You never saw, or thought about him this way. Okay. Scratch that. You never had entertained the idea of him doing this. The idea that Aemond… could be hot. Of course you knew he was hot, but it was different seeing him masturbate as he whimpers and fucks his hand for a camera. And it was… strange. The pleasure accumulating on your belly as you heard him curse. It felt… betraying. Somehow. 
“Fuck, Alys-”
You instantly pause the video at that. The name of her is like a bucket of cold water thrown at you, and you snap back into reality. You can feel your cheeks red, and embarrassment floods your senses. Almost trembling, you close all applications and then sigh. 
He must have organised it wrongly. You are sure of that. Maybe he meant to delete it? And accidentally ended on your carpet? Weird, but somehow ended there. He must have not meant it, of course… It wasn’t like a tribute to you, probably meant for Alys, since he obviously moaned her name and talked to the camera as if putting on a show. 
Ew. Alys really managed to convince the reserved Aemond Targaryen to do this? You are actually quite intrigued and a bit impressed by her. 
Once you enter the car, Aemond is resting his head back on his seat, and he barely opens his eyes to look at you, barely turning his head to watch you.
“I successfully did the task. And now you joined the Night’s Watch, so don’t worry about that”
“Ha ha” he says, taking his phone back, without more suspicion he just puts it in his pocket. You blink a bit looking at his arms and his lap, and you turn your head to the road.
You two stand in silence as the short drive to Aegon’s apartment, and since Aemond gets brother’s privileges, he totally uses Aegon’s parking spot.
“And his car?” You ask, confused as he parks in the place that clearly has an ‘22F’ and not the one for visits.
“You think that he still has a car? He probably already crashed it while drunk” 
“To be fair, I didn’t know what I expected” you shrugged “And I suppose that his career…”
“Yep. He dropped out of Graphic design.” Aemond says without much care, since everyone was used to Aegon just dropping out of college each week. He turned off the engine and looked at you.  “So… Cregan Stark”
“Yes, Cregan Stark” you say, as it is your main goal for tonight. 
“What is your plan?” He asks leaving the keys in his pocket as he turns to look at you still, the car was off but you two stayed there. 
“Well, I go there and I greet him”
“Uh huh…”
“No, no, your nephew. Yeah, so you present me to Jace. And you ask him to present me to Cregan” 
“But… what about the impressions?” He looks at you expectantly “You don’t want to be the weird friend from my best friend’s uncle”
“Well, I can’t just… go there and throw myself at him.”
“Okay” He says resting his hands on his thighs, and he taps them “Pretend I am Cregan”
“That is so lame…”
“We did that when I wanted to talk to Alys, remember that you pretended to be her?” He says with a smirk, and he looks at you with a nod. 
“Look where it got us” You murmur and he rolls his eyes “Fine, okay, I’ll… stay there”
You step out of the car and sigh. Luckily, there was no one else in the parking lot to judge your weird tradition. You play with the door handle and pretend that you are truly going to talk to Cregan Stark.
“Hey” You say sitting and looking at him.
“Hey” Cregan would say. You move your hair a bit and you smile a bit. 
You present yourself and extend your hand, and Cregan would shake it. He was surely very polite, you both knew. So you continue.
“I just saw you from afar and wanted to talk to you” You start saying, as your fingers play with the edge of your skirt as you look at your lap. “Like, outside from the study session, of course…”
“You have to look at him” Aemond murmurs, stepping out of character. 
Right. “You surely have seen me in some of Jace’s parties, and in some classes” You add. 
“Oh, yeah. I remember his Sevenmas party” Cregan would say, and crossing his arms. 
“Yeah! You remember…” Your voice is more light, and you would look at Cregan. “I had a good first impression from you”
“From accidentally throwing Jace’s Sevenmas tree downstairs?” Aemond Cregan would laugh, and you laugh a bit as he leans back on his seat, his hands in his pockets. He is attractive, and you press your thighs together as you accommodate in your seat as well, your body turning to face him even more as your attraction increases.
“It was a bit funny, but it wasn’t… It was a human mistake. I thought it was cute” You say with a thin smile.
“You helped to clean that mess, if I recall” He would point out.
You nod. Even if the real Cregan doesn’t know that, because he was not aware of what happened after he threw it, since he was very much intoxicated and they took him to another room. Aemond and you helped Jace to clean the place. 
“I assure you it was nothing.” You insist “I saw you in the campus another times, and I never had the courage to get closer to you” 
“Oh, why is that?”
“Well… You don’t…” You hesitate to open your feelings, but fuck it. “You don’t seem the type of men that like girls like me”
“Girls like you?”
You nod and smile a bit embarrassed, looking down at your lap. “Well, You are obviously out of my league”
“I wouldn’t say so” His voice hesitates. 
“I would. You are like a superstar in College. I am not.” You shrug a bit, and hum in deep thought. 
“Maybe” Cregan would say “Doesn’t feel like it”
“You surely are after pretty girls, like… Cassandra Baratheon or.. Elinor Massey”
“I am looking at a pretty girl” His hand reaches yours, and you look up. His hand is warm, much bigger than yours and very comforting as he squeezes your a bit. Not Cregan, but Aemond. “What makes you think that I don’t like you?”
You blink, a bit unsure. “I…”
“Because I certainly like you very much” Aemond goes on, smiling very subtly, but it was very alluring to you, and his thumb caressed the back of your hand. “You certainly are a beautiful woman. Who wouldn’t want you?” He asks, leaning a bit closer to you and you look a bit hesitant.
“You must be jesting with me” You add, trying to remain confident, but Aemond was doing his doings. 
“I certainly am not”
“Then I must insist on kissing you” You add reincorporating and also leaning close to him. “It would be a waste if not…” 
Aemond smirks, and his breath hits your face. You knew that he smoked as he waited for you when you deleted his photos, because he smells like cigarettes. You look at his face, his eye looking at your lips and then at your eyes briefly. You both look at each other as your breath and his are practically merging. 
“Isn’t it logical?” You murmur, looking at his eyes, and tauntingly you move your chin closer.
You would kiss him right here and now. You remember the video, how you could see his pretty lips and the whimpers that came out of it. How his big and firm hand caressed his cock, up and down and how his abdomen tightened thanks to it. How his balls seem so full and ready to cum…
 He smirks. “It sounds like it…”
His phone rings. 
You two separated, breaking off the fantasy of it. You sit paralysed in your seat, looking at the other cars parked horrified. 
It was your best friend. Yes,you knew he was hot, you knew he was attractive and you certainly know how perfect his cock is, in more than one way. But we are talking about your Aemond. The one who wiped your tears away and the one who would pass book summaries for classes, and his notes for shared classes when you fell asleep. 
“Aegon wants me to… uh, buy something…” He says, a bit awkward as well, as he doesn’t look at you, but just assumes you are hearing. “So… I’ll go, you can go up and wait there, yeah..”
Once you step out, you would hope for something else, but he just closes the door as you step out and he leaves in his car.
Other times he would give you Aegon’s house keys, for you to enter normally and do whatever you wanted, since you get brother’s best friend privileges. And Aegon never denied you hanging in his house. 
So that is how you find yourself in the middle of the room with a terrified look as you look at the group of people seated in Aegon's living room.
“Hey, Aemond’s shadow” Aegon teases you as he stands up from the couches, and you look at him, a bit embarrassed since all of Jace friend’s
“M’not his shadow” You say trying to defend your image in front of the group. 
“You definitely are” He says amused “Nothing to be ashamed of, darling”
“Oh, shush” you say hitting his shoulder “Have you started studying, anyways?” You ask him curiously. 
“He told me you wanted to meet Cregan Stark” He whispers close to you, almost too nonchalantly to your taste. 
“What, but… b-but Aegon, you’ll embarrass me!” You whisper in panic, as he drags you along, but he shakes his head.
“Aemond told me all ‘bout it. Don’t worry, you’ll be fucking him before you realise it. I’ll even let you fuck in my bedroom” he whispers in your ear before practically pushing you into the living room. 
You frown a bit disgusted at the idea, and you hit his shoulder again. He could be very charming and fun, but you knew Aegon and his weird fixations. Who knew, maybe he even had a camera in his bedroom and you certainly didn’t want him to see that. 
That reminds you of Aemond’s video. Gods be good, you say as you have to blush a bit at the memory.
“Here she is” Aegon says amused, and you tense your shoulders. Jace greets his uncle and you look at Cregan more shyly than you anticipated.“You sure met this lovely shy flower?”
You cringe at how he presents you, this is exactly why you wanted Aemond to do this job.
“Oh, yeah, yeah  you helped me clean my Sevenmas tree when Cregan threw it downstairs” Jace recognizes you and you nod, giggling.
“Yep, it was me”
“Ugh  that was so embarrassing” Cregan groans and you laugh a bit.
“it wasn’t as terrible as you think” you shrug.
“You just broke the millennial seven pointed star from my great great great… great great great grandfather Jaehaerys” Jace says, mocking him.
“I’m pretty sure you exaggerated the ‘great great great’ grandfather part”
“It is old as fuck” Aegon confirms with a nod.
“You wouldn’t know a relic even if it was in front of you” Sara mocks him. Aegon rolls his eyes as he goes to open the door of his house, since his other cousin, Baela also was invited.
“Oh, this is Sara, my sister” Cregan takes advantage of Aegon’s disappearance and introduces her to you, and you introduce yourself to her with a smile.
“Lovely name” she says smiling to you.
“She is my uncle’s best friend” Jace adds and Sara knows in acknowledgement, she then looks at both and asks.
“Which one, the hot one or the other?”
“The hot one” you respond with a confident nod.
“The other one” Jace contradicts you and you both look at each other blinking.
“Ohhh” Sara says a bit confused, amusedly as she looks between you both.
“Wait, you find Aegon hot?” You ask to Jace with a face frown
“Handsome in comparison” He clarifies making room for his dignity “And you find Aemond hot?”
“In comparison” You reply back with the same words. “He is my best friend”
Once you are all together, you think how silly this is. Studying together, how an awful excuse to get closer to Cregan. Aemond comes in some minutes later, sitting by your side on the couch. He doesn’t talk much as he takes out his books and notes.
“Floris, you came” you say as she was the only stranger in the group, and you make a space between Aemond and you, after all, you were playing cupid too. “Sit here!”
The thing with study groups is that everyone is on a different boat. You didn’t have many complaints, you have the same class but on other days, so you just swallow information as Aemond, Jace, Baela and Cregan are the ones more interested in the concepts since their exam is earlier than yours.
You watch Cregan speak, and how he is a bit wrong in central ideas, which Aemond is quick to point out, but you try to correct him smoothly and without making him feel useless.
At one point, you all agree to give up and ask for a pizza in the break, and after it to keep study (That’s what all study groups say before doing the opposite)
In the break, you can hear how Aegon, Baela, Jace and Sara are in the kitchen. Fighting with Aegon as he makes the call for the pizza, screaming at him how they do not want any pineapple on it. Floris has gone to the bathroom, and Cregan went to the balcony to smoke in peace.
You look helplessly as he leaves, and soon Aemond is talking to you.
“And?” he asks curiously, looking at where Cregan disappeared.
“He hates me” You tell him, looking at him with a sigh “He clearly has no interest in me, I didn’t know what I expected”
“I told you Aegon would fuck thing up” You roll your eyes and cross your arms.
“It is not fucked up” You add, stubbornly. “I still have a secret weapon”
“Showing him your tits doesn’t qualify as a secret weapon”
You hum in annoyance and decide to subtly change the subject “And Floris?” 
“Too… perfect” He murmurs, not looking at you “I should go back to her.”
You look at him incredulously and hit his chest “Too perfect?” You ask with a snark “Just… hook up. She wants to” You shrug and pat his back
“Fine. I’ll hook up with her. Do not ask for a ride, because I’ll be busy” 
“Hopefully, I will too” You say, excited at the idea “I'll be with him. Can you handle me a fag?” You ask.
“You don’t smoke” He says incredulously at the idea that you would fake smoking for a man.
“Ugh, fine, I’ll have to ask Cregan, how bad” you say mockingly as you stand up with a smile and walk to the balcony to open it.
Cregan is there and he turns to look at you. He acknowledges you with a nod, and you smile shyly as you close the sliding door.
“Hey. Care to share with a poor lady?” You say
He chuckles and handles you the cigarette, now minding to look at you as he leans on the balcony to look below at the ground. You put the cigarette in your mouth and before you can cough, you throw the air out. A pathetic attempt, but Cregan was not watching you anyways.
“I thought.. I thought you went to Winterfell’s Uni” you say looking at him, leaning on the balcony too as you pass the fag back to him. “Since, well, your family basically founded the institution”
“Oh, yeah, yeah” He says in a raspy tone as he scratches his beard a bit, crossing arms as he leans against the balcony to face inside of the flat, watching how Floris comes back from the bathroom. “But, Jace did two semesters there, and so as his best mate, it’s my turn to do the semesters… here” Cregan says with a nod.
“Oooh, how fancy” You say without really knowing what to say. With Aemond it had been easier, you just talked to him and flirted with him naturally (Because he was just acting as Crean, no other reason), but with the real Cregan it was awkward. “And… ehm, do you like it here?”
It was painfully and horribly awkward. You were tense, and more than attracted to him, you looked terrified. 
“Yeah, yeah, College is fine, I guess” He shrugs, not really immersed in the talk as he smokes looking at the inside of Aegon’s flat.
“We… We actually share another class” You dare to speak again “Logical thinking, Wednesdays in the morning” you say looking at him with a bright smile. 
“Does he always look at you like that?” He asks, pointing at the living room with his cigarette, before smoking another puff.
You turn your head to look where he pointed out, and you blink a bit. Aemond looks at you as Floris Baratheon is talking to him, she wears a pretty floral yellow dress and her long dark hair is loose. Floris has always been as beautiful as kind, and you know she has been interested in Aemond long enough. Not a crush, you’d say, maybe for a hookup.  
“He is just looking after me” You clarify looking back at Cregan. 
“Hm” he says, the cigarette on his lips, he lets out the smoke.
Cregan either didn’t care about Aemond, or he just ignored him, as he passed his cigarette to you, not looking if you properly smoked it. 
“Thank you, you didn’t have to” You say smiling to him, and you hear how Jace and Aegon talk about drinking some vodka or tequila to ‘suppress the stress in the room’
“It was no problem” He says, with a chuckle looking inside again “You like vodka?”
“A little too strong for me” You say with a laugh.
“Oh” He says looking at you “Well, in the North you can buy one basically in every corner. More when it is Winter”
You blink a bit, and you nod. Did you just fucked up? Because you remember how offended Aemond was when you told him Dragons weren’t that cool. Maybe it was the same for Cregan… You look at him, and he is inside once again, not really minding at you.
“I am sure in the north it is more tasty” You try to save the situation, and you briefly look at where Floris is, but not at the sight of Aemond. “Which is your favourite flav-”
“Do you know Alysanne Blackwood?” He asks suddenly, and your cheeks burn due to that.
“Oh?” You ask confused.
“I do not mean to be rude” He adds, looking at you “You are a lovely lady, but you see.. I am after another girl. Like Jace’s uncle is after you”
“Aegon is not-”
“The other” He says as if it was obvious. “And I have been wanting to get with Alysanne for a long time, do you know about her business with Frey's girlfriend?” 
You blink confused at him, and you shake your head slowly.
“No, not really…”
“Oh, a pity. Jace and I have been dying to know about it, to know if she is single, I mean. And if she is interested in men as she is to women..” From the start of the conversation, this is the most he has talked about. And it didn’t involve you. But his crush who he was after. 
“I am pretty sure that…” You say looking at your hands, a bit nervous “That Oscar Tully must know, he is into gossip and-”
“Thank you” Cregan says smiling to you, before patting your shoulder and leaving you alone at the balcony, as Jace calls his name from inside to decide between vodka or tequila. You remain confused, ashamed and a bit awkward.
You walk inside to spot Floris once again. She has a juice glass on her hand and she is talking to Baela, both sitting on the couch, but you didn’t see Aemond.
“Hey, Flo” You say, patting her shoulder, and she smiles as you join them. “Have you seen Aemond?”
“Aemond?” She asks with a laugh, and she shakes her head “He wasn’t that interested in me, y’know, like I even offered to go to one of Aegon’s rooms, but he wasn’t in the mood.” She shrugs nonchalant, because that was Floris, she never made a deal if things didn’t end up happening. 
“Oh” You say, a bit confused. He said he was going to go with her. “And he didn’t say..?”
“Nope” She shrugs “Maybe Aegon knows”
“If he is not too busy fighting with Jace about the drinks. Thanks” 
As you pull Aegon aside, you can see how Jace and Cregan take out the vodka drink from Aegon’s collection and they offer it to everyone (Which is only the other three girls, but it was a majority)
“No idea. He said he was going to go to the gym, but I don’t think so. He took his cigarettes, so probably smoking”  Aegon shrugs, as he makes himself a drink with tequila (You are very sure he got the measures wrong, because no drink has that much whisky) “Maybe he is in his car, texting Alys like the sad meow meow he claims to be”
You roll your eyes, but you thank him. You leave the apartment, in a different way you thought you would be leaving. Hopefully, with Cregan it was your bet. Now, it was all alone and in search of Aemond.
Once the lift leaves you on the parking floor, you walk a bit to encounter Aemond, his back leaning against the copilot's seat by his car, his phone on his right hand and a cigarette in his mouth. He doesn’t look like someone who was at a party, less someone who seems to be having fun.
“Hey” You say softly, finally speaking in a normal tone after so much noise.
Aemond looks up, frowning to see you in front of him like a wet puppy. “What are you doing here? And Cregan?”
You sigh, and you look at the ground. You tried, so hard. You did all kinds of juggling, for nothing. He wasn’t even interested in you, the whole time. 
“Hey” He says as he throws his cigarette to step on it, and he saves his phone from his pocket, two steps and his arms are all around you, hugging you safely in his chest as his chin is in the top of your head. “It’s okay, it’s okay..” He says soothingly, rubbing your back as if he knew you would cry.
And you normally wouldn’t truly, but his soothing actions and caring nature makes you a bit more vulnerable than usual. Not crying, but you feel more disappointed as he tries to make it better.
“He is an asshole, you will get over him..” He says softly “It’s fine, do not…, I’m sorry” He says rubbing your back
“Tis not your fault” You murmur as you lean your head on his chest.
“I should’ve been the one to pair you with him, not leave Aegon to it” 
“It would have gone horribly anyways.” You say, passing your arms in his waist to hug him back. It was nice to have him close and hugging you. “He is just… Not interested in me” You add, a bit frustrated. “Because I apparently suck and am the most boring girl ever”
“You are not” He says sternly, moving a bit back to look at you, and you look up at him “You don’t say that, you are…” He looks at your face, as if finding words as he tries to remember each tiniest detail of your expression; how your eyes look up to him, how your mouth is like a pout, and how your cheeks are a slight shade of pink. “You are incredibly amazing.”
You look at him for a moment, both of your faces so close and you look at his lips. He was so charmingly handsome, and the way he comforts you makes you feel secure enough to gain some confidence. And for him… he couldn’t bear it any longer, he can’t physically hold back.
The kiss you two share is maybe purely impulsive, or maybe it is the consequence of a long shared tension between you both. But at the moment, neither of you pay any mind to the fact. 
In his arms, he has caged you and his hair briefly falls,touching the sides of your face and some of your cleavage. You squeeze him a bit in your embrace, kissing him back eagerly and it is slow, passionate and something that it was obviously longed for. 
Aemond moves your hair to take it in his hands, his fist grabbing a handful of your hair as he moves his arms away from the hug, now holding you to stay as he deepens the kiss and his (and your) desire grow and grow. 
Maybe you both didn’t want to stop the kiss not to face the consequences, how kissing a friend would potentially ruin your friendship, and nothing will ever be the same. You certainly don’t want the after talk about it afterwards. 
“Mhm” Aemond says as you both separate. “This is much better, Yeah?” He says nuzzling his nose in your cheek as his voice is like soft silk. You were a bit confused of this all, of this weird way of comforting you. “You made sure to look so beautiful for a useless boy, mhm? Cregan Stark cannot call himself a man when he cannot appreciate a pretty girl like you.” He says softly, his hands caressing your back, and going down to the lower of your back, where your naked skin shows. 
You are a bit confused, still leaning to his affections because damn  if they aren’t nice. Your body practically craves it, part as to why you were so looking forward to getting laid. 
“Aemond, we…”
“Shh, I know…” he murmurs as he leans to leave a little kiss on your neck. “But… we had a goal for tonight, hm? Didn’t we?” His tone is soothing, almost hypnotic. “It could do good for us” He adds softly, moving your hair to plant another kiss on your neck.
“We… we are best friends…” You say, a bit worried about ruining it. There was a clear difference between platonic and other feelings, romantic or sexual. And as clear as it came, it was also very thin. 
“This is only a one time thing…” He murmurs, his hand still caressing your back and waist. His head slowly rises from your neck to look at you with his eye full of lust and starving desire. “For stress relieving purposes, yeah?”
You are convinced by his words, because Aemond could always be convincing enough. You knew that, but you also knew that you longed for him. It was as if all the day was aimed up to this moment; the video, the small tease in the car and now this kiss. 
You quickly realise that you want him, as much as he seems to want you. At the same time, you both need it. Alys, Cregan, the exams and all had you on your nerves. It was like walking in eggshells around the other, because your body and mind couldn't take a break after one thing, because in fact, life never waits for you to recover, just goes on and you are expected to go along on or get lost in the way.
“Yeah. yeah, fuck me” You murmur in his lips as now it is you who kisses him back, pressing boldly your body to his, as your hands move away the hair from his face. He still smells like cigarettes, and his scent is masculine, maybe the new cologne that he bought a few weeks ago. The way that he grabs your waist, pulling you closer to him was almost desperate, almost as if he never wanted this to end. He is craving it, he is starved. 
He basically handles your body to the copilot’s seat, pushing it all the way back and lowering the backrest a bit lower, but not too much. He sits on it and practically drags you to his lap as he desires, closing the door behind you. You have to lower your head a bit, but he takes no time in passing his hands under your shirt and all the way in your back.
“You are not wearing a bra” he notes looking at you raising his eyebrows. 
“Doesn’t the building’s parking lot have cameras?” You ask looking out the windows.
“Answer me” He says, looking at you. “You are not wearing a bra”
“No. The shirt is a bit tight on the chest area, it basically is like a push-up..” You murmur looking the other way “Are you sure that there aren’t any…?”
“I don’t care” He murmurs, his arms wrapped around your waist as he pulls you against his chest, as he kisses and nibbles your neck. “I hope they do. We could have a sextape of this moment” He says smiling as he moves lower to your collarbone. 
“Aemond!” You say a bit flustered, and his hot kisses feel so good in your skin, and you move your hands to grab his hair.
“You make me so hard, I cannot hold back anymore” He says desperately, moving your chin to share another kiss between you both. You were as desperate as him, but you were more subtle, he thinks, because he knows you well. 
He knew that you were cautious, following his lead. You might be confused, and a bit hesitant to ruin your friendship with him. But not doing this probably will do, he is sure of that.
He takes your hand and moves it to the bulge on his black pants, and you look down. Gods, even when clothed, his cock was huge. You had seen it in video, but touching it and looking at it, made you drool. You looked at him, and he was staring at your eyes, pink cheeks as he looked flustered.
“You make me so hard” he murmurs, looking at you “So, so hard. Your slutty green skirt, and that shirt that barely hides your tits, Gods woman, you were right, you could make any man drool for you” he says moving the hair out of your face.
“I wanna suck you” you murmur, your eyes hesitant and almost innocently looking at him. Fuck, he could cum just at those words coming out of your mouth.
You accommodate as you can in the floor of the car, a bit awkward and your upper body forcefully is forward, right at the height of his cock. You look up at him as you unbuckle his belt, the little metallic sound makes your pussy more wet, as Aemond looks at you almost amazed. 
He lifts his hips as you lower his pants and underwear, his dick jumping free, standing fully hard and leaking a bit of precum at the tip, which is a little red and it is a bit swollen. It was better in person. 
You lean a bit, as you spit on the head of his cock, and pass your hand through it, as Aemond lets a low “Fuck” as his hips tense and hesitates, as if he was holding back.
“Cregan Stark doesn’t deserve you” He says as your hand goes up and down on his cock, and you look up to him. He likes it, how powerless and innocent you look sitting between his legs and stroking his hard cock. It makes his ball tighten more. “Look at you, a needy girl for a cock” He says moving his hand to caress your cheek, and his thumb caresses your lower lip. 
Your lips  encircle around his thumb, and suckle just a little bit, as your hand keeps stroking his dick, slowly but firmly. Your pussy is aching with need, one of your hands barely touches your pussy over your panties, and you melt a bit as you suckle his thumb.
“I love your cock” You admit, looking at him with needy eyes, and he knows your words are sincere. “Tis better in real life”
Aemond frowns as he tilts his head, confused as to what you mean. “Hm?”
You don’t respond, as you stroke it and move to leave little kitten licks in the top, but he moves your chin away, as you forcefully try to get back to sucking his dick.
“No, tell me what you meant” His voice is like one when scolding a child, but you shake your head, trying to get your way. “Don’t be a brat”
“I saw it before” you say, moving his hand away, and he doesn’t make it go back. “In a video, earlier. It was in your gallery”
He realises what you mean, and he slaps your face slightly with his right hand. It wasn’t harsh, but you realise two things. The power this man had over you, and how much you liked that fact.
“Needy whore” he murmurs, looking at you, and you almost whine as he slaps your hand away from his cock. “It was not meant for you to see”
“It was on the carpet with my name!” You say to him.
“You touched yourself while seeing that video, hm?” He asks, leaning a bit, sitting back as his face is over yours. You almost whine again. “Your pussy was always so needy for my cock, hm? You couldn’t even get closer to Cregan tonight. If he was the one fucking you right now as you slutty brain wanted, you would still be thinking of my cock”
You lick your lips as his eyes are penetrating on yours, and you don't respond to his words. It may be a harsh truth, but how it turned you on.
“Little needy thing you are” He murmurs, leaning back again so he can rest against the back of the seat. He takes his dick on his hands, and smirks mischievously as he slaps it on your check. “Needy for this? This is what you want?” He mocks you as he slaps his cock in your cheek and closer to his mouth.
“Yes” you murmur blushing and trying to lick it as he does so, and he lets a shake breath at your naughty action.
“Open your mouth”
He grabs your hair again in his fist, the same hair he saw you so dedicatedly to make sure it was perfect, and he lowers your head to suck him off. Your throat takes his cock as he bobs your head, moaning breathlessly as he uses your mouth for his pleasure.
And you love it. His hips start to lowly thrust in your mouth, abusing your throat as he looks down at you. You looked so hot, so perfect. He didn’t know how you two didn’t do this before.
“Yeah, just like that” he murmurs fucking your throat before he lets you breathe a bit after so much time without air. You feel as if those minutes were barely seconds as you sucked his dick. “Come here. Take off your panties”
You don’t have to be told twice.
He lifts up the end of your skirt, as he holds your waist a bit. He looks at you, and his thumb moves to clean the drool in your chin. 
“There is… there is a condom behind you” he murmurs and you tilt your head “there are condoms in the glove compartment” 
You frown, but you take one off, and Aemond is the one to put it on himself, while you watch “How optimistic to save condoms there” you say smirking a bit. 
“Oh shut up. Look, it serves for something now” he says smiling as his hand caresses your thigh. “I will prep you” he murmurs, moving his fingers closer to your centre.
“No” You stop his hand and you look at him. He frowns, and of course you want his fingers on your pussy. “I want your cock better”
Now he doesn’t have to be told twice.
You two accommodate as you can, he helps you lower your hips in his cock, and you hold from anywhere you can, really. The sting is pleasurable, and you don’t mind it, not when Aemond has you so wet and aching for this. His hard cock fills you slowly, but it was so pleasurable feeling how it opens you to take it.
“I don’t think this will work” you murmur, and he opens his eye to look at you.
“I cannot… My head hits the ceiling” You say as you have to lean your head to the side to sit properly on his lap. He looks at you, and he chuckles amused. “It is not funny”
“It is!” He argues back, laughing as his hands rest on your thighs, and you slap his chest playfully. “Come here, I’ll manage” he promises.
You sigh amused and you lean forward, pressing your chest to his as he wraps his arms around your waist. You pass your hands to his shoulders and look at his face that is so close to yours.
“Now, it is more comfortable?” 
“Yeah” you say looking at him “But I also feel watched, since I can see the window by our side”
“Gods, woman” he says playfully slapping your ass, which makes you jump “Just ride the dick”
It was your Aemond. You know, because you don’t think you have ever been so comfortable having sex. It was natural, and you didn’t feel judged by him. He was your best friend,
Your hips go up and down on his cock, and your little moans are right in his left ear, delighting him as your pussy stretches as you ride him. Your moans are more like sobs, and his hands go over to your ass to help you lower yourself on his cock.
One of his hands moves to the knot in front of your tie front top, and he grabs one end and once it is open, he moves his mouth to eagerly suck on your tits.
“Aemond” Your whimpers come as he starts nibbling on them, and your moans are more desperate, and your cunt squeezes his cock harder. 
His hands go back to your ass, and he spanks you as you let a little whine in full pleasure. He made sure to stimulate you whenever he can, and he is succeeding.
“You are a needy slut” he murmurs looking up to you, and you nod.
“Yeah, yeah, please…”
“Only for my cock” he adds, and he slaps your ass again, forcing your hip to stay still on his lap “Not Cregan” he adds “Not anyone” 
“Aemond” you whine, winning another spank.
Now his hips start to thrust in you, making you whine and moan again, your body limp as you lay atop of his chest. He always knew you were a pillow princess.
“Who is making you feel this good?” His voice is a grunt, as he moves his hips up and pulls you down to meet his thrusts. 
“You” you moan, and he groans as your pussy feels so warm, and perfect. 
“And who am I?”
You hesitate to answer the philosophical question, unsure what his point was.
“Who am I to you?” He asks again.
“M-My best friend” you answer as he spanks you once again, the slap stings in your ass, moaning as your head rests on his shoulder, moaning right on his ear.
“Yeah, yeah, your best friend is making you cum, hm?” He says smugly, as he moans a bit more.
Again, hearing him moan and whimper on a video is one thing, but in real life…
“Fuck, fuck…” He says as he starts to feel close, his head leaning back in the seat and he turns his head to his left to look at you, your face on his shoulder and your left hand grips on his right shoulder.
“I am going to cum” you say almost submissively, he finds it so hot.
“I know” he says equally without breath.
“You make me feel so good” you say, your breath hits his face as he does the same on yours.
“You do too. So good, so perfect. You are nothing less but” He starts to ramble a bit, and you whimper as you press your forehead on his shoulder, looking down a bit to see how his dick fucks you.
As you cum, moaning loudly, and your forehead almost nuzzling on his shoulder, he feels his balls tightening more and more, slapping your ass a few times more as you whine from it. Your body is almost limp, and you creaming on his cock has to be one of the best feelings ever.
His cum comes hard and intensely, just as Aemond was overall. You wish there wasn’t a condom in between, but it was equally as good. You look at his profile as his mouth opens as he cums, his eyes closing shut as he spends on the condom.
You two fall into silence, still against each other, sweating and tired. The windows were all soggy and you giggle a bit without breath, at how insane this is.
“What are you laughing about?”
“Nothing” you say.
“Little minx” he says smiling as he looks at your face.
“So, are you more clear of mind to study?”
“I am so going to fail that damn exam” he says with a chuckle, as he looks in front of him and moves some wet hairs out of his face. “Going to be thinking of your pussy all test”
You have to chuckle a bit, and you sigh. “Mm. Maybe.” You say with a smirk.
“But… if we go back to my place, and I fuck you properly on my bed, as you read to me all the concepts, I might pass the test”
You sit straight up, and slap his chest playfully. “Fine, but only because you are so stressed” you say mockingly and he nods, as if he was miserable due to it.
“So, so stressed. How lucky I have my best friend to help me with that”
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digi-lov · 4 months
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Takeru/T.K. Takaishi & Hikari Yagami/Kari Kamiya EX6-063, BT14-084+Alt, BT15-084+Alt, BT8-087,+Alt BT8-090+Alt, P-129+Alt, P-127+Alt and BT6-089 Alt Art
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WIP: Sun Wukong's Powers and Skills
I'm currently working on a comprehensive list of Sun Wukong's magic powers. Here is just a taste from chapters two to four.
Bold black = magic power Bold red = acquired non-magic skill Bold green = claimed magic power that is never actually demonstrated Bold orange = inborn talent?
Ch. 2
Early education #1: human skills - “[H]e began to learn from his [senior immortal] schoolmates the arts of language and etiquette” (與眾師兄學言語禮貌) (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 116). - Note: We all know that Monkey failed his etiquette classes.
Early education #2: religious skills - “He discussed with them the scriptures and the doctrines; he practiced calligraphy and burned incense” (講經論道、習字焚香; i.e. ritual procedure) (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 116).
Wukong’s knowledge of scripture and philosophy pops up a few times in the novel. For example, he subsequently becomes enraptured by Subodhi's lecture on the Dao and Chan (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 116).
Early education #3: gardening skills - “In more leisurely moments he would be … hoeing the garden, planting flowers or pruning trees” (閑時即...鋤園、養花修樹) (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 116).
Immorality (1st category) [1] - This is achieved via oral formulas (口訣) and breathing exercises (自己調息) at prescribed times (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 120-121). - The stipulated Chinese hours are before zi (12:00-14:00) and after wu (12:00-02:00) (i.e. noon to midnight) (子前午後). However, historical real world practice is reversed: after zi and before wu (i.e. midnight to noon).
Adeptness (i.e. quick learning) - “But this Monkey King was someone who, knowing one thing, could understand a hundred!” (這猴王也是他一竅通時百竅通) (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 122).
First learns the “Multitude of Terrestrial Killers” (地煞數; a.k.a. “72 changes,” 七十二般變化) - This requires oral formulas (口訣, a.k.a. “oral spells,” 咒語) (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 122). - This sometimes requires a magic hand sign and a shake of the body (see below).
First attempt at “Cloud-Soaring” (騰雲) - Subodhi mockingly calls this “Cloud-Climbing” (爬雲) (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 122).
First learns the “cloud somersault” (觔斗雲) - This requires a magic sign, an oral spell, a fist clinch, and a body shake (捻著訣,念動真言,攢緊了拳,將身一抖). It takes him 108,000 li (里) in a single leap (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 123). - 108,000 li = 33,554 mi or 54,000 km [2]
Multitude of Terrestrial Killers (i.e. 72 changes) - This requires a magic sign (捻著訣) and an oral spell (咒語). He transforms into a pine tree (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 124).
Cloud somersault - He flies from the Western Continent to Flower-Fruit Mountain (i.e. from one side of the world to the other) “in less than an hour” (消一個時辰) (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 125).
First use of the “body beyond body” (身外身法; a.k.a. “magic of body division,” 分身法) (i.e. hair clones) - This requires chewing and a “change!” (變) command. Small clone monkeys are used to overwhelm and beat up a monster who is three zhang (三丈) (31.29 ft / 9.53 m) tall (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 128). [3] A passage explains: - “For you see, when someone acquires the body of an immortal, he can project his spirit, change his form, and perform all kinds of wonders [出神變化無方]. Since the Monkey King had become accomplished in the Way, every one of the eighty-four thousand hairs on his body could change into whatever shape or substance he desired” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 128). - 原來人得仙體,出神變化無方。不知這猴王自從了道之後,身上有八萬四千毛羽,根根能變,應物隨心。
Cloud somersault - He flies 30 or 50 monkeys and property (pots, bowls, utensils, etc.) home from captivity to Flower-Fruit Mountain (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 129).
Ch. 3
Martial arts (武藝) - He “teach[es his monkeys] how to sharpen bamboos for making spears, file wood for making swords, arrange flags and banners, go on patrol, advance or retreat, and pitch camp” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 131-132). - 教小猴砍竹為標,削木為刀,治旗幡,打哨子,一進一退,安營下寨  …
Cloud Somersault - He flies east from Flower-Fruit Mountain over “200 li of water in no time” (霎時間過了二百里水面) to the Eastern Continent (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 131).
Blows a mighty wind (陣風) - This requires a magic sign (捻起訣來), an oral spell (咒語), and taking a deep breath (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 131-132). A poem states that it puts the world into chaos: - Thick clouds in vast formation moved o'er the world; Black fog and dusky vapor darkened the Earth; Waves churned in seas and rivers, afrighting fishes and crabs; Boughs broke in mountain forests, wolves and tigers taking flight. Traders and merchants were gone from stores and shops. No single man was seen at sundry marts and malls. The king retreated to his chamber from the royal court. Officials, martial and civil, returned to their homes. This wind toppled Buddha's throne of a thousand years And shook to its foundations the Five-Phoenix Tower (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 132). - 炮雲起處蕩乾坤,黑霧陰霾大地昏。 江海波翻魚蟹怕,山林樹折虎狼奔。 諸般買賣無商旅,各樣生涯不見人。 殿上君王歸內院,階前文武轉衙門。 千秋寶座都吹倒,五鳳高樓幌動根。
Body beyond body (i.e. hair clones) - This requires chewing and a “change!” (變) command. The small clone monkeys carry an armory’s worth of weapons (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 132).
Magic of displacement (攝法) - This is a spell that carries the weapon-laden monkeys on wind (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 132).
Monkey claims to have a number of supernatural powers: - “I have the ability of seventy-two transformations. The cloud somersault has unlimited power. I am familiar with the magic of body concealment (身遯身, a.k.a. 隱身法) and the magic of displacement. I can find my way to Heaven or I can enter the Earth. I can walk past the sun and the moon without casting a shadow, and I can penetrate stone and metal without hindrance. Water cannot drown me, nor fire burn me” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 133). - 我自聞道之後,有七十二般地煞變化之功,觔斗雲有莫大的神通;善能隱身遯身,起法攝法。上天有路,入地有門;步日月無影,入金石無礙;水不能溺,火不能焚。
Magic of water restriction (閉水法) - He travels to the Dragon Kingdom (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 133).
Super strength - He effortlessly toys with a 3,600 catty (斤) (4,682.61 lbs / 2,124 kg) battle fork and a 7,200 catty (9,365.23 lbs / 4,248 kg) halberd (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 134). [4] 
Super strength - He lifts the 13,500 catty (斤) (17,559.81 lbs / 7,965 kg) iron pillar in the dragon treasury (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 135).
Opens a waterway (開水道) - He uses the magic of water restriction to return to Flower-Fruit Mountain (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 137).
First use of the “Magic Method of Modeling Heaven on Earth” (法天像地的神通), a 10,000 zhang (萬丈) (104,300 ft / 31,800 m) tall giant form - This requires bending over and screaming “grow!” [長!]. This form has: - “[A] head like the Tai Mountain and a chest like a rugged peak, eyes like lightning and a mouth like a blood bowl, and teeth like swords and halberds” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 138).  - 頭如泰山,腰如峻嶺,眼如閃電,口似血盆,牙如劍戟
Immorality (2nd category) - This is achieved by inking out his name from the ledgers of hell [生死簿子] (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 141).
Ch. 4
Cloud somersault - It is much faster than those of ordinary immortals (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 145).
Travel to heaven - Refer back to ch. 3-#6A (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 145).
First use of “three-headed and six-armed” (三頭六臂) war form - This requires a “change!” (變) command (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 155).
Staff multiplication - This is done millions of times over (以一化千千化萬) to face Nezha’s own countless weapons (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 156). - The multitude of armaments are said to “clash like horned-dragons flying in the air” (cf. Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 156).
Body beyond body (i.e. hair clones) - This requires a “change!” (變) command. Monkey creates an autonomous decoy to distract Nezha while he slips behind him to land a staff blow (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 156).
Immortality (3rd category) - This is achieved via heavenly imperial wine (御酒, a.k.a. “Immortal wine,” 仙酒 and “juices of jade,” 玉液瓊漿) (Wu & Yu, vol. 1, p. 159, 165, and 167). 
I'm currently on chapter 16, so it will take me a while to finish, especially since I'm simultaneously gathering info for several other articles, including mirrored essays for Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing.
Once I've gone through all 100 chapters, I will put each instance of a particular power into its own category (transformation, super strength, hair clones/tools, etc.) and then analyze everything as a whole. The Google Doc containing the list of powers will be attached to the analysis.
This project was partly inspired by a previous effort made by @the-monkey-ruler.
I'm open to feedback.
1)  In place of using “layer” or “level,” I’m choosing to designate his various immortalities as “categories.” This is because a new layer of divine longevity or durability would surely be added for each immortal peach, elixir pill, or cup/jug of heavenly wine consumed. Hence, eating multiple peaches would be one category, eating multiple elixir pills would be one category, and so on and so forth.
2) It’s important to note that 108,000 li is a metaphor for instant enlightenment (see section III here). Therefore, power-scalers should not use any instance of this as a feat. 
3) One zhang (丈) comprises ten chi (尺, a.k.a. "Chinese feet"), and during the Ming Dynasty, one chi was roughly 12.3 in or 31.8 cm. This makes one zhang 10.43 ft or 3.18 m (Jiang, 2005, p. xxxi).  
4) During the Ming, one catty (jin, 斤) was 590 grams (Elvin, 2004, p. 491 n. 133).
Elvin, M. (2004). The Retreat of the Elephants: An Environmental History of China. New Haven (Conn.): Yale University Press.
Wu, C., & Yu, A. C. (2012). The Journey to the West (Vols. 1-4) (Rev. ed.). Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
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rattyexplores · 4 months
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Photos 1-2 - Notozomus ker, female
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Photos 3-4 - Notozomus ker, male
Schizomida arachnids (or Shorttailed whipscorpions), identified on iNaturalist as N. ker. using information from Harvey (1992).
For whatever reason there's a lacklustre amount of Australian Schizomida observations on iNaturalist. There's a wide variety of Australian Schizomids out there, with many new species being uncovered fairly recently in Abrams et al. (2019) for example.
Any sort of public record of these arachnids (or just terrestrial arthropods in general) will be very useful, especially since, in general, iNaturalist is lacking observations of Schizomida. Abrams et al. (2019) mentions that there are roughly 350 species of Schizomid out there, but so far, only 23 have been identified on iNaturalist. I feel iNaturalist provides good public records, so the more available on the website, the better.
I'm going to continue flipping over rocks and rotten logs for more Schizomids (and creatures in general), and I implore others to do the same. There's a lot that can be found hiding in the mulch.
*BTW these are not spiders, they're a different Chelicerate entirely.
Sources and further reading:
Harvey, MS 1992 'Schizomida (Chelicerata) of Australia', Invertebrate taxonomy, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 77-129.
Abrams, KM, Huey, JA, Hillyer, MJ, Humphreys, WF, Didham, RK, Harvey, MS 2019, 'Too hot to handle: Cenozoic aridification drives multiple independent incursions of Schizomida (Hubbardiidae) into hypogean environments', Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, vol. 139, p. 106532.
24/10/23 - Schizomida: Notozomus ker
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jinwoosungs · 3 months
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{ 129 }
sleeping to dream about you.
(p)inocchio x reader
{ fell out of bed, butterfly bandage, but don't worry | you'll never remember, your head is far too blurry }
"pinocchio! where are you going?!"
your voice calls out to the automaton with dark locks of chestnut hair. a storm was brewing in krat, and the needle like rain that was felt pelting against your skin was making it harder for you to breathe.
you were chasing after him, watching his back as he kept on retreating even further away from you. your heart was hammering within the confines of your throat, filling you with a sense of despair.
because you knew that the moment pinocchio left you, then you would never see him again.
you tried to chase after him, but his figure forever remained just a mere inches away from your grasps; and each time you called out to him, you found that your voice grew smaller and smaller in tone. it became much worse when you were suddenly rendered unable to speak.
with a helpless cry, you continue to chase after him, reaching out to him with a desperation felt festering within the deepest depths of your soul-
you wake up with a gasp, suddenly finding yourself at the edge of the bed, with your arms flailing precariously as you lost your balance. seeming to sense your distress, pinocchio sits up from his spot in bed.
his calm voice calls out to you, but it was too late. you were already making your descent, falling out of bed with the least amount of poise you could muster. yet before your back could meet with the harsh coldness of the marble floors, pinocchio manages to place you within his embrace.
the puppet ends up taking the brunt of the fall, with you resting against his cold, hard chest. a grunt of pain manages to escape from your parted lips, and you felt the blood rushing through your ears while struggling to focus.
for the longest time, you and pinocchio just remained settled on the floor of your shared bedroom, your beloved puppet not saying a word. you could feel his non-legion hand gently caressing at the back of your head when he asks, "what's wrong?"
letting out a shaky sigh of his name, you meet with pinocchio's gaze, relishing in the true blue quality of it before gently touching at the freckles that littered his cheek. "it's nothing, love. you might think it's stupid."
he says nothing, merely placing a hand behind your head while holding you close. you could feel his body twitching in response, his soft voice telling you, "it isn't nothing. you looked genuinely terrified the moment you fell out of bed."
you cling to him, hiding your face within his chest before admitting to him. "i had a nightmare that you left; that you had gone somewhere... a place i knew i could never follow you to."
the last sentence comes out in a whisper, as if your fears would come into fruition the moment you said those thoughts aloud. yet pinocchio remains the same as ever, never once letting you out of his surprisingly gentle embrace.
after a few bouts of silence, he finally spoke.
"i'm still here."
"i know."
"i'm not going anywhere."
"i know."
"i won't leave you because you need me... and i need you."
his sudden confession makes you lift your head to look at him- really look at him as you caught sight of his phantom smile, being so small that you would have missed it had it not been for the fact that you knew pinocchio like the back of your hand.
he was kind and loving;
and him being a mere puppet would never change that.
when he sees you returning his smile, pinocchio picks you up while standing back to his full height. not daring to even let you go, he keeps his arms gently wrapped around your form, pushing up the covers of the bed before laying back down on it with you in his loose embrace.
your heart began to race slightly, feeling drowsy once more as you cuddled closer to him.
"thank you, i love you."
with those words lingering in the air, you finally fell back asleep, feeling pinocchio's cool lips pressing against your forehead as proof that he had heard every single word that you said.
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a.n. - i have missed writing for lop!pinocchio so much! 🥹 this isn't anything fancy, but i hope you readers enjoy it all the same ♡
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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mensfactory · 10 months
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1912 Simplex 50 HP Toy-Tonneau
In 1911, William P. Snyder Jr. ordered his 50 HP from J.M. Quinby & Co., the New Jersey–based coachbuilder and body maker for Simplex automobiles. Replying to his inquiry on June 26, the coachbuilder wrote, “We propose to furnish you with the latest model 129 inch wheel base, 50 H.P. Simplex Chassis, equipped with a Bosch dual system and four volt battery, Solar Eclipse headlights, oil side and tail lamps, Presto Lite tank and Chassis work, less the rear fenders for the sum of Forty-nine Hundred and Sixty ($4,960.00) Dollars and to be delivered three weeks or as much sooner as possible.”
Snyder specified a shorter 124-inch, 50 HP chassis with a Runabout, two-seat body and folding canvas top, painted in Munich Lake with a medium red chassis, and maroon leather. He also added his monogram to the coachwork. Soon after Chassis No. 799 was delivered, it was crashed by its young owner, and, at his father’s insistence, returned to Quinby to be fitted with more conservative bodywork that might encourage more disciplined driving.
The car on offer still wears body No. 3038, the Toy-Tonneau coachwork fitted in 1912. The Simplex was passed down to Snyder’s son in 1940, and eventually passed down to the latest generation in 2011. 
Brian Henniker, courtesy of Gooding & Company.
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dk-thrive · 1 month
One might characterize the whole first half of life as a gigantic mistake, as necessary as it is unavoidable. The task of the second half of life is to recover from that mistake, to move from the adapted self to the authentic self.
— James Hollis, Tracking the Gods: The Place of Myth in Modern Life (Inner City Books 1995), p. 129. (via Alive on All Channels)
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His Favorite "Toy" to Use
Hi, everyone! I want to thank you all for 129 followers!! I can’t believe it. Your support has made me feel so inspired 🥹. I really can’t thank you enough. To celebrate this milestone, I thought I could take a shot at writing a sexy headcanon. Enjoy!
His Favorite “Toy” to Use
Warnings: 18+ smut, use of sex toys and other sex accessories, RPF, p in v, tiny bit of fingering, oral (m and f receiving), deepthroating, bdsm aspects, little bit of daddy kink, pet play, humiliation, anal play, corporal punishment, overstimulation, bodily fluids, mild sense deprivation, temperature play (both hot and cold)- Let me know if I forgot anything!
Any typos are my own!
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Henry-Rabbit Vibrator
The toy sits in your underwear drawer. And whenever Henry is in the mood to use it, he walks towards the bed while holding it behind his back. 
His grin gives it away, you already know what’s in his hand. Cheeky man.
You lean back against his chest as he sits up against the headboard. His legs keep yours apart as he holds the toy inside you.
He gets a rush from seeing your expression as your clit and g-spot are simultaneously struck by the vibrations. Occasionally, he moves the toy back and forth to heighten the sensation.
“You’re shaking, sweetheart. Does that feel good? Are you gonna cum for me, hm? You’re so beautiful when you cum.” He murmurs in your ear as you gasp.
He drags orgasm after orgasm out of you, making you gush around the silicon plenty of times. He beams in pride as you make the toy and his hand drip with your fluids. Luckily, he always has the foresight to put a towel down.
More characters under the cut…
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August-Spreader Bar
The bar fastened to your ankles holds your legs apart. And as opposed to ropes or cuffs, it gives August the perfect handle to toss you around as he pleases.
Sometimes, he just flips you around to savor the dazed, fucked-out look in your eyes. Your expression feeds the feral animal inside him. You're his little ragdoll.
Other times, he loves to stand you up in front of him. Your legs spread wide, he straps a magic wand (his second favorite toy) to your thigh. The vibrating head is pressed to your clit.
The constant, intense buzzing has you dripping. Tears escape your eyes when your arousal coats your thighs and leaks down onto the carpet. Your toes curl as you sob.
“You’re making a mess on Daddy’s floor, princess. What am I to do with such a messy girl?” He clicks his tongue while shaking his head. You’re in for it now.
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Sherlock-His Cane
It’s a muiltool. Used for walking, or a weapon if need be. Sherlock’s cane is also the perfect symbol of his immense power and social status. 
And if you’re being mouthy with him, he won't hesitate to punish you with it. After he’s had enough of your attitude, he makes you strip and crawl naked to the bedroom in front of him. 
That’s when you know better than to disobey him, so you just hang your head and crawl. Whenever you slow down to stall your thrashing, the tip of his cane nudges your ass to urge you forward.
“Keep going, little rabbit. Your punishment awaits. Save your tears, you know a naughty pet gets the cane.” He scolds you. Humiliation is always part of your punishment.
He’s excited by the loud sobs you let out whenever his cane whacks your tender bottom. He only stops when there are welts on your throbbing flesh.
Afterwards, he sits on the edge of the bed with your head in his lap as he strokes your hair. When you're done sobbing against his trousers, he gently cares for your wounds like the good husband he is.
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He doesn’t need any fancy toys. Geralt has two hands, a mouth, and a cock to please you. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t take joy in hearing you cry from underneath a gag as he slams into your poor body. And when you’re spending the night at an inn and he doesn't want to draw unwanted attention to the two of you, it helps.
It’s usually just a piece of cloth shoved between your teeth and tied behind your head. The fabric presses down onto your tongue, making you drool and gag whenever you try to whine.
It doesn’t muffle you completely. So when you let out an especially loud moan that can be heard despite the gag, his hand comes up to grip your throat.
“Silence yourself…. Before I shove my cock between your lips and do it for you.” He hisses, squeezing your throat hard enough that you get the idea.
It takes great effort not to sob as he fucks you even harder, keeping his hand on your throat as a warning. With his Witcher stamina, he doesn’t tire till the early hours of the morning. After your pulsating cunt has been fucked and filled by him dozens of times.
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Sy-Jewel Butt Plug
Sy always makes sure to prep your tight hole with his fingers and plenty of lube before he slips it inside you. A jewel in the shape of a red heart greets him after your hole closes around the plug.
“What a sweet little pucker you got there, darlin’.” He growls, squeezing your ass in his large hands. He spanks you with a cheeky grin.
He plants a kiss right on the gem. His mouth makes the plug shift inside you, which jarrs you enough to squeal softly.
With a pillow under your hips to keep them elevated, Sy fucks you while you lay on you stomach. His large hands keep your cheeks spread, that way he never loses sight of the red jewel cradled in your hole.
He’ll pull out to cum, coating your ass in his thick seed. It drips onto the plug, marking the shiny treasure between your cheeks as his own.
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This may or may not come as a surprise, but Walter is really into rope play. In the rare free time he has, he often studies the art of shibari. He’s mastered plenty of knots to trap you in. 
Your arms and legs are hogtied behind your back, which is his favorite position to tie you in. He flips you over onto your front and drags your face to the edge of the bed. He uses your immobility as an opportunity to stand in front of you and fuck your throat.
You're drooling and gagging as he uses your mouth for his own pleasure. He keeps one hand in your hair as he watches your movements closely. Always keeping an eye out for your safe signal.
“I’m gonna cum all over that pretty face of yours, and you're going to thank me for it, little slut. Because you’re nothing but a cum hungry whore. That’s it. Cry for it.” He snarls, loving to see tears slip from your eyes.
Walter is adamant about aftercare, especially after hardcore scenes. He’s quick to untie you and massage your tense muscles. 
He gives you water and lathers your raw flesh with some healing cream. His gentle praising and soft kisses ease you back down to reality.
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Clark-Feather Tickler
It’s a tiny bit cheesy, sure. But that's just who Clark is; a traditional man. When he first presented you with the feather, he couldn’t stop blushing and grinning like a fool. You’ve never seen him so excited to try something in the bedroom.
He traces the wispy black feather all along your body. Goosebumps rise on your skin. You gasp when he tickles your nipples, making them perk up.
His mouth encloses over one of the hard buds as he trails the feather down your stomach to your pussy. It ghosts over your slit so delicately it makes you ache. You finally whine and beg him for more. He only continues to tease you. 
It makes you so sensitive and needy. You threaten to use it on him next if he doesn’t indulge you soon. Of course, this only makes him want to do it more.
“Is that a promise, sweetheart?” He raises a brow with a playful smirk.
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Napoleon wants everything he does to you to be a surprise. So, he cuts off your sense of sight with a silk blindfold. Sometimes, it’s paired with one of his silk ties holding your hands above your head.
To add to the deprivation of your senses, he even spins sensual music on the record player. He keeps the volume low, but it’s just enough for him to sneak around the room without you hearing him.
You don’t hear or see him reach for the bucket of ice holding the bottle of expensive champagne. Letting an ice cube rest between his lips, he leans down to trace his mouth along your neck.
Breathy gasps escape you as he trails the ice down your form. Along your collarbone, over your nipples and down your stomach. He lets the cube rest in your belly button so he can speak.
“I think this hot little pussy of yours needs a cooling down, don’t you think, darling?” He smirks before he takes the ice back in his mouth. You let out a cry when the ice touches your heated cunt.
He spends the night with his head buried between your legs, lapping up the water from the ice and your sweet nectar. Napoleon is a man of fine tastes, and you’re his favorite meal after all.
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Charles-Candle Wax
You’re on your stomach as Charles holds the lit candle above your back. The hot wax drips onto your flesh and the initial burn makes you gasp. You’re reduced to whimpers as it cools and hardens. 
The sensation makes you squirm, your arousal leaking onto the bed. He only chuckles and continues to hover the candle above you. Your body jerks when each drip hits you. Wax coats your shoulders, back and ass before he sets it aside.
His fingers wick away a bit of wax. You moan when his cool fingers soothe the mild burns on your skin. One of his hands comes up to massage the back of your neck as he admires the work he did on your back.
When his fingers dip between your legs, you whine. He hums, spreading your moist lips so he can gaze at your glistening folds. He lets out a moan when he collects some of your wetness on his finger.
“You’re absolutely drenched, darling. Do you enjoy the pain? Oh, indeed you do. What a wanton little thing you are, my love.” He whispers in your ear with a smirk, sinking his finger into your aching hole.  
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Mike-Vibrating Cockring
He came across it when he was making a snack run at the drugstore. On top of all the chips and candy he got, he also got the cockring. Mike can be a bit…impulsive.
The band makes him last even longer. It also makes him swell up, adding onto what is already a monstrously sized cock. As you ride him, it feels like you’re being impaled by his size.
With each bounce of your hips, the buzzing drums onto your clit. At times, you just grind to savor the feeling. You toss your head back and moan. 
“Look at my girl work for it. So fuckin’ hot when you ride my dick, baby.” He grins, holding your winding hips.
He’s giddy as he watches you whine and grind on him. He gives your ass a swift smack. Seems like for once his impulsiveness paid off.
A/N: I tried to show all our boys equal lovin’ with 150-200ish words each. And I didn’t include all of Henry’s characters opps. Anyways, thank you all so much! I hope you have a good night/day. 🥰
Taglist: @sunshine-with-daisy @leigh70 @islacharlotte @lysarria @kebabgirl67 @pandaxnienke @identity2212 @sunndust
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swiftthisway · 1 year
Former Loverfest post with Swifties’ Eras Tour dates…
Taylor M&Gs may not be happening (stay safe and healthy @taylorswift 🫶🏼❤️) but that doesn’t mean impossible things don’t happen at a Taylor Swift concert ✨
Please feel free to join this post by adding a selfie, tour costumes etc and your tour information. I will be reblogging this throughout tour in hopes of helping @taylornation and tumblr mutuals find you!
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Because we could leave the Christmas lights up ‘til March 2023!
@becauseoftswift (on top of the Lover camper, rt side):  Las Vegas NV, March 24, Section 129, Row 10, Seats 15 & 16; Los Angeles, CA, August 3, Floor - Q, Row 4, Seats 3 & 4; Los Angeles CA, August 8, Section C 244, Row 9, Seats 9 through 13; Never met @taylorswift
@swiftthisway (on top of the formerly stolen lullabies truck):  Los Angeles CA,  August 3, Floor - Q, Row 4, Seats 3 & 4; Los Angeles CA, August 8, Section C 244, Row 9, Seats 9 through 13; Met Taylor in 2017, but the rest of my group has not
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2020 wasn’t what Taylor or Swifties wanted but we’ll take The Eras Tour with or without its head!
@nola-swiftie(middle,purple camper):  Glendale Swift City AZ, March 18, Floor - F, Row 19, Seats 25 & 26; Houston TX, April 22, Section 110, Row EE, Seat 9; Atlanta GA, April 28, Section 314, Row 18, Seat 22; Atlanta GA, April 29, Floor - N, Row 5, Seat 22; Minneapolis MN, June 24, Section 215, Row 13, Seat 17; Denver CO, July 15, Section 110, Row 7, Seat 5; Never met Taylor
@pharmaswift (right, purple camper):  Glendale Swift City AZ, March 18, Floor - F, Row 19, Seats 25 & 26; Los Angeles CA, August 4, Section N, Row 2, Seats 3 & 4; Never met Taylor
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13 Days until The Eras Tour and Taylor’s still The woMan!
@ileftanote (pink butterfly):  East Rutherford NJ, May 27, Section 12, Row 17, Seat 14; East Rutherford NJ, May 28; Chicago IL, June 4; Never met Taylor
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And there’s a lot of cool chicks out there!
@swiftliv​: Cincinnati, OH, July 1, Section P, Row 2, Seats 5 & 6; Never met Taylor
@taylorswift @taylornation
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commetombeunarbre · 10 months
At 30 this is pathetic.
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salemlinnet · 2 months
who's ready for the next 2 scenes.
me. i am. page 129 is out on p, 119 here tomorrow. we'll go a page a day til 132 (with any luck the rest'll be on p by this weekend)
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thinkingimages · 4 months
A Derek Jarman film with music by Throbbing Gristle Derek Jarman used some of his 70s home movie footage to produce this wonderful piece of exploitational avantgarde cinema. Actually the original material has been slowed down to a speed of 3-6 frames, then Jarman added colour effects and the pulsating, menacing score by Industrial supergroup Throbbing Gristle The result is a piece of art not to dissimilar to Jarman’s painting work in using found footage as elements of memory and mind that resemble ideas reflected in the Cabala and in C.G. Jung`s writings about an archetypical past that is hidden in everyone of us. The first, In the Shadow of the Sun (1974-80), was originally put together by Jarman himself in 1974 from re-shot Super-8 material including footage from The Art of Mirrors and Journey to Avebury, amongst several others. The film was eventually blown-up to 35mm and premiered at the 1981 Berlin Film Festival. The focus on ritual, mysticism and obscure alchemical symbolism links it with the work of Anger. However, Jarman’s preference for the work of Carl Jung and the “white” magician John Dee, is quite distinct from Anger’s invocations of the “black” magician Alistair Crowley. – Jon Behrens
Extending the recent pagan theme, Ubuweb posts Derek Jarman’s determinedly occult and oneiric film, In the Shadow of the Sun (1980), notable for its soundtrack by Throbbing Gristle. This was the longest of Jarman’s films derived from Super-8 which he made throughout the 1970s between work as a production designer and his feature films. He never saw the low resolution, grain and scratches of Super-8 as a deficiency; on the contrary, for a painter it was a means to achieve with film stock some of the texture of painting. Michael O’Pray described the process and intent behind the film in Afterimage 12 (1985):
In 1973, Jarman shot the central sequences for his first lengthy film, and most ambitious to date, In the Shadow of the Sun, which in fact was not shown publicly until 1980, at the Berlin Film Festival. In the film he incorporated two early films, A Journey to Avebury a romantic landscape film, and The Magician (a.k.a. Tarot). The final sequences were shot on Fire Island in the following year. Fire Island survives as a separate film. In this period, Jarman had begun to express a mythology which he felt underpinned the film. He writes in Dancing Ledge of discovering “the key to the imagery that I had created quite unconsciously in the preceding months”, namely Jung’s Alchemical Studies and Seven Sermons to the Dead. He also states that these books “gave me the confidence to allow my dream-images to drift and collide at random”. The themes and ideas found in Jubilee, The Angelic Conversation, The Tempest and to some extent in Imagining October are powerfully distilled in In the Shadow of the Sun. Jarman’s obsession with the sun, fire and gold (which spilled over in the paintings he exhibited at the ICA in 1984) and an ancient mythology and poetics are compressed in In the Shadow of the Sun with its rich superimposition and painterly textures achieved through the degeneration “caused by the refilming of multiple images”. Jarman describes some of the ideas behind In the Shadow of the Sun:
“This is the way the Super-8s are structured from writing: the buried word-signs emphasize the fact that they convey a language. There is the image and the word, and the image of the word. The ‘poetry of fire’ relies on a treatment of word and object as equivalent: both are signs; both are luminous and opaque. The pleasure of Super-8 is the pleasure of seeing language put through the magic lantern.” Dancing Ledge p.129
John Coulthart
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